Revelation Speaks Peace

The Man of Revelation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Shawn Boonstra


Series Code: RSP

Program Code: RSP000004A

01:21 Announcer: Revelation. The time of the end.
01:24 Mysterious signs.
01:25 Strange happenings.
01:27 Confusing numbers.
01:29 Are we facing a new world order and the mark of the beast?
01:34 Are we living on a planet in upheaval?
01:36 Are we on the verge of Armageddon?
01:45 Revelation, what do all the signs in this mysterious book mean?
01:52 Discover real answers.
01:54 Revelation Speaks Peace, with Shawn Boonstra.
02:00 >>Shawn Boonstra: Alright, our question box. I should get to it. I've gotta change glasses
02:03 again. And it's time for me to - I bought progressives once and returned them - I think I told
02:11 you that - because I get seasick. "The Old Testament mentions Egypt." Yes, it does.
02:18 "Was ancient Egypt a super power at one time, and why doesn't the Bible say so?" Well, it does; it
02:25 absolutely does. And I'm guessing this is in reference to Daniel 2, which is why it's sort
02:30 of up at the top of the stack. Egypt didn't show up in Daniel chapter 2, correct? It started
02:34 with the head of gold, which was what? Babylon, right? But Egypt absolutely plays a huge role in
02:42 the Old Testament. It features rather prominently in the book of Exodus. Israel was captive
02:45 there. The reason it doesn't show up in Daniel chapter 2 is that we're in 600 B.C., and
02:51 Egypt's day has come and gone. It's always influential - it continues to show up - but its
02:56 biggest day was gone and Babylon is ruling the ancient world at that point. It's really the
03:02 reason that it doesn't show up. Now, you will find Egypt showing up in the book of Revelation. It
03:06 features prominently there again. You have, for example, seven last plagues in the book
03:13 of Revelation. And it emphasizes their seven last plagues. Well, in order to have seven last
03:17 plagues, you'd have to have seven first plagues, or at least, you have to have some
03:22 first plagues. There were ten plagues that fell on Egypt: three that fell on everybody and
03:27 seven that only fell on the Egyptians. Now, that is something I'll just tease you
03:32 with and leave it for you to read and study a little bit. Revelation chapter 15 mentions
03:37 the song of Moses and the lamb. That's a reference to what happened after Israel crossed
03:42 the Red Sea. Revelation chapter 11 uses Egypt in a rather unflattering way, but it uses it
03:48 to describe unbelief, and probably because the Pharaoh in the story in the Bible was known
03:54 for his unbelief. So it does feature prominently; it just doesn't show up a lot in Daniel
04:00 2 because it's not part of that particular story. "The Bible says no man knows the day or
04:06 hour, but it doesn't say the month or year." This must have come in the first night, because
04:10 on the second night, I think - I think - I hit on that. Acts chapter 1 and verse 7, Jesus
04:15 said, "Oh, look, now," because they ask him again before He goes to heaven, "Lord, now tell
04:19 us when the kingdom is going to be there." And He says, "It is not for you to know the times
04:24 and seasons." Christians just really need to stop throwing darts at a calendar and trying
04:28 to pick the second coming of - a date, because we get embarrassed every time, and frankly, we
04:33 discredit the whole Christian cause in front of the whole world every time we pull a stunt
04:36 like that. Happened again recently a couple of years ago, and it was embarrassing. It just
04:43 causes - it brings disrepute on the whole cause when we do something Jesus told us not to
04:48 do. We don't know. You can know when it's coming soon; you can know when the trends are. You
04:52 can know when you're close. Jesus said that much, right, the fig tree puts out its leaves in
04:57 the springtime. You know summer is close when you see these. We can know we're close by the
05:02 signs, but you can't pick a date. Okay. "How can Jesus come and establish a kingdom when His
05:08 followers are so divided and fragmented?" Well, there's a great question. Isn't that a
05:14 good question? That's a good question. Well, there's a few assumptions in there, and I've
05:19 heard this question before. It's that God can't do anything or come until we perfect this
05:25 world. But He's the One Who replaces all of our kingdoms and attempts when He crushes the
05:30 statue and blows the powder away. Human beings aren't going to fix this world. Now, a few
05:36 other observations on this. Christians are not quite as fragmented as sceptics would
05:42 like the world to believe. You know, we have our differences. There are people in here from
05:47 every walk of life; I know because you told me. And we're from every walk of life and we
05:51 have some differences, but overall, on the key stuff, there's huge, broad - there's
05:56 more agreement than there is disagreement. Jesus, God in human flesh, second person of
06:00 the Godhead, salvation by grace through faith alone. There is huge agreement. So we're not as
06:05 fragmented as people would say we are. But the other thing is, is that yeah, there is probably
06:10 more fragmentation that would put - than would put a smile on God's face, but Bible prophecy
06:16 also shows that God has a plan to resolve that. In Revelation chapter 14, it shows all of
06:23 God's people gathered on Mount Zion in the very last moment of earth's history, and we're going
06:28 to get to that and look at it. So before the seminar is over, I'll show you: God has a plan to
06:33 resolve whatever remaining fragmentation is still there. And I think you'll be excited by
06:38 that. So there you go, I'm just going to tease you with what - I just ripped a question and now I
06:43 can't read it. Okay. I'm piecing it - I am very sorry if this is your question. "Why was the
06:50 stone cut out without human hands?" Ooh, that's a good question. That's down towards
06:55 the end in Daniel 2 verse 40-something. I say "Daniel 2 verse 40-something" because this
07:00 should make some of you feel better. I'm the preacher and I can never remember exactly where
07:04 it says. I have to go back and look. Generally speaking, I try and memorize which chapter it's
07:09 in, because if you can get there, you can find it fairly quickly. But otherwise, I'm like
07:12 the apostle Paul. You know how Paul is always saying in his letters, "Somewhere it is
07:17 written." Yeah, somewhere it is written. He can't remember where. I know he could.
07:22 Alright, what was the question? Oh, "Why was the stone cut out without human hands?" Alright.
