Sabbath School Study Hour

The Family

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022041S

00:00 ♪♪♪
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00:35 Doug Batchelor: Hello, friends.
00:38 Welcome to our "Sabbath School Study Hour."
00:39 We're so glad that you can tune in and join us today.
00:42 We have a good lesson ahead of us.
00:45 We know that we've got friends that are tuning in now from all
00:48 different parts of the planet, and, boy, what an interesting
00:50 world we're living in right now.
00:53 We're looking forward to getting into our study in a little bit,
00:55 dealing with the subject of education.
00:58 But at the beginning of our broadcast, we always want to
01:00 tell you about a free offer we have that should help accent
01:03 and enhance the subject that we're studying,
01:06 and it's a beautiful study guide produced by Amazing Facts,
01:09 one of our best and most popular.
01:12 It's called "A Love That Transforms," and we'll be
01:15 actually sending this to you for free.
01:18 You can call to get a hard copy by calling the number
01:21 866-788-3966.
01:26 That's 866-Study-More.
01:30 Or you can also, if you want, you can have it sent to you
01:33 digitally by texting, "SH003" to 40544, and you should see those
01:42 numbers up there on the screen.
01:44 And you can also find this by simply going
01:47 to the Amazing Facts website.
01:50 If you go to the Amazing Facts website,
01:51 this is one in our series, beautiful color study guides
01:54 that teach different principles from the Word of God.
01:58 They're very powerful, been around for about 45 years now,
02:01 updated, upgraded several times, but they just--they make the
02:05 most of the Word of God, and they still transform lives.
02:08 Well, we're going to dive into our lesson today and dealing
02:12 with the subject of education, in particular, in the family.
02:15 But as always, we want to begin asking for God's blessing
02:19 before we do.
02:21 Loving Father, we pray that as we talk about this
02:24 very important and vital subject of education, in particular,
02:27 the education of children in the family, we pray for the Holy
02:30 Spirit to be with us, pray that we'll learn the most important
02:34 priorities, and then, Lord, guide us in how to put these
02:36 into practice, and so bless now.
02:39 We thank you, and we pray this in Christ's name, amen.
02:43 All right, so we're in lesson number two.
02:46 We're dealing with our quarterly, fairly new in our
02:49 study, dealing with the subject of education, and today we're
02:52 talking about education in the family, and we have a memory
02:55 verse, and our memory verse is coming to us from Proverbs 8,
02:59 verse 1, and it says here, "My son, hear the instruction of
03:05 your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother."
03:10 Of course, right in the middle of the Ten Commandments, the
03:13 first of the commandments that deal with our relationship
03:17 between man and man, is "Honor your father and mother, that
03:21 your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is
03:24 giving you."
03:27 Remember, the Ten Commandments are divided in two tables.
03:29 First four commandments deal with our relationship to God,
03:32 and, of course, that first commandment says, "I am the
03:36 Lord, you shall not have other gods."
03:37 Then you get to the other table dealing with our relationship
03:40 with our fellow man.
03:42 First thing it does, very basic elementary level, saying, "Honor
03:45 your father and mother," because the father and mother will be
03:48 the spring of knowledge for that child as they enter the world,
03:52 and they must be respected because, in many ways, the
03:55 respect and the honor that children have for their parents
03:58 will ultimately be transferred to respect and honor for their
04:03 heavenly Father.
04:05 And so the parents have this extraordinary responsibility in
04:08 guiding, in rearing, in teaching principles, in supplying data
04:15 and information for the minds, the growing, fertile minds of
04:20 young children.
04:23 The family and the parents are to be the first school.
04:26 This was part of God's original design.
04:29 Now, as human beings, our brains are healthy--if our brains are
04:34 healthy--we're always learning.
04:38 In fact, life itself is a school.
04:42 And God did something when he first made people, where he made
04:44 our minds hungry and curious.
04:48 You think about children.
04:50 They're such a wonder when they first begin to look out in the
04:53 world, and they keep that wonder for quite a while where they are
04:56 drinking in.
04:58 They're just vacuuming information on a level of data
05:01 consumption that you and I can't comprehend.
05:04 They're taking in so much into their eyes and into their ears
05:07 and into their senses, and you watch the little babies--I know
05:10 when they're--they can't even roll over.
05:13 You put them in the bassinet or in the crib, and the parents get
05:16 them one of these little mobiles or something to hang above the
05:18 crib, and they look at its spinning, and they look at the
05:21 colors, and they reach it, and then they want to taste it, and
05:23 they're trying to gather information about how these
05:26 things work.
05:28 And they're examining their fingers and their toes and
05:31 trying to figure out what their bodies are, and it's, just, it's
05:34 a marvelous thing to watch how their little minds are so
05:37 voraciously taking in information.
05:40 Well, they're going to learn.
05:44 They're going to be taking in information from their
05:46 environment, but it is so important for parents to guide
05:49 them in the principles that they learn about what is the purpose
05:53 of life.
05:55 Let me read a quote to you from the book "Child Guidance," and
05:57 this is page 299: "Our life work here is a preparation for
06:02 eternal life.
06:05 The education begun here will not be completed in this life.
06:09 It will be going forward through all eternity, ever progressing,
06:14 never completed."
06:16 You know, I used to love playing guitar.
06:20 Well, I still play guitar.
06:22 I play guitar just about every day, actually.
06:24 I have one.
06:27 Got a guitar, and I've got a flute in my office, and when
06:29 I've had all the studying and reading and writing that I can
06:31 do, I just get up, and I grab my guitar, and it's sort of a break
06:34 for me, but I've always been very frustrated because I never
06:37 had, really, formal training with a guitar.
06:40 I think I took three lessons before my mother became
06:42 exasperated that I wasn't practicing, and that was the end
06:45 of that.
06:47 Then I took it up again when I lived in the cave.
06:49 I was about 17.
06:52 And so--but I never did learn to do these certain complicated
06:54 picking motions with my hands, and I remember thinking a little
06:58 while ago, 'Well, you know, I'm over 60, now.
07:01 What are my chances to learn that?"
07:03 And then I thought about this quote that, "Whatever I learn in
07:06 this life, I take with me into the next life," and I thought my
07:10 education isn't done just because I'm getting older in
07:15 this life.
07:17 You know, if you are a Christian and you believe you take from
07:19 this life what you learn into the next life--I heard about a
07:22 lady who was in her 90s, and she decided to go back to college,
07:26 and she got her bachelor's degree.
07:29 Actually, she graduated with one of her granddaughters or
07:33 great-granddaughters--I forget.
07:34 Just an amazing story.
07:36 She says, "I never want to stop learning."
07:39 And so, you know, that inspires me to know that, at any point in
07:41 your life, whatever you choose to learn, you will be taking
07:43 that with you into the next life.
07:45 I am going to--by the way, I did learn how to do that picking.
07:47 I just kept at it, and I thought, "Wow, it's not too late
07:50 to learn."
