Salvation in Symbols and Signs

Daniel Eleven Part 4 of 6

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SISS

Program Code: SISS000108S

00:01 Music...
00:31 James: Yes, we are moving through Daniel 11.
00:34 I... I have to say
00:35 even though this is one of the most difficult chapters,
00:37 it's one of my favorite chapters.
00:38 Yvonne: Hmmm...
00:39 James: I love Daniel 11
00:41 especially as we get into these verses
00:42 that we're heading into right now
00:44 because while they're difficult and challenging,
00:47 there's so much here...
00:48 there are some nuggets here
00:50 that are really going to be helpful for God's people
00:52 especially in the end of time.
00:55 So, we left off in about verse 35
00:57 and I think it would be good to pick up at 36,
01:00 we can always go back a few verses
01:02 so, we'll... we'll... after we pray,
01:03 we'll pick up in 36 and we'll just try to understand
01:06 what is happening in these verses
01:08 as it relates to Bible prophecy.
01:10 So, Jason, would you like to have a prayer for us
01:12 as we start? Jason: Sure... hmmm... hmmm...
01:14 "Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you so much
01:16 for revealing to us your desire for a relationship with us
01:20 through these books...
01:21 through the whole Bible but through Daniel
01:24 with the new covenant and all of that as well.
01:26 Father, we just ask that you'll guide this study
01:29 and help us to understand what we're learning,
01:31 in Jesus' name we pray, amen. "
01:33 All: Amen.
01:34 James: Thank you Jason. Jason: Amen.
01:36 James: So, let's pick up here in Daniel 11,
01:39 Ivor, can you read that verse for us... Daniel 11 verse 36?
01:42 Ivor: Right, verse 36,
01:45 "And the king shall do according to his will;
01:48 and he shall exalt himself,
01:50 and magnify himself above every god,
01:53 and he shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods,
01:58 and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished:
02:01 for that that is determined shall be done. "
02:05 James: Now, this is a challenging verse
02:09 but we have a little bit of Biblical help with this verse,
02:13 Paul actually quotes from this verse in the New Testament.
02:17 There is some references in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2
02:20 that we can look at that will help us to identify
02:24 who this king is that's being talked about here
02:27 in Daniel 11:36...
02:29 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 what verses are they?
02:31 Yvonne: Three and four. James: Three and four,
02:32 let's just look at those, 2nd Thessalonians 2:3 and 4.
02:35 Yvonne: "Let no one deceive you by any means;
02:39 for that Day will not come
02:40 unless the falling away comes first,
02:43 and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,
02:46 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God
02:50 or that is worshiped,
02:52 so that he sits as God in the temple of God,
02:55 showing himself that he is God. "
02:57 James: Now, this is a really interesting section of Scripture
03:01 in 2nd Thessalonians
03:02 because if you look at the whole... the whole section,
03:06 Paul is talking about two powers...
03:10 they are one... just like we've been talking about in Daniel,
03:15 he's talking about Rome in its pagan phase
03:17 and in its Papal phase.
03:18 Yvonne: Hmmm...
03:20 James: Now, he doesn't understand it in the Papal Phase
03:21 He's simply saying, "There's a man of sin coming
03:23 and this Power that we're presently under
03:25 is going to be taken out of the way
03:27 and the man of sin is going to be revealed
03:29 and all he does... instead of saying who that man of sin is,
03:33 he gives us characteristics
03:34 but you notice that he is almost quoting
03:37 Daniel 11 verse 36.
03:39 Yvonne: Hmmm...
03:41 James: It's almost like a word for word quote,
03:42 I mean, if you look at it here,
03:43 there's no place else in the entire Scripture
03:46 that Paul can actually be referencing
03:48 when he identifies the man of sin
03:50 but Daniel 11 verse 36, "He exalts himself...
03:54 sits in the temple of God showing himself that he is God"
03:57 Daniel chapter 11:36 says,
04:00 "The king shall do according to his will:
04:01 he shall exalt himself
04:03 and magnify himself above every god,
04:05 and speak marvelous things against the God of gods. "
04:08 Yvonne: Hmmm... James: Isn't that amazing?
04:09 Ivor: Hmmm... James: The correlation there.
04:11 Yvonne: Hmmm...
04:12 Ivor: Hey James, I got good news for you.
04:14 James: Bring it.
04:16 Ivor: That Daniel 7:25. James: Wooooh!
