Salvation in Symbols and Signs

Overview of Daniel Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SISS

Program Code: SISS000074S

00:01 Music...
00:29 James: All right, we are back, right?
00:31 We weren't gone for very long were we?
00:34 Laughter...
00:35 So, we got to Daniel chapter 2...
00:37 we started in Daniel 1 with an intro,
00:39 we got into Daniel chapter 2,
00:40 we're looking at the basic theme
00:42 and so, now we're going to move right into Daniel chapter 3.
00:44 We're going to start, of course, with a word of prayer,
00:46 we want to encourage our Viewers...
00:48 this book is connected to the book of Revelation,
00:51 we're going to be looking into the practical...
00:53 the theme... and then we're going to go back...
00:54 and we're going to do a verse-by-verse through the book,
00:56 so, it's going to be... it's going to be really full,
00:59 we're going to have a lot... it's going to be exciting,
01:00 just to get this picture of the book of Daniel
01:02 is going to be beautiful.
01:04 So, Jason, would you start us out with a word of prayer?
01:06 We'll jump right in.
01:07 Jason: "Dear heavenly Father, we thank You so much
01:09 for the opportunity to study Your precious Word.
01:12 We just ask for Your Holy Spirit
01:15 to lead and guide us into all truth.
01:17 Be with us as we study the Bible.
01:19 Help us to retain the information that we learn today,
01:23 in Jesus' name we pray, amen. "
01:24 All: Amen.
01:26 James: So, Daniel chapter 1, we talked about this theme...
01:29 the theme of the cross...
01:31 God humbled Himself
01:32 and also the theme of being... resisting the wine of Babylon,
01:36 being ten times wiser.
01:37 In Daniel chapter 2...
01:39 Daniel chapter 2, of course, God humbling Himself
01:41 and wanting to exalt Himself...
01:43 being exalted in Daniel chapter 2,
01:44 we looked at Philippians chapter 2 and saw
01:46 that this is the way of the cross...
01:48 the way of the gospel...
01:49 and, of course, this way helps us as we follow God
01:52 to be prepared for the end of time...
01:54 resist the influence of Babylon and be...
01:57 have the wisdom of God to be able to know how to...
01:59 to... to navigate these end-time events
02:02 that we're going to be facing.
02:03 And Daniel chapter 3 now,
02:05 we're move in... into Daniel chapter 3
02:06 and what do we have here?
02:07 We have, of course, Nebuchadnezzar
02:09 compromising the truth...
02:11 making an image that Daniel showed him in Daniel 2,
02:14 but all of gold...
02:16 I think that one of the things that I want to bring out here
02:20 and Ivor I'll hand it to you too to supplement this,
02:23 is the element of fear.
02:24 So, in Revelation... the gospel comes
02:27 with a message to fear God
02:29 and in the world, there is a fear of God and a fear of man,
02:32 and the fear of God and fear of man are completely different.
02:35 The love of God leads us to fear Him and to be in awe of Him
02:38 in a way that is completely different from human fear...
02:41 the natural fear that we have.
02:43 It's something that we see in Daniel chapter 3,
02:47 in the fiery furnace because Nebuchadnezzar...
02:51 when he was compromising the truth...
02:53 he is calling all the people to worship this image...
02:57 all of gold... or to die.
02:59 They're going to be cast in the fiery furnace
03:01 and, of course, they fear the king and his commandments
03:05 so they go ahead and they bow down and worship
03:07 and Nebuchadnezzar himself...
03:10 the reason why he makes the image all of gold is because...
03:14 and we'll get into this in more detail
03:16 is because he doesn't want his kingdom to come to an end.
03:18 Yvonne: Ah... All: Hmmm...
03:20 James: He's the head of gold
03:21 and the head ends right here, right?
03:22 And so, he wants his...
03:24 everyone is afraid of coming to an end,
03:26 God has put eternity in our hearts
03:28 we're told in Ecclesiastes.
03:30 Everyone wants eternal life in some form or another...
03:33 we believe in that and so, in this sense,
03:36 everyone worships because they're afraid...
03:39 Nebuchadnezzar makes the image because he's afraid
03:41 and then he comes in contact with three people
03:43 who aren't afraid.
03:45 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
03:46 "I don't care what you said, King,
03:47 you can make that furnace as hot as you want...
