Revelation of Hope (Pacleb)

The Battle of Armageddon

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Taj Pacleb


Series Code: ROHB

Program Code: ROHB000018

00:41 Our message is entitled, "The Battle of Armageddon,
00:46 The Coming of the Kings of the East
00:48 and the Final Gathering of the Nations."
00:53 The first thing I want us to understand
00:55 is that we don't have to be afraid.
00:56 Amen?
00:58 We are on the winning team
00:59 when we align our self with the Lord.
01:00 The second thing I want us to understand is that,
01:02 this battle and this fight is not a physical fight.
01:06 If we'd say that this is a literal battle
01:09 in the Middle East,
01:10 we are inconsistent with the Bible context.
01:14 And, friends, it's clear.
01:15 Futurism has calls many people to look in the wrong place.
01:20 Obviously, it's symbolic.
01:21 And so the question is, what exactly is this battle
01:24 that is called Armageddon, and what exactly does it mean?
01:27 Well, friends, in the very context
01:30 God give us a clue as to how we are to understand
01:34 what the Battle of Armageddon is.
01:37 Remember and notice, in verse 16 it says,
01:40 "And he gathered them together
01:41 into a place called," in the what?
01:43 "Hebrew tongue, the Battle of Armageddon."
01:48 And so God gives us a clue right there in the passage
01:51 that we need to understand Armageddon
01:53 in the context of the Hebrew language.
01:56 Now, friends, the New Testament was written in Greek,
01:58 the Old Testament was written in Hebrew.
02:00 So when it says in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon,
02:02 what God is doing,
02:03 He's pointing us back to the Old Testaments
02:06 to understand what exactly this word Armageddon means.
02:11 And if you are to look up this word Armageddon in the Hebrew,
02:14 it's the conjunction of two Hebrew words,
02:17 Har which means mount.
02:21 What is it mean?
02:22 And Magedo which the root word is the Hebrew word Mo'ed
02:25 which literally means congregation.
02:28 What is it mean?
02:29 So, friends, in the Hebrew tongue
02:31 the word Armageddon, it simply means
02:34 the Mount of the Congregation.
02:37 What is it mean?
02:38 And so this is how we are to understand this battle.
02:42 God is pointing us right there in the context of the plague.
02:44 It says it's in the Hebrew tongue.
02:46 And, friends, the word Armageddon in the Hebrew
02:49 is the Mount of the Congregation.
02:51 It's not so much a literal battle in a literal place,
02:54 but it's a worldwide spiritual war
02:56 between truth and error,
02:58 Christ and Satan, the genuine and the counterfeit.
03:01 You see, friends, the Great Controversy
03:04 between good and evil.
03:05 It, brother and sisters, was a war
03:08 that began over who would sit
03:11 on the Mount of the Congregation.
03:13 This is how the war actually began.
03:15 Satan, who was Lucifer wanted to sit at Armageddon,
03:21 the Mount of the Congregation.
03:23 We studied this before,
03:24 so we are going to briefly go through it together.
03:25 Notice in Isaiah 14:12-14.
03:29 This is what began the battle.
03:31 It was over the Mount of the Congregation.
03:33 Notice what it says.
03:34 Please, write it down,
03:35 "How art thou fallen from heaven,
03:37 O Lucifer, son of the morning!
03:38 How art thou cut down to the ground,
03:40 which didst weaken the nations!
03:41 For thou hast said," where?
03:44 So where did the war actually began?
03:47 It began in the very heart of Lucifer,
03:50 that first rebellious angel in heaven.
03:53 "For thou hast said in thine heart."
03:55 What did he said in his heart?
03:57 It says, "I will ascend into heaven.
04:01 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.
04:05 I will sit also upon the," what?
04:09 "Mount of the--"
04:11 That's the word Armageddon, friends.
04:13 "I will sit upon the Mount of the Congregation
04:15 in the sides of the north.
04:16 I will ascended above the heights of the clouds,
04:19 I will be like," who?
04:22 "The Most High."
04:23 We find that the origin of the battle,
04:25 the conflict began in the heart of Lucifer.
04:27 He said, I will, I will, I will, I will.
04:31 What was the problem?
04:32 Satan had an I problem, friends.
04:34 We called that myopia. He was short sighted.
04:38 All he was thinking about is himself
04:40 and his own will, his how own desire.
04:42 And what was his will?
04:44 He wanted to sit upon the Mount of the Congregation
04:46 in the sides of the north.
04:48 And as we learned before, that's where God's throne is.
04:51 Do you remember that?
04:52 Is Mount Zion on the sides of the north,
04:54 the city of the great king?
04:55 The Bible says in the Book of Psalms 48.
04:57 In other words, and saying,
04:58 "I will sit upon the Mount of the Congregation
05:01 in the sides of the north."
05:02 What Lucifer was saying was, I want to dethrone God.
05:05 Wow. What blasphemy.
05:08 Here's an angel thinking he can kick God off of His throne.
05:12 But this is what began the conflict.
05:14 He wanted to dethrone God and he wanted to be God.
05:16 He said, "I will be like the Most High."
05:19 And, friends, what is the Most High like?
05:21 The Most High is holy.
05:23 He is righteous. He is good.
05:25 When Lucifer essentially was saying is, I want to be holy,
05:28 I am going to be righteous, I am going to be good,
05:31 and I am going to do it on my own.
05:33 I will do it myself.
05:35 You see, friends,
05:37 this is the origin of self-righteousness.
05:40 What Lucifer was saying is,
05:41 we don't need God in order to be holy.
05:43 We don't need God in order to be righteous.
05:45 We don't need God nor His law to be good.
05:48 We are holy angels.
05:50 And so this is what began the controversy.
05:53 It was the battle of the will.
05:55 It was the battle of the what?
05:56 It was I will versus Thy will.
06:00 And thus because of this,
06:02 the Bible tells us in Revelation,
06:04 and there was war, where?
06:07 What began the war?
06:09 Is the fact that Lucifer wanted to be God.
06:11 He wanted to dethrone God.
06:13 He rebelled against the law of God.
06:14 And, friends, this was not a physical war,
06:17 it was a spiritual war.
06:19 It was a battle of the will.
06:21 Not so much the battle of arm forces,
06:24 not so much the battle of fists,
06:26 it was the battle of the will.
06:27 If you were to look up this word, war,
06:29 in the Greek language the word war is the Greek word polemos.
06:34 Can you say that?
06:35 And that word polemos, it means strife,
06:39 quarrel, dispute or argument.
06:44 You know, I used to think that the war
06:45 that broke loose in heaven was a clash of arm.
06:48 No, friends, the war was actually an argument.
06:51 It was a quarrel. It was a dispute.
06:54 A war of words or a conflict of ideas.
06:59 A conflict and a clash of beliefs
07:02 or a conflict and a clash of the will.
07:05 You see, friends, the nature of the Battle of Armageddon
07:08 that first began in the heart of Lucifer,
07:10 the very nature of it is that it's a spiritual battle.
07:13 It's a battle of the will.
07:15 And, friends, if that make sense,
07:16 would you please say amen?
07:19 Lucifer sought to cast down God's truth
07:21 and God's righteousness to the ground,
07:23 so that he can set up his own truth,
07:25 his own righteousness which really was his own will.
07:29 He began an argument against God in heaven.
07:32 And, friends, the origin
07:35 or the original Battle of Armageddon,
07:37 we see very clearly is a spiritual Battle of Beliefs.
07:42 It's a battle of what?
07:43 A Battle of Beliefs, friends.
