Sabbath School Study Hour

Rest, Relationships, and Healing

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022133S

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00:36 Shawn Brummund: Good morning.
00:37 It's nice to be able to have you, for those of you who are
00:39 watching live, to join us here for the Sabbath School Study
00:42 Hour as we come together for another lesson study in one of
00:46 my favorite quarterlies that we've studied so far, which is
00:49 "Finding Rest in Christ."
00:52 I want to give you a special welcome.
00:53 My name is Pastor Shawn Brummund, a family life pastor
00:56 here in the Granite Bay Hilltop Seventh-day Adventist Church in
00:59 the Greater Sacramento area.
01:01 It is so good to be able to have you, again, for those of you
01:03 who are joining us live.
01:05 For those of you who are watching later on in the
01:06 different TV broadcasts, it's nice to have you as well, even
01:10 if it isn't the morning for you.
01:12 And a special welcome also to all those here
01:14 in our local church.
01:16 It's always good to be able to have those who are pouring into
01:18 our local church as we worship the Lord again today.
01:23 We are looking at Lesson Number 7 in our quarterly
01:25 which is "Rest in Christ":
01:27 "Rest, Relationships, and Healing."
01:30 And so I know that the time that you're going to spend with us
01:33 over the next hour is going to be a worthwhile investment as
01:36 you continue to grow in the knowledge and in the experience
01:40 of the person of Christ.
01:43 Now, for those of you who have been joining us from week to
01:45 week in the past, have already noticed on the camera screen,
01:48 I'm sure different shots have come up that reveal that things
01:51 just look a little bit different up here.
01:53 And so I just want to give credit and a special thanks to
01:56 all those in our local church here that have poured out
02:00 hundreds, literally, if you add them all up, hundreds of hours
02:03 of love and labor for our local children, both the church
02:06 members as well as local children in the community
02:10 here around us.
02:11 And so I think you can pick up pretty quickly
02:13 what the theme is.
02:15 It's sailing on the South Seas, "Adventures in the South Seas,"
02:18 learning about Jesus.
02:19 So that's why you see things just a little bit different on
02:21 the platform here today.
02:24 Part of me wants to wish that we could have this up for a few
02:27 weeks and just enjoy all the labor.
02:29 It's been such a good project and I'm just
02:31 so impressed with them.
02:34 Don't forget to take advantage of our free gift offer that we
02:37 have every time we come together for Sabbath School Study Hour.
02:40 This particular week's free gift offer is entitled
02:43 "Life in the Spirit."
02:45 "Life in the Spirit."
02:47 This is a great little book that helps us to understand what does
02:49 it mean to be born again and be a Christian filled
02:52 with the Holy Spirit.
02:54 And so, friends, there's lots of positive truth in this.
02:58 All you have to do is dial the number 1-866-788-3966.
03:04 That's 1-866-Study-More.
03:07 Now, when you dial in, if you're in continental America, just ask
03:11 for Offer Number 155 and, actually, that's also available
03:17 in our US territories and our friends in the North, in Canada.
03:20 Now, if you're not in the continental USA, you can always
03:24 go to the website of "Amazing Facts,"
03:26 find a free download of that.
03:28 If you're in continental USA, you'd like a digital download of
03:30 this, you just simply need to text the code and you want
03:33 to dial that to 40544.
03:36 So please take advantage of that free gift offer.
03:38 We're always happy to be able to help you grow, even outside of
03:41 our Sabbath School Study Hour here together.
03:44 So, again, thank you for joining us.
03:46 We have a special music as Aidan Barbuda* is going to be sharing
03:50 that with us and then we'll open with a prayer.
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07:12 Shawn: Father in heaven, as we come together we want to
07:14 thank You for the opportunity to be able to open Your Word so
07:18 freely once again.
07:19 We thank You for the opportunity to learn truth and to be able to
07:22 learn Your truth and Your love towards us that we might be able
07:24 to experience and give it to others as well.
07:27 We want to pray that You will help us to learn and experience
07:30 rest that much more as we look at this great theme of truth
07:33 and, God, that You also be with our pastor, Pastor Doug
07:36 Batchelor, as he teaches us again here today.
07:38 And so we pray it in Jesus's name, amen.
07:43 Doug Batchelor: I hope you're all not going to rest through
07:44 the lesson, hearing that harp music.
07:47 It's very relaxing.
07:49 Greetings.
07:51 And if anyone's joined us, I think Pastor Shawn mentioned it,
07:53 obviously, we've got a little bit different
07:55 of a background here.
07:56 It's because our church is in the midst of preparing for a
07:59 vacation Bible school that looks like it's going to
08:02 be a lot of fun.
08:04 And a lot of work went into that so any of the kids that are
08:06 within 100 miles, you want to be here, Monday, the 26th of July.
08:15 We'll have a great week together.
08:17 Anyway, we're continuing in our lesson dealing
08:19 with "Rest in Christ."
08:21 This lesson has been using sort of a kaleidoscope of different
08:24 stories in the Bible to teach principles of rest,
08:28 and last week, we were talking about Joseph.
08:31 Now, Joseph, the story of Joseph, I don't know if you
08:34 realize, takes up one-third of the book of Genesis.
08:38 There's about 12 chapters in Genesis that are dedicated to
08:41 the experience of Joseph.
08:44 And so--and obviously in all the intrigue of what happened with
08:48 Joseph and his brothers, there are a lot of lessons about
08:51 learning to have forgiveness and understanding and healing and
08:56 rest in relationships because if your family is one of those
09:02 unusual families that has people in it,
09:05 then there's going to be conflict.
09:07 Wherever you've got families with people in them, there's
09:11 usually going to be some conflict that needs resolution
09:14 in order for you to have rest in the home environment and rest in
09:17 the family.
09:19 So we're going to talk about that.
09:21 "Rest, Relationships, and Healing."
09:23 The memory verse is from Genesis chapter 45, verse 5, and if you
09:27 have your Bibles you can look at that with me.
09:29 Genesis 45, verse 5.
09:31 I'll say it out loud and you can read it from your lesson: "But
09:35 now do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because
09:41 you sold me here for God sent me before you to preserve life."
09:48 You know, the beginning of the lesson starts out with a rather
09:52 chilling story of a young lady that had been attacked
10:03 and I guess she didn't know--maybe it was dark--
10:06 exactly who it was but in a lineup
10:08 she picked the person she thought was guilty
10:11 and they pled that they were not guilty, but they were convicted
10:14 because they didn't have an alibi and that she had pointed
10:17 this person out.
10:18 After they spent 14 years in jail, they did--DNA testing
10:23 became available and they found out that this man
10:26 was 100% innocent.
10:29 And so, this gal, when she realized that she had identified
10:32 the wrong person and was responsible for them losing
10:36 14 years of their life, not to mention their reputation,
10:40 she just was overcome with remorse, not to mention
10:44 how he probably felt.
