Revelation's Seven Trumpets

Lesson 9 - The Little Sealed Book

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: RST

Program Code: RST000016S

00:01 [intense music]
00:14 Welcome to our last session this afternoon.
00:18 Tomorrow, we have five, and on Sabbath we have
00:22 three. So, we'll be struggling to try and
00:27 finish what we really need to finish. The
00:29 next several sessions- at least this one, plus
00:33 two more tomorrow-we are going to be dealing
00:36 with Revelation chapter 10, and right now with
00:41 the little book of Daniel chapter 12 and verse 4.
00:44 So, let's go to page 221. 221. Let's take
00:52 a look at the little book of Daniel 12:4.
00:59 Are you there? [Yes!] Raise your hand if you're
01:02 there. All right; everybody's there. A review of the
01:07 chiastic structure of Daniel 1 through 7
01:12 reveals that the book of Daniel actually contains
01:16 two books in one. The first book embraces
01:22 Daniel 1 through 7, and the second book embraces
01:27 Daniel chapter 8 through 12. Now, if you go to the
01:31 next page, you have an illustration of how Daniel
01:37 1-7 is a book in itself. I illustrate it with a
01:43 candelabrum. You notice at the very top of the
01:47 candelabrum, you have Daniel 1-the introduction.
01:52 That is the introduction to the entire book of Daniel.
01:56 Then you'll notice that on the same branch below
01:59 that, you have Daniel 2 on one side and Daniel
02:02 7 on the other side. The reason they're on
02:04 the same branch is because their theme is the same.
02:09 In Daniel chapter 2, you have four metals.
02:13 In Daniel 7, you have four beasts. Chain prophecies-
02:17 that's why they're on the same branch of the
02:20 candelabrum. Then Daniel 3 and Daniel 6 are also
02:24 closely related, because both of them deal with
02:28 stories that are very similar. In Daniel chapter
02:31 3, you have three young men that are thrown
02:34 into a fiery furnace because they refuse
02:37 to practice false worship. In Daniel chapter 6,
02:41 you have Daniel thrown into a lion's den, because
02:45 he insisted on worshiping his God according to the
02:48 dictates of his conscience. And then Daniel 4 and
02:52 5, you have a common theme, as well, because
02:56 in Daniel 4 you have the fall of Nebuchadnezzar
03:01 for being arrogant (the king of Babylon). In
03:04 Daniel chapter 5, you have the definitive fall
03:08 of Belshazzar for his arrogance. So do you
03:12 see the structure of the first half of Daniel,
03:15 or the first book in Daniel? It's self-contained.
03:19 Now, the first book, then - just reviewing
03:22 here at the bottom of page 222 - you have in
03:26 Daniel 7 a sequence of powers. We're gonna go
03:29 now to Daniel chapter 7. These powers lead
03:35 to the moment when the judgment begins. So,
03:38 let's review. We're not gonna do this in
03:40 detail. The lion represents what? Babylon. The bear,
03:44 the Medes and Persians; the leopard, Greece;
03:47 the dragon beast, Rome; the ten horns, the divisions
03:51 of Rome; the little horn, the papacy. Rules how
03:55 long? 1,260 years. When does that period of rule
03:59 end? In 1798...and then you have something that
04:03 very seldom is addressed in evangelism, and that
04:09 is that after the deadly wound, or after the papacy
04:14 ends its period of dominion, what do you have in Daniel
04:18 7? You have the judgment. And we're gonna notice
04:24 that the judgment has three stages. In other words,
04:27 the book of Daniel presents the judgment
04:31 in three stages, just our trails in the United
04:34 States today. First of all, you have the investigation
04:38 of the evidence. Secondly, based on the evidence,
04:42 you have the verdict. And in the third place,
04:46 you have the giving of the reward or the
04:49 execution of the verdict that was uttered based
04:52 on the investigation. Are you following me or
04:54 not? [Yes.] Is that the way our system of
04:57 jurisprudence works in the United States? Yes.
05:00 You have a trial, then based on the trial you
05:02 have a verdict, and then the verdict is implemented.
05:07 So, let's notice the note at the top of pg.
05:12 223. The sequence of powers indicates that
05:16 the judgment would begin sometime after when?
05:20 1798. Why? Well, because the little horn ruled till
05:24 1798, and the next point is the judgment,
05:27 so it has to be after 1798, because you have
05:29 a chain of events here. So, the sequence of powers
05:35 indicates that the judgment would begin sometime
05:37 after 1798 and would conclude with Christ
05:41 receiving the kingdom from His Father. Correct?
05:44 [Yes.] No one before October 23, 1844 understood
05:49 that the judgment would occur in three stages.
05:53 Investigative in heaven, verdict in heaven, and
05:58 the reward on earth. Before October 23, 1844,
06:02 no one understood that, because that was going
06:05 to be understood when? When the little book was
06:08 opened in the time of the end. Now, Daniel
06:12 chapter 7 runs in four cycles. The first cycle
06:17 is verses 9 and 10. The second cycle is verses
06:22 17 and 18. The third cycle is Daniel 7:21
06:28 and 22, and the [fourth] cycle is Daniel 7:25-27.
06:36 Now, let's pursue these four repetitive cycles
06:40 in Daniel chapter 7. We'll begin at verse 9.
06:45 The little horn has just done its work, and the
06:50 next event is in verse 9. [reads text on-screen]
06:59 Who was the "Ancient of Days"? [God.] Where does He live?
07:03 So where is this taking place? In heaven. [continues reading]
07:09 By the way, that means that before He was seated,
07:13 He was not seated there. [continues reading]
07:35 Who are those? Where do the angels live?
07:39 So where is this taking place? Where is the judgment
07:41 seating and the books opening? In heaven.
07:47 Then it says... [continues reading]
07:51 What are the books open for? To examine the evidence -
07:56 to do an investigation - an investigative judgment.
07:59 Now, let's go to verses 13 and 14. This is a
08:04 continuation of this scene. [reads text on-screen]
08:10 Who is that? [Jesus.] Jesus. [continues reading]
08:15 What are the clouds of heaven? [The angels.]
08:17 The angels, so where is this taking place? [Heaven.]
