Salvation in Symbols and Signs

Daniel Eleven Part 5 of 6

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SISS

Program Code: SISS000109S

00:01 Music...
00:31 James: Did you say Daniel 11 Part 5?
00:34 Jason: Part 5. James: Part 5... Yvonne: Oooooh!
00:37 James: See, this is... this is a long chapter...
00:40 Yvonne: It's meaty.
00:41 James: And there's a lot here, it's very meaty,
00:42 yeah, good thing we have our vegetables in Daniel 10.
00:45 Yvonne: That's right. All: Laughter.
00:47 James: So that we can get into the meat,
00:50 so, we left off in verse 40, we didn't finish verse 40
00:54 and we're going to really kind of
00:56 spend a little bit of time here,
00:58 we want to kind of nuance these verses
01:00 because these verses parallel
01:03 what's taking place in Revelation chapter 13.
01:06 There's a really good parallel between Daniel 11 verses 40
01:10 to 12:3... wanted to reemphasize that,
01:12 12:1, 2 and 3 are really part of the Daniel 11 vision.
01:16 He doesn't come out of vision,
01:18 Daniel doesn't come out of vision till verse 4 of Daniel 12
01:21 and then Revelation 13:1 all the way through
01:24 to the end of chapter verse 18,
01:25 these two sections of prophetic eschatological Scripture
01:29 parallel in so many ways,
01:31 I've got at least a dozen connections between them
01:33 and we'll look at a few of those
01:35 but first we want to start with a word of prayer,
01:37 Ivor, would you like to lead us out in prayer?
01:39 Ivor: Yeah, let's do that, "Heavenly Father,
01:41 bless us as we continue to study the book of Daniel
01:46 particularly Daniel 11 verses 40 onward, Lord,
01:50 give us wisdom, Lord, give us insight
01:52 and, Lord, help us to make this clear for our Viewers,
01:56 we pray this in Jesus' name, amen. "
01:57 All: Amen.
01:59 James: So, let's just go back to verse 40, Jason,
02:02 can we just go back to verse 40 and just read that verse
02:03 and then we'll talk about it.
02:05 Jason: Sure, "At the time of the end
02:07 the king of the South shall attack him;
02:09 and the king of the North shall come against him
02:11 like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen,
02:14 and with many ships;
02:15 and he shall enter the countries,
02:18 overwhelm them, and pass through. "
02:21 James: Okay, so, we have a lot of,
02:25 you know, symbolic language here to be honest
02:29 because even the South represents Egypt or Atheism...
02:33 Marxism... Communism...
02:34 whatever we want to call it right now, Secularism...
02:37 what does the king of the North represent?
02:39 Well, we've already identified that power
02:42 in the previous verses because the same king in verse 40
02:45 that the king of the South comes against,
02:47 is the one that was identified in verse 36
02:49 and that's a key pivotal point...
02:51 the king in verse 36 is obviously the same king
02:55 in verse 40...
02:56 the question is, who is the king in verse 36...
02:58 we go to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2:3 and 4...
03:01 we do some, you know, comparing
03:03 and we see that this is none other than the Antichrist
03:06 or this false religious system that has risen up
03:10 in the seat of pagan Rome or the Papal Roman System
03:13 and then we look at all the verses following...
03:16 we see... it meets all those characteristics
03:18 and we looked at some of that
03:19 so, what it's saying here is that in 1798...
03:22 the time of the end,
03:24 this Atheistic power would rise up in the country of France
03:27 and would wound... would inflict... would gore...
03:30 the word "push" means to gore...
03:32 war against the king of the North
03:33 but then it says there's going to be a turnaround in conflict,
03:36 that the king of the North is going to come against him
03:38 like a whirlwind with chariots and with horsemen
03:41 and with many ships and enter into the countries
03:43 and overflow and pass over
03:45 and you don't have to go very far
03:47 to see the application of this history in our world today.
03:50 I was raised in the umbrella of Communism...
03:57 I was born in '62
03:59 when the conflict between the United States and USSR
04:04 was at an intense level, Kennedy was President, you know,
04:08 in those... in those early years
04:09 and the Cuba Mission Crisis... Missile Crisis had taken place
04:13 and I remember as a teenager I was always thinking...