10:46 And--but there was a day when she came to meet him.
10:49 She said she wanted to meet him and ask his forgiveness.
10:53 And he said, "I freely forgive you."
10:56 And that just so overwhelmed her and told her something about
10:59 God's grace, how forgiving and loving God can be.
11:03 And so, the story of Joseph has something similar.
11:08 Joseph actually spent time in prison
11:10 and he was falsely accused.
11:13 Matter of fact, that's where our study takes up today, is we're
11:16 going to be talking about Joseph.
11:18 Now, this is after his brothers have sold him and he has been a
11:22 slave for several years in the house of Potiphar and I think
11:25 most of us remember that the wife of Potiphar, Bible doesn't
11:29 say much about people's appearance,
11:31 with a few exceptions.
11:33 It tells us that Moses was a good-looking baby
11:36 but it always sounds strange.
11:37 It says: "He was a good-looking baby and so his mother decided
11:41 not to throw him in the river."
11:43 That's just how it kind of sounds, you know?
11:45 She decided to save him.
11:47 I think it just is basically saying the mother's love when
11:49 she looked at him, she just--her heart yearned for him
11:52 and she couldn't do it.
11:53 Bible says that David was handsome.
11:56 Says Rebecca and that Rachel were beautiful, and then it
12:00 mentions Joseph as being handsome.
12:03 Otherwise, Bible doesn't ever tell us how good-looking or
12:06 bad-looking any of the apostles are.
12:08 There's almost nothing said in the New Testament about people's
12:11 personal appearance because everyone has equal value
12:14 before God, amen?
12:17 But it mentions it in the story of Joseph because of his
12:22 handsome appearance, Potiphar's wife cast her eyes upon him
12:25 and she tried to entice him.
12:29 He refused: a great example for Christians through history.
12:35 Then he was falsely accused of attacking her, and Potiphar
12:39 probably had questions about whether his wife was telling the
12:42 truth because Joseph had been such a good worker,
12:45 that rather than kill Joseph, he simply put him in prison.
12:49 And he spent years in prison.
12:53 And while he's in prison, you'll remember that the Pharaoh
12:59 evidently had a party and someone tried to poison him.
13:04 They weren't sure who it was and the two who were the prime
13:08 suspects, was either the butler or the baker.
13:12 He left out the candlestick maker.
13:14 But it talks about the butler and the baker and they were in
13:18 prison with Joseph and they both had dreams and they didn't know
13:22 what their dreams meant.
13:24 And Joseph gave them some time and attention, interpreted their
13:27 dreams for them and everything happened exactly as Joseph
13:30 foretold.
13:32 He said that the baker was going to be executed after three days,
13:34 and after three days, they must have had some investigation in
13:37 the palace and found out that it was the baker that tried to
13:39 poison the Pharaoh.
13:41 And the butler was absolved and restored to his position.
13:43 And Joseph said to the butler, "I know this is what's going to
13:46 happen," he says.
13:47 "When you get back to the palace, please intercede for me.
13:50 I was falsely accused and I'm an innocent man.
13:53 The very fact that my interpretation's coming true
13:56 will show you that God is with me and I'm not lying.
13:58 And remember me."
14:01 He said, "Remember me."
14:03 You remember when Jesus hung on the cross that a thief said,
14:06 "Lord, remember me."
14:08 Did Jesus remember him?
14:11 Well, but it starts out by saying, you read in Genesis
14:13 40:23: "Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph."
14:20 You know, it's often true when people are in prison together
14:22 that when one of them gets released and they--you become
14:25 very close friends with people in jail or in prison, you're
14:27 with them day after day, they say, "When you get on
14:30 the outside, my whole family's forgotten me.
14:33 Will you remember me, send a little something once a month.
14:37 You know what it's like in here."
14:39 "Hey, guys, I'm going to work.
14:40 I'm going to start sending you money.
14:41 I'm going to take care of you. I'm going to try and
14:43 go see your attorney, try and do this,
14:44 try and do that."
14:46 And it's often true once they get out and they get involved in
14:47 their own lives, they forget their comrades in prison.
14:52 But Joseph was forgotten.
14:55 Now, how do you feel when somebody forgets about you
15:00 and you're in great need?
15:02 Is it easy to be resentful?
15:06 And you start thinking, "They didn't think about me
15:08 and the great need I have.
15:09 I've been totally neglected."
15:11 How does Jesus picture this?
15:13 You look in Matthew 25, verse 41, there's a parable that talks
15:17 about this very thing: "And He will say to those on the left
15:21 hand," these are the goats, "'Depart from Me, ye cursed,
15:24 into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels:
15:28 for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you
15:32 gave Me no drink; I was a stranger and you did not take Me
15:35 in; naked, you did not clothe Me; sick and in prison,'" that's
15:40 where Joseph was, "'and you did not visit Me.'
15:44 Then they'll say to the Lord, 'Lord, when did we see You
15:47 hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison,
15:50 and did not minister to You?'
15:53 And He'll answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to
15:56 you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these,
15:59 you did not do it to Me.'" And so when we forget that those
16:03 that are in need, whether it's someone in prison or someone
16:06 that needs a hospital visit and we--the Lord puts them on our
16:08 heart and we just--we don't think of them,
16:11 who are we forgetting to visit?
16:15 Jesus, right?
16:16 And you know, one of the strongest types of Christ in
16:18 the Bible, there are three really powerful types
16:20 of Christ in the Bible characters.
16:23 One is David is a type of Christ.
16:26 Jesus is called the Son of David.
16:28 One is Moses, the great mediator, the deliverer,
16:33 the prophet, the judge, the law-giver.
16:35 And the other's Joseph.
16:37 Joseph, sold by his brothers for the price of a slave, for
16:42 silver, and then he feeds the world is all fed this bread
16:47 of life by Joseph.
16:50 He's separated from the father for the purpose
16:52 of saving his people.
16:54 I mean, there's a number of allegories of Jesus
16:57 in the life of Joseph.
16:59 And so he was forgotten, in prison.
17:03 All the disciples forsook Jesus and fled.
17:07 So while Joseph is continuing to languish in prison, something
17:10 else is happening in the palace.
17:13 The Pharaoh has these troubling dreams, and you remember them,
17:15 you know.
17:17 He has these two dreams that are sort of in stereo.
17:19 He has one of the seven fat cows and seven skinny cows and the
17:24 skinny cows end up eating the fat cows, and then he has one of
17:27 the seven ears of grain that are plump and several--seven that
17:32 are shriveled and, in the dream, the shriveled ones gobble up
17:35 the plump ones.
17:37 And the Pharaoh wakes up from this very vivid dream.
17:39 He knows that this is some divine revelation.
