Sabbath School Study Hour

The Church and Education

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022048S

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00:36 Shawn Brummund: Good morning, and welcome to another edition
00:38 of the "Sabbath School Study Hour."
00:40 We are just so glad that you have decided to join us here,
00:42 as we have come together on this beautiful Sabbath morning here
00:47 in Roseville, Sacramento, California.
00:49 It has been sunny and rain-free for the last several months.
00:53 We've been struggling, as many of you know across the nation,
00:56 we have been struggling with some of the most serious,
00:58 far-reaching fires that we've ever had before,
01:01 and now we have some rain.
01:03 So we're very thankful for a little bit of rain,
01:05 and we trust that that will be the start of some much-needed
01:08 rain here in this part of the country.
01:10 We're just so glad again that you have joined us,
01:12 both our online members that had continued to join us from
01:15 Sabbath to Sabbath across the nation,
01:17 of course, our local church members that are joining us,
01:20 we know that we all miss each other.
01:23 I certainly miss teaching the Sabbath School Study Hour with
01:27 my local church family, but I am blessed and thankful to be able
01:30 to be here in the local studio of the Amazing Facts
01:34 headquarters and still be able to worship and study with you
01:38 even if it's on a virtual basis.
01:40 So especially good morning to all our local church members,
01:42 friends here locally that attend our church,
01:45 and, of course, we're always thankful for all the different
01:48 friends that join us from around the world,
01:50 both through the Internet, as well as through the various
01:52 satellite television networks.
01:54 We are continuing to study a very important subject
01:57 on Christian education.
01:59 In light of the Bible today is "The Church
02:02 and Christian Education."
02:04 And so this is no small subject.
02:06 It's a very important one for us to consider as a church and what
02:09 are the counsels that God has for us.
02:12 Before we get into our study, we open it with prayer.
02:15 I want to invite all of you to take advantage of a free book
02:18 offer that we have here this morning.
02:20 It's written by Pastor Joe Crews, "Why God Said Remember."
02:25 Now, friends, this is a great read.
02:27 I remember reading it in years past.
02:28 It helped answer some very important questions that many
02:31 thinking-Christians are asking in regards to the fourth
02:33 commandment and the Sabbath.
02:35 And so if you would like a copy of this and you live in the
02:38 United States, just go ahead and dial 1-866-788-3966.
02:45 Again, that's 1-866-788-3966.
02:48 I believe we'll have it on the screen.
02:50 And when you call that number, just ask for Free
02:52 Offer Number 185.
02:55 Perhaps you'd rather have a digital copy of this--you can
02:59 text to the number 40544, and in the actual message box,
03:04 you'll want to put "SH129."
03:07 Now, when you do that, there'll be an automatic response.
03:10 We'll give you a free digital download of this particular free
03:13 offer, so please take advantage of that as you continue to study
03:17 and grow in the knowledge of that important topic.
03:21 Let's pray.
03:22 Father in heaven, this morning, we are thankful for the
03:25 opportunity to be able to study.
03:27 God, I am just so grateful that You have given us Your Bible.
03:30 We thank You for Your love and Your personal offer for us to be
03:34 able to have a personal, saving relationship with You through
03:38 Your Son Jesus Christ.
03:40 God, this morning, we want to pray that You will bless us,
03:43 that You will keep us, that, Father in heaven,
03:45 the time that we spend will be well invested and that,
03:48 God, Your Holy Spirit will do His special work,
03:51 His vital work in leading and guiding us and teaching us all
03:55 truth and bringing to remembrance all things that
03:58 which You have taught us.
03:59 And so, Father, we claim Your promise.
04:01 We claim Your offer. We ask for it now.
04:03 In Jesus's name we pray these things, amen.
04:08 Well, as many of you know, 2,000 years ago, Jesus died
04:12 on a cross for the sin and the guilt of all of humanity.
04:17 And as many of you also know, Jesus rose to glory
04:20 some-three days later.
04:22 And shortly after He rose to glory,
04:24 He appeared to His disciples off and on at different times in the
04:28 city of Jerusalem, and then, as the Gospel records tell us,
04:32 Jesus also then met His disciples back in His home
04:35 country of northern Israel in the land of Galilee at a very
04:38 specific mountain that He had pointed them to as their meeting
04:42 place, right beside the Sea of Galilee.
04:45 And the Bible tells us in the last verses of Matthew chapter
04:48 28, that, when the disciples saw them, they worshiped Him,
04:52 even though some were still struggling with doubt.
04:54 And then it tells us that Jesus came to them and spoke,
04:58 saying, "All authority has been given to Me,
05:00 both in heaven and on earth, and go therefore,
05:04 and make disciples of all the nations,
05:07 baptizing them in the name of the Father,
05:09 and the name of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
05:11 teaching them to observe all things in which I've commanded
05:16 you, and lo, I am with you always,
05:19 even to the end of the age."
05:22 And so, many of us are familiar with that.
05:24 If you haven't memorized it as a Christian,
05:26 as a believer, friends, I want to encourage you to be
05:28 able to memorize that.
05:29 Write it upon your heart.
05:31 Friends, the elements of that is the Great Commission that God
05:34 has given to the church, starting with those first
05:37 apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ.
05:40 You see, friends, the context of that is that Jesus was now
05:43 wrapping up His earthly ministry,
05:45 just before He ascended to His Father in heaven.
05:48 For the last three and a half years,
05:49 Jesus, in a very powerful way, was the most masterful,
05:55 most powerful teacher that Israel had ever known.
05:59 In fact, there's a statement that is written by one of my
06:01 favorite authors by far, by the name of Ellen White,
06:04 and she makes this very clear, succinct comment when she says
06:08 that "Christ was the greatest educator
06:11 that the world ever knew."
06:13 Now, friends, I hope that you could say
06:15 amen to that because I know that it is true,
06:17 and Jesus gives us more than enough evidence to be able to
06:20 demonstrate that that is true.
06:23 And, of course, being an educator is what we're looking
06:26 at in this particular quarterly.
06:28 We're looking at Christian education,
06:32 and so we want to look at it in the light of the greatest
06:34 educator that ever lived on this planet,
06:37 and again, that is Jesus Christ Himself.
06:39 Now, even as Jesus is the--was the greatest educator that the
06:42 world had ever knew while He was here in this earthly life,
06:45 of course, Jesus also told us, just hours before He was
06:48 crucified, that, indeed, He would still be with us and still
06:52 be our most important educator.
06:54 How would that be?
06:55 Well, He told us in that last speech that He shared with His
06:58 disciples that, indeed, He would send another Comforter,
07:03 another Helper that would be with us in the same capacity
07:08 that Jesus was physically with His first disciples and apostles
07:12 on this planet in Israel.
07:14 In John Chapter 14, in verse 26, Jesus put it like this: He said,
07:19 "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father
07:23 will send in My name, He will teach you all things and
07:27 bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you."
