Revelation's Seven Trumpets

Lesson 10 - The Mighty Angel from Heaven Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: RST

Program Code: RST000018S

00:01 [intense music]
00:14 Welcome back to session #2, the morning presentations.
00:20 We want to continue studying in this session
00:24 what we started last time, which is the study
00:26 of Revelation chapter 10. We got to page 248
00:31 in our last study together. I'm hoping to be able
00:34 to finish this particular lesson in this session
00:40 so that this afternoon, we can get to the issue
00:43 of prophesying again and measuring the temple.
00:46 So, we're gonna begin at the bottom of page
00:49 248. In the middle of the page, three points:
00:54 #1) The seven thunders are a delineation of
00:58 events that happen between 1842 and 1844.
01:02 #2) The people were not supposed to know the
01:06 message that the thunders uttered. And #3) The
01:10 reason why they were not to know what the thunders
01:12 uttered is because their faith needed to be tested.
01:16 Now, what does all this mean? The message of
01:19 the seven thunders told John that those who
01:23 proclaim the judgment hour message would be
01:26 disappointed when Jesus failed to come in 1843,
01:32 or the spring of 1844. As is well-known by
01:36 informed Seventh-day Adventists, Miller originally
01:40 believed that Jesus was gonna come about the
01:44 year 1843. Unfortunately, Miller and his associates
01:50 failed to reckon that there is no year 0
01:55 between 1 B.C. and 1 A.D. And therefore, they were
02:00 disappointed when Jesus did not come in 1843.
02:04 Ellen White wrote about this particular disappointment.
02:08 "I saw the people of God in joyful expectation,"
02:13 this is in 1843, "looking for their Lord." Now,
02:18 notice this: "But God designed to prove them."
02:23 What is a synonym of 'proof'? Test! "God
02:28 designed to prove them. His hand covered a
02:32 mistake in the reckoning of the prophetic periods."
02:36 Would that be kind of like the sealing of the
02:37 thunders-what the thunders uttered? Absolutely!
02:42 "His hand covered a mistake in the reckoning
02:44 of the prophetic periods." This is the same thing
02:48 as the sealing of the seven thunders. If John
02:51 had written down what the thunders said, the
02:53 people would not have been what? Would not
02:55 have been disappointed. "Those who were looking
02:58 for their Lord did not discover this mistake,
03:02 and the most learned men who oppose the
03:04 time also failed to see it. God designed that
03:10 His people should meet with the disappointment."
03:14 Who was the one who told John to seal the
03:16 thunders? God did. So why didn't the people
03:21 understand? Because God designed it that way.
03:24 Are you following me or not? I continue,
03:28 "The time passed, and those who had looked
03:31 with joyful expectation for their Savior were
03:34 sad and disheartened." Now, notice; there's
03:38 another group. "While those who had not loved
03:41 the appearing of Jesus but embraced the message
03:43 through fear were pleased that He did not come at
03:46 the time of expectation. Their profession had not
03:50 affected their heart and purified the life.
03:53 The passing of the time was well-calculated to
03:55 reveal such hearts. They were the first to
03:59 turn and ridicule the sorrowful, disappointed
04:01 ones who really loved the appearing of their
04:03 Savior. I saw the wisdom of God in proving His
04:10 people and giving them a searching test." Do
04:15 you remember what Ellen White stated - that their
04:18 faith must be necessarily be what? Tested. Are you
04:22 following this? So she says, "I saw the wisdom
04:26 of God improving His people and giving them
04:28 a searching test to discover those who
04:31 would shrink and turn back in the hour of
04:34 trial." The next statement has to do with after the
04:38 1843 disappointment. They discovered the
04:41 reason why they were disappointed-Jesus didn't
04:44 come in 1843-they said, "Well, the prophecy ends
04:47 in 1844." But they thought it was in the spring first.
04:51 But then when they realized that the Day of Atonement
04:53 was in the summer of 1844, then they said,
04:57 "No, it's in October." So, notice this second
05:00 statement after the 1843 disappointment. "Those
05:04 faithful disappointed ones who could not
05:06 understand why their Lord did not come were
05:10 not left in darkness." Is God gonna take away
05:13 the hand now to reveal what the thunders mean?
05:16 Yes! "Again, they were led to their Bibles to
05:19 search the prophetic periods. The hand of
05:22 the Lord was removed from the figures." [laughs]
05:25 So are they gonna understand now? Yes.
05:28 "And the mistake was explained. They saw that
05:31 the prophetic periods reached to 1844 and
05:34 that the same evidence which they had presented
05:36 to show that the prophetic periods closed in 1843
05:40 proved that they were terminate in 1844. Light
05:44 from the Word of God shone upon their position,
05:46 and they discovered a tarrying time. Though
05:49 it," that is, the vision, "tarry, wait for it.
05:53 In their love for Christ's immediate coming, they
05:56 had overlooked the tarrying of the vision, which was
05:59 calculated to manifest the true waiting ones.
06:05 The test, right? "Again, they had a point of time,
06:10 yet I saw that many of them could not rise above
06:12 their severe disappointment to possess that degree
06:15 of zeal and energy, which had marked their
06:18 faith in 1843." Now, there's a statement that
06:24 some Adventists have misinterpreted, and this
06:28 statement gives the impression, if you don't
06:30 read it carefully, that the thunders are still
06:33 future. It's a misreading of the statement. So,
06:39 you're gonna probably face this at some point in your
06:41 church, so let's go through it on the next
06:44 page, pg. 250. After these seven thunders
06:48 uttered their voices, the injunction comes
06:52 to John as to Daniel in regard to the little
06:55 book. "Seal up those things," which the
06:58 seven thunders uttered. Now, here's the point:
07:02 These thunders relate to future events. So, they
07:09 say, "See, the thunders are still in the future."
07:12 But the question is, future from when?
07:17 She's just mentioned John and Daniel, right?
07:21 So, it's future not from the time of Ellen White;
07:25 it's future from the time of Daniel. Are you understanding
07:27 me or not? So, these thunders relate to future
07:31 events, which will be disclosed in their order.
