Sabbath School Study Hour

The Origin and Nature of the Bible

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022015S

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00:36 Jean Ross: Hello, friends, and welcome to "Sabbath School
00:37 Study Hour," coming to you here from the Amazing Facts office in
00:41 Sacramento, California.
00:42 As you can notice, it's a little different than our regular
00:45 "Sabbath School Study Hour" time and we will probably get into
00:48 that in just a few moments.
00:50 But I do want to tell you about our lesson today.
00:52 The study is in our new series of studies on the Bible.
00:55 It's called "How to Interpret the Scripture."
00:57 That's the title of our quarter.
00:59 Today, we're looking at lesson number two, which is "The Origin
01:02 and the Nature of the Bible."
01:04 So if you have your lesson quarterly, you can open it and
01:06 study along with us a very important subject that we'll be
01:10 talking about today.
01:12 And before we go any further, we just want to let those of you
01:14 who are joining us live--I know we have a number of family
01:16 members who are joining us.
01:18 If you have young people in your family, there is a live Sabbath
01:23 School broadcast that'll be starting in the next minute or
01:26 two and we want to encourage any young people, any youth to join
01:30 us for that.
01:32 If you'd like to be a part of that, you just need to go
01:34 to Instagram.
01:36 It's Granite Bay SDA Youth on Instagram, and you'll be able to
01:39 join live the special Sabbath school that's taking
01:42 place there.
01:44 Again, that's Granite Bay SDA Youth on Instagram.
01:47 Pastor Doug, before we got to our study, maybe we just want to
01:50 say a few words about why we're here and things look a
01:54 little different.
01:55 There's a lot happening as you know.
01:57 Doug Batchelor: That's right.
01:59 Yeah, well, of course right now around the country and different
02:01 parts of the world, we recognize that churches are being asked
02:04 not to meet in large groups.
02:06 In some places, it's no meeting at all.
02:09 That's the case here in Northern California, and so--but because
02:12 Amazing Facts is a media entity that operates stations, we're
02:15 exempt from some of the things that would prevent a gathering
02:18 of a crew to broadcast.
02:20 And so we're very thankful we're able to come together in our
02:23 studios here, broadcast a live Sabbath school.
02:26 This is going to be a special Sabbath school.
02:28 Matter of fact, you want to probably just text and email
02:31 your friends right now and let them know that we are live, that
02:33 we are online.
02:35 They can watch on--of course, you're probably seeing it now
02:38 on AFTV.
02:40 It's going to be on the Doug Batchelor Facebook page, the
02:42 Amazing Facts Facebook page, the Facebook page
02:49 and Vimeo and YouTube.
02:53 You might pick up your phone right now.
02:54 We're going to share some exciting things in the next
02:56 2 hours in our Sabbath school and church service.
02:58 Just text your friend and say, "They're live now.
03:01 You can go--"
03:02 You also have an opportunity to send in questions.
03:05 And so if you've got questions, you can send your questions to
03:08 the--is it the Amazing Facts Facebook page?
03:11 Jean: Well, it's actually on the Facebook page, yeah.
03:13 Doug: Yeah, and then they'll be sending those questions about
03:15 the lesson, or maybe you've got questions about what in the
03:18 world is going on right now, if there's any relevance to
03:20 Bible prophecy.
03:22 Those will pop up on Pastor Ross's computer.
03:25 And text your friends.
03:27 Let them know that.
03:29 Now, I also want to mention if you want to get some ongoing
03:31 information during these difficult times when a lot of
03:34 folks are hunkered down in their homes and they can't travel
03:36 freely, if you would like to know more, then all you have to
03:40 do is text us.
03:42 Text "Online" to 40544.
03:46 Text the phrase online to 40544 and we'll be giving you updates
03:49 of new programs that are coming.
03:52 And--anyway, with that, maybe we should have a word of prayer and
03:58 we can get into our lesson for today.
04:01 Jean: Absolutely. Let's bow our heads then for a word of prayer.
04:04 Dear Father, once again we thank you that we're able to gather
04:06 together, even though the format is a little different than what
04:09 we're used to, but you're still here and your Spirit is here and
04:11 you're still guiding in the hearts and lives of those who
04:15 are joining us for our study this morning.
04:17 And, Lord, we ask that you would guide us.
04:19 It's a very important subject that we will be talking about,
04:21 but it's also a rather interesting time that we are
04:24 facing in this world's history.
04:26 So we just ask for your Spirit and pray for guidance, and bless
04:29 this program in a special way.
04:31 In Jesus' name, amen.
04:33 Now, Pastor Doug, we have a free offer that we like to tell
04:36 people about at the beginning of every "Sabbath School Study
04:38 Hour" that we do, and usually our subject is connected to the
04:41 lesson in some way.
04:43 But we thought based with everything going on right now in
04:46 North America and other places around the world, it might be
04:49 helpful to give you something practical dealing with health.
04:53 And so our free offer today is one of the Amazing Facts
04:56 study guides.
04:57 It's entitled "God's Free Health Plan," and this is what we'll be
05:00 happy to send to anyone in North America.
05:02 All you'll need to do is call and ask for it and we'll send it
05:04 to you there at home.
05:06 The number is 866-788-3966, and you want to ask for offer
05:10 number 139.
05:13 You'll also be able to digitally download a copy of the lesson.
05:17 Text the code "SH032" to the number 40544.
05:26 And that, of course, works not only in North America, but
05:27 around the world.
05:29 So wherever you might be, you can get a digital copy of "God's
05:31 Free Health Plan."
05:33 It got some very practical information on how you can boost
05:36 your immune system and your overall health.
05:39 What does the Bible say about health?
05:41 And, you know, Pastor Doug, this probably leads into one of the
05:42 questions that we have that people are asking just based on
05:45 what's happening here.
05:46 Here in California, certain orders have come through the
05:49 state government and I believe it's also in New York where
05:52 they're not wanting people to gather together in any groups, I
05:56 believe, larger than 10, which of course definitely impacts
05:59 churches and impacts our church.
06:02 One of the questions people have asked is, you know, is this
06:05 somehow fulfillment of prophecy, forbidding people to gather
06:08 together to worship?
06:10 Could this has something to do with maybe even the beast power
06:13 trying to enforce his influence in America in these last days?
06:17 How do we respond to that?
06:19 Doug: Well, that's a great question.
06:21 And it's an ever-growing number of states that are asking
06:23 people, especially in the cities, that they don't gather
06:26 in groups and they're asking churches to go to online
06:29 services, which is why we're doing this.
06:31 Is that any kind of sacrifice of the Sabbath principle or is this
06:35 an effort to enforce a certain day of worship?
06:39 Well, not at this point.
06:41 It's not just the Sabbath-keeping churches.
06:43 It doesn't matter if you're a Muslim and you gather on Friday,
06:46 or Sabbath keepers or Sunday keepers.
06:49 They're asking any large groups to avoid interaction because
06:53 they're very concerned about the virility of this plague and the
06:58 dangers connected to it.
07:00 So sometimes when a person is sick, they stay home from church
07:04 and nobody thinks there's any moral dilemma there.
07:06 Now they're asking people, "Please stay home from church,"
07:09 so people don't get sick for a limited period of time.
07:12 And so I don't think there's anything wrong with that, and
07:15 that we're so thankful that we're able to stream to you
07:18 right now.
07:19 Matter of fact, I'll ask Santiago, do we have people
07:22 watching online at this point?
