Revelation's Seven Trumpets

Lesson 1 - Introductory Matters Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: RST

Program Code: RST000002S

00:06 [brooding music]
00:13 - All right. We are going to continue on page 13
00:17 of our study notes. The subtitle is, "The Relationship
00:22 Between the Seals and the Trumpets." We can do
00:28 this pretty quickly. On the left-hand column,
00:30 you have the seals; on the right-hand column,
00:32 you have the trumpets. They follow the same
00:35 basic pattern, and also time frame. You notice
00:40 on the left-hand side, the first four horses-
00:44 the right-hand side, the first four trumpets.
00:46 Then, you have the fifth and sixth seals on the
00:50 left-hand side, and then the fifth and sixth trumpets...
00:54 And the fifth and sixth trumpets-remember this-
00:57 are the first and second trumpet woes. There are
01:00 three woes. So in other words, the fifth trumpet
01:03 is the first woe, the sixth trumpet is the
01:06 second woe, and the seventh trumpet is the
01:10 third woe. We'll come back to that a little bit
01:12 later on. And then, interestingly enough,
01:15 in the seals after the fifth and sixth seals,
01:18 you have an interlude. Revelation 7: "the sealing
01:21 of the 144,000." So, it interrupts the flow.
01:25 And then, after the fifth and sixth trumpets,
01:27 you also have an interlude. That interlude is in Revelation
01:31 10 and 11. Revelation 10 has the little book episode,
01:36 which takes place in 1844, and Revelation
01:39 11 deals with, primarily, the French Revolution.
01:42 So, you have an interlude after the fifth and sixth,
01:46 both in the seals and in the trumpets. And
01:49 then, you have the seventh seal, which is silence in
01:53 heaven for the space of about half an hour.
01:57 We dealt with that in the seals, but I might
01:59 just mention that the silence in heaven is
02:04 clearly defined by Ellen White in the book Great
02:06 Controversy. She says, "As Jesus is descending
02:09 from heaven, the righteous cry out, 'Who shall be able
02:14 to stand?'" And then Ellen White says that
02:17 there's a period of terrible silence in heaven. And then,
02:21 the voice is heard, "My grace is sufficient
02:24 for you." So, the silence in heaven is the second
02:27 coming of Christ. And, the seventh trumpet is
02:31 also what? It's also the second coming of Christ
02:34 and Jesus' taking over the kingdoms of the world.
02:38 So, do you see the parallel? Between the seals and
02:42 the trumpets? Now, let's notice at the top of page
02:46 14, in the historical half of Revelation,
02:50 which is Revelation 1 through 11, the sixth
02:53 item in each series deals with the beginning
02:57 of an investigative judgment in 1844.
03:00 In other words, churches, seals, trumpets-when you
03:03 get to #6, it describes the beginning of the
03:06 judgment in 1844. And here you have sub points:
03:11 "The sixth church,"-if you read-"the Church
03:14 of Philadelphia, God places before the Church
03:17 of Philadelphia an open door." Where does that
03:19 open door lead to? It leads to the most holy
03:23 place of the heavenly sanctuary. The sixth
03:26 seal- you have signs in the heavens and on
03:30 earth: a great earthquake, you have signs in the sun,
03:33 moon, and stars... Those signs are actually an
03:36 announcement that the judgment is about to begin
03:39 in 1844. You would have to go to the study notes
03:44 on the seals to get a full picture of that.
03:48 And then the sixth trumpet is the little book episode,
03:51 which deals, once again, with what? With 1844.
03:56 The little book is opened, and time will be no longer-
04:00 there's no more prophetic time because 1844 is the
04:02 last date that you have on God's prophetic calendar.
04:05 So basically, when you get to #6 in the series
04:10 of the churches, seals, and trumpets, it always
04:13 deals with the beginning of the heavenly judgment
04:16 in 1844. Now, there's a very important link
04:21 between Revelation chapter 9 verse 14 and 16, which
04:25 is the sixth trumpet, and Revelation 7:1-3,
04:30 which is a parenthesis in the sixth seal. You
04:34 say, "Well, what is the relationship or the link
04:36 between Revelation 9:14 & 16, which is the sixth trumpet,
04:41 and Revelation 7:1-3, which is a parenthesis in
04:46 the sixth seal?" In both, there is a binding and
04:49 loosing relating to four angels. We're gonna study
04:53 this. Just keep this in mind for now. We're introducing
04:55 these things; we're gonna come back and study
04:58 them more fully later on. In both of these
05:01 passages, you have a binding and loosing
05:03 relating to four angels. And also, in both of them,
05:08 there is a numbering of people. That makes us
05:12 see that there's a link between Revelation 7:1-3,
05:16 which is a parenthesis in the sixth seal, and
05:19 Revelation 9:14 & 16, which is describing the
05:23 sixth trumpet. Revelation 7:1-3 describes the
05:28 numbering of God's people, while Revelation 9:14-16
05:33 describes the numbering of their evil counterparts.
05:38 Revelation 9:16 and 7:4 are the o- this is also
05:43 another link-are the only places in Revelation where
05:47 you have the expression, "And I heard the number."
05:51 So, there's a link between the sealing in Revelation
05:54 7 and the numbering that we have in the sixth
05:58 trumpet in Revelation chapter 9. Is that clear?
06:03 Yes? [Yes.] Good. [chuckles] If the door of probation
06:07 is open during the period of the sixth trumpet and
06:10 closes when the seventh is about to sound, then
06:13 the sixth trumpet is the exact historical counterpart
06:16 of Revelation 7:1-8, which describes the sealing.
06:22 Now, let's take a look at the relationship between
06:25 the trumpets and the plagues. There are seven
06:28 trumpets, and then in Revelation 16 you have
06:32 seven plagues. What relationship is there
06:33 between them? Well, when you look at the seven trumpets
06:36 and the seven plagues, you'll notice that they
06:38 afflict the same things. The first trumpet and the
06:42 first plague afflict the earth. The second trumpet
06:45 and plague afflict the sea. The third trumpet and plague
06:49 affect the rivers and fountains of waters.
06:52 The fourth trumpet and plague afflict heavenly
06:55 bodies. The fifth trumpet and plague, the heavenly
06:58 bodies, are darkened. The sixth trumpet and
07:01 plague, there's a mention of the Euphrates. That's
07:05 very significant. And the seventh trumpet and
07:08 plague, you have in both of them a possessing of
07:11 the kingdom. So, is there a certain relationship
07:15 between the trumpets and the plagues? Absolutely,
07:18 because they afflict the identical things.
