Salvation in Symbols and Signs

Daniel Two, Part 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SISS

Program Code: SISS000082S

00:01 Music...
00:31 James: Okay, so we are still in Daniel 2
00:34 which is... which is really good because
00:36 what I've been learning as we've been going through this is
00:40 there's a lot here that's very practical
00:43 and I think we closed up on the idea of just the...
00:47 the secular-skeptic thinking that,
00:51 "Hey, Daniel was written like 1st century B.C.
00:54 there's no way that he could have figured that all out
00:56 or understood all that history without cheating a little bit,
01:00 but if we even give them that,
01:02 there's still 500 years after that
01:03 that have to be figured out ahead of time
01:07 in order for that prophecy to be accurate because...
01:10 Ivor: I'm going to add in here James
01:12 that we didn't even talk about this in the last program
01:14 and I know we haven't even prayed yet,
01:16 but, the two schools of thought Preterism and Futurism
01:20 which is what most people hear and most skeptics hear,
01:24 really just eliminate the whole idea of this prophecy
01:29 extending over a period of time through history
01:32 so, in reality... this view of prophecy that we're sharing
01:37 is crucial to convincing the "Nebuchadnezzars" of the world
01:42 and because Satan has kind of produced
01:44 some counterfeit verses of prophecy
01:46 that don't pan out...
01:48 in their mind... "Oh yeah, this prophecy...
01:50 prophecy is nothing because
01:51 there's no real proof of fulfillment... "
01:53 and it's really because they haven't heard Daniel, right?
01:59 They've been listening to the wise men
02:00 they're like, "Yeah, that doesn't make sense,
02:02 that doesn't make sense... " but for many of them,
02:04 they have not heard a "Daniel" come and say,
02:07 "No, that's not what that means...
02:08 this is what it means... " so...
02:10 James: Hmmm... hmmm... and it's certain and sure
02:12 that's something else Daniel says, isn't it?
02:13 "This is certain and sure. "
02:15 Yvonne, would you pray for us as we start.
02:17 Yvonne: Sure... "Father God, thank You so very much
02:19 for bringing us together again to study Your Word.
02:21 There are so many rich gems in here
02:24 and we just thank You that You've just given us the...
02:28 the map for finding out where these things are...
02:31 the treasure map... so, we just pray Lord God
02:33 that you would continue to lead and guide,
02:36 in Jesus' name, amen. "
02:37 All: Amen.
02:39 James: You know, you brought up something there, Ivor,
02:40 that I think is really worth touching on
02:43 and that is the different schools of interpretive thought,
02:46 you mentioned Preterism... you mentioned Futurism...
02:48 we believe in Historicism
02:51 and then, there's even a new one called "Idealism"
02:53 and we did touch on that a little bit in an earlier program
02:56 when we covered Revelation
02:57 but it's really interesting isn't it,
03:00 I think, that Daniel almost necessitates
03:03 Historicist interpretation
03:05 and to put it... Future or even Preterist is difficult,
03:10 now, when we say, "Historicist"
03:12 and then compare that with "Preterism... "
03:14 Preterism says, "All prophecy has already been fulfilled...
03:16 it's all in the past... "
03:18 and it's really difficult to do that with Daniel
03:20 but it's natural for us on this side of Daniel
03:23 to recognize that a lot of this is in the past...
03:26 which we have Babylon... Medo-Persia... Greece... Rome...
03:29 so, Historicism though allows for that past
03:32 while also opening the way for... future.
03:35 Futurism doesn't allow for the past,
03:38 it focuses on the future...
03:40 Historicism is: Past, Present and Future.
03:42 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
03:43 James: But another thing Historicism does
03:45 is different from Idealism
03:46 which is a very popular way of interpreting prophecy today
03:49 is idealism doesn't nail down the history.
03:52 Idealism shares the principles, you know,
03:56 these powers... these influences...
03:58 and "they did this and this was for evil
03:59 and this was for good... and we can see those... "
04:01 but they don't really say,
04:02 "Now, from this date to this date, this power did this...
04:04 from this date to this date, this power did this. "
04:06 Yvonne: Okay...
04:07 James: So it's Idealism
04:08 because it's ideal for "Pluralism"
04:10 when you don't want to really nail down anything...
04:13 you don't want to identify anyone...
04:14 you just want everyone to come to the table
04:16 and kind of say, "Yeah, this is really cool...