08:20 In heaven. And he came to where? The Ancient
08:24 of Days, where? In heaven! [finishes off verse]
08:30 Who brought whom before whom? The angels, the
08:35 clouds, brought the Son of Man before the Father
08:40 who had seated to begin the judgment. Now, why
08:44 does Jesus go there? Verse 14. "Then to Him,"
08:49 to whom? [Jesus.] To Jesus, "was given,"
08:53 by whom? By the Father. [continues reading verse]
09:02 What did Jesus go to the Father for? To receive what? To receive
09:06 dominion, glory, and the kingdom. He goes in to receive
09:08 the kingdom. It continues saying... [continues reading]
09:26 Where does the investigation take place? [In heaven.]
09:30 Where does Jesus receive the kingdom? [In heaven.]
09:32 In heaven. Correct? [Yes!] He goes to the Ancient
09:37 of Days to receive what? The kingdom. So, the
09:40 investigation takes place up there, and He receives
09:43 the kingdom up there. The sentence to receive
09:46 the kingdom is up there. Now, let's go to verses
09:50 17 and 18. Now comes the interpretation. The
09:57 vision in Daniel 7 is from verses 1 through 14. Then
10:00 come three cycles that add explanations. Daniel
10:04 wants to know what these beasts represent and what
10:09 the kingdom is all about. So in verse 17, the angel
10:14 comes back and says to Him, "Those great beasts,
10:16 which are four, are four kings," or kingdoms, "which
10:20 arise out of the earth. But the saints of the
10:25 Most High shall receive," what? "The kingdom and
10:29 possess the kingdom." Let me ask you: Is the
10:32 possessing of the kingdom when the verdict is actually
10:34 implemented and the saints actually receive the kingdom?
10:38 Absolutely. So, a short explanation is given here
10:44 of the four beasts - not in a lot of detail. The
10:47 angel simply says, "The four beasts are four
10:49 kings," or kingdoms, and after that, he
10:52 says, "The saints of the Most High will receive
10:54 the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever,
10:57 even forever and ever." Short explanation. Daniel
11:01 isn't satisfied. He says, "I need to know more."
11:05 [chuckles] "Especially about the fourth beast
11:08 and the judgment scene." And so in verse 21, we
11:12 find these words: "I was watching, and the
11:15 same horn"... See, he's going back to talk about
11:18 the little horn period, now. What period of history
11:21 is this? From what date to what date? 538 - 1798.
11:26 Which trumpet? Fourth trumpet. So it says, "I
11:30 watching as the same horn was making war
11:32 against the saints and prevailing against them,"
11:36 until when? "Until the Ancient of Days came."
11:42 Came to where? To the Father! Right? This is
11:48 amplifying what we find before. "Until the Ancient
11:51 of Days came, and judgment was made," what? "In favor
11:57 of the saints of the Most High." Where was the
11:59 judgment in favor of the saints given? On earth
12:03 or in heaven? In heaven! "Until the Ancient of
12:06 Days came and a judgment was made in favor of the
12:10 saints of the Most High." So, let me ask you, is
12:15 that the verdict? Of course it is! A judgment
12:22 was made in favor of the saints of the Most
12:25 High. Where is the verdict given? In heaven. But
12:30 when is the verdict implemented? Let's
12:32 continue reading. "And the time came for the
12:36 saints to possess the kingdom." Is that the
12:40 implementation of the verdict? [Yes.] Do you
12:42 see the three stages? Investigation, verdict,
12:45 implementation of the verdict. So it says,
12:50 "And the time came for the saints to possess the
12:52 kingdom." Daniel still wants to know more.
12:55 [chuckles] So in verse 25, God- once again,
12:58 the angel once again goes back to talk about
13:01 the little horn. Verse 25. See? Even Daniel runs
13:04 in cycles (circles). [laughter] "The little horn shall
13:09 speak pompous words against the Most High,
13:12 shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
13:15 shall intend to change times and law; then the
13:17 saints shall be given into his hand for a time
13:20 and times and half a time." But then what's
13:24 gonna happen? "But the court shall be seated,"
13:28 where? We already noticed that that's in heaven.
13:34 And what happens? The court is seated, and what
13:37 is gonna happen? "And they shall take away his
13:41 dominion." Where? In heaven! "To consume
13:46 and destroy it forever. Then the kingdom and
13:49 the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole
13:51 heaven shall be given to the people, the saints
13:55 of the Most High." So who receives the kingdom
13:58 first? [Jesus.] Jesus. Who receives the kingdom,
14:02 then, as an implementation of the verdict? The saints
14:06 with Jesus! So it says in verse 27, "Then the
14:09 kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the
14:12 kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given
14:14 to the people, the saints of the Most High. His
14:18 kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions
14:23 shall serve and obey Him." That is, Jesus. Are you
14:27 catching the picture? [Yes.] This could not be understood
14:31 until October 23, 1844. The Millerites did not
14:37 understand it. That's why they were greatly
14:40 disappointed. Now, what does it mean for Jesus
14:45 to receive the kingdom from His Father? What
14:48 is His kingdom? His kingdom are His people.
14:52 How does He determine who are His people?
14:55 Well, He has to examine the cases of all who
14:58 professed His name to see if they really are
15:01 subjects of the kingdom! And when all of the cases
15:04 are examined and it's shown who is truly a
15:07 member of His kingdom, then probation closes
15:10 and Jesus comes to give the kingdom to His people.
15:14 Are you following me or not? [Yes.] Now,
15:17 let's read this statement from Ellen White. Very
15:19 clear. Bottom of page 224. "Every case had been
15:25 decided for life or death. While Jesus had been
15:29 ministering in the sanctuary"-the what
15:32 judgment? I put in brackets, but we know it's-"the
15:34 investigative judgment had been going on for,"
15:38 whom? "For the righteous dead," beginning with
15:40 whom? With what person? Adam. Right. "And then
15:46 for the...righteous living." This is at the end of
15:48 time - the sealing of the 144,000. "Christ had
15:52 received His," what? "His kingdom, having
15:56 made the atonement for His people and blotted out
15:58 their sins. The subjects of the kingdom were made
16:02 up." So what is the kingdom? The subjects
16:05 of the kingdom were made up. The marriage of the
16:09 Lamb was consummated, because when probation
16:11 closes, Jesus marries the totality of His people.
