Sabbath School Study Hour

Languages, Text, and Context

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022020S

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00:36 Jean Ross: Good morning, friends, and welcome to "Sabbath
00:38 School Study Hour," coming to you here from the Amazing Facts'
00:41 studio offices in Sacramento, California.
00:43 We'd like to welcome all of those joining us across the
00:46 country and around the world, part of our
00:47 extended Sabbath School class.
00:49 And a special greeting to our regular Granite Bay Church
00:52 members that usually come and attend our Sabbath school
00:55 in person, but because of the virus pandemic,
00:58 they aren't able to be here.
01:00 We know you are tuning in, and we pray that you'll be blessed
01:02 as we study our lesson together.
01:05 Now, we want to let those of you who are joining us know
01:07 about our free offer today.
01:08 And I believe this is the first time we're offering this.
01:11 This is something new to "Amazing Facts," it is a study
01:15 guide to help you in your Bible reading plan.
01:19 And we'd be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks.
01:21 The number is 866-788-3966, and ask for offer number 872,
01:28 and we'll be happy to send this to you.
01:30 You'll receive this in the mail, and it'll actually show you what
01:33 the reading plan is for the entire year.
01:36 So, you can keep this in your Bible, you can open it up, you
01:39 can see what day you're on and what passage of the Scripture
01:41 you need to read.
01:42 And if you follow this guide, you'll read through the whole
01:44 Bible in 12 months or one year.
01:47 So, this is a great resource, and we hope you'll take
01:49 advantage of that.
01:50 Today, our lesson dealing with the Bible is lesson number
01:53 seven, and it's entitled "Language, Text, and Context,"
01:57 a very important study.
01:59 But Pastor Doug, before we get to our study,
02:01 let's start with prayer.
02:03 Doug Batchelor: Amen.
02:04 Jean: Dear Father, once again, we thank You that we're
02:06 able to gather together and open up Your Word
02:08 studying about the Word.
02:10 And Father, we know there is power in the Bible.
02:12 But in order for us to correctly understand the Bible, we always
02:15 want the Holy Spirit to come and guide our minds, our hearts,
02:18 so we invite Your presence in a special way.
02:20 Be with us here in the studio and also be with those who are
02:22 joining us around the world, that You might also speak to
02:26 their hearts as we open up Your Word, for we ask this
02:28 in Jesus's name, amen.
02:30 Doug: Amen.
02:32 Jean: Well, Pastor Doug, an important and an exciting
02:34 lesson, we're talking about languages and context
02:37 when studying the Bible.
02:39 Doug: Yeah, this is--it's really so exciting to consider.
02:43 The main theme is, how do we understand the Bible?
02:47 If the Bible is the message of God to us, clearly there are
02:52 some misunderstandings out there because you've got one Bible,
02:57 the Bible says one Lord, one truth, one baptism,
03:00 there's one Jesus.
03:01 And yet you have hundreds of major denominations that say
03:06 they're Christian, they'll read the passages and they come up
03:09 with different ideas.
03:10 Why does that happen?
03:12 Jean: Well, you know, I think one of the key things that's
03:14 brought to view is context.
03:16 We need to recognize that the Bible is written in a particular
03:18 context, and we need to see what the Bible says about a
03:21 particular subject through its entirety.
03:23 We don't want to build a doctrine on just one verse.
03:26 And that sort of leads into our memory text that we're going to
03:29 be talking about, Deuteronomy chapter 31, verse 26.
03:33 And this is coming from the New King James version, it says,
03:35 "Take the book of the law and put it beside the Ark of the
03:38 Covenant of the Lord your God, that it might there be a witness
03:42 against you."
03:43 Now, a little bit of the context, this is God speaking to
03:45 Moses when Moses was instructed to build the tabernacle.
03:49 And the most holy place of the sanctuary or the tabernacle
03:53 contained the Ark of the Covenant.
03:54 And there were some things that were put in the ark, and then
03:56 there things that were put next to the ark.
03:59 The things in the ark, you got the Ten Commandments written on
04:02 two tables of stone.
04:03 We've got the rod that budded, Aaron's rod.
04:07 We've got a bowl of manna inside the ark.
04:11 But on the outside of the ark in sort of a--you might say a
04:14 little bag or a pocket of some kind was the law.
04:18 And when it talks about the law, Pastor Doug, we're not just
04:20 talking about the Ten Commandments here.
04:22 When it says, "Put the law next to the ark," what is that law?
04:27 Doug: Well, some have wondered, "Was this just the
04:29 book of Deuteronomy?"
04:30 that actually where you find this verse.
04:33 And we do have that story in where Josiah during the--Hilkiah
04:39 the priest was cleaning out the sanctuary and they found
04:42 the book of Moses, the book of the law.
04:45 They wondered, was this the book of Deuteronomy?
04:47 Did it include the whole Torah, the five books of Moses
04:50 beginning with Genesis?
04:51 It's hard to say.
04:53 In both cases, the quotes that were taken were from
04:55 Deuteronomy, and so it may have been that specifically
05:00 Deuteronomy, which was the repeating of the law, the
05:02 summary of their experience, that was to be put there as a
05:05 witness against them.
05:07 Paul refers that in Colossians too, when he said,
05:10 "There was a law that was nailed to the cross that was witnessed
05:13 against them."
05:14 And--
05:16 Jean: I think it also--Paul says handwritten oracles.
05:18 Doug: Yeah.
05:20 Jean: So, it was handwritten, it didn't include the Ten
05:21 Commandments, which was God written.
05:23 Doug: And that was in the ark, the handwritten part that
05:24 contained the levitical laws and the ordinances was in a pocket
05:28 outside the ark.
05:30 But yeah, and so, you know, it's so important for us to
05:33 understand how to approach the Bible.
05:35 God wants the truth to be understood.
05:38 I think one reason there's so much misunderstanding is because
05:42 the truth of God's Word sets people free.
05:45 And so, if there is any document that the devil is seeking to
05:49 confuse and confound, it is the Scriptures.
05:52 And so, the devil's got so many people out there
05:55 that are wolves.
05:56 You know, Paul said, "Be careful because after my departure,
06:00 grievous wolves will come in among you."
06:03 And that they'd be teaching things to draw away disciples
06:05 after themselves.
06:07 And we've seen a lot of the misinterpretations of the Bible,
06:10 all right, they come from, you know, cultish leaders that are
06:13 trying to--they've got an agenda.
06:16 But if you read the Bible for what it's--let me throw
06:19 in a story real quick.
06:20 This helps illustrate it.
06:22 So, I'm living up in the mountains, I'm reading the
06:24 Bible, don't know much about Christianity.
06:28 I'm reading pretty much by myself.
06:30 I learned the Sabbath truth, I learned the truth about the
06:33 state of the dead, and so I haven't committed my life
06:38 to the Lord yet.
06:39 I'm wondering about these things.
06:41 I'm going to church on Sunday, but I've learned
06:43 the Sabbath truth.
06:44 But I'm convicted every Sunday, I said, "This is not the seventh
06:47 day."
06:48 While this is happening, I'm driving down the road
06:51 selling sandwiches.
06:53 I work for a company, they're out of business now,
06:56 called Darsan.
06:57 We sold premade sandwiches to the 7-Elevens.
07:00 And I'm delivering sandwiches in the desert.
07:02 There's this African-American gentleman walking down this
07:05 desert highway by himself with a bag, and it's 100 degrees out.
