Revelation NOW!

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: RNAF

Program Code: RNAF200004S

00:04 Hello, friends,
00:05 would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:07 Back in 1933
00:09 when the Golden Gate Bridge was being constructed,
00:12 the chief engineer Joseph Straus
00:14 wasn't satisfied with the terrible loss of life
00:17 in building other bridges
00:19 and so he incorporated
00:20 some of the most stringent safety measures ever.
00:23 For one thing he gave the men goggles
00:25 to protect their eyes from the wind
00:27 there above the bay,
00:28 gave them cream for their faces.
00:30 They had hard hats,
00:31 one of the first times back then in 1933,
00:34 but probably the most amazing measure
00:37 he stretched a net
00:38 all the way across the bay under the bridge
00:41 that was being constructed.
00:43 During the time of construction,
00:45 19 men fell from the bridge,
00:48 but they were caught by the net.
00:50 They got the nickname The Half Way to Hell Club.
00:53 You know the Bible tells us
00:55 that the whole human race has fallen,
00:57 but Jesus has provided a way to save us from the fall.
01:00 Stay with us.
01:02 We're going to talk about it
01:03 in this presentation of Revelation Now!
01:20 Good evening, friends.
01:22 Welcome again to Revelation Now!
01:24 Everything is about to change
01:26 and how true those words seem to be.
01:28 I'd like to welcome you again
01:30 to this International Bible Study
01:31 where we are looking
01:33 some of the most important prophecies of the Bible.
01:36 And if you'd like to participate in this study,
01:38 but Spanish is your preferable language,
01:41 you can actually view this program
01:44 in Spanish translated live
01:46 by simply going
01:47 to the Revelation Now Spanish website
01:49 or you can see it
01:51 at Amazing Facts Latino Facebook page
01:54 and Amazing Facts Latino YouTube channel.
01:57 We also have sign language for the deaf
01:59 and that is available at the Revelation Now website.
02:04 Once again, we're gonna remind you at the conclusion
02:06 of the presentation this evening,
02:07 we're gonna take some of your Bible questions.
02:10 We wanna thank you for the many Bible questions
02:12 that have been sent in.
02:14 And if you'd like to ask a Bible question
02:17 in the Facebook page,
02:19 you can just type your Bible question
02:20 in the Comment section
02:22 and we'll try to answer
02:23 as many of these questions as possible
02:25 when we get to our Q&A time.
02:28 We did get some wonderful testimonies
02:30 of folks who have been blessed by these meetings so far,
02:33 and if you've received a rich blessing
02:35 from these meetings, tell us about it.
02:37 Send us an email and share the blessing
02:40 that these meetings have been.
02:41 We got Myrna from the Philippines
02:43 speaking of last night's presentation, she said,
02:46 "That was such a faith enriching message.
02:49 Thank you, Pastor Doug."
02:51 Rebecca from Florida says,
02:53 "Thank you for your teaching. It is a blessing."
02:55 She's a truck driver
02:57 and she listens to the Revelation Now programs
02:59 while she's driving on the road.
03:01 Also, if your group,
03:03 you have a little group maybe meeting in your home
03:05 and you'd like to take a picture,
03:07 you can upload that picture
03:08 and we'll try and share that
03:10 just do so at the Revelation Now website,
03:13 click on the link that says Contact us,
03:16 and there's a place
03:17 where you can upload a picture of your site,
03:19 of your group.
03:21 Wanna remind you,
03:22 we do have some supplemental material
03:24 that goes along with each of the presentations.
03:26 The lesson for tonight is entitled
03:29 "The Ultimate Sacrifice."
03:31 And if you'd like to get a copy of the lesson
03:33 just go to the Revelation Now website
03:35 and you'll be able to download it for free.
03:37 Again, it is a supplemental guide
03:39 after the presentation.
03:40 We wanna encourage you to read through it.
03:42 You can look up the various Bible verses
03:44 and fill it in
03:45 and that will be an encouragement
03:46 in your study.
03:48 We also have a book
03:49 we'd like to make available to anyone
03:51 who would like to text and ask for it.
03:53 All you need to do is text the word CHOICE
03:56 to the number 40544
03:59 that is if you're in North America.
04:01 If you're outside of North America,
04:03 you can also download the book and read it for free
04:05 at the website.
04:09 Tonight's presentation is entitled
04:12 "The Ultimate Sacrifice"
04:14 and we're looking forward
04:15 to getting to this important study.
04:17 And so at this time,
04:18 I like to invite Pastor Doug to come forward
04:20 and we will prepare our hearts for this very important study.
04:25 Now, Pastor Doug,
04:26 we've been doing these evangelistic meetings
04:29 together for a number of years,
04:30 but you have been doing evangelistic meetings
04:32 or Bible prophecy seminars for how many years?
04:36 Probably about 35 years,
04:38 at least 35 years now with that.
04:39 Thirty-five years,
04:41 I know I've been with you in some other countries
04:42 where we've done meetings like this,
04:45 but out of the different places
04:46 that you've done these Bible prophecy seminars,
04:49 which one stands out in your mind,
04:50 has been just a tremendous experience?
04:52 Oh, wow.
04:53 Well, yeah, you know, I sure enjoyed,
04:56 we were together in India
04:58 with Karen a couple of years ago
05:00 and had the opportunity to speak
05:02 in the largest Christian church in the world.
05:04 That was pretty neat. That's right.
05:05 Mrs. Batchelor and I went to Russia
05:07 right after communism fell.
05:10 And to do a meeting there
05:11 when people had not been allowed
05:12 to hear the word for 70 years,
05:15 you can't forget that.
05:16 New Guinea we had over 100,000 people,
05:18 that was exciting,
05:20 but, you know, going to China
05:22 and being able to preach publicly
05:24 and have it recorded.
05:25 They don't allow it now
05:27 and they didn't allow it before,
05:28 but we were able to have one window
05:31 to do a public evangelistic meeting,
05:32 that was really pretty special.
05:34 I think if I remember correctly,
05:36 Pastor Doug,
05:37 that was one of the first public Bible prophecy seminars
05:41 by a foreigner
05:42 allowed in the country.
05:44 Yeah.
05:45 So that was a very unique experience.
05:46 Yeah, we just praise the Lord.
05:48 And I hope that things open up again for China.
05:50 Yeah, absolutely.
05:51 Well, before we get to our study
05:52 as we always do,
05:54 let's start with the word of prayer.
05:55 Dear Father, once again we are so grateful
05:57 that we have the freedoms here
05:58 to open up Your Word and study
05:59 and we thank You for the many people
06:01 who are joining us all around the world.
06:04 And, Lord, tonight we have such an important subject,
06:06 so we wanna invite the Holy Spirit to come,
06:08 be with us here in the studio, in our studio audience
06:10 as well as those
06:11 who are watching and listening all over the country
06:14 and around the world.
06:15 Thank You, Lord, for Your Word.
06:17 Thank You for the many blessings
06:18 in Jesus' name.
06:20 Amen. Amen.
06:21 Thank you, Pastor Ross.
06:22 And Pastor Ross will be back
06:24 immediately following this part of our presentation
06:26 where we're gonna be doing your Bible questions,
06:29 and so we encourage you
06:31 to be writing down any questions you have tonight
06:33 for our subject
06:35 where we're gonna be talking about The Ultimate Sacrifice.
06:39 And you'll be interested in how this relates very much
06:42 to the Book of Revelation.
06:44 But before we do that,
06:45 we always like to kind of get some feedback
06:47 from what people out there on the street are thinking
06:50 about the subject of salvation.
06:52 And so, we're gonna go to our man on the street interviews.
06:58 The word salvation to me means
06:59 that He saved me from my own sin.
07:02 He paid the penalty on the cross
07:04 and with the shed blood
07:06 He made payment for our sins.
07:07 The word salvation to me means like
07:10 that there's something after death.
07:12 It's always related to the idea
07:14 that maybe we don't wanna be in this life
07:17 and we want a salvation toward something better.
07:19 Well, I mean, I can't speak with every individual needs,
07:22 but for me salvation,
07:24 hey, I'm a little better now than I was yesterday.
07:27 And I'll be better for the future.
07:30 Uh, no, I don't think
07:31 a person has to believe in God to be saved.
07:33 A person just has to live a virtuous life
07:38 by that person's own standards to be saved.
07:42 If you have heard about Him and don't walk in the light,
07:47 then I don't think that you're gonna go to heaven.
07:50 And the only way you can come through heaven,
07:53 get to heaven, or get to God is through Jesus Christ.
07:59 Very interesting.
08:00 You know, I've read some research that
08:02 there is a declining interest
08:04 and a declining faith in the Bible
08:07 and in Christianity in North America,
08:08 but in spite of what you may be hearing
08:10 in the news,
08:11 it's still over 75% of the people in North America
08:14 that believe in God,
08:16 believe in Jesus
08:17 and most of those also believe
08:18 the Bible is inspired or the Word of God.
08:22 And so, you might be thinking,
08:24 Pastor Doug, I tuned in
08:25 because I was interested in a Revelation seminar.
08:28 I think you're gonna see tonight
08:30 that you can't really study the Book of Revelation
08:32 without talking about
08:33 what is referred to in Revelation Chapter 14
08:36 as the everlasting gospel.
08:39 You know, you read in Revelation
08:41 where it talks about,
08:43 for instance in Revelation 5:12 and 9.
08:47 I'm gonna do this out of order.
08:49 It describes a scene in heaven
08:52 where there is a lamb, a very unusual lamb,
08:55 a lamb that's got seven eyes and seven horns,
08:58 and it's slain but it's still alive.
09:01 And the beings in heaven
09:04 surrounding the scene are declaring,
09:06 "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain.
09:09 For You were slain,
09:10 and you have redeemed us to God by Your blood
09:13 out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation."
09:16 So it's a very central theme.
09:18 Matter of fact, the word lamb is found 29 times
09:22 in the Book of Revelation.
09:24 It's one of the principle characters.
09:26 And so we need to understand
09:28 what is this Lamb that was slain?
09:30 I think most of us already know,
09:32 but you really need to go back in the Bible to get the story.
09:35 First of all, Adam and Eve when they sinned,
09:38 and we touched on this last night,
09:40 but I know that some people don't catch every presentation.
09:43 It tells us that
09:44 when they sinned
09:46 they initially felt the nakedness,
09:47 they tried to cover their nakedness
09:49 with fig leaves.
09:51 And the Bible tells us actually that
09:54 they made these aprons of leaf
09:57 and God says that's not gonna be adequate
09:59 'cause it's not only not enough material,
10:01 it's the wrong material.
10:03 And so God gave them tunics or robes of skin.
10:06 Now in order for them to have these robes of skin,
10:09 something had to die.
10:11 And so this would represent
10:12 the very first death in the universe
10:15 besides Abel, first creature,
10:17 I mean, a very first death 'cause Abel died after that.
10:21 And so this is the lamb that was slain
10:23 from the foundation of the world.
10:25 God established the sacrificial system.
10:28 And so they left the Garden of Eden
10:29 understanding that
10:31 in the sacrificing of these innocent animals,
10:34 it had to be a clean animal,
10:36 it could be a lamb, it could be a goat,
10:37 it could be a calf,
10:39 but these animals were to be a symbol for something
10:43 that God was gonna send His Son as a lamb in the future.
10:47 We remember that story in the Bible,
10:48 that's very touching where in Genesis Chapter 22,
10:52 God speaks to Abraham and He says,
10:55 "Take now your son,
10:56 your only son Isaac, who you love,
10:59 and go to the land of Moriah,
11:01 and offer him there as a burnt offering."
11:04 Can you imagine what a test that would be?
11:05 But at this point
11:07 Abraham had learned to trust God.
11:09 He'd gotten in trouble several times before
11:12 trying to take matters into his own hands.
11:14 And so with a broken heart,
11:16 he told Isaac we're gonna go sacrifice to the Lord.
11:19 And that didn't surprise Isaac,
11:20 who is now like 18 to 20 years of age.
11:23 I don't think he woke up and he told Sarah
11:26 took some servants
11:27 and they took the things
11:29 that were necessary for the sacrifice,
11:31 at least most of them.
11:32 They went to the mountains of Moriah
11:34 and when they got to the foot of the mountains,
11:36 it says, they went three days journey.
11:38 He left the servants there, and he said,
11:39 "The lad and I will return to you."
11:42 Then he put the wood on Isaac's back.
