Salvation in Symbols and Signs

Daniel Twelve Part 1 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SISS

Program Code: SISS000111S

00:01 Music...
00:30 James: We are coming to the end of this Book
00:34 and it has been quite a journey.
00:36 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
00:37 James: We left off in Daniel 12 verse 1,
00:39 we didn't cover it all.
00:41 There's something about this book that we need to understand
00:44 in relation to God's people in the end of time,
00:47 who are going to be delivered
00:48 and I think it's really important
00:50 because we've spent so much time
00:51 emphasizing these prophecies
00:53 as they relate to these earthly kingdoms
00:56 and what they're trying to do and how they're trying to up-end
00:59 you know, the sanctuary and the law of God
01:02 and they're confederating together
01:04 and they're controlling the world
01:05 and influencing the world and controlling the economy, etc.
01:09 but we've got to now at least emphasize
01:12 how we escape from all that. Yvonne: Hmmm...
01:14 James: We've got to show
01:16 what God has given His people for an exit...
01:18 an escape route so to speak
01:20 and that's the very word that Daniel uses.
01:23 Daniel chapter 12 or 11... 11 verse 41 says,
01:26 "these shall escape" they'll be delivered
01:28 so, what is this escape that's being described here?
01:32 Well, Daniel 12 verse 1 tells us
01:34 but it's not totally within that verse.
01:37 The verse sets up a basic outline...
01:40 we need to go into the Bible now,
01:42 we need to find out what that outline is,
01:44 what is it that God's people are going to be doing in this time.
01:46 So, Jay, would you have prayer for us as we get going
01:50 and get into this, I say, "Jay" but I mean "Jason" but Jays.
01:53 Jason: That's fine, Jay, yeah, it works.
01:55 "Dear heavenly Father,
01:57 we thank you for this time that we have together
01:59 to study Your Word, Lord,
02:01 and as we go over this Lesson,
02:03 Father, show us how we can be delivered.
02:05 In Jesus' name we pray, amen. "
02:07 All: Amen.
02:08 James: I want to just open up to Malachi chapter 3 really quick
02:13 just to get us going here
02:14 because I feel like...
02:16 this is the last book of the Old Testament...
02:18 I feel like God has put some words in here
02:21 that are really significant for our time
02:23 and that's how we can connect them to Daniel 12
02:28 which we know is just ahead of us when Michael stands up
02:30 and talks about deliverance,
02:32 so, if you could read Malachi 3, and let's just start...
02:35 Yvonne, could you start in verse 15
02:38 and read verses 15 and 16 and 17 and 18...
02:44 15 through 18, yeah.
02:46 Yvonne: "So now we call the proud blessed,
02:49 for those who do wickedness are raised up;
02:51 they even tempt God and go free.
02:53 Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another,
02:57 and the Lord listened and heard them;
02:58 so a book of remembrance was written before Him
03:01 for those who fear the Lord and who meditate on His name.
03:05 'They shall be Mine,' says the Lord of hosts,
03:08 'On the day that I make them My jewels.
03:11 And I will spare them as a man spares his own son
03:15 who serves him. '
03:16 Then you shall again discern between the righteous
03:19 and the wicked,
03:20 between one who serves God
03:22 and one who does not serve Him. "
03:24 James: There's a lot of insight here
03:26 just... just starting with that last verse, you see that?
03:29 There's a lack of discernment between those who serve God
03:33 and those who don't serve Him.
03:34 In other words, there's a power that's coming
03:36 with religious guise
03:37 and it's hard to distinguish who's serving God
03:39 and who isn't serving God. Yvonne: Hmmm...
03:41 James: Is that... you see that in the verse?
03:42 Then you're going to return
03:44 and you're going to be able to discern
03:46 between the righteous and the wicked...
03:47 between him that serves God and him that doesn't serve God.
03:48 So, right now, we can't discern that.
03:50 Everyone is professing to serve God...
03:52 everyone is saying, "Well, I believe in God,
03:54 do you believe in God?"