07:10 So, I pull over and I say, "Would you like a ride?"
07:14 He says, "Absolutely."
07:15 He hops in and he goes, "Praise the Lord," because it's an air
07:17 conditioned van.
07:19 And I said, "Are you a Christian?"
07:21 He said, "Yes." He said, "Are you?"
07:22 I said, "Yes." He said, "Praise the Lord."
07:25 And we don't drive for 60 seconds before he says, "Do you
07:30 know what day the Sabbath is?"
07:32 Well, that's an awful odd question to ask me right while
07:35 I'm driving down the road and I am convicted about keeping
07:38 the Sabbath day.
07:40 I said, "Yeah."
07:42 He said, "Well, what day do you go to church?"
07:44 I said, "Sunday."
07:45 He said, "You know what day the Sabbath is?"
07:47 I said, "Saturday."
07:49 He said, "Praise the Lord."
07:50 And I started talking to this guy, and I was so intrigued
07:53 by--he knew all the things I'd been studying.
07:57 So, I said, "Are you a Seventh Day Adventist?"
08:00 He said, "A what?"
08:02 I said, "Seventh Day Adventist."
08:04 He said, "Never heard of them."
08:06 And I stopped, we stopped and I bought him lunch,
08:08 we talked together.
08:10 He had a bag full of books that he had been reading on prophecy,
08:14 and he had been reading the same books, he'd been reading like
08:16 Daniel and the Revelation and these different things.
08:19 The Lord was leading him down the same path, but he's reading
08:21 the Bible and coming to the same conclusions.
08:24 And I got--I was really convicted and convinced that day
08:27 that if people are seeking--Jesus said if you're
08:29 seeking and you're open, He will give you the understanding.
08:33 He said, "If any man is willing to do My will, he will know of
08:36 the doctrine whether it be of God."
08:38 And so, we don't have to worry about everybody say,
08:40 "Well, you've got your truth, I've got my truth."
08:42 There is one absolute truth.
08:44 God is trying to tell us something in the Bible.
08:46 It can be understood.
08:47 Don't let the confusion in Christianity discourage you.
08:51 Jean: Amen.
08:52 Talking about that, some of those who are watching, you
08:54 might have some questions.
08:56 And we're going to try and take some live questions in our
08:58 lesson study time today.
08:59 If you have a question, just go ahead and make a comment on
09:01 Facebook, and they'll be emailing those comments to us,
09:04 and we'll try to take some of them.
09:06 Pastor Doug, we have a question that just came in, it kind of
09:08 ties in with the story that you told.
09:10 Here is somebody that is looking to know what the Bible teaches,
09:13 and Lorraine is asking, "Is there a specific time when
09:17 Sabbath begins and ends?"
09:19 Doug: Yeah, now using what we learn in this lesson,
09:22 how do you figure it out?
09:24 Do you flip a coin?
09:25 Do you do a survey of different churches?
09:27 What does the Bible say?
09:29 The Bible's very clear, it says, "From even unto even," that's
09:32 sundown to sundown, "you shall celebrate your Sabbaths,"
09:34 all right?
09:36 So, that's one verse.
09:37 Then you go in the New Testament, it says, "And after
09:40 the Sabbath, after the sun had set, then they brought all the
09:44 sick to Jesus to be healed."
09:46 Because even then, they were concerned about His healing
09:49 on the Sabbath.
09:50 So, the Sabbath begins and ends not at 12 midnight, that's Roman
09:53 timing, not at sunrise.
09:57 But when the sun goes down, that was when they marked
09:59 the beginning and the end of the day.
10:01 And in Genesis, it says, "The evening and the morning."
10:05 Jean: Right, so the first--the dark part of the day
10:07 was the first part, and the light part of the day was the
10:10 second part of the 24-hour period.
10:13 Usually, we think of it the other way.
10:14 We think the light part first, but no, the day began at sunset.
10:17 So, from the Bible, the Sabbath is Friday evening at sunset, and
10:22 it goes all the way through till Saturday evening at sunset.
10:25 That would be the biblical Sabbath.
10:27 Now, in our lesson, we're talking about how
10:28 to interpret the Bible.
10:30 And it's interesting to note that there are about 6,000
10:34 languages that are in the world today.
10:37 And of these, the Bible has been translated in its entirety into
10:41 about 600 of these languages.
10:44 The New Testament has been translated into more than
10:46 2,5000 languages.
10:48 Now, when we say 6,000 languages, it doesn't mean that
10:51 that's the only language that those people understand.
10:54 Many of those who speak some of these 6,000 languages, they
10:57 might have a second language that they understand.
11:01 So the Bible, for the most part, is available in all of the main
11:04 languages that are spoken around the world.
11:06 Doug: Karen and I were in New Guinea, I think we've been
11:08 there twice now.
11:10 And of those 6,000 languages, 800 of them are in New Guinea.
11:14 All the people are divided by very steep mountains and
11:17 valleys, and they just spent generations kind of developing
11:20 their own variations.
11:22 But they understand each other by speaking
11:24 a certain pigeon English.
11:26 And so, the Scriptures are translated in a language that
11:31 most New Guineans understand.
11:34 Jean: Now, of course, we take the Bible for granted.
11:36 Today in English, I don't know how many translations and
11:38 versions there might be in the English language, but it wasn't
11:41 always the case.
11:42 Matter of fact, just less than 1,000 years ago, 600, 700 years
11:46 ago, it was difficult for the average person to find a copy
11:50 of the Bible in Europe.
11:52 But really thanks to the Reformation, the printing press,
11:55 and just the explosion of missionary activity that we see
11:58 especially in the early 1800s, the Bible now is available just
12:01 about to anyone who is wanting to discover truth, wanting to
12:05 seek the Lord through reading His Word.
12:08 And we can be grateful for that, really the Reformation had an
12:10 important part to play in the translating of the Bible in all
12:15 these different languages.
12:17 Doug: That's right. Oh, go ahead.
12:19 Jean: Yeah, just lead to our next section here, if you're
12:21 following along with your lesson, we're looking at Sunday.
12:23 And Sunday's lesson is "Understanding the Scriptures."
12:26 We have a key passage of Scripture in 2 Timothy
12:29 chapter 3, verse 16.
12:30 And it says, "All Scripture is given by the inspiration
12:33 of God."
12:35 Now, Pastor Doug, some people have asked, what does this
12:36 inspiration mean?
12:38 I think the word "inspiration" there means God-breathed.
12:40 Doug: Yeah.
12:42 Yeah, the Lord through the Spirit, He gave life to His
12:46 Word, and using human instrumentalities who might
12:50 incorporate their vocabulary and experience, but the message was
12:53 the message of God He gave through them.
12:56 Jean: It almost seems like the same breath of life that
12:59 brought life to Adam when God formed him out of the clay, that
13:02 same breath, that spirit is present in the Word of God.
13:05 That as we read, there is life found in it.
13:08 So, 2 Timothy says all Scripture is given by the inspiration of
13:10 God.
13:12 It's profitable for doctrine, that would be of teaching.
13:14 It is for reproof, telling us where we are going wrong.
13:18 Also for correction, how do we get on the right path.
13:21 And for instruction in righteousness or right doing.
13:24 And then I like verse 17, "That the man or the woman of God may
13:27 be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."
13:30 Sometimes, Pastor Doug, people say, "Well, how do you know that
13:33 everything in the Bible--maybe there's some important parts
13:36 that are missing that's not in the Bible that we really need?"
