Sabbath School Study Hour

Education In Arts and Sciences

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022049S

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00:36 Rodney Thompson: Good morning, everyone.
00:37 Welcome to the "Sabbath School Study Hour."
00:40 I'm Pastor Rod Thompson.
00:42 I'm going to be leading you in this study today.
00:44 I want to welcome all of you that are watching here in the
00:47 local area of Granite Bay, California, and those watching
00:51 across the United States and around the world.
00:54 Today, we're going to be continuing in our topic on the
00:59 quarterly of "Education," and today we're looking at Lesson
01:02 Number 10, "Education in the Arts and the Sciences."
01:07 But before we get into that I want to present to you
01:10 our free offering today.
01:12 This is going to be a study called "Is There Anything Left
01:17 You Can Trust?"
01:19 and this is free offering Number 103.
01:22 You can call 866-788-3966, and you can get that study guide.
01:31 That's 866-Study-More, or you can get a digital download of
01:37 that by texting the code "SH043," to number 40544.
01:47 Again, that is "Is There Anything Left
01:50 That You Can Trust?"
01:53 Well, let's begin our study this morning with a word of prayer.
01:59 Oh, loving Father, we want to thank You for the Sabbath Day.
02:04 We want to thank You that You desire to commune with us, and,
02:08 Lord, we want to draw near to You, and so we pray that You
02:13 would speak to our hearts.
02:14 Show us what You would have us do.
02:17 And, Lord, help us to surrender our will to You and allow You to
02:22 do those things in us that we can't do in ourselves.
02:27 And we pray and ask it all in Jesus's name, amen.
02:32 I want to start off this morning by reading to you a quote from
02:36 the book "Education," page 13.
02:40 Notice, it says, "Our ideas of education take too narrow and
02:46 too low a range.
02:47 There is need of a broader scope, a higher aim.
02:51 True education means more than the pursual of a certain
02:54 course of study.
02:55 It means more than a preparation for the life that now is.
02:59 It has to do with the whole being, and with the whole period
03:03 of existence possible to man.
03:05 It is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental,
03:10 and the spiritual powers.
03:12 It prepares the student for the joy of service in this world and
03:15 for the higher joy of wider service in the world to come."
03:21 I want you to notice there in that quote that it is telling us
03:25 that true education is more than just studying various
03:31 disciplines and lessons and objects.
03:34 It's even more than bringing in Bible verses that go along with
03:41 that object of study, but true education involves this life
03:49 and the life to come.
03:51 It involves our whole being, the mental, the physical, the
03:55 emotional, the spiritual, and it is all designed to bring joy in
04:01 service to God and to service to others.
04:05 That's real--that's what true education is really all about.
04:10 And this week, we are going to see how true education involves
04:16 the arts and the sciences but, more importantly than that, that
04:21 the arts and the sciences must be taught
04:24 from a biblical perspective.
04:27 Only in this way can true education accomplish its goal,
04:33 and if you were watching last week, you heard Pastor Shawn
04:37 talk about the goal of true education.
04:41 If you were watching the week before, you heard Pastor Luccas
04:44 talk about the goal of true education.
04:47 What is that goal?
04:48 The goal of true education is to provide for redemption
04:54 and salvation.
04:56 That is the goal of all true education, to introduce us to
05:02 the Creator, to introduce us to our Savior, and to show us what
05:07 we need to do and what God is doing on our behalf
05:11 for our salvation.
05:14 I really like what it says in Sabbath afternoon's lesson.
05:17 If you have your study guide, why don't you grab that and look
05:19 with me in the second paragraph.
05:24 I want you to notice what it says.
05:26 It says, "For such an education--"
05:30 what kind of an education?
05:32 A true education, right?
05:35 "For such a education truly to function, we need God's Word to
05:41 inform the teaching of every discipline, from humanities
05:45 to molecular biology.
05:48 Without it, we can lose sight of God's enormity, His sovereignty
05:52 as Creator and Sustainer of our world.
05:56 In learning to see how God views His creation as organic and
06:00 purpose-filled, we come closer to understanding how certain
06:05 disciplines could and should be taught."
06:09 In other words, if we are going to truly understand the science
06:14 behind how this world works and the laws of nature that God has
06:18 put in place, then we need to first, at the very beginning, at
06:23 the very basic level, we must have at least a basic
06:27 understanding and a belief that there is a Creator who has put
06:33 everything into existence.
06:36 Now, let me ask you a question: What is faith?
06:45 What is faith?
06:47 Is faith believing in something that you can't see?
06:53 I think that's probably a pretty good definition, right?
06:55 Faith is believing in something that you can't see.
06:58 Okay, so let me ask you a second question, and that is,
07:02 what is "blind faith"?
07:05 You see, that's also believing in something that we can't see,
07:09 but there's a difference.
07:11 You see, God doesn't just say, "Believe in Me because I said
07:16 so," but, rather, God gives us evidence on which
07:21 we can hang our faith.
07:23 He gives us evidence if we are willing to accept it that He
07:27 exists, that He is our Creator, that He is wanting to recreate
07:33 His image in us, that He loves us, and that He wants
07:36 a relationship with us.
07:38 He wants the very best for us.
07:41 I want you to notice, again, in that book "Education," this time
07:45 in chapter 10, notice what it says, "Upon all created things
07:50 is seen the impress of the Deity.
07:53 Nature testifies of God.
07:55 The susceptible mind, brought in contact with the miracle and the
08:00 mystery of the universe, cannot but recognize the working of
08:04 infinite power.
