Steps to Christ in Song


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mike Lemon (Host)


Series Code: SCS

Program Code: SCS000005

00:33 Chapter 5: Consecration.
00:38 Hello and welcome to Steps to Christ in Song.
00:40 Today we're going to be looking at Consecration.
00:43 Consecration is one of those words
00:44 we don't use very often. It really means to
00:48 surrender your life to Jesus Christ,
00:50 to be totally committed and devoted to him.
00:53 Luke chapter 14:33 Jesus speaks to us and says
00:58 unless you are willing to give up all
01:01 you cannot be my disciple and that's a big question,
01:05 why would we give up all only because
01:08 he has something much better to give us
01:11 in exchange. My eldest daughter once asked me a
01:14 me a question about a lady who she saw in church
01:17 and she said to me daddy, don't you think that
01:20 that lady is half a Christian and I was kind
01:24 of I didn't know what to say and so I said
01:27 to her how come you say that she is half
01:29 a Christian? She said well she goes to church,
01:31 but I've heard her use bad words
01:35 she is actually used Jesus name as a swear word
01:37 and she uses it quite often that way.
01:41 And I had to admit you know it does sound
01:43 like she is trying to be half a Christian,
01:46 but Jesus says unless we give up
01:48 all we cannot be his disciple.
01:51 That's where Consecration is,
01:53 it's total surrender, we are not wholly
01:57 surrendered to Christ unless we give him our
01:59 whole heart. Before we go further with this
02:02 topic of Consecration, I'm going to ask
02:03 Rochelle to lead us in a word of prayer.
02:06 Let's bow our heads.
02:08 Our precious Savior, we need your spirit
02:10 to help us understand what consecration
02:12 and real surrender means.
02:14 Teach us and make this experience real in
02:17 our lives, in your name we pray. Amen. Amen.
02:22 Our human nature has been so altered by sin
02:25 that we must undergo a complete
02:28 transformation in order for us to be in
02:30 harmony with God and his laws.
02:33 This means that we must personally choose
02:36 to make an entire surrender of ourselves to Christ.
02:39 Jesus said in Luke 14:33 no one can become
02:43 my disciple without giving up everything for me.
02:47 Jesus isn't interested in forcing us to make
02:50 this decision. He wants us to do it because
02:53 we love him and we know that our happiness
02:56 is dependent on our unity with him.
03:20 I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold,
03:28 I'd rather be His than have riches untold;
03:37 I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands,
03:46 I'd rather be led by his nail-pierced hands.
03:58 Than to be the king of a vast domain
04:06 Or be held in sin's dread sway
04:15 I'd rather have Jesus than anything
04:24 This world affords today.
04:42 He's fairer than lilies of rarest bloom;
04:50 He's sweeter than honey from out of the comb;
04:59 He's all that my hungering spirit needs,
05:07 I'd rather have Jesus and let Him lead.
05:18 Than to be the king of a vast domain
05:26 Or be held in sin's dread sway
05:35 I'd rather have Jesus than anything
05:44 This world affords today.
05:54 More than anything, This world affords today.
06:30 You know living for those things Johnny is
06:32 quite natural to us, to live for men's applause for
06:36 worldwide fame and yet total dedication
06:39 to God is asking us to give up those things
06:43 for God you know and to give everything to
06:46 him to consecrate our lives to him.
06:49 But when we think of how people dedicate
06:51 themselves to those things it's kind of an
06:53 object lesson of how we can be completely
06:55 consecrated to God. It really reminds me of
06:58 sports you know right now last year we had
07:00 the Olympics and we had Michael Phelps.
07:02 Here's a man who won eight gold medals.
07:05 Amazing. Broke world records and
07:06 Olympic records, his life is just dedicated
07:09 to swimming and the way he eats,
07:11 the way he exercise, who he hangs out with,
07:14 it's all just dedicated to this one goal.
07:16 Yeah, yeah, so everything in his life
07:19 is wholly consecrated to swimming.
07:21 Exactly. Dedicated, loyalty.
07:24 Now in that consecration to something like that,
07:29 we can see a spiritual application like
07:32 Paul says okay, here in the Olympics,
07:35 you run to win, in the coming second no one
07:38 is going to remember. So you really want to
07:40 win so every aspect of your life
07:42 is consecrated to God. In your spiritual
07:45 experience have you had an experience
07:47 you can say oh I had to give up something
07:49 so that I could live for God.
