Sabbath School Study Hour


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022223S

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00:38 Doug Batchelor: Good morning, friends.
00:39 We want to welcome everybody to the Study Hour here
00:42 for the Sabbath School lesson.
00:44 We're so glad that you've joined us.
00:46 Always to welcome those who are watching online,
00:48 or social network somewhere, are watching on AFTV,
00:54 and Hope Channel, 3ABN, and others,
00:57 and we're just so glad that you're tuning in.
00:59 We know we have a number of our members of
01:01 the Granite Bay Hilltop Church that are around the world.
01:05 And Karen and I recently returned from Ireland;
01:07 and time permitting, we'll give you a little report
01:09 on that later, but we have people there
01:12 every week that tune in and study with us.
01:15 They don't do it in the morning because the program airs
01:18 in the afternoon for them because of the time difference.
01:20 So, we're glad that you're here.
01:22 As always, we have a special offer,
01:25 and we have an offer today dealing with a very important
01:28 subject talking about the "Surrender of Self."
01:32 This is a book written by Joe Cruz.
01:33 And if there's only one you're going to read,
01:36 this is something we all deal with every day
01:38 is surrendering ourselves to Jesus.
01:40 If you'd like a free copy, you can simply call
01:43 866-788-3966.
01:46 That's 866-Study-More, and you can ask for Offer #182.
01:52 You can also get it in the US.
01:54 You can text SH087.
01:57 You text SH087 to 40544, and you can read this online.
02:05 And if you're outside North America,
02:07 just go to the website, and that's,
02:11 and again then request the lesson or click
02:14 on the lesson, SH087.
02:17 We're continuing in our study
02:19 dealing with the book of Genesis.
02:21 And in just a moment, we're going to get to that,
02:23 going to be talking about Joseph, the master of dreams,
02:28 and fascinating, one of my favorite subjects
02:30 in the Bible.
02:32 But before we have our prayer, we're going to have some music
02:35 and then come back together.
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06:02 Doug: Amen.
06:04 Thank you so much, young men.
06:06 "Be Still My Soul," a beautiful song.
06:08 But we're going to have prayer,
06:10 and then we'll go into our study for today.
06:13 Loving Lord, we are so thankful for your Word
06:16 and the lessons we learn about salvation and life.
06:19 We pray right now in a special way.
06:21 As we study this important subject, you'll be with us,
06:23 be with our presenter, and give him the Holy Spirit
06:26 that we might receive.
06:28 We thank You and ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
06:33 Very happy our teacher today is Pastor Shawn Brummund
06:35 on this subject from study of Genesis about Joseph.
06:40 Shawn Brummund: Well, thank you for that, Pastor Doug.
06:41 It is a honor to be able to come back and continue to look
06:45 at the life of one of the most important figures of history,
06:48 and that is a gentleman by the name of Jacob.
06:52 And so I'm just excited to be able to get back
06:54 re-immersed into the Bible and into the book of Genesis.
06:58 We're going to take our minds and our hearts back more than
07:02 a couple of thousand years, several thousand years,
07:05 and we're going to continue to look the way
07:07 that God was leading in the life of this individual.
07:11 And so, one of the two things that--
07:14 and we're looking at four chapters again.
07:16 So, we just keep going along at a really fast clip,
07:18 because we're looking at chapters 32, 33, 34, and 35.
07:22 And so I hope that if you haven't read them ahead of time
07:24 that you will read them after our lesson here today,
07:27 because we're not going to be able to cover all four
07:30 in any kind of detail.
07:31 We're going to spend most of our time in chapter 32,
07:34 because that's really the centerpiece chapter
07:36 and centerpiece experience that Jacob had,
07:39 and it's very relevant, as we're going to look at it
07:41 prophetically and how it applies to our day and age
07:44 and our very soon future, as well.
07:47 There's two things that continue to cry out
07:49 in a very powerful way as we continue to make
07:51 our way through the life of Jacob,
07:53 and that is the potential--
07:56 we are learning the potential long-standing,
07:59 long-lasting negative consequences
08:02 that sin can bring in our lives.
08:06 And we see that in living color in the life of Jacob.
08:09 The other thing that really stands out, though,
08:11 at the same time, that I hope
08:13 you're also picking up is the potential long lasting
08:16 positive consequences of seeking God's grace
08:20 in sincere repentance.
08:22 And we also see that very clearly in the life of Jacob,
08:25 as well.
08:27 And today, again, we're going to look at that
08:28 in the fullest living color of all.
08:31 And so going back to the time when Jacob was transitioning
08:35 from his 20-year exile up in Haran,
08:39 the Paddan Aram, which is also referred to
08:41 as that region in the city of Haran,
08:43 and making his way back to the Promised Land,
08:46 back to the land of which he was raised
08:48 from a little boy until-- and into his first decade
08:51 as an adult, and we find that it was during
08:55 those first several years that he spent in exile,
08:58 that he realized, you know, "Wait a minute.
09:01 This whole grand plan that my mother and I had kind
09:03 of schemed together is really just all turning to dust."
09:08 He hadn't heard from his-- word from his mother,
09:12 as they had planned.
09:13 Some of you recall that when his mother sent him up to find
09:15 a wife and to let his older brother Esau cool down
09:19 for the deception and the very sinful act
09:23 that Jacob had committed against his father
09:26 and against his brother, we find that his brother,
09:29 if you remember, his mother said,
09:31 "Now go up, and shortly after you leave, once your brother's,
09:34 you know, temper calms down and the temperature,
09:38 you know, lowers low enough, I'll send word for you,
09:41 and you can come back again."
09:43 Well, there were one year, two years, three years,
09:44 four years, ten years, fifteen years,
09:47 still no word from his mother.
09:50 And so he realized, as those years went by,
09:52 that his plan was really turning into dust.
09:54 One of the most fascinating text in this particular section
09:58 that we're looking at is actually in the last chapter
10:01 of this week's lesson study,
10:02 which is Genesis chapter 35 and verse 8.
10:06 In Genesis chapter 35, and verse 8,
10:08 we find that there is a woman by the name of Deborah.
10:11 Now, this is not the prophetess Deborah that most of us
10:13 are more familiar with, but this was the handmaid of Rebekah.
10:18 When Rebekah was sent down as the new wife
10:20 for her new husband to be, Isaac,
10:23 she was sent down with a handmaid, a nursemaid,
10:29 and her name was Deborah.
10:31 And so naturally, she would have been with Rebekah
10:33 when Jacob went north to find a wife and to be
10:39 in exile for his safety for a time, that Rebekah--
10:43 I mean Deborah eventually found herself joining in
10:47 with the household of Jacob, even before Jacob had returned
10:50 to the Promised Land.