08:05 Not by its own inherent energy does the earth produce its
08:09 bounties, and year by year continue its motion
08:13 around the sun.
08:15 An unseen hand guides the planets in their circuit
08:18 of the heavens.
08:20 A mysterious life pervades all nature--a life that sustains the
08:24 unnumbered worlds throughout immensity, that lives in the
08:28 insect atom which floats in the summer breeze, that wings the
08:31 flight of the swallow and feeds the young ravens which cry, that
08:36 brings the bud to blossom and the flower to fruit.
08:40 The same power that upholds nature, is working also in man.
08:45 The same great laws that guide alike the star and the atom
08:48 control human life.
08:50 The laws that govern the heart's action, regulating the flow of
08:57 the current of life to the body, are the laws of the mighty
09:00 Intelligence that has the jurisdiction of the soul.
09:05 From Him all life proceeds.
09:08 Only in harmony with Him can be found its true sphere of action.
09:12 For all the objects of His creation the condition is the
09:17 same--a life sustained by receiving the life of God, a
09:22 life exercised in harmony with the Creator's will.
09:26 To transgress His law, physical, mental, or moral, is to place
09:30 one's self out of harmony with the universe, to introduce
09:35 discord, anarchy, ruin.
09:38 To him who learns thus to interpret its teachings, all
09:41 nature becomes illuminated.
09:43 The world is a lesson book, life a school.
09:48 The unity of man with nature and with God, the universal dominion
09:52 of law, the results of transgression, cannot fail of
09:56 impressing the mind and molding the character."
10:01 What this is telling us here is that God
10:05 is working through nature.
10:08 He's working through science to give us faith that we can hang
10:14 on, that we can say God is real, that God
10:18 is in charge of all things.
10:20 And that's why Paul says in Romans chapter 1, verse 20, "For
10:24 since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are
10:29 clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made,
10:33 even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are
10:37 without excuse."
10:40 Here we see that Paul is telling us that all of the things in the
10:44 world are those visible representations that God is
10:48 giving to us to show us that He is real.
10:52 I remember, many years ago, probably about 25 years ago, I
10:56 was a new baby Christian, and I was living in California, and I
11:01 went home to Michigan to visit my parents, and I was talking to
11:05 my dad, sharing my new faith with him and talking to him
11:09 about his need for a Savior, and I'll never forget
11:14 what he said to me.
11:16 He said, "I won't believe in God unless I see it for myself."
11:23 And I remember thinking to myself, "Are you kidding?"
11:27 I said to him, "Dad, you--" you know, my dad,
11:31 he was an outdoorsman.
11:32 He loved to hunt.
11:34 He loved to fish.
11:35 I grew up doing those things with him.
11:37 I loved to do those things too, and he was always out in nature,
11:42 and I said to him, God-- "Dad, you've got to look around.
11:46 Look at what you're seeing.
11:48 You love to be out in nature.
11:49 Why is that?
11:51 Because there's so much here to identify to us that there is an
11:56 intelligent design behind it all, that there is a God who has
12:01 created all of these things.
12:03 And you look at the animals that we see
12:08 and how intricately they are made.
12:10 We look at the human body and how wonderfully
12:13 God has made us."
12:15 And I said, "Dad, you are going to be without excuse on the day
12:20 of judgment when you stand before God.
12:23 There is enough evidence there to show us that God is real."
12:28 Why don't you turn in your Bibles with me to Psalm 19.
12:33 Psalm 19.
12:35 And I want you to notice what it says here, starting in verse 1.
12:42 The Bible says, "The heavens declare the glory of God, and
12:46 the firmament shows His handiwork.
12:49 Day unto day utters speech, and night unto
12:52 night reveals knowledge.
12:54 There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.
12:59 Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words
13:02 to the end of the world.
13:04 In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun, which is like a
13:06 bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoices like a
13:10 strong man to run its race.
13:12 Its rising is from one end of heaven, and its circuit to the
13:15 other end, and there is nothing hidden from its heat."
13:20 Here we see that the Scripture is telling us that the heavens
13:25 declare the glory of God.
13:26 They reveal to us--the creation reveals to us that there is an
13:30 intelligent design behind it, and there must be a Creator.
13:35 And, friends, if we are honest with ourselves, we can see
13:39 enough evidence in our world so that, by faith, we can not only
13:46 believe in the existence of a Creator, but that He wants to
13:52 recreate in us His image, and He wants to have a relationship
13:57 with us because God is love.
14:01 In fact, there is so much evidence that Paul says that you
14:05 will be without excuse in the judgment because enough about
14:10 Him can be seen in all that is made.
14:15 You're very familiar with the passage of John chapter 1,
14:17 starting in verse 1.
14:19 It says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
14:22 God, and the Word was God.
14:24 He was in the beginning with God, and all things were made
14:27 through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made."
14:32 Obviously, this is talking about Jesus, the creative part of the
14:37 Godhead, and we can take that "Word" out of that passage, and
14:44 we can put "Jesus" in there because Jesus was the Word.
14:48 Jesus is the one who spoke the world into existence.
14:51 And if we do that, it would say, "In the beginning was Jesus,
14:55 and Jesus was with God, and Jesus is God.
14:58 He was in the beginning with God, and all things were made
15:02 through Him, and without Him, nothing was made that was made."
