Sabbath School Study Hour

The Christian and Work

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022050S

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00:35 Carlos Munoz: Maranatha and happy Sabbath to everyone.
00:37 Welcome to our Granite Bay Hilltop Seventh-day Adventist
00:42 Church for our "Sabbath School Study Hour."
00:44 So today's an exciting Sabbath because it's going to be our
00:47 first Sabbath school from our new Amazing Facts and
00:52 Granite Bay sanctuary.
00:54 So I want to welcome everybody that's watching on Amazing Facts
00:56 Television, on our social media, and on all the different
00:59 networks and TV networks that are following us.
01:01 And as most of you know, we're here in the Granite Bay
01:05 Roseville, Sacramento area.
01:07 So if you're ever in town, we invite you to come join us once
01:10 the restrictions are over.
01:12 Amen?
01:14 So thank you for being here with us.
01:15 Today we're on lesson for education as we're going through
01:19 our Sabbath school quarterly.
01:21 We want to remind everybody that if you do not have your Sabbath
01:24 school lesson, you can go to or you can also
01:27 go to and you can download the lesson for free
01:31 so that you can join us when--during this lesson.
01:35 And so before we start, we want to have a word of prayer.
01:39 Heavenly Father, we thank You for this opportunity.
01:42 We thank You for the blessing and for the guidance and for
01:45 Your love and Your patience, and we thank You,
01:46 Father, for this opportunity also where we can come together
01:48 on Your holy day to celebrate and commemorate that You are our
01:52 God and study Your Word together.
01:55 So thank You, Father, for this opportunity.
01:57 I ask a special blessing for Pastor Doug,
01:58 and may Your Spirit speak in him and through him so that we can
02:03 have a good, joyful study of Your Word.
02:06 Thank You, Father, for this opportunity,
02:08 and we ask and beg these things in Jesus's name.
02:10 Amen.
02:13 Pastor Doug Batchelor: And good morning, friends.
02:15 I want to welcome those who are watching
02:16 on television right now.
02:18 You might be watching on Amazing Facts TV or you're watching on
02:22 Facebook or YouTube or one of our outlets.
02:25 This is sort of our inaugural class of Sabbath school here
02:30 in the sanctuary.
02:31 And, you know, because of the shutdowns in California--varying
02:35 degrees around the country, but at least here in California,
02:38 we just have a handful of people here because we're having
02:40 a baptism today.
02:42 But the majority of our folks are worshipping from home.
02:45 We want to send you greetings to all of our members online.
02:48 We're continuing with our study on the subject of education,
02:53 and today we're in lesson number 11 and the title is
02:57 "The Christian and Work."
03:00 And, you know, sometimes when--in the context of
03:03 Christianity when you talk about work,
03:06 people talk to you as though you are legalistic,
03:09 but work is a good thing for a Christian.
03:13 And to be a Christian with good works is actually a blessing,
03:18 as long as it's done from the right motive.
03:19 We have a memory verse, and the memory verse comes to us from
03:23 1 Corinthians 15, verse 58.
03:25 This is in the New King James Version.
03:29 "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast,
03:32 immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord,
03:37 knowing that your labor is not in vain."
03:40 Talking about the work of the Lord,
03:42 knowing that our labor is not in vain.
03:44 Well, we have a lot of information to cover on this
03:48 subject, and I'm hoping that I'm able to teach the lesson
03:56 objectively because I'll tell you I do have a bias here.
04:01 I think sometimes that there's such an emphasis on grace and
04:07 Christianity that work almost becomes a dirty word.
04:10 And so I could--I'm at risk of leaning or letting the pendulum
04:15 swing too far to the other side because I think work is such
04:18 a blessing and some people view it as a curse.
04:22 But first, it might be a good idea to start with a definition.
04:25 Work: the expenditure of effort to accomplish a task,
04:31 to perform or fulfill duties regularly for wages or salary,
04:34 to perform or carry through a task requiring sustained effort
04:40 or continuous repeated operations;
04:42 to exert oneself physically or mentally,
04:46 especially in a sustained effort for a purpose
04:48 or under compulsion or necessity.
04:51 So some of the definitions of what is work.
04:55 Now, you know, I found it interesting as I looked up
04:57 the definition of work.
04:59 They've got a definition of work in botany.
05:02 There's a definition of work in physics.
05:05 I mean--so work is talking about activity with hundreds
05:10 of different definitions.
05:11 You know, I was interested; the wisest man who ever lived,
05:15 Solomon, he says this in Ecclesiastes chapter 1, verse 5.
05:20 Basically, the whole universe is full of work.
05:22 Says, "The sun also rises and the sun goes down,
05:25 and it hastens to the place where it rose.
05:28 The wind goes towards the south, and it returns
05:31 towards the north.
05:32 The wind whirls about continually and comes again
05:34 on its circuit.
05:36 All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full.
05:39 To the place from which the rivers come,
05:41 there they return again."
05:43 Goes through evaporation.
05:44 "All things are full of labor.
05:47 Man cannot express it.
05:50 The eye is not satisfied with seeing,
05:52 nor is the ear filled with hearing."
05:55 In the world around us, everything from the neutrons and
05:59 electrons that are always spinning to the atomic level;
06:04 everything is constantly in motion.
06:06 And unless you get out in space and you can find a place where
06:11 you realize what they call absolute zero,
06:13 whenever there is heat, there's movement and there's life and
06:17 there's activity all through God's cosmos.
06:20 The planets are moving.
06:22 Everything is moving.
06:24 So under the first section in your lesson dealing with the
06:27 Christian work, it talks about the many sides of work.
06:31 Work was part of God's original plan for creation.
06:35 You have to admit that if God first made man and put him in
06:38 a paradise and the idea was he was to string a hammock between
06:41 two good trees and just swing back and forth in those trees,
06:46 life would get pretty boring pretty quick.
06:49 God is a creator.
06:52 God is a worker, and He made us in His image;
06:54 and we are designed to work, be productive,
06:57 and to create.
06:59 It says in Genesis 2, verse 15, "Then the Lord God took the man
07:04 and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and to keep it."
07:08 God gave man work.
07:10 Now, the work in the Garden of Eden before sin and even before
07:12 the flood was probably very different from
07:14 what we think of now.
07:16 I heard a--I heard about up a prison warden.
07:21 I think it was San Quentin.
07:23 And he was asked, you know, "What kinds of different people
07:26 have you had in your prison?"
07:28 He said, "You know, I can tell you that we've had every kind
07:31 of occupation in our prison."
07:33 Said, "We've had doctors and dentists and lawyers and common
07:37 laborers and," he said, "businesspeople
07:38 and accountants."
07:40 And he said, "We've had just about everything."
07:42 He said, "I was struck one day that I can't remember us
07:44 ever having a horticulturist."
07:47 And it's interesting that God made man originally to be
07:50 a gardener.
