Salvation in Symbols and Signs

Daniel Eight Part 3 of 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SISS

Program Code: SISS000098S

00:01 Music...
00:31 James: Okay, we are back
00:33 and I think it will be good for us
00:35 as we move into Daniel chapter 9
00:38 to summarize a little bit
00:39 about what we studied in Daniel chapter 8,
00:41 because we have moved through Daniel 8
00:45 probably pretty fast... I don't know...
00:47 we... we did two programs on it
00:48 but I think there are still some things we need to flesh out
00:51 and also, we left verses 13 and 14 on the table
00:53 because we want to connect the 2300-day prophecy
00:57 in those verses to Daniel chapter 9
01:00 where God gives Daniel special instruction
01:03 on what... that timeline actually means
01:06 but before we jump in even with our summary,
01:09 we should start with a word of prayer.
01:10 Yvonne, would you like to pray for us?
01:12 Yvonne: Sure... sure,
01:14 "Dear Lord, we just thank you so very much
01:16 for the privilege of studying Your Word
01:19 and learning all of these amazing truths that are in it
01:22 and so, we just thank you and we ask you to send your Holy Spirit
01:26 to lead and guide us and direct us into all truth
01:29 and we thank you so much for all that you do
01:32 and for who you are, in Jesus' name, amen. "
01:34 All: Amen.
01:35 James: All right, Daniel chapter 8 began
01:38 with a vision that was after
01:40 or similar to the one in Daniel 7.
01:43 So, Daniel is having a second dream
01:45 because his first one was Daniel 7...
01:48 the one in Daniel 2 is actually Nebuchadnezzar's dream
01:51 that Daniel was given the interpretation of...
01:53 the understanding of...
01:54 so, his second dream is in the third year of Belshazzar.
01:57 So, it's before Babylon falls
02:00 but in this dream, Babylon is missing.
02:02 So, it's predictive of Babylon's fall.
02:05 It follows the same basic outline...
02:07 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome with Babylon missing.
02:10 Medo-Persia is there... Greece is there...
02:12 they're different now in symbols...
02:15 they're not a bear or a... a leopard...
02:18 they are a ram and a he-goat
02:20 and they're identified in that way in verses 20 to 22,
02:25 so, the angel wants to make it very clear...
02:26 this is the same basic outline that I've given you
02:30 in Daniel 2 and in Daniel 7.
02:32 We have a little bit of detail about Medo-Persia and Greece
02:35 and then we explode into the fourth beast of Rome.
02:39 One verse, I think, is focusing on this "King of the North"
02:42 because remember, he's pushing toward the south and the east
02:46 and the Pleasant Land so he's coming from the north,
02:48 so, there's King of the North in its pagan form
02:51 and then the rest of the verses focus on
02:53 his assault vertically toward heaven,
02:56 that is the Papal form of Rome.
02:59 A... a... a focus on the sanctuary
03:03 and its attack against the mediation of Christ
03:05 and I shared with you my own experience
03:07 being raised a Catholic and how I was taught
03:08 and millions of people are...
03:10 actually more than a billion people are...
03:12 that our forgiveness comes from a priest...
03:14 an earthly man and not directly from God.
03:16 That is what this prophetic prophecy
03:20 is outlining here for us... this specific attack
03:22 where the sanctuary of truth is cast down to the ground
03:24 and the mediation of Christ is obscured by an earthly mediation
03:29 and then the question is asked, "How long...
03:32 how long is this going to continue?
03:33 How long is this going to go on?"
03:35 And the answer is given in verses 13 and 14
03:39 and we kind of left that on the table, didn't we, Ivor?
03:41 We left those two verses on the table.
03:43 Ivor: Yeah, I think it's important that we understand
03:48 the... the context of these 2300 days
03:51 and one of the things, James, and we should point out
03:56 is the type of beast being used in Daniel chapter 8.
04:00 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
04:02 Ivor: There is a ram and a he-goat
04:06 and for the mind of the... you know...
04:09 James: Hebrews.
04:11 Ivor: Jewish reader... right... you are thinking...
