Sabbath School Study Hour

Covenant Law

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



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Program Code: SSH022121S

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00:36 Rod Thompson: Good morning, everyone, and happy Sabbath.
00:39 Welcome to the Granite Bay Hilltop Church
00:41 "Sabbath School Study Hour."
00:44 Whether you are here in the sanctuary with us or whether
00:46 you're watching at home in the local area, online, or across
00:50 the nation or around the world, we are excited that you have
00:54 chosen to join us this morning as we continue our study in the
01:00 quarterly, "The Promise, the Everlasting Covenant."
01:05 Pastor Carlos Muñoz is going to be our teacher
01:08 this morning, but before he comes out, I want to point
01:10 you to our free offering this morning.
01:13 It is the Bible study guide, "The Bride of Christ," and you
01:18 can get that by dialing 866-788-3966 and ask for
01:25 offer number 133.
01:28 If you'd prefer, or you are outside of North America, you
01:32 can text the number 40544 and put in the code SH073 and you
01:40 could get that download as well.
01:42 That is the study guide, "The Bride of Christ."
01:46 Let's begin this morning with a word of prayer.
01:50 Oh loving Father, we thank You for the everlasting covenant.
01:55 We thank You, Lord, that You love us so much that You have
01:57 gone to such great lengths to provide a way for us to be
02:02 restored to relationship with You.
02:04 And as we study today, we pray for our speaker.
02:07 We pray that You would use him in a very powerful way,
02:11 that You would teach us.
02:13 Edify us, Lord.
02:15 Give us wisdom.
02:16 But most of all, Lord, help us to apply Your Word to our lives.
02:20 And may You transform us more and more into the image of
02:25 Jesus, and we ask it in his name, amen.
02:30 Ladies and gentlemen, Pastor Carlos.
02:34 Carlos Muñoz: Today, the topic--today is lesson number
02:37 eight, "The Promise, God's Everlasting Covenant," amen?
02:42 And the topic for this presentation is
02:45 "The Covenant Law."
02:47 So let's have a word of prayer.
02:49 Heavenly Father, we thank You for this opportunity to come
02:52 together and spend time in Your Word in such an important, such
02:55 a vital topic, part of our sanctuary message, part of this
03:02 end-time message of the three angels' message.
03:05 And so we thank You, Father, for this opportunity together.
03:07 Father, we ask that Your Spirit guide us, direct us so that we
03:11 can understand Your truth, so that we can understand Your Word
03:14 and have a better deeper understanding of Your character.
03:17 So we thank You, Father, and we ask this in Jesus's name.
03:20 Amen. Amen.
03:22 So the memory text for today is Deuteronomy chapter 7, verse
03:27 number 9, and it says like this: "Therefore know that the Lord
03:31 your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant
03:36 and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love
03:40 Him and," do what?
03:42 "And keep His commandments," amen?
03:47 And so for the lesson today, we're going to be talking about
03:49 the covenant law because the covenant we see has a law that
03:54 is related to it.
03:56 So it is impossible to talk about the everlasting covenant
04:00 without talking about the law of God.
04:04 Is everybody with me?
04:05 Now, go with me, please, to Deuteronomy chapter 4.
04:10 Go to Deuteronomy chapter 4.
04:12 Let's solidify this belief.
04:14 It's impossible to talk about the covenant without talking
04:16 about the law of God.
04:18 So open your Bibles with me to Deuteronomy chapter 4.
04:22 And when you're there, say, "Amen hallelujah."
04:28 Deuteronomy chapter 4, and we're going to start on
04:30 verse number 9.
04:32 Deuteronomy 4:9, and look at what it says here.
04:36 "Only take heed to yourself and diligently keep yourself, lest
04:40 you forget the things your eyes have seen and lest they depart
04:43 from your heart all the days of your life."
04:46 Moses is talking about the evidences of God's love, of
04:49 God's providence, of God's guidance.
04:51 Now look at what he says and continues in the verse.
04:54 "And teach them to your children and your grandchildren," that
04:56 means the wonderful works of God, "especially concerning the
05:00 day you stood before the Lord your God in Horeb when the Lord
05:04 said to me, 'Gather the people to Me and I will let them hear
05:07 My words, that they may learn to fear Me all the days they live
05:12 on the earth and that they may,'" what?
05:14 "'They may teach their children.'
05:17 Then you came near and stood at the foot of the mountain,
05:20 and the mountain burned with fire to the midst of heaven
05:22 with darkness, cloud, and thick darkness.
05:24 And the Lord spoke to you out of the midst of the fire and you
05:27 heard the sounds of the Word but saw no form.
05:30 You only heard a voice."
05:31 So remember, they--God spoke to them directly the Ten
05:35 Commandments, right?
05:36 God wanted them to enter in to this new covenant experience.
05:40 God wanted to write His law in their minds and in their hearts.
05:42 God wanted an intimate relationship with Israel,
05:46 but they were like, "Ah, ah, ah, that's a little bit
05:48 too much, Lord," right?
05:50 "We're not ready for that yet."
05:51 And so they said, "Yeah, Moses, you speak to God,
05:54 and you speak over there.
05:56 We'll stay over here on this side."
05:58 Verse 13, "So He declared to you His covenant, which He commanded
06:02 you to perform."
06:04 And now it explains what is the basis of that covenant.
06:07 The Ten Commandments.
06:09 "And He wrote them on tablets of stone, and the Lord commanded me
06:13 at that time to teach you statutes and judgments,
06:17 that you may observe them in the land which you cross
06:18 over to possess."
06:20 So it's not only talking about the moral law, it's also talking
06:22 about the ceremonial law, about the health laws, and all of the
06:25 other laws that were part of this covenant; but specifically
06:30 the core, the foundation, the basis of this covenant is the
06:34 law of God based on these verses.
06:37 Is everybody with me up to now? Amen.
06:40 Now, I am going to start off with a thesis, and then we're
06:43 going to look at that thesis.
06:46 We're going to show it through the Word.
06:47 Now, what is that thesis? Look at it right here.
06:50 "The law of God was the basis of the covenant, which was
06:55 simply an arrangement for bringing men," and women,
06:58 "again into," what?
07:01 "Into harmony with the divine will."
07:03 This the basis of the covenant. Now look at this.
07:05 What does it mean to be in harmony with the divine will?
07:08 To place them where they could what?
07:11 Obey God's law.
07:14 So the foundation, the basis of the covenant, which is the law
07:19 of God and the purpose of this covenant manifesting the law of
07:22 God especially inside of the Ark of the Covenant, was to what?
07:25 Was to bring us in harmony with the divine will, and that
07:30 harmony means that we could what?
07:32 That we could obey God's holy law, His Ten Commandments, which
07:36 as we know, the Ten Commandments are a reflection of what?
07:40 A reflection of God's character, right?
07:43 Ten principles that reflect the glory of God, the goodness of
07:47 God, the righteousness of God.
