Spring Camp Meeting

Christ in the Sanctuary

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SCM

Program Code: SCM210005S

00:09 Who was Jesus?
00:11 He had compassion for the weak and the hurting.
00:15 He loved every person He met
00:18 and taught them how to love.
00:20 His great heart helped all those who came near Him
00:24 but most of all He was a friend.
00:27 That was who He was.
00:29 Now find out who He is.
00:38 Hello friends. Welcome back to 3ABN Camp Meeting.
00:42 I know that you have been blessed
00:44 as the theme of Camp Meeting is: Who Is Jesus?
00:47 And if you've been watching, you know that from speaker
00:50 to speaker, from presenter to presenter
00:52 that question has been answered in multiple ways.
00:56 But right now Pastor Ryan Day is going to deal with the topic
00:58 Christ in the Sanctuary.
01:01 And this question is vitally important because many people
01:04 do not understand the sanctuary ministry of Christ
01:07 at the present time.
01:09 What is He doing now?
01:11 What is Christ mediating for?
01:13 Why is He mediating now in our behalf?
01:16 Stay tuned as you think about how close we are to the coming
01:19 of our Lord. This song is pertinent
01:22 to the ministry of Christ because in these closing hours
01:25 we should all question to Jesus: Search me, O God.
01:41 Search me, O God,
01:44 reveal my heart.
01:47 Expose my sin that it may be
01:53 confessed.
01:58 Search me, O God,
02:01 unveil each fault
02:05 and leave no hidden motive
02:09 unaddressed.
02:16 Uncover every action
02:21 born in pride.
02:25 Show me the worldly ways
02:28 I still embrace.
02:35 May every anxious thought
02:39 be brought to light
02:44 and each unspoken fear
02:48 with faith replaced.
03:00 Search me, O God,
03:03 observe my life.
03:07 Bring to my mind
03:10 each idle word I speak.
03:18 Search me, O God,
03:21 test my resolve
03:24 and alert me where
03:28 You find it weak.
03:35 Reveal all weakened walls
03:39 within my soul.
03:45 Show me potential dangers
03:48 unforeseen.
03:55 Then clothe my conscience
03:58 with Your holiness.
04:04 Help me to guard it well
04:07 and keep it clean.
04:15 Search me, O God, that I may walk
04:21 in peace
04:25 filled with the joy of knowing
04:28 that all is well:
04:35 my heart surrendered
04:38 and my conscience clean.
04:45 So great a joy of knowing
04:49 I can scarcely tell...
04:54 Oh, what a joy to know
04:58 that all is
05:02 well.
05:23 Hmm... praise the Lord!
05:26 Thank you Pastor Lomacang
05:27 for that beautiful beautiful song! Search me, O God.
05:32 Really that's what Camp Meeting's all about, right?
05:35 We're coming to Jesus and we're asking God to reveal
05:38 us to us... especially during this time
05:42 when we're asking the question: Who Is Jesus?
05:45 When you ask that question of "Who Is Jesus? "
05:48 and you're genuine about it
05:49 God will reveal to you exactly who He is
05:52 and you'll have that Isaiah moment where he saw God
05:57 high and lifted up. And then he saw himself, right?
05:59 And tonight we're going to be continuing through our study
06:03 of Who Is Jesus? And we're going to be asking the question
06:07 can we see Christ in the sanctuary?
06:11 Because the title of this mess- age is: Christ In The Sanctuary.
06:14 We're going to be looking at the beautiful themes
06:17 and multiple different elements of the sanctuary
06:20 to see: Can we find Christ in and through and hidden behind
06:25 all of the beautiful imagery and symbolism
06:28 that we find right there in the sanctuary message?
06:31 But before we go any further
06:33 let's go ahead and go right now to the Lord in prayer.
06:37 Our father in heaven,
06:38 Lord, we're so privileged and honored to be here
06:42 right now at this time. To be alive
06:45 during these very interesting and special times.
06:48 And Lord, the fact that we're all here tonight
06:51 at Camp Meeting learning of You
06:55 learning about You
06:57 learning exactly who You are.
07:00 This is important. And just as Pastor Lomacang sang beautifully
07:03 we want to plead that in our prayer: "Lord, search me,
07:07 O, God. " Show us who we are.
07:12 Show us who You are and who we can be in You.
07:16 Give us the spiritual mind of Christ,
07:19 the spiritual eyes and ears that we can rightly divide
07:23 Your word of truth this evening.
07:25 So Lord, more than anything
07:27 draw us to the uplifted Savior Jesus Christ.
07:30 We thank you for your never- ending love grace and mercy.
07:34 We ask a special blessing of the Holy Spirit right now.
07:37 In Jesus' holy name, Amen. Amen.
07:41 Perhaps the most central text - Bible text that is -
07:47 of all of the Bible
07:51 we see it in Genesis chapter 3.
07:54 Now everyone has their own special Bible verse
07:56 that speaks to them. But I'm speaking from a
07:58 theological perspective. If you could name one text
08:01 that is probably more central and probably can be argued as
08:06 one of the most important texts in understanding Scripture -
08:09 the theme of Scripture, the narrative of Scripture,
08:12 the overall story of the Bible -
08:14 I would have to say it would be Genesis chapter 3 verse 15.
08:18 I'm not going to go too deep into Genesis 3:15 tonight.
08:22 Sr. Shelley Quinn's probably going to do that in the next
08:25 hour as she talks about the covenant Son.