13:39 Well, this verse says everything we need spiritually to be
13:42 complete, to be a fully mature Christian, is found in the
13:46 Scripture, is found in the Bible.
13:48 Doug: Yeah, I always like to keep it simple.
13:51 And I love the Bible verses that keep it simple.
13:54 It's like in Micah, where he says, "He's shown the old man
13:57 what is good, and what does the Lord require of thee?
14:00 Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God."
14:04 Well, there's three things, you can break it down to two things.
14:07 Love the Lord with all your heart, love your neighbor.
14:12 If we have the principles right, then everything else goes right.
14:15 But the Bible then breaks things down.
14:17 The love your God, love your neighbor, Ten Commandments.
14:20 But then you start going through the laws in Leviticus and in
14:25 Exodus, it goes into more detail about what does it mean to love
14:28 God and to love your neighbor.
14:30 And it says, "Well, if you're--even if your enemy's ox
14:32 wanders off, bring it back.
14:34 That's how you love your neighbor."
14:36 And so, it continues to get broader, wider, more detail,
14:39 more specific.
14:41 And you know, Jesus, the Sermon on the Mount, of course He goes
14:44 into beautiful detail.
14:46 And what He's really doing is Christ is expounding on the
14:50 principles of Moses's law using the principles of love.
14:54 You know, he said, "You've heard it say, you know,
14:58 you're not to kill.
15:00 So, I say don't even be angry with your brother without
15:03 a cause," you know?
15:04 Jean: Commit murder in your heart, yeah.
15:06 Doug: And so, the Scriptures just continue with the main
15:07 principle, love, God is love.
15:09 And it continues to fan out like that.
15:12 Jean: Now, we do have a question that Jean has emailed
15:15 to us, and the question is regarding the book of Job.
15:18 And she asks, "Is the book of Job literal or is it a parable?"
15:23 Doug: Well, we think the book of Job is literal because it
15:27 gives the very specific names.
15:31 These individuals lived in the area of Edom and you do find
15:35 their names appearing other times in the genealogy of Esau.
15:41 So, we have every reason--and the context of the story,
15:45 the specifics.
15:47 Now, there's incredible poetry in the way that Job is written.
15:50 Job was probably the first book that was written by Moses.
15:54 And, but it really--the whole great controversy is in the book
15:57 of Job, so I don't think it's just a parable.
16:01 There are certain allegory lessons in Job, but it's a real
16:04 story, just like there's an allegory in the experience
16:07 of Joseph.
16:09 Joseph really lived, but Joseph's life was somewhat an
16:11 allegory of Christ, sold by his brothers, yet he forgave.
16:16 The experience of Job shows the battle between Christ and Satan,
16:21 where you've got a person's heart is the battleground.
16:24 And so, it's a very real story, but there's a lot
16:27 of lessons in there.
16:28 Jean: Do we have any idea, Pastor Doug, as to the timeframe
16:31 when the story of Job might've taken place?
16:33 Doug: Based on how long Job lived, you look at Abraham's,
16:38 you know, father lived about 200 years.
16:41 And Job, he probably lived just shortly after the time of Esau
16:45 because you've got Isaac is living 185 years.
16:49 It talks about the length of their lives in the wording,
16:52 the vocabulary.
16:54 You know, probably he's living I'm guessing 100, 150 years
17:01 after Esau is pretty close.
17:04 Jean: Close to the time that Israel was or the children of
17:06 Israel were in Egypt, sometime during there.
17:08 Doug: And so, Moses may have gotten some of that story
17:10 from his father-in-law.
17:11 Jean: Yeah, yeah, very interesting.
17:13 All right, so when we're talking about the Bible, we find that
17:16 the Bible gives us three clear emphasis or guidelines.
17:19 First, it witnesses to us of God's work, what God has done
17:23 throughout human history.
17:25 It reveals to us the way of salvation.
17:27 I think that's the most important part of the Bible,
17:30 shows us how we can be saved.
17:31 It also thirdly then instructs us in the ways of righteousness.
17:35 How do we live as Christians?
17:37 How do we live a life that brings honor and glory to God?
17:39 So, these are the three main themes that you can find
17:42 throughout the Bible.
17:44 It talks about God's dealing with nations
17:45 and individuals in history.
17:47 It talks about how it can be saved and how we can live a
17:50 righteous life.
17:51 Doug: Yeah, absolutely.
17:53 One of my favorite verses in the Bible, well, if you go to
17:57 Deuteronomy chapter 32, here, you know,
18:00 Moses is at the end of his life.
18:02 He's written at this point the book of Job, Exodus, Leviticus,
18:07 Genesis, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
18:09 I got my order wrong there, but he's got--you got those six
18:11 books.
18:12 He's about to die, he's going to climb a mountain and die,
18:15 God has told him.
18:16 And he says in chapter 32, "Set your heart on all the words that
18:21 I testify among you today, that you shall command your children
18:26 to be careful to observe them, all the words of this law."
18:30 And that word there means the Torah.
18:32 "For it is not a futile thing for you because it is your life.
18:37 By these words you will prolong your days in the land you cross
18:40 over Jordan to possess."
18:42 This is a life and death issue that they understood.
18:45 You can't do them if you don't understand them.
18:47 So, understanding the teaching of the Bible,
18:49 rightly interpreting the Bible is life and death.
18:51 And then I love--and this isn't in the lesson, but it's one of
18:54 my favorite verses in the Bible, Deuteronomy 5:29.
18:58 It says, "Oh."
19:00 I like that word, "Oh."
19:02 It's kind of like John 3:16, "So, God so loved the world."
19:06 And here God says, "Oh, that they had such a heart in them
19:10 that they would fear Me and keep all of My commandments always,
19:15 that it might be well with them and their children forever."
19:19 It says, "Forever that they might love Me, keep My
19:22 commandments," not some of them, "all of them for their good and
19:26 their children."
19:27 And that's really what He said also in Deuteronomy 32.
19:29 Jean: Now, a lot of the Old Testament has to do
19:31 with the nation of Israel.
19:32 And people have wondered, well, why do we have so much about
19:35 Israel?
19:36 You got the whole Old Testament, you got the prophets speaking to
19:38 Israel primarily, and it just seems like a focus on a nation.
19:43 Well, I think Paul gives us a very good answer to this in
19:46 Romans chapter 3, verse 1 to 2.
19:48 And he's talking to the Gentile believers, but he's also talking
19:52 to some Jewish believers.
19:54 He says, "What advantage then has the Jew?
19:56 Or what profit has circumcision?"
19:58 Then he says in verse 2, Romans 3, "Much in every way, chiefly
20:03 because to them were committed the oracles of God."
20:06 So, why do we find so much emphasis on Israel
20:08 in the Old Testament?
20:09 Well, God was giving His will, his Word
20:12 through the Jewish nation.
20:14 They were to be His missionaries to take the gospel
20:16 to the whole world.
20:17 Now, of course, the New Testament times that God has a
20:20 spiritual Israel, those who believe in Christ, they become
20:23 part of spiritual Israel.
20:24 What is our mission today?
20:26 Well, similar to the mission of those living before Christ came,
20:29 that is to prepare the world now for the second coming of Jesus.
20:33 In the Old Testament, they were to prepare the world
20:35 for the first coming.
20:37 Our work now is to prepare the world for the second coming.
