Sunday Law Crisis, The

Getting Ready Spiritually

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Steve Wohlberg


Series Code: SLC

Program Code: SLC000002A

00:09 The Book of Revelation 13:16, says that,
00:12 "He causes all, both small and great,
00:14 rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark
00:17 in their right hands or in their foreheads."
00:20 Are you ready for the mark of the beast?
00:22 The time to get ready is now.
00:25 A thousand years before there was a Protestant,
00:28 there were Sunday laws
00:29 that originated in pagan sun worship.
00:32 For centuries, the church ruled the world
00:34 until the protestant reformation.
00:36 Men like Martin Luther championed personal
00:38 and religious freedom.
00:40 Thousands fled to America to seek freedom
00:42 from religious tyranny.
00:43 Will Protestants and freedom loving Americans
00:46 fight to keep freedom alive?
00:47 Or will we descend into a modern dark age?
00:51 The Sunday Law Crisis: What You Need To Know.
00:55 Episode 2: Getting Ready Spiritually.
00:59 Welcome back to part two of The Sunday Law Crisis:
01:02 What You Need To Know.
01:03 In part one we talked about many headlines
01:06 that talk about Sunday observance
01:08 and how the issue of Sunday versus Sabbath
01:10 is being agitated right now, around the world.
01:13 Here's one article I read from The Associated Press.
01:16 July 6, 2014.
01:18 The title is called, Keeping stores open on Sunday
01:21 is not beneficial for society, says Pope Francis.
01:25 Pope Francis' opinion is becoming quite popular.
01:28 His visit to America and all of the media coverage
01:32 surrounding his encyclical that came out in June, 2015.
01:36 He is putting his weight in favor of enforcing Sunday.
01:40 The movement for Sunday legislation
01:43 is growing right now, around the world.
01:46 As we talked about
01:48 this in our last program, Part one.
01:50 I read a quotation that is very shocking
01:51 to many but it is a fact.
01:53 This came from the famous Cardinal Gibbons,
01:56 November 11, 1895, which says,
01:59 Of course the Catholic Church claims
02:01 that the change from the Bible's Sabbath
02:03 into Sunday was her act and the act
02:06 is a mark of her ecclesiastical authority in religious matters.
02:12 Here's another statement I read in Part one
02:14 from The Lord's Day Alliance of the U.S.
02:17 that's promoting Sunday observance.
02:18 April, 2015, the title was called,
02:21 Sunday as a mark of Christian unity.
02:24 White Horse Media has a little pocketbook
02:26 called Decoding the mark of the beast.
02:28 That looks at history, looks at prophecy,
02:30 looks at the Sabbath-Sunday issue
02:31 and shows very clearly that the Bible teaches.
02:35 And here are the, here's one of the tables of stone.
02:39 The fourth commandment written by God himself says,
02:42 "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
02:44 And the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord."
02:47 The Bible is very clear that God wrote his law
02:50 with his own finger on stone.
02:52 And it's the seventh day and that Sunday
02:54 is the first day of the week which is purely
02:55 a tradition of men as a day of worship
02:59 that has replaced the Bible's Sabbath.
03:01 So we're here to continue talking about
03:02 these issues and about the Sunday Law Crisis.
03:06 And to help you to get ready
03:08 for what is coming upon the Earth.
03:11 Today, I am here with Dean Corridan.
03:14 Dean, thank you for being here
03:16 and I see you have a White Horse Media shirt.
03:18 But you are not actually employed by White Horse Media,
03:20 you are our guest.
03:22 And you are the president of the Iowa-Missouri Conference
03:25 of Seventh-day Adventists.
03:27 Sabbath keepers that believe in the Bible
03:30 and who believe in Jesus.
03:31 That's right.
03:32 And it's a blessing to have you.
03:34 And our focus today is the, the spiritual preparation
03:36 so that we can get ready.
03:38 So just talk to us
03:39 and we'll bounce off each other.
03:41 And trust that God will bless us.
03:44 Well, it's interesting, Steve,
03:46 that God gives us so much information
03:48 in Bible prophecy of things that are coming.
03:53 And that we can see it happen.