16:14 Read the material on the marriage; we're not gonna
16:16 be able to get there in this class at the
16:18 end of these study notes, because you'll understand
16:22 that each individual who receives Jesus truly
16:28 and is truly a child of God is invited to the
16:31 wedding, but the corporate totality is the bride.
16:37 So, the bride of Jesus at the end of time is
16:41 all of the redeemed- His kingdom-but the
16:44 individuals are invited to the wedding. It's
16:48 a strange way of thinking, but that's the way that
16:50 it is. And if you read the material, it'll become
16:52 very, very clear. She continues. By the way,
16:55 taking the kingdom and marrying His kingdom is
16:58 the same thing - two different ways of saying
17:00 the same thing. So, it says, "The subjects of
17:02 the kingdom were made up, the marriage of the
17:04 Lamb was consummated, and the kingdom and the
17:07 greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven
17:10 was given to," whom? To Jesus. And to whom
17:13 else? The heirs of salvation. Is that what
17:17 Daniel 7 said, that the kingdom is given to Jesus
17:19 and then to the heirs? Yes! And Jesus was to
17:23 reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. Let
17:28 me give you an illustration of what happens during
17:30 the investigative judgment. I want you to imagine
17:35 the time when the case of John Huss appears
17:40 before the heavenly court. We don't know when that
17:43 was. It's in chronological order according to when
17:46 a person lived. So, let me ask you: Was the
17:52 judgment against John Huss a travesty in justice?
17:56 [Yes.] Yes! Was he innocent? Yes! And
18:01 yet, the innocent died, and those who were guilty
18:06 lived. How much justice is there in that? There's
18:10 no justice at all. Does God have to rectify that?
18:14 A just God has to rectify that. So, when the case-
18:18 the earthly court pronounced of wrong judgment against
18:21 Huss and killed him. The little horn prevailed.
18:25 It went well for him. The righteous die, and
18:28 the unrighteous live. So in the judgment in
18:31 heaven, God says, "John Huss, present yourself
18:35 before my judgment seat." I'm dramatizing for effect.
18:38 [laughter] And so, an angel brings John Huss'
18:41 DVD - the record of his life! And the record
18:45 of his life is examined. The heavenly jury is
18:50 aghast. The heavenly jury says, "Now, wait
18:52 a minute. Something is wrong here! John Huss
18:56 gave his life to Jesus! He was faithful, and yet
18:59 a wrong judgment was given on earth! We
19:02 need to rectify this." And so, a judgment is
19:06 proclaimed in favor of John Huss. Let me ask
19:09 you: What is the focus here? Is the focus in
19:12 Daniel 7 upon the little horn, the persecutions
19:15 of the little horn? Or is it focused on rectifying
19:20 the earthly judgments, what the little horn did,
19:23 so that God's people can eventually be saved
19:26 in the kingdom? You know, it's a wrong
19:28 question to say, "Is the center of Daniel
19:30 7 the little horn or the sanctuary receiving
19:33 the kingdom?" Because in order for the saints
19:35 that were trampled by the little horn to receive
19:37 the kingdom, it's necessary for the heavenly court
19:40 to rectify the situation! Is this making sense?
19:44 This is a fundamental Seventh-day Adventist
19:46 doctrine. Now, let's go to page 225. The
19:52 second book of the book of Daniel. The second book
19:57 in the book is Daniel 8 through 12. Is Daniel
20:04 7 a book self-contained? Yes! It has everything
20:11 in a chiastic order, but the second book is
20:15 the book that is mentioned in Daniel 12:4. What does
20:19 it say? "But you, Daniel, shut up the words and
20:24 seal the book until," when? "The time of
20:28 the end." Was the book gonna be sealed forever?
20:30 No. The book would be sealed in the times of
20:33 Daniel, and it would be opened when?
20:35 In the time of the end. "Many shall run to and
20:38 fro." When will they run to and fro? In the
20:42 time of the end. "And knowledge shall increase,"
20:45 which means that there's gonna be airplanes and
20:47 automobiles and locomotives and nuclear weapons and
20:52 electric toothbrushes. That's not what it's
20:56 saying! Knowledge of what will increase?
20:59 Knowledge of what's in the little book, because
21:02 the little book has been opened! That's
21:05 much more powerful in evangelism when we show
21:07 people that that's exactly what happened, leading up
21:10 to 1844. People were interested in Daniel 8-12.
21:14 The second book in Daniel was closed and sealed
21:17 in the days of the prophet, around 538 B.C., to be
21:22 opened in the time of the end, 1798. This
21:26 verse has nothing to do with the increase of
21:28 science and technology. When God removes the
21:31 seal from the book at the end of time, the
21:34 people will run to and fro, seeking an increased
21:38 knowledge of the contents of the book. This is the
21:42 way that Ellen White invariably understood
21:45 the expression, "Knowledge shall be increased." She
21:47 never refers to that as an increase of technology.
21:52 You know, Amos 8:11 and 12 uses the same idiom.
21:57 Notice Amos 8:11 and 12. "Behold, the days
22:01 are coming," says the Lord, "that I will send
22:03 a famine on the land. Not a famine of
22:05 bread nor a thirst for water, but of hearing
22:08 the words of the Lord. They shall wander from
22:10 sea to sea and from north to east; they shall run
22:13 to and fro." That's the exact expression. Well,
22:17 "Many will run to and fro," that we find in
22:19 Daniel 12:4. But what are people running to
22:22 find? "Many shall"- they say, "They shall run to
22:25 and fro, seeking," what? "The word of the Lord,
22:30 but shall not find it." So the portion-listen
22:34 carefully-the portion of Daniel that was sealed
22:36 is not the total book. It is Daniel 8-12-and
22:44 not even all of Daniel 8-12-the portion that
22:47 has to do with the 2,300 days and the beginning
22:51 of the investigative judgment in 1844.