07:28 Remember, it's a prophecy about human government. Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian empire. Cyrus
07:33 and Darius, the Medes and the Persians, Alexander the Great, and then it fragmented into some
07:38 of his generals later on, and of course, the Roman emperors. Every one of them is a human
07:42 government, and God is going to replace them all with His own government, and so the stone is
07:47 cut out without - human beings don't build that one. It's not fabricated; it is God's kingdom
07:53 itself. It's just emphasizing that you and I did not make it; it is God-made. And as we move a
07:59 little bit further along, I think you will see how that comes into play. Alright,
08:04 alright, one more. What time do we have? What time do you all have to go to bed? Could we just
08:12 go? One night we should just go 'til midnight answering questions. I've got enough. You
08:15 guys are inquisitive in Minneapolis. "You gave us the meaning of Daniel's name. Does
08:20 Nebuchadnezzar mean anything?" Oh boy, alright. It's got "Nebu" in it. Nebu is the name of a
08:27 Babylonian god. Which god is Nebu? Well, Babylonian gods sort of - all the pagan cultures
08:35 transferred their gods to each other. And so you find a lot of the ideas in Babylon. I'm
08:40 convinced this is why God has it in a statue. A lot of things passed down. Even though
08:44 Nebuchadnezzar is down, he had some things off to the next empire, like the pagan gods they
08:49 worship and stuff, and they shared a lot of them. Nabu, we think - or Nebu, depending on
08:54 how you - Nebu-chadnezzar. The name probably means - if I remember right - "May Nebu
09:00 protect his son," as in, Nebuchadnezzar is the son of Nebu. Nebu's closest analogue
09:06 that you might recognize is Apollo or Mercury, if we're going to get into the Greeks and
09:11 the Romans. And Nebu was the Assyrian and the Babylonian god of wisdom and writing. And he's
09:20 considered the son of the highest god, Marduk. Now, think about it. He's responsible for
09:26 the word "Nabu" and he's the son of the most high god, which is Marduk. It's like he's a
09:32 counterfeit of Jesus Christ. And you'll find counterfeits all through these cultures. And I
09:38 just find, that's about all I do know, and I find that interesting that he's the son of
09:41 the most high god in Babylonian culture, and he's responsible for writing and the word, and
09:45 Jesus is the Son of God, and He is the Word. I sometimes doubt that that is a coincidence.
09:53 There are counterfeits in all of these other religions, because once upon a time, we all came
09:58 from the same source, and then we corrupted stories. And anyway, that'll show up too as
10:03 we move along. What time is it? It's my presentation, I guess I don't have to stick with it.
10:10 They have a clock there telling me when to be quiet. It actually flashes, "Be quiet." No, it
10:18 doesn't. "Is heaven being built yet?" Oh, no, "Is heaven built yet, or is it being built?"
10:24 Thank you for writing large. I actually didn't need my glasses for that one. "Is heaven being
10:28 built yet or is it being built?" That's a wonderful study. I'm going to challenge you, go look
10:33 up the word "heaven" in the Bible. It shows up more than 500 times. And so you know what you
10:39 have to do, is read the whole thing. Gather all the evidence like a jigsaw puzzle, put it all
10:44 together. We're actually going to do that as we move along. We're going to start doing that
10:48 on Sunday night, and on another night, we're going to look at what the Bible says about heaven
10:52 and so on, and just let the Bible speak for itself. But the answer to your question, in the
10:57 short version, is yes and no. Is heaven built yet? Yes. Is it being built? Yes. Why do I say
11:07 that? Well, it already exists. Hebrews chapter 9 says that Jesus went to heaven to appear
11:12 in the presence of the Father for us. So it is already there. But then Jesus says in John 14,
11:18 "I go to prepare a place for you." So there is some preparation as well. Now, not
11:24 having ever been to heaven, I have no way of describing for you what exactly that looks
11:29 like, but the answer is yes, it's both. It's already there, but He's preparing a place for
11:33 you. And hang in there, by Sunday night, we'll start digging into that a little bit
11:37 better and we'll satisfy your curiosity. Alright. I am running way behind schedule, I'll bet,
11:43 but oh well. Tonight we're going to talk about the man of Revelation, and by the time I'm
11:50 done, I'm going to give you a chance to respond. I'm actually going to have the ushers, toward
11:55 the end, pass out a card and let you give me some feedback on some of the things that you've
12:00 heard, if you'll indulge me in that. I think that you sit there very patiently listening; I'd
12:05 like for you to tell me how what we're presenting is landing on you. And so you'll see that show
12:11 up towards the end of the meeting tonight. But our subject is "The man of Revelation" and
12:17 our textbook is the Bible. And so I would invite you to bow your heads with me in prayer.
12:21 Father in heaven, I know how profoundly my own life was changed when I saw what was
12:31 contained in the words of this Book. It was here that I heard Your voice and it was here that
12:38 I met Jesus, and it's my prayer tonight that You would speak to us again and that we would meet
12:45 Jesus and that we would know more of Him when I'm done. That means I need, Father, for You to
12:54 bless me. I need You to cover my mistakes and my sins and make me fit to speak, so that the only
13:02 real Voice that is heard tonight is Yours. And I ask it tonight in Jesus' name, amen. When you
13:11 open your Bible to the book of Revelation and you look at the very top, the very beginning of
13:16 the book of Revelation, you'll notice something very interesting. In many editions of
13:20 the Bible, there is a title that has been given to the book. It'll say "The Revelation of
13:25 John," or if you have the old King James version, it'll say, "The Revelation of Saint John
13:31 the Divine." And really, it's a pretty good title for the book, because it, after all, was
13:35 written by the apostle John, and there is no doubt that John is a central figure in the whole
13:42 drama of the book of Revelation. John actually was the last living disciple, and he's the
13:49 only one who actually died of natural causes. The rest of them, all put to death
13:53 prematurely. Historically, we understand that Peter was crucified upside down; Thomas,
14:00 run through by a spear; Andrew, crucified on an X-shaped cross; Paul, beheaded. John is the last
14:07 of the apostles, the last of the disciples, as well, to be alive, the only one to die of natural
14:13 causes. And that's not because they didn't try to kill him; they did. The Roman empire tried
14:17 to do away with John late in his life. There was a Roman emperor by the name of Domitian, and
14:24 Domitian hated Christians, and apparently, he tried to kill John because John is such a
14:30 prominent figure in the early Christian church. And the way he tried to kill him was, he
14:35 lowered him into a vat of boiling oil. Now, the Bible doesn't tell that story - we're
14:40 relying on the witness of first-century Christians for that story - but apparently, he
14:44 lowered him into what was essentially a deep fryer. If you can imagine how awful a way to
14:50 go that would be. But for some reason, it failed. John survives. And so the emperor
14:56 says, "Now what? I gotta get rid of John," and he sends him out to a prison colony out in the
15:01 Aegean Sea, a little barren piece of rock known as the island of Patmos, about thirteen
15:08 square miles in size, and about forty-some miles off the coast of what is today Turkey.
