Salvation in Symbols and Signs

Daniel Nine Part 3 of 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SISS

Program Code: SISS000101S

00:01 Music...
00:31 James: All right, we are back in Daniel chapter 9.
00:34 Again, we're going to be here for a while potentially.
00:37 This is Part 3 of Daniel chapter 9.
00:42 We already covered the first half of the chapter
00:45 with Daniel's humility...
00:47 his humility of attitude... of spirit...
00:50 his humility of action...
00:52 his humility of motive... God's glory... not my glory
00:55 and that led us to understand
00:58 how his prayer was answered quickly...
01:00 the King James says, "Swiftly... "
01:02 Gabriel came to him swiftly
01:04 and then, we made a connection between Daniel 9 and Daniel 8...
01:08 very clear in those two verses in verses 21, 22 and 23
01:14 that there's a connection.
01:16 "I've come to give you understanding
01:17 so, understand the vision. "
01:18 Well, as Ivor said, there's no vision in Daniel 9
01:22 up to this point, so the vision he must be referring to...
01:24 that Gabriel's referring to is in Daniel 8
01:26 and it's the vision of the 2300-Day Prophecy
01:29 which Daniel didn't understand.
01:31 It made him sick... he just couldn't get it...
01:33 he couldn't grasp it... he went back to Jeremiah
01:36 like we all should do and study the Bible
01:38 and he was trying to understand the 70 years
01:41 and how that relates to the 2300-Day prophecy
01:43 and now, we started understanding
01:46 more about this vision in verses 24 and 25,
01:52 we looked at the 70 weeks
01:54 and how all these tasks that were committed to God's people
01:58 were committed to "Israel" in Jesus
02:02 and that's why Jesus... Messiah comes in 69 weeks
02:07 because they've only got 70 weeks to finish
02:08 and they're not going to get it done.
02:10 We're never... you can give us 170 weeks...
02:12 270 weeks...
02:13 we're not going to finish transgression of sins
02:15 and iniquities.
02:16 We're not going to bring everlasting righteousness...
02:18 seal up the vision... the prophecy... the Most Holy...
02:20 but Jesus is... and that's kind of where we left off
02:22 and so, we thought we would
02:24 kind of expand on that a little bit...
02:26 see how these specifics were fulfilled in Christ
02:29 and then move into the rest of the prophecy
02:31 because there's a lot here
02:32 and there can be some misunderstandings...
02:35 that can lead to a whole different eschatological...
02:37 isn't that a... a deep theological word?
02:39 "Eschatological... "
02:41 Yvonne: Yeah... yeah... Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
02:42 James: That's last-day events...
02:44 a whole different eschatological interpretation in relationship,
02:47 especially the seventh week which we...
02:48 which we found all around us
02:50 so... so we should start with a word of prayer...
02:52 Yvonne, would you like to pray for us?
02:53 Yvonne: Yes... yes, "Oh Lord, we're so grateful
02:55 for this privilege of studying Your Word
02:57 and just seeing how much You love us
02:59 and how You demonstrate that love through Jesus in the Word
03:03 and we thank You for that...
03:05 so, we pray for Your guidance and Your direction
03:07 through Your Holy Spirit, Lord,
03:09 we thank You again for Your presence and Your power
03:12 and Your anointing, in Jesus' name, amen. "
03:14 All: Amen.
03:16 James: So, I don't know if you remember,
03:19 we compared Daniel 9 to Revelation chapter 10.
03:23 In Revelation chapter 10, you have a seven-thunder message
03:27 that is in the book of Daniel
03:29 because it's a little book that's opened
03:31 and I don't want to go to Revelation 10
03:33 and look at all that because we've already covered that
03:35 in our Revelation Series which, by the way,
03:37 just to put a little hook in for our Revelation Series:
03:40 Salvation, Symbols and Signs on the book of Revelation... 72...
03:43 Jason: 72 Episodes.
03:45 James: 72 Episodes...
03:46 and there's a whole section there on the seven thunders.
03:49 They connect with Daniel chapter 9 verse 24
03:54 because in Daniel 9:24, you have the seven tasks
03:57 to finish transgression...
03:59 sin... end sin and iniquity...
04:02 bring in everlasting righteousness...
04:04 seal up the vision... seal up the prophecy
04:05 and anoint the Most Holy
04:07 and Jesus is the only One that can accomplish this
04:09 so, in Daniel...