07:52 And it was so difficult, but I kept at it, and now I can do it
07:54 without thinking it.
07:56 I thought, "I can keep learning.
07:58 I'm going to know how to pick my harp in heaven now because I
08:00 trained in this life.
08:02 I will take the education from here to there."
08:04 And so you don't ever want to say, "Well, what good will it do
08:07 me to be learning in this life?"
08:09 Because this life is not the end of where you use what you learn.
08:14 And so that's just a really important principle for us
08:16 to remember.
08:18 So we learned a little bit about the family last week.
08:21 Now, the family is the first place where the education
08:25 begins, and this is part of God's plan.
08:28 The first teacher for Adam and Eve was God, and I'm sure that
08:33 God gave them a lot of instruction about their
08:35 environment in the garden, in nature, and just the principles
08:39 of life, but as man was made in the image of God, then God
08:43 designed that, when man and woman procreate through an act
08:47 of love, they then become the teachers.
08:50 Boy, what a fantastic--what a frightening responsibility that
08:57 parents should be guiding the minds of a creature that has the
09:01 potential to have a life that will measure with the life of
09:05 God, that they can live eternally, and teaching them
09:08 rightly can give them a better chance of having that eternal
09:13 life, or neglecting their teaching or teaching them
09:16 wrongly can set them on the course to eternal loss.
09:19 That is a wonderful and an awesome and a terrifying
09:24 responsibility, but that's part of God's design.
09:28 Now, some things are different from when God made Adam and Eve.
09:33 Adam and Eve came from the factory, you might
09:35 say, preprogrammed.
09:38 They came with certain software already installed.
09:42 You know, when you get your computer out of the box, if you
09:46 buy a new desktop or laptop computer or even your phone or a
09:50 tablet, you press the power button, and as soon as it powers
09:54 up, it usually comes with a lot of pre-installed software, and
09:58 that computer already has usually a word processor, and
10:02 it's made where it can read.
10:05 It's got a camera.
10:09 It's made where it can see.
10:12 It's got--my computer had a program where I can talk, and
10:15 it types.
10:17 It could hear.
10:19 It's got all this pre-installed software.
10:21 Adam came with a lot of pre-installed knowledge.
10:24 Adam did not need to learn to crawl.
10:26 Adam did not need to learn to eat.
10:29 He did not--I can't picture Adam in the Garden of Eden
10:31 with--God's got a little bitty spoon, trying to put applesauce
10:33 in his mouth.
10:35 I'm sure he came pre-installed with great coordination,
10:37 probably better than any we have.
10:40 And so he had that benefit or advantage, you might say, but
10:44 when human parents have a little baby, they are looking to the
10:48 parents to help teach them so many of the fundamentals and the
10:54 basics of life.
10:56 And, yes, even Jesus had to learn those things, but we're
10:59 getting ahead of ourselves now.
11:02 If you look in the book "Education," page 33--and this
11:04 is in your lesson, still under the introduction--
11:08 "The system of education established in Eden centered in
11:11 the family.
11:14 Adam was 'the son of God,' Luke 3:38, and it was from the Father
11:19 that the children of the highest received the instruction.
11:22 Theirs, in the truest sense, was the family school."
11:27 And so Adam and Eve had this responsibility of teaching
11:31 His children.
11:33 I think God gave them some information about what their
11:36 responsibilities were going to be because it just winging it
11:40 can be difficult.
11:42 Now, my father's father died when he was seven.
11:45 My father was the oldest.
11:48 My father's younger brothers grew up pretty much without
11:51 a father.
11:53 Grandma Batchelor never remarried.
11:55 And I lived with my uncle, who was younger than my father, and
11:58 he ended up being a pretty good father.
12:00 He--just, you know, I lived with him for a few months, and I
12:04 thought, you know, his kids all loved him.
12:06 They turned out pretty good.
12:09 And I asked him one day, I said, "Harry," I said, "how is it that
12:12 you just knew how to be a father, and you really had no
12:17 father to be an example?"
12:19 And then he said, "Well, you know, Doug, sometimes you have
12:22 to 'wing it,'" and they call that "flying by the seat of your
12:26 pants," and--or you look around.
12:29 Maybe you've got some good uncles that are mentoring
12:31 for you.
12:33 But God didn't design that Adam and Eve should have to just
12:36 wing it.
12:38 I think the Lord guided them as they sought for wisdom in how to
12:41 guide their children.
12:43 But they understood that it was very important for them to
12:46 tenderly and patiently teach their children.
12:49 Now, as a father of six children, eight grandchildren,
12:54 last count, it takes patience to teach children.
12:59 And, for me, who am naturally an impatient person, it is so much
13:05 easier for me to clean their room than teach them how to
13:08 clean their room, but I've learned that, if I take a little
13:11 extra time to teach them how to clean their room, then it saves
13:15 me a lot of time in the future.
13:17 The first few times you try to get your kids to wash the
13:20 dishes, you kind of have to wash them again.
13:23 There's still food on the plates.
13:25 There is a risk they're going to drop the porcelain dishes and
13:27 break them, or glasses are going to break, or you're going to end
13:30 up with the forks in the spoon slot in the drawer, and there's
13:33 going to be things that are fudged up a little bit, but you
13:36 know what?
13:38 As a parent, that is part of the teaching process.
13:40 And so you just got to say, "Look, I'm going to take the
13:43 time to lovingly and patiently go through it with them," and
13:47 then there's repetition, over and over, and they get it.
13:51 There's something else that you learn in raising children.
13:54 Children love to play.
13:57 Matter of fact, if you try and get them to do work--and, by the
13:59 way, work is something Adam and Eve had to teach their children.
14:01 Part of God's plan.
14:03 If you don't teach your children discipline and work, they're
14:05 going to have a really tough life.
14:07 They've got to have self-control, and they've got to
14:09 learn how to work.
14:11 But you've got to mix the work with play, and if the kids know
14:13 that "After you do this little bit of work, we're going to
14:17 reward you with some time of play," they are so excited to
14:20 get that work done.
14:23 And if you say, "If you do the work and you do it well, I'm
14:25 going to reward you with some time to play," they become very
14:28 excited about it, and pretty soon they just realize that work
14:31 is part of life so that you get to enjoy the play.
14:35 And, of course, there are benefits to work.
14:38 There's some satisfaction that comes from a job that's well
14:41 done, as well as the money you might receive that empowers you
14:44 to do other things that might be of interest.
14:47 So teaching them those principles of reward and
14:50 consequences, it's just so very important, and if they don't get
14:53 their work done, they don't get to play.
14:56 But that means that, as parents, you work alongside with them,
14:59 and when they've done what you think they can do--you don't
15:02 want to, you know, ask a five-year-old to do eight hours
15:04 of work.
15:06 You just give them a little bit of work and teach them the
15:08 principle, then stop, and you need to play with them.
