Sabbath School Study Hour

Winsome Witnesses: The Power of Personal Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022028S

00:00 ♪♪♪
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00:35 Carlos Munoz: Maranatha, my loved ones, and welcome to
00:38 another Sabbath School Study Hour.
00:40 Today we're going to study lesson number two on our
00:43 quarterly, "Making Friends For God."
00:45 But before we get into our study, I want to tell you about
00:48 this new Amazing Facts tracks we have, an Amazing Facts that are
00:52 11 tracks that we just created and this we are going to give to
00:56 you as a free gift.
00:58 If you want a printed copy, you can call 1-866-Study-More, or
01:03 1-866-788-3966, and we will send you a printed copy of these new
01:11 Amazing Facts. tracks, 11 in total.
01:14 But sadly, it's only to be mailed in the United States or
01:17 in US territories.
01:19 And so, knowing that now, let's get into our study, and let's
01:23 have a Word of prayer before we begin.
01:27 Heavenly Father, we thank you again, for another beautiful day
01:29 of life.
01:31 We thank you for the privilege and the honor that you give us
01:33 to worship you, to give you praise and glory on your
01:35 holy day.
01:37 And we just ask, Father, now as we come to review the lesson,
01:39 that your Spirit can guide us, strengthen us, and put and seal
01:43 your truth in our hearts, Father, your love, your grace,
01:46 your mercy.
01:47 Thank you again for this privilege and this
01:49 honor, Father.
01:50 We ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
01:52 And so, for those that don't know me, I'm Pastor
01:53 Carlos Munoz.
01:55 I am the AFCOE director here at Amazing Facts, Amazing Facts
01:56 Center of Evangelism, and I am also an associate speaker,
02:00 bilingual speaker.
02:01 And so, I'm going to share with you today lesson number two
02:05 which is called "Winsome Witnesses: The Power of
02:08 Personal Testimony."
02:10 Now, the memory text for this week, if you want to read it
02:13 with me, it's in Acts chapter 4, verse 20 and it says, "For we
02:18 cannot but speak the things which we have seen and
02:22 heard," right?
02:25 When I do the Sabbath lesson, I always like to pay attention to
02:27 the title.
02:29 The title is going to give us a background into what we're going
02:31 to study.
02:33 And so, the title is "Winsome Witnessing."
02:35 Now, I don't know about you, but the first time I saw that word
02:37 "winsome," I had no idea what it meant, so I went and looked for
02:41 a dictionary to find out what does that word "winsome
02:43 witnesses" mean, right?
02:45 Not this time, but we have Amazing Facts.
02:47 We have a resource called "Winsome Witnessing" also.
02:50 And winsome means attractive or appealing in appearance
02:53 or character.
02:55 That's what the word "winsome" means.
02:57 And if you notice, that's where the word "handsome" actually
02:59 comes from that, right?
03:01 It's attractive or appealing in visualness.
03:02 It's handsome person, right?
03:04 And so, that's what winsome means.
03:07 It means to be attractive or appealing.
03:09 Now, the word "witness" right, winsome witnesses.
03:13 The word "witness" is defined as someone who has knowledge or
03:16 evidence about a matter.
03:19 In law, a witness is someone who either voluntary or under
03:22 compulsion provides testimonial evidence, either oral or
03:26 written, of what he or she knows or claims to do, to know.
03:32 So, what it's talking about then there is an attractive
03:35 witness, right?
03:37 There is an appealingness to somebody that has
03:40 evidence, right?
03:42 It is--it draws people in, in the context of something that we
03:45 know or something that we claim to know.
03:47 So, when you're looking for a witness, you want to make sure
03:50 that the witness has the credentials, has the
03:53 credibility, has the character, has the evidence necessary.
03:56 Of course, we're just talking generally in this context.
03:58 We're putting--now we're going to put this on a
04:01 religious context.
04:02 It's winsome witnessing.
04:04 That means that there is an attractiveness, right, to
04:06 a testimony.
04:09 There is an attractiveness to the appealing of what or how God
04:12 has worked in my life and what God is doing and so, I am
04:15 showing the credentials, the credibility, right, the evidence
04:18 of that beautiful claim that I am giving forth.
04:23 Now, the same thing with the word "testimony" because it
04:25 says, "The power of personal testimony."
04:28 A testimony is, again, a formal written or spoken statement,
04:31 especially one given in a court of law.
04:34 It's evidence or proof provided by the existence or appearance
04:36 of something.
04:38 So, when we put this all together, what it's saying is
04:41 that our testimony is an attractive evidence, right?
04:45 Our testimony, our personal testimony, is a draw into claims
04:50 about who God is and what God has done, what God can do, and
04:55 what he is doing in our lives.
04:58 And so, I think that's fascinating because when you put
05:00 this together, the concept of witness, and testimony, and
05:02 evidence, this all has to do with terminally--terminal--legal
05:05 terminology, right?
05:07 Sometimes in civil, administrative, or in criminal
05:10 trials, and it's associated with a trial.
05:13 So, when we ask ourselves, what is the purpose of a trial?
05:16 Well, the purpose of a trial is to find truth, right?
05:19 There is either an accusation.
05:22 There is evidence presented in favor or against something
05:26 or someone.
05:27 And so, what we do is on a trial is to determine whether that
05:30 accusation or that, what that was presented was accurate was
05:33 real, was true, right?
05:35 So, this terminology being used in the legal settings, that
05:39 tells us then that the Bible is also giving us some legal
05:42 foundation or some legal terminology so the things that
05:45 are happening in Scripture, right?
05:47 So, if this is mostly applied in trials, then the question that
05:52 we should ask is, is there a trial in Scripture,
05:53 my loved ones?
05:55 Is someone on trial in Scripture?
05:58 Well, we know that in this great controversy, this great cosmic
06:00 conflict, God's character has been on trial, right?
06:03 Remember from the beginning, it tells us that the enemy,
06:06 Lucifer, Satan, he was accusing God, he was presenting that God
06:11 was not worthy to be ruler.
06:13 He was attacking God's character.
06:15 He was saying that God was a--was arbitrary, right?
06:19 He was, he was dictator.
06:21 He was imposing these laws and these--and his will on
06:23 other people.
06:25 And so, that was the accusation that the devil did.
06:27 And so, what does God do?
06:29 He doesn't destroy him because we know that would not have
06:30 resolved anything, but what does God do?
06:33 Says, "Okay, let's let this play out in the type of trial, right?
06:36 Let's--you've presented your evidence, now I'm going to
06:39 present and show my evidence in regards to this character."
06:42 And so, what is it saying about us?
06:45 It's saying that we are witnesses, or we are evidence
06:47 to what?
06:48 We are here to advocate, to defend, to sow the truth in
06:51 regards to God's character, in regards to who God is.
06:55 And I just think it's fascinating, the whole concept
06:57 of trial.
06:59 I studied, I studied pre-law and criminology in my bachelor's
07:02 degree, and so this concept is, is so familiar in the sense of
07:05 the presentation, the evidence of, is God worthy?
07:08 Does God deserve to be the ruler of the earth?
07:12 Is God worthy to reign over the earth, over the universe, and is
07:17 he worthy to receive our worship, to receive our
07:20 surrender, to receive our lives?
07:22 And, my loved ones, this is where the stuff the concept of
07:25 personal testimony comes in, right?
07:28 Why do I say this?
07:29 Because it says it in the lesson that people, you know, you can
07:32 get into a debate with somebody in regards to some type of
07:36 theological foundation, right?
