Revelation Speaks Peace

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Shawn Boonstra


Series Code: RSP

Program Code: RSP000005A

01:21 Announcer: Revelation. The time of the end.
01:24 Mysterious signs.
01:25 Strange happenings.
01:27 Confusing numbers.
01:29 Are we facing a new world order and the mark of the beast?
01:34 Are we living on a planet in upheaval?
01:36 Are we on the verge of Armageddon?
01:45 Revelation, what do all the signs in this mysterious book mean?
01:52 Discover real answers.
01:54 Revelation Speaks Peace, with Shawn Boonstra.
01:59 +
02:01 Good evening, everybody. It is time for our questions. "What is a miracle in our days at
02:06 church?" Well, that's a good question. People often say, "Where are the miracles?" Well,
02:12 one of the observations that I would make is that you know, when you read the Bible, you see
02:17 miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle, but what you have to remember is that
02:19 they take place over 1500 years, 1500 years. Now, do miracles take place? Sure, they do. Now,
02:26 I can't bring you with me to where I was. There's never a video camera when it happens.
02:30 I've seen people miraculously healed, instantaneously. I have seen it with my eyes. I have
02:35 seen the electricity come on in a building that was disconnected from the grid when they needed
02:39 it desperately in an emergency situation. They prayed and boom, there was electricity. It
02:44 doesn't make sense. There is no. I've seen them. But I have a couple of cautions. First of
02:49 all, as we just saw in the other question, don't place all the emphasis on the miraculous all
02:53 the time, because you almost encourage people to base everything on whether or not a
02:59 miracle takes place. And for some people, they come to Jesus and they have an experience with
03:04 God that's very miraculous and dramatic. But for other people, it happens gradually over time,
03:09 and it's not quite so dramatic. And sometimes, when we overemphasize the miraculous all
03:13 the time, the people who didn't have something dramatic happen, wonder, "What about me?" That
03:20 happened to me as a kid. I heard all these people saying, "I saw an angel," and I never saw an
03:24 angel, and I thought, "Well, what's wrong with me?" Right? It's important that we don't do
03:30 it. Now, do miracles take place? Yes, they do. But let me point this out. This room is
03:33 full of them, because the greatest miracle in the universe is a heart changed by Jesus
03:38 Christ. There's a miracle standing on this stage right now. If you would have met me 26
03:43 years ago, you would have said, "There is not a chance that boy will be in heaven. There is not
03:48 a chance he'd be a preacher." Some of my relatives never knew I became a preacher. We lost
03:52 them before that. I can't wait for heaven and say, "Guess what, Granddad? I became a preacher."
03:57 He'd probably fall over. Our topic tonight, the four horsemen of the apocalypse. We're going
04:03 to look at Revelation chapter 6, and we're going to move very quickly. We're going to go
04:08 through the whole chapter. And that means we're going to have to move fast, because I want you
04:14 to see the whole prophecy, because in Revelation chapter 6, we kind of see the way that
04:18 prophecy is structured. A lot of the key prophecies in Revelation are structured like this, and in
04:24 the book of Daniel. Now, Revelation chapter 6 is a chapter that not many people
04:29 study anymore in its entirety. Some people take pieces out of it, but not many people read it
04:35 in its entirety. A generation ago, or several generations ago, it was the topic of hot
04:39 discussion; everybody was into it. But tonight, I want to show you the whole chapter, because
04:44 it's very, very important for understanding the rest of the book of Revelation. I really do
04:49 want you to see it. But I know, because we're going to move quickly, as we go through each
04:54 section of that chapter, we'll only have time to touch on the highlights, and I will leave as
04:58 many questions unanswered as I answered. I don't have much choice in it. So I'm going to
05:05 ask you tonight to be patient with me, because in time, the rest of it will all flesh out as
05:11 we look at all of the other prophecies. So would you do that? Will you be patient with
05:15 me tonight? No? Well, okay, we're going to do it anyway. I mean, it wouldn't matter - let's
05:22 pray. Father in heaven, again, I consider it such a thrill to open the Bible. Here is the
05:33 Voice of our Almighty God and Creator. And we have an audience with You. And I know how
05:43 radically this Book changed my life, because it shows Jesus. And I'm asking again tonight
05:51 that it would change my life again, that I would become more like Jesus because of the time
05:58 we spent here. Lord, may we all hear Your Voice tonight. Forgive my sin; make me fit to speak.