15:11 Mom needs to spend some time playing with them, and just keep
15:14 going through that benefit and that reward, teaching them
15:18 self-discipline, self-control, making them apply themselves to
15:21 something they may not want to do, but they're looking beyond
15:25 to the reward.
15:27 So there are just some basic principles here.
15:30 I'm sure--what are the things that God taught Adam and Eve?
15:33 Well, probably he taught them something--how to survive in
15:36 their environments.
15:38 One of the first things children need to learn is "What is this
15:41 environment I live in?"
15:43 They're very tactile and touching everything and trying
15:45 to understand it.
15:47 You blow a little in their face, and they gasp,
15:49 and they're trying to figure out what's going on around them.
15:51 Well, Adam and Eve, God taught them about their environment.
15:54 Let me just give you a few little wonders someone
15:59 sent me of Creation.
16:01 "One might observe God's accuracy and wonders in creation
16:05 just in the way that eggs hatch.
16:09 You know, the eggs of a canary are in 14 days.
16:13 Those of the barnyard hen hatch in 21 days.
16:16 Eggs of ducks and geese hatch in 28 days.
16:20 Those of a mallard, 35 days.
16:23 The eggs of a parrot and the ostrich hatch in 42 days.
16:27 Notice that, with all these birds, they are all divisible
16:29 by seven.
16:31 Of course, that's the number of days in a week.
16:34 God in His wisdom made the elephant.
16:37 The four legs of this great beast all bend forward in the
16:40 same direction.
16:42 No other quadruped is made this way.
16:44 God planned that this animal would have a huge body too, and
16:48 he lives on two legs.
16:50 For this reason, he gave it four fulcrums so that it can raise
16:53 from the ground easily, two legs at a time.
16:56 The horse rises from the ground on its front legs first.
16:59 The cow rises from the ground on its hind legs first.
17:04 How wise the Lord is in all of His Creation.
17:07 Each watermelon has an even number of stripes on the rind.
17:11 Each orange has an even number of segments.
17:14 Each ear of corn will have an even number of rows."
17:18 You're going to be counting this next time.
17:21 "Each stock of wheat has an even number of grains.
17:24 Every bunch of bananas has on its lowest row and even number
17:28 of bananas, and each row decreases by one so that one row
17:33 has an even number, the next row, an odd number, the next
17:36 row, an even number."
17:38 Amazing.
17:41 "The waves of the sea roll on shore 26 to the minute in all
17:43 kinds of weather.
17:46 All grains are found in the even numbers of the stock.
17:49 God has caused the flowers to blossom at a certain specific
17:51 time during the day, and different flowers, different
17:55 times during the day."
17:57 I know, when I lived up in the cave, they had something called
17:59 "deadly nightshade," and they called it nightshade because the
18:01 flower would un-spiral and open during the full moon.
18:05 I used to observe that.
18:07 "Linnaeus the great botanist, once said that, if he had a
18:10 conservatory containing the right kind of soil, moisture,
18:13 and temperature, he could plant enough different plants, and he
18:16 could tell the time of day or night by looking at the
18:19 different plants that were open and those that were closed.
18:22 He said he could set a clock by them."
18:24 God has made nature so precise.
18:26 And this is just the tip of the iceberg, you might say.
18:30 And so this was God's plan that they teach their children from
18:36 the environment, that the children were able to work in
18:39 the soil and then maybe play with the animals.
18:42 I'm sure that, you know, back there, just outside the Garden
18:45 of Eden before the flood, that the animals were
18:48 probably--still, though they had the fear of man, that they had
18:51 many that were pets and that many that were very cute and fun
18:56 to play with, and the children were able to play with these
19:00 things.
19:02 They learned from the different animals and their interesting
19:04 habits, and what a beautiful world it must've been before the
19:06 curse of the flood.
19:11 So they received instruction probably in botany, agriculture,
19:13 zoology, astronomy, and that God was placing them, of course, in
19:20 charge of His garden, and so they knew something
19:23 about botany.
19:25 In Genesis 1, they were taught about Creation,
19:29 Genesis 1:1 and 2,
19:30 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
19:32 And the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was on
19:35 the deep.
19:37 And the Spirit of God was hovering on
19:39 the face of the waters."
19:41 So they learned about God.
19:43 God's saying, "Let Us make man in Our image," God the Father,
19:45 Son, and the Spirit, that hovered on the face of
19:48 the waters.
19:50 They learned about that He was the Creator.
19:53 You can read in Genesis 1:26, "And the Lord said, 'Let Us make
19:56 man in Our image, according to Our likeness, and let them have
20:00 dominion over the fish and over every creeping thing that creeps
20:03 on the earth.'
20:05 So God created man in His own image.
20:08 In the image of God created He male and female, created
20:10 He them."
20:13 And so I think man was made with a certain amount of curiosity.
20:18 And those of you who are parents, you know that, when
20:22 children get to where they can talk and they're two or three
20:26 years old, they start asking questions that can drive you
20:31 to distraction.
20:33 "Why? Why?
20:35 Why?"
20:37 "Well, I've got to plant this flower."
20:38 "Why?"
20:39 You know, and it could rain.
20:42 "Why?"
20:44 "Don't eat your dessert before you eat your dinner."
20:46 "Why?"
20:48 Heh-heh, they got some good questions.
20:50 But, boy, you've got to be patient, answering all those
20:52 "why" questions.
20:54 And they are just--if we could only see, their minds are
20:57 soaking up information so quickly.
20:59 You know, it's phenomenal, it really is phenomenal
21:02 when you think about it.
21:04 I've known people that were 25 years old, and they move from
21:09 one country where they speak one language to another country, and
21:12 25 years later, they are still struggling to speak the
21:15 language, but then you have a family that moves, and that
21:19 family--and I've seen this many times--that family's got three
21:23 kids that are under the age of ten, and they send them to
21:28 school in a foreign country, being taught in a language that
21:31 kids have never spoken before, and you know what?
21:34 In one year, those kids are fluently speaking the language.
21:39 In two years, they're speaking it without an accent.
21:42 And 20 years later, the parents still don't understand.
21:45 So there is a time--and you probably--I can see you're
21:48 nodding out there--other side of the camera.
21:52 There is a certain time in the life when the minds are so
21:57 astute and so sharp, and the memories.
22:01 You know, I used to have a really good memory.
22:04 My memory is not bad now, but it was really, really good when I
22:07 was younger.
22:10 And I'll make a confession now.
22:13 The way I got my driving test is they had a master book--you
22:18 might get one of five different tests when you were driving, and
22:23 you did not know which one they were going to hand you at the
22:26 DMV here in California, but it was one of three or five.
22:29 I forget.
22:32 But you could buy the book that had all of the tests in it, and
22:34 I went through the book, and I just memorized all the answers.
22:36 And when I got my flying degree, they had something similar.