07:32 And so, friends, we find here that Jesus tells us that the
07:34 Holy Spirit would be sent by Jesus.
07:36 Jesus very clearly, in that chapter, said in different ways
07:40 that, "If you have the Holy Spirit, you have Me.
07:42 I will not leave you orphans," Jesus says.
07:44 "I will come to you."
07:47 And, again, in the verses before that statement,
07:48 as well as the verses after that statement, Jesus clarified that
07:52 He would do that through the person of the Holy Spirit.
07:55 And so, friends, we are blessed, and we are
07:58 privileged to be able to remember that.
07:59 I hope that you do remember that as we continue
08:01 on in our Christian experience.
08:05 And so coming back to Jesus wrapping up His earthly
08:07 ministry, it is true that He had 12 key students that He called
08:12 "apostles," but the Bible record also tells us that there were
08:16 approximately 120 disciples in total that were bona fide
08:21 followers and students of Jesus Christ.
08:24 And so Jesus wraps up His ministry.
08:26 He has 12 apostolic leaders, but He has a group of about 120
08:31 followers and students that had been studying with Him either
08:34 for the full three and a half years or a segment of that time
08:38 in which He had been teaching, preaching, and leading.
08:43 And so now that His work on earth is done,
08:45 He commissions the newborn church to carry out that vital
08:49 work in which we found in the Great Commission of Matthew
08:52 chapter 28, "Teach them."
08:55 Who's the "them," friends? "Teach them."
08:57 Well, these are the new disciples.
08:59 These are the new believers that Jesus has called us
09:01 to make in all the nations.
09:04 Jesus says, "Teach them to observe all things in which I
09:08 have commanded you."
09:09 And so Jesus, in the Great Gospel Commission,
09:11 tells us that the church is to be a
09:13 place of education, Christian education.
09:17 And, indeed, this is part of the discipleship program,
09:20 the discipleship plan that Jesus played out during His life,
09:24 and He modeled for us as Christians and as a church,
09:27 and so it's important for us to be able to understand that.
09:32 And so the question is asked, "How has the
09:34 church fulfilled this commission?"
09:37 Well, we preach on a regular basis,
09:40 so we have lots of public preaching that is taking place
09:42 in thousands and tens of thousands of places of worship
09:46 around the world, even today.
09:49 And, friends, we've been doing that for decades.
09:52 The Christian church, in general,
09:54 has been doing that for centuries.
09:56 And so, indeed, the church has fulfilled this commission and
10:00 command by Jesus through public preaching,
10:02 but not only that but that we've also--are conducting thousands
10:05 and tens of thousands of Sabbath school classes,
10:08 even right now, today, across this great world.
10:12 We offer prayer meetings, small group Bible studies,
10:15 one-on-one Bible studies.
10:16 Friends, there are millions of printed pages and published
10:19 books and articles and magazines in which is continuing to
10:23 educate people and helping them to observe all things in which
10:27 Jesus has brought to the church.
10:30 We also have radio.
10:32 We continue to also educate through television,
10:34 through the Internet, through satellite,
10:36 and, of course, we also educate through our church schools,
10:40 our church academies, our colleges, our universities.
10:44 Friends, all of this is some of the most vital activities that
10:48 we have and that God has led us to be able to participate in
10:52 in order to fulfill that Great Commission
10:55 that God has given to us.
10:59 And that's what we're looking at this week,
11:01 the church and Christian education.
11:04 What is the church's role in that education?
11:08 And so that's what we're opening up here today.
11:11 Well, what is the key or most important
11:12 textbook in Christian education?
11:14 When you think of Christian education, whether it's in our
11:16 academies, colleges, universities, in our
11:19 local church building and congregation, what is
11:22 the most important and key textbook that we have?
11:27 Well, I hope you also all answered with the same single
11:30 answer, and that is the Holy Bible.
11:34 Again, coming back to my favorite author by the name of
11:36 Ellen White, she says, "As an educator,
11:39 the Holy Scriptures are without rival."
11:42 I'll read that one more time: "As an educator,
11:45 the Holy Scriptures are without rival."
11:48 In other words, there's nothing that comes close to being the
11:52 most effective, most important fundamental and primary educator
11:56 than that of the Holy Scriptures, of the Holy Bible.
12:01 Now, friends, this may seem like a very elementary question and
12:03 answer for me to bring to you as Christians.
12:06 Many of you are saying, "Well, that's kind
12:07 of a no-brainer, Pastor."
12:10 And yet, I think it is worth asking because,
12:12 friends, I've studied in Christian colleges,
12:15 and, friends, I have to admit, I have to--it's sad to say that,
12:19 I would say that there was more than one of my teachers,
12:23 not all by far, but there was more than one of my teachers
12:25 that I believe lost sight of that fundamental truth,
12:29 and so, friends, I think it's important for us to come back to
12:33 it and ask that question.
12:34 For some of us, it may be very obvious.
12:36 For some of us, it may be God challenging us and inviting us
12:39 back to the most important textbook that we have.
12:43 This is book number one when it comes
12:46 to true Christian education.
12:50 Now, friends, I wish I could say that it was only in our
12:52 colleges, but, friends, I've also sat in some of our churches
12:55 in the--over the years, and I've listened to some of our pastors,
12:59 and again, I'm not saying that this represents all
13:01 pastors--not by any means.
13:03 But I've listened to more than one pastor on a Sabbath morning
13:06 behind the pulpit, and I hear everything but the Bible.
13:09 And, friends, that tells me that, again,
13:11 that somehow along the way,
13:14 somehow along those years in which that minister or pastor
13:17 was preaching and working for the Lord,
13:19 they have lost sight of that primary answer and the important
13:23 question that I asked, "What is the most important and primary
13:26 textbook for Christian education?"
13:30 And so, again, it may be very elementary for some of us,
13:33 but for some of us, I think that it is something that we need to
13:35 readdress in regards to our ministry,
13:39 whether we're a school teacher, whether we're a Sabbath school
13:41 teacher, whether we're a college or university professor,
13:45 whether we're a pastor.
13:49 The Bible says it best concerning itself,
13:51 and we find that in 2 Timothy chapter 3 and verse 16.
13:55 Many of us, again, are familiar with it,
13:57 but it's something that I think is worth revisiting,
13:59 and for some of us reading for the first time.
14:01 And so if you've never read 2 Timothy chapter 3
14:04 and verse 16, please turn in your Bibles with me as we look
14:08 at that in--vital description that the Bible says concerning
14:13 itself and its purpose as an educator.
14:17 And for those of you who studied with us last week with Pastor
14:20 Rodor, we looked at that text in another context,
14:22 and certainly it is worth revisiting in this
14:24 particular subject as well.
14:27 And so, again, 2 Timothy 3:16, it says,
14:29 "All Scripture is given of inspiration of God,
14:34 and it is profitable--" profitable for what?
14:36 In other words, there is great benefit to it.
14:38 What is the profit that comes from the inspiration of the
14:42 inspired Scriptures that God has given to us in the Holy Bible?
