Salvation in Symbols and Signs

Daniel Three, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SISS

Program Code: SISS000084S

00:01 Music...
00:30 James: We are moving on up.
00:32 Yvonne: Yeah... All: Laughter.
00:34 James: So, we've come from Daniel 1...
00:36 spent a little time there...
00:37 Daniel 2... spent a little time there...
00:39 now we're in Daniel 3
00:40 and we're going to see an amazing connection
00:42 between Daniel 2 and Daniel 3...
00:43 an amazing practical connection in relationship to
00:47 our own experience with God and how that works.
00:51 There were some amazing insights
00:53 that we were talking about in the last meeting with the image
00:56 and how it represents different parts of our own lives...
00:59 our own lives... our own decisions...
01:00 the way we walk with God...
01:02 and we'll see that playing out in Nebuchadnezzar's life here
01:05 as we move into Daniel chapter 3,
01:07 but we're also going to see some amazing parallels
01:10 to end-time prophecy.
01:11 Yvonne: Hmmm...
01:12 James: When you get into the book of Revelation,
01:14 sometimes the reason why it's so difficult
01:15 is because people don't refer back to the stories in the Bible
01:19 and if you could refer back...
01:21 if we had to do it all over again, I would say,
01:22 "Let's do Daniel first and then we'll do Revelation... "
01:25 because that would have laid a really good foundation
01:27 for understanding some of the symbols from Revelation
01:29 and so, when you read Revelation...
01:32 if you can refer back to these stories,
01:33 ah... there's a treasure house of understanding
01:36 that can open up and that's what we'll do too,
01:38 we'll make that connection between those two.
01:39 Yvonne: Yes, that's good.
01:41 James: So, we'll probably spend at least a couple of sessions
01:43 right here in... in Daniel chapter 3.
01:44 Yvonne, would you like to lead us in a word of prayer?
01:46 Yvonne: Sure... "Father God,
01:48 thank You so very much for these beautiful, beautiful
01:51 insights that you're giving
01:53 and we just praise You Lord for Your Holy Spirit
01:55 in whose...
01:56 one of whose functions is to lead us into all truth,
01:59 so, we just thank You Lord
02:00 and we ask you to continue to bless and guide and direct,
02:03 in Jesus' name, amen. "
02:05 All: Amen.
02:06 James: All right, so, Daniel chapter 3...
02:08 let's just start out here, Jason,
02:09 and read a few of these verses,
02:11 let's read Daniel 3 and let's start with verse 1
02:14 and we'll read all the way through to verse 7.
02:17 Jason: Okay, "Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold,
02:22 whose height was sixty cubits and its width six cubits.
02:27 He set it up in the plain of Dura,
02:30 in the province of Babylon.
02:32 And King Nebuchadnezzar sent word to gather together
02:35 the satraps, the administrators,
02:39 the governors, the counselors,
02:40 the treasurers, the judges, the magistrates,
02:43 and all the officials of the provinces,
02:45 to come to the dedication of the image
02:47 which King Nebuchadnezzar had set up.
02:50 So the satraps, the administrators,
02:52 the governors, the counselors,
02:54 the treasurers, the judges, the magistrates,
02:56 and all the officials of the provinces
03:00 gathered together for the dedication of the image
03:03 that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up;
03:04 and they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up.
03:08 Then a herald cried aloud: 'To you it is commanded,
03:12 O peoples, nations, and languages,
03:14 that at the time you hear the sound of the horn,
03:17 flute harp, lyre, and psaltery,
03:25 in symphony with all kinds of music,
03:29 you shall fall down and worship the gold image
03:31 that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up;
03:33 and whoever does not fall down and worship
03:36 shall be cast immediately
03:38 into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. '
03:40 so at that time when all the people heard the sound
03:43 of the horn, flute, harp, and lyre,
03:46 in symphony with all kinds of music,
03:49 all the people, nations, and languages
03:52 fell down and worshiped the gold image
03:54 which King Nebuchadnezzar had set up. "
03:56 James: Wow! Yvonne: Hmmm...
