Salvation in Symbols and Signs

Daniel Twelve Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SISS

Program Code: SISS000112S

00:01 Music...
00:31 James: This is it!
00:32 We are closing up the book of Daniel.
00:35 Yvonne: Wow!
00:36 James: We are in Daniel chapter 12...
00:38 we've really spent a lot of time on verse 1
00:41 because it's an important verse.
00:43 It... it gives us the escape route.
00:44 It shows us how we're going to be delivered
00:47 and I think we've really nailed that
00:48 at least from a Biblical perspective.
00:50 You know, there's always more in the Bible
00:52 and especially Bible prophecy
00:53 and we're going to just touch on verses 2 and 3
00:56 because that closes out the vision
00:57 and then we're going to look at verses 4 through 13
01:00 which is kind of a special instruction to Daniel
01:03 as he seeks to try to wrap his mind around everything he's seen
01:08 and doesn't quite comprehend all of it
01:11 and that's primarily because it was written...
01:13 at least the parts he's struggling with
01:15 were written for our time... for the end of time,
01:19 so, Ivor, would you like to pray for us as we get started?
01:22 Ivor: Yeah, let's pray, "Heavenly Father,
01:26 we have come to the last chapter of the book of Daniel.
01:31 We pray, Lord, that You would just guide us
01:34 as we address these final verses Lord,
01:39 help us to pull it all together
01:41 and we pray that our audience...
01:43 as they watch... they will be blessed
01:45 and that they will be encouraged
01:48 to go and seek these things out for themselves,
01:50 we pray this in Jesus' name, amen. "
01:52 All: Amen.
01:54 James: So, these two verses...
01:56 I just want to... to hold off on for a second,
01:59 put brackets around because I want to...
02:01 I want to actually close out with these two verses...
02:03 they're so powerful.
02:05 I want us to start with verse 4 of Daniel chapter 12
02:09 where it... it gives instruction to Daniel
02:14 and he's told that basically this book needs to be sealed up
02:19 so, if we can read from verse 4 through verse 8...
02:24 or 4 to 8 of Daniel 12.
02:27 Jason: Okay, "But you, Daniel, shut up the words,
02:31 and seal the book until the time of the end;
02:34 many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. "
02:37 Then I, Daniel, looked; and there stood two others,
02:42 one on this riverbank
02:44 and the other on that riverbank.
02:45 And one said to the man clothed in linen,
02:48 who was above the waters of the river,
02:51 "How long shall the fulfillment of these wonders be?"
02:54 Then I heard the man clothed in linen,
02:57 who was above the waters of the river,
03:00 when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven,
03:05 and swore by Him who lives forever,
03:07 that it shall be for a time, times, and half a time;
03:12 and when the power of the holy people
03:15 has been completely shattered,
03:17 all these things shall be finished.
03:19 Although I heard, I did not understand.
03:22 Then I said,
03:24 "My lord, what shall be the end of these things?"
03:27 James: Okay, let's keep reading,
03:29 let's read all the way through verse... through the end.
03:31 Jason: Okay. "And he said, 'Go your way, Daniel,
03:34 for the words are closed up and sealed
03:37 till the time of the end.
03:38 Many shall be purified, made white, and refined,
03:41 but the wicked shall do wickedly;
03:44 and none of the wicked shall understand,
03:46 but the wise shall understand.
03:48 And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away,
03:51 and the abomination of desolation is set up,
03:54 there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.
03:58 Blessed is he who waits,
04:00 and comes to the one thousand
04:02 three hundred and thirty-five days.
04:05 But you, go your way till the end;
04:08 for you shall rest,
04:09 and will arise to your inheritance
04:12 at the end of the days. '"
04:13 James: The King James says,
04:14 "stand in your lot at the end of the days. "
04:16 So, these verses close up the book of Daniel
04:18 with special instruction, "Daniel, seal up the words...
04:21 the book is sealed up. "
04:22 and then, Daniel's looking and he's sees a certain man.
