Sabbath School Study Hour

Remember, Do Not Forget

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022149S

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00:40 Shawn Brummund: Hello everyone, and welcome to another edition
00:41 of the "Sabbath School Study Hour" right here in the
00:44 Granite Bay Hilltop Seventh Day Adventist Church.
00:47 We're located in the metro area of Sacramento, California.
00:50 It's always good to be able to have all of you who are joining
00:53 us on live right now across the country and around the world, as
00:56 well as, of course, many of our friends that are taking
00:59 advantage of this and join us, as you are watching from
01:02 different parts of the planet.
01:04 We also are always happy to be able to have those who are with
01:07 us locally in our Granite Bay Seventh Day Adventist family.
01:10 And, of course, we also are very welcoming
01:13 to those who are visiting.
01:15 And one of the blessings of having the Granite Bay Church
01:17 here associated with Amazing Facts media and ministry, and so
01:20 on, is that we always have a number of people that sometimes
01:24 travel great distances to come and be with us physically here
01:27 in person on a Sabbath morning.
01:29 So, special welcome to you, as well, as we come to study this
01:32 week's quarterly lesson, as we continue to make our way
01:35 through the book of Deuteronomy, and we continue to make
01:40 our way through lesson number 10 here today, which is
01:43 "Remember and Do Not Forget," "Remember and Do Not Forget."
01:47 We're looking at lesson number 10.
01:48 If you have your quarterlies, make sure that you
01:50 go ahead and grab those, open it up.
01:52 And, of course, the most important textbook that
01:54 we have for our lesson, as we do every week,
01:56 which is the Holy Bible itself.
01:59 And so, please go ahead and do that.
02:02 And before we open with prayer, before we worship in song,
02:06 I want to also invite you to take advantage of the
02:08 special gift offer that we have available today.
02:11 Now, this is a very helpful booklet that I have read in the
02:15 past, very well done, written by Doug Batchelor, as well as
02:18 Pastor Steve Wohlberg, and it's entitled "Spiritual Israel."
02:22 What does the New Testament speak on in concern to Israel?
02:25 What is the Israel of the New Testament era,
02:28 and are you involved?
02:29 We want to be able to make this--get this straight,
02:31 especially with a lot of different popular theories
02:33 that are going around today in regards to the
02:36 prophecies of the future, Israel's involvement.
02:39 And again what is Israel in God's eyes?
02:43 And so, go ahead and take advantage of that.
02:45 You just dial 1-866-788-3966. That's 1-866-788-3966.
02:54 You want to ask for free offer #174.
02:58 Now, this is available in person--or physically we
03:01 can mail that out to you, if you're in the United States,
03:03 Canada, and US territories.
03:06 If you want to get a digital copy of that, you can also go
03:09 ahead and text a special code to a certain number, and that
03:13 particular text code is SH062.
03:18 That's SH062, and you want to dial that to 40544.
03:26 Before we begin our study, let's open with prayer.
03:28 Father in heaven, we want to pray that Your Holy Spirit will
03:30 be with us, even as You have promised us that when we come to
03:35 You and by faith and ask by faith, that You would give us
03:38 Your Holy Spirit to be our teacher, to guide us into all
03:42 truth, and to be able to understand and discern and
03:45 rightly divide Your Word.
03:47 We want to pray, God, that You will fulfill that promise,
03:50 and we claim it by faith even right now.
03:52 We want to pray, God in heaven, that You will help us to see and
03:56 understand what you know is most important for us to see and
03:59 understand from Your Word today, each and every one
04:02 of us individually, as well as a group.
04:05 In Jesus' name we pray, God, amen.
04:09 I invite you to open your Bibles to Genesis, the 9th chapter, as
04:12 we look at the first Bible passage of this week's lesson
04:15 study, "Remember and Do Not Forget."
04:17 "Remember" is the key theme.
04:19 "Do not forget" is another way of saying "Remember."
04:24 And "remember" is another way of saying "Do not forget."
04:29 And so, it's basically saying the same thing in
04:31 two different ways, is it not?
04:33 And so "Remember," or "Do Not Forget," that is the main theme.
04:36 And the first remember that we're looking at here
04:38 goes way back to a very unique time in history, and
04:43 we're going to pick it up with verse 8.
04:47 So, we're looking at Genesis chapter 9, and we're going to
04:50 start with verse 8 and read through to verse 17.
04:53 Okay, so we're at Genesis chapter 9 and verse 8.
04:58 In verse 8 it says, "Then God spoke to Noah and to his sons
05:01 with him, saying, 'And as for Me, behold, I establish My
05:05 covenant with you, and with your descendants after you; and with
05:10 every living creature that is with you, the birds, the cattle,
05:13 every beast of the earth with you; of all that go out of the
05:18 ark every beast of the earth.
05:20 And thus I establish My covenant with you, never again shall all
05:24 flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood; never again shall
05:28 there be a flood to destroy the earth.'
05:31 And God said, 'This is the sign of the covenant which I make
05:35 between Me and you and every living creature that is with
05:38 you, for perpetual generations: I set My rainbow in
05:43 the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the
05:46 covenant between Me and the earth.
05:49 And it shall be when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the
05:52 rainbow shall be seen in the cloud, and I will remember My
05:56 covenant, which I made between Me and you and every living
06:00 creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become
06:05 a flood to destroy all flesh.'"
06:07 Do you see a theme there, a repetition?
06:10 "'The rainbow shall be in the cloud; and I will look on it to
06:13 remember the everlasting covenant between God and every
06:16 living creature of all flesh that's on the earth.'
06:19 And God said to Noah, 'This is the sign of the covenant,
06:23 which I have established between Me and all
06:25 flesh that is on the earth.'"
06:30 And so, here we have a very intriguing conversation that God
06:34 is having with His prophet, with His patriarch, Noah.
06:39 We find here that God is establishing a very
06:42 important and needful covenant.
06:45 And the central sign of that covenant is
06:47 a rainbow, is it not?
06:51 All right, now we're very much accustomed to a rainbow.
06:53 We've seen rainbows, and they've been in our planet, and we've
06:56 seen them through our lifetime, since birth, and we've seen them
07:00 for hundreds and hundreds of years now.
07:02 It's like this conversation took place about 2500 years ago, so
07:06 25 plus 2000 AD, we're talking about 4500 years ago
07:11 that this conversation took place.
07:14 So, a rainbow is old hat for us, is it not?
07:17 And it's a rainbow--old hat for the last generation,
07:20 and 300 years, 500 years, 6000-- I mean 600 years ago, it
07:25 was still even old hat back then, but it wasn't old hat
07:28 during Noah's time, during his generation.
07:32 And so, as it turns out, the Bible points out, and God makes
07:36 it very clear that he wants us to understand that the rainbow
07:38 is more than just a beautiful, coincidental occurrence
07:42 that takes place in nature.