03:57 James: You know, music is a universal language
03:59 and it sounds like
04:01 there's a lot of different people groups here,
04:03 but the one thing they'll have in common is...
04:05 they all hear that music and when they hear that music,
04:07 they're going to bow down and worship...
04:09 that's the sign... that's the indicator...
04:11 that's the mode...
04:12 that's what Nebuchadnezzar is using here.
04:14 One of the first questions you have to ask yourself is,
04:16 "What in the world is this guy doing?"
04:18 I mean, he was just like, on fire for God...
04:22 he's was on fire, like,
04:23 "Your God is the God of gods... "
04:25 I mean, he's worshipping Daniel,
04:26 he's like... "This is... there's no...
04:28 Daniel, you're number one right now,
04:29 and your friends... yeah, bring them in too...
04:32 I mean, whatever you want, you're going to get it,
04:34 I'm going to give you cars...
04:35 I'm going to give you your own private jet...
04:36 you get everything... " right?
04:38 "You got everything... "
04:39 and now, he is making an image
04:41 which is what he was shown... the image...
04:43 but he's making it all of gold.
04:44 Yvonne: Hmmm...
04:46 James: He's making it all of gold
04:47 and if there's one point that I think is really important here,
04:50 to emphasize and clarify and that is
04:52 intellectual truth alone
04:54 is not going to take us all the way with Jesus.
04:56 Yvonne: Right.
04:58 James: There are a lot of people who know the "Bible"
05:00 actually, it reminds me of a verse in James
05:03 where it says that the devils know the Bible.
05:06 They believe... and what do they do?
05:08 They tremble...
05:09 so, just knowing the Bible...
05:11 people say, "Well, I know the Bible, I... "
05:13 naw... no... no...
05:17 God is... and I think this is really powerful...
05:19 it's beautiful...
05:21 God is actually tracking us through
05:22 Nebuchadnezzar's experience to help us to understand
05:25 how to go deeper than just the Bible.
05:26 That's what we need.
05:28 We need to know how to go deeper than the Bible.
05:29 Another thing that's...
05:31 that's coming out here that I really love,
05:32 is, God doesn't give up on us when we give up on him...
05:36 Nebuchadnezzar is kind of like turning his back
05:39 on the real truth that God showed him
05:41 and it was... wow! talk about a powerful...
05:43 like, this was powerful
05:45 and yet God sticks with Nebuchadnezzar...
05:48 God works through this with Nebuchadnezzar...
05:51 what we're going to see here in this story is powerful
05:54 in relationship to how God is patient with us...
05:56 and how God works through our trials... our difficulties
05:59 even when we neglect to live up to that truth that we have,
06:01 so, if there are Viewers out there who feel like,
06:03 "Man, I've known all this truth and I've turned away from God...
06:06 and it's no use now... "
06:07 no, you need to... you need to take note of this story,
06:09 this is a powerful story
06:11 and Nebuchadnezzar has... we know this...
06:14 one of the issues that Nebuchadnezzar has
06:16 is... he has anger issues.
06:18 Yvonne: Yes.
06:19 James: He has anger issues...
06:20 he gets so upset with his wise men,
06:22 he was going to kill them all...
06:23 that's in Daniel chapter 2 and now in Daniel chapter 3,
06:25 we're going to see him get angry again.
06:27 God can deal with our anger issues...
06:29 He can take out all of our issues...
06:30 He can work through all of that and get us...
06:32 get us completely knit with Him... heart, soul and spirit.
06:35 So...
06:36 Jason: He seems like he was an Extremist...
06:39 like, and I know, as we continue to go on,
06:42 we'll see even more of that...
06:43 he's... on this side he's extreme...
06:45 then on this side, he's extreme...
06:47 and he didn't really find...
06:49 you know, for a while, he didn't find the middle ground,
06:52 so, he seemed like an Extremist
06:54 and it's interesting here too in Daniel chapter 3 and...
06:58 and verse 2
06:59 where he starts naming all the people that he sent word to,
07:02 I mean, this is like...
