Series Code: SISS
Program Code: SISS000107S
00:01 Music...
00:31 James: All right, so here we are in Daniel chapter 11 00:34 and we're on our third session. 00:35 It's a big chapter, so it's going to take at least, 00:38 I'm going to say, at least four 00:40 so, we're going to do at least another one. 00:42 This one... we're going to look at verses... 00:44 where we left off in verse 33 00:46 but we might just summarize a little bit here 00:49 and then, pull through all the way hopefully to verse 39 00:52 and then in our next session, 00:53 we're going to have to go through verses 40 to 45 00:55 because that's going to be a big chunk right there 00:57 and then we'll need another session or two, maybe, 00:59 for Daniel chapter 12 01:00 but, before we summarize a little bit and jump right in, 01:03 Jason, would you like to lead us in a word of prayer? 01:05 Jason: Sure... "Dear Heavenly Father, 01:07 we thank You for the opportunity to study Your word 01:09 and Lord, we just ask that You would guide this study, Lord, 01:12 help us to... well help us to learn 01:15 and help Pastor Rafferty and Pastor Myers 01:18 to really just break it down for us, 01:21 in Jesus' name we pray, amen. " 01:22 All: Amen. 01:23 James: So, just to summarize it a little bit 01:25 of what we've seen here in these first... this first section 01:30 that deals with the rise of Pagan Rome and Papal Rome, 01:32 we've... we've honed in in our last meeting 01:35 on the new covenant 01:36 and we talked about how that's a summary 01:40 of the previous chapters... 01:41 that the previous chapters are talking about 01:43 the attack on God's law... the attack on the sanctuary... 01:46 the mediation of Christ for forgiveness of sins 01:48 but also an attack on the other elements of the... 01:51 of the new covenant which... 01:53 the Holy Spirit teaching us all things 01:55 and anointing us 01:57 so that we don't have to depend on man 01:59 but we depend on God and... and... 02:01 also, the power of God... I'm going to do this... 02:05 I'm going to do this... and then relationship with God. 02:07 Yvonne: Hmmm... 02:08 James: Relationship so that we're His God and... 02:10 and... excuse me, He's our God and we're His people... 02:12 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm... 02:14 James: And I think relationship is huge, you know, 02:16 to me, the new covenant is all out relationship 02:18 and we see that here in Daniel chapter 11 02:21 because, I don't think there's anything more challenging 02:24 for the human psyche today than relationship. 02:25 Jason: Hmmm... 02:27 James: You know, we want to have relationships with things... 02:29 we want to have relationships with media... 02:30 we want to have relationships with material objects... 02:33 cars and houses... even careers 02:35 or, we have relationships... 02:37 we do everything to avoid relationships with people 02:41 because our relationships with people 02:43 mess us up... 02:44 you know, we get disappointed... we have high expectations... 02:47 people today are messed up or dysfunctional... 02:50 we're fallen... we're selfish 02:52 and so, we mess each other up in these relationships 02:55 and so, we're doing in Society today almost everything to avoid 02:59 deep-meaning relationships with people 03:03 and it comes with psychological baggage 03:06 and it's difficult for us to maneuver through that 03:08 but what God is saying is, 03:10 "I want you to have a relationship with me... " 03:12 Yvonne: Yes... James: And... 03:13 Jason: That... you just touched on something that's... 03:17 that's huge... like, what jumped out at me was 03:19 like, when people go to churches and they meet people 03:21 that are supposed to be Christians and following God 03:24 and they give a horrible representation of His character. 