22:41 They had a book, and on your final written exam for
22:44 flying--and there's some really complicated questions in there
22:47 that deal with math and wind drift and direction and
22:51 compensation and three-dimensional calculations,
22:54 and there's just some deep stuff for me, anyway.
22:57 I got the book, and I went through the book, and I read
22:59 every question.
23:01 I read the multiple-choice answers, and I noticed
23:03 which answer was right.
23:05 That's how I passed.
23:08 And I just was able to--I'd read a Scripture.
23:10 I'd just remember it.
23:12 And now I read a Scripture, and in 20 minutes, I've forgotten
23:15 it, and I think, "Oh, I wish I had read more Scripture when I
23:19 was younger."
23:22 I wish that I had committed the whole Bible to memory because
23:24 the verses I remember now, when I'm teaching and preaching, it's
23:27 not the verses I read yesterday.
23:29 It's the verses I read 30 years ago that I remember.
23:33 So there's something about your mind
23:35 where it's extremely supple.
23:37 Now, I can still learn things.
23:39 It just takes a lot more effort.
23:41 And I can memorize a verse, but I've got to read it about
23:43 six times now, where before--one time.
23:45 And so make the most when your children are young.
23:48 Have them memorize Scripture.
23:52 And the lessons that you implant, "Train up a child in
23:55 the way he should go when he's young, and when he is old,
23:58 he will not depart from it."
24:01 The concrete is so much easier to shape when it's soft,
24:04 and once it hardens, it becomes a little more difficult.
24:08 And so teach them while they're young.
24:11 So they were taught about the Creator and that the Creator
24:15 should be worshiped.
24:17 Nehemiah 9:6, "You alone are the Lord.
24:20 You have made the heaven and the heavens, with all their hosts,
24:24 the earth and everything in it, the sea and all that is in them,
24:28 and you preserve them all.
24:30 The host of heaven worships You."
24:32 Now, how different that is from what is being taught to most
24:35 children in public education today.
24:38 The kids are not being told that everything was made by God, and
24:44 it had just--it grieves me, and I kind of flinch every time I
24:48 hear a teacher in a public school--now, I know there are
24:53 some public schools that are exceptions, but when they say,
24:56 "Millions of years ago, this slowly evolved from this," and
25:00 what do the children learn?
25:03 Instead of the idea that they are made in the image of God
25:05 with a great and a noble purpose, and they someday will
25:10 live through eternity, and God will dwell with them, this big
25:13 picture of God and divinity, instead of that, they're
25:17 getting, "You really have no purpose in life.
25:19 You've evolved from some primeval sludge, and just by a
25:23 lot of accidents, you sort of mathematically worked your way
25:26 up, and you just got lucky enough to be born as one of
25:30 these creatures, called 'humans,' that really have no
25:34 purpose and other than your brief existence."
25:38 To be taught that is so sad.
25:41 That's why it's so important, when we're living in a world
25:43 where the children are going to get mixed messages--now, back in
25:46 Adam's day and probably for the first few generations, think
25:50 about it: When Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel and their
25:53 posterity, when they were alive before the flood, they could go
25:55 to the Garden of Eden.
25:57 They could go to the gates.
25:59 They couldn't go in.
26:01 They could go to the gates of the Garden of Eden, and they
26:03 could see that flaming cherub there with the sword.
26:05 They believed the story of Adam and Eve.
26:07 They believed that God made them, and I don't think they had
26:09 problems with evolution back then, but now you've got to
26:12 train up your children so that they have a deeply ingrained
26:17 faith that they have been divinely created.
26:20 Whenever you show them anything, they need to know that this was
26:26 made by God.
26:29 You know, when our kids were young, we used to enjoy watching
26:31 good nature videos, and some of the best nature videos were made
26:36 by BBC, and some of the best photography and the most
26:40 amazing, wonderful things, David Attenborough did, a lot of
26:44 beautiful nature videos, whether it was "Planet Earth" or "Blue
26:49 Planet" or about the oceans, and our kids used to watch that, but
26:53 I'd sit there with them, and then every now and then, after
26:56 showing all these amazing, wonderful, miraculous things
26:59 in nature, they would say, "And millions of years ago,"
27:03 and I taught my kids, whenever they heard it, they went,
27:06 "Nah, nah, nah.
27:08 Nah, nah, nah," and because, you know, they just--I had to train
27:12 them and say, "Look at all the miracles that we're seeing in
27:14 this program.
27:16 That all happened by accident?"
27:19 And they realized that that is really an absurd idea that all
27:21 that symbiotic relationships and all that design and all that
27:25 wonder could just evolve by accident.
27:29 So you have to sit there with them and prepare them because,
27:32 once they get out in the world, they're going to be hearing,
27:34 "Millions of years ago," "Millions of years ago,"
27:37 "Billions of years ago, there was nothing, and all of this
27:41 came from nothing.
27:43 It just exploded."
27:45 That's theory of man.
27:47 And so in your training them about the importance of God the
27:49 Creator and the Creation, that needs to be just settled in
27:52 their minds so they never doubt it and their noble purpose: "I
27:56 am made in the image of God, and some day, I will answer to God
27:59 for the life that I've lived."
28:02 This life is very brief.
28:04 You can't just live it for yourself.
28:06 You'll give an account to God for everything you do, for all
28:08 of your works, for every idle word that you speak.
28:11 This is what Jesus teaches.
28:13 And so they are created by God for a great purpose, and we will
28:16 all answer to God.
28:18 We are stewards of our time and our lives.
28:20 Once a child reaches the age of accountability, which, you know,
28:24 biblically it could be somewhere between 10 and 13, depending
28:27 on the child's understanding, they need to realize,
28:31 "I'm accountable to God for my decisions."
28:34 So they taught them this.
28:39 "Christian education is committed to educating families
28:42 and members in doctrine, worship, instruction,
28:45 fellowship, evangelism, and service.
28:48 Home is where you minister to family members about the love
28:51 and the promises of God.
28:53 It's where Jesus is introduced to the children as their Lord
28:58 and Savior and friend, and where the Bible is upheld
29:02 as the Word of God."
29:05 In 2 Corinthians 4:16, "For it is the God who commanded light
29:08 to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give
29:11 the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face
29:15 of Jesus Christ."
29:17 So not only are we teaching them about God, they need to be
29:20 taught about the plan of salvation.
29:23 They need to be taught about the fall.
29:25 Why is there suffering in the world?
29:27 And when the kids are asking, "Why, why, why?"
29:29 you know, at some point, they're going to see something die, and
29:32 it's at a usually very early age, and they're going to want
29:34 to know why, and what's going to happen to Kitty or to Fido when
29:39 they die?
29:41 Why is there death?
29:44 And just explaining to them the rebellion of Lucifer, the
29:48 entrance of sin, that death is not permanent for the believer,
29:52 it's so important for them to understand that.
29:54 I remember being shocked.
