Spring Camp Meeting

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SCM

Program Code: SCM180020A

00:41 Welcome to the 3ABN Spring Camp Meeting:
00:44 The Three Angels' Messages.
00:48 Welcome back to 3ABN Camp Meeting.
00:51 And those of you here... I saw hands while ago
00:53 that says you've been here since the beginning, right?
00:55 Since Wednesday night. And we're getting down
00:58 to just two more sermons.
01:00 And I've been spiritually blessed.
01:02 I haven't got to hear every one of them
01:04 but we get to take DVD's and we'll go home
01:07 later and watch them. But I try to sit here
01:09 but then they say: "Oh, oh, we need this done;
01:11 we need that done. " But sometimes we can...
01:13 There's a little room in the back that's got a monitor
01:15 and I just go in and shut the door and listen.
01:17 So I've been spiritually blessed.
01:21 There couldn't be a more timely - I think -
01:25 a better time for us as a people, as a movement,
01:30 to proclaim the three angels' messages
01:32 to a lost and dying world.
01:34 And I'm just so thankful for each and every one of you.
01:37 I want to thank you for your love and your prayers
01:39 and financial support of 3ABN
01:41 so that we can continue to take this gospel of the kingdom
01:46 into all the world. God has opened up incredible doors.
01:50 We couldn't do it without you:
01:51 those of you here, those of you from watching around the world.
01:54 It's not an easy task
01:56 but who said that anything's supposed to be easy
01:58 on this earth, right?
01:59 But I'm privileged. If I could do anything that I wanted to do,
02:02 be anywhere that I wanted to be in the world,
02:05 I'd be right here doing what I'm doing right now.
02:07 So I made a lot of mistakes and a lot of things have happened
02:10 over the years, but 3ABN has been a lifesaver for me.
02:15 I've been one of the mending broken people
02:17 that they've helped, and so I appreciate that.
02:21 Appreciate again all of you and your love
02:23 and your prayers and for sometimes bearing with us
02:26 when things don't go the way maybe we think they should.
02:29 But you know what? We're just human.
02:30 We're doing our very best and somehow
02:33 that's what each and every one of us... God just expects
02:36 us to do the best we can.
02:38 Commit our lives to Him and then let Him do the rest.
02:41 Right? So anyway it's with great privilege
02:44 today that I'm about to introduce the speaker.
02:47 I could talk to you for hours but I'm going to make it
02:49 real short so he'll have more time.
02:51 This is my brother Kenny.
02:53 And... my older brother Kenny.
02:55 Don't comment... I know he looks younger.
02:57 But Kenny has a gift for preaching the message.
03:03 He's very bold. There's nothing about him
03:06 that says: "Well, I don't know if I should say this or that. "
03:09 If the Lord impresses him, he's going to tell you the truth.
03:11 If you like it, OK. If you don't, he says
03:13 "I'm just a messenger... that's all.
03:15 I'm not here to win a popularity contest. "
03:18 He says: "I'm just here to... I'm not a politician.
03:20 I'm just here to give the message that God has
03:23 called me to give. "
03:24 And Kenny, of course, Behold the Lamb Ministry
03:26 for many many years... his wife Chris.
03:28 And I'm so thankful to have him here tonight
03:32 and to work... We started this together almost 34...
03:35 this fall will be 34 years ago
03:37 since the Lord impressed us to build a television station
03:40 to reach the world with an undiluted three angels' messages
03:43 one that would counteract the counterfeit.
03:45 But before Kenny comes out to preach to you
03:49 I'm also honored to invite my sister Tammy Chance...
03:53 And Tammy was in the beginning, too,
03:56 with 3ABN. So we were all just little kids then, weren't we?
04:00 Yes! Yeah, just about, she said.
04:03 I was in kindergarten. Don't...
04:07 I don't want to bring this up but you're getting ready to sing
04:09 a very spiritual song so let's don't...
04:12 Let's don't go too far with it, but...
04:15 But let's just say we were much younger then. Yes.
04:18 But appreciate Tammy and what she's doing.
04:20 She's always had a gift for music.
04:23 And so I appreciate what you do and Bruce does
04:26 in the Donations Dept. for 3ABN for so many years.
04:29 And praying for you right now. Thank you.
04:47 All to Jesus
04:50 I surrender,
04:54 all to Him I freely give.
05:00 I will ever
05:03 love and trust Him...
05:07 in His presence daily live.
05:13 I surrender all;
05:20 I surrender all.
05:27 All to Thee,
05:30 my blessed Savior:
05:34 I surrender all.
05:50 All to Jesus
05:54 I surrender,
05:57 humbly at His feet I bow.
06:03 Worldly pleasures
06:07 all forsaken... take me Jesus,
06:14 take me now.
06:17 I surrender all;
06:23 I surrender all.
06:30 All to Thee,
06:33 my blessed Savior:
06:37 I surrender all.
06:47 How many surrender all today?
06:53 All to Jesus
06:57 I surrender,
07:01 make me, Savior, wholly Thine.
07:07 May Thy Holy Spirit
07:12 fill me,
07:14 may I know Thy power divine.
07:20 I surrender all;
07:27 I surrender all.
07:33 All to Thee,
07:36 my blessed Savior:
07:40 I surrender all.
07:47 All to Thee,
07:50 my blessed Savior:
07:54 I surrender all...
08:00 I
08:03 surrender
08:07 all...
08:14 I surrender
08:18 all.
08:26 Thank you sister Tammy. Thank you!
08:30 You know we love you. Thank you.
08:32 Awesome! Wow! What a journey we have been on!
08:37 Amen. Amen?
08:39 And we're still not finished yet.
08:41 No. Isn't that beautiful?
08:43 You know, Pastor Bohr said earlier that
08:45 his wife often told him
08:47 that he repeats himself too much.
08:49 Any of you hear that?
08:51 I think I might have said that a couple of times.
08:55 But you know, even going through these 3 angels' messages
08:59 this weekend I realize how much I need to hear it
09:03 over and over again - yes, Amen! because so much we forget.
09:07 Yes. And last night during the singing!
09:10 Was that not an atmosphere of heaven?
09:14 Mercy. Oh... miracles have been taking place.
09:18 So many people took a stand for Jesus
09:20 and I'm looking for... We finished the 3 angels' messages.
09:23 It was all wrapped up. Yes! Now we're going past the
09:27 millennium - um-hmm - and we're going to look at
09:30 the second resurrection - Yes - and hell fire together.
09:33 Oh, pray kids. I said: "There's got to be some love
09:38 in there somewhere, right? " Gotta be some love.
09:40 That's right.
09:42 You know, but before we have opening prayer
09:44 so many years people have said:
09:47 "What about your children? "
09:48 "How many children do you have? "
09:50 And so on and so forth. It was kind of neat because
09:52 our oldest daughter was here and when I came out
09:54 somebody had already recognized her by her pictures.
09:58 But we are so thankful - yeah -
10:00 I think, I can't tell... I think everybody's here.
10:03 Everybody's here. All of our children are here.
10:07 Would you please stand up? Most of our grandchildren...