15:08 And so, if we are going to truly receive an education and if we
15:13 are going to rightly understand the arts and the sciences, we
15:18 must believe in a Creator, and the science and the arts have to
15:24 be taught from the laws of nature that God has put in place
15:29 because, if we don't do that, then we are going to fall into
15:33 the same trap as the rest of the world, who worshiped the
15:37 creation rather than the Creator.
15:41 And in the end, any ideologies, philosophies, presumptions,
15:46 presuppositions, or teachings that deny or exclude God and His
15:52 Word are only going to lead to error.
15:57 And so let's look at Monday's lesson, and it's called "The
16:01 Beauty of Holiness."
16:04 Psalm 96, verse 9, says, "Worship the Lord in the beauty
16:08 of holiness."
16:10 Well, that, friends, should really beg of us the question,
16:13 what does it mean to worship God in the beauty of holiness?
16:18 And how should that impact what we teach about art and the
16:23 beauty that is often associated with it?
16:27 Because nature is God's 24-hour-a-day, 3D-multimedia,
16:33 stereophonic revelation of Himself, and the arts should do
16:38 that as well.
16:40 To the degree that they reflect the beauty and/or the truth,
16:44 they can be a source of seeing God
16:48 and reflecting his character.
16:50 In other words, looking at the arts, looking at the beauty of
16:55 the Creation of God, that should bring us to looking to God and
17:01 bring us to a place where we can reflect the character of God.
17:06 And so art, in the proper context, can and should lead us
17:12 to God.
17:14 It should lead us to developing the character, His character,
17:18 which is beautiful, and worshiping Him in true holiness
17:24 in spite of our sinful nature.
17:28 I want you to think about this for a minute.
17:30 Our world has been marred and decimated by sin, and, yet even
17:37 in this condition, there are beautiful things in nature and
17:43 beautiful things in art that can draw us to God.
17:48 I remember, years ago, my wife and I were going to visit the
17:52 Niagara Falls, and we came up over the hill, and we got up to
17:58 the top, and just as we started coming over the hill, "bam,"
18:04 there was the Niagara Falls, right there in front of us.
18:08 It was literally a "wow" moment.
18:12 It was exciting.
18:14 It was beautiful, and I just remember it immediately brought
18:19 my attention to the Lord, and I just started praising God, "Oh,
18:23 Lord, You are so amazing.
18:25 You created this beautiful tapestry, if you will, of this
18:30 waterfall."
18:32 And then, you know, I realized that all of that was created
18:38 through destruction.
18:41 You see, friends, we are living in a world that has been marred
18:45 and decimated by sin, and, yet even in the midst of that,
18:48 there's still these beautiful things that God uses to draw us
18:54 to Himself.
18:56 You know, my wife and I, we lived in Michigan for the last
18:58 19 years, and we had the four seasons, and every fall, you
19:04 would see those trees.
19:06 The leaves start to turn beautiful colors, and there are
19:10 people that come from all over the place to go on a color tour
19:15 to look at the beautiful colors of the trees, and, yet we
19:19 realize that all of that is happening because of death, that
19:25 those trees are going dormant for the winter, and, yet even in
19:30 all of that there is a beauty that God has provided.
19:34 I want you to notice in the book "Steps to Christ," what it says:
19:39 "God would have His children appreciate His works and delight
19:43 in the simple, quiet beauty with which He has adorned
19:47 our earthly home.
19:49 He's a lover of beauty, and above all that is outwardly
19:52 attractive He loves beauty of character.
19:55 He would have us cultivate purity and simplicity, the quiet
20:00 graces of the flowers."
20:03 I want you to notice there that it's telling us that our God
20:07 loves beauty, and I can't help but think of that verse where
20:11 Jesus was talking about Solomon, and he said, "And even in all of
20:16 his splendor, Solomon's dress couldn't compare
20:20 to that of the flowers."
20:22 And God has given us that beauty so that we
20:27 can be attracted to Him.
20:30 And even more importantly than outward beauty, God desires that
20:36 we would have inward beauty.
20:38 He desires that we would have that meek and quiet spirit and
20:44 emulate our Lord Jesus Christ, that we would have His
20:49 character, that we would have His beauty, not that outward
20:53 beauty, but that inward beauty of God.
20:56 And that's why Paul tells us in Philippians, chapter 4, verse 8
21:01 and 9, he says, "Whatever things are true, whatever things are
21:04 noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure,
21:08 whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good
21:11 report, if there's any virtue, if there's anything
21:14 praiseworthy," He says, "meditate on these things,"
21:19 those things that are going to draw us to God, not those things
21:24 that are going to pull us away.
21:27 And so there's another lesson that we need to learn from
21:32 beauty and from the arts.
21:35 You see, not everything that is beautiful is holy.
21:43 Think about that for a minute.
21:45 Not everything that is beautiful is holy.
21:48 We don't have to go very far to figure this out.
21:50 We can go back to Genesis chapter 3, verse 6, which says,
21:53 "So the woman saw the tree, that it was good for food, that it
21:58 was pleasant to the eyes, and it was a tree desirable to make one
22:04 wise, and so she took of the fruit, and she ate it."
22:07 And so it looked good, it was beautiful, it was pleasing to
22:12 the eyes, and, yet it was not good, right?
22:17 I want you to notice the last paragraph on Monday's lesson.
22:24 It says, "As with everything God has done, we have an enemy who
22:30 distorts and exploits it.
22:33 It shouldn't be surprising, then, that beauty and concepts
22:37 of beauty can be used against us, as well.
