Sabbath School Study Hour

Joseph Master of Dreams

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022224S

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00:39 Luccas Rodor: Hi, friends, welcome to our Sabbath School
00:41 Study Hour here in the Greater Sacramento Area in California
00:45 here at the Granite Bay Hilltop Adventist Church.
00:47 It's so good that we're here with you.
00:49 Thank you so much for investing this time with us and allowing
00:52 yourself to be used by God to learn here with us.
00:55 We have a really interesting study in today's lesson.
00:58 We're going to be studying lesson number 11, which has a
01:01 title, "Joseph, Master of Dreams."
01:03 But before we dive into this study this week, I'd like to
01:06 invite you to take advantage of our free offer here today.
01:11 The title is "The Power of a Positive No," and it has a lot
01:13 to do with how to face temptation, how to
01:15 say no to the temptations around us.
01:19 If you would like to receive this free offer,
01:21 you can call 866-788-3966.
01:26 You could ask for the study number 159,
01:30 and we'll be able to send that to you.
01:32 If you're in the continental North America, then
01:34 you could text SH084 to the number 40544,
01:40 and you can have a digital download.
01:41 Also, if you're living outside continental North America, and
01:45 you would still like to take advantage of this free offer,
01:48 you can go to, and you
01:54 could also acquire a digital download through there.
01:58 I would really invite you to take advantage of this.
02:00 It's going to do a lot of good for your spiritual life, for
02:05 your fight against temptation, your fight against the enemy.
02:10 Before we get started today and before we dive
02:12 deep into the lesson, I'd like to invite you
02:14 to say a word of prayer here with me.
02:17 "Dear Lord God, thank You so much for your love.
02:18 Thank You so much for Your grace.
02:20 Thank You so much for allowing us to
02:24 study and learn more about You.
02:26 Right now, as we learn about Joseph's life, I would like to
02:30 ask You, Lord, to open our minds, open our hearts.
02:33 Give us a deeper understanding of
02:35 Your character, of who You are.
02:37 I thank You for this privilege that we have, Lord, of coming
02:40 together around the world, opening the same
02:42 Bible and studying the same story, and
02:44 learning more about the same God.
02:46 Please be with us today.
02:47 Be with those that are watching from around the world, from
02:50 home, those who are here with us today.
02:52 I ask You these things in Jesus's name, amen."
02:56 As I said before, this week's lesson is extremely interesting.
02:59 This is one of my favorite Bible stories of all times.
03:03 As a little child, I remember learning about this story,
03:06 learning about the character here, and there's many beautiful
03:09 life lessons that you can learn coming from the story of Joseph.
03:13 Now, we've been studying the stories of different patriarchs,
03:17 different stories from the book of Genesis, and
03:19 when we arrive at the story of Joseph, this is
03:21 towards the end already of Genesis.
03:24 We really have not only the story itself, but the entire
03:29 details, all the nuances, the cultural innuendos, everything
03:34 that we've learned so far about the beginning of the world and
03:37 these first, you know, couple thousand years.
03:41 And when we arrive in Joseph's story, as we've seen before with
03:44 Abraham's story, with Isaac and Jacob's story, the author who
03:47 is--we believe to be Moses, that was writing furiously, he
03:51 really slows down, and he's very descriptive when it comes to the
03:55 stories of these first patriarchs.
03:58 Joseph's story includes an extraordinary amount of details
04:02 that reveal God's plan and reveal God's character.
04:05 It talks more about who God is than the actual
04:08 character that we're studying about.
04:10 Now, the very descriptive narrative that is found here in
04:12 chapter 37 through the chapter 50, that covers the stories and
04:17 the events that happen during the life of Joseph, begin
04:22 covering his dreams, begin covering the stories of how his
04:26 dreams affect his life with his family.
04:29 Now, what's interesting is that the coverage of Joseph's story
04:34 in these chapters, they're longer.
04:38 The narrative here is a bigger block than the narrative
