Spring Camp Meeting

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SCM

Program Code: SCM180019A

00:41 Welcome to the 3ABN Spring Camp Meeting:
00:44 The Three Angels' Messages.
00:49 Hello and welcome to Spring Camp Meeting.
00:51 Have you all been blessed this Sabbath?
00:53 Amen! Have you enjoyed the food?
00:55 Yes! I'm talking the physical food, right?
00:57 That was good, and we're being fed spiritually as well.
01:00 We want to thank you for joining us via 3ABN Radio,
01:03 on the television. If you're driving in your car,
01:06 we hope you're not looking at your cellphone
01:07 and trying to drive at the same time.
01:09 We know we have lots of people that are contacting 3ABN
01:13 because they're watching via the Internet,
01:15 on their cellphones, their iPads.
01:17 It's neat to think about, isn't it?
01:19 For those of you that are here for the first time
01:21 that in the middle of these cornfields that the signal is
01:23 reaching around the world. It's a miracle of God, isn't it?
01:26 Amen! You know the thing is we're hearing tremendous
01:28 messages, aren't we? I mean just... they're
01:30 blessing my heart I know and I'm sure yours at home, too.
01:33 Well, you know, there's some- thing dangerous with just saying
01:35 "Wow, that was another great sermon! "
01:36 We need to be willing to go home and share that,
01:38 don't we? I'm reminded of Romans chapter 1 verse 16
01:43 where it says: "I am not... " What? "ashamed
01:46 of the gospel of Jesus Christ
01:49 for it is the power of God unto... " What?
01:52 "salvation. " So we need to share that, don't we,
01:54 with others. You know, not only is the Word doing something
01:57 in our own lives. We want to make sure we share it
01:59 with others. We want to be that light that God asks us to be
02:02 and be an influence for Him, that's for sure.
02:05 This afternoon we have Pastor Stephen Bohr.
02:07 Well familiar with him, aren't you?
02:09 3ABN is blessed to count him as a great friend
02:12 of the ministry. Secrets Unsealed has been in existence
02:15 for fifteen years. Hard to believe, isn't it?
02:18 God has blessed them with a 12,000 sq. ft. building.
02:21 He was telling me that they also have a HD
02:24 production van now that God has blessed them with
02:26 as well. So the ministry is continuing to grow.
02:29 And he appreciates each one of you for your support
02:31 of his ministry. And I know that God is using him
02:33 in a powerful way. So we're going to hear from him
02:35 in just a couple of minutes.
02:37 But before that we have our own Pastor John Lomacang.
02:39 He is the pastor of the Thompsonville SDA church
02:42 and we appreciate he and his wife Angie.
02:44 And he's going to be bringing the special music to us today,
02:47 he and Tim Parton. And it's entitled
02:49 What a Friend We Have in Jesus.
03:02 What a Friend we have
03:07 in Jesus,
03:11 All our sins and griefs
03:17 to bear!
03:20 What a privilege
03:26 to carry
03:31 everything
03:35 to God in prayer!
03:41 Have we trials
03:46 and temptations?
03:52 Is there trouble
03:56 anywhere?
04:01 You should never be
04:06 discouraged
04:10 when you take it...
04:12 take it to the Lord
04:16 in prayer.
04:20 For O, what peace
04:24 we often forfeit
04:29 and O,
04:33 what needless pain we bear,
04:39 all because we do not
04:45 carry
04:50 everything
04:54 to God in prayer!
05:02 Are we weak
05:07 and heavy laden?
05:12 Are we cumbered with
05:16 a load of care?
05:22 Precious Savior,
05:25 still our refuge...
05:32 Take it
05:36 to the Lord
05:39 in prayer...
05:45 Take
05:46 it to the Lord in
05:53 prayer.
06:14 Greetings. Greetings!
06:17 It's a real blessing to be here at 3ABN.
06:21 You know, the supporting ministries of the church
06:25 are a blessing to the church
06:27 mainly because they uphold the traditional
06:33 Biblical message of the SDA church.
06:36 And it's been a real privilege working with 3ABN
06:40 the 15 years that Secrets Unsealed has been in existence.
06:46 This is a ministry that is really worthwhile investing in.
06:50 I'm talking about 3ABN
06:54 basically taking the 3 angels' message to the entire world.
06:59 You know, used to be you would have to knock on doors.
07:02 We still have to knock on doors but now you can get into
07:06 people's houses without going through the door...
07:09 and that's a real blessing.
07:11 I invite you to bow your heads with me as we pray.
07:14 Our Father and our God, we thank you for the privilege
07:17 of being at this high-mountain experience.
07:21 Thank you for the privilege of knowing present truth.
07:28 We ask, Lord, that You will help us not only to know it
07:31 but to live it.
07:33 As we open Your Word we ask for the presence
07:36 of Your Holy Spirit.
07:38 Open our minds that we might understand;
07:40 our hearts that we might receive.
07:43 Empower us to proclaim it.
07:45 We thank you for hearing and answering our prayer
07:49 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus,
07:52 Amen. Amen!
07:56 I've been asked
07:59 to do an awesome and impossible task,
08:05 and that is to bring all of the pieces
08:08 together into a significant whole.
08:15 The speakers up to this point
08:17 have taken portions of the three angels' messages.
08:20 And I am going to do my best
08:24 through the power of God
08:26 to bring all of those pieces together into a mosaic.
08:31 Try to put all of the pieces together
08:33 so that you can see the finished puzzle if you please.
08:38 Now let me tell you what we're going to do this afternoon.
08:42 And probably when I tell you this you're going to say
08:45 "That is an impossible task. "
08:48 But really I believe that we'll be able to finish
08:51 within the time constraints.
08:54 In order to understand the three angels' messages
08:58 we need to understand the context in which they are found.