03:55 But it's also equally interesting to know
03:57 that God gives us a lot of information
03:59 of how to be ready
04:01 for the crisis that's ahead of us
04:03 or for the second coming of Jesus.
04:05 In fact, in Matthew 24,25,
04:09 when it is one of the great passages
04:11 of Scripture of here's the things
04:13 you should look for and here's the things that will happen.
04:16 And then you will know that my coming is near.
04:19 God says, "Therefore, you also."
04:23 In Verse 44 of Chapter 24.
04:26 "Therefore, you also be ready." That's right.
04:29 I've got that, um, circled right there in my Bible.
04:31 "Be ready."
04:33 So the concept of readiness is important to the Bible.
04:36 The concept of being ready
04:38 and getting ready is very important
04:40 to the teachings of The Lord Jesus Christ.
04:43 And in Matthew, Chapter end of 24, 25,
04:48 just before the second coming,
04:50 God gives three parables to believers
04:55 and to nonbelievers to prepare them
04:59 to be ready for the second coming.
05:01 That's right. And for the final crisis.
05:02 And for the final crisis. It's sad, it's sad.
05:05 We've talked about this in previous
05:06 White Horse Media programs
05:07 that there's a lot of Christians out there
05:09 that believe we're just going to be raptured out of here
05:10 before the trouble starts
05:12 and the mark of the beast comes.
05:13 And, and they're not getting ready for the final crisis
05:16 'cause they don't think they'll be here.
05:17 That's right.
05:18 We believe that's a massive misinterpretation of prophecy.
05:20 That Revelation 13, "The two beasts are here
05:23 and the mark of the beast is pending."
05:25 And God want's us to get ready
05:27 to stand during the final crisis.
05:29 That's exactly right.
05:31 The three parables, just quickly,
05:34 is the parable of the faithful
05:36 and the evil servant from Chapter 24: 45-51.
05:41 Then the beginning of the Chapter 25,
05:44 is the parable of the wise
05:46 and foolish virgins from 1-13, virgins.
05:49 And then from 14-30, is the parable of the talents.
05:54 These are three parables that Jesus gives us
05:57 to focus on the whole concept
06:00 of spiritual readiness for his coming.
06:03 It's important to know the facts and the events.
06:05 But we need more than that.
06:06 We have to know, we have to know God.
06:08 We have to know Jesus.
06:10 We have to get spiritually ready.
06:11 Yeah, and the way he even opens up
06:13 the first parable of the faithful servant
06:16 and the evil servant in Chapter 24:45.
06:19 It is, "Who then is a faithful and wise servant."
06:24 That is the question that should be asked today.
06:27 That's right. Faithful and wise servant.
06:28 When we see the things
06:30 that are being pointed out in prophecy,
06:32 the question that should come to everybody's mind then is,
06:36 who's gonna be ready? Who is the faithful servant?
06:39 What's the faithful servant look like?
06:41 Who is the evil servant?
06:43 That's the question Jesus asked.
06:44 Good point.
06:46 These parables then begin to deal with it.
06:48 So the first, the first point of who is the faithful servant,
06:51 He talks about a household,
06:53 He talks about a household where people are involved.
06:56 And He contrasts the good servant with the evil servant.
07:01 The evil servant in Verse 48 is identified,
07:05 "But if that evil servant says in his heart,
07:09 'My master is delaying his coming,'
07:12 and begins to beat his fellow servants,
07:14 and to eat and drink with the drunkards."
07:18 So the identification of the evil servant
07:20 is the person who does not live his life
07:24 in any consideration that Jesus is coming again.
07:27 He probably believes that Jesus is coming
07:29 at some point but it says,
07:30 "He, my Lord delays his coming."
07:32 That's right.
07:33 So he puts it far into the future.
07:34 And so he does not adjust his life.
07:37 He mistreats the people around him.
07:39 Right.
07:40 And when it says, "He eats and drinks with the drunkard."
07:43 That is a reference to investing his interests
07:47 with the interests of the world.
07:49 Yeah, I've also looked at that and thought,
07:51 drunkards, Revelation 14 talks about Babylon,
07:54 that makes the world drunk with it's wine.
07:56 And so those people that are also eating
07:58 and drinking with the drunkards,
07:59 they're drinking the wine of Babylon.
08:01 And they're not really
08:03 following Jesus and the Bible closely.
