Salvation in Symbols and Signs

Overview of Daniel Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SISS

Program Code: SISS000075S

00:01 Music...
00:30 James: So we've made it half way through the book of Daniel.
00:32 We got the introduction and we've got our overview
00:35 and that's where we pick up in Daniel chapter 7
00:38 with the rest of the book hopefully...
00:40 just going through the rest of this book...
00:41 giving a quick overview of what we're going to expect
00:44 as we move into these prophetic chapters,
00:46 I mean, we started on one prophetic chapter
00:48 when we kind of went over Daniel 2
00:50 but Daniel 7... Daniel 8... even Daniel 9...
00:54 yeah... and then 11 and 12...
00:57 all prophetic and it just gets deeper
01:00 and deeper and deeper,
01:01 I mean, 7... yeah... you can navigate through that,
01:04 8... ooooh... ooooh...
01:06 9... that's good...
01:08 10... introduction to 11...
01:10 oooh Man!
01:12 can always... can work this out... can...
01:13 by the time you get done with that you're just...
01:16 all just backwards... you don't know where you are
01:19 but we want to allow what we've learned so far
01:21 in the first six chapters
01:23 and what we'll be learning as we pick up in 7, 8, 9, 10
01:27 to help us with 11 and I think they will.
01:30 Ivor: Yeah. James: I think they will
01:31 because as we look at some of these themes,
01:32 it's not going to change... it's not going to be like,
01:34 "Oh, all of that was one story
01:36 and now, chapter 11 is a completely different story... "
01:38 no, it's just the rest of the story...
01:40 it's just in more detail just the rest of the story.
01:42 Ivor: Yeah, I would even say that Daniel...
01:43 Daniel 1 through 9,
01:46 is really given to us to help us understand Daniel 11.
01:50 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
01:51 Ivor: Understanding 1 through 9 sets the foundation
01:55 for really understanding what 11 is speaking about
01:59 because 11... we're going to see is really a re-cap
02:03 of what happens from 1 through 9.
02:05 James: And 11... when you say, "11"
02:07 11 is 10, 11 and 12.
02:08 It's one vision, really.
02:10 Ivor: That's right, yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:11 James: It goes in at 10... gets revealed in 11...
02:14 and then, it comes out in 12, so, it's all one thing.
02:17 Ivor: 10, 11 and 12 is a... is a unit it itself
02:19 so, you'll hear us often just kind of skip chapter 10...
02:23 well, chapter 10 is really just the introduction of chapter 11
02:26 but it's all one... one component, so...
02:29 James: Yvonne, you want to pray for us?
02:31 Yvonne: Sure, sure.
02:33 "Father God, what a privilege it is
02:35 for us to get into Your Word and to learn these truths
02:40 and to... and to see
02:42 just how You've just put everything together
02:44 so, we just pray Lord that Your Spirit will be in our midst
02:47 and that You will guide and teach and direct.
02:50 We thank You so much again, Lord,
02:52 in Jesus' name, amen. "
02:53 All: Amen.
02:54 James: So, Ivor, lead us in to Daniel 7 now
02:56 as we move into the second part of this book.
02:58 Ivor: So, Daniel chapter 7, is really an amplification of
03:07 what we see in Daniel chapter 2
03:09 and again, we're not going to take a whole lot of time...
03:12 we're not even go into the...
03:14 the details of what happens in Daniel 7
03:17 simply to say that Daniel 7 is about Daniel having a dream
03:23 and in this dream, he sees four different beasts,
03:26 a lion... a bear... a leopard
03:29 and then a fourth non-descript beast
03:31 and we will... we will see that what Daniel sees in Daniel 7,
03:35 parallels what Nebuchadnezzar dreamt in Daniel chapter 2.
03:39 Yvonne: Hmmm...
03:41 Ivor: Okay... but Daniel 7 ultimately brings
03:43 to... to focus... this little horn power.
03:46 James: Hmmm...
03:47 Ivor: This little horn power thinks to change times and laws
03:51 and ultimately, Daniel 7 tells us
03:54 that this little horn power will have his dominion taken away.
03:58 He's not going to succeed in what he's trying to do.
