Spring Camp Meeting

Covenant Son and Surety

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SCM

Program Code: SCM210006S

00:05 [MUSIC]
00:09 Who was Jesus?
00:11 He had compassion for the weak and the hurting.
00:15 He loved every person He met and taught them how to love.
00:20 His great heart helped all those who came near Him.
00:24 But most of all, He was a friend,
00:27 that was who He was.
00:29 Now, find out who He is.
00:37 Welcome to another hour of blessing on 3ABN's
00:40 summer camp meeting.
00:41 This hour is an hour of blessing.
00:44 We have a message from God's word today
00:47 and the title is Covenant Son and Surety.
00:52 the speaker for this hour is sister Shelley Quinn. She has
00:55 been studying and pray. And I
00:58 I'm sure you will be blessed as you study God's word together.
01:01 Before this messages presented We do have a musical
01:05 offering PR Ryan Day will be presenting a message in song.
01:10 How Great Thou Art accompanied by piano by brother Tim Parton.
01:15 The next place you will hear after this musical offering
01:18 that of sister Shelley Quinn. May God bless each and
01:21 every one of us.
01:33 Oh, Lord my God
01:40 when I in awesome wonder.
01:47 Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made
02:01 I see the stars,
02:08 I hear the rolling thunder
02:16 Thy power throughout the universe display.
02:30 Ohhh, and when I think that God His Son not sparing
02:43 sent Him to die
02:48 I scarce can take it in,
02:56 Ohhh, that on the cross.
03:02 My burden gladly bearing,
03:09 He bled and died,
03:15 to take away my sin.
03:22 Then sings my soul,
03:28 my Saviour God to thee.
03:34 How Great Thou Art, How Great Though Arr...
03:46 Then sings my soul
03:51 my Saviour God to thee,
03:58 How great though art.
04:31 Amen! Thank you so much, Ryan and thank you, Tim,
04:36 for that beautiful song and indeed, how great is our God?
04:43 I'm so glad that you're joining us tonight for this message
04:46 titled Covenant Son and Surety. The purpose of this message
04:53 tonight is to answer 3 questions. When did God
04:58 become the Lamb of God. When did God become the Son of God?
05:06 and what does the Bible means when it says that Jesus is
05:12 surety our surety of a better Covenant?
05:16 In our time together, I'm going to tell you a story of Jesus
05:22 from Scripture,
05:24 the incomparable Jesus who is perfectly human
05:28 but perfectly divine. Let's pray.
05:33 Oh Father,
05:34 as we come together.
05:37 Lord, we come to glorify your name
05:41 and Lord, we do declare, You are great. You are mighty, You
05:46 are awesome. Father. I ask in the name of Jesus tonight
05:51 may your holy spirit
05:54 bring the scriptures to life to give us a true picture of
06:01 Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Father, I pray that none
06:07 of us will be the same
06:09 after this presentation that we will never again
06:14 take for granted what You have done for us in the covenant of
06:22 grace, redemption by grace. We love you, Father and we
06:29 thank you in Jesus name. Amen,
06:34 Have you ever
06:37 drawn a picture by connecting the dots? You know,
06:40 you draw one line to the next connecting the dots. What
06:44 happens if you only connect half the dots? Do you have a
06:49 clear picture. Well, let me tell you, some people have an
06:53 incomplete picture of Jesus, they see Him as inferior to the
06:58 Father or they see Him as being birthed from the bosom of the
07:03 Father. But the Bible does not say that, these people did not
07:08 connect all the dots. They see only half of them in the New
07:14 Testament. But they have missed
07:16 half of the dots that are in the Old Testament.
07:20 The New Testament
07:23 builds on the Old Testament. God has given us a progressive,
07:27 revelation of His covenant and of Jesus Christ and you
07:33 can't oversee, understand the New Testament without
07:39 referring to the Old
07:42 to develop a clear picture of Jesus we must consider that
07:47 He is the central figure of the Old Testament and He is the
07:54 central figure of the New Testament.
07:57 You know, Jesus was called by covenant terms. Covenant language.
08:03 He was called Messiah, promised seed, Son of man, last Adam
08:09 only-begotten firstborn Lamb of God, Son of God, surety of the
08:16 covenant. And tonight we're going to look at these covenant
08:20 terms so that we can connect all the dots and outline a true
08:27 picture of who Jesus is. I want to tell you something,
08:31 this is an ambitious study for our allotted time.