04:10 in Revelation, the little book that's opened
04:12 is the book of Daniel
04:14 and the seven-thunder message is the message
04:15 right from Daniel chapter 9.
04:16 Yvonne: Wow!
04:18 James: So that... so that John in Revelation is seeing now
04:21 this prophecy as he's never seen it before
04:24 and he's committing that to a church
04:27 that will go through a sweet-bitter disappointment
04:29 and then take that message to the entire world...
04:31 "prophecy again before many nations, tongues, kindreds,
04:33 tongues and peoples about the sanctuary
04:35 and the measuring of the altar and the temple
04:38 and those who worship therein" the judgment...
04:40 and it's so beautiful because
04:42 as we trust in Christ and His righteousness...
04:44 His doing and dying...
04:46 we stand with Him as our Mediator in the judgment
04:48 and He covers everything... all of our history is covered
04:52 as we put our complete weight...
04:53 our complete trust upon Him and His righteousness
04:55 and that leads us to live for Him
04:57 and when we live for Jesus Christ,
04:59 you obey His commandments...
05:00 that's why we have the people who keep the commandments of God
05:02 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ...
05:06 they testify of Jesus.
05:08 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
05:09 James: All right, so...
05:11 you're going to say something, Ivor?
05:13 Ivor: No, you go ahead... go ahead... I'm following up,
05:15 yeah, go ahead... go ahead.
05:17 I'm thinking we're about to get into verse 24.
05:21 James: Yes. Ivor: Yeah, so let's go ahead.
05:26 James: All right, so, we'll start with verse 24
05:28 and just touch on this, this is...
05:30 these tasks were fulfilled in Christ,
05:32 I want you to start here with this phrase...
05:34 "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people
05:37 and upon thy holy city, to finish transgression... "
05:40 now, remember we talked about transgression, sin and iniquity
05:43 as being the summation of everything fallen...
05:47 everything about us that's fallen
05:48 and out of whack with God...
05:50 so, transgression... finishing transgression...
05:52 this word "finish" is actually found in the Old Testament
05:58 prophecies of Christ
05:59 and the prophecy I'd like to look at right now
06:01 to see how this was fulfilled in Christ is Psalm 88.
06:05 If we can open our Bibles to Psalm 88...
06:08 the word is "kala" ka lah
06:11 and it means to restrain or to shut up.
06:15 He's going to restrain or shut up transgressions
06:18 and I want you to look in Psalm 88
06:21 and Jason, if you could read for us verses 4 through 8
06:25 of Psalm 88
06:27 and I want you to look for this word "finish"
06:28 which means "to shut up"
06:30 so that we can see how it is fulfilled in Jesus.
06:32 Jason: "I am counted with those who go down to the pit;
06:37 I am like a man who has no strength,
06:40 adrift among the dead,
06:42 like the slain who lie in the grave,
06:45 whom you remember no more,
06:47 and who are cut off from your land...
06:50 from your hand... " excuse me.
06:52 "You have laid me in the lowest pit,
06:55 in darkness, in the depths.
06:57 Your wrath lies heavy upon me,
06:59 and You have afflicted me with all Your waves.
07:03 You have put away my acquaintances far from me;
07:07 You have made me an abomination to them;
07:10 I am shut up, and I cannot get out... "
07:13 James: Okay, "I am shut up and I cannot get out... "
07:15 come forth...
07:17 this is a Messianic prophecy...
07:20 this is a prophecy of the Messiah...
07:21 this is a prophecy of Jesus.
07:22 Yvonne: Hmmm...
07:24 James: Do you see as you read this
07:25 how this is the experience He went through on the cross?
07:26 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
07:28 James: He felt like He was not remembered by God...
07:29 He felt like He was cut off by God.
07:32 He felt like God's wrath was lying hard upon Him...
07:35 that the waves of God's wrath... all of God's wrath
07:38 because He was experiencing all of the wrath
07:40 for all generations of all people of all time.
07:43 He felt like all of God's wrath was coming over Him...
07:46 wave after wave.
07:48 His acquaintances were put forth from Him.
07:50 In other words, all His disciples left Him...
07:52 they forsook Him... He... it says here,
07:55 that He was made an abomination unto them...
07:57 hanging on the cross... He was a curse.