20:39 Doug: Jesus makes a stunning statement when He's talking
20:42 to the woman at the well.
20:44 She starts to argue with him about, "Well, you know, should
20:47 we worship on Mount Gerizim?"
20:49 And the Samaritans believed in the five books of Moses.
20:52 And Moses had said, "When you enter the Promised Land,
20:55 you're to go to Mount Gerizim and declare the blessings
20:57 and the cursings."
20:58 Mount Ebal, Mount Gerizim.
20:59 And so, they thought, "We've got Scripture for this."
21:01 And you know, Jesus of course said, "Well, it's Jerusalem."
21:05 Because in Samuel, that was the place that was chosen
21:09 for David to build the temple.
21:11 And Jesus said, "Salvation is of the Jews."
21:15 In other words, the Jewish nation, God had given to them to
21:19 be the guardians of the oracles of truth.
21:21 It didn't mean God was saving every Jew.
21:23 Certainly there was good and bad in every people.
21:26 God told Israel, "I'm not saving you because you're better
21:28 than other nations."
21:29 He said, "In fact, you're a stubborn and
21:31 a stiff-necked people."
21:32 He probably would've said that if He had saved
21:34 Scandinavians or Australians.
21:36 It doesn't matter who it was, human hearts are the same
21:39 pretty much everywhere.
21:41 But He needed to take a nation.
21:42 He chose Abraham because of his faithfulness, his descendants.
21:45 They would be the ones to be the recipients, the guardians of the
21:49 Word, and that they would then declare that Word and announce
21:54 the Messiah when he came.
21:56 And at Pentecost, really it was Jews announcing the Messiah
21:59 to Jews, who then took it to every nation.
22:01 Jean: Right.
22:03 And we have a question that came in, it's a little off the
22:04 subject, but it's kind of an interesting question,
22:06 so I'm going to ask it.
22:08 Venus is asking, "What is the significance of Aaron's walking
22:11 stick in the ark of the--in the ark of God or the Ark
22:14 of the Covenant?"
22:16 Why did God instruct Aaron to put his walking stick or Moses
22:18 to put Aaron's walking stick in the ark,
22:21 where the Ten Commandments is?
22:22 You can't think of anything more holy or sacred than the Ten
22:25 Commandments, but what is Aaron's rod doing there?
22:28 Doug: You know, the patriarch of a clan, they were the kings,
22:33 the nomads back then.
22:36 And the staff was really the authority,
22:39 it was sometimes used for discipline.
22:42 You'll remember that when Judah wanted to give a pledge to Tamar
22:46 that he was going to send the money, he gave his staff,
22:49 which was a big mistake.
22:52 And whenever they did a miracle in the days of Noah--or Moses
22:57 and Aaron, they threw down the staff.
22:59 It represented authority.
23:00 Well, one day, some leaders, I think it was Naboth and Abirim,
23:03 they were challenging the authority of Moses.
23:06 And he said, "I want the 12 leaders of Israel
23:09 to bring their staffs."
23:11 Well, these were the patriarchs of each tribe.
23:14 And God did a miracle for--they brought their staffs and put
23:18 them in the--in the tabernacle.
23:20 And overnight, the staff of Aaron, it put forth shoots,
23:27 leaves, blossoms, and bore almonds in 24 hours.
23:31 And here this dead stick came to life and bore fruit.
23:35 They all recognized that is a miracle.
23:37 And they all had unique insignias on their staff of
23:40 their tribes.
23:42 And so, it was a symbol of authority.
23:44 And that's why it says, "Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me,"
23:47 Psalm 23.
23:48 So, the rod of Moses or Aaron, it's interchangeable.
23:52 Being put inside the ark, it meant that God speaks through
23:57 and he designates leadership.
23:58 Jean: Yes, and of course Aaron was the priest,
24:01 the levitical priest, it was in the family.
24:04 And that was part of the controversy that arose.
24:06 It says, "Well, why are you just the one that does the work
24:09 of the priest?"
24:10 Doug: We're also holy. Jean: We're also holy.
24:12 We're a whole nation of holy people.
24:14 And God said, "No, I've chosen the tribe of Levi to do a
24:15 special work in the priesthood."
24:17 It's also interesting that you have a dead stick that in the
24:19 sanctuary suddenly buds and brings forth fruit.
24:23 Likewise spiritually, without Christ, we're dead.
24:27 But connected to Christ, we're able to produce fruit,
24:30 and that would be the fruit of the Spirit.
24:32 Doug: Come alive, that's right.
24:33 Jean: A life that brings glory to God.
24:35 Monday, the title of the lesson there is entitled
24:37 "Words and Their Meaning."
24:39 And for us to correctly understand the words in the
24:41 Bible, it's helpful for us to study their usage in other parts
24:45 of the Bible.
24:46 Doug: Yeah, and looking where--I think it was Dr. Leslie
24:51 Harding who taught for years at the Andrews Seminary.
24:55 He said one of the best ways to understand how to interpret
24:58 a word in the Bible is look at the first time
25:01 the word is introduced.
25:02 It sort of becomes a template for other times
25:05 you find those words.
25:06 So, that's one principle.
25:08 And then compare it with other verses where the word is used.
25:10 Now, I think you've got some examples there for we're going
25:12 to look at the word "mercy" and then "shalom."
25:14 Why don't you take mercy and I'll do shalom?
25:17 Jean: Yeah, the word "mercy."
25:18 Of course, we find it throughout the Bible, but just a couple of
25:20 passages that give us a broader understanding of God's mercy,
25:24 1 Kings chapter 3, verse 6.
25:26 Solomon is praying and he said, "You show great mercy to
25:29 Your servant David, my father."
25:30 And that, of course, is at the dedication of the temple.
25:33 And you can see in the life of David how God revealed His mercy
25:37 time and time again when David would make a mistake and he'd
25:40 repent, God would show mercy.
25:42 And God used him in a mighty way to build up the nation of Israel
25:46 and to prepare for the building of the sanctuary.
25:49 You've got Psalm 66, verse 20, "Blessed be God, who has not
25:52 turned away my prayer, nor His mercy from me."
25:56 You know, Pastor Doug, I think one of the most favorite phrases
25:59 or most common phrases that's found in the Psalms
26:01 is the phrase "his mercy abides forever."
26:04 His mercy abides forever.
26:06 So, God is a God of mercy, and we can see that even
26:08 in Old Testament times.
26:10 And then Micah chapter 7, verse 20, "You will give truth to
26:13 Jacob and mercy to Abraham, which He has sworn to your
26:17 fathers from days of old."
26:19 So, there we find God giving mercy to those who trust in Him,
26:23 those who follow His commandments.
26:26 Doug: Yeah, and that's I think the key that you said,
26:27 followed His commandments.
26:29 In those verses you read, 1 Kings 3:6, it says,
26:32 "Mercy in truth."
26:35 You go to Psalm 57, verse 3, it says, "He'd send His mercy
26:39 and His truth."
26:41 And then you just read another one where it talked about--it's
26:43 Micah 7, it said, "Mercy to Abraham and truth, truth to
26:47 Jacob and mercy to--" So, one way God connects His mercy
26:51 is the Word of truth.
26:53 He's showing mercy and truth.
26:55 I said I'd let you teach and I jumped in,
26:57 I couldn't help myself.
26:59 Jean: No, that's good. Doug: I'm sorry.
27:01 And then we've got a famous word.
27:02 You know, people around the word know the word "shalom."
