Sabbath School Study Hour

The Uniqueness of the Bible

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022014S

00:00 ♪♪♪
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00:36 Jean Ross: Hello, friends, we'd like to welcome all of you
00:38 to "Sabbath School Study Hour" here at the Granite Bay
00:39 Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sacramento, California.
00:42 We'd like to welcome many of those who are joining us
00:45 online today.
00:46 We have our extended Sabbath School class, who are joining us
00:49 across the country and around the world.
00:51 I'd also like to welcome our regular Sabbath School members
00:53 who are here in person this morning.
00:56 We're very excited about the new lesson that we're going to be
00:59 starting today.
01:00 It's a quarterly.
01:02 The focus is on the Bible.
01:04 It's called "How to Interpret Scripture."
01:06 And I know those who are viewing, some of you might
01:08 already have a lesson quarterly.
01:10 If you don't have one, you could get one at a hopefully local
01:11 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:14 They should have that as well, or you can go online and you can
01:16 download this quarter study, "How to Interpret
01:19 the Scriptures."
01:21 Today, our lesson is lesson number one.
01:23 It's entitled "The Uniqueness of the Bible."
01:26 Very important study.
01:28 Well, before we get to our lesson today, we'd like to
01:30 remind our friends about the free offer that we have today.
01:33 It's a book entitled "The Ultimate Resource," and it is
01:37 all about the Bible; written by Pastor Doug.
01:40 If you'd like to receive the book, all you'll need to do is
01:42 call the number 866-788-3966 and ask for offer number 728.
01:49 We'll be happy to send that to anyone in North America.
01:52 If you would like a digital copy of the book, you want to text
01:56 the code "SH091" to the number 40544 and you'll be able to read
02:03 the book through a digital download that'll be sent to you.
02:07 At this time I'd like to invite our song leaders to come
02:09 forward, and they're going to be leading us in our Sabbath School
02:12 song today.
02:16 female: Good morning, church family.
02:17 We're going to be singing "I Need thee Every Hour," hymn
02:21 number 483.
02:23 And please sing verses 1, 2, and 4 with us.
02:27 ♪♪♪
02:45 ♪ I need thee every hour ♪
02:49 ♪ Most gracious Lord ♪
02:53 ♪ No tender voice like thine ♪
02:58 ♪ Can peace afford ♪
03:02 ♪ I need thee, O I need thee ♪
03:08 ♪ Every hour I need thee ♪
03:12 ♪ O bless me now, my Savior ♪
03:17 ♪ I come to thee ♪
03:23 ♪ I need thee every hour ♪
03:28 ♪ Stay thou nearby ♪
03:33 ♪ Temptations lose their power ♪
03:38 ♪ When thou art nigh ♪
03:43 ♪ I need thee, O I need thee ♪
03:49 ♪ Every hour I need thee ♪
03:54 ♪ O bless me now, my Savior ♪
03:59 ♪ I come to thee ♪
04:05 ♪ I need thee every hour ♪
04:10 ♪ Teach me thy will ♪
04:15 ♪ And thy rich promises ♪
04:20 ♪ In me fulfill ♪
04:25 ♪ I need thee, O I need thee ♪
04:31 ♪ Every hour I need thee ♪
04:35 ♪ O bless me now, my Savior ♪
04:41 ♪ I come to thee ♪
04:52 Jean: Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer.
04:54 Dear Father in heaven, we thank you once again that we're able
04:56 to gather in your house on a rainy Sabbath, but yet a
04:59 beautiful Sabbath for we need the rain.
05:02 But Lord more important than the physical rain outside, we need
05:04 the rain of the Holy Spirit to come and fill our hearts and our
05:08 minds, especially as we delve into a new series of lessons
05:11 talking about the Bible and the importance of the Word.
05:14 So we invite your presence.
05:16 Come and guide our hearts and our minds.
05:18 We ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
05:21 Now, for those of you who are here in person, you can see, and
05:24 maybe those who are joining us online, we have two podiums up
05:27 here for our Sabbath School study hour this morning, and
05:30 that means that Pastor Doug and myself we're going to be
05:33 teaching together.
05:34 It's such an exciting and important lesson we thought,
05:36 "Well, let's talk about the Bible together."
05:39 We do have a radio program called "Bible Answers Live," and
05:42 I know it's the highlight of my week to be able to take
05:45 Bible questions.
05:47 So anytime we can talk about the Bible, that's always a
05:49 good thing.
05:50 Good morning, Pastor Doug.
05:52 Doug Batchelor: Morning, Pastor Ross.
05:54 We thought this is such an important lesson that--you know,
05:56 they say two heads are uglier than one, but they are better.
05:58 And it would be nice to get the message in stereo today.
06:03 And so--and we also want to especially welcome--you know,
06:07 we're recording this live, and it is March 14th.
06:11 And there's been a lot going on in the news nationally and
06:15 internationally connected with this coronavirus and the
06:19 potential threat that it poses.
06:21 A lot of folks have canceled their church services today and
06:26 they're doing church online or at home, and we want you--you
06:30 want to take a moment right now at the beginning of our study
06:33 and then again later during our worship service.
06:35 Call or text them and say, "You can participate in a Sabbath
06:38 School program online if you can't go to church and you
06:41 haven't already found one online."
06:43 Encourage them go to the Granite Bay SDA website.
06:46 They can also watch Facebook--Amazing Facts Facebook
06:49 page, my Facebook page.
06:51 And we want them to be engaged.
06:53 We don't want God's church to grow weak through lack of study.
06:59 So you can let them know that--by the way, if you want to
07:01 know about the--in the next few weeks, things are going to be
07:04 very unusual in the world, but we're going to continue to
07:06 provide spiritual programming online.
07:10 If you want to know when we're having a special online and you
07:12 want to be in the loop, you can text right now the word
07:17 online--just text the word "Online" to 40544.
07:23 And those of you watching, those of you here--and that'll help
07:26 you get the updates when we say we're having an online program
07:29 and you'll be able to pass it on to your friends.
07:31 A lot is happening.
07:33 Things are changing daily.
07:35 You almost have to check the news every 10 minutes to know
07:37 what's going on now.
07:39 And so we want to do our best to try to keep our friends online
07:43 updated with what's happening and some of the spiritual
07:45 ramification of these things.
07:47 Jean: Actually, on that same line, pastor, that we've been
07:49 having a lot of questions coming into "Amazing Facts" and people
07:51 are just curious about this virus and--is there something
07:54 connected to Bible prophecy?
07:56 Does the Bible speak about pestilence and various diseases
08:00 in the last days?
08:02 Well, this afternoon--as Pastor Doug mentioned, it's the 14th,
08:05 today, of March.
08:06 This afternoon the 14th of March at 4 p.m.
08:09 Pacific time, Pastor Doug and myself, we're going to be doing
08:12 a live Facebook interactive Q&A session.
08:16 So we want to invite those of you who are here.
08:18 Tune in on Facebook--this afternoon on the Amazing Facts
08:22 Facebook page, also on the Pastor Doug Batchelor Facebook
08:25 page and you will be able to participate.
08:28 And if you have a Bible question related to what's happening in
08:31 the news, what's happening in our world, how does that tie in
08:34 with Bible prophecy, we want to encourage you to just type your
08:37 Bible question there on Facebook and we'll try to take as many
08:40 live questions this afternoon.