06:07 And we covenant with You that when You do speak to our hearts, we will follow, for we pray it
06:15 in Jesus' name, amen. Tonight, I'm going to take you back to the very beginning of the book
06:21 of Revelation and review something we began to look at last night, because it is very
06:26 important: Revelation 1 verse 1. It says: "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave
06:32 unto Him, to show His servants things which must [when?] shortly come to pass." Now, this
06:41 is very important. God is showing John things that are going to happen in the future,
06:47 but when do they begin happening? God says they'll begin happening shortly, which
06:52 tells me, the prophecies found in the book of Revelation were already beginning their
06:57 fulfilment back in John's day. So while the book of Revelation is about the future, it's not
07:04 just about our future. Sometimes we get very self-absorbed and we say, "Oh, this is all about the
07:10 last generation and it's all about us." It is about the future, but it was also about
07:15 John's future, which means that some of what's in Revelation has already been fulfilled. The
07:22 fulfilment begins in John's day, and that's actually part of the way that the prophecies of the
07:27 book of Revelation are structured. Some of it has already happened. And one place
07:33 that you can see that in detail is in the prophecy of the seven churches in Revelation chapters
07:38 2 and 3. Now, I'm about to do something that will frustrate the daylights out of you: I'm
07:43 going to cover Revelation chapters 2 and 3 in three minutes. Here we go. It's not
07:48 really our topic tonight, but in the beginning of Revelation, there are seven letters to seven
07:53 churches. They were real places in Asia Minor. They're addressed to real people in real churches
08:00 that existed in the first century, and they deal with issues in those first-century
08:05 churches. But, students of Bible prophecy over the centuries have noticed something very
08:11 remarkable about those seven letters. Those seven letters, while they addressed real things
08:16 in the first century, also happened to describe the history of the Christian church through
08:22 the centuries absolutely perfectly. So the letter to Ephesus - it's the desirable
08:28 church - mirrors what actually happened in the early apostolic church in its purity. The letter
08:33 to Smyrna - the word "myrrh" is in there, the fragrance that you get by crushing the plant. The
08:39 word "crushed" is in there. It mirrors what happens as Christians are persecuted by the
08:44 early pagan Roman empire. You've got the letter to Pergamos, which mirrors a church that
08:50 begins to fragment. As we move down through history, it begins to fragment and become weaker
08:55 because people begin to compromise on the truths of the Bible. You've got Thyatira, a
09:00 time when we slip into the Dark Ages, and Christians - we know this - really started to
09:05 misbehave and do some things that we should not be too proud of. You've got Sardis, which
09:10 seems to mirror what happens, as the church now moves into the 1500s and the 1600s, and people
09:17 begin to proclaim truths from the Word of God again. And then you've got the church of
09:20 Philadelphia, the church of brotherly love, which mirrors what happens when we move into
09:25 the 1700s and the 1800s, when you have the first and second great awakenings, and there's a
09:31 revival in Bible societies, and a revival in missionary societies, and the preaching of
09:37 the gospel, and the preaching of the second coming. And then you've got Laodicea, the seventh
09:41 church, that the Bible describes as a last-day lukewarm Christianity, which Paul says,
09:48 professes godliness, but not the power thereof. Now, I just covered Revelation chapter 2 and
09:54 3 irresponsibly. We covered it in, like, three minutes. But what's interesting, there is
10:00 universal agreement on this. This one, you can go and look at, and we may have a chance to
10:03 look at it again. What we have in Christianity is almost universal agreement that these
10:09 letters describe the first century, but they also describe the whole sweep of Christian
10:13 history. Seven churches - the number of completion - showing the whole span of Christian
10:20 history, and it does it somehow in advance. The descriptions fit perfectly. And that shows us how
10:25 the book of Revelation is actually structured. The prophecies begin fulfilment
10:30 shortly, John is told. All the way back in John's day, and then they move down through the
10:36 history of the world. It's like the statue in Daniel 2. It begins in Daniel's day in
10:40 Babylon, and then it goes, Persia, Greece, Rome, divided Roman empire, second coming of
10:47 Christ. The general pattern you find in prophecy - and you're going to see this happen many,
10:53 many times as we study together - the prophecy usually begins in the day of the prophet, in his
10:59 moment, and then carries you all the way down to the end of time. Now, one thing that we looked at
11:05 last night is the number seven. Seven was the number of completion, of perfection. So
11:10 there were seven churches. Tonight, we're going to see seven seals. There are seven
11:14 trumpets, there are seven thunders, there are seven plagues. It's one of God's
11:18 numbers. It's the number of completion and perfection. And that's a principle that we
11:23 already learned last night. So let me give you a new one for tonight. We kind of already
11:28 mentioned it. Bible prophecy often repeats the same story from a different perspective.
11:34 You're going to see that this coming weekend. We're going to get into Daniel chapter 8, and
11:38 what you're going to discover is that Daniel 8 goes over much of the same ground as Daniel 2, but
11:44 it adds new and interesting details, and it expands on the subject, because God is a Master
11:51 Teacher, and like any good teacher, He always repeats the subject material several times,
11:56 adds more detail, and looks at it from another angle. And tonight, you're going to find
12:01 out, that's actually how Revelation chapter 6 works. This is going to come as a surprise
12:07 to many in our generation, but what I'm about to show you is what Christians understood for
12:13 1800 years. It repeats what we just looked at so quickly in Revelation 2 and 3, and it shows
12:19 us world history from another perspective. So now it's time to look at it. Are you ready to
12:24 look at Revelation chapter 6, yes or no? Only three people. I'm done. Are you ready to look
12:31 at Revelation chapter, yes or no? Wow, now I have to do it. What does the number seven
12:36 represent? Completion, perfection, it's God's number. Four horsemen of the apocalypse.
12:42 Last night, we looked at Revelation chapter 5 very quickly, and we followed John
12:47 into the throne room of God in vision. It's an incredible scene, if you remember. There's
12:51 God on the throne with a scroll in His hand, sealed with seven seals. And the angels cry out,
12:57 "Who is worthy to open the scroll?" and they can't find anybody until the slain Lamb of
13:04 God appears, Jesus Christ. And He takes that scroll. And tonight, in Revelation chapter
13:09 6, the Lamb of God takes the scroll and He begins to open the seals one by one. And as Jesus
13:16 opens those seals, He reveals what is actually now possible for His people because He gave
13:23 His life at the cross of Calvary. And as Jesus opens those seals, I have to warn you
13:28 in advance, that He's about to show us a very honest picture of the future, including a very
13:35 honest picture of Christians, including our best moments and some of our not-so-good moments.
13:43 You know, it's one of the things that I love about God: the Bible is not a piece of propaganda. I
13:47 hear critics say, "Ooh, religious propaganda." It's not very good propaganda if that's
13:52 what it is because God tells the unvarnished truth about His people. Noah got drunk. Moses
13:56 murdered somebody. David committed adultery. It's not very good propaganda if it's
14:01 propaganda. God tells the truth about His people. In the Old Testament, it's the story of
14:06 Israel, and He tells the good parts when Israel is on track, and he tells the truth about
14:11 when Israel is not on track. God tells us the truth. And now tonight, God's going to tell us
14:17 the truth about His New Testament people. He's going to show both sides of the story.
14:21 He's going to show us when we're behaving really well, and He's going to show us when we're not.
14:28 Would you like to look at that? You're sure about that, now? No? Buckle your seatbelts; let's get
14:37 started. Revelation 6 and verse 1: "Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I
14:42 heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, 'Come and see.'"