04:26 Now, that phrase is lifted out of Daniel 10.
04:29 Do you remember the certain man that he saw there?
04:30 Yvonne: Yes.
04:32 James: Ah... ah... face like fire...
04:33 that was Jesus glorified, you remember that picture?
04:36 We went to Revelation chapter 1 and Revelation chapter 2
04:39 and we alluded that that picture was also found in Revelation
04:42 chapter 10. Yvonne: Hmmm...
04:44 James: Let's go to Revelation chapter 10 right now
04:46 and Yvonne, would you read for us in Revelation chapter 10
04:49 beginning with verse 1
04:51 and I want you to read verses 1... 2...
04:55 and then I want you to skip over verses 3 and 4
05:00 and then I want you to read verses 5 through 7.
05:05 One, two, five through seven.
05:08 Yvonne: "I saw still another mighty angel
05:12 coming down from heaven,
05:13 clothed with a cloud.
05:14 And a rainbow was on his head,
05:16 his face was like the sun,
05:18 and his feet like pillars of fire.
05:21 He had a little book open in his hand.
05:23 And he set his right foot on the sea
05:26 and his left foot on the land.
05:27 The angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land
05:31 raised up his hand to heaven
05:33 and swore by Him who lives forever and ever,
05:36 who created heaven and the things that are in it,
05:39 the earth and the things that are in it,
05:42 and the sea and the things that are in it,
05:44 that there should be delay no longer... "
05:47 James: Okay, and the King James says, "time no longer. "
05:50 Yvonne: Ah...
05:51 James: So, I want you just to keep your hand there
05:54 keep your hand in Daniel 12
05:55 and notice the parallels that are taking place here
05:58 because there are two places that the book of Daniel connects
06:00 with the book of Revelation.
06:02 One of them we noted in Revelation 13
06:04 that has those beasts and those horns with crowns...
06:08 connects with the beasts in Daniel and the horns in Daniel.
06:11 The second place is Daniel 12 and Revelation 10.
06:15 Yvonne: Hmmm...
06:16 James: Because you remember this certain man
06:18 is Christ glorified.
06:19 In Revelation 10, we have this angel or messenger
06:23 that's glorified.
06:24 Remember his sun is like the... face is like the sun, etc...
06:27 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
06:28 James: And then in Daniel 12, the book of Daniel is sealed...
06:31 in Revelation 10, a little book is opened.
06:34 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
06:36 James: In Daniel 12, he stands on the waters of the river...
06:40 in Revelation 10, he stands on the land and the sea
06:44 which means a larger proclamation of this...
06:47 of this message that's in this little book of Daniel.
06:49 In Daniel 12, he lifts up his hands to heaven...
06:53 in Revelation 10, he lifts up his hand to heaven...
06:57 in Daniel 12, he swears by Him that lives forever and ever...
06:59 in Revelation 10, he swears by Him that lives forever...
07:02 in Daniel 12, he says, "there's going to be...
07:04 it's going to be sealed up for time, times and a half a time,
07:06 and for 1290 and 1335...
07:08 in Revelation chapter 10, he says, "time no longer. "
07:10 Yvonne: Hmmm...
07:11 James: It's not sealed up anymore... it's done.
07:14 Yvonne: Wow!
07:15 James: Now, what are we waiting for?
07:17 Now, we're waiting for the mystery of God to be finished.
07:20 We're not waiting for a time prophecy,
07:21 we're waiting for the mystery of God
07:23 which according to Colossians 1:26
07:25 is... "Christ in us the hope of glory. "
07:27 We're waiting for the character of Christ
07:29 to be revealed in His people,
07:31 we're waiting for the gospel to go to the world
07:33 as a witness to all nations
07:34 and then the end is going to come.
07:35 Yvonne: Hmmm...
07:37 James: We're not waiting for time.
07:38 The time prophecies of Daniel 11 or 12,
07:40 are like an envelope that contains a message.
07:44 That envelope has an address from where it came
07:48 and an address to where it's going, right,
07:50 and it's sealed up.
