Salvation in Symbols and Signs

Daniel One Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SISS

Program Code: SISS000077A

00:01 Music...
00:29 James: We are doing great.
00:32 Daniel chapter 1 is just exploding with insight
00:36 and I love what we talked about this last session.
00:39 It's... finding our purpose in God
00:42 is to me what Christianity is all about.
00:46 Yvonne: Yes.
00:47 James: We talk about finding truth and finding understanding
00:50 but finding our identity in what God has purposed for us...
00:53 and it can be tricky sometimes
00:55 because when you get into religion,
00:57 there's a lot of people that want you to be like them...
00:59 and there's a lot of cookie-cutter-type stuff
01:01 going on
01:03 and there's a lot of conformity and a lot of pressure
01:05 but each one of us is unique.
01:07 Each one of us has a unique thumbprint,
01:09 we're all "thumbody... "
01:11 All: Laughter. Jason: That's just so funny.
01:13 James: And God... we contribute something
01:15 that no one else can contribute.
01:17 Yvonne: That's right.
01:18 James: And Daniel has contributed something in my life
01:20 because he found his purpose in God
01:22 and Jason, you've contributed something in my life
01:25 because you found your purpose in God
01:26 and so, we each do that right, we each do that
01:29 and that's what I love about this whole story...
01:32 it's very practical.
01:34 It's not just about prophecy and intellect
01:36 and doctrine and you know...
01:37 it's also about us personally
01:39 having this relationship with God.
01:41 So, as we enter this some more,
01:43 let's just start with a word of prayer,
01:44 and Jason, would you like to lead us out in prayer?
01:46 Jason: Sure. "Dear heavenly Father,
01:48 we thank you again for allowing us to study the book of Daniel,
01:52 and to really see all of the amazing things
01:57 that lie within these stories.
01:59 I had no idea this stuff was... was central in these stories
02:05 and so, I'm thankful that it's all coming to the light...
02:08 that I'm seeing it...
02:09 and that our Viewers are seeing it
02:11 and I just ask that You would be with us
02:13 as we continue in this study,
02:15 that You would help us to gain that fresh light,
02:18 in Jesus' name we pray, amen. "
02:19 All: Amen.
02:21 James: So, finding purpose and losing purpose
02:24 and we want to look at a little bit of that, Ivor,
02:26 I know you've got some thoughts you want to share with us
02:28 in relationship to the history and the purpose lost
02:32 by God's people
02:33 and how God worked with them through that.
02:35 Ivor: Yeah.
02:36 So, Daniel chapter 1 verse 1, why don't we read that again?
02:40 Yvonne, would you read...
02:43 Yvonne: Sure.
02:44 In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah,
02:47 Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem
02:50 and besieged it. "
02:52 Ivor: Okay, so this verse just in the last maybe few hours
03:00 has just come and jumped off the page
03:05 as we're preparing for this Series
03:09 and that's kind of how we work, like, we'll... we kinda...
03:12 we... we called each other just like a few days before...
03:16 we hadn't spoken it in a little while,
03:17 all right, James, we're going to talk about Daniel
03:20 and we passed some things back and forth...
03:21 we're like, "All right, we got it,
03:22 we're good to go. " James: Hmmm... hmmm...
03:24 Ivor: And this is one of those things where...
03:26 as I'm looking at Daniel 1:1, it really sets the foundation
03:33 for everything else that happens in the book of Daniel
03:37 culminating with Daniel 11 and 12
03:41 and it's kind of crazy when you hear that like,
03:44 "Did you hear what you just said?"
03:46 Daniel 1:1... read it again... Daniel 1:1,
03:48 what does it say, read it.
03:50 Yvonne: "In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim
03:52 king of Judah,
03:53 Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem
03:57 and besieged it. "
03:58 Ivor: Like, how in the world can that verse
04:01 set the foundation for us understanding...
04:03 ultimately understanding Daniel chapter 11
04:05 and the culmination of this whole thing?
04:07 Jason: That's what I'm wondering.
04:09 All: Laughter.
04:10 Ivor: It just sounds like, like... what?