07:45 You see, God's government in heaven
07:47 is based upon His perfect law of love,
07:51 and Lucifer began to propose
07:53 a plan based on self-government.
07:55 We can govern ourselves, we can be God,
07:58 and we don't need God to tell us how to do it.
08:00 We don't need God to be righteous and holy.
08:03 We can do it on our own by our own beliefs
08:06 and our own works.
08:08 This was the original Armageddon.
08:10 It was a spiritual Battle of Belief.
08:11 Now, friends, listen, the beginning of the battle
08:14 that began in Lucifer's heart
08:15 will help us understand
08:17 the conclusion of the controversy
08:20 because this final battle of Armageddon is not different.
08:23 It's not a physical or literal battle,
08:26 but it too is a battle of the will.
08:28 God's will versus men's will.
08:31 It's a Battle of Beliefs.
08:33 The final Armageddon, the Mount of the Congregation
08:36 is the climax of the spiritual war
08:38 between truth and error
08:41 that first began in Lucifer's heart.
08:44 Once again, it's not a physical fight,
08:45 but a spiritual showdown between truth and error.
08:48 And by the way, this makes sense, doesn't it?
08:50 Because think about it.
08:51 Does God need to fight physically?
08:54 Is there anyone in the universe
08:55 that can overpower God physically, yes or no?
08:58 Absolutely not, friends.
08:59 God does not have to fight physically.
09:01 He is the omniscient, omnipotent one.
09:04 Friends, all He has to do is speak a word and everything is--
09:08 Everything can be destroyed by just a word.
09:10 And so God does not have to fight anyone physically,
09:13 but, friends, it's the will that the human race
09:16 and his intelligent creation has the power over.
09:20 We find clearly that this universal war
09:23 is a war that we're all involved in today.
09:26 You see, each one of us,
09:27 we are all born on a battlefield.
09:30 And being born on a battlefield,
09:31 we must choose which side of the war we're going to be on.
09:34 And so today, are they going to stand
09:36 on the side of the truth and righteousness or error,
09:40 either we're going to compromise with the world
09:42 or we're going go remain faithful to God.
09:44 And, friends, I don't know about you,
09:45 but I want to remain faithful to the lord Jesus.
09:47 Can you say amen?
09:48 Because if we align ourselves on His side,
09:50 we are on the winning team.
09:51 And what enables us to win this war?
09:53 Notice what it says in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
09:58 The Bible says, "For though we walk in the flesh,
10:02 we do not war after the--
10:05 In other words, it's not a physical battle."
10:07 "For the weapons of our warfare
10:08 are not carnal, not of this world,
10:11 but mighty through God
10:13 to the pulling down of strongholds."
10:16 But what are these strongholds
10:18 that God wants to pour down in our lives?
10:21 Notice what it says, the next verse,
10:23 "Casting down," what? "Imaginations.
10:26 And every high thing that exalt itself against the, what?
10:31 The knowledge of God,
10:32 and bringing into captivity
10:35 every thought to the obedience of Christ."
10:38 You see, friends, it's a spiritual war, isn't it?
10:40 It's a battle of the will.
10:42 God's will versus our will.
10:45 And, friends, in this spiritual battle,
10:46 it's not something physical.
10:48 The things that God wants to,
10:50 all the strongholds that He wants to cast down
10:53 is every high thing, every earthy,
10:55 worldly carnal thought
10:56 that will exalt itself against the knowledge of God
11:00 which is the truth of God's word.
11:02 You see, God wants to take every thought captive
11:06 to conquer every earthly, worldly idea
11:10 and bring it into obedience to Jesus Christ
11:14 and the Word of God and the law of God.
11:18 Can you say amen?
11:19 So, friends, what we are seeing once again is this,
11:21 is that this is a war of knowledge.
11:25 The knowledge of God
11:26 and the knowledge that goes against God.
11:30 And, friends, the only way
11:31 we can overcome in this spiritual supernatural battle
11:36 is to yield our mind to the Lord Jesus.
11:39 You see, when the Bible tells us
11:40 that God teaches our hands to war
11:42 and our fingers to fight.
11:43 Do you know how God does this?
11:45 Here is how we war, friends, by prayer.
11:48 Our hands to war.
11:50 This is how, friends. We pray.
11:53 And our fingers to fight, use your fingers
11:54 to flip the pages, isn't that right?
11:56 And so how do you fight in this spiritual battle?
11:58 Oh, you use the weapons of prayer
12:00 and the weapon of the sword of the spirit
12:03 which is the word of the living God.
12:04 Can you say amen?
12:05 And, friends, what this is doing
12:07 is this is fortifying our minds with the truths of the Bible
12:10 so that we can stand in the last great conflict
12:13 between God and evil.
12:15 It's not a literal battle, the Battle of Armageddon.
12:17 It's a spiritual war between truth and error.
12:20 And, friends, as we use our hands to war with prayer
12:23 and our fingers to fight by flipping the pages
12:26 and putting the finger
12:27 upon the promises of the Word of God,
12:30 we are bringing every thought
12:32 into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
12:35 And as our thoughts are controlled by the Lord Jesus,
12:38 it's then that He can place the seal
12:39 of the living God in our foreheads
12:42 so that we will be able to stand all the way to the end.
12:45 Can you say amen?
12:46 It's yielding our mind to Christ,
12:48 so that He can give us His seal,
12:49 allowing the Lord to shape our belief system.
12:53 Because, friends, remember it is your mind,
12:55 your forehead that is where your--
12:57 The cerebral cortex of your brain, the frontal lobe.
13:01 And it's our mind that produces our thoughts and feelings.
13:03 Our thoughts and feelings produce words and actions.
13:06 Words and actions,
13:07 when you repeat them over and over produce habits.
13:09 Habits make up you character and the Bible teaches
13:12 that character determines your destiny.
13:15 So we find that, it all starts with the mind
13:17 and that's why the Battle of Armageddon
13:19 began in the heart or the mind of Lucifer.
13:21 It was his will against the will of God.
13:24 And, friends, by God's grace
13:26 he is going to give us victory in this battle
13:28 as we make a decision to yield our mind to Him
13:32 to be molded by His word.
13:34 Can you say amen?
13:35 And so now that we understand
13:36 that this battle is a spiritual war.
13:38 Let's look into the symbolic details of the battle.
13:41 Let's go back now to Revelation 16
13:43 and notice verse 12.
13:45 The Bible tells us that the Battle of Armageddon
13:48 was placed in the context of the sixth plague.
13:52 We looked at the seven, last night.
13:54 Now let's take a little closer look
13:56 at the sixth plague, the Battle of Armageddon.
13:57 It says in Revelation 16:12,
14:01 "And the sixth angel poured out his vial
14:02 upon the great river," what river?
14:05 "Euphrates, and the water thereof was dried up," why?
14:10 "That the way of the kings-- " From which direction?
14:14 "The east might be prepared."
14:16 So we find that the Battle of Armageddon
14:17 is placed in the context of the sixth plague,
14:19 and in preparation for this battle, the supernatural war,
14:23 the Bible says that the Great River Euphrates
14:25 is going to dry up to prepare the way
14:28 for the coming of the kings of the east.
14:30 And the question is this.
14:32 Where do we see this same thing happening
14:34 in the Old Testament scriptures?
14:37 Where do we see a river being dried up,
14:39 preparing the way for the kings of the east?
14:41 Friends, we see it all the way in the Book of Daniel
14:44 during the kingdom, the mighty Kingdom of Babylon.
14:47 Do you remember the story?
14:48 Babylon, that mighty ancient kingdom was built
14:50 right on top of the River Euphrates.