04:01 So, Daniel 7 is basically letting us know
04:05 that though this power of... of this anti-God power
04:10 is seeking to do these things,
04:11 do not fear because the judgment will sit
04:15 and his power will be taken away.
04:17 All: Hmmm...
04:19 Ivor: All right, so, if we are to re-cap then
04:21 everything that we have been looking at in terms of
04:24 what is happening from Daniel 1 through now... 7,
04:27 what we have... and I'm just going to keep doing this
04:30 until you'll be able to do this yourself
04:32 by the end of the program.
04:33 Yvonne: This is great, I love it... I love it.
04:34 Ivor: At the end of time, there will be a people
04:36 who avoid the wine of Babylon...
04:38 as a result, they'll be ten times wiser...
04:40 they're going to preach a message
04:42 that no one else was able to understand...
04:45 that message will include Babylon falling...
04:48 as a result of this message being preached,
04:50 Babylon will seek to set up an image...
04:53 in turn, commanding everyone to bow down
04:56 and worship this image.
04:58 When they do this, their sins will have reached to...
05:01 James: The heaven. Yvonne: Heaven.
05:03 Ivor: To heaven and when that happens,
05:06 Jesus... the "Divine Cyrus" if you will
05:09 will prepare the... the... the River Euphrates will dry up...
05:13 that will prepare the way for the kings of the east...
05:15 Babylon will fall.
05:16 Daniel chapter 6...
05:18 those who have the death decree upon them
05:21 because of the law of their God will be delivered
05:23 just as Daniel was delivered from the Lions' Den,
05:26 and then, when you add Daniel chapter 7,
05:29 it's God reassuring us, "Listen, the judgment will sit
05:32 and this power will have his dominion taken away.
05:38 It will be given to the saints. "
05:40 That's what Daniel 7 is telling us.
05:42 So, so far from Daniel 1, all the way through 7,
05:45 we have God basically reassuring His people,
05:47 "Listen, all these things are going to happen,
05:50 but fear not, the judgment will sit
05:52 and this little horn power
05:54 will have his authority taken away.
05:57 The kingdom will be given to the saints... "
06:00 and I'm kind of...
06:01 again just kind of summarizing
06:03 what Daniel chapter 7 is speaking about.
06:05 So, that's Daniel chapter 7.
06:06 James: And just picking up with another theme here
06:08 as we move through this,
06:10 just to supplement what you're saying,
06:11 so, another theme in Daniel is the Covenant Theme.
06:13 Covenant is basically identified in Hebrews 8... in Hebrews 10
06:20 and Covenant Theme is about what God does...
06:23 what God does... what God does,
06:24 what God does...
06:26 a lot of times when we think about Christianity
06:30 or religion, we think about...
06:31 "What God doesn't... we do...
06:32 What God doesn't... we do. "
06:34 But Covenant theme is about what God accomplishes
06:36 and we trust Him to accomplish
06:38 and we agree with Him to accomplish
06:40 what He's promised to accomplish
06:41 and so, all through the book of Daniel,
06:43 this is going to... this is highlighted
06:45 and it summarizes a Messiah Who comes
06:48 and ultimately completes and fulfills
06:50 all the prophecies of the Old Testament given to the Jews
06:53 are all fulfilled in Jesus... the Covenant Keeper...
06:55 the only Covenant Keeper...
06:57 and part of this covenant that you read about
06:59 in the book of Hebrews,
07:01 is God putting His Laws in our hearts and in our minds.
07:03 Yvonne: Hmmm...
07:04 James: Part of this covenant is God forgiving our sins
07:06 and our iniquities
07:08 and then, another part of this covenant
07:09 is that He'll be our God and we'll be His people
07:12 and so, you have three things there,
07:14 you have God's law written in our hearts and minds,
07:17 you have God's forgiving our sins and our iniquities...
07:19 and you have relationship with God
07:20 and all of that is done through His power
07:23 and so, in Daniel chapter 7,
07:26 you come into this prophetic picture
07:28 of how... and this is a comment on Daniel 11,
07:32 how this little horn power
07:34 is trying to undermine the covenant of God
07:36 and one of the ways he tries to undermine the covenant of God
07:39 by changing God's times and laws,
07:41 Revelation... I mean... Daniel chapter 7 and verse 25.
07:43 Yvonne: And for those who don't know what "Covenant" is,
07:46 what is that?