10:10 Come on now... let's go... everybody up.
10:13 There we go.
10:16 I know I'm a little prejudiced but that's gotta be the most
10:19 beautiful kids in the world...
10:22 and grandchildren.
10:24 We love them so much. That's right.
10:26 In fact, not to put anyone else out, but I pray for them
10:29 more than anybody. Yes. We love them. Amen.
10:32 And I know God's answered many prayers for them
10:34 for protection and guidance
10:36 and they've just been a real blessing.
10:38 We've got one grandchild missing, right?
10:40 Two. I don't see Hanna.
10:43 Hanna is missing 'cause he's probably working.
10:45 And Brandon. Brandon's in the service
10:47 in the Navy. So other than that we have them all here.
10:50 Amen! Four children and seven grandchildren.
10:52 So we wanted to bring that because people ask.
10:55 And we're glad they're here. It's a blessing to us.
10:57 Thank you. Well we're going to kneel
10:59 and if you want you can kneel with us.
11:01 But we're going to ask the Lord to continue to be with us, OK?
11:06 Most gracious heavenly Father, we thank you...
11:09 we thank you for repeating these messages
11:12 over and over and over again
11:15 so that they will be written on our hearts and on our minds.
11:18 Father, You promised never to leave us or forsake us.
11:22 So God, we ask one more time that You take this manservant
11:26 of Yours. That You fill him up with Your Spirit.
11:29 That what we see, what we hear, what we experience
11:33 this next hour will be from heaven - Amen -
11:37 from God, from the Holy Spirit Yourself.
11:40 We give You all the praise, all the glory,
11:42 all the honor here tonight.
11:43 In Jesus' lovely and precious name, Amen. Amen.
11:48 Thank you, honey.
11:50 See you in a little bit.
11:53 It's been a good Sabbath, hasn't it?
11:55 Amen! Oh, it's been wonderful. Camp Meeting's been great.
11:58 We praise the Lord for it.
11:59 And to be able to spend just a few moments...
12:01 time flies really fast, you know, when you're having fun.
12:04 And we are having fun.
12:05 So we are enjoying it, especially when we have all...
12:08 We kind of feel like this is our family
12:10 and we certainly want to spend eternity
12:11 with each and every one.
12:13 So if you don't mind do some- thing a little bit different
12:15 as I start out here for you.
12:17 So, you know, don't pay any attention.
12:19 I brought my phone out here.
12:22 Uh-huh.
12:24 Like I see most of you doin' all the time.
12:32 I don't think I ever have taken a selfie.
12:40 Now let's see. My wife said push
12:44 this button twice.
12:49 Well... I got the time.
12:53 I'll push it twice more.
12:58 I still have the time. It's good; it's a minute later
13:00 than it was but it's all good.
13:02 So you... And I thought "Well, if I take a selfie... "
13:05 I've never done that, 'cause I don't like, you know,
13:07 so much lookin' at myself but why not just put
13:11 this baby up right and just look at it and just...
13:14 well I want to make sure my background's right.
13:25 Huh! Well here goes something.
13:31 Hmm... I wonder how that's going to turn out.
13:37 Well it probably only took what was before it, huh?
13:43 You think about that for just a moment.
13:45 There's a reason for that. I've never taken a self...
13:47 I really don't plan on takin' any more
13:51 'cause you know what? Remember it only takes what's there
13:54 whether it be good or bad.
13:56 Revelation chapter 20 verse 15 the Bible says...
14:00 We're going to talk about the second resurrection
14:02 quickly as we can. Once we start we'll move
14:03 very quickly so you might want to jot some things down.
14:06 It's very important that we cover all of the material
14:08 we can. I'll stick as close as I can
14:10 to this, but every once in a while I might get a little bit
14:12 sidetracked. You just call me back if you will, please.
14:14 Revelation chapter 20. We're going to be talking about
14:17 the second resurrection and hell fire.
14:19 You know, what a subject to talk about
14:21 but it's a reality, isn't it?
14:23 It's something that we might have to face.
14:26 We don't want to face the second resurrection.
14:29 We want to face the first resurrection, don't we?
14:31 We want to make it to heaven. We don't want to burn
14:33 in hell fire, let's be honest. Amen!
14:36 The Bible says this. Notice Revelation 20:15.
14:39 The Bible says: "And whosoever was not found
14:42 written... " Where? Ooh, "written in the Book of Life
14:45 was cast into the lake of fire. "
14:47 So whosoever was not what?
14:49 If your name is not written in the Lamb's Book of Life,
14:52 they were cast into the lake of fire.
14:55 I found this quickly in studying for this.
14:57 As I was looking at it again the Lord impressed me.
15:00 Said: "You've done your home- work. What you need is more
15:02 Holy Spirit power. "
15:04 So we prayed for Holy Spirit power to get this message
15:06 across. And one of the things that was
15:08 brought to my mind I thought was very very interesting
15:10 is that in this it sounds like a tough subject,
15:13 and it is, but I found that God is love.
15:16 Amen! I found that God loves you;
15:18 He loves me enough in this message
15:20 that He's going to give you and me exactly what we want.
15:24 He'll give you - oh! the desires of your heart.
15:27 If we want heaven, heaven can be our home.
15:29 If we don't want it, it's not going to be our home.
15:32 But nevertheless, I look at this: God is love.
15:35 He cares for us; He loves us.
15:37 And I say this as I took the little selfie as it were.
15:42 In the books of heaven there's books that are taken.
15:45 There's notes that are written, as it were, every day
15:48 of our life... accurately recorded.
15:52 No mistakes... every day of our life.
15:54 Every deed, every word, every action...
15:56 which I'm ashamed of some things.
15:59 Well now, I guess I'm the only one... the rest of you
16:01 are lookin' good.
16:05 Everybody up here... If we're gonna reveal your life
16:07 up here on the screen, you'd get up and you'd hit the door,
16:10 wouldn't you? Yeah, I hear you.
16:12 Thank God, right? for the blood of the Lamb.
16:14 Isn't that right? Ooh, that's right!
16:16 But our life is recorded. Notice that.
16:18 Every truth that we've heard, every call of mercy
16:22 that God has called us into His fold
16:25 and we have rejected that or we've accepted
16:28 is still written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
16:31 Every time we put off a call of the Spirit
16:34 it's registered in the books.
16:37 No mistakes made... all is going to be recorded
16:40 whether it be good or bad.
16:43 This is the only way: an accurate record of your life.
16:46 And as I took this selfie -
16:49 which I really don't like to see people taking selfies.
16:51 I'll just be honest about it. You'll love me or you'll hate me
16:53 it's up to you. Selfies a lot of times
16:56 says what it says: it's all about self, isn't it?
16:59 Uh-huh!
17:01 You can do that if you want to... I just don't.
17:04 But as I took this selfie I did it for a reason.
17:08 It took exactly what was before the camera.
17:12 So my face, whether it be good or bad,
17:15 right? The picture was taken.
17:18 Just exactly the way day by day that God registers
17:23 in the books of heaven an exact representation
17:27 of our character as the camera took an exact
17:31 right? representation of my face
17:34 whether it be good or bad
17:36 so that we can understand a little bit better about that.
