Salvation in Symbols and Signs

Daniel Eleven Part 1 of 6

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SISS

Program Code: SISS000105S

00:01 Music...
00:31 James: We have arrived... oooh... Daniel chapter 11...
00:35 Yvonne: Oh...
00:37 James: This is probably the most challenging Bible prophecy
00:41 in all Scripture... at least in the book of Daniel,
00:45 Daniel 11... the king of the North...
00:46 the king of the South
00:48 has challenged many scholars for many years
00:50 and even within our own church, there are two or three at least
00:53 different interpretations
00:54 of certain parts of Daniel chapter 11
00:56 especially verses 40 to 45.
00:59 So, we are venturing on challenging ground
01:02 but what's really, I think, important is
01:06 is that we've set a good foundation
01:07 of prophetic principles of interpretation
01:11 that can help us navigate this area of the book of Daniel.
01:15 We're going to reach back often to Daniel 2... Daniel 7...
01:19 Daniel 8... Daniel 9...
01:21 in order to help us to navigate Daniel chapter 11
01:24 and by the way, Daniel 11 and 12 verses 1 through 3
01:27 because it's one vision...
01:29 Daniel doesn't come out of vision at 11:45...
01:32 he comes out of vision at 12:3.
01:34 Yvonne: Hmmm... Jason: Hmmm...
01:35 James: 12:3 is part...
01:37 12:1, 2 and 3 is part of Daniel 11
01:39 and then, 12:4 all the way to 13 is basically a close...
01:43 some closing instructions given to Daniel to seal up
01:47 this part of the prophecy
01:49 because he wasn't going to understand it.
01:50 Anyway, before we get started, we need to have a word of prayer
01:53 Yvonne, would you like to pray for us?
01:54 Yvonne: Yes, yes...
01:55 "Dear Lord, thank You so very much
01:57 for bringing us together once again
01:58 to study Your Word
02:00 and to glean these treasures.
02:01 We just thank you for them
02:03 so that we know what's going to happen
02:05 and know what Your will is for us
02:07 and so, we thank you for that...
02:09 we pray for the leading and guidance of Your Holy Spirit,
02:13 You're welcome in this place, in Jesus' name, amen. "
02:16 James: Amen... You are welcome in this place,
02:18 I love that...
02:19 because God wants us to ask Him to be in this place.
02:23 Yvonne: Yes.
02:24 James: Over and over again, we saw that in Daniel chapter 10
02:26 that continually Daniel felt his weakness... his unworthiness...
02:30 and continually God touched him...
02:32 spoke to him and lifted him up...
02:34 touched him... spoke to him and lifted him up...
02:35 touched him... spoke to him... lifted him up
02:37 and that's what we want.
02:38 We want the experience of Daniel.
02:39 In fact, I think it's vital that Daniel 10
02:42 is read and studied and understood
02:44 before you get to Daniel 11
02:46 because Daniel 10 instructs us
02:48 on the kind of attitude that God is looking for us
02:51 to imitate in relationship to Daniel.
02:54 Daniel 9 begins with this attitude of humility
02:58 that leads us to an understanding
03:00 of the 70-week prophecy.
03:01 Daniel 10... same basic principle.
03:04 We see Daniel being real with God...
03:06 confessing his weakness and his faults,
03:08 humbling himself again and again
03:10 and God touching him... speaking to him
03:12 and lifting him up
03:14 and then making this promise to Gabriel...
03:15 I'm going to instruct you and give you understanding,
03:19 I'm going to tell you about the kings of Persia,
03:21 I'm going to tell you about the kingdom Greece that's coming
03:23 and then we move into Daniel chapter 11 and verse 1.
03:26 What have you got here, Ivor?
03:27 Ivor: So, I think when we get to Daniel 11,
03:32 one of the struggles that people have is
03:36 understanding how to interpret Daniel 11
03:40 in light of the rest of the book of Daniel.
03:44 Like we've mentioned before,
03:46 people will often jump into the book of Daniel chapter 11
03:51 and not take into context the entire book of Daniel.
03:55 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
03:57 Ivor: So, that's what we want to do.
03:58 We want to try to just do an overview of the book of Daniel
04:03 and see how Daniel 2
04:06 ultimately leads us to an understanding of Daniel 11.
04:10 So, let's talk about this principle...
