Revelation Insights

The Prophet Without Honor

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Lyle Albrecht


Series Code: RIN

Program Code: RIN000007

01:00 Are you ready to travel?
01:01 Fasten your seatbelts then.
01:02 We shall go to Bethlehem, you and I.
01:06 Only about 8 miles from the city of Jerusalem,
01:09 is the little village of Bethlehem.
01:12 And for your interest sake, for your political interest sake,
01:15 this is a town that's ruled over by communists.
01:19 And I mean that, not so much in the dogmatic sense,
01:25 as in sort of the political way in which it's
01:28 organized and governed.
01:30 Our Lord Jesus said that a city set upon a hill
01:33 cannot be hidden.
01:34 It was the custom in Bible times during the time of Christ and
01:39 for a long while prior to that, to build the village or the city
01:44 atop a hill.
01:45 You find the same thing at Jerusalem, for instance.
01:48 The reason for that was, the travelers during the night time
01:53 would watch for the flickering lanterns and candles.
01:57 And they would make their way home that way,
01:59 long before flashlights, of course.
02:02 And when a torch, perhaps, would only burn
02:06 for just a few minutes, our Lord Jesus then you remember said,
02:10 a city that is set upon a hill cannot be hidden.
02:14 So it is here in the city of Bethlehem.
02:19 Now, they call this field from which we're taking
02:22 our first view, the Shepherds Field.
02:25 And the Bible says the shepherds watch
02:28 their flocks by night.
02:30 And an angel choir began to sing over and above a manger.
02:34 And a brilliant light began to shine.
02:37 And we still today, sing don't we,
02:40 "O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie. "
02:46 Now there is a miracle, ladies and gentlemen,
02:49 in the birth of our Lord Jesus having happened in Bethlehem.
02:55 Back in the Old Testament times, it said from the prophecy
03:00 given 700 years before the birth of Jesus, Micah 5:2,
03:05 "But thou Bethlehem Ephrathah, though thou be little among the
03:09 thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall He come forth to Me
03:12 who is to be Ruler in Israel,
03:14 Whose going forth have been from old, from everlasting. "
03:19 Now let's suppose you and I are tourists
03:22 and it's 2000 years back to the future.
03:25 And we're walking up and down the streets of Nazareth
03:29 50 miles, yes nearly 70 miles from here.
03:33 And we see a beautiful young lady and she's in the
03:36 final trimester of pregnancy.
03:38 And I might say to you, "Where do you think
03:41 this baby's going to be born?
03:43 What is your best guess?"
03:44 And you would say to me, "I'll lay odds the baby's
03:47 going to be born right here.
03:49 This girl isn't going anywhere of distance,
03:51 not in her advanced condition.
03:52 Not with the modes of travel that they have here. "
03:56 You know what happened.
03:59 It was the Roman governor, Pilate, who following the orders
04:03 from the city of Rome made the decree that required
04:06 every head of house to back to the place of his birth
04:10 so that the census, the head count, could be taken
04:13 and the taxes collected.
04:15 And Jesus, through His earthly father Joseph,
04:18 was related to King David.
04:21 Joseph was a relative of King David.
04:25 And the city of Bethlehem is called still today,
04:28 the city of David.
04:30 We're going to turn around now, just 180 degrees,
04:33 and look at a housing development.
04:37 This is a new neighborhood, a subdivision.
04:39 That's the best way to say it.
04:40 This is a new subdivision just on the outskirts
04:44 of the city of Bethlehem.
04:45 You can see the houses are built in what we might call
04:49 the Santa Fe style.
04:50 Like down in the Southwest deserts of the United States.
04:53 The roofs are flat and they have patios up on the roof
04:57 where they'll sometimes take their meals in the evening,
05:00 in the cool of the day particularly.
05:02 And they need not worry about the rain because there's
05:05 very, very little rain here.
05:07 The Bible does speak about the early and the latter rain
05:11 in both Old and New Testaments.
05:13 So there does come a bit of rain in the spring.
05:15 And they take advantage of that in order to sprout
05:18 the seeds and the crops.
05:19 And then the latter rain, or the fall rain, that brings the crops
05:24 to fruition, and brings them ready to harvest.
05:26 We're ready then to go into the village itself.
05:31 We have moved together, you and I, down to the end of
05:34 King David street to Manger Square, in the center of which
05:38 is the Church of the Nativity.
05:41 For hundreds and hundreds of years, it's been said that
05:44 this is where Jesus was born.
05:47 Can we prove that? No.
05:49 On the other hand, the historical tradition
05:53 is very early.
05:54 In other words, from just a few years after
05:58 the ascension of Jesus, folks were saying
06:01 that this is the spot where Jesus was born.
06:06 While we can't be sure of that, we can be sure that it was
06:10 the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine,
06:12 the first of the emperors to claim to be a Christian,
06:15 who came here and built the church over the presumed site
06:19 of the birthplace of Jesus.
06:21 And we're going to go inside and see that site
06:24 in just a little bit.
06:27 Helena built other churches throughout the near east and
06:30 throughout Europe, for that matter.
06:32 But this church, ladies and gentlemen,
06:34 is the only Christian church in the middle east
06:38 that was not destroyed by invading Persians
06:41 in and around 614, there abouts.
06:45 They determined to be rid of Christianity by
06:49 destroying the Christian churches.
06:50 And so they would go to them and go inside with their animals;
06:54 camels, horses, have a rodeo, at the end of which
06:58 they pulled down the altar and smashed it.
07:01 And then they would either knock the building down
07:04 with force of hammers and animals, or if it was burnable
07:09 they would set it afire.
07:10 But this one was saved, and in a little while
07:13 where going to see why and talk about the miracle
07:17 that saved the place.
07:20 Before you can go inside here, ladies and gentlemen,
07:23 you must go, now, through one of those metal detectors
07:26 just like the one that's at the airport and, tragically now,
07:30 in many of the high schools and other public buildings.
07:33 This part of the world gave birth to three great
07:37 major world religions.
07:38 The first, of course, was Judaism.
07:41 And the second was Christianity.
07:43 And the third was the faith of Islam.
07:46 And that is why this area is called the Holy Land.
07:50 Not just for Christians and Jews, but also for
07:52 followers of Islam.
07:54 And that's a part of the struggle out in this part of
07:56 the world still to this very day.
07:58 And so folk come here from all over the world.
08:01 They come from the United States with a Christian background.
08:04 They come from the areas of Europe where there are
08:07 lots and lots of Jews or Jewish ghettos.