10:52 And so while they were making their travels
10:54 through the Promised Land.
10:56 As Jacob had returned, we find that Deborah is part
10:58 of their household,
11:00 and so the most likely surmising,
11:03 as we try to connect the dots, as the best we can is that,
11:06 you know, the housemaid or the nursemaid,
11:10 I should say, Deborah was joined together
11:12 with Jacob's household after Rebekah had died.
11:17 And so the most likely scenario is that after Rebekah had died,
11:21 Deborah had no more purpose or role to play
11:25 within the household and the camp of Isaac.
11:29 And so she also knew about, you know,
11:31 Rebekah's favorite child, Jacob, and his exile,
11:34 and so she most likely traveled north to Haran,
11:37 caught up with Jacob, caught up with his household,
11:40 and was willing to serve and be a part of the household there.
11:45 That also, of course, would have been heartbreaking
11:48 news for Jacob on two counts.
11:50 Number one, because he lost his mother.
11:52 He knew he would never see her in this life again.
11:54 And so, you know, again, the plan that they had surmised
11:59 backfired in a major way, because they thought
12:02 they would see each other in just a few months,
12:04 that indeed, sadly, they never saw each other again.
12:09 And second of all, this was also very heartbreaking
12:12 and distressing for him because his mother was
12:15 the key communique between Isaac's camp
12:18 and his family up in Haran.
12:21 And so that plan that they had surmised,
12:24 in which the mother would send word to him
12:26 once it was safe enough for him to return now also evaporated,
12:30 as well.
12:34 You see, Jacob would've left his crafty uncle long before,
12:36 if it wasn't for his fear of facing his brother Esau.
12:39 He endured much longer up in Haran
12:43 under his uncle's oppression because of that fear.
12:46 And so he was kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place.
12:49 You know, he knew that there was an intense danger waiting
12:52 for him down south with his brother, and he also knew
12:57 that the tensions were rising and becoming very serious
12:59 between himself and his uncle, as well as his uncle's sons,
13:03 which would be Jacob's cousins.
13:06 And there was a lot of animosity that was building
13:09 between the two, and so this began to tell Jacob that indeed,
13:16 you know, that even though he was fearful
13:19 returning home because of his brother Esau,
13:21 it was now becoming just as dangerous,
13:23 if not more dangerous for him to be up north under
13:26 the oppression of his uncle and his uncle's sons.
13:30 And so he knew it was time for him to leave.
13:33 And so God tells that to him in a dream.
13:36 He says, "Yes, you need to leave,
13:38 and you need to leave now."
13:39 And so chapter 21-- or 31 I should say--
13:43 he successfully leaves and arrives near the border
13:45 of the Promised Land.
13:46 Now, this was no easy journey.
13:48 Even though he was free from his uncle's oppression,
13:50 he was not lighthearted and feeling free.
13:54 Why was that?
13:57 Well, because the thoughts on his heart and his mind
13:59 were still very much that of the sin
14:01 that was haunting him and his conscience
14:04 for the last 20 years.
14:07 He may be free from his uncle's oppression,
14:09 but his travels were much different.
14:11 In fact, there's a very deep quote that I found in a book,
14:14 one of my favorite books on this topic that commutates the Bible.
14:16 It's called, "Patriarchs and Prophets,"
14:18 written by author Ellen White, and she writes in page 195
14:21 these words.
14:23 It says, "His sin and the deception of his father
14:25 was ever before him, and he knew that
14:28 his long exile was the direct result of that sin,
14:31 and he pondered over these things day and night,
14:35 the reproaches of an accusing conscience making his journey
14:39 very sad."
14:41 And so it was not a lighthearted journey, by any means.
14:44 The freedom that he normally would've felt
14:47 after he was relieved from the oppression
14:48 of his brother, he was just going
14:50 from the mouth of one lion into the mouth of another,
14:52 as far as he was concerned, but also even more importantly
14:55 and deeply than that, his conscious was torturing him
14:58 because of the sin that was continuing to haunt him.
15:01 Want to open your Bibles-- I invite you to open your Bibles
15:03 now, as we look at Genesis 32, as we set that stage now
15:07 for that first chapter of this week's study.
15:12 Again, this is no small chapter.
15:15 It's probably the largest chapter
15:16 in the chapters that describe the life of Jacob.
15:19 We're going to Genesis chapter 32,
15:22 and we're going to start with verse 1.
15:25 Genesis 32 and verse 1, it says, "And so Jacob went on his way,
15:29 and the angels of God met him."
15:32 And so we find here that as Jacob was leaving Laban,
15:36 as they had made their vow in which he would never
15:38 return back to the territory of Laban,
15:41 and Laban had agreed that he would never cross
15:44 that point where they made an oath and enter
15:46 into the southern territory of Jacob, we find that Jacob,
15:50 as he's now going towards what is for him
15:53 into the mouth of the lion, there is angels
15:56 that God mercifully brings visibly before
15:59 the presence of Jacob.
16:01 And so again, as we go to "Patriarchs and Prophets,"
16:03 you know, there was two camps, and that's why I called it
16:06 the camp of two angels or a host of two camps.
16:09 And it's because there was angels in front of him,
16:12 and there was angels behind him,
16:13 representing God's protective love,
16:16 and that He was fulfilling His promise
16:18 that it would go well with Jacob,
16:20 when all is said and done.
16:22 Now, this is not a new encounter,
16:25 the first encounter that Jacob had with angels, is it?
16:28 The first encounter that Jacob had was 20 years earlier
16:32 when he was running for his life,
16:34 when he was going north, and that first night
16:36 that he spent alone in danger and in the desert
16:39 with everything kind of falling and apart in regards
16:43 to his life, and God sends a ladder,
16:46 a visionary ladder between heaven and earth.
16:49 And what are going up and down the ladders?
16:51 Well, angels.
16:52 And so this is the second visible encounter that Jacob
16:56 has of angels at the very beginning
16:59 of his exile and now at the very end of it, as well.
17:02 And they both are fulfilling a very similar purpose.
17:06 Verse 2, it goes on and says, "But when Jacob saw them,
17:10 he called this God's Camp, and he called the name
17:13 of the place Mahanaim, which means double camp."
17:17 In verse 3, it says, "And then Jacob sent messengers
17:19 before him to Esau his brother in the land of Seir,
17:23 the country of Edom."
17:25 And so Jacob is wise enough to send a message ahead
17:28 to his brother, to give his brother a heads up.
17:31 He doesn't want to surprise his brother by any means,
17:33 and so he sends a message ahead.
