Sabbath School Study Hour

Jesus, The Giver of Rest

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022205S

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00:36 Luccas Rodor: Hi, friends, welcome to our "Sabbath School
00:38 Study Hour" here at the Granite Bay Seventh-day Hilltop
00:42 Seventh Adventist Church.
00:44 So good to be here with you and to have
00:46 you spending this time with us.
00:47 We're ready to dive deep into the study of this week's lesson,
00:51 and we have a very good lesson prepared for you today.
00:54 I hope that you've been studying this lesson.
00:56 The title of this quarter's message is
00:59 "The Message of Hebrews."
01:01 And so, we're going to be looking at the book of Hebrews
01:04 and diving deep into the beautiful messages
01:06 that we find there.
01:07 This day, today, we have Pastor Shawn that's going to be leading
01:10 out, and he'll be teaching lesson five, and the title is,
01:16 "Jesus, the Giver of Rest."
01:19 And so, I'm excited for that lesson.
01:22 Jesus is our rest giver, and I hope that you
01:24 enjoy and learn a lot.
01:26 Before that, I'd like to ask you to take advantage
01:29 of our free offer.
01:30 Today's free offer is "Why God Said
01:32 Remember," and so, if you'd like this free offer,
01:35 you could call 866-788-3966.
01:40 And you could ask for offer number 185.
01:43 If you're in continental North America, you can ask
01:46 for offer SH129, and you can text to the number 40544.
01:52 If you're outside of North America,
01:54 then you could go to
01:58 And you can also get a digital download of this beautiful study
02:03 right here, "Why God Said Remember."
02:07 Please bow your heads and let us pray right now.
02:09 Dear Lord, thank you so much for your blessings.
02:12 Thank you so much for the Sabbath Day,
02:14 and thank you so much for the Sabbath school lessons where we
02:16 can dive deeper into your Word, Lord,
02:19 and extract meaning and truth for our lives today.
02:23 Right now, as Pastor Shawn leads out in this study,
02:27 Father, I ask you to imbue his lips,
02:29 imbue his mind and his heart with your Spirit,
02:30 Lord, that he may speak from above.
02:33 And may we learn what we need to learn
02:37 and what you want us to learn today.
02:38 I ask you these things in Jesus's name, amen.
02:41 God bless, Pastor Shawn.
02:44 Shawn Brummund: You know, it's interesting when you look
02:49 at research in regards to mental health,
02:52 that insomnia is apparently a challenge for about
02:56 35% of all adults in America.
03:00 And so, with those kind of stats,
03:03 I know that some of you that I'm speaking to here today,
03:06 both in the Hilltop Church, as well as those who are watching
03:10 online on various networks, that you're struggling and that you
03:14 also have that challenge in your life,
03:17 either long term or short term.
03:19 And some of us have insomnia for short spurts.
03:23 Even the Apostle Paul is on record twice in 2 Corinthians.
03:26 He talks about how he struggled with sleeplessness.
03:30 And so, this is a challenge that goes
03:32 back, and you're in good company.
03:33 Even the Apostle Paul sometimes struggled with insomnia.
03:38 One of the struggles with insomnia is that
03:39 you deal with sleep deprivation.
03:42 And when you deal with sleep deprivation,
03:44 you increase your risk of being involved in an auto accident.
03:48 You increase your risk of making a critical mistake on the job.
03:53 If it's a long-term challenge that we have in an extensive
03:56 way, we can find ourselves dealing with a lot of different
03:59 health issues that can emerge from struggling with insomnia.
04:05 Some of us have a hard time going to sleep.
04:08 When we go to sleep, we toss and turn.
04:09 We're counting sheep, we're
04:11 reading a book, we're praying.
04:12 We're doing all kinds of things to be able to find ourselves
04:15 finally falling asleep.
04:17 Some of us will be able to get to sleep no problem,
04:19 but then we find ourselves getting up and periodically
04:21 waking up multiple times through the night
04:23 and breaking that sleep cycle.
04:25 Some of you are nodding your head,
04:27 perhaps you've experienced that or are experiencing it.
04:29 Some of us just find ourselves with our eyes kind of popping
04:32 open at 4 or 5 in the morning, we just can't get back to sleep.
04:35 And so, we don't sleep long enough even though we know that
04:39 we need more than that five hours perhaps that we had
04:42 before our eyes popped open.
04:44 Whatever it is, we ended up not having a good night's sleep.
04:49 Now, another thing that the researchers also have
04:52 discovered, and many of us know that by personal experience and
04:57 when they look at the different list of the different
04:59 researchers and experts in that particular field,
05:02 they share with us that the number-one cause of insomnia is
05:08 stress, and not only stress, but some of us
05:13 that struggle with anxiety, depression.
05:17 Some of these other different health,
05:19 mental-health challenges that are very real for some of us
05:23 will contribute to that struggle of insomnia.
05:27 Irregular sleep patterns is another cause of insomnia.
05:32 Too much screen time, maybe too much stimulus
05:35 just before you go to bed.
05:37 You know, there's a number of different reasons why we might
05:40 struggle and what causes that insomnia.
05:43 Why am I calling--talking about insomnia
05:45 during our Sabbath School Hour?
05:46 Well, because, you know, life tells us and experience tells
05:51 us, research tells us that if we don't get a good night's rest,
05:55 our quality of life is not as good as it could be.
06:00 And as it turns out, the term "rest" appears 11 times in the
06:05 two chapters that we're going to be looking at here today in
06:08 Hebrews chapter 3 and in Hebrews chapter 4.
06:11 Eleven times that word comes up, why?
06:13 Because that's the main theme of this week's lesson study,
06:16 "Jesus, the Giver of Rest."
06:20 And so, not only do we need a good night's sleep,
06:23 a good night's rest to be able to have the best quality of life
06:26 during our waking hours,
06:28 but even more importantly that we need to be able to have
06:32 spiritual rest, the rest that comes by having faith in Jesus,
06:38 knowing that Jesus is with me and I am with Jesus,
06:42 knowing that there is a living God that is walking with me,
06:45 that gives me mercy and grace as I sincerely give Him my faith
06:49 that we might be able to walk together with Him.
06:52 And so, that's the theme today.
06:54 Hebrews chapter 3 and Hebrews chapter 4.
06:58 And as we go to Monday's lesson on this particular
07:02 chapter--actually, no, not Monday,
07:04 Sunday's lesson, we find there that it points us to Genesis
07:07 chapter 15, verses 13 to 21.
07:10 Now, this particular passage is one of several places in Genesis
07:15 where God promises to bring Abraham's many descendants into
07:19 the Promised Land of Canaan.