17:39 And remember: there's no mistakes that are made.
17:43 And I'll just add this. If you don't mind, I'll throw this in:
17:46 we are accountable for what we have done.
17:49 We understand that. But we also are accountable for
17:52 those things that we could have done.
17:54 What we could have done. "I could have but I didn't do it. "
17:58 We're accountable for those things.
18:01 Dear friend, the accountability is great.
18:03 The second resurrection... Some of the saddest words
18:06 I've ever read in the Bible
18:07 is found in the book of Jeremiah chapter 8 verse 20.
18:11 I'll just read them quickly. The Bible says...
18:13 You know, I love to say "the Bible says" because
18:15 it doesn't matter what Kenny says.
18:17 Does it? May I say this: "It doesn't matter what you say. "
18:23 You know what I'm talking about. When you're looking for truth
18:26 and want to follow the Word. It's what God's Word says
18:28 is truth. The Bible says there in Jeremiah 8:20
18:32 it says: "The harvest is past, the summer is ended
18:37 and we are not saved. " Did you notice that?
18:40 What sadder words could you read?
18:42 It's over with. There'll come a time that it's over with
18:44 that you can never come to Christ.
18:46 Probation will close!
18:48 No one else will ever come to Him, and yet day by day
18:51 we put off doing what we know we should do.
18:53 God have mercy on us.
18:56 In order to understand a little better the second resurrection
18:59 I think - at least in my mind - it's important
19:02 to learn a little bit more about the events
19:04 before you see the second resurrection.
19:07 A little bit more about the millennium
19:11 which many people have confused. The 1,000 year period of time
19:16 is a doctrine which is only found in book of Revelation
19:19 chapters 19 and 20. It covers it well.
19:24 It's something that we need to know because some people say:
19:27 "A thousand years? Oh good, well you know,
19:29 Jesus is going to come. We're going to have a thousand years
19:31 of peace and prosperity. Things are going to go well. "
19:33 You're fooling yourself.
19:35 This is the hour of probation for you and for me.
19:39 But we need to put it in the order that it needs to be
19:41 in God's Word. Notice the Bible says
19:44 there's a resurrection for the just and for the what?
19:47 The unjust, so we know that there's two.
19:51 That's what the Bible says so we have to believe that.
19:53 But notice the resurrection of the righteous
19:56 and the resurrection of the wicked. In between the two
20:00 is a thousand year period.
20:02 How do I know that? Because the Bible says so.
20:05 And we've got people who think they know more than what God
20:08 knows and they start trying to tell us what all of that means.
20:10 There's a resurrection of what? The righteous and of the wicked.
20:13 In between that is a thousand-year period.
20:16 We'll explain that as we go and look at scriptures.
20:19 I think they back that up.
20:20 And we know in the New Testament John chapter 5 verses 28-29
20:25 is the ones I'm sure you always look up.
20:29 Jesus is speaking here.
20:30 I can count on that, how about you?
20:32 Jesus is speaking; I can count on that.
20:34 Jesus says in verse 28: "Marvel not... "
20:37 He starts out. "Marvel not
20:39 at this for the hour is coming that all that are in the... "
20:43 What? "ALL that are in the grave...
20:45 all that are in the grave shall... " What?
20:48 "shall hear His voice. " There's a time coming
20:50 when I'm dead... I'm just going to die. I'm going to be dead.
20:52 One day you're going to come up.
20:54 You're going to come up in the first resurrection
20:56 or you're going to come up in the second resurrection.
20:58 God have mercy on us. We don't want to come up in the second,
21:01 do we? At all in the second?
21:03 That's why we're looking at this subject
21:05 to say: "Oh God, have mercy on us! "
21:08 Jesus said He's called there in verse 29 of John chapter 5
21:13 and - I love this - "they shall come forth, notice:
21:16 they that have done good unto the... " What?
21:19 "the resurrection of life and they that have done evil
21:23 to... " What? "the resurrection of... " What?
21:26 "of damnation" is what the Bible says.
21:28 So we realize you're going to be in one class or the other.
21:31 I always say whether you like it or whether you don't
21:34 it's one or the other.
21:36 Interesting. What was Jesus saying here quickly?
21:38 What was He saying in verse 28?
21:40 Jesus was referring here to the general resurrection.
21:44 He said everybody's going to come up.
21:47 Interesting. But He said they're going to happen
21:49 at the end of the world.
21:51 Resurrection when takes place?
21:53 It says: "At the end of the world. "
21:56 And notice this. He wanted to make this very clear
21:58 but yet some people misunderstood.
22:00 You remember the Sadducees? What did they say?
22:03 Sadducees said there would be no resurrection.
22:07 Huh! Pharisees came along and what did they say?
22:09 "Hah! Oh yeah... oh, there's going to be one. "
22:12 Then you had the other group over here that said something
22:14 different. "Well, it's only going to be a resurrection
22:17 of the righteous. " Another group said...
22:19 See, there were things going on all the time
22:21 in the church. They couldn't get it together.
22:23 Even though Jesus had it together
22:25 they couldn't get it together.
22:26 And you know what? It's no different today. That's right!
22:29 It's no different today. We've got people sitting in the
22:31 church reading the same Bible,
22:32 reading the same verses, right?
22:33 and they come up with something totally different.
22:36 We need to do "line upon line, precept upon precept"
22:38 like we're doing. That's how you learn that what?
22:41 What is truth!
22:43 And so there was a group that said: "Oh, it's going to be
22:45 the righteous and it's going to be the wicked. "
22:47 Jesus makes it clear. He said there'll be two resurrections.
22:51 One of what? Life. The other of damnation
22:54 or judgment or condemnation of the wicked.
22:58 It can be seen in this study... we had more time to point it out
23:02 here that God is going to - be careful with this -
23:05 reward those who are obedient to His commandments.
23:09 He's going to reward those who are obedient.
23:13 He will never reward those who are disobedient.
23:16 Does that make sense?
23:17 You know, disobedient child... you kind of give him a little
23:20 of this once in a while, maybe a little of that.
23:22 And he's going to catch what's going on, isn't that right?
23:25 Sometimes God has to chastise us and give us a little spanking
23:29 to get us corrected. Does that makes sense to us today?
23:31 Yes it does. Thank you.
23:33 But also with the reward
23:35 we find that God's going to do something.
23:37 Those who transgress His law we have to understand
23:41 are going to receive according to their works.
23:45 Revelation chapter 20... I can't go over all of them,
23:47 can't read them all right now.
23:48 Revelation chapter 20 verses 12 and 13.
23:51 Oh, I just wish I could read them.
23:53 But what does it say bottom line? It says He's going to
23:56 reward them according to their what? Their works.
24:00 If you look at II Corinthians 11:15
24:03 He says He's going to reward them according to their works.
24:06 In Romans chapter 2 verse 6
24:09 He says He's going to reward us according to our deeds.
24:14 Revelation 22:12 again according to our works.
24:17 So we see this is how we're going to be rewarded.
24:20 How're your works? Now what does that mean?