03:49 we're worshiping God. "
03:51 And he's not so angry about the fact that they're disobeying him
03:55 as he is about the fact that they've got something
03:57 that he doesn't have and that is... no fear.
03:58 All: Hmmm. Yvonne: That's good.
04:00 The everlasting gospel says, "Fear God... "
04:02 and when you fear God, you fear nothing else.
04:04 When you fear God, you fear nothing else
04:06 and so, as you... as we follow this gospel theme through here,
04:09 what we find is... we find God's people
04:11 being filled with the gospel...
04:13 being filled with the fear of God
04:14 and that allows them to face every other obstacle
04:17 in this world.
04:18 Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go... anywhere?
04:21 All: Anywhere.
04:22 James: Fear I cannot know. Yvonne: Yes.
04:26 James: And so, this is the same theme that you find
04:28 in that beautiful hymn, "Amazing grace. "
04:31 'Twas grace that led my heart to fear,
04:34 And grace my fears relieved.
04:36 Yvonne: Hmmm...
04:38 James: So, the fear that we get rid of.. that's the earthly fear
04:40 and there's the fear the gospel fills us with
04:42 and that's the heavenly fear.
04:43 Ivor: Hmmm... um... so, let's add to that.
04:46 In Daniel chapter 3, basically what we have happening
04:50 is, Babylon... the king of Babylon
04:53 has heard a message from the previous chapter.
04:58 The message he has heard is: Babylon is fallen...
05:01 Babylon is going to fall.
05:03 James: Yeah. Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
05:05 Ivor: He doesn't like that message
05:07 and as a result, he sets up an image
05:09 and commands all...
05:11 rich and poor... free and bond...
05:13 Yvonne: Hmmm... come on... come on...
05:15 Ivor: Great and small... right
05:16 and that connects us with Revelation 13.
05:19 Yvonne: Right... right.
05:20 Ivor: Why? Because in Revelation chapter 13,
05:22 we see an image being set up
05:23 and all commanded to bow down before this image.
05:27 So, if we put this together,
05:28 Daniel chapter 1... at the end of time,
05:32 there's going to be a people who avoid the wine of Babylon.
05:34 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
05:35 Ivor: Because they avoid the wine of Babylon,
05:36 they're going to be ten times wiser...
05:38 they're going to preach a message that Babylon is fallen.
05:39 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
05:41 Ivor: This message is going to be so powerful
05:43 that Babylon... in response to that message...
05:47 I'm going to start throwing in some terms here
05:50 that you guys are probably not going to understand right now
05:52 but I'm just kind of vibing with James
05:53 just for a moment to set him up...
05:55 All: Laughter...
05:57 Ivor: The king of Babylon hears tidings...
06:04 James: Hmmm...
06:06 Ivor: Tidings that trouble him.
06:08 All: Hmmm... hmm...
06:09 Ivor: And in fact, in Daniel chapter 2,
06:12 it begins with... "The king was troubled
06:14 by this dream. "
06:16 James: That's right.
06:17 Ivor: So this message is a troubling message.
06:19 James: To Babylon.
06:20 Ivor: To Babylon...
06:22 and as a result of this troubling message,
06:24 the response to this great message... this loud message...
06:30 this loud cry...
06:32 this... this gospel that,
06:35 "Yes, your kingdom is not the kingdom that's going to last"
06:37 and his response is...
06:39 James: The "sleep-awakening message. " Ivor: That's right.
06:40 James: Waking up those virgins, waking them up.
06:42 Ivor: He is like, "Okay, yeah, we're not having this,
06:44 so, we're going to set up an image
06:46 and command all to bow down. "
06:47 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
06:49 Ivor: So, again, you put the first three chapters
06:50 of Daniel together,
06:51 you have a message for God's end-time people.
06:53 There will be a... at the end of time
06:55 a people who will avoid the wine of Babylon...
06:57 they will be ten times wiser... chapter 1.
06:59 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
07:00 Ivor: Chapter 2, they will be given the insight
07:04 to preach a message that no one else understands.
07:06 Yvonne: Hmmm...
07:07 Ivor: Chapter 3, As a result of this message,
07:10 Babylon will seek to stop its own fall
07:14 by enforcing... by creating an image
07:18 and commanding all... rich and poor...
07:22 great and small... free and bond...