08:04 That's right.
08:06 So in this first parable, it would seem to me as men,
08:09 as believers and to everybody.
08:12 But since we're talking, as men and believers,
08:14 if we really believe these things
08:17 that we're talking about here,
08:18 it ought to make me a better husband,
08:21 it ought to make me a better father,
08:23 it ought to make me a better worker,
08:25 that I'm kind and considerate and respectful
08:28 of the people around me.
08:29 That's the mark of a faithful servant.
08:32 Somebody who lives life to make life better for others.
08:37 Yes. The first identification.
08:40 Well, let me just also quickly mention,
08:41 I've thought a lot about this too that
08:43 one of the characteristics of the faithful
08:45 and wise servant in Verse 45
08:47 is that he gives food to his household in due season.
08:50 They give the people what they need,
08:53 especially as we get ready for a crisis.
08:55 God wants his people to give others
08:57 what they really need.
08:58 That's why-- When they need it.
09:00 Yes, that's why this series is called
09:01 the Sunday Law Crisis: What You Need To Know.
09:04 We're trying to be faithful and wise servants,
09:06 giving the people what they need.
09:08 So it would seem like one of the great testimonies
09:10 of the Christian church in the world today,
09:14 if we believe the crisis is in front of us,
09:17 would be giving a demonstration to unbelievers,
09:20 of a peaceful life, of happy homes,
09:23 adjusted, well adjusted churches,
09:26 treating each other with courtesy and respect.
09:28 Wonderful.
09:30 The second parable,
09:31 which is a very familiar parable
09:32 is called the parable of wise and foolish virgins.
09:35 In this parable, God demonstrates,
09:38 Jesus demonstrates that the virgins
09:41 who represent the church, who represent believers,
09:45 are going to wedding feast.
09:47 There's a great excitement and a great joy.
09:51 But when they get to the wedding feast,
09:53 there seems to be a delay and all of them go to sleep.
09:58 They are unaware, but in the parable it says
10:01 that a word goes out, something arouses them,
10:04 they wake up and say, wow, this is all really happening.
10:09 The Bridegroom really is coming.
10:10 He is coming, the events are happening
10:12 just like we were told.
10:15 But the difference then is even though
10:17 they all went to sleep and they all woke up,
10:22 something happened in that timeframe
10:25 that begin to separate and divide them.
10:27 Because the Bible is very clear that,
10:30 when five of them woke up, they trimmed their lamps,
10:34 they had oil to light their lamp,
10:37 to be a witness, to be ready.
10:39 But five had woken up, their lamps had gone out,
10:42 they had no oil to trim and light.
10:44 That's right.
10:46 Isn't the oil a symbol in the Bible?
10:48 Of the Holy Spirit?
10:49 Symbol of the Holy Spirit.
10:50 The first great lesson we need to learn from that is this,
10:54 nobody can provide the Holy Spirit for anybody.
10:58 Only Jesus can gift the Holy Spirit.
11:01 That's right.
11:02 And the foolish virgins...
11:04 I've studied this a lot too.
11:05 They go through the motions, they believe in Jesus coming,
11:08 the bridegroom coming.
11:10 They've got their lamps, they believe in the Bible.
11:11 But the oil of the Holy Spirit is missing in their vessels
11:14 which represent their lives.
11:16 And then when the crisis hits, they all wake up.
11:18 And the foolish virgins realize that the oil isn't there,
11:22 they're not connecting with God like they,
11:24 they thought they could do.
11:26 And they're missing something.
11:29 So they go to wise, they say,
11:30 "Give us your oil, our lamps are going out."
11:32 And the wise say, "We can't, we can't,
11:34 because we can't give you the experience that we have."
11:37 That's right.
11:39 Isn't it interesting that there's so much teaching
11:41 in the world today of second chances
11:44 and other opportunities.
11:46 But in the parable that Jesus himself gave us,
11:50 when the call comes, there is no second chance,
11:53 we're either ready or we're not ready.
11:55 Yeah, that's what I've been impressed with too.
11:58 Verse 10 says that, "Those who were ready,
12:01 went in with him to the wedding and the door was shut."
12:05 So the bottom line is we need to have the Holy Spirit now,
12:07 we need to be wise virgins now.
