Pioneer Media

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PME

Program Code: PME240511S

00:02 ♪
00:14 [ "Joyful, Joyful" begins ]
00:17 ♪
00:23 ♪
00:30 [ Congregation singing ]
03:21 ♪
03:28 ♪
03:36 ♪
03:44 >> ♪ When peace like a river
03:50 attendeth my way ♪
03:55 ♪ When sorrows like sea
04:00 billows roll ♪
04:06 ♪ Whatever my lot,
04:10 thou hast taught me to say ♪
04:15 ♪ It is well, it is well
04:21 with my soul ♪
04:27 ♪ It is well
04:31 >> ♪ It is well
04:34 >> ♪ With my soul
04:37 >> ♪ With my soul
04:40 ♪ It is well
04:43 ♪ It is well
04:46 ♪ With my soul
04:59 >> ♪ My sin, oh, the joy of
05:04 this glorious thought ♪
05:09 ♪ My sin, not in part,
05:14 but the whole ♪
05:18 ♪ Is nailed to the cross,
05:22 and I bear it no more ♪
05:27 ♪ Praise the Lord,
05:30 praise the Lord, O my soul!
05:38 >> ♪ It is well
05:41 >> ♪ It is well
05:44 >> ♪ With my soul
05:47 >> ♪ With my soul
05:50 >> ♪ It is well
05:53 ♪ It is well
05:56 ♪ With my soul
06:18 ♪ And, Lord, haste the day when
06:23 my faith shall be sight ♪
06:28 ♪ The clouds be rolled back
06:33 as a scroll ♪
06:37 ♪ The trump shall resound,
06:41 and the Lord shall descend ♪
06:47 ♪ Even so, it is well with my
06:53 soul ♪
07:03 >> ♪ It is well
07:06 >> ♪ It is well
07:10 >> ♪ With my soul
07:14 >> ♪ With my soul
07:17 >> ♪ It is well
07:20 ♪ It is well
07:24 ♪ With my soul
07:34 ♪ It is well
07:38 >> ♪ With my soul
08:08 >> Good morning. Happy Sabbath.
08:11 Our Scripture reading today
08:12 is found in Proverbs 4:5-9.
08:21 "Get wisdom, get understanding.
08:25 Do not forget my words
08:27 or turn away from them.
08:29 Do not forsake wisdom,
08:31 and she will protect you.
08:32 Love her,
08:34 and she will watch over you.
08:36 The beginning of wisdom
08:37 is this -- get wisdom.
08:40 Though it costs all you have,
08:42 get understanding.
08:44 Cherish her,
08:45 and she will exalt you.
08:47 Embrace her,
08:48 and she will honor you.
08:50 She will give you a garland
08:51 to grace your head
08:52 and present you
08:54 with a glorious crown."
08:55 Amen.
09:02 ♪
09:15 >> Please stand.
13:07 Does anybody in here know
13:08 a God who can perform miracles?
13:11 Do you know a God who is strong
13:12 when we are weak?
13:13 A God who heals us
13:14 when we are broken?
13:16 If you know the same God I know,
13:17 I invite you to sing with us
13:18 for our next song.
13:20 Amen.
13:21 ♪
20:02 ♪
21:01 >> If you have a Bible
21:03 somewhere nearby,
21:06 would you open it to Judges 5:1?
21:10 Judges 5, beginning
21:12 with verse 1, page 170,
21:14 in the red pew Bible
21:15 that's probably sitting
21:16 somewhere nearby where you are.
21:18 Page 170.
21:19 170, Judges 5,
21:22 beginning with verse 1.
21:25 We are going to read the lyrics
21:27 to a song
21:30 that was written for an event
21:32 that has already occurred,
21:33 at least in the timeline,
21:35 in context there.
21:37 And these two people that are
21:39 going to be singing this song
21:41 are going to teach us
21:43 some important lessons.
21:45 Let's take a peek here.
21:47 Judges 5:1 says, "On that day,
21:52 Deborah and Barak,
21:54 son of Abinoam, sang this song.
21:58 'When the princes in Israel
21:59 take the lead,
22:01 when the people willingly offer
22:03 themselves, praise the Lord.
22:06 Hear this, you kings!
22:07 Listen, you rulers,
22:08 I will sing to the Lord,
22:09 I will sing,
22:11 I will make music to the Lord,
22:13 the God of Israel.
22:16 Oh, Lord, when you went out
22:18 from Seir, when you marched
22:20 from the land of Edom,
22:22 the earth shook,
22:23 the heavens poured -- the clouds
22:24 poured down water.
22:25 The mountains quaked before
22:27 the Lord, the one of Sinai,
22:28 before the Lord,
22:30 the God of Israel.'"
22:33 Pause right there, please.
22:37 Do you see what Deborah
22:38 and Barak are doing?
22:40 First of all, they grab
22:41 the people's attention,
22:43 invite them to listen willingly
22:44 to what the Lord has done.
22:46 And then they begin to tell
22:48 about the great deeds
22:49 of the past that God
22:51 has done on behalf of Israel.
22:53 The references here, you know,
22:54 "When you marched out from Seir,
22:55 when you marched
22:56 from the land of Edom,"
22:57 this is probably a reference to
22:58 when they were in the
22:59 wilderness, headed
23:00 towards the Promised Land.
23:01 God made many miracles on their
23:03 behalf, providing for them
23:05 in miraculous ways.
