Pioneer Media

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PME

Program Code: PME240518S

00:02 ♪
00:19 >> It's still morning.
00:20 Good morning.
00:21 [ Laughs ]
00:23 Welcome.
00:24 I'm really glad to see you here.
00:27 And for those of you
00:28 joining us via media,
00:30 we especially welcome you.
00:32 Those of you in the balcony
00:33 and all over the -- all
00:35 over the congregation.
00:37 It's a sight for sore eyes
00:38 to see you here.
00:40 What a blessing.
00:42 Anyhow, years ago, I was here
00:44 for a commencement address
00:46 by a fellow named
00:47 E.E. Cleveland.
00:49 And he said -- There was civil
00:52 unrest all over the country.
00:53 He said, "You look west,
00:54 it looks terrible.
00:56 You look east,
00:57 doesn't look any good.
00:59 You look south, terrible.
01:01 And look north,
01:02 it's not so hot either.
01:03 But if you look up,
01:05 it looks good."
01:07 Isn't that true still today?
01:09 If we look up, it looks so good.
01:12 There's a God up there
01:13 who loves us.
01:15 And He loves you personally.
01:18 In the bulletin is a call
01:20 to worship, and you'll
01:21 see it on the screens.
01:23 So I want to invite you
01:25 to stand with me as we recite
01:28 this antiphonally, alright?
02:04 Shall we pray?
02:05 Father, we ask
02:08 for your presence here today,
02:11 that your Holy Spirit
02:12 and the angels
02:14 would bring your presence here,
02:16 presence of Jesus, our Savior,
02:18 our Lord, our sacrifice.
02:22 So, Father, may what happens
02:25 here put a smile on your heart.
02:28 We thank you in Jesus' name.
02:31 Amen.
02:36 ♪
05:12 >> Good morning. Happy Sabbath.
05:15 Do you know,
05:16 I remember some of you being in
05:18 my 4-year-old Sabbath school,
05:19 and you've grown up so fast.
05:22 I wish you would have been
05:23 at my house this week because
05:25 I love this time of year.
05:28 Besides having the flowers
05:30 growing outside and the leaves
05:32 all turning green,
05:33 do you know what I have
05:34 at my house?
05:36 I have a pair of robins
05:37 who have two baby birds,
05:40 and we've been able to watch
05:42 them feed them this week.
05:44 And the other thing that is
05:45 in my yard is a pair of bunnies.
05:47 And I have the cutest little
05:49 cottontail bunny
05:50 about that big that loves
05:51 to hop around my yard.
05:53 But, you know,
05:56 that I have to listen for,
05:58 and you have to be very quiet.
06:01 And usually I have to be
06:02 by my hummingbird feeder
06:04 or by flowers
06:05 in order to hear this.
06:08 And when I listen
06:09 really carefully,
06:10 do you know what I hear?
06:12 I hear something go,
06:13 "Bzzz-zzz-zzz-zzz."
06:15 What do you think it is?
06:16 >> A bee.
06:17 >> A bee! That's right.
06:18 And you know what?
06:19 This isn't just any normal bee.
06:21 This is a really,
06:22 really special bee.
06:24 Do you know what it is?
06:25 It's a honey bee.
06:28 Do you know what?
06:29 Honey bees aren't really this
06:30 big.
06:31 They're about that big.
06:31 They're pretty little.
06:33 And they have a very,
06:35 very important job
06:37 to do this time of year.
06:39 Do you know what they do?
06:41 They pollinate the flowers
06:43 and the trees that are around.
06:45 You know, "pollinating"
06:46 is a really big word,
06:47 but it means that they make it
06:49 so the fruit can grow
06:51 from the flowers.
06:53 You know, it's really, really
06:55 cool because a honey bee
06:57 has how many legs?
06:59 One, two, three,
07:00 four, five, six.
07:02 And how many wings does it have?
07:05 It has four.
07:06 It has two on each side.
07:08 And, you know,
07:11 these wings will hook together.
07:13 And as they wiggle, that's what
07:15 makes the buzzing sound.
07:17 And then, when they stop,
07:19 the wings will fold up,
07:20 and they'll go back down
07:21 on their back
07:23 and they'll walk around.
07:25 Do you know, this time of year,
07:26 the honey bees are so busy
07:29 because they have lots and lots
07:31 and lots of things to pollinate.
07:33 You know what?
07:35 I had blueberries for breakfast
07:36 this morning,
07:37 and for every three blueberries
07:40 I ate, two of them
07:43 were pollinated by the bees.
07:45 That means if there weren't
07:46 any bees around,
07:47 I would have only had one
07:49 blueberry for breakfast.
07:50 That's not very much, is it?
07:53 But the -- the honey bees are so
07:54 cool.
07:56 They live in a hive,
07:58 and they live in a colony
07:59 of up to 60,000 sisters.
08:03 Would you guys like to have
08:04 60,000 sisters?
08:05 >> No.
08:06 >> Well, I don't know.
08:07 I have one sister,
08:08 and I love her dearly,
08:10 but I don't think I could put up
08:11 with 60,000 of her.
08:13 But there are 60,000 bees
08:15 in a colony,
08:17 and they're all girls,
08:18 except for a few drones,
08:20 which are the boy bees.
08:21 And there's a queen bee
08:22 that lays eggs.
08:24 And this queen bee is really,
08:25 really busy.
08:26 Do you know she can lay up
08:27 to 2,000 eggs in one day?
08:30 And then, it is the worker
08:32 bees' job to take care
08:35 of all those baby bees.
08:37 Now, they also have another job.
08:39 They have to go out
08:40 and find pollen.
08:42 And the pollen is
08:43 what helps them make the honey.
08:47 Now, if you look at the screen
08:48 up here,
08:48 I have a picture of a bee.
08:51 Let's see. Can you see it?
08:54 Can you see the honey bee?
08:55 And look at its back legs.
08:57 Can you see that?
08:59 That is called a pollen basket.
09:02 And that is really cool
09:03 'cause when the bees go out
09:04 and they touch the flowers,
09:07 they get the pollen
09:08 from the flowers,
09:09 and they take it to another
09:11 flower and another flower
09:12 and another flower,
09:13 and that's how they pollinate.
09:15 Now, when a bee finds
09:17 a nice field of flowers,
09:20 or maybe a great big cherry tree
09:21 full of buds,
09:23 she is going to go back
09:25 to the hive, and she's going to
09:27 do something very special then.
09:29 She's going to go into her hive,
09:32 and she has to tell all of
09:34 the other bees where it is.