04:19 Ivor: "He will speak... " James: Yes.
04:23 Ivor: I know some translations put it as "boastful words
04:27 against the Most High. "
04:30 James: Yes. Yvonne: Right.
04:32 Ivor: Revelation 13... I believe it's verse... what?
04:39 3 or 4... James: Hmmm... hmmm...
04:41 Ivor: Revelation 13... I'm pulling it up...
04:46 verse 6... oh, verse 5... verse 5,
04:50 "And there was given unto him a mouth
04:53 speaking great things... "
04:55 so, his mouth is getting him in trouble.
04:57 All: Laughter.
04:58 James: With God.
05:00 Ivor: With God. James: Yeah.
05:01 Ivor: And in... in both Revelation 13...
05:04 Daniel 11...
05:06 Thessalonians as well as Daniel 7:25,
05:09 it's all identifying the same Power.
05:12 James: Yes.
05:14 Yvonne: Hmmm... James: Same Power.
05:15 Ivor: And it's identifying it by its mouth.
05:16 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
05:18 Ivor: Right, so it not only thinks
05:19 to sit in the temple of God showing himself to be God,
05:22 but the things... the blasphemies that are spoken
05:26 are an important point here to identifying
05:30 that this is the same Power we're talking about
05:33 from Daniel 11 verse 23 onward.
05:35 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
05:37 and by the way, when we look in the Bible
05:38 we know that blasphemy is identifying yourself as God
05:42 because Jesus did that and He was accused of blasphemy.
05:47 Now, Jesus was God so He... that was a wrong accusation
05:51 and the second thing that we find in the Bible is
05:54 when Jesus claimed the power to forgive sins
05:56 and they accused Him of blasphemy...
05:58 "Who can forgive sins but God?"
06:00 Now, Jesus was God so He had that power
06:01 but for a man to claim that... and that's what the Papacy does.
06:05 They claimed through the Priesthood
06:06 to be able to forgive sins
06:08 and they claim for the Pope the title of God Almighty on earth.
06:10 "You're the Vicar of Christ God Almighty... "
06:14 so, we need to recognize that this is what it means here
06:17 when it says, "Blasphemy"
06:18 this Power blasphemes or speaks words of blasphemy...
06:21 it's not... like some people would think,
06:23 "Well, it must be a non-religious power... "
06:26 a lot of people believe that Antichrist is a power that...
06:29 it's... it's non-religious... it's... it's against God
06:32 so it must be a dark, bad, wicked, devil,
06:35 you know, worshipping power... no...
06:38 the word "Anti" actually in the Greek
06:41 can mean "against" or it can mean "in the place of"
06:43 in the place of...
06:45 and so, this power puts itself in the place of God...
06:49 is what Paul is telling us in 2nd Thessalonians
06:51 and that connects us back to Daniel chapter 11 and verse 36.
06:55 Yvonne: Hmmm...
06:56 He's exalting himself above God
06:58 putting himself in the place of God.
06:59 Yvonne: Wow!
07:00 Ivor: And this... this throws a lot of people
07:02 because they expect Antichrist to be some evil, wicked,
07:07 you know, "Here I am with my pitchfork"
07:10 and... okay... so that's easy for us to identify
07:14 and... and so, people end up looking in the wrong direction,
07:18 in the wrong place for Antichrist
07:20 and that is part of this... part of the deception.
07:24 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
07:25 James: Paul warns about this power in the book of Acts,
07:29 I think it's 26... and he says that from your own selves
07:32 will men arise and seeking to...
07:36 to draw men after themselves
07:38 and that's the key right here.
07:39 You know, I think this is a virus in Christianity
07:43 and that is self-exaltation
07:45 and men seeking to draw men after themselves
07:47 and it's not necessarily a virus that leaders and preachers
07:52 are guilty of.
07:54 You know, when Paul was writing to the church in Corinth,
07:58 he was talking to the believers there
08:01 who were "sanctified" in Christ
08:02 and he was saying, "But you're carnally minded
08:04 because some of you say, 'I'm of Apollos'
08:06 some of you say, 'I'm of Cephas'
08:08 and some of you say, 'I'm of Paul. '"
08:09 He said, "Isn't that carnal? Aren't we all of Christ?"
08:11 Yvonne: Hmmm...
08:12 James: Don't set yourself up to be a follower of another man.
08:15 Don't idolize a human being no matter how much...