08:09 And they come from the world of Islam, which is now
08:13 not only in the middle east and the far east,
08:15 but down in South and Central America and out in the
08:17 Philippines and a host of other places as well.
08:20 And you never know who's coming and so this is a place
08:24 where there could very well be some tragedies,
08:27 some terrorism and that sort of thing.
08:29 And so they're very, very careful whom they let in.
08:32 And you must go through the metal detectors
08:34 as we have just mentioned a bit ago.
08:36 Alright.
08:38 We see the guards here with their automatic weapons
08:41 slung over their shoulders.
08:42 And what you can't see, I'll tell you.
08:43 Also at the sides of these Israeli soldiers
08:47 is the most reliable, they claim, automatic weapon
08:53 and can be made fully automatic, the Uzi.
08:56 That ppprrrrr gun, you know. And the gang people love those.
09:00 And so they're guarded highly by police force when they can.
09:04 Now we've moved up to the entrance and I want you folks to
09:07 look up at the very top of the screen and there you'll see
09:09 a big lintel beam.
09:12 That big stone slab was the top of the original door.
09:17 Everything beneath that was the original door of entry
09:21 to this church, the Church of the Nativity.
09:25 And then they closed it off.
09:26 Down toward the bottom of the screen, you'll see an arch.
09:30 This then was the second entry.
09:33 And I think in our next picture we have
09:35 even a better view of it.
09:37 There it is, you can see the arch about mid-screen there.
09:40 That was the second doorway.
09:42 But today the doorway is very low.
09:45 You see it down toward the very bottom of the screen.
09:47 Now, my buddy Ben is standing there.
09:49 And Ben is not a particularly large man.
09:51 He stands at about 5 feet and 10.5 inches, I suppose.
09:55 And you can see that the entry door is way below his shoulder.
09:59 Now, if you were to ask the folks here, "Why has the door
10:03 been made so very low?" the likelihood is that your
10:06 tour guide will give you this answer, this reasoning.
10:10 "This is such a holy place, this is such a special place,
10:15 that we want the folk who go inside to go
10:18 in an attitude of reverence.
10:19 We want them to go inside with a bowed head. "
10:23 So even a child, in order to get inside without banging the head
10:28 has to bend over.
10:31 And while they'll tell you that, I think that's not
10:33 the real reason for the lowering of the door
10:36 again and again and again.
10:39 We mentioned a bit ago that when the invading Persians
10:42 would come to these holy places, they would go inside
10:45 with their camels and have a rodeo.
10:47 And so they made the door so small you couldn't
10:51 ride a camel inside.
10:53 And then they began to go inside with horses.
10:55 So they made the door so low you couldn't ride a goat inside.
11:00 Couldn't have a goat rodeo in here.
11:02 And that, I think, is the real reason for the making of
11:06 the doorway smaller and smaller, and smaller still.
11:09 We step inside now and we see the contrast, the beauty.
11:13 The outside is rather plain, in fact, a little austere.
11:16 But the inside is really very, very lovely
11:20 in its restorative condition.
11:22 And for your interest sake, the architecture style is Byzantine.
11:27 And I think on another evening we mentioned that Turkey today
11:31 is ancient Byzantium.
11:33 And that's where the east meets the west,
11:34 and when the "when and where" of the influence of various styles
11:38 of architecture came together.
11:40 But this one is largely Byzantine.
11:42 And up near the front is the altar, beneath which
11:45 they say Jesus was born.
11:47 But before we go to pay attention to that,
11:49 I want you to look up at the top and you will see on either side
11:54 a row of windows.
11:55 There they are.
11:56 Opposite side is the same.
11:58 Beneath those windows, there once were frescos.
12:03 A fresco, ladies and gentlemen, you probably know,
12:07 is a painting upon a plastered wall.
12:14 The paintings upon the wall here told the story
12:19 of the birth of Jesus.
12:23 And in the first frame, you saw a family,
12:27 a man leading a little donkey.
12:29 And on the back of that, a pregnant wife.
12:32 And then in the next frame, you saw a manger.
12:36 And the cattle and the sheep gathered around.
12:39 And then in the final frame, a little baby
12:43 who's been placed in the manger.
12:45 The story of the nativity, hence the name of the church,
12:48 the Church of the Nativity.
12:50 Now we mentioned that most of the other churches were
12:53 destroyed by the invaders in and around 614-617,
12:57 right in through there.
12:58 But this one was saved, it was not destroyed.
13:01 And I'm going to tell you why and how.
13:03 When the invading Persians...
13:06 And by the way, what do we today call Persia?
13:08 What do we call it today?
13:09 Iraq, exactly.
13:11 A portion of Iran maybe as well, but largely it's Iraq.
13:14 Or Iraq, either way you say it, I guess is correct.
13:19 But when they came in here, ready to have a rodeo and
13:22 smashed the place down, they looked up beneath the windows
13:25 and they saw the paintings.
13:27 And in one of the scenes, there were three kings.
13:32 Now the Bible doesn't say that there were three.
13:36 It does say there were three gifts, do you remember.
13:38 One, a gift of gold. One a gift of frankincense.
13:42 And yet another, the gift of myrrh.
13:45 But when we sign about it today, we sing,
13:48 "We three kings of Orient are. Bearing gifts we travel afar. "
13:53 And so, in the early painting here, there were three kings
13:57 from Persia who are bringing gifts to this baby.
14:00 And the invaders then in 614, around in there, said,
14:05 "Look, our forebearers came here and they worshiped here.
14:09 There was something special, something sacred here
14:11 that they recognized.
14:12 Therefore then, we're going to save it. "
14:14 And the paintings saved the church.
14:17 Now, what happened to the paintings?
14:20 That's the next question.
14:22 Because they've been gone for a long, long while.
14:25 The original tiles of the roof were made of lead.
14:30 Now that's not so unusual.
14:32 Many places in Europe, you'll find buildings with lead tiles.
14:37 Up until more recently, we've discovered that lead
14:40 can make you unwell if you drink the water and the runoff
14:43 and all that sort of thing.
14:44 Tragically, that has polluted some of our most lovely
14:47 and most pristine lakes here in the Pacific Northwest.
14:50 But at any event, the original tiles or shingles
14:53 were made of lead.
14:55 Lead makes a wonderful shingle, it'll turn the water forever.
14:59 But it has another value.
15:01 That being the making of bullets.
15:04 And every time a war would break out here,
15:06 someone would get a ladder and get up on the roof and
15:08 pull off a few shingles and throw them down and
15:10 melt them and make bullets.
15:11 And tragically, they didn't replace the shingles.
15:14 And over the years, the water came in
15:16 and destroyed the paintings.