07:49 They were written on this tablets of stone not because God
07:51 wanted to write them on tablets of stone originally.
07:53 He wanted to write it on their hearts, but they said no.
07:57 So God said, "Okay, so I'm going to have to
07:58 break it down to you in a different way
07:59 since you don't want this intimate, new covenant
08:03 relationship with Me."
08:04 So will--God basically adjusts or adapts to what they want at
08:09 that time, say, "I'll follow your ways."
08:11 And that's what happens when He writes the law
08:13 on tablets of stone.
08:16 Now, to show or to prove this thesis, this point, I'm going
08:20 to take a little detour, but you will see how we will hit
08:24 each of the main points from the lesson and land
08:26 at the same destination.
08:28 So I just ask you to be a little bit patient.
08:31 Why I say this?
08:32 Because I've been studying the concept of the everlasting
08:34 covenant, it's interesting, for over three years now.
08:37 I mean, this has been the center of my personal devotional life.
08:41 It's studying the everlasting covenant.
08:43 So when this lesson comes out, I'm like, "Woo!"
08:45 I'm excited. Right?
08:48 I'm excited because this is exactly what I've been studying.
08:51 And so if you've heard me teach or preach before, you know that
08:56 I was an elementary school teacher in New York City.
08:59 And so over the last few years as I have been studying the
09:02 concept of the everlasting covenant, I have developed this
09:05 map to help me organize and explain the covenant and the law
09:09 in an easier way, right?
09:11 As an elementary school teacher, I had to break things down to my
09:14 kids in basic forms and so my mind works in that same way.
09:19 I have to understand thing, and so I developed this curriculum
09:22 map, this concept map, whatever you want to call it,
09:25 and I've shared this--if you've heard me preach
09:27 before, you've seen this already.
09:29 And so I'm just going to use this map to show us exactly what
09:33 the center, what the focus, why is the law the basis of the
09:37 covenant, the everlasting covenant.
09:39 Is everybody with me up to now? Amen.
09:42 So here's the everlasting covenant or the covenant map.
09:46 Here's how I break it down.
09:48 So number one, what do we start with?
09:50 Number one in the everlasting covenant gospel map is the
09:53 everlasting gospel, right?
09:55 The good news.
09:58 Now, good news about what?
10:01 The great news about what? What is the gospel?
10:03 What is the basis of the good news, the gospel message that is
10:06 going to go out to the world?
10:07 Well, 1 John chapter 4, verse 10.
10:09 "This is love, not that we love God, but that," what?
10:14 "He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation," or the
10:19 atonement, "for our sins."
10:20 Who said amen?
10:22 That's the foundation of the gospel message.
10:25 Look at what it says in 1 John 4:9.
10:26 Not only that Jesus is going to pay for our sins, but it says in
10:29 the verse before, 1 John 4:9, "And this the love of God was
10:34 manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son
10:38 into the world," why?
10:40 Not only to pay for our sins, but why?
10:43 "That we may live through Him."
10:48 It's early in the morning, but I'm getting warmed up already.
10:51 The promise of the gospel, the promise of the covenant is not
10:54 just to receive forgiveness of sin, but that the life of Christ
10:58 can be manifested, reproduced in each and every one of us.
11:03 Woo! Romans chapter 1.
11:08 Let's go. Romans chapter 1.
11:09 Watch this.
11:11 Romans chapter 1.
11:13 This--Romans chapter 1 through my studies of the everlasting
11:16 gospel has become the primary, the core verse of my study into
11:21 the everlasting gospel, which is the everlasting
11:25 covenant, the good news.
11:26 Romans chapter 1. When you're there, say, "Amen."
11:29 Look at what it says in verse number 16.
11:32 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the
11:35 power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the
11:39 Jew first and also for the Greek."
11:42 So when somebody asks you what is the gospel, you point them to
11:44 Romans chapter 1, verse 16.
11:46 And it says here that the gospel is the what?
11:48 The power of God. Amen?
11:50 That word power is the word "dunamis," where we get
11:52 the word "dynamite."
11:54 So the gospel is the boom of God to save.
12:01 It explodes.
12:02 Now, when something explodes, does everything stay the same?
12:04 No, there is a radical transformation in anything that
12:07 is in the vicinity of that explosion.
12:10 Is everybody with me?
12:12 Woo, and that power, that dunamis, that dynamite of the
12:16 gospel is what brings people to salvation, amen.
12:20 They see the power of God and they're blown away.
12:22 Now watch this. Now comes a Hebrew parallelism.
12:25 In other words, what God says in verse 16, He is going to repeat
12:27 it in verse 17 but presenting it from a different angle or
12:31 perspective or concept.
12:33 Verse 17--same concepts, I'm sorry, but different phrase.
12:36 "For in it," that is in the gospel, "the righteousness of
12:42 God is revealed from faith to faith," amen?
12:47 So that means that the gospel or that means that the power or the
12:51 dynamite or the dunamis of God to save humanity is what?
12:56 Is found where? In His righteousness.
13:03 Now, I have a question.
13:05 How's the manifestation of the righteousness of God only been
13:09 manifested through the life of Jesus Christ?
13:13 Has it been manifested only through the life
13:14 of Jesus Christ?
13:17 No, it's been manifested throughout the whole Bible.
13:20 Amen? From the very beginning.
13:23 From the very beginning, God was showing.
13:25 When Adam and Eve fell, there's God presenting the
13:27 gospel, amen?
13:28 There's God presenting the covenant.
13:30 The goodness of God has always been manifested
13:32 through humanity.
13:33 Now, through Christ there is a what?
13:36 A special, a perfect, a complete manifestation of His
13:40 righteousness, amen?
13:42 Because even though Adam and Abraham and David--even though
13:45 it told--it says that they walked in the light and the
13:48 righteousness of God, of course they had their flaws, right?
13:52 But in Christ, we have a perfect manifestation of the
13:54 righteousness of God, a perfect manifestation of the goodness,
13:59 the power of God.
14:01 Is everybody with me?
14:03 But it doesn't stop there because it says here in verse 17
14:08 that the righteousness of God is revealed how?
14:11 From faith to faith.
14:14 That's the life of Jesus Christ, from the beginning to the end.
14:18 And it says, "As it is written, the just shall live by faith."
14:26 In other words, the same righteousness that was
14:31 manifested in Christ, which was the righteousness of the Father,
14:35 that same righteousness will be manifested in us.
14:40 Woo, what?
14:41 Yes, that same life of Jesus Christ that promises, God is
14:45 going to restore His righteousness in us too.
14:49 Can I get an amen about that?
14:51 That should blow our minds, right?
14:53 That should just marvel at us.
14:55 And so when we look here again, point number one, the
14:58 gospel--the everlasting gospel or the good or
15:02 great news, right?
15:04 Now the question is, what is that great news?
15:07 We already study it, but we can look at that.
15:09 The great news is what? It's the plan of?
15:11 It's the plan of salvation, amen.
15:14 Now, to save us from what?
