Revelation Insights

The Millennium

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Lyle Albrecht


Series Code: RIN

Program Code: RIN000019

00:59 Thank You.
01:01 Good evening and welcome.
01:03 We're going to go to Jerusalem tonight
01:04 if you'll fasten you're seatbelts.
01:07 One for my very favorite journeys.
01:09 I shall never forget my first trip into the city.
01:13 With me was my singing evangelist and as our bus
01:17 began to climb Mt. Zion, he began to sing that wonderful
01:22 song, that thrilling song, The Holy City.
01:25 "Jerusalem, Jerusalem. Lift up your gates and sing. "
01:29 We want to have a little bit of the study of the map
01:32 tonight as we begin.
01:36 On the extreme left, of course, the entirety of the Holy Land
01:39 is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea.
01:41 In your Bible, it's probably referred to as the Great Sea.
01:45 And then, if you'll look up toward the top of the screen,
01:50 there you'll see the Galilee Sea, kidney shaped
01:52 body of water.
01:54 We visited there a few evenings ago.
01:56 We come straight south down the Jordon River and we come
02:00 to the north of the Dead Sea.
02:02 And then we go straight west and we find the city of Jerusalem,
02:06 right there, only about 18 milesfrom the Dead Sea.
02:12 The city of Jerusalem, ladies and gentlemen,
02:14 is a curious mixture of the ancient and the modern,
02:17 the old and the new, and the east and the west.
02:23 And here on the western side of the city of Jerusalem,
02:26 we find town houses and condominiums that are
02:29 as beautiful as those we might find around Central Park
02:32 in New York City.
02:33 But a stone's throw from here, folks are living in conditions
02:37 that date back to the times of Isaiah and Jeremiah.
02:40 And we're going to see all of it as we move around
02:43 through the city this evening.
02:45 Here's a study in contrast for you.
02:47 Going down the highway is a fairly new Mercedes Benz
02:50 automobile and watching it go by is an old Arab on his donkey.
02:55 A Palestinian just watching the traffic go by.
02:59 This is an interesting piece of art.
03:01 It was given to the Israeli government when it was
03:04 formed in 1948 by the British who'd been in charge, of course,
03:09 of Palestine at that time.
03:11 And it is a piece of black marble that is chiseled to tell
03:15 the history of the children of Israel from Abraham's time
03:19 on down to the time they went into the Promise Land
03:22 and beyond that.
03:24 And it's a beautiful, beautiful piece of art,
03:27 marble art that is lovely.
03:29 Now we're looking from the opposite side, the eastern side
03:33 of the city across the Kidron Valley to the eastern gate,
03:37 also known as the Golden Gate.
03:40 And you can see that it's been walled up.
03:42 And we see, moreover, that there is a cemetery in front of it.
03:45 And I want to tell you a little bit about why the gate has
03:48 been closed up and why the cemetery is there.
03:56 In the Old Testament book of Malachi,
03:59 which is the last book of the Old Testament,
04:01 there's a prophecy that said when Messiah would come
04:06 He would be preceded by Elijah, and Elijah would turn the
04:09 hearts of the children to the parents
04:11 and parents to the children.
04:15 When Islam took over this part of the world,
04:20 they decided they would prevent the coming of the Messiah
04:25 by preventing Elijah preceding Him.
04:29 And they believed that Messiah would come through the
04:31 eastern or the Golden Gate on a great triumphal entry.
04:35 And they further believed that Elijah was a priest
04:40 and priests could not go through cemeteries.
04:42 Now this is not a law from the Bible, but it was a regulation
04:46 among the Jewish people at the time of Islam's majority.
04:51 Back around, you know, the 8th century, the early part of the
04:55 8th century, 1720 or 30 and right in through there.
04:59 And so the followers of Islam began to bury their dead,
05:04 after they had enclosed the eastern gate, sealed it off.
05:08 They began a cemetery here that grew over the years
05:12 with the idea that this would prevent the coming of Messiah.
05:16 Well the tragedy, of course, was that Jesus had come and gone,
05:20 you remember, and they didn't recognize Him.
05:24 "Whom do folks say that I am?"
05:25 "Well, some think that You're John the Baptist
05:27 and others think that You're a reincarnation of Elijah. "
05:31 "And He came to His own and His own received Him not. "
05:36 We're going to move in here for a little bit of a close-up
05:38 and I want to point out some of the graves to you.
05:41 When you see a grave with a headstone and a footstone,
05:45 you know that this is a grave of a man or a boy.
05:52 A male person for sure.
05:54 And when you see a grave that has only just a headstone
05:57 or maybe no headstone at all, maybe no stone at all,
06:01 you know that is the grave of a woman or a girl.
06:06 Because there is no equality in life, nor is there
06:09 equality in death.
06:10 It's only the Christian faith, ladies, where you're
06:14 granted equality.
06:15 For the apostle Paul, God through Paul said,
06:17 in Jesus Christ there's neither male nor female,
06:21 Jew or Greek, but all are equals.
06:23 And so we all, men and women, owe Jesus a real debt, don't we.
06:28 Because of His equality, because of His righteousness,
06:30 and His salvation.
06:33 Now I, every time I look at this picture, remember the original
06:38 temptation of Jesus as recorded in Matthew's gospel
06:42 chapters 3 and 4.
06:43 You remember?
06:44 As soon as He was baptized, it says He was lead
06:47 into the wilderness and was tempted by the devil.
06:50 And among those temptations, finds Jesus on the pinnacle
06:54 of the temple and the devil is testing Him and tempting Him
06:58 to jump off, and the devil quotes scripture.
07:01 He knows the Bible well, we're sure of that.
07:03 He said, "go ahead and jump off," and then he quoted
07:06 an old promise, "Angels will bear You up so that You don't
07:10 even mash Your toe when You land. "
07:13 And Jesus responded, you recall, by quoting scripture also.
07:17 And He said we're not to tempt God.
07:19 Now had Jesus jumped from the pinnacle of the temple,
07:22 He would have not only jumped down to the square
07:26 of the temple but He would have jumped clear off to the bottom
07:29 of the Kidron Valley where we're standing to take this picture.
07:33 Another 100 plus feet below the temple square.
07:36 We also believe that it was from somewhere in here,
07:40 maybe over about the extreme right hand of this picture
07:44 on the screen, somewhere in here that Judas
07:47 hanged himself as is described in Acts chapter 1.
07:51 And the Bible, of course, says that the cord with which
07:55 he'd hanged himself broke and his body fell
07:59 on the rocks below, it broke open.
08:02 Now in the center of Temple Square, there is the second
08:05 most holy place in all of the faith of Islam.