07:21 Now, let's take a look more closely at this.
07:25 The evidence seems to indicate that the trumpets
07:30 represent preliminary and partial judgments
07:34 that fell upon the oppressors of God's people beginning
07:38 with the destruction of Jerusalem. Did the Jews
07:42 oppress the Christians? Did they condemn Christ
07:47 to the cross? [Yes.] Absolutely. So, this
07:51 is important. The trumpets are partial and preliminary
07:55 judgments that fall on the oppressors of God's
07:58 people, and the first trumpet would be the
08:00 destruction of Jerusalem, and the ending with the
08:05 setting up of Christ's everlasting kingdom
08:07 after God's people are persecuted in the end
08:10 time. The fact that the trumpets fall only on
08:14 thirds-and we'll study this more fully as we
08:16 go along-the fact that the trumpets only fall
08:19 on thirds, and not on the totality, indicates that
08:25 the trumpet judgments are what? Preliminary and
08:28 partial. The trumpet series indicates that
08:32 repentance during the blowing of the trumpets
08:35 is possible. Is repentance possible when the plagues
08:38 are falling? No. The plagues fall after the
08:41 close of probation. So, is the door of probation
08:45 open during the trumpets? Absolutely! We'll see that
08:48 very clearly. We'll continue here. The plagues, on
08:52 the other hand, describe final and total judgments
08:56 of God upon end-time Babylon after the close
09:01 of probation. We can see the irrevocable
09:04 nature of the plagues by the use of the expression,
09:08 "In them, the wrath of God is complete." That's
09:12 in Revelation chapter 15 and verse 1, by
09:14 the way, that expression. So, does that sound pretty
09:17 definitive? "In them, the wrath of God is
09:20 complete"? Or full, is a better translation.
09:23 Each plague is God's judgment upon some
09:26 particular sin that Babylon has committed. The plagues
09:31 are retributive in character and not remedial.
09:36 Repentance is not possible once the plagues begin
09:41 to fall. A careful study of the trumpets and
09:44 the plagues reveals that the trumpet judgments
09:48 foreshadow the plague judgments. In other words,
09:51 the trumpets are the type, and the plagues
09:55 are the antitype-a broader judgment. In other words,
10:00 the trumpets describe local judgments, whereas
10:03 the plagues describe global judgments.
10:06 That is to say the trumpets are the type, and the
10:09 plagues are the antitype. This is the reason for
10:12 the following statement by Ellen White. This one
10:14 statement is taken by individuals to say that
10:18 the trumpets are future. And Ellen White doesn't
10:22 even mention seven trumpets; she says,
10:24 "Trumpet after trumpet will sound, and plague
10:26 after plague will fall." Notice the statement:
10:29 "The Battle of Armageddon will be fought, and that
10:32 day must find none of us sleeping. Wide awake
10:35 we must be, as wise virgins having oil in
10:38 their vessels with their lamps. The power of the
10:40 Holy Ghost must be upon us, and the captain of
10:43 the Lord's host will stand at the head of the angels
10:45 of heaven to direct the battle. Solemn events
10:52 before us are yet to transpire. Trumpet after
10:55 trumpet is to be sounded. Vial after vial, poured
11:00 out, one after another upon the inhabitants
11:03 of the earth." Now, when we get to the
11:06 meaning of blowing the trumpet, we'll understand
11:09 what Ellen White is referring to. The blowing
11:11 of the trumpet is the announcement of a
11:13 judgment. Now, let's take a look at the meaning
11:15 of the trumpets. Trumpets are used in many contexts
11:20 in the Old and New Testaments. They are used in the
11:23 context of worship, in the context of the sanctuary,
11:28 in the context of judgment- I would suggest that you
11:30 look up in the concordance the word 'trumpet'. It'll
11:33 be an eye-opening experience. There's a lot of information
11:36 on that. In the case of Revelation's seven
11:39 trumpets, it is clear as we will see that
11:44 the trumpets bear a relationship with the
11:46 idea of what? Judgment. The trumpets are God's
11:50 judgments. The purpose of the feast of trumpets
11:55 was to announce the upcoming Day of Atonement.
11:58 The trumpets that the priests blew-and this is
12:02 a very important context- as they surrounded Jericho...
12:05 What was the purpose of the blowing of those
12:08 trumpets? To announce the doom of what? The
12:12 doom of Jericho! That God was gonna come
12:15 in judgment to punish Jericho. Our study will
12:19 reveal that the blowing of each of the seven
12:21 trumpets brings a judgment against those who have
12:25 oppressed God's people. Now, here is the key
12:28 text to interpret what the blowing of the trumpets
12:32 represents of the seven trumpets: Numbers 10,
12:36 verses 8 and 9. "The sons of Aaron, the priests,
12:42 shall blow the trumpets. And these shall be to
12:46 you as an ordinance forever throughout your
12:49 generations. When you go to war, in your land
12:53 against the enemy who"- what?-"who oppresses
12:57 you, then you shall sound an alarm with the"-
13:01 what?-"with the trumpets." And what will happen
13:04 when the trumpet sounds? Oh! What's gonna happen
13:09 with those who oppress God's people? It says,
13:12 "And you will be"-what?- "remembered before the
13:15 Lord your God, and you will be"-what?-"saved
13:19 from your enemies." Would that be the
13:22 proper context for the trumpets? Yes, because
13:24 the trumpets are describing God's judgments that are
13:27 falling upon those who have oppressed His people.
13:31 These verses indicate that the priests blew the trumpets
13:36 so that God would remember His covenant and save
13:39 Israel from their enemies. The trumpets answer the
13:43 pleas of God's people that God's people utter
13:47 in the seals. You remember the sixth seal that the
13:50 martyrs are crying out onto the altar as they-
13:52 "Until when, O Lord, do you not judge and
13:54 avenge our blood upon those who are shedding
13:57 our blood on the earth?" Remember that? So,
13:59 the trumpets are God's answer to the pleas
14:02 of His people, because they are being oppressed.