08:37 But please stay with me,
08:40 please, because I believe by the end of the study, you will
08:45 have an epiphany, a Holy Spirit light bulb moment where you are
08:51 going to see Jesus, as you've never seen Him before.
08:56 And at the end of this presentation. You may not be
08:58 able to explain it to someone. But I guarantee a true picture
09:04 of Jesus, when we understand who He really is. It can be a
09:10 life changing experience. So who is Jesus? He is the
09:16 Messiah, the Old Testament. He is the Christ of the New
09:20 Testament. Both are messianic titles. Both mean the same
09:26 thing. They mean anointed. How did our risen savior when
09:32 He met the disciples on the road to Emmaus. How did He show
09:37 them and prove that He was the Messiah and Luke 24:27 it says
09:43 beginning at Moses and all the prophets, Jesus expounded to
09:48 them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself,
09:54 the Apostle Paul when he had people coming to visit him at
09:58 his place. He explained the kingdom of God to the Jews.
10:04 Acts 28:23 says he persuaded them concerning Jesus from both the
10:11 law of Moses and the prophets. That's the entire Old Testament
10:16 Jesus appeared many times in the Old Testament as the Angel
10:21 of the Lord and He fulfilled every messianic prophecy that
10:26 is in the Old Testament. Then when we get to the New
10:29 Testament. Christ is announced as the Anointed One, Christ,
10:34 that's what it means. He was consecrated to do His great
10:40 redemptive work. Acts 10:38 says God anointed Jesus of
10:45 Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with great power and He did
10:50 wonderful things. He healed all who are oppressed by the devil
10:57 and under the Devils tyranny
11:01 So, who is Jesus? He is the promised seed. This is an
11:06 important dot we're going to draw a line from the
11:10 messiah to seed. Adam was created
11:14 in God's image and he was given authority over all
11:17 the world. But Adam broke covenant with the Lord
11:21 by sinning through disobedience and as soon
11:26 as sin entered the world.
11:28 God promised a seed a coming deliver in Genesis 3:15 in the
11:35 Garden of Eden after sin came in God basically said this to
11:42 the serpent. Hey devil, this woman that you deceived
11:47 she's going to have a seed, a descendant from her bloodline
11:52 and you're going to bruise His heel. But that seed the promised
11:57 delivered will crush your head and that of all those who
12:04 follow your evil ways. He announced the good news of the
12:09 coming deliver right there in the garden. The seed of
12:13 promise, the promised Messiah, then
12:18 God defined afterwards the everlasting covenant of grace
12:24 with Abraham.
12:26 The everlasting covenant of grace is this righteousness
12:33 by faith.
12:35 He announced this to Abraham who believed in the Lord and
12:40 the Bible says it was accounted to Him as righteousness.
12:44 Abraham saw Christ day in vision and he was glad and in Genesis
12:51 22:18, God is repeating the promise of the covenant. He says
12:56 in your seed, all the nations of the earth shall be blessed
13:00 because you have obeyed my voice clearly.
13:06 Paul identifies Jesus as the promised seed in Galatians 3:16
13:14 where he says God did not say that Abraham
13:18 seeds as plural. But He said seed, singular, obviously
13:26 referring to only one person and then Paul concludes saying
13:32 and to your seed who is Christ.
13:39 If we follow this seed descendants of Abraham
13:43 God renewed the everlasting covenant with Isaac, with Jacob,
13:48 with Israel and with David. And He even added a layer to His
13:54 covenant by making a
13:58 unconditional and unconditional covenant with David saying that
14:04 David's descendant the promised seed who we know to be Jesus
14:09 Christ would rule on the throne forever.
14:13 Now the everlasting covenant progressively unfolds
14:18 throughout the Old Testament
14:22 and into the new actually into and through the New.
14:29 When Mary understood that she would birth the Messiah.
14:33 She burst into song and this is recorded in Luke chapter one.
14:38 She said ah God is keeping his promises to Abraham
14:43 and to his seed, his descendants and she says now
14:47 God has shown us mercy by remembering His holy covenant.
14:54 She's talking about the everlasting covenant. She said
14:57 fulfilling His sacred oath to Abraham. You see the new
15:03 covenant is just an extension of what was revealed in the Old
15:10 Testament. New means renewed and 3 quarters of the new
15:15 covenant recall the Abrahamic Davidic covenants.
15:21 The Old Testament
15:23 seed the Messiah seed of the woman seed of Abraham,
15:28 is really eternal God.