04:16 it could happen any time, it could happen any time...
04:18 it was just party and live for today
04:20 because we don't even know if we have tomorrow
04:22 and the idea was nuclear buildup
04:24 and I remember when I became a Seventh-day Adventist,
04:28 now, I wasn't an Adventist in... in my childhood...
04:32 I was raised Catholic...
04:33 "Roman Catholic" my Mom would say
04:35 but as a young man, I was Born Again
04:37 and I accepted Christ as my Savior...
04:39 still wasn't an Adventist...
04:41 I was going to Calvary Chapel,
04:42 I was going to a Pentecostal Church
04:44 and I was studying with the Adventists to get my sister out,
04:47 I thought it was a cult... they went to church on Saturday,
04:50 what's that all about?
04:51 And I remember going to this Prophecy Seminar
04:54 as I was studying about Adventism to get my sister out
04:57 and I remember becoming more and more convicted
05:00 through Bible Studies... through this Prophecy Seminar
05:02 and then I remember the Adventist teaching
05:04 about how the whole world...
05:05 the whole world was going to follow this Power
05:08 who was wounded and its deadly wound was healed
05:10 and they identified this Power as the Papacy, you know,
05:13 the church that I used to belong to...
05:14 and I thought that's crazy, look at the USSR...
05:18 that's an Atheistic Power...
05:19 that's... that's the Octopus of the world,
05:21 they've got control... way more submarines and missiles
05:25 and tanks and are in countries than the US,
05:27 that will... like, how could that happen?
05:29 But, I thought about Daniel 2... Daniel 7... Daniel 8...
05:34 didn't understand Daniel 11...
05:35 thought about Revelation's, you know, history
05:39 and how it had all been fulfilled
05:41 and I stepped out in 1984 by faith
05:43 and I accepted the Adventist interpretation...
05:46 even though I couldn't see it.
05:47 Yvonne: Hmmm...
05:48 James: Five years later in 1989
05:50 when Communism fell like a whirlwind...
05:53 that's how Time Magazine described it...
05:55 it was like the days of a whirlwind...
05:56 it just happened overnight, you remember that, don't you?
05:58 Yvonne: Hmmm... James: Overnight...
06:00 my faith soared...
06:02 it went out of orbit... it was in space...
06:05 I was like, "Whoa, the Adventists are... "
06:08 I mean, "We're right!"
06:10 All: Laughter.
06:11 James: "We have an understanding of prophecy that's correct...
06:12 look at this!"
06:14 And that's what we see here,
06:15 right here in this verse...
06:17 see, chariots and horsemen represent military might.
06:19 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
06:21 James: When Communism fell in 1989,
06:22 we found out ten years later...
06:25 1992 is when the article came out
06:28 but it was ten years after 1982
06:31 when in 1982, Reagan and the Pope had met together
06:36 in Alaska to conspire against the Soviet Union
06:40 and one of their aims...
06:42 one of the aims of Ronald Reagan was to build up missiles...
06:47 nuclear missiles in Western Europe
06:50 and to try to make it too costly for the Soviets
06:53 to keep up with... with America
06:54 so, he started building up all these missiles,
06:56 you remember that?
06:57 Chariots and Horsemen, you know,
06:58 and the ships represent economic pressure...
07:00 they were putting economic pressure on the Soviet Union
07:04 and we're told that when the Miners went on strike in Poland,
07:06 that's where Solidarity started, that's were the...
07:08 the fall started...
07:09 their demands were soap and toilet paper and sugar...
07:12 they just wanted the basics...
07:13 the Soviet Union had become bankrupt economically
07:16 because they've been trying to keep up
07:17 with the military might of the United States.
07:19 This is the symbolism that we're seeing here
07:22 and then when the Soviet Union fell,
07:24 Catholicism entered into the countries
07:26 because it had been banned.
07:27 It had been actually illegal in some countries
07:30 for the Catholic Church to exist even in Poland
07:33 which was mostly a Catholic Nation,
07:34 Pope John Paul the 2nd had...
07:37 because he was the Bishop there before...
07:39 he became the Pope.
07:41 He had outdoor Masses
07:43 because they couldn't build churches there
07:45 and he would just erect a cross
07:46 and the Communists would tear it down...