07:35 And then she refers to Daniel. Daniel shall stand
07:38 in his lot at the end of the days, John sees
07:41 the little book unsealed, then Daniel's prophecies
07:44 have their proper place in the first, second, and
07:46 third angels' messages to be given to the world.
07:49 The unsealing of the little book was the
07:51 message in relation to time. So in other words, the
07:54 seven thunders are not future from the time of
07:58 Ellen White; they're future from the time of Daniel
08:01 and John. Is that point clear? Now, let's go to
08:07 the angel's oath. After the angel descended
08:11 from heaven with the open book-that's point
08:13 #1-and the seven thunders uttered their message-
08:18 1842 to the spring of 1844- the angel raised his right
08:24 hand to heaven and swore an oath in the name of
08:28 the eternal God, the Creator, and he said
08:32 that time would be no longer. So let me ask
08:37 you - is this happening after the seven thunders
08:40 uttered their message that was sealed, and
08:42 then the people understood? Yes. What did the angel
08:46 mean by, "Time will be no longer." Was he
08:51 referring to the end of probationary time?
08:55 Was he referring to the end of the world? No!
08:59 Ellen White was explicit, and I'm gonna prove it
09:02 from the Bible, as well. Seventh-day Adventist
09:04 Bible Commentary, vol. 7, pg. 971. "This time,
09:10 which the angel declares with a solemn oath, is
09:13 not the end of this world's history." In
09:16 other words, it's not the seventh trumpet. Neither
09:19 of what? Probationary time- when the seventh
09:22 trumpet is what? About to sound, but a prophetic
09:27 time, which should precede the advent of our Lord.
09:33 That is, the people will not-listen carefully-
09:36 the people would not have another message
09:39 upon definite time, because all prophetic
09:43 periods ended in 1844. She continues. "After
09:49 this period of time, reaching from," when?
09:52 Ah! See, there it is. "1842 to 1844, there
09:56 can be no definite tracing of the prophetic time.
10:00 The longest reckoning reaches to the autumn
10:03 of 1844." Here's another one. This is Selected Messages,
10:09 vol. 2, pg. 108. "And the angel which I saw stand
10:12 upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his
10:15 hand to heaven and swear by Him that liveth forever
10:17 and ever who created heaven and the things
10:19 that therein are, and the earth and the things
10:22 that therein are, and the sea and the things
10:25 which are therein, that there should be time no
10:29 longer." Now, what does that mean-"time will be
10:33 no longer"? She's explicit. "This message announces
10:36 the end of the prophetic periods. The disappointment
10:40 of those who expected to see our Lord in 1844
10:44 was indeed bitter to those who had so ardently looked
10:48 for His appearing. It was in the Lord's order
10:53 that this disappointment should come and that
10:55 hearts should be revealed." Now, biblically speaking,
11:02 how do we know that the expression, "Time will be
11:05 no longer," does not refer to the close of probation
11:08 or to the end of the world? Two reasons. Reason #1)
11:13 The oath of the angel that time will be no
11:17 longer takes place during which trumpet? During
11:21 the sixth trumpet. Has probation closed during
11:24 the sixth trumpet? No. So we know that the
11:28 expression, "Time will be no longer," is done
11:30 during probationary time. So, it can't be the close
11:34 of probation or the end of the world. Are you
11:37 following me? Now, there's a second reason. After the
11:42 angel announced that time would be no longer,
11:46 he instructed John to prophesy again and measure the
11:48 temple. What good would it do to prophesy again
11:50 and measure the temple if probation had closed?
11:56 Are we on the same page? [chuckles] Unfortunately,
12:01 all modern versions of the Bible-including the
12:05 New King James, by the way-translate the
12:07 expression, "Time will be no longer as there
12:09 should no longer be any delay." Folks, that totally
12:13 disconnects Revelation 10 from Daniel 12:4.
12:19 Even our very own Andrews University Study Bible
12:23 translates it in this fashion. However, this
12:26 translation is simply wrong! It totally severs
12:31 the time referred to in Revelation 10:6
12:35 from the time prophecy of the 2,300 days,
12:37 which is the last time prophecy. In other words,
12:40 when the 2,300 days come to an end, that
12:43 is the end of the prophetic periods. Time, prophetic
12:45 time, will be no more. The word 'khronos',
12:50 which is the word 'time', appears in three other
12:53 places in Revelation. It appears in Revelation
12:57 2:21 where it says that God gave Jezebel time
13:01 to repent. It appears in Revelation 6:11
13:05 where the martyrs are told to rest "a little
13:09 time," and it's used in Revelation 20:3
13:14 where it speaks about the devil being unleashed
13:18 after the millennium "for a short time."
13:22 All modern versions translate the word
13:24 'time' there. In the other 30 references
13:28 of the word 'khronos' in the New Testament,
13:30 the versions always translate 'time'.
13:32 There's the one time where they translate
13:34 'delay'. I think there's an agenda here. By
13:40 the way, there is a Greek word in the New
13:42 Testament for 'delay'. It's the word 'kronizo'-
13:47 at the bottom of page 251. The word appears
13:51 in Matthew 24:48 where the Lord's servant says,
13:56 "My Master delays His coming." So if John had
14:00 wanted to say "delay," could he have used a
14:02 word that means 'delay'? Of course. Now, it is
14:06 obvious the angel's declaration that time
14:09 will be no longer cannot have been made before
14:13 the 42 months ended, before the 1,260 days ended,
14:16 before the 3.5 times ended, before the 3.5
14:21 days ended, and before the 2,300 days ended,
14:25 because if these time periods had not ended
14:28 and they were still future from the time
14:30 that he said, "Time will be no longer,"
14:32 then time would be longer. Now, here's
14:38 another important point. Contrary to the accusations
14:41 of the enemies of Adventism-within and
14:44 without, I might say-the Seventh-day Adventist
14:46 Church has never set a date for any prophetic
14:49 event. "...Really?" In 1844, the Seventh-day
14:56 Adventist Church did not even exist. It is
15:00 true that later, the Seventh-day Adventist
15:01 Church embraced October 22, 1844 as the date when
15:06 Jesus entered the Most Holy Place to begin a
15:08 work of investigative judgment. However,
15:12 leading up to 1844, scholars of many different
15:15 denominations came up with that date. Ellen
15:20 White on multiple occasions warned Adventists not
15:23 to set dates for any prophetic event after
15:26 1844. She's been explicit, and yet there are people
15:30 in the Church that are giving dates for the
15:32 Sunday law, and they're giving dates for the
15:35 international Sunday law, and they're giving
15:36 dates for the close of probation for the Adventist
15:38 Church, and giving dates for the close of probation
15:40 for the world... Ellen White says no more
15:43 dates, folks. No more dates having to do with
15:46 prophecy. The last date is October 22, 1844.