14:47 Do you see it? It's not a big mystery. God loves to show us things; that's why it's called
14:51 Revelation. "Come on, have a look. I've got something that I want to show you." Verse 2: "And
14:55 I looked, and behold, a white horse. He Who sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given to
15:02 Him, and He went out, conquering and to conquer." It's a guy on a white horse. What in the world
15:09 is He conquering and why is the horse white? Now, if you look through the book of Revelation,
15:13 you'll find that colour white is repeated again and again and again and again and again. In
15:17 Revelation 1, Jesus has white hair. In Revelation 2, the faithful are promised a white
15:21 stone. In Revelation 3, the faithful have white clothing, white garments. In Revelation 4,
15:28 the elders in heaven are dressed in white. In Revelation 6, the martyrs are given white robes to
15:34 wear. In Revelation 7, the great multitude that John sees that nobody can number - dressed in
15:39 white. Revelation 14, Jesus comes back on a white cloud. In Revelation 19, Jesus rides a
15:48 white horse. Revelation chapter 20, God is seated on a white throne. White is all through the
15:55 book. What does it mean? Well, remember now, John borrows two-thirds of the language in
16:00 Revelation from the rest of the Bible. So how is that symbol, the colour white, used in the
16:07 rest of the Bible? One of the most prevalent places you find it is in Isaiah chapter 1 and
16:13 verse 18. "'Come now,'" it says, "'let us reason together,' says the Lord. 'Though your sins are
16:19 like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be
16:29 as wool.'" The opposite of white, in the Bible, is red. Scarlet is the colour of blood.
16:36 It's the colour of warfare. It's the colour of fire. It's the colour of death. And most
16:41 importantly, it is the colour of sin and impurity. But when sin and impurity are done away with,
16:47 white becomes the colour of forgiveness and purity. This is why, to this day, it's a
16:54 cultural hangover. It's come down through the generations. To this day, a lady going to her
16:59 wedding will still put on a white dress to symbolize purity, although in the twenty-first
17:06 century, probably more of us should put on beige at our weddings. I mean, it's just -
17:10 times have changed. But purity is white. That's why we still go through that motion. In
17:17 Revelation chapter 12, you find this woman dressed in white. And she's a symbol of God's
17:23 perfect forgiven church. Well, how do I know a woman represents a church? It's really quite
17:28 simple. In Ephesians chapter 5, Paul compares the relationship of Christ and His church to a
17:35 husband and a wife. The church is called the bride of Christ. In Ezekiel 16, God calls Israel
17:41 His bride. In Jeremiah chapter 6, God says, "I have compared the daughter of Zion to a lovely
17:48 and delicate woman." That's His love for us. We're His wife. And in Revelation 12 - we'll look at
17:56 this in a coming night - there's a pure woman dressed in white. It's God's pure people. This is
18:01 why the horse is white. It's a picture of the first-century apostolic church. The fire of
18:07 the gospel message is still alive in the early believers' hearts. These are people, some
18:12 of them had actually talked to Jesus, or they had talked to the disciples. They knew the gospel
18:18 message first-hand. They knew their mission; they knew their purpose; they knew their
18:23 calling. And they were so passionate about Jesus, that they went out to conquer the
18:29 world with the gospel message. Jesus said to them, "I want you to go from this place and go to
18:34 the outermost parts of the earth," and they took it seriously. They went out on
18:40 foot. And they did it without email; they did it without Facebook; they did it without -
18:46 they didn't even have a fax machine. They went on foot. And they were so successful in a
18:52 single generation, that Paul was able to talk about a gospel which had been preached to every
18:58 creature under heaven already in his day. Wow, they conquered the world. How do you think the
19:06 devil felt about that? He fails to conquer Jesus at the cross. He fails there. Jesus rises from
19:14 the dead, He goes back up into heaven, and now the devil - we're going to see this when we
19:19 get to Revelation 12, it describes it - he turns his wrath against the Christian
19:23 church. He says, "I've got to stop them from spreading the truth." So he creates trouble
19:30 for the Christians. And now another horse rides onto the scene, verse 3: "When he opened
19:36 the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, 'Come and see.' Another horse,
19:42 fiery red, went out, and it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth,
19:49 and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword." White, the
19:55 colour of purity. Still is to this day. Red, the colour of impurity and sin, but also the
20:00 colour of bloodshed, warfare, death. The Bible says that peace would be taken from the earth,
20:07 and that is historically exactly what happened. Suddenly, the wrath of the pagan Roman empire
20:13 falls on the Christian church. The Romans grew to hate the Christians. Now, in the very
20:19 beginning, they didn't pay any mind to the Christians because, for the most part, Romans
20:24 practiced religious liberty. You could believe whatever you wanted. They left you alone. But
20:30 eventually, for some reason, the Romans suddenly turned against the Christians. And you probably
20:35 remember this from high school, if you weren't sleeping in history class in high school.
20:41 Nero burned the city down one day, or he had one of his associates burn the city of Rome
20:46 down. He lights a fire because he needs to make way for some of his building projects. But he
20:52 can't admit that he lit it, and so they blame the Christians. So they start rounding up the
20:58 Christians and they throw them into the arena. This is where the stories of throwing
21:01 Christians to the lions come. A Roman by the name of Tacitus, he recorded, they rounded up the
21:07 Christians. They actually sewed them in animal skins, threw them in the arena, and turned packs
21:13 of wild dogs loose on them to rip them limb from limb. Nero lit the circus on one occasion
21:19 by dipping Christians in tar, crucifying them, and then lighting them on fire to light
21:25 the games at night. It was an awful time to be alive. Peter, crucified upside-down. John,
21:31 boiled in oil by demission. This is an awful time to be a believer. The Roman empire
21:37 suddenly hates Christian believers, and it's from this period of history that we have
21:42 some of the most remarkable stories of Christian faith. I think of a guy by the name of
21:48 Polycarp. Polycarp was a disciple of John, who wrote the book of Revelation. So two
21:54 steps removed from Jesus Himself. He's actually the bishop of Ephesus after John.
22:00 And at one point, they go and round him up because the Roman empire is getting rid of
22:03 Christians. And they take him to the stake to be burned alive. And there's a Roman official who
22:11 can't make sense of this. He says to Polycarp, "Look, this doesn't make sense. You are
22:15 already old. Why don't you just renounce Christ and you can live? Just go through the
22:21 motions. Just say you renounce Him. You can go back to your business as usual tomorrow."