07:45 God makes it very clear, and he goes out of his way, through his
07:48 Scriptures, and through his Bible to make sure that we
07:50 understand that the rainbow is more than just a special
07:53 refraction of light.
07:56 As it separated, and as it makes its way through
07:59 those different water droplets that occur and are
08:01 floating in the air when there are rain clouds, when it is
08:05 rainy and when it is raining outside.
08:09 God wants us to know that he had a plan, and all those laws of
08:13 nature that we've kind of unpacked and discovered, and can
08:16 explain to a large degree, did not come by coincidence,
08:21 but it was divinely, intelligently designed by
08:25 a loving God for our benefit.
08:29 Now, we still benefit from it, do we not?
08:33 Okay, we see the beauty of it.
08:35 It reminds us of a God behind it, especially if you read the
08:38 Bible record as we're looking and reviewing here this morning
08:40 and such, and so we understand that there is a hand of an
08:44 intelligent Almighty, loving Creator behind it.
08:46 It certainly is beautiful to look upon on a cloudy,
08:49 rainy day, which is usually a little bit more glum
08:52 and more depressing and maybe even for some of us
08:55 sometimes discouraging if we're having a hard
08:57 time, but there's that rainbow.
08:59 It's like God's smile to mankind.
09:02 But the rainbow in this record, in this conversation that we're
09:05 reading is not intended to be understood as some kind of
09:08 legend from the past.
09:10 You know, sometimes we think because we can scientifically
09:12 explain some of the different ways in which God uses these
09:15 laws of nature that He Himself formed and designed, that
09:19 therefore this is just, you know, a fable,
09:23 a legend, but that's not true.
09:25 It's not coincidence.
09:27 It's not just nature that happened to create this
09:30 beautiful phenomenon but rather it was something very
09:33 new for the first generations that occurred.
09:35 Noah and his family, when they first saw the rainbow it was
09:38 like, "Wow, that's amazing.
09:40 I've never heard of a rainbow. I've never seen a rainbow.
09:42 I've never experienced a rainbow.
09:43 What is all that about?"
09:45 And God tells us what it's all about, and he told that first
09:47 generation what that rainbow was all about.
09:53 We have to remember, though, let's look at the context of the
09:55 flood itself or at least the post flood, you know, when the
09:58 ark of Noah and his family finally settled down on Mount
10:02 Ararat, on solid ground after being in the ship for about a
10:06 year's time, you know, they put their feet on solid ground
10:10 for the first time, which I'm sure they were very
10:12 grateful to be able to do so.
10:15 But think of the contrast that took place.
10:18 You know, just envision, remember that the planet
10:20 before the flood was a global paradise.
10:24 You didn't have to say, oh, boy, I'd do anything
10:26 to live in San Diego.
10:27 If I could afford it, I'd love to live there, all right?
10:29 What I would do to be able to have a beautiful home on the
10:32 oceanside in Hawaii, or in Fiji, or in the Bahamas,
10:37 or Florida, or some of these other paradises
10:39 that we think of on our planet.
10:41 The whole planet was Hawaii.
10:43 The whole planet was a gorgeous paradise.
10:47 And so, we have to remember that for Noah and his family and then
10:51 for the stories and the conversations that the next
10:53 generations would hear, as the children were growing up in the
10:55 homes, and so on, was this massive loss that the planet
11:01 had experienced, that mankind had experienced.
11:04 Because when Noah and his family came down out of the
11:06 ship, and they started to be able to walk on solid
11:10 ground again, paradise was lost.
11:14 You know, it was just a giant global moonscape after that.
11:19 Some of us here in this part of the country, you know, we've
11:24 become more and more--because we've always been accustomed to
11:27 forest fires here in California.
11:30 But lately, you know, we're breaking records.
11:34 You know, we're losing more acreages and more buildings and
11:37 more lives than ever in the history of California, and this
11:40 is another subject and I believe one of the signs of the times.
11:44 But just up the road here--you don't have to go
11:47 very far north to Paradise.
11:48 Just a few years ago, two or three years ago, I think it was,
11:51 and we lost more lives and more buildings and more destruction
11:53 than ever in California history.
11:57 My wife and I went up in there and visited, I don't know,
11:59 about six months ago, and we'd never been to Paradise or
12:02 Chico, and so--we're newer to California.
12:04 We said, "Let's just take a day trip.
12:05 We'll go up and visit, take a look at the church.
12:08 Well, the church is no longer in existence, just the foundation,
12:10 but there ADRA and so on is doing a--making a factory.
12:17 There's a factory where the church used to be,
12:18 where they're actually reproducing and just producing
12:21 hundreds of storage sheds for residents that are still
12:24 healing and restoring their lives emotionally,
12:27 psychologically, physically, monetarily.
12:32 You know, so the town that was rightly called Paradise
12:37 was reduced to a moonscape.
12:41 And even though there's a number of houses that have been
12:43 rebuilt--and certainly they look nicer than the houses that were
12:46 burned, at least, you know, the post-fire house look, it's going
12:53 to take decades, you know, to rebuild that town.
12:56 And not only that, but it's going to take a couple hundred
13:00 years to be able to even start to reproduce the look of
13:05 what it was before the fire.
13:07 And so, we have some examples of that on a smaller scale, but we
13:11 have to take Paradise and its experience and expand it
13:14 globally around the entire planet.
13:17 Very challenging times in history, you know.
13:23 So, those first generations didn't have it easy.
13:25 I think we're fortunate that we're not in
13:28 those first generations.
13:30 So, it would take decades for the earth to be able to start to
13:35 heal and to regrow the beauty that was once around it, and we
13:42 never recaptured it completely, not even close, and we never
13:44 will until God makes the planet new again.
13:48 Not only that, but the concept of rain, sky, coming down from
13:53 the sky, you know, these rain clouds.
13:55 This was a new concept.
13:57 We have to remember that the Genesis record tells us in the
13:59 first chapters that indeed, you know, there was no such thing as
14:02 rain before the flood.
14:04 Rain didn't exist.
14:05 The rainbow is not the only new concept and new law of nature
14:09 that God introduced into the ecosystem and climate of our
14:12 planet, but rain was, as well, because after the flood
14:16 receded and the waters receded off the dry land and started
14:20 to expose the plains and the mountains and so on,
14:23 and valleys that were formed.
14:25 Because not only did rain come down and destroy all the planet,
14:28 but Genesis record tells us in the first chapters that God
14:31 originally used to water all and irrigate all plant
14:35 life from tables, massive tables of water that were
14:38 under the earth's surface.
14:41 And so, that water actually fed the roots that, of course, the
14:45 plants grew down to be able to drink from.