09:03 In other words, what comes before and what comes after
09:07 the three angels' messages.
09:10 So what we are going to attempt to do
09:12 in our study this afternoon
09:14 is first of all review the prophetic chain
09:19 of Daniel 7.
09:22 Then we will move to Revelation 13:1-10
09:27 which is basically a repetition and expansion
09:32 of Daniel 7.
09:34 Then we will move to Revelation 13:11-18:
09:41 the beast that rises from the earth.
09:45 Then we will take a look at Revelation 14:1-5:
09:50 the 144,00 standing victorious upon Mount Zion.
09:55 Then we will take a look at the harvest scene.
09:59 After studying the three angels' messages we will look at the
10:02 harvest scene that Jay Gallimore so eloquently
10:07 spoke about. And then finally we will end
10:10 after the harvest scene
10:14 once again with the 144,000
10:18 standing victorious on Mount Zion.
10:21 So you say: "Yeah... right...
10:24 we're going to study all of that. "
10:27 Well, we're only going to briefly review
10:30 the literary structure of what I have mentioned.
10:35 So let's begin with Daniel chapter 7.
10:39 This will be review. I'm sure that most if not all of you
10:42 have studied Daniel 7.
10:45 This will just be a review.
10:47 Daniel 7: first we have a lion.
10:50 What kingdom does the lion represent?
10:53 Babylon. Babylon.
10:55 Ruled from 605 to 539 BC.
10:59 Next we have a bear. What does the bear represent?
11:02 Medo-Persia. Medo-Persia.
11:04 539 to 331 BC.
11:08 Then we have a leopard beast that represents?
11:11 Greece. Greece.
11:13 Greece ruled from 331 to 168 BC.
11:18 Then we have a dragon beast,
11:20 the fourth, called the non-descript beast.
11:24 And that beast represents? Rome. The Roman Empire.
11:29 But then after a while the fourth beast sprouts ten horns.
11:35 See, when the dragon beast first comes up
11:37 it does not have the ten horns.
11:40 For a while the dragon beast exists by itself.
11:43 Then a little later on in its history
11:46 it sprouts ten horns.
11:48 And of course, what do the ten horns represent?
11:51 They represent the divisions of the Roman Empire
11:55 which were complete in the year 476 AD.
12:01 And then a little horn rises among the ten.
12:04 It uproots three.
12:07 You see, the little horn cannot rise to absolute power
12:10 until it uproots the three rivals.
12:13 And the three rivals were uprooted after the year
12:17 476 AD. The Heruli in 493 AD,
12:22 the Vandals in 534 AD,
12:24 and the Ostrogoths in 538 AD.
12:27 When the little horn had uprooted the last three rivals
12:30 it could now rule for
12:34 1,260 years
12:38 from 538 AD to 1798 AD.
12:43 So we've moved in Daniel 7
12:45 from Babylon all the way to the year 1798 AD
12:51 without any parentheses, without any interruptions,
12:55 without any gaps.
12:57 One event after the other:
13:00 this is God's great prophetic chain.
13:04 Now Revelation chapter 13 verses 1 through 10
13:10 amplifies and repeats what we studied from Daniel 7.
13:16 Go in your Bibles with me to Revelation 13
13:19 and we'll notice a few things about verses 1 through 10.
13:25 Now I want to say that the beast of Revelation 13:1-10
13:30 is the same as the little horn of Daniel 7.
13:33 It represents the papacy.
13:35 You say: "How do we know that? "
13:38 For three reasons.
13:40 Number one: both are in the same location
13:44 of the prophetic chain.
13:46 You see, let's go to Revelation chapter 13
13:49 and verses 1 and 2.
13:52 It says there: "Then I stood on the sand of the sea
13:55 and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea
13:58 having seven heads and ten horns
14:01 and on his horns ten crowns
14:03 and on its head a blasphemous name. "
14:06 Now notice the connection with Daniel 7.
14:08 "Now the beast that I saw was like a leopard.
14:11 His feet were like the feet of a bear
14:14 and his mouth like the mouth of a lion.
14:17 The dragon... " which has ten horns according to the previous
14:20 chapter... "the dragon gave him his power, his throne,
14:24 and great authority. "
14:26 Do we have the same beast that we found in Daniel 7?
14:29 Is there a lion? Yes. Is there a bear? Yes.
14:34 Is there a leopard? Yes. Is there a dragon beast? Yes.
14:38 And the dragon beast has what? Ten horns.
14:40 And then the dragon beast with the ten horns
14:43 gives its power, its seat, and its authority
14:46 to the beast from the sea.
14:48 So in Daniel 7 you have lion, bear, leopard, dragon beast,
14:53 ten horns, little horn.
14:55 And in Revelation chapter 13
14:57 you have lion, bear, leopard, dragon beast,
15:00 ten horns, beast.
15:02 So in other words, the little horn and the beast
15:04 are in the same place of the prophetic sequence.
15:08 That's the first reason we know that the beast
15:10 is the same as the little horn.
15:12 The second reason is that the little horn and the beast
15:15 perform the same actions.
15:17 See the little horn speaks great words against the Most High;
15:20 the beast speaks blasphemies against the Most High.
15:23 In Daniel chapter 7 the beast... the little horn
15:27 persecutes the saints of the Most High.
15:29 In Revelation chapter 13 the beast persecutes the saints
15:33 of the Most High.
15:34 So the little horn and the beast perform the same actions.
15:38 And the third reason is that they govern for the same period.
15:43 In Daniel chapter 7 its time, times, and the dividing of time.
15:48 Three and a half prophetic years
15:49 that represent 1,260 days
15:52 but days are years.
15:54 In Revelation chapter 13 it's 42 months.
15:56 42 months times 30 days each month
15:59 1,260 days
16:02 which is equivalent to 1,260 years.