15:52 "Time will be no longer," is what the angel said.
15:56 Let me just read this one statement, because
15:58 we really want to finish this lesson before the
16:03 end of this session. The first statement
16:06 has Ellen White's comment about the setting of dates.
16:10 She wrote, Review and Herald, July 21, 1851,
16:14 "The Lord has shown me that the message of the
16:15 third angel must go and be proclaimed to the
16:18 scattered children of the Lord, and that it
16:21 should not be hung on time, for time will
16:25 never be a test again. I saw that some were
16:29 getting a false excitement, arising from preaching
16:32 time, that the third angel's message was
16:35 stronger than time can be. I saw that this
16:38 message can stand on its own foundation," now that
16:41 this third angel's message can stand on its own
16:43 foundation, "and that it needs not time to
16:46 strengthen it, and that it will go in mighty
16:49 power, and do its work, and will be cut short
16:53 in righteousness." So is this clear? If anybody
16:58 sets dates, you know that they're on the
17:00 wrong track. The purpose might be sincere.
17:06 What is the purpose of setting the date? To
17:09 excite the people. But then what happens after
17:13 the date passes and nothing occurs? The
17:16 excitement disappears and is more difficult
17:19 next time to get them excited about something
17:21 that really is worthy to be excited about!
17:25 Like the little boy who cried, "Wolf, wolf!"
17:30 Now, let's go to the oath in Daniel and
17:32 Revelation - the oath in Daniel and Revelation.
17:36 Both in Daniel and Revelation, both of
17:40 these books refer to the angel's oath,
17:43 and both books begin the oath by invoking
17:46 the name of the everlasting God. So, both Daniel
17:49 12:7 and Revelation chapter 10 invoke the
17:53 eternal God. In Daniel 12:7, the angel lifts
17:58 both hands to heaven; but in Revelation, the
18:03 angel raises only his right hand. And the
18:06 reason is very simple: In the book of Daniel,
18:09 the angel did not yet have the book, so he
18:12 raises both hands. But in Revelation, the angel
18:15 has the book in one hand, so he can only raise-
18:18 unless he raises the hand with the book. He only
18:20 raises one hand. Now, significantly, the angel
18:25 in the book of Revelation invokes the name of
18:28 the eternal God, and he swears the oath.
18:32 However, the book of Revelation adds that
18:36 the eternal God was the one who what? Ah, this
18:40 is not in Daniel; this is in Revelation. The eternal
18:44 God is the One who created the heaven
18:46 and the things that are in it, the earth
18:48 and the things that are in it, and the sea
18:51 and the things that are in it. What does
18:53 this bring to our minds? How about the first
18:57 angel's message? "Worship Him who made the heavens
19:00 and the earth, the seas, and the fountains of
19:05 waters?" Is this an illusion to the fourth
19:07 commandment, also? To the Sabbath? Absolutely!
19:12 Now, notice. The description of God as the eternal Creator
19:17 links the little book of Revelation 10 with
19:19 what? With the first angel's message of
19:22 Revelation 14. There are three similarities
19:25 between Revelation 10 and the first angel's
19:28 message. First, both underline that the
19:31 message is what? Global. Does the first angel's
19:36 message go to every nation, kindred, tongue,
19:38 and people? Does the angel that brings the
19:41 little book plant his left foot on the land
19:47 and the right foot on the sea? So is it a
19:51 global message? Yes. Secondly, both announce
19:55 the beginning of the what? Does the first
19:58 angel's message announce the beginning of the
20:00 judgment? Is Revelation 10 also about the beginning
20:03 of the judgment? Absolutely. Do both focus on the
20:07 Creator? Yes. So, Revelation 14:6-7 is closely related
20:14 to Revelation chapter 10. Let's continue -
20:17 last paragraph. "The angel's command for
20:19 John to prophecy again from the little book
20:23 bears a direct relationship with the first angel's
20:26 message, where God commands the world to
20:29 worship the Creator, because the hour of
20:31 God's judgment has come. Thus, the final remnant
20:36 people of God will admonish the world to worship the
20:40 Creator. In the context of the judgment, in addition
20:46 there's something more. In his oath, the angel
20:49 strongly paraphrases the language of the
20:52 fourth commandment, where God commands
20:55 His people to keep the Sabbath as a sign of
20:59 creation." Now, let's talk about the mystery
21:04 of God - the finishing of the mystery of God.
21:07 As I mentioned, this verse is out of order.
21:10 This verse, Revelation 10:7, we're gonna notice
21:13 actually should be placed at the end of the sixth
21:20 trumpet. We'll see that. Revelation 10:7. "But"...
21:27 "But"-means 'however'- "in the days of the
21:31 sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about
21:36 to sound," not when the seventh angel sounds,
21:40 but when he is about to sound, what is gonna
21:43 happen when the seventh angel is about to sound?
21:46 "The mystery of God would be finished, as
21:51 He declared to His servants, the prophets."
21:56 Now, what does it mean? "The mystery of God
22:00 would be finished." Let's skip the next
22:02 two paragraphs because of the brevity of time
22:05 and go to the subtitle, "What is the mystery
22:07 of God?" The mystery of God is the gospel
22:11 of salvation that He kept secret in
22:16 the eternal counsels of the past, but has
22:19 now revealed by the preaching of the gospel.