11:44 Abraham had this
11:46 probably a bronze censer with a burning coal in it.
11:49 They didn't have matches back then for the fire,
11:51 they started up the mountain.
11:53 Now Isaac had gone to sacrifice with his father many times.
11:57 Abraham was the high priest for the family.
11:59 And he noticed something very obvious was missing,
12:01 and pretty soon
12:03 he broke the silence with that eternal question.
12:05 Father, we've got the wood, it was on Isaac's back.
12:09 So we've got the fire, but where is the lamb?
12:12 And Abraham said,
12:14 "My son, God will provide Himself a lamb."
12:18 Now, that's really a double answer.
12:21 God did provide a lamb
12:23 because up on the mountain
12:25 when Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac,
12:28 he explained to his son.
12:30 This is what God's asked me to do
12:31 and Isaac was a willing sacrifice.
12:34 Abraham didn't jump on his son
12:35 and lasso him like a calf and tie him up.
12:38 Isaac could have easily wrestled free.
12:40 Abraham is over 100 years of age now.
12:43 He told his son, says,
12:45 "This is what God's asked me to do, "
12:46 and Isaac was a willing sacrifice.
12:49 So Abraham bound him.
12:50 They had the stack of rocks. They put the wood there.
12:54 He laid his son on the wood
12:55 and just before the knife came down.
12:57 Abraham was willing to do it.
12:59 The Bible tells us
13:01 an angel stopped him and he said,
13:02 "Abraham. Abraham.
13:03 Do no harm to the lad
13:05 because God has now tested your faith.
13:08 And often the distance they saw a ram
13:11 was caught by his horns in a thicket.
13:13 And the word thicket means a thorn bush.
13:17 So here you've got a ram with a crown of thorns
13:20 that took the place of Isaac.
13:22 Now think about this, friends,
13:25 Abraham went three and a half days
13:27 to the place of sacrifice with the son.
13:30 Jesus ministered for three and a half years.
13:33 The wood was placed on Isaac's back.
13:36 The cross was placed on Jesus' back.
13:40 The father and the son,
13:41 they went to the place of sacrifice together
13:44 and just before Abraham offered his son,
13:46 God stopped him.
13:48 And basically, I think that Abraham understood
13:51 that God was gonna give his son.
13:53 This was really just a test of faith
13:55 and a test of love,
13:56 and you can even read
13:58 where Jesus says in John Chapter 8
13:59 to the religious leaders.
14:01 He said,
14:02 "Abraham rejoice to see my day
14:05 and he sought and he was glad."
14:07 And they're saying,
14:08 "How could you say Abraham rejoice to see your day?
14:10 You're not even 50 years old.
14:12 And Abraham lived 2,000 years ago."
14:14 Jesus means
14:15 up there on the mountain with Isaac,
14:17 Abraham saw the sacrifice of God's Son.
14:20 The whole plan of salvation was represented in this,
14:23 and then, of course, finally,
14:25 it's acted out in the New Testament.
14:27 Let's with that is an introduction,
14:29 get into question number one.
14:31 Whom did the animal
14:33 that was sacrificed in Isaac's place represent?
14:37 When Jesus came to the Jordan to be baptized,
14:39 John the Baptist looked at him,
14:41 the Holy Spirit said,
14:43 "This is the one and he declared,
14:45 behold the Lamb of God
14:47 that takes away the sin of the world."
14:50 You know that's a wonderful statement, friends,
14:52 that if Jesus can take away the sin of the world,
14:57 can He handle your sin?
14:59 I remember going out to split firewood with my boys
15:02 when they were young
15:04 and one day in particular,
15:05 I was cutting wood with Mike
15:07 and we gave him a little plastic hatchet.
15:11 And he, I give him a piece of wood
15:13 and he's, you know, like 5 years old
15:14 and he'd be hacking away with the wood,
15:18 and I was using a 16-pound splitting maul.
15:21 I was little younger and stronger back then
15:23 to split wood.
15:24 And he tried to pick it up
15:26 and he couldn't even pick it up.
15:27 And it would be very odd for him to say to me
15:30 when I tried to pick up his plastic axe,
15:33 "Oh, dad, you better not trouble yourself.
15:34 It's gonna be too heavy for you."
15:37 I mean, obviously,
15:38 if I can pick up the 16-pound maul,
15:41 I can pick up his plastic Fisher-Price axe.
15:44 Some people think,
15:45 "Yes, Jesus, You died for the sin of the whole world,
15:47 but I don't know if you can save me."
15:49 Really?
15:50 If He can die for the sin of the whole world,
15:52 He can save you if you are willing to be saved.
15:55 So don't ever doubt
15:56 the ability and the power of God.
15:59 You know, I remember hearing a story one time
16:00 about a lighthouse keeper in Ireland
16:04 that he had, of course, a lighthouse right on the coast
16:08 and one side he had the ocean,
16:09 on the other side there were some meadows
16:11 where some sheep were grazing
16:13 and as his duties normally required,
16:15 he went outside of the lighthouse up at the top
16:18 to occasionally clean the windows.
16:20 Lighthouses back then,
16:22 they were fired by these kerosene lamps
16:24 and they used to get set.
16:26 So he was cleaning the window on the inside,
16:27 and then he went to the outside
16:29 and there was a metal railing to protect him
16:30 because it was, you know, 55, 60 feet high
16:34 and he didn't realize that hadn't been painted properly
16:37 and the railing had been rusting
16:38 in the salt air.
16:40 He leaned against the railing and it broke
16:42 and he toppled off and he fell.
16:44 Next thing he knew he was staring up
16:46 and he saw clouds and blue sky and he thought,
16:49 "I must be in heaven."
16:50 'Cause on his way down he thought I'm dead,
16:53 but then he thought,
16:55 "Well, if I'm in heaven,
16:56 then why does my back hurt so much."
16:58 And he finally got his wits about him
17:00 and he stood up and he realized
17:02 he had landed on one of the sheep
17:04 that was grazing below
17:06 and it had died, but it broke his fall.
17:10 You know, God sent His Son into the world
17:12 to break our fall,
17:13 to save us from the penalty of sin,
17:16 but it cost Him something.
17:18 Something had to die to save us.
17:21 And once we realize
17:22 that it did cost that our sin cost something
17:25 then it makes us sorry about sin
17:27 and willing to turn from sin.
17:30 Next question.
17:31 Why was it necessary for Jesus to die?
17:35 Well, first of all, we've all got this problem.
17:38 Everybody in the world has sinned.
17:40 You know, something went wrong in the DNA of Adam and Eve.
17:43 Originally, God designed man where he naturally loved.
17:47 The natural automatic response of Adam and Eve was to love God
17:50 and to love their fellow man,
17:52 but with sin they were infected
17:54 with that selfish disease of the devil
17:57 where all of a sudden they put themselves first.
17:59 Even when God said to Adam, "What have you done?"
18:02 He said, "The woman made me do it."
18:05 And then He talked to the woman.
18:06 She said, "The snake made me do it."
18:08 Everybody was into self-preservation,
18:09 and then the snake couldn't say anything
18:11 so he didn't have a leg to stand on.
18:13 I think I've already used that one before,
18:16 but everyone sinned.
18:17 We're all guilty.
18:18 There is nobody,
18:20 there's only one person
18:21 who's lived in this world without sin.
18:23 Bible says Jesus did no sin.
18:25 He is the holy one of God.
18:27 Everyone else has sinned.
18:29 Now, why is that so bad?
18:31 You got to keep reading.
18:32 You're reading the Bible in Romans 6:23,
18:34 "The wages or the penalty for sin is death."
18:38 And so the Bible tells us that it's a deadly disease.
18:43 If a person is infected with sin,
18:45 they're gonna die.
18:46 Now just think for a moment,
18:48 imagine you live on a Pacific Island.
18:53 That's beautiful.
18:55 And on that island, you've got your family,
18:57 you've got 10 children, but it's a very remote place,
18:59 but it's a virtual paradise and you're very happy
19:02 and you're enjoying life,
19:04 and then some reason one day it's unexplainable,
19:07 but one of the children you discover
19:10 is come down with a deadly contagious disease.
19:13 Now we're living in a time in our culture
19:15 where we understand what separation means,
19:18 what quarantine means.
19:19 This disease is so virulent that you've got a choice.
19:23 You know that
19:24 if that child stays on the island,
19:27 it's going to infect all the other children,
19:29 but the problem with this disease is
19:31 it causes a slow painful death.
19:35 And you got to make a difficult decision.
19:37 you either allow that child to stay
19:38 and infect all the other children
19:40 that you love
19:41 and your wife and you all end up dying
19:44 or you have to take that child and push it off on a raft
19:47 where it's likely gonna die from exposure.
19:49 What do you do?
19:51 It'd be a terrible decision to make,
19:53 but God's got this planet that has this deadly disease
19:57 and it's contagious and it causes pain and misery.
20:01 Look at all the suffering in the world.
20:03 And so we are somewhat insulated
20:05 from the holy beings that God has in the cosmos,
20:08 but as a result of that,
20:11 God sent Jesus in to create a bridge.
20:14 He took our disease and He gives us His Holiness.
20:18 He died in our place, so we don't have to die
20:20 'cause the penalty for sin is death.
20:22 There are no exceptions.
20:24 The Bible says,
20:25 "Without the shedding of blood,
20:27 there is no remission for sin."
20:30 Something has to die.
20:31 And the Bible tells us that the life is in the blood.
20:34 And, you know, I remember seeing,
20:37 it's very sad, but it left a vivid impression on me.
20:40 It was a snowy day in Maine, I was in school in Maine.
20:45 And this, we're driving down a country road
20:46 and there was a truck up ahead of us, a friend and I.
20:50 And we saw this beautiful white dog
20:54 ran out in front of the truck.
20:55 It's like a big husky dog and he slid on the ice.
20:59 He normally probably would just bark at the tires and get away,
21:01 but he slid on the ice
21:03 and he couldn't get out of the way
21:04 and we saw the truck go over him.
21:06 And the thing I can't forget we stop, we got out
21:10 and the dog was still alive
21:12 and he looked up at us,
21:13 but he had been badly cut and he was bleeding to death.
21:16 And we watched it,
21:17 brokenhearted and helpless
21:19 as the blood ran out and the life ran out
21:23 and they're on the snow,
21:25 and I just could never forget that scene
21:27 thinking about how the life is in the blood.
21:30 And Jesus, when He paid His blood,
21:32 it's really saying He gave His life
21:35 that we might be forgiven.
21:38 These are the ones,
21:40 this is a Revelation seminar
21:41 the whole gospel
21:42 is they're woven into the warp
21:44 and the woof of all of Revelation.
21:46 Tells us,
21:47 "These are the ones
21:49 who have come out of great tribulation,
21:50 and washed their robes
21:51 and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."
21:53 Now that sounds like a contradiction, doesn't it?
21:55 How do you wash anything and make it white in blood?
21:58 I cut myself shaving just before I came over,
22:01 I had to do a lot of dabbing before I came over
22:04 'cause, you know, I thought well,
22:05 the last thing you want is, you know, red blood on a.
22:08 white collar or something like that
22:09 it stands out
22:11 how would you make something white
22:12 by washing it in blood?
22:14 I don't know,
22:15 but the Bible says there's something different
22:17 about the blood of Jesus.
22:19 And I remember that evangelist,
22:21 I think it was Billy Sunday he used to say,
22:23 "I don't understand
22:25 how a black cow can eat green grass
22:27 and make white milk and yellow butter,
22:30 but I still enjoy it."
22:32 And so there...
22:33 It's a mystery,
22:35 but somehow the blood of Jesus washes our sins.
22:38 The Bible says,
22:39 "Though your sins are like scarlet,
22:41 they will be as white as snow,
22:43 though they're red like crimson
22:45 they will be like wool."
22:47 And this is the promise
22:48 in the power of the blood of Jesus.
22:51 I remember an amazing fact I heard a few years ago.
22:53 It's also very relevant today about William Pooley,
22:56 who was a British nurse in Sierra Leone
22:58 when the Ebola pandemic broke out
23:01 and he,
23:03 you know, a lot of people died from that disease
23:05 and they had a very high mortality rate
23:07 and...
23:09 But he managed to recover,
23:11 meaning that his blood had developed the antibodies
23:14 that would help another person to recover
23:16 and he flew to the United States
23:18 to share his blood with other people
23:20 that were in critical condition and it saved them.
23:23 Another little amazing fact I'll throw in is,
23:26 you've heard of yellow fever.