16:08 So basically the little horn
16:10 and the beast represent the Roman Catholic papacy.
16:16 But Revelation 13 expands on Daniel 7.
16:20 Revelation 13 gives us some details
16:23 that we do not find in Daniel 7.
16:25 Three of them, specifically.
16:27 Number one: the little horn at the end of its dominion
16:32 received a deadly wound with the sword.
16:37 That's the weapon of choice
16:40 that gave the papacy its deadly wound.
16:43 And the sword - if you read Romans chapter 13 and verse 4-
16:46 represents what the civil power has to punish
16:51 violations of civil law.
16:53 You see, the state has a sword and the church has a sword.
16:57 The sword of the church is the Word of God.
16:59 The sword of the state is what the state uses
17:02 to punish violations of civil law or of the civil code.
17:07 And so in Revelation chapter 13
17:09 we are told that the reason why the little horn
17:13 lost its power is because it received a deadly wound
17:16 with the sword. That's the first expansion
17:19 in Revelation 13.
17:21 The second expansion is that we are told
17:24 that the deadly wound would be healed.
17:29 Daniel 7 does not clearly have that.
17:31 It is implicit because the little horn
17:34 is going to be destroyed when Jesus comes.
17:36 But it's implicit... it's not explicit.
17:39 But in Revelation 13:3 it clearly says
17:43 that the beast would have its wound healed.
17:48 And then Revelation chapter 13-
17:51 and this is verses 11 to 18-
17:53 tells us how and by whom
17:57 the deadly wound would be healed.
18:00 Daniel 7 does not have that. Only in Revelation 13.
18:05 See, Revelation is an expansion of Daniel.
18:09 Now we need to go to Revelation 13 verses 11-18.
18:14 We're doing pretty well, aren't we?
18:16 See, I told you we were going to get through this.
18:19 Now so far so good? OK!
18:22 All right. Revelation 13:11-18.
18:25 This is describing another beast that rises from the earth
18:30 right around the same time that the first beast receives
18:33 its deadly wound.
18:35 What date would that be?
18:37 Somewhere around the year 1798 AD another beast rises.
18:43 See, it's a prophetic chain.
18:44 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, the Roman Empire,
18:47 Roman Empire is divided, little horn uproots three.
18:50 Then you have the little horn ruling 1,260 years.
18:53 Then you have... When the beast receives a deadly wound
18:57 you have another beast rising at the same time
18:59 without any gaps, without any interruption.
19:02 And this beast clearly when we examine history
19:07 and prophecy represents the United States of America.
19:11 We don't have time to get into all of the details
19:14 but this beast has two horns like a lamb.
19:19 Those two horns represent the two founding principles
19:22 of the United States: Republicanism and Protestantism.
19:26 Has nothing to do with the Republican party.
19:29 Republicanism means a republic...
19:32 a style of government that is a republic.
19:35 And basically the idea is
19:37 Republicanism and Protestantism simply means
19:40 separation of church and state.
19:43 Civil and religious liberty.
19:46 Those are the secret to the power and prosperity
19:51 of the United States of America
19:53 according to the book Great Controversy.
19:56 But we are told in this prophecy in Revelation chapter 13
20:00 that this beast that rises from the earth
20:03 that at least at its beginning
20:06 upholds the principle of separation of church and state,
20:09 of civil and religious liberty,
20:12 of Republicanism and Protestantism,
20:14 will end up speaking like a dragon.
20:19 And here is the key point:
20:21 everything that this beast from the earth does
20:25 it does to please the beast that rose from the sea.
20:30 In other words, this beast is going to heal the wound
20:33 of the first beast.
20:35 It is going to return the sword of civil power
20:39 to the first beast.
20:40 And you say: "How do we know that? "
20:42 Several reasons in verses 11 to 18.
20:45 We can't read those verses because we don't have the time
20:48 but I'll just mention the verses and you can write them down.
20:53 We are told in verse 12 that this beast from the earth
20:57 exercises all of the authority of the first beast.
21:02 It commands everyone to worship the first beast.
21:07 Everything it does it does in the presence
21:11 of the first beast.
21:13 And by the way, that expression "in the presence"
21:15 is translated more properly - for example in the NIV -
21:19 "on behalf of the first beast. "
21:22 Or as another version has it:
21:24 "it worked for the first beast. "
21:26 And the Lexicon dictionaries tell us that it means
21:29 "at the commissioning of the first beast. "
21:33 We're also told that this beast from the earth
21:36 makes an image of the first beast.
21:40 But not only OF the first beast
21:42 it makes an image TO the first beast
21:45 which means "in honor of the first beast. "
21:48 And this beast enforces the mark of the first beast.
21:52 Somehow I think that this beast - its role - is to return
21:56 the power that the sea beast lost.
21:59 It is going to act on behalf of the first beast.
22:02 The United States of America is going to ally with the papacy.
22:06 It is going to return to it the sword of civil power
22:09 and then persecution will come like it existed during
22:13 the 1,260 years of papal oppression.
22:19 Now when Revelation 13 ends you're left with a question
22:25 because Revelation 13:11-18
22:27 tells us that, you know, all the world will be commanded to
22:32 worship the first beast.
22:34 Everyone will follow the first beast.
22:38 The mark of the beast... practically everybody
22:40 will receive the mark of the beast. So when chapter 13 ends
22:43 you're left with the question:
22:45 "Wasn't there anybody who resisted this power? "
22:51 This is where you go to chapter 14:1-5.
22:55 See, verses 1 through 5 should be the climax to chapter 13.
23:01 In some places in Revelation
23:03 the chapter division is in the wrong place.
23:06 Revelation 14:1-5 is the climax of chapter 13.
23:11 Chapter 13 speaks about not being able to buy or sell.