14:53 And River Euphrates was the lifeline
14:55 of the Kingdom on Babylon.
14:56 It provided water for the crops of the Babylonians
14:59 so much so that they--
15:01 History tells us had a 20-year food supply
15:04 so that they could outweigh any army
15:06 that will try to besiege them.
15:08 Not only that, but that river, the River Euphrates.
15:10 If it ever-- If it ever rose endangering the city,
15:15 they had these massive gates
15:16 that will block off the excess water,
15:18 diverting the water around the walls
15:20 creating a modes of protection.
15:22 You see the mighty River Euphrates
15:25 was the lifeline of the ancient kingdom of Babylon.
15:28 And the reason why Babylon fell
15:31 is because this water
15:33 of the River Euphrates was dried up
15:35 to prepare the way
15:37 for the kings of the east to come to destroy this kingdom.
15:40 You read the story in Daniel 5.
15:43 In fifth chapter of Daniel,
15:44 we find Nebuchadnezzar's grandson
15:46 Belshazzar throwing a party.
15:47 And, friends, he's having a good time
15:50 and he is there as the host.
15:51 He has the thousands of his Lords
15:52 and his wives and kinky wives.
15:54 They are living it up, having a good time.
15:58 And friends, in the midst of this drunkenness,
16:01 Belshazzar makes a fatal mistake.
16:04 He tells his solders,
16:06 his servants to bring the golden cups, the what?
16:10 The sacred cups that his grandfather Nebuchadnezzar
16:12 took from the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem.
16:15 He said, "Bring me those golden cups
16:16 that were used in the Lord's service." Why?
16:18 So that he could drink his old wine,
16:22 the Wine of Babylon, in those sacred golden cups.
16:25 Here, we find the king mixing the holy with the unholy,
16:29 the sacred and the profane,
16:30 and this is what calls God's judgments
16:33 to fall on Babylon on that very night
16:36 is because they mix the sacred and the profane.
16:38 Remember the handwriting on the wall,
16:40 prophesying about the end of the kingdom of the Babylon.
16:43 And, friends, while the party was taking place,
16:46 we find that Cyrus
16:48 who is the king from the east.
16:51 Cyrus and Darius, the kings of the east
16:53 with the armies of Medo-Persian Empire
16:54 were on the outside of the walls of Babylon
16:57 and the only way or the way
16:59 in which they got in and penetrated Babylon
17:01 was Cyrus march's army one mile up the River Euphrates
17:05 and ordered his men to divert the waters into open fields,
17:11 thus causing the waters of Euphrates to dry up
17:15 so that he can march his army through the riverbed
17:17 to penetrate the Kingdom of Babylon.
17:20 And, friends, I want you to notice
17:21 who these kings of the east were
17:22 and what God calls them in His word?
17:24 Notice, Isaiah 44:27.
17:27 Please write it down, "That saith to the deep,
17:30 be dry, and I will dry up thy rivers."
17:33 What river? The River Euphrates.
17:35 "That says of Cyrus, He is my," what?
17:40 "shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure."
17:43 Then going to chapter 45:1, it says,
17:46 "Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus,
17:49 whose right hand I have held, to subdue nations before him,
17:52 I will loose the loins of kings
17:53 and open before him the two leaved gates,
17:55 and the gates shall not be shut."
17:57 Here we find, friends.
17:59 The type of the anti-type
18:02 that we were reading in Revelation.
18:04 Here is the kings of the east, Cyrus and Darius
18:06 and the armies of the Medo-Persian Empire
18:08 on the outside of the walls of Babylon.
18:10 They cause the River Euphrates to dry up
18:13 and God calls Cyrus, the king of the east,
18:16 he calls him the anointed one.
18:18 He calls him the what?
18:20 And, friends, that word, anointed in the Hebrew,
18:22 it literally means Messiah.
18:25 He said, to my shepherd Cyrus.
18:27 Cyrus, notice is called the anointed Sheppard.
18:32 He and Darius were the kings of the east,
18:36 the king to destroy Babylon.
18:38 And so, friends, what happened back then
18:40 was symbol of how end-time mystical,
18:43 spiritual Babylon would fall during the seven last plagues.
18:47 Because remember, we studied the other night
18:48 that this kingdom called Babylon also sits upon many waters.
18:55 Do you remember that?
18:56 It was a woman that was riding a beast
18:58 that was sitting upon many waters.
19:00 We learned before that a woman in prophecy
19:02 represents a church,
19:04 but this is a harlot woman representing an apostate church.
19:07 The beast in prophecy represents a kingdom or political power
19:11 as the woman who rides upon the beast
19:13 it's a symbol of a church, an apostate church
19:16 that dominates political power.
19:18 It's a church state union together
19:21 and sitting upon many waters.
19:23 What waters? It's the River Euphrates.
19:26 And so we find who is this woman
19:29 that is sitting upon many waters?
19:31 But we learned before, friends, it's not a surprise
19:34 that this woman is identified in the Bible
19:36 and through history as the Roman Church State System.
19:40 A church that is located upon a kingdom,
19:42 the Kingdom of Rome,
19:44 a beast with seven heads representing seven mountains.
19:47 The Vatican City is the city of seven hills
19:50 and she is upon many waters
19:52 which represents multitudes of people.
19:54 It's a worldwide church.
19:55 Friends, remember
19:56 we're not talking about the people in the system,
19:59 we're talking about the system itself
20:00 because does God have his people in this system, yes or no?
20:04 Absolutely yes, and God loves all people in this system.
20:07 And in every church, you find the people of God,
20:09 every denomination is going to be represented in heaven
20:12 and so this is not talking about individuals,
20:14 it's talking about the structure,
20:16 the system itself.
20:18 And God pronounces this kingdom
20:20 called Babylon as a fallen kingdom.
20:23 And I want you to notice why she's fallen.
20:25 Revelation 14:8 says, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen,
20:30 that great city because she made all nations," do what?
20:34 drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication."
20:39 Friends, does that sounds familiar?
20:41 And that's the same reason
20:42 why Old Testament Babylon fell as well
20:44 because they were drinking old wine in the sacred cup.
20:47 You see, friends, this system called Babylon
20:49 is fallen because she has made the whole world become drunk,
20:53 spiritually confused, deceit, or intoxicated
20:58 because of the wine of there false doctrine.
21:02 Friends, we're not talking about the individuals.
21:03 We're talking about teaching of the church.
21:05 Jesus said that that you shall know them by their fruits.
21:09 And, friends, the fruit is their teachings.
21:11 We don't know the roots so we're not standing in judgment
21:13 upon any individual person.
21:15 Can you say amen?
21:16 We don't know the motives of individual's hearts,
21:19 but Jesus made it clear that we can look up on their fruits,
21:21 and we can judge and know them by their fruits.
21:24 You see, friends, end time Babylon,
21:26 just like ancient Babylon
21:28 mixes the sacred with the profane together.
21:31 And as result, it's a fallen system in the golden cup,
21:36 is old intoxicating wine,
21:39 not fresh pure grape juice of the covenant
21:42 that the new covenant representing the blood of Jesus.
21:45 It represents the wine of false doctrine
21:47 that she uses to deceive the world.
21:50 It's the spirit of Lucifer that first said,
21:53 "We can be holy without God's law,
21:56 we don't need the law of God, all we need is the wine."
21:59 And so people think that if they just drink the wine
22:01 and eat the bread, they can live however they want to live
22:04 and still they will be saved in God's kingdom.
22:07 That's what Lucifer said, "We don't need the law,
22:09 we can do it ourselves our own way."