15:18 From sin, right? That's the plan of salvation.
15:20 God is wanting to what?
15:22 God is wanting to save us from sin, why?
15:24 Because sin is what has caused separation between God and us.
15:28 And so God is wanting to manifest what?
15:31 He's wanting to manifest His goodness, His righteousness
15:33 through the plan of salvation, salvation for humanity.
15:38 Who says, "Amen?"
15:40 Now, what are the three main problems with sin?
15:42 The three main problems--or let's say four main problems
15:45 with sin is the guilt of sin, it's the penalty of sin,
15:48 which is death, it's the power of sin, and then
15:50 it's the presence of sin.
15:52 Now, how specifically is God going to solve that problem of
15:55 sin, which we also know that 1 John chapter 3, verse 4 says
15:59 that sin is what?
16:02 The transgression of the law.
16:03 Now, if the law is the foundation, the basis of the
16:06 covenant, then there's a problem, right?
16:09 There's a very serious problem because we are
16:12 transgressing the covenant.
16:15 So how is God going to solve this?
16:18 Well, point number three, the everlasting covenant with who?
16:24 Please pay attention to this.
16:27 God does not make a covenant with us.
16:30 What? No.
16:32 God makes a covenant with His Son.
16:35 God makes a covenant with Jesus Christ.
16:38 And you're asking, "But wait a minute.
16:40 I thought He said, 'I want to make a covenant with you'?"
16:43 We'll get to that in a second, but we're going to--I'm going to
16:46 show you that God makes a covenant with His Son.
16:48 And the question is, why does the Father make a
16:50 covenant with His Son?
16:51 Look at how it says in "Desire of Ages" page 778.
16:54 "Before the foundation of the earth was laid, the Father and
16:58 the Son had united in a," what?
17:01 "In a covenant to redeem man," and women, "if he," or she,
17:06 "should be overcome by Satan.
17:08 They had clasped their hands in a solemn pledge that Christ
17:12 should become the," what?
17:14 "The surety," the guarantee, "for the human race," amen?
17:20 And so it says very clearly here that even before we were ever
17:22 around, God made a covenant with His Son.
17:26 The Father made a covenant with His Son.
17:27 That's why it's called the everlasting covenant.
17:29 Were you and I around when this covenant was made?
17:32 No, we weren't around.
17:33 Was Adam and Eve around when this covenant was made?
17:35 No, even before.
17:36 It was conceived in the mind of God.
17:37 That's why it's called the everlasting covenant.
17:41 Now, let's look at some verses here.
17:42 Zechariah chapter 6, verse 12 and 13, "Thus says the Lord of
17:45 hosts, saying: 'Behold, the Man whose name is the branch!"
17:49 Who is the branch? Christ.
17:52 "From his place he shall branch out, and he shall build the
17:56 temple of the...
17:58 he shall build the temple of the Lord."
18:00 Now watch what it says here.
18:02 "He shall bear the glory, and it--shall sit and rule
18:05 on His throne;
18:07 so he shall be a priest on His throne, and the counsel of peace
18:11 shall be between Them..."
18:14 Who's that counsel of peace with?
18:16 Who are they--who's it talking about?
18:18 The Father and the Son.
18:19 Because it's saying that the Son shall sit as a priest on the
18:22 throne of the Father, amen?
18:24 And so this counsel of peace, this covenant of
18:26 peace is what was made with-- through the Father and the
18:29 Son before creation.
18:32 That's why it's called the everlasting covenant.
18:34 Look at what it says in Isaiah chapter 54, verse 10.
18:37 "For the mountain shall depart and the hill shall be removed,
18:40 but My kindness," in Spanish it says My mercy, "shall not depart
18:45 from you, nor shall My," what?
18:47 "'My covenant of peace be removed,' says the Lord,
18:51 who has mercy on you," amen?
18:54 Notice the covenant cannot be broken.
18:56 Why can't it be broken?
18:57 Because it was made between the Son and the Father.
19:03 And so what it says that Jesus says the covenant of peace--what
19:06 is the name of Jesus Christ given?
19:08 He's called the prince of the covenant.
19:10 He's called the Prince of Peace, why?
19:13 Because through Jesus Christ, humanity was going to have peace
19:16 again with God, amen?
19:19 And so that's the covenant that God has made with the Son.
19:22 It's about what?
19:23 It's about showing us and restoring us back.
19:26 Now, how do we fit into this? It's very simple.
19:30 It says there that the everlasting covenant was Christ,
19:33 but we are what?
19:35 Inserted into the covenant.
19:38 Are you catching me?
19:39 That means we can participate. We can come heirs.
19:42 We can come beneficiaries, right?
19:45 The everlasting covenant is with Christ, why?
19:48 Well, my loved ones, how do we participate?
19:52 Is that we are invited into the covenant through faith in Jesus
19:54 Christ, and through faith in Jesus Christ we become
19:57 participants, heirs, beneficiaries to the promises
20:02 of the covenant, amen?
20:04 That's basically what it says in Monday's lesson on the
20:05 election of Israel, it's those that what?
20:08 That choose, that receive, that heed the call of God to what?
20:12 To be His people. Amen?
20:13 To enter into His covenant.
20:15 That's the promise of the Father.
20:17 Is everybody with me? Now watch this.
20:20 Isaiah chapter 42, verse 1 and 6, "Behold, My servant whom I,"
20:25 The Father upholds.
20:27 "My Elect One in whom My soul delights!
20:29 I have put My Spirit upon Him;
20:31 I, the Lord, have called You in righteousness, and I
20:35 will hold Your hand.
20:37 I will keep You and give You as a covenant to," what?
20:44 The covenant through us, amen?
20:46 The Father makes a covenant with the Son and then He says, "And
20:49 you become," what?
20:50 Heirs of the covenant. I have a question.
20:53 In a testament, which is a better explanation of the
20:55 covenant--sometimes we try to explain covenant in the words of
20:58 an agreement or a contract and not so much--you can use it, but
21:02 it's very limited, at least how the Bible presents the
21:05 concept of covenant.
21:06 The concept of covenant is better explained
21:08 through a testament.
21:11 Now, did you do anything in a testament?
21:16 No. Who has all the goods?
21:19 It's whoever the person that made the testament, right?
21:21 You don't do anything. The person just what?
21:24 Signs over a testament that when they die everything that belongs
21:27 to them will be given to you, amen?
21:30 You don't have to do anything.
21:31 Sometimes there are some conditions.
21:33 Let's not put it that way, but yes.
21:34 But he gives it over.
21:36 There's nothing on your part, and that's what God did.
21:38 He said, "I'm going to make a covenant with My Son."
21:41 Now, why?
21:42 Why does the Father give or make the covenant with the Son?
21:46 And it explains it in the verse, if you can put it up, please.
21:49 Because the Father knew that what?
21:52 That He would be able to uphold Christ.
21:54 The Father knew that He would be able to hold His hand.
21:57 The Father knew that He would be able to keep Jesus.
