Recipes from Russia

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: RFR

Program Code: RFR242016S

00:09 Hello, dear friends.
00:11 You are watching Recipes from Russia.
00:13 And I am today with our favorite, Natasha Shmelyova.
00:18 Greetings, Natasha.
00:20 Hi, Julia.
00:20 So glad to be here again.
00:23 Yes.
00:25 When we get together with Natasha, you know that we love
00:29 to reminisce about the construction times of 3B and
00:33 Russia, because we both were involved in it a lot.
00:37 And we always remember about John Cantor, about many other
00:42 people who came to participate in the construction under
00:46 John's supervision.
00:48 And today, Natasha, I have some special news for you.
00:52 Julia, tell me now, please.
00:56 The news is that Jean and Patricia McClintock watch our
01:01 programs from over there, from the United States, and Jean
01:06 wrote to us, he said, when I see Natasha cook, I'm ready to
01:11 hand my plate to the monitor and ask for another helping.
01:15 Thank you, Julia.
01:16 This is awesome.
01:17 I remember them so well as if I saw them yesterday.
01:21 It's good that we'll be talking about them today, because they
01:24 contributed to this facility, of course.
01:28 Yes, and they contributed a lot to the spreading of
01:32 evangelistic message in Russia.
01:35 Yes, I will agree with it, of course.
01:37 Yes.
01:38 Well, Natasha, what are we going to cook today?
01:42 Julia, we are going to cook a Russian porcini mushroom soup.
01:47 And let me say thank you to your husband, Natasha, to
01:52 Nikolai, because this recipe is the one that Nikolai, Natasha's
01:57 husband, is the author of.
02:01 And I know that he picks mushrooms in Russian woods
02:05 wonderfully.
02:08 That's right.
02:08 He knows the forest so well.
02:11 He picks cranberries and he picks mushrooms, but he knows
02:15 that I will fix and I will cook only porcini mushrooms.
02:21 But this is his recipe.
02:23 It's very simple, not to say primitive, because we'll have
02:27 just three main ingredients.
02:29 And it's not because he's lazy.
02:32 It's because it gives you such a wonderful combination that
02:37 the result will be delicious, I think.
02:41 OK.
02:47 exactly to the recipe that you have given us.
02:51 We'll try.
02:53 OK, Natasha, so what do we do?
02:56 We will start with pre-soaking mushrooms.
03:01 This is porcini mushrooms.
03:04 This is how they looked in the beginning.
03:07 Very, very dry mushrooms.
03:09 Julia, they smell...
03:11 Just, you know, my head goes round.
03:14 Try it.
03:15 Isn't it wonderful?
03:17 Yes, yes.
03:19 Yeah.
03:23 Yes.
03:23 And he dried them.
03:25 OK.
03:25 Yeah, I never do so.
03:26 He does that.
03:27 He dried them in an oven?
03:28 Yes.
03:30 Well, we have a special dehydrator.
03:33 And they sit there for many, many hours.
03:35 OK.
03:37 We took the dry mushrooms, added water, and we pre-soaked
03:41 them for one hour.
03:43 And after we pre-soaked them, we'll place them in a cooking
03:48 pot and let them cook for ten minutes.
03:51 In the same water?
03:53 No.
03:54 We'll use a slotted spoon.
03:56 OK.
03:57 And we'll do it like this.
03:58 OK.
03:59 Well, we'll...
04:00 Yeah, I'll open it for you.
04:01 Yeah, please.
04:03 We'll heat up the pot.
04:05 So we turn on heat and add mushrooms.
04:10 OK.
04:14 OK.
04:22 minutes.
04:24 So they will be boiling for ten minutes.
04:28 Stay with us and you will see the continuation of the recipe.
04:35 Welcome back.
04:37 So our porcini mushrooms have been boiling for ten minutes
04:40 with reduced heat and with the pot uncovered.
04:45 Right, Natasha?
04:45 That's exactly right, Julia.
04:47 Now we'll need to take them out with the help of a slotted
04:52 spoon and we do it carefully because we remember that it's
04:55 very awfully hot.
04:56 OK.
04:57 Yes, boiling.
05:00 Do we keep the broth?
05:03 Yes.
05:09 reduced fire because we'll need it.
05:11 We'll definitely need it.
05:12 OK.
05:17 porcini mushroom soup?
05:18 That's right.
05:19 You see, Julia, now that we took them out, we'll put them
05:23 on the cutting board and we'll let them cool down because
05:31 we'll need to chop them up but at this point they're too hot
05:35 to do that so we need to wait a little bit.
05:38 They will cool down pretty quickly and when you can touch
05:45 them, you know, you can chop them up very finely, guys, like
05:53 this.
05:54 OK.
05:55 Small pieces.
05:57 Very, very small pieces.
05:59 Very small pieces.
06:00 Small cubes, I would say.
06:01 Maybe.
06:02 Maybe.
06:04 Like this.
06:05 You see?
06:08 You see, Julia?
06:10 These are the cut porcini mushrooms and from now on we'll
06:14 be working with the frying pan.
06:16 OK.
06:22 oil, guys.
06:23 Not much.
06:25 And we'll place the chopped up mushrooms in the frying pan.
06:33 We will stir them almost constantly, almost, so that
06:41 they do not stick.
06:42 OK.
06:44 Do you want me to stir it?
06:46 If you wish, Julia.
06:47 OK.
06:48 I'll appreciate it.
06:50 You know...
06:53 You'd better do it with the spoon.
06:55 Thank you.
06:57 OK.
06:58 It will take us only five minutes to simmer them on a low
07:04 heat.
07:05 OK.
07:06 Let's reduce it a little bit.
07:11 So...
07:11 OK.