07:47 James: So, covenant is...
07:49 the best that I would describe it is, covenant is agreement.
07:51 Yvonne: Okay.
07:52 James: It's... when you make a covenant with someone,
07:54 you make an agreement with someone.
07:56 Yvonne: Is it kind of a contract?
07:57 James: It's kind of a contract, you can say... it's a contract
08:00 and the way that we look at covenant is, we think,
08:03 "Okay, covenant means, when I'm in a covenant with God,
08:06 that means that... that God agrees to do something for us
08:10 and we agree to do something for Him.
08:11 We're going to agree to, you know, be His people,
08:13 we're going to agree to do this,
08:14 we're going to keep His Commandments,
08:16 and He's going to agree to forgive us and love us and... "
08:17 and that's the way the old covenant was kind of set up,
08:19 you know, "All that the Lord has said, we will do. "
08:21 But that's not the new covenant,
08:23 that's not the everlasting covenant.
08:25 Yvonne: Hmmm...
08:26 James: The everlasting covenant is about
08:28 what God says He's going to do
08:30 and our part of that covenant is to agree to let Him do it.
08:34 All: Ahhh... Hmmm... hmmm...
08:35 James: That's the basically it...
08:37 that's the summary... that's basically it.
08:38 Yvonne: Is that righteousness by faith?
08:39 James: That's righteousness by faith... that's basically...
08:41 so, for example, the earliest picture of this covenant
08:44 would be Abraham.
08:46 So, God said, "Hey, Abraham, I just want to let you know
08:48 that you and Sarah are going to have a child. "
08:50 He's like, "Are you sure about that?"
08:53 Sarah's like, "Huh... huh... that's not happening... "
08:57 "I heard you laugh... I'm going to do this. "
09:00 And so, Old Covenant says,
09:01 "Okay, Abraham, this isn't working,
09:04 you know, it's been ten years, usually takes nine months,
09:06 you need to get together with Hagar...
09:08 you need to do your part of the Old Covenant,
09:10 you need to do your part to...
09:11 to make this covenant happen, you need to do your part... "
09:12 and so, he does
09:14 and Hagar has a child
09:15 and he's like, "Yeah... this covenant thing is fulfilled. "
09:19 God says, "Nah ah... "
09:20 and so, God waits until Abraham is 99...
09:22 when Abraham is 99, he can't have children anymore.
09:24 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
09:25 James: When he can't have children anymore, Romans 4 says
09:27 and she can't have children anymore,
09:29 then God can fulfill His covenant
09:31 and His covenant is what He promised He is going to do
09:34 and our part is to agree.
09:35 Yvonne: Hmmm...
09:37 James: We agree...
09:38 we trust Him to do what He says He's going to do.
09:39 So, in the book of Daniel, it's all about that
09:44 and so, Daniel trusts God to do what He said He's going to do.
09:48 All through the book of Daniel,
09:49 you have this relational experience where God...
09:51 Daniel is trusting God to do what He says He's going to do,
09:53 and so, in Daniel chapter 7...
09:54 I'm going to lead into Daniel 8 now,
09:56 then you can pick it up.
09:57 In Daniel 7, you have this power seeking to undermine
10:00 a part of the covenant
10:01 which is putting God's law in our hearts and minds.
10:02 He's going to change the law
10:04 so that, we're confused about what that looks
10:06 and so, the whole Christian world today is confused
10:09 about what it looks like
10:10 to have God's law written in our hearts and minds.
10:12 God's Ten Commandment Law has been changed...
10:15 it's been altered according to Daniel 7:25.
10:18 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
10:19 James: And when I realized this is a...
10:21 I was raised a Christian... I was raised believing in God.
10:24 As I realize God's Law had been changed,
10:25 I realized, "Wow!
10:27 so, part of God's law has to be able to worship...
10:29 Revelation 13,
10:30 and there's this contention...
10:32 there's this conflict about worship
10:33 and there are a lot of people that think worship to God
10:36 takes place in a certain way... on a certain day
10:39 and that's because this little horn power in Daniel 7:25
10:42 has changed the day of worship.
10:44 So, what the Bible actually teaches
10:46 is the day we worship God is the Sabbath... Saturday...