03:28 That's why, we need to be plugged in to God, 03:31 like, we need to have that relationship with God 03:34 and not follow man 03:36 because there are so many people that have left the church 03:38 because they come into contact with these people, so that is... 03:42 James: It's huge! it is huge... Jason: Yeah. 03:44 James: And you've got to know 03:46 that Satan is the one that's doing this. 03:47 He is the one that wants to disappoint people 03:51 in human relationships 03:52 but we need to have a vertical relationship 03:54 before we have a horizontal relationship. 03:57 We have vertical relationship... 03:58 we're not going to be overwhelmed by disappointment 04:01 in our horizontal relationships. 04:03 All: Hmmm... 04:04 James: In fact, we will be able to feed into other people 04:06 and this is exemplified over and over again 04:09 in the life of Daniel. 04:11 For example, in Daniel chapter 2 04:13 he goes into prayer for an understanding of the vision... 04:17 all the wise men of Babylon are going to be killed, right? 04:19 Yvonne: Right. 04:20 James: And when he comes out of that prayer, 04:22 he says, "You know, 04:23 we need to pray that God would give us understanding 04:25 so we don't perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon" 04:27 that's what he actually says. 04:28 When he comes out he says, 04:30 "Destroy not the wise men of Babylon... " 04:32 he's all about them... 04:33 so, you know, those men didn't care about Daniel 04:36 and they wouldn't have cared if their situation was reversed 04:39 but when we have a relationship with God, 04:42 we start caring about other people 04:44 and we start caring about them in a way 04:46 that their fallenness doesn't mess us up. 04:48 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm... 04:50 James: Their fallenness doesn't cause us to stumble... 04:51 we stay connected with God 04:53 and we're able to maneuver those earthly relationships 04:55 the way that Jesus maneuvered His relationships... 04:58 the way that He navigated through life 05:00 and could say on the cross, "Father, forgive them 05:02 for they know not what they're doing. " 05:03 Yvonne: Yes. 05:05 James: And ultimately, that's what we're going to find 05:06 when we connect Daniel 12 with Revelation 10, 05:08 we're going to find that these time prophecies 05:10 that are in Daniel 12... we're not there yet... 05:12 are all going to fade away 05:14 and what's going to take the place 05:16 is this revelation of the mystery of God 05:18 which is Christ in us... the hope of glory. 05:20 Yvonne: Hmmm... 05:22 James: That's what we're going to see is the ultimate goal 05:24 of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation 05:26 as we get to the very end of time. 05:27 So, so... Ivor, we're going back in here... 05:31 Ivor: Let... James: Go ahead... 05:32 Ivor: Let me just jump in real quick here... 05:34 this is key to understand what you talked about relationships. 05:39 God has a Relationship Room. 05:46 James: Hmmm... 05:48 Ivor: You may not know what a Relationship Room is... 05:50 you probably don't because I just made that up. 05:53 All: Laughter. 05:56 Ivor: The Relationship Room or we might say, 05:59 the Relationship Building is the Sanctuary. 06:02 James: Amen. Yvonne: Ah. 06:04 Ivor: In Exodus 25 verse 8, 06:07 God tells Moses, "Let them make me a sanctuary 06:10 that I may dwell among them... " 06:13 which is God basically saying, 06:15 "I want to have a relationship with you... " right? 06:17 "I want to come and dwell with you and... 06:20 and have that... that relationship with you... " 06:22 so, when we read, for example, in Daniel 11 verse 31, 06:26 "An arm shall stand on his part, 06:28 and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength... " 06:31 James: Yes! 06:32 Ivor: Again, we now know we're talking about 06:33 the Little Horn here. James: Yes. 06:35 Ivor: What the Little Horn is trying to do is 06:36 he's trying to destroy relationships. 06:38 James: Oh! I love this. Ivor: Right? James: Yeah. 06:40 Ivor: He's trying to destroy relationships... 06:42 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Ivor: And here's the thing... 06:44 when you go into the Relationship Building 06:46 which is the sanctuary... 06:48 James: Yes... come on, Ivor... 06:50 Ivor: The holy covenant is found in the Most Holy Place. 