08:27 This is definitely a covenant text.
08:30 But what we see happening here
08:31 is Jesus is making a proclamation.
08:34 He's making a powerful declaration
08:37 in which He is communicating something that will forever
08:41 go on between the woman and the serpent
08:45 and the Seed of the woman all the way until the end of time.
08:49 In fact, let's read it right now. This is Genesis chapter 3
08:52 verse 15. And of course, Jesus is speaking to the serpent
08:56 and this is what He says:
09:15 This text is, as I said, probably the most central text
09:19 in all of Scripture because everything that comes after it
09:22 is connected to it. You cannot properly understand the story
09:25 of Scripture. You cannot properly understand the great
09:28 prophetic themes of Daniel and Revelation if you don't
09:31 properly understand Genesis chapter 3 verse 15. In fact,
09:36 the same characters that you find in the 3rd chapter of
09:39 Genesis are found all the way at the very end of the Bible
09:42 in the 12th chapter of Revelation.
09:44 And we see there very carefully... very clearly that
09:47 because sin entered into the world because man allowed
09:51 sin to be brought into the human race
09:54 God now had to make a declaration of this great
09:57 spiritual war that would go on between man and the enemy.
10:02 That is, of course, Satan himself.
10:04 In fact, he would through a very special system
10:09 that we'll come to know as the sacrificial system,
10:12 which by the way was established right here in Genesis chapter 3.
10:15 We see God had to bring this about to show
10:19 the important consequences and results of the sin
10:23 that Adam and Eve had allowed into the world.
10:25 In fact, we know that famous verse Romans chapter 6 verse 23
10:30 which makes it very clear to us as Jesus made it very clear
10:33 to Adam and Eve in the garden that day
10:36 for the Bible says in Romans 6.23:
10:48 My friends, it's vitally import- ant that we understand this
10:50 and tonight's message Christ in the Sanctuary
10:55 I believe will help us to further understand
10:59 why God gave us the sanctuary
11:01 and what the sanctuary system - that great sacrificial system
11:06 found within the sanctuary - is really all about.
11:10 In fact, it's so powerful to see the sacrificial system
11:14 established because right there again in Genesis chapter 3
11:17 and the 21st verse we see as God has just declared
11:21 openly that there's going to be enmity between the woman
11:24 and the serpent and between her Seed and the seed of the
11:26 serpent. We see very, very, very clearly
11:28 that in verse 21 of Genesis chapter 3
11:31 God did a powerful powerful work.
11:34 Genesis 3:21 says this:
11:45 You see, they were previously clothed with figs that they had
11:51 made themselves.
11:52 But where did Jesus get these skins? Of course this right here
11:56 would have been the very first literal death
11:59 in the garden there... in that garden scene
12:02 as Jesus Christ would have taken the life, of course, of a
12:05 lamb and He would clothe them with the skins of that lamb.
12:09 And of course, that lamb is central because
12:12 as the book of Revelation makes it very clear
12:14 the Lamb of God that was slain from the foundation of the world
12:17 that lamb pointed to no other person than that of
12:20 Jesus Christ and the work that He would do
12:23 to redeem man... LOST man... from their sins.
12:26 In fact, this sacrificial scene that we just began with
12:31 is made even more clear in the great beautiful passage
12:35 that we find in Patriarchs and Prophets
12:37 page 68. I want to read it. It's a little lengthy
12:39 but it's powerful to see these words and to put it on display
12:43 very clearly for everyone to understand from the context
12:46 and from the perspective of Adam himself,
12:48 right? Notice what this text says. It says:
14:18 So right there in the garden is where God actually initiated
14:23 and introduced the sacrificial system.
14:25 Many people think that it came later in the time of Moses
14:28 but when God introduced the sanctuary, the literal building
14:31 of the sanctuary which we're going to talk about tonight
14:33 no doubt, but I want to make it very very clear
14:36 my friend, when we're asking the question: "Who Is Jesus? "
14:40 first of all we need to start at its origin.
14:43 We need to start at the beginning of the story
14:45 and understand that God's plan of redemption
14:48 which only could come through no other person
14:51 than Jesus Christ Himself
14:53 was introduced right there in that garden of paradise.
14:58 But it wasn't long until this sacrificial system
15:02 became a little blurry... it became a little skewed.
15:06 Things began to change as time passed
15:09 with the descendants of Adam.
15:11 In fact, this very point is made clear in another part
15:15 of Patriarchs and Prophets, more specifically page 364.
15:19 Notice what it says. It says:
15:58 And so count about 2500 years or so past Adam -
16:04 a little more than 2500 years -
16:07 and you start to see according to history, according to
16:10 the prophet here, we see very clearly that the sacrificial
16:13 system began to lose its meaning as time went on
16:17 and man began to fall further away from God.
16:21 God would then bring through during the time of Moses
16:24 He would introduce a more definitive understanding,
16:28 a more meaningful understanding of what that sacrificial service
16:32 meant to the people as He would give more definite instruction.
16:35 And so we see that there came a time
16:38 in which God came to Moses and He said right there
16:41 at Mt. Sinai. In Exodus 25:8 you find these words...
16:47 God Himself saying:
16:56 Now let's make this very clear:
16:58 God wants to be with His people.
17:01 If you could sum up all the Scripture,
17:04 and come to understand what this powerful Book -
17:07 series of books - is all about known as the Holy Bible,
17:10 it's about a God who loves His people
17:12 and wants to be with His people.