09:37 Now, can she just say, "Hey,
09:38 guys, right outside the door,
09:40 there's some flowers."
09:42 Can she do that?
09:43 No, she can't.
09:44 She has to have a special way
09:46 of doing that.
09:47 And God has given her
09:49 that special way.
09:51 She will do one of two kinds
09:52 of dances.
09:53 The first kind of dance
09:54 that she will do
09:55 is called a circle dance.
09:57 And when she does
09:58 the circle dance,
09:59 she's going to go straight,
10:01 and she's going to turn around,
10:03 and she's just going to
10:04 keep making circles,
10:06 and that's going to tell all
10:08 the other bees that the flowers
10:10 are really, really close.
10:12 But if she does a waggle dance,
10:16 the waggle dance,
10:17 she goes into her hive,
10:19 and she starts going like this
10:20 back and forth and back
10:21 and forth and back and forth,
10:23 and the faster she goes back
10:24 and forth
10:25 and the longer she goes,
10:27 tells the bees that the flowers
10:29 are farther away.
10:31 And then when she gets
10:32 to the end of her run,
10:33 she goes like this,
10:34 and she turns around,
10:35 and she comes right back
10:36 to the beginning,
10:37 and she does it again.
10:38 And she might do this 50
10:39 or 60 times while all
10:41 the other worker bees watch.
10:43 Except this time, when she gets
10:45 to the end of her run,
10:46 she's going to turn
10:47 and she's going to go left,
10:49 and she's going to go back
10:50 to the beginning part,
10:51 and she's going to go all over,
10:53 all back and forth
10:54 and back and forth.
10:55 Do you know what?
10:56 God made them so amazing.
10:59 Do you think the other bees
11:01 could find the flowers if they
11:04 didn't follow her directions?
11:06 No, they couldn't. They might.
11:09 What if they went outside
11:10 and they thought
11:11 that she did a circle dance
11:13 instead of a waggle dance,
11:15 and they looked right outside
11:16 their hive.
11:17 Could they find the flowers?
11:20 They couldn't.
11:21 Do you know, I know somebody
11:23 else that has given us
11:26 instructions to follow, too,
11:28 so we can make it
11:29 to our heavenly home.
11:30 Do you know who that is?
11:33 Jesus. That's right.
11:34 Jesus has given us
11:36 the special things
11:37 that we need to do
11:39 so we can go home
11:40 and live with him.
11:42 Do you think Jesus is waiting
11:44 patiently for us to come home?
11:46 Oh, I think he is.
11:47 He loves each one of us,
11:49 very special, and he has made
11:51 a special home for us.
11:53 But in order for us
11:54 to go to that home,
11:56 we have to follow the directions
11:58 that God has given us.
12:00 What about, like, obeying
12:01 our mom and dad?
12:02 Has he told us that we should
12:03 do that?
12:04 Yeah.
12:06 What about coming to church
12:07 on Sabbath?
12:08 Is that another direction
12:09 that Jesus has given us?
12:11 Yeah, he has. But you know what?
12:13 The bees are different.
12:14 The bees have to --
12:16 they follow the wiggle dance
12:19 or the circle dance by instinct.
12:22 But we don't have that instinct.
12:24 We can pray and we can say,
12:26 "I want to ask Jesus
12:27 to be in my life."
12:29 But unless we trust him
12:32 and Jesus helps us,
12:33 we can never, ever make it
12:35 to heaven without his help.
12:37 Now, you know what the bees
12:38 like to eat?
12:41 What is this?
12:43 >> Honey.
12:44 >> It's honey.
12:46 And you know what?
12:47 This honey is so special
12:49 because this honey
12:52 took about 25 bees six months
12:56 to make that much honey.
12:58 That's not very much honey,
12:59 is it?
13:00 It takes them
13:01 their whole lifetime
13:03 just to make that much honey.
13:05 You know what?
13:06 They spend their whole life
13:08 serving their other bees,
13:10 just like
13:10 Jesus wants us to spend
13:12 our whole life serving him.
13:14 Now, I want you to look
13:15 at my screen one more time.
13:16 I have a picture
13:17 of a waggle dance.
13:19 Now, I want you to look,
13:20 and look for the bee
13:21 that has a yellow spot
13:23 on the back of her head.
13:24 Can you see it?
13:28 Can you see it right here?
13:31 I guess it's a red spot.
13:32 It looked more yellow earlier.
13:34 But can you see? Watch.
13:36 See? Here she's going back
13:37 and forth and back and forth.
13:39 And all the other bees
13:41 are watching, and they're going
13:42 to follow them,
13:44 just like we want to follow
13:45 Jesus, don't we?
13:46 Because we know Jesus is coming
13:48 so soon
13:49 and we want to go to heaven
13:50 with him
13:51 and live in that special house
13:52 that he's making for us.
13:54 I need somebody to help me have
13:55 our prayer this morning.
13:56 You want to come help?
14:00 Thank you. Okay.
14:03 Can you ask Jesus to be with us
14:04 and be like the bees?
14:05 Okay.
14:06 >> Dear Jesus, please help us
14:08 to be with you.
14:10 Please help the people
14:11 who don't know you.
14:12 Please help them to change
14:14 their ways and follow you.
14:15 Amen.
14:17 >> Amen. Thank you, sweetheart.
14:24 >> Our Scripture reading of
14:25 today is coming from
14:26 Isaiah 43: 16-19,
14:29 and I'll be reading from
14:29 the New International Version.
14:33 "This is what the Lord says --
14:34 he who made a way through
14:35 the sea, a path through
14:36 the mighty waters,
14:37 who drew out the chariots
14:39 and horses, the army
14:40 and reinforcements together,
14:42 and they lay there never to rise
14:43 again, extinguished,
14:45 snuffed out like a wick.
14:46 Forget the former things.
14:48 Do not dwell on the past.
14:49 See, I am doing a new thing!
14:51 Now it springs up.
14:52 Do you not perceive it?
14:54 I am making a way
14:55 in the wilderness and streams
14:56 in the wastelands."
14:57 Amen.
15:01 ♪
19:55 >> This week, we've been having
19:56 a great week at the Tent.
19:57 How many of you guys
19:57 have come out?
19:58 >> Yeah.
19:59 >> Amen.
20:01 For those of you who don't know,
20:02 the Tent is a -- is led out
20:04 by seventh and eighth graders
20:06 who -- including writing
20:08 and preaching their own sermons.
20:10 Our next song is a theme song
20:11 for the Tent.