07:58 Yvonne: Hmmm... Jason: Hmmm...
08:00 James: He was shut up and He couldn't come forth.
08:02 Now, that shut the word "shut up" is "Kala"
08:04 it's the same word "finish" here
08:06 in... in Daniel chapter 9 and verse 24,
08:10 so, He was going to finish... He was going to shut up...
08:12 He was going to "kala" transgression...
08:15 He was going to "kala" it.
08:17 Now, that... that experience is what Christ went through
08:20 because in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 21 it says,
08:24 "He" God made "Him" to be sin for us
08:28 so He was treated as we are and when Jesus was shut up,
08:32 our transgressions were shut up.
08:34 When Jesus was forsaken... when he was cut off,
08:37 our transgressions were cut... they were finished...
08:39 they were finished in Christ.
08:41 Yvonne: Hmmm...
08:42 James: So, this is how this prophecy is fulfilled
08:45 in Jesus Christ.
08:46 That's one phrase... that's one thought here
08:49 in Daniel chapter 9 and verse 24.
08:51 The next phrase is that He would make an end of sins.
08:55 Ivor: James, if I could just jump in real quick here
09:00 and I'm going to jump down to verse 26
09:02 to build on that same point you just made.
09:05 James: Yes, please do. Ivor: Verse 26... it says,
09:07 "After threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off,
09:11 but not for Himself... "
09:13 James: Wow!
09:14 Ivor: and the other
09:18 way in which we should see this being fulfilled
09:24 is that in the Old Testament,
09:29 the way that a non-Jewish person got access
09:39 to the Jewish rites and rituals
09:43 is that they had to be circumcised.
09:45 James: Okay.
09:47 Ivor: That's the cutting off of the flesh.
09:49 Ivor: When the Bible tells us that Jesus is our circumcision,
09:54 it's telling us that because He was cut off for us.
09:58 James: Hmmm...
10:00 Ivor: And so, in that covenant, Christ becomes our circumcision
10:06 which actually opens up the door
10:09 for the Gentiles to come in and be a part of this covenant.
10:15 James: Wow! Yeah. Yvonne: Hmmm...
10:16 James: Praise the Lord. Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
10:18 James: And I love that phrase... He was cut off...
10:21 but not for Himself.
10:23 Did you love that?
10:24 Yvonne: Yes... yes.
10:26 Ivor: Absolutely.
10:27 James: See, if any of us are cut off...
10:28 we're cut off for ourselves
10:30 because of our sins and our iniquities.
10:32 Yvonne: Right. Jason: Hmmm...
10:34 James: Jesus was sinless... He never sinned...
10:35 He was perfect.
10:37 So, for Him to be cut off...
10:38 because that phrase "cut off" is talking...
10:40 in first... the second death...
10:41 in first... being completely separated from God.
10:45 That's... that's the implication of that.
10:48 He was cut off... He was separated from God
10:50 but not for Himself...
10:52 so, who was He separated from God for?
10:54 In whose behalf was He separated?
10:55 Yvonne: For us. Jason: For us.
10:56 James: For us... "All we like sheep have gone astray,
10:58 we've turned, every one, our own way,
11:00 and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. "
11:03 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
11:04 James: You know, some people look at God
11:06 in a negative sense, you know,
11:08 they see Him as, you know, a... a... a tyrant
11:12 and as a... a bad person... I don't...
11:16 I can't even... it's hard for me to even fathom that
11:18 because when I see this picture of God,
11:20 I don't... I can't even relate to that.
11:22 You know, He was cut off but not for Himself.
11:25 He was cut off for us.
11:27 Yvonne: Yes.
11:28 James: I love that. Jason: Amen.
11:31 James: I was... I was just wanting to emphasize that point,
11:34 Ivor, as you came up...
11:35 as you brought those thoughts together,
11:37 great connection between "cut off"
11:39 and what we saw in "finish. "
11:40 Yvonne: And also cutting off of the flesh for us, like,
11:46 changing us from being in the flesh
11:49 to being more spiritual.
11:51 He... He was... and I think...
11:54 James: That's good... now, that's good, yeah.
11:55 Yvonne: That really... to me... that resonated with me.
11:58 James: It does because when we're in Christ,
12:00 the flesh goes away... the flesh is gone.
12:03 Yvonne: Yes... yes.