07:20 It's one of the most powerful times that God reconfirms,
07:24 in the deepest way that He can, this covenant that He cuts with
07:28 Abraham, promising that one day when Abraham's descendants
07:33 become as multiplied and as great as the sand of the sea,
07:37 that indeed, God would reconfirm and cut that covenant again
07:41 through what we now call the Old Testament,
07:44 during the times of Moses.
07:46 And so, if you haven't read that passage, we won't take the
07:49 time today because we can't look at everything.
07:51 But in that passage, we find some of the most intriguing
07:54 elements of that covenant with Abraham,
07:57 as well as the prophecies that God had revealed there in
08:00 concern to the several hundred years into Abraham's future.
08:06 And sure enough, in that prophecy,
08:08 we also find that God had prophesied and told Abraham that
08:13 when His descendants do multiply,
08:15 they won't actually multiply in the Promised Land,
08:17 but they will multiply in a foreign land, that of Egypt.
08:21 And then he reveals that, indeed, after several hundred
08:24 years of Israel's residence there and, sadly,
08:28 their slavery that they experienced for many years
08:30 before they were delivered, that indeed,
08:34 they would serve that nation and that God would judge them,
08:38 and God would bring them out, and God would bring them back to
08:42 the Promised Land where Abraham himself lived and died.
08:48 Now, did God bring them out of Egypt to bring judgment
08:51 on Egypt for Egypt's crimes?
08:54 Well, yes.
08:56 We find that answer in the passage of Genesis 15.
08:58 In verse 14, it tells us that, quote, "Also the nation whom
09:03 they serve," God says, "I will judge."
09:08 And so, we find here clearly that God reveals that one of the
09:11 reasons that God had delivered Israel out of slavery,
09:15 out of bondage, out of a very difficult and very tragic
09:20 situation that they found themselves under the leadership
09:23 and slavery of a very evil king and Pharaoh, we find that God
09:29 judges Egypt for its crimes against the people of Israel.
09:35 But is this the only reason?
09:38 Well, no. This is not the only reason.
09:40 There are many other reasons, but one of them was to allow
09:43 them to freely worship God.
09:46 God was revealing them so that they might be able to freely
09:48 sacrifice at the temple, sacrifice at the sanctuary, on
09:53 the altar, that God would be able to establish the Israelites
09:55 a priesthood, that God would be able to reestablish what He had
09:59 already established, many of those elements, already through
10:03 the first family of Adam and Eve and the different families of
10:06 the faithful, Noah's family and extended family through Salah,
10:12 Abraham and the like.
10:13 And so, God was delivering the Israelites
10:15 that they might worship God.
10:19 Moses told Pharaoh, when he first went in to see him as well
10:22 as some of the other visits that he had with the Pharaoh,
10:24 and he said, "Let God's people go that they might worship Him,
10:28 that they might sacrifice before Him."
10:32 God was inviting Israel into a land of freedom,
10:35 a Promised Land that was flowing with milk and honey.
10:37 There was prosperity on a physical level there,
10:39 on a material level so that their quality of life would be
10:42 far greater than that which was when they were being victimized
10:46 by an evil Pharaoh and nation.
10:49 But again, God was delivering them and inviting them into a
10:52 full, free religious experience with Him.
10:57 And friends, that's what the Bible reveals to us as we look
11:01 at the book of Exodus.
11:03 Of course, that follows Genesis.
11:05 We come to the time of Moses.
11:10 I want to read a quote here from page 37 on Sunday
11:13 because it's just worded so well.
11:15 Page 37 in your quarterlies, if you have them with you.
11:21 You can go along and find that with me.
11:23 It's the last couple of three sentences
11:25 there of the actual page.
11:26 It says, "Creation and redemption are both enshrined in
11:30 the Sabbath commandment."
11:33 What is the Sabbath commandment?
11:36 "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
11:40 Six days you shall labor, and do all your work,
11:42 but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord your God:
11:46 in it you shall do no work, you,
11:49 nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your manservant,
11:53 nor your maidservant, nor your cattle,
11:54 nor the stranger who's within your gates:
11:57 For in six days the Lord created the heavens,
11:59 the earth, the sea, and all that is in them,
12:01 but rested the seventh day.
12:05 And therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and--"
12:08 "And hallowed it."
12:10 Okay, so some of you are able to share that with me by memory.
12:15 It's a great commandment to memorize.
12:17 In fact, I would recommend that you have it memorized,
12:19 all of the Ten Commandments, that you memorize it.
12:22 You know, when you memorize the Ten Commandments,
12:24 including the fourth commandment, God is much
12:27 more able and capable of writing His law upon your hearts.
12:31 Okay, because remember, the covenant that God cut through
12:34 Jesus, the New Testament, He says,
12:36 "I will write My laws upon your--upon your mind," okay.
12:42 "And I will put My laws in your mind,
12:46 and I will write them on your heart."
12:47 And so, for God to be able to write it upon your heart,
12:51 you have to make sure that it's firmly planted in your mind.
12:56 Now, friends, I have to say, and I just say this
12:58 as a friendly challenge to you:
13:02 go ahead and memorize those Ten Commandments.
13:05 You know, there's too many of us as Christians,
13:07 as Seventh-day Adventists, as champions as much as we are
13:10 champions of the law of God, that God has called us to be
13:14 able to help the world and to those who are believers and
13:17 those who are coming-- becoming believers,
13:19 to understand that the law of God is very relevant and is
13:22 a very real element that God has always intended
13:26 for a believer to follow.
13:29 But there's too many of us that don't know those Ten
13:31 Commandments off my heart.
13:34 Even if you don't know the full extensive commandment,
13:38 like the fourth commandment, which is one of the wordiest
13:40 ones, that one and the second one are really long.
13:43 I'm not sure, I haven't counted the words,
13:44 but they're a close first and second there.
13:47 Some of them are very short.
13:48 "Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not commit adultery.
13:51 Thou shall not lie or bear false witness
13:53 against your neighbor and--"
13:55 There's too many of us that don't know those
13:57 Ten Commandments by memory.
14:01 But there's something about the exercise of memorizing.
14:03 That's another thing we're going to run out of time if I continue
14:05 to preach on that.
14:08 All right, so that's Exodus chapter
14:09 20, verses 8 through 11.
14:10 What about the second time?
14:12 There's two times that we find it.
14:13 Let's go to Deuteronomy chapter 5.
14:15 Let's open our Bibles to Deuteronomy chapter 5,
14:18 and we find there, as we've studied our last quarter,
14:20 we looked extensively at the book of Deuteronomy.