17:36 Now, his brother is already fulfilling that prophecy
17:39 that God had given to his mother, Rebekah,
17:41 indeed that both brothers would form into two nations.
17:45 Now, the fascinating thing is that it's already referring to--
17:48 Genesis already referring to the land where Esau
17:50 and his camp is growing, the country of Edom,
17:54 and indeed that the nation that Esau eventually became,
17:59 as his descendants multiplied, and he also, obviously,
18:02 had been adopting other people's and intermarrying with them,
18:04 even as he started to, as we looked
18:06 at the earlier Genesis record, including Ishmael.
18:11 And so, but Jacob's nation doesn't--
18:15 is on hold for another 400 plus years, isn't it?
18:18 And so Jacob's nation doesn't take place quite nearly
18:20 as soon as Esau's but, of course,
18:23 Jacob's is part of God's most important plan.
18:26 In verse 4, it goes on, and he says,
18:28 "And he commanded them, saying, 'Speak thus to my lord Esau:
18:31 'Thus your servant Jacob says,
18:34 'I have dwelt with Laban and stayed there until now.
18:39 I have oxen, donkeys, flocks, and male and female servants,
18:42 and I have sent to tell my lord that I may find favor
18:47 in your sight.'"
18:49 And so, we find here a very strategically word message
18:53 that Jacob sends before him.
18:55 Now, the first thing that we want to pick up here is verse 4,
18:58 where he says, "Speak to my lord,
19:00 speak thus to my lord Esau:
19:01 'Thus your servant Jacob says--'"
19:03 And we have to remember that both of the brothers
19:05 were almost for certain very familiar with the prophecy
19:08 that God had given to their mother, Rebekah,
19:11 when the boys were kind of struggling,
19:13 wrestling within the womb.
19:14 And God had said that there would be two nations,
19:17 but he didn't stop there, did he?
19:18 Said not only will both boys form a nation,
19:21 but it also says that one will be stronger
19:24 than the other, and then it says the older, which is Esau,
19:27 would serve the younger.
19:30 And so for Esau in his earthly life,
19:33 this would be a threat for Jacob's return.
19:35 And so Jacob very strategically says, "That's your servant,"
19:39 Jacob says.
19:41 And so Jacob is humbling himself before his brother
19:44 very strategically and needfully.
19:47 Now, in verse 5, when he points out all the wealth
19:49 and which he's acquired during the 20 years
19:51 that he was in exile, it's not because he's trying
19:53 to show off to his brother, which sometimes brothers
19:55 want to do, but in this case he's not showing off,
19:58 but instead he is sharing with his brother
20:01 that he has more than enough wealth to provide for himself
20:05 and for his family.
20:06 Why is that important?
20:08 Well, for the last 20 years, the only heir of the inheritance
20:13 of the wealth and estate of their dad, Isaac,
20:16 was that of Esau.
20:18 And so for 20 years now, Esau had become very acquainted
20:22 and very familiar, and had been thinking
20:26 that the entire estate of his dad is his,
20:29 that his brother was a permanent exile.
20:32 And so Jacob wants his brother to know,
20:35 "Listen, I'm not coming back to claim my inheritance."
20:37 Because legally Jacob had the right to the inheritance
20:39 of his dad, didn't he?
20:41 Okay, he had bought the birthright from Esau.
20:44 Esau had vowed that indeed he had the birthright.
20:47 Now, the birthright is that you would have the bulk
20:49 of the inheritance, and you would be
20:51 the first one in charge of the estate
20:53 of the father after he died.
20:55 So, Jacob had the legal birthright.
20:58 He also stole the blessing.
20:59 And so legally, he could've come and showed up and said,
21:02 "Listen, the inheritance is mine.
21:04 My dad's estate is mine first.
21:06 I'm in charge."
21:07 But Jacob wants him to know that,
21:09 "Listen, I'm not interested in the material wealth
21:11 and which our dad has, but I have enough for myself.
21:17 Verse 6, it goes on and says, "Then the messengers returned
21:19 to Jacob, saying, "We came to your brother, Esau,
21:23 and he's also coming to meet you."
21:26 Okay, that sounds good so far.
21:28 And, oh, by the way, he also has 400 men with him.
21:33 Now, the response tells us that Jacob would interpret
21:37 that very quickly and understood the gravity of the situation.
21:40 It says, "So Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed."
21:45 Why was Jacob afraid and distressed?
21:48 Well, because Esau's not coming alone.
21:49 Esau's a very capable strong man, you know, experienced man.
21:55 He could come up on a horse on his own, all, you know,
21:58 without a problem at all.
21:59 He doesn't need 400 men to protect him.
22:01 He may be bringing along a couple of friends
22:03 for bodyguards.
22:05 I'm not sure what his status was.
22:06 His status was that of a king and established in a kingdom,
22:11 the kingdom and country of Edom,
22:13 but certainly he doesn't need 400 people.
22:15 Now, Jacob knew he wasn't bringing 400 people
22:17 to protect Esau on the way.
22:18 He knew that he wasn't bringing those 400 men
22:20 so that they could-- that Esau was planning
22:23 a welcome parade for Esau.
22:26 No, these were 400 armed men, and so when you bring
22:32 400 armed men--
22:34 Jacob also knew Esau didn't need 400 men to take out
22:36 the life of Jacob.
22:38 But if Esau was planning to take out the life
22:41 of the entire camp of Jacob, he would bring 400 men.
22:47 So, this, the gravity of the situation here
22:50 should not be underestimated.
22:52 This is a major, major crisis not only for Jacob,
22:56 but for the entire camp.
22:59 You know, it reminds me, Denise and I were backpacking
23:01 many years ago in beautiful British Columbia up in Canada.
23:04 We were backpacking along this river, and we had little Rachel.
23:07 Rachel was only about, I don't know, six years old,
23:10 and we were taking her on her first backpacking trip.
23:13 And so we were several miles from the parking lot
23:17 and from our van, and so on, and from safety,
23:20 and it was just the sun was just starting to set.
23:22 It was kind of almost half dark out at the time,
23:24 and we'd arrived at the campground,
23:26 and we're the only ones there.
23:28 And so at first we thought, "Well, this is kind of nice.
23:30 We've got complete peace, the nature, the river,
23:32 the mountains."
23:34 Denise started to fire up the gas and was boiling
23:37 the water to be able to start dinner and such,
23:39 and I was just starting to set up the tents.
23:41 And all of a sudden, this young couple ran into the camp and--
23:43 [breathing heavy]
23:46 And we said, "What's wrong?"
23:47 And they had--their eyes were about this big.
23:49 And so their eyes were wide open.
23:51 We said, "Well, what's wrong, what's wrong?"
