Spring Camp Meeting

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SCM

Program Code: SCM180009A

00:41 Welcome to the 3ABN Spring Camp Meeting:
00:44 The Three Angels' Messages.
00:48 Thank you for joining us. We've been having a great time,
00:51 haven't we, in the Lord? Amen!
00:52 We have a wonderful group of folk here
00:55 from not only this country but countries around the world.
00:58 And we so appreciate you coming to 3ABN.
01:00 The weather so far has been beautiful.
01:02 A little hot... but it's better than cold, right?
01:04 And so... inside it's been very warm also,
01:08 but warm with the Holy Spirit.
01:10 And I feel so blessed to be a part of a ministry
01:13 that is giving present truth to a lost and dying world.
01:17 And tonight it's my privilege to introduce
01:19 our speaker Pastor Stephen Bohr.
01:22 Stephen and I have known each other for many many years.
01:25 In fact, I think in the 70's he actually pastored the
01:28 West Frankfort SDA church for a year or so.
01:31 I don't know why one year. I don't think we kicked him out
01:34 or anything. Maybe he got tired of us is what it was.
01:37 But he was here. And I've known Steve for a long time.
01:39 A wonderful man of God and bilingual... can speak,
01:43 preach in Spanish and English and just has such a gift
01:47 for communicating the gospel.
01:49 And if you really... I tell people: "If you really
01:51 want to learn something about prophecy and end-time events
01:54 he should be on your TV. You should be going to YouTube
01:58 to look up these sermons, because God has gifted him
02:01 in giving an undiluted three angels' messages.
02:04 one that would counteract the counterfeit
02:06 into all the world. And so we're so thankful tonight
02:09 we have... Pr. Stephen Bohr will be ministering to us.
02:13 But before he comes out we have Yvonne Lewis-Shelton
02:16 and we're privileged to have her here tonight
02:19 with Brother Tim Parton.
02:21 And Tim, thank you for what you're doing.
02:23 Yvonne, what will you be singing for us tonight?
02:25 It's a medley of I Love The Lord and 'Tis So Sweet
02:28 To Trust In Jesus. All right; thank you so much.
02:47 I love
02:50 the Lord.
02:56 He heard
02:59 my cry.
03:04 and pitied
03:07 every
03:12 groan.
03:17 Long as
03:20 I live
03:25 and troubles
03:29 rise
03:33 I'll hasten
03:36 to...
03:40 I'll hasten to
03:45 His throne.
03:54 Jesus, Jesus,
03:59 how I trust Him!
04:03 How I've proved
04:07 Him o'er and o'er.
04:15 Jesus, Jesus
04:19 how I trust Him!
04:23 How I've proved Him
04:28 o'er and o'er.
04:36 Jesus, Jesus
04:41 precious Jesus!
04:46 O for grace
04:51 to trust Him
04:54 more.
04:59 I'll hasten to
05:03 His throne...
05:08 Yes, I'll hasten to
05:12 His throne...
05:16 Oh, I'll hasten to
05:21 His throne!
05:31 Amen!
05:54 Good evening. Good evening!
05:58 Very nice to see all of you.
06:02 It's a big crowd for a Thursday night.
06:05 Praise the Lord!
06:08 Before we have a word of prayer
06:11 to ask the Lord to bless our study
06:13 I want to mention that
06:16 just a few years ago I did a series on the 3 angels' message
06:21 in our studio in Fresno.
06:25 It's twenty-five hours: a phrase by phrase study
06:30 of the three angels' message.
06:32 It comes with a syllabus where you have the written
06:37 presentations. And if you would like
06:41 to check it out go to the Secrets Unsealed booth.
06:45 We have a booth out here.
06:47 So... enough advertising.
06:51 Also, if you want to sign up for our mailing list,
06:54 there's a card that you can fill out.
06:57 And it's also at the booth, and you'll get on our mailing list.
07:01 You'll get our newsletters; you'll get our notices about
07:05 specials, catalogs, etc.
07:07 So I hope that you'll come by the Secrets Unsealed booth.
07:10 And if you have any questions just ask Aileen.
07:14 She is the marketing director for Secrets Unsealed.
07:18 Now let's bow our heads.
07:21 Father in heaven, we thank You for the privilege
07:23 of being here at 3ABN Camp Meeting.
07:26 What a joy it is to hear wonderful music!
07:29 To be able to speak with You in prayer!
07:32 And also to hear Your Word proclaimed!
07:36 We ask, Father, that as we open that Word
07:38 that Your Holy Spirit will be with us to open our hearts
07:41 and minds. Not only those who are in this place
07:45 but those who are watching this program
07:49 on 3ABN worldwide.
07:52 We thank you for the promise of Your presence
07:55 and we claim that promise. Yes!
07:56 In the precious name of Jesus, Amen. Amen!
08:02 3ABN has asked me to speak on the second angel's message.
08:08 So let's turn in our Bibles to Revelation chapter 14
08:11 and verse 8. Revelation 14:8.
08:16 And we're going to unpack this short verse.
08:22 It says: "And another angel followed
08:26 saying: 'Babylon is fallen,
08:30 is fallen:
08:32 that great city
08:34 because she has made all nations drink
08:38 of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. ' "
08:43 Now obviously
08:46 Babylon is not literal.
08:50 Babylon is a world-wide system.
08:53 Babylon is symbolic. It's not the literal city
08:57 over in the valley of Mesopotamia.
09:00 It represents a global system.
09:04 Now Babylon in the Bible -
09:08 more specifically in the book of Revelation -
09:12 has a broad meaning and it also has
09:16 a more narrow meaning.