29:56 When I was little, I always thought you got hurt, and you
29:58 went to the doctor, and we used to play doctor, and we always
30:02 put Band-Aids all over each other, and we thought, you know,
30:05 you just put some medicine on, take a pill, and we used to mix
30:08 up our own concoctions, and we thought doctors fixed
30:11 everything.
30:13 And then I vividly remember this: There was a
30:15 black-and-white TV.
30:18 I was with my grandmother and grandfather.
30:20 My grandfather was watching some program where a bullfighter was
30:23 out in the ring, and the bullfighter got hit by the bull,
30:26 and he got tossed around and gored, and they carried him off.
30:30 And I said, "Grandpa, they're taking him to the doctor," and
30:32 my grandfather, in his abrupt way, he said, "No, Dougie, he's
30:38 deader than a doornail."
30:41 I said, "Well, he's going to--they'll give him some
30:43 medicine, he'll get better."
30:44 He said, "No, he's dead.
30:47 He's not ever coming back."
30:49 And I was shocked as a child with the concept of death, that
30:52 someone's life could end.
30:54 I thought, "That could happen to me?"
30:56 And, boy, I tell you, it kind of puts a fear in you as a child.
31:01 They need to be taught that there's life beyond the grave,
31:05 or, otherwise, it's a hopeless end, but they need to be taught
31:08 that, really, they've got an endless hope because of Jesus.
31:11 Now, looking in the section on the childhood of Jesus, just
31:14 think about how miraculous and amazing it was that God the
31:19 Father, He committed the education of His beloved Son to
31:23 a flawed, human family.
31:28 Now, you realize that Joseph and Mary, though they were
31:31 godly people--Mary was a godly woman--they were people,
31:36 and all humans have sinned.
31:38 "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God," and
31:40 the only exception to that is Jesus Himself.
31:43 Yes, Joseph had sinned.
31:46 Mary--I know that there's a church that teaches the
31:48 "immaculate conception," that Mary was born sinless.
31:51 That's not taught anywhere in the Bible.
31:53 Mary was human.
31:54 Even during the life of Jesus, Mary had to be, kind of,
31:57 corrected by Jesus a couple times.
31:59 She was pushing Him to do things before His time.
32:02 Said, "Come and talk to your family.
32:05 We're out here waiting for you," and He said, "Who is my mother,
32:07 my father, my brethren, but those that hear
32:10 the Word of God and do it."
32:12 Said, "Jesus, you need to help them at the wedding."
32:14 He turned the water into wine, and He said, "Woman,
32:16 My time has not yet come."
32:18 And so, you know, there were times even in Mary's life--and
32:20 I'm sure before--where she sinned, and, yet God took His
32:26 perfect Son and placed Him in a human family to be taught
32:30 by humans.
32:33 And can you imagine, when the angels appeared and spoke to
32:37 the shepherds?
32:39 And the shepherds came to Joseph and Mary and said, "We've just
32:41 heard from angels this is the Messiah."
32:42 When the wise men showed up and they said, "We've seen the
32:44 star," "This is the King," and the angel who spoke to Joseph,
32:47 and the angel who spoke to Mary, they understood that they had
32:51 been given the commission of the highest charge of any parents to
32:56 raise the Christ, the Messiah, the Savior of the world.
33:01 Boy, talk about a heavy job.
33:04 How careful they were in instructing Jesus.
33:08 And so, yeah, the angels told them--said, "Mary, do not
33:16 be afraid.
33:18 God is," and this, by the way, is Matthew* chapter 18, verse
33:20 25, while Joseph is thinking about these things because the
33:24 angel had said that she would be of child with the Holy Spirit.
33:27 He told him, "Joseph, do not be afraid to take to you Mary,
33:31 your wife, for that which is conceived in her is
33:33 of the Holy Spirit.
33:36 She will bring forth a Son.
33:38 You'll call His name Jesus.
33:40 He will save His people from their sins."
33:43 And this was spoken of by the prophet, the fulfillment that
33:45 God would be with us.
33:47 You could read in Luke 1, verse 26, "Now in the sixth month
33:50 the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named
33:53 Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph,
33:58 of the house of David.
34:00 And the virgin's name was Mary.
34:03 And having come in, the angel said, 'Rejoice highly favored
34:05 one, the Lord is with you.
34:07 Blessed are you among women.' But when she saw him,
34:09 she was troubled at this saying, and considered what manner
34:12 of greeting this was.
34:14 The angel said, 'Do not be afraid, Mary, for you've found
34:18 favor with God.
34:20 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son
34:22 and call His name Jesus.
34:25 He will be great and be called the Son of the Highest, and the
34:28 Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David.
34:31 He will reign over the house of Jacob forever."
34:34 Boy, can you imagine the pressure of knowing that you've
34:37 got this child, and can you imagine how Joseph and Mary felt
34:41 when Jesus was 12, and they took Him to the temple, and then they
34:45 went home with this big procession of people that were
34:48 up from Galilee and Nazareth, and after they traveled for a
34:51 day and a half, they said, "You know, we can't find Jesus in the
34:54 crowd anywhere."
34:56 They thought for sure He was a responsible young man.
34:57 He was hanging out with some cousins or something.
35:00 And they realized they had lost Jesus.
35:02 Can you imagine trying to explain that to God?
35:05 "God, we know that you gave us your Son to watch over Him.
35:09 We seem to have misplaced Him."
35:11 Well, that would've been really tough.
35:14 And that's why she said later, when they found Jesus, she said,
35:16 "Son, why'd You do this to us?
35:19 You nearly gave us a heart attack."
35:21 I'm paraphrasing.
35:23 "We have sought You, sorrowing."
35:25 For three days, they were so anxious.
35:27 "God committed to us this important charge.
35:29 The Savior of the world.
35:31 We've misplaced Him.
35:33 We've lost the Savior."
35:35 Hah, and, now, I just said that somewhat in jest but trying to
35:40 get us to understand, really, every parent with every child,
35:46 you have the potential to raise someone up that will be a son
35:50 and daughter of God.
35:53 The Bible said, "Behold what manner of love the Father has
35:56 bestowed on us, that we should be called the children of God."
35:59 And so, yes, Joseph and Mary were given this charge
36:05 to raise up the Savior of the world.
36:08 You and I are given the charge to raise up children who will
36:10 not just be saved, but God wants us to raise children that can
36:13 save others.
36:15 We want to teach them the plan of salvation and give them a
36:19 missionary spirit.
36:21 Teach them through example.
36:23 You know, I don't want to finish this lesson without saying the
36:26 most obvious thing: Sometimes, children do not listen to their
36:32 elders, but they never fail to imitate them.
36:34 The most important way to teach children--three things, example,
36:38 example, example.
36:40 And if you're going to teach them to clean, clean right
36:44 beside with them.
36:46 If you're going to teach them to vacuum, do it with them if
36:47 you've got two vacuum cleaners, but you know what I mean.
36:50 Work with them.