14:23 And now we revisit it again in the light
14:25 of Moses's last speeches.
14:27 Moses knows that his life is quickly coming to an end.
14:30 He knows that they're at the border of the Promised Land.
14:32 He's giving his last words as God works through him to
14:35 summarize the covenant and the laws and the principles and the
14:38 plans that God has for Israel when they are entering
14:41 into the Promised Land.
14:42 And, of course, naturally, one of the things that Moses goes
14:45 and reiterates verbally is that of the Ten commandments.
14:50 Now, Moses knew by memory, I am certain,
14:53 I would bet my life on it, that he knew it just as well as you
14:56 and I know it by memory, as we just recited it,
14:59 from the wording that God actually wrote with His own
15:02 finger on the tablet of stone.
15:05 But when Moses recites the Ten Commandments before the
15:08 Israelites, he takes prophetic liberty as God is inspiring him
15:13 to be able to alter a couple--three of those
15:16 commandments, not to leave the principles and the ways and the
15:20 truth that is at the bedrock of each of those commandments,
15:25 but to be able to get further insight
15:27 and further understanding.
15:29 And so, sometimes we get discouraged or sometimes we get
15:33 confused when we read the fourth commandment in Jesus--
15:37 or in Moses's speech.
15:39 And we say to ourselves, "Well, was Moses confused?
15:42 In Exodus, he writes it one way, and in Deuteronomy,
15:45 the same author writes it a different way."
15:48 No, we have to remember this as a verbal recitation that Moses
15:51 is sharing here, and he's taking prophetic liberty
15:54 to further--give some insight.
15:57 It says, "Observe the sabbath day to keep it holy,
15:59 as the Lord your God commanded you.
16:01 Six days you shall labor, and do all your work:
16:03 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord your God:
16:06 in it you shall do no work, you,
16:08 nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant,
16:10 nor your female servant, nor your cattle--
16:13 or nor your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your cattle,
16:16 nor your stranger who's within your gates;
16:19 that your male servant and your female servant
16:22 may rest as well as you."
16:25 So, there's some additional information that's not on the
16:27 tablets of stone, but certainly is a commentary that God is
16:31 inspiring Moses to give in further understanding, saying
16:34 that's the reason why God tells you not only for you to rest,
16:37 but for your manservant and maidservant to rest,
16:39 so they can rest.
16:41 That's a whole other lesson that I was so tempted to go off in a
16:44 tangent and talk about going out to the restaurants on Sabbath,
16:47 or, you know, going to a fair, some of these other things where
16:51 we're soliciting the services of other
16:53 manservants and maidservants.
16:55 And this is, of course, contrary to the very principle and
16:58 direction that God gives us in regards
17:00 to the Sabbath commandment.
17:01 He says, "That your male servant in your female servant
17:04 may rest as well as you.
17:07 "And remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt,
17:09 and the Lord your God brought you out of there by a mighty
17:12 hand and by an outstretched arm:
17:14 therefore the Lord your God commanded you
17:16 to keep the sabbath day."
17:17 And so, when we come to the last words of Moses's rendition of it
17:23 here, we find here that God is inspiring him to also reveal,
17:27 under inspiration, that God has now given the Sabbath to the
17:31 believing, the believers that God is trying to establish as
17:35 believers in Israel, that they were to keep the Sabbath both as
17:40 a commemoration and a memorial of the fact that God had created
17:45 this planet and all its beauty and amazing intricacies.
17:50 All the species or life forms that we find upon the planet,
17:53 all of it was done by God with power and with great
17:56 intelligence and design within six powerful days.
18:01 And then He capped off that seven--He capped off that
18:04 six-day week into a seven-day week because then He looked at
18:08 all that He had made, as Genesis chapter 2 says,
18:10 or at the end of Genesis chapter 1, it says,
18:13 "He saw the all that He had made indeed it was very--
18:16 it was very good."
18:19 Okay, and then He goes on, but then God blessed
18:22 the Sabbath Day and rested on it.
18:26 And not only that, but it also says that he's
18:27 on record of making it holy.
18:32 God rested from all His works and He made it holy.
18:37 And so, that's why we--when we come to the bottom of page 37
18:41 here and it says, "Creation and redemption are both enshrined
18:44 in the Sabbath commandment."
18:45 Did God redeem the Israelites from in slavery
18:48 and bondage in Egypt?
18:50 Yes, He did. Okay, He rescued them.
18:52 He bought them--he brought them as His son out of Egypt into the
18:57 land of Canaan, into the Promised Land of freedom.
19:01 And so, creation and redemption are both enshrined in the
19:06 Sabbath commandment.
19:08 Now, of course, the rest of the Bible and the Bible writers use
19:11 the Exodus, use this deliverance from slavery and bondage.
19:15 Paul in particular really rode this theme and this truth in the
19:19 fact that God was using Israel and its deliverance from literal
19:24 slavery and bondage to represent God's deliverance from--for us
19:28 from literal slavage and bondage to sin,
19:32 to our selfishness, to our self-centeredness,
19:36 and all these different struggles that we are born with
19:39 that we come into this world with.
19:41 And so, God delivers us when we come to Jesus by faith.
19:45 He forgives us our sins, justification.
19:49 He totally wipes our slate clean, but then also He
19:53 delivers us from sin as well, doesn't He?
19:57 Okay, "Behold, I am or God who delivered you out of the slavery
20:00 in bondage of Egypt," as God said in his--in the original
20:04 record of the Ten Commandments and the time that God actually
20:07 gave the Ten Commandments on the tablets of stone.
20:12 And then it goes on in page 37, "Just as we did not create
20:15 ourselves, we cannot save ourselves," okay?
20:18 It says, "We cannot redeem ourselves" in the quarterly.
20:21 But redeem is something that we're not as familiar with.
20:24 And so, I'd like to look at--you know, synonyms,
20:27 that help us to be able to--that we're more familiar with.
20:29 It might make it clear for us.
20:31 He did not create ourselves--we did not create ourselves,
20:35 and we cannot redeem or save ourselves.
20:37 It's a work that only God can do, and by resting,
20:39 we acknowledge our dependence upon Him,
20:42 not only for existence, but also for salvation.
20:45 Sabbath keeping is a powerful expression
20:47 of salvation by faith alone.
20:51 And we're going to touch on more on that as we continue
20:55 in our study here today.
21:01 All right, so the Israelites are now free to observe the
21:03 universal seventh-day Sabbath.
21:05 God has delivered them out of Egypt.
21:07 He's delivered to them out of bondage.