07:52 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
07:53 James: It's got a message inside.
07:54 When it gets to its destination,
07:56 you open the envelope... the time prophecies...
07:57 you put them to the side...
07:59 they tell you where these prophecies came from
08:00 and where they're going to
08:02 so, they came from Daniel's day
08:04 and they're going to the time of the end...
08:06 you open up and you read the prophecies themselves.
08:09 Right? Yvonne: Hmmm...
08:10 James: Those time prophecies were just an envelope
08:13 to carry the content...
08:14 the message to our time...
08:16 so, that time... that envelope is no longer...
08:19 that time prophecy is no longer,
08:20 now, what are we looking for?
08:22 we're looking for the mystery of God to be finished.
08:24 How does that take place?
08:25 Well, we just read about it in Daniel chapter 12 verse 1.
08:27 Yvonne: Ah...
08:29 James: Getting into the Word of God, right?
08:31 Meditating upon Jesus...
08:34 Daniel 12:1 in comparison with
08:37 Malachi chapter 3 verses 15 and 16,
08:41 you know, "those who fear me will think upon my name...
08:43 those who fear me will talk often one to another. "
08:45 Yvonne: Hmmm...
08:47 James: So, what we're seeing here is a connection between
08:49 Daniel chapter 12 and Revelation chapter 10.
08:52 Now, the reason this is significant is because
08:55 in Revelation chapter 10... we've studied this in our
08:59 Salvation in Symbols and Signs in Revelation,
09:00 in Revelation chapter 10,
09:03 we have the bitter disappointment of 1844.
09:07 Yvonne: Hmmm...
09:08 James: Okay, let's just read just a few more verses here
09:10 in Revelation chapter 10
09:11 because I know you guys kept your hands here
09:12 so we could easily do that...
09:14 I didn't... I failed to follow my instruction.
09:16 All: Laughter.
09:17 James: Let's read now, Revelation chapter 10
09:20 and verses 8 through 10.
09:23 Jason: "Then the voice which I heard from heaven
09:26 spoke to me again and said,
09:28 'Go, take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel
09:31 who stands on the sea and on the earth. '
09:33 So I went to the angel and said to him,
09:35 'Give me the little book. '
09:37 And he said to me, 'Take and eat it;
09:39 and it will make your stomach bitter,
09:41 but it will be as sweet as honey in your mouth. '
09:43 Then I took the little book out of the angel's hand and ate it,
09:47 and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth.
09:49 But when I had eaten it, my stomach became bitter. "
09:52 James: So, we see here
09:54 that Daniel 12 is connecting with Revelation chapter 10.
09:57 Yvonne: Hmmm...
09:58 James: The angel in Daniel 12,
10:00 the certain man in Daniel 12 goes through the same motions
10:02 when he seals up the book of Daniel
10:04 as he does... when the book of Daniel is opened
10:07 and that leads us to this movement...
10:10 we call it the Millerite Movement historically
10:12 that went through a bitter-sweet disappointment.
10:14 We've talked about this
10:16 in relationship to the 2300-day prophecy.
10:18 The disciples were bitterly disappointed
10:20 on the first end that prophecy
10:22 and the Millerites were disappointed
10:24 on the second end of that prophecy
10:25 but here's the key point,
10:27 the Millerite disappointment led them to realize
10:29 that the sanctuary that was going to be cleansed
10:32 in Daniel 8:14 was not the earth as they had thought
10:35 and Jesus coming to cleanse the earth with fire.
10:38 The sanctuary... as they went back to investigate
10:41 was in heaven.
10:43 They discovered the heavenly sanctuary
10:45 and what they discovered there in the heavenly sanctuary
10:48 was the mediation of Christ and the Law of God.
10:50 The things that had been attacked
10:52 by the Little Horn in Daniel 7
10:53 and the Little Horn in Daniel 8
10:55 and so, when it says there in Daniel chapter 12...
10:58 Unto 1260 days... and then 1290...
11:02 and 1335...
