Sabbath School Study Hour

Jesus, The Faithful Priest

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022206S

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00:37 Luccas Rodor: Welcome, friends.
00:38 Thank you so much for being with us today for
00:39 our Sabbath School Study Hour.
00:41 Today we have a very deep study.
00:44 In my opinion, this is one of the most important lessons
00:46 of this quarter's lesson because it's so central.
00:49 It has to do with everything that we read about
00:52 and learn about in the book of Hebrews.
00:54 Jesus is at the very core of it, and that's why
00:56 this week's lesson title is, "Jesus, the Faithful Priest."
01:02 And so, today is going to be about that.
01:04 But before that, I would like to thank you for being here
01:07 with us, for investing your time, for spending time
01:09 in studying your lesson.
01:10 Thank you so much for those here today in our local congregation
01:13 that are going to be spending this time with us,
01:15 learning more about Jesus as our high priest,
01:17 studying the Sabbath School lesson.
01:19 The lesson of Hebrews is deeply important and our understanding
01:24 of Jesus is greatly enhanced by studying this very special book.
01:29 So I encourage you to not only study or have studied,
01:32 I hope you studied this week's lesson,
01:33 but study the whole quarter's lesson.
01:35 It will be very beneficial to you.
01:37 Before we get to it, I would like to ask you
01:40 to take advantage of our special offer today.
01:44 It's called, "Blood Behind the Veil."
01:47 And it ties very well into today's Sabbath School lesson.
01:51 So, "Blood Behind the Veil," if you'd like a copy of this,
01:54 you can call 866-788-3966 or 866-Study-More.
02:00 That's if you're on continental North America
02:02 and you'll get it mailed out.
02:04 And you can ask for the Offer number 130.
02:08 Again, if you're on continental North America and you would like
02:11 a digital download of this free offer, then you can text "SH154"
02:16 to the number "40544" and we'd be more than happy
02:19 to send it to you.
02:20 If you're outside of North America and you would
02:22 still like to study this or to read this beautiful lesson,
02:25 then you could go to
02:31 and you could download a digital copy of this.
02:34 Don't forget to take advantage.
02:36 It is a beautiful sermon.
02:38 Before we do begin, I'd like to invite you to say
02:40 a word of prayer so let's pray.
02:42 Dear Lord God, thank You so much for Your love.
02:44 Thank You for Your power and thank You for being
02:47 the intercessory before us or between us and God.
02:52 Thank You, Lord, because we only need Jesus.
02:54 Jesus is everything that we need.
02:56 Jesus is the High Priest that fulfills everything,
02:59 all of our needs, all of our desires,
03:03 all of the things that we would need
03:05 in any other intermediary, any other--intermediary.
03:12 I thank You because Jesus fulfills that.
03:15 Please bless us now as we study this lesson, bless those
03:18 that are watching at home, those who are here tonight,
03:21 those that will be watching from the future.
03:23 Please be with them also, Lord, I ask in Jesus's name, amen.
03:27 Friends, I learned a lot.
03:30 I was richly benefited or I benefited richly
03:38 from the study of this week's lesson.
03:41 The reason for that is because without Jesus
03:46 there is no everything else.
03:48 There is no understanding everything else.
03:50 Understanding Jesus in all His regards unlocks the keys
03:54 of the Bible, the keys of Scripture.
03:56 And so we learn so much from seeing Jesus
03:58 from different perspectives.
04:00 Jesus really is the catalyst by which we understand Scripture,
04:03 we understand life, we understand existence.
04:05 Once we understand Jesus, we understand everything else.
04:09 That's why the memory verse of this week's lesson is
04:12 so important, so vital.
04:14 The memory verse comes from Hebrews 7, verse 26, that says:
04:17 "For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy,
04:21 harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and has become
04:26 higher than the heavens."
04:28 Now, before we actually get into Jesus as our high priest,
04:32 I would like to give a little bit of context.
04:34 Now, we've been studying the lesson so far and we've been
04:37 learning about what the message of Hebrews is.
04:40 I do hope that you have been reading this lesson,
04:43 "The Message of Hebrews."
04:44 And this quarter has been so deep, but for you to understand
04:50 everything, it's important to understand
04:52 what the book of Hebrews is.
04:54 It's really not a book.
04:56 The book of Hebrews is a sermon.
04:58 It's a word of exhortation.
05:00 That's what chapter 13, verse 22 says:
05:03 that this is a word of exhortation.
05:05 Now, this sermon was preached to motivate the 1st century church
05:10 that was living during the difficult times
05:13 of the 1st century.
05:15 It was a sermon preached to motivate, to encourage,
05:18 to provide comfort and relief to that 1st century church
05:24 that was going through the depths of persecution.
05:27 They suffered so many things.
05:29 Most of them had been Christians for a very long time already.
05:33 They remembered the preaching of the apostles, the miracles.
05:36 They remembered the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
05:39 And during those first years, they suffered insults,
05:41 they suffered persecutions, they suffered the confiscation
05:44 of their property.
05:46 They had been banned from their communities,
05:48 banned from the synagogues, and over time they grew tired.
05:52 They grew discouraged, they grew dreary.
05:56 Over time, they ran the risks of becoming victims of pessimism.
06:00 Now, the profile of these Christians,
06:02 it's not all that different than our profile, than our story.
06:07 To the modern Christians today, to us living today,
06:10 in the world that we are in, in the situations that we are in,
06:14 we can relate to these 1st century Christians,
06:17 because we oftentimes grow discouraged.
06:19 We oftentimes grow frustrated, pessimistic,
06:23 about the results of our acceptance of Jesus Christ.
06:26 And the problem with this is that this discouragement,
06:29 this dismotivation, it oftentimes
06:31 becomes negligence in our faith.
06:34 We become so discouraged that then we become negligent
06:37 in our relationship with Jesus Christ.
06:39 Have you ever felt that?
06:40 That because you've become so tired, so discouraged,
06:43 so unmotivated, you then just become negligent
06:45 with your relationship, in reading the Bible,
06:48 in going to church, in relating with your fellow believers.
06:52 And the problem with negligence or the negligence of faith
06:55 is that it leads to disbelief, to chronic disbelief.
06:59 It then becomes the hardening of your heart.
07:02 Everything that has to do with God, with religion, with church,
07:05 it becomes difficult to accept and you begin
07:07 to resent these things.
07:10 And then you easily fall into systematic and chronic doubt,
07:14 and finally, the public renouncement of your faith
07:17 in Jesus Christ.
07:19 That's why if you give in to frustration, to unmotivation,
07:23 to disbelief, it leads down this dangerous path.
07:28 And that's why this sermon, this word of exhortation,
07:31 the book of Hebrews to the 1st century church,
07:34 makes so much sense to us today
07:36 who so many times, see ourselves become tired,
07:39 discouraged, unmotivated, in our Christian walk.