23:28 Well, yellow fever,
23:30 all the vaccine and I've been to Africa.
23:32 I had to get the yellow fever vaccine
23:34 before I went.
23:35 And all of the yellow fever vaccine in the world
23:38 comes from one native named Asibi
23:42 who had the yellow fever,
23:45 but he managed to survive it,
23:47 and they took some of his blood
23:49 and from the antibodies in his blood,
23:51 they developed the vaccine
23:52 and they multiplied it millions of times,
23:54 but all of the vaccine came from that one man's blood,
23:58 and anybody who will be in heaven
24:00 will only be in heaven.
24:02 There's people in the Old Testament,
24:04 people in the New Testament,
24:05 but anyone saved is saved by the blood of Jesus.
24:08 Bible tells us in the Book of Acts,
24:10 "That there is no other name given among men
24:13 whereby we must be saved."
24:14 God is good.
24:16 He loves people from all different backgrounds,
24:17 but the only way to heaven is Jesus.
24:20 And the Bible tells us that
24:23 it's through His sacrifice for us
24:27 and faith in His blood.
24:29 That's where we find pardon.
24:31 People in the Old Testament
24:32 were saved by looking forward to the cross.
24:34 We are saved by faith looking back to the cross.
24:38 Everybody is saved by faith in Christ,
24:40 and in the sacrifice of the Lamb of God.
24:43 Bible tells us Christ died for our sins.
24:46 He stepped into our place.
24:50 I remember I was in the Philippines
24:52 a number of years ago
24:53 and I've been there three different times,
24:55 but on this particular trip,
24:56 they took us to a large prison they had about 10,000 inmates.
25:01 And I heard a story
25:03 that I don't know if it was an urban legend
25:05 or if it was true,
25:06 but I'll share it with you that
25:08 there was one man that was in the prison
25:11 and he had a twin brother on the outside.
25:14 His twin brother was a Christian,
25:18 the one who is in prison, he was not a Christian.
25:20 And they were identical twins.
25:22 You would think they would both accept Christ together,
25:23 but they didn't.
25:25 The Christian got married
25:26 and once he got married
25:27 his other brother didn't find a wife
25:29 and he got discouraged.
25:30 He started drinking. He was a jeepney driver.
25:32 That's the local taxi.
25:34 And he hit and killed some people
25:35 while he was intoxicated
25:37 and he was put in prison for several years.
25:39 Well, the prison there in the Philippines
25:41 this we saw with our own eyes.
25:42 It wasn't like prison
25:43 where everyone had their own cell.
25:45 It was almost like a village
25:47 where people they kind of went in and out
25:48 of each other's huts
25:50 and they would cook for themselves
25:51 and kind of had a little city in there,
25:54 and there were 10,000 men in this one prison.
25:58 And this one man who is a Christian,
26:03 he knew that his brother didn't know Jesus
26:05 and that he needed to be free
26:08 and he was becoming discouraged.
26:10 And so he went to visit his brother
26:13 and he changed the visitor badge
26:15 with his brother
26:17 and changed clothes with his brother, he said,
26:18 "I will serve your time,
26:20 you go free to show him the love of God."
26:23 Well, this is what, I know that sounds radical,
26:24 but this is what Jesus did.
26:26 He said,
26:27 "Look, I'm gonna take your badness
26:29 and I'll give you My goodness.
26:30 I'm gonna take your sin.
26:32 I'm gonna give you My holiness.
26:34 I will take your suffering so you don't have to suffer.
26:37 I'll take your weakness, I'll give you My strength."
26:40 He made a total exchange with us
26:43 because of His love for us.
26:45 "For Christ also hath once suffered for sins,
26:48 the just for the unjust."
26:50 He didn't deserve it
26:51 and that's why He could pay for our sins
26:53 'cause He was innocent.
26:55 He was that pure innocent Lamb of God.
26:58 So what is this great plan of salvation
27:00 called in the Bible?
27:02 You find it here in the Book of Revelation 14:6,
27:05 "Having the everlasting gospel
27:08 to preach to them that dwell on the earth."
27:11 You know, the gospel did not just begin
27:13 in the New Testament.
27:14 The gospel actually begins even in the Old Testament.
27:17 The Bible tells us that Adam,
27:19 he was saved by faith in the lamb
27:22 as was Abraham, as was all of the patriarchs
27:25 when they offered the sacrifice
27:27 they were saved by faith in God's mercy.
27:30 That's the only thing that saves anyone.
27:33 So why did God make
27:34 such a fantastic sacrifice for us?
27:37 Why would He do that?
27:39 I think most of you know this verse,
27:40 "For God..."
27:42 You hear you can say this with me,
27:43 "For God so loved the world,
27:46 that He gave His only begotten Son,
27:49 that whosoever believes in Him might not perish,
27:53 but have everlasting life."
27:55 We all know that.
27:56 You know, I've read that verse many times
27:59 and the power of it
28:01 never really stood out in my mind
28:05 as much as it did when I heard a story.
28:08 There was a minister
28:09 and he was reading the paper one morning
28:12 and looking at the notices.
28:14 He's called his wife over, he said, look at this.
28:16 This is just absolutely heartbreaking.
28:18 A family in their community
28:21 had bought their four-year-old boy,
28:23 a little red Radio Flyer wagon for his birthday
28:26 and the day of his birthday.
28:28 When they got him the wagon,
28:29 he was so excited to try it out,
28:31 he hadn't learned about how to steer it
28:33 got on there driveway,
28:34 which slope towards the street,
28:36 ran it down the street
28:38 and the first time he went out into the street
28:40 and it was hit and killed by a car.
28:43 And pastor saw that and he just broke his heart
28:46 and not long after
28:47 he showed this to his wife their phone rang.
28:50 And then I heard the pastor tell the story.
28:53 And he said,
28:55 it was the family he had just read about
28:57 and they said,
28:58 "Pastor, we wanted to know
29:00 if you would be willing to have
29:01 the funeral service for our family."
29:04 And he said, of course,
29:06 and then, he said at the funeral service,
29:08 they had one child.
29:09 This was their only child
29:11 and there was the white casket upfront
29:14 and the hardest thing for Pastor
29:15 I've done a few funerals
29:17 where you've got the little white casket
29:19 of a baby who dies
29:21 from sudden infant death syndrome,
29:23 or what we call crib death back then,
29:26 it's just heartbreaking.
29:28 And all of the, after the service,
29:30 you know, the mourners go by
29:32 and they comfort the family
29:33 and the last ones to go by the casket is the family
29:37 and the mother got a hold of the casket
29:38 and she wouldn't let go
29:40 and they couldn't pry her fingers off
29:41 and she kept wailing over and over
29:43 and saying we loved you so, we loved you so.
29:48 And the pastor said,
29:50 "I could never read John 3:16 the same way."
29:52 It's just a two-letter word,
29:54 but it says so much
29:55 when you look at the broken heart
29:56 that's behind it.
29:58 God says, "I love you so."
30:00 And to think that we would say
30:02 we're gonna turn from a God that loves us that much
30:04 that He would give His Son to save us
30:07 and go back to a world of sin.
30:09 It's incomprehensible,
30:11 but this is what Jesus did for us.
30:14 So what must I do
30:15 to benefit from Jesus' sacrificial death?
30:18 Is there some part that I play?
30:20 Obviously, some are saved, some are lost.
30:24 The Bible says,
30:25 "Whosoever will come, they can be saved."
30:29 We need to come to Him. We must believe.
30:32 The Bible tells us in Acts 16:31,
30:35 "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,
30:38 and you will be saved."
30:40 You know, sometimes it sounds almost too good to be true,
30:44 but believing isn't something you do just one time,
30:46 but it starts with that one act of faith of saying,
30:48 "Lord, I'm gonna choose to believe."
30:50 And when you take that first step.
30:51 And you say, "I'm gonna come to Jesus."
30:54 I remember when did it
30:56 and I felt strange
30:57 and I've got all kinds of doubts
30:58 and the devil's gonna try and frighten you,
31:00 but you say look,
31:01 "I've tried everything else.
31:03 We're talking about life and death.
31:04 We're talking about eternal life and eternal death.
31:07 Then why would you wanna gamble with eternity?"
31:10 I said,
31:11 "All right, Lord, I'm gonna come to you.
31:12 I believe a little bit.
31:15 You're gonna have to help me with the areas, right?
31:16 I'm struggling, but you start with that first step of faith."
31:19 And you come to Him,
31:21 and then He begins to strengthen your faith.
31:24 And He transforms you.
31:26 And don't ever underestimate the power of faith.
31:30 He says, "You shall be saved."
31:32 Salvation comes through faith.
31:35 Jesus said to Nicodemus.
31:37 We talked about this last night,
31:39 "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
31:42 even so the so the Son of Man must be lifted up,
31:45 that whosoever believes in Him should not perish,
31:49 but have everlasting life."
31:50 And it was also amazing,
31:52 most simple thing
31:53 that happened there in the Book of Numbers,
31:55 they were all dying from the snake bite,
31:57 talked about this last night.
31:59 And Moses is told to make a bronze serpent,
32:04 put it on a pole, probably something
32:05 that resembled those fiery serpents
32:07 that were biting them.
32:09 And they were instructed,
32:11 whoever looks will be healed
32:13 from the venom that was killing them.
32:15 And those who looked were healed.
32:17 And some said that's ridiculous
32:19 and they didn't look and they died.
32:21 And there's so many in this world,
32:22 the majority in the world,
32:23 scoff at the plan of salvation.
32:26 And they're gonna die in their sins.
32:28 Bible tells us and there's only two groups.
32:31 Unfortunately,
32:32 straight is the gate and narrow is the way
32:34 that leads to life and few take it.
32:37 Broad is the gate and wide is the way
32:39 that leads to destruction and many.
32:41 The majority go down that road.
32:42 What's the difference between the few and the many?
32:45 That look of faith, that look of believing.
32:48 Jesus said, "Look in faith."
32:50 He says, "I will be lifted up."
32:52 And on the cross, Christ said,
32:54 "Look to me. I love you so much.
32:55 I've died for you.
32:57 I've given you an example of how to live.
32:58 I've shown you what God is like and what His will is.
33:01 Trust Me. Follow Me. Believe in Me.
33:04 And you'll be saved."
33:05 And I should pause right here. What is the word believe mean?
33:09 It means, what it says. Be live.
33:12 Believe doesn't mean
33:14 just to think that there's a God
33:16 'cause James tells us
33:18 even the devils believe and tremble.
33:20 It means believe in Jesus is to be live in Jesus.
33:25 All through the New Testament, Paul says in Christ,
33:27 he talks about letting the Lord in your heart
33:29 and He lives out His life in you
33:31 and you're in Him.
33:33 So you become one in spirit with God
33:36 and you become a new creature,
33:38 a new creation takes place in your life.
33:41 "As many as received Him,
33:42 to them He gave power to become the sons of God."
33:46 You know, when we come to the Lord,
33:48 He'll transform us
33:49 and He gives us new power to be new creatures.
33:53 So how, then, am I forgiven and cleansed?
33:56 How does this actually transpire?
33:58 Answer: Acts 3:19,
34:01 "Repent, therefore, and be converted,
34:04 that your sins may be blotted out."
34:06 Now isn't that a wonderful promise?
34:08 If we repent, our sins can be blotted out.
34:10 Doesn't matter how terrible your sins were,
34:13 you can read in the Bible
34:14 about David being guilty of murder,
34:16 so is Moses actually and adultery.
34:19 David not Moses.
34:20 And then you got King Manasseh,
34:23 he was guilty of a whole gamut of terrible things,
34:26 including killing prophets,
34:28 sacrificing his own children.
34:30 He repented.
34:31 I still am amazed when I read it,
34:33 he repented, he turned to God, he prayed, and God forgave him,
34:36 and brought him back to the kingdom.
34:38 A wicked king like Manasseh, God could forgive.
34:42 You're not a better sinner then God is a Savior.
34:45 The Bible says,
34:46 "The arm of the Lord is not shortened
34:48 so that He cannot save."
34:50 God can reach you.
34:51 He's got a very long arm, if you'll turn to Him,
34:54 but you must repent.
34:55 Now, you don't hear a lot of sermons on this,
34:57 but let me take a moment and talk about repentance.
35:02 First thing that Jesus said when He started preaching,
35:04 He said,
35:06 "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
35:07 John the Baptist exact same words,
35:09 "Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand."