03:56 "Yeah, I believe in God, yeah, we all believe in God. "
03:57 It's... it's... it's... it's confusing,
04:00 really, it's confusing
04:02 because there's so much religiosity in the world
04:04 that isn't really God's... Ivor: Wheat and tares.
04:06 James: Yeah, wheat and tares... wheat and tares
04:09 and then as you go backwards from there, you realize that...
04:12 that one of the ways that God's people are distinguished
04:16 is through this attitude of fearing the Lord
04:20 and a lot of times we talk about,
04:22 you know, fearing the Lord...
04:24 fear God... in fact, the three angels' message
04:26 in Revelation 14 has a clarion call
04:29 under the everlasting gospel to fear God.
04:31 Yvonne: Right.
04:32 "Fear God, and give glory to Him. "
04:33 But what does it mean to fear God?
04:35 Well, here's what it means... practically speaking...
04:37 okay, in verse 15 you read... no... 14... 16 you read, sorry,
04:43 in verse 16 you read that they that fear the Lord...
04:46 what did they do? Yvonne: Spoke to one another.
04:48 James: They spoke... and... and the King James says,
04:50 they spoke often one to another. Yvonne: Hmmm...
04:52 James: They spoke often and what else did they do?
04:54 The Lord hearkened and heard it
04:55 and a book of remembrance was written before Him
04:57 for them that fear the Lord...
04:59 so, it's repeated and did what?
05:00 Jason: Meditate on His name. James: Yes.
05:02 They're not meditating on the news...
05:04 you know, which is... it's hard not to do that...
05:06 I mean, I had to cut off my news Apps recently
05:09 because I was just getting hooked on so much stuff going on
05:12 you can get swallowed up by it
05:13 and then you just... all you think about is the news
05:16 and all the stuff that's going on in the world...
05:19 and you don't have time to meditate on...
05:21 and you know, meditation is something that...
05:23 it's an afterthought.
05:24 You consume a book...
05:25 you consume a... you know,
05:27 a movie... a study... whatever it is
05:29 and then... have you noticed that?
05:31 Then the next day you're thinking about it.
05:33 Yvonne: Hmmm...
05:34 James: Thoughts come about whatever it was
05:35 that was on your mind the day before...
05:37 it comes and you're thinking about it.
05:38 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
05:39 James: So, whatever we are focusing on and thinking about,
05:41 we end up meditating on later on
05:43 so, what God is saying here is, He's saying,
05:46 "If you fear Me...
05:48 if you are those people that are fearing the Lord,
05:50 here's what's going to be happening,
05:51 you will be talking about Me often... " right?
05:53 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
05:54 James: "You'll be talking about Me often...
05:55 not just talking about Me some time...
05:57 talking about Me often
05:58 and you're going to be meditating...
06:00 you're going to be spending so much time focused on Me
06:02 that when you're... when you're meditating...
06:04 when thoughts come into your brain,
06:05 it's thoughts of Me. " Yvonne: Hmmm...
06:08 James: You know how it is,
06:09 when we spend a lot of time on something,
06:10 those thoughts come back into our brain.
06:12 When you were building your house,
06:13 what were you thinking about when you were sleeping?
06:15 Jason: Gut fact that I was going to have to wake up
06:17 and do it again.
06:18 All: Laughter.
06:20 James: Did I make that door right?
06:21 Did I hold it straight?
06:22 What color paint did I want to have?
06:24 Ddddd... d... d... d... how did we do it through...?
06:25 You think... because that's what you're doing...
06:27 that's what you end up thinking about...
06:28 that's what you end up dreaming about...
06:29 that's what is on your brain... just all of the time.
06:31 I know, because we had some of these Programs
06:33 when you were building your house
06:35 and you were just off there just thinking about the house.
06:36 All: Laughter...
06:39 James: That is our natural tendency... and God is saying,
06:42 "You know, there's a bunch of people in the end of time... "
06:44 I'm not going to say, "a bunch of people... "
06:46 I'm going to say, "There's... I've got people
06:47 in the end of time... they don't know what to do...
06:49 they're throwing their hands in the air...