14:48 And so, those water tables burst up through the planet surface,
14:54 and at the same time that water was pouring down from the sky,
15:01 and so it wasn't just 40 days of rain, but it was 40 days of
15:03 these massive irrigation tables that were breaking
15:08 up through the earth's surface.
15:09 And, of course, the crust of the earth was moving and developing
15:12 new continents and such, and mountain ranges,
15:15 and grand canyons and such.
15:17 And then when the water receded into the basins now that had
15:21 been developed by this completely distorted and changed
15:25 surface of the planet, the oceans developed, and the water
15:30 now receded into these huge basins that developed
15:34 what we now call the oceans.
15:36 Seventy percent of the earth's planet now was covered with
15:39 uninhabitable saltwater that we can't even drink, we
15:44 can't even use as life-giving water anymore.
15:48 And so, the planet was completely different.
15:51 The ecosystem was completely different.
15:53 Now these massive bodies of water called oceans began to
15:57 produce massive amounts of evaporation that the planet had
16:01 never experienced before either, and it began to develop these
16:04 massive cloud formations that the earth had never seen.
16:08 And as those clouds started to move off the ocean and onto the
16:11 dry land, as we see it even coming off of our western coast
16:15 here of the Pacific Ocean and such, it would hit the different
16:19 elevations and develop big enough and heavy enough that it
16:23 would either fall or hit the mountain ranges and be forced up
16:26 far enough that it just can't go any further.
16:29 And gravity overtakes it, and the water falls down and waters
16:32 the plants that God knew that would need watering in a
16:34 different way than it got its water before the flood.
16:40 And so, there was a lot of newness, but none of it outside
16:44 the flood was really all that positive.
16:47 I mean, outside of the rainbow part of it, outside of the
16:50 rainbow there wasn't really anything else that
16:52 positive in all of that newness.
16:55 It was a lot more messy.
16:57 Now we have to buy rain jackets, and umbrellas, and all kinds of
17:02 other kinds of inventions that we have to develop and so on.
17:06 And so, the planet experienced a major downgrade
17:09 permanently after the flood.
17:12 Well, you can imagine the first generations, you know, that not
17:15 only saw the continuous evidence of this massive, massive,
17:19 largest natural catastrophe and disaster that this planet had
17:23 ever experienced before that point, and ever has experienced
17:27 since that point, and ever will experience until Jesus Himself
17:31 comes in judgment and deliverance.
17:34 At that point, He does tell us that every mountain and island
17:36 will be moved out of its place.
17:38 There will be a reproduction on a global scale of that
17:41 which we see in the flood.
17:43 But the flood is, by far, the largest natural disaster
17:47 in all of human history.
17:51 And so, we could imagine the natural anxiety, the
17:54 apprehension that would come when the clouds would come off
17:58 of the ocean and start to float over the dry land, and then
18:03 began to drop that rain, it would bring back immediate
18:05 memories for Noah's and first family that actually experienced
18:11 it and witnessed it.
18:12 And then, of course, for the following generations of
18:15 children and grandchildren and great grandchildren that would
18:17 sit at the knee of Noah and of Mrs. Noah and hear these stories
18:22 firsthand and hear Noah's family, you know, talk about
18:25 those times, and there would be a natural apprehension, some
18:30 emotional negative challenges that would take place.
18:33 Is it going to happen again?
18:36 And so God, in His loving, kind, and typical merciful way, looked
18:42 down upon us with our vulnerable and fragile emotions and so on
18:48 and He formed a rainbow.
18:50 And He said, "Not only am I going to develop this new
18:52 ecosystem that will make sure that the lands are watered, and
18:56 the plant life is watered in a way that will meet in a new way,
18:59 but I'm going to make sure that the water particles is going to
19:02 be able to refract the light in such a special way--
19:05 only when it rains.
19:07 The rainbow will only come at the exact time in which
19:09 we require it, in which we would benefit from it
19:12 and which we would need it.
19:14 So, those first generations would have this reminder that
19:17 God had made a covenant.
19:20 He had made a promise that He will never destroy all life and
19:23 distort the planet and destroy all the earth's surface in the
19:27 way that He did that one time during the flood.
19:31 And so, we learned a number of different, important truths
19:33 there concerning the character of God, concerning the
19:35 rainbow, concerning the needs that were there those
19:42 first generations after the flood.
19:47 I was just recently at a place that a lot of locals
19:51 have told our family, since we moved here, that we
19:53 really need to go and visit.
19:54 It's called Angel Island. Anybody been to Angel Island?
19:57 Beautiful place.
19:59 If you haven't been there, it's more than I expected, and you
20:01 can take a little ferry there from Marin County.
20:04 And I forget what the name of the town was that we--Sausalito?
20:13 Okay, so Sausalito was the little town there in Marin
20:15 County and just on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge,
20:18 and it was like a ten-minute ferry ride.
20:21 And you get on this national park island,
20:23 just a small island, I think you can bike around it.
20:25 It's two or three miles around the whole peripheral.
20:27 But there's a small mountain range in the middle of it and
20:29 such, and so we just had a great, great time,
20:32 my wife and I, and my daughter--oldest daughter's
20:35 boyfriend, Alistair.
20:38 You know, we just spent the afternoon there one Sunday
20:39 afternoon, and seeing it for the first time, going hiking, and
20:42 had a little picnic on the beach there.
20:44 But one of the bonuses that we didn't plan was that
20:47 the air show was taking place that day, and we didn't
20:49 know that, but what a bonus.
20:51 So, we went up and we hiked one of the summits there, where we
20:53 could have a nice lookout and timed it when the Blue Angels
20:57 were going to come by and do all their air tricks and so on.
21:00 So, we got this million-dollar view, you know, and such.
21:05 It wasn't close to the shoreline, though, because the
21:08 shore of downtown San Francisco on Pier 39 and so on, that's
21:11 where I'm sure there was tens of thousands of people,
21:14 way more than Angel Island.
21:15 That's where they were a little bit closer, but there's this
21:18 large passenger plane, and I don't know what the novelty was
21:22 of a large 747 or whatever it was coming through, but anyway
21:27 it kind of came by and did a low, you know--he was
21:30 able to do some maneuvers that he would never be able
21:33 to do otherwise, the pilots.
21:34 And so, they came by.
21:35 And then as they came by along the shoreline, you know, and
21:38 gave a nice view to all the different, the largest crowds
21:41 there in San Francisco, they came to downtown
21:44 where all the high rises are.
21:46 And as that large plane kind of veered, it kind of
21:49 slowly made its way over and just barely missed, you
21:53 know, the high rises there.
21:58 And I'm not an American. I was born and raised in Canada.
22:01 I've been here for four years, and having
22:02 a good time, and loving it.
22:05 But, you know, even as neighbors of America, watching my
22:09 television, you know, and 9/11 when those Towers, you know,
22:13 just watching those large passenger planes come over and
22:16 then they didn't just do a close fly by like they did in San
22:20 Francisco, but they went right into those Twin Towers.