24:23 "Oh, I'm going to try to work my way into heaven. "
24:24 You can't work your way into heaven.
24:26 You can't just be obedient and say: "Oh, I'm going to make it
24:28 into heaven. " "I'm going to keep God's commandments
24:29 I'm going to make it to heaven. "
24:31 "I'm going to church on the seventh day
24:32 I'm going to make it to heaven. " Don't fool yourself.
24:34 We've learned in this Camp Meetings it's our relationship
24:37 with whom? With Jesus Christ that makes the difference.
24:40 And when we have that relationship
24:42 we will want to be obedient.
24:44 Amen! We will want to obey God.
24:47 Interesting. When you say deeds or you say those things
24:52 done it's simply in the Greek
24:55 if you look at it it says simply an act.
24:57 It's simply a deed; it's something that you're doing.
25:00 It's something to do about labor.
25:02 It's an effort! According to our efforts we will be rewarded.
25:07 According to our deeds we will be rewarded.
25:09 Over 6,000 years this great controversy's been going on,
25:13 has it not? Heaven has been pleading with us.
25:16 Heaven pleads I think right now at this day and this time
25:19 as never before because time is running out.
25:22 For those of you that say: "Well my daddy said,
25:24 my grandpa said 'He's coming in my day. ' "
25:28 Get over that stuff.
25:30 Is it all right? Get over that stuff!
25:32 Let's not worry about that.
25:33 We're one day closer right now to the coming of Jesus.
25:36 Amen! The time will come the Bible says
25:38 the door of probation closes. Not another person will ever
25:40 come in again. That makes you concerned
25:42 about your loved ones, does it not? It should.
25:46 Jeremiah talks about that.
25:48 Because all will come... there's a day coming
25:50 when every person - God knows this - will
25:53 have made a decision either for or against.
25:55 They could live 20,000 years and they wouldn't change their mind.
25:58 God knows this, you understand.
26:00 They'd never change their mind.
26:01 It's come to that and God calls a halt.
26:04 Why wouldn't He want to call a halt to this mess
26:06 that's going on in this world that we live in?
26:09 Heard a man on the radio say
26:10 "We're living in interesting times. "
26:13 You'd better believe we're living in interesting times.
26:16 You'd better believe it. It's much more than he knows.
26:18 He's talking about the politics of the world.
26:21 We're talking about the spiritual aspects here,
26:23 praise God. Jeremiah chapter 25.
26:26 The Bible says, verse 31...
26:28 Jeremiah knew about this and he wanted to record it.
26:32 God wanted him to record it for us.
26:34 Jeremiah said there was: "A noise... " Notice this:
26:37 "shall come even to the ends of the earth. "
26:40 The noise here in the Hebrew
26:42 simply means it's an uproar.
26:44 There is going to be a horrible noise
26:47 and this implies destruction.
26:50 Isn't this very interesting here?
26:52 Jeremiah said: "There's going to come a day
26:53 when there's going to be some heavy destruction. "
26:55 Heavier than most people realize.
26:58 It's going to come to the ends of the earth.
27:00 "For the Lord has a controversy with the nations. "
27:03 Do you believe God has a contro- versy with the nations today?
27:07 Sure... He's God!
27:10 There's a controversy because He's laid out in His Book -
27:13 the Book of Books - of how we should conduct ourselves,
27:16 the way that we should act.
27:19 And yet we're refusing that.
27:21 God has a controversy with nations;
27:23 He has it with the people.
27:25 That means He has a complaint against us.
27:27 He has a rebuke against us... He said here... "all flesh. "
27:32 And then He says: "I'm going to give the wicked
27:35 to the sword. " What does that mean?
27:37 "The wicked to the sword. " That means to destruction.
27:40 He's going to give the wicked to be slain.
27:42 Huh... the wicked to be laid waste.
27:46 See this we have to get into our head
27:48 when we're talking about the second resurrection
27:50 and hell fire... why it comes to this.
27:52 Why it comes to this. Why did the prophets write about it.
27:56 The Bible says God has a controversy with the nations.
27:59 The Bible says God has a controversy with the people.
28:02 Remember: there's only two classes of people that exist
28:05 at the coming of Jesus Christ.
28:07 Again, it's what? The saved and the lost.
28:10 How do we know the difference between the saved and the lost?
28:14 Can we know that there is a difference?
28:15 Oh, we should know there's a difference.
28:17 Somebody should know that you're a Christian.
28:19 You can't be hiding around and say: "I met a man in service
28:21 one time. We were there for six months together
28:24 and I didn't know it 'cause I went in as a SDA,
28:26 you know, conscientious objector.
28:28 And after we went through training and were sent someplace
28:31 together after six months he finally told me
28:33 "I kept it a secret but I'm a SDA too. "
28:35 I said: "No you're not. "
28:41 How do you keep it a secret?
28:44 How do you keep it a secret?
28:46 He was doing all those things that I refused to do
28:48 on Sabbath. Not trying to criticize or condemn.
28:51 I'm just simply saying: "You can't hide your colors. "
28:54 You can't hide what's inside your heart.
28:57 Saved and the lost. How do we know this mark?
29:00 I've heard it preached here these last several days
29:04 about that God's going to seal His people.
29:05 He's going to put a mark on His people that are obedient to Him.
29:10 Isn't it interesting? Someone even brought up,
29:12 I think this is beautiful. If you haven't read the book
29:14 of Ezekiel lately, please do it... please do it.
29:17 You can know and understand Ezekiel chapter 9 verses 1-6
29:21 because there's a man that's clothed in linen.
29:24 He has a writer's inkhorn, you remember? on his side.
29:26 And God says: "Go through and mark the people. "
29:30 What? The ones that's going to be saved.
29:32 "Mark the people. " "Well, who am I supposed to mark? "
29:35 Said: "Mark those who are sighing and crying. "
29:38 Did you get that? Sighing and crying for what?
29:41 "for the abominations. "
29:43 "for the abominations that be done. "
29:46 5 Testimonies 209-10 says this...
29:48 notice this at this point in time.
29:50 It starts out: "There's a little company... "
29:53 God's people shouldn't be reduced to no little company!
29:58 But a little company it says here: "a little company who are
30:01 standing in the light will be sighing and crying
30:04 for the abominations that be done in the land. "
30:06 I wonder how many of us here have spent a night sighing
30:08 and crying because of the un- merciful things that's going on
30:10 in this world today.
30:12 Things that should hurt us but we've grown to accustomed to it
30:14 over the news and everything that goes on all the time
30:17 where we're just accustomed to people being killed.
30:21 Things that are going on.
30:23 We're not sighing and crying for the abominations.
30:26 But listen: this gets more personal.
30:28 It got personal with me.
30:29 I got a little bit touchy about it
30:30 as I read on. I said: "Oh, my! "
30:32 But more especially will their prayers.
30:35 Here's the little group.
30:37 Here's the ones that God is going to say what?
30:39 They're going to mark. He's going to mark His people.
30:41 These ones here as sighing and crying for the abominations
30:44 that be done. And I'll get deeper in a minute
30:46 but right now I'm going to say this.