07:44 One thing that I really want you to understand
07:45 is that the book of Hebrews has a central theme.
07:49 It has a central point.
07:50 The argument is that Jesus is better.
07:54 That is the most important thing for you to understand
07:57 in the book of Hebrews.
07:58 That's what you have to understand, that Jesus is better
08:00 than anything that you have ever known,
08:02 anything that you could know.
08:04 To those 1st century Jews, those 1st century people living
08:08 at that time, going through what they were going,
08:11 they needed to understand that Jesus was better.
08:14 He covered any cost.
08:15 He was a better revelation than the one given to their fathers.
08:19 His name was better than any patriarch.
08:22 He was a better leader, is a better leader, than Moses.
08:25 He is a better first priest than Aaron.
08:28 He brought a better priesthood than the Levitical priesthood.
08:31 He established a better covenant, a better bond.
08:35 The gospel is better than the law.
08:37 Calvary is better than the Sinai.
08:39 His blood is better than the blood of bulls and goats
08:42 and sheeps--sheep and lambs.
08:44 In Him we await a better land than the Israelite dream
08:48 of Canaan.
08:49 He is better.
08:50 He--or He offers a new Jerusalem which is way better than
08:54 the old Yerushalayim, the old city of peace.
09:00 In short, friends, Jesus is better.
09:04 Better than everything, better than anything
09:06 that they and us could ever imagine.
09:09 He is better than everything we could ever leave behind.
09:12 No matter the cost, Jesus covers it.
09:16 That is the message of this book.
09:18 And that's what you cannot miss.
09:21 That's what you can't leave out of your understanding
09:23 of Hebrews.
09:24 This week's lesson is an emphasis on this reality.
09:27 You see, friends, the shroud of sin has separated us from God.
09:31 It's torn us from God.
09:32 The human heart became, because of sin, polluted.
09:37 Polluted by pride, by selfishness, by jealousy,
09:40 by malice and countless other immoralities.
09:43 In a way--in a way, sin has made humans regress to the point
09:52 of pre-creation.
09:54 Humans have become void and formless again.
09:58 Just as the world was formless and void before, humans because
10:02 of sin became formless and void, in a state of confusion
10:06 and darkness.
10:08 The human race found itself, as a whole,
10:10 in a state of rebellion, alienated from God.
10:14 Scripture simply states of the fact that humanity lost
10:18 its dominion and life: the shade of sin covers
10:22 our small little planet.
10:25 And that's the reality that we find ourselves in.
10:28 And we are facing an enemy that we cannot, by ourselves,
10:31 overcome.
10:34 That's the reality of the Bible.
10:36 Sadly, the phenomenon of Stockholm Syndrome--
10:39 have you ever heard of that phenomenon?
10:41 That is our reality.
10:43 That is the reality of this planet,
10:45 a planet that has fallen in love with its kidnapper.
10:51 Sinners need a divine recreation,
10:54 and that is precisely what Jesus did and still does.
10:59 The plan of redemption answers the question that arose
11:02 with the great rebellion and it also provides a deliverance
11:05 for us, a restoration for the human family.
11:07 Look what 2 Corinthians 5:17 says.
11:10 It says: "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is," what?
11:14 "A new creation."
11:16 Because we needed a new creation because sin placed us
11:19 in a state of formlessness and void.
11:24 So we needed a new creation, a recreation.
11:27 We have become a new creation.
11:29 Old things have passed away.
11:31 Behold, all things have become new.
11:34 So what this means is that, rather than sitting idly by,
11:36 than just ignoring everything that had happened,
11:39 God came into play to help fallen humanity.
11:44 God didn't just sit idly by.
11:45 He rolled up His sleeves and He got right into the mess with us.
11:49 Now, the typology of the sanctuary illustrates
11:52 how this plan has been executed
11:54 throughout Christ's atoning priesthood.
11:57 That's what the whole thing of the sanctuary,
11:59 the whole doctrine, the whole story that we talk a lot
12:01 about the sanctuary, it really has to do with this,
12:04 with what Jesus has done and what He's doing.
12:06 Throughout the Bible, we see God's effort in this.
12:09 But nowhere else, nowhere else, is it made more clear than
12:13 in the life and in the ministry of Jesus.
12:18 And so that's why our study today focuses precisely
12:20 on Hebrews chapter 5 through chapter 7.
12:24 That zero in on this truth.
12:27 They emphasize the significance of His priesthood in our favor.
12:31 Sunday's lesson--Sunday begins the week here with--
12:35 it already starts at, you know, 60 miles an hour.
12:38 The title is "A Priest on Behalf of Human Beings."
12:40 It comes from--basically, this day covers Hebrews chapter 5,
12:44 verse 1 through verse 10.
12:46 Have you ever wondered what a priest was?
12:49 What was a priest?
12:51 What was the central purpose of a priest?
12:54 Well, the Bible answers that.
12:55 A priest was a mediator between God and the people.
12:59 All throughout the year, when someone sinned,
13:01 when people sinned, they would bring a little sacrifice,
13:03 a little lamb.
13:05 They would bring it to the temple, and that sacrifice
13:07 would represent something very specific,
13:09 and something very specific was done to that sacrifice.
13:13 And it was all intermediated by the priest.
13:17 Priests were mediators between God and between people.
13:21 Now when we break down Jesus's ministry, both here on earth and
13:25 in heaven, there are some very similar aspects between Jesus
13:29 and the Old Testament priests, but there are also
13:31 some very different aspects.
13:33 There are some things that Jesus did and still does
13:36 that the Old Testament priests could not do.
13:40 They simply could not do.
13:42 Now, the reason why there are some big similarities first,
13:45 the reason why there are some very big similarities,
13:47 is because this entire concept of priesthood was derived from
13:50 God wanting to be transparent in His plan of redemption.
13:55 Everything that those Levitical priests did were shadows,
13:58 were examples, of things that the ultimate priest would do
14:01 on our behalf.
14:03 That's why when we see what the Old Testament priests did,
14:05 we can see, well, they did this, this is what Jesus is doing.
14:08 They did this, this is what Jesus is doing.
14:10 They--there was this ceremony, this ritual,
14:12 this is what this represents in the heavenly sanctuary.
14:15 So that's why--where you get so many similarities
14:18 between the Old Testament priests.
14:20 There had to be similarities,
14:21 otherwise it just wouldn't make sense.
14:24 But in reading the text here in Hebrews 5:1 through 10,
14:29 we're not going to be able to read the entire text today
14:32 for the lack of time, but I do encourage you to read it.
14:35 But in reading the text here, that defines the role of--
14:39 the roles of the priests, we see that there were, by necessity,
14:43 things that Jesus did that these priests could not do.
14:47 Some very big differences in Christ's role that
14:50 all the other priests, they couldn't measure up to.