22:24 And I have to confess that even though I wasn't there in
22:27 New York--I've never even visited New York City, yet--
22:31 I felt a little uncomfortable.
22:34 You know, there wasn't large anxiety, but there
22:36 was some real anxiety there.
22:38 I said, you know, I just don't know if that was the best idea
22:40 for them to do that, you know, with our history and so on.
22:43 If I'm feeling uncomfortable, I can imagine people that are from
22:45 New York State or New York City that maybe are visiting.
22:47 I don't know.
22:49 But anyway, just, if I felt a little anxiety--I didn't have to
22:54 go see a therapist or anything after, you know, nothing of that
22:56 nature, but it's, you know, it's still, it was a little bit
23:00 uncomfortable seeing that scene.
23:02 So, you can imagine those first rain clouds, you know, for years
23:05 after the flood, and you would have a little bit of discomfort
23:08 with that and thinking, you know, we just came out of the
23:11 largest--I mean, it just makes every natural disaster that
23:14 we've had combined look like child's play compared to the
23:18 flood that took place back then.
23:23 And so, God gave that rainbow to remember.
23:25 This week, we're going to be looking at the great value of
23:28 remembering God's promises, His past actions, as well as the
23:32 warnings that He also gives to us, as He gave that covenant
23:37 with Israel, through the times of Moses, and so we continue to
23:43 study that covenant.
23:44 The context of Deuteronomy, once again, just in a quick review,
23:48 we have to remember that the Israelites are standing at the
23:51 promise, the border of the Promised Land.
23:53 They're on the east side of the Jordan River.
23:55 They can probably see the city and the walls of Jericho across
23:58 the river in the Promised Land.
24:01 They'd been there for a while now, for a number of days or
24:05 weeks, and Moses now is led by God to be able to give a series
24:09 of speeches before the children of Israel--before Moses goes up
24:13 on top of Mount Pisgah and meets his end and is buried by the
24:18 Lord, we find that he is called to be able to give these
24:21 speeches, and the Israelites were then to enter into the
24:23 Promised Land, finally, after 40 long years after leaving the
24:29 slavery and captivity that they had been in, in
24:33 the nation of Egypt before that.
24:37 Now, because the Bible tells us that God had, at one point,
24:40 because of the rebelliousness and the hardness of the hearts
24:44 of the first generation of Israelites that were delivered
24:47 out of Egypt, God finally said, okay, listen, enough is enough.
24:50 Any man or woman that is 20 years old or older will not
24:54 enter into the Promised Land.
24:56 You're going to wander through the wilderness for the next 40
24:59 years until everybody that's 20 or older is going to die.
25:03 And after you have met your end, then the next generation, those
25:07 who were under 20 years of age when God made this declaration,
25:11 will be able to have the opportunity to
25:12 enter the Promised Land.
25:14 Now, that brings up some very unique statistics that I never
25:17 thought of before I started studying for this week's lesson,
25:20 and that is the fact that not one Israelite was older than 60
25:25 years of age when they entered into the Promised Land.
25:28 When they crossed the Jordan River, there was no one older
25:30 than 60 years old; why?
25:32 Because everybody that was 20 or older, 40 years previous, God
25:35 said would die before they entered the Promised Land.
25:38 Now, they're just about to enter the Promised Land.
25:40 They do enter the Promised Land at the end of that 40th year,
25:42 and therefore we know for certain that everybody that was
25:45 20 years or older 40 years previous had died.
25:49 So, there's no retirees in the entire population of Israel.
25:53 Now, that's kind of fascinating.
25:56 Only those who are 40 years or older had even been in Egypt.
26:01 So, when they're about to enter and when they do cross into the
26:03 Promised Land, and when those who were listening to the
26:06 speeches of Moses, those who are 40 and older had
26:11 never even seen the land of Egypt.
26:14 They were born in the wilderness, and they were born
26:17 after they had escaped from the nation of Egypt.
26:21 Even those who were 35 to 40 years old when they
26:24 entered into the Promised Land were too young really to
26:26 have any memories of Egypt.
26:29 They were born in Egypt, the one, or two, or three, or four,
26:32 or five years before they left Egypt, but typically when we're
26:34 up to five years old, even during dramatic experiences, we
26:39 typically don't have a permanent memory of that.
26:42 Now, maybe the five-year-olds probably going to see
26:44 some of these different things, maybe there was
26:46 a couple that could remember.
26:48 But for the most part, those who were 35 and younger have no
26:53 recollection or experience with Egypt at all.
26:56 So, it's a much different generation, a much different
26:58 experience for the population that is about to enter
27:01 into the Promised Land.
27:03 Not only that, but these are fascinating and interesting with
27:05 some of these age statistics, but it seems to be another
27:09 testimony of the blessing or the curses that our choices
27:13 can bring us in this life.
27:17 You know, and, of course, that's one of the themes in
27:19 the last part of Deuteronomy.
27:20 "I have set before you a blessing and a curse."
27:24 Now, he had said that before the first generation, as well.
27:28 Now, sadly, most of that first generation that came out of
27:32 Egypt had chosen the curse.
27:34 And because of that, none of them lived past 60 years of age.
27:39 Now, 60 is not very old.
27:41 Now, you may say, "Well, in the old days they
27:42 didn't live as long," yes, they did.
27:44 Now, it's true that if you go back about 100 years,
27:46 they didn't live as long, or 200 years, because sanitation
27:48 and medicine advancements in healthcare and
27:51 so on that extend our lives.
27:53 But if you look at the bigger picture, and you go back to
27:55 Moses's day 3500 years ago, living to 100 was standard.
28:00 Living past 100 was normal, you know.
28:03 Moses lived to 120, and the Bible says that he still had
28:06 clarity of mind and eyesight.
28:08 His hair was just starting to go gray.
28:11 So, we know that living past 100 was not unusual
28:14 back in those days.
28:17 But sadly, because that generation had chosen the curse,
28:19 none of them made it past 60.
28:22 Now, it doesn't give us the details on how and why and so
28:24 on--disease, accidents, you know, plagues and so on I'm sure
28:28 was part of the picture, and we see some of those details
28:31 sometimes as God's judgment plague sometimes came upon them.
28:34 But we do know that they didn't live a very long life, did they?
28:38 Those who chose unbelief were not only robbed of entering into
28:41 an experience, the Promised Land, the paradise of Canaan,
28:45 but they also lost out on living a much longer life.
28:49 Now, this is not the fist time that the Bible reveals this.
28:53 But let's look at the context of the chapter that we're
28:56 introduced to in our study here today,
28:58 which is Deuteronomy chapter 4.
28:59 And so, you might as well get a head start and turn there.
29:01 We're going to spend some time looking at
29:03 some of the verses there.