07:52 And the leader of the San Quentin prison said,
07:54 "I don't think we've ever had a gardener in our prison."
07:57 So God gave man an original job to dress and to keep the garden.
08:03 And it says here He put them in there to tend it.
08:06 I think he was training vines.
08:08 Maybe he was creating hybrids from the different plants
08:10 and flowers.
08:12 And, you know, he must have had an infinite number of
08:14 opportunities of things to do.
08:17 A young person asked me a question during our
08:21 "Revelation Now" program.
08:22 "Were there bananas in the Garden of Eden?"
08:26 And I said, "Technically no."
08:28 Because the banana is a hybrid of two Asian fruits that by
08:32 themselves are not very tasty, but somehow when you cross them
08:36 and you create the banana.
08:38 You ever try and plant a banana seed?
08:40 Bananas have no seeds, and the way they plant them
08:45 is they take shoots.
08:47 But those two Asian fruits by themselves are not very good,
08:50 but together they created the superfood.
08:52 I also understand pineapples are a hybrid that is very unique.
08:58 And I think that God maybe wanted Adam to do some creating
09:01 through the horticulture and training the vines and making
09:07 houses out of living things.
09:10 It's just hard for us to comprehend what his work was,
09:12 but work was a delight.
09:14 Now, I don't know about you, but sometimes I get involved in
09:17 a project and I am so excited about it.
09:18 I like making and working and fixing and building.
09:20 And a little while ago, you can ask Karen,
09:23 I just--I replaced a shower door that was in our house.
09:26 It came with the house and it was not in very good shape,
09:29 and I got so excited and involved.
09:31 I actually woke up excited to work on it,
09:33 and I think at the Garden of Eden man was excited about his
09:36 work that he was to do.
09:39 Ecclesiastes 3, verse 12 and 13: "I know that nothing is better
09:45 for them than to rejoice and to do good in their lives,
09:49 and that also every man should eat and drink and enjoy the
09:51 good of all of his labor."
09:53 God designed us to enjoy the good of our labor.
09:57 This is what Solomon said: "All the days of their life."
10:02 But after sin, was work still part of God's plan?
10:08 Yes.
10:09 I'm asking our local handful here.
10:10 It was, but it did change.
10:14 Look in Genesis 3, verse 17.
10:17 "Cursed is the ground for your sake.
10:20 In toil of it, you shall eat all the days of your life.
10:24 Both thorns and thistles it will bring forth to you,
10:27 and you will eat the herb of the field.
10:30 In the sweat of your face, you shall eat bread till you return
10:34 to the ground."
10:36 Now, it is true that the earth was cursed because of sin and
10:39 work became more difficult.
10:42 But was work a curse or was work designed to still be a blessing?
10:46 The ideal of work was actually be a blessing to man and
10:50 keep him out of trouble.
10:53 You ever heard the expression "idleness is
10:56 the devil's workshop?"
10:58 Anyone know what verse that's in?
11:02 It's not in the Bible.
11:04 It's probably had been Benjamin Franklin,
11:05 but the principle is in the Bible.
11:08 It talks about the sin of Sodom.
11:10 Everyone thinks about the sins of the flesh when they think of
11:13 Sodom, but in Ezekiel, I think it's chapter 16,
11:15 it says, "This was the sin of your sister Sodom.
11:18 Idleness and fullness of bread."
11:22 Things were so abundant there in the Vale of Sodom before it was
11:24 cursed with fire and brimstone that they scarcely had to work.
11:29 It was back like the Garden of Eden,
11:31 the Bible says.
11:32 And because they had all that leisure and they had sinful
11:34 natures, they got into a lot of trouble.
11:36 But so many people would be saved from trouble,
11:40 especially the young people, if they were given tasks
11:43 and kept busy.
11:45 Work is a good thing in that respect.
11:48 And you look in John 17, ultimately a Christian is made
11:52 in the image of God.
11:53 Is God a worker?
11:55 What does Jesus say?
11:57 John 5, verse 17: "But Jesus answered them,
12:00 'My Father has been working until now,
12:03 and I have been working.'"
12:04 And then you look in Ecclesiastes 7,
12:07 verse 13, Solomon says, "Consider the work of God."
12:11 There's a lot of verses we could point to that make it pretty
12:14 clear God's a worker; and He is constantly involved in not only
12:20 supplying, but creating and sustaining the things
12:25 that He makes.
12:27 God is very busy.
12:29 Heaven is a busy place.
12:31 Let me give you a quote from the book "Maranatha" page 350.
12:34 A matter of fact, I've a few quotes from the same page.
12:37 "Maranatha" page 350 says, "God is a constant worker.
12:41 The angels are workers.
12:43 They are ministers to God for the children of men.
12:46 Those who look forward to heaven in inactivity will be
12:50 disappointed, for the economy of heaven provides no place for
12:53 the gratification of indolence.
12:56 But to the weary and heavy-laden,
12:58 rest is promised.
13:00 It is the faithful servant who is welcome from his labors to
13:04 the joy of the Lord."
13:05 God does not say, "Well done, good and lazy servant.
13:08 Enter into the joy of the Lord."
13:10 It's the diligent servant that will enjoy the rest,
13:15 but it's not constant rest.
13:17 You know, some of the ideas people have of heaven is that,
13:19 you know, folks are going to be floating on clouds with their
13:22 hands behind their head and just,
13:24 you know, enjoying eternal nothingness.
13:27 But no, heaven is going to be a busy place.
13:30 What does it say we're doing in heaven?
13:32 God makes a mansion for us, but you know that other verse.
13:36 I think it's in Isaiah 11.
13:38 They will build houses and inhabit them.
13:41 They will plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them.
13:44 My elect will long enjoy the works of their hands,
13:49 the labor of their hands.
13:50 So even in heaven--God created us to be busy.
13:52 So it's certainly part of his plan here.
13:55 Now, you know, like anyone else, I enjoy the times of rest,
13:58 but God wants us to be productive.
14:01 I told my kids when they were growing up,
14:03 and I suppose my father hammered this in me,
14:07 there's two kinds of people in life.
14:11 You've got producers and consumers.
14:15 Now, everybody consumes.
14:18 We can't live without consumption,
14:21 whether it's for food or energy or clothing or whatever.
14:24 We are always consuming the results of somebody's labor.
14:28 But the question is, at the end of your life,
14:31 have you done more consuming or have you produced
14:34 more than you consumed?
14:35 I believe one of the keys is you want to leave the world a better
14:38 place than you found it and be putting more in
14:41 than you're taking out.
14:43 And so I think God wants us to be producers.
14:45 And so I always told my kids, you know,
14:48 it's okay to enjoy a gift and enjoy the fruits of someone
14:51 else's labor, but make sure that you are producing in life,
14:55 that you are contributing to life.