04:13 we're going to look at two things here:
04:18 parallel and zoom... parallel and zoom
04:23 so, those are the two words I want you to focus on, right.
04:25 Beginning with Daniel 2,
04:27 we have the dream that Nebuchadnezzar had
04:32 and in the dream he saw an image of a man
04:36 and the image is... the head is of gold...
04:40 the chest and arms of silver...
04:43 the belly and thighs of brass...
04:45 the legs of iron
04:47 and then the toes of iron and clay.
04:49 James: Okay.
04:51 Ivor: By the way,
04:52 and... and James, I don't know if you've...
04:55 and I think we talked about this way back
04:58 when we did Daniel 2.
04:59 This is an image of a man,
05:02 right, it's not an image of an animal
05:06 or... it's an image of a man
05:09 and the stone destroys this image right on the feet.
05:15 James: Yes.
05:16 Ivor: At the end of time
05:18 and I think to a certain degree
05:20 the... the Bible speaks about the man of sin.
05:24 James: Hmmm...
05:26 Ivor: The man of sin. James: Yeah.
05:28 Ivor: I think what you see here in Daniel 2
05:30 is... this is an image of...
05:33 and the story of the man that rejects Christ.
05:36 James: Yes, the man of sin. Yvonne: Hmmm...
05:38 James: That's good, yeah, that's good, yeah.
05:40 Ivor: So, you have this man of sin
05:43 and then the stone destroying this man of sin
05:47 right there in Daniel 2.
05:48 James: Ivor, can we park on that for just a second?
05:51 I really love what you're saying here
05:53 because Revelation 13 really connects the two.
05:57 Revelation 13 parallels 2nd Thessalonians 2...
06:01 the man of sin... the Antichrist...
06:04 Revelation 13 identifies it
06:05 and brings in Babylon, Medo-Persia,
06:08 Greece and Rome
06:09 and so, the image is... if you will, a... a...
06:13 a... a picture of the development of the man of sin
06:16 down through the year
06:17 because the man of sin has the characteristics of Babylon
06:20 and Medo-Persia and Greece and Pagan Rome
06:23 and develops into the man of sin
06:25 as we get to the end of time so I love that thought,
06:28 that was good.
06:29 Ivor: Absolutely... absolutely, so this stone
06:31 and... and here's what we understand about Daniel 2
06:34 and remember, we're trying to get to Daniel 11 and 12, right,
06:37 but we're starting in Daniel 2
06:39 and we're already seeing...
06:40 God is setting us up to try to show us something
06:43 and He starts right in Daniel 2.
06:45 James: Okay. Yvonne: Hmmm... James: Good.
06:46 Ivor: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome...
06:48 these ten toes and the clay that rises up among the 10 toes.
06:53 James: Okay.
06:54 Ivor: The image... the stone destroys the image on the toes
06:59 of clay and iron.
07:01 James: Yeah, at the feet.
07:03 Ivor: Well, at the feet... well, we don't know, I mean,
07:04 we're not told what this image does...
07:07 we're not told what happens in the toes of iron and clay,
07:10 all we know is that the stone is like,
07:14 "No, enough is enough... boom. "
07:16 James: Gotcha... in Daniel 2, you mean.
07:18 Ivor: Daniel 2. James: Got you.
07:20 What's going to happen in Daniel 7 is a repeat
07:24 of Daniel 2 but it's going to zoom in...
07:29 it parallels Daniel 2 but it's going to zoom in
07:32 and give us more detail
07:34 about the most important part of this image
07:37 which is the toes of iron and clay.
07:39 James: Gotcha... Yvonne: Hmmm...
07:40 Ivor: So, we get to Daniel 7... we find a lion...
07:44 a bear... a leopard...
07:46 and then this fourth beast that has iron teeth...
07:49 so, I want you to notice the parallel
07:51 in Daniel 2...
07:53 the fourth kingdom is the kingdom of iron legs.
07:57 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
07:59 Ivor: In Daniel 7, the fourth beast... iron teeth.
08:03 James: Gotcha...
08:04 Ivor: Okay... out of this fourth beast,
08:07 there are ten horns
08:09 and then a Little Horn rising among the ten horns.
08:14 James: Okay.
08:15 Ivor: That Little Horn
08:17 is going to parallel the clay of Daniel 2.
08:20 James: Okay. Yvonne: Hmmm.
08:21 Ivor: That rises among the ten toes
08:23 and here you find God now giving us more information
08:28 about this Little Horn.
