Salvation in Symbols and Signs

Daniel Three, Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SISS

Program Code: SISS000086S

00:01 Music...
00:30 James: Okay, so we ran out of time
00:32 just before we were finishing up here
00:33 and there were a couple more points
00:35 that I thought would be really good for us to highlight
00:36 in Daniel chapter 3 before we finish up.
00:38 One of them for sure is about the mighty men
00:40 and what happens to them and why it happens
00:43 and just to touch a little bit more on the king
00:46 and his anger and how that works into our lives
00:49 and then, kind of finish up with the Son of God...
00:52 how did he know it was the Son of God that was in the furnace?
00:55 I mean, that's a really good question
00:56 and then, we need to finish up the last few verses
00:58 and kind of touch on what's going on there
01:00 with King Nebuchadnezzar...
01:01 that sets up for chapter 4 which... man... with chapter 4
01:05 is just powerful... it's really powerful.
01:07 So, hey, Jason, would you have prayer for us
01:09 so we can get right in?
01:11 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm... "Dear Heavenly Father,
01:12 we thank you for the opportunity to study Your Word,
01:15 we thank You that we are seeing and learning principles
01:18 on how to stand in these last days
01:20 and we just ask that you would continue to be with us
01:22 as we go through this study
01:23 and guide our thoughts and our conversation,
01:26 in Jesus' name we pray, amen. "
01:28 All: Amen.
01:29 James: So, we're in Daniel chapter 3,
01:30 and we're picking up where we left off...
01:33 last session we finished up with this area
01:36 where Nebuchadnezzar was really, really angry
01:38 and it says... he was angry before...
01:42 already angry... but it says now he's even angrier
01:45 and we talked about the idea that he's angry
01:47 partly with himself
01:49 because he's realizing in himself,
01:52 "Man, those guys are so like, together and peaceful and calm
01:56 and they have no fear and I thought I could intimidate them
02:00 and I haven't been able to intimidate them...
02:02 I've been able to intimidate everybody but them.
02:03 Yvonne: Right.
02:05 James: And so, he gets even angrier now
02:07 and I think part of that anger is intimidation.
02:09 I think people get angry because
02:11 they're trying to intimidate or they want to intimidate
02:14 and so it says here that he is so angry...
02:16 I'm just looking for the verse here.
02:18 Jason: You think he was battling with his own insecurities?
02:21 James: Yes, he was battling with his own insecurities...
02:24 he was fearful... and... and...
02:26 Ivor: Verse 19.
02:27 James: Verse 19 where Nebuchadnezzar was full of...
02:30 "Then Nebuchadnezzar was full of fury,
02:32 and the form of his visage was changed
02:34 against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego... "
02:36 and we'll touch on this in another version
02:38 or later on when he says something like,
02:41 "I thought I saw three men and there's four men... "
02:45 the wise men... all of his counselors or whatever
02:49 when he asks this question to them
02:52 basically they say,
02:54 "Yeah, that's true... that's true King,
02:56 whatever you say... yeah, whatever you say, that's true"
02:58 there's no... he's used to just obedience.
03:01 Yvonne: Right.
03:02 James: He's used to people just saying,
03:04 "Yes Sir... yes... yeah, yeah, yeah... "
03:06 and so, it really bothers him here...
03:08 it brings out a lot of his insecurity...
03:10 it causes him to come to a... to a height of anger
03:12 that seeks to intimidate...
03:13 to put it mildly, to put all of his strength in the arm of flesh
03:20 in my power... in my might... in my intimidation...
03:22 in my ability to intimidate...
03:23 Ivor: Yeah...
03:26 looking again at the prophetic implications here,
03:30 remember that this whole thing that's going on here
03:34 actually includes another individual
03:36 and that other individual is Cyrus.
03:38 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
03:39 Ivor: Right? the reason they're not bowing down to this image
03:42 that says, "My kingdom is going to last forever... "
03:44 is because they know that another nation is coming
03:47 and that that nation is going to overthrow Babylon.
03:50 Right? they know that there was one more powerful...
03:53 that is going to be more powerful than Nebuchadnezzar
03:55 and they're saying, "You know what?
03:57 Yeah, your image and what you're saying is going to be...
04:02 is not going to be...
