Pioneer Media

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PME

Program Code: PME250201S

00:02 ♪
00:21 >> Good morning, church family.
00:22 My, it's nice to see all
00:23 your smiling faces.
00:25 And if they're not smiling,
00:26 you know what you can do.
00:27 You can find a smile
00:28 and put it on there.
00:30 And we welcome you.
00:32 And if you're visiting with us
00:33 via Internet or other media,
00:36 we particularly welcome you.
00:39 Would you stand with me
00:41 for the invocation as we ask and
00:43 invite God to be with us here?
00:46 We'll appreciate it.
00:47 He will appreciate it, too.
00:51 Father in heaven,
00:53 we gather in Your presence
00:57 to worship, to praise,
00:59 to honor, and to glorify you.
01:02 So share this time with us,
01:03 won't you, Father?
01:04 May each of us
01:06 sense your presence and
01:09 your Holy Spirit speaking to us.
01:12 We thank you so much.
01:14 We ask in Jesus' name.
01:15 Amen.
01:17 ♪
01:27 >> ♪ Gathered in God's
01:30 presence ♪
01:32 ♪ In fellowship and gladness
01:37 ♪ Let us sing our praises
01:42 ♪ And pray for all the nations
01:49 ♪ Gathered in God's presence
01:54 ♪ Gathered in God's peace
01:59 ♪ See a torch of promise
02:05 ♪ Lit within this place
02:11 ♪ Lit within this place
02:28 ♪ Gathered at God's altar
02:33 ♪ And in the Spirit's
02:36 presence ♪
02:39 ♪ We may share the calling
02:44 ♪ To go to all the nations
02:51 ♪ Gathered in God's presence
02:56 ♪ Gathered in God's peace
03:02 ♪ See our torch of promise
03:08 ♪ Lit within this place
03:14 ♪ Lit within this place
03:31 ♪ Gathered 'round God's
03:34 calling ♪
03:36 ♪ We shall as faithful
03:40 servants ♪
03:43 ♪ Bear the flame now kindled
03:49 ♪ As light to all the nations
03:55 ♪ Gathered in God's presence
04:01 ♪ Gathered in God's peace
04:07 ♪ See our torch of promise
04:13 ♪ Lit within this place
04:19 ♪ Lit within this
04:27 place ♪
04:33 ♪
10:54 >> Welcome to Part 2
10:55 of our continuing
10:57 and sporadic series entitled
11:00 "Church Works."
11:02 Sporadic because in the second
11:03 semester here at
11:04 Andrews University,
11:05 we do have a number
11:06 of special Sabbaths that
11:07 we are honored to celebrate.
11:08 And that means
11:09 that the various installments
11:11 of this series will be spread
11:13 out a fair amount
11:14 over this first semester.
11:15 A few weeks ago was Part 1.
11:17 If you missed Part 1,
11:18 we talked about how the gates
11:20 of hell shall fall.
11:23 You can go back to
11:25 You can see that archived there,
11:26 if you wish to view that sermon.
11:27 I encourage you to do so,
11:28 because we looked at
11:30 how important God thinks
11:32 organization is
11:34 to the Christian witness.
11:36 He's very clear about this.
11:37 Both personally and corporately,
11:39 we need to be organized.
11:40 We're not to be haphazard
11:41 or, you know, kind of dodgy and
11:43 spotty in our work for the Lord.
11:44 We're to give him our
11:45 absolute best,
11:46 to be organized for mission.
11:48 We finished Part 1
11:50 by looking at perhaps one
11:51 of the most powerful examples
11:53 of teamwork and organization
11:55 that Jesus Himself ever gives.
11:57 Matthew 16, Jesus talks about
11:59 that the gates of hell will not
12:01 be able to withstand the
12:03 onslaught of the battering ram.
12:05 That's what's implied there,
12:06 this battering ram,
12:07 an instrument of war
12:08 that took an immense amount
12:10 of competency and organization
12:11 and teamwork
12:13 to make work effectively.
12:15 God is in favor of organization.
12:18 And in the 1st century church,
12:21 that kingdom structure,
12:22 that kingdom organization
12:24 worked marvelously.
12:26 It was fantastic.
12:28 Have you ever wanted to go back
12:29 to the 1st century
12:30 Christian church and maybe just
12:31 be a fly on the wall there?
12:32 Acts 2, those kinds of things.
12:33 I mean, what a time it must have
12:35 been to be alive, to be a
12:36 Christian.
12:37 You know, thousands of people
12:38 baptized in a day,
12:39 plus this steady trickle
12:40 of people coming in
12:41 and becoming believers
12:42 in Jesus Christ,
12:43 miracles being performed,
12:45 even Peter's shadow.
12:45 You know,
12:46 God used that to heal people.
12:48 It was an astonishing,
12:50 vibrant, normal time
12:54 to be alive,
12:55 normal in the eyes of heaven,
12:56 as we pointed out in
12:57 out in installment number one
12:58 there, which makes
12:59 me want to ask a question.
13:02 What happened?
13:06 What happened that took
13:09 the 1st century Christian
13:11 church, with all of its vibrancy
13:13 and normalcy in the eyes of
13:15 heaven, at least, to within
13:17 a few centuries,
13:19 becoming a church
13:19 that sometimes seems
13:20 like it could barely keep
13:21 its nose above water,
13:23 was sometimes filled
13:24 with apostasy,
13:25 and was just a shadow
13:27 of the greatness in Christ
13:28 that it once held back in
13:30 Acts 2?
13:31 What happened?
13:37 Well, I suspect a number
13:40 of things happened,
13:40 but one of the biggest things
13:42 that happened was...
13:46 Well, let me tell you a story.
13:49 And I'm going to tell you in
13:49 advance, I'm going to change
13:51 some details in this story
13:53 to disguise it from you.
13:55 You know, they say
13:56 that for the average human being
13:57 on Earth,
13:59 that we are six degrees
14:00 of separation from one another.
14:02 You know, six relationships.
14:03 You know somebody who knows
14:04 somebody who knows somebody
14:05 who knows somebody six times
14:05 away, and they will know
14:07 your friend, right?
14:08 Well, in Adventism, there's
14:10 two degrees of separation, okay?
14:12 So I know if I just told
14:13 this story straight up,
14:14 everything exactly like
14:15 what happened there, that
14:15 somebody's aunts,
14:17 cousins twice removed
14:18 would come to me afterwards and
14:19 say, "How dare you tell
14:20 that story about my uncle?"
14:21 So to avoid that,
14:22 I am going to change
14:23 some key details here,
14:24 but the substance of the story,
14:26 sadly, is absolutely true.
14:31 Within the last 30 years,
14:32 at a church within 10,000 miles
14:33 of here, it was during the week,
14:36 and I was coming into the church
14:37 there to do some work.