07:48 he would erect again and they would tear it down,
07:49 finally they gave up
07:50 and that began this whole process of Communism falling...
07:55 he stood up to Communism
07:56 and the people started standing up to Communism
08:00 and eventually, it just crumbled
08:01 but it was in harmony with what we're reading in this very verse
08:04 the same thing... Revelation 13:3... one verse,
08:07 he gets the deadly wound and the wound is healed
08:09 and then he enters into the countries.
08:12 So, we're seeing this prophecy now... from the time of the end,
08:15 1798 onward... we're seeing this prophecy...
08:18 see, when... when Atheism rose in France,
08:21 that wasn't the end of it,
08:22 that was just the beginning of it...
08:24 that principle spread throughout Europe
08:26 to all these different nations
08:27 and, of course, it's still in the world today
08:28 and we're going to see that in a verse further down
08:31 because even though we saw Atheism fall...
08:34 Communism fall in the USSR, in verse, I think it's verse...
08:38 yeah, it's verse 42,
08:42 it talks about this king stretching forth his hand
08:46 also upon the countries:
08:47 and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
08:49 Well, we also already identified Egypt as Atheism
08:53 so, we would have to then say,
08:55 "Well, if this prophecy is talking about our time,
08:57 and USSR already fell in verse 40,
09:00 is there another Communist Power in the world today
09:03 other than the USSR
09:05 and we'd have to say... well yeah, there is... China
09:08 yeah, and some other satellite nations like North Korea, etc.,
09:13 so, God's Word is right on track... right on track.
09:16 Yvonne: Hmmm...
09:17 Ivor: Yeah, I want to add some things in here
09:20 because what we see in these events, I think,
09:24 are like markers, right,
09:26 because what's happening in Daniel 11: 40
09:28 is an ongoing battle
09:30 right, and we can see that battle
09:33 even unfolding just in America today.
09:35 James: Yes.
09:37 Ivor: Right, because we have the philosophies of Secularism
09:39 and Atheism in America today. James: Marxism.
09:42 Ivor: Marxism. James: Yeah.
09:44 Ivor: You see all these things at war
09:46 and then you have this king of the North Power.
09:49 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
09:50 Ivor: And it's very interesting because if you...
09:53 I'm going to ask someone to turn to Ezekiel 26 verse 7...
09:57 Ezekiel 26 verse 7 and you could read that text
10:01 and I'm going to comment on it and then show some things here
10:05 so, Ezekiel 26 verse 7.
10:07 Yvonne: "For thus says the Lord God:
10:09 'Behold, I will bring against Tyre from the north
10:12 Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, king of kings,
10:15 with horses, with chariots, and with horsemen,
10:18 and an army with many people. '"
10:20 Ivor: All right now, I need...
10:21 I need us to read that in the KJV
10:23 because something very important is missing there.
10:25 Yvonne: Okay.
10:26 James: "For thus saith the Lord God;
10:28 'Behold, I will bring upon Tyrus
10:30 Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon,
10:32 a king of kings, from the north, with horses, and with chariots,
10:36 and with horsemen, and companies,
10:38 and much people. '"
10:40 Ivor: All right, so notice how Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon,
10:43 is called: the king from the North.
10:46 Yvonne: Hmmm... James: Yes.
10:48 Ivor: Right, what's happening in 11 verse 40
10:51 is a parallel to the identity of literal Babylon.
10:58 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
11:00 Ivor: We know in Revelation chapter 18 that...
11:02 that... and Revelation 18 and Revelation 14
11:04 that Babylon is a symbolic power.
11:07 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
11:08 Ivor: Right, and this symbolic power...
11:10 Babylon represents specifically a religious power.
11:14 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
11:18 Ivor: So, what you have is, you know,
11:20 this counterfeit Christianity
11:23 versus Atheism, Secularism, etc.
11:25 James: Okay.
11:26 Ivor: Even though we have the...
11:30 the... the... the events of the USSR falling in 1989,
11:35 and even the Papacy being reestablished
11:39 as a Church/State Entity in 1929,
11:42 just historical markers...
11:44 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
11:46 Ivor: Ultimately, this battle is still going on
11:49 and in Daniel 11 verse 40, the king...