27:06 And I heard someone say once that one of the best ways to
27:10 understand shalom for the Jew is to understand aloha
27:13 for the Hawaiian.
27:15 So, aloha was it's hello, it's goodbye, it's love.
27:20 And now shalom is a little different, of course, than that,
27:22 but it is a word that has many meanings.
27:25 When you greet someone you say shalom.
27:28 And when you say goodbye, you say shalom.
27:30 Jerusalem is named City of Peace, Jeru-Shalom.
27:36 You've got even Absalom was the son of peace.
27:41 Solomon, his name is similar also to the word "shalom."
27:45 It was--it was a greeting of blessing that was incorporated.
27:49 And when God said--and this is very famous, many people know
27:52 the levitical blessing.
27:54 You find if in Numbers 6:24 through 26, said, "This is the
27:58 blessing to put on my people.
28:00 The Lord bless you and keep you.
28:02 The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
28:06 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace."
28:10 And it ends with that word "shalom."
28:13 And the Lord--Psalm 29:11, "The Lord will give strength
28:16 to His people.
28:18 The Lord will bless His people with peace."
28:20 Now, for the Jew who spent many years wandering, they never
28:24 could settle down it seems like, and then they were slaves
28:27 for years.
28:29 Their longing of their heart was to settle down, every man to be
28:32 under his vine and his fig tree, to have springs of water,
28:36 and to live in peace.
28:38 And so, it's a picture of heaven, but it's also a picture
28:41 of the peace.
28:43 Jesus is called the prince of peace.
28:45 And Isaiah 9:6, "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.
28:51 The government will be on His shoulder.
28:52 His name will be called wonderful counselor, the mighty
28:56 God, the everlasting Father, the prince of peace."
29:01 So, Jesus is the essence, he embodies that peace.
29:05 And one more thing while we're talking about words,
29:08 when you're--you know, big word is love when
29:11 we're talking about words.
29:13 And I think just in the Greek, not even going to the Hebrew,
29:16 there are four words that are used for love.
29:20 And you've got eros, and that's more like a romantic love,
29:24 it's where we get the word "erotic."
29:26 It was a romantic love.
29:27 Phileo, and that meant a brotherly love, where you
29:31 have--you know, it was William Penn, he established
29:35 Philadelphia, he wanted it to be the city of brotherly love.
29:39 Then you have storge, that meant an unconditional or a family, a
29:43 familial love.
29:45 And then the famous one is the agape, the sacrificial, the
29:49 emphatic love, where you're feeling for another one,
29:54 a self-sacrificing love.
29:56 Now, you had the example there in John--
29:59 Jean: Yeah, it's an amazing example that you find in John
30:01 chapter 21 of how in the original Greek,
30:05 different words are used for love.
30:07 It's a fairly well known story.
30:09 This is after the resurrection, where Jesus met with the
30:11 disciples by the sea of Galilee.
30:13 And Peter, along with all the other disciples, are there.
30:17 And after that had breakfast together, Jesus asked Peter--and
30:20 this is John chapter 21, verse 15.
30:23 Jesus said to Peter, "Simon son of Jonah, do you love Me more
30:26 than these?"
30:27 Now, you'll remember Peter had said before the crucifixion,
30:30 "Though all men shall desert Thee, I'll never leave You.
30:33 I'm ready to die for You."
30:34 Now, of course, you know what happened.
30:36 Peter did deny Jesus, so Jesus says, "Peter, do you love Me
30:39 more than these?" more than the other disciples.
30:42 Now, the word that Jesus uses here for "do you love Me?"
30:46 he uses the word "agape."
30:48 And as you say, Pastor Doug, that is the love of God.
30:50 That is this unselfish, self-sacrificing love.
30:54 Peter responds to what Jesus says and says, "Yes Lord, you
30:58 know that I love You."
30:59 But he doesn't use the word "agape," he uses the word for
31:02 brotherly love, philos.
31:04 And it's kind of interesting that each time Jesus asked, he
31:08 said, "Do you agape Me?"
31:10 Peter responded and said, "Lord, I philos Thee.
31:12 I, you know, brotherly love.
31:14 The best human love that I can have, I give to You.
31:17 But my love does not come close to Your love for me."
31:21 And Jesus asked twice, "Peter, do you agape Me?"
31:24 And Peter says, "I philos You."
31:27 And then the third time, Jesus says, "Do you philos Me?"
31:30 Peter says, "Yes Lord, I philos You."
31:31 So, it's as if Jesus is trying to draw Peter's understanding
31:35 to His love.
31:37 "And do you know how much I love you?"
31:39 is in essence what Jesus is saying.
31:40 So, you can find that by looking at the original words, and it
31:43 just brings a whole lot more meaning to the Word of God.
31:46 Doug: Yeah.
31:48 And just jump in if you get a question from someone.
31:51 In the next section, it talks about repetition, word patterns,
31:55 and meanings.
31:57 And it's very helpful to know that there was no punctuation in
32:01 the Hebrew.
32:03 So, when you're reading--as well as the Greek, actually.
32:06 And so, they had different ways of creating emphasis starting
32:09 and stopping.
32:11 There's no problem if you understand and you read Hebrew
32:12 to know what the text is saying.
32:15 But one of the ways, you know, we when we say something--and
32:18 it's interesting today where everybody texting everybody,
32:21 we've kind of created a whole new language.
32:23 But you know, instead of saying, "This is so funny, I just
32:28 couldn't help myself," you just say LOL, that means
32:31 I laughed out loud.
32:32 And so, we've got these abbreviations.
32:35 Or you just put an exclamation mark.
32:37 You might just say exclamation mark and we know
32:39 that's emphasis.
32:42 One of the ways they would emphasize something is through
32:44 the repetition of words.
32:47 And maybe you could read, for instance, Genesis 1:26,
32:50 Pastor Ross.
32:51 Jean: You know, before I read that, just you're reminding me
32:53 of something.
32:54 Today, we speak with texting and different--like you said,
32:56 different things mean different things.
32:58 LOL is supposed to be laugh out loud, but I guess a teenage girl
33:02 was texting her mother and telling her about something sad
33:05 that had occurred.
33:07 And the mother responded with LOL.
33:09 And the daughter said, "Mom, that's not the
33:10 appropriate response."
33:12 Well, the mother thought LOL was love--lots of love, thank you.
33:18 Yeah, lots of love.
33:19 And the daughter's saying laugh out loud.
33:21 So, if you don't understand the context, you can get yourself in
33:23 trouble, you can be misunderstood.
33:26 And of course, knowing the right meaning of the words
33:28 and the context in the Bible also makes a difference.
33:31 Doug: Oh yeah, big difference.
33:32 Jean: Now, in Genesis chapter 1, verse 27--
33:35 Doug: Twenty-six and twenty-seven, yeah.
33:37 Jean: Twenty-six?
33:39 Talks about God created man in his own image.
33:40 "In the image of God created him, male and female
33:42 He created them."
33:44 Now, the word there for man is Adam.
33:47 And of course, that's the name of the first man
33:49 that was created.
33:50 But we find Adam also meaning man or mankind, as well as the
33:55 individual Adam, which is kind of interesting.
33:58 Then you also brought up about Adam being connected
34:00 to the ground or the earth.
34:02 Doug: Yeah, it's a similar word for in Hebrew Edom, where,
34:06 you know, the Edomites, it was this red porridge
34:10 that was given.