22:40 Thus, especially in the arts, Christian education, guided by
22:44 Scripture, must help us learn to be careful in understanding that
22:50 not all that is beautiful is necessarily good or holy."
22:57 It's simply saying that we need to make sure that just because
23:01 it's beautiful doesn't mean that we are attracted to it, that
23:05 we're going to follow those things because, friends, we
23:08 know--don't we?--from firsthand experience, that much of the
23:12 art, much of the philosophy, the teachings of this world, do not
23:17 honor God.
23:20 I can't help but think of that description of Lucifer in Isaiah
23:25 chapter 14, and it talks about him and, of course, he gained
23:31 that title for himself of Satan, but it says in chapter 14, verse
23:36 12, "You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and
23:42 perfect in beauty."
23:46 He's a beautiful creature, and, of course, we know that the
23:52 Scripture says that he can transform himself into a being
23:57 of light, and so we need to be very careful because then it
24:01 goes on in verse 13, and it talks about the workmanship of
24:07 his timbrels and his pipes and how they were prepared for him
24:11 on the day that he was created.
24:13 I don't know about you, friends, but when I read that verse, I
24:16 can't help but think that Lucifer had an orchestra built
24:23 right into his body.
24:26 I remember, years ago, went to a musical, and I was sitting
24:32 there, and the person that was singing, oh, they had such a
24:36 beautiful voice, and the person that was sitting next to me,
24:41 when the song ended, they said, "Wow, what a great set of
24:44 pipes," right?
24:46 You ever heard someone say that in talking about someone being
24:49 able to sing?
24:51 You know, he had these pipes and these timbrels, this orchestra
24:54 built right in him.
24:55 He was the leader of the worship of God but, of course, we know
25:02 that he has taken that, and he has twisted it.
25:06 And there are some great DVDs that are out there on this
25:10 topic.
25:11 I can think of Christian Berdahl, I can think of Scott
25:16 Ritsema, who have done topics on this and
25:20 how Satan has twisted it.
25:22 In fact, Scott Ritsema's DVD called "The Media Mind," we have
25:27 that in the Amazing Facts website.
25:30 You can just go to, and you can
25:33 click on the bookstore and type in "The Media Mind," and that
25:38 will pull that up.
25:40 Scott goes into how the media, how movies, and how music has
25:47 been twisted by Satan.
25:49 He's used men to take that music which God intended to draw us
25:54 near to Him, and they've used it to twist it and to pull us away
26:00 from God rather than to Him.
26:04 And so we have to be very careful that our study of art
26:08 and music draws us closer to God and doesn't lead us into the
26:14 ways of the enemy.
26:16 Friends, you know, the melody of praise is the atmosphere of
26:20 heaven.
26:21 And when heaven comes in touch with the earth, there is music,
26:24 and there is song.
26:26 Isaiah 51, verse 3, talks about "thanksgiving and the voice of
26:31 melody."
26:32 Job, chapter 38, verse 7, is talking about the creation of
26:36 the world, and it says, "The morning stars sang together, and
26:40 all the sons of God shouted for joy."
26:44 You know, the earliest song recorded in the Bible is when
26:48 Israel came out of Egypt, and they went through the Red Sea,
26:53 and when they came out the other side, there was this glorious
26:57 outburst of thanksgiving by the host of Israel, and they were
27:01 singing songs and praising God.
27:05 You know, we could talk about poetry of the words of Moses
27:09 that he used in describing that conversation
27:12 that God had with Job.
27:15 You know, in the original language, it was very poetic,
27:18 and then there's a little bit of that missing when you translate
27:22 from the Hebrew to the English language, but God said to him,
27:26 "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
27:30 Who determined its measurements?
27:33 Who stretched the line upon it?
27:35 To what were its foundations fastened?
27:38 Who laid its cornerstone?"
27:41 In other words, God was pointing Job back to Creation.
27:45 He was pointing him back to all that God has done for us.
27:50 And how Job respond to that?
27:55 Job, chapter 42, verse 5, he said, "I have heard of you by
27:59 the hearing of the ear, but now my eyes see you."
28:04 In other words, Job is saying, "I've heard of you.
28:07 I've, you know, had this experience, but now I see you.
28:12 When I look at Creation, I can see that
28:15 there's an intelligent design.
28:17 I can see that there is a God."
28:20 And so, like Job, our human hearts in sympathy with heaven,
28:25 have responded to God's goodness, and we do that in
28:30 notes of praise, whether it's music or hymns or meditation,
28:35 and all of that, the arts, all those things that are designed
28:39 to draw us to God.
28:41 So let's talk now a little bit about science.
28:45 I remember, years ago, my wife and I went and visited the Grand
28:49 Canyon, and I have to say that it was awe-inspiring.
28:54 It was truly majestic.
28:57 And it's interesting: If you look at a topographical map and
29:04 you go from the Grand Canyon, all the way up through Arizona
29:08 and into Utah, you discover on that topographical map, you
29:14 discover what's called the Grand Staircase.
29:19 It is an immense sequence of sedimentary rock layers that
29:22 stretch from the Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah, down
29:28 through Zion National Park in Arizona,
29:31 and down into the Grand Canyon.
29:34 And in the 1870s, geologist Clarence Dutton first
29:39 conceptualized this region as a huge staircase.