14:53 They weren't even called to do.
14:55 For example, the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 5, verse 1,
14:59 that Jesus was not chosen from among men.
15:01 It says here, "For every high priest taken from among men
15:04 is appointed for men in things pertaining to God
15:07 that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins."
15:11 So, every high priest was taken from among men.
15:15 But Jesus wasn't.
15:18 That's what this text is saying.
15:19 So it already starts off here that Jesus, while He was a man,
15:23 He did become a man, He wasn't chosen from the lineage of Levi,
15:27 of Aaron, to be our high priest.
15:31 The second thing that was different and this comes
15:33 from Hebrews chapter 5, verse 3, it says: "Because of this,
15:37 He is required, as for the people so also for Himself,
15:40 to offer sacrifices for sins."
15:42 So this is talking about the old high priests,
15:44 the Old Testament high priests.
15:46 You'll remember that on the Day of Atonement, if you read there,
15:48 Leviticus chapter 16 and a little portion of chapter 23,
15:52 you'll remember that the high priest,
15:54 he would enter the holy of holies
15:55 and he would do the whole ceremony there,
15:57 but before everything else, he had to offer sacrifices for who?
16:01 For himself.
16:03 Why?
16:04 Because he was a sinner, he committed sins.
16:06 He did bad things, wrong things.
16:07 And so he needed to atone for his own sins
16:11 or ask atonement for his own sins.
16:13 Not so with Jesus.
16:16 Jesus didn't need to offer sacrifices for Himself
16:18 like every other high priest, because Jesus had nothing
16:21 to offer sacrifices for.
16:24 He didn't sin.
16:26 If Jesus did have to offer sacrifices for Himself,
16:29 well then, Jesus would Himself be part of the whole problem
16:32 and He wouldn't be able to save us.
16:34 And so that's where you find here in Hebrews 5:3 because
16:36 of this you see a distinction between the old priests,
16:40 the old high priests, and Jesus that didn't have
16:42 to offer sacrifices for Himself.
16:45 The third difference is that Jesus learned obedience
16:49 through what He suffered.
16:50 Look at what Hebrews 5:8 says.
16:52 It says: "Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience
16:56 by the things which He suffered."
16:58 So some people might look at this text right here and say,
17:00 "Well, did Jesus have to learn how to be obedient?
17:03 That doesn't make sense.
17:05 Why would Jesus need to learn how to obey?
17:07 Does that mean that before Jesus learned how to obey,
17:09 He was disobedient?"
17:12 So this might be a kind of a confusing verse, but no,
17:16 Jesus wasn't--Jesus wasn't learning obedience
17:19 because He was before disobedient.
17:22 You have to think that He's God.
17:24 Jesus is--was and is God.
17:29 Did Jesus ever have to obey before?
17:33 Do you think that Jesus, in the times of eternity past,
17:35 He ever had to obey anyone?
17:37 He was God.
17:39 Jesus was used to people obeying Him.
17:41 So, at this point, we're seeing that Jesus, He learned--
17:44 it was something new to Him.
17:45 The lesson here on Sunday, it says:
17:48 "Obedience was new to Jesus.
17:49 Not because He was disobedient, but because He was God."
17:53 And as Sovereign over the universe,
17:55 Jesus did not obey anyone; instead, everyone obeyed Him.
18:00 And so, that is another very big difference between Jesus
18:02 and the other high priests.
18:04 A fourth difference is that even Jesus's suffering
18:08 in regard to sin was different than our suffering,
18:12 than the suffering of the high priests.
18:14 Jesus did not suffer to be perfected by His suffering.
18:18 Jesus did not suffer to be tested or to be refined
18:21 by His suffering.
18:24 His suffering didn't make Him stronger
18:25 or more resilient to sin.
18:27 Jesus was always strong.
18:29 Jesus was always resilient to sin.
18:31 You see that in the desert of temptation.
18:33 You see that Jesus answering the devil.
18:36 He was resilient, quoting Scripture, quoting His Father,
18:39 trusting in His Father.
18:41 And so, suffering didn't really refine Jesus.
18:44 His suffering, rather, revealed Him.
18:47 It revealed who He was.
18:48 It revealed the plan of redemption.
18:50 It revealed the character of God.
18:52 And that's why this was so central to His mission.
18:55 In the book of Hebrews, chapter 5, verse 7, we read that
18:58 "He," it's talking about Jesus, "who, in the days of His flesh,
19:01 when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement
19:05 cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death,
19:08 and was heard because of His godly fear."
19:11 So, what is the context of this text?
19:13 It can be very confusing, right?
19:15 Jesus is crying out.
19:16 He is suffering.
19:18 Why is Jesus--why is this happening to Jesus?
19:20 Well, when Jesus goes through this, He does it on our behalf
19:23 to demonstrate just exactly who God is.
19:28 See, Jesus is the supreme revelator of God's character.
19:33 Martin Luther, I think I've said this here
19:35 before but Martin Luther, the great Protestant reformer,
19:38 he once said that humans put on masks to hide
19:41 themselves, right?
19:43 That's why we wear masks, to--well, that's--
19:45 masks represent you trying to hide something about yourself.
19:49 God did the contrary.
19:51 God put on a mask so that we could understand Him better.
19:55 He limited His--Himself into a mask so that we could better
19:59 understand who God is, and that mask was Jesus Christ.
20:03 And so, everything that Jesus goes through here serves as an
20:06 example to us and a revelation to us, for us to understand God
20:12 a little bit better.
20:14 The lesson also says that what Hebrews means here
20:17 in this verse is that it was through sufferings
20:20 that the reality of Jesus's brotherly love,
20:23 the authenticity of His human nature,
20:25 and the depth of His submission as representative
20:28 of humanity to the will of the Father,
20:31 were truly expressed and revealed.
20:34 He was perfected in the sense that His sufferings
20:37 qualified Him to be our High Priest.
20:40 It was His life of perfect obedience and then His death
20:43 on the cross which constitute the sacrificial offering
20:47 that Jesus presented before the Father as our priest.
20:50 And so, Jesus's suffering, it helps us understand God better.
20:55 It understands--it helps us understand
20:56 the reality of sin better.
20:59 Friends, if there are a few things that
21:00 we need to understand in our walk with God is, first of all,
21:04 we need to understand sin.
21:06 What is sin?
21:07 That's a big one.
21:09 There's a whole area of theology called hamartiology that is
21:12 dedicated to understanding sin, the implications of sin,
21:16 what happens.
21:18 Another thing that we need to understand always better is
21:20 God's relation to sin.
21:23 Why is sin such a horrible thing to God?
21:26 And why is it so important for us to get close to Jesus
21:29 so that we can divest ourselves of that nature, of that reality?
21:36 But let's move on.
21:37 Monday's lesson, the title was,
21:40 "According to the Order of Melchizedek."