07:25 And you--if you tell me some of the places that our friends are
07:28 listening from, I'll just repeat what you say.
07:30 Santiago is here in the room.
07:33 We got to maintain our 6 feet distance, and he's going to be
07:36 telling us--who's watching?
07:38 We got--
07:40 Santiago: We got Holloway watching from Oakdale.
07:42 Doug: Oakdale.
07:43 Santiago: We got Louis watching from Indiana.
07:45 Doug: Indiana.
07:47 Santiago: Lynn watching from New Jersey.
07:48 Doug: New Jersey, Lynn.
07:50 Santiago: Bettina watching from Grand Rapids, Michigan.
07:52 Doug: Bettina in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
07:55 Santiago: We got Ennead watching from the US Virgin Islands.
07:58 Doug: Ennead from the US Virgin Islands.
08:00 Santiago: Renda from Oregon.
08:02 Doug: Renda from Oregon.
08:03 Santiago: Doris from Pipersville, Pennsylvania.
08:06 Doug: Doris from Pipersville, Pennsylvania.
08:07 See, we see you're there.
08:10 Now, he's just giving--he's got these names that are just
08:12 scrolling by, and so he's just giving a handful.
08:14 We know there's people all over the world that are tuning in.
08:16 Once again, you can get online or make a call, whatever you
08:19 want to do.
08:20 Tell your friends to tune in.
08:22 We got some important things to share.
08:24 But no, it's not a moral dilemma for people to be doing
08:28 online church.
08:30 You know, we said for years--'cause we're in a
08:32 building program.
08:34 Just behind the set that you see here, you can see construction
08:37 going on.
08:38 They're completing the Amazing Facts Worship Convention Center
08:41 and--but we've reminded our people all along the way the
08:44 church is not the building, and now we know more than ever the
08:48 church is not the building.
08:50 It's the people.
08:52 And we're so glad that this technology is available, that
08:54 we're able to study God's Word with you that are scattered all
08:56 over the country.
08:58 Well, do you want to do--shall we do the lesson title,
09:00 memory verses?
09:01 Jean: Absolutely, one more question, though,
09:03 one more that we have, just before we dive into the lesson
09:04 here, another question that people have, is it a lack
09:08 of faith for us not to gather together or to try and cocoon
09:13 ourselves in our homes?
09:15 Doesn't that show a lack of faith in God's power to heal
09:18 and protect?
09:21 Doug: Well, maybe this is God's way of healing, is for us to use
09:24 common sense.
09:26 You know, the Bible tells us that you can also tempt
09:29 the Lord.
09:31 You know, the devil told Jesus, "If you got faith, jump off
09:34 this pinnacle."
09:35 And he said, "Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God."
09:37 If we know that there's a contagious plague going through
09:40 the land and we can take precautions to limit people
09:43 being infected, then why would you tempt the Lord if you can
09:46 stay healthy by just following common sense?
09:49 So no, I think that--I think it would be foolish to ignore what
09:54 we know is a way of preventing the disease and to preserve
10:00 other people's health.
10:02 Someone might say, "I've got faith and so I'm just going to
10:03 become a personal breeding ground for the disease 'cause
10:06 I've got faith."
10:08 You could spread it to somebody else and that would make you
10:10 doubly guilty.
10:11 Jean: That's right, all right, well, I think we're ready to
10:13 go to our lesson for today.
10:15 As mentioned, it's lesson number two on the subject of the Bible.
10:17 It's entitled "The Origin and the Nature of the Bible."
10:20 We do have a memory text.
10:22 You'll find it in 1 Thessalonians chapter 2
10:25 and verse 13, and maybe I'll just read this, Pastor Doug,
10:27 and then we'll get into it.
10:29 It says, "For this reason, we also thank God without ceasing
10:31 because when you receive the Word of God, which you heard
10:34 from us, you welcomed it not as the word of man but as it is in
10:39 truth the Word of God, which is also effectively works in you
10:43 who believe."
10:45 So there we have Paul commending believers when they received the
10:49 Word they didn't receive it as the word of man but as the Word
10:52 of God.
10:54 Doug: That's such an important truth when we're talking about
10:55 the Bible, that this is not just another book.
10:58 This is not the words of man, and it's hard to really
11:02 articulate that the Bible is a supernatural message from
11:08 the Creator.
11:10 Jesus said, "These words that I speak to you, they are spirit
11:12 and they are life," and that it is--it's unique, it's special,
11:16 and that's why we call it holy.
11:19 It's a book that is set aside.
11:21 And, you know, it's interesting and providential we're studying
11:24 this lesson at this time.
11:27 A friend of mine who is not a Sabbath keeper sent a message
11:31 this morning.
11:33 He's standing out in front of the supermarket.
11:35 Well, he may be in now.
11:38 And the line--he took a picture and the line went down the
11:41 street of all these people lined up with shopping carts waiting
11:44 for the store to open so they can run in and get
11:46 their provisions.
11:48 And I did a video about a week ago called "How to Hoard Food
11:51 for the Storm" and I actually said it is appropriate to hoard
11:56 food before a storm with an explanation.
12:00 You know, the Bible tells us that before the storm Noah
12:04 stored food, and that's how they survived.
12:07 God told Joseph a famine was coming, and he said, "I'm
12:10 telling you in advance so you can store extra to get you
12:13 through the dry spots."
12:16 But really our message is not that people should be hoarding
12:19 food 'cause, you know, God knows how to supply people.
12:23 It's good idea for people to be practical and have a little bit
12:25 to last a little while.
12:27 But really we're talking about a famine that's coming for the
12:30 Word of God, talks about in the Book of Amos, and now is the
12:34 time for us to hoard and store food.
12:38 "Man doesn't live by bread alone, but by every word that
12:40 proceeds from the mouth of God."
12:42 So, friends, we're hoping that you're going to use these,
12:45 maybe, unexpected hours of leisure that you have--I see
12:49 families for the first time are eating meals together.
12:52 I see families in our neighborhood out walking
12:54 together, and I hope that people will start reading the Bible,
12:57 studying the Bible.
12:59 This morning Karen said, "We've got a friend that wants to study
13:01 with us and I've just been so busy."
13:03 And she said, "Well, maybe you could get on the Internet now
13:06 and do Bible studies with this friend that's in Georgia."
13:10 I said, "Great idea."
13:11 So let's be hoarding, storing, feeding, stockpiling the Word of
13:16 God because we're going to need to say, "It is written, it is
13:20 written," to defend our beliefs in the days to come.
13:23 Jean: Absolutely, and as Pastor Doug says, man shall not live by
13:26 bread alone, but by every word.
13:29 What's the point of storing up food and the time comes where
13:31 your food gets bad and you can't use it, or somebody breaks in
13:35 and steals?
13:37 But one thing that no one can take, not even the devil, is the
13:40 Word of God that we store in our minds.
13:42 So now we want to take advantage of this opportunity, study the
13:45 Word of God.
13:47 And really our lesson brings out the point that the Bible isn't
13:49 just another book.
13:51 It is a divine revelation from God.
13:53 Matter of fact, it's called holy--the Holy Scriptures, the
13:56 Word of God.
13:57 We have another verse, Pastor Doug, in 2 Peter chapter 1,
14:00 verse 19 through 21.
14:02 And I'm going to read this and I'm sure, Pastor Doug, you got
14:04 some comments you'd like to make.