09:21 Now first of all, let's take a look at the broad
09:24 meaning of Babylon because we cannot understand
09:27 the fall of Babylon unless we understand what Babylon is.
09:32 So go with me to Revelation 16:13.
09:36 We're going to notice that Babylon in the broadest sense
09:40 is composed of a three-fold union at the end of time.
09:45 I'm reading now from verse 13 and verse 14.
09:49 "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs
09:52 coming out of the mouth of the dragon,
09:54 out of the mouth of the beast,
09:57 and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
09:59 For they are spirits of demons performing signs
10:03 which go out to the kings of the earth and the whole world
10:06 to gather them to battle of that great day
10:09 of God Almighty. "
10:12 So you have these three powers.
10:14 In the broadest sense Babylon is composed of three:
10:18 the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet.
10:24 Now you might be wondering: are those really the three parts
10:27 of Babylon? Well, when we go down to verse 19
10:30 in the same chapter we find that the great city has 3 parts
10:36 which we just read about.
10:38 It says in verse 19...
10:39 this is when Babylon actually falls:
10:42 "Now that great city was divided into three parts.
10:47 And the cities of the nations fell and great Babylon
10:52 was remembered before God to give her the cup of the wine
10:56 of the fierceness of His wrath. "
10:59 So you notice that when Babylon falls
11:02 she's divided into three parts.
11:05 And those three parts we read about in the immediate context
11:09 are the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet.
11:15 Now in Revelation 16 it's not the first time that we encounter
11:19 this three-fold union.
11:21 Actually we have to go back to Revelation chapter 13
11:26 in order to understand this trilogy of powers
11:32 that compose Babylon.
11:34 In Revelation chapter 13
11:36 we have the dragon; we have the sea beast;
11:42 and then we have the beast that comes from the earth.
11:47 Those are the same three powers that we read about
11:50 as we began our study:
11:52 the dragon, the sea beast, and the land beast
11:56 all in Revelation chapter 13.
11:59 Now in Revelation 17 we encoun- ter this three-fold union again
12:03 but they don't have the same names.
12:07 In Revelation chapter 17 what we have
12:10 is the period when the beast's deadly wound is healed.
12:15 In other words, Revelation 17 is describing
12:17 the future career of the sea beast.
12:21 And in Revelation chapter 17 these three powers are described
12:27 as the kings of the earth, the harlot,
12:31 and the daughters of the harlot.
12:34 Now basically the dragon or the kings
12:39 represent the civil powers of the world.
12:43 The sea beast and the harlot
12:46 represents the Roman Catholic papacy.
12:50 And the land beast or the beast from the earth -
12:53 the daughters in Revelation 17-
12:56 represent the apostate Protestant churches.
13:01 Now somebody might wonder about the dragon representing
13:05 the kings of the earth. Well actually, the dragon
13:09 represents Satan working THROUGH the civil powers of the world.
13:14 Let me just give you 2 or 3 evidences of this.
13:18 In Revelation chapter 12 and verse 4
13:21 we're told about a dragon that wants to devour the child
13:24 when the child is born. That child is Jesus.
13:26 It says: "And the dragon stood before the woman
13:29 who was ready to give birth to devour her child
13:31 as soon as it was born. "
13:34 Of course, Satan did not stand next to the woman to devour
13:37 the child. Satan used the Roman Empire...
13:41 more specifically Herod.
13:45 Ellen White in Great Controversy page 438
13:48 wrote: "Thus while the dragon primarily represents Satan
13:53 it is in a secondary sense a symbol of pagan Rome. "
14:00 And then in Testimonies to Ministers page 39
14:03 she speaks about the end time...
14:06 what the dragon represents in the end time.
14:08 And I read this short statement: "Kings and rulers
14:14 and governors have placed upon themselves
14:18 the brand of antichrist
14:20 and are represented as the dragon
14:23 who goes to make war with the saints:
14:26 with those who keep the commandments of God
14:28 and who have the faith of Jesus. "
14:32 So you notice that she identi- fies the dragon as kings,
14:35 rulers, and governors.
14:37 So you have this three-fold union at the end of time:
14:40 the dragon, the beast, and the land beast or the false prophet.
14:45 And in Revelation 17
14:48 you have the kings, you have the harlot, and you have
14:51 the daughters of the harlot.
14:54 That is Babylon in the broadest sense of the word.
14:58 It is a three-fold union
15:01 composed of dragon, sea beast, land beast,
15:05 or in Revelation 17 kings, harlot, and daughters.
15:11 However, we need to look at Babylon in a more
15:16 restricted sense. You see, we've looked at Babylon
15:19 in the broadest sense, but we need to look at Babylon
15:22 also in a restricted sense.
15:24 You say: "What do you mean? "
15:27 What I mean is that even though Babylon is composed
15:31 of three powers one of those powers
15:35 predominates over the others.
15:37 One of those powers is the central figure.
15:41 One of those powers orchestrates everything
15:45 and the other two are simply puppets
15:49 of this central figure.
15:53 And you say: "Who is the central figure? "
15:56 The central figure in Revelation 13 is the beast.
16:02 In Revelation chapter 17
16:04 the central figure is the harlot
16:08 because the sea beast and the harlot represent
16:12 the same power. Now let's go to Revelation 13:1-10.
16:17 And we don't have a lot of time so I have to just summarize
16:21 the content of Revelation 13 verses 1-10
16:25 where it describes the sea beast.
16:27 I want you to notice here that the sea beast
16:31 operates centrally in Revelation 13:1-10.
16:37 I'll just give you a list.