30:47 "because... " notice this... most especially are they
30:51 sighing and crying because their prayers are what?
30:54 Huh! "They are rising in behalf of the church. "
30:59 Why? Because its members are doing
31:03 after the manner of the world.
31:06 We should be sighing and crying going after the world.
31:08 The world's enmity, right? against God.
31:11 God said "You can't love Me and love the world. "
31:13 We can't be in the world doing all the things in the world
31:15 and say: "Oh, we're godly. "
31:16 He said we're godless.
31:18 There has to be a separation here.
31:20 The sealed ones, the marked ones:
31:23 how are they distinguished?
31:25 Oh, notice: 5 Testimonies 210 says:
31:27 "They will be distinguished from the rest of the world
31:29 by their soul anguish. " How long has it been
31:32 since we've had some soul anguish about what's going on
31:35 among us as a people?
31:38 How long has it been since you've had anguish over anybody
31:41 but yourself?
31:45 Most generally that's where it's at, right?
31:47 Me, my, and I.
31:49 But God's going to mark the people
31:52 that's concerned about their neighbor.
31:56 That are concerned about things that are going on in the world
31:58 and they're sighing and crying - notice - over those things
32:01 their soul anguish which is expressed in lamentations.
32:05 You know what lamentations?
32:06 Lamentations? You say: "Yeah, that's... "
32:08 Lamentations is the thing that maybe we might experience,
32:12 Sr. Debbie, when we lose someone like your mother this last week.
32:16 The soul anguish: lamentations. That there's a feeling inside,
32:20 there's a sickness inside, something died inside.
32:22 You're hurting inside.
32:23 How long has it been since we hurt because of the things
32:26 that are going on in the world? Going on in the church?
32:28 Going on among us?
32:30 How long has it been since it upset us enough
32:33 to drive us to our knees?
32:35 Interesting.
32:37 Weeping and reproofs and warning.
32:40 Most times when you get warnings and reproof
32:42 most of the time you're rebuked by your own.
32:45 Well I'll just go and sit down then.
32:50 You know how it is. You try to share something
32:53 and they say: "Oh man, enough warnings, man.
32:54 We've heard enough doom and gloom. "
32:57 We realize we live in an hour which God is sending messages,
33:00 you know, from the very throne room of God
33:03 to His people whoever they might be around the world.
33:05 And some of them will be messages of rebuke
33:09 to get us squared away before He shall come
33:12 because He wants us ready for that great day.
33:14 Warnings will come.
33:16 But at the same time the article goes on and says
33:18 there's a group: one's trying to warn that Jesus is coming.
33:22 Our life has to be hid in Christ.
33:24 We have to gain victory over sin in our life,
33:26 and it's possible through Jesus Christ, our Lord and our Savior.
33:29 How do I know that it's possible?
33:31 Because Jesus gained that victory.
33:32 Jesus didn't have an edge over you or me.
33:35 There's nothing He exercised that we cannot exercise today.
33:38 That's beautiful!
33:40 And there's all this stuff. People say: "Well He had
33:43 an edge on me. " Let somebody get real.
33:45 Let's get in the scripture, shall we?
33:46 Let's look at what the scripture has to tell us today.
33:49 I believe this with all my heart.
33:51 There's one group that's sighing and crying.
33:53 You've got the other group here that's trying to throw...
33:55 we read the article... trying to throw a cloak over sin.
33:58 They're trying to hide it, you see,
34:00 'cause they don't want it exposed you know.
34:03 You know some of the group you might try to talk to and say
34:05 "Let's not talk about these issues; let's just move on. "
34:09 I believe tonight that the Lord would teach us a lesson,
34:13 a lesson that you might be...
34:16 This might shock some of you.
34:18 If you jump out of your seat or you fall out of your seat
34:20 it's all right as long as you get back up.
34:26 And it may not, but I think it's so interesting
34:30 as we look at it. It says here - notice -
34:32 no... it doesn't matter. Warning, though:
34:34 "Though we are united in church capacity
34:37 he is not saved until the seal of God
34:40 is placed on his forehead. "
34:42 Name is on the book?
34:44 That doesn't mean you're going to be saved.
34:46 "I belong to the Adventist church. " So what?
34:49 Doesn't mean you're going to be saved.
34:53 Is your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life?
34:55 No one's going to enter heaven unless he bears the sign of God.
35:00 Sign and seal of God
35:02 is those who keep His command- ments including the seventh day.
35:05 I hope you're with me. Notice again:
35:07 3 Testimonies 267.
35:11 Mark this point with care please tonight.
35:15 "Those who receive the pure mark of truth... "
35:19 brought in by the power of the Holy Spirit -
35:22 the Holy Ghost - which is represented by this
35:26 mark that's placed by the man in linen.
35:29 "are those... " A little bit deeper with you here.
35:31 Some of you don't want to hear it.
35:33 Well... it doesn't matter. Going to hear it anyway.
35:39 I like to agitate in a good way.
35:43 Because we're to agitate because there's too much
35:45 soft pedaling going on.
35:47 There's not enough shaking going on in the church.
35:50 And we need that in order to say: "Wait a minute!
35:53 This guy's out of his mind. "
35:55 Well, get in the Word and see whether it is.
35:56 If you're not going to do that, then don't challenge it.
35:59 If you can't get into the Word of God.
36:01 You've got to have something written from the Word of God
36:03 here. Article says, notice this:
36:07 "that man is sighing and crying for the abominations
36:11 that be done in the church. "
36:13 Did you get that?
36:15 Sighing? Are we sighing and crying for the abominations
36:18 that be done in the church?
36:20 That's what 3 Testimonies 267 says.
36:23 Why? "Because they have so clear a view of the exceeding
36:27 sinfulness of sin... " Huh! "that they are represented
36:32 as being in agony. " Do we have a clear concept
36:37 or conception of what sin has cost?
36:40 Do we really understand the sinfulness of sin?
36:44 The ones who are sighing and crying and in agony
36:47 because they understand what it cost.
36:49 What it's doing to this world; doing to our family;
36:52 doing to our friends. We have to have that
36:54 in our hearts and our minds.
36:56 But you know what? Worldlings seem to have a clear
36:58 view of things. What do you mean by that?
37:02 Well they seem to have an awful clear view you know of...
37:05 of things that are going on in the world.
37:08 They seem to have a clear view of what's going on in Hollywood.
37:12 They seem to have a clear view of what's going on
37:14 in the theaters.
37:16 They seem to have a clear view of things that are going on
37:18 as it were in the dance halls.
37:20 They seem to have a clear view of all the things that the devil
37:23 has thrown out there for us not only to look
37:26 but to listen to and to taste.
37:29 They seem to have a clear view of that.
37:31 We should have a clear view of the spiritual work.
37:35 Oh... time's going by.
37:39 I love the promise that's given.
37:41 Let's just skip over real quick. I've got off of that box,
37:43 I'll get on another one and I may jump back on.
37:45 Don't worry about it... just...
37:49 I Thessalonians 4:16-17.
37:51 You all have this in your heart and in your mind
37:53 because... Second resurrection. We've gotta figure out
37:56 what's gonna happen at the coming of Jesus.