22:24 "Just renounce Him. What's the point of dying like this?" History tells us he stood up
22:31 tall. "Eighty-six years," he said, "I have served Him. He's done me no wrong; how can I
22:37 blaspheme my King Who saved me?" Once you know Jesus, you're not really afraid of much. Why?
22:49 Because we have the sure word of prophecy. We know the future. It's already written. I
22:54 understand that God's going to take care of it all. Even if I have to die, it's going to be
22:59 okay. I'm going to be in the kingdom of Christ. Let me ask you tonight, if it came down to
23:04 that, would you be okay? They lit the fires. He stood tall in the flames. It's the period of
23:12 the red horse. Peace is taken from the earth. The bloodshed is absolutely unbelievable. And
23:17 these people were willing to die so that you and I would have a copy of the scriptures that we
23:21 can freely read tonight. If they weren't willing to make those kinds of sacrifices, we
23:25 wouldn't be having this seminar. At the council of Nicea, after the persecution is finished in
23:32 325 A.D., history tells us that every single delegate, every single Christian delegate who
23:38 showed up at that council, was maimed somehow. Eye missing, limb missing, burn marks on
23:44 their body. One of the bloodiest periods of history. But I'm telling you that persecution
23:49 failed to conquer Christianity, because the love of God will always outweigh the force of the
23:55 devil. Love always beats force. It's one of the key differences between the kingdom of God and
24:00 the kingdom of darkness. One is based on love and loyalty and a relationship; the other one is
24:07 built on deception and manipulation and force. They tried to wipe them out, but they
24:15 could not extinguish the light of the gospel. A church father by the name of Tertullian made
24:20 the observation, "The harder they try to wipe us out, the faster the gospel grows." He
24:25 said, "The blood of martyrs is the seed of the church." He said it's like mowing the lawn: every
24:30 time you cut it, it comes back thicker and stronger. Tertullian said, "Every time they kill a
24:35 Christian, there are twenty new ones to take his place." Couldn't extinguish it. Now, the
24:41 big question, why did they hate us? They accepted, the Romans accepted every religion under
24:46 the face of the sun - all of them. Everything else was fine, except for Christianity.
24:51 Starting to sound familiar again. Why the attack on Christians? It's because
24:56 Christians, especially as we get into the 300s, would not acknowledge the Caesar as a god.
25:04 Every other religion just rolled Caesar into their list of gods. "Okay, we can do that." But
25:10 Christians only have one God. Nobody really believed the Caesar was a god. Nobody really
25:16 did, especially those who went to school with him as a kid, right? Like, "He's not a god."
25:20 But symbolically, he represented the unity and the safety of an empire. If you have a massive
25:26 empire full of conquered people, you have to have something that holds it together. And so they
25:30 said the Caesar was the embodiment of Roma, the goddess of Rome. So you could believe
25:35 whatever you wanted to believe. You could do whatever you wanted to do, but the Romans didn't
25:38 want anything that would threaten that unity. So all you had to do was show up once a
25:42 year, offer a pinch of incense to the emperor. That's it. That's it. And under one
25:48 emperor, they even issued a certificate to prove that you'd done it. Here's your
25:52 certificate. Only one group was exempt: it was the Jews, because they were considered a state
25:59 religion and they had helped Julius Caesar once upon a time, and he's given them all sorts of
26:03 legal protections. All they had to do was offer to pray for the emperor. And in the beginning,
26:07 they figured Christians were just another Jewish sect. But as it became obvious that there was
26:12 a rift forming between them and it was different, the Christians didn't have a state religion,
26:16 and they didn't fall under the protection, so they had no exemption to offering incense to
26:21 the emperor. None at all. And it was worse than that. They're considered a problem because
26:26 they just don't fit into the culture, right? They didn't want to go to the hospital half the
26:31 time, the Christians, because if the hospital was dedicated to Aesculapius, Asclepius,
26:36 depending on how you spell and pronounce it - he was the snake god. He was the one in charge of
26:42 health and recovery. It's actually the reason we still have a symbol on medical
26:46 buildings that's sort of a stick with a snake twined around it. Some people say, "Isn't that
26:50 from Moses?" No, no, it's from the Romans. Now, perfectly safe to go to your doctor. He's not
26:55 going to do what happened in the Roman hospital. I don't want you to get too uptight. But back in
27:00 those days, the priest of Asclepius, the serpent god, would actually come into your
27:04 room and involve you in a religious rite. And Christians didn't feel comfortable with
27:09 that. They weren't comfortable in the Roman schools because the Roman schools taught every god
27:14 but the true One, and they actually taught alternate theories of where the human race
27:19 comes from. Christians weren't comfortable with the entertainment of the day in the
27:23 Roman empire. Why? Because it was immoral and it was violent and they didn't want to
27:28 participate. When the Romans put on a play and it called for a death scene, they went down to
27:32 the jail and got a condemned criminal, and they actually slayed the criminal on the stage
27:38 so the art would be very realistic. We roll our eyes, "Oh, that is so barbaric. They
27:44 only did it that way because they didn't have our computer graphics." We do it too. The
27:50 Christians stuck out like a sore thumb. Rumours started to spread. "You know they're
27:55 cannibals. They eat flesh and drink blood. We heard they eat the body and drink the blood."
28:00 Took the communion service, blew it out of proportion. "They're incestuous. They call each other
28:05 'brother' and 'sister' but they have agape love feasts. They meet in secret. What really goes
28:11 on there?" Well, they had to meet in secret; they were being persecuted. Eventually everybody
28:15 hates the Christians. It's the period of the red horse. It comes to a peak in 303 A.D. when
28:20 Diocletian, the emperor, is goaded on by his junior emperor Galerius to ban Christianity in
28:27 the empire. They're all of a sudden dismissed from their jobs in the civil service and in the
28:31 army everywhere and they're persecuted. It's the red horse. But it doesn't last forever.