04:14 ram and he-goat reminds you of something very specific
04:17 in the Old Testament sanctuary service
04:20 and that would have been the Day of Atonement.
04:23 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
04:25 Ivor: And on the Day of Atonement,
04:27 this is when the sanctuary was... was cleansed
04:31 and so, when we see this ram and this he-goat...
04:34 the interaction between this ram and this he-goat
04:37 and then you have this vision towards...
04:40 or this prophecy towards the end of this vision
04:44 about the sanctuary being cleansed,
04:46 we're having illusions here to the Day of Atonement
04:50 which is something that we're going to need to understand...
04:52 what is the Day of Atonement about
04:54 and what does the cleansing of the sanctuary mean?
04:57 So, that's something that... that we will...
05:00 we will need to address
05:02 but speaking more specifically about this time period.
05:06 When Daniel sees in... in... or hears this angel speaking,
05:13 verse 13, it reads there,
05:18 "Then I heard one saint speaking,
05:20 and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake,
05:22 'How long shall be the vision concerning the daily... '"
05:27 the word "sacrifice" is supplied there...
05:30 "and the transgression of desolation,
05:33 to give both the sanctuary and the host
05:36 to be trodden under foot?"
05:37 So, the angel is asking,
05:41 "How long is going to be
05:44 the events surrounding this vision?"
05:48 He's asking about the vision as a whole.
05:53 James: Hmmm... hmmm... okay.
05:57 Ivor: So, if we were to take these 2300 days,
06:00 right? and... and ask the question,
06:03 "Are these literal days?"
06:04 The answer would have to be, "No... "
06:07 why?
06:09 Because the vision starts with a ram
06:13 and then it proceeds to a he-goat
06:17 and then it proceeds to these four horns out of the he-goat
06:21 and then it proceeds to this Little Horn
06:23 and then this Little Horn doing all these things
06:25 against the sanctuary...
06:27 in other words, the vision covers the span...
06:30 I'm sorry... the time span...
06:32 the time covers the span of the entire vision.
06:36 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
06:38 Ivor: It must include Medo-Persia...
06:40 it must include Greece...
06:42 we've seen in previous studies
06:44 that the Little Horn represents Rome in two phases...
06:47 pagan... and then Papal...
06:50 so, this vision must span
06:52 Medo-Persia... Greece... Rome... Papal Rome.
06:58 James: Yeah.
06:59 Ivor: And what we're going to see
07:01 is that in Daniel 9...
07:03 in Daniel 8... we're not given a starting point here,
07:06 we're just told this is what's going to happen, right?
07:09 We're given the time but we're not given a starting point.
07:12 When we get to Daniel 9,
07:15 we're going to see that the starting point
07:18 is in the kingdom of the Ram with the two horns.
07:23 James: Yes. Yvonne: Hmmm.
07:24 Ivor: Right? James: Yeah... Medo-Persia.
07:26 Ivor: So, if Daniel... yeah,
07:28 if Daniel tells us that the starting point
07:29 is in the Medo-Persian Empire, right?
07:31 James: Yeah.
07:33 Ivor: When this decree goes forth to restore
07:35 and rebuild Jerusalem
07:36 and that did not happen in Babylon...
07:39 it happened in the Medo-Persian Empire,
07:41 then we go back to Daniel 8...
07:43 we can begin to see, "Hmmm... "
07:45 so, if the Little Horn is the one
07:47 doing the desecrating of the temple
07:49 and he comes after Rome... Pagan Rome...
07:54 then this vision begins in the Ram period
07:57 and extends all the way to the Little Horn
08:01 which means, if we're using 2300 literal days
08:03 that wouldn't take us past the first kingdom.
08:06 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
08:07 Ivor: If we use 2300 years,
08:10 we will find that every part of the prophecy
08:14 falls in place to the very year.
08:18 James: That is such a good point and it...
08:20 it... it put a light bulb on in my brain...
08:24 the light bulb was that that's one reason why
08:27 the kingdom of Babylon is left out.