36:52 If you're going to tell them how to plant seeds, do it with them.
36:54 You teach them by example.
36:56 If you don't want them to yell at each other, never yell at
36:58 them, and do not yell at your spouse.
37:01 When kids show up in kindergarten, and they're losing
37:03 their temper, they probably learned it at home, or they've
37:06 got a very indulgent parent that hasn't taught them self-control.
37:10 And so it's so much by example that they learn these things.
37:16 So, and then, of course, we need to teach them, of course, to
37:22 read and to write so that they can read and study the Word
37:24 of God.
37:28 You know, "Among evangelical protestants--"
37:29 I saw this. It was interesting, an amazing fact.
37:32 This morning I thought I'd share with you: "Among evangelical
37:34 protestants, 66% of women read the Scriptures at least once a
37:37 week compared to 58% of men, and there are similar studies that
37:44 have been done both by the Pew Research and
37:47 the Barna research groups.
37:49 "More women read their Bibles than men."
37:51 Could Mary read?
37:53 You know, it talks about that usually the boys were taught in
37:56 Israel to read, and they did the public readings, but evidently
38:00 the women could also read, and I'm quite sure that Mary
38:02 could read.
38:05 Listen to this: "Desire of Ages," page 70, talking about
38:07 the learning and training of Jesus: "The child Jesus did not
38:13 receive instruction in the synagogue schools.
38:15 His mother was His first human teacher.
38:18 From her lips and from the scrolls of the prophets, He
38:22 learned of heavenly things.
38:24 The very words which He Himself had spoken to Moses for Israel
38:27 He was now taught at His mother's knee.
38:31 As He advanced from childhood to youth, He did not seek the
38:34 schools of the rabbis.
38:36 He needed not the education to be obtained from such sources,
38:42 for God was His instructor."
38:45 Not only was He taught of His mother, He was taught by the
38:48 Holy Spirit.
38:50 I read an interesting amazing fact.
38:53 You know, in 1977, some geologists were doing some
38:56 exploration in an extremely remote part of Siberia, off by
39:00 the border of Mongolia, and there at 6,000 feet, they
39:04 thought they saw something that it looked like it was man-made,
39:08 and as they came in a little closer, they saw something that
39:11 looked like a shed in the side of a hill and rows and rows
39:13 of gardens.
39:15 They landed and gradually came up to the place.
39:18 They found a family that had been living in isolation for
39:20 42 years.
39:23 The father with his wife and three children had escaped the
39:26 Bolshevik persecution, and they had had no interaction, or
39:31 virtually no interaction, with any other humans for 42 years.
39:36 They'd lived off the land, just about starving from year
39:39 to year.
39:41 Can you imagine in Siberia surviving the winters up there?
39:43 And they had two more children that lived up there that had
39:45 never seen anybody outside of their own family, two daughters,
39:48 yet the mother--the only books they had was they had a Bible
39:52 and a few prayer books.
39:54 Very devout people.
39:56 The mother taught the girls to read, and they made their own
39:59 ink from some of the local plants.
40:02 She taught them to read and write the Word of God, which is
40:05 quite amazing when you think about it, but that family, those
40:09 parents, were the teachers, the only school for those children
40:12 from--for 42 years.
40:17 Now, that's not healthy.
40:19 We're not recommending that, but it's just talking about an
40:21 amazing fact.
40:23 I thought you'd find interesting.
40:25 Communication.
40:27 "The true teacher can impart to his pupils few gifts so valuable
40:30 as the gift of his own companionship.
40:33 It is true of men and women, and how much more of youth and
40:36 children, that only as we come in touch through sympathy can we
40:41 understand them, and we need to understand in order to more
40:45 effectively benefit."
40:48 So in the process of teaching, parents will learn every one of
40:52 your children is unique and different.
40:54 And Karen and I stand back sometimes, and we look at the
40:57 kids, and we go, "Wow, they are all so different."
41:00 And even though they grew up in fairly similar circumstances,
41:04 they've got different temperaments.
41:08 There's different combinations of genes and DNA.
41:11 You know when that miracle of life happens?
41:14 It's just a--you don't know what you're going to drop in the
41:17 blender that day, and interesting that the different
41:20 traits and characteristics, they'll be like the mother and
41:23 father, and I always tell Karen, "It's amazing how the kids got
41:26 all of my good traits," and her bad ones, but they'll end up
41:29 being something--I'm just kidding.
41:32 They'll end up being something like the mother and the father,
41:35 and some are trained tendencies, some are inherited tendencies,
41:38 but that all must be guided and molded for the glory of God.
41:44 You do that by drawing near to them.
41:48 Study them, their temperaments, how they respond better.
41:51 Some of our kids, I could talk to them and tell them I was
41:53 displeased, and they'd had a meltdown.
41:55 Their little hearts would break, and I didn't need to ever resort
41:58 to corporal punishment.
42:00 Other kids, they'd fold their arms and stomp their feet, and
42:02 they were just defiant and strong-willed, and it took
42:05 somethin' different.
42:07 You just have to know, with every child, study them, draw
42:10 closer to them.
42:11 Let them see that you love them, and you have their best
42:13 interests in mind, and that's so important.
42:15 Psalm 37, verse 7, "Rest in the Lord,
42:20 and wait patiently for Him.
42:22 Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way because of
42:24 the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.
42:26 Cease from anger, forsake wrath.
42:29 Do not fret.
42:31 It only causes harm."
42:33 So don't let your children see you stewing and worrying and
42:36 stressing and fretting because they'll just model
42:41 what you have.
42:43 Let them see that you have a faith in God, that you trust
42:46 God, that your love for them is unconditional, and they will
42:50 then begin to trust in that.
42:52 You know, especially because you have them when they're so young,
42:55 they grow up--you are really God to them.
42:59 You're supplying all of their needs when they're little.
43:02 They're looking to you to hold them to protect them, to provide
43:04 for them, to clean them.
43:06 They're utterly dependent when they come in this world,
43:10 and if you showed them love, and you've got their best interests,
43:13 they're not going to doubt you when you tell them about God
43:15 and his truth.
43:17 Some parents assume the kids are going to get it
43:19 all through osmosis.
43:21 It is important you sit down and you teach them diligently.
43:24 Then this is one of the most important parts of the lesson,
43:26 Deuteronomy 6, verse 6, teach them the Word of God: "These
43:31 words that I command you shall be in your heart.
43:34 You shall teach them diligently," that means
43:36 repetitively, with effort-- "when you talk of them, when you
43:41 sit in your house, when you walk by the way, on the road, in the
43:44 home, when you lie down," evening worship, "when you rise
43:48 up," morning worship.
43:50 "You shall bind them as a sign on your hand.
43:52 They will be as frontlets between your eyes."
43:54 And that's symbolically speaking.
43:56 It says it'll be in your heart too.
43:58 That's obviously a symbol.