14:57 And whatever your gifts are--everyone's got different
15:00 gifts and the way they--you know,
15:02 their occupations and their callings,
15:04 how they use those gifts in the work of God.
15:06 So God wants us to be producers.
15:09 All right, let's talk a little bit about work and nurture.
15:15 Now, one of the things I think is interesting is when we talk
15:21 about the Sabbath commandment, what does the Sabbath
15:23 commandment say?
15:25 Says rest.
15:27 Is that all it says?
15:29 What's the first part of that?
15:32 Six days you shall--
15:34 Do you notice that there is a command to labor as well
15:36 as a command to rest?
15:38 And how many of the 7 days are we to rest?
15:40 How many of the seven do we rest?
15:45 One.
15:46 How many of the seven do we work?
15:48 Six.
15:50 But the emphasis on the fourth commandment is always
15:53 on the one to rest.
15:54 That's because most people, you know,
15:56 probably have a struggle resting in the Lord the way we're
15:59 commanded, but really it's a command that also involves,
16:02 "I created you to be productive.
16:05 Six days you shall labor."
16:07 It doesn't say if you're in the mood.
16:09 God says six days you should labor.
16:12 Depends on what your work is.
16:13 You know, Jesus was a carpenter, and some people are shepherds
16:16 and fishermen and there's all different kinds of work.
16:18 And God gives people their respective gifts,
16:21 but God wants to be--us to be productive and He wants us
16:24 to be busy six days.
16:27 Deuteronomy 16:15: "Seven days you shall keep a sacred feast to
16:31 the Lord Your God in the place which the Lord chooses because
16:35 the Lord Your God will bless you in all your produce and in all
16:39 the work of your hands so that you shall surely rejoice."
16:44 Few weeks ago, Karen and I took a trip up into the hills and
16:48 this was, you know, following the fires,
16:50 and we had a long day and a lot to accomplish
16:56 in very little time.
16:58 You ever had a situation like that?
17:00 We had to travel a long way.
17:02 We had some tasks.
17:04 Going up to the ranch, we needed to set down this horse trough
17:09 and plumb some water to it to provide for the
17:12 animals up there.
17:13 And it was, you know, 4-hour drive from Sacramento to
17:17 get up there.
17:18 And a tree was in the road and we had to walk 4 miles to get
17:21 a chainsaw and walk 4 miles back to cut the tree out of there.
17:25 I think we rode back on our quad to cut the tree out of the road.
17:29 That's right.
17:30 But I kept thinking, "Oh, dear--"
17:33 I said, "This is what I'd like to see get accomplished today,
17:35 but it's going to really take the blessing of God
17:37 to get this all done."
17:38 The fires--trees were falling after the fire because the roots
17:42 were burnt out, and we had to cut a number of trees out
17:45 of the way.
17:47 And I said, "Lord--" We prayed.
17:49 We said, "Lord, we need You to bless our work today.
17:52 Because unless You bless, this whole trip's going to be a waste
17:55 and it won't get done."
17:57 And, you know, we had a few roadblocks,
17:59 but God blessed, and we were able to get everything done.
18:03 At the end of the day we're driving around saying,
18:04 "Well, praise the Lord.
18:05 We got our tasks done today.
18:07 God blessed our work."
18:08 You ever have a day like that?
18:10 You just say, "Wow, everything really went well today."
18:12 Now, how many of you had the other days also,
18:15 where you said, "I may as well go back to bed because nothing
18:19 is working out today."
18:22 So it's nice when we pray.
18:24 God says here, "And the Lord Your God will bless you and all
18:29 your produce and the work of your hands so that you will
18:32 surely rejoice."
18:34 There's a verse you want to underline and claim that
18:36 promise, say, "Lord, please bless my work today,
18:39 that I can be productive for Your honor and glory."
18:42 But yeah, we all know what it's like when our work is cursed.
18:45 We want our work to be blessed, and I guess one of the keys is
18:47 make sure you're doing His work and He'll bless it.
18:50 You know, I always enjoy reminding our evangelists in the
18:56 Amazing Facts team that we are doing what God told us to do
19:00 so we can count on His blessing.
19:02 You know, Jesus said, "Go into all the world
19:04 and preach the gospel."
19:05 And that's what we do as a pastor in evangelism.
19:08 And if you're doing what God commands you to do,
19:10 is He going to help you do it?
19:13 I say that again.
19:14 It's a simple truth, but I think profound.
19:15 If you're attempting to do what God has commanded you to do and
19:19 you ask for His help, why would He not help you do what
19:23 He's commanded you to do?
19:25 So one of the big challenges in life is make sure you're doing
19:28 what God called you to do.
19:31 Proverbs 21:25: "The desire of the lazy man kills him,
19:37 for his hand refuses to labor."
19:39 You know, it's actually downright convicting if you
19:43 go through Proverbs and read everything He says
19:45 about the lazy.
19:46 I'm not going to read them all, but He talks about the lazy
19:49 man who turns in his bed.
19:52 He says, "I can't work.
19:53 There's a lion in the street."
19:55 And he's got 100 reasons not to do anything.
19:57 But says those who are doing God's work,
20:00 He will bless them.
20:03 Ecclesiastes 5:12: "The sleep of the laboring man is sweet."
20:09 God said to Adam, you know, "You're going to work,
20:12 and you're going to work in the sweat of your brow.
20:15 And it might be uncomfortable, but there are rewards to that."
20:19 For one thing, you will really enjoy your breaks and your food
20:23 and you will really enjoy your sleep.
20:27 All right.
20:28 In Jeremiah 1:16 it says, "I'll utter My judgments against them
20:32 concerning all of their wickedness because
20:34 they've forsaken me.
20:36 They've burned incense to other gods and worshiped the works
20:38 of their own hands."
20:40 Now, we're to--whatever we do, whether we eat or drink or work,
20:45 we're to work for God's glory, but I think we all know
20:47 some people work for their own glory.
20:49 So that kind of work, God says He can't bless.
20:54 And some people worship the works of their hands.
20:57 They make an idol and they pray to it.
20:59 They're really worshiping the works of their hands.
21:01 What was the problem with Babel when they were building
21:04 the Tower of Babel?
21:06 Is God against building buildings?
21:09 No.
21:11 He--God told them to build the ark.
21:13 He told them to build the temple.
21:14 I mean, God's not against building.
21:16 They were building something to make a name for themselves.
21:20 They said, "Let us build a tower,
21:22 that we might make a name for ourselves."
21:24 They weren't interested in the glory of God,
21:25 they were interested in worshipping their own works;
21:27 and I think that's probably still true today,
21:30 that there are places in the world where men are building
21:33 massive monuments to themselves for their own glory.
21:36 God says He can't bless that.
21:39 They're worshiping the works of their own hands.
21:41 John 9:4.
21:44 Do you know we are saved by a work?