34:12 And Edom and Adam--and some people say,
34:13 "What race was Adam?"
34:16 And I heard one scholar say, well, he was Indian.
34:20 I said, "Well, how do you say that?"
34:21 He said, "Well, red, yellow, black, and white."
34:23 You know, they used to say the American Indians were red.
34:25 Well, they weren't really red, they used to put some clay on
34:27 them that made them look that way.
34:29 But the word really is red or ruddy.
34:33 And it says that about David, it says he was ruddy.
34:35 And that word there meant that he kind of had a rosy
34:39 or glowing complexion.
34:41 So, who knows?
34:43 Adam might have been kind of a magenta or I don't know.
34:48 Jean: But you have Adam meaning mankind,
34:50 also the name of an individual.
34:52 Now, that's kind of significant.
34:53 When we go to the New Testament, you read in Romans chapter 5,
34:57 verse 5, "But the free gift is not like the offense, for if by
35:00 one man's offense," that would be Adam, "many die, so much more
35:04 the grace of God and the gift by one man, Jesus Christ."
35:08 And Jesus is called the second Adam.
35:10 So, in the first Adam comes death because of sin.
35:14 In the second Adam, we have life in Jesus.
35:17 Doug: Right.
35:19 And going back and talking more about the context of how you
35:21 read those things, if you look for instance in--when it talks
35:25 in Genesis about God created man in his own image, in the image
35:29 of God created him, male and female created He them."
35:33 So, you're looking at God as making them, plural.
35:37 So the word "Adam" there means humanity, mankind.
35:42 But then it says, "This is the genealogy of Adam in the day
35:46 that God created man.
35:48 He made him in the likeness of God.
35:50 He created them male and female," so that's still talking
35:54 about Adam means humanity.
35:56 This is Genesis 5:1.
35:57 Then it says, "And Adam lived 130 years,
36:01 and he begat his first son."
36:05 Adam there, does it mean humanity?
36:07 Or well, it could be Adam and Eve because they're both the
36:09 same age, aren't they?
36:11 But then later it says that he lived 930 years and he died.
36:15 Now, it's probably talking about the individual Adam.
36:19 So, that's why it's so important to read the context.
36:23 Going back to the repetition that you emphasize things,
36:26 you'll notice that when--the verse you just read, it says God
36:30 created, created, created.
36:34 And this is back in Genesis chapter 1.
36:36 Says, "Let Us make man in our image.
36:40 And so, God created him.
36:42 In the image of God He created him, male and female
36:44 He created them."
36:46 If we ever have any doubts about the origin of humanity,
36:48 the Jew is saying God created, God created,
36:52 God created in His own image.
36:55 So, it's really an insult to Bible truth to say that, you
37:00 know, man evolved from some primordial soup because then
37:06 you're calling God, you know, a rock or primordial soup.
37:10 God in a fiat way created man, and it's very important.
37:14 Jean: Now, talking about repetition, in the original
37:17 language, they didn't have capitalized or exclamation mark.
37:20 But if they wanted to emphasize something, as you said,
37:23 Pastor Doug, they would repeat it.
37:25 Probably one of the most beautiful verses that you find
37:27 in the Old Testament is Isaiah chapter 6, verse 3.
37:31 It's talking about these angels who are in the very presence
37:33 of God.
37:35 And they have six wings.
37:37 With two wings they cover their feet, with two wings they cover
37:39 their faces, with two wings they fly.
37:41 And their constant cry is, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord of
37:45 hosts, the earth is filled with your glory."
37:47 Here are the angels saying, "Holy, holy, holy," in the very
37:50 presence of God.
37:52 Some have seen in that holy for the Father, holy for the Son,
37:55 holy for the Holy Spirit, sort of a triune holiness that we
38:00 find described in the Bible.
38:01 So, it's emphasis.
38:02 And of course, often you read Jesus saying, "Verily, verily,"
38:06 if you're looking at the King James version.
38:08 Or, "Verily, verily I say unto you."
38:10 Again, it's providing emphasis by repeating.
38:13 Doug: If a child is walking down a path and the parent says,
38:18 "Be careful. Child, be careful."
38:21 But if the parent says, "Be careful, be careful," they're
38:26 going, "Oh, that repetition."
38:28 If the parent says, "Be careful, be careful, be careful,"
38:33 kid's going, "Oh."
38:34 I mean, so we even understand that repetition and emphasis can
38:39 be just, you know, increasing the intensity.
38:42 So, when the angels say God is holy, but when they say He is
38:45 holy, holy, and then they say He is holy, holy, holy, the three
38:51 really was like an eternal emphasis.
38:55 That it's compete and full as it can be, the holiness of God.
39:00 Jean: Pastor Doug, we've got a question that's come
39:02 in from Nancy.
39:03 And you're talking about the importance of reading something
39:05 in its context, she's asking, "What about Mark 7, where Jesus
39:09 purged all meat?
39:11 What does this mean?"
39:13 I guess she has a friend that's saying, well, we can eat
39:15 anything now because of Mark chapter 7, where Jesus purged
39:18 all meat, where He says don't call anything unclean, or it's
39:21 not that which goes into the mouth that defiles the man.
39:25 Doug: Yeah, this is a verse that has been misunderstood, and
39:28 it's actually unfortunate that the--they're probably looking at
39:31 the New International Version.
39:34 The translators there--and one of the things we've learned as
39:36 we've been studying how to interpret the Scriptures, Bible
39:39 readers come to the Scripture with certain presuppositions,
39:43 with certain bias.
39:46 And some people have a bias, an assumption when they come to
39:49 reading the New Testament.
39:51 And they assume that, yeah, Jesus declared all foods clean.
39:54 This was what you call a parenthetical statement, where
39:58 it actually is saying when Jesus said, "It's not what goes in
40:02 your mouth that defiles you, but what comes out."
40:06 Because what goes in your mouth is eliminated in the ditch,
40:11 purging all meats.
40:13 There's a certain purging influence
40:16 of the digestive system.
40:17 Jesus is talking about if you eat food without ceremonially
40:22 washing your hands, that is not what defiles a person.
40:26 He said it's not what goes in your mouth, but what comes out
40:28 of your mouth.
40:30 And the words that you speak, reflecting what's in your heart,
40:33 that's what's defiling.
40:35 If a child eats without washing their hands, most of us have
40:38 somehow survived childhood, where that often happened.
40:42 He said that's not what defiles a heart.
40:44 So, no particular food is ever mentioned.
40:48 The NIV translators took a great liberty here, they took a
40:51 parenthetical statement, where it said,
40:53 "Thus purging all foods."
40:55 They then translate that in saying this,
40:58 Jesus declared all foods clean.
41:00 I have had friends from other denominations, they will freely
41:02 admit that is not in the Greek.
41:05 So, it's not even in the original text.
41:07 It is a very unfortunate liberty that the translators took there.
41:12 That is not found in the original text.
41:15 You don't find it in the King James, New King James,
41:17 New American Standard.
41:19 But it's confused a lot of people.
41:20 And what's the verse again?
41:22 female: It's in verse 20.
41:24 Doug: It's verse 20, yeah, 19 and 20 is where you're going to
41:25 find that in Mark chapter 7.
41:28 Jean: All right, thank you, Pastor Doug.
41:29 We have another question that somebody has sent in.
41:31 And again, we thank you for all of the questions that's come in.