14:05 It says, "And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which
14:09 you do well to take heed as a light that shines in a dark
14:11 place, until the day dawns, until the morning star rises in
14:14 your heart; knowing this first, that no prophecy of the
14:18 Scripture is for private interpretation."
14:21 Maybe you can say something about that in a minute.
14:23 "For prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God
14:27 spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."
14:30 Doug: You know, this passage in Peter, he is actually
14:34 referencing a life-changing experience he had with his
14:38 friends, John and James, where Jesus brought them up, what we
14:43 call, the Mount of Transfiguration and they heard
14:46 God the Father say, "This is my beloved Son."
14:50 Moses appeared, Elijah appeared.
14:53 Moses is a symbol.
14:55 He's a real person, but he symbolizes the law.
14:58 Elijah was the greatest of the prophets.
15:00 Typically the Jews called the Scriptures the law and
15:02 the prophets.
15:04 You know, when they wrote this, the New Testament wasn't
15:05 completed yet.
15:07 And so here they had this experience with the law and the
15:09 prophets, and Peter said, "We were with him in the
15:12 holy mountain.
15:14 We heard the Father say, 'This is my beloved Son in whom I'm
15:16 well pleased,'" but we have a more sure word of prophecy, even
15:21 more important than the vision that Peter saw that day.
15:24 He says, "The words that God has committed, they have been
15:26 codified, codified.
15:30 It is permanent, it's eternal.
15:32 Heavens and earth pass away.
15:34 My Word does not pass away.
15:36 The flowers fade.
15:39 My Word does not change."
15:41 And so we have the eternal Word of God that tells us what
15:43 is truth.
15:45 Jean: And then just to add to that, he mentions the Bible is,
15:47 now the Scriptures, is not for private interpretation.
15:49 There's a lot of private interpretation taking place with
15:51 reference especially to prophecy in the Bible.
15:53 I think this means that or that means this.
15:55 How are we to understand the Bible?
15:57 I think a principle we find and we mustn't forget is that the
16:00 Bible needs to interpret itself.
16:02 Then it's not a private interpretation if the Bible--if
16:03 we allow the Scriptures to interpret itself, then it's God
16:06 interpreting his Word.
16:08 Doug: That's right.
16:10 Jesus said, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses, then let
16:12 everything be established."
16:15 And so when we are studying the Bible to know what is truth, if
16:17 you get an idea from a particular verse, you think,
16:20 "Well, I think that might mean this."
16:23 Well, you don't want to just invent your interpretation.
16:26 You need to back that up by going to other verses in the
16:29 Bible that reinforce that, and you want at least two or
16:33 three witnesses.
16:35 And, you know, you and I do public evangelism.
16:37 And some people when they hear a truth for the first time, we
16:41 don't want to give them one verse.
16:43 We go through the Bible and we show them through sometimes
16:45 multiple verses, "This is what the Bible really teaches."
16:49 Another thing about private interpretation, you not only
16:53 need the Scriptures.
16:55 The Bible tells us in the multitude of counselors
16:56 there's safety.
16:59 I think one of the dangers when people kind of live in a cave,
17:00 like I did, and you start reading the Bible by yourself
17:03 and you don't go to church, you end up coming up with some
17:06 eccentric interpretations.
17:09 And you need to be able to study with others and bounce your
17:13 understanding off, you know, Christians who are reading the
17:17 same book and say, "Oh yeah, that makes more sense."
17:21 It really does help sometimes to get the input of others who are
17:24 reading the same verses, and that's why God has a church.
17:27 He's got some who have gifts of teaching and preaching and
17:30 prophecy and so forth.
17:32 And I know that when I'm studying sometimes I'll think,
17:35 "Oh, I think I know what that means."
17:37 And then I'll go to some of the great commentators of the Bible,
17:40 who just great giants of Scripture, and I'll read their
17:44 comments and I'll go, "Oh, I was way off on that.
17:48 That makes a lot more sense.
17:50 I'm sure glad I read that."
17:52 And so you need to avoid coming up with these exotic, eccentric
17:58 private interpretations.
18:00 Be in a Bible study group with other people and then compare
18:04 Scripture with Scripture.
18:06 Jean: You know, the amazing thing about the Bible is that
18:08 even the writers of the Bible recognized that there was
18:11 something very special about the writings of the other prophets.
18:16 They recognized that it's the Holy Scriptures.
18:18 Now, we don't find the word Bible in the Bible, but we do
18:21 find the word Scripture.
18:22 And often when you have your Bible, you'll notice it often
18:25 says Holy Bible.
18:27 Well, the holy part is definitely found in Scripture.
18:30 We find in Romans chapter 1, verse 1, I'll just read this for
18:33 us, "Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an
18:37 apostle, separated to the gospel of God which he promised
18:40 beforehand through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures."
18:45 So there Paul acknowledges that the prophets in the Old
18:47 Testament, the writings, it's holy.
18:49 Calls it the Holy Scriptures.
18:52 And of course we have many times in the Bible where it actually
18:55 writes and says, "The Lord said," or, "The Lord said
18:58 to me."
19:00 I think you did a little bit of an account on that.
19:02 Doug: I did, just this morning I was looking, and this is only
19:05 two of multiple possible phrases.
19:07 138 times in the Bible, that's the New King James Version, it
19:11 says the Lord spoke, 140 times in the Bible it says thus saith
19:16 the Lord.
19:18 And so the Bible--and there's many variations of that.
19:20 And so hundreds of times in the Bible it is saying God
19:23 is speaking.
19:26 And, you know, I was going to share something else while we're
19:27 talking about a quote from 1 Peter in 2 Peter, and this may
19:32 be somewhere else in our lesson as--I mean, our study guide as
19:35 we go through other chapters.
19:38 2 Peter chapter 3, verse 15, here it says, "And consider that
19:43 the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation, as also our beloved
19:47 brother, Paul, according to the wisdom given him has written--"
19:51 He's talking about Paul has written, the Apostle Paul.
19:54 "As in all of his epistles, speaking in them of these things
19:58 in which are some things that are hard to understand, in which
20:02 those who are untaught and unstable they twist to their own
20:07 destruction as they do the rest of Scripture."
20:10 Meaning, Peter considered what Paul had written under the
20:14 influence of the Holy Spirit to be Scripture and people twisting
20:17 it were twisting Scripture.
20:19 So here's an example of them even recognizing their writings,
20:22 now New Testament Scripture, were holy.
20:26 Jean: Now, of course, the Bible says in the mouth of two or
20:28 three witnesses--we have the verse that you just read.
20:30 We have two New Testament prophets recognizing the
20:34 inspiration of the others' writing.
20:36 But in the Old Testament, you have the Prophet Daniel who was
20:39 studying or reading the writings of the Prophet Jeremiah.
20:42 That was pretty much a contemporary, at least in the
20:45 early part of Daniel's life, also recognizing that, that was
20:49 inspired by God.
20:51 So it's kind of interesting we have them in the old, we also
20:53 have that in the new.
20:55 So the Bible is indeed a special book, a powerful book.
20:57 The Bible also has practical purposes, especially when it
21:01 comes to theology.
21:03 It guides us.
21:05 2 Timothy chapter 3, verse 16 says, "All Scripture is given by
21:08 the inspiration of God."
21:09 The word the inspiration is God-breathed.
21:11 "It's profitable for doctrine," that would be our teaching; "for
21:15 reproof," when we're doing something wrong the Bible can
21:18 bring us back; "correction," tells us how we get back in a
21:21 right connection with God; "and for instruction in righteousness
21:24 that the man of God might be complete, thoroughly equipped
21:28 into all good work."