04:18 these principles are really cool... "
04:19 and, "Yeah, wow! we can get a lot of out that"
04:21 and then you just go on,
04:22 whereas, what Historicism does is...
04:25 it insists that this has a specific application...
04:29 a specific time in history that leads to specific actions
04:31 that helps us prepare for the future
04:33 and understand the past.
04:35 So, I really think it was good for us
04:36 just to brush up on that a little bit,
04:38 the Historicist... the Preterist...
04:39 the Futurist and the Idealist interpretations
04:42 so, we left off in Daniel chapter 2
04:45 and we were looking at...
04:47 as you were going through the verses, Ivor,
04:49 we were looking at these verses that identified Nebuchadnezzar
04:52 as the king of kings,
04:54 and you were pointing out
04:55 some of the powerful, I think, insights
04:59 that help us to understand how this prepares us
05:03 for future prophecy and understanding
05:05 and what this means in... in relationship to that,
05:07 so, I'm going to hand it back to you
05:08 and... and take us on.
05:10 Ivor: So, we were talking about the four kingdoms
05:14 covered so far, Babylon... Medo-Persia...
05:17 Greece... and then Rome...
05:19 and saw that we're looking at a period of roughly a 1,000 years
05:22 of, you know, history in advance.
05:25 Yvonne: Hmmm...
05:26 Ivor: And this is what Daniel has... has showed so far
05:29 but we didn't get into yet is
05:31 what happens after the fourth kingdom,
05:33 now, we did talk about how the fourth kingdom,
05:35 Daniel said, would basically break down
05:38 right, and not be overthrown by a...
05:40 at least an earthly fifth kingdom.
05:43 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
05:44 Ivor: So, in Daniel chapter 2, verse 40... 41...
05:50 maybe if Yvonne, you can read verses 41 to 43.
05:56 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
05:57 "Whereas you saw the feet and toes,
05:59 partly of potter's clay and partly of iron,
06:02 the kingdom shall be divided;
06:04 yet the strength of the iron shall be in it,
06:07 just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay,
06:09 and as the toes of the feet
06:11 were partly of iron and partly of clay,
06:13 so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.
06:17 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay,
06:20 they will mingle with the seed of men;
06:22 but they will not adhere to one another,
06:25 just as iron does not mix with clay. "
06:28 Ivor: So, Daniel basically explains
06:31 that after this fourth kingdom
06:32 you would now have this kingdom of iron and of clay.
06:38 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
06:39 Ivor: And if you look at this, I mean,
06:41 one of these elements is added into this prophecy...
06:44 the other element was there from before.
06:47 So, Rome... you have the iron kingdom...
06:50 that's the fourth kingdom...
06:51 and then, you have this remnant of Rome
06:55 right? coming... coming in the toes
06:58 but now you have this additional clay that's being added.
07:01 Yvonne: Hmmm...
07:03 Ivor: So, the question is, what is this clay, right?
07:06 Ivor: Rome we can... we can almost assume that
07:09 the iron is what comes out of Rome
07:12 but the clay is a new kingdom that's added in here...
07:17 rather, new element...
07:18 Ivor: Right? So, what is the clay?
07:20 Let's go to Isaiah 64,
07:23 I'm going to have someone read for me...
07:24 Isaiah 64 verses 8 and 9...
07:28 Isaiah 64 verses 8 and 9.
07:31 Jason: Okay, "But now, O Lord, You are our Father;
07:36 We are the clay, and You our potter;
07:39 And all we are the work of Your hand.
07:42 Do not be furious, O Lord,
07:45 nor remember iniquity forever;
07:46 Indeed, please look... we all are Your people!"
07:50 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
07:51 Ivor: So, here clay is being used
07:53 as a symbol of God's people.
07:54 James: Yup... Yvonne: Hmmm...
07:55 Ivor: Right? So... but this is really strange
07:59 because why is the stone smiting the image
08:03 where it seems like,
08:06 "Well, this is God's people here. "
08:07 Yvonne: Right.
08:09 Ivor: Well, what's happening here is that this clay
08:10 professes to serve God.
08:12 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
08:14 Ivor: It claims that it's God's people
08:17 but there's something amiss about this.
08:19 James: Yes. Ivor: Right?
08:21 Yvonne: Hmmm... James: Hmmm... hmmm...
08:22 Ivor: So what you have happening is that clay represents
08:23 a spiritual power.
08:25 James: Hmmm... hmmm... religious power...