14:38 And I looked off
14:39 into the yard there
14:41 on one side of the church,
14:43 and nice landscaping there.
14:44 There was a rock garden
14:47 with some of the rocks
14:49 at the lower edge displaced.
14:52 Now, there's only four
14:53 or five of them, you know,
14:54 rocks about this big or so.
14:56 You know, rock gardens
14:56 fairly common in that arid part
14:57 of the world there.
14:58 And they had come down
14:59 onto the lawn a little bit,
15:01 and I thought, "Eh, you know,
15:02 landscaping guys or the deacons,
15:03 when they're mowing, that's
15:04 probably going to be in their
15:05 way, so I'll take just
15:06 a few moments to fix it."
15:07 Walk across the yard,
15:08 go up to the stones there,
15:09 pick them up, put them
15:10 in their spot there, step back.
15:12 And I'm thinking
15:13 "No one will ever know.
15:14 You know, good as new," right?
15:18 Well, indeed, I did think
15:19 that no one would ever know,
15:20 but I was disabused
15:22 of that notion the next Sabbath,
15:24 when, to my surprise,
15:25 I was in between services.
15:27 I was in my office there.
15:28 And brother Bill --
15:30 Not his real name,
15:31 so don't even try.
15:32 Bill came into my office
15:35 and Bill was mad.
15:37 He filled the door
15:38 of the office there.
15:39 He glowered over me
15:41 and he said,
15:42 "Did you touch my rock garden?"
15:47 "Your rock garden?"
15:49 I said, "What do you mean?"
15:50 He said, There were rocks
15:52 at the bottom of that,
15:53 and I heard you put them back."
15:57 I'm like, "How do you know
15:57 this?"
15:58 I mean, you know, is each --
16:00 Is a geolocator on each stone
16:01 that goes to your watch?
16:02 I have no idea how this happens.
16:03 I said, "Well, yeah,
16:04 they had fallen down there."
16:06 "Don't touch
16:08 my rock garden again.
16:12 I designed that garden.
16:14 I paid for it.
16:16 You are not to touch
16:17 that rock garden ever again."
16:22 And with that, he walked out.
16:25 Happy Sabbath to you, too, Bill,
16:26 right, okay?
16:28 And with this ray of sunshine
16:30 coming into my Sabbath morning,
16:31 I thought, "Okay, I got to ask
16:32 somebody about this."
16:32 So I poked my head out
16:33 in the hallway,
16:34 and here comes a church leader.
16:35 And I pull him into my office
16:36 and say, "You're not going
16:37 to believe the conversation
16:38 I just had with Bill."
16:40 He said, "Oh, really?
16:40 What happened?"
16:41 I said, I explained, "Well, you
16:42 know, the rock garden and the
16:43 rocks, I put them back up
16:44 there."
16:44 He said, "Oh yeah, yeah,
16:46 yeah, yeah, yeah.
16:46 That happens sometimes."
16:50 I said, "What do you mean
16:51 that happens sometimes?"
16:52 "Yeah, you know, sometimes,
16:53 Bill comes unglued at people
16:55 that, you know, do stuff.
16:56 Maybe the mower bumps one
16:57 of the rocks and stuff.
16:58 Yeah, he gets
16:58 pretty mad about that."
17:02 And I'm, like, sensing,
17:02 like, this is okay.
17:03 So, like,
17:05 "Shouldn't we do something
17:06 about that with Bill?
17:07 Like, you know, if I'm just one
17:08 in the most recent string
17:09 of victims?"
17:11 And the church leader looked
17:12 back to me and he said this.
17:15 He said, "Oh, do something
17:17 about -- Well, no, no,
17:18 no, no, no, pastor."
17:19 And this is exactly what
17:20 he said next here.
17:21 "That's just
17:23 the way that Bill is."
17:29 He smiled and he left my office.
17:36 Just the way that Bill is?
17:40 And, now, this is a saint of
17:41 long experience in the church,
17:42 Baptized member of the
17:43 Seventh Day Adventist Church
17:44 for dozens of years, right?
17:47 And that's
17:48 just the way that Bill is?
17:53 Hmm.
17:56 Ladies and gentlemen,
17:59 I wonder if this might be
18:02 an interesting window into
18:05 why the 1st century church
18:06 fell from its supernatural
18:08 vibrancy and perhaps also
18:09 why the current state
18:10 of Christianity in the West
18:12 is also not so good.
18:16 I would suggest
18:17 that one of the major reasons
18:18 that the 1st century
18:19 Christian church
18:20 fell from its vibrancy,
18:22 in large part, was due to this.
18:23 Let me put it
18:24 on the screen here for you.
18:33 The personal appreciation
18:34 of this journey
18:36 that Jesus calls us
18:37 to go on here --
18:39 it was something,
18:40 that its appreciation
18:42 dropped dramatically.
18:45 Let me show you what I mean.
18:46 If you have a Bible, take a look
18:47 at 1 Corinthians 3:9.
18:50 1 Corinthians 3:9.
18:52 It's page 768 in the red Bible
18:54 that's somewhere nearby
18:55 where you're at.
18:57 1 Corinthians, chapter 3,
18:58 beginning with verse 9.
19:00 The apostle Paul here is writing
19:01 to the church plant in Corinth.
19:03 Church plant in Corinth
19:04 was an interesting place to be.
19:06 They had some pretty serious
19:06 problems, all kinds of
19:09 immorality, lots of division
19:11 going on.
19:12 And Paul repeatedly tries
19:14 to show them a better way,
19:15 including here in
19:16 1 Corinthians 3.
19:18 And he's going to bring up --
19:19 He's going to build this analogy
19:22 that will help us to understand
19:23 this journey that
19:24 Christ is wanting to take us on.
19:26 Verse 9, chapter 3.
19:28 Paul says, "For we are God's
19:29 fellow workers.
19:31 You are God's
19:33 field, God's building.'"
19:35 Pause right there, please.
19:36 "God's fellow workers."
19:38 So God is doing something,
19:40 but He wants us to go with Him.
19:41 We're to work together, side
19:42 by side here, to make
19:43 whatever this is.
19:44 And then he brings into
19:45 this thing his idea of a field.
19:46 And then there's
19:47 a building analogy.
19:49 He's going to take the building
19:50 one and run with it here.
19:52 Look at the next verse,
19:53 verse 10.
19:54 "'By the grace God has given me,
19:56 I laid a foundation as an expert
19:58 builder, and someone else
19:58 is building on it.
20:00 But each one should be
20:01 careful how he builds,
20:03 for no one
20:05 can lay any foundation other
20:07 than the one already laid,
20:09 which is Jesus Christ.'"