04:11 but, what I want to show is
04:14 how did we get to Daniel 1 and verse 1?
04:16 Yvonne: Hmmm...
04:18 Ivor: That's key... that's crucial.
04:19 It's not in the book of Daniel,
04:21 it happens outside the book of Daniel
04:23 but it is still absolutely crucial so...
04:25 I'm going to throw out a couple of verses
04:28 and maybe if each one of you could take one,
04:30 so, I want someone to take Ezekiel 26 verse 7...
04:33 if someone can take Jeremiah 25 verse 9.
04:39 Jason: I got Ezekiel 26 verse 7.
04:41 Yvonne: I have Jeremiah.
04:43 Ivor: And then, James could you take
04:46 Jeremiah 46 verse 1 and verse 2.
04:49 James: All right... 46... 1 and 2...
04:51 Ivor: And you can also look at verse 13 as well.
04:55 James: Jeremiah 46:1 and 2... Jeremiah 46:1 and 2.
04:58 Ivor: and 13. James: Okay.
05:01 Ivor: So, why don't you go ahead and read...
05:03 James: I did that after you guys got that...
05:04 Jason: Ezekiel 26 verse 7, "For thus says the Lord God:
05:11 'Behold, I will bring against Tyre from the north
05:14 Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, king of kings,
05:17 with horses, with chariots, and with horsemen,
05:21 and an army with many people. "
05:23 Ivor: Okay, so, I just want you to just...
05:26 now, this stuff... I'm going to kind of let you know,
05:29 you're not going to really get...
05:32 what... I just want you to lock this in your mind, right,
05:35 this is preparing you for Calculus, you'll be like,
05:38 "Oh, I get Calculus now... "
05:39 if you understand this,
05:41 so key things I want you to notice here,
05:42 so, Nebuchadnezzar is called a king... from where?
05:46 James: From the north. Ivor: From the north.
05:47 Yvonne: Hmmm...
05:48 Ivor: And he's coming with what?
05:51 Horses, chariots, horsemen, right,
05:54 and he's also called "a king of kings. "
05:58 Okay, now that title for us right there
06:01 should like, be like, "Wait a minute... king of kings?
06:04 oh man, I only know of one King of kings
06:07 and that's Jesus. " Right?
06:08 So, I want you to notice here, we're going to just...
06:11 we're going to give a title to Babylon
06:14 and that title is, "king of the north"
06:16 and that's because he was... Babylon was north of Jerusalem.
06:20 Okay.
06:22 James: East of Jerusalem. Ivor: North east of Jerusalem.
06:26 James: So, so... in other words in order to get to Jerusalem,
06:30 you had to go north and come down from the north
06:32 but this way...
06:34 Ivor: Yeah, so, Babylon would be coming...
06:37 God says, coming from the north...
06:39 James: That's the way you come down.
06:41 Ivor: Yeah, so, when it says Babylon is coming...
06:45 king from the north...
06:46 he's coming downward into Jerusalem.
06:50 So, Babylon... king of the north...
06:53 we're just going to give him that title,
06:55 all right, just say K O N for short... king of the north,
06:58 so we don't have to keep saying king of the north...
07:01 okay, now, remember he's described as a king of kings,
07:05 he's coming with chariots, horsemen and... and an army.
07:08 Okay, all right now,
07:11 now, why don't we look at Jeremiah 25 verse 9.
07:14 Yvonne: Okay, do you want 8 and 9?
07:16 Ivor: You can do 8 and 9, that's fine.
07:18 Yvonne: Okay.
07:19 "Therefore thus says the Lord of hosts:
07:21 'Because you have not heard My words,
07:23 behold, I will send and take all the families of the north,'
07:27 says the Lord,
07:28 'and Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, My servant,
07:31 and will bring them against this land,
07:34 against its inhabitants,
07:35 and against these nations all around,
07:38 and will utterly destroy them, and make them an astonishment,
07:42 a hissing, and perpetual desolations. "
07:44 Ivor: Okay, so, this is just affirmation that
07:47 Babylon is king of the north coming from the north, okay.