06:53 James: Yes. 06:54 That's where the covenant is... it's in the Most Holy Place 06:57 and all the other articles of furniture 07:00 that are symbolic of different stages of the plan of salvation 07:04 all lead to relationship with God, right? 07:09 James: Yes. 07:11 Ivor: The Altar of Sacrifice... 07:13 it... it creates that love relationship... 07:16 we love Him because He first loved us 07:18 and how did He love us? 07:19 He laid His life down for us, right, 07:21 the Laver is about washing away 07:25 everything that gets in our way between us and God. 07:28 Ivor: The Table of Shewbread... 07:30 let us fellowship over the Word of God... 07:33 God is trying to fellowship with us. 07:35 The Altar of Incense... 07:36 He wants to get to know us in an intimate level, right? 07:39 Us opening our hearts to God 07:41 as opening the heart to a friend. 07:44 James: Hmmm... hmmm... 07:45 Ivor: The candlestick, right, 07:47 He wants a fiery passionate relationship with us 07:50 and then that covenant, right, 07:52 the Ark of the Covenant that holds the Law of God... 07:54 "If you love me... 07:55 these are the things that you should be doing 07:58 and these are the things that you will be doing... " 08:00 so, this Little Horn Power 08:03 of whom Satan is ultimately behind that Power, 08:08 right, he is ultimately seeking to destroy relationships, 08:14 right? 08:16 James: Make them desolate... Ivor: Make them desolate... 08:17 Yvonne: Hmmm... 08:19 Ivor: And... and watch this... in verse three... 08:20 James: It makes it desolate... 08:21 Yvonne: Okay... Ivor: It makes it desolate. 08:23 James: It's just simple, it's simple. 08:24 Ivor: In verse 32, it says, 08:27 "such as do wickedly against the covenant, 08:29 he shall corrupt by flatteries. " 08:32 Jason: Hmmm... James: Huge! 08:33 Ivor: This is really interesting because 08:35 if you are in a relationship... you're in a marriage... 08:37 you know, and some other woman or some other man 08:40 is trying to get at you and destroy your relationship, 08:42 what are you going to do? 08:43 James and Ivor: They're going to flatter you... 08:44 James: Yeah. Yvonne: Hmmm... 08:46 Ivor: Right, they're going to flatter you 08:47 and so, here the Little Horn is corrupting by flattery 08:53 in order to destroy relationships with God 08:57 and I just think about certain things like, you know, 08:59 "Hey, you don't need to keep the law 09:01 because you're under grace. " 09:02 You know, "God loves you and so... 09:05 you're... you're free to do whatever... " 09:06 I mean, there's so many different ways in which that has 09:09 that has manifested itself today 09:12 with a false gospel, right, 09:16 a counterfeit gospel 09:18 that puts merit in either our works 09:23 or whatever else you might think that leads you 09:28 away from doing what God said to do. 09:30 James: Hmmm... hmmm... 09:32 Ivor: Leads you away from the Word of God. 09:33 James: Hmmm... hmmm... 09:34 Ivor: And so, what you see happening in verse 31 09:36 and verse 32, is... is extremely connected 09:41 to relationships with God... to relationship with God 09:45 and that's why he attacks the sanctuary... 09:48 that's why he seeks to cast it aside 09:50 because he knows that the relationship... 09:53 that... that... that the... the Relationship Building 09:56 ultimately brings about at-one-ment. 10:01 James: Amen. Yvonne: Hmmm... 10:02 Ivor: with God... James: I love that. 10:04 Ivor: Atonement with God. James: I love that... 10:06 I love that Sanctuary Room 10:07 because that makes so much sense 10:10 when you read it in here... it says that he is going to... 10:14 verse 31... "An arm shall stand on his part, 10:16 he shall pollute the sanctuary of strength... " 10:19 the meeting room... right? 10:20 James: And take away the daily... 10:22 do you remember what we dis... 10:23 we determined the "daily" was when we went through Scripture? 10:25 Jason: Continual... 10:27 James: The continual regular connection with God... 10:29 the continual... lampstand... 10:30 that was lighting the Holy Place... 