15:31 Isaiah prophesied about messiah, he said,
15:36 unto us, a child is born and the government will be on His
15:43 shoulders. Who is this child of glory? Listen, Isaiah 9:6
15:49 Isaiah identifies the Messiah as Wonderful, Counselor,
15:56 Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
16:02 and Prince of Peace. The person of Jesus, the seed that was
16:08 promised is eternal God.
16:11 Speaking of Christ's birth place. God said that from that
16:16 village of Bethlehem shall come forth the one who is to rule
16:22 and reign. The one He describes in Micah 5:2, who's going's
16:29 forth are from of old. Are from everlasting and guess what,
16:35 now the term this covenant term seed applies
16:40 to you and me because Paul says in Galatians 3.29.
16:46 if you are Christ, you are Abrahams seed and heirs of the
16:52 covenant.
16:55 Who is Jesus, He is the Son of man. This is another messianic
17:02 title that will help us to connect the dots as the Son of
17:06 man Jesus identifies Himself with us in our
17:12 humanity. Did you know, this was Jesus's favorite title for
17:16 Himself. He used the title Son of man over 80 times in Mark
17:21 10:45. He said for even the Son of man did not come to be
17:26 served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.
17:32 The Son of Man, the Messiah portrayed in Isaiah 53 as the
17:38 suffering servant of God whose road to His future glory was,
17:45 by the way, of rejection suffering and humiliation on
17:50 the Christ. When Stephen that the Deacon of the early church
17:55 was stoned and laid dying, He was filled with the Holy Spirit in
17:59 he gazed up into heaven and He saw Jesus and He said in Acts,
18:05 7:56, look, I see the heavens opened and son of man standing
18:14 at the right hand of God.
18:19 But this son of man our humble messiah
18:23 claimed authority on Earth to forgive sins.
18:26 That's something only God can do.
18:29 The Son of man our humble Messiah claimed to be Lord of
18:34 the Sabbath. And Paul tells us that the rulers didn't
18:39 recognize who Jesus was. In first Corinthians 2:8. He says
18:46 for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of
18:51 Glory. The Son of man is actually the Lord of Glory
18:59 Those same Lord of Glory that Daniel saw in vision and
19:04 Daniel 7:13,14. He says behold one like the Son of man coming
19:11 with the clouds of heaven. He came to the ancient of days
19:14 and the brought Him near before Him, then to Him was given
19:18 dominion, glory and a kingdom and His is dominion is an
19:22 everlasting kingdom and His kingdom is the one that will
19:27 not be destroyed. The Messiah, the Christ, the promised seed
19:32 became the Son of man.
19:35 Who is Jesus? He is the last Adam. Boy, this is a wonderful
19:43 next dot to help us outline the picture of Jesus.
19:48 I told you Adam was created in the image of God as
19:53 the representative of humanity.
19:57 But He failed to follow the God in loyalty and it had tragic
20:03 results. In Romans 5:2,
20:06 Paul explains that when Adam sinned, the entire world was
20:11 affected. Sin entered into the human experience resulting in
20:18 death and cast a shadow over all of us because we all sin,
20:24 but the God of eternity
20:28 stepped out of heaven and He became the last Adam.
20:36 The new representative of humanity. In Romans 5:21, Paul
20:43 continues. He says just as sin reigned in death. Even so sin
20:48 conquering grace will rain through righteousness,
20:51 imparting eternal life through Jesus Christ. Our Lord
20:56 in 1Corinthians, 15:21,22 Paul said since death came by a
21:02 man, Adam, it is only fitting that the resurrection
21:07 of the dead will come through a man Christ. Even as all who are
21:14 in Adam die. It is in Christ that all shall be made alive.
21:20 Then He goes down a few verses 1Corinthians, 15:45,47.
21:26 He says the first man, Adam became a living being.
21:33 But the last Adam became a life giving spirit. The first man
21:40 was of earth, made of dust.
21:44 The second man is the Lord Jehovah from heaven.
21:49 Now our last Adam sits on the throne as the new
21:55 representative of humanity resurrected in His glorious
22:00 immortal flesh.
22:02 Who is Jesus? He is the only begotten of God.
22:10 Now, understanding this term is critical This is our next
22:16 dot. And if we don't understand this, we're not going to have
22:19 in an accurate picture
22:22 of God begotten can mean in the literal sense to have been
22:27 birthed by sire by but begotten is covenant language, which means
22:34 chosen for covenant purpose. When we show you in first
22:39 Corinthians 4:15, Paul told the Corinthians. You might have
22:42 10,000 instructors in Christ. Yet you don't have many fathers
22:47 for in Christ, Jesus. This is Paul speaking. I have begotten
22:53 you through the Gospel
22:58 Paul called Onesimus a runaway slave whom He had
23:03 converted through the Gospel. His begotten Son. And then in
23:09 Hebrews Chapter 11:17-19 by faith Abraham
23:14 when He was tested offered up, Isaac and he who had received
23:19 the promises offered up his only-begotten Son
23:25 of whom it was said in Isaac your seed shall be called...