07:54 Yvonne: You're saying Babylon is king or Nebuchadnezzar is king?
07:57 Ivor: Both... interchangeable.
07:59 You know, Nebuchadnezzar is the king of kings...
08:02 he's king from the north which is Babylon,
08:04 so, all of it is basically, you know, it's the same thing.
08:08 Okay, so, if I say,
08:10 "king of the north" who are you thinking?
08:11 James: Babylon.
08:13 Ivor: You're thinking Babylon, right...
08:14 you're thinking Nebuchadnezzar coming from the north...
08:15 okay, coming against Jerusalem,
08:17 so, this is what's happening in Daniel 1 verse 1,
08:22 right, however, before Babylon could take Jerusalem,
08:27 something else happened, all right,
08:29 there was another power
08:31 that actually went out to attack Babylon
08:34 because Babylon was in a war with another nation in Assyria.
08:37 Egypt was an ally of Assyria, so Egypt...
08:41 okay, so Egypt comes from the south of Jerusalem
08:45 and Egypt went up to... basically attack Babylon.
08:50 So, Babylon is king of the north because he's north...
08:54 then, Egypt would be... we can call Egypt king of the south
08:58 because he's south, right?
08:59 So, I want you to...
09:01 so what happens is that the king of the south
09:06 goes out to attack the king of the north.
09:09 This was called the Battle of Carchemish,
09:13 happened in 605 B.C.
09:15 the very same year as Jehoiakim's third year.
09:18 So, all this is happening right before the king of the north
09:22 can turn his attention on Jerusalem...
09:25 the Holy Land... the Holy Mountain...
09:27 you know, the holy place of God.
09:29 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
09:30 Ivor: What happens is the king of the south
09:32 attacks the king of the north.
09:35 The king of the north retaliates and defeats Egypt
09:40 and it is only after they defeat Egypt... in that very same year,
09:44 that they surround Jerusalem.
09:47 Daniel 1 verse 1... that's the entire backdrop.
09:52 Yvonne: Okay.
09:53 Ivor: So, if I were to ask you and we're taking a pop quiz,
09:55 so, Daniel 1... what happens?
09:58 The king of the south which is...
10:00 All: Egypt...
10:01 Ivor: Pushes against the king of the...
10:03 All: North.
10:04 Ivor: Which is... Yvonne: Babylon.
10:05 Ivor: Babylon, in turn, attacks the king of the...
10:08 All: South... James: Egypt.
10:10 Ivor: Defeats the king of the south
10:11 yes, then he enters and surrounds the people of God.
10:18 Okay, you just...
10:20 if you can just remember that one thing...
10:21 you have everything you need, you are prepared...
10:25 Yvonne: For 11...?
10:26 Ivor: For 11... Yvonne: Wow!
10:28 Ivor: Now, there's more to come,
10:29 but that's the foundation right there,
10:30 so as we work through this, I just want you to keep...
10:33 because we're going to build on this history
10:34 so, let me add this... add this here...
10:37 and then James, I'll throw it back to you.
10:38 James: You want me to read those verses in Jeremiah?
10:41 Ivor: Yes, please read the verses, yes.
10:43 James: Right now?
10:44 Ivor: Yes, you can go ahead and read them.
10:46 James: All right, Jeremiah 46:1 and 2.
10:48 "The word of the Lord which came to Jeremiah the prophet
10:50 against the Gentiles;
10:51 against Egypt,
10:53 against the army of Pharaohnecho king of Egypt,
10:56 which was by the river Euphrates in Carchemish,
10:59 which Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon smote
11:02 in the fourth year of Jehoiakim
11:04 the son of Josiah king of Judah... "
11:06 verse 13... "The word of the Lord
11:09 spake to Jeremiah the prophet,
11:11 how Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon
11:13 should come and smite the land of Egypt. "
11:15 Ivor: Okay, so, here we go, right?
11:17 Here you have, in a very literal context,
11:20 two literal nations, king of the south...
11:22 king of the north Egypt... Babylon...
11:24 Egypt goes out to fight against Babylon...
11:27 Egypt... we would say...