21:09 And now they're free to worship Him in all ways,
21:12 including that of observing the seventh-day Sabbath,
21:15 the one that God had created for mankind in the very beginning of
21:18 the first week of history here on this earth.
21:25 Now, the original one that was found on the tablets of stone
21:27 points Israel to that time that God had delivered them.
21:33 But the verbal reference to it by Moses includes something more
21:37 that God wants the Israelites to know.
21:39 And this ultimately points to the ultimate redemption that's
21:42 found through Christ as the spiritual New Testament Israel.
21:48 And so, I think that's another point that I just want to stop
21:51 and clarify for us because I know that there's a lot of
21:55 confusion in modern Christianity,
21:57 in Protestant Christianity, evangelical Christianity,
22:00 in concern to, what is Israel right now?
22:04 Where do we find God's Israel today?
22:08 And many of us have been taught and many of us have believed,
22:13 perhaps some of us even taught, that Israel today,
22:16 God's Israel, is found in the Middle East.
22:20 That's not true.
22:22 That's not true at all.
22:23 God reveals, both through Jesus's teachings,
22:26 as well as later on through His apostles,
22:29 that if you want to find Israel today,
22:31 God's Israel, biblical Israel, it's right here.
22:36 You're modern Israel.
22:38 You're God's Israel.
22:41 Israel today is Zion.
22:43 Israel today is the church.
22:46 We have to remember that Christianity is not a religion
22:49 that is separate from Judaism.
22:52 Christianity is the ultimate fulfillment
22:55 and extension of biblical Judaism.
22:58 And so, true Judaism is found fully and most completely in the
23:04 Christian church, in the New Testament.
23:08 Now, friends, I know that for some of us,
23:10 that will be revolutionary, even as I'm saying it,
23:13 especially if you've been taught that Israel is in the Middle
23:15 East, that God isn't concerned, He has a plan,
23:17 and that His main focus is on that
23:20 little country in the Middle East.
23:21 It used to be, but Jesus says, "I have removed the kingdom from
23:26 you, and I have given to another nation
23:28 bearing the fruits thereof."
23:31 And then Peter later on in 1 Peter chapter 2,
23:33 he says that you are a holy nation,
23:37 a holy and royal priesthood.
23:39 You are modern Israel.
23:41 Paul comes along and says if you have faith in Jesus,
23:43 you are of the seed of Abraham.
23:47 Now, friends, this is a truth that has been totally buried
23:51 within Protestantism just over the last 50 years.
23:54 If you back up 50 years in America to 19--well,
23:58 70 years now from--I can safely say for 1950 backwards,
24:02 you can go to any Baptist Church,
24:03 Methodist Church, Pentecostal church,
24:05 almost any of those churches, and it was regular chorus for
24:09 the pastors and the Sunday school teachers,
24:11 the Sabbath school teachers, to be able to share with their
24:14 members that indeed you are Zion, you are Israel.
24:19 So, even though it's new coming from this pulpit and other
24:22 Seventh-day Adventist pulpits, if you've never been exposed to
24:25 it before, it wasn't if you go back
24:28 70 plus years in this country.
24:30 Across the board, Protestants understood that New Testament
24:34 Israel is the church.
24:39 And so, when we look at ancient Israel and how God had
24:42 physically delivered them out of bondage and slavery,
24:45 this is why Paul and the other apostles were able to very
24:49 freely and confidently talk about how that symbolized the
24:54 ultimate deliverance of all believers within modern Israel,
24:57 within New Testament Israel, which is the church when you put
25:00 your faith in Christ, experience His sanctification,
25:03 as well as His justification that comes from Christ alone
25:08 by faith in Christ alone.
25:12 And so, the rest of the lesson study this week is
25:14 in Hebrews chapter 3 and 4.
25:16 Because these two chapters lean so heavily upon Psalm 95,
25:19 I want to invite you to come with me as we go
25:21 to Psalm 95 today.
25:23 We're going to the 95th Psalm.
25:30 And as we go to the 95th Psalm,
25:32 I want to read it in its fullness.
25:34 Now, Hebrews 3 and 4 doesn't quote the whole thing,
25:36 but we're there and I'd like to see it in its full context and
25:38 then be able to carry ourselves forward such, about a thousand
25:42 years to Paul's day where he wrote Hebrews.
25:46 So, we're back at Psalm 95 written by David.
25:49 It doesn't say that in your Bible here because the ancient
25:52 records in the Jewish Psalms doesn't say that.
25:54 But when you come to Hebrews chapter 3, in particular,
25:57 Hebrews chapter 4, it tells us that David
26:00 is writing this psalm.
26:02 So, we know it was written about 3,000 years back from our day.
26:05 It says, "O come--"
26:06 And, in fact, let's go ahead and read it together.
26:09 Okay, so let's go ahead and read together.
26:10 Just read it softly, but let's read it out loud together.
26:13 Let's see if we can capture the Spirit and do
26:15 a little something different.
26:16 You ready?
26:19 It says, "O, come and let us sing to the Lord.
26:22 Let us shout joyfully to the God of our salvation,
26:27 let us come before His presence with thanksgiving.
26:30 Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.
26:34 For the Lord is the great God and the great King
26:37 above all kings--above all gods.
26:40 In His hand are the deep places of the earth.
26:43 The heights of the hills are His also.
26:45 The sea is His, for He made it, and His hands
26:48 formed the dry land.
26:50 O come, let us worship and bow down.
26:53 Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker,
26:56 for He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture and
27:00 the sheep of His hand.
27:02 Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your
27:06 hearts as in the rebellion, as in the day of trial in the
27:09 wilderness when the fathers tested me.
27:12 They tried me, though they saw my work.
27:15 For 40 years, I was grieved with that generation and said,
27:19 "It is a people who go astray in their hearts,
27:21 and they do not know my ways.
27:24 For I swore in my wrath, they shall not enter my rest."
27:30 And so, here we find a very powerful psalm.
27:32 Now, of course, this was a song.
27:34 Psalm is an old English term that simply means song
27:36 in our modern English.
27:38 And so, the songs were all--had a tune.
27:41 I have no idea how that tune goes,
27:42 I don't think any scholar does.
27:44 And it was all for the better anyway because God gave me the
27:47 opposite of a gifted singing voice.
27:50 And so, I wouldn't want to dare to try to sing it
27:54 even if I knew the tune.
27:58 But clearly, when we come to the Psalm,
28:01 God invited the generation of Moses to enter His perfect
28:06 spiritual, gospel rest.
28:09 God was inviting Israel into a gospel experience.