11:54 the ultimate king of the North... anyone remember
11:59 what Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 through 14 say?
12:03 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
12:05 Ivor: Isaiah 14:12 through 14...
12:07 it... let's... let's just read that.
12:08 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
12:10 Ivor: Isaiah 14:12 through 14,
12:11 this is speaking about Lucifer himself and watch what it says.
12:13 Jason: "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,
12:17 son of the morning!
12:18 How you are cut down to the ground,
12:20 you who weakened the nations!
12:22 For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven,
12:25 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
12:28 I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
12:30 on the farthest sides of the north;
12:32 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
12:35 I will be like the Most High. '"
12:37 He's lost his mind.
12:39 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Laughter.
12:41 Ivor: Listen. James: Yes.
12:42 Ivor: Check this out guys, in... you know...
12:45 this war between Christian religion...
12:48 counterfeit-religion Babylon and Atheism...
12:51 it's been going back and forth and even in America today,
12:56 you see the conflict, right?
12:58 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
12:59 Ivor: It's not going to stop...
13:01 it's not going to stop...
13:04 it is going to stop
13:06 but it's not going to stop by human power.
13:08 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
13:10 Ivor: Right, the only way this battle ends...
13:13 the only way the king of the North
13:15 ultimately defeats and wipes out Atheism worldwide
13:21 is when Satan himself
13:24 as the ultimate "king of the North"
13:28 comes like Jesus.
13:30 James: Hmmm...
13:33 Ivor: So, let me show you that.
13:34 I want you to go to Isaiah... Isaiah 66 verse 15.
13:39 James: Okay.
13:41 Jason: All right, "For behold, the Lord will come with fire
13:45 and with His chariots, like a whirlwind,
13:48 to render His anger with fury,
13:50 and His rebuke with flames of fire. "
13:53 Ivor: This verse is describing the second coming of Jesus.
13:59 James: Okay.
14:00 Ivor: And so, what we have happening
14:02 in Daniel 11:40 is a counterfeit...
14:05 an imitation of what's happening in Isaiah 66 verse 15, right,
14:13 Satan will come and appear as an angel of light...
14:18 he is going to come and try to be like the Most High.
14:22 He is going to... and by the way,
14:25 this is what wipes out the king of the South.
14:28 James: Hmmm... Ivor: Right... Yvonne: Hmmm...
14:32 Ivor: For an Atheist, seeing is believing...
14:34 for those people who are like, "Oh, we're Secular...
14:36 oh we're Atheist... we don't believe in God... "
14:38 when this happens, they have no...
14:42 there's nothing that they can argue, right,
14:45 they are seeing this counterfeit
14:47 and this is why it's interesting because this Power...
14:51 when this event happens,
14:53 the Bible says that he comes like whirlwind...
14:55 with chariots... with horsemen
14:57 and with many ships.
14:58 I want you to notice this,
14:59 the whirlwind represents air power...
15:03 chariots and horsemen represent land power...
15:08 ships represent sea power.
15:12 We know that in Revelation chapter 13
15:15 and Revelation chapter... yeah, Revelation chapter 13...
15:18 Revelation chapter 12...
15:19 we have the dragon who's a prince of the air...
15:21 we have the beast from the sea...
15:24 we have the beast from the earth
15:28 and so, in other words,
15:30 this Satanic combination of dragon, beast, false prophet
15:38 are ultimately going to surround the people of God.
15:43 Yvonne: Hmmm... James: Hmmm...
15:44 Ivor: That's what we're going find happen...
15:46 they're going to surround the people of God
15:47 which is very interesting
15:49 because in Daniel 11 verse 41 the very next verse...
15:52 "He shall enter also into the glorious land,
15:55 reminds us of when Jesus says,
15:58 "When you see the abomination of desolation,
16:00 standing in the holy place... "
16:02 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
16:04 Ivor: Then let them which be in Judaea... etc... flee...
16:08 in other words, he's giving this as the sign...
16:10 the symbol...
16:11 when this happens, know that... what?
16:14 Michael is about to stand up.
16:18 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
16:19 Ivor: Right, so, what we're seeing unfold before us
16:24 right now... this...
16:25 this play and counter-play between Secularism and Communism
16:29 and even China was mentioned...