15:20 But the story is still being told to everyone
15:24 who comes to visit here.
15:25 Well, we're going to move up now to the altar
15:29 and then go down a little staircase into, what I suppose
15:33 we would call the basement.
15:35 And as we do this, I'm going to just share a thought with you.
15:40 We, because of the things we've seen in church or
15:44 in our early training or perhaps in school,
15:47 the nativity scene leaves in our mind, a picture
15:51 of a batten board building, doesn't it.
15:53 Maybe 1x12's with, you know, batten on the seams.
15:58 2x4 shack or some such thing as that.
16:01 Well that's not necessarily the way it was.
16:04 Still today in this part of the world, when bad weather comes
16:08 they will put the sheep and the cows and the oxen and the mules
16:14 and the burrows inside natural caves or grottos
16:18 to get the out of the weather.
16:19 And maybe on another evening, we will see the evidence of that.
16:22 But they're still doing it.
16:23 We'll see the animals back inside.
16:26 And so it is very likely that instead of our Lord
16:29 having been born in what we traditionally think of as a
16:33 manger or little barn, He was born inside a natural cave
16:37 into which they would put the animals during bad weather.
16:42 Now, while we can't be 100% sure that this is where
16:45 Jesus was born, we can be absolutely certain
16:49 that it was here in this grotto, before it was made lovely
16:52 and decorated as you see it now, it was in this grotto
16:56 that a Christian man came to do a work
17:00 of great Biblical importance.
17:06 This guy knew the original languages of the Bible as if
17:10 they'd been his mother tongue.
17:13 His name was Jerome.
17:15 And often today, he's referred to as Saint Jerome.
17:20 At the time of Jerome in the mid-fourth century,
17:25 the language of the world was, of course, the Latin
17:29 where Rome ruled the world for hundreds of years.
17:34 The language of Rome was the Latin language.
17:37 But there was no Latin Bible.
17:39 The Bible still was in its original languages.
17:43 The Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek,
17:46 a bit of Sanscript perhaps, in the New Testament.
17:49 But there was no Bible for the common man.
17:53 The priest, the church leaders, were schooled in the Latin.
17:56 And they then read the Bible, and sometimes they misquoted it.
18:01 And we can expect that, I suppose, to some degree.
18:05 But at any event, Jerome had this great burden
18:09 to give the people the Bible in their own language.
18:12 And so he decided there was no better place to find inspiration
18:16 than here in the grotto where they say Jesus was born.
18:20 And so he sequestered himself.
18:21 Literally had himself locked inside.
18:25 Came out only for reasons of emergency.
18:28 His meals were brought here to him.
18:30 And for months and months and months, he laboriously
18:33 translated the Bible, word for word for word,
18:37 from the Old Testament Hebrew, the New Testament Greek,
18:40 into the Latin language.
18:43 Now, because he was such a scholar, because he did his work
18:47 so early and so meticulously, still today when any new
18:52 translation of the Bible is made, the folks go back
18:55 and check themselves out word by word by word
18:59 with Saint Jerome's Latin Vulgate.
19:03 That's the way it's know today, if you look it up
19:05 in the encyclopedia or on your internet.
19:07 Jerome's Latin Vulgate.
19:10 And that word "Vulgate" by the way, originates from
19:13 the word "vulgar".
19:14 Which doesn't, at its base, mean nasty or naughty,
19:17 but rather that which is common.
19:20 That which is for the common man, the blue collar guy.
19:24 That's the idea.
19:25 And so, the Bible was made available to the common man
19:32 right here in this place that I consider special and holy,
19:36 if for no other reason than that.
19:38 We owe to Jerome, a great debt of gratitude
19:41 whether the background is Catholic or some
19:44 branch of Protestantism.
19:45 He was a great man of God, he did a great missionary work.
19:48 Now we have left the village of Bethlehem,
19:53 headed back toward Jerusalem.
19:55 But before we get into the town of Jerusalem,
19:58 we see a side road.
20:00 And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the Jericho Road.
20:05 You remember the story that Jesus told?
20:09 "A certain man," He said, "went down from Jerusalem to Jericho
20:14 and he fell among thieves. "
20:18 Now the context of the telling of the story was this of course.
20:21 There was a scribe, and in our parlance today,
20:25 we would probably call him an attorney.
20:30 A man of letters.
20:32 And he thought that he would trap Jesus.
20:35 But Jesus had been preaching the gospel based on grace and love.
20:40 And so he thought he would stand up and ask Jesus a question
20:44 that would find Him in a trap, catch Him
20:47 in a catch 22, if you please.
20:49 He was sure that if Jesus gave an answer to his question based
20:53 on love and grace, he would say, "Well, but what about the law?"
20:56 And upon the other hand Jesus answered with an answer
20:59 that was based law, the attorney would have said,
21:02 "But what about your teaching of love and grace?"
21:04 And so, instead of being trapped in either trap,
21:08 Jesus told the story, "A certain man went down
21:13 from Jerusalem to Jericho. "
21:15 What was the attorney's question?
21:17 What was the trap that he fixed?
21:19 He stood up in the midst of the crowd and said,
21:22 "Lord, I want you to tell me who is my neighbor?"
21:28 That question is still being asked today, isn't it.
21:32 Whom do I have any responsibility?
21:34 What do I owe him or anyone in humanity?
21:38 Who is my neighbor?
21:40 Jesus said, "A certain man. "
21:43 Now listen my dears, in the first sentence
21:47 of the answer of Jesus, He forever settled the issue.
21:52 Jesus said, if he's a part of the human race.
21:56 And by the way, Jesus purposely in answer,
21:59 used the word anthropos.
22:01 That's the translation from "a certain anthropos".
22:04 And it's from that word that we have our word anthropology.
22:07 The origins of all men and all races.
22:11 And so Jesus said, if he's a man, if he stands up right,
22:15 if he stands on two feet, regardless of the origin
22:18 of his birth, regardless of the color of his skin,
22:21 if he's a part of the human race, he is your neighbor.
22:25 And then He went on to tell the story.
22:29 This man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho
22:33 and he fell among thieves.
22:35 And it was no idle phrase that Jesus used,
22:38 "A certain man went down. "
22:41 Because Jerusalem sits atop Mount Zion nearly
22:44 3000 feet in elevation.
22:45 While Jericho, only 12 miles distant as the crow flies,
22:51 is the lowest place on earth not covered with water.
22:54 It's about 800 feet below sea level.
22:57 And so, to go from Jerusalem to Jericho
22:59 you're going to drop in elevation nearly 4000 feet.
23:03 In order to make the drop in that short distance,
23:07 the old highway had many twists and turns.