08:19 because honestly, God is using that person
08:22 as an instrument to bring you to God and to Christ
08:25 and to the truth.
08:26 It's not about that person
08:27 because what happens many times is
08:29 when we started idolizing people,
08:31 God has to allow that person to fall
08:33 so that we can say, "Whoa, man!"
08:35 and get our eyes off that person and get them back on Jesus.
08:38 Yvonne: Yes.
08:39 James: So, do us a favor... do all human beings a favor
08:42 and keep your eyes on Christ.
08:44 We see this in the world... the secular world.
08:46 We start idolizing these Pop Stars
08:48 and these Movie Stars and these Rock Stars
08:50 and you look at their lives
08:52 and their lives are just falling apart.
08:53 Human beings can't handle that...
08:55 we cannot handle that.
08:56 Yvonne: That is so true.
08:58 James: And even the angel in heaven in Revelation falls down,
09:00 you know, John falls down before the angel,
09:02 you know what I'm talking about?
09:03 Jason: Yeah, I was thinking... I was thinking about it,
09:04 it was like, "Oh no, no, no, no, no,
09:06 no, no, no... stand up...
09:07 don't worship me. "
09:10 James: "I've seen that... I saw that up in heaven... "
09:13 so... and that's what Satan is trying to get us,
09:15 you know, to stay in...
09:17 is that whole idol self-worship man-worship thing...
09:19 that abomination that makes us desolate.
09:21 We've got to keep our eyes on Jesus.
09:23 Yvonne: That is so true...
09:24 even with the Human Potential Movement,
09:27 you know, you can... and it...
09:29 it's crept into Christianity too
09:31 so, you can declare and decree and it is so...
09:34 as though you are God.
09:36 No, we are not God... God is God
09:38 and I think that is a real problem today in Christianity,
09:44 this whole Human Potential Movement that, you know,
09:48 declare and decree and it is so... and...
09:51 and it's as though God must honor that
09:55 because you've said it
09:56 and... it's... it's very subtle.
09:58 James: It's very subtle.
10:00 Yvonne: But it's still putting us in the position of God
10:03 and God doing our bidding.
10:06 No, it's like Brrrrk... it's twisted.
10:10 God is the Creator... we are His creatures
10:13 and so, I think, you know, that whole Human Potential thing
10:16 Satan is just very, very shrewd and subtle and...
10:21 and flipping things just a little bit...
10:24 just enough to make you think it could be the right thing
10:28 but it's not.
10:30 James: You know, the Bible tells us about this
10:31 in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11, it says there in verse 2
10:35 that Paul is concerned for the Corinthian believers
10:38 because he's afraid that just like Adam and Eve were deceived
10:41 by the subtlety of the serpent, that they might be deceived
10:45 when he comes and preaches another Jesus... another gospel
10:50 and another spirit.
10:51 He says, "I'm afraid you might bear with him... "
10:53 Why? Well, because it's Jesus...
10:54 well, it's because it's the gospel...
10:56 because he's talking about the Holy Spirit.
10:57 It's a religious guise
10:59 and he says in verse 15 of 2nd Corinthians 11
11:02 and Satan sends his ministers as ministers of righteousness
11:05 and no... no surprise there
11:08 because he comes as an angel of light.
11:10 Ivor, you were saying, sometimes we're looking for Antichrist
11:13 to come as a dark, wicked, pitchfork...
11:15 no, he comes as an angel of light
11:18 so, this is really significant for us...
11:20 really important for us
11:21 when we look at the Antichrist here...
11:23 the one who puts himself in the place of God...
11:25 what is he doing? He's saying... he is God
11:27 and he can forgive and he's the God on earth
11:30 and this is a religious movement
11:32 that the whole world, we're told is going to follow after.
11:34 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm... James: Yeah.
11:35 Ivor: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
11:37 James: Okay, we see this in history
11:39 because we know that the world was basically under the control
11:42 of the medieval church during the Dark Ages...
11:45 verse 37, "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,
11:50 nor the desire of women, nor regard any god:
11:53 but he shall magnify himself above all. "
11:55 Yvonne: Hmmm...
11:57 James: So, this church claims Apostolic succession
11:59 but it doesn't regard the God of his fathers,
12:00 you know, the Apostles and Peter...
12:03 they were God alone and not man...
12:05 and... and then it says, "Nor the desire of women... "
12:07 so, there's no... you know, a woman in the Bible...