29:05 But in Deuteronomy chapter 4 and verse 40 it says, "You shall
29:08 therefore keep His statutes and His commandments which I command
29:12 you today, that it may go well with you and with your children
29:17 after you, and that you may prolong your days."
29:23 In the margin, you might have the Hebrew experts and
29:26 translators tell us that literally means to live longer,
29:29 just to make sure that it clarifies--
29:31 "that you may live longer in the land which the
29:33 Lord your God is giving you for all time."
29:36 And so, God here is telling us that the Israelites
29:41 had the opportunity to live long, if they
29:44 only choose belief and faith.
29:45 And so, faith extends life.
29:47 Now, we even research today that verifies that, do we not?
29:50 Some of you have been exposed to that, different Christian
29:51 researchers, non-Christian research projects and so on
29:55 have revealed that those who have a faith, those who follow
29:57 God, those who pray, and attend church, and study their Bible,
30:01 they heal faster, they heal more often, and they live longer.
30:06 The Bible here is verifying that for us, as well.
30:09 God said, "Yeah, I'm behind that.
30:11 That's Me. Yeah, that was My idea."
30:16 Exodus chapter 20 and verse 12, in the heart of the Ten
30:18 Commandments, we come to the fifth Commandment, and we find
30:20 that principle revealed again.
30:23 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be
30:27 long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you."
30:31 And so, God is telling us, when we find ourselves
30:34 giving ourselves over to God in obedience,
30:37 He gives us longevity.
30:38 He says there's longevity that's connected to that.
30:41 Part of the blessing is that you get to live longer.
30:44 Okay, Joshua chapter 24, verse 29 tells us--now, Joshua and
30:50 Caleb are the only two exceptions.
30:52 When God condemned that first generation that came out of
30:54 Egypt, and he said, "Listen, none of you are going
30:57 to enter into the Promised Land.
30:58 Anybody that's 20 years or older, just forget it.
31:00 You're not going, except for Joshua and Caleb."
31:04 Some of you know the story, okay.
31:06 So those were the only two faithful.
31:07 Now, you know the story of the spies that went in and checked
31:10 out the land of Canaan, and came back, and ten were unbelieving.
31:15 They were unfaithful.
31:16 They did not trust or want to follow God.
31:19 And so, they said, "There's no way we
31:20 could take the Promised Land."
31:21 Two were faithful: Joshua and Caleb.
31:25 And so, God says, "Those are the only two exceptions.
31:28 They will enter the Promised Land."
31:30 And so, Joshua and Caleb went in.
31:31 They lived well past 60.
31:34 So, everybody else, can you imagine, all your colleagues,
31:37 all your schoolmates, your neighbors, friends that used
31:40 to--all of them die by the time they're 60.
31:43 The luckiest ones make it to 60.
31:46 Some of them I'm sure died before they reached 60.
31:51 But Caleb--I mean, Joshua is on record in Joshua 24, verse 29.
31:54 It says he lived 110 years.
31:57 Now, friends, round numbers, that's as long.
32:00 So, Joshua outlived all his fellow generation, and
32:03 neighbors, and colleagues, and school mates by two.
32:06 And we can assume that Caleb also did, as well,
32:10 lived well past 60.
32:13 Makes me wonder, what were some of the last words of the parents
32:16 who rebelled and died in the wilderness?
32:19 Because as they looked at their children, and they're on their
32:20 death bed, disease, pestilence, whatever it is that eventually
32:25 took them prematurely, and they knew why.
32:31 It makes me wonder if any of them came around and confessed
32:34 to their children and said, "Listen, you need
32:36 to do better than we did.
32:37 You need to put your faith in the Lord.
32:39 We really blew it."
32:40 I'm sure some of them did.
32:42 Sadly, a lot of them would go to the grave very obstinate,
32:45 very stubborn, very proud, as many of us do.
32:49 You know, many of us have been around the death bed of too many
32:51 people that, you know, just, you know, they just stay, they stay
32:58 stubborn right to the end.
33:00 But God doesn't want that for you and I.
33:03 God wants us to be able to be faithful, to soften our hearts,
33:06 to follow after God, amen?
33:08 Well, here we have this new generation.
33:10 They're standing on the eastern border of the Promised Land by
33:12 the Jordan River, right across from Jericho.
33:16 They're about to possess the land that is steeped in false
33:19 religions, and these false religions include idols.
33:25 You know, idolatry was the standard of the day back then.
33:29 It didn't matter what nation you went to, what city and so on.
33:31 You could travel far, east, west, north,
33:34 south, doesn't matter.
33:35 All the religions had some kind of visible representation of
33:37 their god called an idol.
33:39 They would carve it out of stone, or wood, or metal for the
33:43 wealthier cities, and nations, and so on.
33:46 And so, they would have this large, impressive-looking,
33:49 you know, well-crafted representation of
33:52 their god or their gods.
33:54 For many of them, they had plural gods.
33:56 And in the land of Canaan where Israel was about to go
33:59 and inhabit, God knew that it was steeped in these
34:04 false religions that included idolatry.
34:07 But God was calling the Israelites to be completely
34:11 different and unique from those same nations
34:15 and from their religions.
34:17 Now, the Jews had a very unique--and for the rest of the
34:20 nations would be very odd for them because if they were to
34:23 walk into the Jewish temple, their sacred temple of
34:28 religion, they would find no idol, no representation
34:31 of the God of Israel.
34:33 There would be a sacred art there, or there would be the
34:35 worshiping cherubim over the ark representing the angels of God,
34:40 but God Himself is nowhere to be seen, the form of
34:43 God, you can't touch Him.
34:46 You can't hear Him.
34:50 There's no audible voice, very unique.
34:53 And so, God knew that they would stand out, that they would be
34:55 very different, and the rest of the nations would kind of look
34:58 at them with their head cocked and sideways and saying, "What
35:01 kind of weird religion is this?
35:04 So, you have to remember that the Israelites were the
35:06 exception, and God knew that when He was sending them
35:08 into there, and He knew the dangers that
35:10 came with the cultural norm.
35:12 They knew how dangerous it was and how readily the Israelites
35:15 could find themselves being assimilated by the norm of the
35:18 culture, which is idolatry, having a visible representation
35:22 of your god, and of course a lot of the different immoral and
35:26 perverted ethical codes that came and practices that came
35:30 with those different idols and false gods, as well.
35:35 You know, it is interesting that the Israelites, even though
35:38 their God is invisible, at least for now until Jesus comes, that
35:43 even though the God of the Israelites was invisible, they
35:46 did hear their God once, did they not?
35:49 At Mount Sinai when God spoke to them the Ten Commandments out of
35:53 the fire and the thick darkness, and the earthquake, and the
35:55 thunder, and the lightning, and everything else that God had
35:58 during that very impressive milestone in which he was
36:02 sealing a covenant with Israel, with the testimony of
36:05 the Ten Commandments, the government of God at its
36:08 very base and foundation.