04:03 Cyrus is coming and he is going to be...
04:06 he's going to overthrow your kingdom.
04:08 Obviously, you'll remember that Cyrus is a type of Jesus
04:12 and so, whenever we are facing these trials...
04:15 these conflicts like...
04:17 whether in our lives on a personal level
04:18 or in a prophetic level,
04:20 we have to remember that there is one greater
04:22 than the enemy that we face
04:24 and that one greater is Jesus Christ.
04:26 All: Hmmm...
04:27 Ivor: And so, that's again part of the reason why they're like,
04:31 "We're not bowing down because
04:33 you're not the most powerful one,
04:35 there is one that is more powerful.
04:37 Yvonne: Right, right. Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
04:38 James: And now, as you move through this story,
04:40 he... he makes the decree
04:42 that the furnace is heated seven times hotter,
04:44 so, a lot of times when we stand for God,
04:47 the initial trial doesn't get easier...
04:51 it can get harder.
04:52 Yvonne: That's true.
04:54 James: It can get harder... it can become more intense.
04:55 When you stand for God,
04:57 you are standing against all of the ire...
05:00 all of the anger of the dragon... of the devil...
05:03 of Satan and his forces...
05:04 and anyone that is occupying his territory
05:08 whose one in his army is going to come against you,
05:11 so, he's... he's pushing even harder right now
05:13 so sometimes as believers, we think,
05:16 "Okay, I'm going to stand up for God right now
05:18 and He will be with me and everything will be okay... "
05:20 and it gets more intense...
05:22 we're like, "Whoa, what is this?"
05:24 for example, case in point, Job...
05:25 Job loses his wealth...
05:28 he loses his family... he loses his everything
05:30 and the next thing you know,
05:32 it's not getting better, it's getting worse.
05:33 Yvonne: Hmmm...
05:34 James: Then, Satan comes after him with his physical body...
05:37 his physical health. Yvonne: Right.
05:38 James: Everything looks like it's going downhill...
05:40 and then his wife struggles...
05:42 she's... she's faltering a little bit,
05:43 "Man, I thought... we should just curse God and die. "
05:45 Job's like, "Don't be silly,
05:47 you know, don't be silly...
05:49 you know, God gives... God takes...
05:51 we need to trust Him right now, honey. "
05:52 They work through that whole process
05:55 and many times, that's what we need...
05:57 you can imagine, these three guys...
05:59 and that's what I love about this...
06:01 this isn't like Daniel in the Lions' den
06:02 where he's by himself,
06:03 these three guys at least have each other.
06:05 Yvonne: Right. Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
06:06 James: They have that community of faith
06:08 and we need community of faith
06:09 and so, they're standing together through this,
06:11 but what's interesting to me is,
06:13 as it goes on further it says, "Because the king's command... "
06:17 let's read... Jason, can you read for us
06:20 verse... I think it's verse 22.
06:23 Jason: 22? Okay.
06:26 "Therefore, because the king's command was urgent,
06:28 and the furnace exceedingly hot,
06:31 the flame of the fire killed those men
06:33 who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego... "
06:35 James: Okay, there are two factors here
06:37 that lead up to the death of these mighty men
06:40 and they're called "Mighty men"
06:42 these guys were tough guys... they...
06:43 so the king... two things...
06:45 the furnace is heated seven times hotter
06:47 and the king's commandment is urgent...
06:49 he's in a hurry... he wants to get this done...
06:51 so... so... you know, normally maybe
06:53 when the furnace is getting heated up like this...
06:56 because you think there's people putting stuff in
06:58 it's getting hotter and hotter and they're going to test it
06:59 and they're going to see how close they can get or whatever
07:01 but they didn't do any of that...
07:02 the king is urgent about this, "We need to just do this... "
07:04 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
07:05 James: And so, these mighty men bring
07:06 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to throw them in
07:09 and what happens to them?
07:10 Yvonne: They get killed. Jason: They get killed.
07:12 James: Now, the spiritual lesson here
07:14 that I think that's so powerful
07:16 is that there's safety in the fire...
07:18 there's safety in the trial...
07:19 Yvonne: Hmmm...
07:21 James: If we're not willing to go all the way to Jesus...