22:22 In other words, the mystery of God is
22:25 the preaching of the gospel for people to
22:27 be saved. What would the finishing of the
22:31 mystery of God be? What would it be? It would
22:36 simply mean that there's no use to preach anymore,
22:39 because people cannot be saved by the preaching.
22:43 Let's notice Romans 16:25-27. Did you notice here that
22:49 it says that the servants, the prophets, declared
22:52 the finishing of the mystery of God? So,
22:54 let's notice Romans 16:25-27. "Now to Him who is able
23:00 to establish you according to my..." What does Paul
23:03 say? "My gospel, and the preaching of Jesus
23:09 Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery
23:14 kept secret since the world began." What is
23:18 the mystery that was kept secret since the
23:21 world began? The mystery of preaching the gospel,
23:26 the plan of salvation. When was the plan of
23:28 salvation devised? In the ages of eternity,
23:32 even before sin. But then, Paul says, "But
23:35 now made," what was secret in the eternal
23:39 counsels in the past is, "now made manifest,
23:43 and by the prophetic scriptures." Did you
23:46 notice that it says the mystery of God would
23:49 be finished as He declared to His servants, the prophets?
23:52 Now Paul is saying what? He's saying, "now made
23:55 manifest by the prophetic scriptures made known to
24:00 all nations, according to the commandment of the
24:02 everlasting God, for obedience to the faith-
24:05 to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus
24:08 Christ forever. Amen." So, what is the mystery
24:15 that is finished shortly before the seventh
24:17 trumpet sounds? It is the preaching of the gospel,
24:21 the gospel of salvation where people can be
24:23 saved. Now, notice this statement from Ellen
24:27 White-powerful statement- where she concurs that the
24:31 mystery of God is the mystery that was kept
24:33 secret, but then in the New Testament times
24:36 because Jesus came, now it's been revealed in
24:39 its fullness. She says, "The incarnation of
24:42 Christ is a mystery. The union of divinity
24:48 with humanity is a mystery, indeed hidden with God,
24:55 'even the mystery which hath been hid from
24:58 ages.'" And now, Ellen White comments. She
25:02 was just quoting the verse that we read from
25:05 Romans. "It was kept in eternal silence by
25:09 Jehovah, and was first revealed," where? Did
25:14 it exist before Eden? Yes; it was first
25:17 revealed in Eden. So once again, "It was kept
25:21 in eternal silence by Jehovah and was first
25:24 revealed in Eden by the prophecy that the
25:28 seat of the woman should bruise the serpent's
25:30 head and that he should bruise his heel. Now,
25:34 listen carefully. "To present to the world
25:37 this mystery that God kept in silence for
25:41 eternal ages before the world was created, before
25:44 Man was created, was the part that Christ
25:47 was to act in the work He entered upon when
25:50 He came to this earth." And now what should be
25:53 done with this mystery? This wonderful mystery
25:56 of salvation? "And this wonderful mystery,
26:00 the incarnation of Christ and the atonement that
26:04 He made must be declared to every son and daughter
26:10 of Adam, whether Jew or Gentile." What is the
26:15 mystery of God? The preaching of the gospel,
26:20 so that people can be what? Saved. So what
26:25 is the finishing of the mystery of God? It
26:30 must be when the preaching of the gospel comes to
26:34 an end, and no one any longer can be saved,
26:40 because probation has closed! Let me ask you:
26:46 Is this happening before or after 1844? But now
26:53 wait a minute, in the next verse, you're gonna
26:55 have the bittersweet experience. That was
26:57 in 1844. [chuckles] Are you with me?
27:03 So is 10:7 chronologically after the following verses?
27:09 Very clearly, it is. It's an interjection.
27:12 In other words, it is a clarification that the
27:16 mystery of God takes place at the very end
27:18 of the sixth trumpet - before the seventh trumpet
27:21 begins to blow. Now, let's go to the next
27:25 paragraph. The mystery of God-that is, the
27:28 preaching of the gospel to the world-will end
27:30 shortly before the seventh trumpet begins
27:33 to sound. At that time, what will Jesus do?
27:37 He will remove His priestly robes and
27:40 clothe Himself with His kingly robe. Is He gonna
27:46 be intercessor anymore? No. He's gonna be clothed
27:50 as King, because He's gonna come as King and
27:53 King of kings and Lord of lords to rescue His
27:56 people. Daniel 12:1 describes this moment
28:02 by Michael standing up. At this time, Jesus will
28:06 begin to reign, and because the judgment
28:10 has ended and the number of His subjects is complete.
28:14 We already discard that, right? What does
28:17 the investigative judgment do? It reveals who are
28:20 subject of His Kingdom. So when is the Kingdom
28:23 complete? When the mystery of God is finished
28:27 and the preaching of the gospel ends and all
28:30 cases are decided in the judgment. Revelation
28:34 15:5-8 describes the moment, as well, where
28:38 Christ's work of intercession ends in the heavenly
28:41 Naos, which is the heavenly Most Holy Place of the
28:44 sanctuary. In summary, when the seventh angel
28:49 is about to sound, the following events will
28:52 transpire. Probation will close, the mystery
28:57 of God will be finished... And you need to add
29:00 one there. The time of trouble will ensue
29:04 in between the mystery of God and the seventh
29:06 trumpet. And then, the seventh trumpet will
29:10 sound, and Jesus will possess the kingdoms
29:13 of the world. Are you understanding the
29:14 chronology? So, is there a period of time between
29:18 when the seventh trumpet is about to sound and
29:21 probation closes, and when the seventh trumpet actually
29:24 sounds? What is in between those two points? The
29:29 time of trouble. (x2) And, by the way, does
29:33 Daniel chapter 12 prove that? That that time
29:37 Michael shall stand up; that's the close of probation.
29:39 The great prince. What ensues after that?