08:09 It has two names.
08:11 The Dome of the Rock and the Mosque of Omar.
08:16 The Mosque of Omar.
08:19 You remember when we mentioned the other evening,
08:21 some really love Grape Nuts and I mentioned to you
08:24 Peggy is one such?
08:26 And How I've looked through the bowl of Grape Nuts
08:30 and there are no grapes and there are no nuts?
08:32 And every time I see the Mosque of Omar, I'm reminded of
08:34 Grape Nuts, strange association, huh.
08:38 Well I'm from Idaho, that explains most of it.
08:41 But at any event, this is not a mosque in the strictest since.
08:44 It's not the tomb of Omar.
08:46 But it is a very, very sacred place for followers of Islam.
08:50 The Dome of the Rock.
08:52 And by the way, that dome that you see that's covered over with
08:54 gold was placed there, the gold portion was placed there
08:59 by the Hussein family that still today rules just a
09:03 few miles from here.
09:05 King Hussein, the family of Hussein over in Jordon.
09:11 This beautiful, beautiful place was built, again, in the
09:16 7th century and it is built over the presumed site
09:22 of the ascension of the prophet Muhammad into heaven
09:26 on that black Wednesday.
09:27 And we're going to go inside there in just a little bit.
09:31 But before we do that, we walk around to the ascent.
09:35 The Bible talks about the Queen of Sheba
09:38 coming to see Solomon's temple and how greatly impressed
09:41 she was by the staircase.
09:44 And they say this is the staircase, but once made much
09:47 more beautiful with the imported marbles that covered it all.
09:51 We're going to climb that same staircase and make ready to go
09:55 inside, you and I.
09:57 But before we're allowed to go inside we must, here also,
10:01 remove our shoes.
10:03 You remember when we were in Egypt the other night
10:06 at the tomb of Muhammad Ali Pasha and you have to remove
10:11 your shoes before even you can go into the courtyard there.
10:14 Well the same thing holds true here,
10:16 everyone takes off their shoes.
10:18 And out around the entry door, there are probably
10:21 100 to 150 pairs of shoes.
10:25 Now, if you're a follower of Islam, in addition to removing
10:29 your shoes, you go over to the fountain near by
10:33 and you sit down on one of those stone benches,
10:36 open the spicket and wash your feet.
10:38 And it all goes back to the time that Moses was at the
10:41 burning bush and God said, "Remove your shoes.
10:44 You're standing on holy ground. "
10:48 This shrine, this mosque if you please, is designed
10:55 after the order of God's holy temple
10:59 where God said, "I want you to make it holy place
11:03 and most holy place. "
11:05 And so we find the same thing here.
11:07 We're going to go in, you and I, to the holy place.
11:11 And it is as beautiful, I believe, as any building
11:14 perhaps I've ever been in.
11:15 Persian rugs that make you feel you're going to sink
11:19 in to your knees.
11:20 And gorgeous marble and mosaics, the finest stones
11:25 probably, that were available when all of this was built.
11:28 Now for years I had to say, I am sorry I cannot take you
11:32 in to the most holy, or into the inner circle of it all
11:35 because it is so sacred to the folks that they'll not let you
11:40 take a camera in, nor will they sell you a picture of it.
11:44 Well I had to say that for a number of years,
11:46 but a man was called to do some repair on the interior
11:52 of the dome and in his toolbox, he smuggled in a 35mm camera.
11:58 And when no one was looking, evidently, he with his wide
12:02 angle lens, looked right down and shot a picture and
12:06 then got it out and made copies of it and sold those copies
12:09 for 75 dollars each.
12:11 This next picture, ladies and gentlemen, cost me $75,
12:15 but I'd gladly do it again.
12:17 There it is, we're looking right down on the rock.
12:20 On the rock from which the followers of Islam believe that
12:23 Muhammad ascended on the black Wednesday into heaven
12:26 and then, of course, returned and died and was buried
12:29 in Medina in Arabia.
12:31 Moreover, they believe that it was upon this rock that Abraham
12:36 brought his son Ishmael to offer him as a sacrifice.
12:40 But of course, in Christianity and Judaism, we believe that
12:43 it was the son Isaac and not Ishmael.
12:46 But this, then, is what makes it the very holy place that it is.
12:50 Considered to be second most holy only to Medina in Arabia.
12:55 Now, the books that are the best sellers on end time events
13:00 and tribulation times and all, suggest, and some more than
13:05 suggest, almost insist, that this place is going to be
13:08 knocked down so a temple can be rebuilt.
13:11 You've heard that idea, haven't you.
13:12 Going to rebuild a temple.
13:13 And sometimes I read in the Enquirer and certain other
13:17 such rags, and I don't mean that in an unkind way,
13:22 but scandal sheets, that they're already starting to rebuild
13:26 the temple in Jerusalem.
13:27 Well listen to me, ladies and gentlemen.
13:29 If anyone; Jew, Christian, or a combination thereof,
13:33 so much as made one hammer mark upon one of the tiles
13:39 of this place, Armageddon would start that same day.
13:43 You can be sure of it.
13:45 And I don't think that we need to wait until someone starts
13:49 to rebuild a temple before Jesus can come back.
13:52 I think that's not one of the signs at all.
13:55 But it is a very special and very beautiful place.
13:58 Well we want to walk around the old wall of this city.
14:00 At the time of Jesus, and a long while before that,
14:03 it was a walled in city.
14:05 And where you see the tower, ladies and gentlemen,
14:07 that is the Citadel, and today we would liken it to the
14:11 police headquarters.
14:13 Alright.
14:14 That was the lookout tower for the Citadel or the
14:16 police headquarter.
14:17 Our Lord Jesus talked about the sheep and the goats
14:21 being together until the end time.
14:23 And at the end, He would separate them.
14:26 He used illustrations that were so very every day,
14:29 so very practical.
14:30 This is the livestock auction in Jerusalem.
14:33 And here, the sheep and the goats co-mingle, and all of the
14:36 folks that you see here are Palestinians.
14:39 Any time you see someone wearing that kind of headgear,
14:42 you know that they are Arabs born in the Holy Land,
14:46 or Arabs at least.
14:47 And most likely Palestinian born in the Holy Land.
14:51 Sheep and the goats be together until the end time.
14:55 I think it's not an accident that Jesus used
14:57 that illustration.
15:01 Is it an accident that Jesus is referred to as the lamb?
15:05 Not at all.
15:07 The lamb is one of the most gentle of all of the animals
15:12 on God's created earth.
15:14 The lamb follows its master right to the slaughter.
15:18 And at the time of slaughter, they say, never even cries out.