23:13 It speaks about a death decree against those who do not receive
23:17 the mark of the beast, and then chapter 13
23:20 tells us "but there was a group that was faithful to God. "
23:25 Let's read about that group in Revelation 14:1-5.
23:30 "Then I looked and behold, a Lamb
23:32 standing on Mount Zion
23:34 and with Him 144,000
23:38 having His Father's name written on their foreheads.
23:41 And I heard a voice from heaven like the voice of many waters
23:44 and like the voice of loud thunder.
23:47 And I heard the sound of harpists playing their harps.
23:50 They sang as it were a new song before the throne,
23:53 before the four living creatures and the elders.
23:55 And no one could learn that song except the 144,000
23:59 who were redeemed from the earth. "
24:01 Now we're going to talk about their character.
24:04 "These are the ones who were not defiled with women. "
24:07 That is, with the harlot and her daughters.
24:10 Continues saying: "for they are virgins.
24:13 These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes.
24:16 These were redeemed from among men
24:19 being firstfruits... " That is not first in time
24:22 but first in quality...
24:24 "being firstfruits to God and to the Lamb.
24:27 And in their mouth was found no deceit
24:30 for they are without fault before the throne of God. "
24:35 And so you have this group that is VICTORIOUS
24:38 over the beast, over his image, and over his mark
24:41 standing victorious on Mount Zion.
24:47 But now we have a problem.
24:49 How could they be victorious on Mount Zion
24:52 if the three angels' messages have not yet been proclaimed?
24:56 You see, verse six begins with the three angels' messages.
25:00 So you say: "How can they be victorious
25:02 on Mount Zion? How is that they didn't care
25:06 whether they could buy or sell?
25:07 They didn't care whether they would die
25:09 to be faithful to God, and they end up on Mount Zion
25:12 if in chapter 14 the three angels' messages come next?
25:16 Are you with me or not?
25:18 The answer is that Revelation is not in chronological order.
25:23 It runs in cycles.
25:26 Several years ago at one of our Secrets Unsealed Summits
25:29 we did a Summit called The Wise Shall Understand
25:34 and I prepared a syllabus about how to study Revelation
25:39 structurally. You see, it's important to interpret
25:42 the symbols but we need to know how the book is organized.
25:46 The sequence of events.
25:48 Because in Revelation 14 verses 6-12
25:52 we have John going back to something that happened
25:57 before the 144,000 stand victorious on Mount Zion.
26:02 Are you with me? Yes! Now:
26:05 let's talk about the three angels' messages.
26:07 Really, the reason why the 144,000 are victorious
26:10 there on Mount Zion is because they accepted
26:13 the three angels' messages.
26:14 So now it's going to go back and it's going to talk about
26:17 the three angels' messages that this group accepted
26:20 and therefore they will eventually be victorious.
26:23 Now let's examine some of the elements
26:26 of the three angels' messages.
26:29 The first angel's message preaches the everlasting gospel
26:34 to the whole world.
26:35 What does that mean?
26:37 It means that Jesus was sacrificed once for all
26:41 for our sins and dies no more.
26:44 It means that He is our only and sufficient High Priest
26:48 and it means that we are saved by His righteousness alone...
26:53 not by ours.
26:55 The papacy teaches just the opposite.
26:58 The papacy teaches that Jesus is sacrificed in every mass.
27:02 That the priesthood intercedes for us
27:06 and that we are saved not by Christ's righteousness alone
27:10 but also by our good works.
27:14 The first angel also commands us to fear God.
27:18 What does it mean to fear God?
27:20 It's not talking about being afraid.
27:23 In the Old Testament we're told to fear our parents.
27:27 That doesn't mean that we're supposed to be afraid
27:29 of our parents.
27:31 Basically to fear means to have a deep respect
27:35 that is manifest in obedience to the commands of God.
27:39 That's what it means.
27:40 Children show their fear of their parents
27:43 by obedience.
27:45 You know, it's interesting...
27:47 When Abraham lied to Abimelech you remember that he said
27:51 that Sarah - well, it was a half-truth -
27:53 "You know, Sarah is my sister. "
27:55 But he didn't tell him that she was his wife.
27:58 And Abimelech was going to take her as a wife.
28:00 And God gave Abimelech a dream and said:
28:03 "Don't even think of it. "
28:05 And so Abimelech - this guy was not even a Jew -
28:07 he comes and he says to Abraham: "Why didn't you tell me this? "
28:11 And Abraham said: "Because there is no fear of God
28:15 in this place and I was afraid that I might get killed. "
28:19 So where there is no fear of God
28:22 there is danger of losing your life
28:24 which is the sixth commandment.
28:26 And then when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his own son
28:30 Isaac, after the angel held his hand
28:34 a voice said to Abraham: "Now I know you fear Me. "
28:39 Because Abraham was willing to obey God
28:42 even to the point of giving up his own son.
28:45 So the first angel tells us to fear God,
28:48 respect Him, and obey Him.
28:51 Also the first angel's message tells us
28:54 to give glory to God. We can't give glory to God.
28:57 We have no glory to give.
28:59 The glory that we receive from God
29:02 is the glory that we return to God.
29:05 Jesus said: "I am the Light of the world. "
29:07 He also said that we are the light of the world.
29:09 Now how can He be the Light of the world
29:11 and we be the light of the world?
29:13 It's very simple. He's the Sun and we are moons.
29:18 You see, you go out on a certain night
29:21 and you look into the sky and you see that beautiful
29:25 full silver moon. You say: "Oh my! How beautiful
29:29 the moon is tonight! " No. You need to say:
29:31 "How beautiful is the sun tonight! "
29:34 Because the light of the moon is the light of the sun.
29:38 And so we return to God His glory...
29:41 the glory that we received from Him in the first place.