21:30 So another work of the Bible is to make us complete in our
21:33 understanding of truth, in our relationship with God, giving us
21:36 purpose and meaning in life.
21:39 It leads to righteousness.
21:41 Doug: It is amazing when you think about it, the broad
21:43 spectrum of themes in life that are covered by the Bible.
21:47 There's no book like it.
21:49 You know, the Bible talks about love, talks about war.
21:52 It talks about agriculture.
21:54 It talks about marriage.
21:56 It talks about health.
21:58 It talks about government.
22:00 It talks about weather.
22:02 There's scarcely talks about clothing, talks about modesty.
22:05 I mean, the Bible really covers the spectrum of life.
22:09 Now, some people say, "Well, the Bible doesn't say
22:11 I shouldn't smoke."
22:12 Well, they didn't have cigarettes back then.
22:14 So you're right, the Bible doesn't talk about that, but it
22:15 talks about drugs.
22:17 It talks about don't destroy the temple.
22:20 And so the principles are there that really apply in every age
22:23 to ever--almost every dimension of life that you can think of.
22:28 Jean: So not only the Bible holy, not only is the Bible
22:31 purposeful, gives us guidance.
22:33 Thirdly, the Bible reveals the future, and this particular
22:36 interesting area.
22:38 Here's a verse that I've often quoted in Bible studies and
22:40 evangelistic series.
22:42 Amos chapter 3, verse 7 says, "Surely the Lord God will do
22:45 nothing unless he reveals his secrets to his servants,
22:48 the prophets."
22:50 So some people might be looking at what's happening in our world
22:52 today with this pandemic just sweeping across the globe and
22:55 they wonder, you know, "What is the future have in store?
22:57 Does this somehow tie in with Bible prophecy?"
22:59 Well, the Bible does reveal to us how things will end.
23:02 Is this the end?
23:04 No, but it could be a sign that we're nearing the end.
23:08 Matter of fact, the Bible says there will be an increase in
23:10 natural disasters and pestilence before Jesus comes.
23:14 Doug: You know, I started a list last night, I'm not quite ready
23:17 to go through it all, of what the current crisis is teaching
23:21 us about prophecy in the Bible.
23:23 And I'm up to about five or six different points right now.
23:25 But a couple of things that you can't miss, how quickly an
23:32 economy can turn.
23:35 In Revelation 18, it describes in the end Babylon when it
23:38 finally falls, it says, behold how in one hour all our riches
23:42 are come to nothing, and that's of course a paraphrase.
23:45 No, I'm not saying this is the fulfillment of that, but what we
23:47 are learning from what's happening is how quickly you can
23:50 go from a booming economy to one that's paralyzed.
23:55 We can also see how quickly government power can be
23:59 increased, telling people to stay home.
24:03 I mean, you're in the freest country in the world and yet now
24:06 the government is saying--and I understand the reasons.
24:09 They're good reasons.
24:11 "Don't go anywhere."
24:13 And so freedoms can be lost almost overnight.
24:15 And so there's a lot of things we're learning about,
24:19 you know, prophecy.
24:20 Some of what's happening, it feels like we're living in a
24:22 piece of Revelation.
24:23 I don't know what chapter, but it feels like Revelation.
24:25 Jean: It's amazing.
24:27 We've never been in this type of position before, at least not on
24:29 a global scale.
24:31 So it is unique.
24:33 Well, then that probably brings us to our Monday's study, and
24:35 it's talking about the process of inspiration.
24:37 How did the Bible writers get the messages that they
24:40 wrote down?
24:42 There's one verse in particular that I like to look at with
24:44 reference to the steps involved in Bible prophecy.
24:46 It's one of my favorite books, Revelation chapter 1.
24:48 And if you look at Revelation 1, verse 1 and 2, you get a
24:52 sequence of how the message was given.
24:54 It says, "The revelation of Jesus Christ--"
24:57 So first of all, all of Scripture is a revelation
25:00 of Jesus.
25:01 And then it goes on to say, "Which God gave him," that's God
25:04 the Father, "to show unto His servants," that would be the
25:07 prophets, "things that must shortly take place," while the
25:10 Bible reveals the future.
25:12 And then it says, "And he sent and signified by His angel to
25:15 His servant John, who bore witness of the Word of God, the
25:19 testimony of Jesus, and everything that he saw."
25:21 So I think of this verse as God being the fountainhead of
25:24 all truth.
25:25 This truth about Jesus is sent by an angel to His servant, the
25:29 Prophet John.
25:32 And what does John do?
25:34 He writes down everything that he sees in vision, the things he
25:35 hears in vision, and that which the Spirit of God reveals to
25:37 him, known as the testimony of Jesus.
25:40 So Revelation as well as all of the Bible, to me, it is an eye,
25:44 ear account of what the prophet sees in vision.
25:48 It's a direct message sent from God, recorded by the prophet.
25:53 Doug: Yeah, amen.
25:55 It's amazing how that first chapter tells the flow, how
25:58 you've got a message coming.
26:00 It mentions God, Jesus, John, the churches.
26:04 I left out the angel, sorry.
26:07 God, Jesus, the angel, John, the churches.
26:09 And sometimes it's through the Holy Spirit that God speaks to
26:13 the prophets, that it might be disseminated among the people.
26:16 And then the church is to the world, you could say,
26:18 from there.
26:19 Jean: Another thing the Bible--that the lesson brings
26:21 out, which is interesting, is there are passages or documents
26:25 that are not included in the Bible, but we do have some of
26:28 the Bible writers actually referring to documents that we
26:32 don't necessarily have today.
26:34 For example, you find in Joshua chapter 10, verse 13 a reference
26:39 to the Book of Jasher.
26:41 Now I think there is a book out there, the Book of Jasher, but
26:44 here we find one of the Bible writers referring to that.
26:46 That doesn't mean the entire book is inspired, but they are
26:50 bringing out maybe a historical accuracy or historical point,
26:53 and that is what they use.
26:55 Also, we find Luke in the writing of the gospel,
26:58 it says that he spoke to those who are eyewitnesses of Christ.
27:02 He recorded different things that they had said.
27:05 All of this, of course, under the guidance and the inspiration
27:08 of the Holy Spirit.
27:10 Doug: Yeah, and you can even see in the Scriptures that there's
27:12 one theme through the whole Bible, and the theme of course
27:16 is Christ.
27:17 And just to give you an example of how that works, if you look
27:19 in Revelation chapter 3--this is the first prophecy in the Bible.
27:23 Verse 15, "So the Lord said to the serpent, 'Because you've
27:26 done this, you are cursed more than all cattle and more than
27:30 every beast of the field.
27:32 On your belly you shall go, and you will eat dust all the days
27:35 of your life.
27:37 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your
27:40 seed and her seed.
27:42 He will bruise your hand, and you shall bruise his heel.'"
27:45 So here you've got a prophecy that involves or talks about
27:48 God, talks about the woman, talks about the serpent, talks
27:53 about the seed of the woman, and that there is a war that rages
27:57 enmity between the two.
27:59 You go to Revelation, the last book in the Bible.
28:02 "And the dragon," it says in the same chapter he's also the
28:04 serpent, "was enraged with the woman and he goes to make war
28:08 with the rest of her offspring," it's her seed, "that keep the
28:11 commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
28:15 So you got a theme.
28:17 It's going all the way from Genesis.