21:46 People think, "Pastor Doug, you just spoke heresy."
21:50 We are saved by work, a work.
21:55 You know what the work is?
21:56 Jesus tells us.
21:57 John 9:4: "I must work the works of Him who sent me
22:01 while it is day.
22:03 The night is coming when no man can work."
22:05 And then Christ says, "This is the work,
22:08 that you believe on the one whom the Father is sent."
22:11 So there's a work for us all to do in believing.
22:14 Amen?
22:16 Work and excellence.
22:18 Let's talk about this a little bit.
22:20 In Ecclesiastes 9:10, "Whatever your hand finds to do,
22:24 do it with your might for there is no work or device or
22:29 knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you're going."
22:33 Now, this is an extreme example, but in the Marines during basic
22:36 training, you'll hear the drill instructor shout out,
22:39 "Work now.
22:41 You'll get plenty of time to sleep when you're dead."
22:44 That's what they tell you in the Marines.
22:46 I know.
22:47 That's not good theology for us because you don't want
22:51 to work yourself to death.
22:52 There's a good place for rest.
22:54 But, you know, Solomon said, "Whatever your hand finds to do,
22:58 do it with your might for there's no knowledge or wisdom
23:00 or activity in the grave where you're going."
23:03 And it's a good practice in life that whatever you do,
23:08 do it as well as you can.
23:10 How many of you had fathers or mothers that said if you're
23:13 going to do a job, do it right?
23:15 You heard that before?
23:17 If you're going to do it, do it right.
23:20 And I remember some old timers I greatly respected.
23:22 One of them named Bill Rome, and he talked to me
23:27 about wood cutting.
23:28 He said, "If you're in the wood business,
23:30 you need to make every lick count."
23:32 What he meant by that is sharpen your axe,
23:35 sharpen your saw.
23:37 You don't want to keep swinging and swinging and swinging with
23:39 a dull axe or saw because you're wearing yourself down,
23:42 you're using your energy up.
23:44 He said, "Make every lick count.
23:46 Whatever you do, do it with all of your might," and I've always
23:50 tried to remember that.
23:52 If you read also in Colossians 3,
23:55 verse 23 and 24, we're talking about working with excellence.
23:58 "And whatever you do, do it heartily,
24:02 as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord
24:06 you'll receive the reward of inheritance;
24:09 for you serve the Lord Jesus Christ."
24:12 I had a friend.
24:14 I don't know how we ended up being friends.
24:15 I think I met him hitchhiking.
24:17 I can tell you his name because it was a nickname.
24:19 His name was Red Band John because he always wore a red
24:22 bandana, but he was one of the laziest people I ever knew.
24:28 And he was young and healthy.
24:31 Like me he was in his 20s, but he would go down and he'd
24:33 complain to the post office if his welfare check wasn't there
24:35 on time.
24:37 He just figured the world owed him everything.
24:39 And one day he was all out of welfare money,
24:41 and I'd found a job and they needed two people.
24:43 I said, "John, why don't you come with me?"
24:45 And we were working for the pastor's wife who is in her 80s
24:51 at this time, and she wanted us to shovel some gravel.
24:55 It was something real basic.
24:56 Cut some boards and shovel some gravel,
24:57 working on a garden fence.
24:59 And I was out there working best as I knew how.
25:05 John was eating a donut with one hand and sawing with the other
25:10 with a handsaw.
25:13 And she sat--Mrs. Phillips, she stood there in amazement.
25:18 She watched John for a little while,
25:21 and she put her hands on her hips.
25:23 She said, "I've never seen anybody so lazy
25:26 in my whole life."
25:29 She said, "I--when I was your age,
25:32 I could work five times as fast as you."
25:36 Now, that's not a reputation anybody wants.
25:38 What does that do for a Christian if that's the kind
25:41 of worker you are?
25:42 Is that a very good witness?
25:45 No.
25:47 You know what?
25:49 Jesus said if someone asks you to carry their armor a mile,
25:53 what do you do as a Christian?
25:55 Take it the second mile.
25:58 So what is the reputation of a Christian?
26:00 Do it with excellence.
26:03 If you're going to paint something--you know what?
26:06 Michelangelo was painting the Sistine Chapel.
26:08 He was way up on the scaffold.
26:10 And he was up there with a very fine brush and someone from down
26:14 below said, "What are you doing?"
26:16 He said, "I'm painting the little pollen dots
26:18 on the flower."
26:21 And he said, "You realize from down here nobody
26:22 will ever see that."
26:25 He said, "God sees it."
26:27 And so whatever you do--Christians,
26:31 we're not sweeping this under the--don't look both ways and
26:33 sweep it under the rug thinking, "Well,
26:35 no one will ever know, or at least not while I'm alive."
26:38 You always want to be doing it because angels are watching,
26:42 God is watching, right?
26:43 Whatever you do it, do it with all of your might.
26:46 Do it as unto the Lord.
26:49 So if you knew that you were doing a project for God,
26:51 how hard or how well will you want to do it?
26:54 Exodus 25, verse 40.
26:56 Now, it's talking here in this passage about
26:58 building the temple.
27:00 And, you know, I just want to remind our friends that are
27:03 watching, normally what we're going to be doing when we move
27:06 into the sanctuary when the pandemic is over;
27:09 we want our Sabbath School class to be a little more interactive,
27:12 but today it's a little more like preaching
27:14 because of circumstances.
27:17 So I just feel like I'm just kind of going through the lesson
27:19 and preaching, but I hope you're being edified.
27:21 In Exodus 25, He's talking about building the sanctuary.
27:25 At first, He gives them a design.
27:28 He says in verse 40, "And see that you make them according to
27:31 the pattern which was shown you on the mountain."
27:35 So one of the things you'll learn about a Christian is,
27:38 work with a plan and stick to the plan.
27:42 I know that--I've got a friend, and whenever he's putting
27:47 something together--you know, sometimes they'll
27:48 provide instructions.
27:49 It's like you get a swing set for your kids and they've got
27:52 these instructions.
27:54 And he says, "Whenever I get done,
27:56 there's all these spare parts."
27:58 I said, "Joe, those weren't spare parts.
28:01 Those are parts you just left out because you didn't look
28:03 at the plan."
28:04 He always--he hated instructions.
28:07 He called them destructions.
28:09 He says, "I don't want to look at the destructions."
28:11 He says, "Yeah, I always end up with some spare parts.
28:13 I wonder what they're for."
28:15 [laughing]
28:16 Well, when you're building for God,
28:18 you want to follow the plan.
28:20 Did God give a plan to Noah?
28:22 God gave a plan to Moses for the sanctuary.
28:25 God gave a plan to David for the temple,
28:28 and that he passed on then to Solomon.
28:31 And when--and then God empowers with wisdom.