07:39 I don't advocate that you get into a debate.
07:41 We were not called to win debates, we are called to win
07:43 souls, right?
07:45 But sometimes, you know, when you're talking with something,
07:47 you're presenting the evidence to a belief system that you have
07:49 to one of our doctrines or anything, and people can refute
07:52 it, right?
07:54 Some people, they can use their own text, takes things out of
07:57 context and try to debate and try to contrast what you're
08:00 trying to say, what you're trying to present.
08:03 But it's very difficult to debate a testimony.
08:07 It's very difficult to refute somebody's personal testimony.
08:11 I'll give you an example.
08:12 There was this story about this church that opened up in this
08:16 very, this city, right?
08:19 It is a very cosmopolitan city, very advanced, high, known as
08:24 high society, people very educated.
08:26 And so, this church decided that it wanted to do some type of
08:30 modern debate, right, to try attract the professionals and
08:35 the scholars that were in the area, to try appease to their
08:40 intellect, right, to try to reach out.
08:42 And so, they decided to do a debate, a debate between atheism
08:45 and theism, right, a debate in regards to the arguments in
08:48 favor and against these, and present a good debate in regards
08:52 to this to try to draw people in.
08:55 And so, the story says that they brought in some Christian
08:58 doctors and they brought in some Christian scholars to talk
09:01 about, you know, creationism, evolution, postmodernism, and
09:05 all of these terminology that we debate sometimes in
09:09 religious settings.
09:12 And there was this atheist lawyer that was in the crowd and
09:16 as the presentation was going on, the story says that this
09:21 atheist doctor, they asked for questions from the public and
09:24 this atheist doctor stood up and he grabbed the microphone.
09:27 And it says that in front of every everybody, based on
09:30 everything that they had been talking about or said during
09:33 that debate, he refuted every single piece of it.
09:37 He just attacked.
09:39 He went straight to--he went straight to the core of
09:41 everything and he used his own atheistic perspective, his own
09:45 arguments, right, in favor of naturalism, in favor of atheism,
09:48 in favor of evolution.
09:51 And he just broke it down.
09:54 Everybody was stunned, right, because he was so convincing, he
09:56 was so assertive, he was so accurate, and he was so eloquent
10:01 in the way that he was saying that people were stunned and
10:03 people were afraid, right?
10:05 Because they're saying, "Wow, he's going to even convince some
10:07 of the Christians that are among us who were not trying to draw
10:09 him, but they were just part of the church."
10:12 Well, amongst all the chaos, everybody was stunned
10:14 and silent.
10:16 But it says that this little, old man raised his hand and he
10:19 called him up with amongst the silence of the crowd, and he
10:23 stood up and he grabbed his microphone.
10:25 Little, little old man, and he says, "You know what?
10:28 I was not raised in the city.
10:30 I was raised out as a farm boy.
10:32 I did not go--I didn't do past high middle school, I didn't do
10:37 high school education.
10:39 I didn't go to any of the fancy universities all of you guys
10:40 are in.
10:42 I didn't study all of these concepts, and I'm not as
10:44 eloquent, and I can't express terminologies, and I don't have
10:48 all of the knowledge that every one of you that is here on the
10:50 panel and this atheist lawyer here has.
10:54 But I do have something," he said.
10:57 "I don't know much about anything you're talking about,
11:01 but I do know that God is alive and God is powerful."
11:05 He says, "You know how I know this?
11:07 Because I used to be a drunk.
11:09 I used to beat my wife.
11:10 I used to spend all my money on gambling.
11:12 I used to do all of these horrific things.
11:14 I was just a complete mess, and I hit rock bottom but that's the
11:17 moment when I gave Christ the chance to be in my life, and I
11:21 gave him an opportunity because I was going to lose everything.
11:24 My wife have left me, everything, my children did not
11:27 respect me.
11:28 I have lost everything.
11:30 My business was on the ground.
11:31 And at that moment, I gave Jesus Christ a chance.
11:33 And from that moment to today, I have been a new man.
11:35 I have been changed and transformed.
11:37 I do not--I do not participate in any of the ways of the world
11:40 as I used to anyway.
11:42 My marriage has been restored.
11:44 My children have been restored.
11:46 My business has been restored.
11:47 I am a new man.
11:49 So, even though I'm not able to express eloquently and present
11:51 all these arguments that all of you fine gentlemen can, I do
11:56 have the power and the testimony to say that God is alive because
11:59 I have experienced it in my own life."
12:02 And to that you say what you say what?
12:04 You say amen, right?
12:06 There's no way to debate that.
12:07 You might not agree with it, you might think that it was some
12:09 type of superstition, but at the end of the day, the power and
12:12 the impact of a personal testimony goes way beyond fancy
12:15 and eloquent arguments, and big titles and big degrees.
12:20 That doesn't mean that it's not good to study.
12:22 It doesn't mean that it's not good to go to university.
12:24 But the core of it is that, that surrender to God where we can
12:28 see the power of God working in our lives in such a way that we
12:33 are to share and to show others what that is, and that is what
12:37 we're talking about when we're talking about a winsome
12:40 witnessing, right?
12:41 It's just people are drawn in to see and to notice the power
12:44 which with God has worked in your heart.
12:48 You see, my loved ones, before we are able to convince people
12:50 about our doctrines, our beliefs, the things that we hold
12:53 so dear, the mission, the purpose of the church, first
12:57 they have to be able to see the love of God in us.
13:01 First they have to be able t witness, they have to be able to
13:04 see that what we're saying, how we're living, is a
13:08 greater sermon.
13:10 Our life is a pulpit and so when people see that when they
13:13 are--when they see the reality of our witness, when they're
13:16 able to see the power of God in our lives, that is what wins
13:19 them in, right?
13:21 That is what's appealing and attractive and then, once
13:23 they're convinced of our faithfulness, once they're
13:28 convinced of our genuine person, then, my loved ones, then that
13:34 opens the door for what?
13:36 That opens the door for us then to share why we believe, why we
13:39 live the way we are.
13:41 And so, that is the key, my loved ones, to this.
13:43 That's why it says in Matthew chapter 24, verse 14, that this
13:47 gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to all the world as
13:50 a what?
13:51 As a witness, all right, to all nations, and then the end
13:54 shall come.
13:56 So, it is through our witness that this gospel of the world,
13:59 which we know is Revelation chapter 14, verse 16,
14:01 everlasting gospel, right, the three angels' message of
14:04 Revelation chapter 14, verse 6 and 12.
14:06 It says in Matthew 24 that that gospel of the world shall be
14:09 preached as a witness, is that people are going to see what
14:13 we believe.
14:14 They're going to see it manifested in our daily lives.
14:16 And I think it's fascinating, if you want to join me in
14:18 Revelation chapter 3 'cause it says something, it uses a quite
14:22 unique phrase when it's talking about Jesus Christ.
14:26 Revelation chapter 3, look at what it says here in verse
14:30 number 14, Revelation 3:14.
14:33 It also says it in Revelation chapter 1, verse 5 but here, I
14:37 like how it says it.
14:39 It says Revelation chapter 3:14, it tells us, "And the angel of
14:42 the church of the Laodiceans write, 'These things says the
14:45 Amen, the Faithful and True Witness.'"
14:49 It calls Jesus, Jesus says, "I am the faithful and
14:52 true witness."
14:54 Now, the question is, what is Jesus the faithful and true
14:56 witness of?