15:22 The goat, on the other hand, butts his way
15:26 everywhere he goes.
15:28 And I think about that when sometimes I'm visiting with folk
15:31 and trying to encourage them to follow the truths of Jesus
15:34 and they say, "Well I can see it's in the Bible, but... "
15:39 "I can see that it's the Sabbath, but... "
15:42 But...
15:43 And that kind of reminds me of the goats,
15:45 and so we need to remember some of these illustrations of Jesus.
15:49 The city was build upon Mt. Zion.
15:52 Consequently, to get from one elevation to the other,
15:56 there are steps, and everywhere there are steps or stairs,
15:59 you find the children of Abraham engaged in some kind of
16:03 business selling fruits and vegetables, or maybe yard goods
16:07 or some other household item.
16:09 And here, we're climbing up between the folks that are
16:12 selling fruits and vegetables.
16:15 There are very few places in the old city, by the way,
16:17 where you can drive a motor car, even motorcycle for that matter,
16:22 because of the various elevations and the steps.
16:26 The city of Jerusalem gave birth to three major world religions.
16:30 Judaism, Christianity, and then Islam.
16:34 And that's why it's referred to as the Holy City.
16:38 Holy, not only for Christians, but for others as well.
16:40 Now these Palestinians are sitting up against the wall
16:43 and they're selling tobacco.
16:46 This man is selling cigarettes and cigars and his friend
16:50 is sampling the wares and telling how wonderful they are.
16:54 See, he's smoking the tobacco through a water pipe there.
16:57 Some of the younger generation might call it the hookah pipe.
17:01 Doesn't matter what you call it.
17:02 They have a little cassette player there, and guess what.
17:06 They're listening to some music.
17:08 Who do you suppose they're listening to?
17:10 Frank Sinatra.
17:14 It seems to matter not where I go in the world,
17:17 the people listen to the music of the United States.
17:20 Really.
17:22 Our music dominates the peoples of the world to a
17:24 very large degree.
17:25 Now we're on the north side of the city
17:27 and we're looking at the Damascus Gate.
17:29 And every time we think of Damascus, of course,
17:31 we think of the conversion of the apostle Paul.
17:35 He was leaving Jerusalem on his way to Damascus
17:37 to do violence to the Christians when he was knocked from the
17:39 back of his animal and found conversion.
17:42 Is this the gate that Paul came out of?
17:44 No, but rather the one down toward the edge of the screen.
17:48 Let's bring it up, shall we.
17:49 There it is, now in the center of the picture.
17:52 That is the Damascus Gate of the time of the apostle Paul.
17:56 But it's much higher today for the simple reason that
17:59 the city of Jerusalem has been destroyed and rebuilt
18:02 on so many, many, many occasions, 27 at least.
18:06 And every time they rebuild, they rebuild on the ruins
18:08 of the city that was there before it.
18:10 And so, it's gotten higher and higher, and higher still.
18:14 Now we were just at the second most holy place
18:17 for the followers of Islam.
18:18 This is the holy place in Jerusalem for the Jew,
18:22 the Orthodox certainly.
18:24 This is the Wailing Wall that you've heard of.
18:27 This is all that remains of the temple that was placed here
18:32 by David, the materials by David.
18:34 And those stones, perhaps as well.
18:36 And then the construction was overseen by his son, Solomon.
18:40 And here the Orthodox come, write out little prayers,
18:44 fold them until they're no bigger than a thumbnail,
18:47 and then stick them in the cracks between the stones.
18:50 And for the next hour, perhaps, they will bob and weave and
18:54 pray, "How long Lord, how long until Jerusalem is restored?"
18:59 There's a sign here that says, "Respect the sanctity and
19:02 don't take pictures or smoke on the Sabbath. "
19:06 Rules like these, ideas like these caused folks of the
19:10 3rd and 4th centuries, particularly, to begin to
19:13 look down upon the Sabbath.
19:15 If this place is so sacred that you ought not to smoke here
19:20 on Saturday, what makes it okay on Tuesday?
19:24 You see.
19:25 Yea.
19:26 Well, we need to move on.
19:28 This is a gate in the old wall also that has two names.
19:33 It's called the Lions Gate and up on either side, you see
19:37 the stone lions that are carved there.
19:39 Christians, though, more often refer to it
19:42 as St. Stephen's Gate because about where I'm standing
19:46 to shoot this picture, Stephen was stoned to death.
19:50 And he said the same thing, you remember, basically that
19:53 Jesus said on the cross, "Lay not this sin to their charge.
19:56 Father, forgive them, they don't know what they're doing. "
19:59 Well as we move on, we come to the area of Bethany.
20:06 When Jesus was in the area for several days,
20:10 he would go to the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus
20:13 for a good meal and for some good company.
20:17 And at the presumed site of their home, there has been
20:20 a little chapel built.
20:22 We're not going to go inside, but we're going to go up the
20:25 alley toward the tomb of Lazarus.
20:27 And as we do so, we go by the home of an Arab family.
20:31 A few years ago it was a barn, ladies and gentlemen.
20:34 And they have no indoor plumbing, they have
20:37 no bathroom facility.
20:38 They have to use the corner of the yard
20:41 and it smells terribly, but it's the best that they can do.
20:44 We turn around 180 degrees and we're looking right down
20:47 into the tomb of Lazarus where Jesus called,
20:50 "Lazarus, come forth. "
20:54 Jesus said to His disciples, "Go and find a room and
20:59 rent that room.
21:00 And we'll celebrate together the Passover.
21:02 And then Jesus instituted in its place, the Lord's Supper.
21:06 And for hundreds and hundreds of years, they've been saying
21:09 that this is that upper room.
21:11 Can we be certain? No, not at all.
21:14 Is it possible? It is, it is.
21:17 It's the Roman style and it goes back to the time of Jesus,
21:21 say the archaeologists.
21:24 It was here that Judas got up from the table and
21:27 went out to betray Jesus.
21:29 And Jesus, a bit later with the eleven, then left the room,
21:33 went through the eastern or Golden Gate, crossed
21:37 the Kidron Valley, and over into the garden of Gethsemane.
21:42 And He said to His disciples, "Wait here and pray with Me.
21:47 Watch and pray. "
21:50 When you go into this garden, a guide will show you
21:55 an old, old olive tree and tell you that it was right beneath
22:00 that tree that Peter, James, and John slept when they
22:04 should have been praying.
22:07 My son, Terry, was a lay preacher and a really good one.
22:12 And the last sermon that he preached, he took from this
22:15 story and this incident when Jesus came back and He said
22:20 to them, "Sleep on for it's too late now.