29:44 And of course, the glory is His character.
29:48 The first angel also tells us that we are now in the hour
29:52 of God's judgment while the gospel is being preached...
29:55 which means that the judgment is before the second coming.
29:58 Because if the gospel is being preached
30:01 and the judgment is transpiring,
30:03 it means that the judgment is taking place
30:05 during probationary time.
30:09 The first angel's message also teaches us that
30:12 the dead are dead.
30:14 You say: "Well that's kind of a ridiculous statement.
30:17 Of course the dead are dead. "
30:18 There are people who don't believe the dead are dead.
30:20 They believe that their soul survives after death.
30:23 You say: "How do you have the state of the dead
30:25 in the first angel's message? "
30:26 It's very simple. If God began His judgment
30:29 in 1844- the judgment of those who claim to be His people -
30:33 then none of those people went to heaven or to hell
30:36 before 1844.
30:39 So the idea of judgment helps you understand
30:43 that people rest in the tomb until their names come up
30:46 in the judgment. And then the first angel's message
30:50 tells us to keep God's holy Sabbath.
30:57 Now let me give you some characteristics
31:00 of the three angels' messages.
31:02 Each message builds upon the previous one.
31:05 They are to be proclaimed in their order.
31:09 Revelation chapter 14 says an angel was seen in the midst
31:13 of heaven. Then it says another followed him
31:15 and then it says a third followed them.
31:17 So followed means that they must be proclaimed in order.
31:22 The messages are global.
31:24 They go to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people
31:26 which means that if a global message is going to go out
31:29 God needs a global church to proclaim that message.
31:34 They are God's final appeal to the world before the close
31:37 of probation. And we know that because
31:40 as soon as the third angel finishes his message
31:43 is the harvest.
31:45 The grapes of the earth are ripe
31:47 and the harvest of the earth is ripe.
31:49 The three angels' messages ripen the world
31:53 on two sides.
31:55 Also we know that the three angels' messages
31:57 are accompanied by the power of the Latter Rain.
32:00 You say: "How do we know that? "
32:02 For the very simple reason
32:03 that immediately after the third angel's message
32:06 you have the grapes are ripe and the harvest is ripe.
32:11 What is it that ripened the harvest and the grapes?
32:14 The Latter Rain. Exactly.
32:17 It's acceptance or rejection of the three angels' messages
32:21 is a life and death matter.
32:24 The second message basically says: "Babylon is fallen
32:30 because it rejected the first angel's message.
32:33 Get out. "
32:36 And the third angel's message says: "If you don't get out,
32:40 you'll end up worshiping the beast
32:43 and his image and receiving the mark
32:45 and the wrath of God - the plagues - will fall upon you. "
32:49 Are you understanding the sequence?
32:53 Now, as soon as the third angel's message comes to an end
32:58 all cases in the world are decided
33:01 for life or for death.
33:04 You say: "How do we know that? "
33:05 Because the very next scene
33:08 is the scene of the harvest.
33:10 The harvest is fully ripe
33:14 and the grapes are fully ripe.
33:16 How many groups?
33:18 Two. The harvest have the seal of God
33:23 and the grapes have the mark of the beast.
33:27 The harvest worships God;
33:30 the grapes worship the beast.
33:34 You see, the three angels' messages
33:36 polarize the world into two groups.
33:39 Into the saved and the lost.
33:41 Those who have the seal of God
33:42 and those who have the mark of the beast.
33:44 Those who follow the Lamb and those who follow the beast.
33:46 Those who worship God and those who worship the beast.
33:51 Let's notice what it says in Revelation 14 about the harvest.
33:56 Revelation chapter 14 verses 14 through 17.
33:59 By the way, technically as Elder Gallimore pointed out,
34:03 this is referring to the con- clusion of the investigative
34:06 judgment in the heavenly sanctuary.
34:08 It also deals with the second coming
34:10 because that's the ultimate result.
34:13 Let's read Revelation 14:14-17.
34:15 This is the harvest of the earth. This is talking about
34:18 the righteous who receive the seal of God
34:20 as a result of accepting the three angels' messages.
34:23 It says there: "Then I looked and behold a white cloud
34:27 and on the cloud sat one like the Son of Man
34:30 having on His head a golden crown
34:32 and in His hand a sharp sickle. "
34:34 What is the sickle for?
34:36 To harvest.
34:37 So are all cases decided at this point?
34:41 Absolutely!
34:42 Notice verse 15.
34:44 "And another angel came out of the temple crying
34:46 with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud:
34:49 'Thrust in Your sickle and reap
34:52 for the time has come for You to reap
34:54 for the harvest of the earth is ripe. '
34:58 So He who sat on the cloud thrust in His sickle
35:01 on the earth and the earth was reaped. "
35:05 So basically
35:07 the harvest of the earth and the grapes are both ripe
35:11 because people have either accepted or rejected
35:14 the three angels' messages.
35:16 On one side the harvest have the seal of God;
35:20 on the other side the grapes have the mark of the beast.
35:23 On one side God's people are spiritually in spiritual
35:28 Jerusalem. That's an important point.
35:31 See, Jerusalem is not that city over in the Middle East.
35:35 Jerusalem spiritually speaking
35:37 at this time is the church where God's faithful people abide.
35:43 And so the harvest is within the spiritual city
35:47 and the wicked are outside the spiritual city.
35:52 Now you say: "Why do you bring this to view? "
35:54 Well let's go to Revelation 14:19-20.
35:58 The harvest of the earth is inside the city.
36:02 The grapes are outside the city.
36:05 The righteous are safe inside the walls;
36:08 the wicked are there for destruction outside the walls.
36:12 Now notice Revelation 14:19-20.
36:15 "So the angel thrust his sickle into the earth
36:19 and gathered the vine of the earth... "
36:23 And now notice this detail:
36:25 "and threw it... " Into where?