11:03 those extra dates are taking us past 1798
11:08 all the way to 1843 and 1844.
11:10 Let me explain how that works.
11:11 In Daniel we've learned
11:14 that the Papal Power is a Civil Power and a Religious Power.
11:19 The 1260 is a time-frame of the Civil Power... 538 to 1798.
11:24 That's where we see the Civil Power of the Papacy
11:27 rise and end.
11:29 The 508... or, excuse me... the 1290 and the 1335
11:33 are time prophecies relating to the
11:36 Religious Power of the Papacy.
11:38 They begin in 508...
11:40 with the decree that the Pope was judge of all men
11:42 who could be judged by no man.
11:44 That decree began the work of priestly mediation by men...
11:50 by the Pope and Priest
11:52 which obscured the administration of Christ
11:54 in the heavenly sanctuary.
11:55 Now, I was raised a Catholic.
11:57 I went to church every week, I went to Catholic school...
11:58 I went to Confession every week...
12:00 I confessed my sins to a priest
12:02 and I never got relief from my guilt... not through the gospel
12:06 because I didn't understand the gospel.
12:08 I was 18... I was 19... I was 20...
12:10 I was still going to a priest
12:12 but when I accepted Christ as my personal Savior,
12:15 I accepted that Christ was in the heavenly sanctuary.
12:18 What the Millerites went through
12:19 and how they discovered
12:21 or re-discovered the heavenly sanctuary
12:23 caused me to be liberated from my sins.
12:25 It's caused millions of people to be liberated from their sins,
12:28 you see, they went through this disappointment
12:31 but led them to the sanctuary
12:32 and that sanctuary truth became part of the Advent Movement
12:35 and that Advent Movement knocked on my door one day...
12:37 that Advent Movement
12:39 opened my heart to the mediation of Jesus Christ.
12:41 "Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed... "
12:43 became my reality.
12:44 The sanctuary was made right
12:46 and now that I see the sanctuary and I understand the sanctuary,
12:49 I understand that we are in the Day of Atonement.
12:51 I understand that in 1844,
12:53 Jesus went from the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place.
12:56 All of that fits together like a jigsaw puzzle in my brain
12:59 and I realize what it says here in Daniel chapter 12
13:03 that in the end of time,
13:05 this is what he's told in verse 9... verses 9 and 10
13:09 "And he said, 'Go thy way Daniel:
13:11 for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
13:13 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried... '"
13:17 When I accepted Christ, I got purified and made white
13:20 and tried...
13:21 it was a great trial to receive the Sabbath truth
13:24 and to follow the Lord
13:25 because I lost friends... I lost family...
13:26 and the wicked shall do wickedly
13:28 but none of the wicked shall understand
13:30 but the wise shall understand. Jason: Hmmm...
13:32 So, the prophetic time prophecy here is talking about
13:35 the time when the "Daily"
13:38 the focus of Christ was taken away... 508...
13:40 from 508 to 1798 is 1290 prophetic days or literal years
13:48 but notice it says,
13:49 "Blessed is he that comes to the 1335... "
13:52 because even though the Papacy received the deadly wound
13:55 in 1798, the sanctuary wasn't discovered yet.
13:59 it wasn't till 1843... the Millerite Movement
14:03 made their first prediction which led to the 1844 prediction
14:06 which led to the disappointment which led to the sanctuary.
14:08 You see that? Yvonne: Okay, yeah... okay.
14:10 James: So, the religious obscuring by the Papacy
14:14 of the sanctuary gives us two time prophecies.
14:17 One leads to the end of Papal dominance in 1798
14:20 but the other leads to the Millerite Disappointment
14:23 in 1843 and 1844.
14:25 "Blessed is he that comes to the 1335... "
14:27 that's why it says that. Yvonne: Wow...
14:30 James: Because it's not until 1843 and 1844
14:32 that we received the blessing of realizing
14:34 that the sanctuary is in heaven and we have a Mediator there.