35:12 Peter in Acts Chapter 2
35:14 and he started preaching, they said,
35:15 "What shall we do?"
35:17 He said,
35:18 "Repent and be baptized every one of you."
35:20 What is repentance?
35:22 Repentance is a sorrow for sin
35:24 and a willingness to turn from sin.
35:27 That doesn't mean
35:28 that you'll be able to change everything instantaneously,
35:31 but you ought to be willing to do His will
35:34 and if you're not,
35:35 pray to be willing to be made willing,
35:37 but just come with whatever you've got, said,
35:39 "Lord, here I am. I've got doubts.
35:40 I've got struggles.
35:41 I don't really want to change, but I know I need to change.
35:44 Please change my heart so I do wanna change."
35:47 But you just come like you are.
35:49 And He begins to transform you.
35:52 The Bible tells us that
35:54 repentance means not only being sorry,
35:55 but being willing to change
35:58 and part of repentance is confession.
36:02 Now to the same degree you offend
36:07 to that degree you apologize,
36:10 so like with our studio audience here tonight.
36:12 If after the program I'm on my way out,
36:15 in my haste I step on your toe.
36:17 I'll probably say, "Excuse me."
36:19 And you'll say, "No problem." Right?
36:22 But if on my way out,
36:24 I run by you and I knock you down the stairs
36:28 and you got two broken bones.
36:29 And from the top of the stairs,
36:31 I say, excuse me and I take off.
36:33 That's not appropriate.
36:35 The offense is much more severe.
36:37 The apology should be much more severe,
36:40 and much more intense, much more heartfelt.
36:42 You see what I'm saying.
36:43 And so when someone comes to the Lord,
36:45 I've seen that in many churches that,
36:46 you know, I realize that God is merciful
36:48 He'll accept us coming
36:51 even though sometimes
36:52 we don't understand the depth of what we're doing.
36:54 The pastor will say,
36:56 "Come forward, accept Jesus, say,
36:57 Lord I'm sorry for my sins."
36:58 And they say,
37:00 "Okay, you've repented."
37:01 That's not...
37:03 I don't think that's what repentance and confession is.
37:04 It's a little more sincere than that,
37:07 little deeper than that.
37:09 I mean, our sins have cost the life of God's Son.
37:14 How big a price is that?
37:15 Think about
37:16 what's the most valuable thing in the universe.
37:19 You can't name a planet more valuable
37:21 than the one who made the planet,
37:23 so that would be God.
37:24 And what would be the most valuable thing to God,
37:26 His life or the life of His Son?
37:29 Which would hurt you more?
37:30 Your life or the life of your child?
37:32 So God gave the most valuable gift
37:34 that can be given to save you from your sins.
37:38 So for you to say,
37:39 "Oops. Sorry, God, thanks for eternal life."
37:41 That's a little shallow,
37:43 to the same depth that you repent
37:46 to that degree He can fill you.
37:49 So here's what I recommend.
37:51 When you get off by yourself,
37:52 you can come to Jesus with a prayer.
37:54 We'll be inviting you
37:55 at the end of this presentation,
37:57 but then when you get home, get by yourself,
38:00 repentance and confession.
38:03 Get a list piece of paper
38:05 and you can do it on your computer, I suppose,
38:09 that way you can press the delete button
38:10 so nobody sees your list.
38:13 And go through The Ten Commandments.
38:14 You can't remember every sin you've ever committed,
38:16 but if you start with the categories like lying,
38:20 you can put down, yeah, lying.
38:23 Murder? I've never murdered.
38:25 Have you been angry with your brother
38:26 without a cause?
38:28 Oh, murder.
38:30 Adultery? I've never done that.
38:32 Have you ever thought impure thoughts?
38:34 Jesus said,
38:36 "It begins with an attitude in the mind."
38:38 You might write that down.
38:39 Gossip, everybody can write that down, right?
38:42 Write down your sins.
38:44 And the Holy Spirit, he'll remind you.
38:46 Pray that prayer with David, Lord, search me, try me,
38:49 see if there be any wicked way in me
38:51 and lead me in the way everlasting.
38:53 He'll answer your prayer.
38:55 So after you've made your list, show that to the Lord and say,
38:58 "Lord, I'm repenting of my sins.
39:01 These are my sins.
39:03 You died for my wicked behavior and my sins.
39:06 There's a lot of things that aren't on the list, Lord.
39:09 And, but I'm confessing, I'm a sinner.
39:12 But I believe that if I confess my sins,
39:15 Your word is true
39:16 that You are faithful and just to forgive me my sins
39:20 and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
39:22 Thank you."
39:24 Pray and thank Him for doing it.
39:25 Then press the Delete button or burn that list,
39:29 but you will find a relief in your soul
39:31 'cause you've really meant business with God.
39:33 And, you know, what else happens?
39:35 When you specifically write down your sins,
39:36 you're saying,
39:37 "Oh, yeah, that is wrong. I got to stop."
39:39 And if you say,
39:41 "Lord, please forgive me
39:42 for borrowing my neighbor's chainsaw.
39:44 I'm not taking it back."
39:45 And God's gonna see I will forgive you,
39:47 but you still have to take it back.
39:49 So some people think I've just got to say I'm sorry.
39:51 There might be some people you need to apologize to.
39:55 There might be some letters you need to write.
39:57 You stole from an employer,
39:59 you might need to talk to your employer,
40:01 or make that right.
40:02 I know that starts sounding pretty heavy.
40:04 That doesn't mean you can go back in time
40:06 and undo every wrong thing you've done,
40:08 but you'd be surprised,
40:09 the Holy Spirit might lay some things on your heart.
40:11 This is what it means to repent and confess your sins.
40:14 The world is hearing such a shallow concept
40:17 of what it's all about.
40:20 And then we come to the Lord and He promises if we do that,
40:23 "He is faithful and just to cleanse us from our sins,
40:27 to forgive us and to cleanse us from, "
40:29 how much unrighteousness?
40:30 "All."
40:32 If you're cleansed from all unrighteousness,
40:34 then you have no more unrighteousness.
40:37 You're righteous in His eyes.
40:39 What is this wonderful conversion experience called?
40:43 The Bible says you must be born again.
40:45 And, you know, a few things are more delightful than
40:48 and it's amazing that people love them so much
40:50 because they're little messy, but babies are wonderful.
40:54 Their eyes are so innocent, and they're sparkling.
40:56 I heard someone describe a baby
40:57 once with a loud noise
40:59 at one end and no responsibility at the other,
41:01 but people love them so much.
41:03 And mothers will lay down their lives
41:04 to save them.
41:06 A part of the thing that attracts us
41:08 is their innocence
41:10 that they're hungry,
41:12 they're trusting in their parents.
41:13 Jesus said,
41:15 "Unless you're converted
41:16 and you become as a little child,
41:18 you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven."
41:19 He wants us to have that simple child like faith
41:22 that He will provide everything that we need.
41:25 Who enters the heart of each born-again Christian?
41:29 Answer:
41:31 Even the spirit of truth, you know him,
41:34 for he dwells with you, and he will be in you."
41:37 And Jesus was speaking these words.
41:39 Jesus said,
41:40 "It's important that I go away.
41:41 If I go, I will come again,
41:43 but if I go, I'll also send the Holy Spirit."
41:46 The Holy Spirit is the third person
41:48 of the Godhead.
41:50 And it's not an it.
41:51 It's a he.
41:52 Christ tells us that He is in us
41:54 through the person of the Holy Spirit
41:56 and so we'll sense His presence.
41:58 He said, "I'll never leave you or forsake you."
42:01 When Jesus lives in my heart
42:03 through the Holy Spirit, what will I do?
42:05 How will things be different?
42:08 Well, there's several things, first of all, it says,
42:10 "Both to will and to do of his good pleasure."
42:14 We'll be willing to do His will.
42:17 What is the will of God?
42:19 You can read in Psalms 40:8.
42:21 "Ye, Lord, I love to do your will.
42:23 Your law is in my heart."
42:25 And this is what the new covenant is all about.
42:27 God takes His law and writes in our heart
42:31 and the Holy Spirit will guide us
42:33 and will be willing to do His will.
42:34 It doesn't mean
42:36 there's never going to be a struggle.
42:38 The Bible tells us
42:39 Jesus went through a real struggle
42:40 in the Garden of Gethsemane.
42:42 Why should I be confident
42:44 that my new-birth experience will be successful?
42:48 The Bible promises,
42:49 "He that has begun a good work in you
42:51 will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."
42:55 The Bible tells us
42:56 He is the author and the finisher of our faith.
42:58 Now a lot of people at this point get discouraged.
43:02 They say,
43:03 "I started out as a Christian,
43:05 but after a few years,
43:06 you know, I had those sins that bothered me.
43:09 Now I still have the sins, but they don't bother me.
43:12 And I'm beginning to wonder where that first love went."
43:15 And they start thinking, "Will I ever make it?"
43:17 Well, you don't wanna ever in your Christian life
43:20 get to the point
43:21 where you're comfortable with sin.
43:24 That's when you start
43:25 your heart gets a callous on it,
43:27 it's like the person that lives by the train track
43:30 that don't even hear the train anymore.
43:32 I've got some friends that,
43:33 they live at the runway
43:36 and to the approach path of an airport
43:38 and you'll be talking to them.
43:39 The whole house will shaking, and the jet roar is over.
43:42 And I say, "How do you live with that?"
43:44 And they go, "Live with what?"
43:46 And it's sad you see some people
43:48 they've been Christians for years
43:50 and they never got past the baby stage.
43:51 Now when you're a baby babies crawl, babies fall,
43:57 they don't always get the food in their mouth.
43:59 They have some problems, but you know what?
44:01 What does the baby do to grow?
44:03 It eats, it breathes, it rests,
44:08 and it needs a regular cleansing.
44:10 And if you come to the Lord, if you're a new born baby,
44:13 don't be discouraged,
44:15 just keep feeding your soul on the Word of God,
44:18 breathing prayer, this is the Holy Spirit.
44:21 You got to exercise your little limbs.
44:23 You see a little babies that you don't pace
44:24 and they're crawling around.
44:26 They got to combat crawl and they're up,
44:27 and then they're up on two feet
44:29 and it's fun to watch them grow,
44:31 but it's really sad
44:32 when someone's been in the church for 20, 30 years
44:36 and they're still crawling.
44:37 And there's it's all milk.
44:39 God wants Christians to mature and to grow.
44:42 If you worry about your progress,
44:44 don't be discouraged,
44:45 continue to come to the Lord,
44:47 repent and trust that as long as you continue to come to Him.
44:51 Sometimes it's two steps forward
44:52 and it's one step back.
44:54 And even in my own life,
44:56 I do not count myself to have apprehended,
44:58 but I press on forgetting those things
45:00 that are behind.
45:02 It's like someone said once.
45:04 "I'm not what I ought to be,
45:06 but I praise God I'm not what I used to be."
45:09 And so you just trust that He's gonna finish that work
45:11 as you continue walking with Him.
45:13 "He that has begun a good work in you
45:16 will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."
45:18 You know, I remember,
45:21 if people think about well, Pastor Doug works, you know,
45:24 doing the Christian works is so difficult
45:26 and I remember hearing this lady years ago.
45:30 She married a gentleman.
45:31 She was too young.
45:32 He was a little bit older than her,
45:34 but he was a military man
45:35 and he looks so sharp and dashing in his uniform
45:39 that she just got sworn.
45:42 After she married him,
45:43 she realized he'd make a terrible mistake
45:45 because he was a really cruel husband,
45:49 not that he beat her or anything,
45:51 but he just ran the home like it was a military installation.
45:55 He even gave her a list everyday
45:56 of what her chores were.
45:58 And he'd hand her list
46:02 and it would say for day-to-day stuff like them,
46:04 wake up 5:30, build the fire,
46:07 pack my lunch, cook me breakfast,
46:09 clean this, clean that, pack that, arrange this,
46:11 and had her day all mapped out.
46:14 And she was faithful to the commitment of marriage
46:18 and after several years he died.
46:21 And she wasn't all that sorry.
46:25 Couple of years later,
46:27 she met another gentleman, married him.
46:28 Very different.
46:30 Loving, considerate, loved her, she knew he loved her,
46:33 and after several years of happy marriage,
46:36 she was cleaning out the attic one day
46:38 and she found one of her first husband's lists
46:42 and as soon as she saw it,
46:43 the hair stood up on the back of her neck,
46:44 she saw the audacity of that man
46:46 telling me wake up 5:30 and,
46:49 say well, I still wake up 5:30,
46:51 build the fire, and I still build the fire.