08:44 So that'll be at 4 p.m. Pacific time, and be sure to tune in.
08:48 Tell your friends about that.
08:50 Doug: That's right, and we might even have a little
08:51 special treat.
08:53 We just heard, as I was coming in the church, a Jamie George is
08:56 here in town and one of his events was canceled.
08:58 He may join us and do some music before and after our
09:01 prophecy study.
09:02 We will have some people in the live audience.
09:04 You know, we've got to keep that number down to 250.
09:07 Looks like we're in compliance today and--but, you know, on my
09:12 way this morning, I noticed that the gym, the parking lot was
09:16 full, and they tell me the theaters are still full, and the
09:21 casino around the corner still has customers.
09:23 So I think the house of God is--we can do it safely.
09:26 We ought to come together.
09:27 And so we want to keep it safe, use good judgment, but we don't
09:31 want to have church be the first thing that people stop doing.
09:36 Jean: That's right, and we're trying to do everything we can
09:38 to communicate online, so, all right.
09:41 Well, we opened up by introducing our new study on
09:44 the Bible.
09:46 Today's lesson number one, and it's called "The Uniqueness of
09:48 the Bible."
09:50 And, Pastor Doug, I believe we have a memory verse.
09:52 Doug: I bet most of you could do this one: Psalm 119, verse 105.
09:56 You want to say it with me?
09:58 Psalm 119, verse 105, "Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a
10:04 light unto my path."
10:06 And that is, you know, one of my favorite verses.
10:10 God's Word guides us.
10:12 I was thinking about it, Pastor Ross, as I was preparing for the
10:15 lesson; that if it wasn't for the Bible, I wouldn't know what
10:19 to do with my life.
10:21 Because my whole life is involved in waking up, studying
10:25 the Bible, reading the Bible, teaching the Bible, preaching
10:29 the Bible, writing about the Bible.
10:31 I mean, the Bible is basically the axle on which my life
10:34 rotates, and the Bible is Christ.
10:36 He is the living Word.
10:38 So how important is that to a Christian?
10:40 And this study, this quarter, I think, is going to be very
10:43 edifying for everybody.
10:45 Jean: Now, of course when we talk about the Bible, many of us
10:47 think about this book and we know it's divided into two
10:50 parts, you got the Old Testament, you got the New
10:52 Testament, but really the Bible is a collection of 66 books
10:56 that have been bound together into one book.
10:58 Roughly 22 of the books of the Bible are largely historical.
11:04 It's describing God's dealing with mankind.
11:07 Twenty-one of the books of the Bible are in the form, for the
11:10 most part, of letters written to individuals or written to groups
11:14 of people or churches, about another 21 of the books have a
11:18 lot of prophecy in it, and then we have two of the books of the
11:23 Bible which is in the style of poetry.
11:25 But whatever the style, the central theme of the Bible
11:29 inspired by the Holy Spirit is, of course, Christ and the plan
11:34 of redemption and hope for people today.
11:36 Doug: Amen.
11:38 Now, when you say the word Bible, Bible actually comes from
11:42 a Greek word biblia, and it means books.
11:45 Now, the word Bible or biblia comes from a city in the area of
11:51 ancient Lebanon.
11:53 It was called Byblos, and it was a very powerful trading port
11:57 where the Egyptians--one of the most popular commodities
12:01 was papyrus.
12:03 Papyrus was the paper that the Egyptians made, I think, from
12:07 reeds and there's still a few very rare papyrus fragments that
12:13 survived with different texts on it.
12:16 It didn't hold up as well as some materials.
12:18 But that's where you get the word paper, from papyrus.
12:21 And people would go to Byblos to get papyrus, and it became also
12:25 sort of a synonym for books because so much paper was
12:29 purchased in this city.
12:31 So that's a little bit of the history etymology of where the
12:34 word Bible comes from.
12:36 Jean: Of course, the Bible is a very unique book for a number
12:39 of reasons.
12:40 For one, it wasn't written by just one individual.
12:43 Roughly about 36 different people wrote the Bible.
12:47 It was written on three different continents: Africa,
12:51 Asia, and--what's the other one?
12:54 Europe?
12:56 Doug: Australia?
12:57 Jean: Australia, I don't know about Australia.
12:59 And three languages.
13:02 Probably the two most common that we know about is Hebrew and
13:04 Greek, but there's a little bit of Aramaic and you find it in
13:08 the Book of Daniel.
13:09 So written in three different languages.
13:12 Spanning a time period, and this is amazing to me, of about
13:14 1,500, 1,600 years.
13:17 From the first time when Moses began to write until the last
13:21 book, Revelation, written by John, you're looking at about
13:24 1,500 years.
13:26 That's a long time to write a book.
13:28 Doug: I had some homework that took me that long when I was
13:30 a kid.
13:32 So who wrote the first book in the Bible?
13:35 What is the name of the first book?
13:37 Trick question.
13:39 I heard some people get it right.
13:41 As far as we know, the first book written, was also written
13:43 by Moses, was the Book of Job.
13:45 He probably wrote that before he wrote Genesis, and the time
13:49 period it deals with is before the time of Moses.
13:51 And then Genesis and the other five books that Moses wrote
13:55 beyond that and so--he of course, is one of the most
13:58 important Bible writers.
14:00 Now, Pastor Ross, some people, they say, "Well, you know, the
14:02 Bible is so old.
14:04 And after a book is that ancient, written over that long
14:07 a period then, you know, its dependability is really in
14:09 doubt, probably a lot of collections of stories that
14:13 changed over time.
14:15 And how can we know that the Bibles we hold today are
14:18 accurate based on the original?"
14:21 You ever heard that argument before?
14:23 You know, it's fascinating to me.
14:25 I never hear anyone question the existence of Alexander the Great
14:32 or his deeds or his exploits.
14:34 We've only got about eight documents that talk about that.
14:38 People don't question Julius Caesar.
14:41 They don't question a lot of ancient history, and we have
14:45 very--far fewer documents of those things.
14:48 Let me give you an example.
14:50 Plato's original manuscripts, there's seven.
14:53 Heraclitus has eight--there's eight manuscripts of Heraclitus,
14:58 the famous historian, and he talked a lot about ancient
15:00 battle than Alexander the Great.
15:02 Homer's "Iliad and the Odyssey," there are more than 263
15:05 surviving copies.
15:07 But there are over 24,600 existent New Testament
15:13 manuscripts from the first four centuries, either in part or in
15:18 whole, 24,000.
15:21 Why are people falling off that argument that we're not
15:24 really sure?
15:25 It is the most well-documented book in history as far as
15:29 its authenticity.
15:31 Jean: Then of course one of the greatest discoveries in the last
15:33 century was the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which Pastor
15:37 Doug mentioned.
15:38 You got 24,000 more--more than 24,000 parts of the New
15:42 Testament available.
15:44 But what about the Old Testament?
15:45 Well, you got the Dead Sea Scrolls that validate the Old
15:48 Testament that date back to, some of it even, before the time
15:51 of Christ.