22:54 That was sealed and could not then be
22:56 understood until the day after. Now, you
23:01 say, "Where do you get that from?" What proof
23:03 do we have of that? Well, let's examine
23:06 five proofs. The Bible says, "And the voice
23:09 of one or two or three witnesses." So let's
23:12 give five, just in case. [laughter] The book of
23:15 Daniel contains two different languages.
23:19 Chapter 1 is the introduction to the entire book. It is
23:22 in Hebrew, but chapters 2-7 are in Aramaic, and
23:29 chapters 8-12 are in Hebrew. Does that
23:32 seem to mark a distinction between the first half
23:35 of the book and the second half of the book? The change
23:38 in language? Absolutely. That's one evidence that
23:41 you're dealing with two books within a book.
23:45 Reason #2: There is clear evidence that most
23:50 of Daniel 1-7 with the exception of the judgment
23:55 scene in Daniel 7 was understood long before
24:00 the time of the end. The Church Father
24:04 Hippolytus, who wrote in the 3rd century A.D.,
24:08 understood the sequence of powers in Daniel 7.
24:11 So was Daniel 7 in its totality sealed until
24:14 the time of the end? No, Hippolytus in the
24:16 3rd century understood it just like Adventists!
24:18 Let's read it. "In speaking of a lioness from the sea,
24:22 Daniel meant the rising of the kingdom of Babylon
24:25 and that this was the golden head of the image.
24:28 Then after the lioness, he sees a second beast,
24:30 like a bear, which signified the Persians;
24:33 for after the Babylonians, the Persians obtained
24:35 the power. And in saying that it had three ribs
24:38 in its mouth, he pointed to three nations: Persians,
24:41 Medes, and Babylonians, which were expressed in
24:43 the image by the silver after the gold. Then
24:46 comes a third beast, a leopard, which means
24:48 the Greeks, for after the Persians, Alexander
24:51 of Macedon had the power when Darius was overthrown,
24:54 which was also indicated by the brass in the image.
24:58 And in saying that the beast had four wings
25:00 of a fowl and four heads, he showed most clearly
25:03 how the kingdom of Alexander was parted
25:05 in four divisions." Are we doing well? [Yes.]
25:08 [laughs] Sounds like an Adventist, doesn't he?
25:12 "For in speaking of four heads, he meant the four
25:14 kings that arose out of it, for Alexander, when
25:17 dying, divided his kingdom into four parts." And
25:21 then it continues saying, "Then he says the fourth
25:23 beast was dreadful and terrible. It had iron
25:26 teeth and claws of brass. Who, then, are meant by
25:30 this but the Romans, whose kingdom, the
25:34 kingdom that still stands, is expressed by the iron,
25:38 for says he, 'Its legs are of iron'?" Did he
25:41 understand the four beasts of Daniel chapter
25:43 7? So was that sealed to the time of the end?
25:47 No. Ah, but you say, "Did he understand about
25:50 the little horn and the ten horns?" Well,
25:55 we have another quotation by him. It's at the bottom of
25:59 page 226. "Let us look at what is before us more
26:03 carefully and scan it, as it were, with open
26:06 eye. The golden head of the image is identical
26:09 with the lioness by which the Babylonians
26:11 were represented. The golden shoulders and
26:14 arms of silver are the same with the bear
26:16 by which the Persians and Medes are meant.
26:18 The belly and thighs of brass are the
26:20 leopard by which the Greeks who ruled from
26:22 Alexander onwards are intended. The legs of
26:25 iron are the dreadful and terrible beast by
26:28 which the Romans who hold the empire now are
26:31 meant. The toes of clay and iron are the ten
26:34 horns which are to be," because that hadn't
26:36 happened yet. "The one other little horn, springing
26:40 up in their midst, is the anti-Christ."
26:45 [laughs] Now, there's one thing that Hippolytus
26:49 did not understand. What is that that he
26:52 did not understand? Let's finish reading
26:55 the statement. "The stone that smites the
26:57 image and breaks it in pieces and that
27:00 filled the whole earth is Christ who comes
27:03 from heaven and brings judgment on the world."
27:09 Is that correct? So Jesus comes to this
27:13 earth to judge? [No.] No! Did he understand
27:17 that there was gonna be a heavenly judgment
27:19 before Jesus came in judgment to this world?
27:23 Absolutely! So he understood everything in Daniel 7
27:25 except the judgment in heaven. Now, the
27:31 evidence from these quotations indicates that
27:35 Hippolytus understood everything about Daniel
27:38 7, except one vitally important detail -
27:42 the investigative pre-advent judgment
27:45 in heaven before the Second Coming. According
27:48 to the understanding of Hippolytus, the judgment
27:51 would take place when Jesus comes from heaven
27:54 to earth to judge the world and establish His
27:57 everlasting kingdom. Is that what the Millerites
27:59 believed before October 22? Absolutely! However,
28:05 as we have already noted, in the investigative judgment,
28:09 the verdict takes place where? In heaven, before
28:14 Jesus returns to the earth. We should note
28:19 that people could understand some portions of Daniel
28:23 that found their fulfillment before the time of the
28:25 end. For example, could people understand the
28:29 historical sections of Daniel 1-6 before the
28:32 time of the end? Could they understand the
28:34 arrival of Daniel and his friends in Babylon
28:38 and so on in chapter 1? Could they understand
28:41 to a great degree what's in Daniel 2? Could he understand
28:43 the three young men that were thrown into the
28:45 fiery furnace? Could they understand the
28:49 case of Nebuchadnezzar going insane for seven
28:52 years? Could they understand the fall of Babylon and
28:56 Belshazzar? Could they understand Daniel thrown
28:58 in the lion's den? Yes! And the majority of Daniel
29:01 chapter 7, with the exception of the
29:03 investigative judgment in heaven. Incidentally,
29:08 parts of Daniel 8-12 could also be understood.
29:12 Could people understand the 70 weeks before
29:17 October 22, 1844? Yes! Many people understood
29:20 the 70 weeks, because that had already been
29:22 fulfilled in Christ. Could people understand
29:26 the ram and the he-goat of Daniel chapter 8?