28:35 Notice, reading here from Exodus 31,
28:37 verse 2 through 6: "See, I have called my name Bezalel the son
28:43 of Uri, and I filled him with the Spirit of God,
28:47 in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge,
28:49 and all manner of workmanship, to design artistic works,
28:54 to work in gold, in silver, in bronze,
28:58 in cutting of jewels for setting,
29:01 in carving for wood, and to work in all manner of workmanship."
29:05 And jumping down verse 6, it says,
29:08 "And indeed I have also appointed with him Aholiab of
29:11 the tribe of Dan, and I put in him wisdom in the hearts of all
29:15 the gifted artisans, that they may make all that
29:19 I have commanded you."
29:20 God gifts different people differently
29:24 and gives them abilities.
29:26 Now here's a question.
29:27 Does God sometimes give people gifts for work and then they use
29:32 that gift selfishly?
29:35 Can God give a person a gift of music?
29:37 They can sing for the Lord.
29:39 They can sing for money and Hollywood or
29:43 the record industry, right?
29:45 God can give a person building skill and they can build things
29:48 for the glory of men.
29:50 They can build a casino.
29:51 They can build a church.
29:52 And so God gives the--different people different gifts.
29:55 The question is, are you using your gifts to the glory of God
29:58 in the best way you can?
30:00 So He gifted these people and He gave them the different gifts,
30:05 and they were following the plan.
30:09 All right.
30:11 And, you know, there was something I was going to read
30:12 here, yeah, about work being a blessing.
30:15 Let me read this to you.
30:17 "To the dwellers in Eden--"
30:18 This is from the book "Patriarchs and Prophets"
30:20 page 50.
30:21 Work is meant to be a blessing.
30:23 "To the dwellers in Eden was committed the care of
30:25 the garden, to dress it and to keep it.
30:28 Their occupation was not wearisome,
30:30 but pleasant and invigorating.
30:33 God appointed labor as blessing to man;
30:35 to occupy his mind and strengthen his body,
30:38 to develop his faculties.
30:39 In mental and physical activity, Adam found one of his highest
30:43 pleasures of his holy existence.
30:46 And when, as a result of disobedience,
30:49 he was driven from his beautiful home and forced to struggle with
30:52 the stubborn soil to gain its daily bread,
30:55 that very labor, although widely different from its pleasant
30:58 occupation in the garden, was a safeguard against temptation and
31:02 a source of happiness.
31:05 Those who view work as a curse, attend it though it be with
31:09 weariness and pain, are cherishing an error.
31:12 The true joy of life is found only by working men and women.
31:16 The angels are diligent workers.
31:19 They are ministers of God to the children of men.
31:21 The creator has prepared no place for the stagnant practice
31:25 of indolence."
31:27 So good reminder that work is to be a blessing.
31:31 And then John talking again about excellence,
31:34 John 20, verse 6 and 8.
31:37 This is at the Resurrection.
31:39 I always thought this was amazing.
31:41 So, you know, Mary comes to the tomb,
31:42 and then she goes tells Peter and John the tomb is empty,
31:45 and she saw an angel there.
31:47 Then John and Peter run to the tomb.
31:49 "Simon Peter came following him and went into the tomb and saw
31:52 the linen cloths lying there, and the handkerchief that had
31:57 been around his head not lying with the linen cloths,
32:01 but folded together in a place by itself.
32:04 Then the other disciple, who came from the tomb first,
32:08 went in also and he saw and believed."
32:11 Now, what was it that he saw that made him believe that
32:15 Jesus's body wasn't stolen, but that he actually
32:18 rose from the dead?
32:20 A folded handkerchief.
32:22 If someone is stealing the body and they unwrap it,
32:26 are they going to take the time to fold the handkerchief?
32:30 But they knew Jesus; and they knew that Jesus,
32:35 that was his temperament.
32:37 And so Karen and I get up--depends on who's
32:41 the last to leave the bed.
32:43 We always make the bed.
32:44 Sometimes we make it together.
32:45 Depends on timing.
32:47 But if you go to our household, we make the bed.
32:48 I learned this in military school.
32:50 I'm sure Karen learned it growing up.
32:52 And my grandmother used to always say,
32:55 "You make your bed, you sleep in it."
32:56 You ever heard that one before?
32:57 Anybody ever heard that one before?
33:00 Okay, good.
33:01 I wanted to make sure my grandmother wasn't that
33:03 different from yours.
33:05 And so Jesus, he taught faithfulness and order in
33:08 even simple things like that, and that always struck me
33:12 as amazing.
33:14 He folded the handkerchief.
33:17 All right. Work and spirituality.
33:21 I'm going to begin with a verse in Matthew 5:16.
33:23 "Let your light so shine before men,
33:26 that they may see your good works and glorify your
33:30 Father in heaven."
33:31 Now, when we talk about good works as a Christian,
33:33 what comes to your mind?
33:35 You know, so often we're thinking about,
33:36 you know, doing Christian things.
33:39 You know, feeding the poor, visiting the sick,
33:40 going to the prisons, doing Christian works.
33:44 But I think that when it says when they see your good works,
33:47 I think that it means also that when a person looks at
33:51 the Christian--if you are an employee and you're a Christian
33:55 and your non-Christian boss is going to look at you and say,
33:58 "They do good work."
34:02 And by that you are glorifying your Father in heaven.
34:05 And the Bible says even to the slaves.
34:10 In Bible times Paul said, "Do whatever you do heartily
34:13 as to the Lord."
34:15 And you would think, "Well, man, you know,
34:17 if--why would I want to make things easier
34:19 for my slave master?"
34:21 You've read the story of Joseph.
34:24 Joseph was a slave.
34:25 He decided, "Look, I've been sold by my brothers.
34:28 If I'm going to be a slave, I'm going to make it as difficult
34:30 for whoever buys me as possible."
34:33 Is that what he did?
34:35 Joseph said, "Lord, if I'm going to be a slave,
34:37 I'm going to be a faithful slave."
34:39 And he worked hard.
34:41 And what did Potiphar do?
34:43 "Boy, the Lord is blessing everything this guy does."
34:45 And he exalted him.
34:47 He promoted him, and God blessed him.
34:49 Even in prison, Joseph said,
34:51 "Well, I'll do the menial duties in prison faithfully."
34:55 And the leader of the prison said,
34:57 "This guy's faithful.
34:58 He's a good worker."
35:00 His light was shining even in the prison.
35:01 He said, "I'm going to promote him."
35:03 Until pretty soon he was in charge of everything
35:04 in the prison.
35:05 So whatever Joseph did, because he was faithful in doing
35:09 the little things well with excellence,
35:11 he kept moving up.
35:14 Until what happened in the end of the story?
35:16 Joseph is the ruler.
35:18 He's the prime minister of Egypt.
35:20 You know, it started with faithfulness in little things.
35:23 What does Jesus say?
35:25 "He that is faithful in that which is least is
35:27 also faithful in much."