46:54 Cook breakfast, I'm doing pack lunch,
46:56 laundry the clothes.
46:58 Yeah, I did.
46:59 She went through the list, she said.
47:00 "Well, look at that.
47:02 I'm doing everything on my first husband's list
47:03 and it doesn't bother me at all."
47:05 Because she loved the one she was doing it for.
47:08 Some people
47:09 they see the Bible and the law of God
47:11 as a list of rules,
47:12 but when you love the person that it's actually a delight
47:17 and you don't have to be concerned about that.
47:21 Number 11.
47:22 Why do some people fail in their Christian experience?
47:25 "We have turned everyone to his own way."
47:28 And this is where the biggest struggle is
47:29 in living the Christian life.
47:31 Bible tells us that
47:33 Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane,
47:34 He prayed that prayer, we all need to pray,
47:37 "Not My will, but Your will be done."
47:41 Everyday we need to pray that prayer
47:43 and it's often a struggle.
47:45 As long as you're in this life in your body,
47:48 you're gonna feel a battle.
47:49 The Bible tells us Paul says,
47:51 there's a struggle between the spirit and the flesh.
47:55 Peter and James says,
47:56 "They're at war with each other."
47:58 We've got our selfish carnal natures,
47:59 and then you get the spiritual nature
48:02 that is led by God and His will,
48:04 and it's a constant effort in the Christian life
48:06 to subdue that.
48:08 It does require effort to be a Christian.
48:11 It cost something, but I tell you,
48:12 it pays a lot more than it cost.
48:15 It's a lot better than the guilt and the shame
48:17 of being a slave to the devil.
48:19 There are struggles in the wilderness
48:21 on the way to the Promised Land,
48:23 but you've got a hope, you've got purpose
48:24 and God is with you.
48:26 It's a lot better than being a slave for the pharaoh
48:28 back there in Egypt.
48:30 "Be mindful of the commandments of us
48:33 the apostles of the Lord and Savior."
48:35 So it's being willing to read the Word
48:37 on a regular basis
48:39 and to be mindful of it.
48:40 That means be willing to follow His Word and His will.
48:44 So how can I know that Jesus accepts me
48:47 and that I'm His child?
48:50 Well, a very simple thing here.
48:51 It says that God's promised and God can't lie.
48:55 You've heard that expression, God said it.
48:57 I believe it.
48:59 That settles it.
49:00 God is never going to tell you something
49:02 and go back on His word.
49:04 Jesus said,
49:05 "Heaven and earth will pass away,
49:07 but My Word will not pass away."
49:09 He's made us a promise.
49:11 He is more interested in saving you
49:13 than you probably are in being safe.
49:15 He wants you to be saved and He's not gonna lie.
49:18 The Bible says, ask and it will be given to you.
49:21 Don't be afraid to pray and pray big prayers.
49:25 I can think of so many times in my life.
49:27 I prayed some just extraordinary prayers.
49:29 I remember once I was driving cross-country
49:35 and I picked up...
49:36 I was falling asleep.
49:38 And I said,
49:39 "Oh, Lord, if I had someone to just talk to,
49:40 I'd stay awake and I need you to keep going."
49:42 And right after I prayed,
49:44 I'm out in the middle of the desert
49:46 and I thought,
49:47 "I'm gonna pull off at this off ramp
49:48 so I can rest."
49:50 I mean it was the middle of the desert
49:51 between Phoenix and Los Angeles, California,
49:53 and there was nothing but an overpass.
49:55 And I thought,
49:56 "Well, if I've got to talk to someone
49:58 I got to take a nap."
49:59 So I pulled over to find some shade
50:01 under the overpass
50:02 and as I pulled off,
50:04 there was a guy standing there hitch-hiking
50:06 out in the middle of the desert.
50:07 He couldn't go on the freeway 'cause that was illegal.
50:10 As I watch a miracle I even pulled over,
50:12 so I pulled up to see if he needed rides help.
50:14 Praise the Lord, he said,
50:15 "A farmer left me off here
50:17 and I thought I was gonna die out here."
50:19 So he got in my car and we drove along
50:21 and he saw the Bible up in the dashboard,
50:22 he said, "You're a Christian?"
50:24 I said, "Yeah, I'm a Christian."
50:26 Matter of fact, I just prayed,
50:27 I could have somebody to talk to.
50:29 And he said, "Oh, I was just in..."
50:30 He said, "I got out of jail."
50:32 And he said,
50:33 "While I was in jail, I was reading this book called
50:34 Bible Readings for the Home
50:36 and I got so many questions about the Bible.
50:38 I said, "Really?"
50:39 I said, "Well." And boy, I woke right up.
50:41 I stayed awake until LA talking to him.
50:44 He told me the most amazing story.
50:45 He said,
50:46 "I was standing on the road
50:48 not long before you picked me up."
50:49 He says,
50:50 "I know there must be a God
50:52 'cause I said God, if you're there."
50:53 He said, "I'm hungry. I need something to eat."
50:55 And I said,
50:56 "I prayed that prayer, I'm out in the desert
50:57 in the middle of nowhere."
50:59 He said,
51:00 "A truck went by carrying oranges
51:01 from Southern California.
51:03 It hit a bump three oranges bounce out."
51:06 And he said, "I know there's God."
51:07 And friends, I've heard so many prayers like that
51:09 being answered,
51:10 he will answer your prayers, ask.
51:13 Number 13.
51:15 How will true conversion change a life?
51:17 Now we've got several examples here.
51:19 We're gonna go through some of these.
51:21 First of all, says,
51:22 "By this shall all men know that you're My disciples,
51:26 if you have love for one another."
51:28 You know there'll be genuine love in our heart.
51:30 God starts changing our attitudes
51:32 towards others.
51:34 The Holy Spirit brings love into families.
51:36 It'll bring love into a workplace.
51:39 And you should see that kind of love also
51:43 even in a church family
51:45 if you have love for one another,
51:47 "If any man is in Christ, he's a new creature."
51:50 There's a metamorphosis that takes place
51:52 just like the worm developing wings.
51:55 It's a miracle
51:56 that the evolutionist cannot explain,
51:59 but to how this crawling fat little creature
52:02 can all of a sudden become a delicate winged creature
52:05 is what He does for us?
52:07 He makes us a new creature.
52:08 Old things are passed away, all things have become new.
52:11 There should be a change.
52:13 Some people used to have bumper stickers
52:15 and it said
52:16 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven.
52:19 And while I agree that Christians may not be perfect,
52:22 they are more than just forgiven.
52:24 I think that
52:25 when the Holy Spirit comes into our lives
52:27 that there's gonna be a transformation,
52:29 you become a new creature,
52:31 your desires change, your goals change.
52:34 C, it says,
52:35 "We keep His commandments,
52:37 and do those things
52:38 that are pleasing in His sight."
52:40 We wanna know what pleases the Lord
52:42 and we seek to obey Him.
52:44 D,
52:45 "Be not conformed to this world,
52:47 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
52:51 And I should take a moment and talk about that.
52:53 You are who you are because of what you eat
52:56 mentally and physically, physically and mentally.
53:00 You'll be shaped by what you read,
53:03 what you listen to, what you watch,
53:06 and it's so important as a Christian,
53:08 you become like who you look at,
53:10 your soul is like a photographic plate
53:12 and if you keep looking at the things of the world,
53:13 you're gonna act worldly.
53:15 You keep looking at sin,
53:16 that's what's gonna be in your mind,
53:18 but if you fix your eyes on Jesus,
53:20 the Bible says,
53:21 "We are transformed by beholding Him."
53:24 2 Corinthians.
53:26 So as we're looking at the Lord something changes inside,
53:29 and we're gonna find we want to do His will.
53:34 It says,
53:35 "That we might prove what is that good,
53:37 and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
53:40 And then he says, "Will be his witnesses."
53:42 We're gonna wanna live a life
53:44 that's gonna let that light shine
53:46 so that people will be attracted
53:48 to Christianity.
53:49 I remember hearing a story
53:50 once that up in the Black Hills,
53:54 they had discovered some gold.
53:56 And these three gold miners when they found the gold,
53:58 they said,
54:00 "Look, we got to go get supplies
54:01 so we can build a real mine."
54:03 And let's just vow before God
54:07 when we go to town,
54:08 we're gonna quietly get our supplies,
54:10 we'll meet up outside of town, we'll head back to the claim.
54:13 Don't tell anybody
54:14 'cause there were people
54:16 that were combing the hills back then looking for gold,
54:17 they had discovered gold back at that time,
54:19 so they all went.
54:21 They got the supplies and they tried to hide it,
54:23 be as secretive and careful as they could
54:26 and they gathered together outside of town and started,
54:29 they noticed
54:30 there was a gang of people following them.
54:31 They said, "What are you doing?"
54:33 They said, "We're following you."
54:34 "Why are you following us?"
54:36 "You guys found gold."
54:37 "Did you say anything?" "I didn't say anything."
54:38 "You say anything?"
54:40 "What makes you think we found gold?"
54:41 They said, "It's all over your face."
54:43 They were shining. They couldn't hide the joy.
54:47 And if you're a Christian,
54:48 you ought to have that light inside
54:50 so that we're witnesses for Him.
54:52 F,
54:54 "Praying always with all prayer
54:56 and supplication in the Spirit."
54:58 Not only do we have regular times
54:59 when we should be kneeling in prayer
55:01 and devotions for God
55:03 and talking to Him
55:05 and maybe in more formal way.
55:06 Every morning when I get up, I go to my office,
55:08 I kneel and I talk to the Lord
55:10 and sometimes several times a day,
55:11 but I do it without ceasing
55:13 meaning I try to maintain
55:15 an ongoing conversation with God through the day,
55:18 in my car, whenever I'm by myself,
55:20 sometimes even when I'm talking to other people,
55:22 I'm talking to God praying about what to say.
55:25 And so you just walk in the spirit with God.
55:29 Number 14.
55:30 What wonderful promises come with the Christian life?
55:34 There's some beautiful things here
55:35 that will outline.
55:37 A, I can do all things through Christ
55:40 who strengthens me.
55:41 Please keep in mind, friends.
55:42 God is never gonna ask you to do something
55:45 without giving you the power to do it.
55:47 The Bible tells us that in every command of God
55:50 inherently is the power to do what He wants you to do.
55:54 If God says, I want you to walk across that ocean,
55:56 He will either help you walk on water
55:58 or He will part the sea or He will move mountains.
56:01 Don't say, Lord, I can't.
56:03 The Word of God is enabling.
56:05 When God commands us to do something,
56:07 He will help you do it.
56:08 You take those first steps of faith
56:10 and you will see miracles happen
56:12 all through your life.
56:14 God will supply all of your needs,
56:17 you know, Jesus send out the apostles
56:18 preaching and teaching,
56:20 He said, "I want to teach you faith."
56:21 When you go, don't take your credit cards.
56:23 I'm paraphrasing.
56:24 He said,
56:25 "Don't take a money purse with you.
56:27 So don't take a walking stick.
56:28 Don't take extra garments."
56:29 He said.
56:31 "Watch and see
56:32 if I don't supply all of your needs."
56:34 I remember one time I was traveling,
56:35 travel a lot
56:36 and when I got to the hotel,
56:39 I discovered I forgot my phone charger.
56:42 And I was gonna be away from town
56:43 for two or three days at this hotel
56:44 and I thought, oh, no phone's gonna die.
56:49 Don't even know how to use a regular telephone anymore.
56:51 All my numbers are in my phone, my schedules in my phone.
56:54 I did everything on my phone.
56:55 I said, "Oh, Lord."
56:57 I said, "Well, I don't know what to do.
56:58 I'm gonna pray."
56:59 It's late at night at the hotel and have no charger
57:01 and my phone was a unique model,
57:03 back then every phone seem to have a different charger.
57:06 I knelt down and I prayed and said,
57:08 Lord, don't know what I'm gonna do about this,
57:09 battery is almost dead after my flight
57:11 and I said I need a charger and I said amen.
57:14 I felt that He heard my pray. I opened my eyes.
57:17 And there by the bed in the outlet
57:19 was a phone charger.
57:22 And I said, "No, it can't be, is it a Motorola?"
57:26 And I pulled it out
57:28 and it was the very phone charger
57:30 I needed,
57:31 which I borrowed from whoever left it there
57:33 until I checked out and I gave to the front desk
57:37 and I was able to charge my phone,
57:38 but He supplies our needs.