12:10 that can apply to marriage, for example,
12:12 which God has given us as a twin institution of the Sabbath
12:15 and the... the pressure, you know, to be celibate
12:19 as a man or a woman... celibacy
12:22 or it could apply spiritually to other churches
12:25 and no, we're not... there's no other churches...
12:27 only our church...
12:28 either way, they're not regarding anyone else...
12:31 no other gods... no other religions...
12:33 none of the institutions that God has instituted
12:36 at least, I shouldn't say, "none"
12:37 but the main institutions God has instituted...
12:40 marriage and the Sabbath are all being undermined
12:42 by this System and it applies...
12:44 you can see it apply in history, it's so clear.
12:47 Ivor: James, if we... if we just look back at the verses
12:50 that we looked at in the previous program
12:53 where we talked about, you know,
12:55 the persecution of the saints during the Dark Ages.
12:59 James: Yeah.
13:00 Ivor: One of the reasons they were being persecuted
13:02 was because they identified the Papacy
13:06 as this very power spoken of in Bible prophecy.
13:09 James: Okay. Yvonne: Hmmm...
13:10 Ivor: Right, so, that's just... what we're seeing here...
13:14 this is not, you know, a private interpretation...
13:18 people died for exposing this power
13:24 as a... as a power that was sitting in the place of God.
13:28 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
13:29 Ivor: For man, that was attempting to usurp authority
13:33 that did not belong to them.
13:35 James: And the question we might want to ask here is,
13:38 why were people willing to die?
13:39 I mean, Martin Luther was willing to die for that
13:41 and Huss and Jerome and...
13:43 why were people willing to die
13:46 just to expose this power?
13:48 Just to say, "Well, that's a bad power
13:49 and you shouldn't have anything to do with it... "
13:51 no, when you look at the lives of these men like Martin Luther,
13:54 he agonized with God.
13:56 For years, he tried to find peace with God and...
13:59 and to get his guilt removed and he struggled,
14:02 you know, he walked up the stair cases,
14:03 he... he lashed his back till he was bleeding...
14:06 he... he denied himself until he would faint from hunger
14:09 in a... in a hermit's cell... I mean, in a monk's cell...
14:12 he... he was trying to find peace with God and never could
14:17 until he discovered a Bible chained
14:19 to the pulpit in a chapel
14:21 and he began reading the pages and he said,
14:23 "Oh, if only I could have such a book... "
14:25 and as he read the pages, he discovered Christ...
14:28 he discovered righteousness by faith.
14:30 He discovered that the just shall live by faith
14:32 and it changed his life.
14:34 His conscience was captive to the Word of God.
14:37 He could do... he never wanted...
14:39 he didn't want to leave the church...
14:41 he didn't want to expose Rome, he didn't want to do any of that
14:43 but when he saw Rome contradicting the Bible...
14:45 contradicting the gospel...
14:47 undermining Christ and Him crucified...
14:49 when he saw that
14:51 and when he realized the peace that he had
14:52 and when he saw other people struggling
14:53 the way he was struggling
14:55 and he knew that he had the words and experience
14:57 to free them,
14:58 he couldn't help but expose what was wrong
15:00 and I think it's going to be the same with us.
15:02 We can't just have an intellectual understanding
15:04 of all this history and say, "Oh yeah, look,
15:06 this just means this and this means this... "
15:07 it's got to mean something in our hearts
15:09 because in the end of time, we won't stand
15:11 unless it means something to us personally...
15:12 unless we've been personally delivered by Jesus Christ,
15:15 we're not going to be able to stand up against this power
15:17 like Martin Luther did and like Jerome did and Huss did
15:20 even unto death it says in Revelation 2:10.
15:22 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
15:24 Ivor: Amen.
15:25 Yvonne: Isn't it interesting how he was so high up
15:29 and involved in the church
15:30 and he had not read the Bible for himself.
15:33 I think that's a really important point for us
15:37 that we cannot take anybody else's word for it,
15:40 we have to read it ourselves.
15:42 James: Even if they're scholars.
15:43 Yvonne: Even if they're scholars.
15:44 James: Martin Luther was a scholar
15:46 as he understood the Bible. Yvonne: Yes, yes.
15:47 James: There are a lot of Biblical Scholars today...
15:50 I... I know... I have a friend who went to Cambridge,
15:52 he, you know, got into Yale,
15:57 yeah, he did his Theological degree in both of those places
16:00 and he said...