20:12 Please stand and join us in
20:13 singing.
20:16 ♪
24:35 >> Thank you.
24:38 ♪
24:51 >> A few weeks ago, we completed
24:54 a sermon series entitled
24:56 "Why We Are Here."
24:59 If you missed that,
25:00 you can find it at
25:02 We have links there to our
25:03 sermon archives,
25:04 and I would strongly encourage
25:06 you to see them,
25:07 not for the sake of
25:08 my homiletical skills,
25:10 but for the sake of the message
25:11 that's there.
25:12 We asked and answered
25:14 the question, "Why are we here?"
25:16 Why is there a Seventh-Day
25:17 Adventist Church?
25:18 There's all kinds of churches
25:19 out there.
25:22 And we answered that question
25:23 by looking at, essentially,
25:24 two things -- briefly,
25:25 the Great Commission of
25:26 Matthew 28:18-20, very much a
25:28 part of who we are
25:29 and why we're here.
25:30 And secondly,
25:31 we spent most of our time in the
25:32 three angels' messages
25:33 of Revelation 14:6-12.
25:36 Those messages are the core
25:39 reason why God
25:41 went through the difficulty
25:42 of creating
25:43 a new movement, the Seventh-Day
25:45 Adventist movement.
25:47 Now, the reason
25:48 I mentioned that, why I bring
25:49 that back to your memory,
25:51 is because we are sitting
25:52 on an institutional campus.
25:55 We are an institutional church.
25:57 We are on the campus
25:59 of a community that follows
26:01 an academic calendar,
26:02 and what that means is that
26:04 summer is here.
26:08 The sun is out.
26:09 The birds are singing.
26:10 The grass is green.
26:12 The ice has melted -- mostly.
26:15 And it's a beautiful time
26:16 of year.
26:18 when we dial things
26:19 back a little bit.
26:20 Now, if you are a professor
26:22 or a student that is going
26:23 to school full-time
26:25 through this summer,
26:26 you have our utmost sympathies.
26:29 We'll be praying for you
26:30 that you will endure
26:30 because you, too, need a break.
26:32 Summertime is a time when
26:34 we dial things back,
26:36 we spend time with family
26:37 and with friends.
26:38 We head out to the water,
26:39 to the beach, or to the park,
26:40 and picnics are there.
26:41 It's a great time
26:42 to slow down a bit,
26:44 to get our breath back,
26:45 to regroup, so that we can
26:47 be ready to hit things hard
26:49 when we come back in the fall.
26:51 Summer is a great time.
26:57 And it's my personal experience
27:01 that it can -- doesn't have to
27:02 be -- but it can also be
27:04 a time of drift.
27:09 We just finished talking about
27:10 the three angels' messages
27:11 and the importance,
27:12 the core of who we are.
27:14 This is why God called us
27:15 into being.
27:17 And they are too important
27:18 to let fade away.
27:20 We must take a summer's rest.
27:22 Absolutely.
27:23 But we also must not forget.
27:27 And so, consequently,
27:28 I want to invite you to join me
27:30 in doing at least three things
27:31 this summer.
27:32 Number one, stay close to Jesus.
27:36 Stay close to Jesus.
27:37 You know, whatever your
27:39 devotional routine is,
27:40 or if you don't have
27:41 a devotional routine, start now.
27:42 Now is your time.
27:43 Starting pistol just went off.
27:45 Start having a devotional time.
27:46 Spend time in the word.
27:47 Spend time in prayer
27:48 every day with Jesus.
27:50 Spend time
27:50 with fellow believers.
27:52 Go to church.
27:52 Go to Sabbath school.
27:53 If you're outdoors,
27:55 have church with other people.
27:55 Spend time with
27:57 like-minded believers.
27:58 Iron will sharpen iron.
28:00 Stay strong in Jesus
28:02 in the summer season.
28:04 Secondly,
28:06 reread those three angels.
28:08 Revelation 14: 6-12.
28:10 You know, my prayer is that,
28:11 at the very least,
28:13 during that four-part series,
28:14 that we gained
28:15 a fresh appreciation
28:16 for the messages of Christ
28:17 that are found in those
28:18 three angels' messages,
28:20 and perhaps we even learned
28:21 some new things from them.
28:22 Regardless,
28:24 we just scratched the surface.
28:27 There is so much more
28:28 in those three angels' messages,
28:30 and you need to know it.
28:31 You need to know what those
28:32 things are because
28:33 it's a message of Christ.
28:34 It's the gospel.
28:36 You know, if you think about it,
28:36 the three angels' messages are
28:38 the culmination of 6,000 years
28:40 of salvation history.
28:42 So no wonder we just touched the
28:44 tips of the mountaintops here.
28:46 There's so much more.
28:47 Read them again and again.
28:48 Study them.
28:49 Get your concordance out.
28:50 Look up the words
28:51 that are there.
28:52 Find the Old Testament roots
28:53 and some of
28:54 the New Testament references
28:55 that are there.
28:56 Make these three angels'
28:57 messages your own
28:58 because they are.
29:01 God has given it to us,
29:03 and we have a job to do.
29:06 And number three,
29:08 I would invite you this summer
29:09 to join me
29:10 in actively praying for
29:13 and keeping your eyes open
29:16 for God to do...
29:22 Well, let me tell you a story.
29:25 Many years ago, when I was
29:27 a young pastor,
29:29 when I had free time,
29:31 I would go and test-drive
29:33 sports cars for fun.
29:35 Now, I'm not recommending
29:36 that you do this.
29:37 There is something disingenuous
29:38 about going to a dealership
29:39 from which you have no intention
29:41 of purchasing a vehicle
29:42 and asking to test drive a car.
29:44 Okay. You don't need to do that.
29:46 But this is different times.
29:47 I've grown a bit since then.
29:48 It was a Sunday afternoon,
29:50 and I knew exactly which
29:52 dealership I wanted to go to.
29:53 This is in the Seattle area
29:55 there in Lynnwood,
29:57 there's Auto Row.
29:59 Now, this was quite a while ago.
30:00 Maybe they've all gone bankrupt
30:01 and it's a golf course now.
30:02 I have no idea.
30:03 But there are dozens
30:04 of dealerships on Auto Row.
30:06 And there was one --
30:07 it was a Chevy dealership,
30:09 and I had driven past it earlier
30:10 in the week,
30:12 and there was a 1996
30:14 yellow Corvette that was there.
30:16 And as I drove by,
30:17 it caught my eye.
30:18 that one this weekend."
