Steps to Christ in Song

What To Do With Doubt

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mike Lemon (Host)


Series Code: SCS

Program Code: SCS000012

00:33 Chapter 12, "What To Do With doubt."
00:38 Hello and Welcome to Steps to Christ in Song.
00:40 Today, we're gonna look at the topic of
00:41 "What to do with doubt." There are many reasons
00:44 rest to think that we can doubt.
00:47 There are things that are hard for us to wrap our
00:49 minds around. For example, as little microscopic
00:51 organisms that even scientists find it difficult
00:54 to understand and explain. There are wonders
00:57 everywhere that are difficult for us to even think
01:01 about and beyond our understanding. And so,
01:04 why do we find it difficult to think that in the
01:06 spiritual world, that there are things that are far
01:11 beyond to our understanding. Really the difficulty lies
01:15 within the narrowness and the weakness of the
01:18 human mind. We're talking about our finite mind
01:21 dealing with the infinite God. In the Bible,
01:26 we see and also in nature, a revelation of God's
01:29 existence of his divinity and I believe that if we put
01:35 our full trust in that, that it will dispel all doubt,
01:39 but before we get too far into the topic.
01:41 Let me just ask to Cara to lead us in a word of prayer.
01:48 Dear heavenly Father, you are such an amazing God,
01:53 you are infinite in love, in wisdom, in power,
01:57 and compared to you we find that human beings
02:00 are as nothing. But despite your greatness,
02:03 we often do not trust you, when we don't understand
02:07 your word or your plan for us we have doubt just bring
02:11 up in our minds. Oh! Lord we want to have complete
02:15 faith in you. Please, take away our doubts and give us
02:19 your Spirit to help us understand your word.
02:25 Help us to trust your infinite wisdom and increase
02:29 our faith Lord we pray in Jesus name, amen.
02:33 Amen, amen. If you are a new Christian,
02:37 you may sometimes have questions about your
02:39 new faith or you might wonder if this Christianity
02:42 stuff is really true. You are not unusual;
02:45 in fact it's not uncommon to have hard to answer questions
02:49 about God and the Bible. There are many things
02:52 in the Bible that are clear and easy to understand,
02:56 but there are also some things that defy human
02:58 reasoning, this shouldn't alarm you because the
03:01 Apostle Paul exclaims in Romans 11:33,
03:05 all the depth of the riches, also the wisdom and the
03:08 knowledge of God. How unsearchable are his judgments
03:11 and his ways past finding out. This fact shouldn't
03:16 discourage you from seeking our God,
03:17 on the contrary it shall encourage you to know that
03:21 the God you are seeking is much more greater
03:24 then you are. In fact, you will be finding new things
03:28 about Him for the rest of the eternity. So don't panic,
03:32 if all your questions aren't answered right away.
03:34 Be assured, God will rebel himself more fully
03:38 when you are ready.
04:16 Immortal, invisible God only wise,
04:23 In light inaccessible hid from our eyes,
04:31 Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,
04:39 Almighty, victorious, Thy great name we praise.
04:48 Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light,
04:56 Nor wanting, nor wasting, Thou rulest in might;
05:04 Thy justice, like mountains, high soaring above
05:11 Thy clouds, which are fountains of goodness and love.
05:38 To all, life Thou givest, to both great and small;
05:46 In all life Thou livest, the true life of all;
05:54 We blossom and flourish like leaves on the tree,
06:02 And wither and perish but naught changeth Thee.
06:38 Great Father of glory, pure Father of light,
06:47 Thine angels adore Thee, all veiling their sight;
06:55 All praise we would render; O help us to see
07:03 'This only the splendor of light hideth Thee!
07:17 Wow! The words of that song just inspired me
07:20 with awe and reverence for God.
07:24 The way that his power and glory are described,
07:28 increase my faith in his wisdom and in his ability
07:32 to take care of everything that I commit to him.
07:35 Cara you know what helped to me to not doubt
07:38 the love of this immortal invisible God is that when
07:42 I was lost, he gave me a map, the Bible,
07:44 which has given me a sense of direction in my life
07:47 and also taken away the doubt from my life. Ryo,
07:52 I wanted to ask you a question, have you experience
07:55 what it means to be lost and lose
07:57 your direction through doubt.
08:00 Well, I have an interesting experience when I went
08:02 Disney Land. My parents and I went Disney Land,
08:08 when I was 6 years old and lots of people.
08:13 Right, there was lots of people because it was
08:14 summer break right and everybody lots of people
08:17 trying to get in. And before we went in,
08:21 my parents told me to go to the top of the hill that
08:24 was right in front of the entrance and wait
08:27 there if I get lost. So, they had a plan. Right.