07:23 if we're not ready to go all the way with Jesus,
07:24 we're not going to make it.
07:26 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: True... true... yeah.
07:28 James: These guys... these guys stop at the door...
07:30 they stop at the door.
07:32 As soon as we face trial, if we stop and turn around there
07:34 it's not going to happen for us.
07:35 We've got to go all the way with Jesus
07:37 and these guys go all the way with Jesus
07:40 because he's in the fire and when we...
07:43 when we... we realize that he's in the fire,
07:44 we can count every trial a blessing.
07:46 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Yes.
07:48 James: We count the joy in the battle...
07:49 we know that He is there.
07:51 Yvonne: That's right.
07:52 James: And that's what I love now about this how idea
07:54 of facing these trials,
07:55 there's no way we're not going to have trials in our lives,
07:58 family, church, community, nation, world...
08:02 there's nowhere where we're not going to have trials...
08:03 but if we know that God is there,
08:06 we can count it a joy, that's what James says,
08:08 "Count it all a joy when you fall into divers temptations. "
08:10 Jason: The interesting thing is...
08:12 too is when the guys who led them into the fire...
08:16 they ended up being killed...
08:18 in Revelation chapter 13 verse 10 it says,
08:20 "He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity;
08:23 he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword.
08:27 Here's the patience and the faith of the saints. "
08:28 James: Wow.
08:30 Jason: It's just interesting... it's like an immediate...
08:31 you know, leading them into captivity...
08:35 leading them into death...
08:36 what they thought was going to be death...
08:39 and instantly they were... they were dealt with.
08:42 Ivor: That's right.
08:43 James: Here's the... now I love this...
08:44 again Jason, I just want to bring this up
08:46 because you made that connection with the book of Revelation,
08:47 so, the book of Revelation
08:49 just kind of goes through this prophetic scenario...
08:50 you read these mysterious verses like,
08:52 "He that leads them into captivity... "
08:54 and you're like, "What does that mean?"
08:55 But then you go to Daniel, and then... there it is...
08:58 "Oh that's what it means right there. "
09:00 So, again, those two books together
09:02 but Daniel giving us the practical application
09:05 of some of the stuff...
09:06 and it's though when God read the...
09:08 inspired the book of Revelation,
09:09 it's as though He... He knew that we'd be going back
09:12 to the Bible and back to Daniel to get an understanding
09:14 so, He's writing this all out real symbolic and real like...
09:18 down... distilled stuff like...
09:21 and we just have to break it open...
09:22 break it open and see what it means...
09:23 that's how we do that... that's why I love that connection.
09:25 Jason: The Lions' den too... same thing.
09:27 James: Yeah... Yvonne: Hmmm...
09:28 Ivor: So, the book of Hebrews tells us
09:31 that our God is a consuming fire
09:33 and the reason He is a consuming fire
09:37 is... it's... we don't get it
09:40 but it's a powerful reason.
09:42 We think of fire and we're typically afraid of fire
09:45 but in Song of Solomon chapter 8 and verse 6,
09:50 the Bible says that fire is a symbol of love.
09:54 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
09:55 Ivor: So, the reason that God manifests Himself as fire
09:58 is because God is love.
10:00 So, fire is heaven's love language.
10:05 Right?
10:06 So, when God created Adam and Eve,
10:08 they were actually able to stand in His presence
10:12 and not be consumed.
10:14 Yvonne: Right... right.
10:16 Ivor: Right? But when they sinned,
10:19 they were now afraid of the fire.
10:21 Ivor: They hid from God... why?
10:24 Because to them... God was now a consuming fire.
10:27 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
10:28 Ivor: So, the entire plan of salvation
10:29 is really God trying to find a way to make us fireproof again.
10:34 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Ahh...
10:35 Ivor: So that we can stand in His presence
10:38 and not be consumed.
10:39 Right, so think about Moses and the burning bush.
10:42 Ivor: Moses see this bush... he's like,
10:44 "How is it that this bush burns but it's not consumed?"
10:48 And God was trying to let Moses know,
10:50 "Listen, this is my ideal for you,
10:52 I want you to be able to stand in my presence
10:55 and not be consumed.
10:57 Yvonne: Hmmm...
10:58 Ivor: And so, how does He do that?