29:44 In looking at it, he saw that, descending from the Bryce Canyon
29:53 National Park, up in Utah, down in through Arizona, and down
29:59 into the Grand Canyon, he showed a giant staircase that was
30:05 formed, and he goes into that, and if you look at this from a
30:13 biblical perspective and you study the geomorphology, that
30:18 is, the physical features of the landforms from Utah, all the way
30:23 down into Arizona, and down into the Grand Canyon, and you look
30:29 at places like Devils Tower National Monument, you discover
30:34 that all of these landforms actually provide physical
30:38 evidence of a global flood.
30:41 It shows how the water must've come down and how it created
30:48 that Grand Canyon.
30:49 I remember, back in 2017, my wife and I had taken a call to
30:56 pastor in the middle of Michigan in Midland and Mount Pleasant,
31:00 and we were up there looking for a house to purchase, and they
31:03 had just had a storm that had come through that lasted several
31:10 days, and they had a lot of rain.
31:12 And as we were driving around, trying to find some houses that
31:18 we wanted to look at, we went by this one place that just caused
31:23 me to stop, right in the middle of the road, and I looked at it,
31:27 and you could see where there was a river about 20 feet below
31:30 the road, and then there was this house, and then the
31:33 landscape went up a little bit higher, but you could see how
31:38 the rain ran down through this yard, and it tore away large
31:44 pieces of ground, and, fortunately, it missed the
31:47 house, but it went right across their driveway, right across
31:51 their front yard, and down into the river, and we literally saw
31:55 a miniature version of the Grand Canyon, and that was just
31:59 from a very small local flood.
32:03 And so, as my wife and I were visiting the Grand Canyon, we
32:07 walked down into the canyon, and that was a lot of fun.
32:10 We enjoyed that.
32:11 We rode mules on the rim of the canyon, and we had a lot of fun
32:16 doing that, and then we went into the Museum of Natural
32:20 History there in the Grand Canyon National Park, and what
32:24 do you suppose they did?
32:27 They described how it took millions and billions of years
32:31 to form the Grand Canyon, right?
32:33 And I remember thinking to myself, "Oh, foolish man."
32:38 You see, brothers and sisters, whenever we leave God out of the
32:41 equation, when we remove the Creator and the Word of God from
32:46 the science and the study of the earth,
32:50 we become experts in error.
32:54 I want you to notice in that book "Education," again, this
32:56 time in chapter 14, notice what it says: "Inferences erroneously
33:02 drawn from facts observed in nature have, however, led to
33:07 supposed conflict between science and revelation, and in
33:11 the effort to restore harmony, interpretations of Scripture
33:14 have been adopted that undermine and destroy the force
33:17 of the word of God.
33:19 Geology has been thought to contradict the literal
33:22 interpretation of the Mosaic record of the Creation.
33:25 Millions of years, it is claimed, were required for the
33:29 evolution of the earth from chaos, and in order to
33:32 accommodate the Bible to this supposed revelation of science,
33:37 the days of Creation are assumed to have been vast, indefinite
33:41 periods, covering thousands or even millions of years."
33:46 Here we see that what it's saying is that, unfortunately,
33:52 many Christians have tried to harmonize the theory of
33:57 evolution with the story of Creation and blend the two of
34:02 them together, and when you do that, rather than taking
34:07 Scripture at face value and literally viewing Creation as
34:11 happening in six literal 24-hour days, we say it took thousands
34:18 of years.
34:20 And in contrast to that, I want you to notice in that book,
34:24 "Education," back there in chapter 14, page 128, it said,
34:28 "Since the book of nature and the book of revelation bear the
34:31 impress of the same master mind, they cannot
34:35 but speak in harmony.
34:37 By different methods, and in different languages,
34:39 they witness to the same truths.
34:42 Science is ever discovering new wonders, but she brings from her
34:47 research nothing that, rightly understood,
34:51 conflicts with divine revelation.
34:54 The book of nature and the written word shed light
34:58 upon each other.
34:59 They make us acquainted with God by teaching us something of the
35:03 laws through which He works."
35:06 And in that quote, we see there that nature and science should
35:13 be in agreement with the Scriptures.
35:16 Proverbs chapter 1, verse 7, says, "Fear of the Lord is the
35:20 beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom
35:24 and instruction."
35:25 Psalm 33, verse 9, says, "He spoke, and it was done.
35:29 He commanded, and it stood fast."
35:32 Nehemiah chapter 9, verse 6, says, "You alone are the Lord.
35:36 You have made the heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all of
35:39 their host, the earth and everything on it, the seas and
35:42 all that is in them."
35:45 You go back to that book, "Education," chapter 14, this
35:47 time on page 133, it says, "He who studies most deeply into the
35:54 mysteries of nature will realize most fully his own ignorance
36:01 and weakness.
36:03 He will realize that there are depths and heights which he
36:06 cannot reach, secrets which he cannot penetrate,
36:08 vast fields of truth lying before him unentered."
36:13 Friends, here we see that, when we look at Creation and we think
36:21 about a Creator and an infinite God, and we try to understand
36:27 the infinite in our finite minds, we are always going to
36:31 come up short.
36:33 There are going to be some things that we are just going to
36:37 have to take by faith.
36:40 You know, in our study here, there's a quote by Sir Isaac
36:44 Newton, who once said, "I seem to myself to have been like a
36:49 child on the seashore, finding pebbles and shells, while the
36:53 great ocean of truth lay undiscovered before me."
36:58 Here we see that, in our finite minds and trying to grasp all
37:04 that God has done, friends, it's going to take us all of eternity
37:08 to figure out God and His creative power and who He is.