29:30 Sure! You don't need to be a rocket scientist;
29:32 it says that the ram represents the Medes
29:35 and Persians and that the he-goat represents
29:37 Greece, and that the noble horn is the first
29:42 king, and the four horns represent the divisions
29:45 of the kingdom of that first king! So, that could
29:48 be understood. You know, there was once a debate
29:51 between two individuals: the Church Father by
29:54 the name of Tertullian and a pagan philosopher
29:57 called Porphyry. Porphyry said to Tertullian, he
30:01 said, "Listen, Daniel chapter 11 could not
30:04 have been written in the 6th century by
30:07 Daniel. It had to be written in the intertestamental
30:10 period right before the coming of Christ,
30:13 because the details about the history of
30:15 Rome and Greece is so precise that nobody
30:18 could've predicted it beforehand. [laughs]
30:21 So, very clearly- could the first portions of
30:25 Daniel 11 be understood? Absolutely they could
30:28 be understood! But there was one thing that could
30:30 not be understood, and that is that there would
30:33 be an investigative judgment in heaven
30:36 before the coming of Jesus for Jesus to
30:39 examine the cases of those who professed
30:41 His name to establish His kingdom, the members
30:44 of His kingdom, and then He would give
30:46 the kingdom to His people. So, reason
30:51 #2 why the entire book of Daniel was not sealed
30:54 is because many portions of Daniel could be understood
30:57 before the time of the end! The first reason is
30:59 that Daniel is in two languages, which indicates
31:02 that the book is divided into two parts. There's
31:05 a third reason...Ellen White. [laughs] How
31:10 did she know that the book that was sealed
31:11 is only a part of Daniel? Many scholars say, "Well,
31:15 it's Daniel." No, no, she didn't make that
31:17 mistake. Let's read some quotations here.
31:20 They're on page 228. I'm gonna read just
31:23 a few of these statements, because time flies by.
31:27 In the revelation, all the books of the Bible
31:29 meet an end. Here is the complement of the
31:32 book of Daniel. One is a prophecy, the other
31:35 a revelation. The book that was sealed is not
31:39 the revelation, but that portion. What is a portion?
31:45 A part! But that portion of the prophecy of Daniel
31:49 relating to what? To the last days. The
31:53 angel commanded, "But thou, O Daniel, shut up
31:56 the words and sealed the book even to the
31:58 time of the end." So what is it that is sealed?
32:02 A portion of the book, having to do with what?
32:06 With the last days. Notice the next statement.
32:10 Great Controversy, [pg.] 355. The message of
32:13 salvation has been preached in all ages. But this
32:17 message, she's referring to the first angel's
32:19 message, "The hour of His judgment is come."
32:21 But this message is a part of the gospel which
32:24 could be proclaimed only in the last days. Why
32:29 could the first angel's message only be preached
32:32 in the last days? Because before that, the hour
32:35 of His judgment had not come. "For only then
32:39 would it be true that the hour of judgment
32:42 had come." The prophecies present a succession
32:46 of events. This is Daniel 7, right? Lion,
32:49 bear, leopard, dragon, ten horns, little horn-
32:53 that's a succession that she's talking about. The
32:55 prophecies present a succession of events
32:57 leading down to the opening of the judgment.
33:00 Is that Daniel 7? Is the opening of the judgment
33:02 the final stage? Yes. This is especially true
33:07 of the book of Daniel. Now here comes the
33:09 key portion. "However, that part of his prophecy
33:13 that related to the last days, that," what? "Part,
33:20 Daniel was bidden to close up and seal till
33:23 the time of the end." Is all of Daniel sealed
33:26 to the time of the end? No! She says- she wrote,
33:31 "Not till we reach this time could a message
33:34 concerning the judgment be proclaimed based on
33:37 the fulfillment of these prophecies. However, 'at
33:40 the time of the end,' says the prophet, 'many
33:43 shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall
33:46 be,'" what? "'increased.'" Now, let's skip the next
33:49 quotation and go to the one from Manuscript
33:51 Releases. This is very interesting. "The unsealing
33:56 of the little book"- what is the little book?
33:58 The book that was what? Sealed until the time
34:01 of the end. The unsealing of the little book was
34:04 the message in relation to time. Which time?
34:10 The 2,300-day prophecy. So what is the part
34:13 that is sealed? That which has to do with
34:17 the 2,300-day prophecy! So she explicitly says
34:21 the unsealing of the little book was the
34:23 message in relation to time. Now, let's read
34:27 the last statement. I hate to pass it up.
34:30 Time flies by so fast, but this is just a
34:34 powerful statement. "Honored by man with
34:36 the responsibilities of state and with the
34:38 secrets of kingdoms, bearing universal sway,
34:41 Daniel was honored by God as His ambassador
34:45 and was given many revelations of the mysteries
34:47 of ages to come. His wonderful prophecies
34:50 as recorded by him in chapters 7 to 12 of the
34:54 book bearing his name were not fully understood,
34:58 even by the prophet himself. But before
35:01 his life labors closed, he was given the blessed
35:05 assurance that at the end of the days in the
35:08 closing period of this world's history, he would
35:11 again be permitted to stand in his lot and
35:14 place." By the way, this is not in person,
35:16 but through the unsealing of the book that he wrote.
35:20 "It was not given him to understand all that
35:22 God had revealed of the divine purpose.
35:25 'Shut up the words and seal the book,' he was
35:28 directed, concerning his prophetic writings.
35:30 These were to be sealed, even to the time of the
35:33 end. 'Go thy way, Daniel,' the angel once more directed
35:37 the faithful messenger of Jehovah, 'for the words
35:39 are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
35:43 Go thou thy way till the end be, for thou
35:46 shalt rest and stand in thy lot at the end
35:50 of the days.'" So what is the aspect that was
35:53 not understood, particularly by Daniel? It was the
35:57 event that had to do with time - the prophecy
36:01 of the 2,300 days. So, are you understanding
36:04 Reason #3? Now let's go to Reason #4. The
36:09 internal evidence of Daniel 8-12 proves
36:15 beyond any doubt that these chapters compose
36:18 the little book sealed until the time of the
36:21 end. In other words, when you examine the
36:22 chapters themselves, you discover this. These
36:26 chapters have a central theme that bonds them
36:30 together. The 2,300 days and the beginning
36:34 date for the heavenly investigative judgment.