22:23 Go ahead and sleep. "
22:25 And my boy preached a sermon, "Will you also sleep on?
22:29 Are we asleep when we see the world caving in all around us?"
22:33 It was a powerful message and it was so good that I'm going to
22:36 preach it one of these days.
22:38 Will you also sleep on?
22:40 Well can we be sure that this is where the disciples were asleep?
22:44 No.
22:45 Is it possible? Yes.
22:47 And the reason that it's possible is, the olive tree is
22:50 one of the oldest living things in all of the world.
22:52 And those who know about such things can count the rings
22:57 and say that these trees date back to the time of Jesus.
23:01 Not all, but some of them date back to the time of Jesus.
23:04 Well, where Jesus agonized and where He sweat great drops
23:08 of blood, they've again built a little church.
23:11 And it's called, The Church of the Agony.
23:13 And we go inside and up in the area of the altar
23:16 there is above it, a tapestry that shows Jesus agonizing
23:20 upon a rock and praying, "If possible, let this cup
23:24 pass from me. "
23:26 And they say, then, that it was here that Judas came
23:29 leading the temple priest and the Roman soldiers who
23:31 arrested Jesus and then dragged Him over to the Sanhedrin
23:34 where He stood trial before the Jews,
23:36 and then was turned over to Pilate.
23:40 We're now going to go to the court of Pontius Pilate.
23:43 And while we can't be sure that was the tree or that
23:46 was the place, I think when it comes to believing that
23:50 this is the place of Pilate's judgment, there is good
23:53 historical and archaeological reason behind it.
23:57 I think that we can be at least 95% certain
24:00 that this is the place of Pilate's judgment hall.
24:04 In the flooring, there are games carved into the stone.
24:09 Not unlike tic tac toe where the Roman soldiers would play
24:13 and pass the time until the final verdict.
24:16 Then it says, Jesus bearing His cross began to drag it
24:20 up Via Dolorosa.
24:22 It was not so named at the time of Christ, but it's
24:25 named that today.
24:26 The road to the cross.
24:30 It was part of the punishment of the man crucified that he
24:33 drag his cross, not the shortest route, but the longest distance
24:38 so the largest number of folks could abuse him
24:42 and throw rocks at him and try to spit upon him
24:46 and maybe slap him as he dragged the cross.
24:49 Christian people today come here and they follow that same route,
24:54 some of them like this lady carrying a small cross.
24:57 But some young men, I have seen, carrying crosses,
25:00 dragging crosses that are made out of timbers as large
25:04 as railroad ties.
25:07 You end, on Via Dolorosa, at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
25:14 And at this point, I need to say to you that there are two places
25:17 where it's said that Jesus was buried, and this is one of them.
25:20 And we're going to go inside and a priest will take you
25:25 to a certain place where there's a little altar.
25:27 And with a lighted candle, he will show you a hole
25:30 beneath that altar and tell you that it was there that the
25:34 cross of Jesus was raised.
25:36 And you may spend as much time here as you like.
25:39 And it is very ornate.
25:41 And then you follow another priest into a basement area
25:46 and he tells you that this is where Jesus was buried.
25:50 Now I need to be honest to say to you that scholars who have
25:54 spent a lifetime studying the place of the crucifixion
25:57 and the burial are largely in agreement that this
26:00 was the place.
26:01 And while your mind may say, "Alright, I can
26:04 deal with that, okay. "
26:05 Your heart wants to believe something else.
26:08 And now I'll share with you what the heart wants,
26:11 what the feelings want to believe.
26:14 We're now going to Gordon's Calvary.
26:16 There was a British officer, an army officer, who spent
26:23 a lot of time here and he'd gone into the
26:25 Church of the Holy Sepulchre and studied it all and he said,
26:28 "I don't believe that's the place. "
26:30 For the Bible says in John's gospel, in the place where
26:33 He was crucified there was the skull, the shape of a skull;
26:38 Skull Hill or Golgotha.
26:41 And so he began to look around through the environs of the city
26:45 and over where today the bus depot is, he found in the
26:49 hillside, the shape of a skull.
26:52 Now it doesn't take a lot of imagination.
26:54 I will outline it here with the pointer,
26:56 right in the very center of the picture.
26:58 Here we go two eyes, you see here?
27:01 And a nasal cavity and like a mouth cavity down here.
27:07 The place of the skull.
27:10 Now he said, if this is the place then near here there
27:13 must have been a garden.
27:15 And in the garden, a wine press.
27:16 For the old prophet said He would tread the
27:19 wine press alone.
27:21 And so they began to dig in the area and surely enough
27:24 they found the evidence of a garden including a wine press.
27:28 And then he said if this is the place, then over against
27:31 the mountain there must have been a tomb.
27:34 And they began to excavate and surely enough they found a tomb.
27:39 And originally, all of this was the opening for the tomb
27:43 and these blocks have enclosed most of it.
27:46 And now there's a simple little door here.
27:48 But in front of it, there is that trench that was dug
27:52 where a great stone would be rolled in place
27:54 to enclose the whole thing.
27:58 And your heart wants to think that this is the place
28:01 because it's still natural, it's like it may have been
28:04 at the time of Jesus.
28:06 And there aren't the candles and the incense and all of the
28:09 other things that are manmade.
28:12 Inside that tomb, there is a little shelf where a body
28:16 would be placed and a little niche that was carved
28:19 where a head would rest.
28:21 But on the backside of the door that now closes the tomb,
28:25 there is a hand lettered sign, a quotation from a holy angel
28:31 who said, "He is not here, for Jesus has risen. "
28:37 Thank you for traveling with me tonight.
28:41 And now to our subject, "The Millennium. "
28:44 If we were to give a subtitle, it might well be
28:47 something like this, "The day the devil loses his job. "
28:51 Would you please open your Bibles with me to
28:54 Revelation chapter 20.
28:58 And tonight as we begin, we're going to be reminded once more
29:01 that the book of Revelation is largely symbolic.
29:05 Not to be taken so terribly literally in most places.
29:09 But to understand the symbolism, it's vital to
29:12 the terminal generation.
29:14 Alright.
29:15 While you're turning, I just might explain.
29:18 I've often been asked, "Why did God speak through prophecy?
29:21 Was it just to satisfy our curiosity?"
29:24 Of course not.
29:25 No, but rather it was to give us faith and hope.
29:30 For you see, many of the prophecies have already
29:32 been fulfilled.
29:33 Daniel chapter 2 being one of them.
29:36 And many others that we have studied together,
29:38 they've already been fulfilled in exact and precise detail.
29:41 And that gives us faith and hope that those that are still
29:44 in the future, such as this one, will also be fulfilled
29:47 with the same kind of detail.