28:14 God was inviting Moses's generation into a true
28:17 spiritual, perfect rest.
28:19 In fact, in Exodus chapter 33 and verse 14, it tells us,
28:22 "And He said, 'My presence will go with you,
28:25 and I will give you rest.'"
28:30 Exodus 33, verse 14, He said, "My presence will go with you,
28:33 and I will give you rest," Jesus says to
28:36 Moses and to his generation.
28:40 All right, so Monday, it turns us--it starts to direct
28:43 us to Hebrews chapter 3, and so that's where
28:45 we're going to spend the rest of our time here today.
28:47 Hebrews chapter 3, and we're going to pick it
28:49 up with verse 12.
28:51 Now, verses 7 through 11, we find that--here we find Paul
28:58 quoting from Psalm 95 for the first time,
29:02 and then he basically unpacks that through the rest of chapter
29:04 3 and through chapter 4.
29:06 And so, that's what we're going to do over the next
29:08 few minutes here today.
29:09 So, we're just going to take it verse by verse again.
29:11 Verses 7 through 10, verses 7 through 11,
29:14 we've already read in its original context,
29:17 in its original place in Psalm 95.
29:21 Verse 7 does say, "Therefore as the Holy Spirit says
29:24 today if you'll hear His voice."
29:25 Now, of course, the voice of God comes through
29:27 the Holy Spirit, doesn't it?
29:29 And so, there's a perfect tie-in there.
29:34 Okay, but again in verse 11, sadly,
29:35 Jesus, God the Father eventually had to say to that generation,
29:39 "So I sworn in my wrath, they shall not enter My rest."
29:45 "Beware, brethren," Paul goes on to his generation.
29:48 You see, there's three generations that are being
29:51 addressed here in these two chapters.
29:53 One of them is Moses's generation,
29:55 which again, we're finding as he quotes from David's generation,
30:01 but also, as we'll later on look at,
30:03 he's also quoting from--well, no,
30:05 the psalm itself is reflecting on Moses's generation.
30:08 But then later on in Hebrews chapter 4,
30:11 we find that God is also--Paul is--and in the Bible here is
30:14 also addressing David's generation because David was the
30:17 one that was prophetically inspired to give
30:19 the psalm to his generation.
30:21 "Today, if you hear His voice, harden not your heart."
30:24 And then, of course, Paul ultimately
30:26 is addressing his generation.
30:28 And then God made sure--saw fit to be able to make sure that the
30:32 writings of Paul in--to the Hebrew believers of his day was
30:35 recorded and preserved in the Holy Scriptures of the New
30:38 Testament, which means that it's also addressing our generation.
30:42 It's addressing you and I, and that's why we're looking
30:44 at it here today as well.
30:47 By the way, when it says, "Today, if
30:48 you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts," what's
30:51 the opposite of hardening your hearts?
30:55 It's softening your hearts, isn't it?
30:57 All right, okay.
30:58 So, when God says, "Today, if you will hear His voice,
31:00 do not harden your hearts," another way of saying that is
31:04 today, if you hear His voice, soften your hearts,
31:09 soften your hearts to the Lord God.
31:13 You know, there's a sinful, independent part of us,
31:16 you know, that wants to harden our hearts.
31:18 And it's a temptation for all human beings.
31:20 But God says don't fall for it, soften your hearts instead.
31:25 Don't go that down that pathway.
31:27 Don't choose that choice that you can make to be able to
31:31 harden your heart and to be able to choose a way that is not
31:34 with God and not of God.
31:38 And so, Paul here is doing what he does throughout the whole
31:41 book of Hebrews, as Pastor Doug and others that have been
31:44 teaching this lesson study so far.
31:46 You know, the book of Hebrews was written predominantly to be
31:49 able to encourage, as well as to warn Jewish believers in Paul's
31:53 day not to go into apostasy.
31:55 Apparently, there was a number of different Jewish believers
31:58 that saw that Jesus was the ultimate Jewish Messiah,
32:01 that He was the cap to Judaism, and that the New Testament was
32:05 the ultimate fulfillment of Judaism,
32:07 a transition and full completion of Judaism.
32:09 And so, they embraced Christianity
32:12 and they accepted Christ.
32:14 But that came with a high, high price because there was great
32:19 pushback by their families, by the Jewish community,
32:23 by their synagogues, by their neighborhoods.
32:24 And so, there was massive persecution.
32:27 Many of them were disowned by their family completely.
32:32 And so, because of that, there was a great temptation to be
32:35 able to go into apostasy, to abandon this great,
32:38 powerful truth, and revert back to what was a semi-Judaism.
32:44 The reason I say semi-Judaism, and this is not to offend any of
32:47 my Jewish friends that might be watching considering the things
32:50 of the New Testament Scriptures, but rather because of the fact
32:53 that, just like Christianity became semi-Christianity,
32:57 Judaism, also by Jesus's generation, Paul's generation,
33:01 had become semi Judaism, biblical Judaism, why?
33:04 Because, as we are so apt to be able to do so often,
33:10 we want to start to create a lot of our own religion and add to
33:15 the Scriptures, add to Judaism, add to Christianity.
33:18 And we just start to develop theologies and traditions and
33:22 religions and ceremonies that aren't written in the Bible,
33:25 and sadly, quite often are contrary to the original
33:27 Judaism, original Christianity.
33:30 And so, many Jewish believers in the Christian church were
33:34 tempted to go back and apostatize from this truth and
33:37 go back to their ways so that they can reassemble it and be
33:39 accepted within their families and the neighborhoods.
33:43 And so, when we come to verse 12,
33:45 he says, "Beware, brethren, lest there be any of you that have an
33:48 evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God.
33:51 But exhort one another daily while it is still called today,
33:55 lest any of you be hardened through
33:57 the deceitfulness of sin.
34:00 For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning
34:03 of our confidence steadfast in the end.
34:06 While it is said, today, if you will hear His voice,
34:10 do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion,
34:12 soften your hearts instead."
34:15 And so, we find here a warning.
34:18 And by the way, verse 14 and all through Hebrews,
34:21 you know, sometimes I like to just know a book.
34:23 You know, some--I know a number of different Scriptures that God
34:25 gives to me to be able to help people see through different
34:28 lies, religious lies, that have crept into Christianity.
34:31 And one of those religious lies is that once you give your heart
34:35 to Jesus, you come into a saving relationship with Him,
34:38 you cannot be lost.
34:41 Okay, now if you stay in that relationship with Him,
34:43 you cannot be lost, it's true.
34:45 But you do have that ability and capability.