57:40 I've had many miracles like this
57:42 and He will do that for you.
57:44 "With God all things are possible."
57:47 Don't ever doubt thee the power of God.
57:51 And He wants our joy to be full.
57:53 Christianity should be a happy religion.
57:56 The gospel is good news.
57:58 The Bible tells us that we're on our way to a feast,
58:04 not to a funeral.
58:05 So many people look like
58:06 they're baptized in pickle juice.
58:08 Christianity should be happy.
58:10 It should be joyful.
58:12 And someone said once
58:14 that, you know, if Christ is in your heart,
58:16 then you need to have your heart notify your face
58:19 because it's good news.
58:20 There should be joy in our lives.
58:24 "That they might have life and have life more abundantly."
58:27 The Lord wants you to have an abundant full life now,
58:30 but it's also eternal life in the world to come.
58:34 And if we are good witnesses for the Lord
58:36 and if we've got that joy,
58:38 we'll be sharing that with others,
58:40 we won't be able to keep it to ourselves.
58:42 Jesus has promised,
58:43 "I will never leave thee, and forsake thee."
58:45 It's so wonderful to know that
58:47 God is with us everywhere we go.
58:49 And He says, "Do not fear what man might do to you."
58:53 You know, Jesus said
58:55 there are people that will make fun of you
58:56 and you might be persecuted,
58:58 He said,
58:59 "Rejoice and be exceedingly glad,
59:01 you have nothing to fear."
59:02 Because if God is with you, He'll take care of everything.
59:06 And finally, He promises, "My peace I give unto you."
59:08 Not like the world,
59:10 but He gives us a peace that passes all understanding.
59:14 And He paid such an incredible price
59:16 that we might enjoy that peace.
59:18 Why would God pay so much for you to have a new heart,
59:22 a new life, and live with Him forever
59:24 if it wasn't possible for you to have that experience?
59:27 Friends, He wants you to have that experience.
59:30 Now years ago in 1937,
59:32 there's a man named John Griffin,
59:36 who was given that
59:37 he lost his money in the stock market
59:38 in Oklahoma,
59:40 and then he moved to Mississippi,
59:41 and he ended up getting a job as a keeper on a bridge.
59:46 And this is one of those trestles.
59:48 It was a rail road bridge
59:50 that went across the Mississippi
59:51 where a section of the bridge would rise
59:53 when the ships came through,
59:55 and then it would lower again.
59:57 And one day he brought his son Greg
59:59 eight years old to work with him.
01:00:01 He wanted to see where dad worked.
01:00:02 Does the father's job was sometimes very boring.
01:00:04 He'd sit there and wait for hours
01:00:05 until a boat came he'd raise up the trestle,
01:00:08 and then he'd put it down again right away
01:00:10 because they had trains
01:00:12 that would go speeding across the track
01:00:14 and every now and then he'd get a signal in his booth
01:00:17 and they'd say that a train is coming,
01:00:19 is the bridge gonna be down.
01:00:21 And he would signal
01:00:22 and they'd go by the signal
01:00:23 the green light full speed ahead.
01:00:25 Well, one day when his son was there
01:00:27 watching how dad worked
01:00:29 and his son was very antsy and running around
01:00:31 and getting into everything.
01:00:33 He saw that a boat was coming down
01:00:35 and so he raised up the trestle
01:00:37 and he waited
01:00:38 and he saw the ship was on its way down,
01:00:41 and then he heard the meant to special
01:00:44 gave the signal that it was on its way
01:00:45 and they wanted to know will the bridge to be down.
01:00:47 He said, "Yeah, no problem."
01:00:49 And he started the bridge going down,
01:00:51 he gave the signal for the train
01:00:52 to go full speed ahead
01:00:54 and as the gears began to go and lower the machine
01:00:57 he looked and horror down his son
01:00:59 had wandered out into the machinery
01:01:02 and a piece of cable with a fray on it
01:01:04 had caught his clothing
01:01:06 and was pulling him up into the gears
01:01:09 and the father only had an instant
01:01:10 to make a very difficult decision
01:01:13 if he stopped the bridge,
01:01:15 it was too late to stop the train
01:01:17 that had hundreds of people on it.
01:01:19 It would smash into the trestle
01:01:21 and cars and people would go spilling off into the river
01:01:24 and no doubt many would die.
01:01:27 If he didn't stop it, his son would die
01:01:30 and it didn't take him long.
01:01:32 He realized that
01:01:34 he needed to save the people on the train
01:01:37 and so with his heartbreaking,
01:01:40 he shouted to his son, he said.
01:01:41 I love you Greg,
01:01:42 but he knew he couldn't stop
01:01:44 and he was pulled into the machinery and killed.
01:01:47 And the bridge went down
01:01:49 and the meant to special went speeding by
01:01:51 and they saw the man
01:01:53 that was there in the glass booth by the tower
01:01:55 and they waved at John.
01:01:57 And didn't realize
01:01:59 what he had paid
01:02:00 just then so that they could live.
01:02:02 And, you know, you wonder sometimes
01:02:04 all these people in the world
01:02:06 are sort of speeding on their way
01:02:08 and we don't know how much Jesus has paid
01:02:10 that we might live.
01:02:12 The question is,
01:02:13 are you willing to accept that gift?
01:02:15 He loved you so much He gave His Son,
01:02:17 but you need to make a decision.
01:02:19 You know, some of you are part of host groups
01:02:21 and we're gonna invite you to respond tonight.
01:02:24 I'd like to walk you through some simple questions
01:02:27 here in our studio audience.
01:02:28 We've got these cards as well.
01:02:31 You know, the best time to listen to God's will
01:02:33 is when you're hearing it,
01:02:34 the best time to listen to His voice
01:02:36 is when He's speaking to you.
01:02:39 I'd like to invite you to make a decision right now
01:02:41 that first step of faith can begin now.
01:02:44 The devil will want you to postpone it.
01:02:46 Make it now
01:02:47 and God can give you a new heart.
01:02:49 First of all, I'm gonna ask you a series of five questions.
01:02:53 I believe that salvation comes only by grace
01:02:55 through faith in Jesus.
01:02:58 You can check yes.
01:02:59 Now some of you,
01:03:01 you may not have your cards in front of you.
01:03:02 You will find the card at the
01:03:06 website.
01:03:08 Don't go there yet
01:03:09 'cause in order to do that,
01:03:11 you might have to sign off the screen
01:03:12 if you're streaming,
01:03:13 but you can do that during our break,
01:03:15 you'll find these cards there.
01:03:16 Question number two.
01:03:18 I want to repent of my sins and surrender my life to Jesus.
01:03:23 Make that decision now.
01:03:24 Mark that
01:03:26 and we'd like to know how to pray for you
01:03:27 and with you
01:03:28 and you see these questions up on your screen as well.
01:03:32 Question three.
01:03:33 And I expect they're many in this category.
01:03:36 I once followed Jesus but I've drifted away,
01:03:39 and now I want to recommit my life to Him.
01:03:42 You can get a new beginning and experience that new birth.
01:03:45 Find your first love, friends.
01:03:48 You can do that now by asking.
01:03:50 Maybe you'd like special prayer
01:03:52 as you make this commitment or pray about the commitment,
01:03:55 check that box.
01:03:56 We have a group that will be praying for you.
01:03:58 And we're offering more information.
01:04:00 You know, once the baby's born they need to feed.
01:04:03 And we would like to provide material
01:04:04 to help you learn more about Jesus.
01:04:06 If you're in a group or church,
01:04:08 we know over a thousand churches
01:04:09 have registered.
01:04:11 Please fill out your name on your card,
01:04:12 give it to your group leaders,
01:04:14 and those of you who are gonna do this online.
01:04:16 We encourage you
01:04:17 if you don't have a card with you,
01:04:19 go to the website during the break,
01:04:20 fill out your card
01:04:22 and that will communicate with us,
01:04:23 so we can rejoice with you
01:04:25 and tell you how to begin your new life with Jesus.
01:04:27 Let me pray with you
01:04:29 before we go to our Bible questions.
01:04:31 Let's bow our heads.
01:04:33 Father in heaven,
01:04:35 I believe we've heard the gospel tonight
01:04:38 and I think that there's some people out there
01:04:40 that feel the Holy Spirit speaking to their hearts
01:04:42 and they wanna make that decision.
01:04:44 Lord, encourage them right now
01:04:45 to have the courage and the faith
01:04:47 to respond to Your love
01:04:49 that You're desperate to save them
01:04:51 by coming to Jesus,
01:04:53 by praying in their hearts and accepting Him
01:04:55 as their Savior
01:04:57 by taking those first steps
01:04:58 where they begin a new life in Christ.
01:05:01 Bless each one,
01:05:02 pour out Your Spirit on this series.
01:05:04 We thank You and ask in Christ's name.
01:05:07 Amen.
01:05:08 Now we'll be back in two minutes
01:05:10 with some Bible questions.
01:05:11 You can still send them in.
01:05:12 You may wanna go to
01:05:15 Fill out your card and send it to Pastor Doug
01:05:17 or your group leaders
01:05:19 so we can know how to pray for you.
01:05:20 Be right back.
01:05:26 I was addicted
01:05:28 to all different types of things.
01:05:29 I was drinking so much on the road
01:05:32 that when I got home,
01:05:33 I would be just yelling at the top of my lungs.
01:05:36 I had a problem with authority,
01:05:38 started smoking at the age of 14
01:05:40 and drinking by the age of 15.
01:05:41 And I had money, I had women, I had a car every 2 years.
01:05:46 The life wasn't really that fulfilling.
01:05:48 I mean, I was having a great time on the outside,
01:05:51 but inside I knew something was dying,
01:05:54 something was wrong.
01:05:55 I got down on my knees.
01:05:57 And I pray to God and I said,
01:05:58 "God, if You're there, wherever You lead me in life,
01:06:01 whatever You want me to do, I am yours."
01:06:04 I'd started studying the Bible
01:06:06 and found Amazing Facts online
01:06:08 and I was watching hours of sermons each day.
01:06:12 My life has changed so much
01:06:13 since I started following God's path for me.
01:06:17 I wanna thank you.
01:06:18 Thank you. Thank you.
01:06:19 From the bottom of my heart.
01:06:27 I just really started getting involved with crime,
01:06:29 break and enter, selling drugs, stealing cars.
01:06:32 All of us were high, drugs all over the car,
01:06:34 paraphernalia pipes.
01:06:35 I was suicidal.
01:06:37 I was developing an eating disorder
01:06:39 so like all these things were just coming into play.
01:06:42 One night I was flicking through my channels in my dorm,
01:06:45 there was this guy, this preacher.
01:06:47 By the end of the program,
01:06:48 I had a complete understanding of what's God plan actually is.
01:06:54 I started going through
01:06:55 these Amazing Facts Study Guides.
01:06:57 And I finish those and I was so hungry,
01:07:00 I couldn't put them down.
01:07:01 This series help me to see how reasonable God is.
01:07:05 So after doing the studies and learning the truths
01:07:09 that I had been learning,
01:07:10 I decided to take that next step.
01:07:12 I thank God for ministries
01:07:14 like Amazing Facts to a great extent,
01:07:16 the reason why I am in the church today.
01:07:19 Thank you. Thank you.
01:07:21 Thank you for changing my life.
01:07:33 We'd like to welcome everybody back to Revelation Now!
01:07:36 And thank you for sending in
01:07:38 all of your great Bible questions.
01:07:39 And we're gonna take the next 20 minutes or so
01:07:42 trying to answer
01:07:43 as many of these Bible questions
01:07:44 as possible.
01:07:46 So, Pastor Doug, are you ready?
01:07:48 We'll see. Okay.
01:07:50 We have our first question that we'll take.
01:07:51 It says,
01:07:53 "If I accept Christ and His forgiveness
01:07:56 but then fall again,
01:07:57 will He forgive me again?"
01:08:00 Well, you see several examples in the Bible
01:08:02 where people like Peter and Mary Magdalene.
01:08:05 The Bible tells us that
01:08:07 Mary Magdalene out of whom Jesus cast seven devils
01:08:10 and the way that's rendered it's really not at one time,
01:08:15 but she continued to fall into her old habits
01:08:18 and Peter more than once he denied Jesus three times,
01:08:21 but more than once Peter backslide.
01:08:24 He was also kind of rebuked by Paul
01:08:27 later with in his letter to the Galatians.