14:46 Well, it is for doctrine.
14:48 Well, then we ask the question, what is doctrine?
14:50 You know, before I was a Christian, I started to
14:51 study the Bible, I'd never heard of the word "doctrine."
14:53 We don't use that on the streets,
14:56 but yet, friends, it is a vital word that we need understand.
14:59 What is doctrine?
15:00 Well, doctrine is religious teachings of truth, and so the
15:06 Holy Scriptures of God, given by God, is profitable for
15:09 teaching true religious principles and truths.
15:15 It is also given to us to benefit us in
15:18 giving us reproof at times.
15:20 Sometimes we need to be able to smart-up in different areas of
15:22 our life in which we are involving ourselves or not
15:28 involving ourselves in things that we should
15:30 be or shouldn't be doing.
15:32 It's also given to for our correction.
15:33 Every time I used to read that, I used to think,
15:35 well, that is also kind of like "reproof."
15:36 Its correcting where I'm going wrong.
15:38 But, friends, I also believe that this is also there to
15:40 correct us in regards to our opinions,
15:43 our world views, our theologies, our theories.
15:47 In other words, when we come to the Holy Bible,
15:49 it is profitable to correct different theologies that we
15:52 assumed were the truth, perhaps even we were taught in our
15:55 religious institutions was the truth.
15:58 Perhaps our parents believed them,
15:59 and we understood them to be the truth,
16:01 but then God comes through His Word,
16:03 and He corrects us in concern to that.
16:06 This is part of Christian education as well.
16:09 And so, again, "The Bible is given for our profit,
16:12 both in religious teachings of truth for reproof,
16:15 for correction, and then also for instruction."
16:19 Friends, that sounds a whole lot like a classroom, doesn't it?
16:22 Okay, I come to the classroom when I went to school,
16:25 in high school, college, for instruction from my teacher,
16:29 and, in this case, it's instruction in righteousness.
16:33 In other words, it's there to be able to show us what is that
16:35 narrow way, what is that pathway that Jesus said He came to give
16:40 us that we might have abundant life, that we might increase
16:43 the quality of our life and our experience.
16:47 And so it is there for giving us instruction in righteousness,
16:50 "That the man," and of course, also the woman," of God may be
16:53 complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."
16:56 In other words, the Bible is the number one source for us to be
16:59 complete in our education and as people.
17:03 That's very important for us to understand, friends.
17:06 It makes us complete--what?
17:08 For what is the end of that completeness,
17:10 what is the end of that education,
17:13 and it ends with that key word, which is--or two words we could
17:16 say, for every "good work."
17:19 And so God tells us what good works are.
17:22 And then, friends, work means action, doesn't it?
17:25 And so it tells us then that, once we receive that and as we
17:28 continue to receive that instruction that comes from the
17:30 Holy Bible, then, friends, it is at that point then we go out,
17:34 and we apply those things in which we have received.
17:37 And this is the good works that God has given to us.
17:41 How we work in life for the benefit of ourselves,
17:43 for our families, for mankind, it's all found
17:46 first and foremost here.
17:47 Now, yes, of course, we still have science and biology and
17:51 physics class and English class, history,
17:54 all of these wonderful and important subjects that we find
17:58 in our education, all based primarily and reflecting though
18:02 upon the foundation, which is the Holy Bible of God.
18:11 Well, not only that, but the Bible also expands your mind,
18:14 and therefore, it makes you more intellectually capable towards
18:17 all areas of your life.
18:19 And when I say, "all areas," I mean all areas of life,
18:22 whether you're banking or whether you're shopping,
18:25 you're making a decision of what car to buy or whether you're
18:27 making a decision on who to marry,
18:29 whatever it is, friends, the more that you apply your mind to
18:33 the Bible, the more it expands your minds and makes you more
18:36 intellectually capable to be able to apply yourselves in a
18:39 more successful way in all areas of life.
18:43 And so, friends, the Bible is pointing us to these things for
18:46 a very practical benefit, not only for us,
18:49 of course, but as the principle of heaven is that we are there
18:52 to be a blessing to all those around us at the same time.
18:58 I want to share with you a quote again--and,
18:59 by the way, all the quotes, including this one,
19:01 is coming from one of my favorite books
19:02 that I'm just reading through now.
19:04 It's called "Messages to Young People," and this particular
19:09 quote says this: "The mind will enlarge if it is employed,"
19:15 meaning if it is worked, "in tracing out the relation of the
19:18 subjects of the Bible, comparing Scripture with Scripture,
19:23 spiritual things with spiritual," and so,
19:27 friends, enlarging your mind--today,
19:29 we would probably use the word more, "expand."
19:31 It expands your mind.
19:33 It expands your intellect when you put subject upon subject,
19:37 "Here a little, there a little," as a prophet Isaiah said,
19:40 "Line upon line, precept upon precept."
19:43 Friends, there's not just one chapter or Bible--a book in the
19:46 Bible that tells you all the things that God wants you
19:49 to know about heaven.
19:50 But, friends, we need to be able to look through the whole Bible
19:52 because God has that thread all the way through the Bible.
19:55 And so Isaiah is one of the more prolific writers on the heaven
19:59 and the experience that God has for us after this earthly life.
20:03 Certainly Revelation gives us a whole lot on it as well,
20:06 but friends, it is found in many different books and
20:10 chapters throughout the Bible, and when we put those lines upon
20:13 line, precept upon precept, comparing Scripture with
20:16 Scripture, friends, this will outdo any--and I've got to look
20:20 on my notes here because I'm going to
20:21 mispronounce it-- "suduko."
20:24 Suduko? Is that how you pronounce it?
20:26 Okay, I got my wife here in the studio,
20:28 and she's there to help me with my pronunciation.
20:31 But sudoku has become one of the most popular kind of
20:35 mind-exercise games that we can practice.
20:38 I want to give you a challenge, I want to
20:39 suggest something to you.
20:41 I would like to suggest that you take your sudoku and you put it
20:45 in the drawer and you forget all about your sudoku,
20:48 and the hours that you spent in your sudoku,
20:51 exercising your mind--and I know seniors are more gravitating to
20:54 that because it helps--you know, it's been proven to be able to
20:56 help delay any on-come of Alzheimer's and dementia and so
21:02 on, and I'm sure that evidence is there.
21:06 But just like many things in life, there are different
21:09 things that we can do to be able to experience that
21:11 benefit, but some are more effective than others.
21:14 Friends, inspiration tells me that the best way to exercise
21:18 and expand your mind is to spend those same hours in here.
21:22 And, friends, it is an adventure and is way more fulfilling,
21:25 and it is way more mind-expanding and also
21:30 mind-exercising and challenging than any sudoku or any other
21:34 mind game that you can find on the Internet
21:37 or in the Game Store.
21:39 Friends, you know, when I'm reading through Isaiah more than
21:43 once because I've read through Revelation so many times in the
21:46 past, I'll be writing through Isaiah--
21:48 I'll be reading through Isaiah, and I remember,
21:50 you know, one example, I was reading through Isaiah.