37:58 False teachings out there. Well, He's gonna come.
38:01 He's gonna walk around here and He's gonna do mighty miracles
38:03 and wonders and all. My Bible says:
38:05 I Thessalonians 4:16-17, right?
38:07 The Bible says "The dead in Christ shall... " Do what?
38:10 "rise first. " That doesn't mean second' that doesn't mean third.
38:13 Anybody says that Jesus has come, He's working miracles,
38:16 He's running to and fro and over here
38:18 well then I want to go out to the cemetery.
38:20 I want to look at all of them 'cause every little town
38:22 and every little village there's always a cemetery.
38:24 I want to see it look like popcorn goin' on out there.
38:27 Are you still with me?
38:28 Because my Bible says the dead in Christ rise.
38:31 They don't rise... they pop out of the graves.
38:33 Think about it!
38:37 If they've not come out of the graves like popcorn -
38:39 the graves are empty out there - the righteous anyway coming
38:42 forth, that means the real Jesus has not come.
38:44 And the false one will come before the real one.
38:47 Dead in Christ rise first.
38:49 We which are alive and remain will what?
38:51 Will be caught up to meet Him in the air.
38:53 So shall we ever be with the Lord.
38:55 So what do you remember about that?
38:56 What's going to happen when Jesus comes? Right?
39:00 The righteous who have died in Him come out of the grave.
39:04 They what? The living righteous are caught up to meet Him
39:07 in the air. Simply saying what?
39:09 His feet do not touch the ground at His second coming!
39:13 Most people don't realize the third coming.
39:15 We'll get into it in a minute.
39:18 How awesome that is!
39:21 But what happens? There's only one group that's left.
39:24 It's the wicked. II Thessalonians 2 verse 8
39:27 says what? They're struck dead by the brightness
39:30 of His coming. OK... you have the righteous in the grave,
39:32 right? That's died. They come out.
39:35 Ooh! We'll have bodies like Jesus!
39:37 Wouldn't you like to have one of those? I'm sick and tired
39:38 of this old mug... I don't know about you.
39:40 You look pretty good, but I'm not looking that good.
39:47 So if the righteous come out - come on, say it with me -
39:50 the living still alive caught up to meet Him in the air.
39:54 Then the wicked are struck dead by the brightness of His coming
39:57 is what it says. Destroyed by... Why?
39:59 Because the wicked can't stand in the presence of God.
40:02 Sin, right? Sinners just can't stand in the presence of God.
40:06 That's why God said many times in the...
40:08 You know, Moses wanted to look at Him.
40:10 What'd He say? "You can only look at My back. "
40:12 Couldn't look at the face of God and live.
40:15 Sin! So we see that righteous group
40:20 Christ takes back to the City of God.
40:23 Ooh! How wonderful that is!
40:25 The other group we said were destroyed.
40:27 So what does the earth look like?
40:28 We have to understand these issues. Isaiah saw it clearly.
40:32 God gave him prophecy: "Write this down. "
40:35 In Isaiah 24 verses 1 and 3 and 5 and 6
40:41 "Write this down. " Now notice this: people say:
40:43 "Well when He comes things will kind of go on as usual.
40:46 We're going to go ahead and we're going to do this. "
40:48 NOT what the Bible says!
40:49 That's not what the Bible says.
40:51 Isaiah said it... notice what he said:
40:54 "Behold, He maketh the earth empty. "
40:57 Well, that didn't... He didn't say half full.
40:59 He said He's going to make it empty.
41:02 "He maketh it waste. "
41:05 In the Hebrew you know what that means?
41:07 "He makes it waste? " He makes it DEAD!
41:09 That's pretty... It's destroyed!
41:12 Huh! "He turneth it upside down.
41:15 He scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. "
41:19 Notice this: "The land shall be utterly emptied. "
41:24 That doesn't mean it's going to be a partial.
41:26 "Utterly emptied. " It's going to be utterly spoiled
41:29 is what the Bible said: "For the Lord hath spoken this. "
41:32 Why did He do that?
41:34 Why has it come to this?
41:36 "Because they have transgressed the law
41:38 and changed the ordinances. "
41:41 They've broken as we heard about today the everlasting covenant.
41:44 Huh! "Therefore hath a curse devoured the earth.
41:49 They that dwell therein are desolate; therefore,
41:52 the inhabitants of the earth are burned. "
41:57 Wow! So that means there's what?
42:00 There's no one here.
42:02 Does that make sense? There's no one here.
42:05 The righteous come out of the grave, right?
42:07 Living rise to meet Him in the air.
42:10 The dead - living, right? - they're supposed to be alive
42:12 but they're struck dead by the brightness of His coming.
42:16 The earth, then, is desolate. There's no one here
42:19 is what the Bible says.
42:20 Interesting. John the Revelator tells us
42:23 about Satan. He said Satan's going to be imprisoned.
42:26 Right? There's going to be a seal set on Satan during this
42:29 thousand years after Jesus comes,
42:31 after this takes place. Then He said to the old devil:
42:34 "You can't go. " There's nothing left here on this earth,
42:36 on this planet. He's sealed up.
42:38 He's going to be... There's going to be a private mark
42:40 as it were on the enemy here.
42:43 There's going to be a security set over the enemy.
42:47 Hmm. That he'll not be able to go out and deceive the nations
42:51 any more until what? Until the thousand years are?
42:54 Are finished. Isaiah the Prophet says about the enemy...
42:58 This might be a shock if you've never read it before
43:01 but I want you to think with me on this.
43:03 Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 through 17.
43:07 Can't read all the verses but notice what it says.
43:09 This is at the end... notice what it says.
43:13 They're talking about looking upon Satan,
43:17 right? Looking upon Satan. It says this:
43:19 "They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee
43:24 and they're going to consider thee. "
43:26 They're going to look upon the old devil
43:27 that's done all these things and say:
43:28 "Saying: 'Is this the man that made the earth tremble?
43:32 That did shake the kingdoms? ' " Notice this:
43:36 "That made the world a wilderness... "
43:38 Hmm. "and destroyed the cities thereof? "
43:42 Interesting. See, during the thousand years
43:46 between the first and second resurrections
43:48 there is a judgment. And people try to be...
43:50 Oh, be careful: they want to be smart sometimes
43:52 and say: "There's no use because... " What happens?
43:55 The righteous are already there and the wicked if that be true,
43:57 right? The wicked struck dead.
44:00 So why talk about a judgment?
44:02 Aren't you glad that God is good?
44:03 Aren't you glad that God loves you?
44:05 Because I guarantee you right now: you make it to the
44:07 kingdom of God you're going to want to know why your mate's
44:09 not there or is there or maybe you're not there.
44:11 You're going to want to know why Mama's not there
44:13 because you thought, you know, so on and so forth.
44:15 We're going to have the opportunity to be able to spend
44:17 that time going over the records of those that are not there
44:20 so that we will be settled that God is right.
44:24 Isn't He wonderful? Isn't that love?
44:26 He doesn't have to do that.
44:28 The righteous go over the books and they can see
44:31 that the decisions that have been made are right on target.