12:04 Ivor: Go ahead... go ahead Jason.
12:09 Jason: I was going to say, how does that verse go
12:10 where it was like,
12:12 "I will remove that heart of stone... " or something
12:16 "and give you a heart of flesh. "
12:18 James: How does that correlate with the two?
12:20 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm... like, I mean, like,
12:22 how's the rest of that verse?
12:24 Ivor: It's the circumcision of the heart.
12:27 Panel: Yes.
12:28 Ivor: Right, yeah, it's the circumcision of the heart
12:31 and it's... it's so interesting because
12:34 in the book of Esther chapter 8 verse 17,
12:37 the whole story of Esther
12:40 and, you know, how she was used to deliver her people,
12:44 at the very end of that when everything goes their way,
12:48 the Bible says that many people in the land "feared"
12:52 and became Jews.
12:54 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
12:55 Ivor: They became Jews...
12:57 how did they become... how do you become a Jew?
12:59 They had to be circumcised
13:02 in order to become a part of Israel.
13:04 Yvonne: Right.
13:05 Ivor: So, you remember in our last Study,
13:08 we talked about the fact that Jesus became Israel for us.
13:12 James: Hmmm... hmmm... yes.
13:14 Ivor: Right, so in the Old Testament
13:15 in order to become part of Israel,
13:17 you had to be circumcised.
13:19 In the New Testament, He is our circumcision.
13:23 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Wow! That's good.
13:25 James: So you accept... you accept Christ.
13:27 Ivor: And that... absolutely. James: Hmmm... hmmm...
13:30 Ivor: When we accept Christ,
13:31 we are heirs according to the promise.
13:33 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
13:35 James: Amen. Yvonne: Amen.
13:37 Ivor: We are Christ's...
13:38 so this just is another way of showing that
13:42 part of the original plan of God for Israel,
13:46 was that it was to become the Promised Land
13:49 for the entire world.
13:52 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
13:54 Ivor: Gentiles were to flow into Israel
13:57 and now these barriers that would have kept them,
14:00 you know, circumcision... that's a pave...
14:03 no... in Christ, the whole world can have access
14:08 to the promises.
14:10 James: Amen. Yvonne: Hmmm...
14:12 Ivor: But again, we're going to see that...
14:14 that, you know, the Nation failed in doing that
14:16 and this prophecy will bear out what happens as a result.
14:20 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
14:21 James: The next phrase is "to make an end of sins"
14:26 and this one is found in Hebrews,
14:28 Yvonne, if you could just look there in Hebrews chapter 9
14:32 and we're going to look at verse 26...
14:35 Hebrews 9 verse 26.
14:37 Yvonne: 9:26...
14:39 James: Again, we're looking at how these seven points
14:40 were fulfilled in Christ.
14:42 Yvonne: Yes...
14:43 "He then would have had to suffer often
14:46 since the foundation of the world;
14:48 but now, once at the end of the ages,
14:51 He has appeared to put away sin
14:53 by the sacrifice of Himself. "
14:55 James: So He made an end of sins
14:57 by the sacrifice of Himself. Yvonne: Yes.
14:58 James: He has put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.
15:01 Yvonne: Yes... yes.
15:02 James: So, he finished transgression
15:04 by becoming sin for us and being shut up.
15:06 God's wrath was poured upon Him... He was cut off from God,
15:10 he felt like He was remembered no more...
15:12 He was shut up... He couldn't come forth
15:13 and He finished transgression...
15:15 He made an end of sins by basically sacrificing Himself
15:19 so, all of these verses we're looking at
15:21 are showing how these points...
15:23 there's... you can't find a verse
15:24 to show how this was fulfilled in the Jewish nation...
15:26 you're not going to find anyone in the Jewish nation finishing
15:30 not even Daniel can... can stand before God
15:32 without saying, you know,
15:34 "My goodness is turned into corruption... "
15:36 but Christ could... Christ could actually
15:38 experience all of God's wrath
15:40 and still come forth from the grave because He was sinless.
15:42 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm.
15:44 James: The only human being
15:45 who lived the sinless, perfect life
15:47 and, therefore, can make a perfect atonement for us
15:50 because He was the Lamb without blemish and without spot.
15:52 Yvonne: Yes.
15:53 James: And then it says in the... the next phrase here
15:56 that He would make reconciliation for iniquity.