17:14 He wanted to be with Adam and Eve in the beginning.
17:16 It wasn't His plan that they would be separated.
17:19 We see very clearly right there in Genesis in the very first
17:21 2 chapters this beautiful perfect uninterrupted communion
17:25 between God and man just as God intended it to be.
17:28 But because of sin it caused a separation.
17:31 And so now we see God right here in Exodus chapter 25.
17:36 He's pouring His heart out to Moses right there atop
17:39 of Mt. Sinai. He says: "Look, I want to be with My people.
17:41 Let them make Me a sanctuary
17:43 that I might come and I may dwell and be with My people. "
17:48 Now there's a purpose to this which we're going to get to
17:50 in just a moment.
17:52 But I want to ask the question.
17:54 The question that we're asking here at Camp Meeting
17:56 is "Who Is Jesus? "
17:58 And that question is tied to the question I want to ask right now
18:01 about "Who Is It? " Let's be very clear:
18:04 who is it that said: "Let them make ME a sanctuary
18:10 that I may dwell among them. "
18:14 I believe the answer is found very clearly
18:16 in Exodus chapter 3 verses 13 and 14.
18:21 You see, this same God that was speaking to Moses
18:24 atop of Mt. Sinai he had an encounter with
18:26 a few chapters before in Exodus chapter 3.
18:29 It's that famous burning bush scene
18:33 as he is now being for the first time addressed
18:35 by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
18:39 The God of his ancestors... his very Creator.
18:43 And so in Exodus chapter 3:13-14 we find this record:
18:47 It says:
19:18 So this same God in Exodus 25
19:21 who says: "Let them make Me a sanctuary
19:24 that I can come down and dwell among My people"
19:26 this is the same God that Moses had a conversation with
19:29 at the burning bush when Moses said: "Look, Lord, You want
19:32 me to go and talk to these people on Your behalf?
19:33 Who in the world am I going to tell them You are? "
19:35 He says: "You tell them I AM WHO I AM. "
19:38 You tell them "The GREAT I AM has sent you. "
19:41 Now that's powerful because we can even be more definitive
19:44 as to who this is because there's no doubt!
19:47 If you are a student of the Word of God, then you know
19:49 that by the time you get to the New Testament
19:51 right there in that powerful, famous, amazing text found in
19:55 John chapter 8 we see none other than Jesus Christ Himself
20:00 identifying Himself as THE GREAT I AM.
20:03 In fact, let's read it. This is John chapter 8
20:06 verse 58. Jesus speaking to the Pharisees and He says:
20:19 So let's be very clear my friends:
20:21 when God said: "Let them make Me a sanctuary
20:24 that I may dwell among them"
20:26 who was it that was asking this question?
20:29 Who was it that was giving this command?
20:31 It was, no doubt my friends, our loving Savior Jesus Christ.
20:36 It was THE GREAT I AM: Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
20:40 who was communicating with Moses during this time
20:44 atop of Mt. Sinai.
20:46 Now this shouldn't surprise us
20:49 that the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
20:52 the God of Jacob, the God of Moses and David,
20:54 the God of all through the Old Testament
20:57 is none other than Jesus Christ Himself... THE I AM.
21:02 And it shouldn't surprise us that Jesus
21:05 desires to be with His people.
21:09 He desires to dwell among His people.
21:14 In fact, we are told right there in the book of Matthew
21:18 opening chapter, chapter 1 verse 33...
21:23 excuse me, verse 23...
21:24 Matthew 1:23... notice what it says about Jesus
21:28 who would be robed in flesh and come into this world
21:31 as a babe. The Bible says this:
21:46 So my friends, God says: "Let them make Me a sanctuary
21:52 that I may dwell among them. "
21:56 Who was that God?
21:57 It's the same God that said: "You tell them THE I AM
22:02 has sent you. " It was Jesus Christ Himself
22:06 who identified Himself as THE I AM.
22:09 "Before Abraham was I AM. "
22:13 And it shouldn't surprise us because the Bible foretold
22:17 that baby Jesus would come into this world.
22:19 His name would be called Immanuel:
22:22 God with us. God desires to be with us my friends.
22:28 And you may ask the question "Why?
22:31 Why does God desire to be close to us? "
22:34 Well, the ultimate answer obviously is love.
22:39 A man desires to be close to his wife.
22:42 Why? Because he loves her.
22:44 A parent desires to be close to their children.
22:49 Why? Because they love them.
22:51 Of course the very foundation of this question should be
22:55 answered: "It's because of love. "
22:58 But I'm going to take it a step further:
23:00 God loves us so much that not only does He just want to be
23:04 with us because He loves us so much
23:06 but He wants to be with us, my friends,
23:09 because He wants to show us His way.
23:15 That's right. We know those famous words
23:19 from Jesus Christ Himself - the GREAT I AM of Scripture -
23:23 in John chapter 14 verse 6
23:25 He would say those famous words:
23:34 Jesus identified Himself as the only way
23:39 to reach the Father is through Him.
23:42 He said: "I am the way. " Why does God desire
23:46 to dwell among His people?
23:48 Yes, it's because He loves us.
23:50 Yes, it's because He wants to be close to us.
23:52 But more importantly my friends, let me make this very clear:
23:55 You see the Bible says in Isaiah chapter 53
23:57 that "All we like sheep have gone astray. "
24:02 We've... everyone, every man, has gone his own way!
24:08 We're lost! We're like lost little sheep.