14:05 When the wicked oppress God's people, their pleas
14:08 ascend to God-and what does God do? He remembers
14:13 His covenant and sends judgments upon their
14:16 oppressors. In a moment, we're gonna take a look
14:18 at Exodus. The trumpets are God's response to
14:21 the powers that have oppressed and persecuted
14:25 His people. God hears their pleas and answers
14:28 them. Now, we have a very important point in the next
14:33 paragraph. We can better understand the pleas of
14:35 God's people in the context of the Imprecatory
14:38 Psalms. Do you remember that David, many times,
14:41 says, "Destroy my enemies!" He's speaking about
14:44 God intervening to deal with his enemies. Those
14:48 are the Imprecatory Psalms! In these Psalms,
14:50 God's people cry out to God to be faithful
14:53 to His covenant and to deliver them from their
14:57 enemies. In parallel fashion, the seven last
15:00 plagues will have the same moral reason.
15:04 Why does God pour out the seven last plagues?
15:07 Each one has a moral reason. You know why?
15:11 Why does the sun scorch all of the vegetation of the
15:14 earth? Well, because people have worshiped
15:16 on the day of the sun. Why do the waters
15:19 become like blood-the drinking waters? Well,
15:21 Revelation explains this: because they've shed
15:23 your blood, God is giving them blood to drink.
15:27 Serious! Why do the waters of the Euphrates dry up?
15:32 The Euphrates represents multitudes, nations,
15:34 tongues, and peoples, upon which Babylon sits!
15:38 The harlot sits. What has she used her peoples
15:40 for? To persecute God's people! But the waters
15:44 are gonna dry up. What does that mean? That
15:46 God is gonna judge Babylon, he's gonna lead these
15:49 people to withdraw their support from Babylon.
15:51 Are you with me or not? So in other words,
15:53 each plague is a response of God to the oppression
15:57 of His people. So, in parallel fashion, the
16:02 seven last plagues will have the same moral
16:03 reason. God will punish the wicked for oppressing
16:07 His people. Each of the plagues will be a punishment
16:10 of God upon Babylon for some particular sin that
16:13 Babylon has committed against God and His people.
16:17 Now, frequently, God's voice is depicted as the
16:22 sound of a what? As the sound of a trumpet.
16:25 In other words, God is speaking through the
16:28 trumpets, isn't He? Now, we have as examples
16:31 Hebrews chapter 12 verse 19, 1 Corinthians 15:51 & 52,
16:38 "The trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised
16:40 incorruptible," 1 Thessalonians 4:16 & 17, where it says
16:45 the Lord will descend with a shout, with a
16:47 voice of the archangel and with the what?
16:49 With the trumpet of God. And then you have Revelation
16:52 1 verse 10 where it says that when Jesus speaks
16:55 in Revelation 1 verse 10, it sounds like a what?
16:57 It sounds like a trumpet. So, what are the trumpets?
17:01 The trumpets are God's response, God's audible
17:05 response upon the wicked, for oppressing His people.
17:10 Now, Revelation 8-we're at the top of page 17-
17:14 Revelation 8 verses 2-5 seems to refer to two
17:19 distinct altars. The first altar is the Altar of
17:23 Sacrifice. That's where- remember the martyrs?
17:25 They're "crying out until when, Lord; don't you
17:27 judge and avenge our blood upon those who
17:30 are shedding our blood and mistreating us?"
17:33 So, they're actually praying on earth from
17:37 the Altar of Sacrifice. But let's notice the
17:40 next point. That is, the pleas of God's people
17:43 at the Altar of Sacrifice ascend to heaven where
17:47 Jesus ministers where? He ministers at the
17:52 Altar of Incense, right? He receives the prayers
17:55 of His saints at the Altar of Incense. He
17:57 mingles the prayers of His people with the merits
18:00 of His blood-that's the incense. It is in this
18:03 context that we must understand the Imprecatory
18:06 Psalms, which are the Psalms where David
18:09 cries out for justice and God utters His voice
18:12 and provides the justice that David cries out for.
18:16 Four illustrations will help us understand the
18:19 relationship between the oppression of God's
18:23 people by the wicked and God's response.
18:27 What would happen if God didn't respond? It would
18:30 make God look pretty bad, wouldn't it? What are the
18:33 four illustrations? Jesus is the head,
18:37 and what is the church? His body. So let me ask
18:40 you: whoever touches the body, touches what?
18:42 The head! Actually, it's the head that
18:45 feels it. Somebody pricks you with a needle, it's
18:48 your head that feels it. [chuckles] Right? Yeah!
18:56 So, whoever touches your wife is touching whom?
19:02 Is touching the husband; you better believe it.
19:04 So, what does the husband do? If somebody's mistreating
19:06 the wife and she's crying out, what does the husband do?
19:10 "Well, take care of yourself; I'm outta here." [laughter]
19:13 No! The husband says, "Hey, wait a minute!"
19:15 [laughter continues] "Don't you mess with my wife!"
19:18 See? You mess with the head, the head says,
19:21 "Hey, don't mess with my body." Messes with
19:25 the wife, which is the church, Jesus says,
19:29 "Hey! Don't mess with my wife!" Whoever touches
19:33 the sheep touches what? You have David as an
19:36 example. What happened when a bear and a lion
19:38 came against a sheep in David's flock? David
19:42 said, "Hoo, I'm outta here!" Are you kidding?
19:44 He would get up and he would tear the lion and
19:47 the bear apart! Because whoever touched his sheep
19:51 touched him. Are you understanding this a
19:53 little better through these illustrations?
19:55 And in antiquity, lesser kings made covenants
19:58 with greater kings-vassals with sovereigns. The
20:04 trade-off was that if the lesser king promised
20:08 loyalty to the greater king, the greater king
20:11 promised to protect the lesser king. In other words,
20:15 the sovereign would actually protect the
20:18 vassal. Who is the King of Kings? Jesus! And
20:22 what are we? We are vassals of Jesus!
20:25 So, what happens when the wicked come against Christ's
20:28 people? He says, "Hey! They've made a covenant
20:30 with Me!" And so He intervenes to deliver them.
20:35 The Exodus pattern in Scripture illustrates the
20:41 relationship between God and His people.
20:44 The Egyptians oppressed Israel. And what did they
20:47 do when the Egyptians oppressed His people?
20:51 They cried out for God to be what? Faithful!