20:12 Pause right there, please.
20:14 In other words...
20:17 Jesus is the foundation.
20:21 Not even the first,
20:23 second, or third floor.
20:26 Do you follow me now?
20:28 Paul is making this analogy
20:29 here, under the inspiration
20:30 of the Holy Spirit of God,
20:31 saying, to be a disciple,
20:32 it begins --
20:33 the foundation is Jesus.
20:35 There's this initial encounter
20:36 with Jesus Christ.
20:37 We accept Him
20:38 as our Lord and Savior.
20:40 That is only the foundation
20:43 of this disciple building
20:45 that we are now to engage with.
20:46 In other words,
20:48 it's just the beginning.
20:49 There's more to come.
20:51 We are to be co-builders with
20:53 Jesus in building
20:54 up this disciple kind of life.
20:56 Now, Paul gives a little
20:57 more color here to this.
20:59 Verse 12 -- "'If any man builds
21:01 on this foundation using --'"
21:02 and then he gives a list
21:03 of kind of worldly materials
21:04 here -- "'gold, silver,
21:06 costly stones, wood,
21:07 hay, or straw,
21:08 his work will be shown
21:10 for what it is, because the
21:11 Day --'" capital "D"
21:12 in my Bible, and that's a good
21:13 reason for that.
21:14 Refers to the Second Coming
21:15 of Jesus.
21:16 "'Because the Day
21:17 will bring it to light.
21:18 It will be revealed with fire,
21:20 and the fire will test the
21:22 quality of each one's work.'"
21:27 Alright, so, let this sink in.
21:29 Jesus is the foundation.
21:31 To put a foundation down implies
21:33 strongly that there will be
21:34 a structure built upon it.
21:35 Correct?
21:36 We are not just to let Jesus do
21:38 this on His own,
21:39 because Jesus Himself,
21:40 through His Holy Spirit
21:41 here, is saying, "We are
21:42 co-laborers together."
21:43 We're to work together to build
21:45 on the foundation of Jesus
21:47 into this disciple building.
21:50 This is why we find,
21:52 in the Great Commission,
21:53 these words.
21:54 Matthew 28, 19
21:55 and first part of 20.
21:56 Jesus said, "'Therefore,
21:57 go and make disciples
21:58 of all nations,
21:59 baptizing them in the name
22:00 of the Father and of the Son
22:01 and of the Holy Spirit,
22:02 and teaching them to obey --'"
22:03 How much?
22:04 What's it say? Everything.
22:06 "'Everything I have commanded
22:07 you.'"
22:07 Baptism is the beginning,
22:11 and then comes this journey
22:14 that Jesus longs to take us on.
22:16 So let it be crystal,
22:17 crystal clear.
22:18 As important as baptism is,
22:23 as important as conversion is,
22:25 as important as making that
22:27 initial commitment to Jesus is,
22:30 it is only the beginning.
22:33 It is only the first step
22:34 in becoming a genuine,
22:36 mature disciple of Jesus Christ.
22:39 Jesus has so much more to go.
22:45 So, what does
22:45 that journey look like?
22:47 The journey
22:48 that the 1st century church
22:49 and maybe the church
22:50 today has devalued.
22:52 What does it mean to become
22:54 a genuine,
22:55 mature disciple of Christ?
23:01 Well, I suppose there's a number
23:02 of ways to answer that question.
23:04 One of my favorites
23:05 is what I'm going to share
23:05 with you this morning.
23:06 I am indebted to
23:07 Dr. Philip Samaan,
23:08 a professor in
23:09 Adventist education.
23:11 He's written a number of books
23:12 on this topic, including one
23:13 called "Christ's Way of Making
23:14 Disciples."
23:16 And he has formulated
23:17 eight characteristics
23:18 of a genuine,
23:20 mature disciple of Christ.
23:21 I've embellished some of them,
23:22 put my own touch on them there,
23:23 but I want to give my thanks
23:24 to Dr. Samaan for his help.
23:26 Now, in a general way,
23:28 the word "disciple" --
23:30 Let's put it this way.
23:31 The word "disciple" does not
23:32 belong to Christianity, does it?
23:34 There are disciples outside
23:35 of Christianity, right?
23:37 The word is a general one,
23:38 and it usually refers to
23:39 a person who is seeking to
23:41 not just follow somebody,
23:43 but to become as much
23:44 like that person as possible.
23:46 Okay? Well, certainly, that
23:48 applies to Christianity, as
23:49 well.
23:49 It's a pretty good definition
23:50 of a Christian disciple.
23:51 We want to become as much
23:53 like our master as possible.
23:54 Right?
23:56 And along that path,
23:58 there are at least eight
23:59 characteristics
24:01 that will come to define us.
24:03 Number 1...
24:12 Now, this is really important.
24:14 You know, so often,
24:14 we think about --
24:15 You know, in pastoral ministry,
24:17 we talk about making an appeal
24:18 or making a call.
24:20 It's a figure of speech.
24:21 I get it.
24:22 We kind of have to talk that
24:22 way.
24:23 But, truly,
24:25 if it's a genuine call,
24:26 it's from Jesus.
24:27 I mean, picture this.
24:28 This afternoon,
24:29 you're busily engaged.
24:33 All right, you're taking a nap,
24:33 okay?
24:34 And, so, you hear
24:36 this knock on the door.
24:37 If you're in your dorm room,
24:38 it's your dorm-room door.
24:38 If you're at a house,
24:39 knock on the door.
24:40 Then like, "Oh, man,
24:41 I'm not expecting anybody.
24:42 I'm tired," whatnot.
24:43 The knock keeps coming.
24:45 Finally, you get up,
24:46 you go to the door,
24:47 and you open it.
24:48 And I want you to imagine
24:49 that this was actually the case,
24:50 that this was actually true,
24:53 that Jesus Christ, physically,
24:55 in the flesh,
24:55 was standing there at your door.
25:00 And with all the
25:02 love and the grace
25:04 and the mercy radiating
25:06 from his face,
25:08 the scars in His hands
25:10 from dying for you.
25:12 And with a smile,
25:15 He holds out his hand
25:17 and He says,
25:18 "I want you to be my disciple."
25:19 Follow me.
25:26 Ladies and gentlemen,
25:26 the call to discipleship
25:28 is not extended by some loser.
25:31 It's not even extended by some
25:33 by some human VIP.
25:35 You know, we might be impressed
25:36 if a prime minister or a king or
25:38 a president asks us to do
25:39 something, right?
25:40 This is God!
25:42 Jesus Himself has reached
25:43 out His hand to you
25:44 and said, "I want you.
25:45 I want you."