10:50 the 7th day... that's what the Bible teaches
10:53 and it's part of covenant.
10:54 It's not something that we do to get saved,
10:56 it's something God does in us, He puts that in us.
10:58 Yvonne: Hmmm...
10:59 James: In Daniel 8, same thing, covenant theme is there again,
11:02 but this time, it's about forgiveness of sins.
11:05 It's about our Mediator... it's about our High Priest
11:07 and it's about casting down His Sanctuary...
11:10 taking it down to this earth...
11:11 casting the truth to the ground,
11:12 so in Daniel chapter 8, you have this little horn attacking
11:15 the part of the covenant
11:16 that has to do with forgiveness of sins.
11:18 So, I was raised believing that I get forgiveness from sins
11:21 by going to a man... a priest... a literal priest
11:24 and that man in this little booth... I confess my sins
11:28 and he absolves those sins
11:29 and then, I go and say so many prayers
11:31 for absolute... complete absolution
11:33 and now I'm worthy again
11:34 to be accepted of God and that's Daniel chapter 8.
11:37 The sanctuary and the mediation of Christ
11:40 is being attacked in Daniel 8...
11:41 the Law is being attacked in Daniel 7...
11:44 those are two major components of the covenant of God
11:47 where He says, "I'm going to forgive your sins and iniquity
11:50 through Jesus, your only Mediator
11:51 through the heavenly sanctuary and I'm going to put my Law
11:54 including the 4th Commandment... including the 2nd Commandment...
11:57 "Don't worship idols" into your hearts and minds.
11:59 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm.
12:00 Ivor: Just picking up on that theme of rest, you know,
12:03 or of not working... not your works...
12:06 that's what the Sabbath is all about.
12:08 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
12:10 The Sabbath is all about rest... it's not about works...
12:14 and the devil just flips that.
12:15 James: Yes... with us...
12:17 Ivor: With us, right, and so, even people say,
12:20 "Oh you keep the Sabbath, you're into works. "
12:23 No, the Sabbath is a sign...
12:25 is the exact opposite of works,
12:27 and in fact, when God gave the Sabbath to man,
12:31 He said, "It will be a sign between you and I
12:35 that you may know that I am the Lord that sanctifies you
12:37 and the emphasis is "I." James: Hmmm... Hmmm...
12:40 Ivor: "So you may know that I sanctify you...
12:43 James: New Covenant.
12:44 Ivor: You don't sanctify yourself, I sanctify... "
12:47 because what did Lucifer want to do in heaven?
12:49 He tried to sanctify himself.
12:50 James: Yup.
12:52 Ivor: "Hey, I can... I can be holy on my own"
12:55 and so the Sabbath is a sign to remind us...
12:58 in other words, the Sabbath is...
13:00 "Don't make the same mistake Lucifer made in heaven
13:02 to think that you can sanctify yourself. "
13:04 The Sabbath is the sign of rest...
13:07 it's not a sign of works.
13:09 And so, this is what the little horn attacks
13:11 in Daniel chapter... in Daniel chapter 7
13:13 which we'll get into in more detail...
13:15 we're kind of throwing that out there...
13:16 you know, if you've gone through the Revelation course before...
13:19 the study before... we've talked about it
13:21 but for the Daniel, we will go into more detail
13:23 but going into Daniel chapter 8,
13:25 what you have happening in Daniel chapter 8
13:27 is what the Bible calls,
13:31 "the cleansing of the sanctuary... "
13:33 "Unto 2,300 days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. "
13:36 And again, we're not going to go into detail
13:39 about what that means, but let me share it this way.
13:43 Let me just share this particular aspect of it.
13:46 Ultimately the cleansing of the sanctuary
13:49 is a very personal experience
13:52 right, because the Bible says,
13:54 "Know ye not that ye are the temple of the Holy Ghost. "
13:58 Yvonne: Right.
13:59 Ivor: And so, what's happening in Daniel chapter 8...
14:01 even though we understand it to mean
14:04 something that is occurring on a grand scale,
14:06 it has to do with God and the heavenly temple.
14:09 Really the temple that God is trying to cleanse
14:12 is... Ivor points to each person and himself
14:14 right, because in the Old Testament process...
14:17 God's purpose for the sanctuary...