36:28 "the great winepress. " Don't forget that expression.
36:30 Very important. "And threw it into the great winepress
36:34 of the... " What? "of the wrath of God.
36:37 And the winepress... " Now listen carefully:
36:40 the winepress is outside the city...
36:42 It says: "And the winepress was trampled outside the city. "
36:47 So someone is going to trample the winepress outside the city.
36:51 "And blood came out of the winepress. "
36:54 Who is out in the winepress?
36:57 What does the winepress represent?
36:58 The grapes are there, right? The wicked.
37:01 And so it says once again:
37:03 "And the winepress was trampled outside the city
37:07 and blood came out of the winepress
37:10 up to the horses' bridles for 1,600 furlongs. "
37:15 You say: "Now wait a minute. Who's riding the horses
37:18 that are trampling on the winepress? "
37:21 You have to go to Revelation 19.
37:24 Let's go to Revelation chapter 19.
37:28 Revelation chapter 19
37:30 and let's read there verses 19 and 20.
37:35 Revelation chapter 19 and verses 19 and 20.
37:40 It says... Actually, let's read verse 11 through verse 15 first
37:44 and then we'll go down to verses 19 and 20.
37:47 It says in verse 11: "Now I saw heaven opened
37:50 and behold a white horse.
37:52 And He who sat on him was called FAITHFUL and TRUE,
37:55 and in righteousness He judges and makes war. "
37:58 His final war against the wicked.
38:01 "His eyes were like a flame of fire
38:03 and on His head were many crowns.
38:05 He had a name written that no one knew except Himself.
38:09 He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood
38:11 and His name is called the Word of God. "
38:14 Who is this riding the white horse? Jesus!
38:16 Jesus!
38:18 Is He coming alone?
38:20 No! Verse 14:
38:22 "And the armies in heaven... " Who are those?
38:25 The angels.
38:26 "the armies in heaven clothed in fine linen
38:30 white and clean followed Him on white horses. "
38:34 Ah... so now we know who's riding the horses.
38:37 Who's riding the horses?
38:39 The heavenly armies... the angels.
38:41 And what is Jesus going to do?
38:42 What are the angels going to do?
38:44 Verse 15: "Now out of His mouth goes a sharp, two-edged sword
38:49 that with it He should strike the nations
38:51 and He Himself... " Does what?
38:54 "treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath
38:59 of Almighty God. " That's the reason why
39:01 His garments are red. Because He's trampling on the winepress.
39:06 Now the question is: what are the grapes doing
39:09 outside the Holy City? What did they come for there?
39:13 On vacation? No!
39:16 What did they come for?
39:17 They surrounded God's spiritual city
39:20 with the intention of what?
39:22 With the intention of destroying them.
39:25 And who comes to the rescue?
39:27 Jesus and the armies of heaven come to the rescue.
39:32 Now who are the enemies
39:34 that Jesus has to rescue His people from?
39:38 Well, you're going to see a reference here
39:41 to the third angel's message. Let's go to Revelation 19 now.
39:44 Revelation chapter 19 and verses 19 and 20.
39:48 Revelation chapter 19
39:50 and verses 19 and 20.
39:53 Here are the enemies that Jesus comes to destroy
39:57 to save His people.
39:58 It says there in verse 19:
40:00 "And I saw the beast... " Have we encountered that being?
40:05 That entity before?
40:07 Yes. And who else?
40:10 "the kings of the earth... " That's the dragon, folks,
40:14 only here they're called the kings
40:16 because they're the instruments in the hand
40:19 of the dragon that works from the background.
40:22 I read a statement in my study on the wine
40:27 if you remember.
40:28 "And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth
40:32 and their armies gather together to make war
40:35 against Him who sat on the white horse
40:37 and against His army. "
40:39 Do you see what the two battalions are?
40:41 It's the Lord and His armies
40:44 and it is the beast and the kings of the earth.
40:47 But there's another entity.
40:48 Notice verse 20:
40:50 "Then the beast was captured and with him... " Who?
40:54 Oh, that's the third entity of Revelation chapter 13
40:58 and also the third angel's message!
41:01 So it says: "Then the beast was captured
41:03 and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence
41:06 by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast
41:10 and those who worshiped his image. "
41:12 Is that a reference to the third angel's message?
41:15 It most certainly is.
41:18 Now, we need to go to Revelation chapter 15
41:22 verses 2 through 4.
41:26 It says there, connected with the third angel's message:
41:32 "And I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire.
41:36 And those who have... " What?
41:39 "the victory over the beast and over his image
41:45 and over his mark
41:48 and over the number of his name
41:50 standing on the sea of glass having harps of God. "
41:53 Are those the same 144,000?
41:57 Is that a reference to the third angel's message?
42:00 So when Revelation 13 ends
42:03 and doesn't tell us whether there was a faithful group
42:06 or not... It simply speaks about not being able to buy or sell...
42:09 It speaks about those who will not worship the image
42:13 will be killed we are left with a question:
42:16 was there not any group that was faithful to God?
42:19 We read Revelation 14:1-5 where it says: "Yes,
42:22 there's a group that stands on Mount Zion:
42:24 the 144,000. "
42:26 Here it connects directly with the third angel's message
42:30 because it says here once again in verse 2:
42:32 "I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire
42:35 and those who have the victory over the beast,
42:38 over his image, over his mark,
42:40 and over the number of his name
42:42 standing on the sea of glass having harps of God.
42:46 They sing the song of Moses - the servant of God -
42:49 and the song of the Lamb... " The same as the 144,000...
42:53 "saying: 'Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God
42:58 Almighty. Just and true are your ways,
43:01 O King of saints.
43:02 Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name?