29:51 Jesus has spoken through predictive prophecy
29:54 for the purpose, among others, of giving us peace.
29:58 "My peace give I unto you. Not like the world gives. "
30:02 "My peace. "
30:03 And so we're going to find peace as we study again this evening.
30:07 I'm going to begin at the very first verse of Revelation
30:09 chapter 20 and ask you to follow very, very carefully
30:12 while I read.
30:14 Revelation chapter 20 and beginning at the first verse.
30:18 "I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key to the
30:20 bottomless pit and he had a great chain in his hand.
30:24 He took hold of the dragon, the old serpent called
30:27 the Devil and Satan and he bound him for a thousand years.
30:32 He put him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and
30:34 placed a seal upon him so that he should deceive the nations
30:37 no more until the thousand years were fulfilled.
30:40 And then he would be loosed a little season.
30:45 And then I saw thrones and they, the saints, sat upon them
30:48 and judgment was given unto them,
30:50 and those who'd been beheaded for the witness of Jesus
30:53 and the word of God because they had not worshipped the beast or
30:56 his image or received the mark either in their foreheads
31:00 or in their hands.
31:01 And these lived and reigned with Christ for one thousand years. "
31:08 Now I want you to leave a bookmark here at Revelation 20
31:11 and go back with me to that little letter of 1 John,
31:15 those three little letters, you remember, before the Revelation.
31:18 We want to notice the first one and the third chapter.
31:22 1 John chapter 3, and I'm going to read for us verse 8.
31:28 And I ask you to follow along very carefully, if you will.
31:33 1 John chapter 3 and verse 8.
31:36 "He that commiteth sin is of the devil,
31:41 for the devil sinneth from the beginning.
31:44 It was for this purpose the Son of God was manifested,
31:47 that He might... "
31:48 Now you tell me what it says next.
31:51 "... that He might destroy the...
31:53 of the devil. "
31:54 There it is.
31:56 This is the day, then, that the devil loses his job.
31:59 This study of the millennium, the first day of the millennium,
32:02 ladies and gentlemen, is the day that the devil
32:04 loses his job.
32:05 Now it's fair to ask, then, "What is the devils work?"
32:09 What is his Job?
32:11 Well, devil, the old enemy, is in charge of rape and riot and
32:17 murder and mayhem.
32:18 He's in charge of all kinds of bad weather and tsunami's and
32:21 earthquakes and terrible storms that come against
32:26 innocent people.
32:27 He's behind every bit of that.
32:29 He's behind the abusing of little children and the
32:31 battering of wives.
32:32 That's his work and that's his job.
32:34 But one day, by the grace of God, one day soon I hope,
32:38 it's going to forever come to an end.
32:40 And the work of the devil is going to be destroyed,
32:44 forever destroyed.
32:45 Now, we've raised a valid question.
32:49 When does the millennium begin?
32:51 And God doesn't give us a date, I think for good reason.
32:54 But He does give us an event.
32:56 An event that initiates, triggers, the 1000 year period.
33:00 So back to Revelation chapter 20 we go, and we take up
33:04 the reading then down at verse 6.
33:08 Revelation chapter 20 verse 6.
33:10 Here's the event that initiates the 1000 years.
33:16 Revelation 20 verse 6.
33:17 "Blessed and holy is he that has part in the 1st resurrection. "
33:24 There it is, my dears.
33:25 Underline that, if not in your Bibles, certainly in your minds
33:28 and in your notes.
33:29 "Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection.
33:33 On such the second death has no part, or no power. "
33:39 Every man ever blessed of God, every holy person,
33:42 is going to be made alive at this time in order to live
33:46 and reign with Christ during the 1000 years.
33:49 "Blessed and holy is he that has part in the 1st resurrection. "
33:53 And by the way, it goes on to say that during this
33:56 period of time, they're going to act as priests.
33:59 And I want to leave at this juncture, then,
34:01 a thought in your mind.
34:02 The job of a priest was never condemnatory.
34:08 The prophet had to sometimes spank the people a little bit
34:12 for God and give them a little bit of a tongue lashing.
34:15 But never the priest.
34:16 The priest was always the intercessor, he was always the
34:19 people's attorney.
34:20 When the folks were in trouble, he pled their case.
34:23 So I want you to remember that.
34:25 During the 1000 years, the saints of God are going to
34:28 act as priests.
34:29 They're going to be given a work of judgment
34:31 and they're going to act as priests.
34:34 Now, it is a matter of simple logic that if there is a
34:39 first resurrection, of necessity there must be at least a
34:43 second resurrection.
34:45 Okay, again leave a bookmark at Revelation chapter 20
34:48 and go with me now, though, to Acts chapter 24.
34:52 Acts chapter 24 find the apostle Paul ministering and preaching,
34:57 and we're going to read at verse 15.
35:01 Acts chapter 24 and verse 15.
35:04 "Have hope toward God," says Paul, "which they themselves
35:08 also allow, for there shall be a resurrection of the dead,
35:12 both of the just and the unjust. "
35:16 Now I want you to note a couple of things here folks.
35:19 I want you to notice that there are two resurrections.
35:23 And I want you to notice the order in which they happen.
35:26 The resurrection of the saints firstly,
35:28 and the resurrection of the lost or the unsaved secondly.
35:33 So we've had it from John in Revelation chapter 20,
35:36 now we have it from the apostle Paul in Acts chapter 24.
35:40 From here, we're going to go to John chapter 5.
35:44 Whom could we better ask about resurrections and their
35:46 number and their order than our Lord Jesus Himself.
35:49 The Bible says of Jesus that He is the
35:51 first fruit of resurrection.
35:53 That means that He is the paradigm, that He is
35:56 the supreme example.
35:58 And so, at John chapter 5 we're going to notice
36:02 verses 28 and 29.
36:04 Here's Jesus speaking, John chapter 5 verses 28 and 29.
36:09 Jesus said, "Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming in which
36:13 all that are in the grave shall hear His voice
36:15 and they shall come forth.
36:16 They that have done good, in the resurrection of... "
36:18 Now help me please.
36:20 "... the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil,
36:23 in the resurrection of damnation. "
36:27 And so here we have from Jesus Himself the teaching
36:30 of two resurrections.
36:31 And the first one is for the saints and the second one
36:35 is for the unsaved.
36:37 Now, I want you in your minds to go with me,
36:40 we need not turn there again, but I want you in your minds
36:44 because we've memorized these verse,
36:45 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 16-18.
36:50 You remember when we talked about the anti-christ, we said
36:52 these are the verses that save us from anti-christ.
36:54 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 beginning with verse 16.