21:52 It was around 22 or something.
21:54 I forget what chapter it is now at this time by my memory,
21:58 but there's a chapter in Isaiah that talks about the same thing
22:01 that the last chapters of Revelation talk about in
22:04 regards, in this case, Revelation 20,
22:06 in regards to the millennium and the devil being bound in chains
22:10 and cast into the bottomless pit,
22:13 and that all the lost will be in that same bottomless pit as
22:16 they're slain by the glory of the Lord when Jesus returns.
22:19 Well, Isaiah says the same thing.
22:21 He says that all the lost will become prisoners,
22:24 bound in a pit like prisoners.
22:26 And when I read that, friends, my mind immediately started to
22:29 exercise itself and brought back to mind Revelation 20,
22:32 which I've studied so many times in the past.
22:34 And, friends, this is just an example of dozens and perhaps
22:37 hundreds of times over the years in which God has helped my mind
22:41 to connect Scripture upon Scripture,
22:43 line upon line, as the Bible becomes more and more familiar
22:46 to me as I continue to connect those dots.
22:49 And, friends, connecting those dots will do way more for you
22:52 than any sudoku will bring to your benefit.
22:56 So that's just my little suggestion and challenge.
23:02 Also, I want to challenge you on something else,
23:08 you know, and that's in concern to Bible class.
23:10 In our academies, in particular, of course,
23:13 when you get to the college level,
23:15 there are different required Christian education,
23:19 Bible education classes that are needed to be able to graduate
23:22 from any degree, and, of course, that should be the way it is.
23:26 When you're signing up for a Christian college education,
23:29 you should expect Christian instruction and education.
23:32 And Christianity is not based on biology
23:36 and based on physics first.
23:37 It's based on the Holy Scriptures first.
23:40 And, again, friends, I believe that,
23:42 even though that may sound elementary to many of us,
23:44 to many of us, or to some of us, I should say--I have to be
23:47 careful with my words--but to some of us in those different
23:51 positions in our institutions have lost sight of that.
23:57 If we have never seen the Bible class in our academies,
23:59 in our high schools, in our elementary schools,
24:02 in our church schools, as the most important class in all the
24:06 curriculum that we are offering, friends,
24:09 I would like to suggest that we are missing the mark.
24:13 When the HR department, when the principals of our schools are
24:17 hiring their Bible teacher, this should be handled more
24:21 thoroughly and more carefully than hiring any
24:23 other teacher in your school.
24:27 Now, friends, I know, by experience and observation, that
24:30 that may sound revolutionary, and
24:33 yet it shouldn't sound revolutionary.
24:36 It should sound standard.
24:38 We should all be saying, "Amen, that's the way it is,
24:41 and that's the way it always will be."
24:43 But, friends, I fear that, too often,
24:45 that we view and treat Bible class as a required add-on,
24:50 as an extracurricular that we kind of
24:52 just have to meet so that we can call it a Christian school,
24:57 and all other subjects and all the other teachers are viewed as
25:01 more important than the Bible teacher.
25:05 I suggest that this is a mistake.
25:08 I suggest that this is a mistake bigger than we may ever know.
25:12 God has given us the most important textbook,
25:16 and so, when a teacher is telling in a school,
25:18 is telling the students that are signing up for school for that
25:21 year, what are all the required textbooks because they are going
25:24 to have to buy and require, the first one on the list
25:27 should be the Holy Bible.
25:29 Friends, this should be our number one textbook,
25:32 not just in word, but in principle,
25:35 in thought, in faith, in belief.
25:41 And so, friends, again, I think that this can challenge us.
25:43 These words that I'm bringing to you may be challenging some of
25:46 you, friends, but I want to encourage you to come back to
25:49 understand some of these thoughts that I'm bringing back
25:52 to you or perhaps bringing to you for the very first time.
25:58 When it comes to college and university education,
26:00 now, there are some of us that are skeptical
26:02 of higher education in general.
26:04 And some of us have mistakenly come to understand that getting
26:09 an education in college or university is somehow never a
26:12 plan for the Christian, never a plan for a pastor,
26:15 never a plan for a teacher, or whatever it is,
26:19 but I would like to share with you that the inspiration of God
26:24 tells us something very, very different.
26:26 Friends, we need to remember that, if
26:28 we have fallen into that trap or are falling into that thought
26:30 pattern, that one of the key founders of the Seventh-day
26:34 Adventist Church movement is that of Ellen White,
26:37 and, friends, when you study the life and history of Ellen White,
26:39 you will find that she was very intricately involved in both the
26:43 founding and the building and the funding
26:45 of many of our first colleges.
26:49 She's also on record of sponsoring more than one student
26:52 with her own personal money.
26:53 Her and James White had forked out many, many dollars to
26:57 be able to help fund the higher college and university education
27:03 of some of our first Seventh-day Adventist students.
27:06 And so, very clearly, God was leading in her life.
27:10 Very clearly, God was leading her to understand that for the
27:14 Christian, for the Seventh-day Adventist,
27:15 higher education is something of great value for many of us,
27:19 depending on what profession that we are entering into.
27:22 And so I think it's important for us to be
27:24 able to understand that.
27:26 I want to read with you a couple of quotes,
27:27 and these are just so instructive and so beneficial.
27:30 I normally don't share quite as much as I am today,
27:36 but I just feel so compelled to be able to do that here today.
27:40 And, again, this is coming from what is becoming one of my
27:42 favorite books, "Messages to Young People."
27:46 Now, I know I'm a little bit past that age,
27:47 and so I've kind of missed the boat on that,
27:50 but I can be of a benefit to those who are truly still
27:54 young, if I could say that.
27:56 My wife is probably smirking at me and giving me
27:58 the dirty look now.
28:03 She doesn't like it when I say that,
28:04 "Hey, we're growing old."
28:07 But hey, the fact of the matter is time continues on,
28:10 and, yes, I do look younger than I am,
28:17 but I don't feel as young as I used to.
28:22 Page 170, it says, "Jesus did not despise education."
28:26 I'm going to read that one more time: "Jesus
28:28 did not despise education.
28:30 The highest culture of the mind, if sanctified through the love
28:34 and fear of God, receives his fullest approval."
28:39 And then, later on, she says, "God will accept the youth with
28:43 their talent and their wealth of affection if they will
28:45 consecrate themselves to him.
28:48 They may reach to the highest point of intellectual greatness.
28:52 God has called us to be able to do so.
28:55 They may reach the highest point of intellectual greatness,
28:57 and if balanced by religious principle,
29:00 they can carry forward the work which Christ came from heaven to
29:03 accomplish and, thus doing, be coworkers with the Master."
29:08 And so, friends, when we are truly consecrated and devoted in
29:11 following Christ, she is saying, listen,
29:13 you can attain some of the highest levels of education and
29:16 intellectual cultivation possible.