06:51 they don't know what to do, they don't know where to go,
06:52 they don't know where to turn... "
06:53 and God is saying, "Turn to Me... turn to Me... "
06:55 spend time speaking about Me... meditating on Me...
06:58 focus on Me and those meditations will come
07:00 and you're going to be Mine... I'm going to...
07:02 you're going to... when I make up my jewels,
07:04 you're going to be part of those jewels...
07:05 I'm going to write you in the Book. "
07:07 See, right here it's called the Book of Remembrance
07:09 was written before Him...
07:12 the Book of Remembrance was written before Him...
07:14 we're living in a time, verse 15,
07:15 when we call the proud happy...
07:17 "when those that tempt God are set up... " right?
07:22 Yvonne: Hmmm... Jason: Hmmm...
07:23 James: People that are godless, people that are proud...
07:25 people that have attitudes...
07:27 that's who we're looking to
07:29 and God is saying... at that time,
07:30 we need to focus on Jesus because Jesus gets rid of pride.
07:34 Yvonne: Hmmm...
07:35 James: Jesus gets rid of wickedness...
07:37 Jesus gets rid of ungodliness
07:38 and as we focus on Him,
07:40 we find ourselves even meditating...
07:41 meditating... thinking of Him even more
07:43 and pretty soon, other things just kind of fall away
07:46 and the anxiety and the care... and the concerns...
07:50 it just kind of falls away
07:51 and we keep our focus on Jesus.
07:52 Yvonne: Hmmm...
07:54 James: This is what God is directing us to do
07:55 in order for us to get our names written in that Book.
07:56 Jason: We saw what happened to King Nebuchadnezzar
07:59 with his pride. James: Yes.
08:01 Jason: Yeah, he had a humbling experience.
08:03 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
08:04 James: And it led him to his salvation
08:06 which... I love that how God will do whatever it takes.
08:08 Yvonne: Yes.
08:10 James: You know, and I think one of the things is...
08:11 it's going to be very helpful for God's people
08:13 in the end of time.
08:14 We don't always see it as helpful
08:15 but I think it's going to be helpful...
08:17 is, you know, when the beast powers in Revelation 13...
08:20 the Sea Beast and the Land Beast...
08:22 when those two Powers... they're earthly kingdoms...
08:25 earthly Powers...
08:26 when they make it so you can't buy or sell...
08:28 we're going to go, "Oh no, what are we going to do?"
08:29 Well, I'll tell you what you're going to do...
08:31 you're going to stop wasting your time
08:32 and all the things that you normally waste your time
08:34 buying and selling
08:36 and you're going to have a lot more time to focus on Jesus
08:38 and think upon His name.
08:39 We need to take advantage
08:41 of what the world thinks is a disadvantage.
08:43 Yvonne: Hmmm...
08:45 James: The world thinks... we're going to cripple these guys...
08:46 they're not going to be able to buy or sell...
08:47 and we're like... God's like,
08:49 "Okay, I'm going to use this to your advantage.
08:50 All that stuff that you're involved in...
08:52 all that merchandising stuff that gets in the way, you know,
08:55 where you can't wait till Sabbath's over
08:56 so that you can go... and you're having a hard time...
08:58 all of that... is gone. "
09:00 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
09:01 James: "Now, take that time and focus on Me. "
09:02 It's going to be a blessing in disguise
09:04 and we can use it that way
09:05 so, people... don't be afraid of not being able to buy or sell
09:09 because when that time comes, Jesus' return is very soon
09:12 so, don't worry about, you know, way-down-the-road-type stuff
09:15 now is the time to get focused on the Lord
09:17 and get into the Word of God as you never have before.
09:19 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
09:21 Yvonne: Yeah, and I think we will constantly see
09:24 the provision of the Lord during that time
09:26 which will reinforce our faith because He's going to be...
09:29 if you can't buy or sell...
09:31 you're not going to be able to have regular
09:35 you know, amenities... so, the Lord will have to provide that.
09:38 James: Bread and water will be sure.
09:40 Yvonne: Yes... yes...
09:41 James: I might not get all my veggie stuff
09:43 but I'll get bread and water...
09:45 Yvonne: Get some bread and water, there you go.