24:11 And when a person is lost
24:13 what do they need?
24:14 They need a guide. They need a map.
24:17 They need to be set on the right way.
24:19 I can't count on my hands and toes how many times
24:21 I've been traveling this nation doing evangelistic work
24:24 and I find myself in a situation where I don't know where
24:26 in the world I am. I know about where I am;
24:29 I could tell you the general area that I am
24:31 when I'm trying to get from point A to point B.
24:33 I might need to be at a church, I might need to be at a certain
24:36 facility or certain area
24:38 and I don't know where I'm at. And sometimes just looking
24:40 at the paper map doesn't give you all that much information
24:43 but praise the Lord we live in a modern age of something called
24:46 GPS - global positioning system.
24:50 My friends, let me make this clear:
24:52 we are lost and without God -
24:56 His GPS system - we're not going to be found
25:00 and we're not going to be found on the right path.
25:03 So that's why God wants to dwell among us:
25:06 because He wants to show us His way.
25:09 All we like sheep have gone astray. We went our own way.
25:12 And He says: "No, no, no, no. Your way is the wrong way
25:14 but I want to point you down the path the right way.
25:18 I want to show you My will. I want to lead you down the path
25:21 of righteousness. " And that's why we find that
25:23 beautiful powerful text. There found in Psalm chapter 77
25:27 verse 13. The Bible says:
25:36 So let's put this together very clearly.
25:39 When you're lost you need a map.
25:42 In this case, in modern terms, when you're lost you need
25:44 a good GPS. God's GPS is the sanctuary.
25:50 Why? Jesus said: "I am the way. "
25:53 And right here in Psalm 77:13 he says:
25:59 My friend, where is Jesus found?
26:02 Jesus is found in the sanctuary.
26:05 His righteous way is found in the sanctuary.
26:09 My friends, the sanctuary is the blueprint of salvation.
26:13 If you want to know how to be set on the right path,
26:15 the right path to salvation, to know God
26:18 right there as we quoted before in John 17:3
26:27 My friends, if you're going to be put on the right path
26:30 to knowing Jesus Christ as personal Savior,
26:32 to truly know who Jesus is,
26:36 then we have to understand His will.
26:38 And His will is put more clear on display
26:42 in no other place than that of the sanctuary.
26:48 It's not much to look at when you see it, right?
26:50 Especially the wilderness sanctuary.
26:53 We might see pictures of it and we might see images.
26:55 In fact, if you look here you'll see this is kind of
26:58 an outside portrayal of what the sanctuary might look like
27:01 as a blueprint model.
27:03 You can see there's the walls and the gate, the door,
27:07 the entry. You're seeing the courtyard seen here with the two
27:09 articles of furniture. And of course, the tabernacle building
27:12 itself where the Holy Place and Most Holy Place is contained.
27:16 When you look at it it doesn't look like anything
27:19 special, especially the city... the wilderness version.
27:23 But my friends, nonetheless, it was never meant to be just some
27:27 special little building where people go.
27:30 God gave the sanctuary to show you the way
27:36 to Christ and not only to show you the way TO Christ
27:40 But to reveal to you who Christ is.
27:46 What'd the title of this sermon?
27:48 Christ in the Sanctuary.
27:52 Well let's investigate a little bit and see indeed if we can
27:55 find Christ in the sanctuary.
27:58 Now in that previous picture you're looking at kind of an
28:01 outside version here. This is kind of an outside view
28:05 of what you might see if you were to see the sanctuary.
28:08 As you can see, there's a gate there. There's a door.
28:10 First step, #1, if you're going to come to know who God is,
28:14 if you want to know who Christ is and you want to know His way,
28:17 my friend, you've gotta find yourself at the door.
28:21 You've gotta humble yourself and come and walk to that door
28:25 because if you find yourself at the door, then you can walk
28:28 through the door. And when you walk through the door
28:30 now you have set yourself on the path of salvation.
28:34 You have set yourself on the path to the right way...
28:37 and that is Christ's way.
28:40 In fact, Jesus Himself said in John chapter 10
28:42 verse 9... again, Christ in the sanctuary.
28:46 I love this! Christ said:
28:55 Isn't that powerful? And so back in the day
28:58 when God had introduced the sanctuary model to the children
29:02 of Israel. Yes, they had to take that long walk of shame
29:06 from the camp and walk all the way and find themselves at the
29:10 door in which the priest would meet them at the door.
29:12 But it was at this very moment where they would meet the priest
29:15 at the door that their salvation journey would begin.
29:19 Powerful incredible journey!
29:22 And it was there that they would begin to know
29:25 who Jesus is.
29:29 Jesus said: "I am the door. "
29:31 Thieves and robbers? They enter just any old way
29:35 that they like. They might climb over;
29:36 they might try to sneak under;
29:38 they might try to go around.
29:40 But if you're going to come in the right way,
29:42 enter at the door.
29:45 So when you come to the door of the sanctuary
29:47 it may not appear to be much but my friends there's
29:49 some highly symbolic powerful message right there
29:53 and that is: if we're going to come to know who Christ is,
29:57 we have to approach the gate. We have to approach
30:00 the door with humility
30:02 and humble ourselves in the presence of Christ
30:05 and recognize that HE is the ONLY WAY to salvation.
30:09 He is the only way we can enter in order to come to know
30:13 the way of righteousness.
30:16 And so, we've come to the door right there.
30:18 Now let's imagine that we kind of get in a helicopter
30:21 and we go high above the sanctuary.