22:01 In other words, the Father knew that the Son would live
22:04 completely, constantly, daily consecrated and surrender
22:07 to the will of the Father.
22:09 And so the Father knew that the Son was going to do that.
22:11 That's why the Father says, "I can make a covenant with Him
22:13 because He's not going to break it."
22:15 Are you catching me?
22:17 He knew that His Son would always, every decision, every
22:22 step, every temptation-- everything that He
22:24 does, He knew that the Son was going to lean and depend and
22:28 seek the counsel and the guidance and the strength
22:31 of the Father.
22:33 That's why the Father makes a covenant because He knows,
22:35 "My boy is not going to break this covenant," amen?
22:39 So why doesn't God make a covenant with us?
22:44 It's very simple.
22:46 We are incapable of keeping the covenant.
22:49 We cannot because remember the basis of the foundation of the
22:52 covenant is what?
22:54 The Ten Commandments, the law of God.
22:56 God knows this and God says, "No.
23:00 If I make a covenant with them, they're going to break it.
23:03 I'm going to make a covenant with," who?
23:05 "With My Son."
23:06 And through him, his perfect, righteous life, then we become
23:12 beneficiaries of those promises.
23:15 Amen? Now, remember the thesis.
23:18 I'm pointing to you to the thesis.
23:19 What was the thesis of this presentation?
23:21 "The law of God was the basis of the covenant, which was simply
23:24 an arrangement for bringing men again into harmony with the
23:29 divine will, placing them where they could obey God's law."
23:35 Did you catch that?
23:37 What it's saying here is that the purpose of the covenant is
23:40 to restore us back into the will of God.
23:42 In other words, that we can live according to His righteous law,
23:47 to His righteous principles.
23:49 Is everybody with me?
23:51 Can I hear an amen?
23:53 Now, here's where it gets very interesting.
23:59 Why did God not make a covenant with us?
24:05 Well, I just explained it, but let's look at it
24:06 a little bit deeper.
24:08 When you go into Genesis--Genesis chapter 1 and
24:10 chapter 2, it explains the beginning, right?
24:13 It explains the beginning.
24:14 God gives everything to Adam and Eve.
24:16 Is that true? Yes or no?
24:18 Yes, he says, "Here it is."
24:19 The earth is the wedding gift that God gives to Adam and Eve,
24:22 and all God asks on their behalf is that they what?
24:26 That they obey His command. That's all He asks.
24:29 And that is one simple command: "Don't eat off of the tree."
24:33 One simple command. God gives them everything.
24:35 Now I had a question. Does--was Adam and Eve capable?
24:39 Did they have the capacity to obey that command?
24:44 Yes, they did. So it wasn't difficult.
24:46 They had all the willpower and all the moral power to say what?
24:50 "No, I don't want to eat off that tree."
24:52 Right? This isn't an issue.
24:54 They had everything capable, all the preparation.
24:57 They had everything into development to develop those
25:00 characters even more and more as they got to know God.
25:03 And so when God makes Adam and Eve, it says they made Him--He
25:06 made them in His image and likeliness.
25:10 Go with me to Genesis chapter 1, please.
25:11 Genesis chapter 1. Genesis chapter 1.
25:13 I just love using Genesis to explain everything.
25:16 The first three chapters of Genesis, you've probably heard
25:19 me mentioned this before, that is the foundation of everything
25:21 that happens in the Bible, and you can explain everything
25:24 through Genesis chapter 1 through 3, especially chapter 3.
25:29 Woo, chapter 3 is my favorite chapter in the Bible.
25:32 Genesis chapter 1.
25:34 Everybody there?
25:35 Verse number 26.
25:37 Look at what it says here.
25:38 "Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image,
25:41 according to our likeliness.'"
25:44 Verse 27, "So God created man and woman in His own image.
25:48 In the image of God He created him.
25:50 Male and female He," did what?
25:52 He created them.
25:55 So Adam and Eve were created in the image and likeliness of
25:57 God, or in another way-- terms--we can say it in
26:01 a number of different ways.
26:02 They had the character of God, right?
26:05 That was to develop more and more.
26:06 They had the mind of God. They had the desires of God.
26:09 They had the feelings of God.
26:11 But one way of saying that they had the image of God is that
26:13 they had the law of God written on their hearts.
26:17 That's another way of saying it.
26:18 They already came with the law written in their hearts
26:20 and their minds, that means it was already
26:22 part of who they were, right?
26:24 To live according to these beautiful principles, these
26:26 Ten Commandment promises.
26:28 Is everybody with me?
26:29 That's why it says in Psalms chapter 40, verse 8, "I delight
26:32 to do Your will, O my God, and Your law is," where?
26:37 So what it means is that when they had their laws of God
26:40 written in their hearts and in their minds, it was what?
26:42 It was a delight to do the will of the Father.
26:44 That's what it says in the Book of Psalms.
26:46 That's what it says--Paul says it in Romans chapter 7.
26:49 He says, "I delight--my inner being delights in
26:52 the law of God," why?
26:53 Because if the transgression of the law is sin and sin brings
26:57 misery, and depression, and sadness, and suffering, and
27:01 pain, then that means that doing the contrary to sin, which is
27:04 righteousness, must bring what?
27:06 Peace and joy and delight to the human experience, amen?
27:11 And so when a human being is exposed to the Ten Commandments,
27:13 then the human being what?
27:15 He delights in doing God's will.
27:18 Who says amen to that?
27:19 Look at how it says here in the book, "Great Controversy."
27:22 "In the beginning, man was created in the image of God.
27:25 He was in perfect harmony with the nature and the law of God."
27:30 And what does that mean?
27:32 "The principles of righteousness were written upon his heart."
27:38 It's exactly what we're talking about and what the Bible says,
27:40 that the image of God is what?
27:42 Is to be in perfect harmony with the nature and the law of God,
27:47 and those laws are the laws of righteousness written in the
27:50 minds and in the hearts.
27:53 Is everybody with me up to now? But something happened.
27:56 Genesis chapter 5. Genesis chapter 5.
27:59 Are you enjoying yourself?
28:01 Woo! Genesis chapter 5, verse 3.
28:07 We know that Adam and Eve sadly chose to disobey God.
28:12 They chose to follow a different path, and because of that--look
28:16 at what it says in Genesis 5:3.
28:19 "And Adam lived 130 years and begot a son in his own
28:26 likeliness, after his own image."
28:30 So that means that after Adam and Eve sinned, they became
28:33 infected, we can say--if you want to say it that way, with
28:36 selfishness, right?
28:38 And so no longer did they have the image of God.
28:41 They now reflected the image of what?
28:44 Of themselves.
28:45 Of self, of ego, selfishness, and now the law of God was not
28:50 written in their hearts and their minds.
28:52 It was not a delight. It was not natural.
28:54 It was not--they were not capable.
28:56 They did not have the preparation.
28:58 They could not keep the law of God.
29:01 They could not live according to His righteousness.
29:04 Look at what it says here, second part.