14:58 My loved ones, Jesus is the faithful and true witness of the
15:01 love of God, right, of the power of God, of the mercy of God, of
15:05 the evidence, right?
15:07 He is the evidence of the love of God, not that we love God,
15:11 but that He loved us and He sent His Son.
15:13 Jesus is the greatest manifestation, the greatest
15:16 evidence of the love of God for humanity because he sent the
15:19 greatest thing that he had, and that is Jesus Christ.
15:22 And so, that's why he is the true and faithful witness
15:24 because Jesus gives a perfect account of who God is, of his
15:29 character, right, of what God wants to do in us and
15:32 through us.
15:34 And I think that's just beautiful when it ties into this
15:37 concept of the powerful testimony, right, because what
15:39 it's telling us is that we also are to give witness, right?
15:43 So, the question that I asked myself, myself is, am I a true
15:47 and faithful witness?
15:49 Because the implication is that if they're a true and faithful
15:51 witness, then that must mean what?
15:54 There must be false and unfaithful witnesses, and I want
15:58 to make sure that I am being a true and faithful witness.
16:01 And so, that's what the lesson is about this week.
16:03 It was just a great lesson.
16:05 And so, it's interesting because when we go into the lesson you
16:08 would think, okay, so who are the first people that were sent
16:11 out to work, right?
16:13 Who are the first people to send out to give witness and
16:16 testimony to the love of God, to the power of God in this sense?
16:19 And we probably think, oh, it must have been Peter, and Paul,
16:22 or John, or some of the disciples.
16:25 It's interesting because the first missionary that Christ
16:28 sent out to do the work was who?
16:31 Was the man possessed by demons.
16:33 Join me please in Matthew chapter 5, Mark chapter 5, I'm
16:36 sorry, Mark, chapter 5.
16:38 And in Mark chapter 5, verse 15 forward, we have the story of
16:41 the man that was possessed by a demon, right?
16:45 And so, the story, if you've read it before, it's a
16:48 horrific story.
16:49 I mean, it says that the man, he was, he had a legion of demons
16:52 that possessed him, and a legion is the estimate for a Roman army
16:57 in that context is about 16--6,000 soldiers.
17:01 So, this man was utterly, utterly possessed by
17:04 demons, right?
17:05 He was naked.
17:07 I mean, it was just horrific.
17:08 And notice what it says in Matthew chapter--Mark chapter 5,
17:10 I'm sorry, verse number 15.
17:12 It says, "Then they came to Jesus and saw the one who had
17:17 been demon possessed and had the legion, right, sitting and
17:20 clothed in his right mind."
17:22 So, notice the transformation.
17:24 He was naked, he was tied.
17:25 They tried to try to tie him down, right, but he would break
17:28 the chains.
17:30 He was sitting silently.
17:32 That's another implication, sitting.
17:33 This man was enraged, right?
17:35 He was sitting and clothed in his right mind, right?
17:39 That means he was at peace, right?
17:41 He was sober.
17:42 He was thoughtful.
17:44 It says and they were afraid, and they--and those who saw it,
17:47 who saw what?
17:49 Who saw the transformation of this man that was demon
17:51 possessed, told them how it happened to him who had been
17:54 demon possessed, and about the swine.
17:56 And then they began to plead with him to depart from
17:59 the region.
18:01 So, these people are witnesses to this man that is demon
18:03 possessed, right?
18:05 They saw what he was.
18:07 They saw the life that he was living before that as he was a
18:10 slave to the devil.
18:12 And it says, and when he got into the boat, he who had been
18:15 demon possessed begged him, talking about Jesus, that he
18:18 might, what?
18:20 That he might be with him.
18:22 Now, notice that this man wanted to be a disciple of Christ, this
18:24 man wanted to follow Jesus Christ, right?
18:27 But it's interesting that Christ did not let him, right?
18:30 And so, the question is, why not?
18:33 Well, it continues to say, however, Jesus does not permit
18:35 him but said to him, "Go," right, "home to your friends and
18:40 tell them what great things the Lord has done for you and how he
18:43 has compassion on you," amen.
18:46 And this is just a beautiful statement because it says, first
18:49 of all, he says what?
18:51 Go, right?
18:53 That means he was sent.
18:54 That concept of going or sent is a divine commission in the sense
18:58 of going as an ambassador would go, right?
19:02 When a government commissions an ambassador to go represent this
19:05 kingdom or this nation in a foreign land, what Jesus is
19:08 telling him is that, "go and represent me," right?
19:11 "Go and show others who I am.
19:14 Go and speak of the kingdom that I am trying to establish in the
19:16 hearts and in the minds of those that are around us.
19:19 I want you to go to be an ambassador," right?
19:22 So, he was a disciple in the sense of that he came to the
19:27 feet of Christ, right?
19:28 And I'm sure that it didn't stop here, his admiration, his
19:30 following of Jesus.
19:32 But in this context, Jesus gave him a very specific mission.
19:34 He said, "Go."
19:36 And notice what he says, "Tell them of the great things that
19:37 the Lord has done for you," right?
19:39 We should be able, my loved ones, as Christians to give
19:42 evidence to what God has done in our lives and not only what God
19:46 has done, but what God is doing right now.
19:49 We should be able, as this man who had a total
19:53 transformation, right?
19:54 Remember, everybody knew who this demon-possessed guy was,
19:58 all the cities, all the towns in the area, right?
20:00 It's known--it says here that the Decapolis, the ten cities,
20:03 this Gentile region, they all knew who he was.
20:07 They were afraid of this man.
20:09 And it says, he said, "Go and tell them what you have done,
20:12 for he has done compassion on you," amen?
20:14 This is beautiful, my loved ones, is that God has shown
20:17 compassion, why?
20:18 Because God has freed him from that bondage, from that slavery,
20:21 from that demon-possessed driven life that he was.
20:24 God had compassion, how?
20:26 Because He sent His Son Jesus Christ.
20:29 And Jesus, what did Jesus do?
20:30 Jesus liberated that man from that situation and so the
20:34 compassion of God, not only to send His Son, but the love of
20:37 God through His Son Jesus Christ, to liberate that man
20:40 from that time, my loved ones.
20:42 It was a powerful, powerful testimony.
20:44 And Jesus doesn't say, "Come follow me."
20:46 He says, "Go witness," right?
20:48 "Go talk to others, go back to your city and give witness and
20:51 testimony to the things that I have done."
20:54 And so, it's believed that because of this Gentile region
20:57 known as Decapolis, right, the Gentiles were there.
21:00 There was a lot of prejudice towards the Jews and so what it
21:03 says is that, what's understood is that this man went back to
21:08 the city and he started to do what?
21:10 He started to prepare the groundwork, right?
21:12 I like to look at it in the concept of evangelism, right?
21:15 You don't just show up in a city and start preaching, you have to
21:18 start doing the groundwork, you have to start preparing the
21:20 hearts and minds.
21:22 In the same way that John t Baptist came to God's people and
21:25 he prepared them for the coming of the Messiah, so Jesus also
21:28 sent this man out to Decapolis, to do what?
21:32 To prepare to tell, to witness to the compassion and to the
21:35 love of God that was going to be manifested.
21:37 And so, only he could have done it, right?
21:40 You can't send the disciples, it would have probably not have
21:43 gone too well.
21:44 So, Jesus understanding this, and it actually says in "Desire
21:46 of Ages," that nine months later after this event, Jesus showed
21:51 up in the region of Decapolis, and guess what.
21:54 He started to preach and he was received and they started to
21:56 listen to him.
21:58 So, that's beautiful, my loved ones.