08:29 Ivor: Yes.
08:31 James: The kingdom of Babylon is still in existence
08:34 when Daniel's given this vision but it's left out
08:36 and it's specifically left out because this vision encompasses
08:41 Medo-Persia... Greece and Rome, right?
08:44 The 2300 days encompasses Medo-Persia... Greece and Rome,
08:47 not Babylon so that's added confirmation
08:50 that the 2300-day time length is years, you know,
08:55 2300 prophetic days equals 2300 literal years
08:59 and because the question's being asked...
09:03 "How long the vision concerning all of this...?"
09:06 The answer is, "Well, 2300 years... "
09:09 prophetic days... years...
09:12 and that will start with Medo-Persia...
09:13 now, if Rome was still in...
09:15 I mean, Babylon was still in existence
09:17 and Babylon was the first power,
09:18 then it would have to go all the way back to Babylon
09:20 because it's concerning the vision, right?
09:22 That's what Ivor's bringing out here.
09:23 Ivor: Absolutely.
09:24 James: So, that's another indication
09:26 as to why God left Babylon out of the picture
09:29 because that helps to confirm the 2300-day time frame
09:34 as prophetic days or literal years.
09:36 Ivor: Now... now, to add to this you know,
09:42 when we understand that the 70 weeks
09:46 in Daniel 9... we're going to see this...
09:49 maybe in this study... maybe in the next study
09:51 that the 70 weeks is connected with this 2300 days...
09:56 then we have to utilize the same time principle.
09:59 James: Right... yeah.
10:01 Ivor: Those 70 weeks have to be weeks of years
10:05 and we're going to see that borne out... why?
10:08 Because the 70 weeks and the 2300 days
10:11 is part of the same...
10:12 the 70 weeks is a smaller part
10:16 of the larger time prophecy which is 2300 days.
10:19 James: Yeah. Ivor: Right?
10:21 James: Right.
10:22 Ivor: If it's the same prophecy, it's got a plot...
10:24 the same rule must apply.
10:26 James: Right. Yvonne: Hmmm...
10:27 Ivor: Which was... then helps us to understand
10:30 why in Daniel 7... when we talked about time...
10:34 times and half a time,
10:36 that we said... it was not 1260 days
10:39 but 1260 years... why?
10:42 Because it's part of the same prophecy, right?
10:47 James: Yeah. Yvonne: Hmmm...
10:48 Ivor: The Little Horn is connected with this time...
10:50 times and a half...
10:51 which is connected with the 2300 days...
10:53 which is connected with the 70 weeks as a starting point
10:56 so... all... this... this basically is telling us
11:00 this is one time prophecy.
11:02 James: Yeah.
11:03 Ivor: Even when we get to Daniel chapter 12
11:06 and we're looking at this time period of the 1290
11:10 and the 1335, we're going to see
11:13 it's all a part of the same prophecy.
11:17 James: Yes... good. Yvonne: Wow!
11:19 Ivor: Therefore, if one part of it is a day for a year,
11:23 then the whole thing must be a day for a year.
11:27 Yvonne: Good. James: Yes... absolutely.
11:28 Ivor: And I know we typically will go
11:30 to Ezekiel chapter 4 verse 6
11:31 or Numbers 14:34, you know...
11:35 demonstrate the day-for-a-year principle,
11:37 but even without that...
11:39 James: Even without that...
11:41 Ivor: Even without that,
11:42 just looking at the 70-week prophecy,
11:46 and seeing its connection to all the other prophecies...
11:50 time prophecies in Daniel,
11:52 we have to come to the conclusion
11:54 that it's a day for a year because
11:56 all the time prophecies fit perfectly... when you do that.
12:01 When you go to the book of Revelation,
12:02 you're seeing the same time prophecies...
12:04 it's the 42 months... right?
12:07 It's the... it's the... the 1260 days...
12:11 yet it's all part... so...
12:13 we're not picking and choosing,
12:16 we're simply saying, this time prophecy...
12:20 the 2300 days which throughout Daniel and Revelation
12:23 is broken up into smaller sub sections...