29:42 The time of trouble, such as never has
29:44 been seen! What follows that? "Your people will
29:47 be delivered!" He comes to get His people.
29:51 That's the seventh trumpet - the giving
29:54 of the kingdom. Now, I wish that we could
29:56 cover what we find next, but the clock is rolling,
30:03 very fast. Let me just summarize what you have.
30:06 This closing of probation is amplified in Revelation
30:10 15:5-8. By the way, next year, Lord willing,
30:14 if I'm still alive and if Jesus doesn't come
30:20 and the final crisis is not upon us, we will
30:24 be studying Revelation 15-22. Tremendous material!
30:30 Unbelievable material. So, you want to make
30:32 sure you sign up early. We only have space for
30:35 47 people. So if everybody who's here registers for
30:39 next year, nobody new can register. [laughter]
30:45 Which is not what we necessarily want, but
30:47 what I'm saying: If you want to save your space,
30:50 do it early. And by the way, the same price.
30:55 The same price. It's never gone up, and
30:59 we don't anticipate it going up, either. So
31:01 Revelation 15:5-8 speaks about when Michael stands
31:04 up to close the probation, and Revelation 22:10-12
31:09 also describes the moment when probation closes,
31:13 and Daniel 7, which we already looked at yesterday,
31:17 also describes the time when the judgment ends
31:21 and Jesus takes over the Kingdom. So, you need to
31:23 read from the bottom of page 255 through almost
31:29 the end of page 257, because we don't have
31:32 time to do that right now. But basically, the
31:35 key point that you need to remember is that these
31:38 pages are describing the same moment when
31:41 Michael stands up, the mystery of God is finished,
31:43 and probation closes. Now, let's go, actually,
31:47 to page 258. The Bittersweet Experience. (x2) This is
31:57 an important point. It is clear that the little
31:59 book experience of verses 8-11 precedes Revelation
32:04 10:7 in time, right? It's not a case that
32:09 the mystery of God ends, and then John is told,
32:12 "Now, you eat the book; it'll be sweet and bitter."
32:14 No. The sweet and bitter experience takes place
32:16 before the finishing of the mystery of God.
32:19 In other words, Revelation 10:7 is a parenthetical
32:22 statement that breaks the flow of thought.
32:26 Someone may wonder why this is so. Well, the reason
32:29 is obvious. After John eats the little book
32:32 and it's sweet in his mouth and bitter in
32:34 his stomach, the angel tells him to prophesy
32:37 again and measure the temple. If the mystery
32:41 of God, the preaching of the gospel, had
32:42 already finished and probation had closed,
32:46 there would be no reason to prophesy again! And
32:49 there would be no reason to measure the temple,
32:51 because that takes place before the blowing of the
32:53 seventh trumpet. So, verses 8-11 take us
32:57 back to events that occurred between verses
33:00 6 and 7. The assimilation of the little book by
33:06 John causes a bittersweet reaction. In the mouth,
33:11 the judgment book, by the way- this is the
33:13 judgment book, right? The announcement of
33:17 the end of the 2,300 days. That's important.
33:20 So, there's gonna be something bitter and
33:22 something sweet about the 2,300-day prophecy.
33:27 So, when John eats the book, it is what? Oh,
33:30 it is sweet like honey! But then what happens?
33:35 The contents of the book, because he's
33:37 eating the book, the contents of this judgment
33:42 book, the 2,300-day prophecy, becomes what?
33:45 Becomes bitter. By the way, have you ever had
33:50 the experience of eating something that is sweet
33:52 but it gives you indigestion? Well, then you literally
33:56 know what John went through. Now, what does
34:00 it mean when it says, "Eat the book." Well,
34:03 actually, we don't go around eating books.
34:07 It means to assimilate the book, the message
34:11 of the book. Notice three texts: Jeremiah
34:14 15:16... Jeremiah says, "Your words were found,
34:19 and I ate them, and Your Word was to me the joy
34:24 and rejoicing of my heart, for I am called
34:28 by Your name, O Lord, God of hosts," so
34:30 when God utters His Word, it is what? It
34:33 causes joy and rejoicing. Psalm 119:103. "How
34:39 sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter
34:44 than honey to my mouth!" So somehow, the bittersweet
34:49 experience has to do with reading the words that
34:53 are found in the little book! Something relating
34:57 to the 2,300-day prophecy is going to cause bitterness
35:02 after sweetness in the mouth. By the way,
35:05 what was the taste of the manna? Ohh, it says-
35:10 you know, this was a very versatile kind of
35:12 food!-it says, "And the house of Israel
35:15 called its name manna, and it was like white
35:18 coriander seed, and the taste of it was like
35:22 wafers made with honey." Does that sound good?
35:27 Ooh, that sounds tasty. Ellen White explained
35:32 in what sense the book concerning the judgment
35:34 message was sweet. She wrote this, Manuscript, 59,
35:40 1900, "The comprehension of truth, the glad reception
35:45 of the message, is represented by the eating
35:48 of the little book. The truth in regard to the
35:52 time of the Advent of our Lord"... Had they specified
35:55 that Jesus was gonna come October 22, 1844?
35:58 She says, "The timing, the time of the Advent
36:02 of the Lord, was a most precious message to our
36:05 souls." In other words, it was what? Sweet.
36:08 In fact, Ellen White described the year
36:10 that led up to 1844 as the "happiest year of
36:13 my life," because she was gonna see Jesus
36:16 come back in power and glory. Now, the act of
36:20 eating the scroll- continuing here-not
36:23 only represents the fact that John was to assimilate
36:26 the message and digest the message; it also
36:29 means that he was supposed to impart the message.
36:33 So, the Millerites not only were supposed to
36:35 understand the message, but they were to proclaim
36:37 the message. You say, "How do we know that?"
36:40 Well, we go back; we allow Scripture to interpret
36:43 Scripture. We go back to Ezekiel chapter 3:1-4-
36:47 very similar verses. "Moreover, he said to
36:50 me, 'Son of Man, eat what you find. Eat this
36:55 scroll, and go; speak to the house of Israel."