12:09 So when they crisis hits, we can't think that
12:11 we can just get ready during that time.
12:13 I heard a preacher once say that
12:15 crisis does not develop character, it only reveals it.
12:19 Oh, very good. It reveals what's there.
12:21 So we need to have an experience
12:22 with Jesus now and get ready.
12:24 So that when the issues hit, then we are ready
12:27 to deal with them, to trust Jesus,
12:29 and he's gonna bring us through.
12:30 Sometimes when people read the parable of the wise
12:32 and foolish virgins, they will ask questions like,
12:35 "Well, how does a person get the Holy Spirit?
12:37 I mean, what do we have to do?
12:38 I mean, is there some great effort?
12:40 Or is there some great work?
12:41 Or is there something we need to earn?
12:43 But Jesus was very clear on this
12:45 when he was on the Earth.
12:47 And he talked very clearly
12:49 that if we need the Holy Spirit,
12:50 all we need to do is simply ask.
12:53 And he will give it to us as quickly as a father
12:57 would give food or water to a hungry or thirsty child.
13:00 Luke 13:11. I think that's the text.
13:02 So the defining mark between the wise virgin
13:06 and the foolish virgin is this,
13:09 even when it seems they're asleep,
13:12 five are asking of The Father, of Jesus
13:17 a gift of the Holy Spirit and five are not.
13:22 And the Holy Spirit, Jesus called him the spirit of truth
13:24 who guides us into truth and his word is truth.
13:27 And we need the Holy Spirit now to bring us into the truth--
13:29 Everyday.
13:30 That's, our time is moving rapidly.
13:32 Quickly, the third parable...
13:34 The third parable is, quickly, is the parable of the talents.
13:39 And basically God gives talents
13:41 or gifts of ability to three of his servants
13:45 and tells them he's coming back.
13:46 He gives five talents to one,
13:48 two talents to another, one talent.
13:51 What becomes the defining feature
13:54 of Jesus saying well done?
13:57 It wasn't the amount of talents,
13:59 nor was it the amount of return.
14:02 It was that somebody
14:04 did something for Jesus in preparing.
14:08 Somebody did something.
14:09 Then two did something and God said,
14:12 "Well done, good and faithful servant."
14:15 One servant said, "Well, I'm not going to do anything,
14:20 I'm just going to bury my talent."
14:23 It is that servant that God said,
14:25 "You are a slothful servant,
14:27 you did nothing to help somebody else to get ready."
14:31 We need to be kind, first parable.
14:34 We need to be alert, asking heaven
14:37 for the gift of the Holy Spirit through truth
14:40 and the word of God, second parable.
14:42 Third parable, we need to be helping others,
14:46 we need to invest in others
14:48 to help them be ready for the second coming.
14:51 Use our gifts and talents to help spread the word
14:54 and help other people to know Jesus as well.
14:57 We need to be real practical Christians.
14:58 That's right. That's right.
15:00 Now let's, let's shift and let's go to Revelation 14.
15:03 'Cause I've looked at the third angel's message,
15:05 and the whole issue of the mark of the beast,
15:07 the beast, the image, the mark
15:08 described in Revelation 14: 9-12.
15:11 At the end of Verse 11, talks about those
15:13 who receive the mark of his name.
15:15 So there's the mark of the beast
15:16 mentioned in Revelation 14:11.
15:18 And then Verse 12 says,
15:20 "Here is the patience of the saints;
15:21 here are those who keep
15:24 the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus."
15:28 These are the people
15:30 that are described in Revelation,
15:31 as being on the opposite side of the beast and the mark.
15:35 We've got the beast and the mark group.
15:37 And then we have the keepers of the Commandments of God
15:41 and the faith of Jesus group.
15:43 And it seems to me, the part of our,
15:45 or huge part of our spiritual preparation,
15:47 if not the sum total of our preparation
15:50 which then branches out in different areas
15:52 using our talents, etcetera,
15:54 is to become commandment keepers
15:56 and have the faith in Jesus.
15:58 And I've mentioned these before.
16:00 I carry these around sometimes when I go to seminars
16:03 and I hold up the two tables in front of audiences.