22:12 And that's exactly what the church teaches.
22:16 This is the last abomination
22:18 that brings about the final desolation
22:20 of the seven last plagues.
22:22 What leads the fall, to the fall of mystical,
22:26 spiritual end-time Babylon?
22:27 Well, friends, remember why did ancient Babylon fall?
22:31 Because of the drying up the waters,
22:33 preparing the away for the kings of the east.
22:36 And what do these waters represents?
22:38 Notice, what it says in Revelation 17:15,
22:41 the Bible says, "And the water which you saw,
22:43 where whore sits, are what,
22:45 peoples and a multitudes and nations, and tongues."
22:49 So, friends, the water, that Babylon is built upon
22:54 represents multitudes of the people
22:56 that are in the control of Babylon.
22:59 And the Bible says that the wind which this end time falls
23:01 apostate church system is going to fall
23:04 is when the waters, the people, when it's dried up.
23:07 In other words, the people will leave,
23:10 and no longer supports this system.
23:13 And, friends, there are two main ways
23:14 that the waters are going to dry up.
23:16 How many ways?
23:17 One of the first ways is when the gospel is preached.
23:20 When the everlasting gospel is preached,
23:22 a part of that gospel is the warning
23:24 against the system called Babylon
23:26 and God saying in Revolution 18,
23:28 "Come out of her," what? "My people."
23:32 God is going to dry up the waters,
23:34 He's going to call many of His sincere wonderful people
23:36 that are still in this apostate church system to come out.
23:40 And, friends, whatever someone response to that call
23:42 and comes out of Babylon and joins God's movement,
23:46 that's another drop that has left to support of Babylon.
23:50 You know, sometimes, I here people saying,
23:52 if my husband would accept this truth
23:54 then I will accept and going to be baptized.
23:56 If my spouse would do, then I will do it.
23:58 If my parents allowed me then I will do it.
24:00 If my children join me then I will make a decision.
24:03 And, friends, we're waiting for others but, friends,
24:06 water does not evaporate in gallons, does it?
24:09 Water evaporates one drop at the time.
24:14 And so we can't wait for others to join us.
24:16 God saves families,
24:17 but He saves them one by one as individual.
24:21 So we have an individual choice to make
24:24 and we should not let anything or anyone hinder us
24:27 or causes to vacillate in the call of Jesus
24:30 when He says, "Come out of Babylon,
24:32 these fallen apostate church systems."
24:35 God wants us to make decision for ourselves.
24:37 Can you say amen?
24:38 And by the way, friends, when we make the decision,
24:40 we're setting an example for others
24:42 that they might be encouraged
24:44 to make the same decision as well.
24:46 And so that was one of the first ways
24:47 the water is going to dry up.
24:48 As God's faithful people that are in the system
24:51 actually leave the system
24:53 and join God's final end time movement.
24:55 Now the second way, the water is going to dry up
24:58 is when the seven last plagues are poured out.
25:01 And when these plagues affect Babylon,
25:03 affect this apostate church system
25:06 multitudes of deceive people who withdraw their support,
25:09 they're gonna-- They're going to turn on the system
25:13 that they have supported almost their entire lives.
25:16 And they are going to leave, friends.
25:18 Bible says they are going to hate the harlot
25:21 and they are going to come out,
25:23 but they are going to come out when it's too late.
25:25 And, friends, as the waters dry up,
25:27 it prepares the way for the kings of the east.
25:30 Question is this, who are the kings of the east
25:33 that are going to come after the waters are dried up?
25:36 Friends, you know, who the kings of east are?
25:38 It's Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
25:39 Can you say amen?
25:40 Because remember, the kings of the east
25:42 in ancient Babylon that destroyed--oh, excuse me,
25:45 the kings of the east of Medo Persian Empire
25:46 that destroyed Babylon was Cyrus and Darius.
25:49 And Cyrus was called-- What was he called?
25:52 The anointed Sheppard.
25:54 But, friends, who's the real anointed Sheppard?
25:56 Who is the great Sheppard? And who is the Messiah?
26:00 And so who are the kings of east?
26:01 It represents the coming of Christ.
26:03 And why does it say for the east?
26:05 Because the bible tells us
26:06 as a lightning comes from the east
26:10 and shines even to the west
26:12 so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.
26:15 When the waters dry up, now the kings of the east,
26:18 the second coming of Christ would now taken place.
26:20 Can you say amen?
26:21 In fact notice, in the Book of Ezekiel 43:2
26:25 it tells us that when Jesus comes,
26:27 He's coming from the east.
26:28 It says, "And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel
26:31 came from the way of the east,
26:34 and his voice was like the noise of many waters,
26:37 and the earth shined with his glory."
26:41 So we find that the drying up of the waters,
26:44 the withdrawal of the support of the people towards Babylon
26:47 will prepare the way
26:48 for the kings of the east to come.
26:50 This is Christ and the Holy Spirit will come
26:52 with all the angelical armies,
26:55 He will comes to set us free
26:57 from spiritual Babylon, Babylonian captivity,
27:01 false doctrines in these last days,
27:03 He will bring us out of Babylon, this world
27:05 and now he will bring us back to Jerusalem,
27:07 not a literal city but the heavenly Jerusalem.
27:09 Can you say amen?
27:11 The New Jerusalem with reign with Christ
27:13 for the first 1,000 years in heaven.
27:17 And so, friends, if this makes sense,
27:19 if this is clear, would you please say amen?
27:22 Those who are trapped
27:23 by the left behind theology have missed.
27:26 The spiritual significance of the typology of the Bible.
27:30 You see, the literal mindedness of the Jews, of Israel
27:34 is what caused them to reject the Messiah.
27:36 They were looking for literal kingdom,
27:38 they wanted to fight literally against Rome
27:40 and because of their literally mindedness,
27:42 they rejected the Messiah.
27:44 And, friends, evangelical Christianity today
27:46 are making the exact same mistake
27:49 when you're looking to the Middle East
27:50 for the fulfillment of prophecy,
27:52 they are looking for a literal temple
27:53 and a literal battle and literal earthly wars.
27:57 They're looking in the wrong place.
27:59 And what happen to the Jews is also being repeated
28:03 in the evangelic Christian world today.
28:05 But, friends, how many of you thankful for the clarity
28:07 of the truth of God's word?
28:08 Can you say amen?
28:09 Friends, we have to study the Bible contextually,
28:12 exegetical, making sure that we have a firm foundation
28:15 on which to built the house of truth upon.
28:19 Now, friends so we fond that end time Babylon,
28:23 the apostate churches of water are going to fall. How?
28:26 As the God's people, the waters are dried up
28:30 and then Jesus will come
28:31 and to take his people to the heavenly Jerusalem.
28:34 But before this grand and glorious climax
28:37 before Jesus comes,
28:38 Satan is going to launch a threefold attack
28:42 upon God's truth and God's people.
28:46 And this is not so much a physical,
28:48 but it's a spiritual attack
28:50 of deception in the last days.
28:52 He uses three powers
28:55 and these three powers are described in the next versus.
28:57 Notice now with me, Revolution 16,
28:59 now notice verse 13-14.
29:01 Notice the threefold attack.
29:03 The Bible says, "And I was three unclean spirits like frogs
29:07 come out of the mouth of the dragon
29:10 and out of the mouth of the," what? The beast.
29:12 "And out of the mouth of the false prophet.
29:15 They are the spirits of devils working in miracles
29:17 which goes forth to the kings of the earth
29:20 and of the whole world to gather them
29:22 to the battle of the great day of God Almighty."
29:25 Here is Satan's threefold attack.