21:42 So, Monday's lesson and the subject that is covered
21:46 on Monday's lesson is and has always been kind of a mystery,
21:50 not only to me but to anyone that reads the Bible.
21:52 When we hear of this mysterious figure, Melchizedek,
21:55 there are a lot of questions, right?
21:57 Because the Bible doesn't talk a lot about him.
21:59 It doesn't mention him or talk about him all that much.
22:02 What we do have is found in Genesis chapter 14, verse 19
22:05 and 20, and this is basically everything that we have
22:07 in the Old Testament about Melchizedek.
22:10 It says: "Then Melchizedek, king of Salem," and Salem, later on,
22:14 become Jerusalem, right?
22:16 That's, after King David conquered Jerusalem,
22:19 the city was renamed.
22:22 Before, it was Jebbus, and before that,
22:27 it was called Salem, and so Melchizedek
22:29 was the King of Salem that later on
22:31 became Yerushalayim, Jerusalem.
22:34 And so it says, "Then Melchizedek, the king of Salem,
22:36 brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High.
22:41 And he blessed him and said:
22:42 'Blessed be Abraham of God Most High,
22:44 possessor of heaven and earth; and blessed be God Most High,
22:49 who has delivered your enemies into your hand.'
22:51 And he gave him a tithe of all."
22:53 So, Abraham gave Melchizedek a tithe of all.
22:58 Now, again, we don't know much about him.
23:00 We don't know--we absolutely don't know much about him.
23:02 The context of this verse is after Abraham rescues Lot
23:08 from the hands of the enemies that had conquered, you know,
23:12 Sodom where Lot lived, and it's really--there's very interesting
23:16 detail here that Lot, you know, we usually remember Lot
23:21 referring to his--in the context of him being rescued
23:24 from Sodom and Gomorrah, from--by God's hands.
23:28 But Lot was actually rescued twice: once here by Abraham
23:33 and then another time by those angels sent by God.
23:36 There's a lot to be said about Lot's life.
23:38 But in any case, we don't know much about Melchizedek.
23:41 Melchizedek was both a priest and a king.
23:44 As he appears here in the narrative, he was above Abraham
23:47 because Abraham returns tithe to him, all right?
23:50 And again, it's a very mysterious reference because
23:52 we don't know what's going on, we don't know very well
23:54 the context of what's going on here.
23:56 But the book of Hebrews draws a connection, a bridge,
24:00 between Melchizedek and Jesus.
24:02 The reason for this is because Jesus--
24:05 who could you compare Jesus to?
24:08 Which one of the priests could you compare Jesus to?
24:11 None, because all of them were part of the Levitical system,
24:15 the sacrificial system that for millennia already at that point,
24:20 over a millennia, over 1500 years, had already been
24:25 so entrenched into the Jewish tradition that something
24:30 different, some different reference was needed,
24:33 to help people understand that Jesus was so much more,
24:37 that Jesus transcended everything
24:39 that they could imagine.
24:40 And so here, the author of Hebrews, he draws
24:43 from this very mysterious figure of the Old Testament,
24:46 Melchizedek, the lineage of Levi, and this is
24:50 why Jesus wasn't part of that.
24:51 The lineage of Levi was part of the system.
24:54 We just saw that they also needed to offer sacrifices
24:57 for themselves.
24:58 So Jesus needed, in a way, to be different from that.
25:01 And while they fulfilled their role that was established
25:05 by God, they were still part of the problem.
25:09 Jesus needed to be outside of that, in a way.
25:12 He needed to be more than that.
25:15 An example is when Paul tells us that Melchizedek,
25:18 and here we're understanding there's a very big conversation,
25:23 who wrote the book of Hebrews, right?
25:25 And a lot of people say that it was someone else.
25:29 Ellen White, in a revelation, she understood that it was Paul
25:34 and that's why Seventh-day Adventists understand
25:36 and interpret the book of Hebrews as being written
25:39 by the apostle Paul.
25:40 And so, right here, the apostle Paul, he gives us an example of
25:44 Melchizedek, right, that he was without--this is in Hebrews 7:3.
25:48 He was without father, mother, genealogy, birth, and death.
25:52 Now, what was Melchizedek?
25:53 Some kind of alien?
25:55 Was he, you know, mother, father, he didn't die,
25:58 he wasn't born.
26:00 So how do you understand a text like this?
26:01 If you take it literally, well, you're going to be stumped.
26:04 And that's, in that kind of incorrect interpretation
26:07 of the Bible, a lot of people end up believing
26:09 that Melchizedek himself was Jesus.
26:13 But that doesn't make sense within the scope of the gospel,
26:16 within the scope of the Bible.
26:17 So, does this mean that Melchizedek was God Himself?
26:21 No, friends, this is a comparison.
26:23 This is a parable.
26:25 You see, what the text is trying to say is that Jesus
26:28 was untethered.
26:31 He wasn't held back in the same way or by the same
26:34 Levitical priesthood system.
26:36 That's what this text is saying.
26:37 In the same way, where Melchizedek, the Bible doesn't
26:40 give us anything about him, Jesus in the same way,
26:44 Jesus was untethered.
26:45 The answer to this is perfectly summed up by the lesson when
26:48 it says: "Instead, Hebrews uses the silence of Scripture
26:53 regarding Melchizedek's birth, death, and genealogy, to build
26:57 up a typology, a symbol, for Jesus's priestly ministry."
27:01 And you'll find that in Genesis chapter 14.
27:03 And it reveals that Jesus Himself was eternal.
27:07 So, in short, Melchizedek was a Canaanite king priest
27:10 who served as a type of Christ.
27:12 So I hope I made it clear.
27:14 Here, the Bible isn't saying that Melchizedek
27:16 was Jesus in the Old Testament.
27:18 Jesus did not have a pre-incarnation before
27:20 His incarnation, all right?
27:21 It--that's not how it works.
27:24 What the Bible is saying, what it all points to,
27:27 is our initial point, that the message of Hebrews
27:30 is that Jesus is better, His priesthood was better
27:33 than the Levitical one, His high priesthood
27:35 was more effective than Aaron's.
27:37 The focus here isn't on Melchizedek or that Melchizedek
27:40 was a divine being himself.
27:44 The focus, the emphasis, is that he appears as a symbol, a type,
27:48 representing the qualities of Jesus as our mediator,
27:52 the qualities of Jesus as our intercessor.
27:54 Different in that sense than anything that had come before.
27:58 So, you're getting the scope here, right?
28:00 Jesus is better.
28:02 In the context of Hebrews, Jesus was different.
28:06 Now, I'm not saying that Jesus wasn't Emmanuel.
28:08 Jesus was God with us.
28:10 But Jesus, to be our high priest,
28:13 there had to be something that transcended what came before.