28:36 Revelation 6 verse 5: "When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say,
28:41 'Come and see.' So I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of
28:47 scales in his hand." The guy on this horse has scales. He's measuring something out. What is
28:52 it? Well, this is one of the passages in the Bible that makes me squirm as a Christian because
28:57 it tells the truth about our history. Here it comes. Verse 6: "And I heard a voice in the
29:03 midst of the four living creatures saying, 'A quart of wheat for a denarius [that's a
29:07 day's wages]. Three quarts of barley for a denarius. Do not harm the oil and the wine.'"
29:14 This moves us into the next period of history, and this is a remarkable story. Something
29:19 takes place just outside the city of Rome. Diocletian, the persecutor, he retires in 305
29:25 A.D., but he leaves behind a system with four emperors: two senior ones, east and west, and
29:30 junior ones, east and west. And he retires. He goes - he's one of the first to ever go into
29:36 retirement. And the four emperors start to fight. They fight it out. And suddenly,
29:41 there's a fifth emperor, because a guy who felt displaced - his name was Maxentius - his dad had
29:46 been an emperor, but he got overlooked, so he went to Rome and he talked the senate into
29:50 making him an emperor. And the senate was thrilled because they hadn't declared an emperor in
29:54 generations. The army always did it. "Yeah, we'll help." So now he's the fifth emperor.
29:59 Constantine is one of the genuine ones. He's living up in northern Europe - Britain, Gaul,
30:06 modern-day France - and he finds out about Maxentius. He has to deal with it, so he comes riding
30:11 into town, and he's going to take Maxentius out of Rome. And everybody in Rome is nervous.
30:16 "Constantine's a great warrior. We don't really know how good Maxentius is. And Constantine's
30:22 coming," and everybody's getting nervous. And Maxentius tries to call everybody down. So, like
30:27 Belshazzar, he throws a party. He does. He has games. "Let's have chariot races," and so
30:33 there's a chariot race. Now, Maxentius was hiding inside the city. He didn't want to go out
30:38 in the field and fight. He knew if he hid inside, the city was nice and strong. Constantine
30:42 sent people into the games. They were sitting in the audience. And after one race was done,
30:47 somebody yells out, "Hey, Maxentius, you're a big old chicken, aren't you?" That's my
30:50 modern translation of what they actually said. "You're a coward. You won't go out and fight him."
30:57 Another one says, "Yeah, that's true. You're a coward." It goes viral all over the stadium. Now
31:01 he's gotta go out and fight. So he goes to the soothsayers, says, "Are there anything in the
31:06 old Roman books about this?" And they look and they say, "Ooh, we have a prophecy. The enemy of
31:11 Rome is going to die tomorrow." "Oh good, Constantine's going to die tomorrow." Boosts
31:15 everybody's spirits. Somebody runs outside the city to Constantine. "Hey, they got a
31:19 prophecy, says that they're going to win." And Constantine's soldiers are down in the mouth
31:24 now. "Oh, ah, and here we are, attacking the eternal city. Rome, it's like attacking your
31:31 mom, and they've got a prophecy. We're going to lose." Constantine says, "I've gotta
31:34 come up with a sign too. We need something." So he gives them a sign. He gives them the Chi-Rho.
31:40 It's the letter X, C. It's like our C-H in - letter R. It looks like a P, but it's like the
31:46 letter R. The first two letters in the Latin word for victory, "chrestus," but it's also the
31:50 first two letters in the name of Jesus, "christus." Constantine's mom was a Christian. Constantine
31:59 was not. They go to war the next day, October 28. Constantine wins. Fascinating
32:04 story - but we don't have all night - about how it happens. He credits the Christian God for
32:09 the victory. He says, "Look at that. I had all the soldiers paint that sign on their
32:12 shields, and we won. The Christian God must be real." Actually, about a decade later,
32:18 he embellishes the story. He's at a party celebrating his reign, and he says, "Actually,
32:22 what actually happened, I saw that sign superimposed on the sun, and I heard a voice saying,
32:27 'Go conquer in the sign of the cross.'" "God told me to take Rome in the name of the cross."
32:32 And he - nominally, he converts to Christianity. Nominally, because he refuses to get
32:36 baptized until he's on his deathbed. He won't do it, and he still murders some of the
32:40 members of his family. But nominally, he converts. And he gives the Lateran Palace to the
32:45 bishop of Rome. "Here's a gift for you." He'd been living in a shack on the other side of the
32:49 Tiber River right up to that point. He builds a basilica to Saint Peter on the Vatican
32:54 Mountain. The first Saint Peter's Basilica. The pillars of that are still down in the
32:58 basement of the modern Saint Peter's, which was built in the 1500s. From this point on,
33:04 Constantine tries to make the entire empire Christian, or he pushes it that way. He meets
33:09 with Diocletian, who comes back out of retirement, and in 313 A.D., they issue the edict of
33:15 Milan, and the persecution stops. They give all the lands and buildings back to the
33:20 Christians. Now Christianity is popular. And for the first time, people are seeking
33:25 positions in the Christian church, not because they love Jesus, but because of the
33:29 prestige it gives them in the city of Rome and across the Roman empire. There's even -
33:34 there is even one story - we're not sure if it's entirely true - where Constantine takes some of
33:39 his soldiers - it does illustrate the spirit of the time - he marches his soldiers
33:43 through the Tiber River, and they come out the other side dripping wet, and he says,
33:47 "There, now you're all baptized Christians." You know what you get if you march a hundred
33:52 pagans through a river, right? You get wet pagans, that's what you get, because you can't
33:57 choose Jesus for somebody else. You know what happens in the church? People are joining
34:03 because there are benefits, social benefits. You can climb the social ladder faster if you
34:07 join the church. So some people are starting to join it, but they don't really mean it. But
34:12 you also have people that mean it. They love Jesus. They want to live a Biblical Christianity.