15:59 Jason, there are a bunch of verses
16:00 that I want you to read in Romans chapter 5.
16:04 Now, these verses are really significant
16:05 in the whole context of the 70-Week prophecy...
16:08 the timeline... I mean...
16:09 so, if you want to start with verse 6
16:11 and read all the way through verse 10
16:13 we'll go back and just touch on... on the points.
16:16 Jason: Okay, "For when we were still without strength,
16:19 in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
16:21 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die;
16:25 yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die.
16:28 But God demonstrates His own love toward us,
16:32 in that while we were still sinners,
16:34 Christ died for us.
16:35 Much more than, having now been justified by His blood,
16:39 we shall be saved from wrath through Him.
16:42 For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God
16:46 through the death of His Son,
16:48 much more, having been reconciled,
16:50 we shall be saved by His life. "
16:53 Yvonne: Hmmm...
16:54 James: Okay, so in Daniel chapter 9 verse 24,
16:57 the third phrase is that He is going to make reconciliation
17:02 for iniquity.
17:03 Yvonne: Wow! Look at that. Jason: Wow!
17:05 James: Now, what's really interesting about these verses
17:07 is how they start out.
17:08 "For when we were without strength... "
17:10 that's the point we've been trying to make here
17:13 that we don't have any strength
17:15 to do away with sins and iniquities and transgressions.
17:17 We don't have any...
17:18 "For when we were still without strength, in due time... "
17:20 now, that phrase right there is used consistently
17:23 in the New Testament
17:24 and it's referring specifically to the 70-Week prophecy
17:28 because that word "time" means: the set or appointed time
17:31 it's referring back to the prophecy that predicted
17:34 the Messiah was going to come and be anointed.
17:37 James: He's going to be anointed after 483 weeks
17:40 or prophetic, you know, weeks would be...
17:43 a day for a year... 483 years.
17:45 So, 483 years... Jesus arrives on the scene...
17:48 we're still going to lay out that time...
17:50 that time frame right there
17:51 and He is going to... in due time... do something for us
17:56 that we can't do because we have no strength.
17:57 Yvonne: Wow! James: Isn't that amazing?
17:59 In due time...
18:01 the right time, Christ died for the ungodly
18:05 and that's Paul's emphasis
18:07 and then it goes on to basically say,
18:08 "We're reconciled to God...
18:10 and much more than being reconciled,
18:11 we're going to be saved by His life. "
18:13 So, you have "finish" "kala" that is "shut up"
18:17 you have "to make an end of sins"
18:19 and then you have "to make reconciliation for iniquity... "
18:21 and then in the last phrase that I want us to look at is
18:23 "to bring in everlasting righteousness... "
18:26 and this is the gospel... the righteousness of God.
18:30 We can read about this in Romans chapter 1,
18:32 Yvonne, would you like to read there...
18:35 Romans chapter 1 verses 16 and 17?
18:37 Yvonne: Sure... "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,
18:41 for it is the power of God to salvation
18:44 for everyone who believes,
18:45 for the Jew first and also for the Greek.
18:48 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed
18:51 from faith to faith;
18:52 as it is written,
18:54 'The just shall live by faith. '"
18:56 James: So, Jesus Christ brings in everlasting righteousness
18:59 and Paul says,
19:00 "I'm not ashamed of this gospel that focusses on Christ...
19:02 I'm not ashamed of that
19:04 because that's the righteousness of God
19:05 established in Jesus Christ... "
19:07 and we could look at lot of verses...
19:09 one of the one that comes to my brain is Revelation 14
19:11 verse 6: "I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven
19:14 having the everlasting gospel. "
19:16 Well, Paul just said that in the gospel is righteousness,
19:20 right? So the everlasting righteousness
19:22 the everlasting gospel is synonymous... synonymous
19:25 so... so... so here we have Jesus Christ
19:27 fulfilling the specifics
19:29 at least of these first four points...
19:31 I'm just going to touch on the next two...
19:33 I'm not going to give you a Bible verse for them.
19:34 "He is also going to seal up the vision and the prophecy. "
19:40 Now, the reason why I think there's a distinction
19:42 between those two
19:43 is because we're dealing with two aspects here
19:45 of this prophetic declaration.
19:48 One aspect is... who it applies to
19:51 and the other aspect is... when it applies in time.