15:52 So there's plenty of historical archaeological evidence to
15:55 substantiate that what we have in the Bible was indeed written
15:59 way back when the Bible says it was written, and what we have
16:02 today is accurate.
16:04 It's faithful to the original text.
16:07 So, you know, if you spend some time studying a little bit of
16:09 the background about the Bible, your faith grows.
16:12 Matter of fact, our free offer today, which is called "The
16:15 Ultimate Resource," is a book talking about some of the
16:17 origins of where we get the Bible from and how we know the
16:20 Bible is trustworthy.
16:22 Doug: You know, when they found the Dead Sea Scrolls--and I
16:24 think some of the manuscripts dated 200 years before Christ
16:28 as--near as they can tell.
16:31 But when they found them, the whole world was on pins
16:32 and needles.
16:34 They thought, "Oh, everyone's always wondered after 2,000
16:36 years how much has it changed?"
16:38 And they couldn't wait to take--the Isaiah scroll was the
16:41 longest complete document.
16:43 They had the whole book of Isaiah, 66 chapters.
16:45 And they said, "Let's lay that out next to what we have today."
16:50 And it's getting very interesting.
16:51 People were kind of betting on how much has it changed, how
16:54 different is it.
16:55 It was absolutely astonishing that it was 99% identical.
16:59 There was no substantive difference between the copy that
17:07 was 2,000 years old because the Hebrews were so careful.
17:11 Those Jewish scribes when they were copying the Scriptures,
17:13 they thought, "This is the Word of God."
17:15 They were very careful.
17:17 Then it would be proofed by other rabbis to make sure
17:19 that--and if there was a corruption in it, they would
17:22 destroy it.
17:24 And so it was probably the most carefully preserved book--it is
17:26 the most carefully preserved book in history.
17:29 Jean: Of course, the Bible has a number of records to its title.
17:31 It is the first book ever printed in the West on a
17:35 printing press.
17:37 It's also the first book to be translated in as many languages
17:40 as the Bible is translated.
17:42 It's the first book to be as widely distributed around the
17:46 world, there's no other book so widely distributed as the Bible.
17:49 And this is amazing, it is the first book in history that can
17:53 be read by 95% of the people on the planet, that's if they can
17:59 read, because it's been translated in so many languages.
18:02 No other book can be read almost by every language group on the
18:07 planet.
18:08 So that's an amazing thought.
18:10 This book is inspired and directed and protected by God.
18:14 Doug: Amen, you know, probably ought to start diving into some
18:18 of the sections in the lesson.
18:20 It's so much fun talking about the Bible.
18:21 I think every week now as we go through the Scriptures, we're
18:24 going to have more tidbits and some amazing facts on the Bible.
18:27 The first section, Pastor Ross, is talking about the living
18:30 Word, and the Bible is not simply ink on paper, the Bible
18:37 is the words of God.
18:39 And you can read where it says in John 6:63, "It is the Spirit
18:44 who gives life.
18:46 The flesh profits nothing."
18:47 Jesus said, "The words that I speak to you, they are spirit
18:50 and they are life."
18:53 And maybe, Pastor Ross, you want to read that other famous verse
18:56 there in 2 Timothy.
18:57 Jean: And one of my favorites.
18:59 2 Timothy chapter 3, and you can read in verse 16 and 17.
19:03 It says, "All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God."
19:06 And then it says, "It's profitable for doctrine, for
19:09 reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness
19:12 that the man of God might be complete, thoroughly furnished
19:17 unto all good works."
19:18 And so we have all Scripture reference here.
19:22 It's not just a portion of the Scripture, but the Bible itself
19:25 says that it is God-breathed or inspired; God-breathed
19:28 Scripture, it's the Word of God.
19:31 Doug: And there's been efforts through history where people
19:33 find Scripture that they don't like what it says and so they
19:36 try to get the Scripture to be changed to fit what they want.
19:40 But in reality, the purpose of the Scripture is to change us.
19:43 It's not that we should change the Scripture.
19:46 All of it is the message of God to us.
19:48 And not the Bible needs changing, we need changing.
19:52 And then when we talk about the living Word of God, one of the
19:56 most famous verses that is--you're really on holy ground
19:59 when you read 1 John 1.
20:01 1 John, verses 1 through 3, "That which was from
20:04 the beginning--"
20:06 I'm sorry, 1 John.
20:08 Thank you very much, dear.
20:09 1 John 1, 1 through 3, "That which was from the beginning,
20:12 which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which
20:16 we have looked upon and our hands have handled concerning
20:18 the Word of life."
20:21 See, these are living words.
20:22 "The life was manifested and we have seen and we bear witness
20:25 and we declare to you that eternal life, which was with the
20:29 Father and was manifested to us, that which we have seen and
20:32 heard we declare to you that you may also have fellowship with us
20:36 and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son
20:40 Jesus Christ."
20:41 It's called the Word of life.
20:43 It gives life.
20:44 How did the universe come into existence?
20:49 God said, God said, "Let there be."
20:53 And God said, things came into existence.
20:56 There is life in the Word of God.
20:58 I love the story in the Bible where a leper comes to Jesus and
21:01 he says--and it says he's full of leprosy.
21:04 And he said, "Lord, if you want, you can make me clean."
21:07 And he said, "I will.
21:08 Be thou clean."
21:11 It's like when God said, "Let there be light."
21:13 And when God says be, it happens.
21:16 And he said, "Let there be light.
21:18 "Be thou clean."
21:20 He was clean.
21:22 There's creative power in the Word of God.
21:23 Jean: And, of course, Jesus is described as the Word.
21:25 Now, we read 1 John.
21:27 But if you read the other book written by John, probably the
21:29 more famous one is the Gospel of John.
21:31 Did you notice the similarity between the first few verses of
21:34 the Gospel of John and the first few verses of 1 John?
21:37 He's talking about the Word of God, the power of the Word.
21:41 "And then the Word became flesh and dwelt with us."
21:44 So not only is the Bible the Word of God, but who does the
21:46 Bible talk about?
21:48 Talks about Jesus.
21:49 And so Jesus also described as the Word of God.
21:51 Thus he is living--ever living to make intercession for us.
21:54 So you can't separate the Bible from Christ that is the Word
21:58 of God.
21:59 And, you know, Pastor Doug, I want to have a quick thought
22:01 on that.
22:02 You know, in the Book of Revelation, Jesus is described
22:04 as the Alpha and the Omega.
22:06 Now, do you know what Alpha and Omega is?
22:09 Well, we say it's the first and the last and that's correct, but
22:12 it's the first and the last of what?
22:14 Of the Greek alphabet.
22:16 So it's kind of a strange title Jesus is called the A and the Z
22:18 of the Greek alphabet.
22:21 Now, we might wonder, "Why is that?"
22:23 Well, what do we do with the letters of the alphabet?
22:25 We put them in different order and we create words.
22:28 And what are our words?
22:30 Our words are our thoughts expressed.
22:34 So Jesus is God's thoughts expressed.
22:38 He's the Word of God.
22:39 That's why when the disciples say, "Show us the Father and
22:41 suffices us," Jesus says, "He who has seen me has seen
22:45 the Father."
22:46 If you want to know what the Father is thinking, look at
22:48 Jesus, he is the Word of God, he's God's thoughts revealed.