08:31 Just in case you get lost. There is a landmark
08:33 on top of the hill. It was a landmark exactly
08:36 and it was kind of funny. Well now that
08:39 I will look back it's kind of funny because
08:41 as soon as we went in, I got lost. Oh! Boy.
08:45 There were lots of people, it wasn't even funny.
08:47 People were pushing and pulling each other,
08:49 trying to get in. But anyways, after about
08:55 10 or 20 minutes wandering about crying and just.
08:59 Oh, it's terrible. So, terrified and even scared me
09:03 even more when I thought of you know not being
09:07 able to see my parents anymore and something
09:10 like that. Yeah. And it was really hard
09:13 and I felt like it was at two or three hours or even
09:17 like all afternoon, even though it was only
09:19 10 or 20 minutes. Yeah.
09:22 But anyways and after that, I finally realized
09:26 what my parents said or what my parents
09:29 told me to do. So you forgot about the landmark.
09:31 You were just looking everywhere last place
09:33 you saw them and you didn't think of going there.
09:35 Because I was panic.
09:37 Yeah. And I don't know what to do. But soon as,
09:40 I remembered that I just ran there and but there
09:46 they are you know, it was they were there already
09:49 and waiting for me. And same thing with God
09:52 you know, we get lost, we always get lost sometimes
09:56 and that hill that landmark is like Bible.
10:01 Bible is our landmark and God gave us that
10:06 even before we got lost.
10:08 Yeah, have you ever found in the Bible for yourself
10:11 personally, that you found times when you doubted
10:16 and the Bible helped you.
10:18 Oh yeah, well these couple of years,
10:21 there were thoughts in my mind like is there really God,
10:25 is there really Jesus or is there really such thing
10:33 that was happened in the Bible because looking
10:35 nowadays and it's so hard to believe it because
10:39 there is a lot of sin going on and crime everything
10:43 like that. It's really hard to think that way but,
10:45 but when you look on to Bible and you start reading
10:50 how Jesus lived his life. He just makes me feel that is,
10:56 he is real and God is real. And we could see that
11:00 even in our little things, we doubt so much,
11:03 but that just distracts us from not believing God.
11:07 And that helped you to get rid of the doubt that
11:09 you had in your heart.
11:10 Right, just simply by reading the Bible.
11:12 Wow, wow, that helped me too.
11:14 It was the Bible that gave me direction and a sense
11:17 a purpose in my life. Thanks for sharing your story.
11:22 One thing that's clearly taught in the Bible is that
11:25 God wants to spend the rest of eternity with you.
11:29 That's why he makes the basic knowledge of the plan
11:31 of Salvation so clear that even child can understand it,
11:36 but this doesn't mean that these simple truths
11:38 aren't profound. The Bible speaks to the most basic
11:42 human needs, well at the same time it gives food
11:46 for thought, that even the most intellectual people
11:49 will be challenged to understand. You see,
11:53 spiritual things are spiritually understood.
11:58 Speaking of God it says in First Corinthians 2:10
12:01 and 2:12, His spirits searches out everything
12:04 and shows us even God's deep secrets, and God has
12:08 actually given us His Spirit not the world spirit,
12:11 so that we can know the wonderful things God
12:14 has freely given to us. Maybe the reason that
12:17 even children can understand spiritual
12:19 things is that they haven't shut out the Holy Spirit.
12:23 The next time you study your Bible open up your
12:26 heart and ask God for His Spirit to guide you.
12:35 Open my eyes, that I may see
12:40 glimpses of truth thou hast for me;
12:44 place in my hands the wonderful key
12:49 that shall unclasp and set me free.
12:55 Silently now I wait for thee,
12:59 ready, my God, thy will to see.
13:04 Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine!
13:14 Open my ears, that I may hear
13:19 voices of truth thou sendest clear;
13:23 and while the wave notes fall on my ear,
13:28 everything false will disappear.
13:33 Silently now I wait for thee,
13:38 ready, my God, thy will to see.
13:43 Open my ears, illumine me, Spirit divine!
13:53 Open my mouth, and let me bear
13:58 gladly the warm truth everywhere;
14:02 open my heart and let me prepare
14:07 love with thy children thus to share.
14:13 Silently now I wait for thee,
14:18 ready, my God, thy will to see.
14:22 Open my heart, illumine me, Spirit divine!
14:36 Isn't it amazing to think that in all powerful God
14:40 wants to show us some of His Glory,
14:42 but imagine if He would to show us everything
14:45 about Himself. I think that would undermine our need
14:49 of Him. God will sometimes ask us to follow Him,
14:52 even though we don't fully understand the big picture,
14:55 we don't exactly see where that path is leading,
14:58 but that's okay. God asks us to trust in Him,
15:02 to put our faith in Him because
15:03 He will see us through. Sharon, why is it that
15:08 we often doubt God when we don't see the full picture?
15:12 Have you ever experience anything like that?