16:39 In Revelation 13 verse 2
16:42 we're told that the dragon gives its seat,
16:45 its power, and its authority to the sea beast.
16:49 Then the sea beast rules for 42 months.
16:53 It speaks blasphemies against the Most High.
16:56 It persecutes the saints of the Most High.
16:59 It claims to have the power to change God's law.
17:03 It tramples on the heavenly tabernacle and those who dwell
17:07 in heaven. At the end of its first stage of its career
17:11 it receives a deadly wound
17:13 but after a while the deadly wound is healed
17:18 and the entire world will marvel after the sea beast.
17:23 So who is the central figure in Revelation 13:1-10?
17:27 It's the sea beast... not the dragon.
17:31 The dragon simply gives his throne, his power,
17:33 and his authority to the sea beast.
17:37 Now even the land beast
17:41 is centered on the sea beast.
17:45 And you say: "How's that? "
17:46 The reason why is because the land beast
17:50 everything it does it does to please the sea beast.
17:55 Let me just go through the list.
17:57 You can read this in Revelation 13:11-18.
18:02 We are told that the beast that rises from the earth
18:04 exercises all of the authority of the first beast.
18:09 It will force the whole world to worship the first beast.
18:14 What it does it does in the presence of the first beast.
18:19 And that expression "in the presence" means on behalf of
18:22 or it worked for the beast
18:25 or "it worked at the commissioning of the beast. "
18:28 So this beast from the earth: everything it does
18:32 is to please the sea beast... the first beast.
18:35 It exercises all the authority of the first beast.
18:38 It tells everybody to worship the first beast.
18:41 Everything it does it does in the presence of the first beast.
18:45 It makes an image of the first beast and an image to the
18:49 first beast and it imposes the mark of the first beast.
18:55 Somehow I think that this beast that rises from the earth
18:59 everything it does is to please the first beast
19:04 and restore power to the first beast.
19:07 So even the second beast of Revelation 13
19:10 is centered on the first beast.
19:13 Now what about Revelation chapter 17?
19:17 Who is the central figure in Revelation chapter 17?
19:21 Is it the kings of the earth?
19:24 No.
19:26 Is it the daughters of the harlot?
19:30 No.
19:31 Who is the central figure?
19:33 It is the harlot.
19:35 Let's read Revelation chapter 17
19:38 and verses 1-5 and then we'll offer a summary.
19:43 It says: "Then one of the seven angels
19:45 who had the seven bowls
19:47 came and talked with me saying to me:
19:51 'Come, I will show you the judgment
19:53 of the great harlot who sits on many waters
19:56 with whom the kings of the earth
19:59 committed fornication
20:00 and the inhabitants of the earth
20:03 were made drunk with the wine of her fornication. '
20:06 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet
20:10 and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls
20:13 having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations
20:16 and the filthiness of her fornication.
20:18 And on her forehead a name was written:
20:26 And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints
20:29 and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus
20:31 and when I saw her I marveled with great amazement. "
20:36 Who is at the center of this passage? The daughters?
20:40 No! She's called the mother so she must have daughters.
20:42 Are the kings central to these verses?
20:46 No! Let's summarize.
20:49 The harlot woman represents an apostate church.
20:53 She sits on the waters or rules over them.
20:56 She carries on an adulterous affair
21:00 with the political powers of the world.
21:02 She has the golden cup in her hand
21:04 full of the wine of her abominations.
21:07 She makes all nations drink of her wine.
21:10 When they drink of her wine they get angry.
21:14 She is arrayed in purple and scarlet.
21:17 She is decked with gold and precious stones and pearls.
21:22 She has daughters that do her bidding.
21:25 She is drunk with the blood of the saints and the martyrs
21:28 of Jesus. She is a political system
21:32 because in Revelation 17:18 it says: "The harlot
21:35 is also the city of Babylon. "
21:39 So you'll notice that in Revelation 13:1-10
21:42 at the center is the sea beast.
21:45 Then the land beast rises and does everything to please
21:49 the sea beast. And then the harlot of Revelation chapter 17,
21:54 this apostate church, orchestrates everything
21:58 after the deadly wound is healed.
22:01 So even though Babylon is composed of three powers -
22:04 the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet -
22:06 the kings of the earth and apostate Protestantism
22:10 and the papacy, really the papacy - the harlot
22:15 or the sea beast - orchestrates everything
22:19 and uses the other two for her purposes.
22:23 Now you notice in the second angel's message
22:26 that the expression "is fallen, is fallen"
22:31 is repeated twice.
22:33 What does that mean?
22:35 It means that Babylon is REALLY fallen!
22:39 You see, the Bible says in the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses
22:43 every word is confirmed.
22:45 Pharaoh received the same basic dream twice
22:49 so that it would be certain... so they could be certain
22:53 that what he had seen in his dream would take place.
22:57 And when Jesus said: "Verily, verily I say unto you... "
23:01 He was speaking about something very very solemn
23:04 that He wanted to emphasize.
23:06 So when Revelation says Babylon "is fallen, is fallen"
23:10 it means that Babylon is REALLY fallen.
23:14 Now the question is: why did Babylon fall?
23:18 Well, let's go back to Revelation 14:8.
23:22 It says: "And another angel followed saying:
23:25 'Babylon is fallen, is fallen:
23:28 that great city... ' And now notice the next words:
23:31 'because she has made all nations
23:35 drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. ' "
23:40 Why did Babylon fall?
23:44 Because she gave all nations what?
23:48 Her wine.
23:50 Is this talking about literal wine?
23:52 No... because it's not a literal harlot;
23:55 it's not literal Babylon; she doesn't sit on literal waters.