15:15 Forty-five miles from the city of Ephesus, which at that time, was John's home. He was
15:20 pastoring, we understand, the church in the city of Ephesus. Now, today, on Patmos, there are
15:28 about 3,000 people who live out there, and they live there by choice. But back in John's day,
15:33 nobody really lived on Patmos by choice. It was really just prisoners, rejects from the
15:40 Roman empire, people who were safely removed from the rest of the population so that they
15:45 couldn't make trouble anymore. And of course, being exiled there probably should have been
15:50 the end of John's career. He's the last disciple alive, and now he's removed from the rest of
15:56 the human race, except that one day, he hears a voice, and the voice happens to be Jesus. And
16:05 Jesus begins to show him some really incredible things. He shows him the stuff we read
16:09 about in the book of Revelation. So there is no doubt that John is an important man. There is no
16:16 doubt he is central to the book of Revelation. It makes sense that somebody would put his name
16:22 at the top of the book. But it's a man-made title. The translators did that. It wasn't
16:27 in the original manuscript. The real title of the book, I believe, is the one that God
16:33 gave it right in Revelation 1:1 where it says "The Revelation of [who?] Jesus Christ," not the
16:41 Revelation of John, "which God gave Him [that's Jesus] to show His servants." This is for us,
16:48 the servants of Jesus. "Things which must shortly take place." When will they take place?
16:54 Shortly. So we read it's the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and it's a revelation of things that
17:02 must take place shortly. Now, I want you to pay attention to that word. When will the things
17:08 that John is about to see actually take place? He's told it will start happening shortly.
17:16 So I want you to tuck that behind one ear. It's an important piece of information
17:19 that's going to show up again. It happens shortly. So anytime you hear a theory that takes
17:26 absolutely all of the book of Revelation and sticks it way off down in the distant future and
17:31 they say it all happens in just a few years at the very end of time, you've got to wonder about
17:36 it, because it starts out by saying it's going to happen shortly. Now, save that
17:42 information; it's important. We'll come back to that on another night. But for right
17:47 now, what I really want you to focus on is the actual real title. It is the Revelation of
17:52 Jesus. This book is not really about John. This book is not really about dragons; it's not
17:58 really about demons; it's not really about the Antichrist; even though all those things are
18:04 absolutely in the book. The real subject, though, the focus of the book, is Jesus. And nowhere
18:11 does that become more clear than in Revelation chapter 5. A scene that actually ushers you and I
18:17 right into the throne room of God. Now, let's set the stage for Revelation 5 just a little
18:24 bit. John, in Revelation chapter 4, is actually invited to visit heaven in vision. And that's a
18:31 privilege that is extended to very few people. Only a handful of people have seen the throne
18:37 of God in vision. It happens in Isaiah 6; it happens in Ezekiel 1, Ezekiel sees the throne of
18:43 God above the wheel within the wheel. It only happens for a few people. It is a very rare
18:50 privilege. And you and I tonight get to join him as he goes. Revelation 5 verse 1. It says:
18:58 "And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a [what?] a scroll written inside
19:06 and on the back, sealed with seven seals." There's a couple of things that I want you to
19:13 notice in Revelation 5 verse 1. First of all, it says there are seven seals. And in the book of
19:23 Revelation, numbers are usually important. They're usually significant. They're not
19:25 coincidental. They actually mean something, and the number seven shows up more than just about
19:31 any other number. There are seven churches in Revelation chapters 1, 2, and 3. There are
19:36 seven candlesticks. There are seven plagues. There are seven thunders. There are seven things
19:42 in Revelation 5 that the lamb is worthy of. It says, "Worthy is the lamb to receive power,
19:47 riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory, blessing." Seven things that the lamb - seven.
19:54 Shows up everywhere. That's because seven is one of God's numbers. It is the number of
19:59 completion and perfection. Anytime you see the number seven, you have a whole set of
20:06 something, a perfect set. You have perfection. Stems from the story of creation. God created
20:11 the world in six days, rested on the seventh day. A creation week. Seven days. We still have
20:17 a seven-day week to this day. Seven is the number of completion, perfection. And
20:21 you'll find it all over the book of Revelation. So that's the first thing I want you to
20:25 notice. There are seven seals. And we're going to look at those seven seals more carefully
20:30 tomorrow night. The other thing I want you to pay attention to is the scroll in God's hand.
20:36 There are records in heaven. They write stuff down. By the time we come to this weekend,
20:43 you're going to find out that written records, or books - books, actually - we have books.
20:48 It's a codex, when you turn pages; a scroll is a little bit different. They write it on a
20:52 long piece of paper and they roll it up. But they have written records, and those are a
20:56 very common feature in Bible prophecy. And it tells me something important: records in
21:02 heaven tells me, nothing escapes God's notice. Nothing. He doesn't miss a thing that takes
21:08 place on this planet, right? Remember Belshazzar. "Numbered, numbered, you are weighed in the
21:14 balances and found wanting." Somebody was numbering his life, paying attention. We have seen,
21:20 "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth." Heaven pays attention and they
21:25 keep records. Verse 2.