29:19 And, in fact, we're going to read a quote shortly here that
29:21 tells us that makes us more capable and more valuable in the
29:25 work and field of Christ.
29:29 And so that is just so important for us to be able to understand.
29:36 Again, she says, "The students of our college have valuable
29:39 privileges, not only to obtain the knowledge of the sciences,
29:44 but also of learning how to cultivate and practice virtues,
29:47 which will make--give them symmetrical characters."
29:51 And, you know, friends, in a time and age in which we live
29:54 here in the United States and many of the first world
29:56 countries around the world, many of the developing countries,
29:59 even, around the world today, as well,
30:01 higher education has become the norm.
30:04 It's not the exception anymore.
30:06 You know, if you go back 50, 80 years,
30:08 it was the exception--not today.
30:10 Today it is the norm, and so, friends,
30:12 we need to be able to communicate with these people
30:14 in an intellectual, educated way if we're going to be as
30:17 effective as possible in reaching them.
30:20 And, yes, I know, and Ellen White points that out in the
30:22 same chapter earlier on that Jesus chose uneducated
30:26 fishermen and so on.
30:28 Not all of them were uneducated.
30:29 Matthew, the tax collector, certainly knew how to read and
30:32 write and was very adept with numbers and accounting.
30:36 A certain Judas Iscariot, who had pushed himself into the
30:39 circle, was very highly capable and educated.
30:43 But the best example that we really have in all the
30:45 Scriptures of the apostles is the apostle,
30:47 as he says, was called out of due season,
30:49 which is the apostle Paul.
30:51 And so the Apostle Paul, for whatever reason, wasn't
30:53 yet ready to be able to accept Christ and enter
30:55 into that original 12, but he was called later on as
30:59 one of the apostles of Jesus Christ, and friends,
31:03 he was by far the most educated of them all.
31:07 He was educated in the city of Jerusalem under the most
31:13 renowned rabbis of his time, and so his parents had probably
31:19 sacrificed great amounts of resources to send him from their
31:22 hometown of Tarsus, down to the Holy City of Jerusalem for him
31:25 to be able to receive this greatest of education.
31:28 And because of that, God made him the ambassador to the
31:30 Gentiles, to the Greeks, who are already very
31:33 well cultured in higher education.
31:36 And so, when Paul was called by God to stand before the
31:40 Athenians in the Areopagus, you know,
31:44 he was talking to some of the greatest minds and most-educated
31:48 minds of his time, and he was able to do so because he had an
31:52 education that was able to speak to them in the
31:54 most effective way possible.
31:57 Now, that's not to discourage anybody that doesn't have a
31:59 college education to say, "Well, then, the Lord can't use me."
32:02 No, Jesus had demonstrated that we can self-educate ourselves
32:06 through the Bible and through the spirit of prophecy,
32:08 and through all these other resources.
32:10 Ellen White, of course, is the ultimate example and model
32:13 for us in that regard.
32:16 Because of some very serious health issues, she was
32:18 forced to drop out of school in her early grade
32:21 years of grade school.
32:25 And yet, friends, when I first became a Seventh-day Adventist
32:27 and I picked up one of her best reads,
32:29 which is "The Great Controversy," and I read that
32:31 from cover to cover the first month after I was baptized,
32:35 and you know, when I read through that book,
32:37 there's one thing that I recognized very quickly is that
32:39 I need a dictionary right next to it,
32:41 and that's because there was all kinds of words in there that
32:44 I've never seen before, and where did she learn all these?
32:48 She didn't learn it in grade four, I can tell you that,
32:51 before she was forced to drop out of school.
32:53 No, she had self-educated herself.
32:56 Now, many of those words aren't found in the Bible, either, why?
32:59 Because even though the Bible was her primary,
33:01 fundamental, foundational textbook,
33:03 her library was full of all kinds of different contemporary
33:06 authors, and so she was a very self-educated historian
33:12 and theologian in particular.
33:15 You know, she had poured thousands of hours and her own
33:19 self-discipline and motivation, becoming an expert in history
33:23 and an expert in theology.
33:26 So she was very self-educated, and so,
33:29 yes, our student--our colleges are there to be able to provide
33:33 structure, to provide encouragement,
33:36 you know, just like we grow in the faith and we come together
33:39 from week to week and throughout the midweek
33:40 and so on as Christians and as church members.
33:43 So students find encouragement and strength when they're
33:45 together at times, and so they find themselves learning
33:49 together and encouraging each other and finding these truths
33:53 and the discipline that comes with accountability
33:55 of meeting deadlines and such.
33:58 And so all of this can fall under the umbrella of God's
34:03 blessing and intention for us to be well educated.
34:08 I'm going to go ahead, just, and look at a couple more quotes on
34:11 one more page, page 173.
34:13 It says, "God requires the training
34:15 of the mental faculties."
34:17 It doesn't say, "God suggests the training
34:19 of the mental faculties."
34:21 It says, "God requires the training
34:23 of the mental faculties."
34:24 I hope you picked that up, friends.
34:25 "He designs that His servants shall possess more intelligence
34:28 and clear discernment than the worldling,
34:31 and He is displeased with those who are too careless or too
34:34 indolent to become efficient, well-informed workers."
34:39 And so there's two key words there: the first one is "God
34:42 requires the training of mental faculties," and then there's
34:45 also that second and third sentence where He says we must
34:47 become "efficient, well-informed workers."
34:51 "Well-informed" means "well-educated."
34:55 "The Lord bids us love Him with all the heart,
34:58 with all the soul, and with all the strength,
34:59 and all the mind," as He adds to that great commandment of
35:02 Deuteronomy chapter 6 and verse 5.
35:05 So He adds "all the mind" there as well.
35:08 "This lays upon us the obligation of developing the
35:11 intellect to its fullest capacity, that with all the
35:15 mind we may know and love our Creator."
35:18 And so, friends, again, God is not presenting
35:20 this as a suggestion.
35:21 He is saying this is one of the things that He requires
35:24 and expects from us.
35:26 And so, if you are satisfied with where you are in regards to
35:29 your education, even if you're a college graduate,
35:31 a postgraduate graduate, and you finished all the formal
35:36 education you will ever want or need,
35:38 friends, your education still doesn't stop.
35:42 You cannot acquire your greatest intellectual capacity in the
35:46 years in which you went to college and university,
35:48 unless, of course, you're a professional student.
35:53 But once you're finished, friends, you want to still
35:54 continue to develop that to its fullest capacity.
35:58 "If placed under the control of the Holy
36:00 Spirit," and, of course, that's "if."
36:01 "If you're placed under the control of the Holy Spirit,
36:03 the more thoroughly the intellect is cultivated,
36:06 the more effectively it can be used in the service of God."
36:10 And so it is revealing here, friends,
36:12 that there is a direct correlation between our
36:15 education, both the formal and self-education,
36:18 that continues to help us reach higher and higher levels of
36:21 intellectual capacity that will make us more and more effective
36:25 and capable servants for Him in the work of the gospel.