23:06 Things went well
23:08 until Israel apostatized
23:12 and they turned from God,
23:14 and God had to turn them over
23:16 to their enemies,
23:18 the Canaanites.
23:20 And that's where we pick up
23:21 the song once again -- verse 6.
23:24 "In the days of Shamgar,
23:25 son of Anath,
23:27 in the days of Jael,
23:29 the roads were abandoned;
23:31 travelers took to winding
23:32 paths.
23:33 Village life in Israel ceased."
23:38 Pause again, please.
23:41 Things were so bad
23:42 during this particular
23:43 reign of the Canaanites
23:44 over the Israelite people
23:46 that they could not even live
23:48 in the places they had lived
23:50 for quite some time.
23:51 The villages there, it's a
23:52 reference to not walled cities.
23:54 In other words, so dangerous
23:56 were the times that if you
23:56 didn't live in a defended city,
23:58 you had to move to one.
24:00 And so village life ceased.
24:01 They went other places, and they
24:03 couldn't even use the main roads
24:05 that had been used for years
24:06 prior to that point,
24:07 because they had garrisons
24:08 of the enemy all along them.
24:10 And so if you were looking
24:12 to get from Point A to Point B,
24:14 you had to find a different
24:14 path.
24:15 You had to go through hill, over
24:16 dale, through the woods,
24:17 et cetera, hiding, staying under
24:18 cover so that you could make it
24:20 safely to your destination,
24:21 hopefully.
24:23 And this situation continues.
24:29 Well, let's keep reading.
24:32 Verse 7 again, "Village life
24:33 in Israel ceased,
24:35 ceased until I, Deborah, arose,
24:41 arose a --" what?
24:43 >> Mother.
24:44 >> Mother
24:45 "Arose a mother in Israel."
24:49 Now, even if we don't know
24:53 the entire context
24:54 of this story,
24:56 even if we don't know
24:57 the full context of this song
24:59 that Deborah and Barak
24:59 are singing,
25:01 is something strange going on.
25:04 Because think about it.
25:05 Of all the words that one
25:08 could choose to describe oneself
25:10 as a military victor -- I mean,
25:13 they could have chosen "hero,"
25:14 "leader," "champion," "warrior."
25:18 The one word that Deborah picks
25:21 is "mother."
25:25 Now, ladies,
25:26 please don't be offended here.
25:27 I'm simply going to point out
25:28 the irony of this text.
25:30 As we're going to shortly see,
25:31 the events
25:32 that Deborah and Barak
25:33 are singing about culminated
25:34 with a tremendous military
25:35 victory for God's people
25:36 in pitched battle.
25:38 It was a battle which culminated
25:40 with the destruction of
25:41 Sisera -- that was the enemy's
25:42 commanding officer -- and
25:44 over 1,000 of his soldiers.
25:46 So, you tell me,
25:47 is the first word
25:48 that comes to your mind
25:50 to describe the winner
25:51 in a military conflict "Mom."
25:58 Okay, if the answer is yes,
26:00 maybe we should chat afterwards
26:01 about your childhood.
26:02 There may be some issues
26:03 that come up
26:04 from the militaristic upbringing
26:06 that you experienced there.
26:07 I mean, what do you get
26:08 for a mother like Deborah
26:10 for Mother's Day?
26:12 I mean, maybe a new AK-47.
26:14 You know?
26:16 You know, a new flak jacket,
26:17 a rocket launcher?
26:18 You know, something to go
26:19 with her formal evening gown,
26:20 combat boots?
26:21 I don't know.
26:22 I don't know what you get
26:23 for her, right?
26:24 But we can at least begin to see
26:26 how odd it is
26:28 that Deborah says essentially
26:30 all was haywire in the land
26:33 until [Chuckles] there arose,
26:36 of all things, a mother.
26:39 A mother in Israel.
26:43 What could Deborah have
26:44 possibly meant?
26:46 How is what Deborah
26:48 did in this story
26:49 so exemplary of motherhood
26:51 that "mother" is the title
26:53 she chooses here to describe
26:54 herself and her actions?
26:56 And might she consequently
26:57 have something to offer
26:59 the mothers of our day?
27:03 Let's see
27:03 what the Bible has to say.
27:05 Turn back one chapter
27:07 and one page in your red Bible.
27:08 It's page 169, Judges 4,
27:11 beginning with verse 1.
27:14 We're going to read at least
27:15 a portion of the story
27:16 that generated the song we just
27:18 read in Judges 5.
27:20 And as we do, we are going
27:22 to discover two things
27:24 that allowed Deborah
27:26 to exemplify key traits
27:28 of motherhood -- two lessons
27:30 of biblical motherhood.
27:32 Let's begin here.
27:33 Verse 1 of Judges 4 says,
27:35 "After Ehud died, the Israelites
27:37 once again did evil
27:39 in the eyes of the Lord.
27:40 So the Lord sold them
27:42 into the hands of Jabin,
27:43 a king of Canaan,
27:44 who reigned in Hazor.
27:45 The commander of his army
27:46 was Sisera,
27:47 who lived in Harosheth Haggoyim.
27:50 Because he had 900 iron chariots
27:52 and had cruelly oppressed
27:53 the Israelites for 20 years,
27:55 they cried to the Lord for help.
27:58 Deborah, a prophetess,
28:00 the wife of Lappidoth,
28:02 was leading Israel at that time.
28:04 She held court under the
28:05 Palm of Deborah,
28:06 between Ramah and Bethel,
28:07 in the hill country of Ephraim,
28:09 and the Israelites came to her
28:10 to have their disputes decided."