14:20 God's demonstration... God's lesson was...
14:24 this is how you remove sin from the temple.
14:26 Remember, the temple will be defiled...
14:28 the sanctuary defiled... defiled...
14:30 and then on the Day of Atonement,
14:32 the sin was removed from the temple,
14:35 right, God ultimately wants to remove sin from the temple.
14:39 God ultimately wants to remove sin...
14:41 James: From the Temple. Ivor: From the Temple.
14:43 Yvonne: Hmmm...
14:44 Ivor: He ultimately wants to remove sin from the temple,
14:48 so, the cleansing of the sanctuary
14:50 us really a... a... a... a... an object lesson, if you will,
14:56 on how God is ultimately going to remove sin from the temple.
15:01 So, put it all together, at the end of time...
15:05 there's going to be a people who avoid the wine of Babylon.
15:08 Yvonne: Right.
15:09 Ivor: They're going to be ten times wiser
15:10 they're going to preach a message that Babylon is fallen.
15:13 Babylon is going to set up an image as a result and say,
15:16 "No, we're not falling... bow down and worship. "
15:18 When they do this, their sins will have reached unto heaven,
15:21 when their sins reach unto heaven... Babylon falls...
15:23 the Euphrates is dried up
15:25 to prepare the way for the kings of the east.
15:27 Those who are under the death decree... God will deliver them.
15:32 Daniel chapter 6... the judgment will set
15:34 and the little horn will have his power taken away...
15:36 Daniel chapter 7.
15:38 Daniel chapter 8... the sanctuary...
15:40 Ivor points to all and himself...
15:41 James: Will be cleansed. Ivor: Will be cleansed.
15:43 Yvonne: Hmmm...
15:44 Ivor: God is going to have a glorified people when He returns
15:47 so, so far, without touching
15:50 the meaning of the 2,300-day prophecy,
15:52 without touching Daniel 9... Daniel 11, Daniel 7, Daniel 2,
15:56 we are seeing just from the outline of the book of Daniel,
16:00 God is giving us the very message that is already...
16:03 that we have already believed in Daniel 7 and 8 and 9
16:07 and Revelation 13 and 12 and all...
16:10 He's given it to us in story format... in chronological order
16:14 in the book of Daniel.
16:15 James: Yeah, the easy-reader format is right there,
16:18 you just read through these chapters...
16:20 you read through these chapters and it's all right there.
16:23 Yvonne: Wow!
16:24 James: Yvonne, can you read for us Hebrews chapter 8
16:26 verses 10 through 12?
16:28 And as you go there to Hebrews 10 through 12,
16:30 it's just going to be a summary
16:32 of what we've talked about here a little bit...
16:33 as you go there, just want to focus on this whole idea
16:38 of covenant and covenant relationship
16:40 and the idea that this is something that God is doing,
16:43 it's something that we're not in charge of.
16:46 Yvonne: "For this is the covenant
16:48 that I will make with the house of Israel
16:50 after those days, says the Lord... "
16:52 James: I want you to emphasize every time you get to an "I"
16:55 I want you to emphasize that.
16:56 Yvonne: Okay, "For this is the covenant
16:58 that I will make with the house of Israel
17:00 after those days, says the Lord:
17:01 I will put My laws in their mind
17:04 and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God,
17:07 and they shall be My people.
17:09 None of them shall teach his neighbor,
17:12 and none his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,'
17:14 for all shall know Me,
17:16 from the least of them to the greatest of them.
17:19 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness,
17:21 and their sins and their lawless deeds
17:24 I will remember no more. "
17:26 James: I... I... I... I... I... I... I...
17:28 you see that?
17:29 Yvonne: Right.
17:31 James: The book of Hebrews which we need to do next...
17:34 Yvonne: Yes.
17:35 All: Laughter...
17:36 James: The book of Hebrews is all about the sanctuary
17:39 and the cleansing of the sanctuary
17:40 and the new covenant... it's all about the new covenant.
17:43 So, Hebrews 8... Hebrews 10 talk about the New Covenant
17:45 and there are two factors here that we've touched on...
17:48 three... one is... New Covenant means
17:50 God putting His Law...
17:52 God putting His Law in our hearts and minds.
17:53 The little horn doesn't like that... doesn't want that...