35:29 So whatever you do, do it as unto the Lord.
35:32 Not only Joseph.
35:33 You know, I think about the servant of Namaan's wife.
35:39 We don't know her name.
35:41 Certain maid.
35:42 Kidnapped out of the land of Israel,
35:45 forced to serve in the house of Namaan.
35:47 She said, "Well, if I'm going to be a servant,
35:49 I will be a good servant."
35:50 And she was interested in the welfare of her master.
35:52 Because of her faithfulness, Namaan gets the word.
35:55 He ends up getting healed, and hopefully she got
35:57 a raise or set free.
35:58 I don't know.
36:00 Trusting her life was better after that because she decided
36:01 not to be hateful and drag her feet and kick around and pout
36:04 and say, you know, "You stole me from the land.
36:08 I'm going to be--make your life difficult."
36:12 I heard once about a farmer that was--oh, wait.
36:15 Let me read this to you first.
36:17 Acts 20, verse 33 to 35.
36:19 Paul says, "I have coveted no one's silver or gold or apparel.
36:24 Yes, you yourselves know that these hands have provided for
36:28 my necessities and for those who are with me.
36:30 I have shown you in every way by laboring like this that you
36:35 must support the weak.
36:36 And remember the words of Jesus.
36:38 He said, 'It is more blessed to give than receive.'"
36:41 Paul was not a prosperity preacher.
36:45 You know what I mean by that?
36:48 Paul did not say, "Send money to my ministry
36:51 as I fly my Learjet."
36:53 Paul went out and he worked with his own hands.
36:56 He underworked.
36:58 He underpaid or supported his own ministry.
37:02 You know, when I first got involved in ministry,
37:06 I was self-supporting.
37:08 I was doing not only firewood, doing carpentry and auto
37:11 mechanics, and that was really good experience,
37:13 and I was paying to do evangelism.
37:16 When I later found out that there was a conference that
37:19 was going to pay me to do mission work,
37:22 I said, "You're going to pay me to do what I'm doing for free?"
37:25 I said, "Thank you very much."
37:28 But, you know, I think really every believer should be
37:30 something of a self-supporting missionary, right?
37:34 If you love the Lord, whatever your work is,
37:35 it's to subsidize your mission work.
37:37 That ought to be the priority.
37:39 Can I get an amen out there?
37:41 Big old hollow building need some help.
37:43 Okay.
37:44 I was going to tell you a story about a farmer.
37:46 He was a little irritated.
37:47 He had an apple orchard, and there was a carload of teenagers
37:51 every day that would stop and they'd hop over the fence and
37:54 they'd eat his apples on the way home.
37:57 And he walked up to the fence as they were there one day
37:59 all picking through the trees, and he looked at them and one
38:03 looked back sheepishly and said, "Oh sorry, sir.
38:06 We hope you don't mind that we took a few of your apples."
38:08 He said, "Not at all."
38:09 He said, "I hope you don't mind.
38:11 I let some air out of your tires."
38:14 Some people are willing to just take,
38:16 but they don't give.
38:18 Galatians 5:22.
38:20 Now God gives everybody different gifts.
38:23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love,
38:26 joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness,
38:30 goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,
38:32 self-control.
38:34 Against such there is no law.
38:35 And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with
38:38 its passions and desires.
38:39 If we live in the Spirit, let us walk in the Spirit."
38:43 So we should be using our different spiritual gifts,
38:46 showing the fruits of the Spirit in whatever our work
38:49 happens to be.
38:51 There is a great quote in the book "Our High Calling"
38:55 page 222.
38:56 This is not in your lesson, just one of my own study on this.
39:02 "However humble the occupation might be,
39:05 if only honorable, if the humble duties are done faithfully,
39:09 he will not lose his reward.
39:12 Industry is essential to health.
39:14 If habits of industry were encouraged,
39:16 a door would be closed against 1,000 temptations.
39:20 Those who lounge away their days,
39:23 having no aim or object in life, are troubled with dejection and
39:27 tempted to seek an amusement in forbidden indulgences,
39:30 which innervate the system and tax the physical powers
39:34 ten times more than the most taxing labor.
39:37 Indolence destroys more than hard labor.
39:40 Many die because they have not the ability or inclination
39:44 to set themselves to work."
39:46 [whistling]
39:47 You know, there's a whole generation now.
39:49 If this was true back then, what about today when most people now
39:53 because of industrial mechanized farming we have so much food,
39:55 not as many people need to work, and a lot of people sit at desks
40:00 or they fiddle around with their computers and their phones,
40:04 or they watch television and sometimes the only exercise
40:07 a person gets is the index finger on the remote control
40:11 or texting?
40:13 And a lot of people are depressed,
40:15 and I think a lot of depression--they say one of
40:18 the keys to depression is activity, exercise.
40:22 Have a purpose in life.
40:23 I couldn't believe it.
40:25 "Many die because they have not the ability or inclination
40:28 to set themselves to work."
40:31 You know, I've got a theory.
40:32 An old pastor told me this.
40:34 People have a tendency to live as long as they're needed.
40:39 I remember talking to a friend.
40:42 He was in his 80s.
40:44 I think his name was Stanley.
40:46 He worked for my dad in a hotel.
40:48 He was the custodian of the hotel.
40:49 And I asked him one day, I said, "You're plenty old enough
40:52 to retire, Stanley.
40:54 Why do you keep working?"
40:55 He said, "If I retire, I'll die."
40:58 That was the first time someone explained to me that people live
41:02 about as long as they feel like they got a purpose in life.
41:06 You want to stay busy and useful.
41:07 Amen?
41:09 Work and stewardship.
41:10 2 Thessalonians 3, verse 7 to 13.
41:14 "But they worked with labor and toil night and day,
41:17 that we might not be a burden."
41:19 Paul said we work so we would not be a burden to the church.
41:22 And Proverbs 31, verse 10 says, "Who can find a virtuous wife?
41:28 For her worth is far above rubies."
41:31 If you want to talk about is it okay for a woman to work,
41:34 how many of you have read Proverbs 31?
41:36 I'm not going to read the whole chapter to you.
41:39 Boy, I tell you that is superwoman.
41:41 It talks about her waking up early and going to the market
41:44 and buying and weaving and harvesting,
41:47 and she's just--this woman is just very busy.
41:51 I think she's sort of a--an allegory of the church.
41:56 And Karen, of course.
41:57 Yeah.
41:59 [laughing]
42:01 In 1 Corinthians 3, verse 9 to 13,
42:07 "For we are called God's fellow workers.
42:10 You are God's field.
42:11 You are God's building.
42:12 According to the grace of God which was given to me as a wise
42:15 master builder, I've laid the foundation and
42:18 another builds on it.
42:20 But let each one take heed how he builds on it.
42:23 For no other foundation can anyone lay than that
42:25 which is laid, which is Christ Jesus.