25:47 No matter how far down the scale
25:48 you've gone, no matter
25:49 how much you've messed up,
25:50 no matter how many warts
25:51 on your soul you may have,
25:52 Jesus looks at you,
25:53 and He loves you
25:54 and He wants you to be
25:55 part of His kingdom.
25:56 And He says, "Come, follow me."
25:58 Do you understand the value
26:00 that that puts on you?
26:03 You are not trash.
26:06 You are not to be thrown away.
26:08 You are embraced
26:10 by the King of the universe.
26:12 A disciple is one
26:13 who is called by Christ Himself.
26:16 Number 2.
26:19 Oh, yes, Jesus chose you.
26:20 You did not choose Him.
26:22 Number 2...
26:29 Not just by Christ Himself,
26:31 but to Christ Himself.
26:32 Now, Jesus is
26:33 pretty explicit about this.
26:34 Notice this -- Matthew 11:28-30.
26:37 "'Come to --'" What's that word?
26:38 "Me," Jesus says.
26:39 "'Come to me,
26:40 all you who are weary
26:41 and burdened,
26:42 and I will give you rest.
26:43 Take my yoke upon you
26:45 and learn from me,
26:46 for I am gentle and humble
26:47 in heart, and you will find
26:48 rest for your souls.
26:49 For My yoke is easy,
26:51 and My burden is light.'"
26:55 Ladies and gentlemen,
26:55 I think sometimes,
26:57 maybe particularly for
26:59 Seventh day Adventists --
26:59 I don't know.
27:02 But I think, sometimes,
27:03 when we think about
27:04 discipleship,
27:05 we think about adherence to
27:06 certain precepts and dogma
27:09 and beliefs and whatnot.
27:10 And I hope by now,
27:11 you understand I'm a huge fan
27:12 of Adventist theology.
27:14 I mean, you know, I eat
27:15 and breathe this stuff
27:16 and very gladly and joyfully.
27:18 This is my world, right?
27:20 And I also know this,
27:22 that all of the Adventist
27:23 teaching in the world,
27:23 all of the biblical
27:25 teaching, Christian teaching
27:26 in the world,
27:27 without Jesus Christ, it's just
27:28 a noose around my neck.
27:31 It's just
27:32 a noose around my neck,
27:34 because Jesus is the reason.
27:36 He is the center.
27:37 He is the focus of discipleship.
27:38 Anything else is
27:39 not discipleship.
27:40 Not Christian discipleship.
27:42 When you are called to be
27:43 a disciple of Jesus,
27:44 you are called to Jesus himself.
27:47 Yes, along the way, absolutely,
27:48 there's important things to --
27:50 "Yes, this is me, this is me.
27:51 I'm a part of this."
27:51 That's what it means, in part,
27:52 to become a Seventh Day
27:53 Adventist Christian.
27:54 And make no mistake,
27:56 Jesus must be at the core
27:58 of all of that,
27:58 else it is false.
28:00 Else it's a waste of
28:01 your time and mine.
28:03 Jesus loves you.
28:04 He died for you.
28:05 He wants to be with you.
28:06 He doesn't just want you
28:07 to believe the right things.
28:08 He wants you
28:09 to know the right one.
28:12 That's what Jesus said in
28:12 John 17, you know?
28:15 "'This is eternal life,
28:16 that they may know you,
28:17 the one true God --'" pointing
28:18 to his Father in heaven.
28:19 "'And Jesus Christ,
28:20 whom you have sent.'"
28:21 Jesus wants a relationship
28:23 with us, nothing less.
28:26 To be called a disciple
28:27 of Jesus Christ is to be called
28:29 to Jesus Himself,
28:31 and by the power
28:32 of the indwelling Holy Spirit,
28:34 we can be closer to Jesus
28:36 than even his 12 disciples
28:37 were when Jesus walked
28:38 physically among them.
28:40 This is our birthright, because
28:42 Jesus came from the grave.
28:44 And you can have that.
28:45 That's what discipleship means.
28:49 And when Jesus lives within,
28:51 when Jesus is inside,
28:53 in my heart and in yours,
28:55 incredible things
28:56 begin to take place.
28:57 Because Jesus loves us,
28:58 He will take us exactly
29:00 where we're at,
29:01 but He loves us too much
29:02 to leave us there.
29:03 Which brings us
29:04 to characteristic number 3.
29:14 Now, this is
29:15 not just me talking.
29:16 Jesus Himself
29:16 makes this quite clear.
29:17 John 14:15.
29:18 "'If you --'"
29:19 What's that third word?
29:21 "'If you love me, keep my...'"
29:24 Ah! Okay.
29:24 '"If you love me.'"
29:25 And, now, again here,
29:26 Jesus, in this very short text,
29:28 is pointing again
29:29 to the relationship,
29:29 this love relationship
29:31 that He wants to have with us.
29:32 Springing from that
29:34 is this desire to be loyal
29:36 to Jesus and to keep His will.
29:40 Now, let's just be straight
29:40 here.
29:41 Many people,
29:42 when they think about obedience,
29:43 immediately think about
29:44 legalism and people trying
29:46 to earn their salvation.
29:47 And make no mistake,
29:49 it can happen.
29:51 Any good relationship
29:52 with Jesus, yes,
29:53 if we are not careful,
29:54 it can devolve into legalism.
29:56 And by the way,
29:57 that's not an Adventist thing.
29:58 That's a human thing.
29:59 Okay?
30:01 We're just wired this way.
30:02 Since the Garden of Eden
30:02 and the fall came
30:03 and flesh was changed,
30:04 all of this,
30:05 we aim towards legalism.
30:06 We want to pay our way.
30:07 Okay? So let's just be
30:09 clear about this.
30:10 You cannot get to heaven
30:12 by keeping the Ten Commandments.
30:15 You cannot enter the kingdom
30:16 because you walk up to the door
30:17 and say,
30:17 "Look how good I've been."
30:19 Okay? You can't do that.
30:21 Being good will not save you,
30:22 but if you are saved,
30:23 you will strive to be good.
30:25 Okay?
30:26 This is part of the glory
30:29 that God has put in His law.
30:30 Not that it saves us.
30:31 Well, let's
30:32 just put it this way.
30:34 All of God's laws,
30:35 rightly understood,
30:36 are laws of love.
30:37 Amen?
30:38 >> Amen.
30:39 >> They're all laws of love.
30:40 Not a single one of God's laws
30:41 are designed to harm you.
30:42 Not a single one. Okay?
30:44 All of God's laws,
30:46 furthermore, rightly understood,
30:47 are laws that bring freedom.
30:49 Right? When the law asks us to
30:51 not do something, we are freed,
30:53 if we keep it, from experiencing
30:55 the negative consequences
30:55 that come from
30:56 breaking God's law.