43:05 For You alone are holy, and all nations shall come
43:09 and worship before You
43:12 for Your judgments have been manifested. ' "
43:17 So are you seeing the connection of all these chapters?
43:22 Let's review.
43:24 My wife tells me that I repeat too much.
43:30 And I tell my wife: "How do you think that parrots
43:34 learn to talk? "
43:37 "By repeating! " See, when something is repeated
43:40 and repeated then it becomes part of us
43:42 and we're able to repeat it.
43:44 Now, let's review once again what we find in Rev. chapter 13.
43:50 Revelation chapter 13: the dragon with the ten horns
43:55 which represents the Roman Empire
43:58 gives its seat to the beast.
44:01 The beast rules for 1,260 years ending in 1798 AD.
44:06 Then another beast rises from the earth
44:08 for a period. It guarantees civil and religious liberty.
44:11 Then what does it do?
44:14 It does everything to restore power to the first beast
44:18 and it makes an image of the first beast
44:19 and enforces the mark of the first beast.
44:22 So when Revelation 13 ends you say:
44:25 "Now wasn't there anybody who was faithful?
44:27 Anybody who resisted the mark of the beast
44:29 and worshiping the image of the beast
44:31 and accepting the authority of the beast?
44:33 Was there no one who was faithful? "
44:36 The answer is in chapter 14 1 through 5: Yes! The 144,000.
44:40 But how did the 144,000 get there?
44:43 Well, they had to accept three angels' messages
44:46 and they had to proclaim them.
44:47 And when the three angels' messages were finished
44:50 the result was that all de- cisions on earth had been made.
44:53 The harvest is on one side with the seal
44:56 and the grapes are on the other side with the mark of the beast.
44:59 And then the wicked are in the winepress.
45:02 They're surrounding the city.
45:04 They're surrounding God's church
45:06 with the intention of destroying Christ's church.
45:09 But then the armies of heaven
45:11 with Jesus come to trample the winepress
45:15 outside the Holy City to deliver God's people
45:18 from certain death.
45:19 And then in chapter 15
45:21 once again you have the same hymn of chapter 14.
45:24 You have the 144,000 singing
45:28 this beautiful song of victory over the beast,
45:32 his image, his mark, and the number of his name.
45:35 Amen!
45:37 It's important to know the literary structure
45:40 because all of these chapters are linked.
45:44 Now how important are these messages?
45:47 I want to read two statements from the Spirit of Prophecy.
45:51 Early Writings page 258 and 259
45:56 Ellen White wrote how important these messages are.
46:03 I read: "I was shown three steps:
46:07 the first, second, and third angel's messages.
46:11 Said my accompanying angel: 'Woe to him
46:16 who shall move a block or stir a pin of these messages. '
46:21 The true understanding of these messages
46:25 is of vital importance.
46:28 The destiny of souls
46:30 hangs upon the manner in which they are received. "
46:36 Do you know of any other church
46:39 who says: "The reason for our existence
46:42 is to proclaim the three angels' messages? "
46:45 No. There's only one church in the world
46:48 that takes that as its message and its mission:
46:52 the Seventh-day Adventist church.
46:54 It's a global message so God must have a global church.
46:57 Amen! Because one person
47:00 can't proclaim the message all over the world.
47:02 The reason why God established the SDA organization
47:06 was to make it possible to plant faithful people
47:09 of God in every nation on earth.
47:11 Amen! So that when crunch time comes
47:14 God will have a witness on every nation of the earth.
47:20 The second statement I want to read is 9 Testimonies p. 19.
47:26 "In a special sense Seventh-day Adventists
47:31 have been set in the world as watchmen. "
47:35 Let's stop there for a minute.
47:37 What is a watchman?
47:40 Is that defensive or an offensive task?
47:45 It's defensive, right?
47:48 What is a watchman? A watchman, you know,
47:51 is there at night making sure that no one breaks in to steal.
47:58 So God has called the Seventh-day Adventist church
48:00 to perform a defensive function: to defend the truth.
48:04 To defend the three angels' messages.
48:06 To not allow the enemy to come in to undermine
48:10 our special message for this time.
48:12 To undermine present truth... the truth for this time.
48:17 But there's another task that the Seventh-day Adventist church
48:20 has. "In a special sense SDA's have been set in the world
48:24 as watchmen and light bearers. "
48:29 That is offensive. Not in the sense of offend
48:33 but in the sense of offense.
48:36 God has established the Seventh-day Adventist church
48:39 to play defense and offense.
48:41 In other words, to defend the truth
48:44 but also to proclaim the truth.
48:48 "In a special sense SDA's have been set in the world
48:51 as watchmen and light bearers.
48:54 God has entrusted them with the last warning
48:58 for a perishing world. "
49:00 The SDA church is the last hope of the world.
49:03 And I know Jesus is ultimately the hope.
49:06 But in terms of proclaiming the message of present truth
49:09 and Jesus this church is the last hope
49:13 and Satan knows it.
49:15 That's why he's caused so much division in the SDA church.
49:19 Doctrinal division.
49:21 Divisions in other ways.
49:24 I mean, there's so much theological ferment
49:28 in the church now. It's amazing.
49:31 Because the devil knows that if he can divide the SDA church
49:35 and he can unite the enemies of the SDA church
49:37 he's gonna win.
49:39 We can't let that happen.
49:41 Amen! We have to make sure
49:44 that our church stays united upon the platform of truth.
49:47 Amen! Not upon the platform of culture
49:51 or convenience or political correctness.
49:56 NO! We're beyond that stage.
49:58 Amen! The Seventh-day Adventist church
50:00 is the last message that God has for the world.
50:04 She continues:
50:06 "On them... " That is, on Adventists...
50:09 "is shining wonderful light from the Word of God.
50:14 God has given them a work of the most solemn import. "
50:20 Import means importance.