34:16 And you get this uncomfortable mix in the church. Some are sincere, others are not. A
34:22 blend. And what happens is, that some of the passion that happened in the early church to
34:26 make it go and conquer the world, begins to disappear because now for the very first
34:32 time, Christians are comfortable. And a comfortable Christianity is never really a
34:35 good thing. Something begins to happen as the years go by. The church begins to fight inside of
34:41 itself. People who are part of the new, comfortable Christianity actually start to
34:46 resent people who try to live by the dictates of the Bible alone. And the people who want to
34:51 follow the Bible are pushed to the margins of Christianity. And in Constantine's world,
34:56 eventually, if you differed with the official version that he came up with - you refused to
35:00 participate in compromise - it led to big problems. And we face a period of history where the
35:05 church stops changing the world, and now the world starts changing the church. And the
35:10 worst part, we actually started killing each other as Christians over differences of opinion. We
35:15 actually started persecuting each other. And where in the world did we learn to persecute
35:20 each other? From Jesus? Jesus ever run a torture chamber for people who disagreed? We didn't
35:28 learn it from the scriptures; we learned it from the Romans. We actually brought Roman-style
35:34 politics right into our faith. And God warned us in more than one prophecy that it was going
35:39 to happen. You'll see more of them as we move along. And then as years went by, we did
35:44 something absolutely despicable, and it's still going on today. Still happening. I'm ashamed to
35:49 say, there's a lot of it right here in America. We started selling the gospel. The Bible
35:56 said this rider would have something for sale. What is it? It's food. It's food. And what
36:01 is food? Jesus said, "I am the bread of life. I am the living water. I have food to eat of
36:06 which you do not know." We began to sell religion. But the gospel, I am telling you
36:11 tonight, is free. Jesus paid for your salvation. You don't have to buy it; He paid for it for
36:16 you. But what we have done as Christians is we started selling salvation, and it is still going
36:21 on today, and I've got to say, I am ashamed of the way some of my fellow ministers behave on TV,
36:27 selling the gospel. Jesus is not for sale. And I get it: you gotta pay the bills. I
36:34 understand that you can't just give everything away for free all the - I understand all that.
36:38 But nobody has any business ever getting rich on the gospel of Jesus Christ. You don't have any
36:45 business doing that. As we headed into the Dark Ages, we actually cut off access to the
36:53 Word of God. This amount, a measure of wheat, it's barely enough to stay alive. You could
36:58 not feed a family on it. And that was what was for sale for a day's wages. It's not the last
37:05 horse. "When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature
37:09 saying, 'Come and see.' So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who
37:15 sat on it was death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of
37:21 the earth to kill with the sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the field."
37:26 Black horse was bad news. Pale horse is worse news. I remember my brother once hit his thumb
37:34 with a hammer. Bam. I laughed, he didn't. And he came inside. My mom was an ER nurse. She
37:47 said, "I can fix that for you." "What are you going to do, Mom?" "You'll see." She began to heat
37:53 up a paper clip on the stove, 'cause there was a lot of blood behind that thumbnail. And she
38:00 put my brother's thumb on the counter, and she told the biggest lie in medical history:
38:06 "This won't hurt a bit." Psshh, she pushed that through. He kicked the cupboard and said
38:13 something that wasn't Christian. Then it turned black. And it was okay eventually. Black's okay.
38:23 If it goes pale, you got a problem. It's dead. After a lot of compromise, we slip into the
38:33 depths of the Dark Ages as Christians. Let's just own our history. We may as well admit
38:37 it; atheists make fun of us because of it. Let's own it. In the Dark Ages, classical
38:43 learning mostly gone, but more importantly, the gospel is mostly gone. People stop reading
38:47 the Bible. Missions come to a grinding halt, and we replace missions with war. We build the
38:53 church by conquering each other. Sharing Jesus stops. It's a horrible time. There's
38:58 widespread ignorance of the Word of God. We don't know our message anymore, we don't know
39:02 our mission, and we don't have our passion. There were always faithful Christians, like a
39:07 group up in northern Italy, the Waldensians. They still exist today. I stay in their guest
39:11 house whenever I'm in Italy. They spent the Dark Ages copying the scriptures by hand and
39:16 sewing them into their clothes and going out on foot and secretly handing them out all
39:21 over Europe. But when the rest of us found out about them, we started to kill them off. We
39:28 herded them into a cave and lit it on fire. We drove them off a cliff at Tori Palice [ph]. It
39:37 was a dark time. Much of Christianity was still dead. And Bible prophecy is honest about
39:43 what we would do. God showed it in advance. We persecuted each other. You know, so often, we
39:50 want to take the Bible and measure other people with it. "Ooh, look, you don't live up to
39:54 this." The truth in Bible prophecy is, God holds the Bible up to us in advance and says,
39:59 "Are you going to live up to this?" We need to look at ourselves. Fourth horse. Doesn't
40:05 last forever, though. Revelation 6 verse 9, now there's a fifth seal. And here's where
40:11 Christians are remiss sometimes. They read about the four horsemen and they stop, but the
40:14 four horsemen are four seals of seven. It's not the whole story. We're done with the horses now,
40:21 but there's a fifth seal that shows us how desperate the situation actually becomes.
40:26 "When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for
40:30 the Word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice,
40:34 saying, ' How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who
40:39 dwell on the earth?'" God sees the situation; He hears the cries of His people. You ever
40:47 wondered, "Does God hear my pain?" Yes, He does. I know He does. Psalm 56: "You number my
40:53 wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle; are they not in Your book?" Not one tear you've
41:00 shed, He hasn't seen, not one sleepless night. And God has a promise: His kingdom is coming
41:05 and He's going to make it right. And under the fifth seal, He starts making it right. People
41:09 start standing up for the truth. Suddenly, towards the end of the 1400s, the printing press is
41:13 invented, and the first thing that rolls off the printing press is the Bible. It is the
41:18 Word of God. And brave people begin to recapture the spirit of the early church. And you've got
41:23 the Wycliffes and the Tyndales standing up with the gospel again. And that moves us down
41:29 through the 1500s and the 1600s and it takes us to the sixth seal. And I want you to follow
41:36 me very, very carefully, because now in history, we've come down to roughly the seventeen
41:42 hundreds. "I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great
41:48 earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. And
41:55 the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a
42:01 mighty wind."
42:04 It mentions a bunch of stuff. An earthquake. Sun goes dark, moon turns red, and the stars fall.