20:55 To His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
20:58 What did God do in answer? God, in answer, remembered
21:02 His covenant. And what did He do? He poured
21:04 out plagues upon Egypt. Are you seeing the
21:08 connection with the trumpets here? Let's read Exodus 2:23-25.
21:13 Exodus 2:23-25. "Now, it happened in the process
21:18 of time that the king of Egypt died. Then,
21:21 the children of Israel"- what?-"groaned because
21:25 of the bondage, and they"- what?-"cried out! And
21:29 their cry came up to God because of the bondage."
21:33 So what did God do? "God heard their groaning."
21:38 And what did He do? He remembered His what?
21:41 Ah, God remembered His covenant with Abraham,
21:45 with Isaac, and with Jacob. "And God looked
21:48 upon the children of Israel, and God acknowledged
21:51 them." And so, what does God do with the oppressors
21:54 of His people? He pours out plagues upon them.
21:59 Are you understanding the connection with the
22:00 trumpets and what happened in Egypt? Now, there's a
22:04 similar pattern in the seven trumpets. We're at the
22:06 bottom of page 17. God's people cry out to God for
22:10 justice and vengeance from the Altar of Sacrifice on
22:14 the earth. That's Revelation 6:9-11. "God heeds their
22:19 prayer at the Altar of Incense in heaven and
22:22 pours out preliminary judgments against those
22:25 who are oppressing His people." This is much more
22:29 meaningful than just thinking that the first
22:33 four trumpets deal with the barbarian invasions,
22:36 purely political events. The book of Revelation
22:40 is about the relationship between God and His people!
22:43 And God intervening to deliver His people. Not
22:46 about mere political events. While God pours
22:50 out these trumpet judgments, there is mercy. However,
22:55 when probation closes, God will send greater
22:58 scourges, which are the seven last plagues,
23:02 and there will be no opportunity for repentance.
23:07 So far so good? Now, let's look at the chart
23:11 at the top of page 18. This will give you the
23:14 general overview of all the trumpets. And so,
23:19 let's take a look at it so that you're able to
23:23 put the historical context in your mind before we
23:26 actually go into studying each individual trumpet.
23:30 The left-hand side of the chart, you have
23:33 Revelation 8:3 & 4. You have this altar in heaven,
23:39 incense is being offered, and what are God's people
23:42 doing on earth? See at the top-the top line is
23:45 heaven; the bottom line is earth. What are God's
23:47 people doing on earth? They're praying on earth.
23:51 And what's happening with their prayers? Their prayers
23:54 are ascending to heaven, and Jesus is mingling
23:57 the prayers with what? He's mingling the prayers
24:01 of His people with His merits. We're gonna
24:04 talk in a few moments about what the incense
24:06 represents. Does Jesus answer the prayers of
24:10 His people? Yes, He does. The first trumpet is the
24:15 fall of Jerusalem. We're gonna go through each
24:19 one of the trumpets to prove this. The second
24:21 trumpet is the fall of Rome. Yes, the barbarian
24:25 invasions; there is one of them that has to do
24:27 with the barbarian invasions. God punishes Rome because
24:30 Rome has what? Has martyred His people. The third
24:34 trumpet is the defilement of the church, which is
24:38 parallel to the time of Constantine-when
24:42 apostasy entered between 313 and 538. The fourth
24:47 trumpet is the period of papal dominion, the
24:51 1,260 years of papal supremacy. The fifth
24:55 trumpet is the French Revolution. We'll see
24:57 this very clearly. The French Revolution is
25:00 a watershed event in Bible prophecy. The sixth
25:04 trumpet is a gathering of the righteous and
25:08 the wicked. God gathers the righteous; Satan gathers
25:11 the wicked from 1844 to the close of probation.
25:16 And you'll notice under this, Revelation 9:13-20,
25:20 which is the sixth trumpet, describes Satan's gathering
25:24 the wicked. Revelation 10:1 through 11:1 describes
25:28 God's gathering of the righteous. And then,
25:32 the seventh trumpet, shortly before the
25:35 seventh trumpet, you actually have the close
25:38 of probation, and then Jesus comes to take
25:41 over the kingdoms of the world. This is represented
25:46 by, you'll notice at the extreme right-hand-
25:48 at the top, Revelation 8 verse 5, what happens
25:51 with the censer? Once you get to the seventh
25:55 trumpet, the censer is what? Thrown down.
25:59 It means that there is no longer any what?
26:02 No longer any intercession. Is that clear in your mind?
26:06 Does it make sense? You know, it's parallel to
26:09 everything else that we study in Bible prophecy.
26:11 In Daniel and Revelation. Now, let's go to the
26:15 timeline of the trumpets. We're on page 18 of our
26:18 study notes. The first six trumpets describe
26:23 events during probationary time, and probation closes
26:27 when the seventh trumpet is about to sound. So,
26:31 keep this in mind: first six trumpets, probation
26:34 is open, right? The seventh trumpet is
26:37 about to sound, and probation closes.
26:40 Probation closes shortly before the seventh trumpet
26:43 blows. Notice there's a period of time between
26:45 when the trumpet is about to blow and when the
26:51 trumpet actually blows. When the seventh trumpet
26:55 blows, Jesus will take over the kingdoms of
26:58 the world. This means that the blowing of the previous
27:01 six trumpets took place during what? During
27:05 probationary time! I mean, it's just a very logical
27:08 conclusion. Earlier in Revelation, God described
27:12 Himself-this is an important point-as
27:15 the One who was and is and is to come. You can
27:19 find that in Revelation 1 verse 8 at the beginning
27:21 of the book. But when you get to Revelation
27:25 at the end of 17 where you have the seventh trumpet,
27:28 it says God is spoken of as the One who is
27:32 and who was and who has taken His great power
27:36 and begun to reign. So in other words,
27:40 Revelation 1 verse 8 is pointing to the future:
27:42 "He was and is, but He is to come." When you get
27:46 to the seventh trumpet, yes, He is and was, but
27:49 He has taken over the kingdom. Clearly, there
27:53 is a time interval between when the mystery of God
27:57 is finished and the seventh trumpet is about to sound,
28:01 and the moment when Jesus takes over the kingdoms
28:04 of the world at the sound of the seventh trumpet.
28:07 The finishing of the mystery of God has to
28:10 do with the end of the gospel proclamation.