41:34 This person is asking, is tithe and offering only applied
41:38 to money?
41:39 Do we pay tithes and offerings only for money?
41:42 Doug: Another good place where we can apply
41:43 the Bible hermeneutics.
41:45 When Jesus--or when Malachi says, God in his Word, in
41:51 chapter 3 of Malachi, he says, "Bring all the tithe into the
41:55 storehouse, that there may be food in my house."
41:59 But when they went to the feast, if they didn't want to carry
42:01 wagonloads of grain or sheep, it says you can convert that to
42:06 money and carry the money.
42:07 It was much easier and smaller, and pay your tithe when you come
42:10 to the feast using money.
42:12 So, it could be done using agricultural tithe, if they
42:16 would literally bring to the sanctuary or to the synagogue
42:21 where they happened to meet in their tribal area to help cover
42:23 the costs for the Levites.
42:25 Or they could go to the national feast, they would convert it
42:28 to money.
42:30 It could be either one.
42:31 Jean: Somebody asked--else is asking Pastor Doug about why is
42:34 there so many genealogies that we find in the Old Testament?
42:37 And they're speaking specifically here about
42:39 Chronicles, where it says so and so begat so and so.
42:41 Why is that so important?
42:43 Doug: I used to wonder that.
42:44 And I was reading through the Bible and I would just struggle
42:46 through saying these names.
42:47 And it was always embarrassing for me when I got into ministry
42:51 and I tried to read the names.
42:53 And I'll just give you a little tip while we're at that point.
42:57 I spent years listening to the Bible on tape, driving, going to
43:00 sleep at night, every night listening to Alexander Scourby,
43:05 who read the Bible with just perfect diction.
43:08 So, I don't know how he did it, but his pronunciation.
43:10 And there's a few other programs where they--the Bible readers
43:13 read with just extraordinary pronunciations, very accurate.
43:17 Hearing him say those names made it much easier for me to start
43:20 repeating those names in years that followed.
43:24 But I used to think, why all the chronologies?
43:27 Then as you start going through the different characters in the
43:30 Bible like we just talked about Job, reading the chronology of
43:34 Esau, I said, "Aha, some of these friends of Job appear
43:38 in this chronology."
43:39 And it helped you understand where the story took place, who
43:42 he's talking to, who their ancestors were.
43:45 And it tells about Jesus being the Messiah.
43:47 You look at the chronology in Luke that goes all the way from
43:51 Jesus back to Adam, it's one of the most extraordinary
43:54 in the Bible that Jesus is the Son of God.
43:57 And so, it tells that Jesus would be the Son of David.
44:01 You've got the chronology of Jesse and the tribe of Judah
44:04 because it says the Messiah would come through that.
44:06 So, a lot of it is so we can trace the chronology of the
44:09 Messiah when He came.
44:11 Jean: Absolutely.
44:12 Thursday's lesson talks about books and their messages.
44:15 And of course, you have 66 books in the Bible.
44:18 Divided up into different categories, you have prophetic
44:21 messages through some of the prophetic books
44:23 like Isaiah, Jeremiah.
44:26 There are some books that are described as being a
44:29 compilation, where you've got, for example, Psalms,
44:32 which is compilation of songs.
44:34 Then you got Ecclesiastes, a compilation
44:37 of different sayings.
44:39 You've got historical books like 1 and 2 Kings and Chronicles.
44:42 And then you've got letter books.
44:44 Many of the New Testament books are letters.
44:47 Paul wrote a lot of letters.
44:48 The book of Revelation is really a letter to the seven churches.
44:51 So, different categories of books, and that's helpful to
44:54 bear in mind when you're studying a particular book
44:56 in the Bible.
44:57 Doug: Yeah.
44:59 Now, Revelation is a letter that was deliberately given to be
45:01 read in many churches, so it's a little more comprehensive.
45:04 It's really for the church even today
45:06 'cause it's for many churches.
45:08 Whereas when Paul writes a letter to the 1 Corinthians and
45:12 he's giving special counsel for a particular problem, or in 2
45:17 Corinthians, he's talking about a problem in 1 Corinthians,
45:20 you then have to say, "What is the culture?
45:22 What's the historical context?
45:24 What's going on in that city?
45:26 What was the problem he's addressing?"
45:28 Then reading and understanding those teachings, it's important
45:31 to get the context of the town, the history, the culture.
45:37 Like you and I get questions all the time about 1 Corinthians 11,
45:40 where it talks about a woman not praying
45:43 unless her head is covered.
45:45 And people say, "Well, is that something we're to apply today,
45:47 that no Christian woman should pray publicly
45:50 unless her head is covered?"
45:52 Well, reading the context of what was happening in Corinth
45:54 at that time, we realize that was really more of a tradition.
45:59 And he's saying, you know, we need to be respectful of that
46:01 tradition in that context.
46:03 And even later in the own--in that same book,
46:05 I forget where in the chapter, what verse it is, he says,
46:09 "But we have no such tradition."
46:12 He uses the word "tradition."
46:14 Jean: Contentious, but we don't have such tradition.
46:16 So, dealing with the specific situation it sounds like that
46:19 was taking place at the church.
46:21 And maybe that's why we don't want to build a doctrine on just
46:23 simply one verse.
46:25 In the mouth of two or three witnesses.
46:27 And unfortunately, there are some people, pastor, that'll
46:29 take one verse and ignore the rest of the Bible as to what
46:32 it's saying, and they'll build a whole theology out of one verse.
46:35 And often, it's taken out of its context.
46:38 So, not only do you recognize that the Bible has different
46:42 books written for different audiences at different times, we
46:45 want to bear that in mind, but of course there are different
46:47 writers, about 36 at least that we know of, 36 different authors
46:52 that wrote different parts of the Bible.
46:54 This is interesting, Pastor Doug.
46:57 Some of the authorship is not given.
47:00 Sometimes, you read Paul, it states that Paul wrote the book.
47:02 Or in Revelation, John says he wrote the book.
47:05 But there are books in the Bible where we're not quite sure who
47:07 the person is that actually wrote the book.
47:10 And here are some examples.
47:12 For example, the book of Ruth, we're not quite sure
47:14 who wrote Ruth.
47:16 The book of Esther, you had an idea and I thought that was kind
47:18 of interesting.
47:19 Even though it doesn't say who wrote the book of Esther, but
47:21 you thought maybe Mordecai.
47:23 Doug: Mordecai would have been intimately acquainted with
47:25 the language and what happened in the palace on that occasion.
47:28 Jean: Right.
47:29 Doug: You wonder who in that story saw everything from all
47:31 perspectives, and he was probably--so,
47:33 we don't know, but.
47:34 Jean: The book of Job, even though it doesn't say
47:37 specifically in the book, I think there's enough tradition
47:40 and suggestions that that was probably written by Moses.
47:44 Doug: Stylistically, you look at the way Moses wrote
47:46 and it's very similar.
47:48 And he would've been acquainted with that story
47:49 being related to Jethro.
47:51 Jean: Mm-hmm, there's a connection there.
47:53 So, it's helpful to take into consideration.
47:55 And another amazing thing about that is you've got authors with
47:57 totally different backgrounds.
47:59 And God used fishermen, and scholars, and all kinds
48:03 of different people in giving us the Bible.
48:05 Doug: I'm so thankful.
48:07 When you look at the four gospels of Jesus that God used
48:10 Matthew, a tax collector.
48:12 He used Mark, who's really Peter, a fisherman.