23:11 And we today would refer to them as switchbacks, wouldn't we.
23:14 Yea, those kind of places where they make the kids car sick.
23:18 Any of you folks have a problem with getting car sick?
23:21 Yea, have you ever known of folks that had to sit in the
23:25 front seat, couldn't sit in the back seat?
23:27 Well Lyle has to drive.
23:31 And sometimes I make myself sick.
23:36 Maybe someday I'll learn how to drive.
23:38 But at any event, there were these hairpin curves,
23:41 these switchbacks.
23:42 And in the rocks and bushes on the uphill side of the
23:46 switchback, the robbers and the briggins and the bad guys
23:49 would hide out.
23:50 And when they found a fellow coming along,
23:52 maybe an elderly couple, or maybe someone alone,
23:56 they would come out from the brush and jump upon them
24:00 and beat them up, and often take their lives, and
24:02 take their possessions at the same time.
24:06 In the story that Jesus tells, the certain man is a Samaritan.
24:12 Now while they were distant cousins, the Jew and the
24:16 Samaritan were bitter, bitter enemies.
24:19 In fact, when the Jew referred to the Samaritan, he would
24:22 often refer to him as a dog.
24:24 And he wasn't talking about that sweet little lap animal,
24:27 but rather those mangy curs that eat out of the garbage dump
24:31 and run wild through the back alleys.
24:36 A certain man fell among thieves and he was beaten up.
24:41 And the man who was robbed and beaten was a Jew.
24:43 And everyone knew that.
24:45 And then Jesus has, coming down this road going from Jerusalem
24:49 to Jericho, a scribe.
24:51 A church officer, a church attorney.
24:54 And he obviously sees the man wounded and dying.
24:57 And he goes right on down the road.
25:00 And then the next passerby is a temple priest.
25:04 And he certainly sees the man because makes an effort
25:06 to go around him.
25:08 And it may well have been his thought, "What should I do?"
25:11 He may have paused and pondered, "What ought I do?
25:15 Here's this guy that needs help, he's bleeding and all.
25:19 But on the other hand, down at the temple in Jericho,
25:22 there are 300 folks waiting for my blessing
25:24 and my sermon, my prayers.
25:26 Should I help the one guy or should I go help the 300?
25:28 Well, I better go help the 300."
25:31 And so he purposely walked by the wounded man.
25:35 And the third traveler was the Samaritan.
25:42 He stops, gets off his little donkey, and binds the
25:47 mans wounds, staunches the bleeding.
25:50 Perhaps pours oil upon his sores.
25:53 And then he has to load the man on his little animal
25:57 and lead him to the Good Samaritan Inn.
26:01 For hundreds and hundreds of years, they've been saying
26:03 that this is that inn.
26:06 Can we be sure? No.
26:07 But again, the tradition is early.
26:09 And many good scholars, careful scholars, believe
26:12 that this is the place.
26:14 And when he comes to the inn keeper,
26:16 he turns the man over to his care.
26:19 And he says to him, "Here is money.
26:21 If this isn't sufficient, in a few days I'll be
26:24 coming by here again.
26:26 And I will pay you then, the balance. "
26:28 What he's saying is, don't worry about the money
26:31 but worry about the man.
26:38 The good Samaritan.
26:40 Well, as we go towards the city, we want to notice
26:46 one or two other things.
26:47 Here is the tomb, ladies and gentlemen, of Rebecca.
26:53 Do you remember how Isaac was
26:56 granted his wife, beautiful girl?
26:58 And Abraham's hired man went off into the far country.
27:01 And the test was, if she brings water.
27:04 Do you remember the story?
27:05 And oh how Isaac loved her.
27:07 And when she died, he buried her between Jerusalem and Jericho.
27:12 And Jewish folks and Christian folks and people just
27:16 interest in history stop here and pay their respects
27:20 at the tomb of Rebecca.
27:22 And as we go again further toward the city of Jerusalem,
27:26 we see some Palestinians working out in their grain fields.
27:30 Now we talked together our second night here
27:33 about the conflict between the Palestinians and the Iranians
27:40 and the Iraqi's and the Jews.
27:42 And about the potential of Armageddon,
27:44 and all of that sort of thing.
27:45 So, in picture tonight, I'm going to share with you
27:48 a bit of the reality of that conflict.
27:50 Here is a Palestinian lady.
27:52 That means that she and her husband are Arabs
27:57 who were born in the holy land.
27:59 And their fathers and forefathers before them
28:01 were born here in the holy land.
28:05 And this lady is out in the afternoon heat cutting the grain
28:10 with a hand scythe in the same way that their forebearers
28:14 have harvested, back to the times of Isaiah and Jeremiah
28:18 and probably before that.
28:20 And then after the harvesting is done, after the grain
28:23 has been cut, they will carry it to the place of winnowing.
28:27 And here is the husband.
28:29 He's had a little donkey to walk upon the grain that's fallen
28:33 upon the hard stone floor.
28:35 And the footprints, the hoof prints of the little animal
28:40 have shredded off the hulls and when the afternoon breeze blows,
28:46 and they have to do the worse part of the work
28:48 in the afternoon, in the afternoon heat, you understand.
28:50 Because that's when the breeze comes up.
28:52 Then he throws the wheat, the chaff, rather the straw,
28:56 up into the air and the kernels of the grain fall back down
29:00 to the threshing floor and the wind blows the chaff away.
29:03 Nowadays, they set up some pretty big fans
29:07 to do the same thing and they can do it in
29:08 the cool of the evening.
29:09 But often they're doing it still in this style, in the same way
29:12 that they have done for hundreds,
29:14 yes, thousands of years.
29:16 And then they carry tremendous burdens into the market place.
29:21 Now, while the Palestinian is farming like this,
29:27 with hand implements, by the sweat of the brow
29:30 and the aching back, their Jewish neighbor
29:34 in the adjoining field or in the field across the road
29:38 is harvesting his crop as he drives an air conditioned
29:42 John Deer tractor and has stereo headphones upon his ears.
29:47 I want to thank you for traveling with me tonight.
29:53 Ladies and gentlemen, would you please open your Bibles
29:55 to Revelation chapter 1.
29:57 We've read a number of verses from the last book
30:00 for those who live in the last days.
30:01 But we've not read this one as yet.
30:06 So we're going to begin at the very first verse,
30:08 the first chapter.
30:10 The book for those who live in the last days,
30:12 the book of Revelation.
30:15 The prophet without honor.
30:16 And let's read about him, shall we?
30:18 Revelation 1:1
30:21 Here it says, "This is the Revelation
30:24 of John the disciple which God gave... "
30:27 What?