36:36 That's a central theme of Daniel 8-12. Let us
36:40 consider the content of these chapters
36:42 one-by-one to see how they relate to the 2,300
36:46 days and the heavenly judgment. So, we'll go
36:49 quickly. Daniel 8. You should have this memorized!
36:52 Because it was the Sabbath school lesson
36:54 last Sabbath. [laughter] The vision in this chapter
36:57 describes the historical chain of events that
37:01 precede the beginning of the investigative
37:03 judgment. What do we have first in Daniel 8?
37:06 A ram with two horns. What does that represent?
37:09 Medo-Persia. Then you have a he-goat. What
37:12 kingdom? Greece. Then you have a notable horn
37:15 on the head of the he-goat. What is that?
37:18 It is the first king, Alexander the Great.
37:21 Then four horns come out of the head of the
37:23 scapegoat after the great horn is broken.
37:26 That is the four divisions of what? Of the Grecian
37:28 Empire. Then you have a little horn that first
37:31 extends how? Geographically, horizontally, and then morphs
37:37 into a system that challenges the God of
37:41 heaven, tramples the saints, and messes with
37:45 the sanctuary. And then, when Daniel 8 ends,
37:50 the vision itself ends with two heavenly
37:53 messengers speaking. One heavenly messenger
37:56 asks, "Until when will this vision be?" The
38:00 totality of the vision. And what is the answer
38:03 of the other? Until 2,300 days, the sanctuary
38:10 shall be what? Shall be cleansed. Now, I
38:14 want you to notice something very important
38:16 here. The vision covers what? The question is,
38:22 until when is the vision? The vision covers from
38:25 Medo-Persia to what? To the cleansing of the
38:29 sanctuary, right? Now remember that, because
38:32 we're gonna come back to that. The vision-
38:34 "Until when, the vision". It's the same word 'vision'
38:37 that is used early in the chapter to describe
38:40 Medo-Persia, Greece, the first king, the four
38:42 kings, the little horn geographically, and
38:45 the little horn vertically. So, this covers the
38:48 entire vision that has been given in Daniel
38:53 chapter 8. And then, the interesting thing
38:56 is that Gabriel comes, and he tries to explain
39:02 to Daniel, particularly the time element of
39:07 this prophecy. And what happens with Daniel?
39:12 He just can't get e- the chapter ends by
39:15 saying, "I didn't understand." But do
39:17 you know what he didn't understand? There's two
39:18 words for 'vision' in Daniel 8. Unless you're
39:22 able to go to the Hebrew, you would never know it.
39:27 The first is the word 'châzôn', which describes
39:33 the entire vision from Medo-Persia all the
39:36 way till the cleansing of the sanctuary. The
39:39 second word is 'mar'é', and the word 'mar'é'
39:43 applies only to the 2,300 days of the
39:47 vision. It's specialized in that particular point.
39:51 And at the end of Daniel 8, Daniel doesn't say,
39:54 "I didn't understand the châzôn." Daniel
39:57 says, "I did not understand the mar'é!" "I did not
40:01 understand the 2,300 days." So, in Daniel 8,
40:05 Daniel gets sick, and Gabriel was not able
40:09 to finish the explanation. Did Gabriel give an
40:14 explanation of when the 2,300 days begin in Daniel
40:18 8? No. Did he explain when they end? No!
40:21 He just said 2,300 days. So now, Daniel is confused,
40:26 because God had said that Israel was gonna
40:28 be captive for 70 years, then they would go back
40:30 and they re-established their temple, and they
40:33 would build the walls, they would establish
40:35 their religion. And now, he says, "2,300
40:39 years", [laughs] that means, then, that
40:41 probably, we're so sinful that God has decided
40:45 that He's gonna extend the period from 70 years
40:47 to 2,300 years. So, in Daniel chapter 9, the
40:52 very next chapter, the chapter begins, and
40:55 Daniel is studying the prophecy of the 70
40:57 years. Why is he studying the prophecy of the 70
41:00 years? Well, because he can't make sense of
41:04 70 years verses 2,300 years. And then, after
41:09 he- it says that he's studying the 70 years,
41:12 then the text tells us that Daniel begins the
41:15 prayer. We've sinned. We're wicked. We deserve
41:20 exactly what we got. We broke the covenant.
41:23 But then when he gets to verse 19 in chapter
41:29 9, he says, "Don't delay." That's an important word.
41:36 He's saying to God, "Don't delay." Don't
41:38 delay what? "Don't delay in fulfilling Your prophecy
41:42 of 70 years of captivity!" And then, Gabriel comes
41:46 back at the end of Daniel's prayer, and what does he
41:50 give Daniel? An explanation of what? The 70 weeks,
41:57 from the going forth of the command to restore
42:00 and build Jerusalem. Basically-I'm gonna summarize-
42:03 there's gonna be a period of what? 70 weeks,
42:06 allotted for the Jewish nation, which is 490
42:11 years. The 490 years are the first part of
42:16 which prophecy? The first part of the prophecy
42:20 of the 2,300 days. And it gives us the what?
42:24 The starting point. So is Daniel 9 related to
42:28 the 2,300 days? [Yes.] Yes! Gives us a starting
42:32 point. Does it also give us the ending point?
42:36 Course. If you know the starting point
42:37 and you know it's 2,300 years, you're gonna
42:40 know when it ends! So, the 70 weeks are the
42:44 first part. It gives us a starting point
42:46 for the prophecy that was given in Daniel
42:50 chapter 8. Are you with me so far? Then, in Daniel
42:54 chapter 10, we have an interesting battle. That's
42:57 the lesson for this week. By the way,
43:00 it is a very important chapter. Have you ever
43:05 a sermon in Daniel 10? [laughs] It's not one
43:09 of the chapters that we study, but it is crucially
43:13 important. There's an entire chapter in these
43:15 study notes on Daniel chapter 10, which you
43:18 need to take a look at. But now, I can only
43:20 give you a synthesis of how it's related to
43:23 the 2,300 days. Now let me ask you: In order
43:26 for the 2,300-day prophecy to be fulfilled, was it
43:29 necessary for Israel to go back to their
43:31 land to rebuild the temple? Of course!