28:14 In other words, when Revelation 10 verse 7
28:16 says the mystery of God was finished, it's
28:18 talking about the close of probation when preaching
28:21 will no longer bring anyone over to the
28:24 Lord's side. Now, the sixth trumpet-this is
28:28 the bottom of page 18- the sixth trumpet mentions
28:30 the Golden Altar. This indicates that there
28:35 in the sixth trumpet, there's still intercession going
28:38 on, right? Absolutely! There's the Golden Altar of Incense.
28:44 Furthermore, the interlude between the sixth and
28:47 the seventh trumpets indicates that the proclamation
28:51 of the gospel is still transpiring, so probation
28:55 must still be open. So, here's the key point
28:57 of all of this. Is probation still open during the
29:00 period of the sixth trumpet? Yes. When does probation
29:06 end? When the seventh trumpet is about to sound.
29:11 So, probation will close, and then there's a period
29:14 between when the seventh trumpet is about to sound
29:17 and when the seventh trumpet actually sounds.
29:20 That's the period between the close of probation
29:21 and when Jesus comes at His second coming. Are
29:24 you with me or not? Now, how do we know that the
29:28 sixth trumpet is describing events during probationary
29:32 time? It's very simple! If the church must...
29:35 Remember that after the Great Disappointment,
29:37 God said, "You must prophesy again"?
29:40 This is taking place during the sixth trumpet?
29:42 Well, what good would it do to prophesy again
29:44 if probation is closed? Furthermore, Revelation
29:50 11:13 tells us that people can still repent and give
29:54 glory to God under the sixth trumpet. The remnant
29:58 feared God and gave glory to Him is what it says there.
30:01 This links with the first angel's message of
30:04 Revelation 14:6 & 7. So, my question is,
30:08 is probation still open during the first six
30:11 trumpets? Yes. When does probation close? When the
30:17 seventh trumpet is about to sound. Not when it sounds;
30:20 when it's about to sound. And then, Jesus takes over
30:23 the kingdom when the seventh trumpet sounds.
30:26 So, is there a period between when it is
30:29 about to sound and when it actually sounds? Yes.
30:32 That's the period of the seven last plagues. Okay?
30:37 That's the period of the Great Tribulation,
30:38 the period of time of trouble. Is there gonna
30:42 be a period between when probation closes and when
30:44 Jesus actually comes? Yes. It's called the time
30:49 of trouble, right? You just have to read the
30:52 chapter in Great Controversy, "The Time of Trouble"-
30:55 towards the end of the book. Now, we're gonna
30:57 skip the next section on page 19, because we
31:01 already dealt with that. So, let's go to page 20.
31:05 Let's go to page 20 and deal with inauguration
31:10 and consummation, two views of the censer.
31:14 We dealt with this briefly in our first session,
31:18 but now we want to unpack it further.
31:21 Let's go to Revelation chapter 8 and verse 2.
31:24 Revelation 8 verse 1 is the conclusion to the
31:26 seals. You understand that, right? The half hour
31:28 of silence in heaven? So, really, there are
31:31 places in the book of Revelation where the
31:33 chapter is divided in the wrong place. For
31:37 example, Revelation chapter 21 verse 1 belongs to chapter
31:41 20. I'm not gonna get into all of this. If you
31:44 go through the material on the seals, you'll
31:46 see this. Also, Revelation chapter 11 verse 1 belongs
31:50 with chapter 10. Revelation chapter 7 verses 1-8
31:56 belongs with chapter 6- chapter 7. And,
32:02 in this case, Revelation chapter 8 verse 1 belongs
32:06 with chapter 7, because it deals with the seven
32:10 seals. So, why do you begin chapter 8 of
32:14 Revelation with the seventh seal when the sixth seal
32:19 is in chapter 7? Are you with me or not? So,
32:23 let's go then to inauguration and the consummation,
32:25 two views of the censer. Revelation 8 verse 2
32:29 is the introductory verse. "And I saw the seven
32:32 angels who stand before God, and to them were
32:35 given seven trumpets." So, here's the announcement
32:37 that now, John is going to write about the seven
32:40 trumpets. Then, you have Revelation 8:3 & 4.
32:44 This is the first view of the altar. The altar
32:48 is interceding. The censer is interceding. Let's read
32:53 verses 3 and 4.
32:55 [reads the text on-screen]
33:14 Is probation open during verses 3 and 4? [Yes.]
33:19 How do we know that? Well, because God's
33:23 people are praying! And Jesus is mingling
33:28 their prayers with the incense. So, probation
33:31 is open during verses 3 and 4. But then,
33:36 we have a second view of the censer of the altar.
33:40 It says in verse 5, "Then the angel took the censer,
33:45 filled it with"-what?-"with fire from the altar." And
33:50 what did he do with it? "And threw it to the
33:53 earth." And what is the result when he throws
33:58 the fire of the censer to the earth? There were
34:02 what? "...Noises, thunderings, lightning's,
34:06 and an earthquake." So, is that clear in your mind?
34:13 So, there's a second view of the censer.
34:15 First view, the angel, Jesus-and the ministry
34:21 of the angels is connected with the ministry of Jesus-
34:24 they're presenting the prayers of the saints
34:26 to Jesus, Jesus is mingling the prayers with the
34:29 incense of His merits, and God is hearing the
34:33 pleas of His people. But then suddenly,
34:36 the censer that is interceding now is
34:39 thrown down, and intercession ends. Now, what background
34:45 do we need to have from the Bible to understand the
34:48 meaning of a throwing down of the censer?
34:51 Well, let's go to an Old Testament background.
34:54 The book of Ezekiel contains the Old Testament background
34:57 to the introductory vision of the trumpets. The man
35:00 clothed in linen takes coals from between the
35:05 cherubim and scatters them over the city,
35:08 and what is that a sign of? Taking the coals of
35:12 fire and throwing them over the city? It represents
35:15 that probation is closed for the city. This is parallel
35:19 to the angel of fire who pours out God's
35:22 wrath into the winepress of His fury. We'll come
35:25 back to that in a moment, but let's read Ezekiel 10
35:28 verses 1 and 2. By the way, let me give you
35:33 a little bit of background before we read Ezekiel
35:35 chapter 10. In Ezekiel chapter 1, God is coming
35:40 on a cloud to Jerusalem to judge Jerusalem for
35:47 the apostasy and for the sins that are being committed
35:51 in the city. You can find a list of those sins in
35:54 Ezekiel chapter 8. In Ezekiel chapter 8,
35:57 they're called abominations. The greatest abomination
36:00 is that they're worshiping the sun. That's in Ezekiel
36:04 chapter 8 and verse 16. Then in chapter 9, God
36:07 says, "I'm gonna destroy Jerusalem. But before I
36:11 destroy Jerusalem, there needs to be a sealing first."