14:36 Jason: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
14:37 James: Till the sanctuary truth is recovered
14:38 and the Day of Atonement is discovered
14:41 and the cleansing of the sanctuary can take place
14:44 in earnest... and Christ can go to the final phase
14:46 of closing out this earth's history.
14:48 Yvonne: Wow! James: Does that make sense?
14:49 Yvonne: It does... wow!
14:51 James: This is how the book of Daniel ends.
14:53 It directs us... and Daniel...
14:55 "Daniel, you're going to stand in your lot
14:56 at the end of the days. "
14:57 You're going to stand in your lot because
14:59 Daniel himself is going to be judged
15:01 in this Investigative Judgment.
15:02 It starts with the dead and then it goes to the living
15:04 and he's going to be found righteous
15:06 because he trusted in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
15:08 Yvonne: Hmmm...
15:09 James: And every single person...
15:11 see, a lot of people are scared of the Investigative Judgment.
15:13 There's nothing to be scared of in the Investigative Judgment.
15:15 It takes place before Probation closes
15:18 because we need a Mediator in the Investigative Judgment
15:22 and we have one... Jesus Christ...
15:23 and everything that's brought up...
15:25 everything that's recorded there...
15:27 every accusation that Satan brings against us...
15:29 because he's the Accuser in Revelation 12:10...
15:31 the Accuser...
15:33 he accuses us before God day and night...
15:35 every... all of it is going to be vanquished
15:36 by our Mediator... as long as we put our trust in Him.
15:39 If we put our trust in ourselves...
15:41 if we put our trust in our works...
15:42 if we say, well, you know, "Lord, Lord,
15:44 I've done many wonderful works in Your name
15:45 and I've cast out devils in Your name
15:47 and I've done all... " then we're lost.
15:48 Yvonne: Right. James: We are lost
15:50 but if we put our trust in Jesus...
15:51 if we are accepting Christ as our righteousness,
15:54 then, our adversary...
15:56 our enemy will be vanquished by Jesus.
15:59 In Zechariah chapter 3 it has a picture where the Lord says,
16:03 "The Lord rebuke you Satan; even the Lord...
16:05 isn't this a firebrand plucked out of the fire?"
16:06 Yvonne: Hmmm...
16:07 James: That's our experience by faith
16:10 as we enter into the sanctuary, into this Day of Atonement...
16:14 this day of cleansing...
16:15 trusting in our Mediator, Jesus Christ.
16:17 Yvonne: Hmmm...
16:18 James: Beautiful picture, isn't it?
16:20 Ivor: Yeah, I think it's... yeah
16:21 and I think what... we're in the last chapter of Daniel
16:24 and there's... some of that I hope that everyone sees
16:28 as we have gone through these two books...
16:31 Revelation... Daniel...
16:32 the storyline in both books are consistent.
16:38 James: Amen.
16:39 Ivor: Right, there's a consistent storyline...
16:42 we've just seen Daniel...
16:44 from Daniel 1 all the way up to Daniel 12,
16:46 it's... it's not...
16:48 Daniel 1 is talking about this thing
16:50 and Daniel 5 will be talking about,
16:52 you know, this time period or that...
16:55 everything is following a...
16:57 a single theme of the great controversy, right,
17:01 I always like to say that truth is a beautiful system
17:06 and it makes sense
17:08 and I tell you, I've looked at, you know,
17:11 different interpretations of the book of Revelation
17:14 and of Daniel and it's all over the place.
17:17 James: Hmmm... Ivor: Right...
17:19 nothing is... this means this
17:20 and this is talking about that nation over there
17:22 and this is talking about that country
17:24 and this deal that happened in 1555...
17:26 and it's just kind of all over the place
17:27 with no theme through it,
17:29 what we have just done with the book of Daniel
17:31 is shown how consistent God is...
17:34 shown how consistent truth is
17:38 and as you follow that theme through the book of Daniel,
17:41 you know you're on the right track
17:43 because truth is not coincidence.
17:46 James: Hmmm... hmmm...