11:28 I'm just going to use this term,
11:29 "Egypt pushes against Babylon"
11:31 and Babylon, in turn, pushes back against Egypt
11:34 because the battle wasn't with Egypt...
11:36 right, but, Egypt comes up... fights against them,
11:39 Babylon pushes back and once Babylon defeats Egypt,
11:43 turns its focus to Jerusalem, surrounds Jerusalem,
11:47 and in Daniel 1... what do we have...
11:50 what is Daniel 1 about?
11:51 We talked about it in one of our earlier programs,
11:54 we talked about end-time scenarios.
11:55 What's Daniel 1?
11:57 The king of Babylon enforces the wine of Babylon,
12:01 okay, so, to re-cap,
12:03 king of the south
12:05 pushes against the king of the north...
12:06 the king of the north
12:07 pushes back against the king of the south
12:09 defeats the king of the south,
12:11 once the king of the south is defeated and out of the way,
12:15 now the king of the north can turn his attention
12:18 squarely to God's people
12:20 and when he turns his attention
12:22 squarely to God's people,
12:23 this is when he seeks to enforce the wine of Babylon.
12:27 All: Hmmm...
12:29 James: Yeah, that's the first thing that happens in Daniel 1.
12:31 Ivor: That's the very first thing that happens in Daniel 1.
12:34 Yvonne: So, why is it in... in Jeremiah 46 verse 2 it says,
12:38 "It's in the fourth year of Jehoiakim. "
12:40 Ivor: Okay, so, there is...
12:42 if you counted according to the Jewish reckoning,
12:46 it would be the third year of Jehoiakim.
12:48 Yvonne: Oh...
12:49 Ivor: Babylonian reckoning... fourth year of Jehoiakim.
12:52 Ivor: So, really it was the very same time.
12:54 Yvonne: Okay.
12:55 Ivor: If you say, 3rd year or 4th year...
12:57 some commentators say
13:01 that it was towards the end of his third year,
13:02 which would be the beginning of the fourth year,
13:04 but it was the same time.
13:06 So, it was basically in the very same year that they defeat Egypt
13:10 they immediately... once Egypt is removed
13:14 there is no more power to try to restrain Babylon's rise
13:20 to full authority. Yvonne: Hmmm...
13:22 Ivor: Once Egypt is moved out of the way...
13:23 and this is crucial to remember,
13:25 once Egypt has been moved out of the way,
13:27 it's Babylon all the way... they're in control.
13:31 Yvonne: No more obstacles. Ivor: No more obstacles,
13:34 now they can sweep through the countries.
13:37 Yvonne: Hmmm...
13:39 Ivor: All right, so I'm kind of throwing language out here...
13:41 James: They were overflowing...
13:42 they controlled all the silver and gold...
13:44 Ivor: All the silver and gold
13:46 and we are just going off on a... not a tangent right now.
13:49 James: Tidings trouble him. Ivor: Tidings trouble him.
13:53 Yvonne: Laughter.
13:54 James: The Libyans and the Ethiopians follow in his steps,
13:57 but tidings trouble him.
13:58 Ivor: Yeah, yeah...
14:00 James: We're reading Daniel 11.
14:01 Ivor: So, this sets ups up, this sets us up.
14:04 So, then, we go into the whole story of... you know...
14:07 the king trying to get everyone,
14:10 "Listen, you're going to eat this unclean meat...
14:13 you're going to drink this wine...
14:15 and, of course, we have Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach
14:18 and Abednego refusing
14:20 because of their connection and their relationship with Christ.
14:22 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
14:24 Ivor: By the way, if I can add something else in here
14:26 before I throw it back to you, okay.
14:27 James: Hmmm...
14:29 Ivor: This is powerful because the way that you overcome...
14:34 the way that Daniel and Shadrach and Meshach
14:36 overcame in this particular chapter
14:38 really points us to Christ
14:41 because we look at the history of Daniel,
14:44 remember that we said that he was a person...
14:47 a man without blame...
14:48 but he goes into a land of captivity
14:51 with his brothers... with his... with his own...