22:52 Doug: Amen, it's kind of like saying Jesus is the alphabet of
22:54 God, the Word of God, everything God uses to communicate to us.
22:59 He is the Word.
23:01 And then, Pastor Ross, there's several verses that highlight an
23:03 important truth about the Bible that--it is truth.
23:07 Jesus said, John 17:17, "Sanctify them by your truth.
23:14 Your Word is truth."
23:17 And so when people begin to pick and choose in the Bible and say,
23:19 "Well, we think this part is true, but, you know, Paul, he
23:22 really didn't know what he was saying over here and can't
23:24 believe that."
23:25 Jesus has settled this.
23:27 He said, "Thy Word is truth."
23:29 The Bible, it's all truth.
23:31 And Christ said of course, "I am the way, the truth."
23:34 He is the Word.
23:36 He is the truth.
23:37 He's the embodiment of the Word.
23:39 I think we have a couple other verses on the truth.
23:40 John 15:26, if you want to read that one.
23:42 Jean: That's right, we got John chapter 15:26 to 27, Jesus
23:45 speaking, he says, "But when the helper comes, whom I
23:47 will send you from the Father, the spirit of truth who proceeds
23:52 from the Father, he will testify of me and you also will be a
23:56 witness because you have been with me from the beginning."
23:59 So there we find Jesus is referred to as the truth, but
24:02 now the Holy Spirit is described as the Spirit of truth as well.
24:06 So you have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit all
24:08 connected with truth.
24:09 What is this truth?
24:11 It's the way of life, how we can have everlasting life in Jesus.
24:13 Doug: You know, one point you can't really overstate is that
24:17 when you think about the Bible, it is really a written
24:21 embodiment of a person.
24:24 For example, can a person be a book?
24:27 Of course you've ever heard someone say, "I can read you
24:30 like a book."
24:32 You know, Jesus is called the light.
24:33 The Bible is called the light.
24:35 That's our memory verse.
24:37 Jesus is called the truth.
24:38 The Bible is called the truth.
24:40 Jesus is called the bread.
24:42 The Bible is called the bread.
24:44 Jesus is called the Word.
24:46 The Bible is called the Word.
24:48 Jesus is called eternal.
24:50 The Bible is called eternal.
24:52 You start looking through the different characteristics of the
24:55 Bible, you'll find that they're often used in parallel to
24:58 describe Jesus as well.
24:59 Jean: Now, probably that lesson brings up the point probably
25:03 some of the most significant words that a person speaks, at
25:06 least for those who know the person, would be some of his
25:10 final words or her final words.
25:13 And some of the final words that Moses spoke to the children of
25:18 Israel were rather significant because he's challenging them,
25:21 he's encouraging them to be faithful to God.
25:24 And we find Moses's last words to the children of Israel
25:27 recorded in Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy chapter 32.
25:30 Now, we're not going to read the whole passage, but one of the
25:33 things that Moses is emphasizing to the children of Israel, he
25:36 says, "Set your hearts on the words, these words that I speak
25:39 unto you."
25:41 He also says the children of Israel were to observe
25:43 those words.
25:45 They were to teach their children the truths and they
25:49 were to guide their children in obedience to the Word.
25:52 So what are some of the parting words of Moses to the children
25:54 of Israel?
25:56 He says, "Take the Word to heart.
25:59 Keep the Word.
26:00 Teach the Word.
26:02 Order your life in harmony with the Word."
26:05 So we see the centrality of the Word in the life of
26:07 the believer.
26:10 Doug: Yeah, absolutely, keep talking.
26:11 I was reading something.
26:13 Jean: Oh, you were reading, all right, just wondering what I
26:14 was saying there.
26:16 But not only is the children of Israel that need the Word, we
26:18 need the Word, right?
26:20 Doug: I found what I want.
26:21 Jean: Oh, you got it, okay, 'cause I wasn't quite sure where
26:22 I was going with that, Pastor Doug.
26:24 Doug: Not only Moses at the end of his life when Pastor Ross is
26:27 quoting that there in Deuteronomy, the first book of
26:29 Joshua, notice the emphasis on Joshua's leadership.
26:32 He said, "Be careful to observe--"
26:36 And this is Joshua chapter 1, verse 8.
26:39 "This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth."
26:42 That's what they called the Bible back then, the book of the
26:44 law, they didn't have all of it yet.
26:46 "It shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in
26:52 it day and night that you may observe to do according to all
26:57 that is written therein, that you may be prosperous and that
27:02 you will have good success."
27:03 Now, that's a promise to all of us.
27:05 If we are having morning and evening worship and we're trying
27:07 to live by not some but every word that proceeds from the
27:10 mouth of God, God promised Joshua, "You would be successful
27:13 and you will be prosperous," and he was, but he said, "Day
27:18 and night meditate on this book--these words."
27:21 Jean: Now, of course the Bible is central--essentially in the
27:23 Bible as we've already been mentioning is Christ and the
27:26 good news of salvation.
27:28 Matter of fact, not only is the Bible filled with prophecies in
27:30 the Old Testament pointing forward to Christ, but even the
27:32 stories that you read about in the Old Testament and the New
27:35 Testament, particularly the Old Testament, are shadows or types
27:38 that teach lessons about Jesus.
27:40 Now, Pastor Doug, we haven't spoken about this before, but
27:43 I'm sure you're going to be able to handle this.
27:46 One of the things that Pastor Doug likes to do is to look at
27:48 some of the stories in the Bible and bring out points in the
27:51 story that emphasize Christ or some aspect of Christ's
27:54 ministry, so I jotted down a few Bible stories.
27:58 And can we bring up some sort of spiritual [inaudible]?
28:01 The first is the story of Joseph.
28:04 How does that teach us about Jesus?
28:06 Doug: Oh my, this could be the whole sermon now.
28:10 Well, first of all, you've got the beloved son of an ancient
28:13 father, he sends him looking for his lost brethren.
28:18 Jesus is sent by the Father, looking for the lost.
28:20 But when he comes to them, instead of being thankful, they
28:24 mistreat him.
28:25 They throw him in a pit.
28:27 He's sold for the price of a slave.
28:29 He's sold for 20 pieces of silver, where Jesus was sold for
28:31 30 pieces of silver.
28:33 But he's willing to forgive them.
28:35 The whole world is fed with bread from Joseph.
28:37 His brothers don't know him.
28:40 They didn't realize what an exalted position he had.
28:43 I mean, he's number two in command.
28:45 Jesus is number two in command, as you would say, to the Father.
28:50 And there's just so many similarities.
28:54 There's finally a dinner with them, and there's a big dispute
28:57 over a cup at a dinner where he sits down with the 12.
29:00 Jesus seals the new covenant with a cup when he has a dinner
29:04 with the 12.
29:06 I can go on and on.
29:07 Just the analogies and parallels between Jesus and Joseph--
29:10 Jean: What about Samson, Pastor Doug?
29:12 Doug: Samson, people think, "How could Samson be a type of
29:14 Christ here?
29:15 You got this womanizing drunkard."
29:17 But Samson really was a type of Jesus.
29:19 You know, he was tied up by his people and handed over to
29:21 the enemy.
29:23 Samson was betrayed by Delilah.
29:26 Woman represents the church.