07:12 Yeah.
07:16 OK.
07:20 We love deep orange color with carrots, deep orange color with
07:26 pumpkins, nice color with mushrooms.
07:30 Yes.
07:31 A colored plate, a colored dish.
07:33 Yes.
07:37 It looks optimistic.
07:38 Yes.
07:43 nutrients.
07:43 That's right.
07:44 That's right.
07:46 Yeah.
07:50 You see?
07:51 Yeah.
07:54 And the fragrance is amazing.
07:57 I just feel like I'm in a forest with the fragrance of
08:02 the grass and the trees.
08:04 Oh, Julia.
08:05 I feel you're in the forest and I feel hungry.
08:10 OK.
08:11 I think this is...
08:12 You see, since they simmer so wonderfully, it's the time to
08:16 add carrots.
08:17 OK.
08:18 You see, guys, a lot of carrots.
08:19 That's what my husband said.
08:21 And we always listen to our husbands.
08:23 Don't we?
08:25 And he's watching.
08:29 OK.
08:31 And the broth keeps boiling, guys, on a very low heat
08:36 because we need to keep it very hot.
08:42 And meanwhile, we would like to share with you what's new at
08:46 3ABN Russia.
08:50 3ABN Russia receives many letters from viewers in which
08:54 they thank our network for the variety of Christ-centered
08:57 video and radio programs, for our prayer support and for the
09:02 Christian literature that we send them.
09:04 They also ask to sign them up for the New Life Bible
09:08 Correspondence Course.
09:11 Everything that happens at 3ABN Russia is possible only due to
09:15 your support.
09:17 Thank you so much for it.
09:19 And meanwhile, we continue cooking our porcini mushroom
09:23 soup.
09:24 Natasha, what do we do next?
09:26 Julia, now it's time to place these friends, I mean, carrots
09:31 and porcini mushrooms into their boiling broth.
09:36 OK.
09:40 I believe Nikolai, your husband, just said that it's a
09:45 very important thing.
09:47 Julia, careful.
09:50 Careful.
09:51 OK.
09:52 Very good team with Natasha.
09:55 It's a heavy frying pot.
09:57 Julia is so strong.
10:01 Thank you so much for your help.
10:03 OK.
10:04 We are a team, aren't we?
10:05 Yes, we are.
10:07 OK.
10:09 We bring it to a boil and wait for five minutes.
10:13 And we need to add salt.
10:16 No one will tell you how much salt to add.
10:20 We will say, please add salt to taste.
10:27 OK.
10:29 We can cover the pot now.
10:31 Yeah.
10:32 Let us place it here.
10:33 Sure.
10:34 Thank you.
10:37 Just five minutes.
10:39 And then we will add pasta.
10:46 Julia, now the final part.
10:47 OK.
10:48 Careful, please.
10:49 I'll uncover the pot.
10:50 OK.
10:53 We are adding pasta.
10:55 OK.
10:57 You know what I remember?
10:59 I remember when I was visiting with you and Nikolai fixed the
11:02 soup.
11:03 Then he used angel hair pasta.
11:05 Oh, that was delicious.
11:07 When was it, Julia?
11:09 Well, not that long ago.
11:13 Well, life is going on.
11:14 Everything changed in this life.
11:18 Julia, we'll be boiling it until the pasta is tender.
11:24 And then we'll serve it very hot with sour cream.
11:28 Either a teaspoon or a tablespoon.
11:31 To taste?
11:32 As you wish.
11:33 OK.
11:33 I like a tablespoon.
11:37 And here is a complete recipe of porcini mushroom soup for
11:42 you.
11:43 Mushroom soup.
11:44 Pre-soak mushrooms in a bowl with warm water for one hour.
11:49 Remove mushrooms with a slotted spoon.
11:52 Rinse, drain and discard soaking liquid.
11:56 Place the rinsed and drained mushrooms in a pot filled with
12:01 water.
12:03 Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
12:08 Remove from heat.
12:10 Remove the mushrooms and let them cool.
12:13 Reserve the broth.
12:15 Once the mushrooms are cool, chop them up.
12:19 Place the chopped mushrooms in a well-oiled frying pan and
12:23 simmer them, stirring frequently.
12:25 Grate the carrots and add to the mushrooms.
12:29 Simmer them together for 10 minutes, stirring constantly to
12:32 prevent sticking.
12:34 Add the mushrooms and carrots back to the mushroom broth.
12:38 Bring to a boil and let it cook for 5 minutes.
12:42 Add salt to taste.
12:44 Add pasta to the cooking pot and cook until pasta is ready.
12:50 Serve hot, garnishing each serving with a tablespoon of
12:55 non -dairy sour cream.
13:00 Dear friends, if you have any questions or comments, please
13:04 write to us at this address.
13:06 And if the Holy Spirit is moving your heart to support
13:10 the ministry of 3ABN Russia and we believe that at this time it
13:14 is more important than ever before, then please visit 3ABN
13:19 .TV or call at 618-627-4651.
13:26 Well, Natasha, thank you so much for this recipe.
13:30 And thank you so much, Nikolai, for sharing this recipe with
13:34 Natasha for us.
13:36 Julia, very welcome.
13:38 I hope our viewers will try to fix it and it will be a
13:42 success.
13:43 But the most important is to be healthy, of course.
13:48 And our love to the Lord, that's what really matters.
13:53 Okay, Natasha, thank you so much.
13:55 And when we love the Lord, then the love to one another shows.
14:00 Necessarily shows.
14:02 I love you, Natasha.
14:03 Thank you so much.
14:04 I love you too, Julia.
14:05 You know it.
14:06 And we love you, our dear viewers.
14:09 And we want to say goodbye.
14:11 Until we see you next time in our program Recipes from Russia.


Revised 2024-05-28