16:31 look, the only way China is going to stop being China...
16:34 that will take a miracle.
16:36 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
16:38 Ivor: And the miracle is exactly what Revelation chapter 13...
16:43 Revelation chapter 13 verse 13, "He doeth great wonders,
16:48 so that he make fire come down on earth in the sight of men"
16:50 this is Satan himself appearing as the ultimate counterfeit
16:57 of Jesus Christ.
16:59 This is what causes all the nations...
17:03 when we talk about, you know, the One World Order
17:05 and everyone is going to follow this king of the North...
17:08 this is how that happens
17:11 because I want you to think about this right now,
17:14 like, you know, just think of the Papacy...
17:16 the head of the Papacy which is... you know...
17:17 which is the Pope...
17:19 there are people who are like, "The Pope... whatever...
17:21 the Papacy... whatever... "
17:22 like, "Nothing you do or say
17:24 is going to make me ever, ever...
17:26 what? like, observe a holy day, are you crazy, I'm Atheist...
17:31 you... you could kill me. "
17:33 When Satan himself appears... all doubt...
17:38 all antagonism is done away with.
17:42 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
17:44 Ivor: Because the Bible says,
17:47 "The whole world is going to wonder after the beast...
17:51 except those who know their God. "
17:56 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
17:57 Ivor: Right, except those who have a relationship with God...
17:59 except those who keep the commandments of God
18:03 and have the testimony of Jesus.
18:05 So, what you see happening in verse 40 onward
18:09 is... it's a buildup, right,
18:11 all the events we've mentioned before...
18:13 but it culminates with Satan appearing
18:17 as the king of the North himself
18:19 and remember what we said,
18:21 "When you see Michael in the Scriptures,
18:24 it is because he is about to have face-to-face conflict
18:28 with Satan himself.
18:30 James: Hmmm... Jason: Hmmm...
18:31 Yvonne: Hmmm...
18:33 James: And that's what we see in... in Daniel chapter 12
18:35 and verse 1 when Michael stands up,
18:37 so, yeah, going back to verse 41 then...
18:40 so, he enters into the glorious land,
18:42 and many countries... King James...
18:44 many shall be overthrown:
18:47 but these shall escape out of his hand,
18:50 even Edom, and Moab,
18:51 and the chief of the children of Ammon.
18:54 I want us to look at a couple of verses
18:56 that really bring this out.
18:58 The word "escape" by the way
19:00 is the same word that's used in Daniel 12 verse 1 where is says,
19:04 "At that time shall Michael stand up, that great Prince
19:06 which stands for the children of thy people:
19:08 and there shall be a time of trouble,
19:09 such as never was since there was a nation
19:11 even to that same time:
19:13 and thy people shall be delivered,
19:14 every one that's found written in the book. "
19:17 That word "delivered" in the Hebrews
19:18 is the same word "escape. "
19:19 Yvonne: Hmmm... Jason: Hmmm...
19:21 James: So, the people that are symbolized by Edom, Moab,
19:24 and Ammon, are God's people
19:27 because they are delivered just like God's people are delivered
19:30 but I want us to go back now to Isaiah chapter 11.
19:33 Isaiah chapter 11 is a powerful chapter
19:36 that describes the first coming of Jesus
19:39 and also talks about the last day events
19:44 and it really... the way you connect these two
19:46 is with these three tribes.
19:48 If you look up these three tribes,
19:49 you're not going to find them anywhere in the Bible
19:50 except... mentioned together... except right here
19:52 in Isaiah chapter 11,
19:54 as far as eschatological prophecy goes.
19:56 Yvonne: Hmmm...
19:58 James: Now, just... let's just read these verses,
19:59 Yvonne, could you start in verse 11
20:02 and let's just read through the whole chapter
20:04 the whole rest of the chapter.
20:06 Yvonne: Sure, "It shall come to pass in that day
20:08 that the Lord shall set His hand again the second time
20:12 to recover the remnant of His people who are left,
20:15 from Assyria and Egypt, from Pathros and Cush,
20:18 from Elam and Shinar,
20:20 from Hamath and the islands of the sea.
20:22 He will set up a banner for the nations,
20:24 and will assemble the outcasts of Israel,
20:27 and gather together the dispersed of Judah
20:30 from the four corners of the earth.