14:54 even though he had no blame.
14:57 We were just talking earlier that he would have had to cross
15:00 the Euphrates to get into Babylon
15:03 almost as if he was being baptized into a new experience.
15:07 Yvonne: Hmmm...
15:08 Ivor: And then we get to Daniel chapter 1
15:11 and his first temptation is appetite.
15:15 Yvonne: Wow! look at that, yes, that's true.
15:19 Hmmm... hmmm...
15:20 Ivor: Think about Jesus who came into this world
15:24 even though He was innocent to share in His brothers'...
15:27 in His... in His own trials...
15:32 He crosses the Jordan to prepare Him...
15:34 but not to prepare Him...
15:36 He crosses the Jordan ready to go into conflict...
15:39 and His first temptation is appetite.
15:42 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
15:43 Ivor: And so, right there from Daniel 1,
15:45 we see this co-relation between Daniel and between Jesus...
15:50 His first trial... Daniel's first trial...
15:53 and Daniel overcame because of his connection with Christ.
15:58 James: Amen.
15:59 Ivor: Right, which is going to point us right back to...
16:01 we must overcome...
16:02 the way we overcome
16:03 is through our connection with Christ.
16:05 Yvonne: Right. Ivor: Yeah.
16:06 James: Amen. Yvonne: That's good.
16:08 James: Also, I was wondering about the besieging, I think...
16:10 and I'm not sure on this, I have to check the history
16:12 but I think that when Nebuchadnezzar came
16:16 to besiege Jerusalem,
16:17 Jerusalem didn't fall right away...
16:19 he lays a siege to it,
16:20 then I think he gets distracted by the Egyptians...
16:23 Ivor: That's it.
16:24 James: And so, he goes off to fight with the Egyptians
16:26 with the siege still around Jerusalem
16:28 but no way of actually taking the city...
16:29 just keeping them in check,
16:31 and they start starving... they start getting hungry...
16:33 Jeremiah, you know, because Jeremiah in there
16:35 for a long time...
16:36 people can't get out... they can't do...
16:37 and then, when he defeats... defeats the Egyptians,
16:41 probably in the fourth year of Jehoiakim,
16:42 then he comes back,
16:43 he's already besieged the city in the third year of Jehoiakim,
16:46 but he defeats the Egyptians and then he comes back
16:48 and actually takes the city.
16:50 Yvonne: Hmmm...
16:51 James: I think that's how the process works.
16:53 Ivor: Yeah, yeah. James: Just before that,
16:54 the Egyptians had taken out Jehoiakim' s...
16:57 another guy... taken him out...
16:58 he's not working for us... he's not cooperating with us...
17:00 take him out and put Jehoiakim in
17:02 and then they go back,
17:03 so, the Egyptians were kind of in-charge.
17:04 Ivor: They were in alliance with...
17:06 James: Yeah, they were in alliance with Jerusalem.
17:07 Ivor: With Israel... Jerusalem, yeah... yeah.
17:08 James: And they're in-charge right there
17:10 until Nebuchadnezzar comes and besieges it
17:11 and then they're cut off...
17:13 and then he goes to get them... to take them out.
17:14 Ivor: Yeah.
17:15 James: Okay, here's the thought I wanted to share...
17:17 again, I'm just getting into covenant...
17:18 I just want to repeat this whole thing of covenant relationship,
17:21 so, in Hebrews we read this verse,
17:23 and the one that the... part of what we read there
17:26 that we didn't talk about a lot was in Hebrews 8
17:29 it says, "This is the covenant... "
17:33 in Hebrews 8 verse 10 says,
17:34 "For this is the covenant that I will make
17:35 with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord:
17:38 I will put My laws in their hearts
17:39 and write them in their... in their mind...
17:41 and write them on their hearts;
17:42 and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. "
17:43 And, here's the point, and verse 11...
17:45 "They shall not teach every man his neighbor,
17:48 and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,'
17:50 for all shall know Me,
17:51 from the least to the greatest. "
17:53 Now, we're doing a program here
17:55 where we're teaching people stuff,
17:56 but it's not necessary...