30:23 And we're looking at kind of an aerial view
30:25 of the layout of the sanctuary. We have a picture
30:28 for that. An aerial view of the sanctuary. This is kind of what
30:31 it would look like. So you can see there's some...
30:33 there's some arrows and some numbers here.
30:35 We'll get into that in just a moment
30:36 as we're going to identify these articles.
30:38 But right now you can see there. I'll go ahead and do that
30:40 for you. You can see right there
30:43 in number one, that is the altar of sacrifice.
30:47 So you've just come through the door
30:49 and you come to the very first article of furniture
30:51 which is the altar of sacrifice.
30:53 And then you keep walking straight forward
30:55 and you're going to come to the second article of furniture
30:58 represented by #2 there.
30:59 That is the laver. We're going to about that in a moment.
31:02 And then you're going to enter the actual first compartment
31:06 of the sanctuary which is known as the Holy Place.
31:08 There are three articles of furniture there.
31:10 We see the table of Shewbread at #3 on the far right there.
31:13 Then we have the altar of incense at #4
31:17 right before the veil.
31:18 And then at #5 there to the far left we have
31:20 the candlestick... the seven-branched candlestick.
31:23 And then of course the ultimate goal is to make it
31:26 into the Most Holy Place,
31:29 the second compartment, which of course there is only found
31:31 one article of furniture. That is the ark of the covenant.
31:36 So Christ in the sanctuary.
31:40 Let's make this very, very clear my friends.
31:43 Christ is IN the sanctuary.
31:46 Let me show you right now. We're going to go through this
31:48 rather quickly because I believe the Bible is very clear on this.
31:50 But I want to show you here that when you start at the base
31:54 at the very entry of the sanctuary...
31:57 Again, Christ has already said: "I am the door. "
31:59 "I am the entry... I am the ONLY way. "
32:01 But now you've made your way in. You're on that plan of
32:04 salvation. You have accepted the way that God has for you.
32:07 The very first step you're going to come to is you're
32:09 going to come to that first article of furniture, the altar
32:11 of sacrifice and that points to none other than Jesus Christ as
32:16 the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
32:20 My friends, the Bible makes it very clear. Right there in John
32:23 chapter one verse 29 when John the Baptist sees Jesus coming
32:26 and he says: "Behold the Lamb of God
32:29 who takes away the sin of the world. "
32:30 He's identifying Jesus Christ as that lamb that was slain
32:34 from the foundation of the world.
32:36 In fact, consider Ephesians chapter 5 verse 2
32:39 identifies Christ as that ultimate sacrifice.
32:42 Ephesians 5:2 says:
32:57 So right there, my friends, Jesus Christ is our ultimate
33:02 sacrifice. He is the Lamb of God and there's no doubt.
33:06 There's no way of denying that all the way through the Bible.
33:09 Again, Christ IN the sanctuary.
33:11 Let's move on to that second article of furniture that we
33:14 find there. And of course, we're talking about the laver.
33:17 And that laver points to the fact that Christ
33:20 is our cleansing Savior.
33:23 Jesus Christ: His blood, His sacrifice
33:27 paves the way not only for us to receive forgiveness.
33:31 See, many people's gospel experience stops right there.
33:34 They come to Jesus and they say: "Lord, I'm...
33:37 I'm asking for forgiveness. I'm a sinner.
33:40 I recognize I've done wrong. " And that's great,
33:42 but we can humble ourselves at that point.
33:43 But God wants to take us further.
33:46 He wants to cleanse us. That's why first John 1:9
33:49 says that: "He is just to forgive us our sins
33:52 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. "
33:55 Christ is our cleansing Savior.
33:57 And so the priests, as they were dealing with...
33:59 You know, the sanctuary was a bloody messy business.
34:03 That's why they would get blood perhaps on their hands
34:06 and maybe even splattered on their feet.
34:07 Before they were to enter the tabernacle building itself
34:11 they had to go to the laver and they would wash their hands
34:14 and their feet. And you could just imagine looking down
34:16 into that water as it's mixed with blood.
34:18 Yes, that was a type and a symbol of the cleansing
34:22 work of Christ. I love Galatians chapter 3:27.
34:26 Notice what it says. We've read it many times.
34:34 You see, when we are baptized into Christ
34:37 then we are putting on Christ just as that laver
34:40 points to the cleansing work of Jesus Christ.
34:44 Now we're cleansed, right? Now we walk into
34:47 the first compartment of the sanctuary and we come to
34:51 the first article of furniture to our right:
34:55 and that is none other than the table of Shewbread.
34:59 And it's powerful to consider how that was placed there
35:03 and how it was refilled, 'cause every Sabbath, every 7th-day
35:05 Sabbath, the priests were instructed to basically replace
35:10 and refill those 12 loaves of bread that the priesthood
35:14 would eat throughout the week as they were ministering
35:17 in the sanctuary. Well, this does none other than
35:20 point to Jesus Christ as our bread of life.
35:24 In fact, He says those words in John chapter 6 verse 35.
35:28 Notice what the Bible says:
35:39 So Jesus Christ is our bread of life.
35:41 We are to eat of Him and His Word each and every day.
35:45 Matthew chapter 4:4 when Jesus was being tempted
35:48 by the devil himself what did He say?
36:00 He is the Living Word and it proves it right there.