07:04 everybody who's anybody in the kingdom...
07:07 you know, so all the pressure...
07:09 imagine the pressure that you have on...
07:12 you've got these governors...
07:13 you've got the satraps... the administrators...
07:15 you've got everybody who's anybody...
07:17 just it's like you have the whole White House
07:20 just coming out and saying,
07:22 "Okay, now, this is what's going to happen...
07:24 this is what you have to do...
07:25 or else you're going to the fire. "
07:28 Ivor: You're going to the Babylonian Grammys.
07:30 All: Laughter...
07:32 Ivor: "And here, the ultimate Grammy goes to...
07:36 Nebuchadnezzar!"
07:37 Clapping...
07:40 James: "Everybody, the music is playing...
07:41 hurry up... hurry up and comply... "
07:43 Jason: Yeah... yeah...
07:44 James: That's a really good point, Jason,
07:45 and I think we should elaborate on that a little bit.
07:48 Nebuchadnezzar is an Extremist
07:51 in the bad and in the good supposedly...
07:54 you know, whatever way he goes
07:56 and Nebuchadnezzar is a perfect illustration of us
07:58 and we are imbalanced and extreme
08:01 and that's the way we go... that's the way society goes,
08:03 our tendency is to be extreme one way or the another
08:06 and we tend to swing in those extremes and we see that and...
08:10 but I loved how you set us up for...
08:12 only God can really bring us to balance.
08:13 Isaiah 30 verse 21... one of my favorite verses...
08:17 "You'll hear a voice behind you saying,
08:19 'This is the way, walk ye in it... '
08:21 when you turn to the left
08:23 or when you turn to the right. "
08:24 So, we tend to turn to the left and to the right
08:26 and God tends to speak in to us in those times
08:30 and help us to get... to find that balance.
08:31 Any other thoughts here?
08:33 Yvonne: One things that I was going to say...
08:36 He... when He gets the word from Daniel...
08:39 the interpretation from Daniel,
08:41 he falls on his face prostrate before Daniel, right?
08:47 James: It says he worshipped him in King James.
08:49 Yvonne: Oh, okay, yeah he... yeah, here it says,
08:52 "He falls on his face prostrate... " worship...
08:55 and so, he's showing this ultimate respect.
08:58 This is what he's trying to get from his subjects...
09:03 "I'm the one now... fall down and worship me
09:08 as... as represented by this image of me. "
09:14 So, "worship me" and that's again... Satan...
09:18 that whole thing of worship...
09:20 who or whom are you going to worship?
09:23 It's all about worship
09:25 and that's what he's showing in chapter 3.
09:28 In chapter 2, he's falling down before Daniel and...
09:33 and he is uplifting the God of heaven
09:36 but then, how quickly we forget...
09:38 James: Yeah.
09:39 Yvonne: And in chapter 3... "No, worship me... "
09:42 you know, your God is the God of gods...
09:45 your God is this and that...
09:47 but now it's "Worship me... "
09:49 So, I... I think that you know,
09:52 one application that we can make with this is,
09:54 you can't rely on yesterday's insights,
09:57 you have to have fresh relationship with God
10:00 all the time
10:02 because otherwise you're going to fall into
10:04 a whole other kind of worship.
10:06 Ivor: And many say this...
10:08 Ivor is smiling because he has an important point.
10:10 Yvonne: Laughter. All: Laughter.
10:12 Ivor: You know, what God spoke to Nebuchadnezzar
10:20 through Daniel... was prophecy.
10:22 Yvonne: Right.
10:23 Ivor: And what Nebuchadnezzar does in Daniel chapter 3
10:27 is... he changes prophecy.
10:28 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Ooooooh!
10:30 Ivor: He's like... I'm going to present... this is
10:32 and what he presents is false prophecy...
10:34 what he presents is false prophecy.
10:36 James: It is... this king is not going to last.
10:38 Yvonne: Right.
10:39 Ivor: And... so that's on the prophetic sense
10:43 but in a practical sense,
10:45 how many of us who live in false prophecy?