11:00 He does that through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
11:03 James: Hmmm...
11:04 Ivor: John the Baptist says, "I will baptize you...
11:06 Jesus... when He comes,
11:08 He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. "
11:09 Yvonne: Right.
11:11 Ivor: So, when we see someone baptized in water,
11:12 they go down in the water
11:13 and when they come up, they're covered in water.
11:16 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Right.
11:17 Ivor: So, when you're baptized in fire,
11:18 you're going down in fire and you're coming up on fire.
11:23 Yvonne: Oh... come on...
11:24 Ivor: And so... James: On fire...
11:26 Ivor: So, you're on fire... that's what it means
11:28 and so, check this out...
11:29 because Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were...
11:33 they had the fire in them,
11:36 the difference between those mighty men
11:40 and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
11:42 is that they were fireproof.
11:44 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Wow!
11:46 Ivor: They could stand in God's presence without being consumed
11:48 and it was literally demonstrated
11:50 as they're thrown into the fire,
11:51 the form of the fourth is in there
11:53 and the fire doesn't even touch them
11:56 but these other guys were not fireproof.
11:58 Yvonne: Wow!
11:59 Ivor: So, God is ultimately trying to make us fireproof,
12:01 right?
12:03 We are the ones... according to the book of Isaiah 33
12:06 I believe it's in 14...
12:08 James: Yeah, I was looking for that verse.
12:09 Ivor: Isaiah 33 and verse 14, why don't you read that?
12:11 This verse just really throws people for a loop
12:14 and they're like, "Wait, what did that say?"
12:18 Jason: You said Isaiah 33 and verse 14?
12:21 Ivor: Yeah, it says, "The sinners in Zion are afraid;
12:23 fearfulness has surprised the hypocrites.
12:25 Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire?
12:28 who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?
12:30 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
12:31 Ivor: And then the answer is, "He that walketh righteously. "
12:34 James: You got it Jason?
12:36 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm... James Verse 15... Jason: Yes.
12:37 Ivor: He that walketh righteously...
12:39 what else does it say?
12:40 Jason: "And speaks uprightly,
12:41 he who despises the gain of oppressions,
12:44 who gestures with his hands, refusing bribes,
12:48 who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed,
12:52 and shuts his eyes from seeing evil:
12:55 he will dwell on high;
12:57 his place of defense will be the fortress of rocks;
13:01 bread will be given him, his water will be sure. "
13:04 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
13:05 Ivor: So, that's powerful, that text is telling us there
13:07 that it's the righteous that will burn forever...
13:11 not the wicked...
13:13 Yvonne: Oh... that's good.
13:15 Ivor: The righteous will stand in His presence...
13:17 the righteous are going to be fireproof through all eternity,
13:21 they'll be able to stand in God's presence
13:22 without being consumed
13:24 while the wicked expose that same fire...
13:26 it's the same fire...
13:28 but because they were unprepared,
13:30 they're destroyed by that fire.
13:33 So, that... the three Hebrews versus the mighty...
13:37 these mighty men...
13:38 it's another snapshot of actually...
13:40 of what happens at the end of time.
13:42 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
13:43 Ivor: Wicked are destroyed...
13:45 the righteous are able to stand in the presence of God
13:47 without being consumed.
13:49 Yvonne: Wow!
13:50 James: And this has its parallel again in the book of Revelation,
13:52 so, we go to the book of Revelation...
13:53 we find this picture in Revelation chapter 15
13:57 that isn't necessarily understood
14:00 by just reading Revelation 15 but when we go back now
14:03 and we go to the book of Daniel
14:04 and we connect with Isaiah
14:06 and we understand what the rest of the Bible is saying,
14:07 we read this verse, Isaiah...
14:09 excuse me, Revelation 15 verse 2...
14:12 got that? Revelation 15 verse 2...
14:14 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
14:15 "And I saw something like a sea of glass
14:18 mingled with fire,
14:20 and those who have the victory over the beast,
14:23 over his image and over his mark
14:25 and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass,
14:28 having harps of God. "
14:30 James: Okay, so we've got the sea of glass mingled with fire
14:32 and who's going to stand?
14:33 Ivor: And what do they get victory over?