21:28 "Then I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a," tiny little voice. Is that what it says? Are
21:34 you still with me? Alright. "Then I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a," what? That
21:39 wasn't loud at all. Let's try it again. "I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice,"
21:45 that's right. "'Who is worthy to open the scroll and loose its seals?'" There is an urgent
21:49 question being asked in the courts of heaven. It is so urgent that they shout the
21:55 question. "Who is worthy?" It's a question that angels are interested in. We don't often
22:01 think of angels as being interested in stuff. We don't pay much attention to angels. We
22:06 treat them like robots. But in the Bible, they're real, living beings with emotions and ideas
22:11 and a real existence and a sense of curiosity. They ask questions. They don't know
22:17 everything. Presumably, they know more than us, but they're not all-knowing; only God is.
22:21 And on this occasion, they want to know, who is worthy to open the scroll? And what is the
22:26 answer? Pay attention carefully. Verse 3: "And no one in heaven or on the earth or under the
22:34 earth was able to open the scroll, or to look at it." Who's worthy? No one. That's an
22:43 absolutely critical thought. I want you to save that behind one ear for a little bit later on
22:47 too because you're going to need that concept. No one is worthy. Verse 4. "So I wept much,
22:55 because no one was found worthy to open and read the scroll, or to look at it." There's a
23:02 problem in heaven. I know we also don't think of heaven as a place that has problems, but
23:07 here's one that needs solving. They have a sealed book, a sealed scroll, and judging by
23:12 the urgency in heaven, it has to be opened. There is a sense that they all want that scroll
23:18 opened, but they can't find anybody who is qualified. And the angels are anxious and John
23:24 is anxious. He's so anxious, he starts crying. Actually, crying is an understatement. He says,
23:30 "I wept much." What we are looking at is the biggest issue in our world. It's what we're
23:38 looking at. This is a problem that must be solved, verse 5. "But one of the elders said to
23:43 me, 'Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,'" who is that? That's Jesus. "'The
23:53 Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its
23:58 seven seals.'" You see it? Prophecy is always good news. It's always, "Here's the human
24:04 problem and here is God's solution." That's why I insist that we preach "Revelation
24:09 Speaks Peace." The book of Revelation is not about destruction. It's about
24:13 salvation. The book of Revelation is not about death; it's about conquering death
24:19 through Jesus. It's not about hopelessness; it's about finding a hope in Jesus that lasts
24:23 forever. John weeps. And the elder says, "Don't cry. The Lion of the tribe of Judah," verse 6.
24:33 "And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and
24:38 in the midst of the elders, stood a lamb." Here's what I want you to notice. There's a
24:45 pattern in the book of Revelation - and you'll see this in other studies that we do
24:49 together - John first hears something sometimes and then he turns and he sees it. First he
24:54 hears about the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and he turns and he sees a lamb. You'll see that
24:59 in other places. In Revelation 7, he hears about 144,000, but then he turns and sees a
25:05 multitude that no man could number. In Revelation chapter 1, John hears a voice like a
25:09 trumpet, and then he turns and he sees the Son of Man dressed like an Old Testament high
25:15 priest standing with the seven candlesticks. In this occasion, he hears about a lion and he
25:20 turns and he sees a lamb. And who is the lamb? The lamb is Jesus. I believe it's
25:25 twenty-eight times in the book of Revelation, Jesus is referred to as the Lamb of God. That's
25:31 what John the Baptist called Him when he first laid eyes on Jesus coming to the Jordan River.
25:36 "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." He sees a lamb, "as
25:42 though it had been slain, having seven horns [there's that number] and seven eyes, which
25:49 are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth." There's that number seven again.
25:55 Now, I'm about to wander off topic for about two-and-a-half minutes. Can I do that with you?
25:59 Would you forgive me if I wandered off topic for two-and-a-half minutes? Two
26:03 minutes and forty seconds? Alright. You know, the Bible says, if you don't forgive me,
26:07 you don't get to go to heaven at all. That's what it says. No, but this is interesting. It's
26:12 just interesting. And I'm kind of going to cover something we're going to do in more depth.
26:16 But seven shows up so many times in this one verse. There are seven horns. When we get to
26:22 Daniel chapter 7, you're going to find out that horns are often used to represent kings and
26:26 kingdoms and political powers. It says so in Daniel chapter 7. Go do your homework tonight. The
26:31 horns are kings and the horns are kingdoms and there are seven of them here, which tells me,
26:35 Jesus has perfect, complete power. There are seven eyes. Eyes are often used to represent
26:41 wisdom. "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the earth." And so Jesus has seven
26:47 of them. He has perfect wisdom and knowledge. And it says the eyes of the seven spirits of God
26:52 which go out into the world, to the whole world, and the Holy Spirit is how Jesus is still
26:58 present with us today. As He's on His way to heaven, He says, "Behold, I will send you another
27:02 Comforter," the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead. And this spirit comes, and He's
27:08 perfectly present. Seven, though, because Jesus is perfectly present with us. And
27:12 if you think about it, those three things are attributes only ascribed to God. God is
27:17 all-powerful, omnipotent. God is omniscient, all-knowing. And God is omnipresent, He is here all
27:24 over this world with us, through the Holy Spirit. The book of Revelation uses the language of
27:31 divinity to speak of Jesus Christ. It does. "Then He came and took the scroll [verse 7]
27:39 out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne." Here are the questions I have for you
27:43 tonight: Why would John weep so bitterly? Why is this such a bad situation? What exactly did the
27:53 lamb do that makes him worthy? And in the book of Revelation, why is he pictured like a slain
28:01 lamb? Let me begin to explain with a story. It's just an ordinary envelope, number ten.
28:10 The kind you would get from any government agency. But when Linda opened that envelope in
28:16 her house, the bottom dropped out of her world. She'd been expecting the government of
28:21 Nebraska to send her a copy of her birth certificate - she needed one to apply for a
28:25 passport - and she couldn't find her birth certificate anywhere, so she asked for a replacement
28:29 copy. And when she opened the envelope, she did not expect what she found. Splashed across
28:34 the top of the document it said, "Adoptive birth certificate." Now, normally, that wouldn't be
28:40 a problem; there was just one little thing. She wasn't adopted. Obviously, somebody had
28:46 made a mistake somewhere in a government office. And you know how hard that is to clean up.