10:46 James: Yeah. Yvonne: Unpack that.
10:49 Ivor: Okay, you know...
10:50 "Man, I'm going to be a hip-hop rap musician...
10:57 I'm going to have money, fame...
11:01 this is what I'm here for... this is my destiny... "
11:06 and God's like, "No, that's false prophecy. "
11:09 Yvonne: Hmmm...
11:10 James: "Let me show you your destiny. "
11:12 Ivor: Yeah, "That's not your destiny...
11:13 that's not who I called you to be... "
11:15 and how many of us are living false prophecy?
11:17 And the picture looks all gold
11:19 like, "Oh man, yes... "
11:21 and God is like, "No... that's not...
11:23 that's not what I told you...
11:25 is that what I told you?
11:27 Come on, do we need to go back to Daniel 2
11:29 for me to show you that
11:31 what I want you to do is humble yourself...
11:34 it's to become like dust, to become nothing
11:37 so that I can use you to do something. "
11:39 Yvonne: Yes.
11:40 Ivor: And so, yeah, it's...
11:42 it's like, how many of us live out
11:44 what we think is going to... what looks like gold to us
11:47 and then, want other people to bow down
11:51 to what we see as our future.
11:53 You know, "Hey, this is...
11:56 so, you need to bow down because this is what I'm going to do"
11:57 and God's like,
11:59 "That's not the plan I have for you... "
12:00 you know, so there...
12:02 we take us over to Revelation chapter 13...
12:04 we see that there's an image that is set up
12:07 and this is paralleling what happens in Revelation chapter 13
12:11 and Babylon ultimately sets out false prophecy
12:14 and many a people are... end up deceived
12:17 because they end up believing
12:19 a false version
12:21 of what's supposed to happen in the future.
12:22 Yvonne: Hmmm...
12:24 James: And many times God does have to do that,
12:25 I really love these thoughts that you guys are sharing.
12:27 Many times God does have to bring us back
12:30 to remind us of Daniel 2.
12:32 Do you remember Nebuchadnezzar?
12:34 How frustrating it was to be troubled
12:36 and to have no answer?
12:38 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
12:39 James: You remember what it was like
12:40 to seek the wisdom of the world
12:42 and to have no one that can help you?
12:43 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
12:45 James: Do you remember what it was like to be at the end
12:47 so frustrated that you're ready to just wipe people out?
12:49 Do you remember what that was like?
12:50 You know, so, the trials that we go through
12:53 are to remind us that the way we build the future
12:56 and the way God builds the future...
12:58 the way that we direct our steps and... and look in...
13:02 and the way God does are different
13:03 and we need to trust God for our future and not ourselves.
13:06 Yvonne: Yes... yes.
13:07 James: Nebuchadnezzar, I think, is naturally afraid
13:10 to come to an end at the head...
13:12 the head part comes to an end.
13:14 I think that because God has put eternity in our hearts,
13:17 that all humanity has that fear
13:20 and so, God wants to belay...
13:22 He wants to comfort, in a sense, that fear
13:25 by showing up, "Hey, you know,
13:27 I've got a plan for you...
13:29 you've got a future and a hope...
13:30 you're going to rest in Christ
13:31 and you're going to have eternal life again... "
13:33 and giving us that then...
13:35 then he says, "Now, are you going to trust Me
13:37 with your future?
13:38 It's not coming to an end so just trust Me...
13:40 just trust Me...
13:42 we'll walk through this together. "
13:43 Nebuchadnezzar loses that trust just a little bit.
13:46 I think part of his issue is...
13:48 you know, in worshipping Daniel,
13:50 he's still going through a human being...
13:51 and he's not going directly to God...
13:53 he's still going through a human being
13:54 and when you worship people,
13:56 no matter how good they might be...
13:58 no matter how helpful they might be...
14:00 you're going to want to be worshiped also
14:03 because it's just... it's just an outward...
14:05 the reason why we look at people and we give them so much, like,
14:08 you know, adoration and worship
14:10 is because we want adoration and worship also
14:12 and in a sense, our superstars
14:16 and our connection with our superstars make us great.