09:46 James: That will be good... that will be good...
09:48 Yvonne: Amen... amen.
09:49 Ivor: So, if you are... if we pick up on this thought
09:54 in Daniel 12 with the names being written in the Book,
09:58 and if we were to go back...
10:00 the question is, "How do we get our names in the Book?"
10:02 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
10:03 Ivor: Right, if you go back to Daniel 7 verse 8,
10:07 we're going to see this Book brought up again
10:12 so, I wonder if someone can read Daniel 7 verse 8 to verse 10.
10:16 and I'm going to comment...
10:19 so if you read verse 8, just pause for a second,
10:21 I'm going to comment, but go ahead and read.
10:23 Jason: Okay, "I was considering the horns,
10:25 and there was another horn, a little one,
10:27 coming up among them,
10:29 before whom three of the first horns
10:32 were plucked out by the roots.
10:33 And there, in this horn,
10:36 were eyes like the eyes of a man,
10:38 and a mouth speaking pompous words. "
10:40 Ivor: Okay, so, we have you know, identified
10:44 this Little Horn Power in... in last several Programs
10:48 from Daniel 7 onward
10:51 and identified this as the Papacy,
10:53 we have seen that this Little Horn Power
10:56 was to rule for 1260 years during which time
10:59 he would desecrate the sanctuary...
11:02 he would persecute the people of God, etc.
11:04 now, watch these next words, right,
11:07 look at... read verse 9 and just read that first clause.
11:10 Jason: "I watched... " you said, verse 9?
11:13 Ivor: Yes.
11:14 Jason: Okay, "I watched till thrones were put in place... "
11:17 Ivor: Okay, you can pause right there...
11:19 you can pause right there.
11:20 What is he watching?
11:22 James: He's watching this Power that he's just been looking at,
11:25 this Power that's continued for 1260 years.
11:28 Ivor: Absolutely... so he's looking at this Power...
11:31 so, that's what he...
11:33 when he says, "I beheld until I was watching this... "
11:35 until he sees thrones set up.
11:38 God ahead and read that.
11:39 Jason: "And the Ancient of Days was seated;
11:45 his garment was white as snow,
11:48 and the hair of His head was like pure wool.
11:51 His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire... "
11:55 Ivor: And you can go ahead and keep reading.
11:58 Jason: Okay, "A fiery stream issued
12:00 and came forth from before Him.
12:03 A thousand thousands ministered to Him;
12:07 ten thousand times ten thousands stood before Him.
12:10 The court was seated, and the books were opened. "
12:14 Ivor: All right, so, here what we have happening...
12:17 this Little Horn is ruling... ruling... ruling...
12:21 Daniel is watching this Little Horn
12:24 and then suddenly his attention goes to heaven
12:29 and what he sees is a judgment scene being set up
12:33 and books are opened, right,
12:38 these are the books... this is the same...
12:40 these are the same books that Daniel 12
12:42 is going to be talking about.
12:43 Everyone whose name is found written in the book, right,
12:47 so, Daniel is setting us up to see...
12:50 "Hey, when I get to Daniel 12, I just want you to understand...
12:53 this judgment... when it is finished, Daniel 12 happens.
12:59 Everyone that is found written in the...
13:01 when the judgment scene is over,
13:03 when Daniel 7's judgment scene is over,
13:05 Daniel 12:1 can happen... that make sense so far?
13:09 James: Yeah. Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
13:10 Ivor: Right, so, what is this judgment scene?
13:13 In fact, if you go to Daniel chapter 8,
13:17 Daniel chapter 8 zooms in on this judgment scene.
13:23 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
13:24 Ivor: Right, this is again describes the actions
13:28 of the Little Horn...
13:30 from verse 11...
13:31 "Yea, he magnified himself to the Prince of the host...
13:34 by him the daily was taken away...
13:36 the place of His sanctuary was cast down... "
13:38 and this is when the angel says that I heard...
13:40 John... I'm sorry, Daniel says, "Then I heard one saint speaking
13:44 and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake,
13:47 'How long shall be the vision concerning the daily...