08:31 By the way, you remember that in the Bible,
08:34 clay, Isaiah 64 verse 8, "You are the potter... "
08:36 talking about God... "we are the clay. "
08:38 Clay is symbolic of a people
08:42 that profess to be molded by God.
08:44 Yvonne: Hmmm... James: Okay... all right.
08:46 Ivor: So, here we have in Daniel 2,
08:49 this religious element rising among the ten toes
08:55 that came out of Rome.
08:57 James: Okay.
08:58 Ivor: In Daniel 7, it's the Little Horn
09:02 that parallels the clay
09:04 and now we're told that this Little Horn
09:07 thinks to change times and laws...
09:09 persecutes the saints of the...
09:12 so, now we're getting the idea, "Oh, huh,
09:15 well this is what apparently is so offensive to God... "
09:19 right? James: Yeah.
09:21 Ivor: This is what this Little Horn or this... this...
09:23 the toes of iron and clay in Daniel 2 is doing
09:26 that causes the stone to come.
09:29 James: Okay. Yvonne: Hmmm...
09:31 Ivor: But God says, "We're not finished yet... "
09:34 not only does it attack the saints of the Most High
09:36 and think to change times and laws,
09:38 let's go to Daniel 8
09:39 and in Daniel 8, what are we going to see?
09:44 We're going to see a parallel and a zooming in.
09:48 James: Medo-Persia... Greece... Rome...
09:51 Ivor: Yeah, this is going to take us all the way to Daniel 12
09:53 right? So, what do we see in...
09:55 in... in Daniel 8?
09:59 We see two beasts and who are they?
10:01 James: So, we got...
10:03 Ivor: James, James, James, James... can you...
10:04 can you tell us about...
10:07 James: Yes, yes, the types of beasts they are...
10:10 Ivor: Go down through... and particularly the four horns
10:13 and remember what you broke down about directions?
10:15 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
10:17 Ivor: So, can you just break that down real quick?
10:18 James: Yeah, so, the two beasts are
10:20 representatives of Medo-Persia and Greece...
10:23 the first beast is a ram
10:25 and the second beast is a goat
10:27 and these are sanctuary animals.
10:29 These are animals that are connected with the sanctuary
10:32 and specifically the Day of Atonement.
10:34 So, we have sanctuary language in Daniel 8...
10:37 we have the law language in Daniel 7...
10:39 we have the sanctuary language in Daniel 8
10:40 and that's because we... we finished Daniel 8...
10:44 at least the vision part with this verse that talks of
10:47 the cleansing of the sanctuary which is the Day of Judgment
10:49 or the Day of Atonement.
10:50 So, God is setting us up right from the beginning
10:53 but just so that we don't misunderstand and think,
10:56 "Oh, wait a minute, different animals...
10:58 this must be a different vision... different kingdoms"
10:59 no, no, no...
11:01 verses 20 through 22 tells, "No...
11:03 the ram is... are the kings of Medo-Persia
11:06 and the he-goat represents the kingdom of Greece
11:08 and the horn is the...
11:10 the notable horn within the he-goat is the first king
11:12 or Alexander the Great.
11:14 So, we're still on track
11:15 but God now is communicating a different phase
11:18 of what's taking place in this prophecy...
11:21 this is a phase that has to do with the sanctuary...
11:23 the assault on the sanctuary...
11:25 the assault on the mediation of Christ
11:27 and the need for the sanctuary to be cleansed or made right
11:30 and we want to understand that
11:31 being cleansed and being made right
11:33 are two sides of the same coin.
11:35 In other words, the cleansing or the judgment
11:38 is also connected with the sanctuary being corrected
11:41 or being made right in its understanding...
11:43 we've misunderstood it... it's been obscured...
11:45 it's been cast to the earth...
11:46 no, the sanctuary is in heaven
11:47 and we need to get that right
11:49 if we're going to understand the judgment.
11:50 Yvonne: Hmmm...
11:51 James: The four directions... Ivor: The four directions...
11:54 because the four directions is set...
11:56 God is zooming in on this Little Horn
11:59 and He's setting us up to understand Daniel 11.
12:04 James: Especially the king of the North.
12:05 Ivor: Break that down, James, yeah, exactly.
12:07 James: So when... when the...