37:13 And, you know, I imagine that, just about the time where we
37:17 think we've got God figured out, Jesus is going to say,
37:20 "Hey, come on with me.
37:21 I want to take you, and I want to show you something,"
37:24 and he's just going to blow our minds, right?
37:27 You see, the deepest students of science are constrained to
37:34 recognize in nature the working of infinite power.
37:41 And so, when we leave God and we leave the Word of God out of
37:47 education and we go by man's unaided reason, nature's
37:53 teaching seem to be contrary and contradictory and disappointing.
37:59 And so, when we look at nature, when we look at the Grand
38:05 Canyon, when we look at the sciences, and we look at the
38:09 Word of God, rather than trying to bring harmony between these
38:14 two opposing views, these two views that have nothing in
38:20 common, we need to realize that it doesn't work.
38:25 It is only in the light of revelation that we can read and
38:31 understand the sciences correctly.
38:34 Hebrews, chapter 11, verse 3, says, "Through faith we
38:40 understand."
38:42 You see, friends, both the atheist and the Christian have
38:50 to live by faith.
38:52 Now, I want to pause for a moment, and I want to just let
38:56 that sink in.
38:59 Let me say it again: Both the atheist and the Christian
39:05 live by faith.
39:08 You see, by faith, one says there is no God, that all things
39:12 came from chaos and evolved over millions and billions of years,
39:16 and you are here by chance.
39:22 And then the other says by faith that there is a Creator God, and
39:28 all that was made, was made through Him,
39:32 that there is order, that there is purpose in everything,
39:37 and that He loves you.
39:40 He wants to have a relationship with you.
39:43 He wants to commune with you, and He has a plan for your life.
39:49 I love that verse that says that God has a plan for you and that
39:54 it is for good and not for evil.
39:58 You see, true education involves the arts and the sciences, but
40:05 it's about much more than that.
40:10 I want you to notice that in Friday's lesson here, it says
40:17 two reasons exist why science, which gets so many things right,
40:23 gets origins so wrong.
40:26 First, science, which studies the natural world, must look
40:31 only to the natural world for answers.
40:35 Second, science assumes that the law of nature must remain
40:39 constant, yet both of these are wrong when it comes to origins.
40:46 If we leave the Word of God out of the equation,
40:51 if we leave a Creator out of the equation, then it's going
40:57 to lead us to error.
41:02 True education involves the arts and the sciences, but it's about
41:11 much more than that.
41:14 Friends, what did we read in the beginning of our lesson today
41:18 from the book of "Education"?
41:20 It said, "True education means more than pursual of certain
41:27 courses of study."
41:29 It's important to get a good education.
41:31 It's important to go to school.
41:33 It's important that we study certain topics and that, if we
41:38 can, that we become an expert in one of those and provide for
41:42 ourselves and for our family.
41:44 But true education is far more than just a certain course of
41:50 study, and it even said there that it was more than adding
41:54 Scripture to our course of study, and it's even more than a
42:02 preparation for the life that now is.
42:06 It has to do with the whole being.
42:10 It has to do with the whole period of existence that is
42:13 possible to man.
42:16 It is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, the
42:22 emotional, the spiritual powers, and all of those things are
42:28 designed to prepare us for the joy of service to God and
42:35 service to each other, and if we are looking to that next world,
42:41 if we are looking to heaven, we see that that's what heaven's
42:45 going to be all about.
42:47 It's going to be about our service to others, and if we are
42:52 going to gain a true education, then we have got to put it into
42:58 the proper context.
43:00 We have got to put it into view that there is a Creator, and
43:05 whether you believe that there is no God or whether you believe
43:10 that there is, both are going by faith, and ultimately, faith has
43:18 to have a play in all of this.
43:20 I remember, years ago, there were some presidential
43:24 candidates who were having a debate, and I remember one of
43:28 them, they were talking about their faith, right?
43:33 And I remember one of them saying, "I have faith, but it
43:40 doesn't dictate what I do."
43:43 And I remember thinking to myself, "That's insane.
43:46 I've never heard of such a thing."
43:48 Your faith will always dictate what you do.
43:53 And so you either have faith that there is no God, or you
43:58 have faith that there is, and depending on which side of the
44:02 equation you're on is going to determine what you do.
44:06 And if we are going to truly understand science, if we're
44:09 going to truly understand the arts, if we are going to make
44:12 sense of it all as we look at that grand staircase coming
44:17 down, as we look at the geomorphology--you know, you go
44:20 out in the deserts of Arizona and up into Utah, and you see,
44:27 you know, those giant rock formations sticking up,
44:30 and it's incredible.
44:32 If you go up onto the top of those, you find stones, giant
44:36 boulders, that are up there that don't belong in that area.
44:43 You know, where did they come from?
44:45 And the science can't always give an answer to that if you
44:50 take Creation out of that, if you take the flood out of that.
44:55 And so if we are going to look at the sciences and we are going
45:01 to look at the arts and we are going to truly understand them,
45:06 then we have to have a correct interpretation.
45:12 There has to be an element of faith.
45:18 You see, it's only when the arts and the sciences are taught from
45:22 a biblical perspective that they can rightly be understood.
45:29 And, friends, I don't know about you, but I really appreciated
45:33 this study this week in talking about how the arts and the
45:37 sciences should rightly lead us to God because God doesn't
45:43 expect us to just have blind faith.