28:13 Pause there, please.
28:16 A couple of important things
28:17 to note here.
28:19 First of all, Deborah is one of
28:21 a very small group in Scripture
28:23 that was both a prophet
28:24 and a judge,
28:25 a prophet and a ruler.
28:27 In fact,
28:28 only only Moses and Samuel
28:30 qualify in that same category.
28:32 So Deborah is in some rare air
28:33 here.
28:35 Secondly, her name in Hebrew.
28:38 Do you know what the name in
28:39 Hebrew, Deborah, actually means?
28:43 Bee -- B-E-E, like like
28:46 honeybee, right?
28:47 What's the adjective
28:49 that we often put before that?
28:51 Blank "as a bee"?
28:52 "Busy." That's right.
28:54 You know, busy bees, right?
28:56 The idea of a bee [Buzzes]
28:58 going from flower to flower
28:59 and back to the hive and
29:00 all of these things in there.
29:01 This busyness,
29:02 and certainly that would qualify
29:04 as a descriptor for Deborah.
29:06 I mean, she didn't even have
29:07 office hours.
29:08 She didn't even have an office.
29:08 She sat under a tree
29:10 so that everybody had maximum
29:12 access to her.
29:13 Anybody that had a dispute
29:14 or that needed advice
29:15 could come and see her.
29:16 She was very, very busy,
29:19 this mother in Israel,
29:20 with her "children"
29:22 and their care.
29:25 To which I say, I am so grateful
29:27 for moms who are so busily
29:28 dedicated to their children's
29:29 needs.
29:30 Amen?
29:31 >> Amen.
29:32 >> It is not an easy job.
29:34 Now, I've never been a mother,
29:35 but I've seen one
29:36 at least in action up close
29:37 for a number of years now,
29:39 and I've seen many others,
29:40 and this is not an easy job.
29:41 It's interesting, particularly
29:43 if someone is -- if a mom
29:45 is a stay-at-home mom,
29:47 often people will joke
29:49 about their employment status.
29:51 Now, gentlemen, if it's been
29:53 a long day for the mother,
29:54 I wouldn't recommend this.
29:56 I wouldn't recommend this, okay?
29:57 In fact, let me just describe
29:59 the situation here
30:00 by reading a short poem.
30:01 Caryl Kerber, who I'm guessing
30:04 was a stay-at-home mom herself,
30:05 wrote this describing her life.
30:10 She said, "Make the beds,
30:11 bandage heads,
30:12 straighten up the room;
30:14 wash the windows, cut the grass,
30:15 see the tulips bloom.
30:17 Drive the children to school,
30:19 drive them back again.
30:20 Have the Cubs to meeting
30:21 then I clean the den.
30:24 Serve on my committee,
30:25 attend the PTA.
30:26 Forget to buy the children
30:27 shoes...can't do it today.
30:30 Pay the bills, write a note,
30:31 fill the cookie jar.
30:33 Oh, dear, I forgot to go and
30:34 have them grease the car.
30:36 Catch up on the ironing,
30:37 scrub the kitchen floor.
30:38 Answer phone and doorbell,
30:40 need I list some more?
30:42 My pet peeve I must admit,
30:45 you surely will agree, when
30:46 someone asks, 'Are you
30:48 employed?' I answer,
30:50 'No, not me.'"
30:54 [ Chuckles ]
30:57 One of the most underpaid jobs
30:59 in the world is being a mother.
31:01 And the busyness required
31:02 and the energy required,
31:04 I mean, this is, you know,
31:05 Deborah is exemplifying this
31:07 for her children in Israel.
31:08 Don't leave the sanctuary today
31:10 before you tap a mother
31:11 on the shoulder
31:12 and say, "Thank you for all
31:13 the busyness you engage in
31:14 for the sake of your children."
31:17 But, lastly, this
31:18 "busy as a bee" wordplay
31:20 doesn't stop there.
31:23 Some commentators have pointed
31:24 out that in verse 4,
31:27 where it says she was the wife
31:28 of Lappidoth,
31:30 it should instead be translated
31:32 a little bit differently.
31:33 You see, the word "Lappidoth"
31:35 literally translates as "torch,"
31:38 like a burning torch, or
31:40 "flashes" like
31:41 a flash of lightning.
31:43 And therefore, instead
31:44 of translating the phrase
31:45 as "the wife of Lappidoth,"
31:47 it should actually be translated
31:49 as "woman with a fiery spirit."
31:53 Do you know any women
31:55 with fiery spirits?
31:57 I do.
31:58 My home is ablaze
31:59 most of the time, alright?
32:01 I have three women
32:02 with fiery spirits
32:04 that are inside -- this energy,
32:05 this power, this authority.
32:07 And if this is
32:09 the correct translation,
32:10 it is a pretty good description
32:11 of Deborah, because notice
32:12 where her fieriness leads
32:15 this mother in Israel.
32:17 Verse 6.
32:22 "She --" Deborah -- "sent for
32:25 Barak, son of Abinoam,
32:26 from Kedesh in Naphtali, and
32:28 said to him, 'The Lord, the God
32:31 of Israel, commands you."
32:34 Okay, so, this is straight
32:34 from God -- straight from God
32:35 here to Barak.
32:37 "'Go take with you 10,000 men
32:40 of Naphtali and Zebulun
32:42 and lead the way to Mount Tabor.
32:43 I will lure Sisera,
32:45 the commander of Jabin's army,
32:47 with his chariots
32:47 and his troops,
32:48 to the Kishon River,
32:49 and give him into your hands.