28:18 The whole Bible is about this battle for redemption and it
28:22 comes through the seed of the woman, which is Christ.
28:24 And so this is common theme that you can find in all
28:26 the prophets.
28:29 Jean: Now, sometimes people might say, "Well, you know, I
28:30 can understand that the New Testament might be relevant for
28:32 us today.
28:34 It gives us some good instruction.
28:35 But the Old Testament is just filled with stories.
28:37 Is that really relevant?
28:39 All the history that we find in the Bible, how does that relate
28:41 to me today?"
28:42 Well, the Bible does tell us that there's a reason for all of
28:44 these stories in the Bible.
28:46 Of course, it reveals different aspects of God's dealing with
28:49 people throughout history.
28:50 But Romans chapter 15, verse 4 makes the point for us.
28:54 It says, "For whatsoever things are written beforehand were
28:56 written for our learning, that we through the patience and the
28:59 comforts of the Scriptures might have hope."
29:03 So there is hope found in reading how that God brought
29:06 peoples through some very difficult situations in the Old
29:08 Testament, and even in the new, it brings us comfort, brings
29:11 us hope.
29:13 Doug: That's very helpful today.
29:15 Folks are--some folks are afraid when they're looking at what's
29:17 going on in the world out there.
29:19 And it says, "Hope comes through the Scriptures and through the
29:23 study of God's Word."
29:24 Let me share something here, and this is from the book, "The
29:27 Great Controversy," page 7, talking about the process of how
29:30 inspiration flows from God to us and that God uses the unique
29:36 personalities maybe of some of the inspired men that wrote.
29:40 "The Bible points to God as its author, yet it is written by
29:44 human hands.
29:46 And in the varied style of its different books, it presents the
29:49 characteristics of several writers.
29:51 The truths revealed are all given by the inspiration of God,
29:55 yet they are expressed in the words of men."
29:58 And so, you know, when you're reading Paul--well, Paul had a
30:02 different vocabulary than Peter.
30:04 Paul was more highly educated.
30:06 But I really appreciate Peter and James, who--they were very
30:10 succinct in what they said and is sometimes hard to understand.
30:15 And so the different personalities of the writers
30:20 are in it.
30:21 David was a shepherd, but under the inspiration he says, "The
30:24 Lord is my shepherd."
30:25 And so you can often see him using the language of
30:28 a shepherd.
30:29 And Jesus says to Peter and John, "You're fishing for men,"
30:32 you know.
30:34 And so God took into account the personal experience of the
30:37 different Bible writers, and I think he deliberately chose
30:40 people from all different backgrounds so it would appeal
30:44 to people from all different backgrounds.
30:46 Jean: Now, Pastor Doug, can a person approach the Bible the
30:48 way you would approach maybe a history book or maybe a textbook
30:53 from a scientific sort of critical perspective?
30:57 There are people that will try and pull the Bible apart and
31:01 look at it as just any other book.
31:03 And in essence, what they are doing is they're opening the
31:06 door to doubt.
31:08 If somebody is looking for a reason to doubt the Bible, the
31:11 inspiration of the Bible, can they find it?
31:14 Doug: Oh, yeah, you know, they say--I think Mark Twain said,
31:17 "A person convinced against his will is of the same
31:19 opinion still."
31:21 If a person is cynical and they don't believe the Bible and they
31:23 don't have the Holy Spirit, spiritually--things are
31:25 spiritually discerned.
31:27 And if we're not praying for the Spirit of the Author to help us
31:29 understand this book, then they're bound to come to wrong
31:32 conclusions and they'll probably look for--they'll look for flaws
31:35 and they'll look for fault.
31:38 The devil will try to provide something to hang that on in
31:41 their minds.
31:43 Jean: Of course, you quoted a verse a little earlier where
31:45 Peter is saying that people twist the Scriptures to their
31:47 own destruction, and that can still happen today.
31:49 Like what Jesus said.
31:52 If you're willing to know the truth, know the doctrine or do
31:54 the doctrine, then you will know the truth."
31:56 They need to be a willingness to seek for truth.
31:58 Our ultimate goal is to find salvation and peace in Christ.
32:01 If we're willing to do what God asks us to do, we will be
32:04 affirmed in the Scriptures.
32:06 Our faith will grow.
32:07 Doug: You know, there are some places in the Scripture where
32:11 there are a few difficult passages where it seems like
32:13 there's a contradiction.
32:15 Let me just give you an example.
32:17 I don't think we should ever be afraid of these.
32:19 When you look in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John,
32:21 at the sign that is above the head of Jesus when he's
32:24 crucified, in one place it says, "This is the king of the Jews,
32:28 Jesus Christ the king of the Jews.
32:30 He said he was the king of the Jews."
32:32 I don't remember the exact wording, but they--all four of
32:34 them are a little bit different.
32:36 Not much, but a little different and people say, "Aha, look at
32:38 the inconsistency in the Bible.
32:40 It can't be trusted."
32:42 What they fail to recognize is that it tells us that it was
32:46 written in three languages: Hebrew, Greek, and Latin.
32:50 And so it depends on what language.
32:53 The translator said, "Well, you know, in Latin, this is what it
32:55 said, in Hebrew, this is what it said, in Greek, this is what
32:57 it said."
32:59 They were a little different.
33:01 I mean, these are Roman soldiers that are just painting something
33:03 up on a board above a cross.
33:05 It probably wasn't, you know, the finest print job.
33:07 And so once you understand--"
33:09 Oh, that makes sense."
33:11 So when you run into an apparent inconsistency in the Bible--in
33:15 studying you'll often find there are reasons where you can
33:18 reconcile that.
33:20 That's what I really appreciated some of the great commentators.
33:22 I'll run into something and I'll say, "How come these dates seem
33:24 different in these two places?
33:27 And then you go in the commentators.
33:29 They'll say, "Oh well, that's because this one is starting
33:31 from this point, this one was starting from this point, and
33:33 you want to understand that they both match up perfectly."
33:37 I would just say, if you're going to make a mistake of
33:42 believing too little of the Bible and thinking that maybe
33:45 it's a flawed book, or believing too much and think it's the Holy
33:48 Word of God, make the second mistake.
33:50 Believe too much of it.
33:53 I find as soon as people start thinking that they can judge the
33:56 Bible and pick it apart and say, "I'm going to believe this part
33:58 and not this part," the whole thing--it's like poking a hole
34:02 in a bucket.
34:04 The whole thing starts to lose its power.
34:05 Believe it's--every word is inspired.
34:08 Read it and study it intelligently, but don't doubt
34:11 it, have faith in the Bible.
34:13 Jean: You know, another point just add to that, Pastor Doug,
34:14 sometimes you'll be reading the parables or even the teachings
34:17 of Jesus and you read it in one gospel and it might be a little
34:21 different than if you read it in another gospel and you think,
34:23 "Well, how could there be such a difference between the parables
34:27 or between the teaching?"
34:28 What we need to understand is that Jesus traveled to many
34:31 towns and villages, and it's quite possible that he told the
34:34 same parable in different areas and one of the apostles might
34:38 have remembered a particular parable the way it was worded in
34:42 one place and he recorded it that way, whereas the other
34:45 might have heard it or remembered it spoken in
34:48 another place.
34:50 I know we do a lot of evangelistic meetings and often
34:52 we will preach in different places.
34:54 We'll preach, in essence, the same sermon.
34:56 We might even tell the same illustration, but it might be a
34:58 little different from place to place.