13:50 the transgression of desolation,
13:52 to give both the sanctuary and the host
13:53 to be trodden under foot?'
13:55 And he said unto me, 'Unto two thousand three hundred days;
13:58 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. '"
14:00 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
14:02 Ivor: Daniel 8 verses 13 and 14 is giving us an amplified...
14:07 it's zooming in on Daniel 7...
14:10 the verses we just read in Daniel 7.
14:13 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
14:14 Ivor: The cleansing of the sanctuary is synonymous
14:18 with the books being opened and the judgment being set.
14:21 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
14:23 Ivor: Okay, so, with that in mind,
14:26 we now have to understand...
14:28 well, what is the cleansing of the sanctuary
14:31 and how does that relate to judgment?
14:34 if we go back to the book of Leviticus,
14:37 we see the process of the Old Testament sanctuary
14:42 and in getting an understanding of that process,
14:45 we get an understanding of what God is talking about
14:48 right, what Daniel is talking about in Daniel 7...
14:52 Daniel 8 and Daniel 12.
14:53 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
14:54 Ivor: In the Old Testament,
14:56 the Old Testament sanctuary Service...
14:59 the first part of that Service was called the "Daily"
15:03 this occurred in the Outer Court and the Holy Place
15:08 and the last part of that Service...
15:10 the Priest would go into the Most Holy Place once a year.
15:14 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
15:16 so, outside of the Most Holy Place
15:18 everything was done daily...
15:19 only once in a year did he go into the Most Holy Place...
15:24 that was called the Day of Atonement.
15:26 So, what does all that mean?
15:28 God was using the sanctuary as an object lesson
15:32 to teach His people about the plan of salvation.
15:35 In the Outer Court, there was the lamb that had to be slain
15:39 in order to attain the forgiveness of sins.
15:44 So, when a person sinned,
15:45 they would put their hand on the head of the animal...
15:49 confess their sins over that animal
15:52 and in essence, they were transferring their sins
15:54 to that innocent animal.
15:55 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
15:57 The animal was killed
15:58 and the blood now containing the record of that person's sin
16:02 was taken into the sanctuary.
16:05 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
16:06 Ivor: The person's sin had been transferred to the sanctuary.
16:10 James: Represented by the blood, yeah.
16:12 Ivor: This happened... absolutely...
16:14 the record was in the blood.
16:15 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
16:17 Ivor: Right, the person could go away forgiven, right,
16:21 but that was not the end of the process
16:24 because on the Day of Atonement,
16:27 all the sins that had been piling up in the sanctuary
16:31 were to be cleansed.
16:33 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
16:34 literally sprinkled on the curtain...
16:36 sprinkled on the curtain...
16:37 that's where the record was kept
16:38 between the Holy and the Most Holy Place.
16:40 Ivor: The cleansing... exactly, this represented...
16:44 my name in a sense was brought into the sanctuary
16:48 through the blood.
16:49 James: Right. Yvonne: Hmmm...
16:51 Ivor: Right, the record of my sin
16:52 covered by the blood of Jesus is brought...
16:55 so, my name... my person is in the sanctuary
16:59 through the blood of this Lamb.
17:00 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
17:02 Ivor: Right. James: Right.
17:04 Ivor: So, on the Day of Atonement,
17:06 the priest would cleanse the record of sin.
17:10 Now, think... I don't remember if I've shared this before
17:13 but I'm going to share it again.
17:15 It's... it's...
17:16 the difference between what happened during the year
17:19 and what happened on the Day of Atonement, okay,
17:23 during the year, Peter describes it this way,
17:26 so, Peter says in Acts chapter 2 verse 38,
17:29 "Repent, and be baptized every one of you
17:32 in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins... "
17:35 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
17:36 Ivor: "And he shall receive...
17:37 you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. "
17:39 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
17:40 Ivor: In Acts 3:19, he says, "Repent ye therefore,
17:44 and be converted,
17:45 that your sins may be blotted out,
17:48 when the times of refreshing shall come
17:52 from the presence of the Lord.
17:54 And He shall send Jesus Christ,
17:56 which before was preached unto you. "
17:58 James: Hmmm...