36:03 Within the sanctuary those 12 loaves of bread
36:06 weren't just placed there just by some coincidence
36:08 or happenstance. They were there because it
36:11 points to Jesus Christ as the Living Word of God
36:13 that you and I should eat up every single day.
36:16 That famous verse John 1:1.
36:26 My friends, there's no mistaking when you look at that
36:29 table of Shewbread you are looking at Jesus Christ,
36:33 The Living Word of God. And can you live a righteous life
36:37 separate from the Living Word of God? No, my friends!
36:40 "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. "
36:44 "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that
36:47 proceeds from the mouth of God. "
36:49 So Jesus is our Living Word.
36:52 Now you keep going on that journey through the sanctuary
36:56 right before the veil you come to the second altar
36:59 which is called the altar of incense.
37:02 Of course, this points to Jesus Christ
37:05 as our great Intercessor.
37:08 Praise the Lord that Jesus is our Intercessor!
37:12 Who is Jesus? Jesus is our Intercessor.
37:16 Right now as we speak He is our High Priest
37:19 in the heavenly sanctuary and He is doing the work
37:23 of intercession... that great intercessory work
37:26 that He does as our High Priest.
37:28 Roman chapter 8 verse 34 witnesses to this.
37:31 Notice what it says:
37:47 Powerful that as the priest would come... And oftentimes
37:51 in many situations they might take some of that lamb's blood
37:53 or that goat's blood and they would touch it to the four
37:56 corners of the horns of that altar of incense.
37:59 And the incense would rise up and it would go over the veil
38:02 into the Holy Place signifying that yes, our prayers -
38:05 our communication - is heard, it's received
38:08 and Christ is there to intercede on our behalf.
38:12 In fact, that's what also Hebrews chapter 7 verse 25
38:16 is witnessing to. Again, we're asking: "Who Is Jesus? "
38:19 We're looking at Christ in the sanctuary Hebrews 7:25...
38:22 notice what it says:
38:34 My friends, how often does He?
38:37 "He ALWAYS lives to make intercession for us. "
38:41 Praise God that we serve a Savior who is always there
38:44 for us. We may not always be there for Him
38:47 but He promises to always be there for us.
38:50 Christ is our Intercessor.
38:54 We have one more article of furniture in the Holy Place.
38:57 And it actually is the only light source in the Holy Place
39:02 and that happens to be the seven-branched candlestick.
39:05 And you say: "Ryan, how in the world do you see Jesus
39:07 in a candlestick? " Well...
39:09 Jesus did say: "I am the Light of the World, " right?
39:13 John chapter 8 verse 12. What does the Bible say?
39:30 My friends, when you look at that seven-branched candlestick
39:34 they had to make sure the oil was filled
39:37 all the time to make sure that it was burning constantly.
39:41 Of course, we know that oil is just another representation
39:43 of the Holy Spirit. Why did Jesus say that He was sending
39:46 the Holy Spirit? That parakletos, another helper?
39:50 He said the Holy Spirit would come to minister to us
39:54 but he would always show us who Jesus Christ is.
39:57 Jesus Christ is the original light source.
40:01 John chapter 1... right back to John chapter 1
40:04 notice verses 4, 5, and verse 9.
40:07 I love this! It says:
40:21 My friends, Christ is our light.
40:24 We are living in a dark world.
40:25 In fact, we are living in a dark time
40:28 and we need a little bit of light in our life.
40:32 And right there in the... Remember: "Your way, O God,
40:36 is in the sanctuary. " Oh, my goodness! We are living
40:38 in a dark time. I have a dark life;
40:41 I have some dark shadows in my life. "
40:43 We need the light of Christ to penetrate those dark shadows
40:46 in our life. The sanctuary shows us
40:49 the light of Christ. How in the world do you think
40:53 the priesthood are able to do the work inside the Holy Place
40:56 which is a major, major important work
40:58 in the sanctuary service?
40:59 They had to have the light shining therein
41:03 from the candlestick.
41:06 So we've been through the courtyard.
41:08 We've been to the Holy Place.
41:11 But the ultimate goal of course is the Most Holy Place.
41:15 You see, we need to be having a Most Holy Place experience.
41:19 And so when you go past that veil into the second compartment
41:24 of the sanctuary... Whoo! This is where it gets powerful.
41:29 Because now you walk in and you see this one article of
41:32 furniture: the ark of the covenant.
41:38 Is Christ seen in that ark of the covenant?
41:43 Of course, He is.
41:45 You see Christ is the Lord of the law.
41:51 He is the Lord of mercy.
41:55 You see, it's called the ark of the covenant for a reason.
41:58 because it has God's Ten Commandments. The heart of His
42:01 covenant is found inside that ark of the covenant.
42:06 But on top of that ark is what's called the mercy seat.
42:09 It's the lid that covered it: the mercy seat.
42:11 You see, you can't have law without mercy.
42:13 And you can't have mercy without law.
42:15 They go together. And it just so happens to be
42:17 that when we look at that ark of the covenant it's not just
42:20 a golden box with rocks in it.
42:22 My friends, it points to the ministry & the very personality
42:25 and the very character of Jesus Christ as the Lord of
42:29 the law... the Lawgiver and the Lord of mercy.
42:32 In fact, in Matthew 5:17 He said those famous words:
42:43 He did not come to do away with the law, but He came to fill up
42:47 the law. He came to live out the law and to show that it is
42:51 Him: the Lord of the law, the Lord of righteousness,
42:54 that would live it perfect among us.