48:15 Mark wrote it for Peter.
48:16 You've got Luke, who's a Gentile, who's writing to an
48:18 educated leader, Theophilus.
48:22 And then John, who's that beloved disciple, evidently
48:24 related somehow to the priesthood 'cause he knew the
48:26 family in the priesthood.
48:28 And so, those perspectives really help us
48:30 know Jesus better.
48:32 Why don't you tell us about the free offer again
48:33 before we run off the air?
48:35 Jean: Yes, we want to remind you if you just joined us, our
48:37 free offer today is actually a study guide that'll help you in
48:41 your reading of the Bible.
48:43 If you'd like to receive our Amazing Facts Bible reading
48:45 plan, you need to call the number 866-788-3966 and just ask
48:50 for offer number 872.
48:53 And we'll be happy to send this to you.
48:55 You can take this simple, little guide, put it in your Bible, and
48:58 it'll tell you each day the different passages you need to
49:00 read if you'd like to read all the way through the Scriptures.
49:07 announcer: Amazing facts, changed lives.
49:16 male: We were going to church every other week.
49:19 About 19 years old, things really start
49:21 to make sense for me.
49:22 I started to go to church for myself.
49:24 And the pastor wanted to study with me.
49:28 We came to the study about baptism.
49:31 And I kind of just shrugged, put my head down,
49:33 and I said, "I'm not ready."
49:34 He looked me in the eye and said, "Jason, you'll never make
49:39 yourself ready.
49:41 You know, this is something you have to do."
49:44 I put a lot of things behind me, the drinking and smoking, all
49:46 that stuff stopped.
49:48 All throughout the time when I'd been learning about God, it was
49:51 just me and God.
49:53 Comes around up to about August and I meet this girl.
49:58 About two years into the relationship, we're talking
50:00 about marriage and everything.
50:02 We didn't pray, we didn't study together, we were arguing a lot.
50:08 But we were engaged.
50:10 I started drinking again, and that was a slow downward spiral
50:14 into different things, and my devotional life started
50:16 really weaseling away.
50:18 We broke up in 2008.
50:20 It was heavy for me 'cause, again, being with somebody for
50:23 that long, it's almost like a divorce.
50:28 I started to fall back away even more.
50:31 I remember looking in the mirror, just looking at myself
50:33 and saying, "What are you doing?
50:36 How can you do this to God?
50:38 He's brought you so far."
50:41 And you know, God really heard my cry.
50:46 There was a testimony telling at my church, and there's a call,
50:51 and kids started getting up, a bunch of high school kids
50:53 started getting up for calls of baptism.
50:55 I'm back doing the PA system at this time, and I feel just like
50:58 this urge, just my heart just started ripping out of my chest.
51:02 And I just had this feeling just to go up.
51:05 I get to the front and I meet the pastor with open arms.
51:11 I realized that there's so much more to life than just living
51:13 life for myself.
51:16 And you know, falling away, it's not a necessity, but God can
51:21 work through anything in the bad to make it the good,
51:25 that's a promise He makes.
51:37 announcer: Together, we have spread the gospel much farther
51:40 than ever before.
51:42 Thank you for your support.
51:52 announcer: Amazing facts, changed lives.
52:00 female: It wasn't my choice to be a Catholic.
52:03 It was my parents' choice.
52:04 My mom, she's very, very religious.
52:09 My father, he was made the presidential trouble shooter
52:14 during the martial law.
52:17 I guess having seven kids would not be able to make my mother to
52:22 be--you know, be there for each and every one of us.
52:25 But what is really very hard for me was I was always told to be
52:30 the ugliest, to be the darkest.
52:32 You know, here in the Philippines,
52:34 you're beautiful if you're white.
52:37 But if you're brown or a little bit darker,
52:39 which I was, you're ugly.
52:43 All of us had about seven maids, one for each child.
52:48 The maids would say, "My baby," or the one she's taking care of,
52:53 "is a lot better than yours," referring to me.
52:57 I believed because I was ugly, I believed I was stupid.
53:00 I believed I was good for nothing, so I attracted all the
53:04 bad things in my life.
53:07 I had to believe that God is fair, so I said maybe that's
53:12 because I was bad in my previous lives.
53:17 So, I believe in, of course, reincarnation.
53:21 And when I was young, my mom told me
53:24 that I could really see ghosts.
53:27 I went into a lot of seance.
53:31 And there was even a time when we did a ouija board.
53:35 And then in front of me really--it really happened for
53:38 the four of us, the glass, which is a wine glass,
53:43 it just--you know, it just went up.
53:48 So, because this is my life, I do believe
53:50 that I was attracted to the wrong man.
53:53 There's anything that really happened very good was to have
53:57 my two adorable children, but I was really abused in all areas,
54:04 physically, emotionally, of course spiritually.
54:09 And you will think, "Where is God?"
54:17 I began to search, and unfortunately my church doesn't
54:20 have a Bible study.
54:22 So, I was able to go to a Baptist Bible study, and there I
54:27 had a classmate, her name is Lu.
54:30 She gave me the DVDs, and that is where I learned about Pastor
54:36 Doug and "Amazing Facts."
54:40 That Baptist church saw my eagerness, so when I started
54:45 asking for the Sabbath worship on a Saturday, they took me out.
54:54 They even got a meeting and they said that I was a stumbling
54:57 block, me and Lu, and that is how we left.
55:02 Our friends are all from the Baptist and we love them dearly,
55:07 but the truth cannot be compromised.
55:13 So, that is when we started having a Bible study,
55:18 every four o'clock at Club Filipino,
55:21 and I invite all my friends.
55:25 It pains me to think that I was really lost.
55:29 Why is it that I'd find teaching through a foreigner,
55:34 from Pastor Doug?
55:37 What if nobody gave me the message?
55:40 Because my growth happened because of the DVDs that I watch
55:48 every night, every morning.
55:52 And even my friends, who happened to have master
55:56 degree, they say, "Why are you so much better?
55:59 Maybe your teachers are good."
56:02 Yes, my teachers are from the "Amazing Facts."
56:06 I owe my salvation really to all the teachings that I've learned
56:11 from your DVDs and from your books.
56:14 ♪♪♪
56:24 ♪♪♪
56:31 Doug: Friends, we're out here in the Pacific Ocean, not too
56:33 far from the island of Fiji.
56:35 And we're getting ready to look at some wonders in the deep.
56:39 The Bible says God made the heaven, the earth, and the sea.
56:42 And there are things under the sea that are beautiful that many
56:44 people have never seen.
56:46 Some folks might just skim along, snorkel on the surface.
56:49 But if you want to see the real majesty of the ocean,
56:52 you've got to go deeper.
56:53 ♪♪♪
57:03 ♪♪♪
57:07 Doug: Because people don't have gills like fish, we have to
57:10 do something extraordinary to be able to breathe
57:13 below the surface.
57:14 And because you have to breathe all the time, we need this
57:16 special equipment.
57:20 In the same way, the Bible says a Christian needs to pray
57:23 without ceasing.
57:24 We need to always be breathing the atmosphere of heaven if
57:28 we're going to live a Christian life in this world below.
57:30 ♪♪♪
57:40 ♪♪♪
57:50 ♪♪♪
57:57 Doug: Wow, what a wonderful world.
58:00 ♪♪♪
58:09 ♪♪♪
58:18 ♪♪♪


Revised 2020-05-07