17:41 He calls in all of his wise men and says, "Help me understand
17:45 what this dream is."
17:47 And they cannot.
17:48 You know, there are several times in the Bible when kings
17:50 had dreams and they could not understand
17:52 and they had to call a Jew.
17:55 And Daniel, remember, on a couple of occasions,
17:59 and then Joseph.
18:01 And then the butler says, when no one could understand, the
18:04 butler says, "Oh yeah, someone with the gift of interpreting
18:08 dreams, Pharaoh, this day I remember my faults.
18:11 I was in prison with a Hebrew and he interpreted the dreams of
18:16 myself and the baker and they came true, exactly as he said."
18:20 Well, the Pharaoh's desperate.
18:21 He said, "I'll even bring a prisoner in if it's a chance
18:23 that he can tell me."
18:25 So they clean up Joseph, and Joseph shaves and one of the few
18:29 times it talks about shaving in the Bible, in case you're
18:30 wondering.
18:32 And comes before the Pharaoh and he, not only interprets the
18:37 dream, then he says, "Pharaoh, you're going to have these seven
18:42 years of plenty and seven years of famine.
18:44 I advise you that during the years of plenty that you take
18:46 20%, you set it aside so that it will be a reserve to sustain
18:50 the country during the time of famine."
18:52 And the court of Pharaoh's listening to this guy who's come
18:56 out of prison, who obviously is very intelligent.
18:58 Now, keep in mind, he's very bright.
19:03 He's the son of Rachel and Jacob.
19:06 Potiphar said he was so bright he put him in charge of
19:08 everything that he did.
19:10 The prisoner said he was so bright he put him in charge of
19:13 everything in the prison.
19:15 You ever meet people like this?
19:17 Just whatever you do, they're extremely efficient, they're
19:19 easy to get along with, and they're--they get things done.
19:23 And so the Pharaoh and his court, they look at Joseph and
19:26 they see the same thing that Potiphar
19:27 and the prison guard said.
19:29 They said, "This guy is really on top of it.
19:33 Since the Spirit of God is obviously with him to understand
19:36 the dream, let's put him in charge."
19:41 And the Pharaoh says, this is Genesis chapter 41:41.
19:46 The Pharaoh says to Joseph: "See, I have set you over
19:48 the land of Egypt."
19:51 So you've got this Pharaoh's dream
19:52 and then Joseph's exultation.
19:55 Joseph is, again, a type of Christ in that in one day
19:57 he goes from the prison to the palace.
19:59 You know, in one day Jesus went from the tomb
20:01 to the courts of God.
20:03 Isn't that right?
20:05 And in the same way, Joseph went from the prison to the court
20:08 of the Pharaoh.
20:10 That happens with several Bible characters.
20:12 Daniel goes from being a captive to being prime minister.
20:16 Esther goes from being a captive orphan to being queen
20:21 in one day.
20:22 Happens to several in the Bible.
20:23 Mordecai goes from sitting in the king's gate
20:26 to prime minister.
20:28 And I'm leaving one out, but there's others.
20:31 Anyway, oh yeah, Moses goes from being a baby in the river
20:35 to being adopted prince.
20:38 So the Bible's full of these stories of radical change.
20:42 And it's a story of salvation.
20:43 When you come to Jesus, you go from the prison to the palace
20:45 in one day.
20:47 You go from being a captive to living and reigning with Christ.
20:51 Now, if you're Joseph and you suddenly come into power, and
20:56 you were falsely accused, you spent years in prisons because
20:59 Potiphar's wife--now you've got power over Potiphar and
21:03 his wife, what would you do?
21:07 Would you retaliate?
21:10 Well, there's no record in the Bible of what happened
21:11 but I don't think Joseph did.
21:14 I think Joseph said, "God has been leading my life."
21:17 Had God told Joseph early that He was going to do something
21:20 great with him?
21:22 You know, the dreams that he had when he was a young man, he may
21:24 not have wisely shared with all of his siblings.
21:27 "Yeah, you're all going to bow to me one day, I had a dream."
21:29 They didn't like that.
21:31 But, so I don't think that he was shocked
21:35 by this turn of events.
21:36 He saw that God had always promised that He had big things
21:39 planned for him.
21:40 So I don't think he retaliates.
21:42 But now let's go to Genesis chapter 42 and, after several
21:48 years of plenty, and Joseph directs and all these silos are
21:53 built all around Egypt, and they fill the silos.
21:57 He's, you know, instructed all the people to--Pharaoh gets a
22:00 tax of, like, 20% and they take that and they store it away and
22:03 it says they stored grain so they left off numbering it, they
22:06 just got silos and silos filled with grain.
22:10 And Joseph marries.
22:12 He marries the daughter of the high priest and he has two
22:16 children named Ephraim and Manasseh.
22:19 So several years have gone by and then you not only have the
22:22 seven years of plenty that have gone by, then you've got your
22:25 one or two years into the years of famine and finally the famine
22:28 gets so intense in the land of Canaan that Jacob says, "You
22:31 know, we've heard that there's plenty of bread in the land of
22:33 Egypt, you better go down there and buy some of the basics."
22:37 And so, Joseph now--last time they saw his brother, their
22:41 brother, he's 17 years old.
22:44 You know, he's kind of gangly and strapling, he's begging for
22:48 his life, and now he's--he goes out over Egypt when he's 30,
22:55 that's what the Bible says.
22:57 Spent several years as a servant for Potiphar
22:59 and years in prison.
23:00 He finally goes out over Egypt when he's 30.
23:02 By the way, when did Jesus begin his ministry?
23:05 Thirty years of age.
23:06 What about David?
23:08 He's also 30 years of age.
23:09 And how old did a high--did a priest need to be
23:11 before he could serve?
23:13 Thirty.
23:14 So I think that's significant.
23:16 And so, then after he goes out over Egypt, you've got 7,
23:19 so he's 37.
23:21 Then you've got 2 or 3 years, so he's almost 40.
23:24 Does a person change much between 17 and 40?
23:28 Just get your old photo album out and, yeah, you wouldn't
23:35 recognize me at 17.
23:37 Well, you might because you've seen pictures but, ha.
23:40 Anyway, so, and not only that, now, you know, Joseph, he's
23:44 got--he's wearing the Egyptian attire.
23:46 He speaks fluent Egyptian after all those years in Egypt.
23:49 Has no accent.
23:52 And as the people come, one by one, they make appeals for, you
23:54 know, small grain.
23:56 They probably sold in the streets but if anyone wanted,
23:58 you know, a large quota of grain,
24:01 they had to come to Joseph.
24:02 So the next, you know, Joseph's interviewing the people
24:06 that want to buy grain, "Next, next, next."
24:08 And all of a sudden, he looks up and he sees, lo and behold,
24:11 they've changed too.