30:20 So, sure enough, Sunday
30:21 afternoon, I got dressed
30:23 a little bit better
30:25 than I might have otherwise
30:26 gotten dressed
30:27 on a Sunday afternoon.
30:29 I mean, you have to look
30:29 the part, right?
30:30 The salesman has to believe
30:32 that at least there's some
30:33 possibility
30:35 that you have the ability
30:36 to purchase this vehicle
30:37 if you're ever going to get
30:38 a chance to test-drive it.
30:39 So I dressed up a little bit,
30:41 and I went to the dealership
30:42 and kind of meandered
30:43 around a little bit.
30:44 Sure enough, the yellow Corvette
30:45 still there.
30:46 Head salesman comes out.
30:48 "Can I help you, sir?"
30:50 "Oh, well, yes.
30:51 I was wondering, would it be
30:52 possible for me to test-drive
30:54 that car, the Corvette?"
30:56 And he said, "Well, certainly.
30:59 Let me see if I can find
31:00 somebody here to help you,"
31:01 and calls back and do
31:03 whatever they do at dealerships.
31:04 And the next salesman came out,
31:06 and he comes to me,
31:08 and he says, "Well, sir,
31:09 which car are you looking at?"
31:10 We went outside, we're looking
31:11 there at the Corvette.
31:12 for a test-drive?"
31:14 He said, "Well, I'm sure we can
31:15 make that work.
31:16 If I could just
31:17 have your driver's license
31:18 so I can get a photocopy
31:19 of that,
31:21 So I get him my driver's
31:22 license, and he goes in, and I
31:23 don't know what the problem was,
31:24 but for whatever reason,
31:26 they couldn't photocopy
31:27 my driver's license.
31:30 Now, the skeptic in me
31:31 says they didn't think I was
31:33 going to be buying the car.
31:34 So they went to plan B and
31:36 they -- he said to me, he said,
31:37 "Well, we we can't make a copy
31:38 of your license right now,
31:40 but if you don't mind,
31:41 I can ride with you."
31:43 Oh.
31:44 [ Laughter ]
31:47 Well, how much fun is that
31:48 when you've got the guy
31:49 sitting right here next to you
31:50 in the passenger seat, right?
31:51 So, "Uh..."
31:52 But what are you going to say?
31:53 Right?
31:54 So I said, "Okay, sure.
31:55 N-No problem."
31:56 And so he gets his stuff
31:57 together,
31:59 and we look around the car
32:00 and open the hood and inside,
32:01 and then we get inside
32:02 and getting ready
32:03 to take a test drive.
32:05 And he says, "So, Mr. Anderson,
32:08 what do you do for a living?"
32:10 [ Laughter ]
32:12 [ Sighs ]
32:13 Now, for those of you that are
32:14 not pastors, if you want to
32:15 knock the hole in any party
32:17 boat, you just tell people what
32:18 you do for a living, all right?
32:20 People do all kinds of stuff.
32:21 Usually they say, "Oh, I'm
32:22 sorry.
32:23 Did I swear?"
32:24 I don't know what it is with
32:25 pastors.
32:26 We just make people feel guilty
32:26 for swearing.
32:27 They'll swear all the other time
32:29 when they're not with us.
32:30 But if they're with us --
32:30 Anyway...
32:32 So, I think to myself,
32:33 "Oh, boy, here we go."
32:34 And I say, "Well,
32:37 I'm a pastor."
32:40 And you can just see the color
32:41 drain out of his face.
32:43 Like, "Oh, no."
32:46 Because pastors don't buy,
32:48 you know, 2- or 3-year-old
32:49 yellow Corvettes, right?
32:52 And so he's depressed.
32:53 And then he kind of rallies
32:54 a little bit, and he says,
32:56 "So -- So what church do you
32:57 pastor?"
33:00 And I don't know for sure,
33:01 but I'm guessing he was kind of
33:02 thinking to himself,
33:03 "Maybe if it's a megachurch,
33:04 he's got money, right?"
33:08 And I said, "Well, I'm the
33:09 pastor of the Forest Park
33:11 Seventh-Day Adventist Church in
33:12 Everett."
33:13 And he went right back
33:15 to where he was before.
33:16 [ Sighs ]
33:17 Now, I don't know that
33:18 it's because
33:19 he'd ever heard of the church,
33:19 but probably because
33:20 he hadn't heard of the church.
33:22 And if he hadn't heard of it,
33:23 it must not be very big.
33:24 "And I've got now this
33:25 poor pastor about
33:26 to go on a test drive for a car
33:28 that he's not going to buy."
33:29 So he's depressed, right?
33:30 But I've got the keys.
33:31 And so I start the car,
33:33 and we back out there,
33:34 we buckle up,
33:35 and we come up to the street.
33:37 We're about to turn out
33:39 and to go for this test drive.
33:41 And you got
33:42 Off to the right was -- it was
33:44 kind of going up a hill here.
33:45 And so you could see any traffic
33:47 that was coming down there.
33:48 It was easy to spot it.
33:49 On the left, yeah, not so much.
33:51 It was, you know, a couple
33:53 hundred feet, something like
33:54 that down this direction.
33:55 And then there was a corner
33:56 turning to the right.
33:57 And it was kind of hard
33:58 to see traffic was coming.
33:59 And for whatever reason,
34:01 at that time on Sunday,
34:02 traffic was heavy.
34:04 So I'm sitting there,
34:04 I'm waiting,
34:05 looking right and left.
34:06 "Let's get going here.
34:07 I want to drive this thing,"
34:08 right?
34:09 And finally, it's clear
34:10 on the right, nobody coming,
34:12 and I look on the left
34:13 and it sure looks clear to me.
34:16 And I pull out into
34:17 the intersection.
34:19 Now, somehow, I had missed a car
34:22 coming very swiftly
34:24 from this direction.
34:26 And this takes a little while
34:27 to tell, but obviously this is
34:28 happening fairly quickly.
34:30 This guy in this car
34:32 is coming very fast here.
34:33 I pull out, I turn,
34:35 I see him right there, right?
34:37 And I can still see him.
34:38 He's making gestures of
34:39 friendship and fellowship and...
34:40 [ Laughter ]
34:42 ...inviting me to --
34:43 Yeah, making wishes for my
34:45 family and lineage, et cetera.
34:46 And so I need to do something.
34:50 So I mashed the gas pedal.
34:53 And I'm turning to the left
34:54 because I'm going to go
34:55 this direction, right?