35:00 You try to contextualize it for your audience, and I think
35:02 that's what Jesus was doing in a lot of his teaching when he
35:05 traveled from these different towns.
35:07 So that shouldn't discourage us.
35:08 Just recognize that Jesus is telling the same story, but he's
35:11 bringing out a different point for a different audience.
35:14 Doug: Yep, absolutely.
35:16 So probably we ought to move on here a little bit.
35:18 I see that we've got 14 minutes left for this part of the study.
35:22 Under the written Word--so in the beginning--you know, you
35:28 don't really find the Bible being started until the time
35:30 of Moses.
35:32 And he lived what?
35:34 About 1,500 years before Christ.
35:36 That means that there were nearly 2,000 years when there
35:40 was no written Word of God as we have it today.
35:45 Does that mean that God did not have inspired truth before
35:48 that time?
35:51 I believe he did.
35:53 The Ten Commandments, for example, were always there.
35:55 They were not written down until you get--you know, God of course
35:59 has them written in heaven, but they weren't written down for
36:02 the people until you get to Exodus chapter 19.
36:05 But you can read where God told Cain, you know, murder was
36:11 a sin.
36:13 God told Joseph adultery was a sin.
36:15 They knew stealing was a sin.
36:18 So they knew what the truth of God was, but it was passed on
36:20 back then orally.
36:23 Now, you might be thinking, "Well, how could they remember
36:25 all of that?"
36:27 Well, you look--you know, Abraham lived 175, Isaac 180,
36:32 Moses 120.
36:35 Think about how good their memories must have been
36:37 back then.
36:40 I've met a few people that have just about
36:41 photographic memories.
36:43 Here at Amazing Facts we carry a series--now we're not selling.
36:46 This is free.
36:47 We carry a series by an evangelist, Byron Spears.
36:53 He's passed away.
36:55 He lived to 100.
36:57 He was still giving Bible studies at 100.
36:59 They call him the walking Bible.
37:01 If you're interested in that, just jot this down.
37:03 Don't leave the station and go listen to it right now, but jot
37:05 down "The Trumpet of the Lord," Evangelist Byron Spears.
37:10 And he does over 30 evangelistic series, 90-minute sermons.
37:15 They're only audio.
37:17 But just keep in mind as you're listening, he's giving 50 verses
37:20 in every presentation, at least long passages.
37:23 He never opens his Bible.
37:25 There's no screen for him to read it from.
37:27 It is all from memory.
37:29 Now, if someone in this generation could do that, he
37:32 lived to 100, imagine how good people's memories were when they
37:35 lived 300 years.
37:38 So the Word of God was all passed on very accurately--they
37:41 had photographic memories back then.
37:43 But with the erosion of sin, I think man lost that ability.
37:47 There was a danger that the Word of God would get altered
37:50 or corrupted.
37:52 You go around the world, you listen to the different stories
37:53 of the flood.
37:55 And all these nations have stories of the flood, but
37:58 they're all kind of different.
37:59 You know, you go to Hawaii and they say he had a big canoe.
38:01 His name was Noe, and he had a pig and a dog and his family in
38:06 this canoe and the whole world was flooded 'cause of
38:09 their wickedness.
38:10 And so there's a lot of similarities, but it got changed
38:12 over time.
38:13 And you can go--the Babylonians had the "Epic of Gilgamesh,"
38:18 very similar story of the flood, but it was corrupted because by
38:20 that time people started passing it on and making
38:24 little adjustments.
38:26 So God needed to codify it and write it down.
38:30 Jean: One of the things we forget is that you have Noah who
38:32 lived before the flood and of course lived after the flood,
38:35 his son Shem lived before the flood and after the flood.
38:38 And he was alive as an old man, but he was alive at the time of
38:42 Abraham, when Abraham was born.
38:44 So you can understand how these things were passed on from
38:47 father to son and then grandson.
38:49 And so there wasn't really a need to write this down until we
38:52 get closer to the time of Moses.
38:54 Doug: So Abraham could have talked to somebody that talked
38:58 to Methuselah, who talked to Adam.
39:00 Think about that.
39:03 So they had a pretty straight line so that the truth was not
39:06 corrupted back then.
39:08 By the time of Moses, lifespan's shorter.
39:11 They needed--God says, "You need to write it down."
39:14 Jean: Well, the next section that we have is Wayne's Day, and
39:16 this is just a very important part.
39:17 We want to take a few moments to talk about this.
39:19 It talks about the parallels between Christ and the
39:22 Scriptures, and this is just incredible to me.
39:25 Here's something to think about.
39:27 Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit, we know that, yet he was
39:31 born of a woman.
39:33 He became a man.
39:34 The Scripture is given or conceived, if you like, by the
39:38 Holy Spirit, but it is communicated through
39:41 human beings.
39:43 So you see a parallel between Christ, he's God divine, and yet
39:46 he's revealed in humanity.
39:48 You have the Word of God, the Bible truth revealed in
39:51 human language.
39:53 So you see that connection.
39:55 That's why Jesus is sometimes referred to as the Word of God,
39:58 and you can see a couple of verses on this.
40:00 In Matthew chapter 1, verse 20, the angel is talking to Joseph
40:03 and he says, "Don't be afraid to take Mary your wife, for that
40:07 which is conceived of her is of the Holy Spirit."
40:10 And then in 2 Peter chapter 1, verse 21 it says, "The prophecy
40:14 didn't come by the will of man.
40:16 Holy men of God were moved by the Holy Spirit."
40:20 So you see the Holy Spirit working through human agents or
40:23 human means.
40:25 It's still the truth.
40:27 Christ is 100% divine.
40:28 He's 100% human.
40:30 The Word of God is 100% divine.
40:32 It was inspired by the Holy Spirit, but it was also brought
40:34 to us through human language, through human beings.
40:37 Doug: Amen, that's rich, you know, I was thinking as you
40:40 were sharing we said earlier in the program if folks have
40:42 questions on this study or something else--is anything
40:45 popping up for you?
40:46 Jean: I haven't got anything other than the ones we had at
40:48 the beginning, Pastor Doug.
40:50 We might be getting some more coming in, or we might have some
40:52 connectivity challenges.
40:54 So if you have questions, keep typing it in and we'll be able
40:57 to try and get it.
40:59 Again, we'll probably be doing this next week, Pastor Doug.
41:01 So you can also be asking your questions next week on Facebook
41:05 as we go through.
41:07 Doug: That's right, you know, I thought I'd read something since
41:09 we're talking about parallels between Christ and the Bible.
41:11 Many people out there have heard or read Charles Spurgeon, a
41:16 great Christian pastor.
41:18 He wrote a book called "Morning and Evening."
41:20 It's one of the most famous devotionals in the world.
41:22 And under his morning reading for June 10, he has a section.
41:27 It's called "These Are They That Testify of Me," talking about
41:31 Scriptures and the inspiration of the Scripture.
41:33 It says, "Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega of the Bible.
41:37 He is the constant theme of its sacred pages.
41:40 From the first to the last, they testify of him.
41:43 At creation we had once discerned him as the sacred
41:46 Trinity--in the sacred Trinity.
41:48 We catch a glimpse of him in the promise of the woman's seed.
41:51 We see him typified in the ark of Noah.
41:54 We walk with Abraham as he sees Messiah's day.
41:57 We dwell in the tents of Isaac and Jacob, feeding upon the
42:00 gracious promise.