17:56 the little horn wants to change the Law...
17:57 so it's... it's confusing.
17:59 Then, the other part of the New Covenant... in verse 12...
18:01 "I'm going to be merciful to their unrighteousness,
18:04 and their sins and iniquities I will remember no more. "
18:06 That's the cleansing of the sanctuary...
18:07 that's forgiveness of sin that takes place in heaven
18:10 so, another part of the new covenant... that's Daniel 8,
18:12 and then, I... I... I... I... I, I... I... is trusting God...
18:16 trusting God... trusting God... trusting God... trusting God.
18:19 He is going to be in the fire with us...
18:20 He's going to deliver us from the Lion's Den...
18:22 He's going to be with us when we go into Babylonian captivity...
18:24 He is the One that's going to be able to work His will
18:27 through all of this...
18:29 we trust... we've trusted in ourselves long enough...
18:30 Yvonne: Hmmm...
18:31 James: We've trusted in ourselves long enough...
18:33 it's time to let God work...
18:35 it's time to let God work
18:37 and so, this New-Covenant theme...
18:38 when you get to Daniel chapter 11,
18:40 we're just going to... we're just going to jump in there...
18:42 here just real quick
18:44 because we're doing an overview and I just want to do it...
18:46 when we get to Daniel chapter 11,
18:47 I want you to look at this...
18:49 I want you to look at just some key verses...
18:53 Jason, can you read for us verse 22 of Daniel 11?
18:57 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
18:58 James: And then, Yvonne, can you read for us verse 30
19:01 of Daniel 11?
19:03 Yvonne: Sure.
19:04 Jason: "With the force of a flood
19:05 they shall be swept away from before him and be broken,
19:08 and also the prince of the covenant. "
19:10 Yvonne: "For ships from Cyprus shall come against him;
19:15 therefore he shall be grieved,
19:16 and return in rage against the holy covenant,
19:19 and do damage.
19:21 So he shall return and show regard
19:23 for those who forsake the holy covenant. "
19:25 James: Okay, and then in verse 32.
19:27 Yvonne: "Those who do wickedly against the covenant
19:31 he shall corrupt with flattery;
19:32 but the people who know their God shall be strong,
19:35 and carry out great exploits. "
19:38 James: The Prince of the Covenant... the holy covenant...
19:40 indignation against the holy covenant...
19:41 forsaking the holy covenant...
19:42 Daniel 11 is summarizing... as Ivor said earlier...
19:45 it's summarizing Daniel 1 through 9
19:47 and the summary is Covenant... Covenant relationship.
19:51 Yvonne: Hmmm...
19:52 James: And the whole idea of covenant relationship
19:54 is to have this relationship with God
19:55 where we completely trust in Him
19:57 that He is going to deliver on His promises.
20:00 The Jews lost that and, I think as Christians,
20:03 we're in danger of following that history and losing that
20:05 and so, God is bringing us to a place in the book of Daniel
20:08 where we put our complete trust in Him...
20:09 Nebuchadnezzar got that...
20:11 He got that full trust in God
20:12 and God has people everywhere
20:14 that... that this is what He wants to hand to them...
20:16 this New-Covenant experience. Yvonne: Hmmm...
20:17 James: And the book of Daniel prepares us for that...
20:19 prepares us to understand that.
20:21 Ivor: Yeah, I think it's good, James, that we think of Daniel
20:25 who had this information beforehand.
20:29 James: Hmmm...
20:30 Ivor: He understood what was coming.
20:32 James: Yes. Yvonne: Hmmm...
20:33 Ivor: Right, so, you know,
20:34 when they end up in this situation...
20:36 the reason they have this relationship with God is because
20:39 they knew what was coming because God told them.
20:41 So, why is God laying out the book of Daniel like this for us?
20:44 He's trying to tell us,
20:46 "Listen, I reveal this to you because I love you. "
20:49 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
20:50 Ivor: And so I want you...
20:52 when you're going through this remember...
20:53 before it came to pass, I told you
20:55 and that is what strengthens our relationship with Him
20:58 in the time of conflict
21:00 because we're like, "Man! God showed me this... "
21:02 and you get this special feeling of,
21:05 "Wow! like God actually took the time...
21:07 so He must know me. "
21:09 Yvonne: Yes.