10:33 the continual offering that was made... 10:35 all of this sanctuary service was wrapped around this word 10:38 the "daily" or the continual 10:40 and it... it points to relationship with God 10:42 and dependence on God... 10:44 he's going to take away that relationship with God 10:45 the dependence on God 10:47 and he's going to put in its place 10:48 the abomination that makes desolate. 10:50 What's the abomination? 10:52 Anything that replaces God... 10:53 any man-made thing that replaces God 10:56 and the ultimate revelation... the abomination of desolation 11:01 is putting Sunday as a day of worship in the place of Sabbath 11:05 why... why? 11:07 Because Sabbath is the epitome of relationship with God. 11:11 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Right. 11:13 James: It's... it's the epitome of relationship with God 11:14 because on Sabbath, 11:16 we are commanded to let go of everything secular... 11:19 everything earthly... 11:20 even our own thoughts... 11:22 and to completely connect with God... 11:25 to completely tie in with that relationship with God, 11:28 do you see that? Jason: Hmmm... hmmm... 11:29 James: And so the ultimate abomination of desolation 11:31 spoken of by Daniel the prophet 11:33 is removing God and putting man in His place, 11:37 whether it's God's laws being taken out of the way 11:40 and man's laws being put in there... 11:41 God's mediation being taken out of the way 11:43 and man's mediation put in there... 11:44 God's Word being taken out... 11:46 so, the abomination of desolation in principle 11:47 applies to putting man where God should be. 11:49 Yvonne: Ah. 11:51 James: Man's law where God should be. 11:52 Ivor: And James... I'm going to add to that. 11:56 I will say the Sabbath is one half of it 12:00 because the most glorious thing about the sanctuary itself 12:08 was the presence of God in the temple. 12:12 James: Amen. 12:13 Ivor: The presence of God in the... 12:15 the Shekinah glory 12:17 and what we will see 12:19 is that Satan will ultimately counterfeit God Himself. 12:28 James: Hmmm... hmmm... 12:29 Ivor: On this earth. James: Hmmm... hmmm... 12:31 James: He will seek to personate Christ... 12:34 Ivor: He will seek to impersonate Christ 12:37 so, the combination of impersonating Christ 12:40 and claiming to have changed the law... 12:44 James: Hmmm... hmmm... 12:45 Ivor: Those two things... you're basically... 12:48 think of it like this... 12:50 somebody dressing up as your husband or your wife 12:53 and pretending to be them. 12:54 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm... 12:55 Ivor: Right? James: Hmmm... hmmm... 12:57 Ivor: Trying to get you into an illicit relationship 13:00 and we're going to see that manifested... 13:03 that's what... that is the final end to... 13:06 this is what leads to Michael standing up. 13:08 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm... 13:09 Ivor: Right, well, Michael's like, 13:11 "Nah, enough is enough. " 13:12 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm... 13:13 Ivor: "No... you've gone too... you have stepped over a line" 13:17 and we'll see that this... 13:20 this is exact... this relationship thing 13:23 is what is leading to Daniel 12:1 and 2... 13:26 Michael standing up 13:27 and remember every time the word "Michael" is used 13:31 outside of Daniel 10, 13:32 it is in connection with a direct confrontation 13:36 with Satan himself. 13:37 James: Yeah. Yvonne: Hmmm... 13:39 James: And we're going to see this in Daniel 12 13:40 because in Daniel 12... we're getting ahead of ourselves here, 13:42 but when God's people are delivered, 13:44 they're delivered because they're written in the book 13:46 and we're going to find 13:47 that the way they get their names written in the book 13:49 is through their relationship with God. 13:51 Those who think upon His name are written in the book... 13:55 those who talk one to another often about God 13:57 and think upon His name are written in the book, 13:59 Malachi chapter 3 says, verse 16. 