28:18 And that kind of leads in, that leads into our Tuesday's lesson
28:24 which, title is, "An Effective Priest."
28:26 Now, would you say that Jesus was an effective priest
28:29 or an ineffective priest?
28:31 That Jesus is an effective or an ineffective priest?
28:34 So, the switch that the author of Hebrews is doing his best
28:38 to drive home is that the only way to actually get something
28:43 permanent out of the old sacrificial system,
28:47 the old way of things happening, is through Jesus.
28:50 The only way how that became permanent, that became eternal,
28:55 was through eternity, and only God is eternal.
29:00 So, the easy way to understand this is by understanding
29:03 that how many times in the Old Testament
29:05 do you find sacrifices going on?
29:07 The sacrifices of lambs and, you know, bulls and--how many times?
29:11 Countless times.
29:12 It happens a whole bunch of times.
29:14 Why does it keep repeating itself?
29:15 Because it wasn't perfect.
29:17 It wasn't permanent.
29:20 Only through Jesus does it become permanent.
29:23 That's why we don't have to do these things today,
29:25 because Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of these rituals,
29:29 these symbols.
29:31 The only way is through Jesus.
29:32 There is no other way.
29:33 At that time, the religious system of the Jews had--
29:36 of the Jews had become so mechanical, again,
29:38 so entrenched by their legalistic
29:41 self-righteous tradition, that they have lost sight
29:44 of what these rituals, what the ceremonies,
29:47 what the feasts were representative of.
29:51 They couldn't see anymore that they were illustrations,
29:54 they were symbols, that all pointed towards
29:56 one concrete reality.
29:59 And what was the reality?
30:01 Jesus, all of it.
30:04 Everything converges on Jesus.
30:06 So that's why I said in the beginning, if you remove Jesus
30:09 from the gospel story, from the biblical narrative,
30:12 nothing makes sense.
30:14 All you have is a historical book.
30:16 That's all that you have.
30:18 Jesus is the catalyst of Scripture.
30:20 Everything makes sense in Him.
30:23 The main reason here for Jesus being not only
30:26 the most effective priest, but the only truly effective priest,
30:32 is because He was the one absolutely perfect.
30:36 He was the only absolutely perfect one from birth to death,
30:41 through and through.
30:42 Look at what Hebrews 7:11 says: "Therefore, if perfection were
30:47 through the Levitical priesthood (for under it the people
30:51 received the law), what further need was there that another
30:55 priest should rise according to the order of Melchizedek,
31:00 and not be called according to the order of Aaron?"
31:03 So what is this text saying?
31:07 It's saying that if it were possible for another high priest
31:12 to substitute Jesus, he would come through the order of Aaron
31:15 and not through the order of Melchizedek.
31:17 Another important thing to note here in the same context is
31:20 the fact that Paul speaks of a change of law,
31:23 so do laws change?
31:24 I mean, Hebrews 7:12 says: "For the priesthood being changed,
31:27 of necessity there is also a change of the law."
31:32 So, someone might ask, "Well, do laws change?
31:35 Isn't God eternal?
31:37 And aren't God's laws a reflection of His character?
31:41 How is it that these laws are changing?"
31:45 Well, when it comes to the ceremonial law,
31:49 and that's what we're talking about right here:
31:51 the laws that guided the ceremony, the rituals of Israel,
31:57 it doesn't change as much as it's completed.
32:01 These laws, they don't really change, they're just completed,
32:05 they're fulfilled.
32:07 What did Jesus say?
32:08 "I have not come to abolish the law, but to," what?
32:11 "Fulfill it."
32:13 And so, these laws are more fulfilled than done away with.
32:19 With the phenomenon of Jesus Christ,
32:21 some things did end and some things were commenced.
32:24 So what things ended?
32:25 Well, we see that the fete-- the feasts that were completed
32:28 in Jesus's life and death-- birth, life, and death,
32:31 well, they ended.
32:33 That's why we don't celebrate these feasts anymore is because
32:35 their meaning was completed in Jesus Christ.
32:38 What about the sacrificial system?
32:40 It was torn.
32:41 As soon as the veil was torn, top to bottom, when Jesus died,
32:44 you'll have no more sacrificial system
32:46 because Jesus completes it.
32:47 The fact is, friends, that according to the old law,
32:50 only the Levites could become priests and here,
32:53 we're answering the question that kind of arose
32:56 with the verse that we read before.
33:00 In the Old Testament, only Levites could become priests,
33:03 but was Jesus from the tribe of Levi?
33:06 No, he was from the tribe of Judah.
33:09 And so, the law gives way to another law, a more perfect,
33:12 more relevant, more complete one where Jesus becomes
33:15 both sacrifice and high priest.
33:18 So, in the Old Testament, you had the sacrifice
33:20 and you had the high priest.
33:22 In Jesus, you have the sacrifice and the high priest converging.
33:27 Everything converges in Jesus.
33:30 Hebrews 7, verse 18 and 19 says: "For on the one hand there is an
33:33 annual--there is an annulling," sorry, "an annulling
33:36 of the former commandment because of its weakness
33:39 and unprofitableness, for the law made nothing perfect;
33:43 on the other hand, there is the bringing in of a better hope,
33:46 through which we draw near to God."
33:50 And the lesson completes this idea by saying,
33:52 "Jesus's coming also implied a change in the law of sacrifices.
33:56 Sinners were required to bring different kinds of sacrifices
33:59 to obtain atonement.
34:01 But now that Jesus had come and offered a perfect sacrifice,
34:05 the law of animal sacrifices has been put aside as a result
34:09 of the new covenant and the fuller revelation
34:12 of the plan of salvation."
34:14 And that's what we mean by present truth.
34:17 In every period of time in history, we've had our present
34:19 truth: what makes sense for this moment, right now.
34:23 And the present truth here, revealed here,
34:26 is that Jesus was better.
34:28 Better than the old bulls and rams and feasts.
34:30 Everything--in everything, Jesus was better.
34:35 And that segues into Wednesday's lesson.
34:37 The title is, "An Eternal Priest."
34:40 So this one kind of completes Tuesday's lesson.
34:44 Not only is Jesus the effective priest,
34:46 He is the only eternal priest.
34:48 And the implications of this are very deep, are very profound.
34:52 It means that Jesus's ministry on our behalf is eternal.
34:55 It reaps eternal results.
34:57 It will always be relevant.
35:00 And of course, that is why only He could be such a priest.
35:03 Why could only Jesus be our eternal priest?
35:07 Because only God is eternal.
35:09 Every other created being is infinite, can be infinite.
35:14 The angels are infinite, they will never die,
35:15 but they had a point of beginning.
35:17 They are not sources of life.
35:19 God is the only source of life.
35:22 He is the only life-giver.
35:26 In that way, God breathes life into His ministry
35:29 and what He does on our behalf.
35:31 It means that His ministry on our behalf has eternal results.