23:58 The wine must be symbolic of something.
24:01 Now the question is: what does the wine represent?
24:07 The wine represents her false doctrines.
24:11 Now we need to link the second angel's message
24:14 with the first.
24:16 You see, the first angel's message has pure grape juice.
24:23 But because Babylon rejected the first angel's message
24:28 she gives the nations fermented wine.
24:32 In other words, unfermented grape juice in the Bible
24:36 represents pure doctrine.
24:38 Fermented grape juice or wine
24:41 represents false doctrine.
24:44 Because Babylon rejects the first angel's message
24:47 Babylon falls. The proclamation is made
24:51 that Babylon fell under the 2nd angel's message.
24:55 Now what is the message of the first angel?
24:57 You've studied that here so far.
25:00 The everlasting gospel.
25:02 I'll synthesize it.
25:04 Jesus was sacrificed once for all.
25:08 He does not need to die again and again.
25:11 He was sacrificed once for all.
25:13 He is our ONLY and SUFFICIENT High Priest.
25:16 No human priest necessary.
25:19 And we are saved by HIS righteousness alone...
25:22 not by our works.
25:25 THAT is the everlasting gospel.
25:27 But then also we find other things in the
25:29 first angel's message.
25:31 We're told to fear God.
25:33 And fear God is linked quite frequently
25:38 in the Old Testament with keeping His commandments.
25:42 "Fear God and keep His commandments
25:44 for this is the whole duty of man. "
25:47 Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 13.
25:50 The first angel also tells us to give glory to God...
25:53 not glory to man.
25:54 It means to reveal the character of God.
25:57 We also notice that the first angel's message tells us
26:00 that we are NOW in the hour of the judgment.
26:03 The judgment takes place before the second coming of Jesus
26:06 in heaven... which means that nobody went to heaven or to hell
26:09 when they died. Because if they did
26:12 why would you have a judgment beginning at a certain point
26:14 of time? That means that the dead are dead
26:17 until the resurrection.
26:19 And then the first angel's message calls upon us
26:23 to worship the Creator. And the sign of the Creator
26:26 is His holy Sabbath.
26:28 Why did Babylon fall?
26:30 Because Babylon rejects every aspect of the first angel's
26:34 message. Babylon rejected the pure grape juice
26:38 and preferred to give intoxicating wine
26:42 to the nations.
26:45 If she had accepted the first angel's message,
26:48 she would never have fallen.
26:50 She fell because she rejected the first angel's message
26:53 and in its place she became a spiritual wine factory.
26:59 She then gave her fermented wine to the inhabitants of the world
27:03 and they became spiritual alcoholics.
27:10 Now we still haven't answered from the Bible
27:13 what the wine represents.
27:15 We've said that the wine represents false doctrine.
27:17 First angel's message gives God's present truth
27:21 in the end time. It presents the grape juice
27:25 of God so to speak. It presents true doctrine.
27:28 Babylon falls because Babylon rejected
27:31 the first angel's message; it rejected true doctrine.
27:34 But the question is: does the Bible tell us
27:39 what the wine is specifically? What false doctrines
27:43 we're talking about that Babylon upholds?
27:47 The fact is that the Bible does give us a list
27:52 of things that characterize the doctrines of Babylon.
27:56 Now when I was preparing to do this presentation
28:01 several years ago I decided to look up wine
28:05 in the concordance.
28:07 And almost every single reference to wine
28:10 deals with drinking literal wine that makes people drunk.
28:14 You know, there is the exception of Jesus saying
28:17 you don't put new wine in old wine skins.
28:20 But it doesn't actually define there what the wine is.
28:24 So I kind of struggled with this when I read
28:26 Revelation chapter 17: "She gives wine to the nations. "
28:29 What exactly is the wine?
28:32 And then I found something which really gave me the key.
28:36 And that is that in Revelation chapter 17
28:41 and Revelation chapter 18
28:44 it says that she gives wine to the nations
28:47 and then she's spoken of as having a cup in her hand
28:51 full of her abominations.
28:55 So what is the wine?
28:57 The wine are Babylon's abominations.
29:00 So I said: "Well, instead of looking up the word wine
29:04 let's look up the word abominations. "
29:07 And when I looked up the word abominations
29:10 which is what is in the cup
29:12 "the wine is her abominations"
29:14 I discovered many interesting things.
29:18 First of all: making idols and bowing to them
29:23 is an abomination in the sight of God.
29:27 You know the fourth commandment so I won't read it.
29:30 But I want to read Deuteronomy 7:25-26
29:34 where clearly carving images and bowing before them
29:38 is spoken of as an abomination.
29:42 It says there: "You shall burn the carved images
29:46 of their gods with fire.
29:48 You shall not covet the silver or gold that is on them
29:52 nor take it for yourselves
29:54 lest you be ensnared by it
29:56 for it is an abomination to the Lord your God
30:00 nor shall you bring an abomination" -
30:03 that's an idol - "into your house lest you be doomed
30:07 to destruction like it. You shall utterly detest it
30:11 and utterly abhor it for it is an accursed thing. "
30:16 So making idols and bowing before the idols
30:19 is a portion of Babylon's wine.
30:23 Deuteronomy 27:14-15.
30:26 Once again, idols are spoken of as an abomination.
30:30 It says: "And all the Levites shall speak with a loud voice
30:35 and say to all the men of Israel:
30:37 'Cursed is the one who makes a carved or molded image...
30:41 an abomination to the Lord.