07:25 to bow down before this image
07:27 and whosoever does not bow down,
07:30 should be killed.
07:31 James: Hmmm... hmmm... boom! Yvonne: Oh...
07:34 Ivor: God is showing us... now... now... check this out,
07:36 we have not even gotten into the prophecies
07:39 of the book of Daniel yet,
07:40 but in the first three chapters, God has already told us,
07:43 "Hey, I'm just letting you know
07:44 from the stories that I'm showing you
07:46 what's going to happen at the end of time. "
07:48 James: "And I'm reviewing Revelation for you,
07:50 just a little review of Revelation...
07:51 remember Revelation?"
07:53 Ivor: Absolutely.
07:54 James: And by the way, you mentioned this
07:56 and I just wanted to build on it a little bit,
07:57 nobody else knows that message...
07:58 "They're ten times wiser... "
08:00 except for God's people in Babylon.
08:01 Nebuchadnezzar...
08:02 "now God's people... come out of her my people... "
08:04 you know what I'm saying? Ivor: Yes.
08:06 James: So, Nebuchadnezzar gets it.
08:07 He's struggling with it... you know...
08:09 but he gets it... he finally gets it.
08:10 So, so... while God's people are ten times wiser
08:14 and while none of the Babylonians can understand it,
08:16 there are people in Babylon that will understand it.
08:18 There are people out there that will understand...
08:20 that's Revelation 18.
08:22 Ivor: Yeah, and, you know, we... ah...
08:25 this is just amazing because remember what Daniel did in...
08:29 maybe I should just say from when we talk about Daniel 2,
08:33 but who were the wise men that didn't understand this?
08:36 It was the Magi... right?
08:38 Yvonne: Hmmm...
08:39 Ivor: And, do you remember, like when Daniel goes in...
08:43 because there is a decree... "Kill all the wise men... "
08:48 so when Daniel gets the understanding of this...
08:51 of this dream, he doesn't go in and say,
08:53 "All right, yup, kill the bad guy and let me... "
08:57 no, no, no... he actually contended for their lives.
09:00 James: He did, first thing. Yvonne: That's right.
09:02 Ivor: Now, what do you think they must have felt
09:05 towards Daniel after they were like,
09:06 "Whoa, we were about to die
09:08 and this man, like, saved our lives. "
09:09 Do you think they might have been like,
09:11 "Daniel, we like you... "
09:13 James: Should have been... should have been...
09:14 Yvonne: I would hope so.
09:15 Ivor: Because, check this out, who were the ones
09:18 that understood the prophecy of Jesus' coming?
09:20 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: The Magi...
09:23 Ivor: The Magi... they were the ones...
09:26 and the question is, how did they know?
09:28 How did they understand the 70-week prophecy
09:31 that pointed to Christ?
09:32 Where did they get this information from?
09:33 Yvonne: Hmmm...
09:35 Ivor: And I believe there is... there is a good chance
09:37 that because of what Daniel did there...
09:41 James: There was a "Remnant. "
09:42 Ivor: That was it... that was passed down
09:45 and then, when it came time for the prophecy,
09:47 God's people weren't even aware of it,
09:50 the very ones that the character of Christ
09:53 was demonstrated to.
09:54 James: Yeah. Yvonne: Hmmm...
09:55 James: There was a remnant in there...
09:57 there was a remnant in Babylon
09:58 and there was a remnant in God's church
09:59 because we know in Daniel chapter 3, those... those Magi
10:02 those wise men accuse Daniel's friends.
10:05 They accuse them before the king,
10:07 "Hey, they didn't bow down. "
10:08 Because the king... he's looking out there...
10:09 he can't see everyone, so they accuse...
10:11 so, we know that some were bad, in that sense.
10:13 It's the same principle that we see...
10:15 God has His faithful people all through Babylon
10:18 and He's calling them out.
10:20 Ivor: Yeah.
10:21 James: All right, look, Revelation...
10:23 excuse me... "Revelation!" Daniel chapter 4...
10:24 I'm going to do that a lot
10:26 so, you guys just feel free...
10:28 just get it on and... and bring it out.
10:32 Daniel chapter 4, then, we move now...
10:34 seems like we move completely away from...
10:36 no... no... Daniel chapter 4, Nebuchadnezzar... okay.
10:39 Okay, here is the theme in Daniel chapter 4...