23:52 They said, "Well, there's a big
23:54 grizzly bear that's been following us
23:55 down the pathway, upriver, and it's coming this way,
23:59 and we're heading back to the car and getting
24:02 out of here as soon as we can."
24:04 And so they kind of looked around.
24:06 Their conscience didn't know what to do.
24:07 Should he abandon his family and keep running,
24:09 or what should we do?
24:10 Well, I looked, and I had a bear spray in my holster.
24:13 And so he looked at my bear spray, and he says,
24:15 "Oh, I see you have a bear spray.
24:16 Great. You're protected.
24:17 See you later."
24:19 And they disappeared.
24:21 So, I'm looking around, and I, you know--
24:23 from that point forward, you know, your heartbeat,
24:26 you know, your heart rate goes a lot higher
24:28 at that point.
24:30 And your blood is rushing a lot bigger.
24:32 And, you know, the senses, all your senses are just keenly
24:36 all of a sudden awake in ways that they weren't just
24:39 a few minutes before.
24:40 And so we're scrambling to be able to get the food together
24:44 and so on.
24:46 Well, firstly, the bear did what all bears normally do
24:48 is that when he came into the camp, he saw us, and we saw him,
24:51 and then he diverted, went through the most uninviting
24:56 thick brush, breaking branches
24:58 and everything, just to avoid us
25:00 and go around us and keep going down the path and such.
25:05 But when you sense that danger, you know,
25:08 until you can image the heart rate
25:09 of the entire camp just immediately rising,
25:12 and all their senses rising, and they realize,
25:14 "Our lives are all in serious danger at this point
25:19 There are 400 armed men coming with a very angry,
25:22 vengeful, unbelieving, ungodly brother.
25:28 And so that's the gravity of this situation
25:32 that we find here.
25:36 Well, poor Jacob, you know, when he hears the news,
25:38 he knows that he can't go back because he just vowed
25:41 to his uncle that he would never cross Mount Gilead
25:43 and go back to the land of Haran.
25:45 So, he can't retreat.
25:47 And he certainly doesn't want to go forward
25:48 into the lion's mouth, and so he's just,
25:50 he's stuck between a rock and a hard place, and he is afraid.
25:54 He's deeply distressed, as we read in verse 7.
25:57 "And he divided the people that were with him, and the fox,
26:00 and the herds of the camels into two companies.
26:02 And he said, 'If Esau comes to the one company and attacks it,
26:05 then the other company which was left will escape.'"
26:07 And so he's being as strategic as he can.
26:10 He's saying, "Listen, we're going to split up
26:11 into two camps, so at least if one is attacked,
26:13 the other has a good chance of escaping,
26:15 and we'll at least spare half of our lives."
26:17 Verse 9, it says, "Then Jacob said,
26:19 'O God of my father Abraham--'"
26:21 So, Jacob finds himself on his knees very quickly.
26:25 This is a sincere man of God.
26:28 "O God of my father Abraham and the God of my father Isaac--"
26:32 Now, this brings up another point
26:34 that helps us explain a little bit of confusion
26:36 that sometimes comes in Daniel.
26:39 You know, because Belshazzar is referred to--
26:42 Nebuchadnezzar is referred to as the father of Belshazzar,
26:48 and history tells us, as you look
26:50 at the history books, Belshazzar was actually
26:52 the grandson of King Nebuchadnezzar.
26:55 And yet, we find in Daniel he's referred to as
26:59 the son of Nebuchadnezzar, and Nebuchadnezzar
27:02 is referred to as his father.
27:05 Well, that's because in Bible times,
27:07 they didn't use the word grandfather like we do today.
27:11 You know, so my dad is the grandad,
27:14 as he likes to be called, of my daughters.
27:17 So, he's still their dad, isn't he?
27:19 He's a dad, but he is the grandad.
27:22 And then, you know, if my daughters have children
27:24 before my dad dies, then he'll be the great grandad,
27:27 won't he?
27:29 But you still-- you're still the dad.
27:31 And especially in ancient times, in some cultures, I believe,
27:33 even today, you know, the dad--
27:35 as long as the oldest living father is living,
27:38 he's still the last word.
27:40 He's still in charge of all the other families,
27:42 even if he has a son that's fully grown.
27:44 They have full grown children,
27:46 and their children have children.
27:48 The oldest surviving grandfather is still the last word
27:52 and the final authority.
27:54 And this was no exception back in the days of Bible times,
27:58 as well.
28:00 And so that's why we find here that Jacob's referring
28:01 to his grandfather Abraham just simply as my father.
28:05 "O God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac,
28:08 the Lord who has said to me, 'Return to your country,
28:10 to your family, and I will deal well with you.'"
28:14 So, he's reviewing with God the promises, you know,
28:17 because they're very distressed.
28:19 "I'm not worthy of the least of all the mercies
28:21 and of all the truth, which You have shown
28:23 Your servant.
28:24 For I crossed over this Jordan with my staff,
28:26 and now I have become two companies.
28:30 Deliver me, I pray, from the hand of my brother,
28:32 from the hand of Esau, for I fear him lest he come
28:35 and attack me and the mother with the children.
28:39 For you said,
28:40 'I will surely treat you well and make your descendants
28:43 as the sand of the sea which cannot be numbered,
28:45 for a multitude.'"
28:46 And so he's kind of reviewing this God and said,
28:48 "God, we, you know--
28:49 You struck this covenant with us,
28:51 and this agreement, and now that agreement is in serious danger.
28:55 My life is in danger.
28:56 My wives' lives are in danger.
28:58 My children are in danger.
29:00 If we're all wiped out, which all evidence
29:02 on the surface appears to be so,
29:04 is going to happen in the next day or two,
29:06 you know, Your covenant and promises
29:10 are not going to be able to come true."
29:16 The verse that really stuck out to me in this particular prayer
29:18 is verse 10.
29:20 In verse 10, it says,
29:21 "I am not worthy of the least of the mercies,
29:23 of all the mercies and of all the truth
29:25 which You have shown Your servant."
29:26 Friend, are you there?
29:29 Are you at that point? You know, it reminds me again.
29:31 I had to stop and take stock of my own heart and say,
29:34 you know, "Am I in that spot, that same spot that Jacob is in?
29:38 Do I fully understand that I am not worthy
29:41 of the mercies that God extends to me?"
29:46 That God has extended mercies and truths
29:49 that are far beyond my worth.
29:52 As far as not because I'm not priceless
29:55 in the eyes of God, as a child and as a human being,
29:57 but rather I'm talking about worthy in meaning
30:00 in my character, in the Shawn that I am.
30:04 Am I worthy of all the blessings and the mercies that God
30:08 has extended to me, the truths that He has extended to me?