08:28 Ivor: Right? Church... religious...
08:29 while the clay represents
08:31 what came out of Rome which was... you know...
08:33 James: The iron you mean...
08:35 Ivor: Yeah, I'm sorry... the iron would represent
08:37 that which came out of Rome,
08:39 which is not a spiritual power, it's just a secular state power
08:43 so what you have in this clay and this iron
08:46 is a mingling of Church and State.
08:50 Yvonne: Ooooh... James: Hmmm...
08:54 Ivor: Some place called "Churchcraft" and "Statecraft. "
08:56 Yvonne: Hmmm... James: Hmmm... hmmm...
08:58 it's a mingling of two different principles.
08:59 Yvonne: Hmmm... James: Hmmm... hmmm...
09:00 Ivor: Now, why doesn't it mingle...
09:02 in fact, James, you read this verse...
09:04 you asked Jason to read this verse a little bit early
09:07 and this is very interesting.
09:08 It's Isaiah 48 verse 4
09:11 and I have it here, I'll go ahead and read it,
09:13 "Because I knew that thou art obstinate,
09:14 and thy neck as an iron sinew,
09:18 thy brow as brass... "
09:21 and it goes on... I mean, what is...
09:23 what the text is saying here is actually using iron and brass
09:29 as symbols of hard heartedness, right?
09:32 Stubbornness...
09:35 can you think of anyone in the Bible
09:40 that demonstrated a hard heart.
09:43 Jason: Pharaoh.
09:44 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
09:45 Ivor: Pharaoh's heart was hardened.
09:47 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm... James: Hmmm...
09:50 Ivor: He was against God... he rejected God...
09:52 he was... Pharaoh is what we would say in the Bible
09:56 is a symbol of Secularism or even Atheism.
10:01 Just a denial of God...
10:03 Yvonne: Yes... yes.
10:04 Ivor: You catch what I'm saying? Yvonne: Yes.
10:06 Ivor: So, what you have happening is,
10:09 you have two elements in Daniel 2...
10:12 in the toes of iron and clay...
10:13 one apparently religious... one... secular...
10:18 one that represents God
10:21 and the other that is obstinate... against God...
10:24 hard-hearted against God
10:25 and what's interesting about this is
10:27 that the clay represents a church element
10:32 and we're going to see that...
10:33 that this is actually speaking about spiritual Babylon.
10:36 James: Okay. Ivor: Right?
10:37 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
10:38 Ivor: Spiritual Babylon...
10:40 while the iron represents the exact opposite.
10:42 We look at Pharaoh...
10:45 we look at Pharaoh as the symbol of being hard hearted...
10:49 and who was Pharaoh a king of?
10:51 Yvonne: Egypt.
10:52 Ivor: He was king of Egypt which happened to be...
10:53 what kingdom?
10:55 Yvonne and Jason: South.
10:56 Ivor: South... so what you have happening is...
10:57 we got Babylon who was a king of the north...
11:00 spiritual Babylon...
11:01 and you have this secular entity
11:05 that we could just summarize as secularism...
11:08 as just Statecraft...
11:10 you know, it's not about God,
11:12 it's just about temporal survival
11:14 and as we look at what happened during the Dark Ages,
11:18 we actually see church power seeking to control secular power
11:25 and that never mixes
11:27 because you cannot convert someone
11:31 just by... just by force.
11:32 Yvonne: Right. James: Right.
11:34 Ivor: Right, you can't convert with force
11:35 and this is what the church did during the Dark Ages.
11:37 This is that period after Rome fell,
11:40 we know that through Constantine
11:43 and we talked about this in previous studies...
11:44 Constantine came upon the scene
11:46 and basically tried to mix a secular society
11:52 with Christianity.
11:53 Iron... and clay...
11:55 and the clay basically dominated the iron.
11:58 At first it was the other way around...
12:00 iron persecuted the people of God...
12:03 and now the clay steps into power
12:06 and now they're basically running the secular world
12:11 the then-known world
12:12 and so, the Bible goes on to say
12:14 that these powers would try to mix together and would not
12:17 and we can look at that in several ways,
12:19 number one is the fact that these European kingdoms...
12:23 nations... try to actually cleave together
12:27 through the intermingling...
12:28 James: Of their seed...
12:30 Ivor: Intermarriage... but also the fact
12:33 that you cannot mix the gospel with secularism.