14:18 Ivor: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
14:19 James: And that's why we do it...
14:21 you know, "Yeah, my basketball team...
14:22 my football guy and my team... and my... my... "
14:25 and then when they lose... when they let us down we say,
14:27 "Oh, you know... we... " because it's personal for us
14:29 and so, we want people to see us as winners...
14:31 we want people to see us with... "Yeah... wow... okay... "
14:35 so, that's part of why we worship people...
14:38 why we worship people
14:40 and it's a natural inclination that God wants to remove
14:42 because people will always let us down.
14:44 Yvonne: Always...
14:45 James: They're always going to disappoint us
14:46 but God will never disappoint us
14:48 and this is the lesson that God is trying to show Nebuchadnezzar
14:51 and each one of us as we go through this.
14:52 Yvonne: Yes.
14:53 Ivor: Yeah, I'm going to add another thought here
14:55 that would again bring in another dimension
14:57 and then we can again go back and forth
14:58 between these dimensions
15:00 but we see here that Nebuchadnezzar makes
15:03 an entire image of gold.
15:04 You remember back in Daniel chapter 2
15:07 that Daniel had said to Nebuchadnezzar,
15:10 "You are this head of gold... "
15:13 he said, "You're a king of kings... "
15:14 he used that term, "You're a king of kings
15:17 and you are this head of gold. "
15:18 In Ezekiel 26 verse 7...
15:21 if I can have one of you...
15:24 or you know what? Let me just...
15:25 I'm going to pull it up on my computer here real quick,
15:28 so, Ezekiel 26 verse 7... we talked about this before,
15:31 "For thus saith the Lord GOD;
15:34 Behold, I will bring upon Tyrus Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon,
15:39 a king of kings, from the north,
15:42 with horses... chariots...
15:44 horsemen... companies, and much people. "
15:46 So, when Daniel says to Nebuchadnezzar,
15:48 "You are this head of gold... " what he's saying is,
15:50 "Nebuchadnezzar, you... king of kings...
15:54 a king from the north...
15:56 are this head of gold. "
15:57 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
15:58 Ivor: So, when Nebuchadnezzar makes this entire image of gold
16:02 what you're looking at...
16:04 is an image of the king of the north.
16:05 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
16:07 Ivor: Now, Nebuchadnezzar's thinking...
16:09 "I'm the king of the north... "
16:11 but Nebuchadnezzar doesn't even realize
16:14 that the image he has up there is not even an image of himself.
16:19 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
16:21 wow...
16:23 Ivor: So, when you go back to the book of Exodus,
16:27 God had instructed Moses to make two Cherubim
16:31 that stood on either side of the Ark of the Covenant.
16:34 Yvonne: Right.
16:36 Ivor: Those Cherubim were made of all gold.
16:40 One of those Cherubim we know was Lucifer...
16:44 and when you go to Isaiah chapter 14...
16:46 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
16:48 James: And by the way, Ezekiel 28 tells us
16:49 that one of those Cherubim's was Lucifer.
16:51 Ivor: That's right... and when we go to Isaiah chapter 14,
16:54 and I think we should just read that,
16:55 let's go Isaiah 14 and... you can hold your place there
16:58 and just have one of you turn to Isaiah 14
17:00 and read verses 12 to 14.
17:03 Jason: 12 to 14... Ivor: Yes.
17:06 Yvonne: You have it? Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
17:09 "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
17:13 how you are cut down to the ground,
17:15 you who weakened the nations!
17:17 for you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven,
17:20 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
17:23 I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
17:26 on the farthest sides of the north... '"
17:28 and so... the 14th...
17:30 "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
17:33 I will be like the Most High. "
17:35 Ivor: So, when we look at that image in Daniel chapter 3,
17:39 that image is really a reflection
17:43 not of Nebuchadnezzar himself
17:45 but of the true king of Babylon, right?
17:48 Yvonne: Hmmm...
17:49 Ivor: That's an image of the king of the north.