14:35 James: The beast, the mark, it's image... the name.
14:37 Ivor: The image... the image... the image...
14:39 Yvonne: Yes.
14:40 Ivor: What were they facing in Daniel chapter 3?
14:42 Yvonne: The image. Ivor: The image.
14:43 James: They stand on the sea of glass mingled with fire...
14:45 they stand in the fiery furnace.
14:47 Ivor: Yeah. Yvonne: Huh...
14:49 Jason: That's good.
14:50 Yvonne: That is really good... that is good stuff.
14:53 I love the point that you made about them...
14:58 the wicked not burning forever
15:00 because that again is one of Satan's misrepresentations
15:05 of the character of God.
15:07 James: Turned it upside down, didn't it?
15:08 Yvonne: Turned it upside down.
15:10 Ivor: God loves... God loves people too much
15:12 to allow them to burn forever in agony
15:15 and the devil flips that whole scenario...
15:18 flips it... yeah... that's what he does.
15:21 James: And the key here that I think really opens that up
15:23 because we may say that... we may argue that...
15:25 we may say, "Well, God's not going to burn
15:27 the lost forever
15:28 but we don't add that the righteous are going to stand
15:32 in the everlasting flames.
15:34 The righteous are going to stand
15:35 with the burning fire of the Holy Spirit filling them forever
15:40 so, if we're letting the wicked and the righteous
15:43 have the same end,
15:45 then, we're not making a distinction between the two.
15:46 Yvonne: That's right.
15:47 Jason: And think about how miserable people would be
15:50 who are just determined to do their own will
15:52 and don't want to be in the presence of the Lord,
15:55 how miserable would they be to spend an eternity
15:57 with the One that they don't...
15:58 that they don't value and appreciate.
16:00 Ivor: This is an example I love sharing is that
16:03 during... in the days of Noah...
16:04 I just think about it... there was one set of creatures
16:09 that were not inside the ark that didn't die.
16:12 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm?
16:14 Ivor: Did you know that? James: Hmmm... hmmm...
16:15 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: The angels?
16:17 Ivor: The sea creatures.
16:20 Ivor: Just think about it, they were like...
16:22 "Oh, water... ah... Ooooh!"
16:27 Yvonne: That's true, the sea creatures...
16:29 Ivor: Right? So, in that same sense,
16:31 there's only one set of creatures
16:33 that will survive when Jesus comes again
16:35 and it's "fire creatures... "
16:37 James and Yvonne: Hmmm...
16:38 Ivor: We have to be born again of His Spirit...
16:41 James: Yes, of water and fire...
16:42 Ivor: So that when He comes again, we're just like,
16:43 "Oh yeah, fire? not a problem...
16:45 have you been on...?"
16:47 That's why He doesn't want us to be lukewarm,
16:49 He wants us to be hot
16:52 because when we're hot and we see Him as He is,
16:57 hot attracts the hot...
16:59 right? fire attracts the fire...
17:01 and so, we have to become those fiery creatures
17:04 and how do we become those fiery creatures?
17:06 By being baptized by the Holy Spirit.
17:08 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
17:09 Ivor: By being submersed by the fire of the Holy Spirit,
17:11 I'd like to say it this way,
17:13 we need to learn how to "flame on... "
17:14 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
17:15 All: Laughter. Yvonne: Yes...
17:17 James: Let's talk about that a little bit
17:18 because that's... again, that's kind of...
17:20 you know, it's doctrinal...
17:21 it's theological but I think it's also practical.
17:23 Jason: Yeah.
17:25 James: So, the Holy Spirit... Jesus said...
17:26 when He comes,
17:28 He's not going to talk about Himself.
17:29 You were talking, Jason,
17:31 I thought it was really interesting how the wicked...
17:34 they're not going to want to be in the presence of God
17:36 for all eternity...
17:37 they're not going to want to have the Holy Spirit
17:39 because the Holy Spirit is other-centered.
17:41 All the Holy Spirit does is talk about Jesus.
17:42 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
17:44 we like to talk about ourselves...
17:45 we like the focus to be on us...
17:47 we're living in an "I" world...
17:48 an iPhone and iPad and i...
17:50 and the Holy Spirit is coming
17:52 and you know, the disciples...