22:00 And so, what was so special about this?
22:02 What was so beautiful about this, my loved ones, is the fact
22:04 that this demon-possessed man, he was not a disciple of Christ.
22:08 He was not walking with Christ.
22:09 He was not living with Christ.
22:11 He didn't have that advantage, like the disciples said, of
22:13 seeing the character being developed little by little.
22:16 He was just, at that very moment, freed from that which
22:20 oppressed him, freed from that which was imposed on him by
22:23 these demons.
22:25 And so, this miraculous healing, this miraculous deliverance that
22:29 Jesus Christ did was special because this man did not
22:32 hesitate for a second, immediately, right?
22:35 And so, this is the indispensable ingredient, my
22:37 loved ones, for witnessing is the changed life.
22:40 It's the transformed life.
22:42 And for that, we have to have a personal knowledge and
22:45 understanding of who God is.
22:47 I cannot give a witness or testimony to others about who
22:51 God is if I don't know him, right?
22:54 I can't come--I would not be called to a trial to give
22:57 witness or to give evidence to an event or to a person, if I
23:02 don't know that person.
23:03 That would be a great waste of time.
23:05 When they call somebody in as a witness is because they believe
23:08 that there is credibility, right, that there is
23:10 information, there is truth in this that this person is going
23:12 to reveal to be able to clarify whatever situation that is
23:16 happening in a courtroom.
23:19 And that's what we're here on earth to do, my loved ones, we
23:21 are here to give clarity to the world because there's a lot
23:24 of confusion.
23:25 Who is God?
23:27 Is God good, right?
23:28 Why does God permit all of these things happening?
23:30 This is the great concept of theodicy, right?
23:32 Does God deserve to reign?
23:34 Well, my loved ones, you and I, through our lives, are to give
23:38 witness to this but for to be able to be effective, powerful
23:40 witnesses, we have to have that one-on-one interaction with God.
23:45 We have to have that one-on-one connection.
23:47 I want you to join me to the Book of Psalms, a beautiful part
23:51 of the Psalms that I just absolutely love it, it talks to
23:55 this effect and I think it has--it's closely related to
23:58 this demon-possessed man in the story of Mark chapter 15, in the
24:05 story of Mark chapter 5, I'm sorry.
24:09 Psalms chapter 40, if you're there, Psalms chapter 40, verse
24:12 number 1, look at what it says here in Mark--Psalms Chapter 40,
24:16 verse number 1, "I waited patiently for the Lord and he
24:19 inclined to me and heard my cry," right?
24:22 This reminds me of when God's people were in Egypt.
24:24 And it says, "And he brought me up out of the horrible pit, out
24:29 of the miry clay."
24:31 Now, in Spanish, I like how it says in Spanish, it says that he
24:33 brought me up out of quicksand, right?
24:37 Now, if you know the experience of quicksands, what happens if
24:40 you caught in quicksand?
24:41 It means that you're going to die, right?
24:43 Unless something external happens, you're not going to be
24:46 able to come out.
24:47 The harder you try, the deeper you get dragged into it.
24:50 And so, this is the concept of what is happening to us, right?
24:53 When we see what is happening in our lives, testimony of so many
24:57 people that say, "You know what I have--I've lost
25:00 everything," right?
25:01 Like the disciples after Jesus Christ was murdered, they lost
25:05 hope, right?
25:06 They were like, "What are we going to do?
25:08 We have nothing."
25:10 They were afraid that they were going to--and that was the
25:11 moment when they were ready, and they were ready to
25:13 surrender completely.
25:14 So, that's the experience that we're seeing here.
25:16 There's no hope, there's no, there's nothing that can save us
25:18 from the situation that we're in.
25:20 And when we're talking spiritually, we're talking about
25:22 the eternal death that is coming forth, right?
25:25 There's nothing that can avoid that, but it says that, "As we
25:28 cry to God," it says, "He brought me up.
25:30 He took me out of that condition, out of that destiny
25:32 that I was to die," and he says, "and out of my miry clay, and he
25:38 set my feet upon a rock."
25:39 Now, who is the rock in the Bible?
25:41 We know it's God.
25:42 It's Jesus Christ, amen?
25:44 So, you go from this condition of having of having no balance
25:46 and being dragged in and drowning basically in sound--in
25:48 sand, to now being placed upon a rock, amen?
25:52 And it says, "He established my feet."
25:54 In other words, what it means is he straightened my walk.
25:57 Notice, my loved ones, that God, all we can do is cry out to God,
26:01 and he drags us out of the bottomless pit.
26:04 He drags us out of the quicksand that was going to be our death*.
26:08 And he puts us on a rock and he straightens our steps.
26:11 That's justification, sanctification perfectly
26:14 explains, amen?
26:16 And here's verse 3, here's where it gets beautiful.
26:18 "And he put a new song in my mouth, praise to our God, many
26:21 will see it and fear and will trust in the Lord."
26:24 Notice the response of this person is he's saying what?
26:27 "I was dragging down.
26:29 I was going down, I was going to die, and God saved me from that
26:32 situation, and God put a new song in my mouth," amen.
26:36 There are many people that can sing and have a beautiful voice,
26:39 right, but there are not many people that can praise God.
26:42 To praise God is to be able to sing, to give witness, to
26:46 evidence to the beauty of God, to the power of God that he has
26:50 been doing, that he has done in our lives and not only in the
26:53 past, but as I mentioned already, also in the future.
26:56 And so, when we move on, it gives us another example through
26:58 the lesson of this week in regards to Mary, right, Mary
27:02 Magdalene and Mary Jesus's my mother on that Resurrection Day.
27:06 Join me please right there in the Book of Mark chapter 16.
27:08 I want to share something with you.
27:10 So again, it's talking about this personal testimony and now
27:13 it's looking into Mark chapter 16.
27:15 If you're there, go with me please to verse number 9.
27:19 Mark chapter 16, verse number 9.
27:21 Now, we know that they went to prepare, they went to embalm the
27:24 body of Jesus Christ.
27:26 It was Sunday morning, and as they go, it says in chapter 16
27:28 that they went and the angel tells them now he's not here
27:32 anymore, for what?
27:33 He has been resurrected.
27:35 And look at what it says in verse--in Mark chapter 16, verse
27:39 number 8.
27:40 "So they went out quickly and fled from the tomb, for they
27:43 trembled and were amazed," right?
27:45 "And they said nothing to anyone for they were afraid."
27:49 Now verse number 9, "Now when he rose early on the first day of
27:52 the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom we
27:55 had cast," what?
27:57 "Seven demons and she was--and she went and told those had been
28:00 with him as they mourned and wept."
28:03 Notice something, my loved ones.
28:05 It says here that it's talking about Mary Magdalene, and it
28:08 brings forth the fact that she had been--Jesus had cast out
28:10 seven demons from this woman.
28:13 Why do you think it brings up this concept?
28:15 Why do you think it presents the casting out of the seven demons?
28:18 Because I think it's looking back at the testimony, right, of
28:21 that moment, that encounter that she had with Jesus Christ when
28:24 she was freed again, right, from the seven demons that had her in
28:28 prostitution, that had her living in a complete carnal way
28:34 and completely ways I'm sure she was depressed.
28:37 I'm sure she was not happy as most situations of people that
28:40 are--that are succumbed in the--completely in the ways of
28:44 the world, and so what happens is that it mentions that Jesus
28:48 had saved her.
28:50 That was her past testimony, but now she has what?
28:53 She has more evidence to the power of God.