45:46 He doesn't expect us to just take His word that He is
45:50 Creator, but, rather, He has given us the evidence that we
45:54 need that He not only exists, but that He loves us and that He
46:02 wants to call us out of the world and set us apart for His
46:06 good purpose.
46:08 He has a plan for your life.
46:09 There is a purpose to your life, and He is leading and guiding
46:14 each and every one of us as far as, and as much as,
46:17 we allow Him to do that.
46:20 And as we surrender our hearts to Him and as we allow Him to do
46:25 those things in us that we can't do in ourselves, He can
46:31 transform us and give us that beautiful character
46:37 that He is looking for.
46:38 Yes, He loves the outward beauty, but more than that,
46:43 He is looking for that inward beauty that He, and He alone,
46:49 can develop in you.
46:50 And if we take that out of the picture, if we take that away
46:54 from our understanding of the sciences and the arts, we are
47:00 going to always be going down a path of error.
47:06 So, friends, I hope that you were blessed by our study today.
47:10 I really appreciated this week's study.
47:12 I hope that you were able to get those things out of there
47:16 and hopefully much more than that, and you can see
47:19 that God is there.
47:21 And just looking at creation itself, just looking at the
47:25 things around us, there is evidence in a God.
47:31 I'm going to close today by reminding you of our free
47:34 offering today, and it's this book, "Is There Anything Left
47:38 That You Can Trust?"
47:40 That's offering Number 103, and once again, you can dial
47:45 866-788-3966, and you can ask them for offering Number 103, or
47:54 you can get a digital download, and you can just text "SH043"
48:01 to number 40544.
48:05 Well, brothers and sisters, God bless you.
48:07 I hope that you have a great Sabbath today.
48:10 Let me close with a word of prayer.
48:15 Oh, loving Father, Lord, as we look at the things around us,
48:22 even though our world has been marred and decimated by sin,
48:27 Lord, there is clearly evidence of a Creator of an intelligent
48:35 design behind it all.
48:38 And, Father, we are just so grateful and thankful that You
48:41 don't just say: Just trust Me and believe," but, rather, You
48:45 have given us the evidence that we need to hang our faith on,
48:52 that we can trust and believe that there is a Creator, God,
48:58 that You love us, Lord, and that You have a plan for us.
49:03 And You have gone to prepare a place for us, yes, and You are
49:06 desiring to come back to this world, and I believe very soon
49:10 that, Lord, You want to come, and You want to take us home so
49:14 that we can be with You.
49:17 And, Lord, we long for that day when You would come and wake the
49:22 dead and transform the living in the twinkling of an eye, that,
49:26 Lord, we could come and be with You.
49:29 We long to see You re-create the world, and we pray that You
49:33 would help us to become a part of it, and we ask for it in
49:35 Jesus's name, amen.
49:39 God bless you, everyone. Have a great day.
49:41 ♪♪♪
49:43 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
49:46 free resource.
49:47 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail, you can
49:49 download a digital copy straight to your computer
49:52 or mobile device.
49:53 To get your digital copy of today's free gift, simply text
49:56 the key word on your screen to 40544, or visit the web address
50:01 shown on your screen, and be sure to select the digital
50:04 download option on the request page.
50:06 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
50:10 Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want and, most
50:13 important, to share it with others.
50:19 ♪♪♪
50:22 announcer: Amazing Facts changed lives.
50:26 ♪♪♪
50:30 Diamond Garcia: Hi, my name is Diamond Garcia, and I am from
50:32 the beautiful islands of Hawaii.
50:34 I was raised in a very dysfunctional family,
50:38 like most families.
50:40 Being in that environment, I would lie, cheat, steal, rob
50:43 houses, cheat in school on tests and lie to teachers and getting
50:48 into fights, and all kinds of stuff.
50:52 One day, I was asked to take this little box of something.
50:55 I had to walk down the road and give it to someone, and they
50:58 would give me money, and I would walk back home, and I later
51:00 realized that I was dealing drugs.
51:04 Growing up in that environment, I thought that, you know, being
51:07 an adult was a life of drinking and smoking and partying, and
51:10 that's just what adults did.
51:14 When I looked at my family and saw the road that they were
51:16 going down, getting arrested, getting beaten up, coming home
51:20 drunk and puking all over the floor, I just didn't want
51:23 that for myself.
51:26 Growing up, I had a grandma who was baptized as a Christian in
51:29 her 20s, but then she wasn't ever a practicing Christian.
51:33 And so, one day, I was at her house, and there was a box of
51:36 various books, and I went to the bottom of that box and found a
51:39 book called "The Great Controversy," and I picked it
51:42 up, and I said, "This is interesting."
51:44 And I opened to the first page of that book, and it said, "If
51:47 thou hadst known--" I had no clue what it meant.
51:51 And so I said, "You know what? Forget this."
51:53 I put the book down. I just walked away.
51:55 I did my thing.
51:57 But then something told me, "You know, Diamond,
51:58 go back to that book."
52:00 And so I went back to the book, picked it up, went to the last
52:03 two chapters, and I read it, and I said to my grandmother, I
52:08 said, "What church is this from? I want to go to that church."
52:10 So she brought me down to the local church, and then I walk in
52:13 through the back door, and the piano is
52:16 off-key, the people are off-key.
52:18 It's like, man, this is really, kind of--I don't want
52:20 to be here.
52:23 And I got to the front of the church, and I sat down.
52:24 I was listening to the sermon, and the whole service, it was so
52:27 boring to me, but then someone gives me this set of DVDs, and
52:32 it was called "The Prophecy Code."