07:52 There was one time I was on a mission trip
07:54 to Africa with a group of young people
07:56 and I remember it was a Sunday
07:58 and we were all planning on going
07:59 to the lake and we were going to go
08:00 swimming and sailing and just really have
08:02 a great time, but before we left one of the
08:05 missionary said, the mission post that
08:06 we are at invited me to come to a funeral,
08:10 to a lady that lived in the next village,
08:12 she had died and they needed some people
08:14 to come and help support the family
08:16 and I really didn't want to go, I wanted to go swimming
08:19 with my friends, but he invited me to go and I had to think
08:24 about it, I really had to pray about it
08:25 and I decided that about the
08:28 only lasting, lasting evidence that would be
08:31 from going swimming would be a sunburn.
08:33 Right. But going to the funeral would have
08:37 a much longer lasting. Impression.
08:39 Impression upon their lives and I could actually
08:41 help somebody spiritually. Yeah.
08:45 And I decided that that would be a better
08:47 idea than to go do something selfishly
08:49 something that I wanted to do and give that
08:51 up to go help support this family.
08:53 Yeah, you know in Steps to Christ it talks
08:54 about the warfare, actually calls it a warfare;
08:57 a warfare against self is the hardest battle,
09:01 the toughest battle that we will ever fight
09:03 and you're battling against self. You think to
09:05 yourself a funeral or a day at the beach right.
09:09 Yeah. Most people would choose a day
09:11 at the beach right, but you going there to support
09:13 people struggling with self and giving up
09:16 everything, Kevin in your music you play
09:19 the violin. Have you had that struggle?
09:22 Yes, definitely, I've been struggling
09:26 all along but a while ago I was, I felt like
09:29 I wasn't close to God and I didn't know
09:32 why and so I was praying about it and
09:35 thinking about it and I was listening to some
09:38 Christian youth meetings and as I was
09:40 listening I was convicted that it was my music
09:42 that I was playing music that was
09:44 bringing glory to myself not to God
09:47 and it wasn't necessarily the music's fault
09:50 but it was, I was trying to get glory for myself
09:54 So, I was thinking about it and finally
09:58 I decided to give it to him, give the music to him
10:01 what I would play, I would let him be in charge, and when
10:04 I did that I really had peace in my heart
10:07 and it was a really wonderful feeling.
10:09 So giving up your music to God means
10:13 you don't play the violin anymore.
10:15 No, definitely not. It just means that
10:17 I play it for him.
10:18 You play it for him. So it's sort like the rich
10:19 young ruler, God says you know Jesus says
10:22 to him give up all your riches.
10:23 He was dependent upon those riches,
10:26 that was his identity. How can he give that up
10:28 and he walked away, he was very sad.
10:29 But God had something much more for him
10:32 something better than he could ever imagine
10:35 and when he comes to us and he says I have
10:38 something better for you often we turn away
10:40 and we're very sad because we don't see
10:41 that we actually need to surrender all
10:44 to him to actually find true joy in our lives.
10:49 It may sound like an incredible sacrifice
10:51 to give everything to God, but Jesus makes
10:54 this very clear in Matthew chapter 16
10:57 verses 24 to 26, where he says if any of you
11:00 want to be me my follower you must deny
11:02 your selfishness and take up your cross
11:04 and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life,
11:08 you will surely really lose it, but if you
11:11 give up your life for my sake you will save it
11:14 and what do you benefit if you gain the whole
11:17 world but lose your own soul,
11:19 is there anything worth more than your soul.
11:22 This my friends is a question we have to
11:24 answer for ourselves. Jesus was confronted
11:27 with this question on our behalf. Is my soul,
11:30 is your soul worth his sacrifice.
11:32 Thank God his answer was yes.
11:51 The pilgrims throng thro' the City Gates
11:58 while the night is falling fast
12:05 They go to watch on Calvary's hill
12:14 Ere the twilight hours are past,
12:20 Though dark be the way, with the eyes of faith,
12:27 They gaze at his cross above, And, low from each heart,
12:37 The shadows depart, As they list through his words of love
12:47 As they list through his words of love.
12:55 Rest, rest to the weary, peace, Peace to the soul.
13:09 Tho life may be dreary, Earth is not thy goal,
13:20 O lay down my burden, O come unto Me,
13:31 I will not forsake thee, I will not forsake thee,
13:43 I will not forsake thee, Tho' all else should flee. "
14:06 Far, far, away, o'er the dream of years They hear the voice
14:16 of the king, Where O Grave is thy victory
14:27 and where O death is thy sting? Captive He leads them for
14:39 evermore; While weary pilgrims rejoice;
14:49 For looking on high to the Cross He bore,
14:56 The faithful shall hear His voice,
15:03 The faithful shall hear his voice.