28:55 She can testify to the past when Jesus Christ took those seven
28:59 demons out, but now she is also, what?
29:02 She is giving present, she is getting fresh manna coming out
29:05 of that oven, fresh manna in regards to now not only has he
29:09 saved me, but he has also resurrected, right, that our
29:12 King, our Savior has been resurrected.
29:14 And so, she's also giving testimony and witness of her
29:17 past life and how that has helped her to be present for
29:21 this new testimony, this new witness to the power of God when
29:25 he resurrects Jesus Christ.
29:27 And so, it says in verse 10, "She went and told those who had
29:29 been with him, and they mourned and wept.
29:32 And when they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her,
29:36 they did not believe."
29:38 So, it happens sometimes, my loved ones, when you're sharing
29:41 your testimony, when you're giving your testimony, that some
29:44 people might not be impressed.
29:46 Don't worry about it.
29:48 Our job is not to try to convince people, to
29:50 convict people.
29:51 That's the work of the Holy Spirit.
29:53 Our job is to be a faithful and true witness to give evidence to
29:55 the power of God that people can see that and that seed is going
29:59 to be implanted in their heart and that's how they're going to
30:02 be won over, my loved ones.
30:04 And so, again, talking about this past, talking about Mary
30:06 Magdalene in this sense, not only did she have a present
30:09 testimony, a present evidence to the power of God, and she
30:13 immediately, what did she do?
30:15 She was so excited, she went to tell the disciples, thinking
30:18 that they would be just as excited as they were, and they
30:20 were actually afraid.
30:22 But it's also pointing back to the past.
30:24 Why do I say this?
30:25 I remember when I was starting off in the church, my church in
30:28 New York City, in Dyckman, and on Wednesday nights was known as
30:32 prayer and testimony night, right, prayer and
30:35 testimony night.
30:37 And I remember that I would go to prayer and testimony night
30:39 expecting to hear testimonies, right, just to hear evidence of
30:42 the power of God manifested through the lives of my brothers
30:45 and sisters of the church.
30:48 And I remember that I would go there and all they would do
30:51 would be giving prayer requests, and thanking God.
30:53 And don't get me wrong, there's a time for a prayer requests,
30:55 and there's a time for giving gratitude and thanks to God, but
30:59 the purpose specifically of this service was to give testimony.
31:02 And one thing that stood out to me is that people were not, very
31:05 few people, very few people would actually be
31:08 giving testimony.
31:09 I never forget that there was this older lady, right, God
31:12 bless her, and every Wednesday night, she would give the same
31:15 testimony I think it was for over 30 years.
31:18 She would always raise her hand, and the elder would call on
31:21 her, right?
31:23 And she would come and say, "Oh, you know, 30 years ago, I had
31:26 cancer, and God healed me from my cancer, and he saved me."
31:31 And pray, and everybody would say amen because everybody knew
31:34 because she would do the same thing.
31:36 And I was just a new convert, right?
31:38 I was just a baby in Christianity, and but everybody
31:41 else knew already.
31:43 It was kind of a joke of everybody that would go to
31:45 Wednesday night testimonies, and she would give away the
31:46 same testimony.
31:48 And here's my point, don't get me wrong, praise the Lord that
31:52 God healed her 30 years ago, amen, and that she can continue
31:54 to give witness to this.
31:56 But we want to make sure that we have fresh manna coming out of
31:59 that oven, amen?
32:00 We want to--we're not going to be biting on old, stale bread
32:04 from the past, which don't get me wrong, is powerful, right?
32:07 But we want to make sure that the way that we give strength to
32:10 that original miracle that God did, or strength to that
32:14 original testimony that God may have done when he started that
32:18 conversion process in us, is that we should be able to see
32:21 fresh manna today, amen.
32:23 We should be able to consistently be giving fresh
32:26 evidence, fresh power, and that again only can come from a
32:30 relationship with God.
32:32 When God told Abraham go, right, when God told Abraham what to
32:35 do, it says that Abraham believed God.
32:38 It didn't say that he believed in God.
32:41 It says that he believed God, why?
32:43 Because Abraham knew God.
32:45 Abraham had a personal relationship with God.
32:48 And so, when Abraham is going, following God, he's giving
32:52 witness and evidence to, who?
32:54 He's showing others by his obedience, by his surrender to
32:57 God, and by God guiding him and protecting him.
33:00 And not only Abraham, we know that all the patriarchs and
33:03 throughout the Bible and throughout Christianity, right?
33:05 We see this evidence, and that comes from a personal
33:08 relationship with God, again, that intimate relationship to
33:12 where you can say, "You know what, I know this
33:15 person," Right?
33:16 Right now President Donald Trump, Donald Trump is our
33:18 president, right?
33:20 I can't say I know Donald Trump.
33:21 I can say I know of Donald Trump, right, because I know who
33:24 he is, but he doesn't know who I am, right?
33:27 He doesn't know me, and I don't know him personally either.
33:30 I can only go by what I see him say, right?
33:33 But I don't have a personal relationship, so I cannot go and
33:36 give account of this person, why?
33:39 Because I don't know him.
33:40 But when we know God, right, when we know God, not only do we
33:43 know him, but God knows us and God, when that happens with that
33:47 relationship is that you are going to share God because when
33:51 you know him, you know the beauty, the character, you're
33:53 going to tell other people, right?
33:54 You tell other people about when they ask you for a reference,
33:56 right, or referrals, that's just basically giving--asking for an
34:00 account of the character of this person, and that's what we are
34:04 to do, my loved ones.
34:05 We are to share the character of God to others, to the world, to
34:09 share this.
34:10 There's a beautiful quote in "Desire of Ages" that says, "Our
34:13 confession of his faithfulness is heaven's chosen agency for
34:16 revealing Christ to the world.
34:18 We are to acknowledge his grace as made known through the holy
34:21 men of old, but that which is most effectual is a testimony of
34:25 our own personal experience.
34:28 We are witnesses for God as we reveal in ourselves, the working
34:32 of a power that is divine."
34:35 It is something that is supernatural, right?
34:37 It is something that has no human explanation, the power of
34:40 God to change and transform us.
34:43 That's why in 2 Corinthians chapter 3, verse 18 it says that
34:46 when we're the unveiling the book, the mirror, right, the
34:50 Word of God, it says, We are then transformed, right, from
34:53 glory to glory.
34:55 So, when we contemplate the glory of God, when we know God
34:58 through His Word, as Jesus says, "You seek the Scriptures because
35:01 you think in them, that you have everlasting life, but they are
35:06 they which give testimony of me."
35:08 So, when we have that daily, intimate relationship with
35:11 Christ, when we get to know him, when we hear the promises and we
35:14 see how those promises have been fulfilled in the lives of other
35:17 people, and then we start to see those promises fulfilled in our
35:20 lives, we can just, we just can glorify Him, right?
35:23 Our minds are changed.
35:25 That means our character, our paradigms, right, the way we
35:28 think is changed, and we start to see God in a different light.
35:31 And by seeing God in a different light, by knowing God in a
35:34 different light, by having that relationship, the response, the
35:37 immediate response, is to tell others about this peace, this
35:41 joy, this freedom that you have experienced through the power
35:44 of God.
35:46 And so, in the lesson, it also tells us about the Book of
35:49 Acts, right?
35:51 And so, really the Book of Acts if you really notice it, my
35:54 loved ones, the Book of Acts is actually the book that witnesses
35:57 to the power of the Holy Spirit in that sense, to the ministry
36:01 of Jesus Christ, to the power of God, why?