34:49 And there were believers all through history that demonstrate
34:52 that you can have a born-again, saved relationship with Jesus
34:55 Christ and still find yourself dying a lost man or woman, why?
35:00 Because you made choices later on that started to bring you
35:03 away from Jesus and you began to apostacize,
35:07 and you began to find yourself outside of that salvation.
35:10 Now, there's a number of different quotes,
35:12 you know, 1 Corinthians chapter 9 and later in that chapter,
35:15 you know, Paul says, "You know, I discipline my body that I
35:18 might not lose that salvation which I've preached to others."
35:21 You know, so very clearly, we find some proof text.
35:23 But if you wanted to go to a whole book,
35:25 the whole book of Hebrews is one of the greatest answers to the
35:28 question, "If we're saved, can we ever be lost?"
35:32 And so, Hebrews is warning and encouraging the Hebrew believers
35:37 that, indeed, you may have a saving relationship with him
35:39 now, but if you begin to backslide and you begin to
35:41 apostacize, you can lose that salvation.
35:47 Verse 14 says, "For if we have become partakers of Christ,
35:50 if, if we hold the beginning of our confidence
35:55 steadfast to the end."
35:57 Just as "if" is reiterated dozens of times in the Old
36:01 Testament, so is "if" also found, reiterated and
36:05 repeated throughout the New Testament, why?
36:06 Because salvation is conditional upon
36:09 a sincere, consistent faith.
36:14 And then we come to verse 16.
36:16 It says, "For who having heard rebelled?"
36:19 Well, of course, sadly, that was Moses's generation.
36:22 "Indeed, was it not all who came out of Egypt led by Moses?"
36:27 Now, of course, many times when the Bible uses the term "all,"
36:30 he doesn't intend, and the Bible doesn't intend,
36:33 for us to take it to its literal fullest end, meaning
36:36 every single individual Israelite.
36:38 And this is one of those cases because we have Joshua and Caleb
36:41 for certain were faithful to God through that generation and
36:44 actually entered the Promised Land.
36:46 But all as a whole who came out of Egypt led by Moses,
36:50 sadly, chose to harden our hearts rather than soften it,
36:53 chose to not believe and obey, rather than to believe and obey.
36:59 And verse 17, it says, "Now with whom was he angry 40 years?
37:04 Was it not with those who sinned,
37:07 whose corpses fell in the wilderness?
37:10 And to whom did he swear that they would not enter his rest,
37:14 but to those who did not obey."
37:18 And verse 19, now let's pick this up.
37:21 Verse 19, it says, "So we that they could enter it--so we--so
37:29 we see that they could not enter it because
37:31 of unbelief," because of unbelief.
37:35 Now, there's a parallelism here that we'd want to pick up that I
37:38 don't want us to brush over because again here,
37:41 it also reveals in these two chapters another kernel of truth
37:44 that is very critical for us to understand,
37:46 and that is true belief always comes with obedience.
37:51 Okay, so Paul here could very confidently and very freely go
37:55 back and forth between obedience and unbelief,
37:57 between disobedience and unbelief,
38:00 between obedience and faith, why?
38:02 Because one always comes with the other.
38:04 You cannot have a sincere faith and not want to obey Jesus.
38:10 If someone comes to you and says, "Listen, I'm a born-again
38:12 Christian, I love Jesus with all my heart," but you start to talk
38:14 about the law and obedience to them, and they start to turn off
38:17 immediately and tell you how unimportant that is,
38:19 that person does not have a sincere saving faith.
38:25 And so, God has called us to be able to help our Christian
38:28 friends if they're in that place to be able to understand that
38:30 true love and faith in Jesus means a willing
38:34 and surrendered obedience to Jesus.
38:38 Now, the book of James unpacks that.
38:39 We find that reiterated here throughout these two chapters in
38:42 a very powerful way because, again,
38:44 Paul is going back and forth.
38:45 The Bible goes back and forth between them being
38:47 unbelievers and disobedient, why?
38:49 Because when you believe, you obey.
38:52 When you don't believe, you're disobey.
38:56 Okay, and the more you believe, the more you will obey.
38:58 And the more you obey, the more you believe.
39:01 It's a great life-giving cycle that God gives to us that the
39:04 Bible reveals for you and me.
39:10 All right, so let's go to Hebrews chapter 4, and we're
39:17 just going to commentate through Hebrews chapter 4
39:19 because we're going to run out of time very quickly here.
39:21 Verse 4, chapter 4 it says, "Therefore,
39:23 since a promise remains of entering His rest,
39:26 let us fear lest any of us seem to have come fall short of it."
39:29 Again, that conditionality of their salvation very clear.
39:32 "For indeed the gospel was preached to us
39:35 as well as to them."
39:36 Friends, the first time I saw that,
39:37 I just about fell off my chair.
39:40 And now I've got it highlighted in my most important color,
39:42 green, in my Bible, why?
39:43 Because it tells us very clearly that God was inviting and had
39:48 revealed the gospel of Jesus Christ to the first generation
39:51 of Israelites in which he cut a covenant with--through Moses and
39:54 the leadership of Moses, just as much as he did with the first
39:57 generation of Christian believers and you and me.
40:01 It tells us that the gospel was crystal clear to them.
40:04 God was inviting them to the same experience that he is
40:07 inviting you and I as Christians today.
40:10 And that's another lie that God had--not that God,
40:13 but the devil has sold to too many religious believers
40:16 throughout Christianity's history, that somehow the Old
40:20 Testament was not gospel-based.
40:22 It was not based on what Ephesians tells us.
40:25 Paul had been inspired to summarize
40:27 in such a powerful way.
40:28 For by grace you have been saved through?
40:31 Through faith. It's not of yourselves.
40:33 It is a--it's a gift of God.
40:36 "It's not of works, lest anyone should boast.
40:38 For we are His workmanship, created
40:40 for good works in Christ Jesus.
40:44 "Ephesians chapter 2, verses 8 through 10,
40:47 that same gospel was also preached to the
40:49 Israelites in Moses's generation.
40:53 The Holy Spirit was offering them the exact same experience,
40:56 to be born again and saved by grace through faith.
40:59 Was the law important?
41:01 Was obedience conditional to that faith?
41:03 Well, yes, even as it is in the New Testament.
41:06 And so, these two chapters are so powerful because it just
41:09 blows away so many different lies that have
41:11 crept into Christianity today.
41:13 "For indeed, the gospel was preached to us as well as to
41:15 them, but the word which they heard did not profit them."
41:18 Why?
41:20 Because it was not mixed with faith in those who heard it.
41:22 You see, you can hear the Word and go away an unbeliever, why?