29:27 He uses a counterfeit false trinity.
29:30 The dragon, brother and sisters,
29:31 is a counterfeit of God the Father.
29:33 The beast, the antichrist.
29:35 Beast is a counterfeit of Jesus Christ.
29:38 The antichrist counterfeit of Jesus Christ.
29:40 And the false prophet
29:41 is the counterfeit of the Holy Spirit.
29:44 And through this counterfeit trinity,
29:47 we find that Satan will gather the whole world
29:50 to fight against God's truth and God's people.
29:53 But I want you to notice from what we just read
29:55 that there is a progression of unity.
29:58 There is a what?
29:59 A progression of unity that leads to an all-out attack
30:04 on God's truth and His people.
30:06 And it comes in three ways.
30:09 Notice with me on the screen,
30:10 I hope you'll write them down.
30:11 Here's the progression of unity.
30:13 First thing that happens
30:15 is the Dragon and the Beast
30:16 and the False Prophet unite together.
30:18 That's the first unity,
30:20 the unity amongst this counterfeit trinity.
30:22 And then once the dragon, beast and false prophet are unified
30:25 then they go to the kings of the earth
30:28 and they unified
30:30 with the political powers of the world. Why?
30:32 Because they need physical, military muscle
30:35 in order to then take it to the whole world
30:37 and unify the whole world in false doctrine
30:41 to fight against the truth of God's word.
30:44 You see, friends, this is Satan's military strategy
30:48 to battle against God.
30:50 And, friends, listen only as we know his strategy,
30:53 can we counter his attack.
30:55 Can you say amen?
30:57 And so now the next question this.
30:58 Who is this dragon? Who is this beast?
31:01 And who is the False Prophet?
31:03 Let's first start with the dragon.
31:04 We're going to try and make this as clear as we can.
31:07 Friends, we learn before
31:08 that the dragon is non another than Satan.
31:10 Can you say amen?
31:12 In Revelation 12:9, it's clear that it's Satan,
31:15 but I want you to notice the dragon power of Satan
31:18 is described as the old serpent.
31:20 Notice, Revelation 12:9 tells us.
31:23 "And the great dragon was cast out,
31:25 that old serpent called the devil and Satan
31:29 which deceives the whole world."
31:31 So we find, yes, dragon is Satan,
31:33 but most specifically he is called the old serpent
31:37 who deceived, how much of the world?
31:40 Friends, question.
31:42 What is this-- Where is this passage pointing us to?
31:46 Where in the Bible do we find
31:48 the old serpent deceiving the whole world?
31:50 You see, Revelation,
31:51 this echoing something in the Old Testament.
31:53 If we want to understand what it means,
31:55 we have to go back to the Old Testament.
31:57 And, friends, we realized
31:58 that the serpent deceived the whole world
32:01 when he deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
32:04 In deceiving them, he deceives the whole world.
32:06 And he did it by the means of the serpent.
32:09 And, friends, notice how he did it.
32:10 Let's find out who is this dragon.
32:13 It's Satan, but most specifically what is the method?
32:16 Genesis 3:1, "The serpent said to the Lord,
32:20 'Yea, hath God said,
32:22 you shall not eat of every tree of the garden.'"
32:25 Here, the serpent is putting a question mark
32:28 where God place the period.
32:30 God said, "You shall surely die."
32:32 And he made it clear that the wages of sin is death.
32:35 But now the serpent begins by planting seeds of doubts.
32:38 He says, "Have God said."
32:40 In another words, "Did God really say that?"
32:43 Did He mean it when He said it?
32:45 Here, brother and sisters,
32:46 is the origin of higher criticism,
32:49 doubting the Word of God that many universities,
32:53 even Christian universities are teaching today.
32:55 It came from the serpent himself.
32:58 Yea has God. Did God really say this?
33:01 And they notice, he then says to Eve,
33:04 our first mother the exact opposite of what God said.
33:07 "And the serpent said unto women,
33:09 'you shall not,'" what? "Surely die."
33:12 Here's the origin of spirituals.
33:15 The origin of the doctrine of the immortal soul.
33:17 God said that the wages of sin is death
33:19 and the day that you eat thereof,
33:20 you shall surely die.
33:21 But Satan says, "Don't listen to God, listen to me.
33:24 You shall not surely die."
33:27 Well, what's going to happen then?
33:28 For God doth know that in the day you eat thereof,
33:31 then your eyes shall be opened,
33:34 and you shall be as God's, knowing good and evil."
33:39 In other words, don't listen to God, Eve,
33:42 He's not telling you the truth.
33:45 Listen to me, when you eat, you won't surely die,
33:48 there's a life in sin.
33:50 Yes, you might die physically, but you wont--
33:52 That's not death, you won't surely die,
33:55 but rather your eyes are going to be open
33:57 and you will be like God.
33:58 In other words, death is simply one phase of an existence
34:02 to a much higher exalted phase of consciousness.
34:05 Your eyes are going to be open.
34:07 You are going to be conscious of things.
34:08 You are going to see things you've never seen before.
34:11 And isn't that what Satan tells us
34:12 when he attempts us to sin.
34:13 "Oh, go ahead and do it.
34:14 You can experience something, you've never experience before.
34:17 It's going to be so much fun."
34:19 Friends, he was alive.
34:22 What the serpent is saying here is that,
34:25 you are immortal and you can be like God.
34:29 This is the origin of the spiritualism
34:32 which is the foundation of paganism,
34:34 the very platform of every pagan false religion
34:39 and this is who the dragon is.
34:41 Friends, the dragon is Satan,
34:43 but most specifically the dragon Satan's power
34:46 of spiritualism and paganism.
34:48 Friends I want you to notice what spiritualism says,
34:50 one of the main beliefs of spiritualism
34:53 is exactly what the serpent said.
34:54 Here is what one spiritualistic book had to say in describing
34:58 the history and doctrine of spiritualism.
35:00 The fundamental principle of spiritualism
35:02 is that human beings survive, what, bodily death,"
35:06 In other words, yes.
35:07 Your body dies, but that's not death
35:10 because your soul lives on
35:12 in the state of consciousness.
35:13 That's the foundational teaching of spiritualism.
35:16 "And that occasionally under conditions
35:18 not yet fully understood
35:19 we can communicate with those who have gone before."
35:23 This is the root foundational teaching
35:26 of paganism and spiritualism.
35:28 They say, in many religions that the body dies,
35:32 but you don't really die,
35:33 your soul lives on in a spirit of consciousness
35:35 and that the spirit world is the real world.
35:38 And that what we're living here in the physical world
35:40 is not really the real world.
35:42 And, friends, this is exactly what Buddhism teaches,
35:44 Confucianism, Hinduism and Taoism and Shintoism
35:47 and Sikhism and Rastafarianism and Hari Krishna.
35:50 They believe in reincarnation which is a doctrine
35:53 that comes from the serpent himself
35:56 is to believe that when your body dies, you don't really die,
36:00 you live on in the stage of consciousness.
36:02 And Islam believes that as well.
36:04 You see, they believe that those who die in jihad,
36:08 they go directly into the paradise
36:11 and those you just die there's consciousness in death.
36:13 That's exactly what the serpent talk.
36:16 All of these heathen pagan religions,
36:19 there are many good people and good teachers.
36:21 Let me just make that very clear.
36:22 Many good, wonderful people in these religions
36:25 that they are living up to all that like they known.
36:28 And, friends, God recognizes who his sheep really are.
36:32 Can you say amen?
36:33 Because He judges us
36:34 based upon the light and the opportunity
36:36 that have been given to us.