29:27 And given into the hands of the Gentiles for silver.
29:31 And the last--and the Bible says that Samson was--he was bound.
29:36 He was blinded.
29:38 And Jesus, they blinded him.
29:41 They put a hood over his head, they bound him, they beat him,
29:42 mistreated him.
29:44 The last act of Samson's life is he stretches out his arms and he
29:46 prays for God's Spirit, and Jesus commended his Spirit
29:52 to God.
29:53 Samson's filled with the Spirit, and the Bible says he slew more
29:55 by his death than he did by his life.
29:59 Jesus through his sacrifice more of the enemy are destroyed than
30:03 anything, that's through the cross, right?
30:06 A lot of analogies even about Samson.
30:09 Jean: And, of course, it's just the two stories, but you can
30:10 probably look at all of the different stories in the Bible
30:12 and learn lessons from teaching Jesus, yeah.
30:18 All right, well, on Monday--we better keep moving here.
30:21 The question is asked, who wrote the Bible and where was
30:23 it written?
30:26 Doug: Yeah, the Bible is a fascinating book because it's
30:28 written by every stripe and type of people.
30:31 You've got prisoners.
30:34 You've got people that are living in caves.
30:36 You've got people that are living in palaces.
30:39 You have shepherds.
30:41 You've got tax collectors.
30:43 You've got fishermen.
30:46 I mean, they're writing from out in the wilderness, in the middle
30:49 of a city.
30:51 I mean, you think about the different experience.
30:53 And so the Bible is something that everybody can relate to.
30:55 Stories in the Bible are embraced by children, and then
30:59 they challenge the deepest thinkers of the world.
31:01 Jean: Now, not all of those who wrote in the Bible were
31:04 necessarily eyewitnesses of certain events.
31:07 Some of them were eyewitnesses.
31:10 Many of the New Testament writings are the story of Jesus.
31:12 You got an eyewitness account from the disciples who wrote.
31:15 Some of those who wrote the Scripture, they were inspired by
31:19 the Holy Spirit, guiding them in writing.
31:22 But many of them actually researched the writings of other
31:24 Scripture or other Bible writers to help understand what they had
31:29 seen in vision will help explain the truth that they were trying
31:33 to portray.
31:35 So you have eyewitness account in the Bible, but you also have
31:37 inspired counsel; but then you have authors who have done
31:40 research from other Bible authors under the guidance of
31:42 the Holy Spirit to bring out different aspects.
31:45 Often in the New Testament, you'll have Paul quoting from
31:48 some passage in the Old Testament.
31:50 So the Bible interacts with itself, and we find the writers
31:53 also interacting with other authors in Scripture.
31:57 Doug: Yeah, sometimes today you'll hear Christian authors
31:58 accused of plagiarism for quoting other Christian authors.
32:02 In Bible times, they often quoted each other without
32:05 giving credit.
32:06 Read 1 and 2 Peter and then read the Book of Jude and you'll be
32:10 surprised how many references there are and Jude never says,
32:13 "You know, Peter said this first."
32:16 'Cause it's a message from God.
32:17 And early Christian authors, they weren't worried about who's
32:20 getting the credit.
32:21 They thought, "These are messages from God."
32:23 And so you'll hear Paul quoting things that Jesus said that he
32:27 did not hear Jesus say firsthand because he wasn't converted
32:30 until later, but he heard the other disciples repeat it and
32:33 then he says it.
32:35 And then you'll have--there's a few people who are some unknown
32:38 writers in the Bible.
32:40 They are not widely known.
32:42 Here's one example.
32:43 If you go to 2 Samuel 20, verse 23, it's talking about David's
32:46 cabinet, it says, "Joab was over the army of Israel, Benaiah the
32:50 son of Jehoiada that was over the Kerethites and Pelethites."
32:53 These are like the honor guard.
32:55 "Adoniram was in charge of the revenue.
32:57 Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder."
33:01 That meant scribe.
33:03 Now, when you're reading through the "Deeds of the Kings," who do
33:06 you think wrote that?
33:08 Or some of that may have been edited by Ezra later, but these
33:11 scribes were inspired and some of it, I think, was contributed
33:15 to--David had some prophets in his kingdom like Nathan,
33:18 like Gad.
33:20 And they don't always sign their writings, but--you know, that's
33:23 why when we talk about how many people wrote the Bible, you'll
33:25 hear the number vacillate between 38 and 42.
33:30 We're not exactly sure because there are parts--like when you
33:33 get to 2 Samuel.
33:35 When does Samuel die?
33:37 At the end of 1 Samuel.
33:39 So how did he write 2 Samuel?
33:42 Email?
33:45 So someone else probably wrote that, and it may have been the
33:48 chronicles of one of the scribes that were a
33:50 Spirit-filled recorder.
33:53 Jean: One of the passages I like is what Peter says in
33:56 1 Peter--actually 2 Peter.
33:58 2 Peter chapter 1 and verse 16.
34:01 This is what he says.
34:03 He says, "For we did not follow cunningly-devised fables when we
34:06 made known unto you the power of the coming of the Lord Jesus
34:09 Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty."
34:12 And then he goes on to talk about the voice that came.
34:15 "This is our beloved son--"
34:17 Or, "This is my beloved son."
34:19 on the mount when Peter, James, and John were there with Jesus.
34:21 So Peter is emphasizing the fact, he says, "We haven't made
34:23 these things up about Jesus."
34:25 He says, "We were there, we saw it, we're bearing an
34:28 eyewitness account it is trustworthy."
34:30 And if they're just come up with some story, if they had made up
34:33 the whole story of the resurrection, why would you have
34:36 so many of the disciples willing to die for that belief if they
34:42 had simply made it up?
34:44 So the fact that this belief was so central to them testifies
34:48 that it was indeed true.
34:50 They were eyewitnesses of the things that they talk about that
34:52 we read about in the New Testament.
34:54 Doug: Amen, now, when you're thinking about who are the
34:57 greatest contributors to the Bible--this isn't really in the
35:00 lesson, but just something to exercise your minds a
35:02 little bit.
35:05 Who do you think wrote most of the Old Testament?
35:09 Probably Moses.
35:11 David's not far behind.
35:15 And then New Testament?
35:17 Probably Paul.
35:19 I think Paul writes nearly half of the New Testament.
35:22 But let me give you something--did they know that
35:23 they were speaking under the inspiration of the Spirit when
35:26 they wrote?
35:27 Interesting statement.
35:30 This is one of the last phrases from David, who is one of the
35:32 large contributors of the Bible, mostly the Psalms.
35:35 In 2 Samuel 23, verse 1.
35:37 Now these are the last words of David.
35:39 "Thus says David the son of Jesse--"
35:43 You know, usually it says thus says the Lord.
35:45 But listen how he words this.
35:47 "Thus says David, the son of Jesse.
35:50 Thus says the man raised up on high, taken from a shepherd to
35:52 the highest place in the kingdom.
35:55 The anointed of God of Jacob."
35:57 He remembered when the Spirit of the Lord came on him.
35:59 "The sweet psalmist of Israel.
36:02 The Spirit of the Lord's spoke by me, and his Word was in
36:05 my tongue."
36:07 Well, that's something.