30:29 I have to check you out from time to time.
30:30 It's a revelation of whom then?
30:33 Of Jesus Christ.
30:34 I need to pause here for just a minute.
30:36 I remember not so terribly long ago talking to a pastor
30:40 who said, "In my church, I never allow a scripture
30:44 to be read from the Revelation.
30:45 I won't permit it. "
30:47 He said, "It's a book that's just filled with hocus pocus.
30:50 It's a book with strange symbols and all kinds of weirdness. "
30:54 And he said, "I just won't allow it read in my church. "
30:58 And I didn't say it, but I was thinking, what a tragedy.
31:01 What a real tragedy.
31:03 Because this is not only the book for those who
31:06 live in the last days.
31:07 This is the only one of the 66 books that make up our Bible
31:11 in which you find a promise given to those who will read it
31:14 and take advantage of it.
31:16 The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
31:19 Some of my preacher friends love to preach from
31:21 the gospel of John.
31:22 And some others love the book of Romans
31:25 because it's so clear on righteousness by faith.
31:28 Still others like the book of Galatians, and our scholars
31:31 after the pattern of the apostle Paul.
31:33 But I'm here to tell you folks tonight that after 40+ years
31:37 of study, I am absolutely convinced
31:39 that righteousness by faith is as clearly taught in this book
31:43 as it is in any other.
31:44 The Pauline writings, or those of Peter or John,
31:47 or any other gospel.
31:49 The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
31:51 Where do we find Him in the first three chapters?
31:54 We find our Lord Jesus walking among the golden candlesticks.
31:58 Those lights that represent His people, His churches.
32:02 And so that's why we sing, "This little light of mine. "
32:05 He's the senior Pastor with a shepherd's heart.
32:09 And so He gives those special messages
32:12 to the various churches.
32:13 The church at Philadelphia.
32:15 "You thought that you were alone often times.
32:17 But in the darkest hour, I was right there with you. "
32:20 And to the church of Thyatira.
32:22 And to this church where Satan's seat is, "I know the struggles
32:25 that you've been through.
32:26 I know the difficulties you've had to face.
32:28 I know that there were dark days when you thought
32:30 that you were all alone in the world.
32:33 But I was right there with you. "
32:35 And then he comes to the last church, the church of Laodicea.
32:38 And these churches, I believe by the way,
32:40 have to do with time periods.
32:42 And the last one is Laodicea.
32:44 And I believe the message is for you and for me.
32:46 And it talks about luke warmness.
32:48 And we're going to be relating that idea
32:50 as we go further as well.
32:51 But what Jesus is saying to us is, "During those last days,
32:55 during those really difficult times, when the weather is foul
32:59 and there are diseases and there are tornadoes
33:01 and there are plagues and there are earthquakes
33:03 in all of these different places, please know
33:06 just as surely as I was with the folks at Thyatira,
33:10 just as surely as I was with the people in Philadelphia,
33:13 I'm going to be right beside you. "
33:16 That's Jesus in the first three chapters of Revelation.
33:20 We come over to chapters 5, 6, and 7, and 8 the first verses,
33:25 and we find a crisis now.
33:28 There's a book that holds evidence, that holds information
33:32 for the very last days.
33:34 It's a book that if read and understood
33:37 could help the folks prepare.
33:40 Spiritual preparation, largely.
33:43 But there's no one that knows how to read the book.
33:46 And more than that, if one found could read the book,
33:49 he'd be unable to open it because the thing is sealed up
33:52 with seven seals.
33:53 And we could today, liken it to seven combination locks.
33:58 And when this thing passed before John in vision,
34:00 it was so real to him, it was so terrifying
34:03 before him that he cried.
34:06 "I wept a lot," he said,
34:08 "because there was found no man. "
34:11 And then there came a cry, "Stop, stop your weeping.
34:15 Hush it up, now wipe your tears John, for we have found one.
34:19 Look, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. "
34:22 Revelation chapter 5 and the 5th verse.
34:24 He not only knows the combinations,
34:27 He knows how to read the book.
34:29 And Jesus then, unfolds the future.
34:31 Jesus comes to the rescue riding upon the white horse.
34:35 Jesus is our Lord and Savior.
34:38 You find Him then, again, as the dragon slayer in
34:42 chapters 11, 12, and 13.
34:44 And a bit further, you find Him in chapters 19 and 20
34:48 as the Bridegroom riding down the corridor of space,
34:52 coming with a crown on His head and the scepter in his hand,
34:55 coming to marry His bride and to take her to be eternally
35:00 in the Father's house.
35:02 It is the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
35:05 Shall we read on chapter 1 and the 1st verse?
35:07 Verse 1 of Revelation 1.
35:10 The Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto Him
35:13 to show His servants the things that would shortly come to pass.
35:15 He sent and signified it by His angel unto the servant John.
35:20 And John bare record of the word of God and of the testimony
35:23 of Jesus Christ and of all things that he saw.
35:26 Blessed then... "
35:27 And by the way, that word that is "blessed"
35:30 has a more basic meaning.
35:32 And we today could translate it by saying "happy".
35:36 Happy, contented.
35:39 "Blessed, happy and contented then, is the one that reads,
35:43 and they that hear the words of this prophecy,
35:45 and keep the words that are written therein. "
35:47 I've had on many occasions, folks come to me and say,
35:49 "You know Lyle, I don't know why you like the book of Revelation
35:53 because it's so scary.
35:55 I mean, it has all those weird things and beasts and horns
35:57 and all of those strange symbols.
36:00 It's just frightening to me. "
36:02 And I say to them, "Oh no. No it's not frightening. "
36:06 "Happy are they, peaceful are they, blessed are they
36:12 who read and understand; for the time is at hand. "
36:18 I want to talk to you a little bit about the whole idea of
36:21 rejecting the Jesus of Revelation.
36:25 We're going to talk about the result of it all
36:27 and the reasoning behind a lot of it.
36:29 And it's not necessarily good news.
36:31 You know, it often comes to my mind that as we
36:35 near the last days, as there come more troubles and trials
36:38 and temptations and difficulties and diseases and pestilences
36:42 and all of the rest, folks would become more serious.
36:45 That we'd see the churches overflowing on worship morning.
36:49 But the reverse, here in the United States at least,
36:51 seems to be the case.
36:53 But you go to the average place of worship on worship morning
36:56 and you'll find lots and lots and lots of empty pews.
37:00 And our Lord Himself said that folks would become more secular
37:04 and more humanistic and less interested in spiritual things
37:08 as you get down near the end of time.
37:11 We somehow seem to want to defend our sins.