30:58 This is the law that brings
30:58 freedom into our lives.
31:00 I'd like to have more freedom.
31:01 Wouldn't you?
31:02 I mean, we live in a world
31:03 where, you know, our habits
31:04 and all of these things
31:04 enslave us, right?
31:05 Fear enslaves us.
31:06 Wouldn't it be great
31:07 to be free from that?
31:08 God says, "I've got a way.
31:10 I've got a way."
31:11 And because we understand
31:14 that we are saved
31:15 by Jesus Christ,
31:17 not by our works,
31:18 but by His grace,
31:19 by faith in Him,
31:21 we are now freed from the fear
31:23 of having to earn our salvation.
31:25 And in the absence of that
31:27 fear -- In fact, let me just put
31:27 this statement up here
31:28 for you to see.
31:39 Now, how much
31:40 progress we make, you know,
31:41 total obedience, well,
31:42 that's up to God and us
31:43 how far that works
31:44 before the Second Coming comes.
31:45 But that it is
31:47 our desire, that we crave this,
31:50 that we want to follow Jesus
31:51 because we love Him.
31:53 He has given His life for us.
31:54 Now we give it back
31:54 to Him in return.
31:58 We are not good to be saved,
32:00 but if we are saved,
32:02 good things are going to happen.
32:04 This is Christ's promise to us.
32:05 And that's why Jesus said,
32:06 "If you love me,
32:08 keep my commandments."
32:11 Number 4.
32:18 Now, again,
32:19 Jesus speaks about this
32:20 in a number of places.
32:21 Let's look at some of them.
32:22 John 15:4, 5, & 16.
32:25 Jesus says, "'Remain in me --'"
32:27 There's that relationship again.
32:28 In Jesus, called to Jesus.
32:30 "'And I will remain in you.
32:32 Just as no branch can bear fruit
32:33 by itself
32:34 unless it remains in the vine,
32:36 neither can you bear fruit
32:37 unless you remain in me.
32:39 I am the vine,
32:40 and you are the branches.
32:41 The one who remains in me
32:42 and I in them
32:43 will bear much fruit.
32:45 For apart from Me,
32:46 you can do nothing.'"
32:47 Then verse 16.
32:49 "'You did not choose me,
32:50 but I chose you and I appointed
32:52 you to go and bear fruit --
32:55 fruit that will last.'"
32:58 Let's just be
32:59 crystal-clear here.
32:59 And, again,
33:00 these are not my words.
33:01 These are Jesus' words.
33:02 Productivity,
33:04 fruitfulness is, indeed,
33:05 a key sign
33:08 of a true disciple of Jesus.
33:11 If there is only a little fruit,
33:13 well, the disciple might be ill
33:14 and in need of merciful aid.
33:17 If there is no fruit,
33:18 then the disciple is
33:20 either deathly ill, spiritually,
33:21 or else not a disciple.
33:24 And what is
33:25 the fruit of a disciple?
33:27 Well, there's at least two
33:27 that the Bible talks about.
33:29 The fruit of the disciple,
33:30 first of all,
33:30 is the fruits of the Spirit.
33:31 You're probably
33:32 familiar with this.
33:33 Galatians 5:22-23.
33:36 "But the fruit of the spirit
33:38 is --'" And then look at this
33:39 list.
33:40 Man, this is incredible.
33:41 "Love, joy, peace, patience,
33:45 kindness, goodness,
33:47 faithfulness, gentleness,
33:48 and self-control."
33:51 You know, if you grew up
33:51 in the Adventist Church
33:52 and you went to Sabbath School,
33:54 I can guarantee you there's
33:55 a time when you drew fruit
33:56 and you put those words on them,
33:57 didn't you?
33:58 Right? Okay?
33:59 Because we want
34:00 our children --
34:01 We want all of it, right?
34:02 Wouldn't
34:03 you like to live next door
34:04 to somebody who's like that?
34:07 Wouldn't that be awesome, okay?
34:08 Wouldn't you like to work
34:09 with people that are all
34:10 about love and joy and peace
34:11 and patience and kind--
34:12 Wouldn't that be awesome?
34:13 Can you imagine
34:15 how different the world would be
34:16 if all of God's children
34:18 were big into this?
34:20 Would it change the news cycle?
34:22 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
34:24 What a difference it would make.
34:28 There's a second fruit
34:31 of a disciple,
34:32 and that's another
34:33 reproducing disciple.
34:37 This one's pretty clear.
34:38 You say,
34:39 "Well, how do you know?"
34:40 Let's go back
34:40 to the Great Commission.
34:41 Matthew 28:18-20.
34:43 "Then Jesus came to them
34:44 and said,
34:45 'All authority in heaven and
34:46 earth has been given to me.
34:47 Therefore, go and make disciples
34:48 of all nations,
34:49 baptizing them in the name
34:50 of the Father and of the Son
34:51 and of the Holy Spirit,
34:53 and teaching them to obey --'"
34:54 there's that word again --
34:55 "'everything I have commanded
34:56 you...'"
34:57 Including this command
34:59 to make more disciples.
35:02 So if somebody has Jesus
35:03 in their heart
35:04 and Jesus is allowed
35:05 to work in them
35:06 as He wishes to,
35:07 this is going to come back.
35:09 There's this command
35:10 to make disciples.
35:10 So one disciple
35:12 is actively engaged
35:13 in making another disciple.
35:15 And they look at this command
35:16 and say, "Well, I want to obey
35:16 that.
35:17 Jesus is in my heart.
35:17 I want to obey this."
35:18 They make another disciple,
35:20 who makes another disciple.
35:21 Et cetera, et cetera,
35:21 et cetera, et cetera.
35:23 And note the key point.
35:25 This fruitfulness,
35:28 fruits of the spirit
35:28 and another disciple making
35:29 a disciple, is one
35:31 of the specific signs
35:33 that Jesus says indicate
35:35 we are His disciples.
35:37 John 15:8.
35:39 "'This is to My Father's glory,
35:41 that you bear much fruit --'"
35:42 What's the next word there?
35:44 "Proving."
35:45 Showing it to be true.
35:46 "'Proving yourselves
35:48 to be My disciples.'"
35:54 Ladies and gentlemen...
35:57 the facts of being with Jesus
35:59 as His disciple are these.
36:04 We are not genuine,
36:05 mature disciples of Christ
36:07 unless we are actively seeking
36:08 to grow in the fruits
36:09 of the spirit and to make
36:11 more disciples for Him.
36:14 That's just -- Again,
36:15 these are not my words.
36:16 These are Jesus' words,
36:17 because He knows
36:18 how important this is.
36:19 Again, fruitfulness isn't
36:21 going to earn your way
36:22 into the kingdom.