19:54 So, the vision, I think, deals with who it applies to...
19:57 it applies to Jesus...
19:59 it applies to Jesus Christ
20:00 and then the prophecy is when it applies
20:02 and we still got to break that open
20:05 but we are believing that this applies to Jesus Christ
20:08 and therefore, it would be fulfilled in A.D. 27...
20:11 He was anointed in A.D. 27
20:13 and if you start in A.D. 27
20:16 and you go back 483 years,
20:19 you're going to come to the date 457 B.C.
20:23 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
20:25 James: So all we need to do is
20:26 if we can... is show that A.D. 27 was the day...
20:30 the time... the year... I should say
20:31 that Christ was "anointed"
20:33 because that's what the word "Christ" means,
20:35 "the anointed One. "
20:36 If we can show He was anointed in A.D. 27,
20:38 we go back 483 years
20:40 and we have our beginning date 457 B.C.
20:41 Yvonne: Hmmm...
20:43 James: And once we have our beginning date
20:45 for that 70 weeks,
20:46 we can take it to Christ being anointed...
20:48 we can take it to Him being cut off
20:50 in the midst of that final week...
20:51 we can take it to the close of the 70-Week prophecy
20:55 for the Jews
20:56 and then we can extend it all the way out
20:58 to the very end of 2300 days... years... prophetic days...
21:01 literal years to the year 1844.
21:03 Yvonne: Hmmm...
21:05 James: When we see the sanctuary being "cleansed"
21:07 and we see it made right...
21:09 and God's people actually realizing it's not the earth...
21:12 it's heaven... I'm way ahead of myself right now,
21:15 but hope we'll nail all this stuff down
21:17 and we'll see this picture just... just come out
21:21 and just show this glorious harmony
21:23 between the Old and the New Testament
21:24 and where we are now and where we come from.
21:26 Yvonne: Yes.
21:27 James: It's going to be really good.
21:29 Yvonne: Yes... amen.
21:30 James: Ivor, what have you got for us?
21:31 Ivor: So, I would like to point us to the beginning point,
21:37 you were just talking about 457 B.C.
21:40 in Daniel 9, it says, "Know therefore and understand,
21:44 that from the going forth of the commandment
21:46 to restore and to build Jerusalem... "
21:48 James: Hmmm...
21:50 Ivor: There were four different decrees
21:52 revolving around the Jews going back to Jerusalem...
21:57 the first was given by Cyrus
21:59 and it dealt with the building of the temple.
22:03 James: Okay.
22:04 Ivor: The second was given by Darius
22:06 which was basically a re-affirmation of the first
22:10 again dealing strictly with the temple.
22:12 James: Okay.
22:13 Ivor: The third decree
22:16 was the decree given by Artaxerxes.
22:18 James: Hmmm...
22:20 Ivor: And that decree was given in 457 B.C.
22:24 James: Okay.
22:26 Ivor: And there's a reason why we need to focus on that decree
22:28 and why that is the decree that begins...
22:30 not only do we know this from counting backwards,
22:34 27 A.D. going backwards to 457...
22:37 but I want you to... to notice this in Isaiah chapter 1.
22:42 So, in our previous programs, we were talking about
22:45 how many places Daniel's 70-Week prophecy is...
22:48 I'm going to show to you again in Isaiah chapter 1.
22:51 James: All right.
22:53 Ivor: So, if you go to Isaiah chapter 1...
22:55 if I could have someone read for me just two verses...
22:58 verses 7 and 8
23:01 and then, there will be two more verses after that
23:04 but let's just go ahead and read verses 7 and 8.
23:06 Jason: "Your country is desolate,
23:09 your cities are burned with fire;
23:11 strangers devour your land in your presence;
23:15 and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.
23:18 So the daughter of Zion is left as a booth in a vineyard,
23:23 as a hut in a garden of cucumbers,
23:26 as a besieged city. "
23:28 Ivor: Okay, now, Isaiah is writing before the destruction
23:33 of Jerusalem.
23:34 He's prophesying... that it's coming to pass...
23:36 this is exactly what he's talking about here, right,
23:39 "You're going into captivity
23:41 for 70 years... "
23:43 right, he doesn't call it seventy years here
23:45 but he's saying, "Your country is going to be desolate" right?
23:48 Now, I want you to go down to verse 26 and 27.