36:59 "For the Lord Himself... "
37:00 Why don't you say it with me, you know the verses.
37:02 Come on, say it with me.
37:03 "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven
37:07 with a shout, with the voice of the archangel,
37:10 and the trump of God.
37:11 And the dead in Christ rise first. "
37:15 There it is again.
37:17 "Then we which are alive and remain, the generation alive
37:20 and ready to meet Jesus are caught up together with them
37:23 to meet our Lord... "
37:25 The three words that save us from anti-christ.
37:26 We meet Him where, in Rome, in Jerusalem?
37:28 Where do we meet Him?
37:30 "In the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
37:32 Wherefore, comfort one another with these words. "
37:36 So many have the mistaken notion that when Jesus comes back
37:39 and the millennium begins that He's going to rule here on
37:43 planet earth and a lot of folks are going to get a second
37:45 chance to be saved.
37:47 But that's not the case.
37:48 Our Lord Jesus is not going to touch a foot down to this sin
37:51 cursed earth for another 1000 years after the second coming.
37:56 "Blessed and holy is he that has part in the 1st resurrection. "
37:59 "Marvel not at this, for all that are in the grave
38:02 shall hear His voice.
38:03 Those that have done good, in the resurrection of eternity.
38:06 And those that have done evil, to the resurrection
38:08 of damnation. "
38:10 "Blessed and holy is he that has part in the 1st resurrection. "
38:16 Our Lord Jesus is not coming back, my dears,
38:18 to preach the gospel.
38:20 But rather, He's only going to come back after the gospel
38:23 has gone to the whole world, as He instructed the disciples
38:26 in His last words.
38:27 "Go into the whole world and preach the gospel
38:29 and as soon as the job is done, then I will come again. "
38:33 You see, He's not coming to preach the gospel, but only
38:37 after the gospel has been preached and everyone has
38:40 had the opportunity to make up his mind.
38:43 When my boy died, a wise Christian man, not a preacher,
38:47 but just a real wise Christian man, a man very close to Jesus
38:51 I believe, said this to me.
38:53 He said, "Lyle, God gives each of His children
38:58 all the time they need to make the choices
39:02 either right or wrong. "
39:11 Now follow this idea very carefully, ladies and gentlemen,
39:14 if you will please.
39:15 When Jesus comes back in His second coming,
39:19 with a shout, with the voice of the archangel,
39:22 there are going to be four classes of people on this earth.
39:29 Only just four.
39:32 And today, we're divided in so many ways and so
39:34 many different directions.
39:35 We have white and we have black,
39:37 and we have rich and we have poor,
39:39 we have educated and uneducated.
39:41 And you could go on down a long list.
39:43 But when Jesus comes back, there are only going
39:45 be four classes.
39:47 And I'm going to go down them just now with you.
39:50 There are going to be the righteous dead.
39:52 That means those who have died and gone into the grave
39:56 with their faith in Jesus Christ.
39:59 There are also going to be the righteous living.
40:03 Those who are alive and ready to meet Jesus,
40:05 caught up together with the righteous dead who's graves
40:07 have been opened.
40:08 And then there are going to be the wicked dead.
40:12 Those who have died with no faith in Jesus.
40:15 They've gone into a Christless, Godless grave.
40:19 And finally, number four.
40:20 There are going to be the wicked living.
40:23 The terminal generation that has not given its heart to Jesus,
40:26 that has not listened to the appeal of the Holy Spirit.
40:32 "Blessed and holy is he that has part in the 1st resurrection. "
40:36 That means then, by the abundance of evidence
40:39 that the unsaved, the lost are raised again at the...
40:44 are raised, rather I should have said, at the
40:47 second resurrection.
40:48 Now, it's not enough for me to just suggest it.
40:51 Let's go back to Revelation chapter 20 and we're
40:55 going to read it together.
40:56 Revelation chapter 20, this time at verse 5.
41:00 Revelation chapter 20 and now verse 5.
41:06 "The rest of the dead... "
41:07 Well let's pause there for just a moment
41:09 and refresh our memories.
41:10 In verse 4, we find the saints of God of all ages.
41:14 It says, "Blessed and holy are they,"
41:16 of course down at verse 6.
41:17 But it says, "They sit upon thrones and the work of
41:20 judgment is given unto them.
41:21 And I saw the souls of those who had been martyred
41:24 for the witness of Jesus and those who'd refused to worship
41:27 the beast or his image. "
41:28 Oh and by the way, by the way.
41:32 If this passage was all that I had to know that there isn't
41:37 a second chance to get saved, to know that the beast
41:41 and all of the rest, the mark of the beast, comes before the
41:43 second coming of Jesus, if this was all the information I had,
41:47 this would be enough.
41:48 It's abundantly clear in this passage that before Jesus
41:52 comes back, His children have gotten victory over the beast
41:56 and refused the mark of the beast.
41:58 And they're made alive in order to be with Christ
42:01 during the 1000 years.
42:03 And then verse 5, "But the rest of the dead... "
42:05 That, of course, means the unsaved.
42:07 "The rest of the dead lived not until the 1000 years
42:11 are finished. "
42:12 Now, there is a little addendum to that verse
42:15 that has caused a problem in many minds
42:18 because it says, "This is the first resurrection. "
42:22 And I'm going to lift the cloud from your mind
42:25 if it's been a problem in yours.
42:27 Here it is.
42:28 In my Bible, for the sake of my own understanding,
42:32 until it was abundantly clear to me, as I'd study a lot of other
42:36 places, in my Bible, I put the first half of verse 5
42:40 in brackets or parenthesis.
42:42 Alright?
42:44 Okay?
42:46 The first half, "The rest of the dead, the unsaved lived not
42:49 again until the 1000 years are finished. "
42:50 That's in brackets.
42:52 And some of the newer translations, by the way,
42:54 put it in just the reverse order so that you don't need
42:57 to put the brackets there.
42:58 Not even in your mind.
43:00 Alright?
43:01 The unsaved, those that aren't sitting upon thrones,
43:05 don't live again until the 1000 years are over.
43:07 Brackets.
43:08 Now you remove the brackets and the final phrase is,
43:11 "These are of the first resurrection. "
43:14 That is a reference back to verse 4 where the saints
43:17 are seated on the thrones.
43:19 Do you have that now, do you have it in your minds?
43:21 Alright, we're ready then to go on.
43:26 Our Lord Jesus, to His best buddies in an upper room, said,
43:31 "I go to prepare a place for you.