30:11 No, I'm not worthy.
30:13 But thank God that God doesn't say,
30:14 "Listen, until you count yourself worthy,
30:16 until you're good enough to receive My mercies
30:18 in your strength,
30:19 I don't want to have anything to do with you."
30:21 No, God is merciful to sinners that are truly repentant
30:26 and want to walk with Jesus by faith.
30:28 And so I take stock in that, but it also a good place--
30:32 time for us to take stock of our own hearts and say,
30:34 "Am I in that same place?"
30:37 Do I count myself not worthy of the least of the mercies
30:39 and all the truth which God has given to me?
30:41 Nevertheless, God, I claim Your promise that You forgive me
30:44 for my sins, for He is just and faithful to forgive us our sins
30:47 and cleanse us from all unrighteousness
30:49 when we confess and repent from our sins.
30:55 Well, the following verses tell us that, again,
30:57 Jacob is being very strategic.
31:00 Why?
31:01 Because now he sends presents ahead of him.
31:03 First, he sent the messenger.
31:04 The messenger comes back without any message response,
31:07 but just the news that he's got 400 armed men with him.
31:11 And now Jacob very strategically sends droves of herds.
31:17 And so he sends like 5-- or 200 sheep and several rams
31:22 with one of his servants, and the servant goes ahead,
31:25 and he says, "Now go ahead.
31:27 And when you run into Esau, and he runs into you,
31:28 and he says, 'What's all this about?'
31:30 you could say, 'This is a gift from your servant,
31:33 your brother, Jacob.
31:34 He wants you to have this.'"
31:36 And then, you know, Esau says,
31:37 "Oh, wow, this is quite a surprise."
31:39 And then he goes another hour or two down the trail,
31:43 and he comes to another small herd.
31:46 And again, it's a couple hundred, you know,
31:48 goats in this case and a number of rams.
31:52 And so, you know, with this, this is another gift
31:54 from your servant, and that happens five times.
31:57 And so he sends five droves of gifts,
32:01 of substantial livestock, ahead.
32:05 Now, friends, I don't know about you,
32:06 but gifts have a very effective way of softening the heart.
32:10 Have you noticed that?
32:11 You know, if you've wronged somebody, you know,
32:13 some of the best strategic ways that we can reconcile
32:16 with that person is not only to confess our sins or wrongs
32:18 and so on, but to give a gift.
32:21 And so here we find this strategic,
32:26 strategic actions that Jacob is taking.
32:29 Notice how he prays?
32:30 But he's also doing some very strategic actions
32:33 at the same time, isn't he?
32:36 And this is important for us to bring up.
32:39 In fact, I want to read a quote from that book called,
32:41 "Patriarchs and Prophets," again.
32:43 And because this is a point I just don't want to overlook.
32:46 I think it's important for us to be able to understand,
32:48 and it says this.
32:51 It says, "He did all in his power to atone
32:54 for the wrong to his brother and to avert the threatened danger.
32:58 And then in humiliation and repentance,
33:01 he pleaded for divine protection."
33:04 And so what is Ellen White pointing out here?
33:07 Well, the book here is pointing out that indeed Jacob
33:11 didn't just say-- he found himself on his knees,
33:14 to be sure.
33:16 But he also found himself on his feet and using some
33:19 very strategic, very important actions that he was using
33:24 in cooperation and in partnership with God.
33:28 And so this is revealing something that the Bible
33:30 has riddled all over it when you look
33:32 at the different Bible stories, you know.
33:34 And when David went out to fight Goliath,
33:36 he didn't go out with a little toy.
33:38 Sometimes the Sunday School lessons
33:40 or the Sabbath School lessons, you know,
33:42 will tell us that, you know, there is--
33:44 you know, he had this little sling,
33:45 and he had a little pebble in there, you know,
33:47 and he used to play with that and try to hit
33:49 the squirrels or something.
33:50 No, he used to take out bears and lions with--you know,
33:52 Roman soldiers used this as a deadly weapon in warfare
33:56 to kill men.
33:58 And so when David went out with that sling, first of all,
34:01 he was extremely experienced with it,
34:03 and that's how he sold to King Saul
34:05 in even getting out there, because he said,
34:07 "Listen, I've taken on lions and bears already, you know,
34:09 and if I can--God helps me to take on lions and bears,
34:12 I can take out this Philistine, as well."
34:14 And so when David went out there, he meant business,
34:16 and he had a deadly weapon, and he knew
34:18 how to use that deadly weapon very well.
34:21 And so Jacob went out there with faith.
34:24 I mean, David went out there with faith in God, yes?
34:26 Did he pray before? Yes.
34:29 But did he do everything within his power to work
34:31 in cooperation with God?
34:34 Yes.
34:35 You see, God has called us to work in cooperation with Him.
34:39 You know, there's some Christians and
34:41 some Seventh Day Adventists as well, over the years,
34:43 have come to the misunderstanding
34:45 that because that old, old saying that so many of us
34:48 have heard is not found in the Bible, it's not true.
34:52 And that is God helps those who help themselves.
34:57 That is an absolute, undeniable Bible truth.
35:01 Now, is there a Bible verse that uses those words?
35:02 No. Is it a Bible truth?
35:04 Yes.
35:06 You can find it in the life of Jacob here.
35:08 Jacob was praying, but he's also doing everything
35:10 within his human power, using his hands and his actions
35:14 and his mind to be able to avert the situation,
35:17 to be able to alleviate it, to de-escalate the situation.
35:21 And David, same thing.
35:22 He went up there with faith in God,
35:24 and God had to intervene, in a way,
35:25 because the helmet that protected the forehead
35:30 of Goliath, you know, had to kind of ride up on his forehead,
35:38 so that the deadly weapon was able to meet its target,
35:42 and it told us that that rock--by the way,
35:44 the rock was about as big as your fist.
35:47 So, you have a rock that's as big as a small fist,
35:52 and it's going 100 plus miles an hour, and it hits your forehead,
35:57 the Bible rightly says that it sunk
35:59 into the forehead of Goliath.
36:03 It didn't just kind of ping and bounce off like some of the,
36:06 you know, some of the different illustrations in different
36:09 children's books show us.
36:12 No, it sunk in and stayed there.
36:15 And so then Goliath, of course, tumbled over.
36:19 So, we find this Bible truth illustrated over and over,
36:22 and Ellen White is pointing that out,
36:23 as she commentates this particular scene of Jacob.
36:26 Another scene that she also commentates and the sketches
36:29 of the life of Paul is found-- it's called--the book is called,
36:32 "Sketches from the Life of Paul," pages 267,
36:36 and it says this: "At these words, hope revived."