23:30 Now. Wait a minute.
23:32 Abraham had eight sons, six by Keturah. Ishmael was his
23:37 first, born Son.
23:39 But he wasn't the Son of promise. It is Isaac who is called his
23:45 only-begotten because he was the Son of promise. Now
23:53 the Gospel of John
23:55 begins in John chapter one
23:59 explaining that Jesus is the word of God that He was with
24:05 God in the beginning that He was God in the beginning and
24:10 it says He is the creator of all things. And then in John 1:14
24:16 it says the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we
24:20 beheld His glory. The glorious of the only begotten of the
24:26 Father. Our creator God
24:30 became a man in the person of Jesus Christ. And just as Isaac
24:36 was called the only begotten of his father, Abraham,
24:42 our creator who became the last Adam the is called the unique
24:49 only begotten Son of covenant promise. And Acts 13:32, 33
24:59 Paul shares wonderful news. He says the promise that was
25:04 made to our forefathers. God has now fulfilled for us.
25:09 Their children for He has raised up Jesus as it is
25:13 written in the second Psalm
25:16 you are my Son
25:19 today I have begotten. Now some Bible scholars believe that
25:25 He raised up Jesus at His incarnation and that's when He
25:29 became the begotten Son. Others believe that it was at
25:33 his resurrection that He was begotten but either way, Jesus
25:39 wasn't begotten until He was here on Earth.
25:46 And you know what? When we accept Jesus as our savior
25:52 we are called, the begotten of God in 1Peter 1: 3
25:57 He says according to His abundant mercy, God has begotten
26:02 us again to a living hope through the resurrection of
26:07 Jesus Christ from the dead.
26:11 Who is Jesus. He is the first born of all creation, we can't
26:15 miss this dot or our picture will be distorted.
26:19 This does not mean that Jesus was born some time an eternity
26:25 past. It does not mean as some people explain it that He
26:31 was brought forth from the Father's bosom. While first
26:36 born can literally
26:38 refer to chronological order of birth. The
26:43 term firstborn has a covenant term means preeminence
26:48 superiority position and rank. It means surpassing all an
26:55 Exodus 4:22, 23 God is speaking to Moses and
27:00 he says, hey, go tell Pharaoh thus says the Lord.
27:05 Israel is my Son, my firstborn.
27:11 The whole nation is designated as God's first born Son.
27:17 Now they weren't the first nation,
27:21 but they were declared and treated as first in rank.
27:27 They were preeminent because of their covenant relationship to
27:32 the Lord.
27:33 Colossians1:15,17.
27:37 It says this Jesus is the image the invisible God.
27:41 The firstborn over all creation for by Him all things
27:47 were created that are in heaven and that are on Earth, visible
27:50 and invisible. He is before all things and in Him all things
27:56 consist. Jesus incarnated as the person or
28:01 God incarnated as the person of Jesus Christ as
28:05 creator of all things He has preeminence over all. The last
28:13 Adam. Jesus Christ is the first born covenant Son of
28:18 promise. This emphasizes, His honor, His dignity and His
28:25 exalted rank above all.
28:29 Jesus Christ who created
28:32 all things was not himself. A created being
28:38 who is Jesus?
28:40 All He is the lamb of God. This is a critical dot to
28:45 follow to get our picture in Revelation 13, probably my
28:51 favorite Scripture and the entire Bible.
28:54 He is the Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the
28:58 Earth. This is the everlasting covenant.
29:01 This is the heart of the everlasting gospel
29:05 that Jesus Christ would be born and die and be
29:09 resurrected. God's plan has always been that He would step
29:14 in to save humanity and Isaiah 53, Isaiah portrays the
29:20 Messiah as a Lamb who was led to the slaughter.
29:26 I love what Paul says in Philippians 2: 5-8.
29:30 He's talking about,
29:32 Jesus as the eternal God
29:36 as equal to the Father, but He says He didn't think that
29:40 equality was something to hold on to rather, He humbled
29:44 himself to become a man.
29:47 And even He became obedient to the point of death on the
29:53 cross. God established the
29:57 penalty for sin was death.