35:37 And of course, that's why only He could be that priest.
35:40 And so, speaking of Jesus in this context, Hebrews informs us
35:44 in chapter 7, verse 16, that He "has come not according to the
35:48 law of a fleshly commandment, but according to the power
35:52 of an endless life."
35:54 So what authority--what granted Jesus the ability to become
35:58 an eternal priest and be our eternal priest?
36:00 Well, it's very simple: the fact that He's eternal.
36:03 It's obvious.
36:04 Only He is eternal, only He could be an eternal priest.
36:07 His endless life is the source of our future endless life.
36:12 But friends, it goes beyond the quantity of time.
36:14 It goes beyond the temporal aspect.
36:16 The lesson completes this idea by saying that
36:18 "the implications of these facts are astounding.
36:21 It means that Jesus's ministry will never be surpassed
36:25 or outclassed.
36:27 Jesus saves completely, eternally, to the uttermost.
36:32 The salvation that Jesus provides is total and final.
36:36 It reaches the innermost aspects of human nature."
36:40 You know what's interesting in the story?
36:42 You'll remember that in Ecclesiastes chapter 3,
36:44 the preacher, right, the teacher there in Ecclesiastes,
36:48 he says that God has placed what in the hearts of men?
36:52 Eternity.
36:54 God has placed eternity in the hearts of men.
36:57 He has written eternity into the hearts of men.
37:00 But God is the very embodiment of--
37:05 He is the very definition of what eternity means.
37:08 So by saying that God has placed eternity into the hearts of men,
37:12 what does that imply?
37:14 God has placed Himself into the hearts of men.
37:18 Hebrews 10:12 completes this idea because it says:
37:21 "For this is the covenant that I will make with the house
37:23 of Israel after those days, says the Lord:
37:26 I will put My laws in their mind,
37:28 and write them on their hearts.
37:30 I will be their God and they shall be My people."
37:32 You see, "I will write My laws in their hearts."
37:36 He will put eternity, Himself, in our hearts
37:39 and He will write His laws in our hearts.
37:42 You cannot have true laws without God in your heart,
37:46 and that's exactly, precisely, what the Israelite nation
37:50 was doing in His day, and that's why they failed miserably.
37:56 God put eternity into our hearts.
37:58 The entire Bible is interwoven into one grand mosaic
38:02 that portrays Jesus in His plenitude.
38:06 Another aspect of this, another thing to consider here,
38:09 is that Jesus becomes the catalyst to make
38:12 the covenant better.
38:13 You know, friends, I get very-- how do I--
38:18 how would--disappointed?
38:20 Not disappointed, it just annoys me when I see sometimes
38:24 people making this huge differentiations
38:26 between the covenant.
38:29 You'll see, "Well, you have the old covenant,
38:30 you'll have the new covenant.
38:31 You have this--"
38:33 Friends, the covenant has always been about one thing.
38:35 The covenant has always been about redemption,
38:38 about God saving us, be that the covenant with Adam,
38:41 be that the Abrahamic covenant or the covenant with Noah,
38:44 the covenant with Isaac and Jacob or Israel.
38:46 The covenant has always been one of salvation, always.
38:51 So--and then you can say, "Well, all right, Pastor,
38:53 what does the New Testament, this text that you just read,
38:55 why does it say, 'new covenant'?"
38:58 Well, it's--in the Greek language,
39:00 there are two words for new.
39:03 Two words for new.
39:06 One means new of a-- of the same kind.
39:10 New of the same kind.
39:11 Think of a car, all right?
39:13 I have a, I don't know, a Honda, all right?
39:15 We have a Honda Civic.
39:18 Now, let's say that my Honda Civic
39:19 is a very old Honda and I want a new one.
39:22 I want a new car, and I go out and I buy a Honda Civic.
39:25 It's new, but it's of the same kind.
39:29 Or you could buy a completely different car.
39:31 You could buy an Altima, a Nissan Altima.
39:34 It's new, of a different kind.
39:37 So when the Bible says, "new covenant," is it talking
39:40 about new of the same kind or new of a different kind?
39:44 It's talking about new of the same kind.
39:46 It's a renewed covenant.
39:48 You see, the old covenants, it's always God extending
39:50 His arm to reach out to the human family.
39:54 The problem is that the human family always slips.
39:58 You see that with Abraham, you see that with Noah,
40:00 you see that with Adam, you see that with Israel,
40:04 and the Israelite kings.
40:05 The human--the divine hand that's reaching out is always
40:08 met by the feeble weak hands of humans that end up slipping.
40:12 But when Jesus comes, the arm of God reaches out and on the other
40:17 side, you have the arm of Jesus, and Jesus's arms never slip.
40:23 Jesus doesn't let go.
40:25 He keeps the covenant, and that's how we have--it's the
40:28 same covenant of redemption, but this time, it's perfect.
40:33 It's a perfect bond.
40:35 And in that way, not only does Jesus bridge the gap,
40:38 Jesus becomes the bridge over the gap.
40:41 He Himself becomes the bridge.
40:46 The covenant has always been a covenant of salvation,
40:48 but with the addition of Jesus's blood, His atoning sacrifice,
40:52 and the cross, His ministry for us in the heavenly sanctuary,
40:55 it has been renewed.
40:57 It's been made better, perfect, complete.
41:00 It is still the same covenant of redemption it always has been,
41:03 but now it's whole.
41:06 Now it's complete.
41:07 That's why Hebrews 7:22 informs us:
41:09 "By so much more Jesus has become a surety of a," what?
41:14 "Of a better covenant."
41:17 A better covenant.
41:19 Renewed, made whole.
41:24 The covenant in Him becomes the everlasting covenant,
41:29 because only He is everlasting.
41:32 Do you understand it?
41:33 The everlasting covenant is only everlasting because Jesus
41:37 is everlasting, and that is why He is our everlasting priest.
41:43 In Jesus, it will never fail.
41:46 The covenant will never fail because His ministration
41:48 on our behalf guarantees a better, unending covenant.
41:53 The lesson sums it up perfectly by saying that the Father
41:56 established Jesus as a guarantee to us that He will not default
42:00 on His promises.
42:02 That that's how certain we can be of salvation
42:05 that we have been given in Jesus.
42:08 Finally, Thursday's lesson.
42:11 We're ending the week here.
42:13 At the foundation of this whole perspective of Jesus
42:16 as the only effective, the only eternal priest,
42:19 is the fact that He was spotless.
42:22 He was sinless.
42:24 That's where our memory verse comes in.
42:25 This is such a beautiful memory verse.
42:27 Hebrews 7:26: "For such a High Priest was fitting for us,
42:30 who is holy, harmless, undefiled,
42:34 separate from sinners, and has become higher
42:37 than the heavens."