36:11 They heard God speak to them the greatest and most important
36:15 ethical code that mankind has ever received.
36:20 And so, that's one that the Israelites and you and I can
36:22 chalk up, that the false religions can't.
36:25 They've never heard their god.
36:26 You know, the Israelite--God spoke through
36:28 the prophets over and over.
36:29 You know, they're worshiping these idols,
36:31 these gods, these false gods.
36:33 They don't talk, they don't speak, they don't move, they
36:36 can't smell, they can't eat, they can't do anything.
36:39 They just sit there.
36:42 Isaiah used to make fun of them and say, "You know, you
36:45 carve--you get a great big old tree, and you take half the
36:48 tree, and you carve it into one of your idols, and you worship,
36:51 and you believe it's alive, and you take the rest,
36:53 and you make it into firewood."
36:56 Said, "What is that? That's illogical."
37:00 But when we're looking to escape God and His voice and
37:03 His ethics and His obedience, we'll grab onto anything,
37:07 no matter how ludicrous.
37:10 I mean, the most honest of unbelieving atheists and
37:13 evolutionists will tell you that, you know,
37:17 evolution has huge holes.
37:18 It takes massive faith, and you have to turn a
37:20 blind eye to massive holes in the theory of evolution
37:23 to be able to accept it.
37:25 Massive holes that evolutionists can't even come
37:29 close to explaining on a logical objective basis,
37:33 but that's not the point.
37:34 The point is that it's a popular escape route; because if I
37:37 accept evolution, I don't have to accept God.
37:41 Same with idolatry back then, but that's a sideline.
37:44 "Come out of them and be separate," says the Lord,
37:48 2 Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 17.
37:50 "Come out of them and be separate."
37:53 And so, Paul here, he's speaking to the Christian generation.
37:57 He says, "Listen, even as the Israelites were called to be--
38:00 come out and be separate, so are the Israelites also called to
38:05 come out and be separate."
38:07 God was calling a special people out of the nations back then to
38:12 be different, to represent the truth.
38:15 That's what we've been doing over the last
38:17 few weeks, have we not?
38:19 We've been giving presentations night after night and helping
38:21 people to understand that God has called us as Christians to
38:25 be different from the world.
38:27 And as we're learning from the Bible, as I did as a new
38:30 Christian when I came to a prophecy seminar like this, it
38:33 was like, you know, I'm learning that God has called me to be
38:35 much more different than I thought He did when I first came
38:38 to put my faith in Him.
38:41 You know, Christianity has been watered down, and we have
38:43 abandoned so much of Bible teaching that we're not nearly
38:45 as different as God wants us to be from the world.
38:49 "Come out of them and be separate," says the Lord.
38:53 Be different, be unique. It should be obvious.
39:00 Some of us have had neighbors for ten years and--
39:02 I'm not speaking to you. I know you're different,
39:05 but some of us outside of our crowd here today that
39:08 have neighbors for ten years, and they still don't
39:10 even know that we're Christians.
39:13 They should know you're Christians within a week.
39:18 God calls us to be separate, to come out from among them.
39:21 Deuteronomy chapter 4 and verse 32.
39:23 We're going to run out of time far before we get through
39:25 all this, but that's okay.
39:26 There's always more material than we'll ever cover
39:29 in Sabbath School lesson.
39:32 That's why we do our Sabbath School lesson study
39:34 as well at home, right?
39:36 Right? Okay.
39:40 Deuteronomy chapter 4, verses 32 to 35.
39:42 We're not reading the whole passage from that day in the
39:44 lesson, but we're going to look at the key verses.
39:46 So, Deuteronomy chapter 4, verse 32, it says, "For ask now
39:49 concerning the days that are past, which were before you
39:52 since the day that God created man on the earth, and ask from
39:55 one end of heaven to the other whether any great thing like
39:57 this has happened or anything like it has ever been heard."
40:01 He says, "You go back to the very beginning from Adam and Eve
40:03 all the way to you and I today," Moses's day, okay, 2500 years
40:08 later and all those 2500 years of earth's history.
40:11 When Moses is making the statement, when God is speaking
40:13 to the Israelites, "Has anything this great ever happened?
40:17 Did any people ever hear the voice of God speaking out of the
40:20 midst of fires you have heard and live?
40:23 Or did God ever try to go and take for Himself a nation from
40:26 the midst of another nation by trials, by signs, wonders, war,
40:31 a mighty hand, and an outstretched arm, and by great
40:33 terrors, according to all that the Lord your God did for you in
40:37 Egypt before your eyes?
40:40 To you it was shown that you might know that the Lord Himself
40:44 is God; there is none other besides Him."
40:48 God is speaking to the Israelites and saying, "Listen,
40:51 through the last 40 years and especially in the years that are
40:54 going to follow after you cross that Jordan River, and you find
40:57 yourself surrounded and tempted to assimilate into the religions
41:01 and the idolatry and the false doctrines and beliefs that are
41:06 being practiced there--as all that is taking place, I want you
41:09 to remember and know that there is no other God besides Me, that
41:14 all of it is counterfeit, all of it comes up empty, and the only
41:19 hope that you have is to put your faith in Me and believe
41:22 that I am the One who made heaven and earth, and I have
41:25 given you a boatload of evidence to be able to understand
41:29 and accept Me as the true God of heaven.
41:33 A boatload of evidence.
41:36 The sea was parted supernaturally
41:38 from one side to the other.
41:40 And not only that, but then I dried the ground on the bottom.
41:44 You didn't have to put your mud boots to get across like you
41:45 would think we would have to once that was freshly departed,
41:49 but no, then I went ahead and, phoo, I blew on the
41:51 ground, and I dried it up.
41:53 Solid ground as you walked across that
41:55 ocean or through that ocean.
41:59 The fire, the cloud of fire that led you day by day, through the
42:02 night when you traveled, and the cloud by day that protected you
42:06 from the hot, scorching sun during the daytime, as
42:10 you traveled, all of it supernaturally.
42:13 The manna that supernaturally, miraculously appeared day by day
42:16 on the ground before you."
42:19 God had given them a boatload of evidence to accept Him as the
42:23 true God, the only reason that they ever would've--ever, ever,
42:27 ever, ever choose to reject God is because they didn't want God.
42:30 They wanted to harden their hearts.
42:32 They loved sin more than God, and that's why God condemned
42:36 that first generation in the first place.
42:39 They had this boatload of evidence.
42:41 There was absolutely no logical, rational, objective reason that
42:46 they could even come close to grabbing onto to be able to
42:49 reject God, the God of Israel as the true God of heaven, except
42:54 for the fact that they wanted to do things their own way.
42:57 They didn't want God in their life.