30:00 But God all along planned to pay that penalty for us.
30:07 I'm gonna say something. Listen closely.
30:11 while He, Jesus, was eternally considered as the
30:18 Lamb of God in anticipation of His incarnation.
30:24 It was when He entered the world through His incarnation
30:29 taking on human flesh that He actually became the lamb of God.
30:36 He was born to die.
30:39 2Corinthians 5:19 says God was in Christ reconciling
30:43 the world to Himself not counting their sins against
30:46 them. Reconcile means to bring us from position of alienation
30:51 net into a state of forgiveness and line us up in right
30:57 relationship with Himself.
30:59 And then in 2 Corinthians 5:21
31:03 Paul says He God made Him who knew no sin Him, who had no sin
31:11 to be sin for us. Jesus carried the weight of our sin on the
31:15 cross. And Paul explains why. So that
31:20 we might become the righteousness of God
31:26 as we are united to Christ. You see He imputes His
31:31 righteousness, He credits our account with His righteousness.
31:36 The fact of the incarnation is that God voluntarily
31:41 humiliated Himself become a man. And then He became the
31:46 sacrificial lamb of God.
31:49 He had to be a sinless human being to be the spotless
31:56 substitutionary sacrifice for God's wrath against sin
32:03 and He had to become a perfect human being to become
32:09 our righteousness as the last Adam Jesus
32:13 overcame all the temptations of the devil and the world.
32:18 And He bore Gods
32:20 judgment wrath for sin
32:23 for breaking the law. He suffered death on the cross.
32:28 And it was because He loved us. He gave His life for us
32:32 inaugurating the new covenant, ratifying it with His
32:37 blood. Hebrews 13:20 calls His blood the blood of the ever
32:45 lasting covenant He fulfilled revelation 13:8. The lamb who
32:51 was slain from the foundation of the world. And I love the
32:55 way John identifies the lamb as God in revelation 17:14.
33:00 He says these will make war with the lamb and the lamb will
33:04 overcome them for He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings
33:12 who is Jesus?
33:14 Wow. This one is an indispensable dot, He is the
33:19 Son of God.
33:22 Son of God is used as a covenant term for those who are
33:27 living in covenant relationship with God who are
33:31 chosen for covenant purpose. Let's revisit Exodus 4:22
33:37 and we'll add verse 23. God spoke these words to
33:41 Moses. Then you shall say to Pharaoh, thus says the Lord
33:46 Israel is my Son, My first- born. So I say to you let my
33:52 Son go that He may serve me. God compared His relationship to
33:59 Israel as the relationship of a father and his Son in
34:04 Deuteronomy 32: 6. He says do you thus deal with the Lord
34:09 foolish and unwise people, is He not your Father?
34:16 And then David shared what the Lord told him in
34:19 I Chronicles 28:6, He says God said to me, it is your Son
34:24 Solomon who should build my house and my courts for I'm chosen
34:28 Him to be my Son and I will be His father. This is God
34:33 speaking of Solomon. And in Jeremiah 31:9 God says
34:38 I'm a Father to Israel Ephraim is My first born. I don't
34:43 know if you know the story of Ephraim. But Joseph had
34:45 2 sons. His older was Manasseh, the younger was Ephraim
34:50 and Joseph takes them to his father to be blessed before
34:54 Jacob died Jacob's blind and He crosses his hands and He
34:58 puts the hand of blessing for first-born Son on Ephraim's
35:03 head and Joseph is like oh no, no, no father, It's the other
35:07 way around. The Manasseh should have the first-born. But you
35:11 know what? Jacob refused to move his hands because he
35:16 knew it was by God's own hand at Ephraim would enjoy priority
35:21 status. The tribe of Ephraim became the dominant tribe in
35:26 the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and Ephraim
35:30 even became symbolic name for Israel. So Jeremiah 31:20 Jesus
35:36 said God, says is Ephraim my dear Son, my heart yearns
35:43 for him. I will surely have mercy on Him, says the Lord and
35:48 Hosea 1:10, He says it shall come to pass in the place
35:52 where it was said of them, you are not my people
35:55 there it shall be said to them you are sons of the living God
36:01 in the entire Old Testament. However, Son of God is used
36:07 already once
36:10 to describe the Messiah. This is Daniel 3.25 and it's
36:14 used by pagan King Nebuchadnezzar he had thrown three
36:19 Hebrew worthy's into the fire
36:22 and then suddenly He looks and He's astonished because he sees
36:26 the form of a 4th man and King Nebuchadnezzar says
36:32 He appears to be like the Son of God.