17:47 Ivor: Right, all of these numbers and all of these dates
17:49 you know, you might be like 1290 and 1335 and
17:53 I can't remember all those numbers
17:54 but if you can remember...
17:55 I mean, that's going to take study
17:57 you've got to go over this again and again and again
17:59 until it becomes like, you know, second nature to you
18:02 but... if you have seen like,
18:05 all right, it's not a coincidence
18:08 that we keep coming to these numbers,
18:10 you know, 1798 and 1844 and the Little Horn
18:15 and the changing of the Law of God,
18:17 we have been consistent in theme
18:19 throughout our entire Revelation Series
18:23 and now our entire Daniel Series and...
18:26 and this, again, I think... is the power of truth.
18:30 James: Amen. Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
18:31 Ivor: Right? That... that I hope our audience,
18:35 as you're viewing will see this consistent theme of truth
18:36 will see this consistent theme of truth
18:39 throughout these presentations.
18:41 James: Okay, now, remember there's two verses
18:43 that we left behind.
18:44 Ivor: No, no, no, no, no...
18:46 I know... that was just my... let's... let's get to it.
18:49 James: Let's get to it.
18:50 Ivor: But I just had to drop that in there.
18:52 James: Amen, there's two verses that we left behind
18:54 and we want to look at those two verses right now,
18:56 those are the last two verses of the vision of Daniel 11 and 12
19:00 and they are Daniel chapter 12 verses 2 and 3.
19:04 So, look at these verses
19:06 because we want to close out with these verses,
19:08 these verses are powerful.
19:09 There's two points here that are really important for us.
19:13 The first one in verse 2, Jason, can you read that for us,
19:17 Daniel 12 verse 2?
19:18 Jason: "And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth
19:21 shall awake, some to everlasting life,
19:24 some to shame and everlasting contempt. "
19:27 James: Okay, this is talking about the resurrection.
19:29 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
19:31 James: It's talking about the resurrection of the just
19:32 and of the unjust and...
19:34 and even might imply the Special Resurrection
19:35 that we talked about in Revelation 1:7
19:37 but there's something here that's really significant
19:40 and that's the word "awake".
19:42 Yvonne: Hmmm...
19:44 James: When you awake, it implies that you are asleep.
19:48 See, God has turned death into a sleep for those who believe.
19:53 That's why Jesus says in John chapter 11,
19:55 "Whoever believes in Me shall never die... "
19:57 and then He asked the question, "Do you believe that?"
20:01 Jason: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
20:03 James: Do you believe that? Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
20:04 James: You may sleep but you won't die
20:06 and this is really important when we understand
20:09 where we're headed before Jesus comes.
20:11 We're headed to a time of trouble such as never was
20:14 and there's going to be a little time of trouble before that...
20:16 there's going to be persecution...
20:17 there's going to be martyrdom before that.
20:19 Even now, we're in a lot of trouble
20:21 and yet, death is a sleep.
20:25 Death is something we awaken from.
20:28 Death has been completely eradicated for the believer.
20:33 The sting has been removed.
20:34 Death is an enemy of God
20:36 and God has removed it from us by faith...
20:39 that's the first thing.
20:40 Paul says... if there's no resurrection,
20:42 we're... most men most miserable.
20:44 Yvonne: Right.
20:45 James: He said... our life... we live and breathe
20:47 because of the resurrection
20:48 because we have... we have boldness...
20:50 we have freedom... we have liberty...
20:52 we live the life that is completely different
20:54 because we look forward to that resurrection.
20:56 Then the second verse we want to look at...
20:58 we want to close out with,
21:00 I think we want to really emphasize something here.
21:01 Yvonne, could you read that verse for us... verse 3?
21:03 Yvonne: Sure, "Those who are wise shall shine
21:06 like the brightness of the firmament,
21:09 and those who turn many to righteousness
21:11 like the stars forever and ever. "
21:13 James: Hmmm...
21:14 James: "Those who turn many to righteousness... "
21:16 this is the last verse of the prophetic visions
21:19 in the book of Daniel. Yvonne: Hmmm...