36:29 "The uneducated man who is consecrated to God and who longs
36:33 to bless others can be used by the Lord in His service.
36:37 But those who, with the same spirit of consecration,
36:40 have had the benefit of a thorough education,
36:43 can do much more extensive work for Christ.
36:46 They are the ones that stand on vantage ground."
36:49 And so, friends, this is important for us to understand,
36:53 and I hope that helped you if it is something that
36:56 you have thought otherwise, why?
36:59 Because, again, remember the--all Scripture is given
37:02 by inspiration of God.
37:04 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, why?
37:06 For doctrine, for correction, or for reproof or correction,
37:11 and instruction of righteousness.
37:12 In this case, sometimes God corrects us,
37:15 and so, friends, if there's correction that's needed as
37:17 you're watching this program and study
37:19 I pray that it will be something that will be helpful.
37:23 All right, some of you are asking,
37:24 "Are we ever going to get to the quarterly?"
37:27 And, yes, we are.
37:29 And so we're going to spend the last few minutes looking at the
37:31 quarterly here as well, but I just really felt compelled to
37:33 lay that foundation in concern to the church's
37:36 role in Christian education.
37:39 And so, when we look at Sabbath, last time,
37:41 we find some really good advice there to the church in telling
37:44 us that we should place--the church should be a place to find
37:48 open, studious, serious conversations,
37:51 where no question is a dumb question.
37:53 Now, friends, I have to confess that I really
37:55 like that advice, why?
37:57 Because I always feel like I was the one with the dumb questions
38:00 when I was going through school and--but God has brought me to a
38:03 point where I don't care if it's a dumb question.
38:06 I don't care if somebody thinks I am dumb or because
38:08 I'm asking a dumb question.
38:10 You know, often, people share something with me,
38:12 and they'll use some big word that I've never heard or I've
38:15 never really defined before, and I'll just stop them and ask,
38:18 you know, "Listen, I just need a--can you just give me a quick
38:21 definition of that word that you just used?"
38:25 You know, we'd be able to ask questions.
38:27 No dumb--no--the only question that's a dumb question is the
38:29 question that wasn't asked.
38:32 And so, friends, no matter how dumb it may sound to you,
38:37 friends, if you don't know the answer,
38:38 then you're in a worse spot than if you didn't ask the question
38:41 or if you did ask the question.
38:45 I'd like to take this opportunity to encourage us,
38:47 as both teachers in our Sabbath School class as well as
38:50 participants, to faithfully keep the conversation
38:53 focused on the Scriptures.
38:56 Now, friends, this is a burden that God has put in my heart in
38:58 the early years of my pastoring experience,
39:01 and that is that I have sat in so many Sabbath schools in which
39:04 I was not teaching, and, friends,
39:08 as I sit in those Sabbath schools over the years,
39:09 you know, this burden has been growing and growing.
39:11 I've shared it with many members, different fellow
39:13 pastors and leaders and Sabbath school teachers,
39:16 and now I have the opportunity to share it with you.
39:18 Friends, we need to be able to make sure--now,
39:20 our biggest commission as a Sabbath School teacher is to
39:24 keep the class where their nose is in this.
39:28 And, friends, I have to say--I hate to say it,
39:30 but well over 50% of the time of any Sabbath school that I sat
39:34 in, this, even if we start here, which quite often we don't,
39:38 but even if we start to get our noses in here,
39:40 we just depart from it so quickly and so easily,
39:44 and we fall into this rut where we're just all sharing our
39:46 opinions and "I thinks."
39:48 Now, it's not to say that I don't value your opinion,
39:51 friends, but there's an opinion that is much greater than yours
39:54 and mine, and that's the opinion that's found in here.
39:57 And so, friends, I don't want to come to church and spend an
40:00 hour--I don't want to get up early in the morning and have to
40:02 run out the door so I can sit in a class
40:04 and listen to everybody's opinion.
40:06 I've come to listen to the opinion of Christ.
40:09 I want to know what His opinion is,
40:11 and so, friends, we have become experts at sharing our opinions,
40:15 but, friends, we are not coming together to be able
40:18 to share each other's opinions.
40:19 We need to be able to understand what is
40:21 the heart and the mind of God.
40:22 You know, sometimes I think that it's almost like we're convinced
40:24 that we've exhausted all that the Bible can teach on this
40:27 topic and study, and so we have to resort now to our own
40:29 personal opinions, our own personal "I thinks," and,
40:34 friends, that's just not true.
40:37 Anybody that's honest or have thoroughly spent enough time in
40:39 this Bible in a very Spirit-led way will very clearly agree with
40:43 me, very easily agree with me that,
40:45 friends, you could spend a lifetime studying this,
40:48 and you are still not going to be able to exhaust everything
40:52 that God has for us to be able to learn from here,
40:54 and so there is--what I'm trying to say is that,
40:57 because of that truth, we have no excuse to depart from what
41:02 the Word is teaching us.
41:04 We have no excuse to have our conversation leave that which
41:08 the Bible itself is sharing with us, wants to share with us,
41:12 is begging to share with us, and yet, friends,
41:15 so often we find ourselves doing everything but.
41:21 All right, so that's my beef and challenge to you here.
41:23 Boy, there's a few here today, isn't there?
41:25 It's just kind of a list that this subject has kind
41:27 of opened up for us.
41:29 All right, so as we come to Sunday,
41:31 of course, there's this story, if you've read the lesson about
41:34 this rabbi, and the Jewish rabbi has this class of sleepy
41:36 students, and he kind of throws out this challenging question.
41:40 He says, "How do you know when the night has ended
41:42 and the day has begun?"
41:43 And so the students start responding with these
41:46 kind of deep answers on how you can see that the light is just
41:51 bright enough that you can know, "Okay, now the light--the
41:53 night is over, and the day has begun,"
41:55 you know, or--and so on.
41:57 And he says, "No, no, no, no, all wrong."
42:00 And then, finally, he says, "You can know that the night has
42:02 ended and the day has begun when you can look in the face of any
42:04 stranger and recognize a brother or sister."
42:08 And, friends, of course, this is communicating the same truth
42:11 that Jesus communicated through one of the most popular stories
42:13 and parables in all the Scriptures,
42:16 and that is of the good Samaritan.
42:19 And so we can find that in Luke chapter 10,
42:21 verses 30 to 37.
42:23 We don't have time to read it here this morning,
42:24 but the gist of the--and the context of that is that there is
42:28 this lawyer, this expert in the law of God,
42:30 not a lawyer like we think of today,
42:32 but a lawyer in religious Scriptures,
42:35 and in the Holy Scriptures, an expert in the Scriptures,
42:38 and so he asks Jesus, and he says,
42:40 "Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
42:43 And Jesus says, "Well, what does the law say?
42:45 What is your reading of it? How do you interpret it?"