16:01 Ivor: Hey, I have that same friend.
16:03 James: Yeah, you do... I won't mention his name
16:05 to say J. R. because those are my initials
16:09 so it sounds really cool
16:10 but he was, you know, basically saying that
16:13 most of the people in his class don't believe in God.
16:15 They're there getting a Theological degree...
16:17 they don't believe in God
16:19 I asked him, "Why are they there?"
16:20 They're there because they want that degree,
16:22 they're there because they want that pedigree,
16:23 they're there because they want to be able to be called
16:25 "Bible Scholars. "
16:26 "I've looked at the Bible... I've checked it out...
16:28 I know inside and out... I know Greek... I know Hebrew"
16:29 and... and it's true.
16:31 Yvonne: To disprove? Are they like...
16:33 James: Just to have that education...
16:35 just to have that... those letters,
16:37 just to be able to say what they say...
16:38 maybe to disprove... I don't know...
16:40 I'll... I'll give you an example,
16:41 I remember a CNN Blog in 2014, I believe it was,
16:46 I've got the reference from a "Scholar"
16:48 that was talking about the book of Revelation
16:50 and they said basically,
16:51 "Jesus is neither seen in it nor known in it. "
16:54 The plan of salvation... Yvonne: The book of Revelation?
16:56 James: Yeah, the plan of salvation is not there
16:58 and this was a Biblical Scholar, so, they've got the degree
17:01 and they're being quoted on a CNN Blog
17:03 and they said,
17:05 "The salvation... the gospel is not mentioned there. "
17:07 We opened up to Revelation chapter 1 verse 5,
17:09 "Who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood. "
17:12 Boom... there's the gospel. Yvonne: Yes.
17:14 James: It's the revelation of Jesus Christ.
17:15 They said, "It just drips with blood
17:17 and reveals a God who's out... vindictive and out to just... "
17:21 you know, and a lot of people see Revelation that way.
17:23 Why? Well, look at these scholars.
17:25 You know, they've got their degree
17:27 but they don't have this relationship with Jesus
17:29 so, they can't find Him.
17:31 You find what you're looking for...
17:32 let me tell you, I love Jesus...
17:34 when I read Revelation, I'm looking for Jesus.
17:35 Yvonne: Yes. James: I'm looking for the Lamb
17:37 and I find Him... He's there.
17:38 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
17:40 but when you don't have that relationship,
17:41 you know, the Bible says,
17:43 "Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. "
17:45 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm... James: You've got to have that.
17:47 You can only be qualified by His Spirit
17:49 and then you get the education to follow it up.
17:52 I'm not trying to say that education is bad,
17:54 I think education is powerful, I think it can be really good
17:56 but without...
17:58 education in the Bible I'm talking about now...
18:00 without that spiritual connection with God,
18:02 it can be very detrimental...
18:03 very damaging to a lot of people.
18:05 Yvonne: Yes... yes.
18:06 Ivor: Yeah, let's build on that for a second
18:08 because this is exactly what happened in the Dark Ages
18:13 right, when you have "Scholars"
18:19 and "Teachers of the Word"
18:22 who are doing the things that the Church did
18:27 during the Dark Ages,
18:28 "We will burn you at the stake" right...
18:30 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
18:33 Ivor: They are in essence saying to the world,
18:36 "This is the God that we serve. "
18:38 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
18:40 Ivor: Right. James: Yeah.
18:41 Ivor: And the reason why God's name
18:44 has been so blasphemed around the world, right,
18:49 the reason why to this day there are Atheists and people
18:54 who just totally, like, "We hate the Bible... "
18:57 you know, a lot of it goes back to
19:00 what we're reading here in Daniel 11:23 so far to 39.
19:06 James: Yeah. Ivor: Right,
19:07 when you have a Power that professes to be molded by God...
19:10 clay...
19:11 and yet it is mingled with iron... the world.
19:16 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
19:17 Ivor: It is... it is... it is not glorifying God
19:21 but instead it... it basically has the spirit of the world.
19:26 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
19:27 Ivor: What ends up happening is other people see that
19:30 and their response to it is,
19:32 "We want nothing to do with the Bible. "
19:35 James: Yes, yeah. Yvonne: Hmmm...
19:36 Ivor: We are going to...
19:38 we're going to put the Bible to death
19:39 for three and a half days,
19:42 right, we are going to reject everything about Christianity
19:45 which is... we're going to see
19:47 that that is exactly what happens in verse 40.