44:35 You say: "What? " Paul points... In the New Testament
44:38 Paul points to the events of the judgment
44:40 following the second coming of Jesus.
44:43 I Corinthians 4:5... say it with me quick.
44:45 It says: "Judge nothing before the time. " Do what?
44:49 "Judge nothing... " Come on, church; somebody help me.
44:51 "Judge nothing before the time until the Lord comes. "
44:55 Judge nothing what? "before the time
44:57 until the Lord comes. " Notice how it goes on and says:
45:00 "who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness
45:05 and will make manifest the counsels of the heart. "
45:08 Everything is going to be laid open.
45:11 That's what Paul said.
45:13 You know what Daniel has to say about it?
45:14 In Daniel 7:22 he says:
45:16 "When the Ancient of Days comes... "
45:18 Who is the Ancient of Days?
45:20 It's God! "When the Ancient of Days came... " Notice it:
45:23 "judgment was given to the saints on high. "
45:26 People say: "Well the judgment's not given to them. "
45:28 The Bible says the judgment will be given to the what?
45:31 "The saints of the Most High God. "
45:34 There's a reason for that. Notice:
45:36 John joins in again. John chapter 20 verses 4 and 6.
45:40 John said this. I believe he's a prophet of God,
45:43 don't you? John said this in the Word.
45:45 He said: "I saw thrones... " Ooh, glory!
45:47 and they that sat upon them and judgment was given to them
45:51 that they shall be priests of God and Christ... "
45:53 Notice this: "and they shall reign with Him... " How long?
45:56 "one thousand years. "
45:58 They shall reign with Him what? One thousand years.
46:00 You know you say, "Well, we're going back to the righteous. "
46:02 You know that eternity's more than a thousand years,
46:04 don't you? Sure you do.
46:07 So there's something about this here it's talking about.
46:11 They reign at this point in time for a thousand years
46:13 between the two resurrections.
46:16 Interesting. Paul says in I Corinthians 6:2.
46:20 Time's going down here. I Corinthians 6 verse 2...
46:23 jot it down, I'll read as fast as I can...
46:25 It says: "The saints shall judge the world. "
46:29 The saints together with Christ judge the what?
46:32 The wicked, comparing their deeds to this Book, the Bible.
46:37 Interesting. This is it right here.
46:41 This is what's telling whether it's good or it's bad.
46:44 There's no "I think somebody said"
46:46 and "Joe said down the road. "
46:48 It's what God says we know in His Word.
46:50 This is the statute book; this is the book of righteousness.
46:54 And the wicked will meet their works because the penalty
46:58 has to be paid because God said that's the way
47:00 it's going to work because the wages of sin is what?
47:03 Death! The wages of sin: that's what the Bible says.
47:05 "The wages of sin is death. "
47:07 You say: "Well I don't know about the Bible
47:08 'cause we're worried about keeping the law,
47:10 worried about doing all of this... "
47:11 The Bible says - what is it? in James 2:12
47:14 "So speak ye and so do as they that shall be judged
47:17 by the law of liberty. "
47:19 We'll be judged out of those things written in this Book.
47:22 Makes it so clear for us.
47:25 Satan's evil angels are also judged.
47:28 Did you get? I Corinthians 6 verse 3.
47:30 "Know ye not that ye shall judge angels? "
47:33 Well I know I'm not going to be judging the good angels
47:35 because they've never fallen, they have no sin.
47:38 So it must be the evil angels here that we will be able
47:40 to look and judge according to their deeds and their works.
47:45 Jude even talks about it.
47:47 It's not like reading one pass- age and this is the way it is.
47:49 Jude verse 6 tells us this:
47:52 "The angels which kept not... " What? "their first estate... "
47:56 Notice this: "but left their own habitation
47:59 He hath reserved into everlasting chains
48:03 under darkness unto the judgment on the great Day. "
48:06 People talk about hell fire going on.
48:08 That's not what the Bible teaches.
48:10 They're reserved. If anybody needs to be in hell fire,
48:12 it may be the evil angels. Anybody to go to hell fire
48:15 should be Satan should it not be?
48:17 Man, we need to look at this thing and say: "What is it
48:20 talking about? "
48:22 At the close of the thousand years the second resurrection
48:26 takes place. The wicked are going to be raised back
48:31 to life again. They're going to appear before God
48:34 for the execution. Man, that's something you don't want to
48:37 really talk about, but that's what the Bible says.
48:39 That's why it's important to come up and plan on the
48:41 first resurrection, isn't that right?
48:42 Second resurrection... you don't want to come back in that.
48:45 That's what the Bible says.
48:46 Revelation chapter 20 verse 5 the Bible is clear.
48:49 It says: "The rest of the dead lived not again until the
48:51 thousand years were finished. "
48:53 That makes it pretty clear, isn't that right?
48:55 They're struck dead when He comes. It says:
48:56 "The rest of the dead. " Hi, Sweetie.
48:58 "Lived not again until the thousand years are finished. "
49:01 You know that.
49:02 See, that's good from scripture.
49:05 Not only did John know it - the Revelator.
49:07 Isaiah confirms it. Isaiah chapter 24 verse 22.
49:11 Notice this. Some of you may have not read this
49:13 lately... maybe you've forgotten, but it says:
49:15 "They shall be gathered together as prisoners are
49:17 gathered in the pit and shall be shut up in the prison... "
49:21 Notice this: "and after many days they shall be visited. "
49:26 After what? After the thousand years
49:27 are going to be visited again.
49:29 Interesting. The close of the thousand years
49:32 what? Christ returns to this earth.
49:35 He descends with that New Jerusalem. Praise God!
49:38 Somebody wants to be in there, isn't that right?
49:40 And with the saints that are coming and it lands on
49:42 the Mount of Olives. Is that right?
49:44 The Mount of Olives it says right there, right?
49:46 It splits from the north and goes to the south.
49:49 That New Jerusalem just rests there upon the earth.
49:52 There's something that's going on.
49:54 And then Christ does what? He raises the wicked back up.
49:58 But what happens? Huh? The enemy sees multitudes.
50:01 Millions and billions come up in that second resurrection.
50:04 How sad! The devil still thinks this earth is his.
50:07 He still thinks there's a chance
50:09 that somehow he can win it back
50:11 'cause he sees this, as it were, small city.
50:13 And the Bible talks about what they do.
50:15 They surround that city.
50:17 Oh, we have to realize what happens.
50:19 Zechariah talks about it.
50:21 It says in Zechariah 14:5: "The Lord my God
50:25 shall come and all the saints with Him. "
50:28 People read that and they'll say: "See, when you die
50:30 you go to heaven; you come back. "
50:31 That's talking about when Christ comes back the third time.
50:36 Did you get it? First time He walked the earth,
50:38 right? Second time His feet did not touch the earth.
50:40 The third time that He comes He comes with the New Jerusalem.
50:43 Isn't that wonderful? Amen!
50:44 And all the saints that are in it!
50:47 And it lands right here on this earth.
50:48 It's going to be the capitol of the universe!
50:51 Whoo! The throne room of God;
50:53 how wonderful that's going to be!