42:47 And he says, "Well, to love the Lord your God with all your
42:49 heart, your strength, your soul, and your--" well,
42:52 Jesus added, "and your mind."
42:55 And then he says, "and also to love your neighbor as yourself."
43:00 And Jesus responded, "You have answered rightly.
43:02 Do these things, and you will have eternal life."
43:05 Well, the man then-- [clearing throat]
43:06 --kind of coughed and cleared his throat, I'm sure,
43:09 and shifted a little bit because he
43:11 knew that that was the answer.
43:12 In fact, the scholars have discovered that was the most
43:14 popular, trendy answer of his day within Judaism.
43:18 But he also knew that he almost, for certain,
43:20 fell short of that, and so, in order to justify that
43:22 shortcoming, he said, "Well, who is my neighbor?"
43:26 And Jesus then shares the good Samaritan story.
43:29 And, of course, Jews and--now, of course,
43:31 but for somebody who may not know,
43:32 but Jews and Samaritans hated each other.
43:34 They were neighbors to each other, they were cousins,
43:37 they shared some of the same genes and background,
43:40 but they hated each other, and so Jesus talks about this
43:44 poor Jew that's going to Jericho.
43:45 He gets robbed and mugged, beat up and left for dead on the side
43:48 of the road, and priest comes by and ignores him.
43:51 A Levite comes by, ignores him.
43:53 It wasn't until a Samaritan, of all things,
43:57 the cultural enemy of Israelites,
43:59 comes up to this Jewish Israelite,
44:01 takes him, binds his wounds, takes his wine,
44:03 his oil, pours it on his wounds, bandages him up,
44:06 puts him on his donkey, walks him to an inn and stays
44:08 overnight with him and nurses him at his own expense.
44:12 And then, when he leaves, he gives extra money to the
44:14 innkeeper and says, "Please take care of him until I
44:17 come back from my business."
44:19 And so Jesus says, "Who was the neighbor of that Israelite?"
44:23 And so the man kind of mumbles, and he's in a crowd.
44:25 In front of it, he can't--he knows the answer is obvious,
44:29 and so he says, "Well, the Samaritan."
44:31 "Pardon me?"
44:33 You can almost see Jesus saying, "Pardon me, clarify?"
44:35 "Samaritan."
44:37 "Samaritan, all right, yes," he says, "it is the Samaritan."
44:42 So Jesus is sharing with us what He shared on the Sermon of the
44:45 Mount, "Blessed are those--" you know,
44:48 or not said "Blessed are those," He says,
44:49 but "Love your neighbor--" not "love your neighbor"-- "Love
44:52 your enemies and bless those who curse you."
44:55 Friends, this is the Great Commission and great principles
44:58 that God has given to us and that we find clarified,
45:03 and Jesus uses this parable to clarify the depth of the second
45:06 commandment in the Bible.
45:09 And so the lesson's author shares a burden that God also
45:12 shares and expresses not only here,
45:14 but also especially in the book of James,
45:16 but throughout the New Testament,
45:18 and that is this, that although the Seventh-day Adventist Church
45:20 is the most cutting-edge church in the world,
45:22 there's no church in the world that I am aware of or ever have
45:25 come across that has as many cutting-edge Bible truths as the
45:28 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
45:31 And, friends, we are blessed because of that.
45:32 We have many more answers to the big questions and concerns to
45:36 life, philosophy, and theology.
45:38 Certainly, it clarifies many things and helps us to be more
45:41 established in a very devoted and trusting
45:45 relationship with Jesus Christ.
45:47 But, friends, all of that, the judgment hour and the sanctuary
45:52 truth, and all these different cutting edge truth,
45:54 the Sabbath, and so on, all of it is worth nothing if we're not
45:57 also living out a loving life, if we're not kind to other
46:02 people, if we're not avoiding prejudices against others or
46:07 thinking that some are less valuable than ourselves,
46:10 and so driving this home in our church
46:11 and church schools is essential.
46:16 Then Monday, it says--Monday goes on and it expands in a more
46:19 comprehensive way the quoting from the Sermon of
46:21 the Mount, which I just shared with you.
46:22 That's Matthew chapter 5, verses 14 and 16.
46:25 Actually, it's not what I just shared with you.
46:27 In this case, it's "the light of the world," and Jesus says,
46:31 "You are the light of the world," and to paraphrase and
46:34 summarize, it says, "Therefore, go out and shine that your
46:37 Father may be glorified in your good works."
46:40 And so that's important for us to understand.
46:44 And then, when we come to Tuesday--points us back to the
46:47 gospel commission and reminds us that,
46:49 indeed, all of us are disciple-makers.
46:52 All of us are to go, therefore, and make disciples.
46:56 Sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that's the job of the
46:58 evangelist, the pastor, or the Bible-worker,
47:01 but that's not true.
47:02 God has called us--for all of us to encourage people into a faith
47:06 and to share our testimony and to share the Word of God.
47:09 All of this is vital and important for you and I.
47:15 And then, finally, on Wednesday, we have "seeking the truth," and
47:19 this is where I'd like to end off.
47:21 Truth is certainly something that has become very unpopular
47:26 in our day and age in the church world.
47:28 The Seventh-day Adventist Church has not been immune to this.
47:31 When I was baptized in 1992, there was a--some of the seniors
47:36 in the church in which I joined would come up to me
47:38 and they would talk about "the truth."
47:40 And they would say, you know, "We need to go out and share the
47:42 truth," or "I was just with my neighbor,
47:44 and I was sharing with her the truth."
47:46 And I'd never heard that term, and I thought, "What?
47:48 That's a powerful but a new term to me and concept."
47:52 And, friends, I have to say that it's been years since I've heard
47:56 any church members--it seems like a died off with that senior
47:58 generation, and now we're afraid to refer to the truth.
48:03 And so I just want to share with you,
48:06 over the next two minutes, some quotes from the Bible,
48:10 from the New Testament, from Jesus in particular,
48:13 because truth appears 105 times in the New Testament.
48:16 It's saturated with the concept of the truth.
48:19 The truth is paramount to Jesus Christ,
48:22 and it's paramount--He wants it to be paramount to you and me.
48:25 In John 8:32, it says, "You shall know the truth,
48:28 and the truth shall make you free."
48:32 In John chapter 1:17, it says, "For the law was given through
48:35 Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ."
48:40 In John chapter 4, verse 23, it says,
48:42 "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true
48:43 worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth."
48:49 In John 14, verse 6, Jesus said to them,
48:50 "I am the way, the truth, and the life.
48:55 No one comes to the Father except through Me."
48:57 In John 15, verse 26, it says, "But when the Holy Spirit comes,
49:01 whom I will send from the Father,
49:03 the Spirit of truth proceeds from the Father,
49:07 He will testify of Me."
49:09 And then, finally, in John 17, verse 17,
49:11 Jesus says to His Father, "Sanctify them," these new
49:14 believers, "by Your truth.
49:18 Your word is truth," He says.