19:50 James: Yes.
19:51 Ivor: When we get to this "Power" called the
19:54 king of the South,
19:55 we're going to see that that's the...
19:57 and this is what Satan is after.
19:59 If he can make our relationship with God look crazy,
20:03 well, who wants a relationship with God?
20:05 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
20:07 Ivor: "If a relationship with God means
20:08 what I'm seeing in you...
20:10 what I'm seeing what happened in the Dark Ages,
20:12 then, no thank you, I don't want to serve a God like that. "
20:15 James: Yeah. Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
20:16 James: Good point, Ivor, really good point.
20:19 We need to look at these principles
20:21 and see how they apply to us
20:22 in... in that vein...
20:24 because this is all about God's character.
20:27 It's about vindicating God and glorifying God
20:30 and there's going to be a lot of people in the end of time
20:32 Matthew 7:21 to 23 says,
20:34 "You say, Lord, Lord, haven't we prophesied in Your name
20:37 and in Your name done many wonderful things?
20:39 We fed the poor and we've taken care of the orphans...
20:41 we've done all these works... "
20:42 and in a lot of religions, there are a lot of works
20:45 but not necessarily the works that God is calling us to.
20:49 You know, Samuel rebuked Saul and basically told him
20:54 because Saul had offered a sacrifice to God
20:56 without Samuel's presence and he said,
20:58 "You know, to obey is better than sacrifice. "
21:00 So, obedience is vital when you look at this
21:02 obeying the Word of God...
21:04 you can do all these things
21:05 but if you're not obeying the Word of God,
21:06 you know, "In vain you worship Me,
21:08 teaching for doctrines the commandments of men
21:10 and your traditions. "
21:12 Okay, let's read the next two verses,
21:13 Jason, can you read these next two verses... verses 38 and 39
21:17 and we're going to wrap this up and move into verse 40.
21:20 Jason: Okay, "But in their place
21:21 he shall honor a god of fortresses;
21:24 and a god which his fathers did not know
21:27 he shall honor with gold and silver,
21:29 with precious stones and pleasant things.
21:31 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses
21:35 with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge,
21:38 and advance its glory;
21:41 and he shall cause them to rule over many,
21:44 and divide the land for gain. "
21:46 James: Do you hear all the language in those verses?
21:48 Fortresses... gold... silver... advancing
21:53 and dividing the land for gain...
21:55 it's a temporal power that this religious power is using.
22:00 It's using temporal prosperity and temporal things
22:03 to push its way forward and to gain control,
22:07 do you see that?
22:08 That's what the church did in the Dark Ages.
22:09 It was all about intrigue...
22:11 it was all about being connected with the right kings
22:14 and the right ruler... it was all about politics...
22:17 we're getting to... to our present time
22:18 and like Ivor said...
22:20 this completely turned people away from religion
22:22 until finally, it exploded out in the country of France
22:26 and we talked about this in our Revelation Series
22:28 and I really encourage Viewers
22:31 to go back to the Revelation Series
22:33 in Salvation, Symbols and Signs specifically on Revelation 11
22:36 because we're not going to have time to expound upon
22:39 this Atheistic Power that rose up
22:42 out of all of this misrepresentation of God.
22:45 It rose up and it was caused by this misrepresentation.
22:48 In other words, bad Christianity drives people away from God...
22:53 drives people away
22:54 because it misrepresents what God is really like
22:57 and so, in the time of the end, verse 40 says
22:59 this king of the South will push at him.
23:04 Now, the king of the South...
23:06 that word "South" is translated in some versions of the Bible
23:11 as Egypt... and it is defined in Isaiah 30:1 through 6
23:15 as the Nation of Egypt.
23:16 Whenever we talk about the South in the Old Testament,
23:19 it was always referring to Egypt... Egypt... Egypt...
23:21 and Egypt, according to Exodus 5 verse 2,
23:24 was a power who denied God's existence...
23:27 "Who is God that I should obey Him and let His people go?
23:29 I don't know God, neither will I let this people go. "
23:31 Jason: Hmmm...
23:33 James: And so, God is using this symbol here
23:34 to identify an Atheistic Power that would push or war
23:39 against this religious power in the time of the end... 1798
23:43 and that's exactly what happened when you look at Bible prophecy.
23:47 1798... Napoleon's in control of France or rising up in France
23:51 sends his General Berthier...