12:26 is all one prophecy.
12:28 James: Yeah.
12:30 Ivor: And it's a day for a year. James: Yeah...
12:32 James: So we see that... that's clearly indicated here,
12:35 I like the way that... that verse 13 reads in the King James
12:39 "Then I heard one saint speak to another saint... "
12:42 and I'm going to leave out all the italicized words
12:45 because all of those are added by the translators.
12:48 "I heard one saint speak with another saint,
12:51 and the other saint said unto that certain saint
12:54 that certain which spake,
12:56 'How long the vision...
12:59 the daily... the transgression of desolation,
13:02 to give both the sanctuary and the host
13:04 to be trodden under foot?'"
13:05 How long the vision... the daily... the sanctuary...
13:08 the transgression of desolation...
13:09 how long are all these...
13:10 how long is it going to be for all these things
13:12 to happen... to be fulfilled...
13:13 and then he says, "2300 days...
13:14 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. "
13:16 we're going to come to the end of this whole vision
13:20 after 2300 days.
13:21 Jason: Hmmm...
13:23 Yvonne: You know, to me... this is...
13:24 it's so amazing that, you know,
13:26 we talk about letting the Bible interpret itself
13:31 and... and the verses in Ezekiel... Ezekiel 4:6
13:36 and Numbers 14:34... say, a day for a year
13:39 so, just in case people want to say,
13:41 "Well, you just applied that on your own... "
13:43 no... no... no...
13:45 the Bible tells us that in prophecy, a day equals a year,
13:49 so, you can use that and I know
13:52 Pastor Ivor, you had said,
13:53 even without that which is true...
13:55 but the fact that God gave that to us...
13:57 it... it lets people know this is not just supposition,
14:01 it's in the Word
14:02 and you can, you know, use the Word to interpret itself
14:07 so, to me... it just shows you how amazing God is that...
14:11 that you know, from the beginning...
14:13 He lets you know just what's going to happen
14:15 and then you look back and you can see
14:17 how everything just fits... it fits.
14:21 James: Now, I want to... I want to pick up on this point, Yvonne
14:24 because you've brought up something
14:26 I think is really significant
14:28 and that is... is that God has actually given us Bible verses
14:32 to back up the application that we're making to this prophecy,
14:36 we're just getting started...
14:37 what Ivor said and what you're saying is just the beginning...
14:40 when we get into Daniel chapter 9,
14:42 we are going to nail this prophecy
14:44 because what you just said is so important... it's got to fit.
14:47 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm... Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
14:48 James: You just can't say,
14:49 "Oh, in Bible prophecy, a day equals a year... "
14:51 and leave it at that... it's got to fit.
14:53 There are times in the Bible when it says something like
14:57 the day of the Lord... in Bible prophecy...
14:58 "the day of the Lord" or "for an hour"
15:00 or "in that hour"
15:01 or "He'll rule for... "
15:03 that doesn't necessarily mean
15:04 we're talking about prophetic time...
15:05 it's got to fit
15:08 so, what we do is, we first of all look and see
15:11 if indeed that principle can apply to this prophecy.
15:14 Then, once we see that it is possible for it to fit,
15:17 we go back and we say,
15:18 "Okay, now, how does that interpret the prophecy?
15:21 Where does the prophecy lay out
15:22 if we apply the principle of day for a year?"
15:24 And if we lay out the prophecy and it fits...
15:26 in other words,
15:28 if that interpretation fits into that timeline of day for a year
15:31 then, we've got a perfect interpretation.
15:34 Does that make sense? Yvonne: Yes... yes... yes.
15:35 James: So, we're just getting started here,
15:36 we're saying, "Hey, this has got to be day for a year
15:38 but now, we got to see if it fits. "
15:40 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
15:42 Ivor: Yeah, just to highlight that point James,
15:45 remember, in our previous program, I had mentioned this
15:49 that in the Old Testament, there are...
15:52 or with the Old Covenant, I should say,
15:55 there are two time prophecies related to Israel.
16:01 The first was the 70 years... Babylon...