24:12 But he hears them speak in Hebrew and he counts these ten
24:16 men and he said, "That's my brothers.
24:20 There's Reuben and Judah and Simeon and Issachar and Zebulun
24:25 and Naphtali.
24:27 All are there except--he looks and look, Benjamin's missing.
24:31 And they come to buy grain, and a translator comes to represent
24:35 them who speaks Egyptian.
24:38 So they spoke, you know, the Semitic Aramaic language, and so
24:42 Joseph's speaking to them through a translator.
24:44 Let me just--that sets the stage.
24:47 Genesis 42:7: "Joseph saw his brothers and recognized them,
24:51 but he acted as a stranger to them and spoke roughly to them.
24:55 He said to them, 'Where do you come from?'
24:57 They said, 'From the land of Canaan to buy food.'
25:01 Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him."
25:05 Bible says about Jesus, "He came to His own
25:06 and His own received Him not.
25:08 They knew Him not."
25:12 And it says: "His brothers did not recognize him.
25:14 Then Joseph remembered the dreams he had dreamed."
25:18 You know, when they came to Joseph, they bowed before him,
25:21 and that's exactly what he had dreamed as a young man.
25:24 God's prophecies always come true.
25:29 "And he said to them, 'You're spies!
25:31 You're come to see the nakedness of the land!'"
25:33 Because of the famine, everyone had been weakened.
25:36 "And they said--" They're shocked by this.
25:38 They're going, "'No, my lord, your servants have come
25:40 to buy food.
25:42 We are all one man's sons,'" we're all from the same family,
25:45 "'we're honest men; your servants are not spies.'
25:49 But he said to them, 'No, but you've come to see the nakedness
25:52 of the land.' And they said, 'Your servants are 12 brothers,
25:56 the son of one man in the land of Canaan; and in fact, the
25:59 youngest is with our father today,'" and then they realized,
26:02 we've got to figure out how to make it add up to 12.
26:05 There's only 10 of us here.
26:07 They said "And one is not."
26:09 Now, who are they looking at when they say that?
26:13 They're saying, "One of them is no more."
26:16 They figure that he had died off in these years, working as a
26:19 slave, being sold by the--a lot of slaves were sold to work in
26:21 mines or they worked in boats, rowing, and they didn't live
26:25 very long.
26:27 Now, what had those brothers been doing to themselves during
26:30 those years of Joseph's absence?
26:32 For one thing, they're watching their father continually grieve.
26:37 Bible says they tried to comfort Jacob, and Jacob said, "I'll not
26:39 be comforted.
26:41 I will go down to my grave grieving for my son."
26:44 And then they were grieving.
26:48 They thought, "What selfish, immature, cruel young men we
26:54 were that we would sell our brother, break our father's
26:57 heart, and sell our own brother just because of our pride."
27:00 That's all it was.
27:02 Their pride was bothered because the father seemed
27:04 to favor Joseph.
27:07 He didn't just seem to; he did.
27:09 It wasn't Joseph's fault.
27:11 And so they had been torturing their souls for years now.
27:16 They were different men.
27:18 But Joseph doesn't know that yet.
27:19 So he tests them and, you know, you've got to think Joseph's
27:22 thinking, you know, "You guys have no idea what I've been
27:24 through, but I'm going to give you a little taste of prison.
27:28 I'm not going to make you go through what I went through, but
27:30 I'm going to give you a taste."
27:31 Now, by the way, did Jesus suffer for all of your sins?
27:36 Does that mean He won't let you suffer for anything?
27:41 Does the Lord in His love for us sometimes allow us to experience
27:44 some suffering?
27:46 You will never suffer like Jesus suffered.
27:50 Joseph, he spent years in prison.
27:53 He made his brothers spend a few days in prison.
27:56 And so, whatever we go through, just remember it's a blessing
27:59 that we get to share in the sufferings of Christ, but you
28:01 will never suffer like Jesus suffered for your sins and the
28:04 sins of the world.
28:06 So Joseph, he says--"'One is no one--no more,'
28:11 and Joseph said, 'It is as I spoke to you, you're spies.
28:14 In this manner you'll be tested: By the life of Pharaoh,
28:17 you shall not leave this place until
28:18 your youngest brother comes here.
28:20 Send one of you, and let him bring your brother; and you'll
28:23 be kept in prison, that your words might be tested to see
28:26 whether there's any truth in you; or else, by the life of
28:28 Pharaoh,'" he's trying to talk like an Egyptian, "'surely you
28:31 are spies!' And he put them all together in prison three days."
28:36 How long was Jesus in the tomb?
28:40 "Then Joseph said to them the third day, 'Do this and live,
28:43 for I fear God: If you're honest men, let one of your brothers be
28:48 confined,'" sort of as a hostage.
28:54 "'Let one of your brothers be confined and you go
28:59 and you carry grain.
29:01 I'll give you some grain.
29:02 Take it back to your house.'" He began to worry about Benjamin,
29:04 his father, and his mothers.
29:06 You know, he had four mothers.
29:09 And so, he's worried about the family back at home.
29:12 All the men are locked up.
29:14 He said, "All right, I'm going to keep Simeon and I'll verify
29:16 if your words are true.
29:18 But you're not buying any more grain unless you come back.
29:20 You're not getting Simeon unless you come back, let me see the
29:21 younger brother you talked about."
29:24 Now, why does Joseph do this?
29:28 Seems so bizarre.
29:29 Is he getting even with them?
29:31 He's wondering, you know, think about it.
29:34 Rachel had two sons: Joseph and Benjamin.
29:39 Because of the jealousy that the firstborn right was going to go
29:42 to Joseph, they sold him, they were going to kill him.
29:47 But now the next one in line is not Reuben.
29:51 Jacob is wanting the children of Rachel to receive the blessing
29:55 of the firstborn because that was the only wife
29:57 he ever wanted.
29:58 The next child in line is Benjamin.
30:02 And he's thinking, "What have they done to Benjamin?"
30:04 All these years, they have no telephone or Internet.
30:06 He can't text him or send him a tweet and say, "How are you
30:09 doing, Benjamin?"
30:11 He doesn't know what's happened.
30:12 He doesn't know if he's alive.
30:14 He said, "I want to see him."
30:15 And so, he's playing a test and, you know, he's kind of running
30:20 the civilized world back then in Egypt.
30:22 He can't just say, "I'm leaving town on a family vacation."
30:26 And so, he worked for Pharaoh.
30:29 And so he says, "You got to go bring your brother."
30:33 So, he's allowing them to go through a test.
30:35 What he's aiming for is reconciliation but first,
30:38 there's going to be a test.
30:41 And while he's saying this to them,
30:44 they're talking to each other.
30:46 They don't know that he understands everything he's
30:48 saying because he's using a translator.