42:59 They did not want to acknowledge God in their heart, as Paul had
43:01 written in Romans chapter 1.
43:04 Hebrews chapter 3 and verses 15 to 16, it says,
43:08 "While it is said, 'Today, if you will hear His voice,
43:11 do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.'"
43:14 What rebellion? "For who having heard rebelled."
43:18 The question is asked,
43:19 "Indeed, was it not all who came out of Egypt, led by Moses?"
43:22 And so, Paul here in Hebrews, in the New Testament, is testifying
43:25 and clarifying, confirming indeed that the only reason that
43:29 that generation was condemned that was 20 years or older, "The
43:31 only reason," God says, "you're going to die in the wilderness a
43:34 premature early death and never enter the Promised Land is
43:37 because you hardened your heart.
43:40 You refused to accept the God of heaven in your heart.
43:44 Not only did I give you physical evidence to be able to accept Me
43:48 and know that I am the only true God and there is none besides
43:51 Me, but I have given you a boatload of evidence that I am a
43:54 God of kindness, and of mercy, and of love, and I have nothing
43:58 more than your best interest in mind."
44:01 Can you say amen?
44:03 And so, God is calling to us again today.
44:06 And we need to close.
44:08 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 11, it says, "They overcame him
44:11 by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their testimony."
44:16 And at the end of that same chapter in verse 17, it says
44:20 that, "Here are they that keep the commandments of God and have
44:23 the testimony of Jesus Christ."
44:25 Friends, we want to be part of that last day people that have
44:28 the testimony of God, and keep the commandments of God, and
44:32 have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
44:33 Revelation chapter 14, in the last verse--or verse 12.
44:38 Revelation 14, verse 12, it says, "Here is
44:41 the patience of the saints.
44:42 Here are those who keep the commandments of God and
44:46 have the faith of Jesus Christ.
44:49 That's the part that we want to be in.
44:51 May God bless you.
44:52 We look forward to having you again next week.
44:54 We're going to come together for our Bible study, and the Bible
44:58 study--"Sabbath School Study Hour," I should say.
45:01 And if you haven't taken advantage of our free offer,
45:03 please take advantage of that, even today, and it's entitled,
45:07 "Spiritual Israel."
45:08 What does the New Testament teach concerning Israel?
45:11 How are we involved in that, and how should we be involved in it?
45:13 Very important in these last days.
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45:31 Until next time, God bless you.
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46:13 announcer: Amazing Facts, changed lives.
46:21 Brian: It was ongoing with me. I would get up and drink.
46:25 I would go to work and drink.
46:27 I would come home and drink.
46:28 And that was--that was my way of life.
46:31 I had an older sister, and in 2008, we received a phone call
46:36 from her husband saying that she was involved in a very serious
46:39 home accident.
46:41 She had fallen outside on her patio.
46:44 It was a concrete patio, and she hit her head because she was in
46:49 a drunken stupor.
46:51 And she needed emergency brain surgery because of the trauma
46:54 that she had suffered.
46:56 And so, they were able to stop the bleeding in her brain, but
47:00 her organs started shutting down one by one.
47:03 So here I was, you know, hadn't had a drink, being a full blown
47:07 alcoholic myself, hadn't had a drink in probably a full day,
47:12 which was, you know, a lifetime for me.
47:14 And during the time we were watching there and they said
47:16 that she wasn't going to make it, and we had made the decision
47:19 as a group, you know, with her children present and her husband
47:21 that they were just going to go ahead and pull the plug.
47:25 During that time, watching her fade away, God forgive me, but I
47:28 sat there asking her to die fast so I could go get a drink.
47:35 And you know, I didn't even see it then, I didn't see how bad I
47:39 was at that time.
47:40 But you know, I look back at it now and it just tears me up.
47:46 Alcohol, that's what it does to you.
47:49 I was walking out to go to work one morning with my breakfast,
47:52 which was a six pack of beer.
47:55 And as I was climbing into my truck, it just hit me that it
47:59 was enough.
48:02 So I turned around, I took the six pack of beer, and I threw it
48:05 in the trash can, and I went and told my wife I needed help.
48:09 And there's two things I never do, ask for help and throw
48:11 away beer.
48:14 And you know, thank God I was able to do both.
48:17 Well, when I finally got to the hospital, and they came and got
48:21 me and took me in.
48:24 And when they did a blood alcohol on me, they had to do it
48:26 twice because they weren't quite sure it was right, but it
48:29 was 0.38.
48:32 They were all amazed I was even able to walk in there, let
48:34 alone, you know, being conscious.
48:37 It was about two months after I'd got out of treatment and
48:39 starting my fresh life.
48:41 I had left home, left my wife, and I was going to start my new
48:44 life of sobriety, and she wasn't going to be a part of it.
48:47 So I moved out and I was on my way to the store one morning
48:50 when I was T-boned, broadsided by an oncoming SUV on the
48:56 driver's side door of my truck.
48:59 And this driver was doing an estimated 65 to 70 miles
49:02 an hour.
49:04 And he smacked on my side of the door.
49:06 I woke up in the passenger seat of the truck.
49:09 And I remember coming to and hearing people standing outside,
49:13 "Look, he's still alive."
49:15 There was hairline fractures in my pelvis and there was a
49:18 compression fracture in my spine.
49:20 And so, on all intents and purposes, I walked away from an
49:23 accident I had no business living.
49:26 Well, with a broken back, I wasn't allowed to be vertical
49:28 for but very short periods of time.
49:31 And I wasn't very mobile with a fractured pelvis, so I was
49:35 forced to move back home.
49:39 And you know, thank God I've got a stubborn wife who was willing
49:42 to take me back and put up with all this.
49:46 During my recovery, the only thing I could really do was
49:48 watch television.
49:50 And so, as I was thumbing through the channels, I noticed
49:53 a gentleman.
49:55 And I happened to stop because he was proclaiming that you
49:58 can't prove biblically that the Sabbath was changed from
50:01 Saturday to Sunday and that it's not biblical.
50:04 I thought, "Well, you know what, I think I can do this."
50:08 You know, so I took up my Bible and I did something strange to
50:11 me, which was actually study.
50:14 You know, and over the course of several months of watching this
50:17 man, who I would later discover was Pastor Doug Batchelor, I
50:21 started trying to disprove everything he was saying.
50:26 And the more I read and the more I studied, the more I found out
50:30 that not only could I not disprove it, I was believing it.
50:36 I realized it was the truth.
50:38 Then I started soaking up everything that "Amazing Facts"
50:41 had--I was at their website, you know, doing all the reading,
50:43 I was looking at the Sabbath truths.
50:45 I was, you know, downloading, streaming everything they had,
50:48 and I was really, really getting it, and it helped me so much.
50:52 Over a process of about three months while studying, you know,
50:57 with Doug Batchelor and the "Amazing Facts" team and then,
51:00 you know, of course my Bible.