14:02 Ivor: Yeah, and this takes us, James, 14:04 and we... we can look at verse 36 14:07 that actually builds on this point, right, 14:10 and remember this... 14:12 this is what I'd ultimately like you all to see, 14:16 in Daniel 2, you have the clay and the toes of iron, right, 14:23 in Daniel 7, you have the Little Horn... 14:27 in Daniel 8, we have the Little Horn manifested as one power... 14:32 we saw that in previous programs 14:35 and then in Daniel 11, 14:37 you have this king that magnifies himself 14:40 but what I want you to see is that 14:42 there is this transition from Pagan Rome to Papal Rome 14:48 that is ultimately going to reveal Satan Himself 14:53 behind Papal Rome. 14:55 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm... 14:56 Ivor: Right? James: Hmmm... hmmm... 14:57 Ivor: So, you see this transition... 15:00 first it's like, "Oh, it's Pagan Rome... 15:02 oh, but Pagan Rome is really an extension of Papal Rome... 15:05 oh, wait a minute... the one that is behind it all 15:08 is Satan himself. " 15:10 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm... 15:12 Ivor: Right? and it is when Satan himself 15:14 is finally manifested as a counterfeit, 15:16 that we see Michael standing up... 15:20 that we see... this is the one behind... 15:23 even behind the Papacy 15:25 and the man at the head of the Papacy who we will see 15:29 calls himself "Holy Father... " 15:31 calls himself "God on earth... " 15:33 even to that extent, he is not the... the... 15:37 the main focus of prophecy as we will see 15:40 because it is the one behind the claim, right? 15:44 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm... 15:46 Ivor: Kind of like John the Baptist prepared the way 15:48 for the... for... for Jesus... 15:49 so, the Papacy ultimately prepares the way and the world 15:54 to receive this master piece deception 15:58 which is Satan Himself appearing as God. 16:01 James: As an angel of light, so to speak 16:04 and it's so important for us to understand 16:07 the emphasis that the Bible places on relationship 16:10 as part of the new covenant 16:11 because, you know, relationship and connectivity 16:15 is vital to spirituality... 16:17 we... we need to stay connected with God 16:18 and we need to stay connected with each other. 16:20 Yvonne: Yes. 16:21 James: We need not forsake the assembling of ourselves together 16:23 so much the more as the... as... as, you know, 16:25 as the manner of some is... as the time is approaching 16:28 and that's why Satan is going to do everything he can 16:30 to isolate us... 16:31 to isolate us in society 16:33 and you're going to see this happening more and more 16:36 as we move toward the end of time 16:37 because the more isolated we get, 16:39 the more vulnerable we get to his deceptions. 16:44 Yvonne: That is so true, 16:45 we were created to be in relationship... 16:48 even God Himself... Elohim is in relationship with Himself, 16:53 covenant relationship 16:54 and so, we were wired that way 16:57 and when we are isolated from each other and from God, 17:03 it is... it has a profound effect on us 17:05 that's why men in solitary confinement go mad 17:08 after a short period of time because they are isolated 17:12 and so, Satan wants to isolate us from each other 17:16 and from God... we're vulnerable. 17:20 James: And that's why solitary confinement is a punishment. 17:22 Yvonne: Absolutely. 17:23 James: Yeah, and that's a punishment actually 17:25 that Satan is going to receive in Revelation 20 17:27 but I want us to think about this 17:29 as we think about what's happening in the world today, 17:31 as we think about Pandemic... 17:32 as we think about some of these things that we're facing, 17:34 we need to remember this... 17:36 we need to remember John the Baptist... 17:38 yeah, John the Baptist who was isolated in a prison cell. 17:40 Remember John the Revelator who was isolated on Patmos 17:43 and how that even when we're isolated, 17:46 God can be our companion... Yvonne: Yes. 17:48 James: God can be there for us 17:50 because when you're in isolation and you don't have God, 17:53 yeah, it can drive you crazy, 17:54 but if God is there, you still have that connectivity. 