12:39 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
12:40 Ivor: Right? Because what ends up happening
12:42 is that you produce...
12:43 you actually sow the seeds of skepticism
12:45 which leads to Atheism.
12:48 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
12:50 Ivor: And let us see that this is actually what happens
12:52 down the road.
12:53 James: Yeah.
12:55 Ivor: Right? Because of the secular and...
12:57 because of the Churchcraft and Statecraft mix
12:59 during the Dark Ages,
13:01 it gave such a perverted picture of who God was
13:04 that it ultimately leads to Atheism
13:07 which in our previous studies, you remember,
13:10 was symbolized by Egypt... the king of the south.
13:16 Right, and so, what you have happening is that
13:19 in the toes of Daniel chapter 2, you have this strange mingling
13:25 of secularism and Christianity.
13:29 Yvonne: Hmmm...
13:31 Ivor: King of the north and king of the south.
13:33 We don't know exactly what happens,
13:34 but we know that there is something in this mix of yeah...
13:39 Secularism and... and remember all this does...
13:41 is it actually sets the way for us
13:43 to better understand Daniel 11,
13:45 because what is in Daniel 11... is also in Daniel chapter 2.
13:49 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Okay.
13:51 Ivor: And it's just mind blowing
13:52 so, I'm going to share with you just another thought
13:54 because when the Bible talks about the se...
13:57 and by the way, if you have questions, please jump in,
13:59 because I know I'm sharing a lot here,
14:03 but, when the Bible says that in Daniel 2
14:06 that they will mingle themselves with the seed of men,
14:09 and James, you and I were talking about this
14:11 a little while ago, I think we both saw this...
14:13 James: Yeah, verse 43... yeah.
14:14 Ivor: So, that term "mingling with the seed of men"
14:18 it's a real strange term, like, what do you mean?
14:20 "Mingling with the seed of... " we're all men...
14:22 James: And we always want to go to the Bible first,
14:24 we have a historical basis that we use
14:26 and we talked about it just now
14:27 but it's good to go to the Bible
14:28 and find definition for that.
14:30 Ivor: Yeah, for... do you want to... do you want to hit that
14:31 or do you want to go to Genesis chapter...
14:33 James: You go ahead.
14:35 Ivor: All right, so, let me have you go to Genesis chapter 6...
14:37 Genesis chapter 6
14:38 and we're going to look at verses 1 and 2
14:41 because the interesting thing is, James,
14:43 like, I've looked at that verse
14:45 and I've always just kind of assumed like,
14:47 yeah, you know we're talking about the mingling of the
14:50 kings during this time, right?
14:52 James: Oh the one in Daniel, right, yeah, that's right.
14:55 Ivor: But when I was thinking about this, I was like,
14:58 "mingling with the seed of men"
15:00 like, where does this idea
15:02 of mingling with the seed of men come from?
15:03 James: And Churchcraft and Statecraft.
15:05 Ivor: Yeah, Churchcraft and Statecraft and...
15:06 and, you know, Churchcraft is supposed to represent good...
15:09 Statecraft... you know, nothing to do with God
15:11 where does this all come from?
15:13 and something just...
15:15 and I thought about Genesis chapter 6,
15:17 and let's go ahead and read Genesis 6 verses 1 and 2.
15:20 Jason: "Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply
15:24 on the face of the earth,
15:25 and daughters were born to them,
15:27 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men,
15:30 that they were beautiful;
15:31 and they took wives for themselves
15:33 of all whom they chose. "
15:34 Ivor: Okay, the reason that the flood occurs in...
15:40 in Genesis chapter 6 is because
15:42 the sons of God mingled with the daughters of men.
15:46 James: Hmmm...
15:48 Ivor: The question is, "Who were the sons of God?"
15:49 Some people say,
15:51 "Oh the sons of God... they are angels...
15:52 and they came in to men... "
15:54 well, that's not what the Bible is saying,
15:56 the sons of God actually represent
15:57 those who are supposed to be godly
15:59 while the sons of men would represent those who were ungodly
16:03 right? those who rejected God.
16:05 So, this mingling of the seed...
16:08 mingling with... with the "seed of men" idea
16:10 actually comes from Genesis 6
16:12 where you have the supposedly "righteous"
16:15 mingling with those who are not righteous.
16:18 James: Could I give a Bible verse on this real quick?
16:20 Ivor: Say again...
16:21 James: Can I give a Bible verse on this real quick?