21:10 Ivor: "I think He must care about me... "
21:11 you know, and that's what strengthens that covenant...
21:14 that relationship.
21:15 James: All right, here's one... one phrase to summarize that
21:17 and I'm going to give it back to you.
21:18 So, prophecy is not sensational, it's relational.
21:21 Ivor: Yes. Yvonne: Oh... nice...
21:23 James: Prophecy is not sensational... it's relational.
21:25 In other words, the reason why God is revealing prophecy to you
21:28 Jason, right, is because He wants you to be ready...
21:30 He cares about you...
21:32 He wants a relationship with you...
21:33 He wanted a relationship with Daniel...
21:34 He wanted a relationship with Nebuchadnezzar...
21:36 He wants a relationship with Yvonne...
21:37 with Ivor... with me... with all of our Viewers...
21:39 God wants a relationship with us
21:41 to prepare us for what is coming.
21:42 Ivor: Yeah, so, Daniel 9, okay.
21:46 Daniel 9 is what we know as the 70-Week Prophecy
21:49 and I should jump back a little bit
21:51 because in Daniel chapter 7, we have a prophecy called,
21:54 1,260-Year Prophecy.
21:55 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
21:57 Ivor: In Daniel chapter 8, we have the 2,300-Year Prophecy,
22:00 and then, in Daniel chapter 9,
22:02 we're introduced to the 70-Week Prophecy.
22:03 We're not going to get into that right now
22:06 but just kind of put that on a shelf for a moment
22:10 and so, when I say in Daniel 9
22:12 we have the 70-Week Prophecy,
22:13 that prophecy...
22:15 again we're not going to go into too much detail...
22:16 was basically about a probationary time
22:19 that was given to a certain group of people
22:21 that when that time came,
22:24 if they did not do certain things
22:27 or they did not respond in certain ways,
22:29 then, their probation would be cut off.
22:32 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
22:33 Ivor: So, Daniel 9 is really about the close of probation.
22:35 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
22:37 Ivor: On a... it's a small scale James: Yeah... yeah.
22:39 Ivor: But it's about the close of probation,
22:40 okay, and... and... and it ends with that being...
22:44 I think it's verse 27 or so where it says,
22:47 "... that determined shall be poured out upon the desolate. "
22:51 So, what happens to those
22:52 who experience the close of probation?
22:54 Something is going to be poured out upon them.
22:56 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
22:57 Ivor: Now, this happened in a literal historical context...
23:00 Matthew 24... the destruction of Jerusalem.
23:04 James: Which is a "Type. " Ivor: Which is a "Type. "
23:06 but when we step back and look at the big picture
23:08 that Daniel 9 is speaking about the close of probation
23:11 and stuff being poured out on people
23:13 upon whom probation closes,
23:15 all of a sudden, you begin to see,
23:17 "Oh, at the time of the end
23:19 there's going to be a group of people
23:20 who will avoid the wine of Babylon...
23:22 who'll be ten times wiser...
23:23 who will preach a message that Babylon is fallen...
23:25 Babylon will set up an image as a result
23:28 commanding all to bow down...
23:29 when they do this, their sins will have reached unto heaven
23:32 and when their sins reach unto heaven,
23:33 Babylon will fall...
23:35 the River Euphrates will dry up
23:37 preparing the way for kings of the east.
23:39 Those under the death decree...
23:41 because of their loyalty to the law of God will be delivered.
23:43 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
23:45 Ivor: The judgment will set
23:46 and the dominion of the wicked will be taken away.
23:48 The sanctuary will be cleansed
23:51 and the plagues will be poured out upon the desolate
23:56 upon whom probation has closed.
23:58 All: Hmmm... Hmmm...
23:59 James: Yup, that's where we are so far.
24:01 Ivor: Daniel 1 through 9.
24:02 Yvonne: Wow! it's beautiful.
24:04 Ivor: Without touching this.
24:05 James: Now Daniel 10 is what I'm having for lunch... salad...
24:08 it's the nutrients.
24:10 All: Laughter...
24:12 James: We skip over Daniel chapter 10
24:13 but Daniel chapter 10 is this beautiful summary, if you will,
24:17 of Daniel's covenant relationship with the Father
24:20 and Jesus Christ.