36:23 Jesus loves you
36:24 whether you're fruitful or not.
36:26 You cannot earn your way
36:27 by your good works
36:28 or your fruitfulness.
36:29 No, that's not how this works.
36:30 But if Jesus lives inside of
36:32 you, there will be fruitfulness.
36:35 It's the evidence.
36:36 It's not what makes you saved.
36:37 It is the evidence
36:38 that you have been.
36:40 And so Jesus,
36:41 when He says, "I am the vine,
36:42 and you are the branches.
36:43 Stay in me, and we're going to
36:45 be fruitful together.
36:46 We're going to be fruitful.
36:48 Work with me."
36:48 Remember, God --
36:49 he says co-laborers,
36:50 co-builders.
36:51 Work with Je--
36:51 Jesus is inside of us.
36:53 He simply asks for our
36:54 cooperation.
36:55 Sometimes, all He needs
36:56 is our permission,
36:57 and great things can happen,
36:59 including fruitfulness for Him.
37:03 You know, part of the good news
37:04 is also that all of Christ's
37:06 callings are His enablings.
37:09 Some of you right now
37:10 have never won
37:11 somebody to Jesus.
37:13 You've been a Christian maybe
37:13 for a while, but you've
37:14 never had the privilege
37:15 of leading someone to Christ.
37:18 I just want you to know,
37:18 do not be discouraged.
37:20 Do not be discouraged.
37:21 Jesus never asks us to do
37:23 something that, by His grace
37:24 and power, we can't do.
37:26 I mean, He has foreseen this.
37:28 He puts you together just
37:30 like -- with your giftedness,
37:32 with the sets and the passions
37:33 that he's put in your heart.
37:35 He knows how to use those
37:36 by the power of His Holy Spirit
37:38 to reach somebody for Jesus.
37:39 Even you. Even you.
37:43 So I just want to invite you
37:44 to join this part of
37:45 the discipleship adventure.
37:46 This is where so much of
37:47 the excitement takes place.
37:48 I mean,
37:49 trying to help make disciples
37:50 for Jesus is spiritual bungee
37:51 jumping at its best.
37:53 This is good stuff.
37:55 So, find out.
37:56 Find out what it takes for you,
37:58 in the armor
37:59 that God has given you,
38:01 the gifts that God has given
38:02 you, to make other disciples.
38:04 And I'll give you a little tip.
38:05 In the not-too-distant future,
38:06 we're going to do
38:06 some training here.
38:08 If you feel like, "Well,
38:09 I don't know how to share my
38:09 faith.
38:10 I don't know how to be a part
38:11 of this disciple-making
38:12 process."
38:13 We're going to help you out.
38:14 You don't have to wait for us.
38:15 You know, if you're ready to go,
38:15 go.
38:17 And we're going to offer
38:17 some help here in the
38:18 not-too-distant future, because
38:20 a genuine, mature disciple
38:22 of Jesus is fruitful.
38:26 Number 5...
38:41 Now, again,
38:42 Jesus is clear about this.
38:43 Matthew 20, second part
38:45 of verse 26 through 28.
38:46 He says, "...whoever wants to
38:47 become great among you must be
38:49 your servant, and whoever wants
38:52 to be first among you must be
38:53 your slave --
38:54 just as the Son of Man
38:55 did not come to be served,
38:57 but to serve, and to give
38:58 His life as a ransom for many."
39:02 Jesus talks about this
39:03 in a number of other places.
39:04 Luke 9:23-24.
39:07 "Then Jesus said to all of them,
39:08 'If anyone wants to come
39:09 after me, they must deny
39:11 themselves and take up their
39:13 cross daily and follow Me.
39:15 For whoever wants to save
39:16 their life will lose it,
39:17 but whoever loses their life
39:18 for My sake will save it.'"
39:21 And lastly here, Luke 14:27.
39:24 "'And whoever does not carry
39:25 their cross and follow me
39:27 cannot be my disciple.'"
39:31 You know, the cross of Christ
39:33 is a very familiar symbol
39:35 for Christians all over
39:36 the world, obviously.
39:38 And sometimes, I can't help
39:39 but wonder if the familiarity
39:40 breeds apathy.
39:43 You know, not so much here,
39:44 perhaps, in our faith circle,
39:46 but many Christians all over
39:47 the world, you know,
39:48 Christians on necklaces,
39:49 Christians on, you know,
39:50 lapel pins, this kind of
39:51 a thing, bumper stickers,
39:53 on churches and whatnot.
39:54 You know, we're familiar
39:55 with the cross,
39:56 but do we recall that the cross
39:59 was an object of shame?
40:02 Do we recall that to take
40:04 up your cross meant that
40:05 you were about to participate
40:06 with an instrument
40:07 of torture and death?
40:09 Jesus was not asking for
40:11 half-baked disciples.
40:12 Remember, Jesus only asks us
40:13 for one thing,
40:14 and that one thing is
40:15 everything we've got.
40:17 That's it.
40:18 That's all He asked for.
40:21 And so this is quite
40:22 serious when Jesus says
40:23 to take up your cross.
40:24 And many times,
40:25 when Christians read verses
40:26 like this one, at first,
40:28 an appropriate kind of dialogue
40:30 in their brain goes off,
40:30 I think.
40:31 They're like, "Oh."
40:32 You know, and they'll ponder
40:33 this potential sacrifice.
40:35 You know, they think about the
40:36 martyrs that took place.
40:36 You know, Jan Hus
40:37 burned at the stake,
40:38 these kinds of things,
40:39 you know, dying for their faith.
40:41 You know, here's the truth
40:42 as best I understand it.
40:45 There will be some of you
40:46 probably listening
40:48 that will have the privilege
40:49 of giving your life physically
40:50 for Jesus Christ.
40:53 I don't say that lightly.
40:55 Some of you
40:56 will be martyrs for the cause.
41:00 But here's
41:01 the next part of the truth.
41:03 Probably not many of you.
41:06 And when people realize this,
41:08 Christians will say, "Phew!"
41:12 "Still in the land
41:13 of the free, home of the brave.
41:14 Nobody beating
41:14 down my door right now.
41:15 Life's okay."
41:16 And on they move from this text,
41:18 completely missing,
41:19 almost excusing themselves --
41:20 "Well, because
41:21 I don't have to be a martyr" --
41:23 the much wider application
41:25 of this principle of sacrifice.
41:27 Because even
41:28 if you don't give your life
41:29 physically, we are called
41:30 to be living sacrifices
41:32 for Jesus Christ.
41:33 And in what way?
41:34 Well, let me just put
41:35 something up here.
41:36 "Desire of Ages," page 504.
41:38 She says...
41:52 Oh, wow. Interesting.
41:54 She says this.