36:37 But as we look at the foundational teachings
36:39 of the actual religious, the actual structures
36:42 we find that it's all founded upon the self-histories of Satan
36:45 in the belief that you shall not surely die,
36:47 but you will be as God.
36:50 Friends, this is a new age movement,
36:51 but the new age is really the old lie
36:55 of the serpent himself,
36:57 deceiving many people to believe
36:59 that they are God or that they can be God
37:03 by their own good works.
37:04 And so we find who the dragon is.
37:06 The dragon we known is Satan, but most specifically,
37:09 the dragon represents paganism and spiritualism.
37:12 What is it represents?
37:14 All pagan religions that believe
37:16 in the doctrines of the dragon
37:18 and spiritualism that believes
37:20 that when you die you do not really die.
37:23 And, friends, we see that all religions,
37:26 almost all religions, are already united
37:29 under the dragon's power in this belief.
37:32 And, friends, the Bible tells us that this dragon
37:34 representing paganism and spiritualism
37:36 is what will give power to the antichrist beast.
37:41 He's going to link up and empower the beast
37:45 to then make war with God's truth and God's people.
37:47 Notice, Revelation 13:2, it says,
37:49 "And the dragon--" Who's the dragon?
37:52 Satan, but more specifically it's paganism and spiritualism.
37:56 It says, "And the dragon gave him,
37:57 talking about the beast,
37:58 his power, seat, and great authority."
38:03 And so it's the dragon that empowers this beast.
38:05 Now who is the beast?
38:07 Who is the antichrist beast?
38:08 Friends, we've studied in this seminar,
38:09 we made it abundantly clear through the Bible and history
38:12 that the beast is none other
38:13 than the Roman Church State System, it's the papacy.
38:17 Not the people, but the system itself.
38:20 And it was the dragon that empowered the papacy
38:24 to reign for 1,260 years.
38:27 You see, friends, the beast
38:30 is really a continuation of the dragon
38:32 because the dragon was the one that empowered the beast.
38:35 In the same way, Papal Rome is in reality
38:39 a continuation of papacy Rome.
38:41 We saw that in history how the pagan Roman Empire,
38:44 the dragon empowered the beast, transferred its authority
38:48 to the Roman Church State System.
38:50 We find that the beast and the dragon
38:54 were united from the very beginning of time.
38:57 You see, paganism is the foundational teaching
39:00 of the papal church,
39:03 not the people, but the church itself.
39:06 You see, friends, the dragon empowered the beast
39:09 and the beast has always remained faithful
39:11 to the dragon's teachings.
39:13 And, friends, let me just prove it to you right now.
39:14 Here's the question, does the papacy believe
39:18 and teach in the doctrines of the dragon?
39:21 Does he teach the dragon's doctrines of spiritualism?
39:25 The answer is absolutely yes.
39:27 I want you to notice, in the praying--
39:30 In praying to saints,
39:31 they believe that there those who have died
39:34 actually can hear them.
39:35 That's spiritualism, friends.
39:36 The doctrine of purgatory is the dragon's doctrine
39:39 who believes that there's consciousness in death.
39:41 This union has remained strong and these two powers,
39:45 the dragon which paganism and spiritualism
39:47 and the beast which represents the papacy
39:49 will then unites their powers
39:51 with the third part of the trinity
39:53 that kind of trinity which is the false prophet.
39:56 Now who is the false prophet?
39:59 You see, friends, this false prophet
40:00 is only mentioned three times in the Book of Revelation.
40:03 There is very little that is said about the false prophet,
40:06 but what is said about the false prophet is enough
40:09 for us to identify who the false prophet really is.
40:13 And whenever you find
40:14 the false prophet in the Revelation,
40:16 you always find the false prophet mentioned
40:19 in connection with the beast.
40:20 In other words, the false prophet and the beasts
40:22 are really good friends.
40:24 I want you to notice
40:25 the characteristics of the false prophet.
40:26 In Revelation 19:19-20, the Bible says,
40:30 "And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth,
40:32 and their armies, gathered together
40:34 to make war against him
40:35 that sat on the horse, and against his army.
40:38 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet."
40:43 Notice what the false prophet does.
40:45 "The false prophet that wrought miracles before him,
40:48 before the beast
40:49 with which he deceived them that had received the, what,
40:52 Mark of the Beast,
40:54 and then that worshipped his image."
40:58 So, friends, I want you to notice, write it down.
40:59 There are three specific characteristics
41:01 of the false prophet in that passage.
41:03 Number one, he works miracles
41:05 or performs miracles before the beast.
41:08 Number two, he deceives people
41:11 to receive the Mark of the Beast.
41:15 And number three, he makes an image to the beast.
41:18 Friends, these are the characteristics
41:20 of the false prophet.
41:21 And, friends, these same characteristics
41:25 we find applied to the second beast of Revelation 13.
41:30 Notice, Revelation 13:11.
41:32 The Bible says, "And I saw another beast
41:34 coming up out of the earth.
41:37 He had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon.
41:39 And it exercises all the power of the first beast, what?
41:43 Before him and causes the earth
41:46 and then dwell there into worship
41:48 the first beast whose deadly wound was healed.
41:51 And it does great wonder so that he makes fire come down
41:54 from heaven and sat at the earth and does." what?
41:58 Verse 14 "Deceives them that dwell upon the earth
42:01 by the means of those miracles
42:03 which he had power to do in the sight of the beast,
42:06 saying to them that dwell on earth
42:08 that they should make an image to the beast
42:10 which had the wounded by the sword and yet lived."
42:12 Friends, we find that the same three characteristics
42:14 of the false prophet are also applied to the second beast
42:17 of Revelation 13, this earth beast.
42:20 And, friends, do you know who this earth beast is?
42:22 It's none other than the United States of America.
42:25 Now, friends, listen,
42:26 the earth beast or the United States of America
42:29 is not the false prophet
42:31 because the beast, a beast
42:34 is represented as a political power,
42:38 but a false prophet is a religious power.
42:41 They are connected, how?
42:43 Because the false prophet
42:44 is the religious part in the earth beast,
42:49 it's the religious part in the United States of America
42:52 that does not prophecy accurately,
42:55 but is a false prophet.
42:56 And, friends, what is the main religious institution
42:58 in the United States of America?
42:59 It's Protestantism, friends.
43:00 We are a protestant country.
43:02 And so this false prophet which simply represent
43:06 apostate Protestantism or false Protestantism
43:10 here located in the earth beast, the United States of America.
43:16 Protestants who are no longer protesting.
43:19 And, friends, as you considered the characteristics
43:23 and the condition of a protestant America,
43:25 the question we must ask is this,
43:28 is protestant America united with the beast and the dragon?
43:33 Does protestant America
43:35 embrace the teachings of spiritualism,
43:38 the dragon's teachings?
43:39 Do they? Friends, absolutely yes.
43:41 Many Protestants and evangelicals here in America
43:44 are embracing the contemplated prayer movement
43:47 and propagating it to the world,
43:49 calling it the new spirituality.
43:53 The dragon has infiltrated the false prophet,
43:55 Protestantism today.
43:57 And, friends, here's the next question.
43:59 I wish I can give you--
44:00 I can spend a lot of time on that,
44:02 but we're running out of time this morning.
44:03 Here's the next question.
44:05 Is the beast and the false prophet united?
44:07 We see that the dragon and the beast are surely united,
44:09 united from the very beginning.
44:11 We find that the dragon and the false prophet,
44:13 Protestantism is united already,
44:15 but what about the beast and the false prophet?
44:17 Are they united?