36:04 Because remember, these same disciples that were all cowards
36:07 when they went to arrest Jesus Christ, and they all fled at
36:11 that right moment, what happened to them, my loved ones?
36:14 When you start to look through the Book of Acts, these men
36:16 became powerful, powerful witnesses to what?
36:20 To what God wanted to do.
36:22 They became powerful witnesses to that evidence, and it gives
36:25 us the example in Acts chapter 3 and chapter 4, right, about
36:29 John, the Apostle John and Peter, when they healed the man
36:33 that he was a paralytic, right, from his birth.
36:38 And it says that after they were healed, it says, then they have
36:43 to go before the courts and judges.
36:46 Go with me to Acts chapter 4.
36:48 Go with me to Acts chapter 4 because I think this context is
36:50 very, is very important in the sense of what they were doing
36:54 and where they were giving witnesses, right?
36:57 They had just healed this man, so this man is crying out to the
37:00 world, right?
37:02 It says he was leaping and jumping in Acts chapter 3.
37:03 He was so excited, and they were there in the temple.
37:06 And so, everybody was witnessing to this.
37:08 And look at what it says in Acts chapter 4, verse 1.
37:11 It says, "Then Jesus filled with the Holy Spirit returned from
37:14 the Jordan--"
37:16 I'm sorry, that's Luke.
37:18 I'm sorry, Acts chapter 1, Acts chapter 1, chapter 4, verse
37:22 number 1, here we go.
37:24 Acts chapter 4, verse number 1, look at what it says.
37:26 "Now as they spoke to the people, the priests, the captain
37:29 of the temple, and the Sadducees came upon them, being greatly
37:33 disturbed that they taught the people and preached in
37:36 Jesus," what?
37:38 "The resurrection of the dead."
37:39 Now, jump with me to verse number 5, "And it came to pass,
37:41 on the next day, that their rulers, elders, and scribes, as
37:44 well as Ananias the high priest, Caiaphas, John, and Alexander,
37:48 and as many as were of the family of the high priest, were
37:52 gathered together at Jerusalem," right?
37:54 And what do they say?
37:56 "And they asked them, 'By what power or by what name have you
37:59 done this thing?'
38:01 " So, notice that they're being presented here to the highest
38:03 governmental authorities, religious authorities, of the
38:07 region, right, of the people.
38:09 You have the high priest, you have them there, and they're
38:12 giving what?
38:13 They're giving account of what?
38:15 Of the testimony, of the witness of that man that was just
38:16 healed, Peter and John are there doing what?
38:19 They're giving account and saying what?
38:21 This is the power of God.
38:23 Notice that they recognize that there was some power that was
38:26 working in them, right?
38:27 And so, they know that there's something interesting.
38:30 Go with me to verse number 13.
38:32 Watch what it says.
38:34 "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived
38:37 that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled.
38:41 And they realized that they had been with Jesus."
38:44 I know a lot of people sometimes they say, "Well, I can't give, I
38:47 can't give a personal testimony.
38:49 I don't have the eloquence as some speakers.
38:51 I don't have the education.
38:53 I don't have the credentials, right.
38:55 I didn't study theology.
38:56 I don't have like this background that other
38:59 people say."
39:00 Well, my loved ones, you don't have to worry about that because
39:02 that's not the most important thing.
39:04 The most important thing, my loved ones, is a surrendered
39:06 heart because that's what God wants to use.
39:09 That's the power of the Holy Spirit.
39:11 That's why he could not use the Pharisees and the priests of
39:13 those times because, what?
39:15 They were so educated, they were so--they thought they were so
39:18 self-righteous in regards to everything that they knew that
39:20 nobody can teach them.
39:22 And so Jesus says, "I'm going to I'm going to pass you guys.
39:24 I'm going to go to these men that I know are not going to
39:27 hold on to their education, not going to hold on to their
39:30 knowledge, not going to hold on to their position."
39:32 Are going to what?
39:33 "Are going to let me work."
39:35 And so, because they were uneducated and untrained, that
39:37 gave even more power, right, because they were--if you when
39:40 you study the Book of Acts and the rest of the gospels, they
39:43 were schooling, right, to the Pharisees and the doctors of the
39:49 law in the same way that Jesus was, right, that he wasn't--he
39:52 didn't go to any rabbinical school, per se, in as the
39:55 tradition would be.
39:58 And so, this is a powerful testimony again, to what?
40:00 To the power of God, God working with us.
40:03 Doesn't mean that it's not good to get an education, it doesn't
40:05 mean that it's not good to get training.
40:07 It doesn't mean that it's not good to learn, that's good.
40:10 But that, if it's not surrendered to--if it's not
40:13 given to a surrendered heart, to somebody that has completely
40:16 given in to God, then it's not worth it.
40:19 It actually becomes an impediment to the gospel.
40:21 And so, this is the witness that they were giving in regards
40:24 to that.
40:25 Look at what it says in verse number 14, "And seeing the man
40:28 who had been healed standing with them, they could say
40:31 nothing against it.
40:32 But when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council,
40:35 they conferred among themselves, saying, 'What shall we do to
40:38 these men?
40:40 For, indeed, that a notable miracle has been done through
40:42 them is evident," Right, evidence, there it is,
40:45 "testimony to the all who dwell in Jerusalem and you cannot
40:50 deny it."
40:53 My loved ones, it is impossible to deny that evidence, the power
40:56 of somebody that is speaking truth, somebody that is standing
40:59 up for what is right, somebody, my loved ones, that is wanting
41:03 to give a faithful account to clear the waters, my loved ones.
41:07 And that's why it says in Acts chapter 4, verse 20, "For we
41:10 cannot but speak to things which we have seen and heard."
41:13 Notice they're saying, "We cannot stay quiet.
41:16 We cannot stay quiet to wonderful things that God has
41:20 done in us and the wonderful things that God is doing through
41:23 us," my loved ones.
41:24 And so, this is the witness.
41:26 That's why it says in Acts chapter 1, Jesus says, "You
41:28 shall be witnesses to all the world," right?
41:30 You will be martyrs, basically what the Word is saying, "They
41:33 will see that through your surrendered life, they will see
41:35 that through your giving over that you have surrendered
41:38 completely to me.
41:40 I am going to work through you and people will see that
41:42 manifestation," my loved ones, people will see that power, my
41:45 loved one.
41:47 And so, it's only genuine, authentic Christianity, my loved
41:49 ones, pure Christianity that can capture the attention of the
41:53 times, my loved ones.
41:55 Now there's so much chaos, now there's so much confusion, and,
41:58 my loved ones, it is we think that we have to do, oh, we have
42:01 to make our services interesting, we have to use this
42:04 type of music, or we have to use this type of
42:06 entertaining service.
42:08 No, the gospel shall be preached through our testimony, says
42:11 Jesus in Matthew 24:14.
42:13 So, it's when people see genuine love, when they see the
42:17 character of Christ in us, that is what's going to draw them in,
42:20 that is what's going to bring them and they're going to see
42:23 that and that's what's going to win the world over.
42:26 It's not trying to impress people, it's trying to represent
42:28 the character of God, it's trying to humbly go and share
42:32 others and when you do, you cannot stay quiet, my loved
42:36 ones, right?
42:37 It's like when you're in love, right?
42:39 When you know when somebody is in love because you can tell
42:41 there's something different about you, right?
42:42 Your face is different, your expressions are different.