32:53 Barak said to her,
32:56 "If you go with me, I will go;
33:02 but if you don't go with me,
33:04 I won't go.'"
33:09 Now, those of you mothers
33:11 that have children that are
33:12 of walking and talking age,
33:14 you can probably remember a
33:15 scenario similar to what Deborah
33:17 is experiencing right now.
33:19 Perhaps you've been on a camping
33:20 trip, and you're in the tent
33:22 and at last everyone is asleep.
33:24 You're dozing off yourself.
33:26 It's like 1:00 in the morning,
33:28 and you hear this sleepy,
33:30 languid voice.
33:31 "Mommy?"
33:34 And at first, you ignore it,
33:36 hoping that they'll go back
33:37 to sleep.
33:39 A few seconds later, "Mommy?"
33:42 "Yes, dear?"
33:45 "I need to go to the...
33:49 bathroom."
33:53 "But, sweetie," you say,
33:55 "we just went
33:56 before you went to bed."
33:58 "I know, but
33:59 I need to go again."
34:02 And in your mind,
34:03 you're doing calculus.
34:04 The number of bears
34:06 per square mile in the forest
34:08 where you're at, and thinking,
34:09 "Is it safe?"
34:10 And you decide
34:11 that it's safe enough.
34:12 And so you say, "It's okay.
34:14 You can go ahead
34:15 and go to the bathroom."
34:18 "But, Mommy,
34:19 I want you to go with me."
34:22 And this is what Barak
34:23 is doing with Deborah, okay?
34:26 This mother in Israel
34:27 has her "son" right here.
34:30 And he's been commanded by God
34:34 Himself -- by God Himself.
34:35 She makes this crystal clear.
34:36 And remember,
34:37 Deborah's authority was well
34:38 established by this time.
34:39 She was a prophet
34:40 and a judge in Israel
34:41 and recognized as such.
34:43 So when she said, "God has
34:44 called you," that's what it
34:45 meant.
34:47 And Barak doesn't buy it
34:47 completely.
34:50 "If you go with me, Mommy,
34:52 I'll go;
34:53 but if you don't, I won't.
34:54 I don't want to go,
34:55 I don't want to go."
34:59 And notice what Deborah does.
35:02 And please listen carefully here
35:03 in the next part of this story,
35:04 because if ever there was a
35:05 biblical message for the mothers
35:06 of our day and, frankly,
35:07 for the fathers as well --
35:08 your day is not here yet,
35:09 fathers, but you can eavesdrop
35:11 on what's coming next here --
35:12 it's right here in Judges 4.
35:14 Take a look here at verse 9.
35:19 "'Very well,' Deborah said,
35:22 'I will go with you,
35:24 but because of the way you are
35:26 going about this,
35:27 the honor will not be yours,
35:30 for the Lord will hand Sisera
35:32 over to a woman.'
35:34 So Deborah went with Barak
35:36 to Kedesh, where he summoned
35:37 Zebulun and Naphtali.
35:38 10,000 men followed him,
35:40 and Deborah also went with him."
35:45 Two lessons
35:47 that we begin to uncover here
35:49 about biblical motherhood.
35:51 And the first lesson is this.
35:54 Wise mothers
35:56 prepare their children for war.
36:01 Wise mothers prepare
36:02 their children for war.
36:06 And notice that Deborah did this
36:07 in at least three ways.
36:09 First of all, she acted
36:10 as a judge for their disputes.
36:13 Again, she was under that tree.
36:14 She could -- People could come
36:15 and ask for advice and to solve
36:16 their disputes, et cetera.
36:17 And really, this was simply
36:19 a way to convey
36:20 the teachings of God.
36:22 This was a way to be able
36:23 to show the ways of God,
36:24 the values of God,
36:25 and help to inculcate them
36:26 in her children.
36:29 She also went with them
36:30 to the site of battle.
36:32 She knew the battle was coming,
36:33 so she goes with them to the
36:34 site so that she can be there.
36:36 She shows support for them,
36:37 that she believed in them,
36:38 that she was there to give
36:38 counsel, et cetera.
36:40 And number three, she was
36:41 honest with them.
36:44 She was honest with them.
36:45 Deborah made it crystal clear.
36:47 "I will go with you," she said,
36:48 "But because you did not take
36:49 the Lord at His word, the payoff
36:52 for you will be less than it
36:53 otherwise would have been."
36:56 And all three of these were
36:57 invaluable ways that Deborah
36:58 prepared her "children"
37:00 to engage in war --
37:02 physical war, physical combat.
37:05 Now, blessedly,
37:06 for our context here,
37:07 those of us that are sitting
37:08 here in this room right now,
37:09 and probably most of the people
37:10 at least, that are listening,
37:11 we are not called to prepare
37:13 our children for physical war
37:15 in a military-like way,
37:17 but we most certainly are called
37:19 to prepare our children
37:20 for spiritual warfare.
37:22 Absolutely.
37:24 And indeed,
37:25 Deborah's three tactics here
37:26 have solid spiritual
37:28 applications
37:29 for spiritual warfare, as well.
37:30 Children, for instance, do need
37:32 moms who will act as wise,
37:33 Bible-based judges in their
37:34 disputes.
37:35 Children will, at times, need
37:37 moms who will go with them to
37:38 the scenes of spiritual warfare,
37:40 that will inevitably arise over
37:42 time, to guide and support them.