29:08 "In the beginning, man was created in the image of God.
29:11 He was in perfect harmony with the nature and the law of God;
29:13 the principles of righteousness were written upon his heart.
29:16 But," that could be a--whenever the word "but" shows up, it's
29:20 really bad or really good.
29:23 "But sin alienated--" Did I say that right?
29:28 "Alienated." Thank you.
29:30 See, I'm still learning English.
29:32 "But sin alienated him from his Maker.
29:36 He no longer reflected the divine image."
29:39 And look at how she says it here.
29:40 "His heart was now at war with the principles of God's law."
29:45 Are you catching this?
29:46 So now there's a problem.
29:48 Now we do not have that law written in our hearts.
29:51 And now if we don't have the law written in our hearts and in our
29:54 minds and the law is righteousness, then that means
29:57 that we no longer revealed what?
30:00 The righteousness of God.
30:01 Now we revealed our own unrighteousness because there is
30:07 only righteousness through God.
30:09 And so anything that is not righteous then must be
30:11 unrighteousness, and unrighteousness is sin.
30:15 Is everybody with me?
30:17 Look at how it says in Romans chapter 3, verse 10 and 12.
30:19 "There is none righteous, no, not one;
30:22 there is none that understands,
30:24 there is none that seeks after God.
30:26 They are all gone out of the way,
30:28 they are together become unprofitable;
30:30 there is none that does good,
30:32 no, not one."
30:34 Now, what does that mean?
30:35 What it means is we do not have the capacity, the capability to
30:39 do good or to do righteous.
30:41 Are you following me?
30:43 We--it's not in our nature anymore.
30:45 We don't have it as it was part of who we are.
30:48 It's no longer--we're no longer capable of
30:51 producing righteousness.
30:53 And so what happens is, my loved ones, that God does what?
30:58 They have to be taken out of the presence of God, right?
31:04 Go with me to Romans chapter 8, Romans chapter 8,
31:08 Romans chapter 8.
31:09 This is a very important point.
31:11 We are incapable of keeping God's law on our own, on our
31:18 fallen nature.
31:20 It's just not possible.
31:21 Romans chapter 8. Everybody there?
31:25 Look at what it says here.
31:27 Romans chapter 8, verse number 7--verse number 6, "For to be
31:34 carnally minded," that is us in our fallen nature, "is death,
31:38 but to be spiritually minded," that's the new birth, "is life
31:41 and peace because," and watch this, "the carnal mind," that is
31:46 us in our fallen nature-- the carnal mind is what?
31:50 "Enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God
31:55 nor indeed can be."
31:58 Are you catching this?
32:00 We are incapable of obeying God's law in our fallen nature.
32:04 We just can't do it.
32:05 We don't have the equipment.
32:07 We don't have the preparation.
32:09 We just cannot.
32:10 We are weak both physically and morally as well.
32:14 Is everybody following me?
32:16 But my question is, before Adam and Eve were expelled off the
32:20 Garden of Eden, did God present His covenant?
32:25 Before Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden, did
32:27 God present the promise through the seed?
32:30 Oh yes, He did. Amen?
32:32 And that's what it's number three on my gospel map.
32:35 It says the everlasting covenant is with who?
32:38 With Christ, and so the Father now presents to the Son what?
32:42 Number four, the promises and conditions to--now, these
32:47 promises and these conditions are presented to humanity right
32:51 after the fall.
32:52 Is everybody with me? Amen.
32:55 Now, what are those--let's talk about the promises first.
33:00 Well, there are three main promises that God the Father
33:03 gives or promises to humanity through His Son Jesus Christ.
33:08 Three main promises: number one is the forgiveness of
33:12 sins; number two is the victory over sin; and
33:16 number three is the eradication or elimination
33:19 of sin from this world and this universe forever.
33:24 Some of you are excited about that.
33:26 These are the promises--the three main promises of the
33:29 covenant: forgiveness of sin, victory over sin,
33:32 cleansing of sin, however you want to call it, and the
33:35 eradication and elimination of sin.
33:37 Now, were all three presented in Genesis chapter 3?
33:40 Yes, all three of them won.
33:42 First one, God said through the seed was going to come what?
33:45 A human being.
33:47 "My Son was going to come through a woman."
33:49 A human being was going to be born.
33:51 And what was he going to do?
33:53 You are going to cause an injury to the seed,
33:55 but he was going to what?
33:57 Stomp on your head. Amen?
33:59 In other words, he was going to defeat the devil.
34:02 Now, how do we defeat the devil?
34:05 How is the devil defeated?
34:09 Through Christ.
34:10 And how did Christ defeat the devil?
34:13 He never sinned.
34:15 He never gave into temptation.
34:17 He never surrendered to his fallen nature, amen?
34:20 And so that victory, what it's saying is you're going to hurt
34:23 him, but he is going to what?
34:24 He is going to stomp on your head.
34:27 He's going to put an--he's going to defeat you because he's not
34:29 going to give in.
34:31 But that promise was not only to the Son.
34:33 You know that promise is for you and me too?
34:36 Go with me to Romans chapter 16.
34:37 Romans chapter 16, verse number 20.
34:39 Hoo-hoo-hoo, Romans chapter 16, verse 20.
34:43 Oh, Lord, this is amazing.
34:46 The promise was that the seed was going to stomp on the head
34:49 of the serpent and put an end to him, but that promise was
34:52 extended to us, why?
34:54 Because the seed became a human being.
34:56 Verse 20, "And the God of peace," the peace covenant,
35:01 "will crush Satan under Christ's feet shortly."
35:08 You weren't paying attention.
35:10 It doesn't say he was going to crush Satan under
35:12 the feet of the seed.
35:13 It said he was going to crush the--Satan under our feet.
35:18 Get excited with me, please.
35:21 That's what he's saying; is that the same victory that Jesus
35:24 Christ had over the devil, over temptation, and over sin, that
35:28 same victory was going to be given to us.
35:31 That same victory, and that's what Jesus says in Romans--in
35:34 Revelation chapter 3, verse 21.
35:36 He says, "To those that," what?
35:38 "That overcome as I overcame--" In other words, the victory of
35:43 Jesus Christ over the devil, temptation, and sin is your
35:46 victory and mine, too.
35:48 We have access to that same victory, that same power that
35:52 Jesus Christ manifested.
35:53 That's what it says in Romans chapter 1, verse 16 and 17, that
35:56 that righteousness of God, that the power of God, the dunamis,
36:00 the dynamite, the gospel of God was going to be what?
36:03 Was going to be revealed from faith to faith in His
36:06 Son Jesus Christ, but it also says the just shall
36:08 also live by faith, amen?
36:11 And that same righteousness was going to be manifested
36:13 and revealed in us.
36:14 But then God also said in Genesis 3:21--and how is that
36:18 victory going to happen?
36:20 Through forgiveness.
36:22 Through the blood of the lamb, victory was going to come, amen?