16:24 So, in John chapter 1, it talks about the sons of men
16:26 and the sons of God...
16:28 it gives a verse that kind of clarifies this,
16:29 it says, "As many as received Him... "
16:31 verse 12, "to them gave He power
16:33 to become the sons of God... "
16:35 who were the sons of God?
16:36 "even those who believe on His name... "
16:40 so, these are believers...
16:42 these are believers...
16:43 Yvonne: Right... right...
16:44 James: And then it goes on in verse 13 to clarify,
16:46 "Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh,
16:51 nor of the will of man, but of God. "
16:53 Yvonne: Hmmm...
16:54 James: So, that would be the children of men.
16:55 So, the children of men would be
16:57 those who were born of the flesh...
16:58 born of the will of man...
16:59 born of... of... of... let's see... born of blood...
17:02 and the sons of God are those that are believers.
17:04 So, that would be a Bible verse that would clarify...
17:07 Ivor: Absolutely, so, when we take this idea
17:10 back into Daniel chapter 2, what we're seeing...
17:13 this mingling with the seed of men
17:15 represents those who were supposed to be "Godly"
17:19 the clay... mingling with those who are rejecting God,
17:25 those who are secular...
17:26 those who, you know, have no...
17:28 no, you know, no desire to follow God.
17:33 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
17:34 Ivor: So, here's the thing, in Daniel 2 it actually says,
17:36 "they will mingle with the seed of men... "
17:39 and that's again... it's like, "Okay, seed of men...
17:41 who is 'they'
17:43 and how are they mingling with the seed of men?"
17:45 We know that something is going on with the seed of men.
17:49 It's not the seed of women...
17:50 it's the seed of men.
17:52 Yvonne: Right.
17:54 Ivor: So, then, it's... it's indicating
17:56 that whoever this "they" is
17:57 God is speaking about this "they" as if it's a woman
18:01 or women...
18:02 and what happens when we go to Revelation chapter 17...
18:07 what do we read about?
18:08 We read about this woman
18:10 sitting on a scarlet-colored beast...
18:12 having seven heads and ten horns
18:18 and this woman's name is "Mystery Babylon"
18:22 king of the north...
18:23 Babylon... mother of harlots
18:27 and abominations of the earth... why?
18:29 Because she has committed fornication with the... who?
18:31 "Kings of the earth"
18:34 the kings of the earth.
18:37 So, Daniel 2 is referencing
18:39 what we have already seen in Revelation, right?
18:42 This combining... somehow or another Daniel 2 is telling us
18:46 that ultimately the king of the north...
18:49 Babylon... is going to take rule over everything
18:54 and it's a powerful thought because this... hmmm...
18:59 what does the... what destroys this...
19:03 James: The stone.
19:05 Ivor: The stone... okay, where does the stone...
19:06 where does the stone come out of?
19:08 Yvonne: Mountain.
19:09 James: Without hands...
19:11 Ivor: Yeah, it's cut out of the mountain without hands,
19:12 right?
19:13 That's Christ coming from something...
19:15 So, He's coming from this mountain...
19:17 but what mountain is He coming from?
19:18 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
19:20 James: Mount Zion...
19:22 Ivor: The Bible says that God has laid a precious stone
19:26 in Zion... a cornerstone...
19:28 that's the stone... Jesus...
19:30 but the question is, "Where is Mount Zion?"
19:32 Psalm 48 verse 1 and 2, if someone can find that for me,
19:36 Psalm 48 verses 1 and 2...
19:38 James: We also need to read Psalm 40 verses 1 and 2.
19:43 Yvonne: "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised
19:47 in the city of our God, in His holy mountain.
19:50 Beautiful in elevation,
19:52 the joy of the whole earth,
19:54 is Mount Zion on the sides of the north... "
19:57 Ivor: So, I'm asking the question?
19:59 Who is the true king of the north?
20:02 James: God is. Yvonne: God, yes.
20:04 Ivor: When... when He comes...
20:07 the person of Jesus Christ returns from Mount Zion,
20:11 as the true king of the north, who is He coming against?
20:13 James: The counterfeit king of the north.
20:15 Ivor: The counterfeit king of the north.
20:17 Yvonne: Oooooooh!
20:18 Ivor: That's what this is telling us.
20:20 James: "Who calls himself the King of kings. "
20:22 Ivor: "Who calls himself the King of kings. "
20:24 Yvonne: Wow!