44:18 Is Catholicism and Protestantism coming together today?
44:22 Absolutely yes.
44:23 Let me read you few quotes.
44:25 "The situation of Roman Catholicism
44:27 within American culture has always been
44:29 a puzzling issue to scholars and citizens.
44:31 Many Protestants in early America back in the day
44:35 were sure that Catholicism was what?
44:38 Antithetical both to genuine Christianity and democracy.
44:42 A sentiment manifests that in much of the rhetoric
44:45 inspiring both the American Revolution
44:47 and the Union cause during the Civil War."
44:49 You see, when the country was first founded,
44:51 Protestantism understood the Catholicism
44:54 was not in harmony with the true Christianity.
44:57 That's the founding--
44:58 The founding fathers of the country.
45:00 They understood that--
45:01 You see, the reason why the pilgrims left Europe
45:03 is because they were fleeing papal persecution.
45:06 They understood the true nature of the beast, friends.
45:09 And they realize that this was not genuine Christianity.
45:12 Now, friends, there might have been many genuine people
45:14 that were sincere in their hearts,
45:16 but as far as the doctrine, the theology, the system,
45:19 it was not according to God's word.
45:20 And this is how Protestants at first view the beast,
45:24 but nowadays, not at all.
45:25 Notice, "In the 1850s,
45:27 a Republican orator and nativist proclaimed,
45:29 'American civilization in its idea, is historically,
45:32 the political aspect of the what, reformation.'
45:37 After describing that some have looked upon Catholicism
45:40 as being fairly impotent in America,
45:42 the writer argues that quite to the contrary,
45:44 they have been very active
45:46 'exerting significant political and social power.'"
45:50 In other words, the beast is trying
45:52 to make friends with the false prophet.
45:55 They are trying to unite together.
45:56 And, friends, notice what else is taking place.
45:58 Let me give you few more quotes.
45:59 "By 1977, John Stott,
46:01 advisor to the world council of the churches.
46:04 This is the ecumenical movement.
46:07 He said that, 'The visible unity
46:09 of all professing Christians should be our goal
46:12 and evangelicals should join others in the Church of England
46:16 in working toward full communion with the--"
46:20 The beast and the false prophet are coming together.
46:22 And I want you to notice what Rick Warren said.
46:25 The first tweet, he said,
46:26 "Join me today in fasting and praying
46:28 for the 115 cardinals seeking God's will in a new leader."
46:34 Friends, listen,
46:35 there's nothing wrong with fasting and praying.
46:37 Can you say amen?
46:38 But then to make an assertion that it's God's will
46:42 to have a pope is deceptive and dangerous.
46:46 And then when Pope Francis was elected.
46:49 He then tweeted, "Welcome Pope Francis."
46:52 And then he hashtags the expression, "Habemus Papam."
46:57 It's the Latin expression that means,
46:59 "We have a Pope, you have our prayers."
47:03 And so here's an evangelical leader,
47:05 a protestant saying, we have a pope.
47:10 And, friends, this may sound small to some of us but,
47:14 but friends, when you hear this type of language,
47:15 this was unheard of back in the day.
47:17 We find that the beast and the false prophet
47:19 are coming together
47:21 and the Protestants are no longer protesting.
47:23 They are seeking for the unity at the sacrifice of the truth.
47:27 Will you be praying for the Holy Spirit
47:29 to bring us in unity not just in spirit,
47:32 but unity in truth as well?
47:35 And so here is Satan's counterfeit trinity,
47:38 the dragon, the beast and the false prophet.
47:42 What does it represent?
47:43 It's the symbols of spiritualism, Catholicism
47:47 and apostate Protestantism in the world today
47:50 and they are all being unified and they are coming together.
47:53 And what is the real basis of their unity?
47:56 Notice what it says now
47:58 as we read again versus 13-14 of Revelation 16.
48:02 "And I saw three unclean spirits like, what,
48:04 frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon,
48:07 and out of the mouth of the beast,
48:08 and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
48:10 For they are the spirits of devils, working, what?"
48:14 So what is the real basis of the unity?
48:17 What do the beast, dragon and false prophet
48:19 all have in common?
48:20 They have the exact same thing coming out of their mouth.
48:24 And, friends, the mouth is an instrument of speech,
48:27 isn't that right?
48:29 It's an instrument of communication.
48:30 In other words, they are saying and teaching
48:32 the exact same things.
48:34 And, friends, when you look upon the symbol of the frog,
48:37 where does this imagery come from?
48:39 The only time the frog is mentioned in the Bible
48:42 is in connection when God brought the plague of frogs
48:45 upon Egypt in Exodus 8.
48:48 In fact, look up every time
48:49 the word frog is mentioned in the Bible,
48:51 it's always in connection with this plague
48:53 that was brought upon Egypt.
48:55 And you remember in response to the plague of the frogs
48:58 the Egyptian magicians also called forth frogs,
49:02 but it was a counterfeit frog.
49:04 In other words, it was a counterfeit miracle
49:06 that they performed that made Pharos rebel against God.
49:12 And, friends, in the same way Satan in these last days
49:15 through this counterfeit trinity will use false miracles
49:20 to cause the world to believe in the false teachings,
49:24 the false tongues of the beast, dragon and the false prophet
49:27 to battle against God and His truth.
49:31 Does that make sense?
49:33 In fact, notice the Apostle Paul told us that
49:35 this is exactly what would take place.
49:37 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 says,
49:40 "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan
49:42 with all power and lying wonders,
49:46 with all deceivableness of unrighteousness
49:49 in them that perish
49:51 because they received not the love of the truth,
49:53 that they might be saved.
49:54 For this cause, God shall send them, what,
49:57 strong delusion that they should believe a lie.
50:01 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth,
50:03 but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
50:06 Here the bible tells us,
50:08 that signs and lying wonders will be perform miracles,
50:11 false miracles that will cause individuals
50:14 to reject the truth of God's word
50:16 and rather to believe a lie, a strong delusions,
50:20 miracles contrary to truth is simply a lying wonder of Satan.
50:25 And, friends, listen, have we seen false miracles
50:28 in the dragon, beast and the false prophet
50:31 that produces strong delusion
50:33 amongst many people in the world today?
50:35 Friends, false miracles are obvious in pagan religious
50:40 but, friends, we also see false miracles being performed
50:43 amongst those who claim Christ as their Lord
50:46 and they're doing it in the name of Jesus.
50:49 And many people are trusting in these false miracles.
50:52 They're looking upon these things,
50:54 they see with their eyes and they feel like it's real,
50:56 they feel like it is the truth.
50:58 But, friends, Satan have the power
51:00 to perform miracles, too.
51:01 And so we can know truth by signs and wonders
51:04 because Satan is full of these exact things.
51:07 And that's the reason why God will say to many
51:09 amongst those who claim him as Lord.
51:12 In Matthew 7:22-23, "Many will say to me in that day
51:15 Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?
51:18 Cast out devils in thy name?
51:19 And done many wonderful works in thy name?
51:22 And God will say, 'I never knew you,
51:24 depart from me, ye who practice, what, lawlessness.'"
51:27 Because you see, friends, they are performing miracles,
51:30 but at the same time breaking God's law.
51:33 It was a false miracle that brought about a strong delusion.
51:37 And, friends, that's the reason why we must sigh and cry
51:40 for the abominations that are taking place
51:41 in the Christian world today.
51:43 And the next question people are asking is,
51:45 well, how will atheist and seculars be convinced
51:48 to join in this final worldwide false religious moment?
51:51 Because atheists don't want any--
51:53 have anything to do with anything religious.