20:33 Also the envy of Ephraim shall depart,
20:35 and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off;
20:38 Ephraim shall not envy Judah,
20:41 and Judah shall not harass Ephraim.
20:43 But they shall fly down upon the shoulder of the Philistines
20:46 toward the west;
20:48 together they shall plunder the people of the East;
20:51 they shall lay their hand on Edom and Moab;
20:54 and the people of Amon shall obey them.
20:57 The Lord will utterly destroy the tongue of the Sea of Egypt;
21:01 with His mighty wind He will shake His fist over the River,
21:04 and strike it in the seven streams,
21:07 and make men cross over dry-shod.
21:09 There will be a highway for the remnant of His people
21:12 who will be left from Assyria,
21:14 as it was for Israel
21:16 in the day that he came up from the land of Egypt. "
21:20 James: Now, if you just think about this in end-time events,
21:24 you're talking about the Loud Cry...
21:26 you're talking about an ensign to the nations...
21:28 you're talking about God recovering His people
21:30 from all over the world even from the islands of the sea
21:34 and the outcasts of Israel... and the dispersed of Judah
21:38 being brought back...
21:39 we're talking about backslidden Adventists...
21:41 we're talking about our children...
21:42 we're talking about God gathering people
21:46 and the envy and the jealousy between God's people
21:51 coming to an end.
21:52 They're presenting to the world the united front
21:54 under persecution...
21:56 they're going forth together
21:58 and they're laying their hand upon Edom, Moab,
22:01 and the chief of the children of Ammon.
22:03 Same three tribes that escaped out of the hand of this Power
22:05 when it begins to... to take the whole world captive
22:09 with this miracles and deception,
22:11 people are going to be delivered
22:13 and the people are these specific tribes
22:15 which are connected to God's people
22:18 but in the Bible were enemies to God's people.
22:19 Yvonne: Hmmm...
22:21 James: That they're connected to Edom...
22:22 they are connected to Lot
22:23 so, there are a lot of people
22:25 that are connected to God's people
22:27 but that they're enemies of God's people...
22:29 what I might want to say is,
22:30 the majority of God's people
22:31 are in all these different denominations and churches
22:34 in all walks of life
22:36 and the Bible is indicating here in Isaiah 11
22:38 that they are going to come in when this... this...
22:42 this effort goes forth from God to collect them
22:47 in the end of time
22:48 that when this message goes to all these different countries
22:51 Ivor... what?
22:52 Ivor: And remember, James, that in Isaiah 11,
22:56 Isaiah is talking about the children of Israel
22:59 coming back from Babylon.
23:00 James: Yes.
23:01 Ivor: Because he's prophesying that they're going into Babylon
23:04 but he's saying, "Listen, there is going to be a re-gathering,
23:07 you've going to come back into your own land... "
23:09 and so, this is what we see here,
23:11 God has people, as you were just pointing out,
23:14 in Babylon.
23:16 James: Hmmm... hmmm... four corners of the earth.
23:18 Ivor: That's Revelation 14... Revelation 18...
23:20 "Come out of her my people... "
23:22 so, they're coming out of Babylon
23:24 which is not a literal land but a spiritual entity,
23:30 then they're coming into God's place...
23:34 into Jerusalem, if you will,
23:36 or spiritual Israel...
23:37 out of Babylon... into spiritual Israel
23:41 just as they literally came out of Babylon
23:44 to go back into literal Israel.
23:45 James: There is so much here...
23:47 talks about the Egyptian sea the tongue...
23:49 the speaking... the communication of Atheism,
23:51 Marxism... Communism...
23:53 God's going to do away with that...
23:54 it's not going to have its effect...
23:56 it's not going to have its impact on these people.
23:57 Yvonne: Hmmm...
23:58 James: There are going to be people out there
24:00 that are not going to buy into all of this stuff...
24:01 there's a lot of symbolism here
24:02 but this is end-time prophetic truth
24:06 and... and then it's followed by chapter 12
24:09 which basically is like a victory song.
24:12 Isaiah Chapter 12, "In that day, I will praise Thee O Lord... "
24:16 you know, "cry out and shout for the inhabitants of Zion:
24:18 for great is the Lord, the Holy One,
24:20 in the midst of thee. "
24:22 This is a parallel, if you will,
24:23 to Revelation 14 and Revelation 15.