17:52 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
17:54 Ivor: And James when I talked about how there's this like...
17:57 this line of...
17:59 you're talking about God's mercy to Nebuchadnezzar,
18:01 but at the same time we're seeing,
18:03 "Hey, this image is pure wicked, it's pure evil... "
18:06 it's like, God is trying to remove Nebuchadnezzar...
18:09 "Nebuchadnezzar, you don't want to be the personification
18:13 of who you're being the personification of
18:15 which you don't even realize
18:16 you're being that personification. "
18:18 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
18:19 Ivor: And you would think that God would be like...
18:21 "Oh, you're the personification of this person...
18:22 well, I'm going to treat you ill...
18:24 okay, and this is what's going to happen to Satan
18:26 and this is what's going to... "
18:27 no... He's trying to work with the individual
18:29 separating him from the position
18:32 that he doesn't even realize... "I'm king of kings...
18:37 worship this great image that happens to measure 60...
18:41 60 cubits and 6... " whatever it was...
18:44 he doesn't even realize what he's doing.
18:46 Yvonne: Right.
18:47 Ivor: And God's trying to win him...
18:49 He's saying, "Nebuchadnezzar... no, you...
18:51 you don't want to... this is not right,
18:53 you don't want to go there
18:55 and so, what Daniel 3 is showing us
18:58 is once again helping us to understand
19:01 what happens in Daniel chapter 11
19:04 right, because you have the king of the south
19:07 attacking the king of the north...
19:09 the king of the north attacks back...
19:10 defeats the king of the south...
19:12 turns the attention to Jerusalem...
19:15 seeks to enforce the wine of Babylon...
19:18 then hears a message...
19:21 remember Nebuchadnezzar chapter 2...
19:23 Daniel chapter 2 verse 1, Nebuchadnezzar is troubled
19:29 because of the news that he hears...
19:31 news regarding the north and the east
19:34 and so, what does he do as a result of that?
19:36 In Daniel 3, he sets up an image
19:39 and commands all to bow
19:42 and what you're going to see is that
19:44 by the time we get to Daniel 11, you'll be like,
19:47 "Oh... oh... oh yeah, this is the exact history
19:50 that we're following that happened literally
19:52 it's now supposed to happen spiritually
19:54 at the time of the end. "
19:56 Yvonne: Hmmm... James: Yeah, definitely.
19:57 Yvonne: That's good.
19:58 James: So, we're seeing a lot of the principles here
20:00 that are being developed as we go through this...
20:01 one other thought that I just want to touch on here...
20:06 why does...
20:07 why does Nebuchadnezzar make the image all of gold?
20:10 Because he's afraid...
20:11 he's fearful of the end of his kingdom
20:14 so, fear is a motivator...
20:16 it's not a good motivator but fear is his motivator
20:19 and a lot of people in this world are afraid...
20:21 the fear is something that was instilled in us
20:24 from the fall...
20:25 Adam and Eve in the garden... hiding from God.
20:28 "Why were you hiding?"
20:29 "We were afraid and we hid ourselves... "
20:30 and fear is something that love removes.
20:33 Perfect love casts out all fear
20:35 and so God is in the business of removing
20:37 the fear of this world and replacing it with His fear
20:39 there's a difference between the two...
20:41 and that's what we're going to see with Nebuchadnezzar.
20:43 He ends up being filled with this holy fear...
20:46 with this gospel fear rather than with this human fear...
20:50 with this natural fear that we have... and...
20:53 Yvonne: You think he had a combination of fear and pride
20:57 and the pride...
21:00 the fear of losing his position and a lot of times with...
21:07 even politics like what we see now...
21:10 power...
21:11 a lot of it is about power...
21:13 so, you've got the pride and you've got the fear together
21:19 and if he had... if he had given his heart to God
21:22 both of those things would have been separate
21:25 but he didn't.
21:27 James: And we can't deal with those two principles
21:29 without God's help.
21:30 Yvonne: That's right.
21:32 James: They'll take over and control us...
21:33 they'll make us do things and say things...