50:22 "of the most solemn import: " What is that task?
50:26 "The proclamation of the first, second, and third angel's
50:31 messages. There is no other work
50:36 of so great importance.
50:38 They are to allow nothing else to absorb
50:43 their attention. "
50:45 Nothing else.
50:47 The three angels' messages to proclaim to the world:
50:51 that IS present truth.
50:53 That is the message that God has given to this church.
50:58 You know, things out in the world are showing that
51:01 things are winding down pretty quickly.
51:05 Freedom of speech is being lost right and left.
51:11 You know, you've heard about the president wanting to
51:15 get rid of the Johnson amendment.
51:17 It can only be done by Congress
51:18 because it's a law of Congress.
51:20 Establishing an office in the White House
51:23 where Evangelicals can come and provide him with counsel.
51:27 You know that he was elected by a vast Evangelical majority.
51:31 And let me say that it's not because Protestants love
51:35 the civil government.
51:37 You know, it kind of makes me think of the Jews
51:40 in Christ's day. They said: "We have no king but Caesar. "
51:44 They hated Caesar
51:46 but they were happy to use Caesar
51:49 to accomplish their purposes. That's right.
51:51 And that's what the churches in the United States want to do
51:54 today. They don't love the government.
51:56 They don't love the civil power.
51:59 They love the possibility of using the civil power
52:03 to get their agenda passed.
52:06 And we need to proclaim to them the principles upon which
52:09 this country - this wonderful country - was established.
52:13 I just want to share with you in closing
52:16 portions of an article that appeared in the Catholic Herald.
52:21 This was an article by Matthew Schmitz.
52:25 It was posted on Thursday, May 24, 2018.
52:31 The title of the article is:
52:32 How Europeans Are Fighting Back Against Sunday Trading.
52:39 And then there's a subtitle:
52:41 Changes to the law have made it harder than ever
52:43 for ordinary Catholics to honor Sunday's day of rest,
52:49 but there is hope.
52:52 I just want to read a couple of statements
52:57 from this particular article.
53:00 "Only those who recognize that the common good... "
53:05 That's a papal expression: common good...
53:10 "Only those who recognize that the common good
53:13 concerns a man's soul
53:16 can explain why we should legislate rest on Sunday
53:22 to honor the God who on that day rose.
53:27 This is why we call Sunday the Lord's Day.
53:31 Domenica, Domingo, Dimanche. "
53:35 Then he continues:
53:37 "We first hear the term in the book of Revelation
53:40 where John reports that it was on the Lord's Day
53:43 that he had his great vision.
53:46 Ever since it has been the day on which we glimpse paradise
53:51 and join freedom in communion with God.
53:54 As Benedict XVI put it, and he quotes:
53:59 'On the Sabbath there are no masters and no servants.
54:02 There is only the freedom of all the children of God.
54:05 For this reason the Sabbath is the heart
54:09 of all social legislation. ' "
54:12 And then he ends the article by saying:
54:15 "It is striking how many Catholics
54:17 have given up this thing of the Lord. " That is Sunday.
54:21 "Even those who can afford Sunday rest
54:24 do nothing to guarantee it for others.
54:27 As Benedict XVI saw Christian politics
54:32 begins with the Sabbath.
54:35 Our task is to secure it in law
54:39 not as a privilege for the powerful
54:42 but as a right enjoyed by all. "
54:46 That's just one article of many articles out there
54:51 on the issue of Sunday.
54:54 There is all kinds of chatter, folks, online.
54:58 Articles appearing everywhere
55:01 on the need to get rid of commercialism.
55:04 To get rid of the idea that, you know, you need to shop
55:08 seven days a week. The idea is you need one day
55:11 of the week to rest... and I agree.
55:13 But it's not the first day of the week...
55:15 it is the seventh day of the week,
55:18 God's holy Sabbath, as we heard this morning.
55:22 So I'd like to end by reading
55:26 the three angels' messages.
55:28 Revelation chapter 14 verse 6: "Then I saw another angel
55:32 flying in the midst of heaven
55:34 having the everlasting gospel
55:36 to preach to those who dwell on the earth:
55:38 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people.
55:41 Saying with a loud voice:
55:43 'Fear God and give glory to Him
55:46 for the hour of His judgment has come.
55:48 And worship Him who made heaven and earth,
55:50 the sea, and the springs of water. ' "
55:53 "And another angel followed saying: 'Babylon is fallen,
55:56 is fallen. That great city
55:59 BECAUSE she has made all nations drink of the wine
56:03 of the wrath of her fornication. ' "
56:06 "Then a third angel followed them
56:08 saying with a loud voice:
56:10 'If anyone worships the beast
56:13 and his image and receives his mark
56:15 on his forehead or on his hand
56:17 he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God
56:22 which is poured out full strength
56:24 into the cup of His indignation.
56:26 He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone
56:29 in the presence of the holy angels
56:31 and in the presence of the Lamb.
56:33 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever
56:36 and they have no rest day or night
56:38 who worship the beast and his image
56:41 and whoever receives the mark of his name. ' "
56:44 But God will have a people in contrast
56:48 to those who worship the beast and his image.
56:50 And it's in verse 12:
56:52 "Here is the patience... "
56:54 Better translation is the perseverance.
56:56 "Here is the perseverance of the saints.
57:00 Here are those who keep the commandments of God
57:04 and the faith of Jesus. "
57:07 Amen! My prayer is that we individually
57:13 and corporately will choose to be those people.
57:18 How about it? Amen?
57:20 Amen! Amen... let us pray.
57:22 Father, thank you for having been with us.
57:24 Take what we studied and write it in our minds
57:27 and in our hearts.
57:29 We pray in Jesus' name, Amen. Amen!


Revised 2018-09-27