21:21 James: Four through 13 is an explanation.
21:22 The very last verse reminds us of one thing...
21:25 God is calling us to shine for Him
21:27 and to turn many to righteousness.
21:30 Yvonne: Yes.
21:31 James: And you know what it means to turn people
21:32 to righteousness?
21:34 Jesus Christ is our righteousness.
21:36 Yvonne: Hmmm...
21:37 James: Righteousness is right doing
21:39 and Jesus Christ is the only One that lived
21:42 a perfect sinless life... He never sinned
21:44 and that's what you need to get through the judgment,
21:46 that's what you need to be in heaven...
21:48 you need a perfect, sinless life.
21:49 None of us have that to offer but Jesus has it
21:52 and He gives it to us as a gift
21:53 and then, He died...
21:56 our penalty satisfied substitutionary death...
21:59 He died in our place to satisfy the consequences...
22:03 the penalty of transgressing the law... which is death.
22:07 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
22:08 James: So, Jesus lived this perfect life...
22:09 then He died our death
22:11 and therefore he becomes our righteousness
22:15 and our job is to turn people to Him...
22:18 not to turn people to ourself...
22:20 not to turn people to other men...
22:21 to turn people to Jesus. Yvonne: Right.
22:23 James: Those that turn people to righteousness...
22:26 those that turn people to Jesus
22:28 will shine as the stars forever and ever.
22:31 Jason: Hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
22:33 James: So, Daniel closes out with this call...
22:35 this clarion call that is...
22:36 that is synonymous with the everlasting gospel
22:39 in Revelation chapter 14...
22:40 the three angels' message to all the world...
22:43 "Turn people to Jesus... turn people to righteousness,
22:45 don't turn to the mediators...
22:47 don't turn unto traditions...
22:48 don't turn to the human institutions...
22:50 turn people to Jesus...
22:51 don't turn unto the abomination of desolation...
22:53 turn people to Jesus... the Lord our righteousness. "
22:56 Isn't that a beautiful...
22:57 beautiful close of this gospel message?
23:00 All: Amen.
23:02 Ivor: Yeah, I mean, that time with Revelation 14
23:05 is... is powerful because that is what...
23:10 this gospel shall be preached in all the world...
23:16 and then the end shall come
23:19 and it's... it's crucial to understand
23:23 that what has been...
23:24 what had been being preached during the Dark Ages
23:26 was not this gospel.
23:28 James: Hmmm... hmmm... Yvonne: Hmmm...
23:29 Ivor: It was another gospel...
23:31 it was a counterfeit gospel
23:33 and, therefore, what was going into the world
23:38 was something that was getting people drunk, right,
23:42 something that was turning people away from God...
23:45 away from truth...
23:47 James: And making them desolate.
23:48 Ivor: And making them desolate
23:50 and so, this process of restoring the truth
23:53 of the sanctuary...
23:54 it restores the truth of the gospel and...
23:59 and since 1844...
24:01 since the beginning of the cleansing of the sanctuary...
24:03 the unadulterated message of truth
24:05 has been going into all the world.
24:08 This is what we're doing right now, right,
24:10 right, what we have been sharing is part of that unadulterated
24:13 message of truth... the pure gospel.
24:18 When this gospel goes into all the world,
24:22 then shall the end come
24:25 and so that's why we do this Program...
24:27 that's why we're out there preaching and teaching.
24:29 That's why millions of others are out there
24:32 sharing this same message
24:34 because this is the message that liberates people
24:38 and this is the message
24:39 that will usher in the second coming of Jesus.
24:42 James: Amen... this gospel going as a witness to all nations
24:45 and so, Daniel closes out with the same theme
24:48 that Revelation closes out with and it's the same theme
24:51 that we see in Matthew... in Matthew 24 and Mark 13...
24:54 Luke 21 which, by the way, are all end-time chapters
24:57 in the gospels.
24:59 John doesn't have an end-time chapter
25:01 because John was...