20:25 Ivor: And the picture just forms this complete idea of,
20:29 whoa, I'm beginning to see why Michael stands up
20:32 because there's a counterfeit that's deceiving people
20:35 and saying, "Yeah, I'm the real king of the north. "
20:39 No, no, no, no, no...
20:40 by the way, remember that we talked about
20:43 how Nebuchadnezzar... in chapter 2
20:45 Nebuchadnezzar is troubled by this dream?
20:47 Yvonne: Yes.
20:48 Ivor: So, let's re-cap something real quick
20:49 our history...
20:51 Daniel... I'm sorry... king of the south
20:55 we begin Daniel 1 with the king of the south
20:58 pushing against the king of the north,
21:00 the king of the north pushes back
21:02 against the king of the south and defeats him.
21:04 Once he defeats him, he turns his attention to Jerusalem
21:09 and when he turns his attention to Jerusalem,
21:12 he is seeking to enforce the "wine of Babylon"
21:14 right?
21:16 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
21:17 Ivor: But in Daniel chapter 2, the king is now troubled.
21:21 The king of the north is troubled
21:23 by news that he hears from the north and from the east
21:29 and so, what we're seeing... this history...
21:32 this literal history of Daniel 1 and now Daniel 2,
21:35 is actually helping to set the foundation
21:38 for what we're going to understand in Daniel 11
21:41 because everything is leading up to Daniel 11.
21:43 Yvonne: Right.
21:44 James: He's troubled by the news that he hears from the north
21:47 i e... the stone that's coming from this mountain...
21:49 it's going to hit the image on its feet...
21:51 and the east... the other kingdom
21:52 is going to surpass him and take over.
21:54 Ivor: Not only that but remember, his kingdom...
21:58 literal kingdom of Babylon was supposed to fall to Cyrus
22:03 and Cyrus... his armies came from the north and the east,
22:08 the Medes were from the north
22:09 and the Persians were from the east,
22:12 so the combining of those two powers...
22:15 Nebuchadnezzar is basically troubled
22:17 by news that he hears literally from the north
22:20 and from the east
22:22 that Cyrus is coming...
22:24 he doesn't... I don't know if he knows him by name
22:26 but that this man, Cyrus, is coming to...
22:29 or this kingdom is coming to overthrow his kingdom.
22:32 James: He's seen the dream...
22:33 he doesn't understand it but he's seen it
22:35 and he is the head of gold
22:36 and he realizes the rest of that image is not going to be gold
22:40 so, it's troubling him and he understands the implications...
22:43 he's a smart man so this verse...
22:46 I don't know if... I mean Psalm 40 verses 1 and 2
22:50 read verse 3 also
22:53 and I just want you to think about this in relationship
22:55 to Revelation as well as to Daniel
22:57 and everything you've been talking about on events.
23:00 Jason: Okay, "I waited patiently for the Lord;
23:03 and He inclined to me, and heard my cry.
23:05 He also brought me up out of a horrible pit,
23:08 out of the miry clay,
23:10 and set my feet upon a rock,
23:12 and established my steps.
23:14 He has put a new song in my mouth...
23:17 praise to our God;
23:18 many will see it and fear, and will trust in the Lord. "
23:22 James: This is Three Angels' Message right here,
23:24 this is the Three Angels' Message.
23:25 So, the patience of the saints who keep the commandments of God
23:29 and have the faith of Jesus
23:30 because they have been brought out of the horrible pit...
23:34 out of the miry clay...
23:35 Churchcraft and Statecraft are uniting in the end of time
23:38 enforcing the mark... enforcing worship...
23:41 no one can buy or sell... they've been pulled out of that,
23:44 they believe the gospel... they hear of the gospel...
23:46 they trust and have patience in Jesus
23:48 and then they sing a new song.
23:50 He's put a new song in their mouth... even praise to God
23:52 and many will see it and fear... fear God and give glory to Him
23:57 many will see it and fear... trust in the Lord.
23:58 Yvonne: Hmmm...
24:00 James: So, this is a summation.
24:01 When we look at prophecy again,
24:03 we want to emphasize that prophecy is very practical,
24:05 I mean, with all these prophetic symbolism
24:07 but it's talking about our experience...
24:09 it's talking about the patience that God wants us to have
24:11 waiting for him,
24:13 it's talking about He is going to pull us
24:14 out of this last conflict...