37:44 And, yes, children will need
37:45 moms who are honest with them
37:46 about the consequences
37:47 of their choices.
37:51 And with that as a foundation,
37:53 there are still more ways that
37:54 moms can prepare their children
37:56 for spiritual warfare.
37:58 And I'm going to call in
37:59 the big guns.
38:00 I'm not a mom,
38:01 but I know at least one,
38:03 and I would like to invite
38:04 another woman of fiery spirit --
38:06 my wife, Darlene -- to come
38:07 and join me here up front
38:09 and to share with us
38:10 a little bit more about
38:12 how we can prepare our children
38:14 for war.
38:15 Hi.
38:17 >> Hi.
38:18 >> Hi.
38:21 >> So, through the years
38:22 as a mom,
38:23 I have thought and prayed a lot
38:26 about my role as a mother.
38:29 And one of the keys
38:30 that I have come up with
38:33 to preparing our children
38:34 for war is realizing
38:35 that we as mothers ourselves,
38:38 we need to be prepared.
38:40 I love how Deborah
38:41 is an example of this,
38:42 in the passage that Shane
38:44 just read a few minutes ago,
38:45 verse 7.
38:46 "Village life ceased.
38:48 It ceased in Israel until I,
38:51 Deborah, arose,
38:53 arose a mother in Israel."
38:55 She could have said "arose
38:56 a leader, "arose a judge,"
38:58 "arose a woman,"
39:00 "arose a prophetess."
39:02 But she said "arose a mother."
39:04 She was not apologizing
39:06 for her role as a mother.
39:08 It was her highest honor
39:09 and her clear identity.
39:11 And she was not underestimating
39:13 the strength and power
39:14 it gave her,
39:15 not just for her own children
39:17 but for her whole nation.
39:19 In order for us, as mothers,
39:21 to prepare our children for war,
39:23 it is vital that we don't
39:25 underestimate or apologize for
39:27 our role as a mother.
39:29 In "Adventist Home," page 231,
39:32 Ellen White says, "The king upon
39:33 his throne has no higher work
39:36 than that of a mother.
39:38 The mother is queen
39:39 of her household.
39:41 She has in her power the molding
39:44 of her children's character,
39:46 that they may be fitted
39:48 for the higher, immortal life.
39:50 An angel could not ask
39:51 for a higher mission
39:53 in doing this work.
39:55 She is doing God's service
39:56 for God.
39:58 Let her only realize the
40:01 high character of her task, and
40:02 it will inspire her with
40:04 courage.
40:05 Let her realize the worth
40:06 of her work and put on
40:08 the whole armor of God,
40:10 that she may resist
40:11 the temptation to conform
40:13 to the world's standard.
40:14 Her work is for time
40:16 and for eternity."
40:18 Often, in the day-in-and-day-out
40:20 heavy load of motherhood,
40:22 we forget what an important
40:24 work that we're doing.
40:25 And then -- I'm sure you could
40:26 all share stories, too --
40:28 sometimes we get a little
40:29 glimpse of something that
40:31 our children have been learning
40:33 without us even realizing
40:34 that we were teaching it.
40:36 One day, one of our daughters,
40:38 who was maybe 4 years old,
40:39 exclaimed with joy,
40:42 "Christmas and Sabbath
40:43 are my favorite days."
40:45 And it struck me
40:46 because I hadn't even realized
40:48 the impact we were having on her
40:50 just by doing
40:51 our daily practice,
40:53 our keeping Sabbath
40:54 the way we do.
40:56 Another time,
40:57 someone from our church
40:58 asked my 3-year-old
41:00 what I say to her
41:01 in the morning.
41:02 That made me kind of nervous
41:04 because I didn't know what I say
41:05 to her
41:08 I, in my head, was thinking,
41:09 "Maybe I say, 'Go back to
41:11 sleep,' 'I'm tired,' or
41:13 something like that."
41:15 But without missing a beat,
41:17 she said, "My mommy says,
41:19 'Good morning, Sunshine.'"
41:21 And it struck me again
41:22 how important it is,
41:24 the little things that we say
41:25 and that we do.
41:27 Now, I'm not a perfect mom,
41:29 and I've done plenty of things
41:30 that have made me sad.
41:32 But when we recognize and accept
41:35 the incredible impact of our
41:36 God-given role as mothers, we
41:39 are empowered, with God's help,
41:41 to prepare our children
41:42 through their -- through
41:43 our actions,
41:44 both big and small,
41:46 for the many wars
41:47 that they will face.
41:50 Another way that we prepare our
41:51 children for spiritual warfare
41:53 is to appropriately
41:54 immerse them in God.
41:56 I homeschooled both of our girls
41:58 until fourth grade,
42:00 and I well remember the feeling
42:01 of that first day of school --
42:03 probably the same as someone
42:05 bringing their child
42:06 to kindergarten.
42:07 You just want it to go so well,
42:08 and you want your kid to fit in.
42:11 I remember watching my daughter,
42:13 and she was with a couple
42:14 of other little girls,
42:15 and one of the little girls
42:16 said, "We're hotties."
42:20 And my daughter just looked at
42:21 her with a completely blank
42:23 look on her face, with no clue
42:25 what she was talking about.
42:27 And then there was the chatter
42:28 about movies and music
42:30 when we didn't even have a TV.
42:32 We wanted so much
42:34 for our girls to fit in.
42:35 And truly,
42:36 we had a wonderful school
42:38 and they made
42:39 really wonderful friends.