43:33 And if I go, I will come again to receive you unto Myself,
43:36 that where I am, there you may be also. "
43:41 "I'm going to have to go now, but I'm going to
43:43 come back and get you. "
43:47 "In My Father's house are many mansions. "
43:53 Ladies and gentlemen, the Bible is a book
43:57 comprised of 66 separate books that were all written
44:02 by Orientals.
44:04 Now that causes some doubt in some minds because
44:06 traditionally, we think of the Orient as being Japan and China
44:10 and somewhere way out there in the Far East.
44:13 But the Orient begins on the eastern shores of the
44:17 Mediterranean sea.
44:18 And that's why we talk about the Holy Land as the Middle East
44:22 or the Near East, you see.
44:25 The Bible is written by Orientals.
44:28 And my purpose for saying that to you is
44:31 to point out that Orientals in some ways think differently
44:35 from Occidentals, or we Westerners.
44:38 And in many ways, they have different customs.
44:41 For instance, in the Middle East, in the Orient,
44:45 the Far East for that matter, when there is a marriage
44:48 the marriage supper, the celebration supper,
44:50 is without exception held in the home of the bridegroom.
44:55 Not the bride, but in the home of the bridegroom.
44:57 And I've noticed that here in the United States
45:00 that often that special meal is, if not held in the home
45:04 of the bridegroom, it is paid for by the grooms family.
45:08 You've noticed that to if you have a little boy that's
45:11 grown up and gotten married, haven't you.
45:12 Alright.
45:14 And so, that's what Jesus is talking about here
45:16 "I'm going to go and prepare the supper,
45:19 I'm going to prepare the mansions, and I'm going to
45:22 come back and take you to the Father's house
45:24 for the marriage supper of the Lamb. "
45:27 And we, you and I, all have the privilege of being there
45:31 and being a part of it.
45:34 Now,
45:38 I must make a statement again that I feel of great importance.
45:46 It does matter, ladies and gentlemen, what you believe
45:49 in this area of the millennium.
45:51 I believe that it can be a matter of life and death.
45:55 So many have this mistaken notion that there is
45:58 a second chance.
46:00 That Jesus comes and maybe secretly snatches away
46:02 the saints and then a little bit later He'll come back
46:05 and everybody gets another chance.
46:07 No, the Bible is abundantly clear.
46:10 And I'm only going to reference a couple of verses
46:12 for the want of time.
46:13 But in Revelation chapter 22 verses 11 and 12,
46:16 there Jesus just before He comes in the second coming
46:19 shouts out to the universe, "He that is filthy,
46:22 let him remain filthy.
46:24 He that is righteous, let him remain righteous.
46:29 He that is holy, let him stay holy. "
46:32 In other words, at that time, probation for all of
46:35 mankind closes and Jesus comes on the rescue mission.
46:39 That's why the apostle Paul, when he'd preach, would say,
46:42 "Behold, today if you hear His voice,
46:44 today don't harden your hearts. "
46:46 For this is our chance, ladies and gentlemen,
46:49 this is our one and only chance to do what is right.
46:54 And that's why I urge you, and that's why I've taken the time
46:57 just now to enforce again in your minds the importance
47:00 of following the truth that you understand.
47:02 When Jesus comes back again, I don't believe He's going to ask
47:05 what church you belong to.
47:06 He is going to ask, "Did you follow the truths
47:09 that I sent to you?
47:10 Did you do it?"
47:19 Now, ladies and gentlemen, I want to talk to you
47:23 a little bit about the reason behind the millennium
47:30 and the things that happen at its end.
47:39 In Revelation chapter 21, and we've spent a lot of time
47:43 studying those first 5 or 6 verses.
47:46 Revelation chapter 21 begins the story of what happens
47:51 at the end of the millennium, which is chapter 20.
47:54 And those who've made the break there have done the right thing,
47:57 theologically of course.
48:00 Chapter 21 verse 1, John, at the end of the 1000 years said,
48:05 "I saw a new heaven and a new earth.
48:07 The first heaven and the first earth are passed away,
48:09 there was no more sea.
48:10 And I saw the New Jerusalem, the holy city, coming down
48:13 from God out of heaven prepared as a bride
48:15 adorned for her husband. "
48:18 And there's no more sorrow, no more suffering, no more pain.
48:22 So now watch.
48:23 At the end of the thousand years, the holy city
48:26 comes down from God out of heaven.
48:28 The saints of all time are inside the city.
48:32 For those that were dead when Jesus came back
48:35 in His second coming have been made alive.
48:37 They've heard the call of the life-giver,
48:39 they've come out of their graves.
48:41 And those that were alive and saved and anxious to meet Jesus
48:45 are caught up together, raptured if you please,
48:48 to meet the Lord in the air and they've gone to the
48:49 Father's house for 1000 years.
48:52 On the other hand, the unsaved who were dead when Jesus
48:57 came back, the wicked dead didn't hear the call
49:00 of the life-giver.
49:01 They didn't hear the voice of Jesus, they have slept on.
49:06 They've remain dead.
49:07 The rest of the dead lived not again until the
49:09 1000 years are over.
49:10 That leaves us just one segment of the four classes that we
49:14 mentioned at the outset.
49:16 And that is the wicked living.
49:19 What happens to them?
49:21 In 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 8, it's abundantly clear.
49:25 And you "A" students will note it down.
49:27 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 8, it's very clear there
49:31 that they are destroyed by the brightness of His coming.
49:36 And so, the wicked that are alive when Jesus comes in the
49:39 second coming are killed by the brightness of His coming.
49:43 And that, then, leaves on planet earth, whom?
49:48 Who's here?
49:50 No one to tempt, no one to deceive.
49:51 You see, from the very beginning of his being cast out of heaven,
49:55 the devil has been doing two things.
49:57 He's been running around tempting the saints
49:59 and deceiving the lost.
50:00 Tempting the saints, deceiving the lost.
50:02 But during the 1000 years, both classes are gone.
50:06 The saints, those who were dead and heard the voice of the
50:08 life-giver, they were raised.
50:10 And those that were alive and ready were caught up together
50:12 with them to meet the Lord in the air.
50:13 They're taken to the Father's house for the 1000 years.
50:15 And the unsaved that were dead, didn't hear the voice of the
50:19 life-giver, they stay dead.
50:22 And those that were alive and unsaved were destroyed by the
50:25 brightness of His coming.
50:26 And now the earth becomes a great cemetery.
50:29 It says in the Greek, the abussos.
50:31 And some translations say it just that way, the abyss.
50:34 And that simply means, a desolate place.
50:38 And the old prophet would say, "I looked, and low I saw
50:41 no man and the place, the earth, was made desolate. "
50:46 Jeremiah 25 verse 33 for those of you "A" students.