10:42 part of the theme in Daniel chapter 4,
10:44 so, Nebuchadnezzar is this proud king that God knows...
10:50 He knows his heart...
10:51 just like He knew the heart of Paul, okay,
10:53 he's this proud king but God says,
10:54 "I want him in my kingdom. "
10:56 Ivor: Okay.
10:57 James: So, there are people out there... they are proud...
10:58 they're hardy... they're self-righteous...
11:00 they're conquering... they're all about themselves...
11:02 they're all about what they're going to do...
11:03 but God says, "I want them in my kingdom,
11:05 I see their heart... I want them in my kingdom. "
11:07 And so, when Daniel comes in to Babylon...
11:10 when Daniel humbles himself and shows the way of the cross
11:13 and God humbles Himself,
11:14 Nebuchadnezzar... the contrast with that
11:17 and then, finally Nebuchadnezzar
11:19 seeing that this is a God of Gods,
11:20 the contrast just awakens him
11:23 and as it awakens him, he is intellectually convicted
11:27 that this is true.
11:29 There are a lot of people out there...
11:30 a lot of people watching 3ABN...
11:31 lot of people watching Salvation in Symbols and Signs,
11:33 lot of people listening to...
11:35 and they're intellectually convicted
11:36 those guys are right on track...
11:38 those guys are there in harmony with God...
11:40 but their... their... their hearts...
11:42 their commitment... their will...
11:44 their surrender is not there yet... it's just not there
11:46 and that's where Nebuchadnezzar is in chapter 3.
11:47 Yvonne: Hmmm...
11:49 James: He knows the truth of this image,
11:51 but he perverts it just a little bit...
11:52 Yvonne: In 4... chapter 4?
11:54 James: In chapter 3... he's perverting that truth
11:56 but in chapter 4, now you have a hard experience,
11:59 now it gets to the heart.
12:01 Nebuchadnezzar in chapter 2
12:03 is still only intellectually convicted,
12:06 by chapter 3, that...
12:08 that intellectual-only conviction is manifest.
12:11 What does he do? Ah, he compromises the truth.
12:14 If we only have an intellectual conviction...
12:17 a doctrinal conviction of truth, we're going to compromise...
12:20 we're going to compromise...
12:21 in the end of time, we're going to compromise...
12:22 company after company is going to go out,
12:24 we're just going to get... we're just going to compromise it...
12:25 we're going to give in to the world,
12:27 but, if God can reach our hearts...
12:29 if He can get it down to the
12:31 heart level, we're get to surrender.
12:33 How does that happen? Well, God wants to make it easy,
12:35 but with Nebuchadnezzar, that wasn't happening.
12:39 Yvonne: Right.
12:40 James: So, he went through a major trial... major trial
12:42 and so, we... we got to remember...
12:44 we have to remember that... that...
12:48 that God is in those trials... God is in those trials.
12:53 Nebuchadnezzar... chapter 4...
12:54 Nebuchadnezzar comes out of the seven-year trial...
12:57 seven-year trial...
12:58 like a crazy man, right? Yvonne: Hmmm...
13:01 James: And he says, "God is so good. "
13:04 Yvonne: Yes. James: "God is good. "
13:06 So, I'm going to...
13:08 I'm going to covet the trial...
13:10 I'm going to covet the fire... I'm going to covet it
13:12 because I know that's where God is
13:14 and I want to be where God is. Yvonne: Hmmm...
13:15 James: And that's what Nebuchadnezzar has realized
13:17 so, as he comes out...
13:18 Nebuchadnezzar... really Daniel chapter 4 is his testimony.
13:20 Ivor: Hmmm... hmmm...
13:22 James: And what happens? When God...
13:23 when God humbles Himself and then He lifts Himself up
13:26 and he reveals Himself as He really is,
13:27 it humbles us and we surrender.
13:29 If God can surrender, we can surrender.
13:31 So, God surrenders first
13:33 and then, Nebuchadnezzar ends up surrendering to God.
13:35 It's a beautiful picture of how the gospel works
13:37 in Daniel chapter 4.
13:39 Ivor: And we'll... going along the line of...
13:42 of end-time events once again,
13:44 what do you have happening in Daniel chapter 4?
13:47 In Daniel chapter 4, you have Nebuchadnezzar having his dream
13:52 of this tree, right, which represents his kingdom,
13:55 but where does the tree reach?