36:25 The blood of the everlasting covenant is what was going to
36:28 give humanity victory through forgiveness.
36:31 Forgiveness is just--is not just a concept, forgiveness is power.
36:35 Grace is power.
36:38 Because when God says something, there is power
36:40 behind what He says.
36:42 He doesn't just say it to say it, He--when He says and
36:45 declares something, He is also giving us the power, amen?
36:50 And then the last promise, which is what?
36:52 The eradication of sin from this world and this universe is--does
36:55 not appear in Genesis chapter 3.
36:56 Yes or no? Yes, it does.
36:58 Because it says at the end of Genesis chapter 3, it says that
37:01 God guarded or protected the way of the tree of life.
37:05 It doesn't say He eliminated it.
37:06 It doesn't say He took it away forever.
37:08 It said He guarded it.
37:09 If He's guarding it, that's why because there was going to be a
37:12 moment in the future where what?
37:16 Where through the seed, those that live in faith in
37:18 the seed, they would what?
37:20 They once again would have access to the tree of life,
37:22 everlasting life, and that's Revelation 21 and 22.
37:25 There shall be no more pain, no more suffering, no more sin, no
37:27 more sorrow, amen?
37:29 Those are--the three promises were there,
37:31 revealed and manifested, amen?
37:34 Now we go to the conditions.
37:36 What are our conditions?
37:38 I used to believe that the condition of the covenant
37:45 was my obedience.
37:46 [Pastor Muñoz gasping]
37:49 Before you get a vegan heart attack--I used to believe that.
37:55 But think about it.
37:56 How can obedience be a condition if we can't obey?
38:01 It can't be a condition of the covenant.
38:04 I'm going to show you that obedience is a promise of the
38:07 covenant, amen?
38:10 The covenant promise is obedience, is living
38:15 according to the will of God.
38:16 That's the purpose of the covenant; is so that we can live
38:19 according to His will, that we can live according to His
38:21 righteous law, amen?
38:23 So then you're asking yourself, "Well, Carlos, what is the
38:25 condition then?"
38:27 The condition is very simple.
38:29 Believe and surrender, or abide.
38:33 In other words, to live by faith in Christ.
38:37 That's the condition.
38:39 God says the condition is to believe, trust,
38:43 and walk in faith.
38:44 "And I am going to give you the power to live
38:48 according to the covenant.
38:49 I am going to give you the power to walk according to
38:52 this covenant," amen?
38:54 Now, once again I thought, as it says there, that obedience
38:58 is the condition or the obligation of God for us
39:01 in the everlasting covenant.
39:03 That's what I thought, but I now know that obedience
39:06 is not the condition or the obligation of God for
39:09 us in the everlasting covenant.
39:10 But obedience is the what?
39:13 The promise, the blessing of God for us in the
39:16 everlasting covenant.
39:17 Now, you're probably going to be scratching your
39:19 head saying, "What?
39:21 I've never heard that before."
39:23 I know, I was surprised when I learned it, too.
39:27 'Cause I was always taught obey, obey, obey,
39:30 obey, obey, and I'm always trying.
39:33 And here's the problem, and I'll talk about this in a second.
39:34 We think we have a misunderstanding of what the
39:37 word "obedience" means in the Bible because in--look, in
39:40 society, obedience means to comply.
39:43 And so we think, "I have to obey, I have to comply."
39:46 Yes. But we can't comply.
39:50 That's because obedience in the Bible means surrender,
39:54 give, abide.
39:57 That's what obedience means.
39:59 And through that abiding in Christ, through that
40:01 surrendering, He gives us the power to comply.
40:05 Is everybody with me?
40:07 Now, let's look at some evidence.
40:09 "Patriarchs and Prophets," this is actually in the--your reading
40:12 assignment and the lesson.
40:13 So read it again, chapter 32. Look at what it says here.
40:16 "The covenant of grace was first made with man
40:18 in Eden," when?
40:21 "After the Fall there was given a divine promise that the seed
40:24 of the woman should bruise the serpent's head.
40:27 To all men," and women, "this covenant offered--"
40:31 Notice the three things.
40:33 Number one, "Pardon."
40:35 Number two, "The assisting grace of God for future obedience
40:40 through faith in Jesus Christ."
40:42 And number three, "It also promised the eternal life."
40:45 Who says amen? There are the three promises.
40:48 You thought I was making that up.
40:51 But notice this. On what condition?
40:54 On the condition of fidelity.
40:59 That means faithfulness.
41:01 That means faith.
41:04 Is everybody with me?
41:05 Trusting in what God is saying, to His law, saying,
41:08 "Lord, yes, I trust."
41:10 And why are you trusting in the Lord.
41:11 You probably say, "How can I trust in the Lord?"
41:13 Because in the Bible, the law, we think of it as
41:18 dos and don'ts.
41:19 But in the Bible, when I was studying the concept of the
41:22 covenant and the promises, I remember coming around
41:24 in the New Testament where it says the promises of
41:27 God, the promises of God.
41:28 The promises show up everywhere and I'm like, "Oh, I want to
41:30 find those promises."
41:32 But I couldn't find them anywhere in the old covenant.
41:34 I'm sorry, in the Old Testament.
41:35 I couldn't find the promises anywhere.
41:38 And you know what I found out?
41:40 Because God doesn't have to say, "I promise."
41:43 Because when God speaks, His Word is a promise.
41:50 That's why the Ten Commandments are the ten
41:52 words or the ten promises.
41:55 When God says to do something, he's not only showing us why
41:59 that is good, but he's also giving us the power through
42:02 the command, amen?
42:05 So when it says, "Thou shall not have other gods," what He's
42:08 saying is, "I through My power I am going to help you to be
42:12 faithful to Me and not have other gods."
42:14 When it says, "Thou shall not commit adultery," what God is
42:16 saying is, "Through My power and faith in Jesus Christ, I will
42:20 uphold you so that you do not commit adultery, so that you do
42:23 not lust after women."
42:24 When it says, "Thou shall keep the Sabbath," God is saying,
42:27 "Through My power and faith in My Son Jesus Christ, you shall
42:30 learn to keep, to guard, to hold the Sabbath day as a delight and
42:36 a glory," amen?
42:37 There are ten promises that God is giving us.
42:39 Now, notice here--go back to this quote.
42:41 Look at what it says here, the yellow part highlighted.
42:45 The promise was what?
42:47 The--"This covenant offered pardon and the assisting
42:50 grace of God for," what?
42:52 "Future obedience through faith in Christ."
42:55 Is everybody catching that?
42:57 That means that the obedience was the results of accepting the
43:00 covenant by faith.
43:04 This is so liberating.
43:08 Woo! Look at this other.
43:10 Same chapter.
43:12 "The new covenant was established upon," what?
43:15 "Better promises," that means not the promises
43:16 that the people made on Mount Sinai
43:18 when they said, "We will do it."
43:20 God says, "You can't do it.
43:21 But if you want to go ahead, I'm going to let you try and
43:24 show--see how far you're going to get with that."