24:16 pull us out of that miry clay
24:17 and the compromise that takes place
24:18 and He's going to put a new song in our hearts...
24:21 He's going to set us on the rock Christ Jesus,
24:23 and many people are going to see it
24:24 and fear and trust in the Lord...
24:26 many people will be turned to the Lord because of...
24:28 so, all of this prophecy is...
24:29 in a sense what we've been talking about here...
24:31 is summarized in those three verses right there,
24:33 isn't that beautiful? Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
24:34 Yvonne: So, is the miry clay then
24:37 a reference to the feet, maybe?
24:39 James: Yeah, the reference to the feet,
24:41 that's where the miry clay is,
24:42 it's right there in the feet...
24:43 these are the last days when everything is being mired up,
24:46 everything is being confused...
24:47 Churchcraft and Statecraft have been combined
24:49 and we have all the religious elements
24:51 being enforced by civil elements...
24:52 that's where we're going to... the direction we're heading...
24:54 and God... we're going to wait patiently for Him
24:57 and God is going to pull us out of all of that...
24:59 put that new song in our hearts...
25:00 cause us to stand on the rock, Christ Jesus.
25:02 So, what's going to happen in the secular world
25:05 and what happens in previous secular world history
25:08 is that people look to religion for a fix...
25:11 they're looking to fix what's happening...
25:14 the judgments... the calamities...
25:16 the immorality...
25:17 they're looking to... to get civil power to help fix it
25:20 and the "fix" is in the gospel, the "fix" is in Jesus Christ
25:23 and so, that's the summary here that we're seeing
25:26 here in Psalm 40 verses 1 through 3.
25:28 Ivor: Yeah, I think the bottom line is,
25:31 you can't use force to convert people.
25:32 James: Hmmm... Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
25:34 Ivor: Right, you can't depend upon...
25:36 and that's what Christianity is doing today,
25:38 they're seeking to convert people by passing laws
25:43 that make you be...
25:45 you know, you have to be righteous,
25:47 you have to follow the way of God
25:48 and I think, just trying to set up a society
25:51 and really, that's what people...
25:53 so many Christians are after, you know,
25:55 thinking that a society will be good
25:57 if we implement Christian laws and that's just...
25:59 that's just using force to try to convert outward behavior
26:02 and this is what Daniel 2 is speaking against, right?
26:05 You cannot convert through force.
26:08 It must be through the work of the Holy Spirit.
26:10 James: Now, that wouldn't undermine the idea of...
26:13 of enforcing morality. Ivor: That's right.
26:14 James: Morality is a good thing,
26:16 in fact, Paul even talks about this in Romans 13,
26:18 he distinguishes between the civil powers
26:21 that are established by God to enforce morality
26:24 and he quotes that a number of commandments
26:27 have to do with the last six commandments
26:29 but he never quotes the first four commandments
26:31 which have to do with worshiping God
26:33 and enforcing worship.
26:35 Now, a lot of religions do that today
26:36 in a lot of different countries worship is mandatory...
26:39 it's forced or, you know, you face major penalties
26:42 and the history of Christianity has also done that
26:45 and what Bible prophecy is predicting
26:47 is that we're going to implement that on a stronger level
26:50 into our future.
26:52 United States of America is a country
26:54 that really has established the separation of Church and State
26:56 but there's a lot of people and Christians especially
27:00 that are... are questioning that.
27:02 Should it really be separated?
27:04 And one of the reasons I think is
27:06 because of the increasing immorality
27:08 and because we don't understand the difference
27:10 between enforcing moral laws
27:12 that have to do with the last six commandments
27:14 and how we relate to each other
27:15 and enforcing worship
27:17 which has to do with how we relate to God
27:18 and if we can distinguish those two,
27:20 I think we can find that... strike a good balance
27:22 but this last-day power of prophecy
27:25 is not interested in striking a balance...
27:27 it's like, you swing from one level of immorality
27:30 to another level of enforcement.
27:31 Ivor: And the powerful thing is
27:33 that you see it as being fulfilled today
27:35 which means that Daniel accurately prophesied
27:39 over 25 hundred years of history in advance.
27:43 So, give or take 600 years from the skeptic,
27:47 all right, we'll do 2000 years, instead of 2,500... yeah.
27:52 James: But, we are there... we are there,
27:54 praise God and we are also there
27:56 as far as time goes, so, we'll pick this up next time.
27:58 Yvonne: Good segue.


Revised 2020-05-04