30:43 And the works of the hands of the craftsman
30:46 and sets it up in secret. And all the people shall answer
30:50 and say Amen. ' "
30:52 So the first aspect of the wine of Babylon
30:55 or the abominations that are in the cup of Babylon
30:58 is making idols and bowing before them.
31:03 The second thing that is defined as an abomination
31:07 is practicing occultic things.
31:12 Deuteronomy chapter 18:9-12
31:16 describes delving into the occult as an abomination.
31:20 And by the way, do you know what is at the very foundation
31:23 of the occult? The idea that the dead are not dead.
31:27 The immortality of the soul is at the root.
31:31 Now notice Deuteronomy 18:9-12.
31:34 God is telling Israel: "When you come into the land
31:37 which the Lord your God is giving you
31:39 you shall not learn to follow the abominations
31:42 of those nations. There shall not be found among you
31:46 anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire
31:49 or one who practices witchcraft
31:51 or a soothsayer or one who interprets omens
31:54 or a sorcerer or one who conjures spells
31:57 or a medium or a spiritist
32:00 or one who calls up the dead.
32:02 For all who do these things are an abomination
32:06 to the Lord, and because of these abominations
32:09 the Lord your God drives them out from before you. "
32:14 So Babylon must be characterized by the idea
32:18 that you can speak with the dead
32:21 and perhaps you can pray to the dead
32:24 and perhaps you can pray FOR the dead.
32:28 The practice of the occult.
32:30 Another thing that is defined as abomination...
32:34 Remember that the cup has the wine,
32:36 and the wine are the abominations...
32:39 is the idea that you don't have to pay attention to God's law.
32:44 Proverbs chapter 28 and verse 9-
32:47 a very well-known verse -
32:48 tells us: "One who turns away his ear
32:52 from hearing the law even his prayer is an abomination. "
32:57 So to get rid of God's law
32:59 or to demean God's law is an abomination.
33:03 The other side is also an abomination:
33:06 the idea that you can be saved by keeping the law.
33:11 Notice Luke chapter 16 and verse 15.
33:14 Luke chapter 16 and verse 15.
33:16 "And He said to them... " He's speaking to the Pharisees
33:20 who believed that their works could save them...
33:23 "You are those who justify yourselves before men
33:27 but God knows your hearts.
33:29 For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination
33:34 in the sight of God. "
33:36 So the idea that you can be saved by your works
33:38 or the idea that you can be saved in your sins
33:41 is an abomination in the sight of God.
33:44 Ellen White wrote these following interesting words
33:47 about the papacy.
33:50 "A prayerful study of the Bible
33:52 would show Protestants the real character of the papacy
33:57 and would cause them to abhor and shun it.
34:01 But many are so wise in their own conceit
34:05 that they feel no need of humbly seeking God
34:08 that they may be led into the truth.
34:11 Although priding themselves on their enlightenment
34:14 they are ignorant both of the scriptures and of the power
34:17 of God. They must have some means
34:20 of quieting their consciences
34:22 and they seek that which is least spiritual and humiliating.
34:27 What they desire is a method of forgetting God
34:30 that shall pass as a method of remembering Him.
34:34 The papacy is well adapted to meet the wants of all these.
34:38 It is prepared for two classes of mankind
34:42 embracing nearly the whole world:
34:44 those who would be saved by their merits
34:48 and those who would be saved in their sins.
34:51 Here is the secret of its power. "
34:55 Quite a statement, isn't it?
34:57 Another thing that is an abomination
35:00 is spiritual adultery.
35:04 God told Israel about blending with other nations.
35:08 In Jeremiah chapter 13:26-27
35:13 God told Israel: "Because you have committed fornication
35:16 with the other nations, this is what I'm going to do to you. "
35:19 And I read:
35:20 "Therefore I will uncover your skirts over your face
35:23 that your shame may appear.
35:26 I have seen your adulteries
35:28 and your lustful neighing,
35:30 the lewdness of your harlotry,
35:32 your abominations on the hills in the fields.
35:36 Woe to you, O Jerusalem!
35:38 Will you still not be made clean? "
35:41 So fornication... Let me ask you: does the harlot fornicate?
35:46 Does the harlot believe that you can pray to
35:49 the dead saints and pray for people who have passed away?
35:53 Yes... absolutely!
35:55 Does the Roman Catholic papacy craft idols
35:59 and have people bow before the idols?
36:02 Absolutely!
36:03 Another thing that is the wine... a part of the wine...
36:07 is shedding innocent blood.
36:10 Ezekiel chapter 22 and verse 2
36:13 says: "Moreover the Word of the Lord came to me saying:
36:16 'Now son of man, will you judge...
36:19 will you judge the bloody city?
36:22 Yes. Show her all her abominations. ' "
36:26 And in Proverbs chapter 17 and verse 15
36:29 we are told: "He who justifies the wicked
36:33 and he who condemns the just... "
36:35 like the papacy did during the period of its dominion,
36:38 during the 1,260 years...
36:40 "both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord. "
36:46 In Proverbs chapter 6 and verses 16 through 19
36:50 we find these words:
36:51 "These six things the Lord hates,
36:54 yes... seven are an abomination to Him.
36:57 a proud look, a lying tongue,
37:00 hands that shed innocent blood. "
37:05 Does the harlot shed the blood of the saints and the martyrs
37:09 of Jesus? Yes!
37:11 Another thing which the Bible calls abomination
37:14 is homosexuality. Yes! Hmmm... interesting.
37:20 Leviticus 18:2 says:
37:23 "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman.
37:26 It is an abomination. "
37:30 Has the papacy had serious problems with the issue of
37:33 homosexuality? Absolutely!