28:51 She's not going to get her passport on time now. I mean, she's not adopted. If she'd been
28:56 adopted, she'd know that. She's forty-two with four kids of her own. She would know that by now.
29:02 She laughed about it. But she kind of had this little nagging doubt. "I wonder why I couldn't
29:06 find a passport or a birth certificate anywhere." She began to wonder. "I wonder if there's
29:11 something to this. What if there's something I don't know?" And for fun, she picked up the
29:16 phone and called her uncle. She couldn't call her folks because they were already gone. "Uncle,"
29:20 she said, "I just got my birth certificate from the government, and you wouldn't believe it. It
29:25 says on there that I was adopted. Isn't that funny?" Silence. Do you know something?
29:35 A sigh. He said, "Look, your parents made me promise I would never tell you, but it's true."
29:41 She hangs up, calls her sister Joan. "Joan!" "What's the matter, Linda? You don't sound
29:48 so good." "I don't feel good. I want to know something. Am I your biological sister, yes or
29:53 no?" Silence. "Come on, I have a right to know." "Well, Mom and Dad made me promise I'd never
30:03 tell you, but you found out, yeah, it's true." She went into shock. Not because of adoption,
30:10 but because she'd been lied to. Her whole life is a lie. She went into the bedroom. She sat
30:17 on the edge of the bed. She stayed there for, like, three days. Wouldn't eat, couldn't
30:21 sleep. Finally her husband Mike came into the room, sat next to her. He said, "Linda, I can't
30:26 even imagine how hard this must be for you right now, but I have this idea." "What?" "Why don't
30:31 you try and find your real birth mother? That might help." "Mike! This is not a fairytale. Real
30:39 life doesn't have happy endings. My mother didn't want me once; why would she want me now?" "I
30:45 know, I know. I can't imagine how hard this is for you, but you couldn't feel any worse than
30:49 you do now. What's the harm in trying? And besides, we have four children. What if there's
30:55 some medical information that would be useful down the road?" And in her heart, she knew he
30:59 was right. So she sat down and wrote an ad to put in the paper. She didn't know where else to
31:04 begin looking. The only information she had was one detail that her sister
31:09 remembered: the names of her biological parents, first names. So she put an ad in the
31:15 newspaper. "My name is Linda, born to a Jeannie and Warren in Omaha, July 8, 1950, given up
31:24 for adoption. My adoptive parents are deceased. I do not wish to cause any problems, but
31:29 I am seeking available information or possible reunion." You know what she's
31:34 asking? "Who am I?" That's a big question. In fact, that's a question a lot of people have
31:42 asked over the centuries. Because Linda's not the only one to find out she's been lied to.
31:49 Built her whole life on something that wasn't so. Sooner or later, every one of us has to
31:56 ask that same question. If you haven't asked it yet, you will. "Who am I? Where do I really
32:01 belong? What is the meaning of my existence? Is there a purpose to my life?" Everybody has to
32:06 face those questions. If you haven't faced them yet, trust me, you will. You can't get
32:11 through life and not wonder who you are. One of the most famous examples anywhere is actually
32:17 found in the gospel according to Luke. It's in the story of the thief on the cross. Luke 23.
32:22 "There were also two other criminals [I like the way the old King James put this first:
32:27 malefactors. It means evildoers. These aren't people with speeding tickets; they're
32:32 evildoers], led with Him to be put to death. And when they had come to the place called
32:39 Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on
32:43 the left." The Bible says there was somebody hanging on the cross next to Jesus and we know
32:48 him as the thief on the cross, but you realize, that's all we know. We don't know anything
32:52 about this guy. We don't know who he is at all. We don't know what town he comes from. We
32:57 don't know who his parents are. We don't know where he went to school. We don't even have his
33:02 name. It doesn't even give us his name. Oh, it bothered our forefathers in the Christian
33:09 faith. They started to make up stories about this guy because it bothered them so much that
33:13 they didn't know who he was. They gave him a name. They called him Dismas. They said,
33:18 "Oh, he was a boyhood friend of Jesus, and when they were little kids together, one day, Dismas
33:21 fell off the roof and died and Jesus raised him from the dead," but it's nonsense; it's just a
33:26 legend. Had to make up something about this guy. Other people say, "He saved Mary's life when
33:32 she was fleeing to Egypt," but again, nonsense, because it bothers us. We don't know him.
33:36 All we know is what the Bible says. Matthew calls him a thief. Mark calls him a transgressor.
33:43 Luke calls him a criminal, a malefactor, an evildoer. Does this guy have hobbies and
33:49 interests? We don't know. Did he have a girlfriend and a wife? We don't know. Any siblings? We
33:54 don't know a thing about him. All we have is what the Bible says. Three words. To wrap up a
34:01 whole lifetime. Makes me wonder. What three words are they going to pick for me? What three words
34:09 would they pick to sum up your whole life for you? In the end, that's all you get. Call it an
34:17 obituary, maybe two hundred words in the newspaper. An epitaph, just a few words on a
34:22 headstone. That's all you get. Chances are, you'll never read it. You'll never see your own
34:29 epitaph. But I promise you, you've already begun to write it. Day by day, minute by
34:36 minute, decision by decision, every choice you make right now determines how you're
34:43 remembered. The character you build makes a difference for all eternity. What you do now
34:50 determines how you're remembered in the scrolls of heaven and here on earth. The sum total of
34:56 your life is the result of all the decisions you make. Matthew, Mark, and Luke say this man is a
35:03 thief, a transgressor, an evildoer. Is he a good dad? I don't know. Good provider before
35:10 he went into crime? I don't know. It's not what his life was about. Ultimately, at the end,
35:13 the way that you sum this man up, he's a thief, he's a criminal, he's the very worst
35:17 thing the rulers of Israel could find that day to hang next to Jesus to make his crucifixion
35:22 seem even more shameful. They wanted to hang this guy next to Jesus because this guy was
35:27 worthless. They could shame Jesus with a man like this. Worthless. Ask yourself a
35:37 question. If you were escorted to heaven in vision like John, stood right in front of the
35:42 throne of God, right now, just the way you are - no studying, no prep, you're just there, bang
35:46 - how would you do? How would you respond? Would you weep? If you had to stand right in front
35:56 of the throne of God. Remember, nobody could be found that was worthy. Nobody. Do you know why?