18:00 it's like what Ivor said earlier,
18:02 he said, "James and I hadn't talked for a while
18:04 and we just talked to connect about Daniel,
18:06 what's the Lord teaching you?
18:08 What's the Lord teaching me? And I'm saying,
18:09 "Well, this is what the Lord's teaching me...
18:11 this is what He's teaching me... "
18:12 so, we were touching on a couple of things
18:13 that were difficult for us,
18:15 the rest of it... God's taught him,
18:17 God's taught me... and we're just kind of...
18:19 it's just kind of overlapping... you know what I'm saying?
18:20 Yvonne: Yeah.
18:22 James: So, it's the same thing with us,
18:23 people are going to be watching these programs
18:25 and they're going to be going to their Bible
18:26 and God is going to instruct them...
18:28 the Holy Spirit is going to teach them,
18:30 we're just taking the Scriptures
18:31 and we're opening up all this history,
18:33 and maybe some things we find that we're not talking about,
18:35 there may be some things that click... clarify...
18:37 ultimately, the Word of God is the ultimate truth
18:40 and God wants a relationship with every single individual
18:44 that would open the Word of God and open their hearts
18:47 for His purpose
18:49 because Ezekiel had a different purpose
18:50 than Jeremiah had a different purpose
18:52 than Daniel had a different purpose than...
18:53 we all have a different purpose and a place
18:56 and we all fit these pieces of the puzzle
18:58 so, I just wanted to bring that out in... in Hebrews,
19:00 we're going to refer to this quite a bit
19:02 but in Hebrews 8, 10, 11 and 12...
19:04 identifies a new covenant...
19:06 part of that covenant, God's going to do it,
19:08 another part... His law in our hearts and minds,
19:11 another part... forgive our sins and transgressions,
19:13 another part... "I'm going to teach you,
19:15 you don't need to rely on people...
19:16 I'm going to teach you... "
19:17 and if... if we're teaching the Word,
19:19 then we're channels... part of that process
19:21 as long as we're teaching the Word.
19:23 Yvonne: Hmmm...
19:24 James: But ultimately, we're just pointing people
19:25 to the great teacher,
19:27 and that's Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit,
19:29 teaching us the things of God
19:31 and opening up before us
19:32 so, this is what Daniel went through...
19:34 this is the beautiful experience he had as a young teenager.
19:37 So, we got that background, right,
19:40 we're good to step in now to the prophecy...
19:43 it's besieged... finally taken down...
19:47 he takes the vessels...
19:48 takes them back to the house of his god...
19:50 and then he starts looking for people.
19:51 They start looking for young men
19:53 and they're looking for men that are... are outstanding...
19:57 men that look like they're... they're smart...
19:59 and he wants to take these... the... the... the... if you will
20:04 the... the... the... the chief among the Israelites...
20:09 the Jews in Jerusalem and he wants to re-train them.
20:13 So, if you read here, let's just continue on
20:17 in Daniel 1 verse 5,
20:19 "And the king appointed them a daily provision
20:21 of the king's meat, and the wine which he drank:
20:23 so nourishing them three years,
20:25 that at the end thereof they might stand before the king. "
20:26 Sorry... I skipped verse four that's a key verse.
20:29 So, he was supposed to look for children
20:32 in whom there was no blemish... well favored...
20:35 skillful in all wisdom...
20:36 and cunning in knowledge and understanding science...
20:40 and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace,
20:43 and whom they might teach
20:45 the learning of the tongue of the Chaldeans. "
20:48 We're being taught the learning of the tongue of the Chaldeans.
20:53 We're being taught right now.
20:54 We've had some conversations of... off Set...
20:57 and there's a lot of Chaldean stuff
20:59 that's coming out as we talk, you notice that?
21:01 There's a lot of Babylonian stuff that comes out,
21:03 we talk about this... we talk about that...
21:04 and this thing we've seen and that thing we've seen.
21:06 It's just all coming out of it, see...
21:07 so, the same thing that happened to Daniel... same thing...