52:36 It was through watching Doug Batchelor explain the truths
52:39 found in the Bible that really brought me to
52:41 Christ and brought me to realize that, you know what?
52:43 There is a life better than my family's life.
52:48 My second week at church on Sabbath,
52:50 there was one person there.
52:52 He basically told me, "Hey, Diamond, do you want to make
52:54 some money?"
52:55 And I said, "Sure."
52:57 I said, "What do you do?"
52:59 He says, "Well, I'm a call porter.
53:01 We go door-to-door, and we sell Christian books."
53:02 I said, "Oh, okay, well, that sounds interesting.
53:05 I do want to make some money too."
53:06 And so he said, "Okay, well, why don't you come with me."
53:09 We drove out to the neighborhood, parked the car,
53:12 and that night was just raining.
53:14 It was pouring and pouring.
53:15 It could not stop raining.
53:17 He prayed.
53:19 He said, "God, this is Diamond's first night.
53:20 If it's Your will, stop the rain so we can go knocking on doors."
53:23 And as soon as he said, "Amen," the rain just stopped.
53:26 I was just thinking in my head, "Is this guy a prophet,
53:29 or what?"
53:30 I mean, he just prayed and asked God, and it happened.
53:34 And so I was so happy.
53:36 I grabbed the books, and I went to the first door, and the first
53:38 door I went to, the person gave me 50 bucks.
53:41 That night was actually a big night for me because it was
53:43 where I saw God's power work in stopping the rain, and people
53:47 were actually giving me lots of money.
53:50 I then became a call porter, or a canvasser, and I received
53:52 money to pay for my way through academy, and when my church
53:55 began to see how God was using me, they immediately recognized
54:00 that it was God's Word moving, and they put me, you know,
54:03 preaching and teaching and sharing my faith.
54:05 And I've been engaged in ministry for the past six or
54:07 seven years now, and God has taken me all over the world on
54:10 multiple continents, sharing my testimony how God has brought me
54:13 out of darkness into his marvelous light.
54:17 That's just total contrast as to how I was before, and now, you
54:19 know, it's a total contrast.
54:23 My name is Diamond, and Amazing Facts has helped
54:26 to change my life.
54:28 ♪♪♪
54:38 ♪♪♪
54:49 Doug Batchelor: Friends, have you ever heard
54:50 of the bowhead whale?
54:51 This enormous Leviathan is the second largest creature
54:55 in the world.
54:56 Dark and stocky, it roams the fertile Arctic northern waters.
55:01 These massive creatures can be more than 65 feet long and weigh
55:05 more than 75 tons.
55:06 That's heavier than the space shuttle.
55:10 Yet in spite of their titanic size, they're able to leap
55:13 entirely out of the water.
55:15 Can you say, "belly flop"?
55:18 The bowhead whale gets its name from its bow-shaped skull,
55:21 and they've got one ginormous noggin.
55:24 Matter of fact, their heads are about 40% of their body size,
55:27 which comes in handy when you find out how
55:29 they use their heads.
55:31 They've got very thick skulls.
55:33 Sometimes they get trapped under the surface, and they use their
55:36 heads to ram the ice.
55:38 They can break a breathing hole in the ice that is a foot
55:40 and a half thick.
55:43 Friends, you have to just imagine what it would be like to
55:45 be walking around on the Arctic ice and, all of a sudden, have
55:48 the ground beneath you crack and split and rise as one of these
55:53 sea monsters pushes its head up to breathe for the first time
55:56 in 90 minutes.
55:58 Because bowheads make their home in the coldest part of our
56:01 world, they have the thickest blubber of any whale, but this
56:04 plus their friendly and curious nature made them prime targets
56:08 when the European whalers discovered the bowheads.
56:11 They hunted them nearly to extinction.
56:15 Fortunately, because of conservation efforts, we've
56:18 slowly seen their numbers begin to increase since the '60s.
56:22 One of the most amazing facts about the bowhead whale
56:25 is its longevity.
56:26 Scientists have discovered by evaluating harpoon tips found in
56:30 their skull and examining their eye tissue, there are bowhead
56:34 whales out there that are probably over 200 years old.
56:38 You realize that means there are bowhead whales swimming the
56:41 oceans right now that were alive before Abraham Lincoln
56:45 was elected President.
56:47 Can you imagine that?
56:49 Among the other amazing mega-facts about the bowhead
56:52 whale is its mega-mouth.
56:54 They have the largest mouth of any in the animal kingdom, and
56:58 when they open their piehole, full extended, it's large enough
57:01 to park a medium-sized SUV inside.
57:04 Yet in spite of the fact they've got such big mounds, they
57:07 survive by eating the very smallest creatures in the ocean,
57:11 plankton, krill, and other microscopic animals.
57:15 Friends, I'm always amazed by the creatures God has made.
57:18 This bowhead whale is able to dive to the deepest oceans.
57:21 They can break through the ice and move mountains with their
57:23 head and completely leave the water and fly through the air,
57:27 and, yet they do all that by gaining strength from almost
57:30 microscopic organisms.
57:33 Helps us remember that we survive through the little
57:35 promises in God's Word.
57:37 Jesus, when tempted by the devil, He quoted just a few
57:40 little verses, and He sent the enemy running.
57:43 You can also have that same durability and long life as the
57:46 bowhead whale by trusting in God's Word and His promises.
57:50 ♪♪♪
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58:18 ♪♪♪


Revised 2020-12-01