37:36 But the greatest abomination of all
37:39 in antiquity was sun worship.
37:43 The Roman Catholic church is obsessed with the sun.
37:47 I visited the Vatican Museum.
37:50 There are sunbursts everywhere!
37:54 One of the reasons why the papacy adopted Sunday,
37:57 they themselves say so, is that they wanted to reach
38:01 the pagans who observed Sunday, the day of the sun.
38:04 In the Old Testament we find that worshiping the sun
38:08 in the sight of God was the worst of all abominations.
38:11 Notice Ezekiel chapter 8 and verse 16 and 17.
38:16 Ezekiel 8:16-17.
38:20 This is something that is happening among God's
38:23 professed people. It says: "So he brought me into the inner
38:26 court of the Lord's house. And there at the door of the
38:29 temple of the Lord between the porch and the altar
38:32 were about twenty-five men with their backs to the temple
38:36 of the Lord and their faces towards the east
38:38 and they were worshiping the sun toward the east.
38:42 And he said to me: 'Have you seen this, O son of man?
38:46 Is it a trivial thing to the house of Jacob...
38:49 Judah to commit these abominations
38:53 which they commit here?
38:55 For they have filled the land with violence
38:58 then they have returned to provoke Me to anger.
39:00 Indeed, they have put the branch to their nose. ' "
39:04 So notice: sun worship
39:07 is the greatest abomination in Ezekiel chapter 8.
39:11 And if you read the chapter you'll find that
39:13 God shows Ezekiel an abomination and He says: "You haven't
39:16 seen anything yet. I'm going to show you one
39:18 that's worse than that. " And the worship of the sun
39:21 is at the very top of the list.
39:25 Now you say: "Now wait a minute. The papacy doesn't
39:27 worship the sun. " True.
39:32 But in principle, worshiping the sun
39:36 and worshiping on the day of the sun
39:39 is the same principle.
39:41 You say: "How is that? "
39:42 Let me ask you: who created the sun?
39:45 God. Did He create it for worship?
39:48 No. So what happens if you make it an object of worship?
39:52 It's called idolatry.
39:54 Let me ask you: who created the first day of the week?
39:58 God created the first day of the week.
40:00 Did He create the first day of the week for worship?
40:03 No! So what happens if you make it a day of worship?
40:07 It's idolatry.
40:08 It doesn't matter if it's an object or if it's a day.
40:11 Whatever man makes for worship IS idolatry.
40:17 Allow me to read you a statement from Great Controversy page 389.
40:21 "When faithful teachers expound the Word of God
40:24 there arise men of learning, ministers professing to
40:29 understand the Scriptures who denounce sound doctrine
40:33 as heresy and thus turn away inquirers
40:38 after truth. Were it not that the world is hopelessly
40:42 intoxicated with the wine of Babylon
40:45 multitudes would be convicted and converted
40:48 by the plain, cutting truths of the Word of God.
40:51 However, religious faith appears so confused
40:56 and discordant that the people know not what to believe
41:01 as truth. The sin of the world's impenitence
41:04 lies at the door of the church. "
41:09 Are you catching the picture? Yes!
41:13 But when we go back to Ezekiel we discover that there was
41:15 a faithful remnant that did not practice the abominations
41:19 that were being performed.
41:21 Notice what we find in Ezekiel chapter 9 and verse 4.
41:26 "Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of
41:29 Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads... "
41:32 Does that sound familiar?
41:34 In Revelation we have a mark that's placed on the forehead.
41:37 They must be the ones who sigh and cry because of the
41:39 abominations that are being committed by the harlot
41:42 and her cohorts.
41:44 So it says: "Go through the midst of the city,
41:45 through the midst of Jerusalem,
41:47 and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry
41:53 over all the abominations that are done within it. "
41:56 God will have a small remnant that sighs and cries
42:00 because of the abominations that are being committed by Babylon.
42:05 Now there's another interesting detail in the second angel's
42:08 message. And that is that when the nations drink the wine
42:12 they get angry.
42:15 Because it's called the "wine of the wrath of her fornication. "
42:20 Notice Jeremiah chapter 51 and verse 7.
42:24 Jeremiah chapter 51 and verse 7.
42:27 "Babylon was a golden cup in the Lord's hand
42:33 that made all the earth drunk.
42:36 The nations drank her wine;
42:39 therefore, the nations are deranged. "
42:45 Now who is Babylon angry at?
42:49 Babylon will be angry at those who don't drink the wine.
42:54 I want to read you a statement from Testimonies to Ministers
42:57 pages 61 and 62.
43:00 "The fallen denominational churches are Babylon.
43:04 Babylon has been fostering poisonous doctrines...
43:08 the wine of error.
43:10 This wine of error is made up of false doctrines
43:14 such as the natural immortality of the soul,
43:19 the eternal torment of the wicked,
43:21 the denial of the pre-existence of Christ prior to His birth
43:25 in Bethlehem, and advocating and exalting
43:28 the first day of the week above God's holy and sanctified
43:32 day. " Amen! "These and kindred errors
43:35 are presented to the world by the various churches
43:39 and thus the scriptures are fulfilled that say
43:42 'For all nations have drunk of the wine
43:45 of the wrath of her fornication. ' "
43:47 It is a wrath which is created by false doctrines.
43:51 And when kings and presidents drink this wine of the wrath of
43:56 her fornication they are stirred with anger
43:59 against those who will not come into harmony
44:02 with the false and Satanic heresies
44:05 which exalt the false Sabbath and lead men to trample
44:08 underfoot God's memorial. "
44:11 Amen! That's right. That's why it's the wine of the wrath.