41:55 "Unless there is
41:56 practical self-sacrifice --"
41:58 There's that word again --
41:59 "sacrifice."
42:00 "Unless there is practical
42:02 self-sacrifice for the good
42:03 of others, in the family circle,
42:05 in the neighborhood,
42:06 in the church,
42:07 and wherever we may be,
42:09 then whatever our profession,
42:10 we are not Christians."
42:17 Wouldn't it be awesome
42:19 if every Adventist,
42:21 every Christian all over
42:22 the world were known for their
42:24 self-sacrificing
42:25 care for those around them?
42:27 Wouldn't it be great
42:28 if we were known for --
42:29 "Oh, there's
42:30 the Seventh Day Adventists.
42:31 They're the ones that clothe
42:32 the naked and feed the hungry
42:34 and counsel the confused
42:35 and lift up the downtrodden.
42:36 That's those people."
42:38 Wouldn't it be great
42:39 if when somebody moved in
42:40 next door to a Seventh Day
42:41 Adventist Christian, they said,
42:42 "Ah, phew, I'm so glad,
42:45 because they're so kind
42:46 and they're so loving and
42:47 they're reaching out to people.
42:48 I'm glad to be able to live with
42:49 that kind of person."
42:51 Wouldn't you like
42:52 to be that kind of person?
42:55 Because is this
42:56 not what Jesus modeled
42:58 probably every day of his life?
43:01 This self-sacrificing
43:02 for the good of others.
43:05 And sometimes, that
43:06 will call for some suffering.
43:08 There's no doubt about it.
43:10 But this is our calling.
43:12 Jesus has asked us
43:14 to do this sacrifice,
43:16 this living sacrifice
43:17 for others.
43:21 And now we get to
43:22 the irony of it all.
43:25 It's the sixth
43:26 characteristic of a disciple.
43:29 You might think that with all
43:30 of this sacrificing and service
43:32 and stooping to help others,
43:34 that life would be awful.
43:36 Well, characteristic number 6.
43:42 This is the upside-down kingdom,
43:43 is it not?
43:44 And Jesus is
43:45 quite clear about this.
43:46 Look at this. John 14:27.
43:47 He says...
44:01 This is supernatural peace.
44:02 It doesn't make any sense.
44:03 In fact, the Bible refers to it
44:04 as the peace
44:05 that passes all understanding.
44:07 It doesn't make any sense
44:08 by the world's standard.
44:09 And, yet, Christians,
44:09 even in the darkest times,
44:11 in the darkest places,
44:12 at the darkest hours,
44:13 can still have the peace and joy
44:14 of Christ within them.
44:16 You know, the Bible records some
44:17 of these instances.
44:18 You may recall, in Part 1, we
44:19 talked about Acts 5.
44:20 The disciples are called
44:21 before the Sanhedrin
44:23 to account for preaching
44:24 about Jesus Christ,
44:25 and they want to kill them,
44:26 but Gamaliel stands
44:27 and gives a speech
44:28 and convinces them not to.
44:29 Acts 5:40-42.
44:30 "At this,
44:31 they yielded to Gamaliel.
44:33 They called the apostles in
44:34 and had them flogged."
44:35 That's severely beaten.
44:37 "Then they ordered them
44:38 not to speak in the name
44:39 of Jesus and released them.
44:41 The apostles left the Sanhedrin,
44:43 rejoicing that they had been
44:45 counted worthy of suffering
44:46 disgrace for the Name.
44:48 Every day in the temple courts
44:49 and from house to house,
44:50 they did not stop teaching
44:52 and proclaiming the good news
44:53 that Jesus is the Christ."
44:58 Who would have thunk it?
45:01 It turns out
45:02 that total commitment
45:04 to Jesus Christ --
45:05 the commitment
45:06 to serve and to suffer and,
45:07 if need be, to die for Him --
45:09 turns out to be the only path
45:11 to lasting
45:12 and true joy and peace.
45:20 We live in a world
45:23 which is so often chaotic
45:25 and painful and dark.
45:29 But when the master
45:29 of the universe,
45:31 the creator of all,
45:33 our Lord and Savior
45:34 Jesus Christ, is on your side,
45:37 really, what else
45:39 is there to worry about?
45:43 >> Amen!
45:46 >> Number 7...
46:00 My reference for this
46:02 is the New Testament, okay?
46:03 You can just read that and
46:04 you'll see that this is true,
46:05 okay?
46:06 Now, we need to be
46:07 real clear about this.
46:08 This power and authority
46:09 is 100% derived.
46:10 Humans have none
46:11 of this on their own.
46:12 Zero. Okay?
46:15 It is instead, number 2,
46:16 the power of
46:16 the indwelling spirit,
46:18 the spirit living in people
46:19 such that they are under
46:20 His influence,
46:21 His direction, His power,
46:23 and because of this,
46:24 when such Christians do
46:25 something for God,
46:26 it produces fruit,
46:29 because they have
46:29 spiritual power
46:30 and spiritual authority.
46:32 Now, here's the thing.
46:32 Some of you
46:33 know people like this.
46:35 Some of you
46:36 know people like this.
46:37 They are humble. They are meek.
46:38 They understand
46:38 that they are a vessel
46:40 that God has filled.
46:41 But they have spiritual
46:42 power and authority,
46:43 and when God moves through them,
46:45 fruitful things happen.
46:47 Let me just tell you something.
46:48 When the majority
46:50 of God's people
46:52 are this kind of disciple,
46:54 when the majority of God's
46:55 people are people
46:56 that have spiritual power
46:57 and authority,
46:59 then the world will be turned
47:00 upside down one last time,
47:02 the gospel work will be
47:03 finished, and we will go home.
47:06 I crave
47:07 to be this kind of person, and
47:08 I hope that you do, too.
47:09 Not for our glory, God forbid,
47:11 but for His and for the harvest.
47:13 >> Amen.
47:15 >> Number 8, lastly...
47:26 You're familiar with the text
47:27 if you've been around
47:28 Christian circles
47:28 for any length of time.
47:29 1 Corinthians 10:31.
47:36 For this type of disciple,
47:38 there is one test for all
47:39 that they think and say and do.
47:42 "Will what I'm about
47:43 to think or say or do bring
47:45 glory to God or not?"
47:48 They live their lives that way
47:50 because Jesus lives
47:51 in their heart and He has
47:53 full sway in their lives.
47:56 Let's sum it up.
48:26 Can you see that
48:27 maybe, just maybe,
48:29 the personal appreciation
48:30 for the journey
48:31 that Christ is longing
48:32 to take us on has dropped
48:34 since that 1st century church?
48:36 Maybe we've kind of lost
48:37 the understanding and
48:38 appreciation of this?