42:13 Those are very important. Our generation keeps looking for that. "Ooh, that's going to
42:17 happen at some point." Former generations knew exactly what this meant. Those events are
42:25 given in a very specific order: a great earthquake, the sun goes dark, the moon turns red, and
42:30 the stars fell from heaven. That order is exactly how you find it every time they're mentioned.
42:36 Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21. It's always in that order. Those are parallel chapters. Back in
42:43 Joel chapter 2, mentioned in the same order. And why are they always mentioned in the same
42:48 order? Because that is exactly what happened. Now, I want to show you some history that your
42:55 great, great, great grandparents absolutely knew. Go back and read what they wrote. Go back
43:02 and read it. For some reason, in the last few generations, we have stopped talking about what
43:07 we're about to see. It's just gone off the radar, and that should raise some flags in our
43:12 mind. That ought to ring an alarm bell. 1755, right on schedule, we come out of that
43:17 period of reformation. 1755, suddenly, there is an earthquake in the city of Lisbon - one of
43:24 the greatest earthquakes in history to that point. Certainly, one of the most
43:27 devastating. And it is an event that absolutely gets the whole world's attention. It levels the
43:32 city of Lisbon, but it also levels cities over in North Africa. It was felt in
43:37 Strasbourg, 1100 miles away. It disturbed the rivers and lakes in Scandinavia and caused tidal
43:42 waves across the ocean in the Caribbean. It was huge. It shook the city to the core. It wiped
43:51 Lisbon out. I've been there. They still, two hundred and fifty years later, have not
43:54 finished repairing all the damage. There is still damage you can see to this day. And
43:59 this is an earthquake that people talked about all over the world. And when you go back and
44:05 read what they wrote about it, they said, "Ooh, this is right on schedule. This is what we've
44:10 been waiting for in Revelation chapter 6." A sign from God. Churches in Lisbon still don't
44:17 have roofs back on them, to this day. This one, they turned into a garden. There's another one
44:22 down the road they still worship in, but there are still cracks in the wall and they still
44:25 haven't finished repairing it. A friend of mine, just before he died, went to a library up in
44:31 Canada - in Canada - in Newfoundland - and he found this record of this event, in Canada.
44:38 Gosling Memorial Library. "I've been informed by several respectable individuals that at
44:43 the time of the great earthquake in Lisbon, in 1755, the effects were felt at Bonavista. The sea
44:49 retired and left the bed of the harbour dry for the space of ten minutes." In Canada, the harbour
44:54 empties. Water's gone. This was huge. The world noticed it. Go back, please, and see what the
45:02 preachers of the day said. They all knew it was coming, and they all saw it as a sign. They all
45:07 knew it fit Revelation chapter 6, but for some reason, we don't talk about it anymore. Now, you
45:14 remember what comes next after the earthquake? Sun goes black. Has it happened? Yeah,
45:19 absolutely. May 1780, in the middle of the day, suddenly, the sun goes out. Goes out. The sun
45:25 turns dark. We have no idea to this day what actually caused it. In the middle of the day,
45:30 the animals come home, suddenly. Middle of the afternoon. They say it was so dark that you
45:34 could not see a sheet of paper held out at arm's length. In Connecticut, go and read the
45:39 legislative record. The state assembly stopped their business, grew afraid, and people stood up
45:45 and started screaming, "This is it! It's the end of the world." It was a huge event, the dark
45:50 day of 1780. Got people's attention. The poet John Greenleaf Whittier, was so moved
45:56 by it, he wrote: "The low hung sky was black with ominous clouds." "Birds ceased to sing
46:04 and all the barnyard fowls roosted. The cattle at the pasture bars lowed and looked
46:10 homeward; bats on leathern wings flitted abroad. The sounds of labour died. Men prayed and
46:16 women wept. All ears grew sharp to hear the doom-blast of the trumpet shatter the black sky.
46:23 Meanwhile in the old State House, dim as ghosts sat the lawgivers of Connecticut,
46:27 trembling beneath their legislative robes." "'It is the Lord's Great Day! Let us
46:33 adjourn,' someone said. Then, as if with one accord, all eyes were turned to Abraham
46:38 Davenport. He rose, slowly cleaving with his steady voice the intolerable hush. 'This well
46:46 may be the day of judgement which the world awaits. Be it so or not, I only know my present
46:51 duty, and my Lord's command to occupy 'til He comes.'" "'So at the post where He has set me in
46:57 His providence, I choose, for one, to meet Him face to face, no faithless servant frightened
47:02 from my task, but ready when the Lord of harvest calls. And therefore, with all reverence, I
47:07 would say, "Let God do His work, we will see to ours." Bring in the candles.'" This was huge.
47:16 Our forefathers in the faith knew about it. To this day, we don't really know what caused
47:24 it. Some people say, "Ooh, it must've been a big fire in Algonquin Park up in Ontario."
47:28 We don't really know. What really matters is that it happened. Sir William Herschel,
47:35 the astronomer, described it. "The Dark Day in North America is one of those wonderful
47:40 phenomena which will always be read of with interest, but which philosophy is at a loss to
47:43 explain." That might be true. The philosophers can't explain it, but the Bible explained it
47:49 before it happened. First sign happens in the old world; next signs happens in the new world.
47:57 Had such an impact, people panicked. They thought it was the second coming. Ah, the sky
48:04 went dark. What's supposed to go along with that? Moon turns to blood. New York State newspaper
48:11 reported on it. "We have seen the Dark Day, and although I didn't see it [the reporter
48:15 didn't see it], I was informed that the moon looked like blood the following night." They all
48:19 said that. Moon was blood the next night. But then listen to what he says next. It
48:26 demonstrates that our ancestors knew this stuff. He says, "It seems to me the next sign should
48:32 be the falling of the stars." How could he say that? It's because they all knew this
48:38 stuff. They all used to read it. They knew Revelation chapter 6. Our grandparents and
48:42 great-great-great-great grandparents, they used to study this passage, and they knew
48:46 exactly what to expect. Did the stars start falling? Yeah, they did. November 13, 1833, Leonid
48:55 meteor shower. "Oh, meteor shower? The Leonids come every year." I know, because every
49:00 year, I go outside and watch them. They're pretty impressive. They come every November. I go
49:04 outside and watch them. Up in Canada, you have to lay in the frost and watch them, and
49:08 they're pretty impressive. I've seen as many as two or three every minute. Pretty impressive.