44:00 That means show them the Word of God in your work and your
44:02 actions, in your thoughts and in your meditation.
44:05 "Write them on the doorposts of your house and of your gates."
44:08 You surround yourself with the Word of God.
44:11 "Thy Word I've hidden in my heart that I might not sin."
44:13 So hide the Word of God in your children's hearts, and it will
44:17 be a great blessing to them.
44:20 Well, I'm looking at the clock, and I see that I'm about out
44:21 of time.
44:24 I think we got through the heart of the lesson.
44:26 I want to remind you, if you missed it at the beginning, we
44:29 do have a free offer I trust will be a blessing.
44:31 It's called "A Love That Transforms."
44:33 We will send you a copy.
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44:44 And you can download this via text, "SH003" to 40544.
44:53 Read that.
44:55 Share it with friends, and God willing, we'll look forward to
44:56 studying His Word with you again next week.
45:02 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
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45:24 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word
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45:37 male announcer: The statistics are grim.
45:38 Millions have been infected by coronavirus.
45:41 Thousands have died.
45:42 Race riots have broken out on streets.
45:45 Political tensions are at an all-time high.
45:48 Does the Bible have anything to say about the times
45:51 in which we are living?
45:52 Doug Batchelor: Hi, friends.
45:54 This is Pastor Doug Batchelor.
45:55 Many people are wondering if the world's about to implode.
45:59 Some are fearful that global events point to a coming crisis
46:02 unlike anything we've ever witnessed.
46:05 Did you know the Bible book of Revelation actually speaks
46:08 about the days in which we're living now?
46:10 And it contains a message of hope, if we would only listen.
46:15 That's why I'd like to invite you to "Revelation Now:
46:19 Decoding the Bible's Greatest Prophecies."
46:21 In this multi-part series, I'll be sharing relevant truths
46:24 for our time from the last book in the Bible.
46:27 male announcer: Coming October 23.
46:29 To learn more, visit
46:37 ♪♪♪
46:40 announcer: "Amazing Facts Changed Lives."
46:48 Brittney: I was addicted to all different types of things.
46:50 I finally hit rock bottom when I got pulled over one night after
46:55 a heavy night of partying with some friends.
46:59 I was drunk, high on Ecstasy, and I realized then that I had
47:03 to make a change.
47:06 Vince: Was in the military and listening to very satanic music
47:09 every day and heard this whisper to carve "666" into my knuckles.
47:14 Contemplated on it a while, and I was sitting at my desk, and I
47:18 had my knife on me, and I started carving the horizontal
47:22 lines for the sixes into my index finger first with serrated
47:27 edges and started to enjoy it.
47:33 I wanted to make it known who I wanted to follow, actually,
47:37 and not knowing I was following Satan at the time.
47:40 Just, I thought it was a cool thing to do.
47:43 Brittney: So I met this guy online, and that was my husband,
47:45 Vince, and I noticed his ears, and we started talking,
47:52 and he was just adorable.
47:53 Vince: Flew down and actually met her here in Arizona.
47:56 Brittney: And, at that point, I found out quickly
48:00 after we met that I was pregnant.
48:02 Vince: So shortly after our daughter was born, it was a very
48:04 exciting moment, but the nurses and doctors notice something
48:07 right away that she was extremely orange with jaundice.
48:10 Brittney: And she ended up in the hospital, very sick, and it
48:14 was extremely hard on us.
48:17 We were teenagers.
48:19 We were scared.
48:21 Our baby was sick.
48:23 I was with someone that was very angry, and at that point,
48:29 we were in the hospital room, and I remember a chaplain coming
48:34 in and speaking with the people.
48:37 Since it was like a conjoined room, we had a roommate, and the
48:41 chaplain had said, you know, if he could pray for the other
48:45 family, and that's when I knew that it was my chance.
48:47 I had to take that opportunity, and I asked my husband, "Should
48:52 I go talk to him?"
48:54 Vince: I said, "No way."
48:55 I wanted nothing to do with God.
48:57 I wanted nothing to do with talking to this chaplain.
49:00 Brittney: I decided that I was going to get up anyway, and I
49:02 got up, and you could tell he was very angry that I decided to
49:04 walk over, and I went to the chaplain, and I asked him to
49:09 come over and speak to us, and he did.
49:12 Vince: And he came in, and we asked him questions,
49:15 and he actually came to visit us every single day.
49:17 Brittney: The chaplain that we met with mentioned Amazing Facts
49:20 study guides and, just, the ministries.
49:23 Vince: He showed us videos and study guides
49:26 from Amazing Facts, specifically.
49:29 It was on "Final Events" and "Cosmic Conflict."
49:31 At that point, we had transferred hospitals to
49:33 an outpatient hospital, and we were able to watch these videos,
49:37 and we were hooked on them.
49:39 Brittney: It was a huge blessing.
49:41 We would watch Pastor Doug, and we would sit up late at night,
49:46 watching sermons, and we were just teenagers.
49:50 Most kids our age were out doing crazy things, and here we are at
49:54 home with popcorn and chocolate bars, watching Pastor Doug.
49:58 Ben Lundquist: This young couple came into the Camelback Church
50:01 holding a beautiful little baby, and this was one
50:04 of the first times that I had ever met Vince and Brittney.
50:07 Vince: We needed somebody to show us that they loved us, that
50:10 they supported us, and Pastor Ben was there, giving us
50:12 Bible studies on marriage counseling as well as baptism.
50:15 Brittney: I was still smoking and drinking lightly, and a few
50:18 things along those lines, and it was one day when I woke up on
50:23 February 15, 2011, after watching many sermons on
50:29 "Amazing Facts" from Pastor Doug, and having a really solid
50:33 church family, that I was able to say, "No more."
50:37 And from that day on, I stopped all of my addictions.
50:41 Charles White: And, ultimately, their lives began to take
50:44 on just a new dimension of congruity because Jesus was
50:47 there, and He was the one that was bringing that sense of
50:50 belonging and hope and help.
50:53 Brittney: We decided to get baptized and married, and we got
50:57 baptized one day and married the next, and it was
50:59 an amazing experience.
51:01 Ben: And we found a spot by the lake, and it was
51:03 absolutely perfect.
51:05 The evening was coming to a close.
51:07 The sun was about ready to go down.
51:09 Vince: And we were standing on the water with Pastor Ben,
51:12 and the sky was such a deep red.
51:14 The reflections off the sky was almost as if we were standing
51:18 in blood, we were washed in the blood of Jesus.
51:20 Ben: And that was the moment that God painted the canvas of
51:23 the sky with the most beautiful colors signifying the journey
51:28 that he was going to be laying out for Vince and Brittney.
51:31 Vince: Shortly after we were baptized, about a month later,
51:35 we had realized that my scars were gone.
51:38 I was completely healed physically of not having
51:41 the "666" on my knuckles anymore, and I struggled with
51:44 that for so long because of what I did, and He forgave me.