36:09 I mean, he's--you got to call David very arrogant and a liar.
36:12 You say, "This man was just stating a fact that he knew what
36:15 it was like to have the Spirit of the Lord come on him."
36:17 He knew what it was like to have the Spirit of the Lord
36:19 leave him.
36:21 That's why he prayed in Psalm 51, "Take not your Holy Spirit
36:23 from me."
36:26 But they knew they had a message from God.
36:28 Some of the prophets had come in and say, "Thus says the Lord.
36:30 This is a message from God."
36:31 Some of them didn't want to do it.
36:33 Moses didn't want to do it at first.
36:35 Jeremiah didn't want to do it.
36:37 Isaiah said, "Woe is me," and he called them and said, "I have a
36:39 message, I want you to give it," and they spoke, let God
36:42 speak through them and it wasn't always well received.
36:45 Jean: I like also what David says, speaking about being
36:47 under inspiration.
36:49 You find this in 2 Psalm that you're reading, Pastor Doug.
36:52 The last part says, "The rock of Israel spoke to me.
36:55 He who rules over men must be just."
36:58 So he's referring to God as the rock of Israel.
37:01 Of course, Jesus in the New Testament is referred to as the
37:03 rock, as the foundation of the church.
37:05 So just throughout the Bible is scattered the fact that Jesus is
37:09 central to the Scriptures, and the plan of redemption is found
37:12 from cover to cover.
37:15 Doug: Now, those who wrote the Bible--we probably won't be able
37:18 to belabor this point too long, but they came from all different
37:22 educational strata.
37:24 Paul was deeply educated as well as Moses.
37:29 Moses was properly educated in all the wisdom of Egypt, which
37:31 was--that was the top university at the time.
37:34 And he was probably being prepared for leadership in the
37:37 throne, I'm sure he was deeply-educated.
37:39 You know, one reason Alexander the Great was so successful, he
37:43 was educated by Aristotle.
37:45 I mean, you think about that, that's to have your own tutor
37:48 one of the great Greek philosophers.
37:50 Moses was being educated by some of the wisest people, people
37:54 that can build pyramids that are still a mystery to us.
37:57 He had a great education.
37:59 He--good thing for you and me, he was able to write and he was
38:02 able to read.
38:04 And Paul was greatly educated.
38:06 But then God calls fishermen.
38:09 He calls people like Amos who says, "I was not a prophet or a
38:11 son of a prophet, but I was a gatherer of sycamore fruit."
38:15 He calls Elisha who is out farming.
38:18 And so from all different strata of society, God spoke through
38:22 these people.
38:24 Jean: And God spoke through old people.
38:25 He spoke through young people.
38:27 For example, Jeremiah when the Word of the Lord came to him, he
38:29 said, "Lord, behold, I cannot speak for I'm a youth."
38:32 Of course, Daniel, when he was taken captive along with his
38:35 three friends to Babylon, they were still probably in their
38:37 teens and yet God spoke through him and through them.
38:40 So God could use old people.
38:42 For example, John--the Apostle John, when he wrote the Book of
38:45 Revelation, he was an old man.
38:47 The last of the apostles still alive.
38:50 The rest had died a martyr's death.
38:52 Very old, but the Word of the Lord came to him and he
38:54 spoke--he wrote the Book of Revelation.
38:56 So God can use young, he can use old.
38:58 He's not limited by education, background, culture.
39:02 He's able to communicate his will through whoever is willing,
39:05 a willing vessel that God could use.
39:08 Doug: Yeah, and of course he can communicate to anybody today
39:10 through you to others if we're willing.
39:13 You know, there's a nice quote that's in the lesson.
39:15 It's from "Selected Messages Book 1" page 26.
39:19 It says, "God has been pleased to communicate his truth to the
39:23 world by human agencies, and he himself by his Holy Spirit
39:27 qualify these men and enabled them to do his work.
39:30 He guided the mind in selection of what to speak and what
39:34 to write.
39:36 The treasure was entrusted to earthen vessels, yet it is
39:38 nonetheless from heaven."
39:40 Yes, it is true that the people that God chose to write the
39:44 Bible were not sinless.
39:48 You know, they made mistakes.
39:50 You can go from Moses to Paul and Peter all the way through.
39:53 But they were spirit-filled.
39:55 They were consecrated to him, and he was able to fill them
39:58 with the Spirit and speak to them and through them.
40:00 Jean: The next section in our lesson talks about the Bible is
40:03 prophecy, and about 30% of the various parts of the Old
40:08 Testament is pointing in some way or another towards Christ or
40:13 some prophetic event associated with not only Christ but with
40:17 the nation of Israel or something willing to our time in
40:20 the day of judgment near the end of time.
40:23 So prophecy is scattered throughout the Scriptures.
40:26 And we find in Amos chapter 3, verse 7 this very well-known
40:30 verse, it says, "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he
40:33 reveals his secrets to his servants the prophets."
40:36 So what makes the Bible different from any other
40:38 religious book is because the Bible not only sent as in Jesus
40:43 or in Christ, but it also can tell us things that will happen
40:46 in the future.
40:48 And the prophecies given in the Scripture have all come true
40:50 just perfectly as given in the Bible.
40:54 And, you know, we might touch on some of that, Pastor Doug, if we
40:57 have time.
40:59 But "Amazing Facts" prepared a DVD called "Kingdoms in Time."
41:03 And I don't know if you've had a chance to see that, but what it
41:05 does is it looks at some of the most compelling prophecies in
41:09 the Old Testament and some in the new that Jesus made and how
41:12 history has proven those prophecies to be perfectly
41:16 fulfilled, like the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
41:20 So when you look at all of the prophecies and how accurate they
41:22 are, that increases your faith in the Word of God.
41:25 We can trust the Bible.
41:27 Doug: Amen, who knows where you find the first prophecy in
41:29 the Bible?
41:33 Genesis 3:15.
41:35 "And I'll put enmity between thee and the woman."
41:38 And is--the last verse in the Bible, is it a prophecy?
41:42 "Even so come Lord Jesus."
41:44 Last words in the Old Testament: "Behold, I send you Elijah
41:47 the Prophet."
41:48 Is it a prophecy?
41:50 And that isn't far before you get into the first chapter of
41:52 the New Testament it talks about prophecies of Jesus'
41:54 first coming.
41:56 Matthew spends a lot of time quoting Old Testament prophecies
41:59 that are fulfilled in Christ.
42:01 So the Bible is really a book of prophecy.
42:04 Every now and then, you'll run into a preacher out there and
42:06 says, "Oh, these folks that focus on prophecy, they're
42:09 wasting their time."
42:10 You have to ignore the Bible if you say you're going to ignore
42:12 prophecy because it is very integral to its message.
42:17 Jean: And some of the prophecies--we don't have time
42:19 to go through all of them 'cause there's about 65 Old Testament
42:22 prophecies fulfilled in a life and ministry of Jesus, but just
42:25 a few of them.
42:27 Genesis chapter 49, it tells us that Shiloh will come--speaking
42:30 of the Messiah, will come from the tribe of Judah.
42:33 Well, we know that Jesus came from the tribe of Judah.
42:36 Psalm 22, and this is an amazing prophecy, tells us that his
42:41 hands and his feet would be pierced.