43:26 But "The better promises--the promises of forgiveness of sin
43:29 and of the grace of God to," do what?
43:31 "To renew the heart."
43:32 And what happens when the heart is renewed?
43:35 "To bring it into harmony with the principles of God's law."
43:39 Amen? Look at what it says.
43:42 "'This shall be the covenant that I will make with the house
43:44 of Israel after these days,' says the Lord.
43:45 'I will put my law in their inward parts,'" or in their
43:47 minds, in their hearts, "and I will write it--in their minds,
43:50 I'm sorry, "and I will write it in their..."
43:53 That's the new covenant experience.
43:56 That's the cut--that's the experience that God
43:58 had with Abraham, amen?
44:01 Abraham had to learn to live by faith, but he
44:04 learned the lesson.
44:06 And God is wanting us to learn the lesson, too, amen?
44:09 But notice it says there that it is the covenant that what?
44:13 That brings us in harmony with the principles of God.
44:15 And so here's the thesis again, and the thesis says it very
44:18 clearly, the same chapter in "Patriarchs and Prophets."
44:21 "The law of God was the basis of the covenant," pay attention,
44:26 please, "which was simply an arrangement," between the Father
44:29 and the Son, "to bring humanity again into harmony
44:34 with the divine will."
44:36 And what does it mean to be in harmony with the divine will?
44:38 "To place us where they could obey God's law."
44:46 So now God has restored and given us back through the power
44:50 of the Holy Spirit despite our fallen nature, the dunamis of
44:54 God, so that we can live according to His will, and that
44:57 is the condition to dwell in His presence.
45:02 Woo, so again, obedience is not the condition or obligation of
45:07 God for us in the everlasting covenant, obedience is the
45:09 promise or the blessing for God in all--of us in
45:12 the everlasting covenant, who says amen to that?
45:16 Now I'm going to show it to you in the Bible; I can show it to
45:18 you in the Bible in so many different places, but there's
45:20 one verse that just brings it out like a masterpiece.
45:24 Go with me to Hebrews chapter 13, Hebrews chapter 13.
45:27 Watch this.
45:28 Woo, this is great news, my loved ones, amen?
45:31 Get that burden off of your back.
45:33 Stop trying to do things and surrender to God and trust in
45:36 His promises that give us the power so that we can live
45:39 according to His Word.
45:41 Hebrews chapter 13.
45:42 Watch this. It doesn't explain it.
45:44 I think this is the best explanation to what we're
45:47 sharing here.
45:48 Hebrews chapter 13, verse number 20.
45:51 Look at what it says.
45:53 "Now may the God of peace," God of the covenant, "who brought up
45:58 our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead--"
46:00 That means that God has power, amen, to resurrect the dead.
46:05 "That great shepherd of the sheep through the," what?
46:08 "Through the blood of the everlasting covenant."
46:13 Now, what is God going to give us through the blood of the
46:16 everlasting covenant, through that power in the sheep--
46:19 in the Lord?
46:20 And verse 21 says, "To make you complete--"
46:23 In other versions it says, "Perfect in every good work
46:27 to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing
46:31 in His sight through Jesus Christ."
46:34 Did you catch that?
46:37 The promise of the covenant is that through faith in Jesus
46:40 Christ He was going to make us complete, perfect.
46:43 Now, when we talk about perfect, we're talking about character
46:45 perfection, we're talking about moral perfection, okay?
46:47 Don't get it confused with perfectionism.
46:49 That's something else.
46:50 God was going to restore His character, His righteousness in
46:53 us, and that was going to make us what?
46:55 That was going to make us complete in every good work to
46:58 do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight.
47:05 Who's doing all the work here?
47:08 God! All we have to do is what?
47:11 Believe and surrender.
47:14 So when we don't see this power manifested in our lives, when we
47:17 don't see the righteousness of God being reproduced, when we
47:19 don't see victory over sin, it's not God fault.
47:22 It's ours because we don't trust in the promise, or sometimes we
47:25 don't even know that it's a promise.
47:27 We just keep on trying to chug along and trying to do our best
47:29 and obey and obey, and comply and comply; not knowing that no,
47:32 God is not asking you to comply, God is asking you to surrender
47:36 so that he can give you the power to comply and to live a
47:39 righteous, holy life, amen?
47:41 That's why it says in Philippians chapter 2, verse 13,
47:44 it says, "For it is God who works in you both to will and to
47:47 do for His good pleasure," amen?
47:52 That's how you write "Philippians" in Spanish.
47:54 So just giving you a little Spanish test today?
47:57 God sent us both the will--we don't have the will or the
48:00 desire and the doing of His good works.
48:05 Who says amen to that?
48:07 Now, you're probably sitting there and saying,
48:08 "Wait a minute, but God says obey?"
48:11 God says, "I'm going to make a covenant with you."
48:15 Well, look at what Psalms 23:3 says.
48:17 "He restores my soul; He leads me into the paths
48:19 of righteousness for His name's sake."
48:23 Look at Job chapter 33, verse 26.
48:25 "He shall pray to God, and He will delight in Him,
48:29 He shall see His face with joy, for He restores to man His..."
48:35 Get excited about that verse.
48:37 God wants to restore His righteousness in you and me,
48:41 and that's the promise.
48:42 He says, "I'm going to do it through the covenant," amen?
48:46 But wait a minute, Carlos.
48:47 Exodus chapter 19, verse 5 says God says, "Now therefore, if you
48:50 will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall
48:54 be a special treasure to Me above all people, for
48:56 all the earth is Mine."
48:57 There's two issues here.
48:59 Number one is that they wanted to do the covenant on their own
49:03 terms, on their own obedience.
49:05 And God said, "Okay, if that's what you want, I'm going to let
49:07 you see how far you're going to get with that."
49:10 But the other thing is that remember when you see the word
49:12 "obey," don't think compliance.
49:16 When you see the word obey, think what?
49:18 Power and promise through surrender, amen?
49:23 The word "obey" says God's surrender, and I give you the
49:26 power to obey because God knows that we do not have that power.
49:29 Is everybody with me?
49:30 And when it says, "Keep My covenant," what does the
49:32 word "keep" mean?
49:33 It doesn't mean to comply, it means to what?
49:35 To cherish, to hold, to have in high esteem and say,
49:38 "God, I love Your covenant.
49:40 Give me--change my heart so that I can live according
49:43 to Your covenant, according to Your Word."
49:44 Amen? And so I finish with this quote.
49:48 "All true obedience," "Desire of Ages," "comes from the heart.
49:52 It was heart work with Christ.
49:55 And if we consent," through faith, "He will so identify
50:00 Himself with our thoughts and aims, so blend our hearts and
50:03 minds into conformity to His will, that when we obey His--
50:08 Him, we will simply be carrying out our own impulses."
50:11 That is, once the heart is renewed, once the
50:14 heart is done again, amen?
50:15 Look at what it says: "The will, refined and sanctified,
50:19 will find its highest delight in doing His service.