51:02 But over that three months, I had fallen in love with Christ
51:06 like I had never had before.
51:08 And not only was my back and my pelvis healed, but my soul
51:11 was healed.
51:13 And I experienced an emotional and a mental healing that, you
51:19 know, I had been longing for, for years.
51:24 I've got to do something.
51:26 What do I do next?
51:28 So, I looked up in the phone book and I found the number for
51:29 the local pastor.
51:31 I called him and I said, "Hi, my name is Brian, I've just
51:33 been converted.
51:34 Where do I go?"
51:36 And the poor guy was like, "Brian, it's nice to meet you.
51:39 Converted from what and go where?"
51:42 I said, "That's what I want to know."
51:44 But we had a little laugh over that and he thought it
51:46 was funny.
51:47 And before we knew it, I was, you know, heart and soul into
51:50 this little church.
51:52 And I was studying with the pastor and decided, you know, I
51:56 want to be baptized, I want to be rebaptized.
51:59 And we thought, "Great."
52:01 So, I did some study, and we agreed that I was going to be
52:06 baptized on this date.
52:08 Well, the next morning, my wife asked me and said, "You realize
52:10 what day this is?"
52:12 I said, "Well, it's Sabbath."
52:14 And you know, Sabbath was amazing in itself, but she said,
52:17 "Look at the calendar."
52:19 And when I looked at the calendar, on that day was my one
52:21 year anniversary of my sobriety.
52:24 I was being baptized one year after being sober.
52:27 And I just thought, you know, there's no such thing
52:29 as coincidence.
52:31 That was just amazing God would work that for me.
52:33 God has done amazing things with my life, and I have to give Him,
52:36 you know, all the credit because short of just responding, you
52:43 know, I've done nothing.
52:45 And it's been Him, and it's just pleasure, absolute pleasure be
52:48 called a child of God.
52:52 I am really thankful that God used "Amazing Facts" television
52:55 program and Pastor Doug Batchelor to make a change in
52:58 my life.
53:04 announcer: Together, we have spread the gospel much
53:06 farther than ever before.
53:09 Thank you for your support.
53:19 announcer: Amazing Facts, Changed Lives.
53:27 Daryl: I live in a neighborhood in northwest DC in
53:29 a neighborhood called Petworth.
53:31 I went to a private school, and I didn't fit in well at school
53:33 because I was from an inner-city neighborhood.
53:35 I didn't fit in well at home because I
53:36 went to a private school.
53:37 I've always been a people pleaser, so I
53:39 would do what they did.
53:41 And if they started drinking, I started drinking.
53:44 They started smoking marijuana, I smoked marijuana.
53:47 Once I became aware of girls and what male-female relationships
53:52 were all about, I was off to the races with these guys.
53:54 So, we started partying every weekend, and we'd stay out
53:57 until all hours of the evening.
53:58 My homework didn't get done.
54:00 My grades suffered because of it.
54:02 As soon as I went to college at a Catholic university
54:05 here, I started smoking hashish, and back in those
54:09 days you could smoke in class.
54:11 I loved the way it made me feel.
54:13 I didn't have to worry about how I fit in.
54:16 It was fun. People liked to hang with me.
54:19 I was kind of the life of the party.
54:21 I came out of my shell.
54:22 And shortly thereafter, in my mid-20s, I was working at one of
54:25 the biggest computer companies.
54:27 After graduating college, I was at one of the biggest computer
54:29 companies on the planet at the time.
54:31 And I had money, I had women, I had, you know,
54:36 a car every two years.
54:37 My job performance started to suffer.
54:40 Nothing else was the same in my life.
54:43 I started missing work.
54:44 I would get hired, maybe even be promoted.
54:48 I did really well.
54:49 Three or four months in, five months in, say, four to six
54:53 months, I would lose a job.
54:54 I've forgotten more jobs than I can remember.
54:57 I needed to smoke on a daily basis all day, every
55:01 day, and that cost money.
55:03 So, then, I started getting into stealing.
55:07 I'm stealing from family and friends.
55:09 And when that ran out and people were not trusting
55:12 me anymore, I started to rob people.
55:16 My family didn't want anything to do with me.
55:18 My friends didn't want anything to do with me.
55:19 When I called people, they didn't answer the phone.
55:21 When I knocked on the door, they didn't answer the door.
55:23 I purchased a house, and a young lady and I purchased it
55:26 together, and we were going to move in together, and that fell
55:29 by the wayside because I started smoking, and I started taking
55:33 things from the house and selling them.
55:35 I started taking her personal items and selling them.
55:37 I started stealing from her purse.
55:40 I started stealing from stores.
55:44 Pizza delivery guys were like an ATM.
55:47 Nothing mattered.
55:48 I've been homeless about four or five times in my
55:51 life, and each time was drug related.
55:54 Each time, I chose to do drugs rather than to live with this
55:58 person, whoever it was I was dating.
56:02 During all this time, my sister and her family, they would
56:05 engage me, they were taking me to church.
56:07 I met this woman who happened to be going to my church, and I
56:10 didn't even know it, and she was taking Bible studies from her
56:13 brother-in-law and her sister, who were church leaders.
56:16 They heard about a seminar by Doug Batchelor and Amazing Facts
56:19 called "The Prophecy Code."
56:21 I learned about the true meaning of the Sabbath.
56:24 I learned about my health issues and how diet and exercise can
56:30 positively affect my health and my well-being.
56:33 I learned about forgiveness from God.
56:37 For me, I took to Pastor Doug right away because of the way
56:41 he spoke, his cadence, the way he talked was so--
56:45 it was just like he was talking to me.
56:48 He gave out his book, "The Richest Caveman."
56:51 And when I read that book, I was astonished,
56:54 all the things he had been through.
56:57 His story was not exactly like mine, but it
57:00 was a lot like mine.
57:01 I just identified with it right from the start.
57:04 I thank God that I went to the Prophecy Code Seminar.
57:08 It was my introduction to the truth, and I even go to
57:12 YouTube and catch some of the other seminars that
57:15 they've had, you know, over the years.
57:19 And I do it because I still feel a connection.
57:21 It's like my roots.
57:22 It's like my foundation was built on Amazing Facts.
57:25 And I like the free offers they give.
57:27 I can imagine the call-taker on the other end when
57:29 I call the 800 number.
57:31 "Hi, Daryl, how are you?
57:33 Which free gift would you like today?"
57:35 I can't imagine life without getting those free offers
57:38 because those books are so well-written,
57:40 just like they're written for me.
57:41 I really do appreciate Amazing Facts and Pastor Doug
57:43 Batchelor because they brought-- they helped bring me
57:45 to where I am today.
57:47 My name is Daryl.
57:49 You and Amazing Facts have changed my life.
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Revised 2021-11-24