48:41 And just might a return to this
48:43 be a major part
48:44 of the restoration of God's
48:45 final work on this planet?
48:48 And further notice this.
49:07 In other words...
49:15 And this is why the elders covet
49:18 your prayers right now,
49:20 because we are in this process
49:21 of strategic planning,
49:22 of seeking to help make
49:23 the great things
49:25 that are already happening
49:26 here even better and
49:27 more efficient for the Kingdom.
49:28 This is why we are going through
49:30 this process,
49:31 because converts are born,
49:33 but disciples must be made.
49:35 They must be made.
49:39 And as you lift up our elders
49:40 in prayer, I would invite
49:41 you to consider
49:43 a gentle question or two.
49:45 When you look at
49:46 this description here
49:47 of a genuine, mature disciple,
49:49 where are you in this?
49:54 Maybe this is -- You're doing
49:55 this.
49:56 You're living with Jesus
49:56 each day.
49:57 You're moving forward.
49:58 Praise the Lord.
49:58 Let me just pour
49:59 gas on your fire.
50:00 Keep going, keep going.
50:02 Maybe you're far from this.
50:04 You know, maybe this isn't part
50:05 of your life at all,
50:06 but you see that it could be.
50:07 Maybe you're
50:08 somewhere in between.
50:09 Whatever the case,
50:11 whatever the case,
50:12 may I gently challenge you
50:14 to come to Jesus?
50:15 Don't let another day go by.
50:16 Make today your day.
50:18 Commit or recommit
50:19 yourself to Jesus Christ.
50:21 Commit yourself to becoming,
50:22 by His grace, the best disciple
50:25 of Jesus Christ
50:26 that you can possibly be.
50:28 You know, whatever sacrifice
50:29 that requires,
50:30 whether it be our physical lives
50:34 or just whatever your version
50:35 of a rock garden is,
50:37 whatever sacrifice it is
50:39 God calls you to make,
50:40 you will be glad you made it.
50:42 No one but no one,
50:43 when they're standing around
50:44 the sea of glass
50:45 or the tree of life
50:46 in heaven is going to say, "Boy,
50:47 I sure wish I hadn't made
50:48 that sacrifice for Jesus."
50:49 Nobody's going to do that.
50:51 Everybody is going to be
50:52 so thrilled that they were
50:53 there, because heaven is
50:54 cheap enough, after all.
50:57 And if we make this kind of
50:58 sacrifice to become the best
51:00 disciples that we can be,
51:01 we will also have
51:02 the great benefit
51:03 of avoiding becoming yet
51:05 another Christian congregation
51:07 who commits the great omission.
51:09 The great omission
51:11 of making converts, yes,
51:13 but of omitting to then continue
51:14 and also make actual, genuine,
51:16 mature disciples of Christ.
51:21 May this be a place --
51:22 may it always be a place
51:25 where Jesus-loving
51:26 Jesus-following, Jesus-honoring
51:28 disciples are made,
51:30 that as many as possible
51:32 might come to know Christ
51:34 before He returns.
51:36 >> Amen!
51:42 ♪
52:00 >> ♪ Lord, make this church
52:04 a giving place ♪
52:08 ♪ A house of prayer,
52:12 a sacred space ♪
52:17 ♪ A chapel
52:19 of your boundless grace ♪
52:24 ♪ Lord, make
52:26 this church a giving place ♪
52:36 ♪ Lord, make this church
52:39 a giving
52:44 place ♪
52:59 ♪ Lord, make
53:01 this church an open door ♪
53:07 ♪ Where every word
53:12 redeems, restores ♪
53:17 >> ♪ A healing room
53:19 forevermore ♪
53:25 >> ♪ Lord, make this church
53:27 >> ♪ Lord, make this church
53:31 >> ♪ An open door
53:39 >> ♪ Lord, build this church
53:43 with broken hearts ♪
53:47 ♪ On fragile jars of clay
53:55 ♪ Through wounded windows,
53:58 shine Your light ♪
54:02 >> ♪ Lord, shine
54:04 in a thousand glorious ways ♪
54:08 >> ♪ In a thousand glorious
54:11 ways ♪
54:19 >> ♪ Lord, make this church
54:22 a light of hope ♪
54:26 ♪ A beacon bright,
54:30 a welcome home ♪
54:36 ♪ A gathering where
54:39 your love is shown ♪
54:55 >> ♪ Lord, make this church
54:59 >> ♪ Lord, make this church
55:08 >> ♪ Lord, make this church
55:13 ♪ A giving
55:20 ♪ Place
55:44 >> Jesus, we long
55:48 to more deeply and
55:49 to better reflect your heart,
55:52 your goodness, your love.
55:57 Humanly speaking, Lord,
55:58 this is beyond us.
55:58 We cannot achieve it.
56:02 But with God,
56:02 all things are possible.
56:06 Teach us, Lord,
56:06 to become the kind of disciples
56:08 that you would have us to be.
56:09 Grow us, Lord.
56:10 We thank you for saving us.
56:11 Now grow us, Lord,
56:12 into this great building
56:13 that you have in mind.
56:15 Restore unto us Your energy,
56:17 Your strength, Your passion,
56:18 Your power, and Your love.
56:19 Fill us with Your spirit,
56:21 that, indeed, this might be
56:22 a giving place, Lord,
56:23 that literally
56:25 spreads around the world,
56:28 that Your work might be
56:29 finished, and we can go home.
56:32 Bless us, Lord, in this way,
56:35 for we've asked in Your name.
56:37 Amen.
56:38 >> Amen.
56:40 ♪
56:53 >> I'm Shane Anderson,
56:54 the lead pastor here
56:55 at Pioneer Memorial Church.
56:57 At Pioneer Media,
56:58 we have been blessed
56:59 by the financial support
57:01 that comes from our viewers like
57:02 you that enable us
57:04 to continue this ministry.
57:06 We've made a conscious decision
57:08 not to continually appeal to you
57:09 for that support.
57:11 However, keeping this ministry
57:12 going takes money
57:13 to support our staff and
57:15 technology needs.
57:16 If God has blessed you
57:18 and you would like to further
57:19 the work of this ministry,
57:20 we invite you
57:21 to partner with us.
57:23 You can donate
57:24 on our website,
57:27 Then click "giving" at the top,
57:29 then select "media ministry."
57:32 Or call the number 877-HIS-WILL.
57:36 Again, that number is 877,
57:38 the two words HIS-WILL.
57:41 My prayer is that the God
57:43 who has blessed
57:44 you will continue to pour
57:45 into your life the gifts
57:46 of His joy and His hope.
57:49 Thank you, and
57:50 I'm looking forward to seeing
57:51 you right here again next time.
58:00 ♪


Revised 2025-02-13