50:22 When we know God as it is our privilege to know Him, our life
50:25 will be a life of," what?
50:28 Why will it be a life of continual obedience?
50:31 Because it will be a life of continual surrender, constant
50:34 surrender, constant abiding, constant depending, constant
50:38 leaning on God and not depending on me, amen?
50:41 And when that happens, God says, "I promise I am going
50:43 to help you, I'm going to give you the power to obey My Word."
50:47 "Through an appreciation of the character of Christ, through
50:49 communion with God, sin will become hateful to us."
50:53 That right there is explained the life of Jesus Christ.
50:58 That's Jesus that was explained right there, and that's the
51:01 promise that He gives us too.
51:03 He says, "If you will learn to surrender completely,
51:07 consistently, daily, every decision, every temptation,
51:12 everything that comes across your plate--bro, lift up a
51:15 prayer, ask the Lord for power, ask the Lord for deliverance."
51:20 If we do that like Christ did, if we have that type of
51:25 surrender, the faith of Christ, the mind of Christ, the
51:29 consecration of Christ; if we have all of that, we will live
51:35 the righteous life of Christ also.
51:38 That's the promise of the Word of God, amen?
51:43 And that's why, my loved ones, when we talk about the law--the
51:47 covenant law, it is a blessing.
51:49 It is a delight. Amen?
51:52 And we will have a new body and none of this will happen again,
51:55 and that's the last promise.
51:57 Who wants to say tonight-- this morning, "Lord, I want
51:59 to learn to consistently, completely, daily surrender
52:04 and live like Christ.
52:05 I want to live the faith of Jesus Christ," amen.
52:07 Stand up if you want to say, "Lord, help me.
52:11 Help me, Lord, not to be better--"
52:13 No, no, no, no, we can't be better.
52:15 This is--there's no improvement here.
52:17 "Lord, help me to learn to depend completely and totally
52:21 on You, to learn to live like Christ, to live in the
52:26 faith of Jesus Christ."
52:27 That should be our prayer every day.
52:29 Let's pray.
52:31 Father, we thank you for this wonderful, wonderful,
52:34 everlasting gospel, which is the everlasting covenant, which is
52:37 the power, the dunamis, which is your righteousness that draws us
52:42 to You, Father, and saves humanity when we see the
52:45 goodness and that righteousness, that power, that dunamis, that
52:49 love was manifested perfectly through Your Son Jesus Christ
52:52 and his sacrifice.
52:54 And so we ask, Father, that You help us every day to learn to
52:58 live like Christ.
52:59 We have certain level of surrender, certain level of
53:02 consecration, but, Father, we need to learn to live like
53:05 Christ if we want to see the life of Christ reflected and
53:08 manifested and reproduced in us.
53:11 Help us, Father, to stop to depend on our own works, on our
53:14 own compliance because we don't have the capacity as we saw
53:17 today, but help us to learn to depend on Your promises, on Your
53:21 fidelity, and on Your power as Christ did every day, every
53:26 moment while he was here on earth.
53:28 Thank You for this blessing, Father, and we ask this
53:29 in Jesus's name, amen.
53:33 Happy Sabbath, everyone.
53:38 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
53:40 free resource.
53:42 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail, you can
53:44 download a digital copy straight to your computer
53:46 or mobile device.
53:48 To get your digital copy of today's free gift, simply text
53:51 the keyword on your screen to 40544 or visit the web address
53:56 shown on your screen, and be sure to select the digital
53:59 download option on the request page.
54:01 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
54:04 Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want, and most
54:08 important, to share it with others.
54:15 announcer: Amazing Facts change lives.
54:24 male: I actually grew up in a loving home, had no
54:26 religious background.
54:28 My parents were completely secular.
54:30 I had questions in my life like most young people do.
54:33 "What does my future hold for me, and what is my purpose of
54:35 even being here?"
54:37 There are questions that my parents couldn't answer.
54:41 Because of moving around a lot and kind of hard to adjust at
54:44 times, by the time I made it into high school my grades were
54:47 really terrible and I had a problem with authority.
54:51 Started smoking at the age of 14 and drinking by the age of 15.
54:55 I just really started getting involved with crime: break and
54:58 enters, selling drugs, stealing cars.
55:03 At one point I had overdosed on ecstasy, and I was doing
55:05 anything I could just to find some sort of excitement or
55:08 something that reflected some version of happiness in my life.
55:13 Didn't want to be alone and I was looking for some
55:16 sort of relationship.
55:18 I had found myself in Australia, and I met a girl down there who
55:21 was a Christian girl and we really started to hit it off.
55:24 We ended up in a long-- fairly long relationship.
55:26 We were together for about seven years.
55:28 Neither one of us were having a relationship with God.
55:31 We kind of excluded Him out of what we were doing and we were
55:34 just trying to do everything on our own.
55:38 When we came out of that relationship, I ended up in a
55:39 really deep depression.
55:42 I was so depressed that I was coming home and as soon as the
55:44 door closed behind me I would drop down in my knees and just
55:47 start crying.
55:49 I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
55:51 I tried to take my life at one point with pills.
55:54 And it wasn't because I wanted to die, I just--I didn't want to
55:56 feel this way anymore.
55:58 It hurt so bad, and I'd never felt so lonely.
56:03 I would end up in my bedroom and I was praying for hours each
56:06 day, and that was kind of my life.
56:08 I was alone and unhappy, and I really needed answers.
56:15 I had started studying the Bible and found Amazing Facts online
56:19 and was watching hours of sermons each day, spending more
56:24 time with Pastor Doug Batchelor and really getting a lot of the
56:27 answers to the questions that I was seeking out.
56:30 I felt that there was hope that was coming through that and that
56:34 was kind of pulling me out of--gradually pulling me out of
56:37 the darkness that I was in.
56:40 So eventually I decided I was going to go to church.
56:43 I would drive to the church and I would sit in the parking lot
56:46 for about half an hour and then I would drive home.
56:50 Eventually I found myself inside the church.
56:53 They were all quite amazed that I kind of
56:54 found my own way there.
56:56 I started building relationships with people there and my life
56:58 really started changing.
57:01 Eventually I was baptized. Still I couldn't get enough.
57:04 I wanted to read more, I wanted to study more, and all these new
57:06 things that I was learning were--it all made sense to me.
57:10 I prayed to God specifically for two things at this point.
57:14 I prayed for a new job, and I prayed for an opportunity in my
57:17 life, some direction.
57:18 And within one week, he had answered the prayer.
57:21 I got a new job and I was going to be starting right away, but
57:25 he'd also answered the other prayer.
57:27 Two ladies in my church came up to me and offered to send me to
57:31 go to AFCOE.
57:34 My life has changed so much since I started following God's
57:36 path for me.
57:38 I'm just so much happier in my life.
57:40 And I realized that there's so much more in this world that I
57:42 can do to help others, and I look forward to a life of
57:45 service to God.
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Revised 2021-05-13