42:38 So, this verse, this very short verse,
42:40 it describes five characteristics of Jesus
42:45 needed for Him to be able to mediate for us
42:47 as the perfect high priest.
42:49 First of all, He was holy.
42:52 Jesus was holy.
42:53 His relationship with God was uninterrupted.
42:56 It was never broken.
42:57 The only moment where you see a break is in the Gethsemane.
43:00 Not even in the Gethsemane.
43:02 It's really on the cross, "My God, My God,
43:03 why have You forsaken Me?"
43:04 Because there, and this is where you see the reality
43:06 of 2 Corinthians chapter 5, verse 21, that says that
43:10 "He who had no sin became sin, so that we who were sin could be
43:17 made the righteousness of God."
43:19 That's my favorite Bible verse.
43:21 "He who knew no sin became sin."
43:24 But in every other sense, Jesus's relationship with God
43:28 was uninterrupted, never broken.
43:30 The arm that God had extended to Adam, to Abraham, to Isaac,
43:33 to Jacob, to Israel, that arm that had always met,
43:37 as I said before, the human arm that slipped,
43:40 it now met the arm of Jesus.
43:44 He became our bridge.
43:45 And so, in that way, Jesus was holy.
43:47 He was separate.
43:49 The word "holy" literally means separated.
43:51 We are called to be a holy nation, are we not?
43:53 What does that mean?
43:54 We're called to be separate.
43:57 Jesus was holy.
43:59 That's what it means: separated.
44:01 Second, He was undefiled.
44:02 That's what the verse is saying.
44:04 He was never conquered by sin or evil.
44:06 Jesus was never conquered by sin.
44:09 So this means that while Jesus was affected by sin, wasn't He?
44:12 I mean, you see that Jesus on every side was affected by sin,
44:15 but in that way He was never infected by it,
44:17 He never caved to it.
44:18 I'm not saying that Jesus wasn't tempted,
44:20 and I'm not saying that Jesus couldn't have fallen.
44:24 But what we see, the empirical truth in the Bible is
44:26 that Jesus never sinned.
44:28 And so He remained undefiled.
44:31 "Although He was tempted in all points," as Hebrews 4:15 says,
44:37 which truly means, I mean, when you think--
44:39 when you truly consider it, He was tempted on all points.
44:41 Well, what does that mean?
44:42 Was Jesus tempted with every single sin?
44:45 That's impossible.
44:46 Jesus wasn't tempted to watch wrong things on the Internet
44:50 because there was no Internet.
44:51 Jesus was never tempted to use drugs, at least, you know,
44:54 modern drugs.
44:55 Why?
44:57 Because they had no modern drugs.
44:58 So you can't say, "Jesus was a man;
45:00 He couldn't be tempted as a woman is."
45:02 Jesus wasn't a father; He can't be--
45:03 He couldn't be tempted as parents were.
45:06 Jesus wasn't married; He could be tempted as a married man is.
45:10 So when the Bible says that He was tempted on all points,
45:12 what does that mean?
45:14 It means that He was tempted at the foundation of sin,
45:17 rebellion against God.
45:20 When we say, you know, that sin is transgression of the law,
45:23 what that means is sin is rebellion against God
45:27 because God's law reflects His character.
45:30 If I transgress His character, am I not rebelling
45:32 against His character?
45:34 And so, in this way, Jesus was tempted
45:36 at the foundation of every sin, just like all of us.
45:41 But what this text here is saying is that sin
45:44 never found echo, it never found resonance.
45:48 What does the book of John chapter 14, verse 30 say?
45:51 It said, and this is Jesus saying:
45:52 "The ruler of this world is coming."
45:54 He's speaking about Satan.
45:55 "The ruler of this world is coming,
45:57 and he has nothing in Me."
45:59 There was no echo.
46:02 So we have Jesus being undefiled.
46:05 Third, He was separate from sinners.
46:08 Again, this is the--this is the verse that I just read, okay?
46:11 This isn't me coming up with this stuff, right?
46:13 So for such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy,
46:16 harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners,
46:19 and has become higher than the heavens."
46:21 So, He was separate from sinners.
46:24 Now this doesn't mean that He couldn't relate to us because,
46:27 after all, if Jesus couldn't relate to us,
46:28 what kind of Savior would He be?
46:30 That's why the Bible tells us that Jesus--
46:32 we don't have a High Priest in heaven that cannot comprehend,
46:36 He can't feel what we're going through.
46:39 Or course He can.
46:41 But what this verse indicates is that while He was here with us,
46:45 while He was and still is Emmanuel, God with us,
46:48 He never sinned.
46:50 He remained unblemished, and in that way
46:51 He was separate from sinners.
46:53 That's what the text is saying.
46:55 Fourth, He was exalted above the heavens.
46:58 Now, this text is echoed in Colossians chapter 1, verse 15,
47:02 that says: "He is the image of the invisible God,
47:04 the firstborn over all of creation."
47:07 So, this verse is misused a lot, with a very early heresy called
47:14 the Arian heresy.
47:15 Has nothing to do with Arianism as we understand it today.
47:18 Has nothing to do with races or anything like that.
47:20 The Arian--it came from a guy called Arius,
47:22 and so he believed that Jesus was the first created creature.
47:26 He was the first created being.
47:27 So in that way, Jesus wouldn't be God;
47:29 He would just be the first created being.
47:31 Now the Bible is completely against that, right?
47:34 But the thing is that they used this text.
47:37 Jesus was the firstborn of creation.
47:40 There's a very different way-- there are many different ways
47:43 in which the way of thinking,
47:45 the biblical way of thinking, is different than ours.
47:48 And so, when the Bible here is saying that He was the firstborn
47:50 over all of creation, it's not talking about--it's not speaking
47:54 quantitatively regarding time, but qualitatively.
47:59 Qualitatively, Jesus is the firstborn,
48:02 so let me explain this a little bit better.
48:05 Was Jacob the firstborn?
48:08 No, but did Jacob receive the firstborn blessing?
48:13 Yeah, that's what this means.
48:15 He was the more important one, all right, when speaking
48:18 about the biblical promises.
48:20 So by saying that Jesus is the firstborn over all of creation,
48:23 what we're truly saying is that He is--He has preeminence,
48:27 He is over all of creation.
48:30 Jesus is better.
48:31 And so that's what exalted above the heavens means:
48:34 Jesus is better.
48:37 He is above.
48:38 And thank God for that.
48:40 Praise God for that reality.
48:41 Because of His victory, He was exalted and, friends,
48:44 because He lives we can face tomorrow.
48:48 We don't have to leave every morning our home
48:51 to conquer victory, because in Him, we are already victorious.
48:56 We already have His victory, His righteousness.
49:00 Finally, He was fully human.
49:03 That's what the text implies.
49:06 Since Jesus was fully human, as we talked about before,
49:09 but also perfect, He is in the perfect position
49:12 to be our high priest,
49:13 to mediate between us and the Father.