23:53 he goes down into Italy... into Rome
23:57 and he takes the Pope captive and he dies in captivity...
23:59 inflicts the deadly wound into the Papacy
24:02 and it loses its Civil Power... it loses its strength
24:04 and then we're told in Revelation 13...
24:06 he's wounded but the wound is healed
24:08 and we see that...
24:10 in one verse, we have the wounding and the healing
24:12 in prophecy in Revelation 13:3.
24:15 Ivor: And James, let's just jump back
24:16 and remember that the French Revolution
24:20 was a rejection of Christianity, right...
24:24 James: Of fallen Christianity.
24:26 Ivor: Of the incorrect...
24:28 the picture that they got of Christianity,
24:31 they were like, "No... we reject this. "
24:34 James: Yes.
24:35 Ivor: That's what the French Revolution leading up to 1798...
24:38 the Papacy being given a deadly wound
24:43 which was in essence the separation of its arms...
24:47 if you go back to Daniel 11 verse 31,
24:49 "And arms shall stand on his part... "
24:51 that was done away with, right,
24:54 when... when... when the Papal States were abolished in 1798,
24:58 they no longer had the military
25:01 that they had access to before that, right?
25:05 In order to inflict this punishment and all these things,
25:08 this came as a result of the French Revolution
25:12 in which people were basically saying,
25:15 "We are fed up with the Papal Rule... with religion"
25:21 and they totally... they burned the Bible
25:24 and again, we talked about this in our study on Revelation 11,
25:26 but we're not pulling France out of the air, like,
25:29 "How did you get France?"
25:30 No, that is the Nation...
25:31 the time of the end is the end of the 1260 years.
25:35 That is the nation that came into prominence
25:41 with this rejection of Christianity at that time.
25:46 That is the Nation... by the way, it was Clovis
25:50 James: Yes! just thinking that, come on.
25:53 Ivor: I will wait,
25:54 that was the first to give the Papacy its sword...
25:58 it's my fist here... but they gave the Papacy its sword
26:01 and basically set it up... set it up...
26:05 we'll get more to this in the next... in Daniel 12
26:09 but gave it it's ability to begin to persecute...
26:12 James: The arms... Ivor: The arms and 1200 and...
26:15 at the end of the 1260, it's that same France
26:19 that took away its sword.
26:20 "He that kills with a sword must be...
26:23 or wounds with a sword will be wounded with a sword...
26:25 killed with a sword must be killed with a sword... "
26:27 this is what's happening
26:29 as we begin to combine Revelation 13... Revelation 11
26:33 with Daniel 11... it...
26:35 God is bringing... is showing us from multiple angles
26:39 that He's dealing with the same thing here and...
26:43 and this is a verification of the truth...
26:45 of the... of the Scriptures.
26:47 James: Yes, so when you go back to verse 35,
26:49 the persecution... it says there...
26:51 "some of them shall fall...
26:53 of understanding shall fall, to try them, and purge them,
26:55 and make them white, even till the time of the end"
26:57 do you see that?
26:58 The persecution will continue even till the time of the end,
27:01 then when we get to the time of the end
27:03 and, of course, Berthier goes in and he takes the Pope captive
27:05 and that's when we see the deadly wound being inflicted...
27:08 that's when we see the persecution coming to an end...
27:11 a sudden end
27:12 and then we're going to move into this time-of-the-end period
27:15 when we see some things happening in verses 40
27:17 and onward that are actually present truth.
27:19 Yvonne: Hmmm...
27:21 Ivor: And James, it's important for us to mention as well
27:23 that this king of the South is present today.
27:27 James: Yes. Yvonne: Hmmm...
27:28 Ivor: The French Revolution is a pivotal point...
27:31 even in American history, right,
27:34 and a lot of the Atheistic tendencies
27:38 that we see in our Nation today
27:40 rise out of the French Revolution.
27:43 James: Yeah, Atheistic... Secular... Communistic...
27:46 Marxist... it's all alive right now...
27:49 it's all alive right now.
27:50 Ivor: That is... that is king of the South right there,
27:54 so, that's important to understand
27:56 as we move into Daniel 11 verse 40.
27:57 James: Absolutely, so, we've run out of time
27:59 but we're... we're on the edge of our seat...
28:01 I'm just going to take this jacket off
28:02 and be ready to go.
28:04 All: Laughter.


Revised 2021-07-06