17:59 Ivor: So, one aspect of the ministry of Jesus
18:02 is the remission of sins.
18:03 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
18:05 Ivor: The other aspect is the blotting out of sins.
18:07 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
18:08 Ivor: During remission, you're not cured...
18:10 it can always come back.
18:13 James: Right.
18:14 Ivor: When it's blotted out, you're cured.
18:16 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
18:18 Ivor: The daily services... when Jesus died on the cross,
18:23 that was the fulfillment of the daily services...
18:25 the Outer Court and the Holy Place.
18:27 Ivor: Jesus is our High Priest
18:29 who has entered into the sanctuary on our behalf...
18:33 we are forgiven of our sins, amen.
18:36 Yvonne: Amen.
18:38 Ivor: But we're only in remission, guys,
18:40 Yvonne: Hmmm...
18:42 Ivor: You understand... we're only in remission.
18:44 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
18:45 Ivor: We can choose to pick up that alcohol bottle again...
18:48 we can choose to go out and smoke again...
18:51 we can choose to pick up our sins again.
18:53 James: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
18:55 Ivor: The Day of Atonement
18:57 symbolized the final work of Christ
19:00 in blotting sin out so that it never rises again.
19:04 James: Hmmm...
19:06 Ivor: This was the phase in which the priest would go
19:09 from Holy Place to Most Holy Place.
19:12 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
19:13 Ivor: In this final phase of ministry,
19:15 the children of Israel had to be confessing their sins
19:18 and had to be focused on the work of the High Priest
19:21 in the... in the Most Holy Place
19:23 and when he came out
19:24 at the end of the Day of Atonement,
19:26 he would put all the sins he had collected,
19:29 place it on the head of the scapegoat
19:32 and send the scapegoat out into isolation.
19:35 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
19:37 Ivor: Out into a desolate place.
19:39 The sins had then been blotted out
19:41 and you never have to think about them again,
19:43 they would not come to memory anymore.
19:45 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
19:46 Ivor: I think you guys remember the garbage pail analogy
19:48 that I used... the garbage analogy that I used
19:50 many Programs ago, right,
19:52 we put the garbage out in our kitchen... I mean, in our houses
19:56 we put the garbage out night after night.
19:57 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
19:59 Ivor: Our house is clean
20:01 but we still have a memory of the garbage, right?
20:02 Yvonne: Hmmm... James: Hmmm... hmmm...
20:05 Ivor: Because one day of the week
20:07 the day of Garbage Atonement...
20:10 we have to take all the garbage
20:13 and put it out in the front of the house
20:15 where the garbage truck comes
20:17 and takes it out into a desolate place...
20:20 then, we never have to think about the garbage again.
20:23 James: If you live in the city.
20:25 Ivor: If you... All: Laughter.
20:26 Ivor: Yes.
20:28 James: Just a little reminder that if you live in the country,
20:29 you haul it to the dump... that's why I got a truck.
20:33 Ivor: So, that was how the process of salvation worked.
20:37 This is what's happening in a larger scale.
20:39 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
20:40 Ivor: The final phase of Christ's ministry
20:43 is the blotting out of sins where He...
20:45 He moves in a sense from His Holy-Place-Phase of ministry
20:50 to His Most-Holy-Place-Phase of ministry.
20:52 James: Hmmm...
20:54 Ivor: So, a lot of people will often say,
20:55 "Well, does that mean that Jesus was not at the right hand
20:58 of the Father...
20:59 He wasn't in the Most Holy Place when He ascended?"
21:01 Ivor: Well, first of all, when Jesus ascended,
21:03 He went to the right hand of the Father.
21:05 No question about it but the right hand of the Father
21:08 is not a... is not a location...
21:11 James: A literal location...
21:12 Ivor: Right, it's a position of authority.
21:15 James: Exactly.
21:16 Ivor: It's a position of... of closeness...
21:18 this is my right-hand man, right...
21:20 this is not like standing next to the Father and never moving,
21:23 "I'm at the right hand... " no...
21:25 it's a symbol of His closeness to His Father.