16:08 the next is the 70 weeks that starts with Medo-Persia,
16:15 right, so, in the 70 years, they're in captivity in Babylon
16:22 and... and by the way, I re...
16:28 I... I... I'm going to try not to jump ahead here
16:31 but this is... this is so significant.
16:34 James: We don't mind if you jump ahead.
16:37 All: Laughter.
16:40 Ivor: This is key to understand end-time events, right?
16:45 The... the... the 70 years occurred because... what?
16:49 and I'm going to throw this as a test question out,
16:53 why did the children of Israel go into Babylonian captivity
16:56 for 70 years?
16:58 Yvonne: You mean that specific number or...
17:01 or they... idolatry?
17:03 Ivor: Yeah, why? Yvonne: Idolatry.
17:05 Ivor: So, it was something very specific...
17:08 they spent 70 years...
17:10 it was exactly 70 years so that their land...
17:14 James: The Sabbath... rest... Ivor: Exactly.
17:17 James: Right. Yvonne: Ohhhh...
17:18 Ivor: They... they... they neglected the law of God...
17:24 the commandments of God...
17:25 the 70 years had to do with the law of God.
17:29 James: Yeah.
17:30 Ivor: The 70 weeks has to do with the testimony of Jesus.
17:36 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
17:37 Ivor: Don't... don't... Yvonne: Come on... come on.
17:41 Ivor: The 70 years... the law of God...
17:46 specifically the Sabbath.
17:48 The 70 weeks... we're going to see is a prophecy
17:53 regarding the testimony of Jesus.
17:56 James: Amen.
17:57 Ivor: And what ends up happening is...
17:59 at the end of that 70 weeks,
18:01 something is going to happen to Israel
18:04 signifying their rejection of the law and the testimony.
18:10 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Wow!
18:12 Ivor: Their rejection of the commandments of God
18:14 and the testimony of Jesus.
18:16 James: All right, we're in Revelation 12 now.
18:18 Ivor: Yes... yes... that is super...
18:22 in other words, it's almost as if God is showing us
18:25 the things that happened in the Old Testament
18:28 are written for our admonition
18:31 upon whom the ends of the world are come.
18:33 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
18:35 Ivor: Right, this is why Revelation chapter 12
18:38 and Revelation chapter 14 talks about this end-time movement
18:43 that do two things.
18:45 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
18:46 Ivor: They keep the commandments of God
18:49 specifically highlighting which commandment?
18:54 The Sabbath
18:56 and they have the testimony of Jesus.
19:00 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
19:01 Ivor: So, the 70 weeks and the...
19:05 I'm sorry... the 70 years and the 70 weeks perform...
19:11 I mean, provide a blueprint
19:14 for what will happen under the New Covenant time prophecies.
19:21 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
19:22 Ivor: Does that make sense? James: It makes sense...
19:24 it makes sense because in Revelation 12,
19:27 the woman is... the woman gives birth to the man-child
19:32 which is Jesus Christ so, Jesus Christ is born...
19:34 that woman represents the Jewish church first and foremost,
19:38 in other words,
19:39 so, you got the Jewish church being represented there...
19:41 the woman comes forth from the Jewish church...
19:43 Jesus is a Jew... born a Jew
19:45 and then the woman flees into the wilderness
19:47 and as she comes out of the wilderness,
19:49 she's then pictured as keeping the commandments of God
19:52 and having the testimony of Jesus.
19:53 So, the connection then in Revelation 12
19:55 with the Old and the New Testament...
19:58 were all connected together in this.
20:00 We can't discard the Old Testament
20:02 and Daniel is... in a sense... is that thread
20:07 that weaves through the Old and the New Testament.
20:10 It keeps God's people all connected together
20:12 because when we get into Daniel 9
20:14 and then Daniel 10, 11 and 12,
20:16 Daniel is told about his people... his people...
20:20 "Seal up the book... " your people...
20:21 your people... your people...
20:23 well, his people are us... his people are us.