37:16 Because our Lord Jesus, and the word that is His,
37:19 condemns our lifestyle.
37:21 We've rejected His honesty.
37:24 Whether it comes to filling out our taxes or
37:26 doing something else.
37:27 You've seen, by the way, the tests haven't you,
37:30 where they will drop a $5 bill in the parking lot
37:32 or maybe in the aisle of the grocery store
37:34 just to see how many folks are willing to turn it in?
37:37 Well there are not so very many anymore.
37:39 We've rejected His honesty.
37:40 We've rejected His sexual purity.
37:44 And we have turned away from the truths of His word.
37:47 Many have described our day and age as hedonistic.
37:52 And I decided this morning as I studied a bit
37:55 that I would look that up again for my own sake.
37:57 And so I went to Mr. Webster and I looked up hedonism.
38:00 And this is what I found.
38:01 It's a devotion to pleasure.
38:04 A total self-gratification attitude.
38:09 Well it seems to me that pretty much identifies our society.
38:13 Doesn't it seem that way to you?
38:15 Now, God said it would be like this in the end time.
38:20 I want you please, to open your Bibles with me to a passage
38:23 that we've read before.
38:24 It's just before the Revelation, just before the
38:26 three little letters of John.
38:28 2 Peter chapter 3.
38:30 We alluded to this passage on another occasion,
38:32 but we must of necessity do it again tonight.
38:34 2 Peter chapter 3, and we're going to notice
38:38 beginning at the 3rd verse.
38:40 2 Peter 3:3-4
38:43 "Know this, that there will come in the last days scoffers
38:47 who are walking after their own lusts saying,
38:49 'Where is the promise of His coming?
38:52 For since our fathers fell asleep, all things continue
38:55 just as they were from the very beginning. '"
39:01 You go back to the first chapter and you see there,
39:05 2 Peter chapter 1, the first chapter, and verses 19 and 20,
39:09 just the reverse from that.
39:10 "We have also a more sure word of prophecy where unto we
39:15 do well to take heed, like the light that shines
39:18 in the dark place. "
39:23 Ladies and gentlemen, I want to go on record
39:25 to say to you tonight that Lyle has a purpose driven life.
39:29 I've been asked again and again if I've read this book
39:31 or that book about having Christian purpose in your life.
39:34 And my answer has always been the same.
39:36 No I haven't because since the day Jesus called me and
39:39 gave me my ministry, my life has been purpose driven.
39:44 And it's going to continue to be.
39:46 And one of the things that has impressed me as I've come
39:49 nearer and nearer to Jesus, is His fulfilled prophecy.
39:52 I think that this is my greatest reason really
39:55 for being a Christian.
39:57 The certainty of the prophecy.
39:58 "This sure word of prophecy where unto we
40:01 do well to take heed. "
40:02 The atheism and the disbelief is not only to be found out in
40:08 Hollywood, as we've mentioned, but it's tragically somehow
40:11 moved inside the church.
40:12 And sometimes it's referred to as the New Theology
40:16 and it's almost always a watering down of that
40:18 which was there before.
40:19 The easy gospel, "Come to the altar and get saved and just
40:22 go do whatever you want to do.
40:24 If you want to divorce that girl and take that one,
40:26 why go ahead and do it.
40:27 If you want to keep on drinking and beating up on the neighbors,
40:30 go ahead and do it, it's alright. "
40:34 And if you say anything contrary to that these days,
40:37 someone is bound to be offended.
40:38 You make almost any statement from God's word and the folks
40:42 will say to you, "Well now look.
40:43 I'm going to go check it out with my preacher.
40:46 I'm going to go ask my preacher what it says about it all. "
40:49 You know what I think we ought to do?
40:51 We ought not to check the Bible out with the preacher,
40:55 we ought to check the preacher out with the Bible.
41:02 And that includes certainly this one.
41:10 Not so terribly long ago, I climbed the cliffs
41:15 on the west side of the Dead Sea.
41:17 to go inside the caves of Qumran.
41:23 Khirbet Qumran, if you look it up in your dictionary.
41:27 In 1947, a Bedouin boy, a little goat herder boy
41:32 was tending the herd along the base of the cliffs
41:36 when he began, to just entertain himself, to throw rocks
41:40 up inside those caves.
41:42 And when he threw one, it went right inside, bull's-eye.
41:46 And he heard the smashing like the breaking of glass.
41:49 And so he climbed up there and went inside.
41:50 And he found earthen jugs with wax stoppers,
41:54 inside which there were ancient scrolls.
41:57 And tragically, he and his family sold the whole thing
42:00 for just a pittance.
42:01 I think at the time, it amounted to what today would
42:04 be about 40 dollars.
42:05 The Dead Sea Scrolls.
42:07 And the news was flashed around the world.
42:09 We now have copies of the books of the Bible that date back
42:13 to the time of Isaiah and Jeremiah.
42:15 And then some research was done to discover that the scrolls
42:18 most likely were placed there at the time that Titus Vespasian
42:22 moved in on Jerusalem in 70 AD and tore the place apart.
42:26 And the folks took the sacred word, took those holy scrolls
42:29 and hid them in the caves and made them to be in water tight
42:34 and air tight vessels for their preservation.
42:37 They took some of these scrolls and carefully, carefully
42:41 put them in humidity controlled rooms just exactly the
42:45 right temperature to soften them up and make them more pliable.
42:49 And then they unrolled the first one.
42:53 And as they unrolled the first scroll,
42:55 it opened to Isaiah 40:8.
42:58 Let's turn there together shall we?
43:00 It's really important that we do it.
43:02 Isaiah 40:8
43:06 Just before Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
43:11 Chapter 40 of Isaiah and the 8th verse.
43:14 Here's what they found when they unrolled the scroll.
43:18 Chapter 40 and verse 8.
43:24 "The grass withers and the flowers will fade,
43:27 but the word of God lasts forever. "
43:33 Hidden in the scrolls buried for hundreds and hundreds
43:37 and hundreds of years.
43:38 "The word of God stands forever. "
43:40 And so my belief in my Bible leads me simultaneously
43:45 to my belief in my Lord Jesus Christ.
43:48 He's my Lord and He's my Savior.
43:50 Man has made so many vain efforts to try to
43:53 destroy the word of God.
43:54 Tradition has dug a grave for it and attempted to bury it,
43:57 but it lives on.
43:58 It's been burned in great piles and great pyres and fires.
44:02 It lives on.
44:03 There have been Judas' who have tried to destroy it
44:06 with a kiss, but the word of God lives on.
44:08 There have been Peter's who've denied it
44:09 with curses, with oaths, and it lives on.