12:08 the Grecian kingdom breaks up into four parts,
12:11 just like it does in Daniel 7,
12:13 you've got the leopard with four heads,
12:15 here it breaks up into four parts
12:17 toward the four winds of heaven
12:20 and the four winds of heaven, north, south, east and west...
12:23 and then it says in verse 8,
12:26 "Therefore the he goat waxed very great:
12:28 and when he was strong, the great horn was broken;
12:29 and it came... came up four notable ones
12:33 toward the four winds of heaven.
12:35 And out of one of them... " that is one of the winds...
12:38 "came up a little horn, which waxed exceeding great"
12:41 verse 9... "toward the south,
12:43 toward the east,
12:45 and toward the pleasant land. "
12:46 And the pleasant land is the west...
12:48 it's west of east and...
12:50 so, we have those three directions included
12:53 we have one direction left out... north...
12:55 so, it must be coming from the north
12:57 so, this is the first time the king of the north
12:59 is identified and it's identified as Rome.
13:02 Yvonne: Hmmm... Ivor: Yes.
13:05 James: Both in its pagan and its Papal stage.
13:07 Ivor: Yeah, absolutely,
13:08 so what we have happening in Daniel 8...
13:10 God is again repeating
13:13 but now, Babylon is... is... is out of the picture.
13:16 We're zooming in.
13:17 James: Yes.
13:19 Ivor: And I need you to see that this Little Horn
13:20 not only desecrates the sanctuary
13:24 but he even stands up against the Prince of Hosts...
13:28 against Jesus Himself.
13:30 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
13:32 Ivor: So, this Little Horn we see
13:34 is representing both Pagan Rome and Papal Rome.
13:40 All right, we're seeing that God is moving us
13:45 step by step... preparing us for Daniel 11.
13:49 Daniel 9... we see the beginning of the 2300 days
13:55 pointing to... this is very interesting
13:57 and James, this... this...
13:59 who is it that destroys the city and the temple
14:04 according to the 70-Week prophecy...
14:06 70 weeks... Jesus is going to come...
14:08 and then this "prince" is going to destroy the city
14:13 and the sanctuary...
14:14 the literal city and the literal sanctuary.
14:17 Who does that?
14:18 James: Titus...
14:20 Ivor: It is Rome... Titus... it's Rome...
14:22 the latter part of this 2300 days...
14:26 we're going to see the same... I'm sorry...
14:28 the latter part of the... of the prophecy
14:31 which would include the 2300 days
14:33 and particularly the 1260 years
14:36 is going to also include a desecration of the sanctuary
14:39 but this time it's not Pagan Rome...
14:42 it's Papal Rome.
14:44 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
14:46 Ivor: This sets the stage for Daniel 11
14:49 because now we know what we're looking for.
14:53 If we understand Daniel 2,
14:56 we have everything we need to understand Daniel 11
15:01 because Daniel 11 is simply a repeat and enlarge
15:05 of Daniel 8... of Daniel 7 and of Daniel 2.
15:09 James: Amen.
15:10 Ivor: So, all we need to do in Daniel 11...
15:13 we got all these verses...
15:14 "Man! what is this stuff talking about?"
15:16 If we understand the transition points in Daniel 2
15:21 and the transition points in Daniel 7
15:24 and in Daniel 8,
15:26 all we need to do
15:27 is look for those transition points in Daniel 11.
15:31 James: Amen.
15:32 Ivor: And we will know that
15:34 the verses in between those transition points,
15:37 are simply filling in details within that particular nation,
15:42 they're zooming in, right...
15:45 James: They're the zoom... Ivor: They're the zoom...
15:47 so, we know, for example, let's go to Daniel 11
15:50 and let's just look at those first two verses.
15:53 James: Okay.
15:55 Pause...
15:57 Jason: Okay.
15:58 James: Jason, you want to read those for us?
16:00 Jason: Sure thing...
16:01 "Also in the first year of Darius the Mede,
16:03 I, even I, stood up to confirm and strengthen him.
16:06 And now I will tell you the truth:
16:08 Behold, three more kings will arise in Persia,
16:12 and... "
16:14 Ivor: You can stop right there. Yvonne: Laughing...
16:18 Ivor: Man! Daniel 8 began with what kingdom?
16:22 The Persian Empire...
16:24 All: Hmmm... hmmm...
16:25 Ivor: Daniel 11... what does it begin with?
16:29 The Persian Empire.