21:28 James: Yeah. Yvonne: Hmmm...
21:29 Ivor: So, whether He ascended... He ascends into the Holy Place
21:32 and then moves into the Most Holy...
21:34 He is still at the right hand of God.
21:37 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
21:38 Ivor: Right, what happened in 1844
21:41 is simply that Christ moved from one phase of ministry
21:45 to His final phase of ministry
21:48 which is symbolized by the Most Holy Place
21:51 to wipe away all sins
21:53 so that Daniel 12:1 will happen.
21:56 Those that are found written in the book...
21:58 those who have been confessing their sins...
22:00 those who have been pleading with God, "Blot out my sins... "
22:04 knowing the work He's doing now...
22:06 when this happens and when it's completed
22:08 then, Jesus returns...
22:11 that's how your names are found written in the book.
22:14 James: Yeah, and it's really important, Ivor,
22:16 to just... add to what you're saying,
22:18 Leviticus 16 is the chapter, right?
22:20 That's the chapter that you would want to read
22:22 to understand the Day of Atonement
22:23 and there were two goats...
22:25 there was the Lord's goat and then there was the scapegoat
22:28 you know, it's a lot of terms we use from the Bible
22:32 in our modern language today...
22:33 you know, the term scapegoat... "Don't make me a scapegoat"
22:36 the scapegoat is what you describe
22:39 would bear all those sins out into a land... a desolate land
22:44 and a lot of people think that Adventists believe
22:47 that because the scapegoat represents Satan
22:50 and not the Lord's goat,
22:52 that we think somehow Satan is our atonement
22:56 or involved in our atonement...
22:58 but we need to remember one thing
22:59 and make it very clear.
23:00 Hebrews 9:22 says that Without the shedding of blood,
23:03 there is no remission of sins.
23:05 The scapegoat did not shed its blood.
23:08 Yvonne: Hmmm...
23:09 James: Satan represents or takes responsibility for sin
23:12 but he doesn't die for sin in the sense of shedding blood.
23:15 He doesn't make a sacrifice for sin...
23:17 he doesn't make an atonement for sin...
23:19 he's responsible for it
23:21 and God puts that responsibility back on him...
23:23 that's the symbolism there.
23:24 The Lord's goat is the one who sheds his blood
23:27 and that represents Jesus Christ
23:29 and the only name under heaven whereby men must be saved
23:32 is the name of Jesus Christ,
23:34 there's no other name under heaven...
23:36 I love that verse...
23:37 there's no other name under heaven...
23:38 not your name... not my name... not the Pope's name...
23:41 not... not the priest's name...
23:43 no one else... no one else but the name of Jesus Christ...
23:46 He's the only way we can be saved
23:47 so, Satan is in no way part of our atonement...
23:51 he is simply responsible...
23:52 he's given responsibility
23:54 for every sin he's tempted us to commit.
23:55 Yvonne: Hmmm...
23:57 Ivor: Yeah, and let me add in here, James,
23:58 I want to add in here two things
24:00 because I know people are going to write and say,
24:02 "But wait a minute... the book of Hebrews says...
24:04 Jesus entered into the Most Holy Place. "
24:05 So, I just want to...
24:07 we don't have time to really go through it in detail
24:09 but we can simplify in this way,
24:12 the term for Most Holy Place is used in Hebrews chapter 8...
24:20 James: Nine... Ivor: Nine is it? Nine...
24:22 James: Yeah.
24:23 Ivor: Where Paul describes the articles of furniture
24:26 in the Most Holy Place. James: Yeah.
24:29 Ivor: Every other time...
24:30 and you got to be careful with your translations,
24:33 every other time that the word "sanctuary" is used
24:36 in the book of Hebrews and Jesus and the sanctuary...
24:38 it is referring to either the Holy Place
24:42 or the sanctuary as a whole.
24:45 The book of Hebrews never states
24:47 that Jesus went into the Most Holy Place,
24:50 in fact, the only time Paul speaks about the Most Holy Place
24:53 he then says,
24:54 "of which we cannot speak at this particular time. "
24:57 He literally says, "We're not talking about that right now.