01:08:30 So God's very merciful.
01:08:32 You can see in David's life.
01:08:34 There was not only that incident with Bathsheba
01:08:37 there were times
01:08:38 where had David was being deceptive.
01:08:41 When he numbered Israel because of pride
01:08:43 and, you know, if we make mistakes
01:08:44 once we come to Christ, He adopts you,
01:08:47 you become His child.
01:08:48 God does not unadopt you.
01:08:50 If you repent of your sins and you turn back to Him,
01:08:54 He's merciful.
01:08:55 1 John 1:9 says,
01:08:58 "If we confess our sins,
01:09:00 He's faithful and just to forgive us
01:09:01 and to cleanse us and claim that promise."
01:09:04 Our next question that we have is,
01:09:06 "Is there anything I can do to help God save me?"
01:09:09 Well, that's what
01:09:11 you could call a loaded question.
01:09:13 You wanna be careful not to communicate
01:09:14 that we are helping God out
01:09:18 'cause God's provided everything we need to be saved
01:09:22 in the sacrifice of Jesus,
01:09:23 but is there something we must do to cooperate.
01:09:25 The answer is yes.
01:09:27 First of all, you come to the Lord in faith.
01:09:30 He saves you right away, but we must cooperate,
01:09:34 being willing to believe.
01:09:35 Jesus says this is the work that you believe on the one
01:09:38 whom God has sent, but in addition, then,
01:09:40 if we're gonna grow in our faith.
01:09:42 So being saved is an event of justification,
01:09:46 that means it can happen in a moment
01:09:47 when you come to Christ.
01:09:48 We hope some of you
01:09:50 are experiencing that right now.
01:09:51 You made a decision,
01:09:53 you've prayed
01:09:54 and turn your life over to the Lord
01:09:55 that can be the turning point,
01:09:57 but now there's growth
01:09:58 that happens through reading the Word.
01:10:00 We need to feed our souls,
01:10:02 we need to spend time in prayer,
01:10:04 and then tell other people,
01:10:05 you know, exercise our faith,
01:10:08 and then we'll continue to grow.
01:10:10 Okay.
01:10:12 We have another question
01:10:13 that we'll put up on the screen.
01:10:14 "How can I even approach God in my sinful condition?"
01:10:18 You know, that's the wonderful thing
01:10:20 about the plan of salvation
01:10:21 is you see story after story in the Bible,
01:10:24 even Peter, he fell down at Jesus' feet.
01:10:26 I think this is Luke Chapter 5
01:10:28 and Peter was amazed
01:10:31 because Jesus had filled his nets to bursting.
01:10:34 And he realized
01:10:35 this was a supernatural miracle.
01:10:37 He lived on the sea all his life
01:10:38 and never saw a catch like this
01:10:40 and he suddenly had
01:10:42 a sense of the holiness of Christ.
01:10:44 And Peter fell at Jesus' feet and said,
01:10:45 "Lord depart for me, I am a sinful man."
01:10:48 Jesus said, "Don't be afraid."
01:10:50 And he says, "From now on you'll catch men."
01:10:53 And one time a leper came to Jesus.
01:10:55 And the Bible says he was full of leprosy.
01:10:58 And this is like a person who's full of sin.
01:11:00 You know, I love hearing the stories from Salvation Army
01:11:05 and I used to listen to these radio testimonies
01:11:07 from Pacific Garden Mission
01:11:09 about people who their lives were just,
01:11:12 you know, totally out in the world,
01:11:15 you know, in the gutter, drugs,
01:11:17 you know, alcoholism
01:11:18 just they seem like
01:11:19 they're totally captive of the enemy,
01:11:21 radical change
01:11:23 and, you know, even in Amazing Facts,
01:11:24 we got a few people that were behind bars
01:11:28 now that are serving the Lord, you know.
01:11:30 Preaching and teaching here. Yeah. Absolutely.
01:11:32 All right, Pastor Doug,
01:11:33 we've got a question or two coming.
01:11:35 And again, thank you for your questions.
01:11:37 Here's one that I like, it says,
01:11:39 why does the Bible describe God and Satan both as a lion?
01:11:45 Yeah, well, I think that's the characteristic,
01:11:48 you know, the Lord is often described
01:11:50 in a number of ways,
01:11:52 you know, one time God is described as an eagle.
01:11:53 Well, an eagle's an unclean bird
01:11:56 and so, you know,
01:11:57 you can eat a quail and a dove.
01:11:59 Why would you describe Jesus as a dove and an eagle?
01:12:02 And an eagle eats a dove.
01:12:03 What's the saying
01:12:04 that God has that perspective of the eagle's,
01:12:07 the strength and the power.
01:12:08 And he says, I bore you on my wings like eagles,
01:12:11 but then the characteristics of a lion
01:12:14 says your adversary like a lion.
01:12:17 It's lion like the way,
01:12:18 Satan roars and stalks his prey,
01:12:22 but the lion is also a powerful majestic beast.
01:12:26 And so that's why
01:12:27 Jesus is called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
01:12:29 And so it's talking about the majesty of Christ.
01:12:32 You know, Pastor Doug, when I read that question
01:12:33 I thought of another sort of parallel symbol,
01:12:37 Jesus says, speaking of the devil,
01:12:38 I saw him for like lightning from heaven,
01:12:41 and then Jesus when talking about the second coming,
01:12:43 He says His lightning that shine
01:12:45 from the east to the west
01:12:46 so also shall the coming of the Son of man be.
01:12:49 So you've got a lion representing Christ
01:12:51 and Lion symbol for Satan.
01:12:53 You got lightning
01:12:54 can describe Christ, can describe Satan.
01:12:57 The serpent is a symbol of the devil,
01:12:58 a symbol of sin,
01:13:00 but the Bible tells us Christ became sin for us
01:13:02 who knew no sin
01:13:04 that we might be made the righteous
01:13:05 so some interesting parallels
01:13:06 that you see throughout the Bible.
01:13:08 Yeah, you see attributes of those symbols or creatures
01:13:09 that you might find some similarities
01:13:10 in both characters.
01:13:12 Absolutely.
01:13:13 All right, we got a question that
01:13:15 I assume came from a child and the question is,"
01:13:17 I would like to know,
01:13:18 is it possible for a child
01:13:19 to commit the unpardonable sin?"
01:13:22 Well, if the child is living
01:13:24 before the age of accountability,
01:13:26 I'd say no it's impossible
01:13:27 because you're before that age.
01:13:30 Now someone may send in a question
01:13:32 and say what is that age?
01:13:34 I'll preempt that now by trying to explain that
01:13:37 there's no specific age given in the Bible,
01:13:40 probably the closest you can come
01:13:42 is to say that,
01:13:43 you know, when Jesus was 12 years old,
01:13:45 that's when it was customary for Jews
01:13:47 to bring their boys to the temple,
01:13:50 they saw that they were transitioning,
01:13:52 you know, and even biologically,
01:13:54 there's a transition
01:13:55 that happens from child to adult
01:13:59 and they start to understanding
01:14:01 the consequences of sin and salvation
01:14:03 and when a child's old enough to comprehend those things
01:14:05 and different children mature at different ages,
01:14:07 and even girls may sometimes mature spiritually before boys.
01:14:13 I think, I've seen that.
01:14:16 That's when that time
01:14:17 where they start becoming accountable
01:14:19 for those decisions.
01:14:20 I don't think you're gonna see too many teenagers
01:14:22 that have grieved away the Holy Spirit
01:14:24 because God is so patient,
01:14:25 it usually takes years
01:14:27 for a person to get to that point
01:14:28 and harden their hearts like that.
01:14:30 If somebody's wondering about that
01:14:31 that's probably evidence
01:14:33 that the Holy Spirit
01:14:34 is still speaking to their heart.
01:14:35 And we think we've got a free book
01:14:37 they can read on that.
01:14:38 Yes. What's the unpardonable sin?
01:14:39 Right.
01:14:41 And that's available at the website,
01:14:42 the Amazing Facts website.
01:14:43 Another question that we have is,
01:14:45 is belief and faith the same thing?
01:14:49 You said that the devil believes
01:14:51 and he's not saved.
01:14:52 Well, belief and faith, belief and saving faith
01:14:56 are not the same thing,
01:14:58 you know, you can have a faith where you say it,
01:15:03 I acknowledge I assent that Jesus is real.
01:15:07 The devil knows that
01:15:08 and the devil will even admit that God loves us,
01:15:11 but it's not a belief
01:15:12 where he's be living what is said.
01:15:15 He's not responding to it.
01:15:16 If I say, you know,
01:15:18 tornado's about to hit our studio here in 30 seconds
01:15:21 and everyone says, yes, we believe you, Pastor Doug,
01:15:23 and you sit there.
01:15:24 You don't believe me.
01:15:26 So that there's a belief in
01:15:28 that says you respond
01:15:31 and so that's the nuance of difference
01:15:33 I would see in the two.
01:15:35 Okay, another question.
01:15:36 It says,
01:15:38 "Why don't we see the miracles
01:15:39 that we read about back in the Bible?"
01:15:41 You know, when I hear this question,
01:15:43 I think about the story of Gideon
01:15:45 and in Judges Chapter 6,
01:15:48 the Bible tell and keep in mind,
01:15:49 Judges dates back long before Elijah,
01:15:52 long before the days of Jesus,
01:15:54 an angel appears to Gideon,
01:15:56 and Gideon says,
01:15:58 whatever happened to all the miracles
01:15:59 we used to hear about.
01:16:01 We haven't seen any of those miracles like
01:16:02 when the children of Israel came out of Egypt
01:16:05 or when they crossed the Jordan,
01:16:07 whatever happened to the days of miracles?
01:16:08 Are they all gone?
01:16:10 And you laugh looking back now thinking
01:16:11 wow,
01:16:12 Gideon saw some pretty big miracles in his life,
01:16:15 and then, of course, you hadn't even seen Elijah
01:16:17 the fire coming down from heaven
01:16:18 or all the miracles of Elisha,
01:16:20 and then all the miracles of Jesus.
01:16:22 Miracles seem to come in waves in the Bible.
01:16:25 And they did during the time of Christ
01:16:27 and the apostles.
01:16:28 I believe we're gonna see waves of miracles...
01:16:30 And I believe miracles are happening
01:16:32 in the world today.
01:16:33 I've seen things that I would describe
01:16:34 people might argue,
01:16:36 but I'd describe them as miracles
01:16:37 and sitting in the studio is a miracle right now.
01:16:42 We know.
01:16:43 But we don't have time for that story though,
01:16:45 but so I think that we're gonna see more miracles
01:16:49 especially when persecution increases,
01:16:52 when the proclamation of the gospel
01:16:54 becomes more challenged,
01:16:55 God begins to act more
01:16:57 as God's people start to live out real Christianity
01:17:01 you see more real miracles.
01:17:02 Okay.
01:17:04 Another question's coming from Ginger.
01:17:05 She asks,
01:17:07 "You mentioned yesterday that Moses was resurrected
01:17:09 after three days.
01:17:10 Is that in the Bible?"
01:17:12 Well, the three days part is not in the Bible.
01:17:15 It does tell you that Moses was resurrected
01:17:17 because if you look in Mark Chapter 9,
01:17:20 it tells you
01:17:21 and also as well in Luke and Matthew.
01:17:23 It tells you that Moses appeared to Jesus
01:17:27 on what we call the Mount of Transfiguration.
01:17:29 Jesus hiked up this mountain
01:17:30 with Peter, James, and John, and Elijah,
01:17:33 and Moses appeared to him.
01:17:34 There is a Jewish tradition.
01:17:36 It's not part of the Bible,
01:17:38 but it's called the assumption of Moses
01:17:39 and it says that three days after Moses death,
01:17:42 he was raised.
01:17:43 And we believe that they have no reason to doubt
01:17:45 that it was three days,
01:17:46 but no specifically that's not in the Bible,
01:17:48 but it does seem Moses...
01:17:50 And you do have in Jude verse 9
01:17:52 where it says that
01:17:54 when Michael came
01:17:55 he didn't dispute with the devil
01:17:57 regarding the body of Moses,
01:17:58 but said the Lord rebuke thee.
01:18:00 So also you get that verse in Jude verse 9,
01:18:03 talks about the resurrection of Moses.
01:18:05 We got a question from Karen.
01:18:06 She's asking,
01:18:08 "Is a picture of Jesus considered a graven image
01:18:13 and forbidden in the commandments?"