42:28 Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold,
42:31 silver, precious stones, wood, hay,
42:34 or straw, each one's work will become clear;
42:37 for the day will declare it, because it will be revealed by
42:41 fire and the fire will test everyone's work
42:44 of what sort it is."
42:46 Now, this is an important lesson right here;
42:48 is that everybody's building, whether you like it or not.
42:51 You're building a life, and your life is going to be measured.
42:56 At some point there'll be a judgement day.
42:57 What kind of building did you build with your life?
43:01 Were you using hay, stubble, straw?
43:04 You know, years ago when we built the first cabin up in
43:09 the mountains, and I was in my 20s, and--we needed
43:13 some foundation piers.
43:16 I went to the woods with my chainsaw and I cut some oak
43:18 because I knew that oak would last 15 years.
43:21 I said, "Jesus will come.
43:23 We don't need concrete."
43:26 And so I put these oak piers underneath the house.
43:29 And then after 10 or 15 years with the rain and everything,
43:32 didn't even treat them, they started to rot.
43:35 Well, the house had other problems, too.
43:37 It was built from kind of recycled materials and
43:39 an old bridge that fell down and parts here and there.
43:44 Well, at that point--we finally burnt that down.
43:48 We're paying taxes on it.
43:50 It just wasn't even worth it.
43:52 It was--it had kind of just started to fall in on itself
43:54 while I was working in another state.
43:57 Built the other house.
43:59 I said, "I'm not making that mistake again."
44:01 Now, Jesus may still come in ten years.
44:02 I didn't know, but I said, "When Jesus comes,
44:05 I want him to say, 'Doug, before I burn up your house,
44:07 it was a good job.'"
44:09 Right?
44:10 Here we just finished building this church.
44:13 People have said, "You build such a nice church.
44:15 Don't you think Jesus is coming?"
44:16 Yes, I want him to be impressed when he comes.
44:19 Actually, when Noah built the ark,
44:23 how good a job did he do?
44:26 How much life on earth was saved through Noah?
44:28 You can raise your hand.
44:30 You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the job that Noah
44:32 did building the ark.
44:33 How long was the ark in operation?
44:36 About one year, right?
44:39 Yeah, it rained 40 days and 40 nights,
44:41 but it was floating for about 1 year.
44:43 But aren't you glad he did a good job building it?
44:46 So whatever you do, do it as unto the Lord, right?
44:49 Because every man's work is going to be tested.
44:51 I remember hearing a story about a carpenter.
44:54 He worked for years for this man that was very wealthy.
44:57 And he was a very skilled carpenter,
44:59 and he did good work.
45:01 And the millionaire, he paid him fairly,
45:05 but the carpenter began to bother him.
45:08 He said, you know, "This millionaire is always
45:10 building this and that.
45:11 He built guest cabins for his friends."
45:13 And he said, "He doesn't--you know,
45:15 he could have given me a Christmas bonus or something.
45:17 He's got so much money."
45:19 And he started resenting that he wasn't getting more.
45:22 And sure enough one day the millionaire said,
45:26 he said, you know, "Fred, I know you're going to be retiring."
45:29 He said, "I bought this piece of property.
45:30 There's one more building I want to build.
45:33 It's got a lake by it."
45:34 And he said, "I want to build this guest home."
45:36 And Fred, he said, "Okay, last house."
45:40 And so he started building.
45:42 Fred was the chief carpenter and contractor,
45:46 but he did something he had never done before.
45:47 He said, "You know, I've worked for him.
45:50 He's gotten richer and richer."
45:51 He says, "I don't have very much for retirement."
45:54 He said, "This time I'm going to save a little
45:57 of this for myself."
45:59 And he started skimming from the expenses for this house
46:02 he was building for himself.
46:04 When the order called for a certain quality of wood,
46:06 he bought cheap, twisted lumber.
46:09 And he put the money in his bank,
46:11 but he charged the millionaire for the expensive lumber.
46:13 When he had to buy rock for the fireplace,
46:16 he bought the cheapest brick and rock.
46:18 And just all of the work, the glass in the building--all the
46:21 work he said, "I'm not--I'm going to save this."
46:25 He put in the bill for the most expensive material,
46:27 but he bought the cheapest and he put it in his bank.
46:30 He was skimming.
46:32 He was embezzling.
46:33 Finally, he got done with the building,
46:35 and he walked up to the millionaire.
46:37 He said, "Okay, we're all done.
46:39 Your house is here."
46:40 He said, you know, "Here's your keys."
46:42 He said, "I want my check."
46:45 And the millionaire handed him a check and he said,
46:48 "And I'm giving you back the keys."
46:51 He says, "That house is for you."
46:55 He said, "I wanted to do this for you as a gift
46:58 before you retired."
47:00 And Fred thought, "Oh, I could have used the very best
47:05 materials and built the very best house,
47:08 but because I thought it was for someone else
47:11 and I wanted to keep it--"
47:12 He says, "Now I'm ending up having to live in and live
47:14 with my own extortion."
47:18 All of us are going to have to meet up with the materials
47:22 that we send on to heaven.
47:25 You heard about the butler.
47:30 He gets to heaven, and the angels bring him to his mansion.
47:34 And the wealthy Duchess the butler worked for,
47:38 she makes it to heaven.
47:39 She's a good woman, but she's got a very small hut.
47:42 And she says to her angel, "I don't understand.
47:44 How come Oscar my butler, he's got this mansion up
47:46 on the hill and I've got this hut?"
47:50 And the angel said, "Well, just a minute.
47:51 We'll check the records."
47:53 And he looked in the records, he says,
47:55 "Oh, evidently he sent a lot more materials
47:57 ahead than you did.
48:00 He was in church every week, and he was giving 50% of his income.
48:03 You were giving 1% of your income."
48:06 "But I gave more than him."
48:08 He said, "Well, you may have given more,
48:09 but you gave a smaller percentage."
48:11 Like that widow that gave her last two mites.
48:13 You know what I'm talking about?
48:15 So we'll be surprised how we're rewarded in the future based on
48:19 our faithfulness to do God's work in this life.
48:23 But we need to do it because we love the Lord, right?
48:25 We don't do it to be saved.
48:26 Well, thank you very much for studying with us today, friends.
48:29 And don't forget, we have a free offer.
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48:58 Tells you about just the importance of the Bible
49:01 and being acquainted, especially as we're going
49:03 into the new year.
49:04 We want to have good rooting in the Word of God.
49:07 Amen?
49:08 Well, God bless you, friends.
49:09 We're so thankful that you could join us today.
49:11 We look forward to getting together again next week
49:13 and studying the Word of God with you.
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50:05 Justin: Growing up as a kid, my mother was on drugs
50:09 and alcohol.
50:11 Lots of fighting in the home.
50:13 My mom would be abused mentally, verbally, physically.