36:58 So do you have a scroll? Is the prophet Ezekiel
37:03 commanded to eat the scroll? Yes. So what
37:07 does he do? "So I open my mouth, and it caused
37:11 me to eat the scroll. And he said to me,
37:15 'Son of Man, feed your belly and fill your
37:18 stomach.'" Is there a mention of stomach there
37:21 in Revelation? Yes! "'Fill your stomach with
37:25 this scroll that I give you,' so I ate, and it
37:28 was in my mouth like honey and sweetness.
37:32 Are you seeing the parallels? And now
37:34 notice, not only is Ezekiel supposed to
37:38 eat it and have it be sweet to him, but then
37:41 in verse 4 it says, "Then he said to me, 'Son of Man,
37:45 go to the house of Israel and speak My words to
37:49 them.'" Did the Millerites only rejoice, "Oh, Jesus
37:53 is coming again! Hallelujah," and then sit at home
37:57 and not tell anyone? No! They assimilated,
38:02 understood the message, were filled with joy,
38:05 and then they proclaimed it. Bottom of page 259:
38:12 "The message of the judgment imparted by the Millerites
38:15 leading up to October 22, 1844 was indeed sweet.
38:20 They believe that the judgment meant the
38:22 cleansing of the earth by fire and the setting
38:25 up of Christ's everlasting Kingdom! They were wrong
38:28 about the event, and were severely disappointed."
38:34 Let's look at the reaction of some of the pioneers.
38:36 Hiram Edson. You can really sense by what he wrote
38:44 the deep sadness and sorrow that those who
38:48 went through the disappointment experienced. "We confidently
38:51 expected to see Jesus Christ and all the holy
38:54 angels with Him and that His voice would call up
38:57 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all of the
39:00 ancient worthies and dear friends which had
39:02 been torn from us by death, and that our
39:04 trials and sufferings with our earthly pilgrimage
39:07 would close, and that we should be caught up
39:09 to meet our coming Lord, to be forever with Him,
39:12 to inhabit bright golden mansions in the golden
39:15 home city prepared for the redeemed. Our
39:18 expectations were raised high, and thus we looked
39:21 for our coming Lord until the clock told
39:24 12 at midnight." See, they were wrong there.
39:28 They needed, still, to learn that the day
39:30 begins at sunset. [laughs] That's what Ellen White
39:34 says; they were not ready to meet their
39:36 Lord. They still had duties and things to
39:38 learn. He continues, "The day had been
39:42 passed, and our disappointment became a certainty. Our
39:45 fondest hopes and expectations were blasted, and such
39:49 a spirit of weeping came over us as I never
39:52 experienced before. It seemed that the loss
39:56 of all earthly friends could not have been
39:58 anything in comparison. We wept and wept till
40:02 the day dawn. I mused in my own heart, saying,
40:06 'My Advent experience has been the richest
40:08 and brightest of all my Christian experience!
40:10 If this had proved a failure, what was the
40:13 rest of my Christian experience worth?
40:16 Has the Bible proved a failure? Is there no
40:18 God, no heaven, no golden city, no paradise? Is all
40:23 this but a cunningly devised fable?" These
40:26 are questions that came up in his mind. "Is there
40:29 no reality to our fondest hope and expectation of these
40:32 things? And thus we had something to grieve and
40:35 weep over, if all our fondest hopes were lost. And
40:39 as I said, we wept till the day dawn."
40:43 Don't you dare criticize that movement unless
40:45 you have this kind of spirit. There are those
40:49 who say, "Ah, the Great Disappointment; the
40:51 Adventist Church began with a disappointment.
40:53 Let's bury that, because that's embarrassing."
40:57 Notice what Washington Morse said. "The passing
41:00 of the time was a bitter disappointment. True
41:05 believers had given up all for Christ." They sold
41:09 their things to pay the debts of other people!
41:14 They prayed all night! They studied the Scriptures
41:16 all night! They left the potatoes in the field!
41:20 These people really believed this. "True
41:23 believers had given up all for Christ and
41:26 had shared His presence as never before. The
41:29 love of Jesus filled every soul, and with
41:32 an expressible desire, they prayed, 'Come,
41:34 Lord Jesus, and come quickly.' But He did not
41:38 come. And now, to turn again to the cares,
41:41 perplexities, and dangers of life, in full view of
41:45 the jeering and reviling unbelievers who scoffed
41:48 as never before was a terrible trial of faith
41:51 and patience. When Elder Himes visited Waterbury,
41:55 Vermont, a short time after the passing of the
41:57 time and stated that the brethren should
42:00 prepare for another cold winter, my feelings were
42:03 almost uncontrollable. I left the place of meeting
42:07 and wept like a child. Does this help you
42:11 understand a little bit about the bitterness
42:13 of the Disappointment? Notice what William
42:15 Miller wrote. "It passed. And the next day, it
42:20 seemed as though all the demons from the
42:22 bottomless pit were let loose upon us. The same
42:27 ones, and many more, who were crying for
42:30 mercy two days before were now mixed with
42:32 the rabble and mocking, scoffing, and threatening
42:36 in a most blasphemous manner. Those people
42:41 joined the movement because they were
42:42 afraid. [That's right.] Not because they loved
42:45 the Lord. Now, do you remember the triumphal
42:49 entry of Jesus into Jerusalem? I'm gonna
42:53 go through this very quickly. Let me ask you.
42:57 Was it a sweet experience for those who participated
43:01 in the triumphal entry? Oh, yes! "The King is
43:04 coming!" Was a specific prophecy being fulfilled
43:09 by this? Which prophecy? The 70-week prophecy.
43:13 Jesus was gonna die in the middle of the week.
43:16 Was this a portion of the 2,300-day prophecy?
43:19 Absolutely! What did the disciples believe?
43:23 That Jesus was gonna establish His Kingdom
43:26 on earth. Were they mistaken about the
43:28 event? Was the timing right? Yes! The timing
43:33 was right. After Jesus went to Gethsemane on the
43:40 cross, were His followers bitterly disappointed?