36:00 Because the Bible teaches the human race has sinned against God. And the only thing we're
36:06 worthy of is death. How do I know? Some of you know these passages. Romans 6:23. "The
36:13 wages of sin is death." Wait a minute, the wages of sin is death? Isn't that a little bit
36:19 harsh? I mean, a few little misdeeds, okay. I didn't tell the whole truth at April 15, you
36:25 know. I didn't submit an accurate tax return, but really, I didn't do anything horrible,
36:30 and I have to die? What does that say about God? Is He some kind of a dictator? I don't do
36:36 things His way, He kills me? Why death? Well, let's think about this. What actually happens when
36:43 you sin? The Bible says, one of the things that happens is we cut ourselves off from God. We
36:48 compromise our relationship with Him. Isaiah 59 says: "Your iniquities [literally,
36:52 lawlessness] your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden
36:58 His face from you, so that He will not hear." Now, why does it separate you from God to commit
37:03 a sin? It's because God is perfect and holy and without sin, and He can't allow sin in
37:09 His presence. Why? Because He knows what kind of suffering sin causes. And He does not love
37:14 suffering and pain. He knows what it does. He can't permit that in His presence. Sin
37:19 compromises our connection to God. It cuts us off from Him. And what happens if you're cut
37:24 off from God? Colossians 1 says that Jesus is the Creator and He's the Sustainer of life. He
37:31 gives you every breath you've got. He's the only reason we're here right now. He is the only
37:35 source of life in the universe. If you compromise a connection with the only source of life,
37:40 what happens? You die. "Yeah, but I've done some stuff and I'm not dead yet." No, not yet. It's
37:48 coming. It's like unplugging a fan. Pull it out from the power, the blades keep spinning for a
37:56 little while, and then they eventually stop. It's like running out of gas on the
38:00 freeway, right? Car goes another quarter mile and eventually it stops. The whole world is
38:05 winding down. It's why the contractions are getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Our
38:09 problem is serious. This is why John weeps. We're cut off from God and it's a universal, human
38:15 problem. There are no exceptions. First John 1 verse 8: "If we say that we have no
38:19 sin, we deceive [there's that word again. It's a last-day issue. Deception.] If we say
38:26 that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." It's a deception to tell
38:33 yourself there's nothing wrong. Babylon was drunk. They didn't realize that they could really
38:37 fall. Belshazzar drinking and partying as the armies are gathered outside. Revelation 17
38:43 says: "In the last days, all of Babylon is drunk." The world is drunk. If we say that we haven't
38:48 sinned, we're like Belshazzar sitting in the city. "I'll never have to pay the piper. I will
38:52 never have to pay the consequences." But let me assure you tonight: you can't fool God.
38:58 You can't fool Him. Everybody has sinned. And if we can't admit it, it might mean we're
39:02 drunk. Listen to the Bible. Romans 3 verse 23: "For all [how many?] all [you're getting quiet
39:12 on me. How many?] all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." How many have
39:18 sinned? All. How many are worthy of death? All. Who's worthy to open the scroll? Nobody. "Okay,
39:24 okay, I did some stuff. I did some stuff. But I'm absolutely not as bad as the guy who sits
39:30 next to me in church. You should see what that guy did. It is awful. I can see he doesn't make
39:36 it, but my list isn't nearly as bad. I'm not as bad as him." I'll tell you what. When I saw
39:41 that snow this morning, I got an idea in my mind. I got an idea in my mind. I thought -
39:45 Christine Wollmann, who was singing with us earlier, she actually flew to Saint Lucia
39:50 this morning. She's out in the sun and in the tropics today as we are braving the elements to
39:54 come to this meeting. And I thought, "You know what? I want to go to Saint Lucia too," but I
40:00 don't have the airfare. I can't afford to go. So I'm going to drive to Miami and I'm going to
40:04 swim because it's only 1800 miles. I could do that. But I don't want to do it alone, so I
40:08 need somebody to swim with me. Pastor Doug, you don't know that you're going to do this. Here,
40:14 come out here. We're going to swim to Saint Lucia. Let's go. Are you ready? No, apparently
40:19 not. Alright. Yeah, we're going to get into the water now in Miami. Feel how nice and warm
40:26 that is? Yeah. There is no water, Pastor Doug. No, it's just like - it's our
40:31 imagination. But we gotta go, ready? It's 1800 miles. Are you all limbered up? You get to
40:36 crack your neck a little bit. Alright. Alright, let's go. Let's swim to Saint Lucia. It's
40:43 1800 - you're not going to make it with a stroke like that. That is absolutely pathetic.
40:45 Let's go again. Alright, 1800 miles, here we go. And we're going to go 700 miles. Oh, look
40:52 at that. You broke your glasses. You don't need them out here; it's in the ocean. 800 miles.
40:58 900 miles. And suddenly, he gets a funny look on his face. Not the usual funny look, a special
41:05 funny look. Yeah, because - and I say, "What's wrong?" A shark has your leg. (Which one?) This
41:14 one here, yeah. "A shark bit my leg." (A shark bit my leg.) Yeah. Oh my goodness, that's
41:21 horrible. And all of a sudden, he goes under the water, bloop, he's gone. I wait around for a
41:26 little while, see if he comes back up, nope. You can go now. You're all done, yeah. There's a
41:33 little blood in the water, so I've gotta swim fast. I gotta get out of here before the other
41:36 sharks come. And so I keep going. 1700 miles, 1750 miles, 1780 miles, 1790 miles, and
41:43 suddenly, something's got my leg. Shark. Bloop, under I go. We both fell short of Saint
41:51 Lucia. Does it matter at all how far short? All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
42:01 How dare we compare ourselves to other people? We all fall short. We're all lost. We're all in
42:07 trouble. John knew it, the thief knew it too. Not at first, not at first, but eventually, he
42:11 figures it out. In the beginning, he does something really horrible. According to
42:15 Matthew's gospel, he's making fun of Jesus. As he's hanging on a cross dying, he's making fun
42:20 of Jesus. Unbelievably, he joins the mockery of the crowd on the ground. "Come on, Jesus, if you
42:27 really are the Son of God, why don't you come down off that cross? King of the Jews, huh?