41:26 Because we choose to either soften our hearts to the Word of
41:29 God and the invitation he brings to us through the scriptures and
41:33 his invitations, or we can, we can soften our hearts and we can
41:39 open our hearts and say, "Lord Jesus, come in.
41:43 I embrace this truth and this Word and the
41:45 voice that is coming with it."
41:46 The Holy Spirit always comes and speaks to our hearts and our
41:50 minds when we hear the Word of God,
41:52 when we read the Word of God.
41:54 What we do with it is what makes all the difference.
41:58 And that's what God is telling us again here today
42:00 in verse 2, sadly, that generation heard the word,
42:03 they heard the voice, they experienced the convictions that
42:07 came with it, but they did not profit because
42:09 it was not mixed with faith.
42:11 Verse 3, "For we who have believed do
42:14 enter that rest," he says.
42:16 But the good news is that that rest is still available,
42:18 even as it said in verse 1 of the same chapter.
42:21 And we have experienced it.
42:22 We have entered into the rest.
42:26 [sighing]
42:30 You take a deep breath sometimes and just reflect on the rest
42:33 that God has given to you and me.
42:36 Now, God uses the Sabbath to be able to represent that rest in
42:39 the rest of this chapter in a very powerful way.
42:41 We want to pick up because it's not just where he quotes the
42:43 Sabbath commandment or actually reflects on the seventh day as
42:47 first recorded in Genesis chapter 2 and verse 2.
42:49 But he actually starts to introduce it in the verse or two
42:53 before it, as well as the verse or two after it.
42:55 And so, let's pick that up because the Sabbath is a
42:57 beautiful representation of the, [sighing], the rest that
43:03 we can find in Jesus.
43:05 Because even though obedience is--willing obedience is
43:09 conditional upon our salvation, it is not the way
43:12 in which we earn our salvation.
43:15 You see the difference there, friends?
43:16 God requires a willing obedience,
43:20 but that obedience does not save us in of itself.
43:25 So, we rest in what Jesus has done for us.
43:29 Thank you, Jesus, that you died on the cross to be able to know
43:32 that my sins have been wiped clean,
43:34 that my sins have been made as white as snow.
43:38 Thank you, Jesus, for the promise that when I confess my
43:40 sins, you are just and faithful to forgive my sins and to
43:44 cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
43:48 Thank You, Jesus, that it's you that works in be,
43:51 both to will and to do Your good pleasure,
43:53 that it's not my righteousness that I must lean upon to find
43:56 victory in this life, but I lean upon You and I
43:59 rest in Your righteousness.
44:02 I rest in Your holiness.
44:05 And then He makes us holy with His power,
44:07 and not with mine.
44:10 And so, in verse 3, it says, "For we who have believed,
44:12 do enter that rest as He said.
44:14 So I swear on My wrath, they shall not enter My rest."
44:17 This is reverse deduction as he's using the fact that God
44:20 said, "They shall not enter My rest" to reveal that,
44:24 indeed, He offered it to them, but they would not accept it.
44:26 And so He said, "You will not enter it."
44:28 "Although the works were finished
44:29 from the foundation of the world--"
44:31 There's that first introduction to the seventh-day Sabbath.
44:33 "Although the works were finished from
44:34 the foundation of the world."
44:36 When God came to the end of his creation activities at the end
44:40 of day six and that he rested on the Sabbath,
44:42 is there an eighth date on record which he says,
44:44 "Oh, you know what, there's a couple of things I forgot.
44:47 I need to go back and touch up a couple of things.
44:50 There's a couple of species I forgot to put.
44:51 And boy, did I ever really blew it with that elephant.
44:54 That nose is way too long.
44:55 I gotta be able to shorten that."
44:58 No, it doesn't say that, right?
44:59 It says what He came to the end of His
45:00 works, it was finished.
45:03 And then He rested.
45:06 He paused as a symbol for you and me.
45:10 And so, that's why we find in verse 4,
45:12 "And he spoke in a certain place of the seventh day in this way,
45:15 and God rested on the seventh day from all his works."
45:18 Genesis chapter 2 and verse 2 he's quoting.
45:20 "And again in this place, they shall not into My rest.
45:23 Since therefore remains that some must enter it and those to
45:26 whom it was first preached did not
45:28 enter because of disobedience."
45:30 Again, he designates a certain day saying in David,
45:33 "Today, after such a long time, as it has been said,
45:36 today, if you will hear His voice,
45:37 do not harden your hearts."
45:40 And then as we're short for time, I'm
45:41 going to skip down to verse 9 and 10 to close up.
45:44 It says, "There remains therefore a rest
45:46 for the people of God.
45:48 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his
45:52 works as God has from His."
45:56 And again, verse 10 is reflecting
45:58 the seventh-day Sabbath.
46:00 And even as God finished and rested His works,
46:04 God calls us to rest in His works as well so that we can
46:07 know when we stand at the Judgment Day,
46:10 when we stand at the border of the heavenly eternal kingdom and
46:14 the Promised Land and he says, "Why should I let you in?"
46:17 We can't say, "Well, because I was good enough,
46:19 because I kept the Sabbath long enough,
46:20 because I returned tithe faithfully enough."
46:22 No, this was all part of your sincere faith
46:25 experience and your salvation.
46:28 But that's not the reason that you enter the Promised Land.
46:30 It's because what Christ has done for you and what Christ is
46:34 still doing for you, even right now as your high priest.
46:37 Thank God for that.
46:39 Thank you so much for studying, folks.
46:40 For those of you that are watching, it's nice to have you.
46:42 We look forward to having you join us if you--in the future at
46:45 Sabbath School Study Hours.
46:47 Until then, God bless.
46:54 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's
46:55 life-changing, free resource.
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47:16 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
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47:31 announcer: Amazing Facts Change Lives.
47:40 male: My greatest wish is that my children will see me the
47:46 way I see my own father.
47:51 He's a very devoted man, and that kind of framed my childhood
47:56 going forward from there, where I was always
47:59 involved in church work.
48:01 And I had a very rich experience with the Lord at a young age all
48:08 the way up through college.
48:10 Then after I got married, I got into a company called Comcast,
48:15 and I spent the past, roughly, eight-and-a-half years,
48:19 nine years at Comcast.
48:21 And I was actually watching television with my son,
48:25 and a Comcast commercial came on the air.
48:30 And he said, "Oh, Daddy, that's Comcast.
48:33 That's where you work, Daddy."
48:36 And most fathers would be proud of something like that,
48:39 but it really struck me that, you know, my son's getting older
48:44 and he does not see me as a servant of the Lord.