42:45 That's exactly what happened to Jesus when he died on the cross.
42:48 His hands and his feet were pierced.
42:50 Doug: Pardon me, one more thing about Psalm 22.
42:52 You know what the first verse is?
42:55 "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
42:58 The very words he spoke on the cross were the first line in a
43:00 messianic prophecy.
43:03 So it may even be the thief hanging on the cross next to
43:05 Jesus knew that psalm and when he heard Jesus quote from that
43:08 psalm and then he looked at his hands and his feet being pierced
43:11 and being surrounded by dogs and gambling for his Ramon, he's
43:15 going, "This is the Messiah."
43:17 Not to mention the sign above his head that said, "King of
43:18 the Jews."
43:21 And so that's a very important psalm, Psalm 22.
43:23 Jean: And of course one of the passages of Scripture that is a
43:25 challenge for the Jewish people who reject Jesus as the Messiah
43:31 is Isaiah 53, which really describes the suffering Messiah.
43:36 What he would do?
43:37 And of course all of those prophecies were perfectly
43:39 fulfilled: He's a man of sorrow, acquainted with grief.
43:42 He was rejected by his very own, and yet he was the sacrifice
43:46 for sin.
43:48 I mean, it's just an amazing prophecy pointing to Jesus,
43:51 which was perfectly fulfilled in Christ's ministry and in
43:52 his death.
43:55 Doug: And then the prophecy that made me jump up and down when I
43:57 first read it and understood it was in Daniel.
44:00 Daniel has a lot of prophecy.
44:02 The 490-year prophecy that perfectly outline the ministry
44:07 of Jesus: when he would be baptized, when he would die,
44:10 when the message would then go to the Gentile world, and to see
44:13 how perfectly that all lined up.
44:16 What is--what does prophecy do for you when you read it and you
44:18 see it fulfilled?
44:21 I remember Dr. Leslie Harding used to frequently say,
44:24 "Prophecy is best understood looking back."
44:27 You know, Jesus said, "When these things come to pass, then
44:29 you will know it's redemptive."
44:32 The purpose of prophecy is to increase our faith in the Bible.
44:35 When I--you know, as an atheist, when you see prophecy coming
44:39 true, I started out that way, you say, "Wow, there's a God.
44:44 He must understand time and maybe he knows what's coming and
44:47 there's a future, and the rest of what the Bible says is true."
44:50 People have it--it's easier for people to believe in the message
44:53 about heaven and hell and everything in the Bible when
44:55 they see God has been accurate in prophecy.
44:58 That's why so many evangelists when they do an evangelistic
45:02 program, what's their first sermon?
45:05 It's usually Daniel 2.
45:09 They usually--'cause if you get people coming that don't believe
45:11 the Bible, you've got to get them to develop confidence in
45:15 the book, and prophecy is one of the best ways to do that.
45:17 Jean: Probably moving on to the next section here is Bible
45:21 is history.
45:22 Not only is it a prophetic book, but it's also a book of history.
45:24 But it's a unique book of history.
45:27 It's not just simply stating what individuals have done over
45:29 time or what has happened in different nations, but central
45:32 to the history in the Bible is how God interacted with his
45:35 people, how God interacts with individuals, and how God
45:38 directed in the affairs of the earth.
45:41 So it's unique history book in that it send us upon God and his
45:44 dealing with mankind.
45:46 Doug: When you say the word history, it's really composed of
45:49 two words, his story, and history is really his story and
45:57 it's the way that God deals with men.
45:59 You know, some of the great people through history that have
46:03 talked about the Bible--Abraham Lincoln, for instance, he said,
46:07 "I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to men.
46:12 All of the good from the Savior of the world is communicated to
46:15 us through this book."
46:18 It's quite a statement.
46:20 George Mueller, this is true also.
46:22 You know who George Mueller was, that famous Christian that
46:24 sustained an orphanage by faith for years.
46:26 Never asked for an offering.
46:28 The money always came through prayer.
46:30 He said, "The vigor of our spiritual life will be in exact
46:34 proportion to the place held by the Bible in our life
46:37 and thoughts."
46:38 I think that's inspiring.
46:41 The vigor of our spiritual life will be in proportion to the
46:43 place that the Scriptures are held in our life and
46:45 our thoughts.
46:47 If you've got a very low esteem for the Bible, that'll usually
46:49 reflect in your spiritual life.
46:51 If you have a high esteem for the Word of God, for sharing,
46:53 living by the Word of God, reading the Word of God, that
46:56 will lift you.
46:58 And Dwight Moody used to say, "Sin will keep you from the
47:01 Bible or the Bible will keep you from sin."
47:03 And I find that's true as well.
47:06 Jean: Now, of course the Old Testament has a central hope,
47:08 and the New Testament has a central hope.
47:11 What do you think is the central hope and focus of the
47:14 Old Testament?
47:16 The coming of the Messiah.
47:18 That was the central hope.
47:20 You find that in the very first prophecy.
47:21 What do you think is the central focus and hope in the
47:23 New Testament?
47:25 The second coming of Christ.
47:27 So central to the history in the Bible is looking forward to
47:29 Christ coming the first time; and in the New Testament, it's
47:33 looking forward to Christ coming the second time.
47:36 So the hope in history is Jesus.
47:38 Matter of fact, he's the only hope for history.
47:40 If you look what's happening in our world today and what's
47:43 happening amongst the nations, is there any way our world can
47:46 ever put itself together and live in peace?
47:48 No, there is hope only in Jesus, we need his kingdom to come.
47:53 That's why we pray, "Thy kingdom come."
47:56 Doug: Amen, I just say amen to that.
47:58 You're preaching there.
48:02 You know, when Jesus came the first time, he came as a lamb,
48:10 and he's coming the second time as a lion.
48:13 And people need to understand the reason for his first coming
48:16 and embrace his sacrifice in order to be ready to survive the
48:20 second coming.
48:22 And that's what the whole map of the Bible is about.
48:24 You know, we have 2 minutes left, Pastor Ross.
48:27 Can we get to the part about transforming the power of--the
48:30 transforming power of the Word?
48:31 We just got a few verses here.
48:34 And you want to read Hebrews 4, verse 12?
48:36 Jean: Yes, it's under the section "Transforming Power of
48:39 the Word."
48:41 It says, "For the Word of God is living and powerful," Hebrews
48:42 4:12, "and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even
48:45 to the division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow; and
48:48 it is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of
48:52 the heart."
48:53 Probably the greatest evidence for the inspiration of the Bible
48:55 is the way the Bible can change people's lives, and we have
48:59 exhibit A standing right next to me today, Pastor Doug.
49:01 And the work of the Lord has done through him through the
49:05 Word, and what a powerful story of lives changed by the Bible.
49:09 Doug: There's a story that they asked you to read.
49:12 And we'll not have time to read it all now, but I really
49:14 recommend it there in 2 Kings chapter 22.
49:17 You can read the whole chapter.
49:19 There was a young king who--well, he told them to clean
49:23 up the temple, and in the process of cleaning up the
49:25 temple they found the book of Moses that had been lost.
49:30 Just been covered over through the reign of some bad kings and
49:34 here--you know, they were a Jewish nation, but they'd really
49:37 lost the Word.