49:16 Jesus is precisely what He always needed to be,
49:18 for all, forever.
49:20 And as a human, He's our example.
49:24 We know this.
49:26 Jesus is our example.
49:27 You see, friends, Jesus came to this world with two missions:
49:31 two ultimate reasons for coming.
49:34 First, to be your and my substitute.
49:40 That's what being my high priest implies.
49:44 I needed someone to substitute what was going to happen to me,
49:50 because sin--what is the consequence of sin?
49:52 Death.
49:53 The wages of sin is death.
49:57 I needed a substitute.
49:59 And secondly, an example.
50:02 An example in how to live, how to relate to God, how to love,
50:06 how to relate to those around me, how to love others,
50:10 how to be kind, how to be pure, how to be better.
50:13 Jesus is better than everything, and with Him as my example,
50:17 I can do my best.
50:19 But here's the thing: it's in that order.
50:22 First, Jesus is my substitute and then He is my example.
50:26 There are some things that Jesus did that I'm not called to do.
50:28 I'm not called to die for anyone else,
50:31 not in the way that He did.
50:33 The Bible does say that a good friend dies for--
50:35 lays down his life for his brother, right?
50:37 But in--I'm not--I was never called to be a Messiah,
50:40 to be anyone's Savior.
50:42 And so that's what the Bible implies here.
50:45 And so, friends, because of all of this, because we have Jesus
50:48 as our high priest, our eternal, our effective,
50:51 our great high priest, we can grow in Him,
50:54 we can reflect His love, we can reflect His mercy,
50:57 we can extend to a dying world the love,
51:00 the arm of God, that Jesus took and that He became our bridge.
51:04 We can extend that to a dying world,
51:07 and we can tell them that we have hope
51:09 in the ultimate priest.
51:11 I want to end with a text, a quote from the SDA Bible
51:16 Commentary written by, really, it's the Letter Number 90.
51:19 It was written 1906 by Ellen White, and it says:
51:22 "Christ is watching.
51:24 He knows all about our burdens, our dangers,
51:27 and our difficulties; and He fills His mouth
51:29 with arguments in our behalf.
51:31 He fits His intercessions to the needs of each soul,
51:35 as He did in the case of Peter.
51:37 Our Advocate fills His mouth with arguments to teach
51:40 His tried, tempted ones to brace against Satan's temptations.
51:45 He interprets every movement of the enemy and He orders events."
51:50 Friends, in Jesus we not only have a judge, we not only have
51:55 an advocate, we not only have a high priest, we have a brother.
52:00 We have family.
52:01 Heaven is invested in us, in you, and in me.
52:07 And so my invitation to you today is to accept
52:09 this high priest.
52:11 Allow Him to be the only mediator that you need.
52:13 Allow Him to live in your life and I am sure that your life
52:18 will then be full of hope.
52:19 Please bow your head and pray with me.
52:21 Dear Lord, thank You so much for Your love.
52:23 Thank You for Your companionship.
52:24 Thank You for being our high priest.
52:27 Allow us daily to consider this reality and to put into our life
52:31 what this means, in a practical way, and allow us to extend
52:35 to the world around us the implications
52:37 of our eternal effective high priest.
52:41 Bless all--please bless all of those that are watching
52:43 from home, those that were here today,
52:45 and those that will be watching from the future.
52:47 Allow this message to inspire and to instigate.
52:51 I ask these things in Jesus's name, amen.
52:56 Friends, please don't forget to take advantage
52:58 of our free offer: "Blood Behind the Veil."
53:02 If you want it, you can call 866-788-3966 or you can ask--
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53:25 May God bless you. Have a great week.
53:30 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
53:32 free resource.
53:33 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail,
53:35 you can download a digital copy straight to your computer
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53:52 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word
53:56 with Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want,
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54:06 announcer: "Amazing Facts" Changed Lives.
54:09 ♪♪♪
54:14 female: Well, my conversion story is when
54:18 I was in the Philippines, I just graduated as a nurse
54:23 and afterwards I did not have any religion and one time
54:27 I found myself inside a small church,
54:31 Catholic church, in Manila, and before a big cross.
54:37 And I was kneeling before and I could hear Jesus telling me
54:42 to enter the convent, save myself and also my family.
54:47 And I said, "Lord, I would like to follow You all the way."
54:50 At that point, I seemed to be happy externally,
54:54 but because inside the convent we don't read the Bible,
54:58 we don't study about the Word of God.
55:01 We prayed the rosaries, we also at the same time
55:05 studied the lives of the saints and also our founders,
55:09 and the encyclicals of the Pope and the Virgin Mary.
55:13 And so I do not know the truth and I had this torture of
55:17 conscience, the guilty feelings that cannot be resolved.
55:21 So I would confess to the priest in the confessional box, saying,
55:25 "Father, forgive me.
55:28 Since my last confession was last week.
55:30 Since then I have committed the following sin
55:33 including the root cause: why am I falling and falling
55:37 in that same sin over and over again."
55:41 And still for 21 long years, I struggle and I struggle
55:46 and I struggle.
55:48 I realized that I was totally empty,
55:51 I was totally helpless and hopeless,
55:54 and so depressed, and so desperate
55:58 that I would like already to end my life.
56:01 I was working for five years as dean of the University
56:04 of San Agustin College of Nursing in Iloilo City,
56:09 one of the islands in the Philippines.
56:12 After five years I received a commission from my parents
56:17 to help my sister who is being a battered woman.
56:21 This is one of the reasons why I came over to United States.
56:26 It is because my sister needs my help.
56:30 As I was working in the hospital in New York,
56:33 my boss-- he was so gracious enough
56:36 to give me an invitation to the Millennium Prophecy.
56:40 As I was listening to Pastor Doug Batchelor's presentation,
56:44 my heart really was beating so fast, and my mind,
56:49 I'm able to grasp the truth, that this is the truth
56:55 that I've been longing to hear all my life,
56:58 that I have been seeking for so long.
57:01 My personal relationship with Jesus,
57:04 I can see Jesus as my personal Savior.
57:08 He is not only the Savior of the whole world
57:11 but He is my personal Savior.
57:14 He was the one who delivered me mightily from the depths of sin,
57:20 from the mighty clay.
57:22 Pastor Doug Batchelor has been used by the Lord
57:25 in my conversion.
57:27 The Amazing Facts, I owe to them.
57:30 The Lord really blessed this ministry and I'm so proud
57:35 I was able to attend this Millennium Prophecy.
57:39 My life has never been the same.
57:42 It has given me the peace, the joy, that never--
57:47 I have never tasted in my life, and now I am set free to be able
57:53 to work for Him and to follow Him.
57:57 ♪♪♪
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58:17 ♪♪♪


Revised 2022-01-26