15:14 No, Mr. Lemon I've, I felt that way when I heard
15:20 the story about my uncle and my dad when they
15:22 went to the army and they were drafted in Korea
15:25 and my dad and my uncle they both said
15:28 the same thing they said, you know,
15:30 we are not gonna hold to that and we need
15:32 to go to church on Sabbath.
15:33 So they stood up for their faith.
15:35 Yeah, and as they were doing that you know
15:39 they said the same things, but the results were different.
15:43 My dad, he was beaten and tortured and punished
15:48 and just always hurt. And on the other hand,
15:52 my uncle when he was beaten, he wouldn't feel
15:55 it or right before he was beaten somebody would
15:59 come in and say, oh you can't harm this guy.
16:03 Yeah, so his torture wasn't as bad as the
16:04 torture for your dad. Yeah, and as I was thinking
16:07 about story, I was thinking, why is God doing that?
16:14 Yeah. Why did they go through things like that?
16:18 Yes. Like what is my dad go through something so hard.
16:22 Right. And my uncle, he comes out with no pain.
16:25 Right, it doesn't seem fair.
16:26 Yeah. And I questioned that so much,
16:28 but as I think about it more and as God showed me
16:32 more through the Bible, he said that,
16:37 you know he gives us trials that we can bear
16:38 and it might not seem fair, but everybody is different
16:42 and God makes the fair for everybody and there
16:46 is a wonderful promise in First Corinthians 10:13,
16:48 and it says, there is no temptation taking you as
16:52 such as is common to man. The God is faithful
16:55 who will not suffer you to be tempted above
16:57 that you are able, but with the temptation
17:00 make a way to escape. That's a wonderful promise.
17:03 Yeah and as I read it, it changed my life so much that,
17:08 you know we doubt, we question, we can't see,
17:12 but God says that he gives us trials that we can bear.
17:16 Yeah. And He has a plan and He is loving and just God.
17:22 That's a wonderful thing I like about the Bible
17:23 is just that promise actually gives us a sense of
17:27 purpose and meaning and you know in difficult
17:31 situation when we have doubts. Yeah.
17:34 It's perfect thanks for sharing.
17:38 Sometimes the Bible seems confusing because
17:40 deep in our hearts. We don't really want to know
17:43 the truth. I mean knowing the truth makes us
17:46 responsible to do something about it and if there
17:48 is a sin that would cherish you it may blind us
17:51 to the truth. When we want to know the truth,
17:54 God's spirit will open our eyes and Jesus tells us
17:57 in John 7:17 that If anyone wants to do His will,
18:01 that is God's will, He shall know concerning the doctrine.
18:05 We can know for sure that God is true and the greatest
18:08 evidence of this is our personal experience.
18:11 You see, when we truly give up our sins to Christ
18:14 and accept His perfect life in place of our own
18:17 sinful lives. There is a peace that we receive that
18:19 is unmistakable, so in times of doubt or questioning
18:23 that memory of the sweet piece of forgiveness is best
18:26 evidence that God is true. And remember what Paul
18:30 says in First Corinthians 13:12, now we see through
18:35 a glass darkly but then face to face.
18:37 Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also
18:42 I am known. When Jesus comes everything will
18:45 make sense because then we will see clearly.
19:16 Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight
19:26 Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm;
19:35 In celestial like strains it unceasingly falls
19:44 O'er my soul like an infinite calm.
19:55 Peace, peace, wonderful peace,
20:03 Coming down from the Father above!
20:12 Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
20:21 In fathomless billows of love!
20:43 What a treasure I have in this wonderful peace,
20:51 Buried deep in the heart of my soul,
21:00 So secure that no power can mine it away,
21:09 While the years of eternity roll!
21:29 Ah, soul! are you here without comfort and rest,
21:38 Marching down the rough pathway of time?
21:46 Make Jesus your Friend ere the shadows grow dark;
21:55 O accept of this peace so sublime!
22:04 Peace, peace, wonderful peace,
22:13 Coming down from the Father above!
22:21 Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
22:34 In fathomless billows of love!
22:53 Know the words of that song,
22:55 we sow with our gladness or comfort or rest,
22:58 describes a soul in the path of doubt and further
23:03 on in the song it shows how doubt turns into joy
23:07 and peace. This comes through accepting the peace
23:11 from the father above. You know Robby even
23:15 Christians have a hard time and end up doubting.
23:21 And let's face it, I mean there are lot of things
23:23 that we don't understand and I know that you come
23:25 from a long line Christian family,
23:29 very strong Christian family with a lot of pastors
23:32 and church leaders in your family,
23:34 and it's probably a big question maybe an unfair
23:37 question to ask you, but have you ever experienced
23:39 doubt in your life and in your family?