16:30 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
16:32 Ivor: We already know then,
16:33 watch this... that Daniel 11 begins
16:37 the same place as Daniel 8...
16:39 now, watch this...
16:41 pause...
16:43 in Daniel 12, Michael stands up...
16:48 pause...
16:50 and the dead are going to be raised.
16:53 This is the second coming of Jesus.
16:55 James: Hmmm...
16:57 Ivor: This is the stone cut out without hands
17:01 that destroys the image on the feet.
17:03 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
17:05 Ivor: What does that telling us?
17:07 Daniel 11 is going to give us the most detailed explanation
17:13 as to why the stone in Daniel 2 smites the image on its feet.
17:18 James: Yeah, there was no explanation in Daniel 2 at all.
17:22 Ivor: There's none in Daniel 2, Daniel 7... we get more detail,
17:25 Daniel 8... we get more detail...
17:29 Daniel 11... those last verses...
17:32 we could say, the last half of Daniel 11,
17:34 is going to be like,
17:36 "All right, here is what the Little Horn does...
17:38 here is how... "
17:39 and this is what leads to Michael standing up
17:44 and the dead being raised
17:45 which we know is parallel to the second coming of...
17:48 it's the same thing as the second coming of Jesus.
17:51 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
17:53 Ivor: Right, so Daniel 11 and 12 gave us the greatest detail
17:57 of what's happening in Daniel 2.
17:59 So, think of Daniel 2 as the big picture
18:02 and then the rest of the book is explaining to us...
18:06 here's how you need to understand Daniel chapter 2.
18:09 James: You know, we see the same principle,
18:11 you know, all through the Bible.
18:13 In Genesis chapter 1, God creates the world.
18:17 In Genesis chapter 2,
18:18 He parallel and zooms in on that creation, you know,
18:21 in Genesis chapter 1 He makes man... Adam and Eve...
18:24 man and woman in His image.
18:26 In Genesis 2, He tells us how it all happens.
18:28 "You know, first I made man and then I let him get lonely
18:31 let him feel his need... I took a rib from his side...
18:34 put him to sleep...
18:35 first surgery... rib from his side... made Eve"
18:37 and that's the same thing we see in Exodus, Leviticus,
18:39 Numbers... Deuteronomy...
18:41 the law is given and then, the rest of these books...
18:43 the rest of the Torah expound upon the Law
18:46 and give us the details of the Law...
18:48 what it means to love God with all our heart
18:50 and love our neighbors as ourselves
18:51 and we see...
18:52 so we see this all the way through the Scriptures...
18:54 this principle.
18:56 Ivor: Absolutely, so now we know in Daniel 11,
18:59 if Medo-Persia is mentioned first,
19:01 we know who we're looking for next...
19:04 who are we looking for next?
19:06 James: Greece. Yvonne: Greece.
19:08 We're looking for Greece, right,
19:10 let's read the next verse.
19:11 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
19:12 Jason: All right, "Then a mighty king shall arise,
19:15 who shall rule with great dominion,
19:17 and do according to his will.
19:19 And when he has arisen,
19:22 his kingdom shall be broken up and divided
19:24 toward the four winds of heaven,
19:26 but not among his... "
19:28 Ivor: Okay, Jason, let me pause you for a second,
19:30 when I stopped you in verse 2...
19:33 you should have kept it... so let's finish verse 2.
19:37 Jason: Got you... okay,
19:38 "by his strength, through his riches,
19:41 he shall stir up all against the realm of Greece. "
19:44 James: No, you got to go back a little bit further,
19:47 let's just read the whole verse again.
19:48 Jason: Sounds good...
19:50 "And now I will tell you the truth:
19:51 Behold, three more kings will arise in Persia,
19:54 and the fourth shall be far richer than them all;
19:58 by his strength, through his riches,
20:00 he shall stir up all against the realm of Greece. "
20:03 James: Hmmm...
20:04 Ivor: All right... keep going, read the next verse.
20:08 Jason: Okay, "Then a mighty king shall arise,
20:09 who shall rule with great dominion,
20:12 and do according to his will.
20:13 And when he has arisen,
20:15 his kingdom shall be broken up and divided
20:18 toward the four winds of heaven,
20:19 but not among his... "
20:21 Ivor: All right, I'm stopping you again...
20:24 I'm stopping you again...
20:26 Jason: That's all right.