36:15 And so, in chapter 9, those who are faithful
36:18 in the city are sealed on their foreheads with
36:22 the sign of protection so that when the city
36:24 is destroyed, those who have the seal will not
36:27 be destroyed. Are you with me? And then in
36:31 chapter 10, you have these two verses that
36:35 we wanna read now.
36:36 [reads the text on-screen]
37:09 And if you go to chapter 11, you'll find that the
37:11 Shekinah that was in the temple now leaves the
37:16 temple and it sits for a few moments on the
37:19 Mount of Olives, and then departs to heaven;
37:23 the city is forsaken. The city's gonna be
37:27 destroyed. So, what is the casting down of the
37:30 coals of fire over the city? It represents that
37:32 God is gonna come and what? God is gonna come in
37:35 judgment against apostate Jerusalem. Are you following
37:39 me or not? This is the background. Now, let's
37:41 go to Revelation 14:17-19 where it speaks about
37:48 the wicked and the judgment that will fall upon the wicked-
37:52 upon Babylon. First of all, you have the judgment
37:57 of the harvest of the earth in Revelation chapter
37:59 14. Three angels' messages are proclaimed, and then
38:03 after the third angel's message is proclaimed
38:05 then you have Jesus sitting on a cloud with
38:07 a sickle in His hand. First, He's gonna harvest
38:10 what? The grapes, or is He gonna harvest
38:12 the harvest of the earth? First, He's gonna reap
38:16 the harvest of the earth! What does the harvest
38:18 of the earth represent? His faithful people.
38:22 What does He do after He harvests the harvest
38:25 of the earth? Now, He is gonna harvest the
38:28 what? The grapes of the earth. What do the
38:30 grapes of the earth represent? They represent
38:33 the wicked. And now notice the terminology
38:35 that is used here in Revelation 14:17-19.
38:40 These are the people who did not accept
38:41 the three angels' message. It says, "Then another
38:44 angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also
38:47 having a sharp sickle. And another angel came
38:50 out from the altar." From where? (x2) "From the
38:55 altar who had power over the"-what?-"over the
38:59 fire." Any relationship with what we find in
39:03 the trumpets? Absolutely! What is he gonna do with
39:06 the fire? It says, "Who had power over the fire, and he
39:10 cried with a loud voice to him who had the sharp
39:14 sickle, saying, 'Thrust in your sharp sickle
39:16 and gather the clusters of the earth, for her
39:19 grapes are fully ripe. So the angel thrust his
39:23 sickle into the earth and gathered the vine
39:25 of the earth, and threw it into the great winepress
39:29 of the wrath of God." So, what is this angel
39:33 gonna do with the fire? He's gonna pour it out
39:37 upon those who are in the winepress, which
39:40 represents who? The wicked. And if you
39:44 continue reading there in Revelation chapter 14,
39:46 you'll find that the wicked are gathered
39:48 around the city, the Holy City, which before the
39:51 millennium represents the church. And what
39:55 do they come there for? On vacation, right? No!
40:00 They've come because they wanna destroy
40:01 the church! They wanna destroy those who are
40:04 in the Holy City, the spiritual city on earth,
40:06 which is a reflection of the literal heavenly
40:09 city! And then it says, "But then, horses will
40:13 come, and they will trample the winepress." Trample
40:17 the wicked. How do you explain that? The horses,
40:20 you know, they're gonna have blood up to their
40:22 bridles. That's a symbolic description. Well, you
40:25 have to go to Revelation 19 to understand it.
40:28 Revelation 19: it says there's a great warrior
40:31 sitting on a white horse, and the armies of heaven
40:34 are sitting on white horses behind him, and he's coming
40:37 to trample the winepress, and his garments are
40:40 tainted in blood! He's coming to trample upon
40:44 the wicked who have trampled against his
40:46 people. Are you with me?! And so, you have to look
40:49 at all of Revelation in order to understand
40:52 what this is talking about. So, let's go
40:54 to the middle of page 21. This introductory scene
40:58 in Revelation 8 provides two points of reference.
41:03 What Jesus is doing when the trumpets begin to sound
41:08 and what will happen when the seventh trumpet ends
41:12 its sounding? That is to say, the ministration
41:15 of the censer and its throwing down do not
41:18 take place in immediate succession. Is that clear?
41:22 Remember the introductory scenes. They give you the
41:26 beginning and the ending point. There is a long
41:31 time interval in between. Some have seen the
41:35 casting down of the censer as a symbol of the
41:38 outpouring of the Holy Spirit under the Pentecost-
41:41 the tongues of fire on the Day of Pentecost.
41:44 This view, however, is untenable, because on
41:47 the Day of Pentecost Jesus began to offer
41:50 the prayers of the saints mingled with the merits
41:52 of His perfect life. He did not cast down
41:54 the censer. When the angel throws down the
41:59 censer-this is an important point-there is thunder,
42:02 lightning, voices, and an earthquake. Now,
42:09 that is pointing to something that's gonna
42:10 happen during the seventh plague, because throwing
42:13 down that censer has to do with the close of
42:16 probation, and these events that are being
42:19 described here-thunder, lightning, voices, and
42:21 earthquake-must take place at that time.
42:24 Now, let's go to Revelation chapter 16. Revelation 16-
42:29 the seventh plague. Revelation 16 and verses
42:33 17 through 21. Revelation 16:17-21.
42:42 [reads the text on-screen]
42:51 And what happens when He says, "It is done"?
42:54 The seventh plague, which is the finishing of the
42:56 wrath of God after the close of probation-what
42:59 is there? The same things that are mentioned in the
43:03 introductory vision to the seven trumpets.
43:07 Notice what it says in verse 18. "And there were
43:10 noises and"-what?-" and thunderings and"-what?-
43:14 "and lightning's; and there was a great earthquake."
43:19 Is that the same point to which the introductory
43:23 vision is pointing? Absolutely. So, let's continue on the
43:29 next page. Ellen White describes the censer
43:33 when the trumpets actually... This passage that you're
43:39 gonna find here is describing the intercession of Jesus
43:42 in the Most Holy Place beginning in 1844.