21:10 and it's interesting because as you go through here,
21:13 eat the provisions... you are what you eat...
21:16 "Man does not live by bread alone,
21:19 but by every word the proceeds out of the mouth of God. "
21:21 So... so what have we been eating lately?
21:23 You know, we've been eating the Word of God
21:25 but what else have we been eating?
21:27 We eat Babylonian food...
21:28 or are we eating God's food?
21:30 Right, and then, I'm going to change their names,
21:33 they've got Hebrew names... now, name is character...
21:36 so, I'm going to change their characters...
21:38 I'm going to make them different people...
21:39 I'm going to give them different food...
21:41 I'm going to teach them different knowledge...
21:43 I want to completely transform them...
21:45 so, that's why Paul says in Romans chapter 12,
21:48 "Be not conformed to this world,
21:51 but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind
21:54 that you might prove what is the good and acceptable
21:56 and perfect will of God. "
21:57 You see... so, these verses are really key,
22:00 they're really practical, you know,
22:02 we're not just talking about food here,
22:03 right, we're talking about what we eat spiritually,
22:06 we're talking about the kind of character we're developing,
22:08 we're talking about the kind of language
22:10 that's coming out of us,
22:11 and people sometimes...
22:12 "Oh, yeah, I talk about this, I talk about that... "
22:15 It's just an evidence of what you're putting in.
22:17 So, don't feel condemned or guilty
22:19 because of what comes out of your mouth,
22:20 just recognize that...
22:22 "Okay, the reason why I'm talking about this stuff
22:24 is because that's what's going in.
22:25 If I want something else to come out,
22:27 I need to put something else in. "
22:28 Does that make sense?
22:29 Yvonne: I think the other thing here too
22:31 is that, these men were being stripped of their own culture
22:36 or there was an attempt to strip them of that.
22:38 When you change someone's name,
22:41 you are taking away their identity
22:44 and then, giving them what you want them to have
22:47 and so, that's what was happening here,
22:50 "So, let's fill them with our language...
22:53 let's change their names...
22:54 let's give them our literature...
22:57 and let's actually do a mind shift...
23:00 that's what... that's what they were trying to do.
23:02 It really changed who they were and their principles too
23:07 because when you change...
23:09 when you give somebody else your language...
23:11 your literature...
23:12 the information that you have... your culture...
23:16 you're trying to change who they are.
23:18 Jason: Re-programming them... Yvonne: Yeah.
23:21 Ivor: Because... you know,
23:23 God writes His Law on our minds
23:28 so, if you're trying to get rid of God's Law,
23:34 or change God's Law,
23:36 which you're actually doing... you're trying to change my mind,
23:39 right, you're trying to change my mind...
23:42 so, when it comes to that whole idea of
23:45 "thinking to change times and laws"
23:48 that's like, "Hey, I'm...
23:50 I'm just trying to change your mind, man,
23:52 all I'm trying to do is change your mind... "
23:54 so, if Jesus said, "Let this mind be in you,
23:56 which is in Christ Jesus... "
23:58 I need to change your mind...
23:59 and that's where understanding the Seal of God...
24:02 what does the Seal do?
24:04 It says, something can't be changed.
24:05 right, so, "No, you can't change my mind,
24:08 you can't change what God has put in here... "
24:10 and that's what he's after... so, changing the name...
24:13 "Hey, I'm going to teach you our... our... our language,
24:18 I'm going to have you eat our... our... get on our diet...
24:22 all of that is an attempt to change Daniel's mind
24:25 and I think it just goes back really nicely with,
24:29 "He purposed in his heart. "
24:31 Like, "You're not changing me...
24:33 you're not going to change my mind. "
24:34 Yvonne: That's right.
24:35 Ivor: Right, and that's really what this boils down to
24:37 is, "Can our minds be changed?"
24:40 Or, "Are they firmly rooted on the solid rock?"
24:46 Yvonne: Right... right... it's good.
24:48 James: It's really interesting
24:50 as you go through the book of Daniel,
24:53 how this name...
24:55 it tries to stick... but it doesn't stick.
24:59 For example, in Daniel chapter 4...