24:22 In Daniel chapter 10, we have an introduction to Daniel 11
24:25 and the introduction
24:26 is very similar to the book of Revelation
24:28 because Daniel sees Jesus very similarly
24:31 to the way he sees Him in the book of Revelation
24:34 and as he sees Jesus, he falls down at his feet
24:37 as though he were dead
24:38 and what it reminds us of is the fact
24:40 that that doesn't matter how good... how blameless...
24:44 how righteous we are as Christians...
24:46 as believers... as followers...
24:48 whatever you want to call us believing in God
24:52 that there's no way we can do this,
24:54 Abraham couldn't do it...
24:56 Daniel couldn't do it...
24:58 we need a Savior... we need a Redeemer...
25:00 we need Jesus... that's again... covenant theme.
25:02 "I'm going to do this... "
25:04 "I'm going to do this," "I'm going to do this. "
25:05 So, it's a beautiful picture
25:07 that we see here in Daniel chapter 10.
25:08 Ivor: And I'll just...
25:09 because Daniel 10, 11 and 12 are a unit,
25:11 I'm looking at it as a unit here
25:14 and Daniel chapter 11...
25:15 Daniel 10 introduces us to Daniel 11.
25:18 Daniel 11 is basically about this war between these powers
25:21 called the king of the north and the king of the south.
25:24 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
25:26 Ivor: Ultimately, Daniel 11 ends
25:28 with this "king of the north" power
25:29 being the ultimate anti-God power, right,
25:34 and Daniel 11:45 tells us that this king of the north
25:38 will come to his end and none shall help him.
25:41 I'm going to throw Daniel 12 in here.
25:43 The reason he comes to his end in Daniel 11:45
25:46 is because "Michael stands up" in Daniel 12:1
25:49 and the dead are raised, all right...
25:51 so, we got two minutes... let me put this together:
25:54 At the end of time,
25:56 there's going to be an end-time people
25:57 who reject the wine of Babylon,
26:00 as a result they'll be ten times wiser.
26:02 They will have understanding and preach a message
26:05 that no one else understands.
26:06 That message will involve Babylon falling.
26:09 As a result of this world-wide message being preached,
26:12 Babylon will seek to counter it by setting up an image
26:15 commanding all to bow down and worship.
26:17 When they do this, their sins will have reached unto heaven
26:20 and when their sins reach unto heaven,
26:22 Babylon will fall...
26:24 "Cyrus" which is Jesus is going to prepare the way for the...
26:27 you know, prepare the way
26:29 by drying up the River Euphrates symbolically speaking...
26:33 those who were under the death decree
26:37 for observing the law of God will be delivered...
26:39 the judgment will set...
26:41 the little horn will have his power taken away...
26:43 the sanctuary will be cleansed...
26:45 "... that determined will be poured upon the desolate... "
26:49 that's where it leads...
26:50 probation closes...
26:51 Daniel 11...
26:53 the king of the north will come to his end
26:54 why? because Michael will stand up to deliver His people
26:58 and they that sleep in Christ will rise.
27:02 That's the whole book of Daniel...
27:04 that's Daniel 1...
27:05 without touching the prophecies, we already have the layout
27:10 so, all we know now that everything we look at
27:13 is going to be filling in the blanks in that scenario.
27:17 James: It's a beautiful picture
27:19 when you look at it from that angle...
27:21 I mean, from that perspective you've got this big picture...
27:23 you've got the theme of judgment coming through here...
27:25 you see it over and over again...
27:27 starts right with God Himself...
27:29 by the way, that's another point,
27:30 God is with us in judgment.
27:32 Ivor: Hmmm... Yvonne: Yes.
27:33 James: He doesn't bring judgment upon us separate from Himself...
27:35 His heart feels everything that we go through...
27:37 he feels the pain that we're experiencing
27:40 and we know that because of the cross
27:42 and we see that all through the Old Testament also,
27:44 so, it's a beautiful picture of the God that we serve.
27:46 It's not just prophecy...
27:47 it's the heart of God being revealed...
27:49 relationship with God is what He wants...
27:51 what He's calling each one of us too...
27:53 and each one of our Viewers too also,
27:55 so, praise God.
27:56 All: Amen.


Revised 2020-03-23