16:06 And I have been deeply convicted,
16:09 Elder Corridan that this is a time
16:13 that we're living in that the Holy Spirit
16:16 wants to show us each commandment
16:19 and go deep into our hearts and show us
16:22 where we are breaking God's law.
16:26 And he wants to bring us to the cross.
16:31 And it says the Commandments of God
16:33 and the faith of Jesus.
16:35 That Jesus is the only one that can cleanse us
16:39 from sin through his blood.
16:43 And save us by his grace.
16:45 And we want to make it very clear
16:46 as we've been talking about Protestant, Catholic issues,
16:48 that we are Protestants through and through.
16:50 And that we do not believe in salvation
16:54 by keeping the law, through the law.
16:57 We believe in salvation by the grace of Jesus,
17:00 who then writes the law
17:02 into our hearts through his power.
17:05 And then enables us as the fruit of our faith
17:08 in him to become commandment keepers,
17:11 to keep all 10 including the fourth.
17:13 Amen.
17:14 Steve, when you say that,
17:15 it just reminds me that in the book of Daniel 9:7,
17:18 when Daniel is praying for wisdom
17:20 and help from God, he says,
17:23 "Oh, Lord, all righteousness belongs to you."
17:26 That's right.
17:28 And what you just said reminded me
17:30 that we don't earn righteousness.
17:32 We don't earn readiness. Righteousness is a gift of God.
17:37 And he promises to give it to us.
17:39 Readiness is a gift of God.
17:42 And Jesus says that He has engraved us
17:47 on the palms of his hands.
17:49 And if we will rest in Him, He will never let us go.
17:53 He is well able to get every man, woman, and child
17:58 from this sinful into the new kingdom.
18:01 That's right. Praise his name.
18:03 As I look again at this text,
18:04 the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus,
18:07 in history many have focused on the Commandments,
18:09 like the pharisees, but they neglected Jesus.
18:12 Other people focused on Jesus,
18:14 but they want nothing to do with the Commandments.
18:16 They say Jesus saves us and the law is gone.
18:19 But the third angel's message in Revelation 14:12,
18:24 that warns about the beast and the mark
18:26 and the crisis that we're heading into,
18:29 puts the Commandments of God
18:30 and the faith of Jesus together.
18:33 And as I mentioned in the last program,
18:35 I've pondered this a lot and I've concluded
18:37 that the finger that wrote the law was on the hand,
18:41 on the hands that were nailed to the cross.
18:45 Especially, the fourth commandment
18:46 that points to, to the creator.
18:48 The Sabbath, the seventh-day Sabbath
18:50 points to our creator.
18:51 And when you look at the New Testament,
18:52 Jesus is our creator.
18:54 John 1:3, says all things were made by Him.
18:58 John 1:10, says He was in the world,
19:01 the world was made by Him and the world didn't know Him.
19:04 And so when you put the pieces together,
19:06 the one that gave us the law
19:08 and gave us the Sabbath to point to Him as the creator.
19:11 He's the one that sacrificed Himself on,
19:14 in Gethsemane and on the cross for our sins.
19:17 And it's the Revelation of His grace and his love.
19:21 And the Creator's suffering and the forgiveness
19:24 that comes from Him alone.
19:26 And salvation from Him alone.
19:28 That He saves us from sin, changes our lives.
19:31 And because we love Him,
19:32 we then want to become commandment keepers.
19:35 Like Jesus said, "If you love me,
19:37 keep my Commandments."
19:39 And that's the kind of people
19:41 that the Lord is preparing spiritually.
19:45 Well, his preparation says not only did he write it
19:47 on a table of stone but Old Testament
19:49 and New Testament makes it clear
19:52 that He writes His law on our hearts.
19:55 That's right. He will do that for us.
19:58 So He will cause us to walk in His ways.
20:02 He will provide the righteousness.
20:04 He will provide obedience.
20:06 In our everyday life we can be ready.
20:09 That's right.
20:11 And as I, part of my, my personal preparation,
20:13 I've looked at the first commandment.
20:15 "No other God is before God."
20:16 And I've searched my heart
20:18 let the Holy Spirit search my heart.
20:19 And show me where I've violated that commandment.
20:22 And then Jesus cleanse me. Amen.
20:24 The second commandment, "No idols."
20:25 Have I had idols in my life?