01:18:15 It could be.
01:18:17 Now this is something that people need to be careful
01:18:20 not to confuse.
01:18:21 God does not say in The Ten Commandments
01:18:23 do not make any graven image
01:18:26 and stop, you got to keep reading.
01:18:28 It says do not make graven images
01:18:30 in the likeness of anything in the heaven above,
01:18:32 the water beneath the earth.
01:18:34 Do not bow down yourself to them
01:18:36 or serve them.
01:18:37 There was no inherent sin in the people
01:18:41 making some facsimile of a flower.
01:18:44 Matter of fact,
01:18:45 when they were building the temple,
01:18:47 God told Moses to carve two angels
01:18:50 and put them on the Ark of the Covenant.
01:18:52 They weren't to pray to them.
01:18:54 And God told Moses to make a bronze serpent.
01:18:57 And the people to look into live,
01:18:58 but later when they started praying to that serpent,
01:19:01 Hezekiah said, no, that's idolatry.
01:19:03 He crushed it.
01:19:04 And in the temple of Solomon,
01:19:07 they had calves
01:19:09 that were built underneath the laver
01:19:10 to hold it in place
01:19:11 and they made additional angels
01:19:13 and they made images of pomegranates
01:19:15 and different things.
01:19:16 So making some artistic work was not a sin,
01:19:20 but I have seen people pray to pictures
01:19:23 and I have seen people pray to statues
01:19:24 and that's when it turns into idolatry.
01:19:26 Okay.
01:19:28 Well, here we have an interesting question.
01:19:29 It says,
01:19:30 "If the devil knows the Bible,
01:19:32 why would he stick to the plan that's revealed in Revelation?"
01:19:35 And some people worship their cars too.
01:19:37 You can make an idol out of your car.
01:19:39 I'm still thinking about that last question.
01:19:40 Sorry, you know, what was that question again?
01:19:42 Sorry. All right, here we go again.
01:19:44 It says, "If the devil knows the Bible,
01:19:46 why would he stick to the plan revealed in Revelation?"
01:19:50 You know, it says that he knows he has a short time.
01:19:53 So yes, I think the devil he knows...
01:19:57 You know, hope springs eternal.
01:19:59 I guess even with the devil,
01:20:00 he's got this delusional idea
01:20:02 that maybe if he fights the bitter
01:20:03 and something will change.
01:20:05 And if nothing else he's trying to keep that
01:20:07 that belief alive among his demons
01:20:10 and even in the very last battle
01:20:12 when he launches his final assault
01:20:13 on the people of God,
01:20:15 you think isn't it crazy
01:20:17 to think you can fight against God?
01:20:20 But he had deceived himself into thinking
01:20:22 that he had a fighting chance.
01:20:25 Another place though, and I think it's Revelation 12,
01:20:27 he says he's come down with great wrath
01:20:29 'cause he knows his time is short.
01:20:31 I think the devil knows that his days are numbered.
01:20:33 Okay. Very good.
01:20:35 How can I tell
01:20:37 whether or not my prayers are actually answered?
01:20:41 Well, if you say, Lord,
01:20:44 you know, I'm hungry and blessed me with food
01:20:47 and He miraculously provides food.
01:20:49 That's an answer to prayer.
01:20:50 So I don't know if I'm...
01:20:51 I think usually there's evidence.
01:20:53 Okay.
01:20:54 So sometimes prayers,
01:20:56 let's just say you're praying for the salvation
01:20:57 of someone you love.
01:20:58 How do you know that prayer is gonna be answered?
01:21:00 I think you have faith and you continue to pray
01:21:02 and you store and compound those prayers in heaven.
01:21:06 You know, many times we pray for people's healing.
01:21:08 You and I've done anointings for people
01:21:10 and we have seen miraculous traumatic healings.
01:21:13 People that had cancer and the tumors went away
01:21:16 and just wonderful things.
01:21:18 Sometimes when you pray for healing,
01:21:20 you know that prayer is gonna be answered in the resurrection
01:21:22 when they get a glorified body.
01:21:24 So, you know, we have to trust that God answers our prayers
01:21:29 the way He sees best
01:21:30 and those that may vary from time to time.
01:21:33 Okay, somebody's asking,
01:21:34 how do you stop thinking about the guilt of your past?
01:21:38 You've prayed, you've asked God to forgive you,
01:21:40 but it seems like
01:21:41 these things keep coming back into your mind.
01:21:43 Very good, very important question,
01:21:45 and I struggle with that like everyone else,
01:21:47 you know, you've got these brain cells
01:21:48 that still have the memories
01:21:50 of the terrible things you did and your regrets,
01:21:53 and even after I've asked the Lord
01:21:54 to forgive me a thousand times for something,
01:21:57 it'll pop back into my mind.
01:21:58 I think, "Oh, Doug, what were you thinking?"
01:22:00 And then I'll say,
01:22:01 Lord, that's the devil trying to make me feel bad.
01:22:03 You forgave me for that long time ago.
01:22:06 And I just remind myself of that.
01:22:08 I think Martin Luther put it this way, he said,
01:22:11 "You cannot prevent the birds from flying over your head,
01:22:14 but you can prevent them
01:22:16 from making a nest in your hair."
01:22:17 I always feel funny, quoting that
01:22:18 'cause the birds can't make a nest in my hair,
01:22:20 but anyway,
01:22:22 it means basically that those thoughts will come
01:22:25 and I think the more we train ourselves
01:22:28 when the devil brings it back to make us feel guilty,
01:22:31 say thank you, Lord, for forgiving me.
01:22:32 And you know what?
01:22:34 Those memories that pain it gets more dull,
01:22:37 it doesn't hurt as much.
01:22:39 He heals it.
01:22:40 Okay.
01:22:41 Here's a good question, it says,
01:22:43 "Pastor Doug, do you have some tips
01:22:44 that will help me in my prayer?"
01:22:48 Yeah.
01:22:50 Well, the Bible tells us pray in faith
01:22:53 so believe that God hears you.
01:22:55 Some people struggle keeping focused
01:22:57 when they're praying.
01:22:59 And that actually
01:23:01 is just a discipline it takes time.
01:23:03 I remember reading how David Livingston, he said,
01:23:07 "Learn to read his Bible
01:23:08 and pray when he was manning
01:23:10 a cotton gin there in Scotland."
01:23:12 And it was very loud and very distracting,
01:23:14 but he learned to focus and he had to train himself.
01:23:16 So later that came in very handy in Africa,
01:23:21 where he said sometimes
01:23:23 the drums would go all night long
01:23:25 and he could continue to pray,
01:23:26 he could continue to read his Bible and focus,
01:23:29 and so when your mind wanders bring it back.
01:23:32 If it wonders say, Lord forgive me, bring it back.
01:23:36 And start, you know, your prayers may not be,
01:23:39 we sing that song sweet hour of prayer.
01:23:41 They may not be an hour to start with,
01:23:43 start praying little prayers,
01:23:44 and then you'll mature in your prayer
01:23:46 and tell God what's on your heart.
01:23:49 Don't worry about a certain formula,
01:23:51 nothing wrong with reading out of a prayer book,
01:23:52 but you really want real prayers
01:23:54 the cry of your heart to God.
01:23:57 The Bible promises
01:23:59 the Holy Spirit will take our prayers
01:24:00 and make them eloquent to God.
01:24:03 Another question that we have here is,
01:24:06 "Is rebaptism necessary?"
01:24:11 Well, a good question.
01:24:13 There are probably three Bible reasons
01:24:14 where it might be necessary to be rebaptized.
01:24:16 One, if you were not baptized biblically,
01:24:19 meaning, the biblical message for baptism is immersion.
01:24:25 And that's where a person is, you know,
01:24:27 immersed and brought up like Jesus was.
01:24:29 You might wanna be baptized biblically,
01:24:31 so that's one reason
01:24:33 or you might call that a rebaptism.
01:24:35 Second reason would be is
01:24:37 if you've backslidden in a major way
01:24:40 and divorce yourself from the Lord,
01:24:41 you stop going to church.
01:24:42 Now if you sin,
01:24:44 well, God's arranged where
01:24:46 you're doing the communion service,
01:24:47 you can get a new beginning,
01:24:49 but sort of like a mini baptism with foot washing,
01:24:53 but if you stop going to church,
01:24:55 you kind of turn your back on the Lord
01:24:56 and when you return, you may consider rebaptism.
01:25:00 And I'm not talking about you miss a few weeks of church.
01:25:02 This is something serious.
01:25:04 It's like marriage.
01:25:05 If you're legally divorced,
01:25:06 you need to get legally remarried.
01:25:08 Right.
01:25:09 And then third reason is in an Acts 19,
01:25:12 it describes some people who they heard Paul preaching,
01:25:16 there were 12 Ephesian believers
01:25:18 and they had not heard about Jesus.
01:25:21 They had been baptized biblically
01:25:22 by John the Baptist,
01:25:24 but they hadn't heard
01:25:26 about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
01:25:27 and the Ministry of Christ.
01:25:28 They left before all that happened.
01:25:30 Paul preached all these things to him
01:25:31 and rebaptize him
01:25:33 'cause there were so much new truth
01:25:34 that they really thought,
01:25:36 "Boy, I need the whole new beginning."
01:25:37 I just, there's so much I didn't know.
01:25:39 And some may even think about rebaptism
01:25:41 after the seminar
01:25:42 because you're gonna learn a lot of stuff
01:25:44 in the 16 more nights that we have to go.
01:25:47 Very good.
01:25:48 I'm bringing that up, Pastor Doug.
01:25:50 We just need to remind folks who are joining us
01:25:51 if this is the first time that you join us.
01:25:53 This is part of a series of presentations
01:25:55 dealing with different Bible prophecies.
01:25:57 We will continue tomorrow evening
01:25:59 and the topic tomorrow evening is the Unchangeable Law.
01:26:01 Yes.
01:26:03 So, you know, we talk about laws changing
01:26:04 it seems every day
01:26:06 different places, different states,
01:26:08 but there is a law that doesn't change.
01:26:09 And, of course, that's gonna be the subject tomorrow.
01:26:11 And we've got to know that in Revelation
01:26:13 because the beast has got a law
01:26:16 and God has a law
01:26:18 and you'll see that mentioned several times in Revelation,
01:26:20 so you don't wanna miss that study.
01:26:22 Yes.
01:26:23 So that's tomorrow evening and, of course, it'll be live.
01:26:26 We wanna remind you of our free gift for today.
01:26:28 It is a book entitled
01:26:29 "Is It Easier to Be Saved or to be Lost? "
01:26:32 And we'll be happy to send this to anyone who would like it.
01:26:35 All you have to do is
01:26:36 text the word CHOICE to the number 40544.
01:26:41 And you'll be able to receive a digital copy of this book.
01:26:44 It's a great read,
01:26:45 especially dealing with the subject
01:26:46 that we spoke about.
01:26:48 If you're outside of North America,
01:26:49 you can go to the Revelation Now website
01:26:51 and click on the free offers
01:26:53 and you can download the book
01:26:55 Is It Easier to Be Saved or to be Lost?
01:26:58 And I think you'll be richly blessed
01:26:59 by reading that book.
01:27:01 And again if you participate in the program this evening
01:27:04 at the end of the presentation Pastor Doug gave
01:27:07 those who are here in the studio
01:27:09 and those who are watching online
01:27:10 an opportunity to respond.
01:27:12 And we wanna encourage you
01:27:13 even if you're watching this at home
01:27:14 or wherever you might be
01:27:16 go to the Revelation Now website.
01:27:18 And you can click on the decision card,
01:27:20 just read through the different questions
01:27:22 and prayerfully mark your response.
01:27:26 Send it to us.
01:27:27 We've got some additional resources
01:27:29 we'd like to provide
01:27:30 to help you in your walk with Christ.
01:27:32 So take advantage of that,
01:27:33 go to filling that response card.
01:27:37 Amen.
01:27:39 And yeah, please make sure and tune in tomorrow night.
01:27:41 You're gonna find this to be a very encouraging presentation
01:27:44 with all that's going on in the world right now.
01:27:45 I think we need it now more than ever
01:27:47 and it's not too late to invite your friends.
01:27:50 If you have no friends, invite your enemies
01:27:52 because Jesus is coming soon
01:27:54 and we wanna be ready for that event.
01:27:56 Thank you so much, friends.
01:27:57 God bless you
01:27:59 and we'll see you again in our study tomorrow night.


Revised 2021-02-25