17:54 they were still having that "I" issue...
17:56 all the way up until the crucifixion...
17:58 and even after that they were struggling...
18:00 here's what they were struggling with.
18:01 "What's going to happen to us now?
18:03 They're going to persecute us... they're going to kill us...
18:05 they're going to get us... "
18:06 they've locked the doors... they're so afraid... why?
18:09 because they're thinking about themselves.
18:10 When they confess their sins,
18:12 and all their selfishness and all their self-thinking...
18:14 the Holy Spirit fills them...
18:15 tongues of fire come down on their heads...
18:17 the doors burst open... and all they can talk about is Jesus.
18:20 Yvonne: Right.
18:21 James: The Holy Spirit fills them
18:22 with this "other-centered focus"
18:24 and so, they're just filled with Jesus
18:25 so, when we're talking about being fireproof,
18:26 we're talking about none of self and all of God
18:29 and that's what these three guys have.
18:30 Yvonne: Hmmm...
18:32 James: They're like, "Did you just say
18:33 who's going to deliver us?
18:35 Is that what you said Nebuchadnezzar?
18:37 because now it's not about us anymore, right?
18:39 now it's about God and we're not moving... "
18:41 and when we have that mentality
18:43 where we're focused on God and our whole life is just God,
18:46 the Holy Spirit can... can come.
18:48 Can you imagine the Holy Spirit filling a person
18:50 that has 10% of self and 90% of God?
18:54 There's still... there's still a lot "self" there
18:57 that God's going to empower and we see that sometimes,
18:59 we do see it but God wants all of "self" out
19:01 and He's going to fill us with more of His Spirit.
19:03 We don't want to be filled 90%...
19:04 we want to be filled a 100% with His Spirit.
19:06 Yvonne: Right... right.
19:08 James: And that looks like focusing on Christ...
19:09 focusing on Jesus
19:11 and that's what these guys were doing.
19:12 That's what the end-time people will be doing in their crisis.
19:15 So, how did he know He was the Son of God?
19:17 It's like Nebuchadnezzar is looking
19:18 and he's looking in there... he's like,
19:20 "Let me get my glasses...
19:21 oh... there's four and that other guy in there... "
19:26 we're looking here at verse 25, "He answered and he said,
19:29 'Lo, I see four men loose...
19:30 didn't we put three? I see four men loose...
19:32 walking in the midst of the fire,
19:33 and they have no hurt;
19:35 and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God. '"
19:37 How did he know He was the Son of God?
19:38 Yvonne: Right, how did he know? he said the form...
19:41 James: Yeah, the form of the fourth...
19:42 that looks like the Son of God.
19:45 Ivor: That's a good sermon title "The Form of the Fourth. "
19:48 James: The Form of the Fourth.
19:49 Yvonne: Oh, you know, you've been coming up
19:51 with these sermon titles here.
19:52 Jason: I know, I like that.
19:54 James: Yeah but that sermon title,
19:55 doesn't answer my question.
19:57 All: Laughter.
19:58 James: How did he know?
19:59 Yvonne: I wonder if he was taller and looking regal
20:06 and just had a different kind of form than anybody else.
20:12 James: I think that's part of it...
20:14 I think also... I'm just...
20:17 I'm just going to say this...
20:19 I think also that Nebuchadnezzar had been introduced
20:23 to enough of the God of Daniel and his three friends
20:28 that he could recognize Him himself.
20:30 Yvonne: Hmmm...
20:31 James: In other words, what I'm thinking is...
20:33 is that... that Daniel and his friends
20:36 had talks with Nebuchadnezzar
20:38 because I think Nebuchadnezzar was convicted intellectually
20:41 in Daniel chapter 2... "Your God is the God of gods"
20:44 but I don't think it ended there,
20:45 I think Daniel was a true mentor and a true pastor at heart
20:48 and he followed up with Nebuchadnezzar.
20:50 He's like, you know,
20:52 "Let's have some follow-up visits
20:53 on the conviction you had about my God... "
20:55 and he started to talk to Nebuchadnezzar about that
20:57 and I think Nebuchadnezzar was wrestling with his fears...
21:00 with his... you know, with his... with his pride...