23:56 Jason: Okay...
23:59 "I will restore your judges as at the first,
24:02 and your counselors as at the beginning.
24:05 Afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness,
24:08 the faithful city. "
24:10 Zion shall be redeemed with justice,
24:12 and her penitents with righteousness. "
24:15 Ivor: Okay, so now you have in this same chapter
24:20 Isaiah, speaking on behalf of God,
24:22 is saying, "I'm going to restore Jerusalem
24:26 with judges and counselors
24:31 and then you will be called,
24:33 'the city of righteousness... the faithful city.'"
24:35 James: Okay.
24:37 Ivor: Could someone go to Ezra chapter 7 and verse 25.
24:41 James: Here we go... here we go.
24:42 Ivor: Ezra 7 verse 25.
24:44 This is the... this is the verse in which...
24:48 Yvonne: Ezra... what? James: 7:25.
24:52 Ivor: Chapter 7 verse 25.
24:54 Now, what you're about to read here
24:57 is the decree that was given by Artaxerxes.
25:00 Yvonne: Okay.
25:02 Ivor: And you'll see why this decree is set apart
25:05 because we just read in Isaiah 1:26, God says,
25:07 "I'm going to set up your judges again
25:09 and then you will be called: the faithful city. "
25:12 Judges judge the city, right?
25:15 Without judges... you don't have a city.
25:17 So, remember the first two decrees... the temple...
25:21 but it's not until Artaxerxes that we find something...
25:25 read it right now, look at verse 25.
25:27 Yvonne: "And you, Ezra,
25:29 according to your God-given wisdom,
25:32 set magistrates and judges
25:33 who may judge all the people who are in the region
25:36 beyond the River,
25:37 all such as know the laws of your God;
25:40 and teach those who do not know them. "
25:42 James: Hmmm... Ivor: All right.
25:44 This is Artaxerxes' decree...
25:46 this is the decree which we should begin counting from
25:51 because it's the decree that not only addresses the temple
25:55 but also sets up judges and magistrates
25:58 and counsellors in the city
26:00 according to what Isaiah chapter 1 verse 26 said.
26:04 James: I love it... I love it, Ivor.
26:07 Ivor: So, now, who would have thought
26:09 that the 70 weeks is found in Isaiah chapter 1?
26:14 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
26:16 Ivor: What in the world?
26:17 And then, right after that "Zion shall be redeemed
26:20 with judgment,
26:22 and her converts with righteousness. "
26:23 That is pointing forward to the redemptive work of Jesus
26:27 that was just described by James
26:32 in all those seven points.
26:33 James: Yeah. Yvonne: Wow!
26:34 James: You know, Ivor, I just want to say something here...
26:36 just a little thought and I just...
26:39 I'm so thankful for what you just shared
26:41 because I've never heard this before...
26:42 it's just brand new to me
26:44 and so, just for those who are listening,
26:46 you know, we can study the Bible for decades...
26:48 I've been studying the Bible for decades
26:49 but it's always this... there's always going to be new,
26:52 new... new manna...
26:54 you know, more stuff that we've never seen before...
26:56 that's the first point I wanted to encourage people with...
26:58 the second point is this,
27:01 this prophecy is so vital
27:03 that I believe God is giving new light
27:06 and new light and new light...
27:07 you know, so many people have left...
27:09 people have left the church because of this prophecy,
27:11 Adventists... because of this prophecy...
27:13 it's been attacked in any way and shape you can think of
27:16 and I feel that God is just building it up
27:18 and strengthening it...
27:20 when we look at what Ivor just shared,
27:21 it affirms the 457 date...
27:24 we look at... we're going to look at in the New Testament,
27:27 Luke chapter 2 and Luke chapter 3,
27:29 it affirms the 27 A.D. date
27:31 and those two dates just become solid pillars
27:34 based in Jesus Christ
27:36 and I think this is so vital for us to understand.
27:38 Yvonne: Hmmm...
27:39 James: You know, God...
27:41 our confidence will be shaken a little bit
27:42 and we'll meet with people who are against the message
27:44 but we need to stay in the Bible and stay in the Word
27:47 and God will show us more and more truth as is needed
27:50 to be a witness for Him in these last days.
27:52 Praise God.
27:54 Yvonne: Amen. Jason: Amen.


Revised 2021-05-19