21:34 and we see that in the political world today.
21:36 I mean, when you look at some of the stuff that's coming out
21:38 and it doesn't matter what side you're on,
21:40 you realize how ridiculous it is
21:43 and you feel... "Why did those people...
21:44 why did they say that... why did they do that...
21:46 why did they lie... why did they... d... d... d... "
21:47 because of pride and fear
21:49 and so it just leads from one thing to the other
21:51 until finally it's all blown open...
21:52 there's nothing else you can do...
21:54 that's where pride and fear takes you.
21:55 Yvonne: Yes.
21:56 Ivor: You know, you look at Nebuchadnezzar's fear
21:58 of the end of his kingdom
21:59 right, and he utilizes his own fear to get others to worship
22:08 so, "You will die if you don't do this... "
22:12 James: Fear breeds fear. All: Hmmm...
22:14 Ivor: But it's powerful because look how God speaks
22:16 to Nebuchadnezzar...
22:18 he's like, "Nebuchadnezzar, you seem to be fearful of the end
22:21 and of death... okay...
22:23 why don't you go ahead and throw those three guys
22:25 into the fiery furnace... "
22:27 he throws them in and it's like,
22:32 "Wait, what?
22:33 that's the very thing I'm afraid of... "
22:37 and God is in essence saying to Nebuchadnezzar,
22:42 "If you serve me, you don't need to be afraid. "
22:44 All: Hmmm... hmmm... hmmm...
22:46 James: Let me show you what that looks like... and I think
22:48 I'm going to jump ahead now, we can read the verse
22:50 but I think that's one of the reasons
22:51 why Nebuchadnezzar is so angry
22:53 after he counters these three guys...
22:55 he gets angrier... his veins start popping out...
22:58 his countenance has changed...
23:00 I think it's because he sees...
23:01 they have something that he doesn't have.
23:03 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
23:04 James: Something that led him to do what he was doing...
23:06 but they're just like,
23:07 "Ah... whatever you do... we're not afraid. "
23:09 He's like, "You're not afraid? Are you...
23:11 did you hear what he said?"
23:13 You know, he says,
23:14 "Are you sure you heard what I said?"
23:16 Let's get into that... let's just read a few...
23:17 we got a few moments here, let's read...
23:19 let's start here in... who'd like to read verses...
23:22 let's see, verse 8
23:24 and we'll read all the way through here to verse 13.
23:30 Yvonne: Okay, "Therefore at that time
23:33 certain Chaldeans came forward and accused the Jews.
23:36 They spoke and said to King Nebuchadnezzar,
23:38 'O king, live forever!
23:40 You, O king, have made a decree
23:42 that everyone who hears the sound of the horn,
23:44 flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery,
23:47 in symphony with all kinds of music,
23:50 shall fall down and worship the gold image;
23:53 and whoever does not fall down and worship
23:55 shall be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.
23:58 There are certain Jews
24:00 whom you have set over the affairs
24:02 of the province of Babylon: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego;
24:05 these men, O king, have not paid due regard to you.
24:09 They do not serve your gods or worship the gold image
24:12 which you have set up. '
24:14 Then King Nebuchadnezzar, in rage and fury,
24:17 gave the command to bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
24:20 So they brought these men before the king. "
24:22 James: All right, so, right here
24:24 the first thing I think we're dealing with is pride.
24:26 Yvonne: Oh yeah.
24:27 James: Pride is first...
24:29 "What do you mean there's people that aren't bowing down
24:31 and worshipping, you bring those people... "
24:32 he's... now he's angry...
24:34 because of pride
24:35 but as we get to the next verses,
24:36 we're going to see now that his anger even increases
24:39 because he starts seeing in them lack of fear...
24:42 they've got something the king doesn't have.
24:45 The king... the king doesn't have what they've got.
24:47 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
24:49 James: I think that... that we've got to remember that
24:51 in our practical Christian experience
24:52 that when we encounter people, God wants to give us His peace.
24:56 The peace of the gospel is powerful
24:58 and Satan is angry... he wants to take that away.