20:27 And if I have, Lord, forgive me, cleanse me.
20:31 And the third commandment,
20:32 now "Don't take God's name in vain."
20:34 Have I don't that? Lord, forgive me, cleanse me.
20:37 Or I've broken the Sabbath,
20:39 or I haven't honored my father and my mother.
20:42 Number seven, where I've committed murder.
20:45 Although I haven't actually killed anybody,
20:46 but Jesus said, "If you hate someone
20:48 in your heart, it's murder."
20:51 And Lord, have I done that? And do I hate anybody?
20:54 Forgive me, Jesus, cleanse me.
20:56 Number seven, "Don't commit adultery."
20:58 That's a huge one. Dealing with sexual purity.
21:00 Not just-- Especially today.
21:02 Yeah, not just inside of marriage, but outside,
21:04 when people aren't married yet, wait till you get married.
21:06 Marriage is between a man and a woman, Biblically.
21:09 And men need to be careful of their minds
21:12 when we're clicking around on the internet.
21:14 God wants our minds to be pure and clean.
21:17 And if we've broken that law, now is the time for us to say,
21:20 "Lord, cleanse me, forgive me. Jesus, save me."
21:24 Number eight, "Don't steal." Number nine, "Don't lie.
21:27 Don't bear false witness." Number 10, "Don't covet."
21:29 And Jesus summarized that the big 10 in the big 2.
21:33 To love God with your whole heart,
21:35 soul, mind, and strength.
21:36 And your neighbor as yourself.
21:38 And, and I tell you, Dean, I'm totally convinced
21:41 that the Holy Spirit is moving to convict people
21:45 one by one of their breaking of all the Commandments.
21:49 To then point them to Jesus, and His forgiveness,
21:52 and His grace, and His power.
21:54 So Jesus can forgive us, change us,
21:57 write the law in our hearts,
21:59 by the Holy Spirit, the same Holy Spirit
22:00 that the wise virgins have.
22:01 That same Holy Spirit in the book of Hebrew
22:03 that says, the Spirit says,
22:04 "I'll write my law in your heart."
22:06 And then we will become commandment keepers
22:08 because we love God
22:09 and that's the way to be ready for this crisis.
22:11 You have just described
22:13 every faithful person in all three parables.
22:16 Wow, so they go, they merge together.
22:18 They merge together. They merge together.
22:19 Yeah, one thing I've also been convicted about,
22:22 and I think it's safe to say this
22:24 that I think about the tragedy of Bill Cosby.
22:27 Hmm.
22:28 One of the most beloved American comedians of all time.
22:32 And the evidence I think is pretty overwhelming
22:35 that he had some huge skeletons in his closet
22:39 and that they came out.
22:41 And we need to pray for Bill.
22:42 Pray that he'll come clean and that God will--
22:45 'Cause He still loves him, God loves us all.
22:47 But the point, and the reason why I say that
22:49 is because I've just been impressed
22:50 that we cannot afford to have any skeletons in our closet.
22:54 As we go into the final crisis,
22:56 those skeletons must be confessed
22:58 before the crisis hits and we got to let Jesus
23:01 take all the skeletons out
23:03 so we can go into the crisis clean and pure,
23:07 trusting Jesus as real commandment keepers
23:11 who are ready to give
23:12 the third angel's message with a loud voice.
23:16 He promises to wash us with His word.
23:20 He promises that if we yield to Him and obey Him,
23:24 we will be clean and ready when he comes.
23:29 Yeah, wow.
23:30 So God's preparing the people right now.
23:31 Isn't He? Right now.
23:33 He's getting us ready.
23:34 He's getting us ready spiritually.
23:36 And if a person feels like so much time is gone by,
23:38 it is not too late.
23:40 God can work in a moment for us.
23:42 We need to decide today, today is the day of salvation.
23:46 That's right. And we can't afford to wait.
23:47 Cannot wait.
23:49 I think a lot of people think,
23:50 well when the final crisis hits, then I'll get ready.
23:52 And it just doesn't happen that way.
23:54 We got to have, we got to have that preparation right now.
23:56 One thing also I want to share,
23:58 we got about three more minutes left.