13:57 All: To the heavens.
13:58 Ivor: And what does that tree represent?
14:00 It represents His pride, right?
14:03 It represents his soul.
14:05 In Daniel chapter 4, Babylon's sins
14:09 have reached unto heaven.
14:17 So, let's put those four chapters together.
14:20 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
14:21 Ivor: At the end of time... Daniel chapter 1...
14:24 at the end of time, there's going to be a group of people
14:25 who avoid the wine of Babylon.
14:27 They will be 10 times wiser.
14:29 Chapter 2...
14:30 God is going to give them special insight
14:32 to preach a message that no one else understands.
14:33 All: Hmmm...
14:35 Ivor: They will preach a message that Babylon is fallen.
14:37 Chapter 3: Babylon, in response to this message says,
14:39 "Now, we're going to set up an image
14:41 and command all to bow down. "
14:43 Chapter 4: When Babylon does this,
14:46 her sins have reached unto heaven.
14:48 All: Hmmm... hmmm... hmmm...
14:50 Ivor: When Babylon does this,
14:52 her sins have reached unto heaven.
14:54 In these first four chapters of Daniel,
14:56 God is showing us... comes like this pattern of...
14:59 "Hey Guys, listen...
15:00 it hasn't happened yet but I'm just showing you
15:02 that this book has been written, you know,
15:04 thousands of years earlier than this event is going to...
15:06 but I'm just showing you... "
15:07 This is to encourage God's people
15:09 that, "Don't fear
15:11 because I've already shown you what is coming.
15:14 Yvonne: Hmmm...
15:15 Ivor: When you see the image set up,
15:17 just know, when they do that
15:18 their sins will have reached unto heaven.
15:20 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
15:21 Ivor: Just know that these events...
15:23 check this out... just know that these events
15:24 will lead to Michael standing up.
15:28 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
15:30 Ivor: Daniel 12. Yvonne: Come on.
15:31 Ivor: What are the odds, right? James: Hmmm... hmmm...
15:33 Ivor: I mean, just think about that.
15:35 The last chapter is Michael standing up,
15:37 like, "All right... done deal. "
15:39 James: Yup. Yvonne: Yes.
15:40 Ivor: So, one... two... three... four...
15:42 are beginning to show us a pattern of events
15:45 that are going to unfold
15:46 culminating with Michael standing up
15:50 and the dead coming to life.
15:54 Yvonne: Wow! James: Hmmm...
15:55 Ivor: Yeah. James: Hmmm...
15:57 Yvonne: Ooooh! that was so good.
15:59 James: All right, Daniel chapter 5...
16:01 can we move to Daniel chapter 5?
16:03 So, in the context now, of what Ivor just said and I love this,
16:09 this thing that's running through...
16:12 in Daniel chapter 5, you have belligerent, disobedience,
16:17 neglect and turning away from the light that God has given.
16:22 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
16:24 James: When Nebuchadnezzar is alive,
16:27 he has been given intellectual truth,
16:29 he's been completed convicted that the God is the God of Gods
16:34 and Lord of Lords in Daniel chapter 2,
16:36 and even as he fights with that,
16:38 God works in his heart through this trial... this experience...
16:42 that brings him to full surrender to God.
16:44 His grandson, Belshazzar, on the other hand
16:46 has all this light and all this truth
16:47 and he completely neglects it.
16:49 It's... it's... it's... it's so neglected that in a sense
16:53 and I don't know if this is true or not
16:54 but it appears to be true,
16:56 he doesn't even know who Daniel is.
16:57 He doesn't even know who Daniel...
16:58 the Queen Mother comes in and says,
17:00 "Hey, you know, there's a guy that your grandfather knew,
17:01 he's really wise and really smart.
17:03 He's like, "Ah... Daniel could...
17:04 "Hey, Daniel, are you the guy that my grandfather... "
17:07 you know,
17:08 and Daniel basically has none of that.
17:09 He says, "You knew... you had all the light...
17:12 you had all the truth... there's a God in heaven. "
17:14 And this is the part that I love about this...
17:16 this is the gospel again and this is again...
17:17 I'm bringing up this gospel theme...
17:19 prophetic theme... gospel theme,
17:21 He comes in and he says, and we're going to start here,
17:25 Jason, read for us, would you?