36:40 Now what words were that?
36:41 Well, Paul was on the ship, and he was on his way to see Caesar,
36:44 and they come into a sea storm, and the sea storm is so serious
36:47 that even the most experienced sailors
36:50 and the captain themselves knew that this was it.
36:53 It's all evidence showed them that they were going
36:55 to go under.
36:56 Most of them, if not all of them,
36:57 were going to perish.
36:59 Well, God gives the dream to Paul and says,
37:01 "Listen, I've decided that you need to stand before Caesar.
37:04 I'm going to spare your life, and you can tell the crew
37:06 that not one person will perish.
37:08 You'll lose the ship, but no one will perish."
37:11 And so Paul shared the good news, and it says that,
37:14 "At these words, hope revived among all those in the ship."
37:18 Passengers and crew roused from their apathy and put forth
37:22 all possible exertion to save their lives.
37:27 There was much yet to be done.
37:30 Every effort within their power must be put forth
37:33 to avert destruction, for God helps those who help themselves.
37:42 And I did a word search in Ellen White's writings,
37:44 and it turns out she uses that term several times
37:47 in her different writings and books.
37:48 Why?
37:50 Because she understood that
37:51 that is a rock solid Bible truth.
37:54 You know, another way that she put it, she said,
37:56 "When you get on your knees, pray your prayers like your life
37:59 depends upon it.
38:01 Whatever the issue is, pray like your life depends upon it.
38:03 But as soon as you get off your knees and on you're
38:05 on your feet, work at accomplishing
38:07 that prayer's request like your life depends upon it."
38:11 Why?
38:12 Because she understood that God helps those who help themselves.
38:16 We are in a partnership with God, aren't we?
38:19 "Come unto Me all you who labor and are heavy laden,
38:21 and I will give you rest.
38:22 Take My yoke upon you.
38:24 My yoke--" A yoke was the instrument
38:27 that connected two oxen together.
38:29 And so Jesus says, "Listen, we're walking together,
38:31 a yoke that is on both of our necks."
38:33 Now, fortunately, he's the much stronger ox.
38:36 But God is still telling us that we also need to pull the plow.
38:40 Jesus is telling us that we work in partnership with him,
38:43 and so God calls us to give our best.
38:47 You know, Jacob could've said, you know,
38:50 "Listen, I'm on my knees, I'm praying,
38:51 I'm putting all my faith in You.
38:52 You said You would protect me, and therefore I'm going to go
38:54 over and make lemonade, going to put my feet up,
38:56 and I know You're going to work it all out."
39:01 No, that's not what he does, does he?
39:02 No, he does everything within his power to use his brain
39:06 and his hands to be able to work in partnership with God
39:09 in alleviating the heart of Esau.
39:11 Now, God also did His part.
39:13 "Patriarchs and Prophets" also said in the same time that Jacob
39:15 was wrestling with God that night,
39:17 as he was pleading for God to forgive him for his sin,
39:21 pleaded for him to be able to have the assurance
39:23 that God completely accepts him and reconciles with him,
39:27 and that they will have a very close relationship
39:30 for the rest of their life, God sends a dream
39:33 to Esau that same night.
39:36 So, is God doing His part, as well?
39:38 Sure He is, but so is Jacob.
39:40 And so God sends a dream ahead to Esau,
39:43 and in that dream God shows Esau kind of a collage
39:47 of different events over the 20 years
39:48 in which Jacob was suffering, as an exile from his brother
39:51 and from his family, never to see his mother again.
39:54 He's seeing a scene, and God shows Esau
39:56 this scene of Jacob as he's grieving and weeping
39:59 over the news that his mother was dead,
40:01 and he would never see her in this earthly life again.
40:05 Was that softening the heart of Esau?
40:08 Sure it was.
40:09 Were the droves, the gifts that were,
40:11 were they softening the hearts of Esau?
40:12 All of it was working together for good for those who love Him
40:16 and are called according to His purpose.
40:18 And so that's not a lesson, theological lesson,
40:20 but I think that we need to stop and really
40:23 make sure that we understand, and perhaps today is the day
40:25 that God will help to clarify that for you.
40:29 Verse 22, we pick it up again.
40:30 In verse 22, it says, "And he arose that night
40:33 and took his two wives, his two female servants,
40:35 and his eleven sons, and crossed over the ford Jabbok.
40:38 And he took them and sent them over the brook,
40:41 and he sent over what he had."
40:42 And so he's tried to give as much safety buffer
40:44 as he can between Esau and his men and his family.
40:48 "And then Jacob was left alone;
40:52 and with Him until the breaking of day."
40:56 And the Bible tells us that that wrestling was started--
41:01 again, as you go to "Patriarchs and Prophets," page 197,
41:03 it tells us that Jacob was left alone.
41:05 He was pleading with God on his knees.
41:07 And in that prayer of petition before God,
41:11 he feels the strong hand that is suddenly
41:13 on his shoulder from behind.
41:15 He never saw it coming, and immediately he thought
41:18 that it was an enemy.
41:19 Immediately, he thought it was a robber or a murderer
41:22 of some kind that was trying to take his life.
41:24 And so he immediately goes into combat mode
41:26 and begins to try to wrestle himself free.
41:29 And so he wrestles.
41:31 We don't know how long.
41:33 We're guessing that, you know, the evidence must be that
41:35 he prayed most of the night, because it says that
41:38 they wrestled until the breaking of dawn.
41:40 I don't know if you've been in a wrestling match,
41:42 but I don't think that any man could wrestle
41:45 with all his might for several hours, 8, 9 hours,
41:48 and so I'm guessing that it was just an hour
41:50 or two before dawn that the Lord Himself showed up,
41:53 as we're going to find out that that man was Jesus Himself,
41:56 and puts His hand on the shoulder.
41:57 And so during most of that wrestling match,
42:00 Jacob doesn't understand that this is the Lord Himself.
42:02 He thinks it's an assailant.
42:04 He thinks it's somebody that's attacking him.
42:06 But then when the Lord Himself takes His finger and touches
42:10 the hip of--one of the side hips of the hip joints of Jacob,
42:14 immediately, the muscle shrinks, and he's in intense pain.
42:21 He's immediately crippled from that point forward,
42:23 just by touching with His finger,
42:25 and Jacob immediately put two and two together and realized,
42:28 "Wait a minute.
42:29 No normal mortal man can do that.
42:31 That was a supernatural miracle.
42:32 I'm not wrestling with a man.
42:34 I'm wrestling with some kind of heavenly being."
42:37 And then as the time went by, he started to come to
42:39 the recognition, "Wait a minute, this is the Lord Himself."