44:14 The world drinks the wine of false doctrines.
44:19 Now the harlot and her daughters, then,
44:22 have made the multitudes alcoholics
44:26 and they are so addicted and intoxicated
44:30 that it is virtually impossible for them to think rationally
44:34 and to grasp theological truth.
44:37 The harlot's spiritual alcohol controls them.
44:41 It is impossible to reason with a drunkard. That's right!
44:45 Drunkards are quite sure that they know everything
44:48 and will argue with you until they are blue in the face.
44:53 Some people say: "It doesn't matter what you believe. "
44:55 "Doctrine's not important. "
44:57 Let me read you a statement from Counsels to Writers and Editors
45:01 page 47. "Error is never harmless.
45:04 It never sanctifies but always brings confusion. "
45:08 That's the meaning of Babylon.
45:09 "brings confusion and dissention.
45:12 It is always dangerous.
45:14 The enemy has great power over minds
45:17 that are not thoroughly fortified by prayer
45:19 and established in Bible truth. "
45:22 Amen! So this is the second angel's message.
45:27 However, the second angel's message,
45:31 right before the plagues are poured out,
45:33 is going to be proclaimed again with greater power
45:38 globally.
45:40 Let's go to Revelation 18 verses 1 through 4.
45:44 Revelation 18:1-4.
45:47 See, this message is going to be proclaimed to the world again.
45:50 And the purpose is to tell them: "The plagues are about to fall!
45:54 You'd better get out of Babylon
45:56 because the plagues are for Babylon.
45:57 If you don't come out,
45:59 the plagues are going to fall on you. "
46:01 It says there: "After these things
46:03 I saw another angel coming down from heaven
46:07 having... " Now notice the terminology.
46:09 "having great authority
46:11 and the earth was illuminated with his glory.
46:15 And he cried mightily with a loud voice. "
46:19 I think somehow that the writer wants us to know
46:23 that this is a powerful message.
46:25 Notice: "cried mightily with a loud voice
46:30 saying: 'Babylon the great is fallen,
46:33 is fallen. ' " And now notice what is added.
46:37 Notice the condition that Babylon will be in
46:40 at the end of time.
46:41 "and has become the dwelling place of demons,
46:45 a prison for every foul spirit,
46:47 and a cage for every unclean and hated bird.
46:51 For all nations
46:54 have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
46:57 The kings of the earth have committed fornication with her
47:00 and the merchants of the earth have become rich
47:03 through the abundance of her luxury. "
47:07 Is this an intensification of the condition of Babylon
47:10 at the end time? You'd better believe it.
47:12 It's a message proclaimed with much more power!
47:16 Notice the terminology.
47:18 "Great authority. "
47:19 "The whole earth filled with his glory. "
47:21 "Cries out mightily with a loud voice
47:25 that Babylon has fallen. "
47:27 And this is immediately before the seven last plagues
47:30 are poured out. By the way, that means
47:32 that this message is going to be proclaimed to people
47:36 who will be alive when the plagues are falling.
47:39 Because if they were not going to be alive
47:42 God would not warn them about the condition of Babylon.
47:46 Now... the key verse is verse 4.
47:50 How many people would want to stay in Babylon
47:53 in the light of what I've read?
47:56 I don't think anybody would want to stay in Babylon.
47:58 And so in verse 4 God makes a call.
48:03 "And I heard another voice from heaven saying:
48:06 'Come out of her My people
48:09 lest you share in her sins
48:12 and lest you receive... " What? "her plagues. "
48:18 Who are the plagues for?
48:20 Babylon.
48:22 So whoever stays in Babylon will suffer what?
48:26 The plagues! So what do you have to do?
48:29 Get out!
48:31 Very simple.
48:34 Are there God's true people in all of these churches?
48:37 Yes! Oh... most of God's people
48:40 are in these apostate churches
48:42 that teach these things that I've mentioned and other things.
48:46 But God is calling them to study their Bibles
48:50 and to come out.
48:51 Now before we bring this to an end
48:54 I would like to read Proverbs chapter 31
48:58 and verses 4 and 5.
49:01 This is speaking about literal wine, but it also applies
49:04 spiritually.
49:06 You know, the harlot gives her wine to the kings of the earth.
49:10 What happens when the kings of the earth drink the wine?
49:14 Notice what the wise man - Solomon - had to say.
49:17 By the way, this is the voice of experience.
49:21 He stated: "It is not for kings - O Lemuel -
49:26 it is not for kings to drink wine
49:30 nor for princes intoxicating drink. "
49:34 This is a warning to the politi- cal leaders of the world.
49:37 Don't drink the harlot's wine. Isn't it?
49:43 Why? "lest they drink and... " What?
49:48 "and forget the law
49:50 and pervert the justice of all the afflicted. "
49:55 Isn't that a significant couple of verses
49:58 in the light of what we've been studying?
50:01 Now I want to end by referring to two Biblical stories.
50:04 The story of Nadab and Abihu.
50:07 Very interesting.
50:10 God had told Nadab and Abihu and the priests
50:13 to offer holy fire:
50:16 the fire that He rained down on the altar.
50:19 Other fires might look like it;
50:21 other fires might burn your finger like it;
50:24 other fires might have the same chemical composition;
50:27 but God said: "The fire on this altar
50:30 is holy fire. When you go into the sanctuary
50:32 offer only the holy fire. "
50:35 As you know, Nadab and Abihu offered common fire
50:41 as if it were holy.
50:43 Why did they do that?
50:45 Leviticus 10:8-11 tells us.