42:57 Even in John chapter 14 verse 15, those famous words:
43:04 Jesus is the Lord of the law... He can say that
43:07 because He was the Lord that talked to Moses
43:11 and gave the law to Moses at Mt. Sinai!
43:13 We already established that. He is THE GREAT I AM.
43:18 "If you love me, keep my commandments" He says.
43:22 Powerful! And we know He's the Lord of the law
43:25 because right there in the heart of God's law -
43:27 the Ten Commandments - we find the Sabbath commandment.
43:30 And what were those famous words in Mark chapter 2 verses 27-28?
43:34 Let's put it up on the screen here... beautiful!
43:35 Mark 2:27-28... it says:
43:47 My friends, not only could He declare who and for what
43:50 Sabbath was made for because He's the One that made it!
43:53 He's the One that created it because He is the Creator.
43:56 He is the Lord of the Sabbath and He can only say that because
44:00 He is the Lord of the law!
44:02 But of course, where there is law there is mercy.
44:08 Praise God!
44:10 He is a God of mercy.
44:13 There's a reason why the lid, the covering
44:18 it would sit ever so gently up on top of that box.
44:21 There's a reason why it's called the mercy seat.
44:27 That's why I love Matthew chapter 9 verse 13.
44:30 Never forget these words:
44:32 because Jesus said these words in Matthew 9.13:
44:49 My friends: make no mistake...
44:52 Jesus Christ is Lord of the law
44:54 and He does have a people He's coming back for
44:57 that are a commandment-keeping people.
44:59 But the reason why those people will be with Him for all of
45:03 eternity is because He had mercy on them.
45:08 And not only did God have mercy on them, but He is Lord
45:14 of a people who show mercy to others.
45:18 Wow! Powerful!
45:23 You see, the sanctuary no doubt reveals Jesus Christ.
45:29 That's what the sanctuary is all about.
45:32 It's all about Jesus Christ.
45:35 It would be like saying: "Show me a sea without water! "
45:39 It's impossible, right? You can't get into the sanctuary
45:42 and try to separate the sanc- tuary message, the meaning of
45:45 the sanctuary - the sanctuary in its entirety -
45:47 and separate it from Jesus Christ
45:49 because then it would cease to exist.
45:51 "My way, " He says, "is in the sanctuary. "
45:54 "Your way, O God... " Psalm 77:13...
45:57 "is found in the sanctuary. " Christ is in the sanctuary.
46:01 It reveals His mercy.
46:06 It reveals His longsuffering.
46:09 It reveals His kindness.
46:12 It reveals His judgment.
46:15 It reveals Christ as a God of justice.
46:18 And more than anything, it reveals Jesus
46:22 as the ultimate God of love.
46:29 You see, the nation of Israel was given
46:32 the sanctuary model as a gift.
46:36 Because we go back to Genesis 3:15.
46:40 You see, Genesis 3:15: that's kind of the epicenter.
46:44 Everything that comes after Genesis 3:15 is a still
46:48 or a continuation of the great story we find there
46:52 in Genesis 3: the promise of a coming Savior.
46:56 The promise of a Seed that would come and crush the enemy
47:00 and redeem His people from their sins.
47:04 How would God reveal His love?
47:07 How would He reveal His plan of salvation?
47:10 Through the sanctuary blueprint.
47:17 Israel was given it.
47:19 Did they accept it?
47:21 Did they follow it?
47:23 Well, if you read your story, you read the Bible, very clearly
47:26 you will know it wasn't always the case.
47:29 In fact, the ultimate end for Israel in their first stage
47:34 of their history came right before their Babylonian
47:38 captivity in which God Himself
47:40 had to evacuate His own temple.
47:45 You see, in Exodus God filled the temple with His glory.
47:48 He had a move-in day, right? where He filled the temple
47:51 with His glory.
47:53 But by the time you get to the book of Ezekiel
47:55 Israel had fallen so far away from the Lord
47:58 they were defiling God's house constantly
48:02 to the point that God was evicted from His own sanctuary.
48:08 We read this in Ezekiel chapter 11 verses 22 and 23.
48:11 Notice what it says here:
48:25 You can visualize this as God has evacuated the temple
48:28 and He hovers there over the temple
48:30 as if He doesn't want to leave His people. Because why?
48:33 He wanted to dwell with them; He wanted to be with them.
48:35 But they have evicted Him and so now He leaves the temple
48:38 but before He leaves, He goes over on the East side
48:41 of the city where there's a famous mountain.
48:43 Do you know what that mountain is?
48:44 It's the Mount of Olives.
48:47 And He hovers there and resides by the Mount of Olives
48:50 before returning to heaven.
48:53 I want you to keep that in mind in just a moment.
48:55 You see, this evacuation
48:59 of God from His own sanctuary led to the fall of Israel
49:03 into Babylonian captivity seventy years.
49:07 But coming out of the Babylonian captivity God still gave them
49:11 a second chance.
49:13 And we see there's a powerful, powerful text
49:17 in Haggai chapter 2.
49:20 It's a Messianic prophecy of Jesus Himself.
49:22 Notice what it says... Haggai 2:6, 7, and 9.
49:26 Notice what it says. It says:
49:53 Of course, this temple that is spoken of is the temple of
49:56 Herod. It's the temple that Jesus Himself would walk into.
49:59 But even still to this day, the words that we just read
50:02 right there in Haggai chapter 2
50:04 the Orthodox Jewish people are still scratching their heads
50:06 today going: "What in the world? "
50:08 Hold on because there's no longer a temple standing.