36:38 I think it is significant that in the entire Old Testament.
36:42 The scriptures that Jesus used to explain Hebrews Messiah
36:46 scriptures that Paul used to explain Hebrews Messiah.
36:51 nowhere Do we see Jesus called
36:55 the Son of God. Son of God is a covenant term.
37:02 That means Jesus served as the covenant Son of promise.
37:09 In fact, even Adam is called son of God in Luke 3:38.
37:15 But now let's consider Jesus as Son of God.
37:21 The angel said to the Virgin Mary in Luke one.
37:25 In Luke 1:35, the Holy Spirit will come upon you in
37:29 the power of the Highest will overshadow you, therefore also
37:33 that holy one who is 2 people will be called the Son of God.
37:39 The same angel tells Joseph, her betrothed husband
37:44 in Matthew 1: 23.
37:46 Behold, the Virgin shall be with child and bear a son and
37:52 they shall call His name Emanuel.
37:56 And the angel goes on and says Emanuel is translated
38:01 God with us.
38:02 So God with us, shall be called the Son of God. Remember how
38:08 Isaiah defined and scribe the Messiah in Isaiah 9: 6, He says
38:14 Wonderful Councilor everlasting God,
38:20 or mighty God everlasting Father and Prince of peace,
38:25 Jesus is now called Son of God because He serves as a
38:31 human covenant Son of promise.
38:35 We're going to spend some time in Hebrews chapter one now
38:39 because this will bring the point clearly to the surface.
38:44 Hebrews 1:2 says God has in these last spoken to us by His
38:50 Son whom He appointed heir of all things and through whom.
38:55 He made the universe. Our creator God is here called the
39:01 Son of God and then in verse 3, Hebrews 1:3, He says the Son
39:07 is the radiance of God's glory, the exact representation of
39:13 His being sustaining all things by His powerful word. And after
39:19 He had provided purification for sins. He Jesus sat down
39:25 at the right hand of the majesty of the Father
39:28 Jesus Christ didn't merely reflect God's glory,
39:32 He radiated God's glory because He is God.
39:37 He is the exact representation of God, He shares in His divine
39:43 essence in nature. All creation was created by Him, all
39:49 creation is sustained by Him and He sits
39:54 at the right hand of the throne as King. Now going on in Hebrews
39:59 chapter one verse five.
40:02 This is what it says for to which of the Angels did
40:06 He...talking about the father in verse 8
40:09 you are my Son today,
40:12 I have begotten you.
40:14 And again,
40:16 it goes on saying I will be, this is future tense, I will
40:21 be to Him a Father and He shall be again, future tense, He
40:27 shall be to me a Son.
40:30 Just as God compared His relationship with the nation of
40:35 Israel and other human beings as that of a father in the
40:38 Son. He describes His relationship with the person of
40:43 Jesus Christ as Father and Son.
40:47 Now, here's where it gets exciting.
40:50 Hebrews 1:6, says when it began brings the first born into the
40:54 world. The Father says let all the Angels of God worship Him.
41:00 But Hebrews 1:8 says, But to the Son,
41:05 the Father says, listen.,
41:09 This is the Father speaking to the Son,
41:13 your throne Oh God,
41:16 is forever and ever.
41:19 A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom.
41:22 And then if you jump down to verse 10, it quotes the Father
41:26 as further saying to the Son, you Lord in the beginning laid
41:30 the foundation of the Earth. So God is calling Jesus God,
41:35 He's calling him Lord and He says
41:39 In the beginning you laid the foundation of the earth and
41:41 and the heavens are the works of Your hand. The father
41:45 Himself declares that the Son is God. Now let's hit the
41:51 pause button for just a minute. This is important in Matthew 22:
41:57 we'll start with verse 42 Jesus asked the Pharisees.
42:00 What do you think about the Christ?
42:02 Whose Son is He? And they said to him well,
42:05 He's the Son of David.
42:07 And, you know, scripture does call the Messiah, the Son
42:10 of David. But Jesus is about to expand their limited
42:15 understanding and listen to what He says beginning with Matthew
42:19 22:43.
42:22 Jesus said to them
42:24 How then does David in the spirit call Him Lord?
42:29 saying the Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand until I
42:32 make your enemies, your foot stool
42:34 and Jesus asked this pointed question verse 45
42:38 If David then calls him Lord,
42:43 how is He His Son? Now, Let's connect that thought with
42:47 Hebrews 1:8 and 1:10 that we just read the father address
42:52 the Son as God, He addressed the Son as creator
42:58 of all the Father Himself affirmed the Deity of Jesus
43:03 Christ. How then if Jesus is God and Creator,
43:09 How is He God's Son?