25:01 When people see that we have peace in the midst of anger
25:04 they're going to see that we have something
25:06 that they don't have.
25:08 That's the way it was with Paul and Silas
25:09 when they were in that prison
25:11 and they were beaten and they were put in shackles
25:13 and they were put in the inner prison
25:14 and when all of that took place,
25:17 all of the prisoners and the prison guards
25:20 heard men who weren't moaning and groaning and swearing...
25:24 they were singing praises to God
25:27 and they were like, "Whoa... "
25:29 and then there was an earthquake, of course,
25:30 because, you know, what does it say?
25:32 "And God inhabits the praises of His people... "
25:34 so He comes down and inhabits those praises...
25:36 so the doors fly open
25:38 and the first thing that Paul says to the prison guards,
25:41 "Do yourself no harm... "
25:43 Yvonne: Right.
25:44 James: The first thing that Daniel says is,
25:45 "Don't hurt the wise men of Babylon... "
25:47 so, Christians are other-centered...
25:48 they're other-focused... they're...
25:50 they're... they're out-focused not in-focused,
25:52 they're focusing out... thinking of others
25:54 and at the same time, their...
25:56 their testimony in the midst of trial
25:59 is one of praise and trust in God.
26:02 Ivor: In the face of anger.
26:04 James: Yeah, and so the Jailor says,
26:05 "What must I do to be saved?"
26:07 Yvonne: Right, because he's going to kill himself.
26:09 James: And what he means by that...
26:10 he was going to kill himself but also he was saying,
26:12 "What must I do to be saved?"
26:13 and what he means by that is not,
26:15 "What must I do to join your church
26:16 and believe the 28 Fundamentals?"
26:17 What he's saying is,
26:19 "What must I do to have an experience like that?"
26:21 Yvonne: Right... right... "I want what you have. "
26:23 James: "I want what you have. "
26:25 Ivor: It's just interesting in Daniel 11:44, the Bible says,
26:30 "But tidings out of the east and out of the north
26:32 shall trouble him... "
26:34 talking about the king of the north...
26:35 "therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy,
26:40 and utterly to make away many. "
26:42 Yvonne: Hmmm...
26:44 Ivor: This event... whatever this is...
26:45 talking about Daniel 11:44
26:47 parallels exactly what we're looking at in Daniel chapter 3.
26:49 Yvonne: Hmmm...
26:51 Ivor: You're not afraid
26:52 that I'm going to do everything to instill my fear in you...
26:58 James: To intimidate...
27:00 Ivor: To intimidate
27:01 and what... how the three Hebrews stand with this
27:05 is an object lesson for us at the end of time.
27:08 James: It's... it's powerful because it's the gospel
27:11 and it's the gospel in times of the east and the north
27:13 and it's going to be the gospel here
27:15 and that gospel gives us the peace
27:17 to stand in the midst of the fiery storm...
27:18 in the midst of fiery trial.
27:19 God wants to put... instill the gospel into our hearts.
27:22 Yvonne: Yes.
27:23 James: Yeah, the parallel is really powerful, isn't it?
27:24 Ivor: Yeah. Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
27:26 James: So, we're going to...
27:27 we're running out of time here so, we're going to...
27:29 we're going to hold up right there at verse 13
27:31 and we'll pick up with verse 14
27:33 into the second part...
27:34 I'm going to say... the "Fear" part
27:36 of Nebuchadnezzar's anger.
27:37 Right now, he's in the "Pride" part of anger
27:39 and in these next verses
27:40 we're going to see him get into the "Fear" part of anger
27:42 and we'll see how... how... why that happens...
27:45 it's a powerful, powerful testimony.
27:48 Yvonne: So we have a little cliffhanger.
27:49 James: We have a little cliffhanger.
27:50 All: Laughter...
27:52 James: It's a good stopping place.
27:53 Yvonne: That's right, that's right... it's good.
27:55 James: Lots of good stuff right here, praise God.
27:56 Yvonne: Amen.


Revised 2020-05-18