20:27 Ivor: We already know this, right?
20:30 James: Yes, we just read it.
20:31 Ivor: We saw this in Daniel 8. James: Yeah.
20:33 Ivor: Right, Daniel 8... you got the... the... the...
20:36 the Ram with the two horns
20:38 and then you got the he-goat...
20:40 the first king is Alexander...
20:42 then his kingdom is broken into four parts... we...
20:44 this is repeat and enlarge...
20:46 so, we know that we should be looking for what kingdom next?
20:50 If this is Greece... Rome...
20:54 so, now we just got to... where can we find...
20:59 now, I might... the verses after verse 4...
21:03 verse 4 might be Rome... verse 5... I don't know...
21:07 I've got to find something that helps me to identify
21:11 where Rome is...
21:12 now, let me just ask a question,
21:14 are we trying to focus on Rome right now
21:19 or are we trying to focus on what God is ultimately
21:22 trying to show us...
21:24 what He's ultimately trying to zoom in on...
21:26 Yvonne: The first... the first part...
21:29 well, He's ultimately trying to zoom in...
21:32 James: The latter.
21:34 Ivor: We're trying to find what He's...
21:35 James: What He wants us to focus in on... yeah...
21:37 Ivor: Right... so at this point, I just want to know...
21:42 okay, where is Rome?
21:43 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
21:45 Ivor: Because I want to know what happens after Rome
21:47 that causes Jesus to come, right.
21:50 So, what we... we're sharing this because
21:52 what we're seeing is
21:54 the details of what happens in the Grecian Empire are important
22:00 but in the big picture,
22:02 God is trying to show us something different...
22:07 something other than...
22:08 "Look at the detail of the different kings
22:10 that rose in the Grecian Empire. "
22:11 James: Right.
22:13 Ivor: Right, so where do we find...
22:15 James, can you give us something that we might look to say,
22:21 "Ah, this must be Rome. "
22:22 James: Two things here and I just want to bring up so,
22:26 first of all, yes, that point...
22:28 the point you made about the details is really powerful
22:30 because God gives us the details
22:33 in order for us to have more confidence in His Word, okay,
22:37 plus the details help move us through history
22:39 just a little bit...
22:41 but we can get bogged down in the details in Daniel 11,
22:43 so, if we move through this,
22:45 we've gone from Medo-Persia to Greece
22:47 and if we just move through
22:48 and God's actually doing this, He's saying,
22:49 "Hey, there's going to be three more kings
22:51 and the fourth one's going to be this... "
22:52 and He's just moving through quickly anyway...
22:54 He goes into the details and then notice verse 14,
22:56 "In those times there shall many stand up
22:59 against the king of the south:
23:00 also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves
23:04 to establish the vision; but they shall fall. "
23:06 That's talking about the Romans and I'll tell you why...
23:09 that word "robbers" means breakers...
23:12 it's the same word that is used in Daniel 7 and verse 7
23:15 when it talks about the fourth beast
23:17 being a terrible beast that breaks in pieces...
23:20 this is talking about the Romans.
23:22 The Roman Empire starts small and it stands up...
23:26 it begins to... to exalt itself
23:28 in order to establish the vision
23:30 which is a vision of Medo-Persia, Greece
23:32 and then Pagan Rome.
23:33 So, that's where we see Rome enter the picture
23:36 and from verse 14 all the way through to verse 22,
23:40 with verses 20 to 22 being the standout verses for us.
23:44 There's a lot of detail about how Rome establishes itself...
23:48 how Rome rises in those verses
23:51 but when you read verse 20...
23:53 just read verse 20 first, Yvonne
23:54 and tell me what you think right there...
23:56 who do you think that is?
23:58 Yvonne: "There shall arise in his place
23:59 one who imposes taxes on the glorious kingdom;
24:02 but within a few days he shall be destroyed,
24:05 but not in anger or in battle. "
24:06 James: Who do you think that is?
24:08 Yvonne: Rome.
24:09 James: Now read Luke chapter 3 or chapter 2 and verse 1,
24:15 now we read this in an earlier session
24:17 but I want us to read it again,
24:18 Luke is the Historian
24:20 and Luke is giving us not just a picture of Christ
24:23 from the gospel per se... he has given us the history of Christ,
24:27 when Christ was born
24:28 so, in Luke chapter 2, Yvonne, can you read that for us
24:31 beginning with verse 1?