25:02 "But at the last Daniel came in before me,
25:05 whose name was Belteshazzar,
25:06 according to the name of my God... "
25:09 so, now right here,
25:10 Nebuchadnezzar is giving his testimony
25:12 and he's actually wavering now, he's letting Daniel be Daniel
25:17 but he's still saying,
25:18 "It's Belteshazzar that I'm talking about... "
25:20 because he's giving a testimony to his people,
25:22 "It's Belteshazzar that I'm talking about
25:24 according to the name of my God but I'm calling Daniel now...
25:26 I'm calling him Daniel now. "
25:27 Yvonne: Right... right.
25:29 James: As you go through here,
25:30 when you get to Daniel chapter 6,
25:31 it's just flat out Daniel...
25:33 you know, that... that name is gone.
25:34 Yvonne: So, forget that name.
25:36 James: So, Darius is like, "You're Daniel...
25:37 you're Daniel now. "
25:39 Yvonne: That's good.
25:40 So, isn't... so when we get to the book of Revelation,
25:42 we get a new name.
25:44 Yvonne: Oh, come on... James: We get a new name.
25:46 Yvonne: That's right... yeah.
25:48 James: And what is that name? That name is unique
25:50 to each one of us, it's unique
25:51 because it's a name that no one else knows
25:53 because it's about our character.
25:54 Yvonne: Wow!
25:56 James: So, God gives us a name that is perfectly in harmony
25:59 with the character that we developed
26:00 and that character is something that's unique to us.
26:03 We have a unique relationship with God
26:06 according to our personality and our character
26:07 and what we've been through.
26:08 Ivor: And that's really neat because
26:10 I think about how many "James's" there are,
26:13 you know, how many "Yvonne's"
26:15 "Jason's"
26:16 there's only one "Ivor" just kidding... just kidding.
26:19 All: Laughter.
26:20 Ivor: But think about that, in the heaven... like...
26:25 you're not going to have...
26:26 no one's going to have the same name.
26:27 That's just amazing.
26:29 Yvonne: Wow! that's beautiful. Jason: That is... that is.
26:31 Ivor: All you have say is, whatever the name is,
26:33 "Oh yeah, we know him... "
26:34 it's not, "Wait, which one?"
26:36 Yvonne: Right... right.
26:37 James: And it's so funny because... because...
26:39 because I saw that coming before you said that,
26:41 I saw it coming,
26:42 I was like, "That's Ivor right there...
26:44 I don't know what your name is going to be in heaven,
26:45 I know you... because I know you... "
26:47 you know what I'm saying? Ivor: Yeah.
26:49 James: It's so... it's so beautiful.
26:50 So, so this book is so connected with the book of Revelation
26:54 and it's so practical in what it's talking about here,
26:57 this... this first chapter here is where everything rests.
27:01 It lays the foundation for everything else,
27:03 not just understanding the prophecy,
27:05 but our ability to find our purpose in God...
27:08 to partake of... because we're inundated now
27:11 you know in this country and the world,
27:13 we're inundated with all misinformation,
27:15 what do they call it now, "False" what is it?
27:17 Jason: Fake news.
27:19 James: Fake news is everywhere so we're...
27:20 they're trying to get control of our minds
27:22 and tell us stuff that isn't true
27:24 and get us thinking... you know...
27:25 and that's what Daniel was going through right here.
27:27 Yvonne: Hmmm...
27:28 James: And the only way he could find his compass
27:30 his true north... was to keep his focus on God...
27:32 keep his focus on the Word of God... on the Bible.
27:35 That's what we need,
27:36 we've got to keep our focus on the Word of God.
27:37 Yvonne: That's good. James: I love that.
27:39 All right, any closing thoughts?
27:41 Praise God, we are going to be picking up right here
27:45 in Daniel chapter 1 and verses probably 5 and 6
27:50 when we come back.
27:51 Yeah.
27:53 Yvonne: You can't lose when you purpose in your heart
27:54 to follow God.
27:56 Jason: That's right. James: Amen, praise the Lord.


Revised 2020-03-26