43:44 Yes! In fact, after the disappointment, two of
43:47 the followers of Jesus-not of the 12 disciples, but-
43:51 two of His followers are walking on a country
43:53 road to the little town of Emmaus. We know the
43:56 name of one of them, but not of the other.
43:59 The name of one is Cleopas. It's interesting to
44:06 notice that as they are walking, who catches
44:09 up to them? Jesus catches up to them! And what
44:13 does Jesus do? He says, "Guys, you misunderstood
44:17 Scripture!" Wasn't it necessary that Jesus
44:21 go to the cross and die and resurrect from the
44:24 dead? And beginning in Moses and all the prophets,
44:27 He revealed to them in all the scriptures the
44:29 things concerning Himself, and their hearts burned!
44:32 They say, "We get it now!" He wasn't gonna
44:36 come to reign as king; He had to die! So was
44:41 prophecy clarified to these two individuals
44:44 who were walking on the country road to
44:46 Emmaus? Yes. And then, Peter and the disciples
44:49 understood that Jesus was not going to establish
44:53 His Kingdom here on earth, but He was
44:54 gonna enter the Holy Place to begin His work
44:58 of intercession in the heavenly sanctuary!
45:02 Did the majority of those who professed
45:05 to follow Jesus follow Him into the Holy Place?
45:10 No. How many were left in the upper room? 120,
45:16 out of all the multitudes. Did most of them fall
45:19 by the wayside? Yes. Now, did Jesus then
45:24 command the disciples to go prophesy again
45:28 with new understanding? Absolutely! And was
45:34 there a faithful remnant that founded the Christian
45:37 Church? [Yes.] Are you looking at the parallel
45:40 here? The Christian Church began with a great disappointment!
45:45 Why don't we try to bury that if we're
45:47 embarrassed? Now let's draw the parallel. The
45:52 Millerites also had a sweet experience.
45:55 They were expecting Jesus to come at the
45:57 conclusion of the larger portion of that prophecy.
46:02 Was Jesus fulfilling a specific time prophecy?
46:05 Yes! The 2,300 days. What kind of kingdom
46:10 did the Millerites envision? A kingdom on earth -
46:15 cleansing the earth, and Jesus establishing Himself
46:17 as King here! Were they right about the timing?
46:21 Yes. What were they wrong about? The event.
46:24 When Jesus failed to fulfill their expectations, was
46:29 the sweet experience changed into bitterness
46:32 as we just noticed? Yes! Now here's the
46:35 interesting thing: The day after the Disappointment,
46:38 there are two of the Millerites that are walking
46:41 across a field. We know the name of one of them-
46:45 Hiram Edson. We don't know the name of the
46:47 other. [laughs] And suddenly one, Hiram
46:51 Edson, has this momentary insight-and some people
46:56 don't know whether it's a vision or whether it's
46:59 just a momentary insight of thought, but-he said,
47:02 "I saw distinctly and clearly that instead of
47:06 Jesus coming to the earth on October 22,
47:08 1844, He entered the Most Holy Place to begin
47:11 a new work!" Are you with me? Amazing!
47:20 As Jesus had entered the Holy Place and Peter
47:22 preached on the Day of Pentecost- no, no,
47:24 no, He wasn't gonna set up His Kingdom here;
47:26 He's begun as Intercessor in the Holy Place in 1844.
47:30 Now, the message is given. No, He wasn't gonna
47:32 come to the earth; He was gonna start His
47:34 work in the Most Holy Place! What happened
47:37 with the majority of those who had believed
47:39 that Jesus was gonna come as King on earth?
47:42 They fell by the wayside, and they became, by the
47:44 way, the synagogue of Satan. What did the
47:48 faithful do after this? They restudied the
47:51 prophecies that they had misinterpreted.
47:55 Did they now have further understanding? Yes!
47:59 Did God establish a remnant out of this
48:01 group and tell them to prophesy again? Absolutely.
48:06 That faithful remnant was the nucleus of
48:09 the Seventh-day Adventist Church that we know today.
48:15 Isn't that a remarkable parallel? God has a sense
48:18 of humor. [laughter] Now let's talk about
48:23 the prophesying again. There's something strange
48:27 about the angel's order for John to eat the book.
48:31 He first told John that the book would be bitter
48:36 in the stomach and sweet in the mouth. Is that kind
48:38 of a weird order? Yeah, because things don't
48:42 become bitter in your belly before you eat
48:44 them. Why does the angel reverse the natural order
48:48 in verse 9? In order to understand this, we need
48:53 to look at the chiastic structure of verses 9
48:55 through 11. So notice this chiasm. Letter A above
49:01 is equivalent to letter A below. You see that?
49:04 B above, equivalent to B below; and C and C
49:08 are parallel. So let's notice. Letter A: The
49:13 angel tells John to take the scroll and eat it.
49:17 Then he is told, "It's gonna be bitter in your
49:19 stomach," right? Then letter C, "In your mouth,
49:23 it will be sweet as honey." Now, in the
49:27 second half of the chiasm, he's going to reverse the
49:30 order. "In your mouth, it will be sweet as
49:34 honey"-that's the same letter C in reverse order-
49:38 B, "It was bitter in my stomach." And
49:43 what is equivalent to the angel telling John
49:45 to take and eat the scroll? The angel tells
49:48 John, "You must prophesy again." So what does
49:54 that mean-to eat the scroll? It is equivalent
49:58 to prophesying again. Did the Millerites eat
50:02 the scroll? Does that mean only that they
50:06 understood the message? No. What does that mean?
50:09 It means they understood the message, and what?
50:11 Proclaimed it. So what does the angel say now?
50:14 The angel says, "Go, and you must prophesy
50:20 again." In other words, "You have to proclaim
50:22 this message again with new understanding."