48:46 He sees me as a servant of my company.
48:50 And I knew that I would have to make some changes because I
48:55 wanted him to know me as a man of God.
48:59 I never thought I would be a preacher or anything like that,
49:03 but I knew that there was room in the work for me
49:07 and for my talents.
49:11 And I wanted my son to see me operating in the work.
49:17 That's when I knew that my time there was coming to an end.
49:21 I was sitting in my office one day,
49:23 and I was kneeling in prayer.
49:25 I said, "God, you know, show me what you want me to do because,
49:30 you know, this seems like a big move here.
49:33 And, you know, everyone's thinking I'm crazy.
49:39 And I don't know exactly how, you know,
49:44 things are going to go if they don't go well."
49:48 That's a crazy thought when you're thinking about God.
49:52 And I lifted my head up in prayer,
49:56 and they were just like a flock of,
50:00 I don't know, maybe 300 birds that were just flying,
50:04 and they were swooping down over the water.
50:07 And they would fly back up, and then they
50:10 would chase each other around.
50:11 And, you know, I was just look at the pattern
50:13 of the giant flock.
50:15 And the promise of the Lord came to me where he says that,
50:20 you know, He takes care of the sparrows,
50:23 and you don't see them worrying about how they are going to be
50:27 taken care of from day to day.
50:30 You know, they don't, you know, wring their hands, wondering,
50:33 you know, "Will there be any worms to eat tomorrow?"
50:36 And that promise really stood out to me.
50:40 And He said, "How much more do I love you?
50:44 You know, I'm not going to send you on a mission to do My work
50:48 and leave you high and dry because you claim to be My
50:51 child, you claim to be My son, and everyone knows that."
50:57 That assurance allows me to know that whatever happens here,
51:03 whatever happens after here, we're sons of God.
51:07 And there are certain things that we shouldn't worry about.
51:12 From the day we arrived at AFCOE,
51:16 it's been obvious that God has blessed the Amazing Facts
51:19 Ministry, the AFCOE program.
51:22 And I will be using my AFCOE experience,
51:27 no matter where I go, to reach people.
51:30 Because the personal touch of face-to-face evangelism,
51:36 speaking and sharing the Word of God out of your own mouth,
51:40 there's no replacement for that.
51:42 And Amazing Facts has been very instrumental in helping me find
51:49 the area of the work of God and showing me
51:52 how large and how broad it is.
51:55 It's been a tremendous blessing to be in a place where we're
51:59 around people seeking to do God's will and listening
52:03 for His voice in their life.
52:06 And that's very, very important today.
52:16 announcer: Together, we have spread the gospel
52:18 much farther than ever before.
52:21 Thank you for your support.
52:32 announcer: Amazing Facts Changed Lives.
52:40 Nita Littlefield: I'm Tlingit Indian from Sitka, Alaska.
52:44 My Tlingit name is [speaking Tlingit]
52:48 It was a very depressing time for the people of Alaska.
52:52 A lot of alcohol abuse was taking place.
52:57 And unfortunately, my mother got caught up in the alcohol.
53:03 It made myself and my siblings grow up in
53:09 a pretty horrible environment.
53:15 It was really hard to understand God.
53:19 It was really hard to understand what love was.
53:23 I ended up having a child in my 12th grade and leaving home
53:33 when I was 15 years old.
53:35 But somehow, someway, we made it.
53:38 And I became a loner, I became a hermit.
53:41 So, I went up to the biggest marijuana county,
53:46 to Humboldt County, and started my new career.
53:51 Things weren't right though.
53:52 No matter how nice I kept thinking life was living up on
53:57 top of the mountain, not having to worry about wearing clothing,
54:03 just waking up and watching the plants grow,
54:07 searching still for more and more.
54:10 I went to the post office, and I was standing there by myself.
54:16 I looked down and here was this, what is called
54:20 a handbill, a postcard.
54:23 And the letters on it grabbed my attention
54:26 and it said, "Revelations."
54:28 I'd never heard Revelation taught before, and I thought,
54:32 "Gosh, that would have been so good."
54:35 I looked at the time and the day and I said, "Wow, that's today."
54:42 And for six weeks, I sat there in the front seat of that
54:49 building and could not believe the things that I heard.
54:54 And I found this hunger, that I had in my heart
54:59 for decades being filled.
55:02 I was actually like a starving child,
55:05 you know, wanting to get into learn more about Revelations.
55:09 And I chose to be baptized on April 3.
55:15 Even though I chose to serve God, I kept falling.
55:20 I was going to Bible studies all--four times a week and just
55:26 so hungry to learn as much as possible.
55:30 God, just overnight, had me studying the Word of God through
55:35 AFCOE, and the miracles that happened through
55:39 AFCOE is so incredible.
55:42 The only preacher I was listening to was Pastor Doug
55:45 Batchelor, who I didn't even call by his name.
55:48 I called him the caveman.
55:51 And then here, all of a sudden, I'm sitting in front of him in
55:56 his classroom, learning from him.
56:00 On October 11, I sat there, though,
56:04 in my room saying, "Lord, here I am studying Your Word.
56:09 But what, what am I doing here?
56:13 What do I need to do?
56:16 What is it you want me to do?"
56:18 And that night about 1 in the morning,
56:20 God spoke to me and He said, "I want you to write a note to
56:25 Pastor Doug and tell him what you do."
56:27 I sat there and I says, "No, I'm not going to write a note.
56:29 I'm not going to write a note."
56:31 And I said okay, so I ripped off a piece of paper,
56:34 and I wrote on the note and I said,
56:36 "I'm an experienced fashion designer.
56:39 I can sew anything.
56:40 I could make any patterns.
56:42 If there's any way that I can be of any service to you,
56:47 God told me to be bold and tell you."
56:49 And I walked up and I handed him the note,
56:51 and he didn't know what it was, but he said, "Thank you."
56:54 And four hours later, I got a phone call from Amazing Facts.
56:58 Pastor Doug told me that I was an answer to their prayers.
57:02 They had been looking for a wardrobe stylist for their new
57:06 film that they're producing.
57:09 male: Action, two, three.
57:12 female: Amazing Facts has changed my life in the direction
57:17 that God wants me to go.
57:20 And now, out of all the knowledge that was taught to me,
57:24 I'm able to go out into this world and share the gospel and
57:29 finish the work for Jesus Christ.
57:34 Doug Batchelor: Friends, it's because of God's blessing and
57:36 your support that thousands of others like Nita have found
57:40 Jesus and everlasting life.
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Revised 2022-01-20