43:36 But in order for them to go back to their
43:38 land to rebuild the temple, the Medo-Persian
43:42 king needed to give a what? A decree. So,
43:50 there are two individuals struggling with Cyrus.
43:55 One is called the Prince of Persia, and the other
43:58 one is called Michael. Actually, it's Gabriel
44:01 first, and then Michael. And they're struggling.
44:05 What are they struggling about? They're struggling
44:08 with the mind of Cyrus for Cyrus to give the
44:11 decree for God's people to go back and to rebuild
44:14 the temple, and ? decrees will
44:18 give them permission, also, to establish the
44:19 theocracy so that the prophecy of the 70
44:24 weeks can begin on time. You think Satan was
44:29 able to interpret the prophecy of the 70
44:32 weeks and the 2,300 days? Why do you suppose the
44:35 devil rose up so many counterfeit movements
44:38 around 1844? Marxism! Evolutionism! The Bahá'í,
44:44 the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Mormons, spiritualism...
44:49 You name it! One after another...because the
44:53 devil knew that God was gonna raise up
44:54 a true movement, and he wanted to confuse
44:56 the minds of people. Are you following me
44:59 or not? And so, we find in Daniel chapter 10,
45:04 this battle. Is Daniel 10 related, somehow,
45:07 to the 2,300 days? Of course. The decree has
45:10 to be given so that the 2,300 days can begin
45:13 on time. Let me read this statement from
45:16 Ellen White. It's in your manual here-
45:22 let me see if I can find it. It's on page
45:28 232; it's a little bit later on in what we're
45:33 gonna talk about. It says, "While Satan was
45:35 striving to influence the highest powers in
45:38 the kingdom of Medo-Persia to show disfavor for God's
45:42 people, angels worked in behalf of the exiles.
45:47 The controversy was one in which all heaven
45:49 was interested. Through the prophet Daniel, we
45:53 are given a glimpse of this mighty struggle
45:55 between the forces of good and the forces of
45:57 evil, for three weeks, Gabriel wrestled with
46:01 the powers of darkness, seeking to counteract
46:05 the influences at work on the mind of whom?
46:09 On Cyrus! Do you know that there was opposition
46:13 when they were gonna rebuild the temple?
46:14 Opposition from that point, all the way down
46:17 to the building of the wall! Why? Because
46:21 Satan knew that everything had to be restored in
46:25 order for the 70 weeks to begin and the 2,300
46:28 days to be fulfilled. So, was Gabriel successful
46:32 in fighting against the prince of Persia and
46:35 his hosts? Not by himself, because it says, "And
46:40 before the contest closed, Christ Himself came to
46:44 Gabriel's aid." Did Cyrus give the decree? Yes,
46:49 which would ultimately lead to the decree of
46:51 the 2,300 days. How important is Daniel
46:55 chapter 10? It's crucially important! Does it have
46:59 anything to do with the 2,300-day prophecy?
47:02 Of course it does. Now, unfortunately, our time
47:06 has flown by. So, I'm gonna have to go here
47:13 to Daniel 11, and we'll have to go through
47:16 this very quickly. We've noticed that Daniel 8
47:20 has to do- what is the central theme of Daniel 8?
47:23 The 2,300 days. What is the central theme
47:25 of Daniel 9? The beginning date for the 2,300 days.
47:29 What's the central theme of Daniel 10?
47:32 The struggle for Israel to be re-established so
47:35 that the 2,300 days can begin on time with the
47:37 70 weeks. What about Daniel 11? Do you know
47:41 there's no new vision in Daniel 11? There's
47:44 no new vision; there's just an explanation.
47:47 An explanation of what? Of Daniel 8. Are you
47:53 with me? So now, Gabriel's gonna say, "Okay, Daniel.
47:57 Now I've explained the beginning date and the
47:59 struggle so that the decree could be given.
48:01 Now, I'm gonna take you back to where I
48:03 started Daniel 8, and we're gonna go in the
48:06 course of history; but instead of ending in 1844,
48:08 I'm gonna take you all the way to the close
48:10 of probation and the setting-up of the
48:12 everlasting kingdom." And so, let's notice
48:15 this - are you following me? It's amazing! Let's go
48:20 to page 232. In chapter 11, Gabriel will complete
48:24 the explanation that he suspended in Daniel 8.
48:28 It is important to underline that there
48:29 is no new vision in this chapter, only an explanation.
48:34 What would it be an explanation of? Well,
48:37 it's Daniel 8; it's gonna become very
48:39 clear. This indicates that Daniel 11 is the
48:42 explanation of the vision of Daniel 8,
48:44 because there is no other vision between
48:47 chapter 8 and chapter 11. Gabriel will begin
48:50 the explanation of the vision of Daniel 8 at
48:52 the same starting point. And if you read Daniel
48:55 11, what kingdom does Daniel 11 begin with?
48:59 Persia! What kingdom does it continue with?
49:04 They're given by name- Greece! Does it mention
49:09 the first king in Daniel 11? [Yes.] That's a notable
49:12 horn! Does it then mention the four divisions
49:15 of Alexander's kingdom? Is he starting where
49:19 he started Daniel 8? Absolutely! Then, the
49:23 chapter describes the dominion of pagan Rome
49:27 through verse 30. Then, it describes from verse
49:31 31 through verse 39 papal Rome. Then when
49:39 you get to Daniel 11 verse 40, you have a
49:42 mention of the deadly wound. Remember we
49:45 looked at the King of the South, which represents
49:49 France attacking whom? The King of the North!
49:53 So, is this taking you to 1798 and to the
50:00 French Revolution? Absolutely! But the
50:03 vision takes us well beyond the 1,260
50:06 years of papal oppression to the final persecution
50:10 of God's people when the King of the North's
50:12 wound is healed. Have you noticed in Daniel
50:14 11, after it says that the King of the South
50:16 attacks the King of the North, that suddenly,
50:18 the King of the North overwhelms everything?
50:22 So, is the deadly wound given by the King of
50:27 the South to the King of the North, the last
50:28 end of the story? No, because then the King
50:31 of the North goes out and conquers everything.