17:57 Yvonne: Absolutely. 17:58 James: And we can be isolated from our church family 18:00 but still we need to have that connectivity with God... 18:02 really important. 18:03 Okay, so what's happening here, Ivor, in these verses 18:06 as we move down now into some new territory... 18:08 picking up here with verse 33, 18:11 "And they that understand among the people 18:13 shall instruct many: 18:15 yet they shall fall by sword, and by flame and captivity, 18:19 and by spoil, many days. " 18:20 I love this... I love this verse. 18:23 It's talking about a time of heavy persecution 18:26 because there are people who are holding to the covenant 18:28 and have the Spirit of God within them 18:30 and they're instructing many 18:32 even though they're falling by sword and by captivity 18:34 and by spoil for many days. 18:36 Yvonne: Hmmm... 18:37 James: So, I see this as the... the Dark Ages... 18:39 I see this as the time when people are 18:41 spoiled of their houses... spoiled of their goods... 18:43 things were taken away from them... 18:44 they couldn't own land... 18:46 their businesses were taken away from them... 18:47 they were shut down because they were instructing many 18:50 because they were speaking out 18:52 and they were communicating the truth of the gospel 18:54 and so, society shut them down. 18:56 Society canceled them so to speak. 18:58 Yvonne: This is what happened in the past... 19:00 not what we can look forward to in the future? 19:03 James: This is what happened in the past 19:04 and this... in principle will resurface in the future... 19:09 I think it's resurfacing already today. 19:10 Yvonne: Right. 19:12 James: I think we see isolation coming today. 19:13 Ivor: We'll... we'll see it in verses 40 to 45 19:15 once we get to Daniel 11:40 to 45... 19:18 so, this is speaking about a specific time... 19:21 this is happening during the Dark Ages. 19:23 We're following a time sequence here... 19:25 remember we are looking at, you know, 19:28 this is not Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, 19:30 this is happening after the fall of Rome 19:33 with the rise of the Little Horn 19:34 so, we're looking at the Dark-Age period here 19:39 which Daniel 7:25 points out as time, times and half a time, 19:45 1260 years. 19:47 Yvonne: Hmmm... James: Hmmm... 19:48 but in principle, we're going to see a lot of these principles 19:50 resurface in the end of time 19:52 because the same power that came to an end in 1798 19:56 is going to have a wound healed 19:58 and again, all these same principles 20:00 are going to come to life but in a modern setting... 20:02 not in the same setting as... as the history. 20:04 Yvonne: Hmmm... 20:05 James: Okay, what about verse 34? 20:07 Jason, can you read that for us? 20:09 Jason: Sure, "Now when they fall, 20:11 they shall be aided with a little help: 20:14 but many shall join with them by intrigue. " 20:16 So, I didn't want to read that verse 20:18 because in the King James it says, 20:19 "when they shall fall, 20:20 they shall be holpen with a little help... " 20:22 so, well, you got to have a different version there... 20:24 "aided... " "holpen... " 20:26 that's... that's the King James' language 20:27 which I absolutely love 20:29 but sometimes you can't make sense of these words. 20:32 Yvonne: "Holpen" yeah... 20:33 James: That what that does is, 20:35 it drives you to a Strong's Concordance... 20:36 and then you get a real rich understanding 20:38 of the Hebrew or the Greek 20:39 depending on what you're studying. 20:40 Yvonne: Yeah. 20:42 James: So, I love this verse because this verse is explaining 20:44 how... that even though they're going to fall... 20:47 even though... for example, 20:48 let's just talk about, you know, some of the martyrs like 20:51 yeah, Huss and Jerome. 20:52 We have men who fell into the hands of the persecutors... 