23:43 You know we have, I remember when I was a really
23:45 little kid, we moved over to China to be missionaries,
23:48 and my parents were setting up a missionary training
23:52 school in China, and that's really difficult considering
23:55 that the government is against religion,
23:57 so we had to go underground basically to do these
24:00 types of training. So, my parents were just trying
24:02 to start the school and they are having a lot
24:04 of difficulties and soon they found out that the
24:08 government had heard what they were doing and
24:10 they heard through the grape vine that the government
24:12 was going to kick them out of the country,
24:13 and that would be really bad because if they were
24:16 kicked out, they wouldn't have been allowed to come
24:18 back into the country at all. They you know
24:21 wouldn't and their work would have been majorly
24:23 compromised. So they had to quickly leave.
24:25 So they left and went to Taiwan and there
24:28 my parents got a little bit discouraged because
24:31 all my dad was doing there was doing
24:33 language studies. Wow! And he couldn't do any of
24:38 the frontline mission that he wanted to, you know,
24:40 this wasn't your normal missionary work
24:41 just sitting and going to class everyday
24:43 to learn Chinese. Right. You know, and he got
24:46 discouraged. He wasn't sure exactly,
24:48 where the Lord was leading him. He knew,
24:49 he had led him to Taiwan, but he wasn't sure why.
24:53 And he didn't, he was beginning doubt a little bit.
24:55 Right, temptation to go home. Yeah.
24:57 Just leave all this. He just wasn't sure what was,
24:59 what the big picture was. Yeah.
25:02 And then after being there for a while,
25:05 we moved back to Hong Kong, and there things
25:08 started to come together for my family,
25:11 because my dad works in the office working for China
25:15 from the outside. So, he would call China,
25:18 he would make visits to China, and he would,
25:20 because he had lived there in the past,
25:23 he was able to work way better. He knew people,
25:26 he knew some of the language and he was able
25:28 to be a better worker for God because of it.
25:32 And the picture was you know painted him more
25:35 beautifully when he moved back to Taiwan,
25:38 and there my dad was the conference president,
25:41 and the office is on Chinese, and I still remember
25:44 him picking up the phone and talking in Chinese,
25:46 reading Chinese papers, writing in Chinese
25:49 and if he hadn't had that time before when he
25:52 was in Taiwan during that language study,
25:55 he wouldn't have been able to spread the Gospel
25:56 like he was doing now in Taiwan.
26:00 So God had this big picture that I didn't notice
26:03 and my parents certainly didn't realize,
26:05 but because they trusted in God even though
26:08 sometimes doubts came into their minds,
26:10 if they kept on that track and followed God.
26:13 They didn't have to worry because God had a way
26:15 bigger picture and he was in charge.
26:17 Excellent, so he prepared the way.
26:19 He prepared the way.
26:22 Great story. You know we have many uncertainties
26:25 in our lives and our minds tend towards doubting
26:28 when that happens. One of the disciples of Jesus,
26:31 Thomas is known as doubting Thomas,
26:35 and the reason why he doubted though he
26:37 was with Jesus for 3 ½ years, and he had great
26:41 faith in Jesus, but after the resurrection,
26:44 he doubted whether Jesus was actually alive,
26:46 the other disciples had seen him,
26:47 but Thomas had not. And so he said,
26:49 unless I actually see Him in the flesh,
26:52 unless I'm able to take my fingers and put them
26:54 in the places where the nails were and where
26:56 the spear had been, then I'm not going to believe.
27:00 And Jesus was gracious enough and loving enough
27:02 to actually appear to Thomas and to dispel his
27:04 doubt and so he appeared to him in the flesh
27:06 and he said take your finger and put it here in
27:09 these nail marks and put away the spirits,
27:13 and then Thomas was able to fall down on his knees
27:16 and say my Lord and my God,
27:18 and Jesus said to him Thomas, you believe because
27:22 you have seen me, but blessed that are those
27:25 who believe and have not seen,
27:27 that blessing of Jesus is for you and for me because,
27:31 we have not seen the immortal invisible God
27:33 the way in which Thomas did. He saw Him in the flesh.
27:38 Often the thing that gets us into trouble with doubt
27:41 is that we only trust what we see with our eyes,
27:44 but there are many things that we don't see
27:45 with our eyes. And I'm gonna ask that we just
27:48 close off our program together with the word
27:51 of prayer and ask God to give us that kind of faith.
27:54 Let's pray, heavenly Father, we ask you Lord,
27:58 through your Holy Spirit to give us a heart of belief
28:02 and dispel all our doubts in Jesus name we pray, amen.
28:10 Steps to Christ in Song is a 13 part series.
28:13 from Fountain View Productions.
28:14 Designed to be an easy non-threatening way
28:16 to share the good news about Jesus Christ with friends,
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28:21 Order your copies now by calling
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Revised 2014-12-17