30:51 And you read in Genesis 42, go to verse 21.
30:54 I'm hoping your Bibles are open to Genesis.
30:57 "Then they said to one another, 'We are truly guilty
31:00 concerning our brother.'"
31:02 Now, what brother are they talking about? Joseph.
31:06 "For we saw the anguish of his soul when he pleaded with us,
31:10 and we would not hear; therefore this distress has come upon us."
31:14 I imagine that for the last 17 to 40, you've got, what?
31:21 Twenty-three years?
31:24 Is that right?
31:26 During all those years, every time anything bad happened
31:29 to them, they said, "God is punishing us
31:32 for what we did to Joseph."
31:34 Their consciences were tormenting them.
31:36 So they say this again: "We heard him crying and we didn't
31:41 have mercy on him."
31:42 The cries of Joseph, the last pleading of Joseph, as he was
31:45 being carried off.
31:47 When he was in the pit, he pleaded with them.
31:48 When he was being carried off by the Ishmaelites, he pleaded with
31:50 them, "Please don't do this." And they stopped their ears.
31:55 "And Reuben answered and said, 'Did I not speak to you, saying,
31:58 "Do not sin against the boy"; and you would not listen?'"
32:01 They're still reprimanding each other, 20 years later, for what
32:05 they'd done to Joseph.
32:07 So how much peace is in the family?
32:09 They're not--they're not feeling too good about it.
32:13 "'And you would not listen.
32:15 Therefore behold, his blood is now required of us.'"
32:19 You remember what happened at the Crucifixion?
32:22 Pilate washed his hands and he said, "I will not be guilty of
32:25 the blood of this innocent man."
32:27 And you know what some of the religious leaders said?
32:30 "His blood be upon us and our children."
32:33 And the whole idea of the blood of Joseph is a type of the blood
32:37 of Christ that washes away our sin.
32:41 "And he said, 'I told you, now his blood is required of us.'
32:44 But they did not know that Joseph understood them."
32:47 Does Jesus hear everything we say?
32:51 The Lord knows everything.
32:53 He understands our hearts.
32:56 And, see, he spoke to them.
32:58 Jesus--Joseph spoke to them through a translator.
33:01 Jesus speaks to us through others, but He doesn't need to.
33:05 He understands everything we say.
33:10 And it says that when they said this, Joseph understood them for
33:13 he spoke to them through an interpreter.
33:14 And he turned himself away from them and wept."
33:17 When he heard how they had been grieved and how they admonished
33:23 one another for what they had done, it broke his heart.
33:27 He had to just--you ever get where someone's overcome
33:29 with tears and they kind of have to turn away
33:31 and get their act together?
33:33 Joseph had a breakdown.
33:35 I mean, this is the culmination of years of wondering what's
33:37 going on, and he sees the anguish in his brothers
33:40 and it touched his heart.
33:42 Does the Lord see our anguish when we repent?
33:48 And it says: "He returned--he turned to himself again--and
33:50 then he returned to them again, and he talked with them.
33:52 And he took Simeon from them."
33:53 Now, why do you think he took Simeon?
33:56 Who do you think was the ringleader
33:57 at wanting him killed?
34:00 Judah is the one who suggested they sell him as a slave.
34:04 Isn't that interesting?
34:06 Judah is the one who said, "Sell him for 20 pieces of silver."
34:10 Jesus was sold for 30 pieces of silver 'cause there was
34:12 inflation by the time Jesus came along for the price of a slave.
34:17 But it was Judas that sold Jesus; it was Judah that
34:21 suggested that Joseph be sold.
34:25 Simeon is probably the one who said, "Kill him."
34:28 When they--Joseph was coming, looking for his brothers,
34:31 he said, "Behold, here comes this dreamer.
34:33 Let's kill him and throw him in a pit."
34:36 Who are the two violent sons of Jacob that killed all the people
34:39 of Shechem?
34:41 Simeon and Levi.
34:43 Simeon was a hothead.
34:46 So Joseph took Simeon and he says, "Simeon's going
34:48 to taste prison.
34:51 He's the one who threw me in that pit."
34:54 And Simeon was put in jail, "and he bound him before their eyes."
35:00 And then he gave them some food, says,
35:03 "Go back to your father's house."
35:05 So they disappear and we don't know how long Simeon was in jail
35:08 but Jacob said--they told Jacob when they got home, everything
35:12 that had happened, and he said--they said,
35:15 "We've got to go back.
35:17 We've got to take Benjamin if you want to see Simeon, and show
35:19 this man that he is our brother and that we were telling
35:22 the truth."
35:23 And Jacob says, "Not on your life."
35:26 He said, "Joseph went out from me and he never returned."
35:29 He says, "Now you want to take Benjamin?"
35:31 He says, "No, I'm not going to allow it to happen."
35:35 Simeon may have spent eight months, a year in jail while
35:39 they ate up all the food they bought from Joseph.
35:41 We don't know but they had bought several--a whole
35:43 caravan worth of grain.
35:44 They brought it back.
35:46 So it took at least months to eat all that.
35:47 Are you with me?
35:49 And all the time that they're eating that food, they're
35:51 thinking, "Poor Simeon now.
35:53 He's in jail, and it's all because of our--what
35:57 we had done to Joseph."
35:59 Finally, they start running out of food and they're all looking
36:01 at each other like, "What next?
36:03 The famine's as bad as ever."
36:05 And Jacob says, "Go down to Egypt.
36:07 Buy some more grain."
36:08 They said, "Dad, we told you. We cannot go back.
36:10 The man will not see our face unless we bring Benjamin."
36:14 Finally, Jacob relents.
36:16 He says, "If I am bereaved of my children, I am bereaved.
36:19 Take him.
36:20 Take some almonds, take some honey."
36:22 They had a few things.
36:23 And he said, "Take a gift to the man.
36:25 Let's do everything we can to soften him up."
36:27 So then they take Benjamin and the ten of them go back now
36:32 because Simeon's there.
36:35 And Joseph sees them coming again to buy more grain.
36:38 He's been wondering how long it would take.
36:41 And he sees his young brother and he said, "Is this the young
36:44 man of who you spoke?"
36:45 And they said, "He is."
36:47 And he broke down again and he cried.
36:48 How badly did Joseph want to run up and embrace Benjamin?
36:53 He did, but he restrained himself 'cause
36:55 they had a lesson to learn.
36:56 He had to test them.
36:58 How much does Jesus want to end this problem with sin
37:00 and be with us?
37:02 He yearns, more than you do.
37:04 God yearns to be reconciled to the human race and
37:08 to be at--see us face to face.
37:12 But He restrains Himself because there's things
37:14 we still have to learn.
37:16 We're not ready yet.
37:18 He says, "We're all going to have dinner at my house."