42:44 And he realized that metaphorically,
42:46 this literal wrestling match that was taking place
42:49 was symbolizing the wrestling match in his heart
42:53 that had been taking place for 20 years
42:54 and now was culminating this evening.
42:57 At this juncture in his life, as he was wrestling with the Lord,
43:01 and so once he realized it was the Lord with weeping--
43:03 Hosea chapter 12, verses 3 and 4,
43:06 as the lesson study points out, is a very helpful passage,
43:09 because it tells us that it was an Angel with a capital A.
43:12 And whatever the translators in the New King James Version,
43:14 at least, understood that the context compels us
43:17 to accept that this was not a heavenly angel
43:20 in the created angel sense, but it is the Archangel,
43:24 the one that's in charge of the angels, Jesus Himself,
43:29 and that it tells us also that Jacob wept.
43:33 So, Jesus--I mean Jacob was not confident.
43:36 Jacob was not arrogant in any way when he said,
43:39 "I will not let You go unless You bless me."
43:43 Because Jesus said, you know, "Listen, let go of Me.
43:45 The dawn is breaking, and I need to go."
43:48 And he said, "No, Lord, I will not let go unless You bless me."
43:52 Tears are running down his face at the same time,
43:56 because he's been tortured for 20 years,
43:58 and he's begging for God to give him the full assurance
44:02 that indeed he has been forgiven.
44:05 Was he repentant before this?
44:07 Yes.
44:10 But even sometimes when we're repentant, the shameful things
44:12 that we have chosen in our past sometimes haunts us
44:15 for more than a couple of years, doesn't it?
44:18 I know that many of you have experienced that.
44:20 Some people find themselves 20 years down the road
44:22 just like Jacob, and you're still trying to find
44:25 that full assurance from the Lord.
44:27 You're still, there's a little part of you that still wonders,
44:29 "Can God really forgive such a shameful sin
44:32 as that which I've done in the past?"
44:35 But the good news is that Jacob comes out fully reconciled.
44:37 He is just and righteous to forgive us our sins
44:41 and forgive us from all unrighteousness.
44:53 Verse 25, it talks about the socket of his hip being shrunk,
44:56 and then verse 26 we pick it up.
44:57 "And he said to me, 'I will not let You go unless You bless me.'
45:00 And so He said, 'What is your name?'
45:01 And he said, 'Jacob.'
45:02 And so the Lord Himself said,
45:04 'Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel.'"
45:09 When my wife and I were baptized in 1992,
45:11 we began to read the Bible.
45:12 We just devoured this book in 1992
45:15 in that first year and a half after we're baptized.
45:17 And so we would read four to five chapters
45:18 of the Old Testament every single morning before work.
45:21 And then before night, before we went to sleep,
45:23 we'd read four to five chapters of the New Testament,
45:25 starting with Matthew,
45:26 and make our way all the way through each evening.
45:29 And within a year and a half, we had read through
45:30 the New Testament as a whole four times,
45:32 and we had read through the Old Testament once.
45:36 Friends, if you have never done that,
45:37 I want to strongly recommend that you have--
45:39 There is no better way to find yourself firmly established
45:43 in the Word of God than to find yourself consuming
45:46 the Word of God as a whole.
45:49 And not only once, but several times.
45:51 And the first time we came to this, we were just so excited.
45:55 We're looking at this and saying, "Wow, this is amazing!
45:57 I've never heard this before.
45:59 This is where the name Israel and the country Israel
46:01 gets its name.
46:02 It's named after Jacob, whose name was changed from Jacob,
46:05 which means supplanter or deceiver,
46:07 and it was changed to Israel which means prince with God.
46:14 Is this a positive change for Israel?
46:16 I mean, for Jacob?
46:17 Yes.
46:19 What a beautiful name change.
46:20 Was that representative of the reconciliation
46:22 and the full peace that Jacob found that night?
46:25 A level of faith and peace and joy that Jacob
46:29 had not experienced for over 20 years?
46:32 Yes.
46:35 God changes Jacob's name from supplanter to Israel,
46:38 prince of God, for you have struggled with God
46:40 and with men, and have prevailed.
46:44 "And then Jacob said, 'Tell me Your name, I pray.'
46:46 And He said, 'Why is it that you ask my name?'
46:48 And He blessed him there.
46:49 So, Jacob called the name of the place Peniel.
46:52 'For I have seen God face to face,
46:54 and my life is preserved.'"
46:56 Did Jacob fully understand that He was not a created
46:59 angelic angel, but it was the Archangel,
47:02 the one that was in charge of all the angels of heaven,
47:05 the Creator of the angels, Jesus Himself.
47:10 Sometimes we get nervous when we see Jesus
47:11 referred to as an Angel.
47:12 I said, well, wait a minute, you know.
47:14 We're not--we're Trinitarians.
47:15 We believe in the Bible truth that God is the Father, the Son,
47:18 and the Holy Spirit, and that He is the Creator of angels.
47:21 He's not an angel. Well, yes.
47:23 Angel in Greek, angelos, literally means a messenger.
47:27 In fact, John the Baptist is called an angelos.
47:31 He's also called an angel. Why?
47:34 Because he was a messenger of God,
47:35 one of the greatest prophets of God.
47:38 So, anybody that's bringing a message from heaven is an angel.
47:41 Does that mean that Christ can be an Angel?
47:43 Yes.
47:44 A created angel? No.
47:46 But a heavenly messenger? Yes.
47:48 And that's why the Bible writers were so comfortable in referring
47:51 to Jesus as an Angel, capital A, Archangel, the one in charge
47:54 of the angels, the Creator of the angels,
47:55 but nevertheless still an Angel.
47:59 And clearly in verse 30, Jacob reveals that indeed
48:03 he was not wrestling with a normal angel or a man,
48:06 but with God Himself.
48:08 And just as he crossed over Peniel, the sun rose on him,
48:11 and he limped on his hip.
48:14 And so we need to close.
48:16 I was hoping to be able to spend some time looking
48:18 at the three applications of this time of trouble that
48:22 Jacob had, because as the lesson study points out
48:25 in Jeremiah chapter 30, and verses 5 through 7,
48:28 Jeremiah talks about the Babylonian captivity
48:31 of Israel being another time of Jacob's trouble
48:34 or Jacob's time of trouble.
48:36 And then that is applied prophetically to the time
48:39 in our future when probation ends for all mankind,
48:43 and everybody's fate is sealed.
48:45 God, Jesus Himself, leaves the heavenly sanctuary.
48:47 He is no longer intercessor, and everybody's fate is sealed
48:51 for all of eternity.