42:41 But our girls did not
42:42 always fit in,
42:43 and we had to talk about it
42:45 and make a conscious decision
42:47 to accept that,
42:48 to choose that it was better
42:50 to sometimes be on the outside
42:53 than to be on an inside
42:54 that would weaken them
42:55 in their battles.
42:58 You know, the devil immerses
42:59 our kids in evil.
43:01 He finds every single avenue
43:03 possible to influence
43:04 our children.
43:06 Why would we not immerse
43:07 our children in God?
43:10 Why would we not give our child
43:12 every opportunity
43:13 to strengthen herself for battle
43:15 by immersing her in good?
43:18 Deuteronomy 6:6-9 says,
43:21 "These commandments
43:23 that I give you today
43:24 are to be on your hearts.
43:26 Impress them on your children.
43:27 Talk about them
43:28 when you sit at home
43:30 and when you walk along
43:31 the road, when you lie down
43:32 and when you get up.
43:34 Tie them as symbols on your
43:35 hands and bind them on your
43:37 foreheads.
43:39 Write them on the doorframes
43:40 of your houses
43:41 and on your gates."
43:43 Another way that we, as mothers,
43:45 can prepare our children for war
43:47 is to specifically seek
43:49 to strengthen
43:49 our children's weaknesses.
43:52 As a young mom,
43:53 I read the following quote
43:54 from "Child Guidance," page 39.
43:57 "A wise instructor
43:58 will give special attention
44:00 to the development of the weaker
44:02 traits, that the child may form
44:04 a well-balanced,
44:06 harmonious character."
44:08 It struck me when I read it,
44:09 because I think, especially in
44:10 our culture right now,
44:12 we try to develop
44:12 the strong traits.
44:13 We see, "Okay, she's good
44:14 at this.
44:15 I'm going to really,
44:16 really teach her this
44:17 and she'll become a pro at it."
44:19 But instead, this counsel is to
44:21 give us -- for us to give
44:23 attention to the weaker traits.
44:25 Not only do we prepare our
44:27 child, by doing this, to face a
44:29 wide variety of situations
44:30 in life, we also give him
44:32 confidence that he can take on
44:34 new and daunting tasks.
44:37 One year, when one of our girls
44:39 was in elementary school,
44:41 she started shedding tears with
44:43 frustration when she had to
44:45 do math in the evenings
44:46 for her homework.
44:48 And she had always done well
44:49 at math, so that surprised me
44:51 and I couldn't understand
44:52 what was wrong.
44:53 But it was consistent
44:54 and it was pretty severe.
44:56 And so one day
44:57 I made the decision
44:58 that I would set aside time
45:00 each night, indefinitely,
45:02 to help her with her math.
45:04 So I sat down with her
45:05 in the evenings,
45:07 and we studied math --
45:08 the math book and the questions
45:10 and the examples
45:10 until she got it.
45:12 And she got it.
45:14 It wasn't just me feeding
45:15 her the answers.
45:16 She learned so much
45:17 in just a few nights.
45:19 She had gained
45:20 so much confidence
45:21 that she no longer needed
45:22 or even wanted my help,
45:25 and she charged forward
45:26 and has had very top grades
45:28 in math ever since.
45:30 Honestly,
45:30 I hadn't anticipated that.
45:32 I thought that I would probably
45:33 be sitting with her
45:34 for the entire school year.
45:36 But in thinking back on it,
45:38 even at the time,
45:40 I noticed -- I was like, "Wow.
45:41 This is how we equip
45:43 our children for battles.
45:45 We take the time to develop
45:46 their weakest traits,
45:48 and being prepared
45:50 in math is important."
45:53 But what about preparing
45:54 our children for eternity?
45:56 That's infinitely
45:57 more important.
45:59 >> Amen.
46:00 >> Amen.
46:01 >> And again, why do we do
46:02 all of this?
46:05 Deborah knew that her children,
46:07 the children of Israel,
46:08 would soon be headed to war,
46:11 and it was her task,
46:12 consequently,
46:13 as a loving mother in Israel,
46:14 to do all that she could to
46:15 prepare them for it.
46:17 Blessed will you be, modern-day
46:20 mothers in Israel,
46:22 if you do the same.
46:25 I wish I could say differently,
46:27 but the fact of the matter is,
46:28 is that all of our children
46:29 are headed into war.
46:32 The devil is like a roaring lion
46:34 seeking who he can devour.
46:36 And our kids are on his meal
46:38 list if he can have them.
46:40 I say we deprive him
46:41 of the meal.
46:43 Let us equip our children that
46:45 when the time for battle comes,
46:47 they will be ready.
46:51 The story of Deborah continues.
46:54 Look at verse 11, please.
46:55 And this time, let's read
46:56 up through verse 16.
46:59 Judges 4:11.
47:02 "Now Heber the Kenite had left
47:03 the other Kenites,
47:04 the descendants of Hobab,
47:05 Moses' brother-in-law,
47:07 and pitched his tent
47:08 by the great tree in Zaanannim,
47:10 near Kedesh.
47:11 When they told Sisera
47:13 that Barak, son of Abinoam,
47:14 had gathered up to Mount Tabor,
47:16 Sisera gathered together
47:17 his 900 iron chariots,
47:19 and all the men with him
47:20 from Harosheth Haggoyim
47:21 to the Kishon River.
47:23 Then Deborah said to Barak, 'Go!
47:26 This is the day the Lord has
47:29 given Sisera into your hands.
47:31 Has not the Lord
47:32 gone ahead of you?'