37:20 They're thinking, "Wow, that's a switch.
37:21 You go from calling us spies to inviting us over for dinner."
37:25 And so, he then gets Simeon out of jail.
37:29 I don't think Simeon had too hard a time in jail.
37:31 He probably fed him well.
37:33 He gets Simeon out of jail and all the brothers are together
37:36 and you have this interesting supper where Joseph sits and
37:41 you've got the 12 brothers.
37:44 Does Jesus have a special supper?
37:47 And in the supper, a cup comes up.
37:52 Is there a cup at the supper that Jesus has
37:54 with His 12 apostles?
37:56 And the cup becomes a test.
37:59 Doesn't Jesus say, "Take this cup and drink it.
38:01 It is My blood"?
38:02 So he tests his brothers and I, you know, the whole story,
38:05 I'm looking at the clock.
38:07 I can't go through the whole story.
38:08 It's one of the greatest stories in the Bible.
38:10 It's better than any fiction.
38:12 Finally, in the story, he puts the cup in Benjamin's sack.
38:16 He sends them all away.
38:18 They're all on their way home.
38:19 He sends the highway patrol.
38:20 They pick him up.
38:22 They arrest him and say, "How dare you steal from us?"
38:24 "We didn't steal. We would never do such a thing."
38:26 And they're not knowing why all this bad stuff
38:27 is happening to them.
38:29 They're going, "It's 'cause we--what we did to Joseph."
38:32 And Joseph hears them, they're saying all that.
38:35 Finally, Judah comes. Judah who sold him.
38:38 Judah, by the way, Christ comes through Judah.
38:41 Judah goes to Joseph.
38:42 He says, "I swore to my father that I would protect the lad.
38:45 My life for his life. Let him go.
38:48 You'll bring his father's gray hairs down to the grave with
38:51 sorrow if the boy does not come.
38:53 He will die because the life of our father is bound up
38:56 with the son."
38:58 Isn't that the Father and the Son, "God so loved the world
39:00 He gave His Son."
39:02 Judah says to Joseph, "The life of the father is bound up
39:04 with the life of the lad."
39:05 He said, "Take me. Let me be his substitute."
39:10 Don't you see the whole gospel in that story?
39:13 When Judah says that, Joseph can't keep it together, and he
39:16 tells all the servants that are serving the meal, he said,
39:18 "Get out of here."
39:20 He chases everyone out.
39:21 All of a sudden, Joseph breaks down and he goes to pieces.
39:23 He's crying out loud. He's wailing.
39:25 He's rocking back and forth and sobbing.
39:28 And it says Pharaoh's house hears him crying.
39:30 They're going, "What's the matter with Joseph?"
39:33 Now, the brothers, they're wondering, "What happened?
39:35 The prime minister's having a meltdown."
39:38 They don't know what's going on.
39:39 "This is the guy who put us in prison.
39:40 The guy is, you know, he's seriously mental.
39:43 What's happened to him?"
39:45 And then he shocks them by suddenly being able
39:47 to speak Aramaic.
39:51 And he says, "I am."
39:53 Now, how does Jesus identify Himself?
39:57 He says, "I am Joseph.
40:02 Does my father live?"
40:04 Can you imagine the silence in the room?
40:06 There are several videos I want when I get to heaven
40:08 I want to replay.
40:10 And that's one of them.
40:12 I want the angel to take me to the library and I say,
40:13 "I want--I want to see that scene.
40:16 I want to see the brothers' face when Joseph says,
40:19 'I am Joseph.'"
40:21 Can you imagine how they process all that?
40:23 "The one we sold is the prime minister of Egypt?"
40:28 "Oh yeah, he told us that was going to happen in his dreams."
40:32 And it all came true. Boy, talk about an ah-ha moment.
40:35 And they were afraid and finally he says, "Come to me."
40:37 And Benjamin's the first. And he embraces Benjamin.
40:41 Then he embraces his brothers one by one.
40:43 So does he forgive them?
40:47 He sees that they have been transformed
40:49 and he freely forgives them.
40:51 Now, in the next section here it talks about, I read the part
40:53 about setting the stage.
40:55 Forgive and forget.
40:56 That's easier said than done, isn't it?
40:59 Once you forgive a person and, the Bible says, forget it, well,
41:02 God can take our sins and cast them into the depths of the sea.
41:05 Sometimes, it's a little harder for us, right?
41:08 What does it mean to forget?
41:10 Does that mean you literally do not remember, I mean, without
41:13 having a lobotomy or some mental procedure, I mean,
41:15 how do you really forget?
41:18 Really, it's talking about choosing not to dwell upon it.
41:21 It's that old adage, "You cannot prevent the birds from flying
41:24 over your head, but you can prevent them from making a nest
41:27 in your hair."
41:29 And so those memories might come but you might have to choose to
41:32 forget many times.
41:34 Every time the devil reminds you about what that person did to
41:36 hurt you and you've forgiven them, you have to remind the
41:38 devil that you've forgotten it.
41:41 Clara Barton, the famous founder of the Red Cross, she got into a
41:45 dispute with another employee that was saying terrible things
41:47 about her.
41:49 She was being accused of robbing money from the Red Cross which
41:51 she would never do.
41:53 And she just decided not to make it an issue.
41:57 She thought, "I'll let her accuse and I'm not going
41:58 to retaliate.
42:00 I'm not going to defend myself."
42:01 And one of her gossiping friends said, "Clara, you know what
42:03 so-and-so's saying about you, and aren't you upset?
42:06 Aren't you mad at her?"
42:08 She said, "No, I clearly remember forgiving her."
42:13 And that's what we need to remember.
42:16 So when you do not forgive another person, you are
42:21 basically burning the bridge over which you must pass.
42:24 You know, in the Lord's Prayer Jesus has one comment.
42:28 He says, "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors," and
42:30 the one comment that Jesus makes at the end of the Lord's Prayer,
42:33 He says, "So if you do not forgive your brother his
42:37 trespasses, neither will your Father in heaven forgive you."
42:41 And then He repeats that in Matthew 18, and it can't--it's
42:45 not ambiguous.
42:47 It's something that cannot be misunderstood, that if we
42:48 cherish an unforgiving spirit, God cannot forgive us.
42:53 Now, don't misunderstand this part.
42:55 You've got to get this right, and I want to highlight,
42:57 underscore, alert, alert, notice this.
43:00 God is not saying, "I'll make a deal with you.
43:02 You forgive everyone that's wronged you and then
43:05 I'll forgive you."
43:06 God is saying, "I first forgive you.
43:10 Now that you've received My forgiveness, how's that feel?
43:14 Pass that on to others."
43:17 After we've received the forgiveness of Christ, like the
43:20 parable of the unmerciful debtor, the king forgives him
43:23 first, this servant, he owes this incredible debt.