43:48 I'll explain a little bit more as we move along.
43:50 Let's read from Christian Experience & Teachings,
43:55 pg. 91. Here, Ellen White- this is happening in 1844.
44:00 She's going in vision to the Most Holy Place
44:02 of the heavenly sanctuary. "In the Holiest, I saw an
44:05 ark. On the top inside of it was purest gold.
44:09 On each end of the ark was a lovely cherub
44:11 with its wings spread all over it. Their faces were
44:15 turned toward each other, and they looked downward.
44:19 Between the angels was a"-what?-"a golden
44:22 censer. Above the ark, where the angels stood,
44:26 was in exceeding bright glory that appeared like
44:29 a throne where God dwelt. Jesus stood by the ark
44:32 as the saints' prayers came up to Him." So,
44:37 is the first part of the introductory vision still
44:40 occurring in 1844 when Ellen White enters the
44:42 Most Holy Place? Yes. "The incense in the censer
44:46 would smoke, and He would offer up their
44:49 prayers with the smoke of the incense to His Father."
44:53 So, Ellen White is describing what Jesus is doing
44:56 beginning in 1844. Is Jesus still interceding?
45:00 Is He still mingling the prayers of His
45:02 saints with the incense? Yes. Where was Jesus
45:06 before 1844, mingling the prayers of His saints
45:10 with the incense? Where was He? He was doing the
45:14 same thing, where? In the Holy Place. Let's notice
45:17 the next statement. The Faith I Live By, pg. 202.
45:22 "In the Holy Places of the sanctuary in heaven
45:24 are represented by the two apartments in the
45:26 sanctuary on earth. As envisioned, the apostle
45:29 John was granted a view of the temple of God in
45:33 heaven. He beheld there seven lamps of fire,
45:35 burning before the throne. He saw an angel having
45:38 a golden censer, and there was given unto
45:41 him much incense that he should offer it with
45:43 the prayers of all the saints up on the Golden Altar, which
45:46 was before the throne." Here, the prophet was
45:49 permitted to behold the what? The first apartment
45:52 of the sanctuary in heaven, and he saw there seven
45:55 lamps of fire and the Golden Altar represented
45:57 by the Golden Candlestick and the Altar of Incense
46:00 in the sanctuary on earth. Now, let's read this
46:05 beautiful statement from this book, In Heavenly Places,
46:10 pg. 79. "Christ proclaims Himself our"-what?-
46:15 "our Intercessor. He would have us know
46:18 that He has graciously engaged to be our
46:21 Substitute. He places His merit in the"-what?-
46:26 "in the Golden Censer to offer up with the
46:29 prayers of His saints so that the prayers of
46:32 His dear children may be mingled with the
46:34 fragrant merit of Christ as they ascend to the Father
46:38 in the cloud of incense." So, was Jesus offering
46:43 the incense with the prayers before 1844?
46:47 [Yes.] Was He offering the incense with the
46:50 prayers after 1844? [Yes.] Was He doing it in the
46:54 same apartment? [No.] No. He was doing it in
46:57 a different apartment. You see, Jesus did not
47:00 cease the function of the Holy Place when He
47:03 entered the most Holy Place; He just took on
47:05 another function, which is the function of the
47:08 judgment. Because if He had ceased His work of
47:10 the Holy Place, we would all be lost after 1844.
47:15 So, He continues interceding, but He does it where?
47:19 In the Most Holy Place. That's why Ellen White
47:21 sees the censer in the Most Holy Place, even
47:24 though the censer had to do with the altar in
47:26 the Holy Place. Are you with me or not? Now,
47:28 let's go to the next section. "The High
47:31 Priest offered only holy fire on the Golden Altar
47:35 of Incense. The High Priest alone burned incense
47:37 on the Golden Altar. The Golden Altar of
47:41 Incense was nearest to"- what?-"to the Ark of
47:44 the Covenant that represents the throne of God."
47:48 And here comes a very important point: "In
47:52 fact, the orientation of the Altar of Incense
47:56 was toward the"-what?- "toward the mercy seat
47:58 in the Most Holy Place, even while the priest
48:02 offered the incense in the Holy Place. Notably,
48:05 the book of Hebrews places the censer and
48:07 the incense"-where?- "in the most Holy Place."
48:11 Why? Well, because Jesus ministers the
48:14 incense in both departments! The fire is a symbol of
48:18 the Holy Spirit, and the incense represents
48:21 the prayers of the saints mingled with the merits
48:25 of Jesus. And now, here comes a couple very
48:29 important points. What were embroidered on
48:33 the veil that divided the Holy from the
48:35 Most Holy Place? Angels ascending and descending
48:38 on the veil. What did that represent? It
48:41 represents the fact that the angels take the prayers
48:44 of God's people to Jesus, and they bring back the
48:48 answers of Jesus to us! Perfect example is what
48:53 we find in Daniel chapter 9, the lesson study that
48:56 we had this last Sabbath. You know Gabriel is what?
49:01 He's praying! He's saying, "I want to understand
49:02 the 2,300 days! How is it that you're gonna
49:05 extend the 70 years to 2,300 years?" And so,
49:09 what does God tell? He says, "Gabriel!
49:12 Go down-an answer." Daniel's prayer.
49:19 So, let's continue here. Angels are embroidered,
49:24 which represents that our prayers are taken
49:26 to the presence of God, and the angels bring back
49:29 answers to us. Now, also, you remember what is
49:34 called Jacob's Ladder. It was the Lord's ladder
49:38 shown to Jacob. And Noah's Ark was the Lord's
49:42 ark, not Noah's ark. And Solomon's Temple
49:45 was God's temple! You know, let's not give
49:48 glory to Solomon and to Noah. [laughs]
49:53 And to Jacob. What did Jacob see in his dream?
50:00 He saw a ladder! Its base was on earth!
50:06 And it's top reached to heaven. What was on the
50:09 ladder? The angels were ascending and descending
50:14 up on the ladder! What is represented by the
50:18 angels on the veil? Taking our prayers and
50:21 bringing back answers from God. Beautiful
50:25 symbolism. By the way, do the angels have any
50:28 role in taking our prayers to Jesus and bringing back
50:31 answers? No, it's the next statement on page
50:35 23. "Angels offer the smoke of the fragrant
50:39 incense for the praying saints." So, the angels
50:44 have a very important role. Now, let's pursue
50:47 this a little bit further. Luke 1 verses 8 through 10.