50:49 Jeremiah 25:33
50:51 He said, the day of the Lord, the earth was desolate
50:56 from one end to the other.
50:58 "They were not," the dead he said, "were not lamented
51:01 nor were they gathered or buried. "
51:02 Why not?
51:03 Because there was no one left here to bury them
51:05 or to cry over them.
51:07 You see?
51:08 The unsaved are all dead and the saints are all gone to the
51:12 Father's house for the 1000 years.
51:15 And then, at the end of the 1000 years, the holy city
51:17 comes down and there comes the resurrection of the unsaved.
51:21 Revelation 20 verse 5, "The rest of the dead live not again
51:24 until the 1000 years are over. "
51:26 The third thing that happens now automatically,
51:29 the chains that have bound the devil, not literal chains
51:32 of course, but symbolic, chains of circumstances
51:34 as someone has rightly said, are now removed.
51:37 For both classes are here again.
51:39 The saints of all ages are inside the city.
51:42 And the unsaved are made alive again.
51:45 And we're going to go to chapter 20 again to read what happens.
51:49 Revelation chapter 20, we're going to take up the
51:52 reading now at verse 7.
51:54 Chapter 20 of Revelation and verse 7.
52:05 "When the 1000 years were over, Satan was loosed out of
52:08 his prison and he went out to deceive the nations which were
52:11 in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog,
52:13 to gather them to battle, the number of whom
52:16 is like the sand of the sea.
52:18 And they went upon the breadth of the earth and they circled
52:21 the camp of the saints about and that beloved city.
52:23 And then fire came down and devoured them. "
52:27 Burned them up.
52:28 And there, ladies and gentlemen, is hellfire.
52:30 There it is.
52:31 There's no one burning in hell tonight.
52:34 That then brings us to the reason for the 1000 years.
52:39 It's not just a happy round figure God pulls out of a hat.
52:43 But rather, there is purpose for it.
52:46 I want you to imagine with me that it's resurrection morning.
52:52 The first resurrection.
52:54 And the graves are opening, the graves of the saved.
52:56 Here and there and everywhere.
52:58 And out comes a mother and there's her husband.
53:01 And she throws here arms around him, "Danny, I knew you were
53:04 saved too, I knew it. "
53:06 And then their daughter runs to throw her arms around
53:08 both mom and dad.
53:09 "Mary, oh what a day. What a day.
53:13 We filled our lungs with the breath of eternal life.
53:16 Oh, thank you Jesus.
53:18 Son, Johnny, son?"
53:22 But John's grave didn't open.
53:26 And now you know how mother feels.
53:30 "I can't leave you, son.
53:33 Wake up, Johnny.
53:34 It's time to be caught up to meet Jesus.
53:37 Get up. "
53:44 And I believe, there are going to be some tears shed during
53:46 that time, for the promise of God to wipe away every tear
53:50 is found in chapter 21 at the end of the millennium.
53:55 And now I see an angel with a big book come to John's mother.
54:01 And I can see him saying, "Mother, come with me to a
54:05 quiet place, we've got to talk. "
54:07 And this is John's guardian angel, but he's also
54:11 the recording angel assigned to John the moment of his birth.
54:17 And he and the mother sit down in a quiet place
54:19 and the angel opens the book and asks mother,
54:22 "Do you remember this day, do you remember?"
54:24 "Oh of course, he was such a sweet pink little thing.
54:27 Looked just like his daddy. I'll always remember, yes. "
54:30 "But do you remember this day, mom?"
54:32 "Oh yes, I don't know what got into him.
54:35 His dad begged him not to. Yes, I remember that. "
54:40 "But mother, you didn't know this. "
54:42 "Oh, not my boy. "
54:50 "Mother, you didn't know about this, did you?"
54:57 What do you suppose it is, what do you suppose it is,
55:00 my dears, that dries the tears of the saints?
55:03 A magical surgery performed on tear ducts?
55:06 No, but rather God, out of His great heart of love,
55:10 has set aside 1000 years to answer every question.
55:15 Revelation 20 is abundantly clear that the books were opened
55:18 and the unsaved, during the millennium, were judged
55:22 out of the record of those books.
55:25 And at the end of that study, the priestly work of folks
55:30 pleading the case of another, little mother, "Oh, my boy John,
55:34 he should be alive.
55:35 Johnny should be alive. "
55:38 And at the end of the study, at the last page of the record
55:43 of John's life, the mother is going to say to Jesus,
55:46 to the Father, and to the guardian angel,
55:48 "I understand now, John would have never fit in here.
55:52 He would have been so out of place here.
55:53 God was right by leaving him out of the kingdom. "
56:01 Don't refuse the pardon of Jesus, my dears.
56:04 There's going to be some folks in heaven who wouldn't
56:06 be comfortable there.
56:07 They'd be out of place there because they don't
56:10 want the pardon.
56:11 They're going to refuse it.
56:20 And after the records have been studied
56:23 and the saints have given their permission,
56:27 then there comes the second resurrection,
56:30 the resurrection of the unsaved,
56:34 and the final obliteration or the cleansing of planet earth.
56:38 The final fire.
56:39 Can you imagine what it would be to hear the voice of
56:43 the life-giver, the call that wakens the dead?
56:46 Can you imagine what it would be to come out of the grave
56:49 only to discover that you're 1000 years too late.
56:56 Said a poet, "I dreamed that the great judgment morning
57:00 had dawned and the trumpet had blown.
57:03 And I dreamed that the nations had gathered for judgment
57:07 before the white throne.
57:09 At the throne, there stood a bright shining angel.
57:13 He stood on the land and the sea
57:15 and swore with his hand raised toward heaven that time
57:19 was no longer to be.
57:21 And, oh, what a weeping and wailing as the lost were
57:25 told of their fate.
57:26 And they cried for the rocks and the mountains and they prayed.
57:30 But their prayer was too late. "
57:34 Now let us pray.
57:37 Lord, tonight as we study Your millennium, we see Your love
57:40 and Your mercy.
57:42 Not willing that any should perish but that all
57:46 should accept Your righteousness and Your grace.
57:49 We're quite sure, Lord, that You've extended,
57:52 beyond reason, probation.
57:55 We're so thankful that these, night after night after night,
57:57 have been making the positive choices,
57:59 choosing Your truths and following them.
58:02 And then, Lord, at the same time, we want ask
58:05 that You hasten the day of Your coming.
58:07 We need You so.
58:10 Please hurry back for us.
58:13 Please come to open the graves of our loved ones
58:17 and catch us up together with them to meet You in the air.
58:20 And so shall we ever be with You, dear Lord.
58:23 In Jesus' name we praise you, then.
58:26 Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17