20:58 who were burned at the stake 21:00 and I remember, I think it was Jerome 21:03 because he was after Huss... 21:04 Jerome, who had first lost courage 21:07 and almost signed, you know, a retraction 21:10 but then he recanted and in prayer he stood firm 21:14 and when he was put on the stake, the... the... 21:17 the Executioner came behind him and started the fire... 21:18 he said, "Don't come behind me, come in front of me, 21:20 if I was afraid, I wouldn't be here. " 21:21 Yvonne: Wow! 21:23 James: You know, they would be aided with a little help 21:24 and that little help that they're going to be aided with 21:26 is the Spirit of God. 21:27 They no longer have fear of death... 21:30 they no longer have fear of... of dying as a martyr 21:33 because they were given the spirit of martyrdom 21:35 and sometimes, we are afraid of death 21:37 and we're like, "God, I don't want that to happen" 21:39 well, that's because we're not facing it right now 21:42 and so, God hasn't given us the spirit of something 21:44 that we need in order to face it 21:46 but if we face it, He's going to give us the spirit to face it. 21:48 Yvonne: That is such a good point 21:50 because I've... I've read different stories 21:53 about persecuted Christians 21:55 and how they respond in... in that time and... 21:58 and I ask myself, "Would I be able to do that? 22:01 Would I be able to stand?" 22:03 But it's so encouraging to know that 22:06 when it's time... we'll be able to 22:08 because the Holy Spirit will give us what we need to do it. 22:11 James: Yeah, because it's not about us. 22:13 Yvonne: Right. James: We can't do anything... 22:14 it's about what God does for us... 22:16 it's about what God gives us, 22:17 you know, for the need for the time. 22:19 Yvonne: Right. 22:20 James: Verse 35, Yvonne, can you read verse 35 for us? 22:23 Yvonne: Sure, "And some of those understanding shall fall, 22:26 to refine them, purify them, and make them white, 22:29 until the time of the end; 22:31 because it is still for the appointed time. " 22:33 James: All right, there's a lot here in this verse 22:36 what are we seeing? 22:38 Ivor, what have we got here? 22:39 Pause... 22:42 Ivor: Well, I mean in verse 35, I think it's a continuation 22:45 of what's happening in verse 34... 22:47 these are people that are being martyred 22:50 and there's a connection here with the fifth... ah... ah... 22:59 James: Seal. Ivor: Is it trumpet or seal? 23:01 James: Seal. Ivor: Fifth seal... fifth seal. 23:02 brain freeze right there, fifth seal... 23:04 James: Boom... 23:06 James: That's why I'm here for. 23:07 All: Laughter. 23:09 Ivor: Where... where the martyrs which receive white robes, 23:12 right, this is symbolic language 23:15 letting them know that there's a judgment coming up, right, 23:18 which... they're going to receive white robes 23:21 until the rest of their brethren should be killed as they were 23:23 so, this is a reference again to the... 23:26 to the persecution and the martyrdom 23:29 of the... of the Dark Ages under the Papal System 23:35 and that they will be justified. 23:37 Now, here's the thing about this, right, 23:39 to make them white... 23:40 to purge them and make them white... 23:42 this is very interesting because you got to remember 23:45 what was happening in the Dark Ages 23:46 is... people were being condemned as anti-Christian. 23:53 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm... 23:55 James: Yeah. 23:56 Ivor: "You don't believe as the church does, 24:00 you are condemned to the flames of hell. " 24:04 James: Yeah. 24:05 Ivor: Right, you are a heretic. James: Hmmm... hmmm... 24:07 Ivor: And what God is saying here is, 24:08 "I'm going to reverse this judgment... " right, 24:11 "in the eyes of the world, you have been condemned 24:14 as a... as, you know, a revile towards God... 24:18 as just a heathen... 24:19 the books in heaven are going to be opened... 24:24 at some point, there is going to be an opening of the books 24:26 and that's what we read about in Daniel 7... 24:28 this is bringing us back to the very reference of 24:31 "Unto 2300 days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed... " 24:34 which is... which is connected with this theme of judgment 24:38 which brings us right back to Daniel 12:1 and 2, 24:41 right, "everyone shall be delivered that is found 24:45 written in the book. " 24:48 All of this language is pointing us back to Daniel 8:13 and 14. 