42:02 We hear venerable Israel talking about Shiloh, and in the
42:05 numerous types in the law we find the redeemer
42:07 abundantly foreshadowed.
42:09 Prophets and kings, priests and preachers all look one way.
42:13 They all stand as the cherubim over the ark, desiring to look
42:16 within to read the mystery of God's great appropriation.
42:20 Still, more manifestly in the New Testament we find our Lord
42:24 the one pervading subject.
42:26 It's not an ignite here and there or dust of gold thinly
42:28 scattered, but here you stand upon a solid floor of gold for
42:31 the whole substance of the New Testament is Jesus crucified,
42:35 even its closing sentences bejeweled with the
42:38 redeemer's name.
42:41 We should always read Scripture in this light.
42:44 We should consider the Word to be a mirror in which Christ
42:47 looks down from heaven, and then we looking into it see his
42:50 face reflected.
42:52 As a glass darkly it is true, but still in such a way as to be
42:55 a blessed preparation for seeing him as we shall see him
42:58 face to face.
43:00 This volume," the Bible, "contains Jesus Christ's letters
43:03 to us perfumed by his love.
43:05 These pages are the garments of our king.
43:08 They all smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia.
43:11 Scripture is the royal chariot in which Jesus rides.
43:15 It is paved with love from the daughters of Jerusalem.
43:18 The Scriptures are the swaddling bands of the holy child, Jesus.
43:22 Unroll them and you find your Savior.
43:25 The quintessence of the Word of God is Christ."
43:29 That last statement is the best.
43:30 The quintessence.
43:32 You know, we talked about the basic elements of life.
43:34 You have water and fire and so forth.
43:36 The quintessence, that final missing element that is the
43:39 mystery of all of the Bible is Christ.
43:43 The whole thing it's really telling us, he is the Word, he
43:46 is the rock, he is the stone, he is the light.
43:48 You look at the different allegories of the Bible, they're
43:51 all talking about Jesus.
43:52 Jean: Right, you know, they often write biographies of
43:54 people, and some of them are pretty thick, usually written
43:58 by one person.
43:59 An author does some research.
44:02 Maybe two or three, they do some historical research.
44:04 But when it came to--if you like the biography of Jesus, it took
44:07 over 1,600 years, 36 different authors, 3 different languages
44:13 on 3 continents.
44:15 No other person's experience.
44:18 He's dealing with history.
44:20 His teachings, his life has been so fully revealed as we find in
44:23 the Bible.
44:24 Doug: And, you know, that in itself is one of the reasons
44:27 that you know that the Bible is inspired, is because that
44:30 prophecy Jesus said, "These things that I say--heaven and
44:33 earth will pass away, but my teachings will not pass away."
44:36 And that is such an audacious, outrageous statement for a
44:42 carpenter to make.
44:46 But his prophecy--who can deny that prophecy came true?
44:48 He predicted, "My teachings are going to go into all the world,"
44:51 and that his teachings would be the cause--he says, "My words
44:54 are going to be a sword.
44:56 There'll be wars that will be fought over my teachings."
44:58 And it happened.
45:00 And now history is dated from his birth.
45:03 You know, it's sad that there's people that think the Bible is a
45:06 common book, but they don't read it.
45:08 Because God, he's wanting to communicate with us and he says,
45:10 "I've got a blessed communication for you."
45:14 Jean: You know, Pastor Doug, you got in your notes here
45:15 a parallel.
45:17 Maybe you want to read this, a parallel between Christ and
45:19 the Scriptures.
45:21 I was just looking at it now.
45:22 I think this is just fantastic.
45:24 Why don't you read that for us?
45:26 Doug: Well, it says a person can be like a book.
45:28 Jesus is called a light, the Bible is called the light.
45:31 Jesus is called truth, the Bible is called truth.
45:32 Jesus is called bread, the Bible is called bread.
45:35 Jesus is called the Word, the Bible is called the Word.
45:38 Jesus is called eternal, the Bible is called eternal.
45:41 And as I mentioned, Jesus is called the rock.
45:43 The Bible is called the rock.
45:45 And this is only a few of the metaphors that are used in
45:47 the Bible.
45:49 Jean: There is a quote that we find from the "Great
45:51 Controversy," page 8 that I think it's important for us
45:53 to remember.
45:55 It says, "The Bible, whether it's God-given truths expressed
45:56 in the language of men, present a union of the divine and
45:59 the human.
46:01 Such a human exists in the nature of Christ, who was the
46:03 Son of God and the Son of man.
46:06 Thus said it is true of the Bible as it was with Christ that
46:10 the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."
46:13 So the mystery of the divine and the human combining in Christ,
46:16 that mystery is also found in the Word of God, the Bible.
46:19 Doug: Amen.
46:21 Now, the Bible being a spiritual book--we pray for the Holy
46:24 Spirit when we read the Bible, and he will bring--and this
46:27 should happen not once, but every day.
46:29 When we read the Bible, we should ask God's Spirit to give
46:31 us understanding as we read, and he will reveal truths to us that
46:35 will just be so exciting that it just brightens our life and
46:39 our mind.
46:41 You know, sometimes words spoken can change a whole
46:43 person's attitude.
46:45 You can speak words that can make a person salivate 'cause
46:47 they're hungry.
46:49 You can start describing something delicious.
46:50 It'll have a physiological effect on their body.
46:53 You can speak words that are discouraging that'll--just the
46:57 words going through the--that will depress a person.
46:59 You can speak words and say, "You know, I got good news.
47:02 There's $1,000 just deposited in your bank."
47:05 Those are words.
47:06 But if they believe those words, they're suddenly so excited all
47:08 their troubles are over, they think.
47:11 So the Bible is a book to be read combined with faith.
47:15 Faith changes everything.
47:18 Jean: Now, of course the Bible tells us that.
47:19 In Hebrews chapter 11, verse 6 it says, "But without faith, it
47:23 is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe
47:27 that He is," meaning that He is a God of love, that He's
47:30 concerned about us and our well-being and our salvation.
47:33 "Believe that God is and that is a rewarder of those that
47:36 diligently seek Him."
47:37 So if we come searching the Word of God, seeking to know His
47:40 will, we need to have faith that God will reveal it to us.
47:44 Doug: Amen, and this, of course, is part of our last section
47:47 where it talks about understanding the Bible
47:48 in faith.
47:50 As we pray and we approach the Word of God, believing it is the
47:53 Word of God, just that belief unpacks it by itself.
47:58 Hebrews 11, verse 3, "By faith, we understand that the worlds
48:02 were framed by the Word of God so the things that are now seen
48:07 are not made of things which are visible."
48:09 That God from His Word can take things that are not seen or
48:14 known, things that are invisible and make them real.
48:17 You know, we just have a minute or two, and I wonder if we could
48:20 remind people of what the special offer is and then
48:23 encourage them.
48:24 We're going to be coming back.
48:26 We're just taking a little 10-minute break.
48:27 We're going to have a special video we'll roll in just a few
48:29 moments that I think you're going to find inspiring.
48:31 And following that, we'll come back with our church service.
48:33 But before that--
48:35 Jean: Our free offer, again, as we mentioned earlier is "God's
48:37 Free Health Plan."
48:38 I think it's important that we look at what the Bible says
48:40 about our health.
48:42 The number is 866-788-3966, and you can just simply ask for
48:47 offer number 139.
48:49 As long as the postal service is still delivering mail, we're
48:52 going to try and get this out to you.