48:53 The first plagues start to fall on the lost all around us,
48:57 and God's people go through a time of trouble
48:59 in which this world has never seen, and Jesus Himself says,
49:04 "If it were not for God shortening that day,
49:07 even the elect would not survive."
49:11 It will be the most intense, most difficult chapter
49:13 for God's people to go through at that point.
49:17 Well, because there's real physical danger for our lives?
49:19 Yes.
49:21 The lost are out to take our lives.
49:22 Was Esau out to take Jacob's life?
49:24 Yes.
49:26 The greatest torture that Jacob went through
49:27 was not his physical danger.
49:29 It was going on in here, wasn't it?
49:32 It was in here, his heart.
49:35 He wasn't fully convinced that he was fully accepted
49:38 and reconciled with his Lord,
49:39 and that's what we'll go through, as well.
49:41 We'll be in danger and distressed
49:43 over the physical dangers, yes, but that will be overcome
49:45 by a much more intense internal danger.
49:49 Did I confess every sin that I know
49:52 that I had in weakness in my life?
49:55 Have I made myself right and repented of everything
49:58 that I know in my life God has told me that I need to abandon?
50:02 And if we haven't, then it's too late, isn't it?
50:05 And because we know it's too late, if we haven't,
50:07 we go through this anguish, this wrestling with God,
50:10 this Jacob's time of trouble internally until we come
50:13 to a full joy of knowing that His mercies are greater
50:17 than our sins.
50:19 And we can lift up our eyes and say, "This is our God.
50:22 He will save us.
50:24 This is our God.
50:25 We have waited for Him."
50:26 And we can know that we will join Him
50:28 with the angels in heaven.
50:29 Amen?
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52:07 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word
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52:13 And most important to share it with others.
52:18 Reuben: You know, we grew up in a neighborhood up
52:20 in the Midwest that was a pretty bad neighborhood.
52:23 And when I became a teenager, I started using drugs.
52:27 I was--I started using meth when I was like I think 16, 15,
52:31 something like that.
52:33 I was having some problems in my life I really didn't know
52:35 how to deal with.
52:38 The only thing I really knew was violence.
52:41 So, this night here I was going to inflict violence on myself.
52:45 I was really high, really depressed, so I took--
52:49 you know, I had this 40 caliber.
52:50 So, I remember I put one in the chamber,
52:52 and I started to the side of my head like this.
52:56 And the gun had a hair trigger, you know,
53:00 and I remember I was tapping it.
53:03 And a part of me said, "No, I don't want to do this,"
53:07 but there was something very evil present there saying,
53:10 "Do it."
53:11 I just said to myself, I said, "God, if You're real,
53:17 show Yourself to me."
53:19 My mother took me to church when I was little kid,
53:23 and we used to sing, "Jesus Loves Me."
53:25 And I remember that song.
53:27 It started playing in my mind, and I almost had like
53:31 a vision of me as a little kid.
53:36 You know, and in Sabbath School, we used to bang those sticks
53:41 together and sing, "Jesus Loves Me,"
53:47 and I heard that in my mind.
53:50 So, I said, "Wow."
53:56 So, I just kind of like put the gun down,
53:58 and I kind of fell on my bedside there,
54:00 and I said, "Lord."
54:03 I just basically just prayed this crazy prayer.
54:05 I says, you know, I told Him everything that was wrong
54:08 with me, and I remember one day I was driving around.
54:10 I kind of felt lost, and I drove by this church,
54:13 and I seen Tom out there.
54:15 Tom was just out there watering the flowers, you know.
54:18 Tom: So, I caught a vision out of the side of my eye of
54:21 this big husky guy with tattoos walking up and saying hello.
54:29 So, I asked him if I could help him,
54:33 and he told me that he drives by the church on occasion,
54:38 and every time he goes by, he's thinking
54:40 that he should stop in.
54:42 Reuben: After he showed me around the church, you know,
54:47 I was like, "Okay, man, it's nice meeting you,"
54:49 and this and that.
54:51 So, I jumped in my car, and I started heading down
54:54 the driveway, and the next thing you know,
54:57 in like my peripheral vision, I see him coming
54:59 around the corner like Jerry Rice running a football.
55:04 No, not that fast, but he was taking off after me,
55:09 and he says, "Hey, hey, hey, hold on, hold on."
55:12 Tom: I asked him if he would like to have some Bible studies,
55:14 and he said, "Yeah."
55:16 Reuben: He would come by the house.
55:17 We'd all start, we'd start hiding the beer cans,
55:20 and trying to air out the weed smell, and there was a presence
55:24 that came with Tom that was comforting.
55:28 You know what I mean?
55:30 Even though I wasn't taking the Bible studies as serious
55:32 as I should've, looking back, there was just a presence
55:36 about him being there in the house that was comforting.
55:41 I told Tom, I said,
55:42 "Tom, you know, you can't win everybody."
55:44 Tom: I looked at him and I know I said to him,
55:47 "Believe it or not, I never get anybody."
55:50 I says, "The Holy Spirit can do that."
55:53 And I kind of in my heart knew that the Holy Spirit
55:58 was going to work on Reuben.
56:00 Reuben: So then Tom kind of left the picture for a while.
56:03 And then I think one day at my mother's house,
56:05 they were watching
56:07 "The Final Events of Bible Prophecy."
56:08 So, I watched that, and I remember the scene
56:15 where they had the hellfire and stuff.
56:18 You know, they're outside the city,
56:20 and it showed the hellfire coming down
56:24 and burning people and stuff, and I remember saying to myself,
56:29 "That's where I would be right there."
56:31 After the hellfire scene, I saw the saints and the city
56:38 and the New Jerusalem, and Jesus recreating the earth.
56:42 And I said, "I want that to be me and my family."
56:50 There was something about the way Doug preached
56:52 and things that I felt that touched me,
56:55 because he's kind of like myself.
56:58 You know, he didn't grow up like that.
57:02 You know, he done drugs and things.
57:05 So, I kind of found these common grounds that I had with him, and
57:09 I liked how he just kind of like kept it real with his preaching.
57:12 And then Pastor Ridley came to the church,
57:16 and I got to know him very well,
57:19 and we started doing some finishing studies.
57:22 He wanted to make sure I understand
57:23 what I was doing and things and baptized me, my wife,
57:27 my brother.
57:30 No matter what you've done, where you come from,
57:35 where you've been, no matter how bad of a sinner
57:37 you think you are,
57:39 the Lord Jesus loves you no matter what you've done.
57:44 Doug: Friends, it's because of God's blessing
57:46 and your support, thousand of others, just like Reuben,
57:50 have found Jesus and eternal life.
57:52 ♪♪♪
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Revised 2022-06-01