50:55 No other nation, no other people have been involved
50:57 in anything like this. This is the only blight in the universe
51:00 and God's going to put that out.
51:03 And how does He do it? How do you purify?
51:05 Certainly has to be with fire, does it not?
51:06 "I'm going to visit after many days" He says.
51:10 Promise of His return. Zechariah 14 verse 5.
51:13 "The Lord my God shall come and the saints with Him. "
51:15 Zechariah 14 verse 4 says: "And His feet shall stand
51:18 in that day on the Mount of Olives. "
51:20 You think we're just making it up?
51:22 We're even told where that city's going to land,
51:24 isn't that right? On the Mount of Olives right here.
51:27 And it even says right here - ooh!
51:29 "And that mountain shall be removed toward the north
51:31 and half of it toward the south. "
51:34 We can know where it's going to be!
51:36 We need to be prepared for that.
51:37 Zechariah 14:9 says: "And the Lord shall be King
51:40 over all the earth. In that day
51:44 there will be one Lord and His name one. "
51:47 Isn't that wonderful? See, the enemy still sees
51:50 an opportunity here. He sees all the evil angels
51:53 and the wicked dead who are raised to life
51:56 at the third coming of Jesus after the thousand years.
52:00 Satan sees this vast multitude.
52:03 They're still looking... Let me tell you this: remember,
52:06 the wicked when they get in the graves, isn't that right?
52:08 When they come out of the grave they look just like
52:11 when they went into the grave.
52:14 That's going to be a mess in some situations.
52:17 You know that.
52:19 But praise God, when those righteous come out, ooh they're
52:21 changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye
52:23 at the last trump. They're going to have bodies
52:25 and minds like Jesus Christ! Isn't that wonderful?
52:27 Amen! You want that mind, you want that body of Jesus.
52:30 But the wicked come up just the way they went down in that.
52:33 But you know what? And what does Satan do?
52:35 He continues his lies.
52:37 He continues lying to them!
52:39 "I raised you up! "
52:41 "I raised you up! "
52:43 "You see that city? How glorious it is? "
52:45 Look at the mess that they're standing in.
52:47 We read what the earth is going to be like.
52:49 Isn't it? There's nothing here!
52:51 And they look around and they say: "Oh man,
52:53 this is a mess! " They look at the New Jerusalem
52:54 and say: "Wow! I want that. " I would, too!
52:57 "I want to be in that place! " And the devil lies to them
53:00 again. Says: "That should be your place
53:02 but while you were dead Christ came and they took it
53:05 away from us. Let's go get it. "
53:07 There's a mob action once again.
53:08 "Let's go get that city; let's take that city! "
53:12 Wow! What awesome thoughts!
53:15 All of them then surround that city
53:20 and they think somehow we're going to take that city.
53:25 The enemy works... he still has power.
53:27 He works wonders...
53:29 he gives them strength to do what needs to be done.
53:32 They believe that he can still do it.
53:35 New Jerusalem sitting on the Mount of Olives
53:38 now surrounded by Satan and all of his followers.
53:42 Revelation 20 verse 9 talks about that.
53:45 It says: "And they surround that Holy City. "
53:47 They still think they can take it.
53:51 There's a force of evil here
53:53 from the very beginning of ages all down through the...
53:56 Billions surround that city.
54:00 I want you to remember this:
54:02 before they're "put out" I'm going to say of their misery
54:05 they're going to have an opportunity to see their life
54:10 and what could have been.
54:12 That's quite a sermon title: What Could Have Been.
54:16 I look at my own life and I say: "Lord what could have been. "
54:21 What could have been for our young people today.
54:23 Don't make it say "Oh, it can't be because
54:25 I got off track. " What could have been...
54:29 What could have been if we stayed right on the track
54:32 with Jesus Christ? How He'd be able to use us!
54:36 But they realize they're without excuse.
54:39 There's no one to help them right now.
54:41 Sentence has been pronounced upon them: death.
54:44 And you know what Great Controversy talks about
54:46 on page 668? It says: "It's now evident... "
54:49 Notice quickly... a few minutes left...
54:50 "It is now evident that all the wages of sin
54:54 is not independence... " Ha! Ha! Did you get it?
54:56 It's not independence. Huh!
55:01 And it's not eternal life
55:03 but it's slavery, ruin, and death.
55:08 The second death. You don't want to come up...
55:10 I'm telling you right now: every person that's ever been born
55:12 on this planet and every one of you sitting in here
55:14 will face one or the other.
55:16 I will face one or the other.
55:18 You have to decide what it's going...
55:20 Is the world more important or is serving God?
55:24 Do you realize the old enemy? I'm going to read this quickly.
55:26 Ezekiel 28:18-19 talks about the enemy.
55:30 God says: "Therefore I will bring forth a fire
55:33 from the midst of thee. It shall devour thee
55:36 and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth
55:38 in the sight of all men. "
55:40 The devil is going to be brought to what?
55:42 Ashes. To ashes in the sight of men.
55:45 So about this, people say: "burning forever and ever
55:47 and ever" just does not make sense
55:49 for just the person who comes and lives a few years
55:51 and does what they do and they don't find Jesus
55:52 and they burn. Why should they burn eternally
55:54 over and over and over and the devil himself
55:56 is going to be burned to ashes?
55:58 The Bible says the righteous "will tread upon the ashes
56:00 of the wicked; they'll be brought to an end. "
56:03 "All that know thee among the people shall be astonished
56:06 at thee. Thou shalt be a terror
56:09 and never shall thou be any more. "
56:12 The day is coming there's going to be an end to the old enemy,
56:14 praise God. Isaiah 9:5.
56:16 "Every battle the warrior is with confused noise and garments
56:19 rolled in blood but shall be with burning
56:23 and fuel of fire. "
56:25 Friend, "Behold the day cometh... " the last minute...
56:28 "Behold the day cometh that shall burn... " Malachi 4:1...
56:31 "as an oven. All the proud, yea, all that do wickedly
56:34 shall be stubble. That day shall come shall burn them up
56:37 saith the Lord of Hosts that it shall leave them neither root
56:40 nor branch. " Isn't that? Do we know how final that is?
56:44 The day's going to come. Here's going to be in this world...
56:46 It's just like it was the time of the flood.
56:48 When the flood was there the world seemed to be
56:50 one great big... just water all over.
56:52 One big ball of water.
56:53 It's going to be that way one of these days with fire
56:55 that Peter talks about.
56:57 On fire. It's going to purify, but you know
56:59 God's going to make sure that that New Jerusalem
57:01 and the saints that are in it are protected from that
57:03 great big ball of fire that purifies the earth.
57:07 How wonderful that is.
57:09 Cleansing of the wicked.
57:11 We talk about the cleansing flames I mean.
57:13 Destroys the wicked and the world:
57:14 "neither root nor branch" it says.
57:17 Now the full penalty of the law has been reached.
57:20 The demand of justice has been met.
57:22 God is declared righteous.
57:24 May God help each and every one. You choose
57:26 which resurrection you're going to come up in.
57:29 Shall we pray together?


Revised 2018-10-17