24:52 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm... 24:53 "Unto 2300 days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. " 24:56 So, that's what we have going on here 24:58 which is kind of like a summary... 25:00 you know, it's a... it's a big picture view 25:03 of what's happening in Daniel 11 verse 35. 25:05 Yeah, I can't think of a better illustration of this than Huss, 25:10 you know, Huss was one of the first martyrs 25:12 and when he was... before he was martyred, 25:15 he was mocked 25:16 and they put on him this, you know, robe and this hat 25:20 and they made him out to be a demon 25:22 and they demonized him in front of this... 25:25 all the clergy and just made him look bad 25:28 and he said, "Willingly will I wear this... " 25:31 you know, "this robe and this hat you've given me 25:33 because my Lord wore a purple robe 25:35 and a crown of thorns for me... " 25:37 and he just stood up tall and... 25:40 and so God is emphasizing here, they get white robes... 25:42 those who are going through this trial and persecution, 25:45 it's purifying them and it's making them white. 25:47 They were standing for Christ... 25:49 they were revealing the spirit of Christ 25:50 and this was going to happen and I love this... 25:52 "until the time of the end. " 25:54 So, verse 35 is pointing us to a designated time 25:57 when this is going to continue 25:58 but it's also going to come to an end. 25:59 It's going to come to an end in the time of the end 26:01 and we understand the "time of the end" 26:03 to be a specific date when this period of persecution 26:07 this 1260 years of persecution ends 26:09 and that time is 1798... 26:12 it was following the 1798 "time of the end" 26:15 that the "Judgment" was discovered 26:18 and it began that process of actually giving them white robes 26:22 began... because the judgment began with the dead... 26:25 with every person who professed Christ and had died 26:29 up from Abel all the way through until the end of time. 26:32 The judgment begins with the dead 26:34 and then it moves... we... we don't know how soon 26:36 but it will move from the dead, you know, to the living... 26:38 to those who profess Christ who are alive. 26:40 Ivor: And I hate to throw this in here at this... 26:43 we got, like, a minute left 26:45 but if you look at the entire chapter of Daniel 11, 26:49 you basically have the three time prophecies right there. 26:53 It begins in Medo-Persia and brings you down to Jesus 26:56 and His crucifixion... that's the 70 weeks. 26:58 James: Boom... 27:00 Ivor: Then we transition into this 1260-year time period 27:03 of the Dark Ages and when we get to verse 40, 27:06 this is... this is 1798 onward 27:10 which brings us into the 2300 days... 27:12 the books being opened... 27:14 so, you've got these three time prophecies basically laid out 27:18 in Daniel 11. 27:20 James: Wow! Yvonne: Wow! 27:22 James: Yeah, that's good... so, we're going to... 27:24 we're going to spend more time on that though 27:26 even though you're a little bit rushed 27:27 but I love the way that you brought that out... 27:29 we're going to spend more time on that when we get to Daniel 12 27:30 because in Daniel chapter 12, 27:32 we still have to deal with the end of the 2300 days... 1844 27:35 and we've got the 1260... the 1290 and the 1335... 27:38 where did that come from? 27:40 All of a sudden, it shows up 27:41 so, we're going to look at all this when we get to Daniel 12 27:43 but we're not there yet... we're... 27:44 we're leaving off in verse 35, 27:46 we're going to pick up in verse 36 in our next session, 27:48 and try to move... 27:50 I think we can just try to move 27:51 through the rest of the chapter, 27:52 it might take a whole more session 27:54 but I think we can do that. 27:55 So, praise the Lord... good stuff. 27:56 Yvonne: Amen. James: Amen. |
Revised 2021-07-06