15:10 Rest, rest to the weary, peace, peace to the soul,
15:23 Tho' life may be dreary, Earth is not thy goal,
15:34 O lay down thy burden, O come unto Me,
15:46 I will not forsake thee, I will not forsake thee,
15:58 I will not forsake thee, Tho' all else should flee. "
16:10 Tho' all else should flee. "
16:32 Christ paid all for us. His infinite sacrifice
16:36 was so he could take our filthy rags
16:37 and offer us life and a reconnection with him.
16:40 Yet it's a gift and so few decide to accept it.
16:45 You know Carmen there are many who want
16:48 that gift and want to accept it, but they
16:51 give up in despair. They look at themselves
16:56 and they realize wait a minute, I made a
16:58 mistake here and I made a mistake there
17:00 and I made this promise and I just can't do it
17:03 and you know how do I get it right?
17:07 How do I make that connection?
17:09 You know when I was younger I use to
17:13 make promises to God that I wouldn't fight
17:14 with my sister I wouldn't tease her,
17:16 argue with her or anything and the very next day
17:21 I would find myself arguing or having a
17:23 disagreement with her and I would feel so
17:24 bad because I had let God down and I had
17:27 promised this and I couldn't keep my
17:30 promises and I felt that he would not want
17:32 anything to do with me anymore because
17:33 I couldn't keep my promises to him.
17:35 So that connection that keeping your
17:40 promises you know in steps to Christ
17:42 it says that we feel like our promises and
17:45 resolutions are like ropes of sand which is
17:47 really not stable at all, but it says you need
17:52 to understand the true force of the will,
17:53 that power of decision to choose,
17:57 to surrender your life to Christ.
17:59 Alley, how did you find that work in your life?
18:02 Well, when I was about 13, I wasn't having
18:07 my own personal devotions like in the
18:09 morning and my mom was really
18:11 encouraging me to do that because
18:12 I fell like I was really spiritually struggling
18:13 and lots of the times in the evenings
18:17 I would go and talk to her and she would
18:18 like uplift me and encourage me to make
18:20 that commitment to have my devotions and
18:23 I was having a really hard time doing
18:27 because I would feel really like energized
18:29 and pumped up about doing it in the evenings
18:31 when I talk to her and then the next morning
18:32 I would be so tired, so I don't wanna do this.
18:35 Yeah. And so then finally I told her one night,
18:38 I was like mom I just don't feel
18:40 like having my devotions and she told me
18:43 she said Alley whether you feel like it or not
18:45 just try it, try it for one month
18:46 and so I decided to make that decision
18:51 and I, the next morning I got up I did not
18:54 feel like have my devotions. I was just like
18:56 no I don't want to do this, but I made that
18:59 decision I made that commitment, I said
19:01 okay I'm going to do this and God really
19:02 helped me and day by day he worked on my heart
19:06 and I was able, well he was able like I can't
19:11 even explain with words how it happened,
19:13 but I don't even remember when that
19:15 month ended I just kind of kept going
19:17 and now devotions aren't a problem.
19:19 And you still have devotions now. Um Hmm.
19:20 And that's a struggle and I know that
19:24 struggle, it's like you're fighting against
19:26 yourself. The Apostle Paul talks about it as
19:30 dying daily and it sets a real serious struggle
19:34 and he talks to Timothy and he says fight the
19:38 good fight, you know when I go to my office
19:41 and I pray really you know like what
19:44 I'm doing here I'm not doing anything,
19:46 I've got to do something you know
19:47 but I'm actually praying, I'm asking God to do
19:50 that work in and through me.
19:53 Did you realize that God only asks us to give up those things
19:57 that will in the end harm us and make our lives miserable?
20:00 You see, Jesus died to give us the freedom to choose
20:05 those things that are in our best interest.
20:07 When we exercise our will to do right, we are simply
20:10 experiencing the freedom that comes from being sons and
20:14 daughters of God.
20:15 The Apostle Paul puts it this way Roman 6,
20:18 verses 6 and 7. Our old sinful selves were
20:21 crucified with Christ. So that sin might lose
20:24 its power in our lives. We are no longer
20:27 slaves to sin for when we died with Christ
20:29 we were set free from the power of sin.
20:32 Will you be set free?
21:06 Like the woman at the well I was seeking
21:12 For things that could not satisfy;
21:19 And then I heard my Savior speaking:
21:25 "Draw from my well that never shall run dry. "
21:32 Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up, Lord!
21:38 Come and quench this thirsting of my soul;
21:45 Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more
21:53 Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!
22:00 So, my children, if the things this world gave you
22:08 Leave hungers that won't pass away,
22:14 My blessed Lord will come and save you,
22:20 If you kneel to Him and humbly pray:
22:26 Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up, Lord!