34:56 And I mash the gas pedal,
34:57 and the wheels light up.
34:58 I mean, it wasn't
34:59 a super car in those days.
35:00 I mean, Corvettes,
35:01 300 horsepower,
35:03 330 foot pounds of torque,
35:04 something like that.
35:05 But that's enough.
35:06 And I mashed the gas pedal,
35:08 and the wheels spin,
35:09 and I'm turning to the left,
35:10 and the rear end kicks out.
35:11 Okay?
35:13 Now, you need to know,
35:14 by this time in my life,
35:15 I've been doing amateur
35:16 motorsport for about 10 years,
35:18 and this is fun.
35:20 This is great fun.
35:21 Okay?
35:22 I'm not concerned in the least.
35:23 And the Corvette is a good
35:24 handling car even in those days.
35:26 And so it ends out there.
35:27 I thought, "Well, this is cool.
35:28 Let's keep going."
35:30 So I kept my foot in it. Right?
35:32 And so we're -- mrr! -- we're
35:33 powersliding down this side of
35:34 the road there.
35:35 Not for a huge -- maybe 60 --
35:36 I don't know -- 80 feet,
35:37 something like that.
35:38 And going side like that.
35:40 And you let off the gas
35:41 a little bit,
35:42 rear end tucks in, grab second
35:43 gear, mash the pedal -- mrr! --
35:45 you know, down there,
35:46 make the right-hand turn,
35:47 drop it into third,
35:48 and begin to coast down,
35:49 because, I mean,
35:50 you know, it's not my car.
35:51 I don't want to hurt anything.
35:52 Right?
35:52 [ Laughter ]
35:54 And about this time,
35:55 I look over at the salesman
35:57 in the passenger seat.
35:58 [ Laughter ]
36:01 He looks very different than he
36:02 did just a few moments ago.
36:04 He looks something like this.
36:06 [ Laughter ]
36:08 He's grabbing the door
36:09 handle with this one.
36:09 The blood is drained out
36:11 of his hands, right, like this.
36:12 And I'm smiling
36:14 over in my seat like this.
36:15 "This is good, right?"
36:18 I give him
36:18 a moment to calm down,
36:19 and we're gently going through
36:20 the gears through town.
36:23 And without looking at me,
36:25 he finally says something.
36:26 And here's what he said.
36:29 "What church did you say
36:30 that you pastored?"
36:31 [ Laughter ]
36:40 That salesman
36:41 just could not believe
36:44 that someone from my line
36:45 of work could drive in that way.
36:47 Okay?
36:50 Isn't it interesting --
36:52 Isn't it interesting
36:54 how difficult it is to discern
36:56 someone's capabilities
36:59 based on their title
37:00 or where they're from?
37:03 Hmm.
37:06 If you have a Bible,
37:07 turn please to John 1:43.
37:10 John 1:43.
37:14 It's page 714 -- 7-1-4 --
37:17 in your red pew Bible.
37:18 It should be around there
37:19 somewhere where you're sitting.
37:21 Page 714, John 1,
37:24 beginning with verse 43.
37:28 Now, being John chapter 1,
37:29 we are obviously starting early
37:31 here in the ministry of Jesus.
37:33 In fact, at this point,
37:34 Jesus only has a few members
37:37 of what would become his inner
37:38 circle of disciples.
37:40 Peter and Andrew, they are
37:42 part of the group there,
37:44 and Jesus is looking to build
37:46 upon this inner circle,
37:47 and that's where we join
37:48 the story.
37:51 "The next day, Jesus
37:52 decided to leave for Galilee,
37:54 finding Philip" -- so disciple
37:56 number three here --
37:56 "finding Philip, he said to him,
37:59 'Follow me.'
38:01 Philip, like Andrew and Peter,
38:03 was from the town of Bethsaida.
38:05 Philip found Nathaniel --"
38:07 okay, number four here --
38:08 "found Nathaniel and told him,
38:11 'We have found the one Moses
38:14 wrote about in the Law,
38:15 and about whom the prophets
38:17 also wrote."
38:19 Pause right there.
38:24 Now, there's no pictures
38:25 in Scripture,
38:26 no video recordings.
38:28 But here's my guess.
38:31 In this short sentence,
38:33 I think Nathaniel's hopes
38:35 are beginning to skyrocket
38:37 because he's got Philip
38:39 standing there in front of him,
38:40 and maybe
38:41 the other two gentlemen are also
38:42 standing there, as well.
38:43 And the looks on their face,
38:45 they are dead serious.
38:46 They are dead serious.
38:48 "The Messiah is here."
38:53 I mean, that's what he's
38:54 hearing.
38:54 That's what's coming to his ears
38:55 right now. He knows all of this.
38:57 You know, even though this is
38:58 one of the darkest times
39:00 in Israel's history.
39:01 Ellen White talks about this
39:02 in "Desire of Ages."
39:02 The 1st century A.D.,
39:04 spiritualism was at an all-time
39:06 high amongst God's people.
39:07 Spiritualism was at an all-time
39:08 high.
39:09 Things were not looking good
39:10 for the home team.
39:11 And it's into that brew
39:13 that Jesus comes.
39:15 But at this point, Nathaniel
39:16 doesn't know that.
39:17 He's getting the commercial,
39:19 though, and it's coming through
39:20 pretty clear.
39:21 Here are these gentleman's
39:22 faces, they're all lit up.
39:24 "The one that Moses talked
39:24 about."
39:25 From the time a Jewish person,
39:27 you know, was this big or
39:29 younger, they would have been
39:30 told stories about the Messiah.
39:31 They would have been quoted
39:33 "The Messiah
39:34 is going to come someday.
39:35 He will set us free.
39:36 He'll take care of us
39:37 politically and socially
39:38 and spiritually,"
39:39 all of these great things.
39:41 And now some of his friends
39:45 are standing before him
39:46 and saying, "It's happened.
39:49 He has come."
39:54 And my guess is, Nathaniel's
39:55 heart is just --
39:56 I mean, just rising.
39:58 "Really? Really?"
40:02 And all that fervor
40:04 comes crashing down in the space
40:06 of a mere seven words.
40:09 Look at it again here.
40:10 Verse 45.
40:12 "Philip found Nathaniel and told
40:13 him, 'We have found the one
40:15 Moses wrote about in the Law,
40:16 and about whom the prophets
40:17 also wrote, Jesus of Nazareth,
40:20 the son of Joseph.'
40:25 'Nazareth!
40:27 Can anything good come from
40:29 there?' Nathaniel asked."