17:27 In Daniel chapter 5 and verse... um...
17:34 22... 22 and 23.
17:35 Jason: 22 and 23? James: Yeah.
17:37 Jason: "But you his son, Belshazzar,
17:39 have not humbled your heart, although you knew all this.
17:42 And you have lifted yourself up against the Lord of heaven.
17:45 They have brought the vessels of His house before you,
17:49 and you and your lords, your wives and your concubines,
17:52 have drunk wine from them.
17:54 And you have praised the gods of silver and gold,
17:57 bronze and iron, wood and stone,
17:59 which do not see or hear or know;
18:01 and the God who holds your breath in His hand
18:05 and owns all your ways, you have not glorified. "
18:09 James: Oooh... that's Acts 17 right there,
18:10 that's the gospel right there.
18:12 Jason: Amen. Yvonne: That's powerful.
18:13 So, Daniel is having none of this political maneuvering.
18:16 He's... he's like, he comes in and...
18:18 and Belshazzar says to him, "Are you... are you the guy...
18:22 the Jew... of the Jews that my grandfather brought captive?"
18:25 And Daniel is like,
18:27 "I'm not even going to go there...
18:29 I'm not even going to go there...
18:31 you knew all of this, Belshazzar you knew all of this
18:34 and besides that there's a God of heaven
18:37 who gives you breath every day. "
18:38 Yvonne: Hmmm...
18:40 James: "He gives you everything you have,
18:41 He loves you Belshazzar. "
18:42 Now, I think, personally, at this point,
18:44 I think Belshazzar... this is Revelation again...
18:48 he doesn't repent...
18:49 so the writings on the wall... this is like...
18:51 this is like 7 last plagues...
18:53 he doesn't repent but he could have...
18:55 he can't... he won't... but he could have.
18:57 In other words, God is still willing for him to repent
18:59 but he is so set in his ways
19:01 that even after Daniel reveals all this to him
19:04 and Daniel tells him, "I don't want any of your stuff"
19:06 Belshazzar still gives him the stuff.
19:09 James: That's... it's just proving he's set in his ways,
19:11 he can't be reached.
19:13 His grandfather, Nebuchadnezzar, could be reached.
19:15 So, there comes a time when the gospel is preached...
19:18 the everlasting gospel is preached...
19:20 and people make a decision and judgment comes.
19:22 Ivor: Yeah. Yvonne: Hmmm...
19:23 James: And that's what you see here taking place.
19:24 As God brings us through here,
19:26 He's got His emissary in Babylon,
19:27 He humbles Himself before the nations...
19:29 He's exalted through the dream...
19:30 intellectual conviction captures the world
19:34 but then, there's this compromise taking place
19:36 and the true come through the fiery furnace
19:39 and those who aren't true, don't...
19:41 and in chapter 4, the ones that are struggling
19:44 go through a fierce trial...
19:45 Nebuchadnezzar goes through this fierce trial...
19:47 and the others who don't listen...
19:49 who don't respond... who don't accept...
19:51 who just want to go party...
19:52 just want to go have a good time...
19:54 they don't care about the truth of God's heart
19:56 and His love for them,
19:57 their destiny is sealed.
19:59 Ivor: Yeah. Yvonne: Hmmm.
20:00 James: It's all sealed up. Jason: Yeah.
20:02 Ivor: Along the end-time scenario
20:04 by picking up with chapter 6, or chapter 5, rather,
20:07 what we have in Daniel chapter 5 is...
20:10 you know, after this whole scenario with
20:13 you know, that writing on the wall,
20:18 and, "Your kingdom is numbered and finished... "
20:21 right, what happens?
20:22 In Daniel chapter 5, Babylon is defeated
20:27 okay, and how was Babylon defeated?
20:30 Well, there's a guy outside the city walls of Babylon.
20:35 His name is Cyrus.
20:36 In Isaiah 45 verse 1 and Isaiah 44,
20:39 he's called the "anointed one. "
20:41 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
20:43 Ivor: Cyrus... it is very well understood
20:45 and known and believed that he is a type of Christ
20:49 and so, he was the Leader of the Medo-Persian Empire
20:53 and according to Isaiah 45,
20:54 what the Bible says is that this Cyrus would dry up
20:58 the deep... speaking about the Euphrates.