50:48 "Then the Lord spoke to Aaron saying:
50:51 do not drink wine or intoxicating drink
50:54 you nor your sons with you
50:56 when you go into the taber- nacle of meeting lest you die.
51:00 It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations. "
51:03 And now notice why they were not to drink wine.
51:06 "That you may distinguish between holy and unholy
51:10 and between unclean and clean.
51:14 And that you may teach the children of Israel
51:18 all the statutes which the Lord has spoken to them
51:21 by the hand of Moses. "
51:23 Wow! So what condition were Nadab and Abihu in
51:28 when they went to serve in the sanctuary?
51:31 They were intoxicated.
51:33 Therefore they were not able to teach the statutes of God
51:37 to Israel and they were not able to distinguish between
51:40 the holy and the common.
51:43 They offered the common as if it was holy.
51:48 We have another story in the Bible that illustrates
51:51 the other side of the coin.
51:53 We're talking about Belshazzar
51:57 the night that Babylon fell.
51:59 Let's read Daniel chapter 5 and verses 1 through 4.
52:03 "Belshazzar the king made a great feast for 1,000 of his
52:06 lords and drank wine in the presence of the thousand.
52:10 While he tasted the wine... "
52:12 Notice... "While he tasted the wine
52:15 Belshazzar gave the command to bring the gold and silver
52:18 vessels that his father Nebuchadnezzar had taken
52:20 from the temple that had been in Jerusalem. "
52:24 Were those holy vessels?
52:26 Yes. Well... how is he going to treat them now?
52:28 He's going to treat them in a common way.
52:30 He's taking what is holy and treating it as if it's common. "
52:34 So it continues saying here:
52:36 "While he tasted the wine Belshazzar gave the command
52:39 to bring the gold and silver vessels that his father
52:41 Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple
52:43 that had been in Jerusalem
52:44 that the kings and his lords, his wives, his concubines
52:47 might drink from them.
52:49 Then they brought the gold vessels that had been taken from
52:52 the temple of the house of God
52:54 that had been in Jerusalem
52:57 and the king and his lords, his wives,
53:00 and his concubines drank from them. "
53:02 And now notice what the next verse says:
53:05 "They drank wine... " And now they fall into idolatry...
53:08 "they praised the gods of gold and silver,
53:12 bronze, iron, wood, and stone. "
53:16 Drinking the wine leads to false worship
53:22 and idolatry.
53:24 That's what Revelation is telling us.
53:27 Now let's apply this to what's going to happen in the end time.
53:31 Has God clearly revealed what His holy day of worship is?
53:37 Yes! Is it ambiguous?
53:39 No! He sanctified the seventh day.
53:45 But what does the Christian world do?
53:48 The Christian world takes a holy day
53:51 and treats it as if it were common
53:55 and takes a common day
53:57 and treats it as if it was holy.
54:01 If God accepts this,
54:04 He's going to have to apologize to Nadab and Abihu
54:07 and to Belshazzar.
54:10 When God says that the Sabbath is holy
54:13 He means the Sabbath is holy.
54:15 Man cannot make another day holy.
54:19 God is serious.
54:22 Allow me to read you this closing statement
54:24 from the Spirit of Prophecy.
54:26 Speaking about Nadab and Abihu:
54:29 "But this day... " that is, Sunday...
54:31 "so universally exalted
54:34 is a spurious Sabbath... a common working day.
54:39 It is accepted in the place of the day that the Lord
54:43 has blessed and sanctified.
54:45 But... " Notice: "But
54:48 the sure result of this course
54:51 may be seen in the punishment that fell
54:53 upon Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron.
54:56 As priests of God
54:59 these men had been commanded to offer always the fire
55:03 of God's own kindling
55:04 which was kept burning before God day and night.
55:09 This was ever to be strictly observed. "
55:13 And now notice this:
55:15 "But Nadab and Abihu drank wine too freely.
55:20 And because of this their minds were not keen
55:24 but confused, and they were unable to distinguish
55:28 between the sacred and the common. "
55:32 Are you seeing the importance of what we've discussed?
55:37 You see, the wine of Babylon makes the nations drunk.
55:42 You can't reasonably... You read all of the verses
55:45 in the Bible and they still say: "I don't get it. "
55:49 "I don't understand; it's not clear. "
55:52 Why? It's like trying to give a drunk
55:56 a Bible study.
55:58 How many of you have ever tried to give a drunk
56:00 a Bible study? I mean, it's a lost cause
56:04 because their mind, their brain, is under the influence!
56:08 And what applies physically also applies spiritually.
56:13 So the book of Revelation tells us
56:16 that in the end time
56:18 practically the entire world
56:21 along with the kings of the earth
56:23 are going to imbibe the wine of this harlot.
56:28 And as a result they will be enraged
56:31 at those who are not willing to drink the wine.
56:36 And this will lead to the final crisis:
56:39 not being able to buy and sell.
56:41 A death decree against God's people believe it or not.
56:44 Just like happened during the 1,260 years.
56:47 And then the world will see
56:50 who is who. Who truly serves God
56:54 even being willing to give up a life to be loyal to God
56:58 and who serves God so to speak
57:02 only for the loaves and the fishes
57:05 in the good times... in times of prosperity.
57:09 May the Lord help us to drink the pure grape juice
57:13 of the first angel's message
57:15 and not to drink the wine of Babylon
57:19 so that we can be among that group
57:21 that sigh and cry over the abominations
57:24 that are done in the earth.
57:26 Father in heaven, thank you for having been with us.
57:29 I ask that you will take what we've studied,
57:31 write it in our minds and hearts.
57:33 We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.


Revised 2018-08-14