42:32 That's what that sign says. We'll give You a throne if You come off that cross, or maybe
42:37 You like the throne You have right now. Why doesn't God save You, if You are His Son?" They
42:45 all did it. Pharisees, the Romans, the priests whose work in the temple actually
42:53 symbolized what Jesus was doing for them at that very moment, are mocking Jesus. They're all
42:58 doing it. "Come on, Jesus. If You are Messiah, You could do something about this. This
43:03 shouldn't be a problem for You." They were casting it in His teeth, Matthew says. And the
43:09 thief too. And suddenly, he stops, and he looks over at Jesus, and something happens in
43:19 his mind. He suddenly remembers everything he's heard about this man Jesus. He went about doing
43:25 good. He healed the sick. He loved the unlovable. He touched the untouchable. And he thinks
43:31 about Jesus and that judgement hall last night, how He just stood there and took it, not
43:35 like a guilty man does, but like an innocent man. And he suddenly sees that Jesus isn't deceived;
43:44 he is. And he suddenly sobers up. He finds out in the last seconds of his life that it's
43:51 all been a big lie. There's been a conspiracy. "I don't believe in conspiracies." No, me
43:57 neither, not the kind you see on youtube, but sometimes they're real. Hard to deny it because
44:04 they kept Linda in the dark for forty-two years. Turns out, her birth mother was a little girl
44:09 named Jeannie, got married at seventeen, had a baby that year, and her teenage husband said, "I
44:13 don't want children," and disappeared. Disappeared into the woodwork. So she went and
44:18 found a job in Omaha. Found an older couple to take care of her little child Linda: Mr. and Mrs.
44:25 Whitney. It was too far to travel there every day, so she would drop Linda off on Sunday
44:29 night and pick her up Friday afternoon. It worked well until one day she got a phone call at
44:34 work. "Jeannie, it's social services. They found out about our childcare arrangement and
44:40 they say it's not legal, and if you don't come and sign some papers, you're going to lose
44:43 your baby." "Don't let it happen. I'll be right over." She went over, looked at it. She
44:49 didn't understand it all. Big words. There was someone sitting there dressed nicely, said, "No,
44:54 really, you need to sign this," and so she signed it, went back to work. Friday came. It was
45:00 Linda's second birthday and so she wrapped a little present. She couldn't afford much, but it
45:04 had a bow on top, and she was so excited. "We're going to have a birthday party." And she went
45:08 over to the Whitneys' and she was humming "Happy birthday to you." She knocked on the door
45:14 and there's nothing. Knocked again and she got this feeling in her, something is wrong. She
45:20 started to bang on the door, and finally, the superintendent stuck his head out in the hall
45:25 and said, "Can I help you?" She said, "Yeah, do you know where the Whitneys are today?" "They
45:30 don't live here anymore. They moved out several days ago. They're gone." "Do you know
45:35 where they went?" "No." I don't know if you can imagine the pain of separation. Maybe you can't.
45:42 But I guarantee God can. He understands that kind of pain because somebody once took hold
45:47 of His children, and then they nailed His only begotten Son to a cross. Let me tell you
45:54 something: the Lamb of God knows suffering. He's not isolated from your pain. He lived here
46:02 like us, He died worse than us. He gets it. Jeannie called Mr. Whitney's boss. "He
46:11 disappeared." "Didn't even pick up his last paycheque. We have no idea where he is." And then
46:15 she got this horrible idea. "What if those papers I signed were adoption papers?" Can you
46:22 imagine being deceived like that? She called the adoption agencies. They said, "We can't
46:28 talk to you. That's all closed." She had no money. She couldn't afford a lawyer or a private
46:32 investigator, so it's over now. All she can do, she gets every phone book from every city she
46:37 can. She looks up the name Whitney and phones them all. Real conspiracy. Let me assure
46:46 you, there's been a conspiracy in your life; I guarantee it. Someone has stolen you from your
46:49 Father and is trying to keep you in the dark. Paul writes: "If our gospel is veiled [hidden],
46:54 it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do
47:00 not believe, [the god of this age is Satan], lest the light of the gospel of the glory of
47:04 Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them." There is a conspiracy. Someone is trying
47:09 to keep you away from the truth, but I'm telling you that a conspiracy is a fabrication. It
47:14 is not perfect. And no matter how clever the devil might be after perfecting his craft for
47:19 thousands of years, his work is full of defects and holes that are big enough for the light of
47:26 truth to shine through. And the Bible says that a thief on a cross noticed some light peeking
47:32 through some of those holes, and he wakes up, and for the first time in his life, with blood and
47:38 sweat and dirt in his eyes, he can now see clearly. He can see that the man he's been mocking
47:43 is the Lamb of God, the promised Messiah, and he looks back down at the crowd and listens to them
47:49 mocking Jesus. And suddenly, he recognizes a voice in that crowd. And if you listen
47:54 carefully, you will hear the voice in the crowd too because it keeps using one word: "If. If
47:59 You are the King of the Jews, save Yourself. If You are the Son of God, come down from that
48:06 cross." You recognize that voice? You should. There's somebody at the foot of the
48:11 cross that keeps them going. Don't like to think of it. Listen. "Jesus, is this Your big
48:21 plan? Is this how You're going to establish Your kingdom and take back the world? Why don't
48:24 You come down off that cross, if You are the Son of God?" If, if, if. I'm guessing Jesus
48:31 recognized the voice. He heard it in the desert when He began His ministry. "If You are the
48:35 Son of God, turn these stones into bread. If You are the Son of God, cast Yourself off the -"
48:40 you know who said that. Don't like to think of the devil at the cross, but how else do you
48:45 explain that we nailed God's Son to that cross? There must've been a moment when he realized
48:52 he blew it. First he wanted Jesus dead, but then he sees what's happening and realizes
48:55 the cross is going to be his undoing and it was. When would he finally realize that it was
49:01 going to expose him as a murderer and a liar? When I hear the insults dripping off the
49:06 lips of the crowd, I know that the devil is starting to catch on. "Come off that cross." And
49:12 Jesus could've come down; He could've. He didn't have to hang there at all. He would've done
49:19 nothing wrong by walking away. He didn't have to do it, but He knew if you ever wanted to stand
49:24 in the kingdom, He would go through with that. It's the only way. And let me assure you
49:29 tonight, Jesus did not want to die. How do I know that? In the Garden of Gethsemane, "Father,
49:35 if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me." It's the only way. Love made Him do it. It's
49:45 what held Him there, not the nails. The devil wanted Him down. Every time the cross comes
49:50 up, every time people crack open a Bible, he still shows up and he still raises doubts. If.