51:55 How are they going to join?
51:56 Well, friends, what do the atheists say?
51:58 I won't believe until I see, isn't that right?
52:01 And so all the devil has to do is perform some miracles
52:04 and they will not be able to deny the sight of their eyes
52:07 and that's how seculars, humanists and atheists
52:10 would join in this final unholy threefold union.
52:14 What about other religions?
52:16 What about the different religions of the world?
52:18 How will Satan bring them together in unity?
52:20 All the devil has to do
52:21 is appear to them and an angel of light.
52:26 2 Corinthians 11:14 tells us that he will come
52:29 and transform as an angel of light.
52:31 And, friends, did you noticed that every,
52:33 almost every major world religion today
52:35 is waiting for the coming of the next teacher.
52:40 Islam is waiting for the next Mahdi
52:43 that comes from the lineage of Mohammed, a spiritual teacher.
52:46 They're waiting for the coming of another spiritual teacher.
52:49 All Satan has to do is come in that way.
52:52 What about the Buddhist?
52:53 They are waiting for the next Buddha.
52:55 What about Judaism?
52:56 They are waiting for the coming of their Messiah.
52:58 What about Hinduism?
52:59 They are waiting for any other spiritual teacher to come
53:02 and teach them something new.
53:03 And so all Satan has to do
53:05 is perform signs and wonders and miracles
53:08 and he will unite the entire religious world together.
53:11 Lying wonders of Satan, bringing the religious together.
53:14 Notice who they will go to next.
53:15 The Bible tells us that
53:16 they then go to the kings of the earth
53:20 and then they will go to the whole world.
53:23 They will go to the political powers
53:25 in order to force their agenda.
53:28 And as a result what's going to happen?
53:29 Notice, Revelation 17:13,
53:31 it says, "These have one mind,
53:35 and shall give their power and strength to the beast."
53:38 So as the religions of the world
53:40 and secularism and humanism, all come together,
53:42 they are going to be on the same page in their mind.
53:45 They are going to have the same goals,
53:46 the same ideology
53:47 and then they are going to give their power to the beast.
53:49 What would they give it to the beast
53:50 and not the dragon and not the false prophet?
53:52 It's because the papacy
53:54 is the one that has the most dragon power.
53:57 Do you remember?
53:58 It was the dragon that actually founded the papacy,
54:00 founded the beast.
54:02 And the beast has remained faithful to the dragon
54:05 from the very beginning of time.
54:07 So Satan is going to bless this power
54:09 with the most signs and wonders and miracles
54:12 and that's why the whole world is going to look to the papacy
54:14 as the leader in this movement.
54:16 And when they give their power and strength to the beast,
54:19 it's then the beast is going to seek to enforce
54:22 the Mark of its authority.
54:25 And as we've learned in the seminar
54:26 what is the Mark of the beast?
54:28 It's Sunday Worship.
54:31 A national and international Sunday law will be passed
54:35 and then will be fulfilled the words of the Bible
54:37 and the deadly wound was healed
54:39 and all the world wondered after the beast.
54:44 Friends, do we see this happening right now
54:46 before our very eyes, yes or no?
54:48 Is prophesying being fulfilled right now, yes or no?
54:51 And do we need to be afraid, yes or no?
54:54 Absolutely not, friends,
54:55 because God is going to take care of His own.
54:58 Can you say amen?
54:59 And so there you have it, friends,
55:01 the Battle of Armageddon.
55:03 Satan is going to gather all the world,
55:05 all false, pagan religions.
55:07 Counterfeit Christian religions
55:09 and the political powers of the world,
55:12 secularist, atheist and humanists
55:14 all are going to unite to fight against the truth of God.
55:18 This is the battle, brother and sisters.
55:20 They are going to seek to attack the people of God,
55:22 but don't be afraid, friends.
55:23 The Bible gives the promise.
55:24 In Isaiah 54:17, "No weapon that is formed
55:28 against thee shall prosper,
55:30 and every tongue that shall rise against thee
55:32 in judgment thou shalt condemn.
55:35 This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
55:37 and their righteousness is of me, says the Lord."
55:41 Can you say amen?
55:42 No weapon formed against God's peoples going to prosper,
55:44 God is going to take care of his own.
55:46 And thus the Battle of Armageddon,
55:49 Jesus is going to foil,
55:51 Satan's plan with the seven last plagues,
55:53 He's going to say, it is done.
55:54 Jesus will come to take His people
55:56 to the heavenly Jerusalem,
55:57 the battle is finished for a time
56:00 as now the saints are in heaven
56:01 for 1,000 years because listen,
56:03 before Jesus puts an end to the battle,
56:06 He wants every question to be answered
56:09 in the minds of His saints.
56:10 Therefore, they are going to judge for 1,000 years,
56:12 we studied that before.
56:13 And during this time, God is giving Satan
56:16 an opportunity to stop, think and reflect
56:20 on the battle that he has begun in the universe.
56:23 And then after having 1,000 years
56:25 to think about his crimes
56:27 and after every question is answered
56:29 in the minds of the saints,
56:31 Bible tells us that the holy city, New Jerusalem
56:33 descends back down from God in heaven.
56:36 Now the Lord comes to finish the Battle of Armageddon.
56:39 His character has been vindicating
56:41 before the whole universe,
56:42 it's time to settle the controversy for eternity
56:45 and now we find the climax of the battle.
56:47 In the second resurrection, Satan deceives the nations
56:51 and he points to the city of God
56:52 and he gathers them to the final battle.
56:55 Notice, Revelation 20:7-9,
56:57 "When the thousand years are expired,
56:59 Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
57:02 and shall go out to deceive the nations
57:03 which are in the four quarters of the earth,
57:05 Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle,
57:08 the number of whom is as the sand of the sea."
57:13 This is the final showdown, friends.
57:14 "And they went up on the breadth of the earth,
57:16 and surrounded the camp of the saints
57:19 and the beloved city."
57:20 Here we find war is breaking loose.
57:22 Satan and the world is going to try to dethrone God.
57:27 It's his last attempt
57:28 to sit upon the Mount of the Congregation,
57:31 to ascend above the heights of the clouds.
57:33 It's the climax of the battle
57:34 that began in the heart of Lucifer
57:36 where the Bible tells us
57:37 that even though they are going to make war with the lamb,
57:40 it says that the lamb shall overcome them.
57:42 Can you say amen?
57:43 He's going to win the victory in this war
57:46 and then the Bible tells us in Revelation 20:9-10,
57:51 "And fire came down from God
57:53 out of heaven and devoured them.
57:54 And the devil that deceived them
57:55 was cast into the lake of fire burning and brimstone,
57:57 where the beast and the false prophet are."
58:01 That counterfeit trinity is going to be destroyed
58:03 and God's people are going to be saved.
58:06 God is going to put an end to the battle
58:08 and then notice what happens to Satan himself.
58:10 Ezekiel 28:18-19, it says,
58:13 "I will bring forth a fire from," where?
58:16 "From the midst of thee.
58:17 I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth
58:19 in the sight of all them that behold thee
58:22 and never shalt thou be any more."
58:24 Friends, from the very heart of Satan,
58:27 he's going to be destroyed. Why?
58:28 Because that's where the battle first began
58:31 when Satan said in his heart, I will be God.
58:36 So God is going to put an end to it.
58:38 It's going to finish, friends.
58:40 And out of the ashes of the old world,
58:43 God is going to create a new heavens and a new earth.
58:46 It is done, the battle is finish
58:50 and the Christ remains victorious.
58:53 I want to be on His side, how about you?


Revised 2014-12-17