22:33 Come and quench this thirsting of my soul;
22:40 Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more
22:47 Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!
22:54 Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more
23:04 Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!
23:19 The woman at the well had been searching for fulfillment
23:21 in all the wrong places, maybe she thought that was her
23:25 only option. Jesus showed her she was empty, totally dry
23:28 He didn't leave her that way though, He gave her
23:31 living water. Jesus is the same today,
23:33 He still has that living water, and He desperately wants to
23:36 wants to fill us up.
23:37 The paradox that we find in the scriptures is that
23:40 in order for us to be filled with that living water,
23:43 we need to be emptied of self.
23:45 And that emptying requires a total surrender of your will
23:50 to God. In Steps to Christ it talks about not being able to
23:54 control your thoughts your impulses, your affections
23:57 and all of those memories cause you to wonder
24:01 you know, can I do this? And what she says
24:04 is you need to understand the true force of the will,
24:07 the power of choice.
24:09 You know that struggle of wanting to do to follow
24:14 God and not being able to is something all of us deal
24:17 with and yet it seems that the only suggestion we
24:21 find in steps to Christ is to try harder.
24:23 Yeah and yes and no, to try harder; to try harder,
24:29 to exercise your will in the right direction,
24:33 to choose to surrender your will to God instead
24:37 of trying to fix your heart. We can't fix our hearts,
24:40 our hearts are desperately evil the Bible says and we
24:43 cannot change them and changing our hearts is
24:46 what God does and so when we submit our will
24:50 to him we choose him to come in and change our hearts.
24:53 In your life Andrew, have you had an experience or
24:57 experiences where you've had thoughts or tendency
25:01 or even fears that you couldn't control and you
25:04 turned to God and he gave you a victory
25:07 over those things? Yeah. When I was 10
25:10 years old my family and I had just move to their
25:13 country of Rwanda and Rwanda is best known in
25:16 most people's mind as the place where the genocide
25:19 happened in 1994 and when we arrived there,
25:22 we visited some of the places where these
25:26 killings had taken place and honestly in 8 years
25:28 not much had changed. I mean they were still
25:31 you know bones and old bloody clothing from
25:34 people who had been killed there and this
25:36 deeply affected me, because I was only a small boy.
25:39 You saw this evidence of death and killing.
25:43 Yeah. And it really affected me and I began
25:47 to have nightmares at night, I was really scared
25:50 because here I'm in this place in for all I know the
25:53 people I'm meeting and getting to know could
25:56 have been the people who are involved in this and if
25:58 it happen in the past you know what's to say it
26:01 won't happen while I'm there and I was just very
26:04 scared and I began to pray that God would take
26:07 this fear away from me, take away these nightmares
26:10 and I remember one night I had a dream, it was so
26:13 simple but I can honestly say I believe God gave it
26:17 to me and in this dream I was standing in the road
26:21 and a war was happening you know like I imagined
26:25 what the genocide must have been like and I was so
26:28 scared, I didn't know where my family was and
26:30 all of a sudden I saw Jesus walking down the
26:34 road and he took my hand in his and walked down,
26:37 we walked down the road together and I just felt
26:40 such peace, it was a very simple dream but after
26:43 I had that I was not scared anymore, I didn't have the
26:46 nightmares because I knew that whatever
26:49 happened to me God would take care of me.
26:52 So, you surrendered your will to God and you
26:55 asked him to change something you couldn't
26:58 change in yourself and he gave you a dream and
27:01 through that you had peace within.
27:02 Yeah. That's God's work and that's what it talks
27:05 about when it says surrender the will to him.
27:08 There is a well-known phrase that goes
27:11 something like this, the road to hell is paved with
27:14 good intentions, that means that there are many
27:18 who have desires to chose God, they hope to serve
27:21 him, but they actually do not choose to become
27:24 Christians, they don't fully consecrate their
27:27 lives to Jesus Christ. Let's turn to him right now and
27:31 ask him to give us fully surrendered hearts.
27:35 Heavenly Father, we thank you Lord for the
27:38 images we find in the scriptures of Jesus and his
27:43 life of total dedication to us, to dying for our sins.
27:48 We thank you for his life and we choose to give our
27:53 lives to you right now. Thank you for this
27:57 great gift in Jesus name, amen.
28:03 Steps to Christ in Song is a 13 part series from
28:07 Fountainview Productions
28:08 designed to be an easy, non-threatening way to
28:11 share the good news about Jesus Christ
28:14 with friends, relatives and co-workers.
28:16 Order your copies now by calling
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28:24 online at www. fountainviewproduction. com.
28:29 Steps to Christ in Song is also available at your local
28:33 ABC Christian Bookstore.


Revised 2014-12-17