42:45 Now all of a sudden, you're so happy, you're so glittery,
42:47 you're changing your hair, you're whatever people are
42:50 doing, right?
42:52 You have a countenance and the person is also consistently
42:54 speaking about that person, right?
42:56 "Oh, because I just met somebody, and oh, this and
42:58 that," right?
43:00 And sometimes you're like "Ah, here we go again," right?
43:02 But in this context, in this state, my loved ones, no, it
43:04 says the beauty of the gospel, right?
43:06 It's that transformation that we can share with others.
43:09 And again, here's the problem, my loved ones, the problem is
43:12 is, what if I don't have anything to say?
43:14 Well, if I don't have anything to say, if I'm not seeing fresh
43:18 manna, if I don't have anything to share about God, my loved
43:20 ones, then that means that there is some type of disconnect
43:23 with God.
43:25 And so, we want to make sure that we're connected with God
43:27 always, that we're always seeking God, that we're always
43:29 with him so that he can continue to, that power continue to flow
43:32 consistently, not hold on to a 30-year-old testimony.
43:35 Don't get me wrong, is great, but we want to see that that
43:38 testimony has continued to grow and has continued to go deeper
43:41 and deeper.
43:43 We want to--God wants that to be--He wants us to be the
43:45 witnesses to His love and His power.
43:48 And so, it's interesting because in the in the study it talks
43:51 about Acts chapter 6 when Paul is in front of King
43:54 Agrippa, right?
43:56 And we won't read the whole thing because of time, but in
43:59 the lesson, it actually gives us, it breaks down Paul's
44:01 testimony in three parts.
44:04 It talks about Paul mentioned before he was, before he was
44:06 a Christian.
44:08 He talks about his encounter with Christ.
44:10 And he then he talks about, and then he's giving evidence to his
44:14 current life.
44:15 And so, sometimes people come to me and they say, "You know what?
44:18 I don't know how to give my testimony.
44:20 How do I give my testimony in a quick way?"
44:21 I want to share with you something, a very simple way
44:24 that you can prepare a short three-to-five-minute testimony
44:27 that you can prepare because sometimes, you know, there are
44:29 moments in life where you come across people, and you kind of
44:34 have that desire to share what God has done.
44:36 Try to reach that person, my loved ones.
44:38 Well, you always want to have, you want to have a
44:40 full testimony.
44:41 You want to develop a full testimony, right, so that in
44:43 some places, you go to a church, you go someplace where you have
44:46 time, you can develop and talk to the love of God.
44:48 But what about if you have a short time?
44:51 And I don't want to take this last couple of minutes and share
44:53 with you that we should follow the same pattern, but I want to
44:56 add a fourth part.
44:57 So number one, before Christ, write a sentence, write in one
45:00 sentence what God has done.
45:02 What were you before God?
45:04 Don't exaggerate sin, right?
45:08 Don't give sin.
45:11 Don't prop up sin, right?
45:13 Just keep it basic.
45:14 Number two, how did you--what happened when you knew Christ,
45:16 your conversion?
45:18 Number three, what happened after Christ, right, or what is
45:21 God doing currently in your life?
45:23 And number four is, what are your expectations for
45:25 the future?
45:26 One sentence, right, one sentence and I'll share mines
45:28 very quickly with you.
45:30 So number one, before Christ.
45:32 Well, you know, my loved ones, before I came to Christ, I was
45:34 living in all the ways of the world.
45:36 I was following the ways of the flesh.
45:39 I was doing all the wrong things, with all the wrong
45:42 people, in all the wrong places, right, I was depressed,
45:45 even suicidal.
45:47 Number two, but at that moment when I hit rock bottom is when I
45:50 looked up and I gave God a chance.
45:53 And I came and I let Jesus Christ come into my heart, and I
45:57 started my relationship with him, my loved ones.
45:59 Number three, currently that testimony, it's been 12 years
46:03 since I gave my life over to Jesus Christ, and my loved ones,
46:06 I have never had so much joy, so much peace, so much desire to
46:11 live so much purpose, so much reason, right?
46:14 We're trying to point back to that past and to see how this is
46:17 being transformed.
46:19 I'm just sharing with you as I'm explaining to you, right?
46:21 And so, we want to focus on what is your life now since
46:23 that moment?
46:25 And number four, what is the future?
46:27 You know what?
46:28 I'm really looking forward to what God has for me, because I
46:30 know this is just the beginning.
46:32 There's so many things that need to be done, so many people that
46:33 need to be reached, Christ.
46:35 And so, I'm excited and waiting to see what plan God has for
46:38 my life.
46:39 Four simple points, four sentences, right?
46:42 You can say I took a little bit longer because I was explaining
46:44 in between, but that can be the power of your testimony in
46:47 three, four, five minutes if you have to.
46:50 If you have more time, amen, but you should be able to share.
46:53 And sometimes I come across Christians that say, "Oh, I was
46:56 raised a Christian, right.
46:58 I don't have this powerful testimony like a lot of people
47:01 have that they were taken out of drugs, or they were gangs, or
47:04 one of those things, or they were prostitutes.
47:06 I don't have a witness like that."
47:08 But you know what?
47:09 Nobody is born a Christian.
47:11 We might be born in a Christian family, right, but to be a
47:13 Christian, you have to make decision and that decision has
47:15 to be made.
47:18 There has to be a moment in your life where you know that your
47:21 life has been changed or transformed, right?
47:23 If we're seeing in our Christian walk, if we're seeing in our
47:26 Christian life, that things are just the same, that nothing is
47:29 changing, my loved ones, again, there's a problem there.
47:31 There's a disconnect.
47:32 We should be able, whether we came from the ways of the world
47:36 or whether we come from Christian family, to give
47:38 evidence, to give testimony, to the power of God, to show
47:41 them, right?
47:43 And I know lots of Christians that were raised in Christian
47:44 families, and they talk about it.
47:46 They said, "You know what?
47:48 I was just going through t routine, I was this nominal
47:49 Christian, I, no, no power whatsoever."
47:52 And then it wasn't sometimes until they hit rock bottom that
47:55 they hold on to that faith of their father's and then they
47:58 give evidence and power to the testimony.
48:01 So, you must have it, right?
48:03 You must have that connection, you must have that experience
48:06 with God, to be able to testify and give witness, evidence of
48:09 the love of God, you have to know Him, you have to relate to
48:12 Him, you have to spend time with Him so that He can show His
48:15 love, His grace, His mercy, his power to others.
48:21 And so, I invite you that if you don't have anything to say, if
48:24 you don't have anything new to say really, right, then I invite
48:27 you to say, "God, I want to be a powerful witness.
48:30 I want to be a powerful testimony to others.
48:33 I want others to see your love in me, your grace, your power.
48:36 I want to be that instrument.
48:39 I want to be that ambassador, and I want to go tell others and
48:42 share others through my life, through my character, through my
48:45 words, that they may see the power in you," my loved ones.
48:48 And that's what it means, my loved ones, to live a life of
48:51 testimony, a life of witnesses is that we have this connection
48:54 with God, and we are sharing the love of God with others.
48:56 And when that happens, it's attractive.
48:59 It's winsome, it's beautiful, and people are going to be drawn
49:02 in as they see our lives, as they see what God has done with
49:05 us, and they're going to want to know more about the God that you
49:08 and I serve.
49:09 So, I invite you to have that opportunity, my loved ones,
49:11 to share.
49:13 Spend that time, one-on-one time with God, which is the key to
49:16 connection, prayer and study, daily devotional.