49:39 And they read it to the king.
49:41 And in the process of reading, probably the Book of
49:44 Deuteronomy, to King Josiah, he just wept, tore his clothes.
49:50 He repented.
49:52 There was a revival in the nation, and it all sprang from
49:55 the rediscovery of the Word.
49:58 And I'm hoping that during this quarter when we are delving into
50:01 the Word of God, both here locally and those who are
50:04 joining us online around the world, that there will be a
50:07 revival that takes place.
50:09 We remember why we believe what we believe and why we are who we
50:12 are, it's all going to spring back to the foundation in
50:16 the Word.
50:18 Jean: You know, the Bible tells us in Romans chapter 12, verse
50:19 2, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by
50:23 the renewing of your mind."
50:25 It is through the Word that our mind is transformed.
50:28 It's the power of the Word of God.
50:30 So we don't want to underestimate the power of the
50:33 Word of God.
50:34 Matter of fact, how many people--how many times in your
50:36 life and in the lives of people you know you have been sustained
50:39 by quoting and claiming a promise found in the Bible?
50:43 Just this morning, a verse kept going around and around in my
50:47 mind as I woke up and I thought, "Wow, what a promise."
50:50 And I repeated it several times.
50:52 There is power in the Word of God.
50:54 We can claim the promises of the Bible and have a way of
50:58 transforming us, and that's good news, that's power.
51:02 Doug: Amen, thank you so much friends who are joining
51:04 us online.
51:06 And God willing, we'll look forward to studying his Word
51:08 with you again next week.
51:09 I do want to mention we have a free offer.
51:11 They're going to put that back up on the screen, and I think
51:13 it's the book, "The Ultimate Resource."
51:15 Yes, "The Ultimate Resource."
51:18 Call 866-788-3966 and we'll send you a free copy.
51:22 You can also download it.
51:24 If you want to text, simply text the code "SH091" and you text
51:29 that to our number, which is 40544.
51:33 You'll get the information there on how to get a free copy.
51:36 You can download it right then.
51:38 God bless you, and let's stay in prayer.
51:40 We'll study his Word with you again online next week.
51:45 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
51:48 free resource.
51:49 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail, you can
51:51 download a digital copy straight to your computer or
51:53 mobile device.
51:55 To get your digital copy of today's free gift, simply text
51:58 the keyword on your screen to 40544 or visit the web address
52:02 shown on your screen, and be sure to select a digital
52:06 download option on the request page.
52:08 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
52:11 "Amazing Facts" wherever and whenever you want, and most
52:14 important to share it with others.
52:20 male: I grew up in a church-going family.
52:22 I mean, we were at every meeting.
52:25 I sang in four of the choirs there.
52:27 I directed three.
52:29 Very involved, very active.
52:32 It almost seemed like busy work sometimes.
52:35 You know, I went to Sunday school, I knew about God, I knew
52:39 about Jesus, but I didn't have a personal relationship with
52:43 Jesus Christ.
52:46 My senior year in high school, I got the news my father had
52:51 been murdered.
52:55 I played it off well.
52:56 No one really saw that I was struggling with it.
53:03 It just really felt like there was a hole that needed to be
53:06 filled, and I tried to fill it with drugs, with alcohol,
53:10 with partying.
53:12 After college, I just stopped going to church altogether.
53:18 One day on a Sunday 'cause I didn't feel like going to church
53:22 with my mom, I thought, "You know, I should get a little bit
53:26 of Word."
53:28 She had the satellite system hooked up, and I'm flipping
53:30 through channels and then the logo pops across, "Amazing
53:34 Facts Presents."
53:36 I've listened to a lot of different ministers, but this
53:38 was the first time that he's actually saying something where
53:41 I had to grab my Bible and actually pick it up.
53:44 "And I've never heard this before.
53:46 Let me look through and find this."
53:48 I went through all the historicals.
53:51 I went through all the study guides that I just couldn't get
53:53 enough, and then the Sabbath came up, and he's going through
53:56 the appeal and I'm just going, "Lord, I hear you.
53:59 I have to go to the church."
54:01 So I show up, it was funny, I didn't feel like I was going to
54:05 be judged, anything judgmental, anything.
54:09 I walked in the door and I just felt at home, but there's still
54:13 a problem.
54:15 I'm still partying.
54:18 I was still going out to the bars.
54:20 At this time, I was selling cocaine to pay my rent.
54:24 Sixteen days later, I find myself in a
54:27 life-or-death situation.
54:29 I just came back from a liquor store and grabbed a bottle of
54:33 vodka, and there I am high off cocaine with my Bible in hand
54:38 trying to do a Bible study and I heard an audible voice, "Just
54:45 look at yourself."
54:48 And I did and I was like, "What am I doing?"
54:54 And I got on my knees and I said, "Lord, if you do not take
54:58 this away from me now, I'm going to kill myself."
55:02 I was going to continue this lifestyle and I was going to end
55:06 up overdosing, having a heart attack, whatever it was.
55:10 "You have to take this away, all of it."
55:17 And that day, he lifted all of it away from me.
55:22 It was all gone.
55:24 When God does something in your life, he does it complete.
55:29 ♪♪♪
55:37 ♪♪♪
55:50 ♪♪♪
55:58 Doug: So what is the brightest light in the world?
56:01 Well, naturally you'd say the sun, but we're talking about the
56:03 brightest man-made light in the world.
56:06 It's the light that shines out of the roof of that
56:09 pyramid-shaped hotel in Las Vegas called the Luxor.
56:12 There in the cap of that hotel, there's a room that contains 39
56:16 washing-machine-sized Xenon bulb, and each of those bulbs
56:20 requires about 7,000 watts.
56:23 All together, they produce about 40 billion candle power
56:27 of light.
56:29 Can you imagine getting that electric bill at the Luxor Hotel
56:31 every month?
56:33 That light is so bright that planes can see it 250
56:36 miles away.
56:38 They are shining light 10 miles up into space; meaning if you
56:41 happen to be floating by, you could read a newspaper up there.
56:46 And as you might have guessed, that bright light has become the
56:48 world's best bug attractor, bringing in moths and bats and
56:52 owls creating its own ecosystem there are at night above
56:55 the hotel.
56:57 But the sad thing about the brightest light in the world is
56:59 especially when the night air is clear, without any particles,
57:02 the light doesn't hit anything and it's invisible.
57:06 It shoots up into empty space.
57:09 The brightest light in the world illuminates nothing.
57:13 You know, the Bible tells us that there's another great
57:15 wasted light, and that's the light of God's Word.
57:18 It says in Psalm 119, verse 105, "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet
57:23 and a light unto my path," and yet so many people are walking
57:27 in darkness.
57:28 Furthermore, Jesus said, "If you do have that light, make sure
57:31 you don't put it under a bushel, but you let it shine and
57:34 illuminate the lives of others."
57:36 Jesus said in Matthew chapter 5, "Set your light up on a hill
57:39 like a city so that all might see it."
57:42 Light only benefits others when it reflects off of something.
57:46 God wants our lights to illuminate the lives of others.
57:50 So are you glowing for God?
57:52 Remember, Jesus said, "Let there be light."
57:55 ♪♪♪


Revised 2020-03-26