51:49 Malcolm Douglas: Many times, when we think of the way that
51:50 we've been led to Christ, we think there's usually one
51:53 individual, but having been able to work alongside Pastor Ben and
51:56 Pastor White, it's been great to see how we've been able to work
52:00 with Brittney and Vincent and seen them just really grow.
52:03 And this has really been something that's been beneficial
52:06 to me.
52:08 You know, sometimes I think about this, and the Bible says,
52:10 "More blessed is he who gives than receives," and I feel, in
52:12 many times, more blessed, just seeing them and seeing all the
52:17 challenges they've gone through, all the difficulties, and seeing
52:21 them overcome these things, it just--it amazes me.
52:24 Vince: As I reflect back on everything I've done in my life,
52:27 completely going against God, wanting nothing to do with Him,
52:33 He still tried so hard as if I was the only one that was lost,
52:35 just as He promises.
52:38 He still went and found me even though I wanted nothing to do
52:42 with Him.
52:44 Brittney: Having Amazing Facts and the pastors in our lives
52:46 help us so much, it's really a blessing, and I feel like now
52:50 we're happy, and we have these two healthy, beautiful, little
52:55 girls, and God has truly blessed us, and I just want to share it
53:00 with everyone.
53:02 I want to scream it.
53:04 I'm so excited, and I feel really blessed to even have this
53:06 opportunity to share my story.
53:10 ♪♪♪
53:24 Doug: We're here on the beautiful coast of the island of
53:26 Puerto Rico, and if you were to travel east about 2,000 miles,
53:30 of course, you'd be out in the middle of the ocean.
53:32 But you'd also be in the middle of a mystical sea called
53:35 the Sargasso Sea.
53:37 It gets its name because of this common brown seaweed
53:40 that can be found floating in vast mass.
53:43 The area of the Sargasso Sea is about 700 miles wide
53:48 and 2,000 miles long.
53:50 Now, the seaweed itself is fascinating stuff.
53:53 It was first observed and called gulfweed
53:55 by Christopher Columbus.
53:58 It gets the name "sargum" from the Portuguese.
54:00 Some people use it as herbal remedies.
54:02 But out in the middle of the Sargasso Sea the water is some
54:04 of the bluest in the world.
54:07 It's there you can see 200-feet deep in places.
54:10 It also has a great biodiversity and ecosystem that surrounds
54:13 the Sargasso Sea.
54:15 For years, scientists wondered where the American and
54:18 the Atlantic eels were breeding.
54:21 They knew the adult eel swam down the rivers, out into
54:23 the Atlantic, but they never could find the place
54:25 where they reproduced.
54:27 Finally, they discovered it was out in the middle
54:28 of the Sargasso Sea.
54:30 So it's a fascinating place, but if you were an ancient sailor,
54:33 you did not want to get stuck there.
54:36 ♪♪♪
54:38 Doug: Being caught in the doldrums was extremely difficult
54:40 for the ancient sailors.
54:43 Of course, their boats were driven by wind and sail, and
54:45 they'd be caught in the vast mass of the seaweed that would
54:47 wrap around their rudder.
54:50 Barnacles would begin to grow.
54:52 It's an area that is notorious for light and baffling winds,
54:55 and so they'd make no progress.
54:58 They'd get stuck.
55:00 The men would become extremely dispirited.
55:02 Sometimes, violence and even insanity would break out
55:04 as people were trapped in the doldrums.
55:07 Well, friends, perhaps sometimes you've felt that you're trapped
55:09 in the doldrums.
55:11 You've gone through episodes of depression.
55:14 You feel like you're going in circles.
55:16 Life seems stifling.
55:18 You know, the Bible offers good news.
55:20 There is a way out.
55:22 The Bible talks about a famous character that was trapped
55:24 in a cycle of depression.
55:25 He was low as you could be.
55:27 Matter of fact, he even had seaweed wrapped around his head.
55:29 His name was Jonah.
55:31 But God gave him a way of escape.
55:33 In Jonah chapter 2, verse 3 through 7, we read: "For You
55:37 cast me into the depths, into the heart of the seas,
55:40 and the floods surrounded me.
55:42 All of Your billows and Your waves passed over me.
55:45 Then I said, 'I have been cast out of Your sight,
55:49 yet I will look again towards Your holy temple.'
55:52 The waters surrounded me, even to my soul.
55:54 The deep closed around me.
55:56 Weeds were wrapped around my head.
55:58 I went down to the moorings of the mountains.
56:01 The earth with its bars closed behind me forever, yet You've
56:03 brought my life up from the pit, O Lord, my God.
56:08 When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord,
56:12 and my prayer went up to You, into Your holy temple."
56:15 You know, friends, the way that Jonah got out of his
56:18 discouraging circumstances, he turned to God, and he prayed.
56:22 And if God could hear Jonah's prayer, just think about it:
56:25 He was as far away from God as anybody could be.
56:27 He was in the belly of a sea monster in the bottom
56:30 of the ocean in the dark, yet he turned to God,
56:33 and God heard his prayer.
56:34 You know, these ancient sailors, when they were trapped on the
56:37 deck of a ship for weeks, stuck in the doldrums, discouraged,
56:39 sometimes they would have a prayer meeting and pray that God
56:43 would send a breeze that would set them free and get
56:46 their boats moving.
56:48 They turned to God in prayer, and often miracles would happen,
56:50 and the wind would flutter in the sails and bring them out
56:53 of their seaweed prison.
56:55 Friends, maybe you have been stuck in the doldrums.
56:58 Maybe you've been caught in a cycle of depression.
57:00 If God can do it for Jonah, if He can do it for the ancient
57:02 sailors, He can do it for you.
57:05 Turn to the Lord in prayer.
57:06 Trust His Spirit to blow through your soul and to set you free.
57:10 ♪♪♪
57:18 male: I really started getting involved with crime,
57:19 break and enters, selling drugs, stealing cars.
57:22 male: All of us were high, drugs all over the car,
57:24 paraphernalia, pipes.
57:25 female: I was suicidal.
57:27 I was developing an eating disorder, so, like,
57:29 all these things were just coming into play.
57:31 male: One night, I was flicking through my channels in my dorm.
57:35 There was this guy, this preacher.
57:37 male: By the end of the program, I had a complete understanding
57:40 of what God's plan actually is.
57:43 male: I started going through these Amazing Facts study
57:46 guides, and I finished those, and I was so hungry, I couldn't
57:50 put them down.
57:51 male: These series helped me to see how reasonable God is.
57:55 female: So after doing the studies and learning the truths
57:58 that I had been learning, I decided to take that next step.
58:02 male: I thank God for ministries like Amazing Facts, to a great
58:05 extent, the reason why I am in the church today.
58:09 male: Thank you.
58:10 male: Thank you.
58:12 female: Thank you for changing my life.
58:14 ♪♪♪


Revised 2020-10-04