20:26 When you connect Daniel and Revelation together,
20:29 the... the church goes through this wilderness transition
20:32 and comes out on the other side
20:33 as the Remnant who keep the commandments of God
20:36 and the testimony of Jesus Christ,
20:37 so, it makes perfect sense.
20:39 Ivor: Absolutely... we... we, in our previous studies,
20:43 including in our Revelation Series...
20:46 we talked about the 1260 and the 2300
20:49 and... and I just want to...
20:51 you know, hone in on this a little more.
20:54 The 70 weeks, we're going to see,
20:58 takes us up to the ministry of Jesus, okay,
21:02 so, that... that's practically still an Old-Covenant prophecy.
21:10 It begins in the Medo-Persian empire
21:13 and it goes all the way up to the ministry of Jesus
21:16 and like I said, we'll get into more detail with that...
21:19 the new covenant comes about as a result of that ministry.
21:23 Then we move into New-Covenant time, right...
21:27 and in New-Covenant time, you have two prophecies.
21:31 You have the 1260 and you have the 2300...
21:37 so, what I'm saying is
21:40 the 70 years and 70 weeks of the Old Covenant
21:44 parallels the 1260 and the 2300 of the New Covenant.
21:51 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
21:52 Ivor: Right? Let me break that down a little bit further.
21:56 During the 70 weeks, where are the children of Israel?
21:59 James: In captivity in Babylon.
22:01 Ivor: They're in Babylon... James: During the 70 years.
22:04 Ivor: I'm sorry... during the 70 years,
22:08 they are in Babylon, right?
22:11 Babylon has... has attacked the law of God...
22:15 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
22:17 the saints of God... James: And the sanctuary.
22:19 Ivor: The... the sanctuary has been cast down.
22:21 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
22:23 Ivor: The saints of God have been persecuted.
22:24 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
22:25 Ivor: If you remember our previous study on...
22:27 on the 1260 years which is the Dark Ages,
22:31 this is exactly what's going on.
22:33 James: Yeah.
22:34 Ivor: Mystery Babylon has scattered the people of God...
22:37 the sanctuary is cast down. James: Right.
22:40 Ivor: Times and laws have changed, right.
22:43 Now you parallel the 70 weeks
22:47 in which the sanctuary is to be restored.
22:51 James: Right.
22:52 Ivor: Right?
22:54 Then they've got this decree to go back and rebuild the temple
22:57 and rebuild the city.
22:59 The sanctuary is to be restored and it's going to culminate
23:02 with this judgment for Israel.
23:08 If... if you don't do X... Y... and Z...
23:12 probation is going to close on you as a nation.
23:16 What's happening in the 2300-day prophecy?
23:21 We're going to see that it... it... it parallels it
23:25 in an amazing way.
23:27 There is a sanctuary that is being restored...
23:30 there is a judgment that is going to come...
23:33 and those who refuse to submit to... to... to the process,
23:38 are going to find themselves in the same situation
23:42 that occurred at the end of the 70 weeks
23:44 which was the destruction of Jerusalem by this power
23:50 that we just identified as the King of the North in 70 AD.
23:58 James: Yeah. Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
24:00 Yvonne: Laughing.
24:02 James: And can we define X... Y... and Z...
24:04 if you don't do X... Y... and Z...
24:05 can we just define that real quick?
24:07 So, in the days
24:09 of the fulfillment of the 70-week prophecy,
24:12 X... Y... and Z... was:
24:14 accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Messiah.
24:16 He's your Messiah... He's your deliverer...
24:19 He's the One that comes for you...
24:20 He's the One that's going to deliver you
24:22 from sins... transgressions and iniquities
24:25 and in the end of time, X... Y... and Z... is:
24:27 accepting Jesus Christ as your Messiah.
24:29 Yvonne: Hmmm...
24:30 James: He's your deliverer... He's your salvation...
24:32 He's going to deliver you
24:33 from your sins... transgressions and iniquities,
24:35 does that make sense?
24:36 X... Y... and Z... isn't complicated,
24:39 it all points to Jesus every single time.
24:41 Yvonne: Wow!