40:33 [ Chuckles ]
40:37 The Nazareth factor has struck.
40:42 You know, in those days,
40:42 Nazareth was not considered
40:44 to be a very good place
40:46 by many of the Jews.
40:48 We're not told
40:48 exactly why that was,
40:50 so we're left to surmise
40:51 as best we can.
40:52 I think
40:54 why Nazareth did not rank high
40:55 on many people's list
40:56 in those days.
40:57 First of all, Nazareth harbored
40:59 questionable characters.
41:02 How do we know?
41:03 Because Mary, Joseph, and Jesus
41:05 lived there.
41:08 Yeah, some people believed Mary
41:09 when she told the story of how
41:11 she came to be pregnant.
41:12 A lot, undoubtedly, didn't.
41:14 And it's quite possible
41:15 that one of the reasons
41:16 why God sent Mary,
41:17 Joseph, and Jesus to Nazareth
41:19 is because they would have
41:20 less opposition there.
41:22 There were other people that had
41:23 questionable stories
41:24 and backgrounds in Nazareth,
41:26 and it had a bit
41:27 of a reputation, apparently,
41:28 as being that kind of a place,
41:31 not where you would normally
41:33 expect the Messiah to come from.
41:38 But, secondly,
41:39 and probably more importantly,
41:40 at least in the objections here,
41:42 is that Nazareth, when it
41:43 came to the political scene,
41:45 when it came to how power
41:46 flowed in Palestine,
41:49 Nazareth was a big zero.
41:52 Nothing.
41:54 No senators came from Nazareth.
41:57 Where should the Messiah
41:59 have been expected from
42:00 in the popular mind-set?
42:00 What city?
42:02 Yeah, Jerusalem. Exactly.
42:03 That's where the Sanhedrin was.
42:04 That was -- you know,
42:05 the temple was there.
42:06 Of course, all of these things.
42:08 Of course the Messiah
42:09 would come from there,
42:10 and the Messiah definitely
42:11 wouldn't come from a political
42:13 backwater like Nazareth.
42:14 No influence,
42:16 no pull with the masses,
42:18 no cash, no credit here
42:19 for anybody that was going to
42:20 take the revolution
42:22 that the Messiah would
42:23 undoubtedly bring seriously.
42:26 No, no, no, no, no, no.
42:26 If the Messiah
42:28 was going to come,
42:29 it sure wouldn't be from there.
42:35 And, of course, Nathaniel, being
42:37 from Cana, which is right
42:39 next door to Nazareth,
42:40 he knew all of this
42:42 all too well.
42:46 So, Philip, the messenger,
42:49 sensing that he was not going
42:50 to convince Nathaniel
42:51 with mere words,
42:52 gave probably the only reply
42:54 that made any sense.
42:56 Lookit there at verse 46 again,
42:58 John 1.
43:00 Nathaniel says, "'Nazareth!
43:02 Can anything good come from
43:03 there?'
43:05 'Come and see,' said Philip."
43:11 "Come and see."
43:13 Verse 47 -- "When Jesus
43:16 saw Nathaniel approaching,
43:17 he said of him, 'Here is a true
43:19 Israelite
43:21 in whom there is nothing false.'
43:24 'How do you know me?'
43:26 Nathaniel asked.
43:28 Jesus answered,
43:31 'I saw you while you were
43:33 still sitting under the fig tree
43:36 before Philip called you.'"
43:41 Now, we do not know exactly
43:42 what Philip was doing --
43:44 or, excuse me -- what Nathaniel
43:45 was doing under that fig tree,
43:48 but it must have been something
43:49 of great importance in his life.
43:52 Yeah, maybe he was -- he was
43:53 going through messianic
43:54 prophecies.
43:55 Maybe he was
43:56 thinking about his role.
43:57 Maybe like so many in Israel
43:59 at that time, he was in despair
44:00 that the Messiah was ever
44:01 going to come.
44:03 Whatever it was,
44:04 for Nathaniel,
44:05 this was a huge deal.
44:06 There was something
44:08 that was deeply personal
44:10 and known to no one else,
44:13 except God, that took place
44:15 under that fig tree.
44:19 And at that moment,
44:20 at least for Nathaniel,
44:21 to use Ellen White's phrase,
44:22 "Divinity flashes
44:23 through humanity,"
44:26 and Nathaniel realizes
44:29 that the only other one
44:31 who could have known what
44:32 happened under that fig tree
44:34 is now sitting here,
44:36 right in front of him.
44:40 And my guess is, for a few
44:41 moments, he was speechless,
44:43 and the conviction flooded his
44:44 soul.
44:46 And finally he expresses it.
44:49 "Then Nathaniel declared,"
44:50 verse 49,
44:52 "'Rabbi, you are the Son of God.
44:56 You are the King of Israel.'
45:00 Jesus said, 'You believe
45:03 because I told you I saw you
45:05 under the fig tree.
45:07 You shall see greater things
45:10 than that.'"
45:15 Nathaniel has met the Messiah.
45:20 And it never would have happened
45:22 if he had not answered
45:24 the invitation to
45:26 "come and see."
45:31 You know, we need to study
45:33 our Bibles. Absolutely.
45:35 You will never hear me say
45:36 otherwise.
45:36 This is God's word.
45:37 We need to know it.
45:38 We need to study it.
45:39 It needs to be part of our life.
45:40 It has to be something that
45:41 we spend sufficient time in,
45:43 that we know who God is and what
45:45 he is asking for our day.
45:46 Absolutely.
45:47 And there comes a time
45:50 when you've got to do it.
45:53 You can't just read it.
45:54 You have to live it.
45:57 You've got to go and actually
45:58 see for yourself who Jesus is,
46:00 what he can do, what his plans
46:02 are for your life.
46:03 You've got to come and see.
46:07 All of which brings up
46:10 two important things.
46:12 Number one.
46:14 Don't let the Nazareth Factor
46:16 keep you from seeing
46:18 God work in a new way.
46:21 Don't let the Nazareth Factor
46:22 keep you from seeing
46:23 God work in a new way.
46:26 Now, at the risk of gross
46:28 understatement,
46:29 Jesus was a new thing, okay?
46:33 And Jesus had a hand
46:34 in Earth's affairs.
46:35 Of course he had.
46:36 Yes. All things were made
46:38 through him at creation.
46:39 All -- We understand that.
46:40 But as far
46:41 as the physical presence,
46:42 the incarnation of Christ,
46:44 the embodiment of God
46:45 on Earth here,
46:46 that was a new thing.