49:57 "You'll never be good enough. You can always do this later. Why don't you wait until you
50:02 have all your questions answered? What would your friends think? You don't want to
50:05 look too religious, do you?" They still come, they still stand in the shadows, and they
50:10 still draw people away. Why? Because they're scared the truth is going to come out. They're
50:15 scared you're going to find out you've been stolen and lied to. They're scared that you're going
50:19 to see the truth. And what is the truth? The truth is found in the Word of God. "The wages of
50:23 sin is death. BUT the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." That's
50:30 the rest of the text. That word "bought" changes it all. You don't have to die. You could be
50:41 in the kingdom of Christ. What do you have to do? It's really, really simple. "If we confess
50:45 our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all
50:51 unrighteousness." There are no exceptions there. Doesn't say - I mean, all you have to do is
50:58 come clean with God and admit what the problem is. That's it. There's no other way for Him to
51:02 work with you. And He cleanses you from all unrighteousness. There are no exceptions. It
51:09 doesn't say He'll cleanse you from everything except a murder. It doesn't say anything except
51:12 cheating on your spouse. It doesn't say anything except drunkenness or stealing or a
51:18 ruined relationship. It doesn't have any exceptions. He will cleanse you from all
51:23 unrighteousness. And that is the gift of God to you. It's a gift because you can't earn it, "for
51:30 by grace," Paul writes, "you have been saved. Through faith, and that not of yourselves." It
51:35 is the gift of God. You can't earn this. You're going to have to take it as a gift. Listen to
51:40 how the Bible ends. It's right at the very end in Revelation. "Let him who hears say, 'Come!'
51:45 And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely." You
51:50 should look at your life. Have you ever felt that you are thirsty for something more? A
51:58 few moments ago, the thief is wrestling with Roman soldiers. Now he's wrestling with
52:03 something worse: it's conviction. Just like some of you right now. A conviction that
52:10 the man on the cross in the middle is the Son of God. He cries out, "Stop. Don't you see
52:18 what we're doing? We deserve this, but this man is innocent." And then he utters nine words:
52:27 "Lord, remember me when you come into Your kingdom." Such a simple prayer. You know, out in
52:36 the wilderness, the devil tried to tempt Jesus to take a shortcut. "Jesus, all You have
52:41 to do - You don't have to go the hard way. I'll give the whole world back to You. I'll give You
52:45 a kingdom." "All You have to do right now is bow down and worship me. Just bow down." Of
52:54 course, Jesus didn't do it. And then at the cross, the crowd is mocking Him, and the message is,
52:59 "Now what, Jesus? You should've taken me up on my offer. You've got nothing left. And even Your
53:03 Father isn't here. And the people You thought would choose You just nailed You to a cross."
53:11 And then in the dark, it's the devil's turn to recognize a voice. "Lord, remember me when
53:20 You come into Your kingdom." The devil just lost one. Somebody just chose Jesus of his own free
53:30 will. The lowest of the low, the worst man they could find that day to put Jesus to shame just
53:37 accepted Jesus Christ and became a member of the kingdom of God Think about the cross. How can
53:47 you look at the cross and not hate sin? I hate sin because it put Jesus there. I know; I did
53:53 it. My pride became a nail in Jesus' hand; my unbelief, a spear in His side. How can you
54:04 see the cross and not hate sin? There He is. He's hanging on my cross. You know, that cross is
54:13 still for thieves and transgressors and evildoers. You feel like you're not good enough
54:19 for church. Feel like you're not good enough for heaven, then you're one of the few that
54:24 finally gets it. You're not. Nobody is. No one could be found worthy; only Jesus is. That's
54:39 why John wept. You can't make yourself good enough. But then he sees it: the slain lamb is
54:45 good enough. "God forbid," wrote Paul, "that I should glory, save in the cross of our
54:51 Lord Jesus Christ." Linda ran an ad October 1992. The phone rang on November 2nd. It was a social
54:57 services agent. "Linda, we think you might be in store for a very merry Christmas." "What?" "Yeah,
55:08 this lady called us, and she knows stuff that nobody could possibly know." "Should we give
55:17 her your number?" "Yeah." When the phone rang later that afternoon, she was so nervous,
55:24 she could barely work up the courage to answer. Mike came up, held her hand. "Hello?" "Hello,
55:36 is - is this Linda?" "Yeah." "Is this my mom? Mom, I can't believe you saw my ad on that
55:54 one day that I ran it." "Honey, I've been reading the paper every day for your whole life,
56:02 waiting for that ad. I haven't missed a day in forty-two years." Do you know what happens
56:11 when you send up your prayer tonight? Do you know what happens? God says, "I've been
56:21 waiting every day. I saw you born. I followed you. I saw what people did to you. I have seen
56:30 every minute of it and I've been waiting your whole life for this minute." Do you know why the
56:43 thief doesn't have a name? If the thief had a name, he'd look like somebody else. Without a
56:56 name, he looks exactly like you.
57:05 Today you have watched just one in a series of "Revelation Speaks Peace" presentations.
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Revised 2016-07-12