43:12 The last Adam. God in the person of
43:16 Jesus Christ became a the Son of man
43:22 and the covenant Son of God in Romans 1:4, Paul wrote that
43:27 Jesus was declared to be the Son of God with power.
43:31 According to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection
43:35 from the dead.
43:36 The resurrection clearly declare Jesus withstand to
43:43 indicate that Jesus was the Messiah of the Old Testament
43:48 and He was established as the exalted Lord?
43:51 You know, Jesus claimed quality with a father a number
43:56 of times He says before Abraham was I am. I and the Father are
44:01 one. If you have seen me, you have seen the Father. Yet He
44:05 also said in John 14:28, my father's greater than I.
44:10 Well, if Jesus is equal to the Father, what does He mean?
44:14 My Father is greater than I. It was in His incarnation
44:19 that Christ voluntarily sub- mitted to do the Father's will
44:26 through the power and direction of the Holy spirit.
44:32 Listen to what I'm about to say.
44:36 This is something that if you can get your head around this,
44:41 you will have a new appreciation for your Lord and Savior.
44:44 While Jesus was eternally Son of God in anticipation
44:54 of His incarnation.
44:56 It was when He entered the world
45:00 through His incarnation born in our flesh, that He was installed
45:08 in the official role as covenant Son of God
45:13 and took one of submissive role to the Father.
45:17 In John17:5 before Jesus' death, He was in the Garden of
45:22 Gethsemane and He was praying and He says oh Father glorify
45:27 me together with Yourself with the glory which I
45:32 had with you before the world was.
45:37 After He bore the judgment wrath,
45:40 for sin, His humiliation was over. He was united once
45:47 again with the Godhead. And in His risen flesh,
45:52 He once again shared the glory with the father.
45:58 You know what I like?
46:01 the risen Christ in His glorified flesh still carries
46:06 the exulted covenant title of Son of God.
46:13 Jesus is eternal God
46:16 distinctly unique as the Son of God. He is the Son of promise
46:22 of the everlasting covenant. He became the Son of man, Son of
46:26 God that we might become the sons of God, Galatians 3:26 is
46:31 for you are all sons of God through faith in Christ.
46:36 Jesus. Who is Jesus? He is our Assuranty of the
46:47 everlasting covenant of redemption.
46:53 Let's unpack that because this is our final dot and this is
46:58 going to help us see things that we may not have considered
47:02 before. In Hebrews 7:22 it is written by so much more
47:11 Jesus has become a surety of a better covenant.
47:18 Surety, this is the only use of this Greek term in the New
47:24 Testament. You know what it means. It means guaranteed.
47:29 It means Jesus is our guarantor.
47:35 And He says by so much more. Jesus has become the surety of
47:38 of a better covenant because He continues forever.
47:45 Jesus has and unchangeable priesthood.
47:51 Therefore, because His priesthood is unchangeable.
47:57 He is also able to say to the uttermost,
48:03 those who come to God through Him
48:06 since He always lives to make intercession for them.
48:10 Whew! Do you realize Jesus is in heaven praying for you right now.
48:18 Jesus is the surety of the covenant.
48:23 Jesus himself guarantees the success of the new covenant of
48:29 salvation, He is the guarantor.
48:33 He's our guarantor from God to us 2 Corinthians 1:20
48:40 says that all of God's promises are yes and Amen!
48:46 In Christ Jesus, no matter how many promises God has made,
48:52 they find the yes answer in Jesus Christ and He is the
48:59 guarantor from us toward God in 2 Corinthians 12:9 Jesus says
49:08 My grace is sufficient for you from My power is made perfect
49:14 in weakness. In Philippians 2:13 it says that
49:19 He works in us to will and to do God's good pleasure. And then
49:27 in Philippians 4:13 it says that we can do all things
49:33 through Christ who strengthens us.
49:37 In fact, Jesus is not just the surety of the covenant,
49:43 He is Himself the covenant.
49:47 Let's look at how our guarantor is the covenant,
49:53 Isaiah 42: 6 through 7.
49:58 It's a messianic passage. It's about, this is one of
50:03 the songs about, and it's a poem about the Messiah.
50:10 And here's what Isaiah prophesied as he hears the
50:14 words of the Lord.