44:11 For truth never dies.
44:13 And so God would say through the psalmist, Psalm 119:89,
44:18 "Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in the heavens. "
44:21 That's it.
44:23 I remember not to very long ago, there was a man who was involved
44:27 in a little bit of a theological debate with someone else.
44:29 And he said, "Well, I can see your point.
44:32 But I don't know how to impress it upon my neighbor. "
44:34 And it had to do with healthful living, for your interest sake.
44:37 "I don't know how to make him see the importance of it all. "
44:40 And the other fellow said, "Why don't you just tell him
44:43 God said don't do it. "
44:47 And so we sing together, "God says it and I believe it.
44:51 And that settles it. "
44:53 "An old time religion, it's good enough for me. "
44:57 There's a man who wrote a book.
44:59 He entitled his book, "The Last Words of Saints and Sinners. "
45:04 And what he had done was travel to folks who were
45:07 on their death beds.
45:08 Folks who knew they were dying and were, perhaps, able to put
45:11 the distilled wisdom of a lifetime into their last words.
45:14 And he wrote a fascinating book.
45:16 And then he decided to go beyond that and to look at the lives,
45:19 and then the deaths, of some other important men.
45:21 One of those that he wrote a bit of biographical information
45:25 about was a man by the name of Francois Voltaire.
45:29 Not too long ago, Peggy and I stood beside his grave
45:32 over in Paris.
45:33 He was a philosopher.
45:34 He lived from 1694 to 1778.
45:38 And he said this about 1750, "In 50 years, the Bible
45:44 is going to be extinct. "
45:46 But you know what?
45:47 Today, after nearly everyone has forgotten Voltaire,
45:50 the Bible is still the best seller in all the world.
45:53 And his biographer says that when Voltaire died,
45:56 he died screaming, "I'm going to the realm of the damned. "
46:02 And then there was Thomas Paine.
46:04 He was an American patriot and we own him that.
46:06 He lived in a little cabin there out of New Rochelle, New York.
46:10 From 1737 to 1809 was his life.
46:14 He wrote a book that he entitled, "The Age of Reason. "
46:17 And he laughed at God and at Religion, and Christ certainly.
46:20 His biographer says he died screaming the name of Jesus.
46:24 And his last sentence was, "I'd give the world if I'd never
46:27 written 'The Age of Reason'.
46:28 Lord, have mercy. Oh God, have mercy. "
46:32 One of my indoor sports has been to read of
46:34 the English literate, Samuel Johnson.
46:38 Perhaps the best known writer over in Great Britain.
46:43 He had a buddy who sat at his feet, who would drink in
46:46 his words, and then write them down.
46:48 His name was Boswell.
46:49 Boswell writes of his death, and I read it years and years ago.
46:53 He said Samuel Johnson, who denied God,
46:55 died screaming with fear.
46:59 And just across town at the same time, only blocks away,
47:04 there was dying, the Christian by the name of John Wesley.
47:09 And his last words, said his wife, were these.
47:12 "Best of all, God is with us. "
47:19 I've told you before, I have two kids that are nurses.
47:22 And my son Troy would tell you how he hates
47:26 to attend the death of one who's dying without faith.
47:30 He said it's terrible, it's frightening.
47:32 You can see the fear in their eyes and you can see the
47:36 tension, you can see on the monitors the heart rate go up.
47:39 And that they're dreading the unknown.
47:42 And then I contrast that with the death of my own father.
47:46 I was holding a meeting down in Medford.
47:50 And I knew my dad was getting more and more sick.
47:53 And so I called him up.
47:55 And I said, "Daddy, I'd like to come home. "
47:59 "I'd like to be with you. "
48:05 My daughter, Tammy, was at his bedside just
48:09 nearly around the clock.
48:13 And my dad said, "No, you stay. "
48:16 "Stay and preach. "
48:17 I was talking to him as he died.
48:26 Perfect peace have they
48:29 who love thy word, and nothing shall offend them.
48:34 The apostle Paul, in contrast to the others who died in fear,
48:38 would write a letter to a young preacher by the name of Timothy.
48:40 And in the first chapter and the twelfth verse, he said,
48:43 "I know the One in whom I believe.
48:46 And I know that He's able to keep that which I've
48:49 committed to Him against that Day. "
48:53 "I have confidence in my future with Jesus Christ. "
48:56 That's the apostle Paul.
48:58 Fulfilled prophecy.
49:00 The atheist, the agnostic, the infidel.
49:03 They won't believe the Bible because it
49:04 condemns their lifestyle.
49:06 But on the other hand, the agnostics down in Hollywood
49:09 and in New York City, and everywhere, and in this town,
49:12 are willing to place their faith in cloverleaf,
49:15 four leaf clovers, in crystal balls, in rabbits feet.
49:18 And by the way, it wasn't so lucky for the rabbit, was it.
49:23 Fortune tellers, mediums, necromancers, channelers,
49:26 tarot cards, and fortune cookies.
49:28 All very scientific, huh?
49:30 Nah. The proof is in the prophecy.
49:32 Some say the proof is in the pudding.
49:34 I like to say the proof is in the prophecy.
49:37 And so I'm going to have to hurry now.
49:38 We're not going to be able to read it all, but I'm going to
49:41 reference, and you go home and study it for yourself.
49:43 Ezekiel chapter 26 verses 3 and 4.
49:47 And then put also, will you please, verses 14 and 19.
49:52 And I'll give you the background of the story.
49:55 There was a place called Tyre over along
49:57 the Mediterranean coast.
49:59 And it was a sailor town.
50:01 It was a New York City of its day.
50:02 It was a port town and it was desperately wicked.
50:05 And God said, "I'm going to destroy you.
50:07 One of these days I'm going to knock the place down
50:10 and it's never, never going to be rebuilt. "
50:13 That was God's warning.
50:15 In 575, a guy by the name of Nebuchadnezzar, young man,
50:20 set out to rule the whole world, moved in against the place
50:23 because he was upset with the folk there.
50:25 And he destroyed the city and the rubble was strewn
50:28 over square acres.
50:32 The folk who lived there decided they'd get the last laugh and
50:36 they got in boats and moved what was left out onto an island.
50:40 But you remember now, God had said,
50:42 "I'm going to leave the place desolate and completely empty.
50:46 And then it's going to be as flat as the top of a rock.
50:50 They're going to scrape the dust from it and the fishermen will
50:53 lay there their nets. "
50:55 225 before Christ, 250 years after Nebuchadnezzar's attack,
51:01 there came a guy by the name of Alexander the Great.