50:26 The chiastic structure is important, because it
50:30 shows that the angel's order for John to eat
50:32 the scroll in verse 9A is equivalent to the
50:35 order to prophesy again in verse 11. When John
50:38 ate the scroll, he assimilated the judgment
50:40 message and proclaimed it. However, because of
50:43 the Disappointment, it was necessary to preach
50:46 the message from the same scroll again. So
50:49 do we have a judgment hour message to proclaim
50:51 to the world today? Yes, we do, but with added
50:54 understanding. You notice that the angel says-
51:00 it doesn't say, "I hope you prophesy again."
51:06 "You should prophesy again." "Please prophesy
51:10 again." No! He says, "You must prophesy
51:14 again!" What does the word 'must' mean?
51:16 The exegetical dictionary of the New Testament
51:21 tells us what the word 'must' means. It's an
51:23 imperative in the Greek. What is an imperative?
51:25 A command! This word designates an unconditional
51:30 necessity. Sentences with this verb have
51:35 fundamentally an absolute, unquestioned, and often
51:41 anonymous and deterministic character. In other words,
51:46 prophesying again is not optional, but obligatory.
51:54 We find the prophesying again, where? In the
51:58 first angel's message with the new understanding.
52:01 The Millerites preached this message leading up
52:04 to 1844, but the remnant needed to preach it once
52:08 more, but with greater understanding. Do we
52:12 have greater understanding than the Millerites?
52:14 [Yes.] Oh, yeah. The Millerites also preached
52:17 the second angel's message, but the remnant must
52:19 preach it again. And by the way, they did not
52:21 preach the third angel's message, but we must
52:23 preach the third. Now, were there things that
52:30 the Millerites did not understand besides what
52:32 was gonna happen in 1844? There's something
52:37 very interesting. Shortly after 1844, the remnant
52:44 that was faithful started discovering the distinctive
52:48 doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They
52:53 discovered that the law was still binded. The churches
52:56 said, "No, it was nailed to the cross." They
52:59 discovered the Sabbath. They discovered that
53:03 the dead are dead. They discovered health reform.
53:10 Why did they discover all of those things?
53:14 Because all of those things are centered
53:16 in the Most Holy Place. When they enter the
53:19 Most Holy Place, what is inside the Ark? The
53:24 Ten Commandments. What is at the center of the
53:26 Ten Commandments? The Sabbath. And the idea
53:31 that the judgment began in 1844-and Adam was
53:35 the first one judged- indicates that Adam did
53:39 not go to heaven when he died, because his
53:42 case appears in 1844, before the heavenly court.
53:45 They said, "Well, if the judgment begins
53:46 in 1844, and it starts with Adam and continues
53:50 with everybody after that, then nobody went
53:52 to heaven after they died!" Are you with
53:56 me? And the pot of manna not only represented
54:04 the need to keep the Sabbath, but the manna
54:07 also represented health reform! Remember when
54:10 Israel said, "Ah, we're tired of the manna!
54:16 Give us all that good food that we had in
54:18 Egypt." "Good" in quotation marks, of course. So,
54:22 the manna inside the Ark represented health
54:26 reform. And what about the dead rod that sprouted
54:30 life? - represents that the hope of the Christian
54:33 is found in the resurrection. By the way, I won't
54:35 get into women's ordination, but the rod also has to
54:38 have something to do with that, because it
54:40 comes after the rebellion of Korah, Dathan, in the
54:43 Bible. But we'll leave that alone. Now, let's
54:46 go to our final section: a representative person.
54:51 The question we must ask at this point is
54:53 this: Does this symbolic portrayal of eating the
54:57 scroll and it being sweet and bitter apply
55:01 to John in the first century, or does the
55:03 act of John symbolize the experience of an
55:05 anti-remnant? In other words, is John symbolic
55:08 of a movement at the end of time? Of course!
55:13 Notice what William Shay- who passed away recently;
55:16 he was my teacher of the seminary - photographic
55:18 memory-he wrote this. "John lived at the beginning
55:21 of the Christian era, right? When he received this vision.
55:25 However, the prophetic scene itself looks down
55:28 toward the end of time long after John's death,
55:31 the sixth trumpet. He should therefore be
55:33 taken as representative of those who will bear
55:38 this final message, the part he was acting out
55:41 under those circumstances. It would have been
55:44 physically impossible for John to bear the message
55:47 to all of the groups he was told to address."
55:51 Could John alone witness to all nations, tongues,
55:55 peoples, kings? He was a prisoner in Patmos,
55:58 folks! So, John here is symbolic of what?
56:05 Symbolic of a movement. Now, let's go to the
56:11 bottom of page 264. This prophecy, then, does
56:15 not apply to John in the first century for
56:17 two reasons, summarized: 1) John lived during the
56:21 first century, but these events take place during
56:24 the period of the sixth trumpet at the time of
56:26 the end when John was already dead. 2) "It would've
56:30 been impossible for John to prophesy again to many
56:34 peoples, nations, tongues, and kings. After all, he
56:37 was a prisoner on Patmos, and there's no evidence
56:40 that he ever fulfilled this commission. A global
56:44 message requires a global people to proclaim that
56:51 message." Did the Seventh-day Adventist Church become
56:55 a global church after 1844? Absolutely. The
57:00 proof is in the pudding, as they say. Isn't this
57:04 remarkable? How everything in Revelation 10 was
57:08 fulfilled in the movement surrounding 1844? Now,
57:15 does the Bible say, "The Millerites were
57:17 gonna announce the coming of judgment, that they
57:19 will be disappointed because Jesus wasn't
57:21 gonna come..." Revelation 10 doesn't say that!
57:25 Do we have to go outside the cannon of Scripture to history to
57:31 see these things being fulfilled? Yes. And when
57:33 we look at the history of the Advent movement,
57:37 everything happened exactly in the order in
57:41 which Revelation chapter 10 says. In other words,
57:45 we have not believed cunningly-devised fables.
57:50 We are on solid ground. Ellen White said it is
57:53 certain that we have the [ascertainment] that
57:55 we have the truth as God lives.
57:58 [intense strings music]


Revised 2020-10-26