50:53 Here, we find that Zacharias, the father of John the
50:56 Baptist, it was his turn to offer incense in
50:59 the Holy Place of the sanctuary. Let's
51:01 read about it in verse 8. "So it was that while
51:04 he was serving as a priest before God in
51:06 the order of his division according to the custom
51:09 of the priesthood, his lot," that is, Zacharias'
51:12 lot, "failed to burn incense when he went
51:17 into the temple of the Lord. And the whole
51:20 multitude of the people were praying outside
51:22 at the Altar of Incense." So, here you have the people
51:25 praying, and Zacharias is offering the incense.
51:31 Just like we find in chapter 8. What does
51:34 the incense represent? The incense does not
51:37 represent prayer. The incense is related to
51:41 prayer, but the incense is not prayer. Notice
51:44 how it's related to prayer in Psalm 141
51:48 and verse 2. "Let my prayer be set before
51:53 you as incense, the lifting up of my hands
51:56 as the evening sacrifice." So, it gives the impression
51:59 that the prayer is the incense. But when we
52:01 read in Revelation chapter 8, we find that the
52:05 prayers of the saints were mingled with the
52:07 incense. Correct? Now, notice this beautiful
52:12 statement from the Spirit of Prophecy. "The prayer
52:15 and praise and confession of God's people ascend
52:19 as sacrifices to the heavenly sanctuary.
52:22 However, they ascend not in spotless purity,
52:26 passing through the corrupt channels of
52:28 humanity, they are so defiled that unless purified
52:32 by the righteousness of the Great High Priest,
52:34 they are not acceptable by God." Wow. "Christ
52:40 gathers into the censer the prayers, the praise,
52:44 and the sacrifices of His people. And with
52:47 these, He puts the merits of His spotless righteousness.
52:52 Then, perfumed with the incense of Christ's
52:55 propitiation, our prayers, wholly and entirely
52:59 acceptable, rise before God, and gracious answers
53:04 are returned. Wow. And you know, by the perfect
53:11 life of Jesus and by His death on the cross,
53:16 there's an inexhaustible fund in the bank of
53:19 heaven for salvation. Notice this beautiful
53:23 statement that we find here. Sons & Daughters
53:26 of God, pg. 22. I love this statement. "Christ
53:31 has pledged Himself to be our Substitute and
53:33 surety, and He neglects no one." There is an
53:37 inexhaustible fund. What does inexhaustible
53:41 mean? It's limitless. "There is an inexhaustible
53:46 fund of perfect obedience"- whose perfect obedience?
53:50 That of Jesus!-"accruing from His obedience in
53:54 heaven. His merits, His self-denial and self-sacrifice,
53:59 are treasured up as incense to be offered
54:03 up with the prayers of His people." Beautiful!
54:07 "As the sinners' sincere, humble prayers ascend
54:11 to the throne of God, Christ mingles with them.
54:14 The merits of His own life of perfect obedience,
54:18 our prayers are made fragrant by this incense.
54:22 Christ has pledged Himself to intercede in our behalf,
54:26 and the Father always hears His Son." How
54:31 frequently does Jesus intercede for us?
54:36 Patriarchs & Prophets, pg. 348, "The fire upon this
54:41 altar was kindled by God Himself and was
54:44 sacredly cherished. Day and night, the
54:48 holy incense diffused its fragrance throughout
54:51 the sacred apartments, and without fire around
54:55 the tabernacle." And of course, we find in Hebrews
55:00 that it says that Jesus always lives to intercede
55:05 for us. That's why the Altar of Incense was
55:08 called the Continual Altar of Incense. The
55:13 showbread was called the Continual Altar of
55:15 the Showbread, and the candlestick was called
55:19 the Continual Lamps, because the lamps
55:22 burned continually. There was always a supply
55:25 of bread, and there was always the intercessory
55:28 work of the priest. Now, what about the throwing
55:31 down of the censer? Did Ellen White have anything
55:33 to say about the moment when the censer was
55:35 thrown down? Yes, she did! Notice this last
55:38 statement-Early Writings, 279 and 280-"I saw angels
55:43 hurrying to and fro in heaven, an angel with
55:47 a writer's inkhorn by his side." This is a
55:50 reference to Ezekiel 9, by the way. "Return
55:53 from the earth and report it to Jesus that His work
55:55 was done and the saints were numbered and"-
55:58 what?-"and sealed. Then I saw Jesus, who had
56:02 been ministering before the ark containing the
56:04 Ten Commandments. So, what had He have been
56:07 doing before this? Ministering. When did He begin ministering?
56:11 When He went to heaven! He began His work in
56:14 the Holy Place. What does He do now? "Then I saw
56:18 Jesus, who had been ministering before the
56:20 ark containing the Ten Commandments, do"-what?
56:23 -"throw down the censer." What does throwing down
56:25 the censer mean? It means that intercession
56:28 has ceased. She continues, "He raised His hands,
56:33 and with a loud voice said, 'It is done!' Then all the
56:36 angelic hosts laid off their crowns as Jesus
56:39 made the solemn declaration: 'He that is unjust,
56:42 let him be unjust still. He which is filthy,
56:45 let him be filthy still. He that is righteous,
56:47 let him be righteous still. And he that is
56:49 holy, let him be holy still.'" And you'll
56:53 notice that in this quotation, Ellen White
56:55 is alluding to Ezekiel 9:2 & 3, Revelation 16:17 where
57:00 we read about the signs, the earthquake, and the
57:03 thundering and the lightning, and she's also quoting
57:06 Revelation chapter 22 verse 11. In other words,
57:10 all these verses are describing what will
57:12 occur when what? When probation closes. So, is
57:18 this clear? Do you understand how important it is to
57:21 understand the introductory part of the seven trumpets?
57:26 It gives you the starting point, and it gives you
57:29 the ending point, and the trumpets are all of
57:32 the events in between. So, where are we now
57:36 in the course of history? We are now well advanced
57:39 in the sixth trumpet. And the next event is
57:44 when the mystery of God is finished when the
57:46 seventh trumpet is about to sound, and then Jesus
57:49 will take over the kingdoms of the world.


Revised 2020-07-08