25:01 We need to focus on where Jesus is... "
25:02 and then he goes on to talk about the Holy Place...
25:05 the Holy Place... the Holy Place.
25:06 Some translations translate it as the Most Holy Place...
25:09 it is not translated as that.
25:12 James: Hmmm... hmmm... well, it's not in the Greek.
25:14 Ivor: Not in the Greek, that's what I mean.
25:17 James: Every translation translates somewhere in Hebrews
25:20 Most Holy Place including the New King James...
25:23 the only translation that's faithful to the Greek is
25:25 the good old King James Version...
25:27 the only one... so I tell people,
25:29 "I'm not trying to bash people
25:31 with the King-James-only type of ideology
25:33 but I tell people, "Have a King James Version of the Bible
25:35 in your library... "
25:37 have a King James Version in your library for a Study Bible
25:39 so that you can reference that in relation to other versions
25:42 because most versions of the Bible
25:44 are based on the Nestlé's... the Wesley...
25:46 Westcott... Hort-Westcott...
25:48 not the Textus Receptus
25:50 and they are two different manuscripts
25:51 and you're going to see some major differences between them
25:54 so you need...
25:55 because when you go through Hebrews in the King James,
25:57 the only place, like you said is... is Hebrews 9 and verse 3,
26:00 Paul's argument...
26:02 I know you said you didn't want to get into this
26:04 but I just want to get into it for a little bit.
26:06 Ivor: Get into... get into it. Yvonne: Laughter.
26:08 James: The argument that is made in the book of Hebrews
26:10 is not whether or not Jesus went to the Holy Place
26:12 or the Most Holy Place.
26:14 That's not the argument of the author of Hebrews.
26:16 Ivor: That's right.
26:17 James: His argument is that Jesus went...
26:19 that we're going from the earthly to the heavenly...
26:21 the earthly to the heavenly... the earthly to heavenly,
26:23 he's talking to Hebrews who are like,
26:24 stuck on the earthly sanctuary.
26:26 He's saying, "No, no, no, no, no,
26:27 we're... we're in heaven now
26:29 we're in heaven now, we're in heaven now...
26:31 let me tell you, this earthly sanctuary...
26:32 it was a type of the heavenly and that's where Jesus is...
26:34 that's where Jesus is. "
26:36 If we want to try to use Hebrews...
26:37 Ivor: There was no controversy,
26:39 there was no controversy about,
26:40 "Is He in the Holy or Most Holy?"
26:42 That's not what Paul was addressing.
26:43 James: Yeah, if we want to use Hebrews to argue
26:44 whether He's in the Holy or the Most Holy,
26:46 we can't do it because that was never in the context
26:48 of what is being written here by the author of Hebrews...
26:52 never there...
26:53 so, that's something we really need to clarify when we talk...
26:57 and by the way, the book of Hebrews is key
26:59 to unlocking the sanctuary
27:01 especially for New Testament believers.
27:02 Yvonne: Hmmm...
27:04 Ivor: Yeah, and... and this was the other point
27:05 I was going to make.
27:06 The reason why most people don't understand the sanctuary
27:09 is because of the work of the Little Horn.
27:12 James: Obscuring it.
27:14 Ivor: It's the work of the Little Horn obscuring it
27:16 so, people are like, "What sanctuary...
27:18 what are you talking about? Heavenly temple...
27:20 and the process of salvation... "
27:21 they have no clue...
27:23 and remember the sanctuary was...
27:25 is God's relationship room...
27:27 His At-one-ment room
27:29 so, people aren't understanding or studying the sanctuary
27:32 because it's been...
27:33 it's been just, you know, obscured...
27:37 yeah, the stuff we're saying sounds strange, huh...
27:41 James: It's all through the Bible.
27:43 Ivor: But it's all through the Bible.
27:44 James: Yeah, all the way through... Genesis to Revelation
27:47 sacrificial service... sanctuary... the lamb...
27:49 all the way through to the very end of the Book,
27:52 it's all there...
27:53 "Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary... "
27:55 so, praise God...
27:57 praise God He's given us that.


Revised 2021-07-28