49:19 And if you go with the attitude of wanting to know God, and
49:21 wanting to share God, and wanting to have a deeper walk
49:24 with him, you will see, I promise you, God because it's
49:28 impossible for God to come into the life of somebody and for the
49:31 person to stay the same.
49:32 You are that instrument, you are that piece of evidence that God
49:35 wants to present, so I invite you to ask for that.
49:37 God bless you.
49:41 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
49:43 free resource.
49:45 To get your copy of today's free gift, simply text the key word
49:48 on your screen to 40544 or visit the web address shown on
49:52 your screen.
49:54 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
49:57 Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want, and most
50:00 important, to share it with others.
50:06 ♪♪♪
50:15 Doug Batchelor: Friends, have you ever heard of the
50:17 bowhead whale?
50:18 This enormous leviathan is the second largest creature in
50:22 the world.
50:24 Dark and stocky, it roams the fertile arctic northern waters.
50:27 These massive creatures can be more than 65 feet long and weigh
50:32 more than 75 tons, that's heavier than the space shuttle.
50:37 Yet in spite of their titanic size, they're able to leap
50:40 entirely out of the water.
50:43 Can you say belly flop?
50:45 The bowhead whale gets its name from its bow-shaped skull, and
50:49 they've got one ginormous noggin.
50:52 Matter of fact, their heads are about 40% of their body size,
50:55 which comes in handy when you find out how they use
50:57 their heads.
50:59 They've got very thick skulls.
51:01 Sometimes they get trapped under the surface, and they use their
51:03 heads to ram the ice.
51:06 They can break a breathing hole in the ice that is a
51:08 foot-and-a-half thick.
51:10 Friends, you have to just imagine what it would be like to
51:12 be walking around on the Arctic ice and all of a sudden have the
51:16 ground beneath you cracked and split and rise as one of these
51:20 sea monsters pushes its head up to breathe for the first time in
51:24 90 minutes.
51:26 Because bowheads make their home in the coldest part of our
51:28 world, they have the thickest blubber of any whale.
51:30 But this, plus their friendly and curious nature, made them
51:34 prime targets when the European whalers discovered the bowheads.
51:38 They hunted them nearly to extinction.
51:42 Fortunately, because of conservation efforts, we've
51:45 slowly seen their numbers begin to increase since the '60s.
51:48 One of the most amazing facts about the bowhead whale is
51:51 its longevity.
51:53 Scientists have discovered, by evaluating harpoon tips found in
51:57 their skull and examining their eye tissue, there are bowhead
52:00 whales out there that are probably over 200 years old.
52:05 You realize that means there are bowhead whales swimming the
52:08 oceans right now that were alive before Abraham Lincoln was
52:12 elected president.
52:14 Can you imagine that?
52:16 Among the other amazing mega facts about the bowhead whale,
52:19 is its mega mouth.
52:21 They have the largest mouth of any in the animal kingdom, and
52:25 when they open their pie hole full extended, it's large enough
52:28 to park a medium-sized SUV inside.
52:31 Yet in spite of the fact they've got such big mouths, they
52:34 survive by eating the very smallest creatures in the ocean,
52:37 plankton, krill, and other microscopic animals.
52:41 Friends, I'm always amazed by the creatures God has made.
52:45 This bowhead whale is able to dive to the deepest oceans.
52:48 They can break through the ice and move mountains with their
52:51 head and completely leave the water and fly through the air,
52:54 and yet they do all that by gaining strength from almost
52:56 microscopic organisms, helps us remember that we survive through
53:01 the little promises in God's Word.
53:04 Jesus, when tempted by the devil, he quoted just a few
53:07 little verses, and he sent the enemy running.
53:10 You can also have that same durability and long life as the
53:13 bowhead whale by trusting in God's Word and His promises.
53:16 ♪♪♪
53:29 announcer: Amazing Facts, Changed Lives.
53:38 male: I'd have to say that I had a wonderful childhood
53:40 growing up.
53:42 I went to a private school up until the seventh grade, till
53:45 junior high.
53:46 I believe it was at that point in junior high that my life
53:50 began to change.
53:52 Going from a Christian education into a public school was a
53:55 big difference.
53:57 There was a lot of secular influence, peer pressure.
54:01 And for me it was the music.
54:04 I started listening to heavy metal music.
54:06 Every concert that would come to town, I was there.
54:09 That had a profound effect on me.
54:11 I started using marijuana, probably at the age of 14.
54:17 I started drinking, using a lot of cocaine, and that led to
54:21 methamphetamine, and that completely changed my life.
54:24 I dropped out of high school my sophomore year and went to work.
54:30 I would get off of work, and we'd go into the bar until
54:33 two o'clock in the morning.
54:35 I'd get back up at five and I'd go back through it again six,
54:38 seven days a week.
54:42 At the age of 20, I lost my dad to a heart attack.
54:47 I didn't know how to handle the loss, so I tried to mask my pain
54:51 with alcohol and drugs.
54:54 I got three DUI's in one year.
54:56 I was arrested, and they gave me a year in the county jail.
55:00 And the moment I got out, I went back to doing the same thing,
55:04 hanging with the same people, the same crowd.
55:07 I was involved in a hit-and-run motorcycle accident, and I was
55:10 charged with a felony DUI.
55:13 Even though at the time of the accident, I was not under the
55:15 influence, I still had methamphetamine in my system.
55:18 At my sentencing day, I left the courtroom, and I didn't come
55:22 back, and that left me with a felony warrant.
55:25 And I'd fallen asleep at a park, and I woke up to a park ranger
55:31 knocking on my window.
55:34 I knew I was wanted, and I knew that I was not gonna just turn
55:37 myself in.
55:39 I turned to him and I'd made the comment, "Not today," and I
55:42 took off.
55:44 I led five different agencies on about a 35-minute chase, and I
55:48 realized at that point that I wasn't going to get away and
55:51 that this was going to end up either me killing somebody
55:54 or myself.
55:57 And so, I made a decision to pull over.
55:59 At that point, everything that I had, I lost.
56:03 I was sentenced to two years in state prison and it was there
56:07 that God got a hold of me and it was through Amazing
56:13 Facts Ministries.
56:15 I remember listening on my radio Pastor Doug Batchelor.
56:19 I wanted to get to know the Bible.
56:21 I wanted to know God.
56:23 And so, my Aunt Marilyn sent me the Amazing Fact study guides,
56:28 and it was there that my relationship with Christ began.
56:35 I had called home and I knew my mother wasn't doing well, but I
56:41 didn't realize that she had cancer.
56:45 She had about a 30% chance of making it through her surgery.
56:51 She had told the doctors that she was not going to have chemo,
56:54 and she was not going to have radiation, that if her God was
56:56 going to save her, then He would save her.
56:59 I remember hanging up the phone to what I thought was my last
57:03 conversation with my mom.
57:07 I turned around, I got down on my knees, and I prayed to God.
57:12 I said, "God, if you're there, please save my mother, and
57:16 wherever you lead me in life, whatever you want me to do, I
57:20 am yours."
57:22 And I had a feeling of such peace that I knew that my mother
57:26 was going to be okay and that my life was going to change.
57:31 There are no words that I can adequately express to Amazing
57:35 Facts and to Pastor Doug to say thank you.
57:38 To all those people who support the ministry, I am a product of
57:41 your support.
57:44 My life has changed because of this ministry, and I thank you
57:48 from the bottom of my heart.
57:53 ♪♪♪
58:03 ♪♪♪


Revised 2020-07-03