21:01 He would dry up the River Euphrates
21:04 and basically, that would prepare the way
21:07 for these kings who came from the east and from the north...
21:10 came from the east and from the north...
21:12 so, what you have happening in Daniel chapter 5,
21:15 is this figure who is a type of Christ
21:18 comes and destroys Babylon.
21:20 So, let's put it all together,
21:23 Daniel 1: at the time of the end
21:25 there's going to be an end-time people
21:27 who will avoid the wine of Babylon,
21:29 they will be ten times wiser.
21:30 As a result of that, they will preach a message
21:33 that no one else understands...
21:34 they will preach this message that Babylon is fallen.
21:37 Babylon, in response, will set up an image
21:40 and command all to bow down,
21:41 when they do this,
21:43 their sins will have reached heaven
21:44 and when their sins will have reached heaven,
21:47 Cyrus...
21:48 James: Returns... Yvonne: Hmmm...
21:51 Ivor: Cyrus returns...
21:53 Cyrus dries up the Euphrates and if you remember,
21:56 in our Revelation Study where we talked about
21:59 what happens under one of the plagues...
22:01 James: Chapter 16. Yvonne: Hmmm.
22:02 Ivor: The River Euphrates is dried up
22:05 in preparation for the fall of spiritual Babylon.
22:09 James: And the Kings of the East.
22:10 Ivor: And the Kings of the East. Yvonne: Wow!
22:11 Ivor: And so, basically now,
22:13 we have just hit five chapters of Daniel
22:16 that all show us in chronological order...
22:18 it's... I mean... that's just mind blowing.
22:21 Yvonne: It is... it is.
22:23 Ivor: In the way the chapters have been put for us,
22:25 you find there this pattern of what is going to happen
22:28 at the end of time
22:29 and it's just... it's just mind blowing.
22:31 James: It's beautiful.
22:33 Yvonne: It's amazing to me how God has done this for us
22:38 and the fact that He's equipped you all to see this
22:43 because this... this helps us to see
22:45 what He's saying through His Word,
22:48 it's not just happenstance.
22:50 It's not just some words that are written
22:52 but this whole pattern that we see in Revelation...
22:57 we see it in Daniel and it sets us up
22:59 for the end times... it's amazing.
23:01 Ivor: And let me add here that remember,
23:03 we have not yet touched in detail... Daniel 2, Daniel 7,
23:10 Daniel 8, Daniel 9, Daniel 11, we haven't touched any of these.
23:13 James: We're just in the stories.
23:14 Ivor: We're just in the stories and just from the stories...
23:16 the stories are affirming
23:18 the prophetic parts of the book of Daniel.
23:22 Yvonne: Yes.
23:24 Ivor: And sometimes we may that you know, like,
23:25 "Oh well, these are the stories, these are not really prophetic,
23:28 and these are the prophecies.
23:30 Yvonne: That's true... that's very true.
23:31 Ivor: Like, "Let's skip Daniel, let's get to Daniel 2...
23:34 guess what? If... if... if right now you got rid of
23:38 Daniel 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, 12...
23:40 James: You'll be good.
23:41 Ivor: Just in 1 through 6, God has already shown us
23:43 the whole end-time scenario.
23:45 Yvonne: Wow!
23:46 Ivor: He's just given us the whole book of Daniel...
23:47 I mean, the whole book of Revelation
23:49 in Daniel 1 through 6 just in these stories.
23:52 James: And what I love about this, Ivor,
23:55 that's so beautiful to me is that... how important it is
23:58 to have the intellectual and a spiritual experience.
24:00 Yvonne: Hmmm...
24:01 James: And so, these stories remind us
24:03 of the spiritual experience.
24:04 They kind of show us how to maneuver... how to navigate
24:06 our relationship with the kings of this earth...
24:09 how to... how to preach the message,
24:11 what kind of spirit we should have
24:12 and we're going to get into all that detail
24:14 as we... as we move into this.
24:15 Daniel chapter 6...
24:16 Daniel chapter 6.
24:18 So, now we've transitioned now in Daniel chapter 6
24:21 to the Medo-Persian Kingdom
24:22 and what's really powerful about Daniel chapter 6
24:26 again, emphasizing the gospel is the spirit that Daniel has.