49:21 And then, finally, John chapter 18,
49:23 verse 37, as He's talking to the Roman governor during His trial,
49:27 He says, "For this cause I was born, and for this
49:30 cause I have come into the world, that I should bear
49:32 witness to the--" you guessed it-- "the truth.
49:36 Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."
49:40 Now, friends, that's just a sampling of just the teachings
49:43 and statements of Jesus alone, yet alone the apostles
49:45 and Paul, and so on.
49:47 And so, friends, we need to close here today,
49:49 but I hope that this has been helpful for you and that you've
49:52 been able to pick up something that is able to help your
49:55 experience become that much more aligned with the truth because
49:59 God has given us the truth.
50:01 This is our special offer, if you missed it at the beginning
50:03 of the program, that we want to
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50:15 Until then, God bless you, and we look forward
50:17 to seeing you next week.
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50:44 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
50:48 Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want and,
50:51 most important, to share it with others.
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51:05 Doug Batchelor: Friends, we're out here in the Pacific
51:07 Ocean, not too far from the island of Fiji,
51:10 and we're getting ready to look at some wonders in the deep.
51:14 The Bible says God made the heaven,
51:15 the earth, and the sea, and there are things under the sea
51:18 that are beautiful that many people have never seen.
51:21 Some folks might just skim along,
51:22 snorkel on the surface, but if you want to see the real majesty
51:26 of the ocean, you've got to go deeper.
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51:42 Doug: Because people don't have gills like fish,
51:44 we have to do something extraordinary to be able to
51:47 breathe below the surface.
51:49 And because you have to breathe all the time,
51:51 we need this special equipment.
51:55 In the same way, the Bible says a Christian needs
51:57 to pray without ceasing.
51:59 We need to always be breathing the atmosphere of heaven if
52:02 we're going to live a Christian life in this world below.
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52:32 Doug: Wow, what a wonderful world.
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52:50 Diana Dixon: My name is Diana Dixon.
52:52 I'm a professional truck driver.
52:54 In August the 4th, 2011, I stopped to help in an accident.
52:58 male: Diana Dixon also tried to help.
53:00 She parked her semi, jumped out, and headed toward the pickup.
53:04 That's when she saw vehicles barreling toward her,
53:07 so she reacted by jumping off 475 to a road below.
53:11 Diana: Well, pickup hits--clipped a semi, and I
53:14 stopped to help, and I saw it in the mirror, so I walked back.
53:16 Gentleman told me, he says, "Hey,
53:18 you know, everything's okay, they called 9-1-1."
53:20 And I looked over at the pickup, and there was a black
53:23 pickup over there, and he was okay.
53:24 At about that time, I don't know how far I walked,
53:27 but I walked far enough, and a semi hit
53:29 him, and it imploded.
53:32 I knew it was going to hit me.
53:33 I had 30 seconds to decide, and I decided to jump.
53:37 Diana: Yeah, I jumped off the bridge.
53:39 My back is broken.
53:42 male: Where are you at?
53:44 Diana: I don't know.
53:46 Diana: Fractured my pelvis in 24 places,
53:48 5 broken ribs, C5 neck fracture.
53:51 I had a collapsed lung.
53:53 I had a lacerated bladder.
53:54 I was bleeding internally.
53:56 I had no marks on the outside of me at all but a scrape where my
53:59 arm had scraped the concrete.
54:01 From the chest down, I was on fire.
54:03 I was a dispatcher for a year after the accident,
54:07 and I went back and finished my degree,
54:09 and I went to Pittsburgh, threw a backpack over my back,
54:13 walked like all the other students.
54:15 I ran a marathon, and since then,
54:18 I've been back to truck driving.
54:20 There was a gentleman I worked with,
54:22 and one day, he was walking in, and he walked up to my desk,
54:25 and I was reading my Bible, and he says,
54:28 "Are you a believer?"
54:29 And I said, "Yes," and he gave me some Amazing Facts study
54:33 guides, and it just--it was an eye-opening experience for me.
54:38 I mean, I started reading them, and I had a bunch of questions
54:40 to ask him, so I got online, and I got on the Amazing Facts web
54:44 page, and I just found it--information,
54:48 just, that I'd never known.
54:50 I went back to work as a truck driver because
54:52 that was my ministry.
54:53 It was my ministry before the accident.
54:56 And I was driving down the road, and I just needed a connection,
55:00 and I was flipping through, and somehow,
55:01 I ended up on YouTube, and next thing I know,
55:04 "Amazing Facts," one of those things,
55:06 would come up there, and I listened to it.
55:08 I'm driving down the road.
55:10 I got 11 hours of driving, so I listened to one,
55:14 I listened to another one, and the more I listened to him,
55:17 everything that I thought in my heart,
55:19 I'd just click onto one of these YouTubes,
55:21 and there he was giving me the answer.
55:22 I walked in a Seventh-day Adventist Church for the first
55:24 time, and I felt at home.
55:27 I was baptized in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
55:30 because I had found the truth that I,
55:33 just, was searching for and I had been praying about.
55:36 Amazing Facts has been such an inspiration and important for my
55:41 coming back into ministry, that I want to be able to give back
55:44 to anyone that I can, and Amazing Facts,
55:48 it is the backbone of my ministry.
55:52 My name is Diana Dixon.
55:54 Thank you for changing my life.
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56:16 Doug: Hi, friends, this is Pastor Doug Batchelor.
56:18 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
56:20 More and more of the world is turning now to natural forms of
56:23 energy to try and find their power,
56:26 and they're resorting to things like the wind farm that we have
56:28 here in Jamaica at Wigton.
56:30 You know, I remember years ago, my wife and I going to visit the
56:33 Big Island of Hawaii, and we were amazed at all the potential
56:37 there for natural power, but they weren't using it.
56:40 There, at the south part of the island,
56:42 there was volcanic activity.
56:44 You can make geothermal power there.
56:46 If you went to Waimea, the wind was constantly blowing,
56:50 but they had no windmills there.
56:52 If you went over to Kona, sun always shines--solar electric.
56:56 But they didn't have very much solar electric there.
56:59 And if you went to Hilo, it was always raining--hydroelectric.
57:02 And in spite of all that potential for power there on the
57:05 Big Island of Hawaii, they were powering the island back then
57:08 with dirty diesel generators.
57:11 Made me think about how we sometimes waste the power of
57:13 God's Spirit that he's making available to us,
57:16 and each of us can have that Spirit if we simply ask.
57:19 You can read in Zechariah chapter 10.
57:21 What do we do?
57:22 Ask of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain,
57:25 and He will send flashing clouds."
57:27 Jesus also said in the book of Luke,
57:29 "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your
57:32 children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the
57:36 Holy Spirit to them that ask?"
57:38 When you look in the book of Acts,
57:41 when the Holy Spirit was poured out,
57:42 it says there was the sound of a mighty rushing wind,
57:46 and that power that launched the church back then can still power
57:49 your life today, friends.
57:50 So why don't you ask Him?
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Revised 2020-11-24