23:59 I've been deeply convicted about
24:01 how the third angel's message talks about
24:03 those who get the mark of the beast
24:05 and those who get the mark
24:06 will drink the wine of the wrath of God,
24:09 which is poured out full strength
24:11 into the cup of his indignation.
24:13 And I've looked at the word, that cup,
24:15 and it's taken me back to the garden of Gethsemane.
24:17 Hmm.
24:19 Where Jesus wrestled with a cup and said,
24:21 "Father, if it's possible, take this cup from me.
24:24 But nevertheless, not my will, but your will be done."
24:27 And that in that cup
24:29 was the wine of the wrath of God,
24:31 unmixed with mercy.
24:32 And when we really understand
24:33 that Jesus took the wrath of God,
24:35 that's described in the third angel's message.
24:37 He took it before He gave the message.
24:39 And that the suffering
24:41 that He went through was for us.
24:43 He took our justice, so he could give us His mercy.
24:47 And I've just been so moved, I preach on this too.
24:50 I've been so moved by this
24:51 that if we really understand the sufferings
24:53 that Jesus went through to take our sins
24:57 of breaking the Ten Commandments,
25:00 that he suffered without a drop of mercy
25:03 falling upon him in the garden.
25:06 That that should move us, move us like nothing else can
25:11 to pray the same prayer that Jesus prayed.
25:14 To pray, not my will, but your will be done.
25:19 If ever there's a day to say yes to Jesus, it's today.
25:22 That's right.
25:24 And that is, that was a full surrender Jesus made.
25:27 Full surrender to His Father's will.
25:30 And I'm convinced that the only way
25:31 that we can truly be ready for Jesus coming,
25:35 is to make that full surrender to God,
25:38 to his love, to his word, and to his truth.
25:42 Now before the crisis comes.
25:44 Oh, well said, well said.
25:47 So that's where, that's where we are.
25:49 And God's getting people ready
25:50 and we certainly want to stress the fact that the information
25:56 that we're sharing in this series,
25:57 The Sunday Law Crisis: What You Need To Know,
26:00 this information is not human opinion.
26:02 The saddest words in the Scripture ever said is,
26:06 "The summer's ended,
26:07 the harvest is passed and we're not saved."
26:11 The happiest words in the scripture
26:13 are when Jesus says,
26:16 "Well done, good and faithful servant."
26:18 That's right.
26:20 And to be a good and faithful servant is to follow Scripture.
26:23 We don't want to follow the beast,
26:25 we don't want to follow the image of the beast.
26:27 The image of the beast as it's duplicated.
26:29 We don't want to get the mark of the beast
26:30 in our foreheads or in our hands, our actions.
26:34 We want to follow Jesus Christ all the way,
26:37 and be part of the people
26:39 that our described here in the Word of God.
26:43 Friend, this is the Word of God.
26:45 This is not man's opinion,
26:47 these are not human traditions that we're telling you.
26:50 We're telling you what God says
26:51 and what God wrote with His own finger on stone.
26:55 And the ultimate issue at the end of time is,
26:57 are we gonna follow the Bible?
26:59 Are we gonna follow Jesus?
27:01 Or are we gonna follow the beast and get the mark?
27:04 Those are the issues that are revealed
27:06 in the book of Revelation.
27:08 So we just appeal to you from our hearts
27:11 based on Scripture,
27:12 that you will choose to be among the people
27:16 described here in God's word.
27:18 "Here is the patience of the saints.
27:21 Here are the those who keep the Commandments of God
27:25 and the faith of Jesus."
27:28 Let's get ready now.
27:31 Today, we have a special offer
27:32 called the The Time is at Hand Information packet.
27:35 This offer is only $15 for 10 great Pocket books,
27:39 1 DVD titled Earth's final crisis,
27:41 and the classic Great Controversy.
27:43 Don't miss this opportunity to get these resources today.
27:47 To order your Information Packet, call 1.800.882.4253
27:52 or write to White Horse Media, P.O. Box 1139.
27:56 Newport, WA 99156.
28:02 If you've been blessed by today's program,
28:04 and would like to help White Horse Media
28:06 with your financial support,
28:07 you can call our toll free number
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28:13 We solicit your prayers for our ministry.
28:16 And we thank you for any gift, large or small
28:19 to help us reach people with the gospel.


Revised 2015-10-05