24:30 Now, Daniel was the main man of Nebuchadnezzar,
24:34 he was a big guy in Babylon but all of a sudden, boom!
24:37 immediately, he set up in Medo-Persia.
24:40 He is... he's one of the top three...
24:43 in fact, Darius is thinking,
24:44 "Man, I think I want him to be Number 1."
24:46 Why? Because he has such a good spirit...
24:49 he has an excellent spirit.
24:50 And, you know, when you think about the trust,
24:53 we think about the loyalty that Darius wants to have
24:58 for those who rule this kingdom...
24:59 for him to choose someone from Babylon...
25:01 someone who's in Babylon,
25:02 to have that trust and loyalty in this guy,
25:05 that's amazing!
25:07 So, what God is saying is,
25:08 "If you comport yourselves with My Spirit,
25:11 if you're filled with My Spirit,
25:13 there are going to be people out there
25:14 who, you may think are your enemies...
25:16 who you may think are completely the opposite of what you believe
25:21 but if you have my Spirit, they're going to see that in you
25:24 and they're going to want you to be a part of...
25:26 they're going to want you to be a part of their team...
25:28 they're going to want to connect with you
25:30 and have you be part... so what you have to offer... "
25:32 and that's what we see in Daniel chapter 6...
25:35 it's not just this intellectual...
25:36 it's also the spirit we carry,
25:38 and this compels Darius
25:41 to actually try to defend and protect Daniel
25:44 who he doesn't know that well,
25:45 he's known his wise men for a long time
25:47 and he says, "Your God is going to be able to protect you...
25:49 and I have faith in your God... "
25:51 and eventually it brings him to a place
25:54 where he exercises complete faith in Daniel
25:56 and that's what we need to see,
25:58 that's what we're going to see
25:59 when we talked about the wise men in Daniel chapter 2,
26:02 in Daniel chapter 3 and some of them being the Magi
26:05 and that takes us to Daniel 12 where it talks about those
26:08 that are from Edom and Moab and Ammon escaping...
26:11 that word "escape" is the same word in Daniel 12:1...
26:15 I'm talking to Ivor now, they escaped...
26:19 that they are delivered... it's the same word.
26:21 Ivor: Yes. Yvonne: Hmmm.
26:22 James: You've got God's people delivered
26:23 and you've got these other people... Moab, Edom and Ammon,
26:28 they're escaping also.
26:29 So, this is what's happening with Darius.
26:31 He's escaping also.
26:32 He's escaping from this... this Babylonian captivity.
26:35 Ivor: Yeah, Daniel chapter 6...
26:37 Daniel is thrown into the Lion's Den,
26:40 so, there's a death decree that is given
26:43 pertaining to the Law of God.
26:44 James: Hmmm...
26:45 Ivor: "We're not going to find anything with this guy
26:47 unless we find it against the Law of God... "
26:49 and what happens?
26:51 In this death decree, Daniel is delivered.
26:53 Right, Daniel is delivered.
26:55 James: From the lion. Ivor: From the lion...
26:56 and those that initiated the decree are themselves punished.
27:00 So, at the end of time, God's going to have a people
27:03 who avoid the wine of Babylon...
27:05 they're going to be 10 times wiser...
27:06 they're going to preach the message that Babylon is fallen..
27:08 as a result, Babylon sets up an image
27:10 and commands all to bow down.
27:12 When they do this, their sins will have reached heaven
27:14 and if that happens, Cyrus... or Jesus
27:17 prepares the way by drying up the River Euphrates
27:19 and those that were under the death decree
27:22 die as a result of being faithful to the Law of God
27:24 will be delivered
27:26 while those who initiated the decree
27:28 will themselves be punished, Daniel 1 through 6.
27:31 James: Ooooh! Boom... boom.
27:32 That's beautiful... that's powerful.
27:34 God... God has wrapped it up for us right there
27:36 and we've also wrapped up our time.
27:39 Ivor: Absolutely. Yvonne: Wow!
27:40 James: We are out of time for this second session.
27:42 Yvonne: That's incredible.
27:43 James: So... it's... it's a good start... it's a good start
27:47 and we'll try to get through the rest of this
27:49 in our next session...
27:51 maybe... next two sessions... we'll see...
27:53 All: Laughter.
27:54 James: All right, praise God... praise God...
27:57 beautiful... love it.


Revised 2020-03-09