49:14 November 18, 1833, there were 4,166 every minute. There were 250,000, on average, every hour.
49:24 It go so bright, that at 2:00 in the morning, people started waking up because they thought
49:28 it was daylight. That's how many - they described it like a snowstorm. Samuel Rogers was
49:33 there. "Some one, on looking out of the window, observed that it was almost broad daylight. 'That
49:37 can not be,' another answered, 'for it is scarcely three o'clock.' 'I can't help what the
49:42 clock says,' replied the first speaker. 'My eyes can not deceive me; it is almost broad
49:47 daylight - look for yourselves.' I heard one of the children cry out, in a voice expressive of
49:52 alarm, 'Come to the door, Father. The world is surely coming to an end.'" "Another
49:57 exclaimed: 'See! The whole heavens are on fire! All the stars are falling!' These cries
50:01 brought us all into the open yard to gaze upon the grandest and most beautiful scene my eyes
50:05 have ever beheld. It did appear as if every star had left its moorings, and was drifting
50:10 rapidly in a westerly direction, leaving behind a track of light which remained visible for
50:14 several seconds." You know who else saw this? Abraham Lincoln saw it. It was in Sky and
50:22 Telescope magazine, November 1999. He was staying, as a young man, at the Presbyterian
50:27 deacon's house, and he reported, "One night, I was roused from my sleep by a rap at the door, and
50:32 I heard the deacon's voice excaliming, 'Arise, Abraham, the day of judgement has come.' I
50:40 sprang from my bed, rushed to the window, saw the stars falling in great showers!" The
50:46 impact was incredible. People began repenting of their sins publicly. Go back, read the
50:52 papers of the day. They took out ads in the paper. "Please come to my store, get your money
50:56 back. I've been cheating everybody." They knew it. These events happened on a massive
51:08 scale. People talked about them all over the world. They happened in exactly the places
51:12 where the second and first Great Awakenings were taking place, and people were now studying the
51:16 prophecies, and they would see it. Most importantly, they happened right on schedule,
51:21 exactly in the timeline where they were supposed to happen. Everybody knew what it was. And
51:31 you know what that means? The first six seals are already done. Seal number seven. "Then
51:43 the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved
51:47 out of its place. And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the
51:52 mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of
51:58 the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks, 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him
52:03 Who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come;
52:09 who is able to stand?'" Imagine being afraid of a lamb. It doesn't say they're afraid of
52:20 the lion. What's interesting is they recognize him. They know. They waited. They know Who it
52:27 is. Now they're afraid of a lamb. Nobody's afraid of a lamb. God is underlining how senseless
52:34 it is to be lost. Some people never make up their minds, and now He comes. They know Who He
52:41 is, but they don't know Him as a friend. The seventh seal is opened. The Lamb opens it.
52:50 Revelation 8 verse 1: "When He had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven
52:56 about the space of half an hour." Why would there be silence in heaven? It's because
53:05 nobody's there. How do I know? Jesus said, "When the Son of Man shall come in His glory, and all
53:15 the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory." Heaven falls silent,
53:24 probably for the first time since the crucifixion of Christ. And the reason it's silent is
53:29 because all of heaven is interested in you coming home. And they all say, "We're going
53:34 with you, Jesus," and all the angels come here to get us. It's really going to come. We are
53:44 really this close. Do you know why God gives us prophecy? I used to live way up north on the
53:55 Alaska highway. It's why your Minneapolis winter doesn't frighten me much. And I remember
54:03 there were times I would have to drive between cities. And up there, I lived in a district I
54:08 had to service - it took fifteen hours to drive across it. It's huge country. And sometimes, in
54:14 the middle of the night, there'd be a snowstorm so bad, that I couldn't see the road in front
54:18 of me. Worse than that, I couldn't see where the road ended and the forest and the
54:22 fields began. I couldn't see anything. And so I would crawl along, white-knuckled, sweat on
54:29 my forehead. "Oh, please, God, don't let me go off the road." Maybe that describes your life.
54:39 White-knuckled. Hanging on, hoping you make it. I would drive, it would go on forever,
54:50 and suddenly, I would see it: a radio tower with a red beacon on top. Boop. I could see it, red
54:57 light. Doop. I'd think, "That's it, I'm two-thirds of the way. I am two-thirds of the way home.
55:03 And I know the next thing I'm going to see, just around the next corner, I'm going to see
55:07 the glow of my town on the horizon." And I'd go around the corner, and there it was. And I
55:15 would be home any minute. So here we are in this life, hanging on with white knuckles,
55:22 "Please, God, how much further?" "How much further?" So God turns on all kinds of lights. First
55:39 seal. Second seal. So you know when we're almost home. Let me ask you, everything indicates
56:01 we're running out of time. We're right on the edge of eternity. Are you ready for Jesus to come?
56:09 There's a heartbeat until Jesus comes. We're that close. When the Lamb comes, is He your
56:20 friend? If it's your determination to have Jesus as a friend, I'd invite you to stand
56:27 as we close in prayer. Oh, Father in heaven, we can see tonight that You have not left
56:40 this earth unattended for even a moment. And here we are, in the last hours, and we see Jesus and
56:53 we love Him, because He first loved us. We can't wait to see the eastern sky light up. We
57:03 cannot wait to see You face to face, as You come with every angel. Lord, we're standing to
57:13 say, our hearts belong to You. We accept the gift of Christ. We believe that You forgive our
57:22 sins, and we are ready to go home. And we thank You for Your love, in the name of Jesus,
57:30 amen.
57:34 >>Announcer: Today you have watched just one in a series of "Revelation Speaks Peace"
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58:11 Revelation Speaks Peace series from the Voice of Prophecy. 24 powerful episodes on DVD. Pastor
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Revised 2016-07-12