25:02 was able or gifted to write the whole book of Revelation
25:06 but all of it comes together and let's remember
25:09 the Bible is the interpreter of these prophetic books.
25:12 All we've been doing is,
25:14 we've been borrowing from the rest of the Bible
25:16 to understand these prophetic books... and there's more here,
25:18 we haven't covered it all...
25:20 we haven't gone through all the details.
25:21 I was eager to go through Daniel chapter 11
25:24 and parallel verses 40 to 12:3
25:26 with Revelation 13 and show how, yeah,
25:28 they both take place at the time of the end
25:30 and in they both... there's a deadly wound in both...
25:32 there's a healing of the deadly wound in both
25:34 and there's persecution preceding both
25:35 and there's a persecution following both
25:37 and there's economic control in both
25:39 and there's... you know, all of the...
25:41 the... the deliverance in both
25:42 and God's people are written in the book in both.
25:44 Revelation 13 says... everyone follows the beast
25:47 except those whose names are written in the Lamb...
25:49 in the book of the Lamb
25:50 slain from the foundation of the world.
25:52 Now, I'm getting excited but, you know...
25:55 All: Laughter. Yvonne: You covered it.
25:57 James: There's so much here... there's so much here
25:59 and God wants you... the Viewers every single person
26:03 to have that relationship with Him
26:05 to talk about Him
26:06 and find themselves meditating upon Him.
26:09 I wake up in the morning... I got to bed at night
26:11 and I'm just thinking about these things, you know,
26:12 and I don't want anything else obscuring those thoughts
26:15 and those opportunities of meditation
26:17 where we're thinking about spiritual truths
26:19 and God says, "I'm going to remember that...
26:21 I'm going to remember that,
26:23 I'm going to remember that
26:24 your name is going to be written and I'm going to deliver you"
26:26 because our deliverance is 100% in Christ... zero percent in us.
26:30 Christ is the One that empowers us...
26:32 Christ is the One that takes away
26:34 all of the faults and failures
26:35 and helps us when we fall upon our face to get back up...
26:39 remember Daniel, "I have no goodness in me,
26:41 my comeliness was turned into corruption...
26:43 I fell on my face
26:44 and He lifted me up on my hands and my knees. "
26:46 Yvonne: Hmmm... Jason: Hmmm...
26:47 James: "And he lifted me up on my feet
26:49 and I still felt overwhelmed, I said, 'I can't talk... '
26:51 and He said, 'You are greatly beloved...
26:52 you are greatly beloved...
26:54 I'm going to give you a voice to talk. '"
26:55 You know, some of us think we can't speak for Jesus...
26:57 we can't... you can share your testimony...
26:59 you can share how God has worked in your life.
27:02 You don't have to know the 2300-day prophecy.
27:04 You don't have to be able to go from Daniel chapter 12
27:07 to Revelation chapter 10 and explain how it all fits together
27:09 well, they don't, you guys do... they don't...
27:11 All: Laughter.
27:13 James: But you can give a testimony...
27:15 you can share what God has done in your life
27:16 and how you've been blessed.
27:18 You may not have all the Scriptures that you can memorize
27:20 and throw out there
27:21 but you certainly have a testimony that God has given you
27:25 of His favor in your life... Yvonne: Yes.
27:26 James: Of the way He's worked
27:28 and brought you comfort and hope.
27:29 Yvonne: Yes.
27:30 James: And that's what we want all of our Viewers to... to have
27:32 and to share with anyone and everyone
27:35 in their sphere of influence so that...
27:37 so that indeed Jesus Christ can be lifted up...
27:40 that we can be witnesses for Him through all of the world
27:44 and that the end can come
27:46 and God can close up His work...
27:47 that we can find ourselves cleansed...
27:49 we can find ourselves in that Book
27:51 and we can find ourselves standing on that Sea of Glass
27:54 on Mount Zion with the Lamb following Him wherever He goes.
27:56 That's the experience that we want to have.
27:58 Yvonne: Amen. James: Amen.


Revised 2021-08-04