24:33 Yvonne: "And it came to pass in those days
24:34 that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus
24:37 that all the world should be... "
24:38 it says "registered" here
24:40 but in the King James it says, "taxed. "
24:42 James: Yeah... and in verse 2...
24:44 Yvonne: "This census first took place
24:47 while Quirinius was governing Syria. "
24:49 James: Keep going...
24:50 Yvonne: "So all went to be registered,
24:52 every one to his own city. "
24:54 James: And verse 4...
24:55 Yvonne: Joseph also went up from Galilee,
24:57 out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea,
24:59 to the city of David,
25:00 which is called Bethlehem,
25:02 because he was of the house and lineage of David... "
25:04 James: And then verse 5...
25:06 Yvonne: "to be registered with Mary,
25:07 his betrothed wife, who was with child. "
25:09 James: Ooooh...
25:10 Yvonne: Wow! Caesar Augustus is mentioned right here, wow!
25:12 James: Do you see where we are in Daniel 11? Yes.
25:14 Yvonne: Wow!
25:15 James: In Daniel 11, we just nailed the birth of Christ.
25:18 Yvonne: That's Caesar Augustus, yes.
25:20 James: Now, what Ivor is saying and I believe here
25:22 is that, this is the point of Bible prophecy.
25:24 The point of Bible prophecy is to get us to Jesus...
25:27 that's the point of Bible prophecy... to get us to Jesus
25:29 and if you were to divide... you know...
25:32 this is just a thought
25:34 but if you were to divide Daniel 11 in half... 45 verses,
25:38 you... you get to the middle of it
25:40 and that would be in verse 22 and a half, so to speak,
25:45 so, it's interesting that Jesus is right here in the center...
25:48 this is when He's born.
25:50 Now, in the next verse,
25:52 you have a description of someone else
25:57 who steps into the estate of Augustus Caesar,
26:00 it says in verse 21...
26:01 well, Jason, can you read that for us?
26:03 Jason: Verse 21 of Daniel 11? James: Yes.
26:05 Jason: Yes, "And in his place shall arise a vile person,
26:08 to whom they will not give the honor of royalty;
26:11 but he shall come in peaceably,
26:13 and seize the kingdom by intrigue. "
26:15 James: Okay, that's Titus... Titus... excuse me, not Titus...
26:18 Tiberius... Tiberius follows Augustus Caesar,
26:22 we read that in Luke chapter 3.
26:24 Tiberius wasn't loved by the people...
26:27 he was hated by the people but he was loved by Augustus
26:30 and Augustus... it wasn't his, you know,
26:33 son by blood
26:34 but Augustus brought him into the kingdom through marriage,
26:36 brought him in and set him up...
26:38 they were actually co-Precepts together...
26:40 in AD 13, they ruled together
26:42 and then when Augustus passed in AD 14,
26:44 Tiberius just stepped right in peaceably...
26:46 he stepped into the kingdom. Yvonne: Hmmm...
26:48 James: So, this is exactly what we're...
26:50 we're being confirmed with in the New Testament story
26:53 and then you read verse 22, now, check this out, verse 22,
26:57 Jason, you want to read that?
26:59 Jason: "With the force of a flood they shall be swept away
27:02 from before him and be broken,
27:04 and also the prince of the covenant. "
27:06 James: Okay, who's that talking about?
27:08 Jason: Jesus. Yvonne: Jesus.
27:10 James: When did He die? When was He crucified?
27:12 Under whose reign?
27:14 Yvonne: A.D. 31.
27:15 James: He was born under Augustus Caesar
27:18 and He was crucified under Tiberius Caesar.
27:20 Jason: Oh. Yvonne: Ah... hmmm...
27:22 James: And Daniel 11 is pinpointing that for us.
27:25 Of all the details Daniel can give us, now, think about this,
27:29 Daniel 11 can go anywhere and everywhere
27:31 because there's so much history of the Roman Empire
27:34 I mean, that Rome... that Empire lasted for centuries
27:37 but he nailed...
27:38 he lands in the timeframe of the birth of Christ
27:43 and the death of Christ
27:45 because prophecy is bringing us to Jesus.
27:47 Ivor: And we know that the next power we need to be looking for
27:51 is none other than the Little Horn...
27:54 James: that will follow, amen... amen.
27:57 Yvonne: Amen.


Revised 2021-06-14