50:16 I the Lord have called you
50:19 speaking to the Messiah in righteousness.
50:22 I will hold your hand I will keep you and give you as a
50:30 covenant to the people
50:31 as a light to the Gentiles to open blind eyes to
50:36 free captives from the prison and release those who sit in
50:42 the darkness of the dungeon.
50:46 Jesus is the covenant Revelation 13:8,
50:50 the eternal covenant.
50:53 the everlasting gospel. He is the Lamb who was slain
50:57 from the foundation of the world. God had this covenant in
51:01 mind before He ever created the world and his blood Hebrews
51:06 13:20 says is the blood of the everlasting covenant.
51:11 God had to become a man
51:14 to service our high priest
51:17 in Hebrews 2:17,18, listen to this.
51:21 He had to be made like His brothers in every way He
51:26 embraced our full humanity in order that He might become a
51:31 merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to
51:35 God and that He might make atonement for the sins of the
51:41 people.
51:42 Then He says because He himself suffered
51:47 when He was tempted.
51:49 He is able to help those who are also being tempted.
51:56 I think that is so beautiful.
51:59 His human suffering
52:03 qualified Jesus to be
52:07 our sympathetic high priest.
52:11 Some people don't realize that Jesus
52:15 continues to minister to us as the high priest.
52:23 In fact, I've had people who write to me
52:24 and they will say
52:27 when Jesus said it is finished on the cross. That was
52:31 the end, salvation was complete.
52:34 Let me ask you something.
52:36 This word lamb of God was familiar to the Jews, they knew
52:42 that the lamb of the Passover that they had to apply
52:47 the blood to the doorpost, to the mantle
52:51 and they knew that when they went to the sanctuary, which by
52:57 the way, the sanctuary is the full plan of salvation by grace.
53:03 On the substitutionary sacrifice, the sanctuary was
53:08 theology in physical form. But they understood what
53:14 the lamb was with the lamb wasn't just slain in that outer
53:19 court, the blood had to be taken into the Holy place.
53:25 And on the day of atonement to the Holy of Holy's to be
53:29 applied to the mercy seat. See when Jesus cried it is
53:35 finished on the cross.
53:38 The sacrifice was completed. The bearing of judgment, wrath
53:45 was finished.
53:47 But salvation wasn't complete
53:50 until He assumed the role in heaven as our high priest.
53:55 Who would minister His blood
53:59 in the heavenly sanctuary.
54:01 1Timothy 2:5, 6, says there's one God,
54:06 there's one mediator between God and man,
54:12 the man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransom
54:20 for all. Only God's Messiah
54:26 the Christ who was God Himself has the character and the
54:32 credentials to be the mediator of the new covenant
54:38 and He is able to save to the uttermost.
54:43 So, Jesus is the Messiah,
54:51 the Christ, the anointed one,
54:54 Jesus is the promised seed
54:58 who became the Son of man.
55:02 Jesus is the last Adam who became the new representative
55:09 of human kind. And whereas the first Adam handed over
55:14 the government to Satan.
55:17 Jesus is restoring the government to God,
55:20 The government that is operated by the power
55:27 of love, not a love of power.
55:30 Who is Jesus? He is the only begotten, chosen, unique Son
55:37 of the covenant. He is our creator, the first born who has
55:41 preeminence over all the world He outranks everyone. Who is
55:47 Jesus? He is the lamb of God our substitutionary sacrifice.
55:53 He is the Son of God, the unique, one of a kind covenant
56:00 Son of promise and He is our surety.
56:06 He guarantees our redemption because He was given
56:12 to us as a covenant.
56:16 Do you have a clearer picture of Jesus now?
56:21 Have you may be expanded,
56:25 let the scriptures expand your understanding. If you do,
56:31 may we be like Thomas?
56:32 When we look upon our risen Savior, Jesus Christ in
56:37 John 20:27, 29, Jesus after He rose from the
56:43 dead said to Thomas reach your finger here.
56:46 Look at my hands, reach your hand here put it in my side.
56:50 Do not be unbelieving but believing and when Thomas did,
56:55 you know what He answered and said to him?
56:58 My Lord and my God.
57:01 Oh, may we realize, God died for us.
57:08 [MUSIC]
57:10 >> His body was broken
57:13 so that we could live giving us the gift of eternal life.
57:19 He pursues us relentlessly with an everlasting love,
57:24 regardless of our failures and mistakes.
57:29 The one who loves us like no other.
57:32 This is who Jesus is.
57:35 [MUSIC]


Revised 2021-07-08