47:34 So Barak went down Mount Tabor,
47:35 followed by 10,000 men.
47:37 At Barak's advance,
47:38 the Lord routed Sisera
47:41 and all his chariots and army
47:42 by the sword,
47:43 and Sisera abandoned his chariot
47:45 and fled on foot.
47:47 But Barak pursued the chariots
47:48 and army as far
47:50 as Harosheth Haggoyim.
47:51 All the troops of Sisera
47:53 fell by the sword.
47:54 Not a man was left."
48:00 A second lesson that Deborah
48:02 teaches us about what healthy,
48:03 biblical motherhood looks like
48:05 is this.
48:07 Wise mothers prepare their
48:08 children for war, and then
48:11 increasingly set them free to
48:13 fight, on their own, in Christ.
48:18 It's not just the preparation,
48:20 in other words.
48:21 There is a deployment,
48:22 if I can further the analogy
48:24 here.
48:25 They increasingly, with this
48:26 training, set them free to fight
48:28 on their own, in Christ.
48:32 Did you see what Deborah did, or
48:33 rather what Deborah didn't do,
48:35 when it came time
48:37 for this battle?
48:39 Verse 14, she says to Barak,
48:40 "Go!"
48:42 In other words, "You go.
48:44 I'm going to stay here.
48:45 I'm not far away.
48:47 I'm still available for counsel.
48:48 I believe in you, but I'm not
48:50 going into this battle.
48:51 You are."
48:53 Now understand
48:54 the dynamics here.
48:56 We don't know this for certain,
48:57 but probably -- probably --
48:59 one of the reasons
49:00 that Barak wanted Deborah
49:02 to go with him
49:03 is kind of as an amulet,
49:05 a good-luck charm.
49:06 Right?
49:08 He was essentially saying,
49:09 "I'm not sure
49:10 if all the men will follow me
49:11 into battle with enthusiasm.
49:13 Maybe they don't believe
49:14 that I was called by God.
49:15 But if you come with me,
49:17 it'll show your stamp
49:18 of approval and everybody
49:19 will think, 'Ah, look, you know,
49:20 Deborah approves of him.
49:21 Therefore, the Lord will
49:22 grant us the victory.'"
49:23 Deborah was not
49:24 a good-luck charm.
49:26 Deborah had no interest
49:27 in that role.
49:28 She knew that the only person
49:29 that was going to win the battle
49:31 that day was the Lord.
49:32 And in order
49:33 for that to transpire,
49:35 Barak had to develop faith
49:37 that was his own.
49:39 And so she essentially
49:40 says to Barak
49:42 that she knows his faith in God
49:44 will not form as it should,
49:46 unless he is given
49:48 the opportunity to exercise it
49:49 without her holding his hand.
49:53 Oh, the implications
49:55 for parenting today.
49:57 But this, too, is
49:59 above my pay grade,
50:00 so I would like to invite
50:01 Darlene once again
50:02 to come and share briefly
50:03 about this particular point.
50:10 >> The point of setting
50:12 our children free
50:13 is a hard one for me.
50:14 I think it probably is
50:15 for most moms, but I like
50:17 how Deborah did it.
50:20 Barak fought his own battle,
50:22 but she stayed close to support
50:23 and to guide.
50:25 And it strikes me
50:26 as a very wise thing to not push
50:28 our kid out of the boat
50:29 and say, "Sink or swim."
50:32 Instead, we allow our child
50:34 a little bit of space
50:35 to venture out on their own,
50:36 but then pull them back
50:38 if they need help,
50:39 if they can't handle it,
50:41 then slowly, once again,
50:42 we allow them to venture out
50:44 and increase their independence
50:46 as they are able to.
50:48 They are bound to experience
50:49 hurt, mistreatment, heartbreak.
50:52 It's hard on our mamas' hearts,
50:54 but we can have -- but
50:55 we have to let them experience
50:57 the natural consequences of
50:59 their decisions and also just
51:00 the realities of life.
51:03 Still, through this process,
51:04 we are teaching them
51:06 and providing for them.
51:08 This is an example
51:09 to them of what God is for us.
51:12 Listen to Psalm 139:5-10.
51:15 "You hem me in behind and
51:17 before, you lay your hand
51:19 upon me.
51:20 Such knowledge is too wonderful
51:21 for me, too lofty
51:23 for me to attain.
51:25 Where can I go from your Spirit?
51:26 Where can I flee
51:27 from your presence?
51:29 If I go up to the heavens,
51:30 you are there;
51:31 if I make my bed in the depths,
51:33 you are there.
51:34 If I rise on the wings
51:35 of the dawn, if I settle on the
51:36 far side of the sea, even there
51:39 your hand will guide me,
51:41 your right hand
51:41 will hold me fast."
51:44 Notice that David said,
51:45 "Such knowledge is too wonderful
51:46 for me."
51:48 Done right, this is not an
51:50 oppressive or overly hover-y
51:52 type of protection.
51:54 It produces confidence and
51:55 independence in our children.
51:58 So, how do we do it right?
52:00 I can't say exactly.
52:02 Shane and I haven't done it
52:03 perfectly, but we do have
52:06 some things that we've learned
52:07 that have worked well for us.
52:09 Here's an example.
52:10 From the time our girls
52:12 were very young, we lived
52:14 and taught the importance
52:15 of service and mission,
52:17 not only locally
52:19 but also internationally.
52:20 I read the girls dozens of books
52:22 about missionaries,
52:23 and their little hearts
52:24 were drawn to mission work.