24:26 Revelation 14... the loud cry goes to all the world...
24:29 the gospel goes to every nation...
24:30 brings in all these peoples, multitudes and tongues
24:33 and Revelation 15... they sing the song of Moses and the Lamb.
24:35 So, we have a mini repeat right there.
24:38 The way this connects with Daniel 11
24:40 is through those three tribes.
24:42 God is interested in rescuing His people
24:45 who are out there in the world.
24:47 Isaiah 11 is making that very clear.
24:50 God is interested in rescuing the outcasts of Israel
24:55 and the dispersed of Judah.
24:57 Yvonne: Hmmm...
24:58 James: There are a lot of people who have been
25:00 cast out of the church
25:01 because they simply weren't able to live up to the light
25:06 that we gave them
25:07 because we didn't emphasize relationship with Jesus Christ.
25:10 There's a lot of people that have been dispersed of Judah
25:13 simply because they have certain standards or beliefs or truths
25:17 that they're holding to...
25:19 a lot of people are like, "Man, that's legalism,
25:20 that's too much... you shouldn't be doing that... "
25:22 or whatever...
25:23 there's a lot of division taking place
25:24 among God's people right now,
25:26 it's going to come to an end when we get into the Loud Cry.
25:29 When we get into a time where persecution comes upon us,
25:32 we're going to lay aside these minor differences
25:34 and we're going to present to the world a united front.
25:37 So, while we see in Daniel 11, we see this power coming in
25:41 and taking control of, you know, Egypt and the Libyans
25:46 and the Ethiopians follow in his step, verse 43,
25:48 having control of the treasures of gold and silver and...
25:52 and the precious things... verse 43...
25:54 we also see God's people escaping...
25:57 we also see people in the world escaping...
25:59 we also see God's people being delivered
26:01 and then we see something really significant.
26:05 In... in... in Daniel chapter 11 and verse 44,
26:08 we see tidings out of the east and out of the north
26:13 that trouble him.
26:14 Yvonne: Hmmm... Hmmm...
26:16 James: Tidings out of the east and out of the north
26:17 that are troubling him.
26:18 What could be troubling this Power
26:20 in a time when it's controlling the world economically?
26:22 In a time when it's entering into all the countries...
26:25 in a time when it's causing miracles to deceive multitudes,
26:28 what could trouble this Power? Tidings...
26:32 Tidings is a word that we connect with
26:34 Revelation chapter 14 and verse 6?
26:37 The everlasting gospel...
26:38 "I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,
26:39 having the everlasting gospel... "
26:41 the tidings... the good news... the everlasting gospel
26:44 out of the east... what does that mean?
26:46 Well, in Revelation 7,
26:49 the Sealing Angel has the Seal of God...
26:51 the Sabbath Seal comes out of the East.
26:53 "I saw another angel ascending from the east... "
26:55 So, there's tidings that are being proclaimed to the world
26:58 in this time of miracle-working time of deception,
27:01 these tidings that are proclaimed to the world
27:03 about the Sabbath
27:06 and in the North...
27:08 Jesus is the true King of the North,
27:10 He's the true king that's going to deliver us,
27:13 so, the Advent of Christ... the Sabbath and the Advent...
27:16 hmmm...
27:18 I wonder if these people might be called:
27:20 Seventh-day Adventists...
27:23 see, this is where our name comes from,
27:25 it comes from Daniel 11 verse 44.
27:26 Yvonne: Hmmm...
27:28 James: We are the people that... that herald tidings...
27:30 the gospel out of the East... Seventh-day Sabbath message
27:32 Seventh-day message and the North...
27:34 the second coming of the true King of the North...
27:35 Jesus Christ.
27:36 Our name is etched right here in symbolic language
27:39 and we need to really open this up...
27:41 we've jumped ahead a little bit because I got excited about,
27:44 you know, what God is doing in this time when Satan is working,
27:47 we'll come back and we'll...
27:48 we'll open this up just a little bit more
27:50 and define some of these terms and some of this symbolism
27:54 in our next... in our next episode.


Revised 2021-07-12