50:35 We're on page 233. When the King of the North
50:38 goes out to destroy and annihilate God's
50:41 people and sets up in a strategic point to
50:46 deliver a final death blow, what happens?
50:50 Michael stands up. Do you know what that is?
50:52 That's the end of the judgment that began
50:54 in 1844. It's the close of probation when Jesus
50:58 changes His garments from His High Priestly
51:00 garments to His garments of vengeance. So, does
51:04 Daniel 11 take us far beyond 1844, the beginning
51:09 of the judgment? Yeah. If Daniel hadn't gotten
51:11 sick, probably Gabriel would've given him
51:13 everything. [chuckles]But he got sick, so Gabriel had to
51:16 wait to explain. So, Michael standing up
51:21 represents the close of human probation.
51:23 You say, "How do we know that?" Because
51:25 the same expression, "Stand up," is used in
51:27 verses 2 and 3, and it refers to kings beginning
51:30 to reign. And when will Jesus begin to reign?
51:35 When His kingdom is made up. And when
51:37 will His kingdom be made up? When the
51:40 investigative judgment ends. Now, we continue.
51:45 The vision of Daniel 8 only explained the
51:47 prophetic chain from the kingdom of Persia to the
51:49 beginning of the judgment at the end of the 2,300
51:51 days. The explanation of Daniel 11 begins at
51:57 the same starting point as Daniel 8, but takes
52:01 us beyond the beginning of the judgment at the
52:05 conclusion of the 2,300 days to the close of
52:08 the investigative judgment when Michael
52:11 stands up. After Michael stands up, what's gonna
52:15 happen? Daniel 12:1 says, "Michael will
52:20 stand up. Probation will close." What's
52:24 gonna happen after that? Ohh, it says, "God's
52:27 people will go through," what? "Through the
52:30 worst time of trouble in history." But at
52:33 the moment when it appears like the King
52:35 of the North is going to annihilate them,
52:38 what's gonna happen? At the end of the time
52:41 of trouble, God will what? Deliver His people
52:46 from the wrath of the King of the North, that
52:49 is, all whose names will retain in the book.
52:51 Let's go to Daniel 12:1. This is really interesting.
52:55 Daniel chapter 12 and verse 1 has several
52:59 elements. Daniel 12:1. And let's go, actually,
53:04 to verse 44. It says here when the King
53:11 of the North is overwhelming everything, according
53:13 to the previous verses, "But news from the east
53:16 and the north shall trouble him." So there's
53:19 gonna be news from the east and the north that
53:21 is gonna trouble the King of the North,
53:24 who has overwhelmed everything. What comes
53:26 from the east? The angel that seals comes from the
53:32 rising sun. And the north is where? Up!
53:38 Revelation 18 speaks about an angel that
53:40 He sends from heaven; the whole world is filled
53:42 with His glory. Is that going to really alarm
53:47 the papacy? Absolutely. And what is he gonna
53:50 do as a result? "Therefore, he shall go out with
53:53 great fury to destroy and annihilate many."
53:58 But when he goes out to annihilate many,
54:01 what happens? Verse 1 of chapter 12. "At that
54:03 time, Michael shall stand up." What does
54:07 that mean, "Michael shall stand up"?
54:09 Probation closes. Is that the end of the
54:13 story? No. It says, "The great prince
54:16 who stands watch over the sons of your people,"
54:19 and then what comes? "There shall be a time
54:24 of trouble, such as never was since there was a
54:27 nation." So is there a period after the close
54:30 of probation before Jesus comes to give the kingdom
54:34 to His people? Yes. And it says, "At that
54:38 time, your people shall be," what? "Delivered."
54:45 And here's an important detail. "Everyone who is
54:47 found written in the book." How is that
54:52 determined who will be written in the book?
54:55 [chuckles] What determined who would be written
54:59 in the book? The investigative judgment. People say,
55:04 "Well, the investigative judgment, that was Ellen
55:05 White's invention." Was not Ellen White's
55:08 invention; it's all over the Bible. But
55:11 notice that not only does Gabriel take
55:15 Daniel to the close of- the wrath of the
55:17 King of the North of the papacy, setting
55:21 up in a strategic place to deliver a death blow.
55:24 The loud cry of the fourth angel, and the
55:27 sealing, and the close of probation, and the
55:32 time of trouble, and the deliverance of
55:35 God's people-it goes even beyond-and many
55:39 of those who sleep in the dust of the earth
55:41 shall awake. This is what it's called: The
55:43 Special Resurrection. Don't have time to get
55:46 into that. "And many of those who sleep in the
55:49 dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting
55:53 life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt."
55:56 Those who pierced Jesus were resurrected in that
55:58 special resurrection, and those who died
56:01 of the faith of the third angel's message
56:04 will resurrect during that period. It doesn't
56:07 end there, though; it ends with the everlasting
56:09 kingdom. It says, "Those who are wise shall shine
56:16 like the brightness of the firmament and those
56:19 who turn many to righteousness, like
56:23 the stars forever and ever." Are you following
56:30 me? Now, there's a fifth reason: The internal
56:34 evidence shows us that, really, Daniel 8-12 has
56:39 a central theme, right? We notice chapter 8,
56:42 9, 10, 11, and through 12 and verse 3! Now,
56:47 let me ask you this: If Daniel 12:4 says
56:51 that the book is sealed until the time of the
56:53 end, would you expect there to be some place
56:58 in the Bible where it talks about that book
57:01 being opened? [chuckles] And that the book has
57:06 to do with the judgment? And the judgment hour
57:11 message is gonna cause a disappointment? But
57:14 after that, it has to be preached that the temple
57:17 has to be measured- hello!? [laughter]
57:21 Would you expect another place in the Bible to
57:23 describe the moment when the book opens? Do we
57:27 have such a passage in Scripture? Where is it?
57:31 In Revelation chapter 10. Powerful angel
57:35 descends from heaven with an open book in
57:37 his hand, and the entire chapter has to do with
57:43 the judgment. And so, tomorrow in our first
57:48 session, we will study about the opening of the
57:52 little book that was sealed. So as I always
57:55 say, don't miss the next exciting episode!


Revised 2020-09-18