21:02 and with what Daniel was sharing with him
21:04 and Daniel was talking about, you know,
21:06 I imagine Daniel might even have shared the verse in Isaiah 43.
21:09 Yvonne: Hmmm...
21:10 James: Like, you know, this is...
21:12 because Nebuchadnezzar is like,
21:14 "How can... I don't understand your God...
21:15 why would He do this?
21:17 Why would He let His... all these people...
21:18 I mean, I know He's...
21:20 it seems like He's an amazing God
21:21 like He's delivered... but why would He let all that...
21:24 that dream was amazing... that was...
21:25 but why would He like just lead you captives... "
21:27 and so, they explained some of the...
21:29 some of the prophecies about Jesus...
21:31 about Messiah in Isaiah, of course, 43 and 53 et cetera,
21:34 so, I think they communicated enough to Nebuchadnezzar
21:37 about God... about the Son of God...
21:40 that when he sees... like, "That's...
21:42 that's the Son of God...
21:43 the One they talked about
21:45 when they said He'd be with them in the fire...
21:46 the One that they... that gave them the dream that I had...
21:48 the One that... whoa, that's got to be Him...
21:51 that's got to be Him... " that's what I'm thinking.
21:53 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
21:55 Ivor: As you look at this story, there's so much there...
21:57 I think, what was Nebuchadnezzar thinking
22:00 as he saw these three... first three people in the fire right?
22:05 and that must have been a message to him...
22:09 those three people in the fire must have been a message to him.
22:14 Yvonne: What... what message?
22:16 James: Three... three...
22:17 Ivor: Those three people in the fire
22:19 must have been a message to him
22:20 and I can imagine him thinking,
22:23 "Wow! these are... they fear God...
22:26 James: Hmmm... hmmm... and they give glory to Him.
22:29 Ivor: They give glory to Him
22:31 and this message that they gave me that Babylon is fallen
22:34 like, it... it must be true.
22:38 James: They're keeping His commandments.
22:40 Ivor: They're keeping His commandments and...
22:41 James: And they have faith in Jesus.
22:44 Ivor: In Jesus... and they just condemned
22:47 everyone that bowed down to this image...
22:49 that's the third angel's message.
22:51 "Whoever bows down to this image will be cast into a f... "
22:55 I mean, will be... I mean, it's all...
22:57 James: That's a great connection...
22:58 that's just a great connection.
23:00 Ivor: And then, and then... we know that there's not just
23:02 three angels' messages, right,
23:03 we know that there's a fourth angel to prepare...
23:05 that solidifies the whole thing...
23:08 James: That enlightens the earth with the glory of God.
23:10 Ivor: And the appearance of the fourth must have...
23:12 must have solidified in Nebuchadnezzar's mind
23:15 all that they have said is true...
23:17 James: This is all Revelation...
23:19 of course, there's three and now fourth...
23:21 that's Revelation 14 and 18.
23:23 Yvonne: Yes, isn't that good? Jason: Agreeing.
23:25 James: Yeah, that's just powerful.
23:26 Jason: So, is that going in your sermon?
23:28 Ivor: Ah... that's going in the sermon.
23:29 All: Laughter... James: Yeah, I'm going to...
23:31 I'm going to preach that when I get back.
23:32 All: Laughter.
23:34 Ivor: Let's see who preaches it first.
23:35 James: You will, I'm on a different subject right now.
23:38 All right, so let's get...
23:40 this... this is beautiful, let's just finish it up here...
23:42 we've got 26 to 30...
23:44 Yvonne, would you like to read those verses for us?
23:46 Yvonne: Sure... "Then Nebuchadnezzar
23:48 went near the mouth of the burning fiery furnace
23:51 and spoke, saying, 'Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
23:53 servants of the Most High God, come out, and come here. '
23:57 Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
23:59 came from the midst of the fire.
24:01 And the satraps, administrators, governors,
24:04 and the king's counselors gathered together,
24:06 and they saw these men on whose bodies the fire had no power;
24:10 the hair of their head was not singed
24:12 nor were their garments affected,
24:15 and the smell of the fire was not on them.
24:17 Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying,
24:19 'Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
24:22 who sent His Angel and delivered His servants
24:26 who trusted in Him,
24:27 and they have frustrated the king's word,
24:29 and yielded their bodies,
24:31 that they should not serve nor worship
24:33 any god except their own God!