51:04 And he got really upset with the folks who were laughing
51:06 at him out on the island.
51:07 And guess what he did.
51:08 He gathered up all of the stones and all of the columns
51:13 and all of the broken rocks and rubble.
51:16 And he had his soldiers begin to build a causeway.
51:20 They built it out to the island a half mile away.
51:24 And when they'd gotten the rubble in place,
51:26 they needed some fill dirt and so they scraped the tops
51:30 of the rocks with dust pans and filled in the potholes.
51:34 And the word of God was fulfilled in exact
51:37 and careful detail.
51:38 You can count on what God says.
51:41 Now let me tell you a little bit about my Lord Jesus
51:43 so you can have some faith and some trust in Him.
51:45 The prophet without honor.
51:47 In John's gospel chapter 4, at verses 43 and 44,
51:51 He referred to Himself in that way, "I am without honor
51:54 in My own country. "
51:55 And He's without honor in a lot of countries still yet today.
52:00 Jesus was up at Capernaum.
52:01 We visited there up on the screen a few evenings ago.
52:04 And He worked wonderful miracles.
52:07 He healed a lady, Peter's mother-in-law.
52:10 He healed another lady who'd had a bleeding problem
52:13 for many, many years.
52:14 He had healed a paralytic who was let down through the roof.
52:17 He had raised back to life Jairus' daughter.
52:20 And in spite of all of that, the folks rejected Him.
52:22 They would not accept Him.
52:24 And so Jesus said, "Capernaum, you're going to
52:26 be brought low. "
52:29 Today out in Capernaum, there are only snakes and
52:33 spiders and scorpions.
52:35 The place is desolate, it's empty.
52:36 No one has lived there since the time of Christ.
52:40 And then go with me please, and find Jesus
52:43 with His disciples on a hillside.
52:45 It's called the Mount of Olives.
52:47 They were headed to Bethany and they sat down to rest.
52:50 And as they looked back toward Jerusalem, they saw the temple.
52:52 And the disciples said, "Lord, isn't it beautiful. "
52:55 He said, "Yes it is, but one day the place is going to be
52:58 ransacked till not one stone is left upon another. "
53:01 About 40 years later, Titus Vespasian, who at the time was
53:06 the most able general of all of Romans legions,
53:09 came to the city and took it apart.
53:11 And the peoples of Jerusalem hid inside the temple.
53:14 They were sure that they'd be safe inside God's house.
53:17 So en masse, they went inside the temple.
53:19 And there was a man among them who became a very trusted and
53:23 trustworthy historian.
53:25 His name was Flavius Josephus.
53:27 Josephus said, "I pled with them to give up.
53:30 I pled with them to come out but they stayed inside. "
53:33 And so Titus Vespasian put the torch to the place
53:37 and burned it down.
53:38 And the folks on the inside died in the fire crying,
53:42 "Ichabod, ichabod, the glory of God has departed. "
53:46 And when the stones cooled and the ashes were nothing but
53:51 embers now, the Romans dug up the stones, removed everyone,
53:58 shoveled the dirt into strainers to recapture the gold that
54:02 had fallen between the cracks.
54:03 Jesus said not one stone would be left upon another.
54:07 You can trust His word.
54:08 Our Lord said, "Heaven and earth will pass away,
54:11 but My word will last forever. "
54:15 And now, ladies and gentlemen, I must make to you an appeal.
54:19 That same Jesus said, "He that hath the Son hath life.
54:23 But he that hath not the Son hath not eternal life. "
54:26 I beg you tonight, if you haven't already done it,
54:29 make Him the Lord of your life.
54:31 Not only One who separated BC from AD.
54:34 Not only One who's important in history.
54:37 But invite Him to come and sit on your heart's throne.
54:40 Make Him your Savior, and at the same time
54:43 He'll be your very best friend.
54:46 I read recently about the little boy who came from poverty
54:50 and wanted so for a little red wheel barrel for Christmas.
54:54 And at the family circle, he would pray night after night,
54:57 "Oh Jesus, just bring me a wheel barrel,
54:59 a little red wheel barrel. "
55:00 And his parents scraped and saved and scraped,
55:02 and went without things.
55:04 And they bought a little red wheel barrel.
55:06 And on Christmas morning, the little boy saw under the tree,
55:09 his heart's desire.
55:11 And he took it outside and, without his coat, he went
55:14 running up and down the streets.
55:15 Not far away, there in front of the church was a nativity scene.
55:19 And sometime midmorning someone came in to the pastor
55:22 with a report, "Someone has stolen the doll
55:25 from the nativity scene. "
55:27 And a bit later, a neighbor said, "I saw a little boy
55:30 with a little red wheel barrel with a doll and going
55:32 up and down the streets. "
55:33 And they went up and down the streets, found the little guy,
55:35 and surely enough, there was the nativity doll.
55:38 And they said, "Son, why did you steal the little doll?"
55:43 "Oh no," he said, "I didn't steal it. "
55:45 He said, "I promised Jesus if he'd bring me a wheel barrel,
55:52 I'd give Him the first ride. "
55:57 And what about you, huh?
56:01 What about us?
56:04 We give Him the first ride when we make Him
56:06 the supremacy of our lives.
56:08 Will we?
56:14 He'll fill all of our needs.
56:16 Every one.
56:18 Romans 5:1, there God said Jesus will bring you peace.
56:24 You want peace?
56:25 He'll bring it.
56:26 1 Corinthians 15:57 says He'll bring us victory.
56:30 You have a problem with temper or drugs or alcohol or tobacco?
56:33 He'll bring you victory.
56:35 In Matthew 1:21 says He'll bring us salvation.
56:38 He came to save His people from their sins.
56:41 John 15:11 says He'll bring to us happiness and joy.
56:45 Could you use some joy in your life?
56:48 Best of all and most of all, He'll give us life eternal.
56:54 I don't know,
57:00 I can't understand,
57:05 how folks can go to the cemetery
57:12 and bury there their hearts,
57:16 their dreams,
57:19 their spouse or their kids,
57:24 and face life
57:27 without Jesus.
57:30 Thank You, Lord, for Your word,
57:35 for Your promise,
57:38 for Your presence.
57:42 When we found You, we have found not only a friend
57:45 and a comforter,
57:48 but one who brings peace and victory and salvation,
57:51 and happiness in the interim.
57:55 If there's one here tonight that hasn't accept You
57:57 as their best friend and their Savior,
57:59 don't let them rest.
58:00 Don't give them peace or contentment until they
58:04 settle it with You.
58:06 Then let us bask eternally
58:11 in Your sunlight, in Your kingdom.
58:15 In Jesus' name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17