50:17 Went from California to Oregon.
50:21 Spent some time in Oregon and it was just the same cycle of
50:24 drugs, alcohol, violence.
50:27 My mom's boyfriend would go to jail at times.
50:30 She would wait until he would, you know,
50:33 get out of jail and it was back to square one.
50:36 The drugs and the alcohol escalated to a lot harder drugs:
50:40 crystal meth, cocaine, and lots and lots of alcohol.
50:46 So I started using the alcohol to--as a medication.
50:50 It was like to--the misery and the fear that I had,
50:54 I wanted to drown all that misery.
50:56 At times I would just grab, you know,
50:59 a bottle of beer and go out into the desert and just drink until
51:04 sometimes I just pass out in the desert somewhere and wake up
51:08 the next morning and, you know-- and I just couldn't find rest.
51:12 My stepdad had got me a motorcycle.
51:16 And so I started riding motorcycles.
51:18 I'd drink a lot of beer, get on the motorcycle,
51:21 ride into the desert.
51:23 Do donuts and just throughout--you know,
51:25 just ride on private property.
51:27 People would chase me off.
51:29 And I was just causing--stirring up dust and rocks and
51:33 just causing chaos.
51:35 And the adrenaline rush that I had was so exciting,
51:39 and the feeling of it was so intense that I loved it and
51:44 it--I forgot about all my problems,
51:46 you know, at the moment, and I thought that material things
51:50 would make me feel so good, you know.
51:54 And so I started working, started making money,
51:56 had a responsibility.
51:59 But as time went by, I had more money.
52:03 So I would, you know, use my money that I made to buy drugs
52:08 and alcohol.
52:10 Got pulled over drinking and driving,
52:12 ended up going to jail for a couple of days.
52:16 I lost my job because I missed work for a few days.
52:20 Lost my girlfriend, lost all the money that I had.
52:25 So once again I was empty.
52:28 No money, no drugs, no alcohol, and that was
52:31 a turning point in my life.
52:33 At this time I was living with my grandfather,
52:35 and as I was flipping through the channels on the satellite
52:40 system I found Amazing Facts.
52:43 Pastor Doug Batchelor was telling his--sharing his
52:46 testimony about how he was living in a cave,
52:50 and he was--he struggled the same struggles of
52:52 alcohol and drugs.
52:54 And I continued to read the book,
52:56 "The Richest Caveman," and it really impacted my life and
53:00 really related to the things he was struggling with and
53:04 all the events that took place in his life.
53:06 And when I started reading the Bible,
53:08 Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ
53:11 who strengthens me."
53:13 I recognized that I had no strength.
53:15 I was weak and I was wretched, and I needed help.
53:19 So I just asked the Lord.
53:21 I said, "Just help me, Lord."
53:23 And the Holy Spirit convicted me,
53:25 and I decided to be baptized and to give my life to Jesus Christ.
53:32 Few years after the Lord took the temptation of drinking and
53:36 doing drugs, He gave me a beautiful wife I met at church.
53:40 Now I have a beautiful baby boy, 2-year-old baby boy.
53:44 Just exciting to see, you know, what God is doing in my life
53:49 and in my family.
53:51 I met with some friends from my local church that I was
53:55 attending, and they had told me about Amazing Facts Center of
54:00 Evangelism training seminar.
54:02 The AFCOE to go program really inspired me and motivated me
54:07 to tell young people about, you know,
54:12 the same struggles that I was struggling with,
54:14 to help these kids give their life to Jesus Christ,
54:17 and there's nothing else that you could ask for.
54:20 I'm Justin, and God used you to change my life.
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54:44 Doug: What can be more irresistible than a kitten?
54:47 These guys might look cute now, but some of their ancestors
54:50 have grown into man eaters.
54:52 [roaring]
54:56 We're here in a lion park in South Africa now where
54:58 we can view these creatures in relative safety,
55:01 but there's a reason they're known as the king of beasts.
55:04 So, what is it that people find
55:06 so enchanting and frightening about lions?
55:08 Is it their speed, their claws, their sharp teeth,
55:11 or all of the above?
55:13 Might also be some of the stories about man-eating lions.
55:16 Like in 1898, right here in Africa,
55:19 they were building a bridge over the Tsavo River in Kenya,
55:23 and two brother lions terrorized
55:25 the construction process, eating 135 workers.
55:30 Did you know lions are mentioned in the Bible over 100 times,
55:34 and you can find them all the way
55:36 from Genesis to Revelation?
55:38 It's usually in reference to their ferocity
55:40 and how dangerous they are.
55:41 Of course, Samson killed a lion with his bare hands.
55:44 David killed a lion.
55:46 There are man-eating lions in the Bible.
55:48 The way that they punished criminals was by throwing
55:50 them in the lions' den, and early Christians were even
55:53 fed to lions, but, amazingly, as the Bible mentions,
55:57 not all lions are to be feared.
55:59 There have been a few friendly lions in history.
56:02 For example, in the 1950s, a couple,
56:05 George and Margaret Westbeau, who lived up at a ranch near
56:09 Seattle, Washington, adopted an abandoned lion cub.
56:13 They named it Little Tyke because they felt sorry for it,
56:16 but they discovered as they tried to feed her
56:18 she refused to eat any meat at all.
56:22 They were concerned, thinking there was no hope
56:23 for this little lioness to survive, and everybody told them
56:26 the same, because we know in the wild lions survive
56:29 on almost an entirely meat diet.
56:32 Then someone showed the Westbeaus that verse
56:34 in the Bible that talks about in heaven the animals
56:37 are vegetarians, and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
56:42 That encouraged them, and so they began to feed
56:44 Little Tyke a purely vegetarian diet.
56:48 Not only did she survive, she thrived,
56:50 growing into a lion that was over 352 pounds
56:54 and over 10 feet long.
56:56 In fact, zoologists that examined Little Tyke when
56:59 she was full-grown said they have never seen such
57:01 a perfect specimen of a lioness in their life,
57:05 a pure vegetarian.
57:07 You know, when we hear incredible stories about that,
57:09 of Little Tyke, it reminds us that God's original plan
57:13 was to make a world of total peace.
57:15 He describes it here in the Bible
57:17 in Isaiah chapter 11, verse 6.
57:19 "The wolf also will dwell with the lamb,
57:22 the leopard will lie down with the young goat,
57:24 the calf and the young lion and the fatling together;
57:27 and a little child will lead them."
57:29 Nothing is going to hurt and destroy in the new heavens
57:32 and the new earth that God is going to create.
57:34 Wouldn't you like to live in a kingdom where there's perfect
57:36 peace, where there's no more death or killing or pain?
57:40 God says that He wants you in that kingdom.
57:42 The Lamb of God made it possible for you to have
57:46 an encounter with the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
57:49 Wouldn't you like to meet Him today?
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Revised 2020-12-03