50:12 But the glory of the Lord never filled the temple
50:15 the second time as it did the first time.
50:18 But yet right here this promise says
50:20 that it will even be greater than the first time.
50:24 How is that?
50:25 Of course it's because Jesus Christ was that glory.
50:30 The very temple that pointed to Him; the very temple,
50:33 the very sanctuary that revealed who He was,
50:36 He would be that beautiful Shekinah glory that would enter
50:40 that temple and be right there in the flesh among His people.
50:44 Did they recognize Him?
50:46 Some did and some did not.
50:51 So that by the time you get to the end of His ministry
50:56 He would walk into that temple one day for the last time.
51:00 Now get this: remember what we read earlier
51:02 from Ezekiel... God being evicted from His temple?
51:05 Jesus walked into the temple one day for the last time.
51:08 He overturned the money- changers and the tables.
51:11 He said: "You have turned My Father's house into a den
51:14 of thieves" and then He would walk out of that temple.
51:19 And you know where Jesus went from there?
51:22 Well, before He went somewhere
51:25 I want you to notice what He said to Jerusalem.
51:28 It's found in Matthew chapter 23 verses 37 and 38.
51:33 He would say these words to them... heartbreaking:
52:04 Jesus would walk out of that temple, but I can imagine
52:07 He hovered there for... He dwelt there for a short time
52:11 so not to leave because He wants to dwell among His people.
52:15 But where would He go? Well, the very next chapter
52:19 and the very next chapter... Matthew 24 verses 1 and 3,
52:22 Notice what it says. It says:
52:29 There it is!
52:34 My friends, Jesus would go into that temple
52:39 for the last time.
52:42 But because He was evicted by His own people He would leave
52:45 and He would go to the Mount of Olives for a short time.
52:50 And it's powerful to consider that within a week from this
52:54 incident Jesus would be arrested
52:56 and He would be taken and nailed to a cross.
53:00 This is even more powerful. You want to talk about Christ
53:03 in the sanctuary?
53:04 Did you know that every place that Christ was wounded
53:08 it was in a place where you find one of the articles of
53:12 furniture in the sanctuary? In fact if we pull that image up
53:15 one more time notice if you trace around
53:18 all of the articles of furniture what do you have?
53:20 You have a cross! My friends, I don't think that's
53:22 a coincidence. That's not a coincidence.
53:26 You trace around these articles of furniture it points to
53:29 Jesus Christ as the redeeming Savior of the world.
53:32 But also look at every single place that you find an article
53:35 of furniture Jesus was also wounded for you and me.
53:38 He was wounded as represented by number one in His feet.
53:42 A nail in the feet. He was pierced in the side.
53:45 What came out of His side by number 2, the laver?
53:48 Blood and water! Notice this:
53:51 He was nailed in the right hand. He was nailed in the left hand.
53:56 And notice this: He died from a broken heart
54:00 with a crown of thorns up on His head.
54:04 Umm!
54:09 My friends, the purpose
54:13 of the sanctuary is not for us to just learn
54:17 articles of furniture and what they mean.
54:20 It's to point us in the direction
54:25 of the only salvation that matters.
54:31 The sanctuary points to the only event that matters.
54:39 You see, if you don't have a cross experience
54:44 then none of it matters.
54:47 If you don't find yourself at the foot of the cross,
54:50 accepting and receiving the great sacrificial work
54:56 that Jesus has done for you and me,
54:59 then none of it matters.
55:02 It's the glue that binds every message within the sanctuary
55:08 together.
55:10 You say: "But Ryan, we need to be in the Most Holy Place. "
55:12 You can't get into the Most Holy Place unless you have
55:15 the blood of the Lamb. We can't.
55:19 We're living in a world today full of thieves and robbers
55:23 trying to bypass the altar of sacrifice.
55:26 Trying to bypass the laver; trying to bypass
55:29 and get right into the Most Holy Place.
55:31 And yet we've not even had a genuine experience
55:34 at the foot of the cross of Jesus.
55:36 If only we could see those events
55:39 that transpired at Calvary
55:40 and to know that all of that sanctuary message
55:45 as powerful and amazing and incredible as it is
55:49 it all points to one person
55:52 and one event:
55:55 Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
55:59 You want in the Most Holy Place? Amen!
56:02 We need to have that Most Holy Place experience.
56:04 And right now Jesus is crying out to all of us
56:08 like He did Jerusalem. "Jerusalem! Jerusalem!
56:10 My friends, My children: how long I wanted to gather you
56:14 as chicks under My wings. "
56:16 But are you willing?
56:18 Are we willing to surrender to Jesus Christ today?
56:23 Who is Jesus?
56:26 He's the Savior of the world.
56:29 He is our High Priest.
56:31 He is our God of love.
56:34 Let us pray to Him as we close at this moment.
56:37 Father in heaven, short, sweet and simple and to the point:
56:43 pour out Your love upon us.
56:45 Give us Your Holy Spirit to convict us.
56:48 Point us in YOUR way: the way of the sanctuary,
56:52 the way of Jesus Christ.
56:55 We ask in Jesus' holy name, Amen... amen.
57:02 His body was broken
57:05 so that we could live giving us the gift of eternal life.
57:11 He pursues us relentlessly with an everlasting love.
57:16 Regardless of our failures and mistakes
57:19 the One who loves us like no other:
57:24 THIS is who Jesus IS.


Revised 2021-08-24