24:42 James: Jesus is all through the book of Daniel.
24:45 Jesus is the One who is the Rock
24:47 that hits the image at the feet.
24:49 Jesus is in the furnace with the...
24:51 with the three worthies, right?
24:53 He... He is the One that is present in that assembly
24:56 when Daniel says,
24:58 "Hey, in Him you live and move and have your being...
25:00 He gives you breath and all things... " Daniel chapter 5.
25:02 He is... He is the Son of Man in Daniel chapter 7...
25:05 hold on there, Ivor...
25:07 Jesus Christ is the Prince...
25:10 the Mediator in Daniel chapter 8, right?
25:13 Yvonne: Yeah.
25:14 James: Jesus Christ is in the Lion's Den with Daniel
25:16 in chapter 6.
25:18 Jesus Christ is the Messiah that does away with sin,
25:21 transgression and iniquity in Daniel chapter 9.
25:22 He's Michael that helps Gabriel in Daniel chapter 10.
25:27 He is the Prince of the covenant that is...
25:30 that is cut off in Daniel chapter 11...
25:32 Jesus is the... is the Prince who delivers His people
25:35 in Daniel chapter 12 in that time of trouble.
25:37 Jason: Wow! Yvonne: Ooooh!
25:38 James: Jesus is all through the book of Daniel
25:40 and so, X... Y... and Z... is always Jesus Christ, amen.
25:43 Jason: Yeah.
25:45 Yvonne: Wow! I want to shout right now.
25:47 Jason: We could end this season right now.
25:49 Yvonne: Oh Man! that is so rich.
25:52 Ivor: Let me share this very quickly, okay
25:54 that there's a difference between the X... Y... and Z...
25:59 of the 70 weeks
26:00 and the X... Y... and Z... of the 2300 years.
26:02 If you look in the book of Acts,
26:04 Man! I'm not going to be able to do this,
26:06 Peter says, "Repent for the remission of sins. "
26:09 That is what Jesus came to do.
26:11 He came to put us in remission
26:14 but when you're in remission,
26:16 it doesn't mean that you have been...
26:18 it doesn't mean you've been cured from sin...
26:21 it can always come back.
26:23 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm... James: Hmmm...
26:25 Ivor: On the Day of Atonement,
26:28 it represented the blotting out of sin.
26:32 James: That's right.
26:33 Ivor: Watch this... James: Hmmm... hmmm...
26:34 Ivor: We're all in remission right now.
26:36 Sin can come back at any moment for us
26:39 but the final closing work of Jesus
26:42 is to bring us into total...
26:46 is to cure us from sin.
26:50 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
26:51 Ivor: The 70 weeks points to the remission of sins...
26:54 the 2300 days points to the blotting out of sins
26:58 and that is what we're going to see unfolded
27:03 in a beautiful way
27:04 when we get to really unpacking this 2300 days.
27:08 James: Amen... amen.
27:09 So, just as we close now
27:11 because we've only got a few seconds left,
27:13 we just want to summarize...
27:14 it's very clear as we look at these prophecies
27:16 and as we look at the book of Daniel as a whole...
27:19 that this is all about Jesus...
27:20 that Jesus is the X... Y... and Z...
27:22 whether He's coming the first time
27:25 to move us into that remission stage
27:27 or whether He's coming the last time...
27:28 or closing up His work the last time
27:30 to move us into that blotting-out stage...
27:32 it's all about Jesus
27:33 and that's what we want our focus to be
27:35 as we move into these prophecies.
27:37 We haven't gotten into Daniel chapter 9 but we're going to...
27:39 we're going to move in there in our next session together
27:41 but as we leave Daniel 8, we're still putting...
27:45 we're still leaving verses 13 and 14 on the table.
27:48 We want to talk and focus on this
27:50 2300-Day Prophecy in more detail
27:53 and we will when we get to Daniel chapter 9.
27:55 Yvonne: Yes. James: Praise God.
27:56 Yvonne: Amen. James: Praise God.
27:58 Ivor: Amen.


Revised 2021-05-03