43:27 After the king is forgiven--I'm sorry, after the king forgives
43:29 the man, he doesn't then pass it on.
43:32 Then he loses his forgiveness.
43:35 The mercy of Christ, once you receive it, will not stay alive
43:38 in a heart that will not share it with others.
43:41 A lot of people have been stifled, a lot of professed
43:43 Christians, have been stifled in their experience for years
43:45 because they are still angry and bitter against someone else that
43:50 has hurt them.
43:51 They don't know how to forgive and to let it go.
43:54 And if you don't learn that lesson, Jesus said, "Do unto
43:58 others as you would have God do unto you."
44:01 If we refuse to forgive, it tells us in Matthew 18, that
44:05 unmerciful servant?
44:07 It says he was handed over to the tormentors 'til he should
44:09 pay his entire debt.
44:11 The forgiveness of Christ for his sins had been cancelled
44:15 and he had to pay his own debt.
44:17 That's a pretty sobering thought.
44:18 So how important is it that we forgive each other?
44:21 There's a general that once said to John Wesley, "I never forgive
44:25 and I never forget," and Wesley responded,
44:28 "Then sir, I hope you never sin."
44:33 We need to learn how to be forgiving.
44:36 If anyone had a right to be bitter, did Joseph have a right?
44:40 He had done nothing to deserve the slavery
44:44 and the imprisonment.
44:48 Now, having said that, does forgiveness mean that there are
44:52 no consequences for a person's actions?
44:56 When Jesus forgave the thief on the cross, did the nails pop out
44:59 and he walked free?
45:02 No, there may still be consequences.
45:05 There are people who have mistreated me and I forgave
45:07 them, but I'm never going to do business with them again, you
45:12 know what I mean?
45:13 So, you can forgive people but it doesn't mean you need to
45:17 continue to expose yourself to abuse.
45:21 And I think we all need to understand that.
45:22 If some people have just got some serious problems, they've
45:24 got anger issues or whatever it is, and you just say, "Look, I
45:26 forgive you because by my not forgiving you, it hurts me."
45:31 Unforgiveness is like an acid that will destroy its container.
45:37 I've got a little jug of hydrochloric acid up in the
45:40 hills, a very powerful stuff.
45:43 You don't put that in any container 'cause it'll burn
45:45 through all kinds of containers.
45:47 You have to have it in a special container.
45:49 Unforgiveness in the human heart will burn through its own
45:51 container.
45:53 Someone says that if you're trying to dig a grave for your
45:55 neighbor--if you don't forgive your neighbor, you're digging
45:57 two graves.
46:00 Some people think, "If I forgive them, who will punish them?
46:04 I've got to stay mad at them so that God will be mad at them,"
46:07 and all you're doing is hurting yourself.
46:09 I know people that are still mad at their parents and they've
46:11 been dead for years.
46:14 I say, "Now, what are you waiting for them to apologize?
46:16 They're not going to do it now; they're dead."
46:18 So you're just hurting yourself by retaining that unforgiveness.
46:23 How do we forgive?
46:24 This is a tall order.
46:26 Ephesians 4:32: "Be kind one to another, tenderhearted,
46:31 forgiving one another just as God in Christ forgave you."
46:37 How can we forgive like God?
46:40 Only if we have the Spirit of God.
46:43 But through Christ, how much can we do?
46:46 All things.
46:47 Colossians 3:12: "Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and
46:51 beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness,
46:54 longsuffering; bearing with one another, forgiving one another,
46:59 if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ
47:02 forgave you, so you must do."
47:05 Forgive as Christ forgave us.
47:07 1 John 4:11: "Beloved, if God so loved us,
47:10 we ought to love one another."
47:13 So I'm making it practical.
47:16 How do we forgive?
47:17 What did Jesus say when He was on the cross?
47:20 "Father, forgive them; they know not what they do."
47:23 What about if they do know what they do?
47:27 Did Paul know that he s persecuting Christians?
47:33 Yeah, and God forgave him.
47:36 Did David know that he was killing an innocent man and
47:39 taking his wife?
47:41 I think so.
47:42 Did God forgive him?
47:45 And so, sometimes we need to forgive even if people don't
47:47 ask, even if they're--it's premeditated.
47:51 Because your unforgiveness actually hurts you.
47:56 And once you do that, they find that's where the rest comes.
48:00 There's a great liberation, great rest, when you realize,
48:03 you know, people may have done unkind things to me, but it's a
48:06 sinful world and the devil's out there influencing people and the
48:11 devil's just doing his job.
48:12 You can't blame him for being a good devil, can you?
48:15 And so, if people act diabolical, it's because maybe
48:18 they're not saved and sometimes even saved people misbehave.
48:23 And so you've got to learn to forgive.
48:25 And you know where it starts?
48:27 Beginning in Jerusalem, in the family, and then Judea, in your
48:31 neighbors, and then Samaria and the uttermost parts
48:34 of the earth.
48:35 Biggest place you've got to start with forgiveness
48:37 is at home.
48:39 So much of the conflict in the Bible was what they
48:41 called friendly fire.
48:43 It happened from the family.
48:45 And did the disciples argue among themselves?
48:48 They did. Does it happen today?
48:51 Has the devil changed?
48:53 God's Word hasn't changed either.
48:55 Christ's object lessons: nothing can justify
48:58 an unforgiving spirit.
49:00 He who is unmerciful towards others, shows that he himself is
49:04 not a partaker of God's grace.
49:07 Well, we're out of time for our lesson, but we want to thank
49:09 everybody that has been tuning in and, God willing, we'll study
49:12 with you again next week.
49:13 Don't forget, there's a free offer called "Life in the
49:16 Spirit."
49:17 Talks about how we get that Holy Spirit that helps us to love and
49:20 forgive others the way that Christ forgave us.
49:23 God bless.
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50:06 announcer: "Amazing Facts" Changed Lives.
50:13 Jennifer: So as a teenager growing up, I was getting into
50:16 all sorts of trouble.
50:18 I was drinking, smoking.
50:21 I would look for love in all the wrong places.
50:24 I thought that those were ways that could make me happy
50:26 and it didn't.
50:28 It just made everything worse.
50:30 I was very confused.
50:31 I didn't know who I was.
50:32 I had no identity whatsoever and just, I had such a hole in me,
50:36 such hurt, that I would do anything and everything just to
50:40 try to fill that void.
50:42 I was making a lot of bad decisions, a lot of bad choices.
50:46 I got pregnant when I was 19 years old
50:48 and I was a single mother.
50:50 And to try to prove to myself and the world that I can make it
50:53 on my own, I became an exotic dancer.
50:56 My mom, she started sending me links to Amazing Facts Ministry
50:59 just sermons and seminars and Bible studies and YouTube videos
51:06 with Doug Batchelor.