52:27 When one of our daughters
52:28 was quite young, she decided
52:30 to have a lemonade stand
52:31 by the road to sell lemonade
52:33 and raise money for ADRA.
52:35 She gathered her friends
52:37 and started a club,
52:39 and they -- and she worked hard.
52:41 It was demanding
52:42 for a little girl,
52:43 and often, she had to do
52:44 most of the work by herself.
52:46 Sometimes her friends didn't
52:47 show up or there weren't
52:49 very many customers.
52:51 Always she was tired afterwards,
52:54 and she didn't feel like
52:54 cleaning up.
52:56 Sometimes when I saw her fatigue
52:59 was to the point
52:59 of discouragement,
53:01 I would help her.
53:02 Many times,
53:03 I would keep an eye on her, but
53:05 leave her to work on her own.
53:08 By helping her with her dream
53:10 and stepping back to allow her
53:12 to learn the lessons of service,
53:14 hard work, and trust, we helped
53:16 her gain invaluable experience,
53:18 and we are watching her put that
53:21 experience into practice today.
53:23 As the mother of young adults,
53:25 I find this letting go to be
53:27 one of my greatest challenges.
53:29 A friend of mine recently said,
53:31 "My daughter is mine
53:33 to pray for, not mine to keep."
53:36 I guess that is something
53:38 that God is trying to teach me
53:39 right now, too.
53:41 And I love how he carries us
53:42 and grows us through motherhood.
53:45 He tenderly hems us moms in,
53:46 too, you know?
53:49 One last quote that I find
53:50 so encouraging and motivating,
53:53 from "Messages to Young People,"
53:54 page 330.
53:56 It says, "When the 'well done'
53:58 of the great Judge is pronounced
54:00 and the crown of immortal glory
54:02 is placed upon the brow
54:03 of the victor,
54:05 many will raise their crowns in
54:07 sight of the assembled universe,
54:09 and, pointing to their mothers,
54:10 say, 'She made me all I am
54:13 through the grace of God.
54:15 Her instruction, her prayers
54:17 have been blessed
54:18 to my eternal salvation.'"
54:20 >> Amen.
54:21 >> Amen.
54:24 You know, right now,
54:26 in the days that we live in,
54:29 there are so many important
54:30 posts that the Lord longs to be
54:33 able to send his people to.
54:35 Places where there is not
54:36 much support.
54:38 Places where difficulties
54:39 abound.
54:41 Places where we need people that
54:44 know what it means to have faith
54:45 in Jesus on a personal level.
54:48 You know, right now,
54:49 in the Adventist Church,
54:49 we have a tremendous
54:50 lack of pastors and teachers.
54:52 We don't have enough to fill
54:53 the open positions.
54:55 It's not the only answer,
54:56 but I tend to think that one of
54:57 the most foundational answers
54:59 lies with us and what we do
55:02 with our children.
55:03 And, moms in particular,
55:05 God has blessed you
55:06 with immense influence.
55:08 Be the kind of mom
55:10 that continues to gradually
55:11 increase the responsibility
55:13 of your children,
55:14 spiritually speaking,
55:15 as well as in other ways,
55:16 that they may become the kind of
55:18 person that God can send
55:20 wherever He needs them to go.
55:26 Tomorrow is Mother's Day.
55:28 Of course, every day ought to be
55:29 Mother's Day, correct?
55:30 Right.
55:31 We should honor them
55:32 all year long.
55:33 But tomorrow is, indeed,
55:34 that special day.
55:34 And as such, Darlene and I
55:36 want to encourage you,
55:37 if you're a mom listening right
55:38 now and you are seeking to
55:40 prepare your children for war,
55:41 and maybe you're discouraged,
55:42 maybe there's obstacles
55:44 that have come into your way,
55:45 we just want to say,
55:46 keep going, keep going.
55:47 God is on your side.
55:49 God is looking.
55:50 He marks every tear, every
55:51 difficulty that you're facing.
55:52 He knows all about it,
55:53 and He has power
55:54 on your behalf to give,
55:56 and He longs to give it to you.
55:58 And if you're a mother
55:59 that's seeking to to do this --
56:01 this gradual increasing
56:02 of responsibility --
56:03 and maybe you're not sure
56:04 how to make the next move,
56:05 and you're not sure
56:06 what the next step is,
56:07 understand that, again,
56:08 God is on your side.
56:10 The wisdom of the universe
56:12 is there at your disposal.
56:13 Ask for it.
56:14 We will be praying for you,
56:15 as I know many others of us
56:16 will be, too.
56:17 You are a mother ordained by God
56:20 to raise her children.
56:22 What a high calling that is.
56:25 My prayer for each of us
56:27 is that this weekend, indeed,
56:29 we will give mothers,
56:30 both ours and others,
56:31 their due this weekend
56:32 and always.
56:34 And may each mother arise
56:38 as a mother with a fiery spirit
56:40 that leads their children,
56:42 with God's power,
56:44 to fulfill God's purposes.
56:47 >> Amen.
56:50 >> I'm Shane Anderson,
56:53 the lead pastor here at
56:55 Pioneer Memorial Church.
56:57 At Pioneer Media, we have been
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57:40 My prayer is that the God
57:43 who has blessed you will
57:44 continue to pour into your life
57:46 the gifts of His joy
57:47 and His hope.
57:49 Thank you, and I'm looking
57:50 forward to seeing you right here
57:52 again, next time.
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Revised 2024-05-20