46:49 This had not happened before,
46:51 right? It was a new thing.
46:54 So often we think we know
46:57 exactly how God will act
46:59 and what God will do.
47:02 We've got it all figured out.
47:03 There's this little box
47:04 that we keep God in.
47:04 "This is how he functions."
47:06 Now, it is true -- it is true
47:08 that there are some things about
47:09 God that are completely
47:10 predictable.
47:11 They are always -- they
47:12 are constant.
47:13 God is love.
47:15 God loves you.
47:17 That's a constant.
47:18 God is just.
47:19 God is merciful.
47:20 God is kind.
47:21 All of those things are true.
47:22 His character is true.
47:23 His law can be trusted, right?
47:24 It doesn't change.
47:25 All of that is true.
47:28 But how He expresses
47:29 His character,
47:32 there's a bit of creativity
47:34 that goes along with that.
47:35 Someone say Amen.
47:37 There's some novelty there.
47:39 God is unpredictable in his
47:41 expressions at times in history.
47:43 He is not a tame God.
47:46 Think about some of the novel
47:47 ways that God has moved
47:49 throughout salvation history.
47:50 For instance, a son is born
47:52 to Abraham and Sarah,
47:53 even though their childbearing
47:54 years were far, far behind them.
47:57 No one expected that.
47:58 No one would have imagined a
47:59 plan -- "Hey, I've got a good
48:00 idea.
48:01 Let's take two people
48:02 that have been trying for nine
48:03 decades to get pregnant,
48:04 and let's give a baby shower
48:05 for them, shall we?
48:06 This will be a great thing."
48:07 Nobody thought that because
48:09 God was doing a new thing.
48:12 How about this?
48:13 God uses a prison inmate
48:16 to interpret Pharaoh's dreams,
48:17 leading that inmate, Joseph,
48:19 to ultimately become second
48:20 in command of all of Egypt.
48:22 No one was expecting this.
48:23 No one would have dared
48:24 to imagine such a thing.
48:25 I've got it.
48:27 To to take care of God's people,
48:28 we're going to have somebody
48:29 who's hated by his brothers,
48:30 his murder is faked,
48:32 he's sold into slavery,
48:33 he's accused falsely,
48:34 he gets thrown into jail.
48:35 This is perfect.
48:37 This is exactly how we would
48:37 do it.
48:38 No, this is a new thing
48:41 that God is doing.
48:43 And how about this?
48:44 In the midst of great sin
48:45 and apostasy,
48:47 God sends the underdog
48:48 Samson to become a master
48:51 riddler, to slay Philistines
48:53 with a donkey's jawbone,
48:54 to tear off city gates
48:55 with his bare hands,
48:56 becoming finally the most
48:57 effective and successful blind
48:59 soldier to have ever lived,
49:00 giving his life in the fight for
49:02 the deliverance of God's people.
49:03 No one was expecting this.
49:05 No one would have imagined
49:05 to plan on this.
49:07 God was doing a new thing.
49:10 And in our day -- oh,
49:11 it makes me wonder.
49:13 In our day,
49:16 what new thing might Christ be
49:18 about to unleash for his people?
49:21 Now, follow me carefully here
49:22 because this is really
49:22 important, okay?
49:26 By definition --
49:27 By definition, if there
49:29 is to be widespread revival
49:31 and reformation in the church --
49:33 Would you like to see
49:34 that happen, by the way?
49:36 Yeah, amen. Absolutely.
49:37 Amen. Not just here.
49:38 We'd like to see it all over.
49:39 That would -- praise the Lord.
49:40 That would be marvelous.
49:42 But by definition, if there is
49:44 to be widespread revival
49:46 and reformation in the church,
49:47 then something new
49:48 has to happen.
49:50 It cannot just be same old,
49:52 same old, because same old,
49:53 same old is not revival
49:54 and reformation.
49:56 I mean, you've heard it before.
49:57 The definition of insanity
49:58 is doing the same thing
50:00 over and over
50:01 and expecting different results.
50:03 Exactly.
50:05 Some people have said,
50:06 "You Adventists are crazy."
50:07 Maybe they're right.
50:11 In other words,
50:14 the final outpouring of
50:15 the Spirit of God in the former
50:16 and the latter reigns --
50:17 we talked about this a number of
50:18 months ago.
50:19 This is the only blessing
50:20 that can enable us to finish
50:21 the work of sharing Christ
50:22 and the three angels' messages.
50:24 By definition, this means that
50:26 something new has to happen.
50:28 We must do things differently,
50:30 and God will do things
50:32 differently.
50:35 Now, to be clear -- to be
50:37 clear -- God, in his newness,
50:41 is not asking us to take
50:42 that which is sinful
50:44 and try to use it for His glory.
50:46 We should not say, "Well,
50:47 because God is going to do a new
50:48 thing, that means that we're
50:49 going to partner with beer
50:51 companies and brothels and use
50:52 worldly methods to reach the
50:53 masses for Christ."
50:54 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
50:55 The Bible's crystal clear about
50:56 that.
50:57 Romans 3:8 --
50:58 "The condemnation that will
50:59 attend all of those who say,
51:01 'Let us do evil
51:02 that good may result.'"
51:03 That's not what we're talking
51:04 about here.
51:07 But what we are talking
51:08 about here is this.
51:10 Within the bounds of His
51:12 goodness and His righteousness,
51:13 God is going to do a new thing
51:17 in His people.
51:19 It's going to happen.
51:21 And if history
51:22 is any indication,
51:23 it may, indeed, surprise us
51:25 when it comes.
51:27 And if that surprise,
51:29 indeed, comes our way,
51:30 we must be careful to not
51:32 immediately say, "Can anything
51:34 good come from Nazareth?"
51:38 For as long as it aligns
51:40 with Scripture --
51:42 hear it well --
51:44 simply because something is not
51:45 normal is not sufficient reason
51:47 to condemn it.
51:49 And if that
51:50 not normal/something new
51:52 kind of thing comes our way in
51:53 the months and years ahead,
51:54 instead of embracing
51:55 the Nazareth Factor, let's
51:56 instead say, "Come and see.
51:59 Come and see.
52:01 Let's see if the Lord is doing
52:02 a new thing here."
52:06 Which leads us to a second thing
52:08 that the story of Jesus
52:10 and Nathaniel tells us.
52:12 Don't let your own
52:15 Nazareth Factor keep you
52:17 from joining the new thing
52:19 that God will do.
52:22 Your own Nazareth Factor.