51:07 And I started watching it and beforehand I would delete them
51:11 but now here I am watching and I couldn't get enough of it.
51:13 My heart was on fire, I wanted more and more.
51:16 So instead of going to the club, I would go to the website, the
51:19 Amazing Facts website, and then I would go to the Bible studies
51:23 and I would go after one, study one, which would make me want to
51:27 study another one.
51:28 So I'd study another one and another one and I went through
51:30 the whole set and that wasn't enough for me.
51:34 I wanted more.
51:35 So I just--I would do it again.
51:37 I would read the whole set over again.
51:39 And I was learning so much and I just couldn't get enough of it.
51:41 And this made me where I didn't even want to go to work, I just
51:44 had this fire in my heart.
51:46 And then it got to where I was on the interstate to go to work
51:48 and I pulled over and God, He just--He told me, like,
51:56 He's, like, "Jennifer, we can't do this no--anymore."
51:59 And so I told Him, I said, "God, I know this is You.
52:03 I know that You're speaking to me right now."
52:06 And for the first time ever my eyes were opened to the whole
52:09 situation and how I was living my life.
52:11 And I went home and I got down on my knees
52:14 and I fell before God.
52:16 I started to beg Him, "God, please take me out of this
52:19 lifestyle and if You do, I promise You I will serve You
52:22 for the rest of my life."
52:24 And so, for the first time in my life I was healing and I was
52:28 learning and I was coming to a knowledge of the truth, and that
52:31 truth was Jesus Christ Himself and that He loved me.
52:34 So, as I'm going about these studies, Amazing Facts comes to
52:37 my local church and Pastor Wyatt Allen, he puts on this
52:42 evangelistic series and he makes a call for baptisms and I'm
52:49 impressed, you know, that I need to do this, and I want to make
52:52 this decision for Christ to rededicate my life to Him.
52:57 My life has been completely changed in so many ways, just
53:00 seeing where God has taken me on this journey where He took me
53:07 from this to this lost confused girl, to this woman He knows who
53:14 she is, her identity in Christ.
53:20 Jennifer: My name is Jennifer. Thank you for changing my life.
53:37 announcer: "Amazing Facts" Changed Lives.
53:45 Josh: My family was Christian to begin with.
53:47 Mom and Dad were involved at the church at times.
53:50 On the inside, our family wasn't really Christian, I guess.
53:53 It was just--it was a front that we put on.
53:56 My dad suffered from bipolar disorder.
53:59 Instead of taking his medication,
54:00 he turned to alcohol.
54:02 He could be mad one second and the next second he'd be happy
54:04 and it was so confusing for us.
54:07 Most of the time, we'd be upstairs to try to avoid him.
54:12 I made good grades all the way up until high school.
54:14 High school, I started struggling because my mom was a
54:17 single parent at the time.
54:19 And I had to get a job.
54:20 I was working every day after school.
54:23 I didn't have many friends to talk to, so I was getting
54:25 depressed.
54:27 I was always tired.
54:29 I started failing my assignments because I would fall asleep
54:30 during class and I couldn't listen to the teachers, I
54:32 couldn't comprehend what they were saying.
54:35 By my 11th grade year, I dropped out and I tried home schooling.
54:40 I just ended up working full-time.
54:43 I had lots of girlfriends growing up but I was always
54:45 terrified of talking to guys.
54:47 Like, my hands would start to sweat, I would tense up,
54:50 I just--I couldn't talk.
54:51 I guess that's when I started developing an attraction.
54:54 Gay guys weren't scary to talk to.
54:56 So I started talking to them and then I started meeting them and
54:59 then it just went from there and then I started having
55:01 relationships with them.
55:04 I just wanted to find someone who would care.
55:07 After high school, most of my friends were gone but there were
55:10 a few left home.
55:12 We all started getting into drugs and smoking weed
55:14 and drinking.
55:16 I was able to leave my depression behind and I wasn't
55:18 shy anymore.
55:20 I was able to talk to anyone I wanted to.
55:21 It wasn't real, but it felt real at the time.
55:25 During this time, I felt like God had left me.
55:28 I'd hear conversations at church talking about gays and people on
55:32 drugs and stuff, and, you know, they talked so bad about them it
55:35 drove me to leave church.
55:37 I eventually just left church. I left God.
55:39 I just didn't care anymore.
55:40 I didn't care what God thought, because I didn't think
55:42 He cared about me.
55:45 At the beginning of this year, I'd moved in with my boyfriend.
55:48 I still felt empty. I still wasn't happy.
55:49 I thought I had what I wanted.
55:51 I had a guy that I can love and I thought he loves me.
55:53 But I was still empty.
55:55 I still felt like if I die today, I wasn't sure where I was
55:57 going to go and I wasn't sure if I'd be a disappointment
56:00 to everyone.
56:04 My grandma texted me.
56:06 She told me that an Amazing Facts evangelist was coming to
56:09 our church to do a prophecy seminar.
56:11 I didn't really want to go because I'd been to those before
56:13 and they were normally pretty boring and I'd fall asleep.
56:16 I was planning on making excuses for every night
56:18 but she was dedicated.
56:19 She really wanted me to go and so did my mom.
56:21 So I ended up going to church and the evangelist that was
56:24 speaking, he was speaking on the sanctuary that morning.
56:27 It made sense to me that there was someone up in heaven
56:30 pleading my cause.
56:32 I'd never heard Jesus this way before.
56:34 I went back all the nights
56:36 that I could except the nights that I worked.
56:37 At the end of it, I ended up getting rebaptized.
56:40 I made a decision to leave this life behind.
56:42 I was still attracted to men but I wanted to leave the lifestyle.
56:46 I didn't want to live in it anymore, any longer,
56:48 because I knew it was wrong.
56:50 The evangelist that was at our church that did the prophecy
56:53 seminar, became my mentor.
56:54 He told me about this school called AFCOE.
56:56 It stands for Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism.
56:59 And I was like, "Well, I want that, because I want to learn
57:01 how to share Jesus.
57:03 I want to learn how to be able to help others."
57:05 I prayed about it. I applied online.
57:07 They accepted my application but I still had
57:09 the money problem left.
57:10 That night, right before I left, He provided over $3000
57:15 and He's been providing for me ever since.
57:17 The tools that I've learned here are tools that will stick with
57:19 me forever, and it was life-changing, to be able to
57:22 come here, to AFCOE.
57:24 I would love to help other people in my situation because a
57:27 lot of people had prayed that God would take this stuff away
57:31 and then they get discouraged when He doesn't.
57:33 But what they don't know is that Jesus is there.
57:35 He'll help you through it.
57:37 My name's Josh and Amazing Facts has helped change my life.
57:43 CC by Aberdeen Captioning 1-800-688-6621
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Revised 2021-08-06