24:35 Therefore I make a decree that that any people, nation,
24:39 or language which speaks anything amiss
24:42 against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
24:45 shall be cut in pieces,
24:47 and their houses shall be made an ash heap... '"
24:50 Jason: He's still an Extremist isn't he?
24:51 Yvonne: Yes, he's so extra... 'because there is no other God
24:54 who can deliver like this. '
24:55 Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
24:59 in the province of Babylon. "
25:01 James: Okay, a couple of thoughts here real quick...
25:03 we're on the... we're on the three angels' messages, right?
25:06 we're on the three angels' messages...
25:07 Ivor: Laughing...
25:09 James: "I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven
25:11 having the everlasting gospel...
25:12 to every nation and kindred, tongue and people... "
25:13 the princes... the governors...
25:15 remember they're from all over the world, right?
25:17 You got that? Matthew 24:14...
25:19 and then it says, "that have delivered His servants
25:22 that trusted in Him... "
25:23 they have faith in Jesus...
25:25 they had the faith in Jesus... you go... you go...
25:27 Ivor: He's just... he's preaching a crude version
25:30 of the three angels' messages.
25:31 James: Yes... yes... and they worshiped God...
25:33 they didn't worship the beast... they worshiped God.
25:34 Ivor: It's like their own version like,
25:36 like, "We'll cut your house... put your house in dunghill... "
25:39 he's learning...
25:40 James: The torment will ascend up fire and brimstone
25:44 forever and ever. Yvonne: Yes... Ivor: Yeah.
25:45 James: I mean, we say, "Extreme... "
25:47 but he is... he's preaching that
25:48 and then promotes that in Babylon,
25:50 so, it's really interesting isn't it how...
25:52 how... how Revelation is really summarizing
25:55 what's already been written in practical language...
25:58 the way that it's written here, it's so practical...
26:01 it's actually these... these... these literal tests
26:04 of whether we're going to worship man and his image
26:06 or whether we're going to worship God...
26:08 whether we're going to trust God through the fire and the flame
26:10 in the flood... or we're going to trust in ourselves
26:14 and in what humans can do for us.
26:15 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
26:16 James: Yeah, beautiful... powerful...
26:18 any other thoughts here?
26:19 Jason: Yeah, you know, one thing we'll say about Nebuchadnezzar
26:22 is he is dedicated to whatever he goes for...
26:25 he's dedicated to it and he gives a 110%...
26:28 like, "If you don't worship this false god,
26:31 I'm going to kill you
26:33 but if you don't worship this statue I'm going to kill you...
26:37 if you don't worship the one true God...
26:39 I'm going to kill you. "
26:40 James: "If you don't tell me my dream, I'm going to kill you. "
26:43 Jason: That's right... he is dedicated 110%...
26:47 got to love his enthusiasm.
26:48 Yvonne: Yeah, that's true.
26:50 Jason: Just got to get it... got...
26:52 Ivor: He's a killer... K I L L A...
26:54 K I L L A...
26:55 James: This is a good point because in Revelation 3...
26:58 the Laodicean church... it says, "I wish you were cold...
27:02 I wish you were hot or cold... "
27:04 Nebuchadnezzar is cold...
27:06 you know, he's not fully committed
27:07 but he's 110% for whatever he believes in...
27:09 sold out for... he believes in it
27:11 and the Christians sometimes, that's a rebuke to us
27:14 because we're not sold out.
27:15 we're just like... ah... lukewarm...
27:17 but we're not sold out so I love that thought Jason,
27:19 that's a really good thought.
27:21 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm... James: Yeah. Yvonne: It's good.
27:23 James: Good chapter... very practical... powerful...
27:24 I love the parallels between this and the book of Revelation,
27:27 open up our eyes to see that
27:30 and a lot of preparation now for Nebuchadnezzar
27:33 because as we go into chapter 4...
27:35 Nebuchadnezzar is going to have this incredible testimony
27:38 of his full-heart surrender and conversion experience...
27:42 it's going to be a powerful message for us.
27:44 Yvonne: It is... it is... Jason: Praise God.
27:45 Yvonne: Amen... amen.


Revised 2020-05-27