52:26 You say, "Pastor Shane, what do
52:27 you mean by that?"
52:29 Truth be told,
52:31 we are all in some way
52:33 from "Nazareth," aren't we?
52:36 Every last one of us.
52:39 We've all got things in our
52:40 lives that are apparent
52:41 weaknesses.
52:43 Maybe it's where we've grown up.
52:45 You know, my early years
52:46 were certainly nothing that you
52:47 would shout about.
52:48 We were dirt poor.
52:49 A single-mom home.
52:51 You would not have
52:52 looked at me --
52:53 If you had looked at me in those
52:54 days, you would have said,
52:55 "You know what? The odds are
52:56 pretty slim that the Lord could
52:57 do anything with this guy."
52:59 It's the Nazareth Factor.
53:01 Maybe it's sins that we've
53:02 committed in the past.
53:02 Errors and mistakes
53:03 that we have made,
53:04 et cetera, et cetera.
53:05 And in looking at these things,
53:06 all too often, we make
53:08 the huge mistake of saying,
53:09 "Well, because of thus and
53:11 such --" fill in the blank --
53:13 "I can't be of much use to God."
53:18 And I think this is
53:19 particularly true when we talk
53:20 about the end of time.
53:22 You know, my prayer
53:24 is that when we talked about
53:25 the three angels' messages
53:26 that we made it crystal clear
53:27 that God
53:27 is more than able to carry us
53:29 through in those things.
53:31 There'll be difficult times,
53:31 challenging times,
53:32 testing times, absolutely.
53:34 But the Lord is able.
53:35 He will finish that which he
53:36 started.
53:38 There's no one that will be left
53:39 behind that wishes to truly be
53:40 with Jesus Christ.
53:41 Jesus is going to take all those
53:42 that truly wish to be with him.
53:43 He will take them.
53:45 We will be safe through those
53:45 times.
53:47 But that is a different thing,
53:49 I have found over the years
53:49 of ministry,
53:51 then believing that you could
53:52 also have a pivotal role to play
53:55 in helping to bring about
53:57 God's final will on this planet.
53:59 So often we think, "Okay,
54:01 I'm going to survive,
54:02 but I don't know
54:02 that I can participate."
54:04 And I just want to tell you
54:05 that both things can be true.
54:08 Not only will God preserve you,
54:09 but he wants to preserve you
54:10 that you will have the privilege
54:12 of carrying out key parts
54:13 in his final plan for the Earth,
54:15 for the world, to carrying out
54:16 the gospel and the
54:17 three angels' messages.
54:18 You -- even you.
54:21 For people who say to
54:22 themselves, "No, I can't
54:24 possibly be of use to God in
54:25 this particular last movement
54:26 here," I think Christ says to
54:28 them, "My child, think again."
54:30 For what is impossible with men
54:32 is possible with God.
54:34 In fact, let's put it this way.
54:36 Could it be -- could it be
54:37 the one of the many reasons
54:38 that God planned for Jesus
54:40 to live so many years
54:41 in Nazareth is so that people
54:43 forever after would see
54:45 that it's not where you're from,
54:46 it's where you're going.
54:48 It's not what your address is,
54:50 but who your Lord and Savior is.
54:53 It's not who's in your family
54:54 tree but who has set you free.
54:56 That's what matters.
54:59 You see, the days just ahead
55:01 of us will be far more impactful
55:03 than test-driving some sports
55:05 car with a skeptical salesman
55:06 riding shotgun.
55:09 This is no test drive.
55:10 This is the real thing.
55:11 And the skeptics who don't
55:13 believe in us or our God
55:14 are far more numerous
55:15 than just one.
55:17 But if I read my Bible
55:19 correctly, those skeptics
55:21 will be proven wrong.
55:23 For the word of God
55:24 promises that the final push
55:26 of the gospel is on its way.
55:29 The outpouring
55:29 of the Holy Spirit,
55:30 the final one, really is coming.
55:33 The good news of Christ
55:34 in the three angels' messages,
55:35 it really will go global
55:37 as a witness to all the nations,
55:39 and then the end will come.
55:40 Praise the Lord.
55:42 And in the midst of all of that,
55:43 please, I plead with you,
55:45 do not underestimate
55:46 what God can do in
55:48 and through your life.
55:49 Do not be held back
55:51 by your past, your history,
55:52 your home life growing up,
55:53 your address, or your station
55:55 in life, any of that, for Jesus
55:57 specializes in not
55:58 just doing a new thing
56:00 but in making a new you.
56:04 And like Nathaniel
56:05 under that fig tree years ago,
56:07 Jesus sees you, he sees me today
56:09 just as we are, and he loves us,
56:11 and he calls us to work
56:13 with him in the new thing
56:14 he is about to do.
56:16 Don't let his Nazareth Factor
56:18 keep you from seeing
56:19 that new thing.
56:21 And don't let your own Nazareth
56:23 Factor keep you from joining it.
56:26 Come and see what Jesus can do.
56:38 >> Before you go, let me take
56:40 just a moment to share with you
56:41 an opportunity to get into
56:42 the Bible in a fresh, new way.
56:45 All across the world,
56:46 more and more people are hearing
56:47 the call to examine
56:48 the Scriptures for themselves.
56:50 If you felt drawn to learn
56:51 more about God's word,
56:53 but you don't know where
56:54 to start, or you're just looking
56:55 for a more in-depth examination
56:57 of Bible truths,
56:59 then I have something right here
57:00 that I believe
57:01 you're going to enjoy.
57:02 I would like to send you
57:04 a series of Bible study guides.
57:06 Each of these study guides asks
57:07 and answers very important
57:09 questions, such as these
57:10 examples right here.
57:12 Why does God allow suffering?
57:14 Can God be trusted?
57:16 Each of the initial five guides
57:18 begins with a story
57:19 to introduce the subject.
57:21 Then, through a series
57:22 of focused questions,
57:23 you'll soon be learning portions
57:24 of the Bible
57:26 you may never have known before.
57:28 And when you're through,
57:29 you'll be able to share
57:30 with others these inspiring
57:31 truths from God's word.
57:34 Just call our toll-free number.
57:35 It's on your screen now.
57:37 877, the two words "HIS WILL."
57:41 Friendly operators are standing
57:42 by to send you these guides.
57:44 Once again, that's 877-HIS-WILL.
57:47 Call that number.
57:48 And don't forget to join me
57:50 next week right here
57:51 at this same time.
58:00 ♪
58:10 ♪
58:20 ♪


Revised 2024-05-28