48:54 So call and ask.
48:55 We'll be happy to send it to you.
48:57 You can also get a digital download of the study guide by
48:59 texting the code "SH032" to the number 40544.
49:07 And, Pastor Doug, it's probably a good time for us to remind our
49:08 friends if they want to stay in contact with us and we can give
49:11 you announcements of things that we are doing here, you can
49:13 simply text the word online, the word online to the number that
49:17 we gave you--
49:20 Doug: 40544.
49:22 Jean: There it is, 40544, and we'll be able to stay
49:24 in contact.
49:25 Doug: Yeah, thank you very much, friends.
49:27 We're not going away.
49:28 We're coming back with a special message.
49:30 It's going to be a worship service message for you.
49:32 We're not going to have everything we might normally
49:34 have in a group setting, but we know right now out there, there
49:37 are thousands that are worshipping.
49:39 You are a church.
49:41 Want to give a special greeting also to the Granite Bay members
49:44 that are out there, and we know there's folks that are all over
49:46 the world tuning in.
49:48 Stand by.
49:49 We'll have a special program for you.
49:52 And in the interval is a little video clip that I think you'll
49:54 find encouraging and inspiring.
49:59 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
50:01 free resource.
50:03 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail, you can
50:05 download a digital copy straight to your computer or
50:07 mobile device.
50:09 To get your digital copy of today's free gift, simply text
50:11 the keyword on your screen to 40544 or visit the web address
50:16 shown on your screen and be sure to select the digital download
50:20 option on the request page.
50:22 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
50:25 Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want, and most
50:28 important to share it with others.
50:36 announcer: Amazing Facts Changed Lives.
50:45 Wendell: When I was a little boy, I grew up in a typical
50:48 Christian family.
50:50 We had the American dream, but I began to realize that something
50:54 was not quite right.
50:57 I wanted to be with the girls.
51:01 I wanted to do girl things.
51:03 I would pretend to be one person, but yet feel like I
51:08 was trapped.
51:12 Like this girl was trapped inside my body.
51:16 You know, my parents would go to the mall or we'd be at a store
51:20 and I would sneak off to, you know, the girls department.
51:28 I was living this double life.
51:30 So as I started to attend college, on one hand I would be
51:33 going to school; and on the other hand, I would be starting
51:38 to dress up and something was working in my mind and in my
51:43 heart to tell me that this is not right.
51:48 And so I joined an on-campus Christian group.
51:53 We took several trips to overseas to Taiwan.
51:56 And after I graduated from the university, I got my ticket and
52:01 I--it was a one-way ticket and I was planning on staying in
52:04 Taiwan for a while.
52:07 And there I met my wife.
52:10 We finally came back to America and I thought, "Well, maybe
52:13 marriage, you know, would be the right answer."
52:17 It was only a couple of years into our marriage and the
52:20 desires to be a woman started to come back up again.
52:27 I would get airline tickets and I would fly to get away from
52:30 here so that I could live my lifestyle, you know, for 24-hour
52:34 periods, for 1-week periods.
52:37 Go shopping, just spending inordinate amount of--amounts of
52:41 money because I felt like I had missed so much and I was trying
52:45 to be that person that I thought I was on the inside.
52:51 And so I started to live my life full-time.
52:57 I started wearing women's clothes.
53:02 I started to grow my hair out real long, and I just didn't see
53:06 any way around it.
53:08 So finally I had made my transition and I had realized
53:11 fully who I thought I was supposed to be, but there was
53:13 still something missing.
53:15 Like, I was feel--I felt empty inside.
53:17 I started to search online.
53:19 I stumbled upon Amazing Facts and I started to watch one and
53:23 then I had watched the entire seminar series, and I started to
53:26 see who God was and who I was, and that God loved me so much
53:35 that I just can't live this life anymore.
53:41 He says to me, "I'll work with you on this.
53:44 I love you, and you can change."
53:48 Going through the central study hour Sabbath school lessons on
53:52 the Amazing Facts website, I decided to finally change into
53:57 male attire for the first time in a couple of years.
54:01 I still have my long hair, but, you know, I'm going to go to
54:05 church, and I attended the [inaudible] series.
54:08 It was just an amazing experience.
54:10 My life was totally different.
54:13 That love that God showed me started to work in my life to
54:19 where I wanted to do exactly the same for others.
54:22 I started to want to give more, to give more of my time and give
54:28 more of my energy.
54:30 God continued to gradually change me.
54:33 The desires to be that person finally they went away and I
54:37 finally felt free at last.
54:40 And I can say with a big smile on my face that God has
54:44 completely healed me through the process.
54:48 I just thank God for giving me a second chance.
54:52 I'm Wendell and God has used [inaudible] to change my life.
55:16 Doug: Today's smartphones are a virtual universe of information
55:19 that fits in the palm of your hand.
55:21 It's good thing we have opposable thumbs.
55:23 With it, you can buy your groceries, take care of your
55:27 exercise regime, watch a video, listen to music.
55:30 You can surf the international World Wide Web, which may not
55:34 always be a good thing.
55:36 And, you know, there is more computer processing technology
55:39 and power in a little smartphone today than was used by NASA to
55:43 put a man on the moon.
55:45 And I almost forgot.
55:47 You can also use these to make a phone call, but who does
55:49 that anymore?
55:50 Today communication is not in complete sentences.
55:53 It's all about short message servicing, or SMS texting.
55:58 That's right.
56:00 There are about 2.5 billion people in the world today that
56:03 are communicating with their fellow humans in short bytes
56:05 called texting.
56:07 That's more data that is being used than those who are surfing
56:10 the web or even playing video games.
56:12 And, friends, nowhere is this more true than right here in
56:14 the Philippines.
56:17 Even though the Philippines has about 100 million people, they
56:19 are responsible for the largest number of text messages of
56:22 anywhere in the world.
56:24 They're the 12th largest country, but they send
56:26 400 million text messages every day, wow.
56:32 That's a lot of finger fatigue.
56:34 Even though the greatest number of texters is here in the
56:36 Philippines, the record for the fastest texter in the world is
56:39 from Brazil, a young man by the name of Marcel Fernandes Filho.
56:43 He was able to text 25 very complicated words in a little
56:46 more than 18 seconds, wow.
56:49 It takes me longer than that to just say I love you to my wife
56:52 and press send.
56:54 All thumbs.
56:56 One of the neat things about texting is you can text just
56:58 about anywhere.
56:59 If you're surrounded with people, you want to send a
57:01 personal message, you text.
57:03 You're in a crowded subway or an airport, you can text.
57:05 If you're surrounded by noise or nosy people, you can text.
57:10 Just don't text while you're driving.
57:13 That's what's so wonderful, friends.
57:15 You can always text God a message of prayer from
57:17 your heart.
57:18 When you're wondering, "What school do I go to,
57:20 what job do I take, who am I supposed to date that may be a
57:23 future life partner?"
57:24 Your prayers don't have to be long.
57:26 The shortest prayer in the Bible is three words when Peter
57:28 prayed, "Lord, save me," and Jesus answered his prayer.
57:32 And it doesn't matter how fast you can text when you're talking
57:35 to God.
57:36 He'll know what you're asking for and hear your prayer before
57:38 you have a chance to say amen and press the send button.
57:41 In fact, friends, you'll bring joy to God when you send Him
57:44 regular messages from your heart to His.
57:47 So why don't you talk to Him right now?
57:58 ♪♪♪


Revised 2020-04-03