04:41 of any other patriarch, of any other man or story
04:45 that we find here in the book of Genesis.
04:48 He appears among the rest of Jacob's sons,
04:51 but truly in Genesis he's portrayed as important
04:55 as Abraham, as Isaac, and as Jacob.
04:59 He's extremely important in the following in the story, because
05:03 the story of Jacob--sorry--the story of Joseph is
05:07 a crossroads in the story of Genesis.
05:10 Here we connect what happened to this family all the
05:13 way from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
05:15 It's connected to how this family truly becomes a nation.
05:19 And Abraham and Isaac and in Jacob we see a family that
05:22 wanders, a family that moves around.
05:24 But with Joseph, you start seeing what happens to them, the
05:28 progression of the story of redemption and what
05:30 happens to the children of Israel.
05:32 At this point, Jacob had been renamed Israel, we know that.
05:36 At this point, they already have a family structure,
05:39 but they're not yet really a nation.
05:41 That happens throughout the development of the story that
05:44 comes through Joseph when the family has to go up into Egypt.
05:48 Then we're going to be studying this not only today,
05:50 but in next week's lesson, as well.
05:53 Now, there are two theological lessons that are emphasized here
05:56 that are extremely important in understanding what's going on.
06:00 First of all is the truth that God, unlike
06:05 humans, He always fulfills His promises.
06:08 If you remember, with Abraham, we went through the whole story
06:11 where Abraham, he repeatedly attempted to--he repeatedly
06:17 attempted to fulfill God's promises for God.
06:20 He tried to help God help him.
06:23 You see that happening when he goes into Egypt, where he feels
06:27 that it's necessary for him to masquerade as Sarah's brother
06:31 and not her husband, the half-truth, right?
06:34 We see that happening with the whole story with Ishmael, right,
06:37 where not only Abraham, but his wife, they feel this
06:41 need to help God fulfill His promise.
06:44 So, that is the pattern not only with these people--because after
06:48 all, they're people, right, they're human beings that are
06:51 fallible, that are weak, and that sometimes
06:53 make mistakes, just like you and just like me.
06:56 But we see that also here, that this story emphasizes that God
07:01 is the one that fulfills His promises.
07:03 It's not really about humans.
07:04 It's not about people, even though here we find the stories
07:09 of good people, of righteous, faithful people that
07:13 find it important to obey God and to be
07:15 faithful to Him, but this story is about God.
07:18 The main character is the Lord God that fulfills His
07:21 promises to the human counterparts.
07:25 If you remember--and I'd like to quote here Revelation chapter 3,
07:28 verse 7, the doors that God opens, no one can shut, and the
07:33 doors that God shuts, no one can open.
07:35 God is the God of multiple opportunities.
07:39 God is the God that has multiple ways of doing so
07:41 many things that we just can't even fathom.
07:44 You know, sometimes we get caught up in our own way of
07:46 seeing things and our own perspectives,
07:48 and we end up thinking that either God has
07:50 to work this way, or this way, or this way.
07:53 There are no other ways.
07:54 There's this, there's this, and there's this.
07:56 Friends, God is ambidextrous.
07:59 God can operate with both hands.
08:03 He's not limited to just a few different opportunities,
08:06 a few speckled ways of doing things.
08:08 God has a perspective that we can't even imagine, and that's
08:11 something that not only us, but we see here with these men--you
08:15 know, with Abraham, with Isaac, with Jacob, and with the women
08:17 involved in the stories--you know, with Rebekah, with Rachel,
08:20 with Sarah, with Tamar, that we're going to talk a little bit
08:22 about this week--this is something that these people
08:24 learned throughout their lives, as God dealt, and lived, and
08:27 dealed with them--or dealt with them--we see that they also,
08:31 over time, progressively learned that God is
08:35 the God that has uncountable, multiple
08:39 opportunities and multiple options.
08:42 So, that's the first thing that we
08:43 have to understand here in this story.
08:45 That's the first theological reality about God's
08:47 nature that we have to understand.
08:49 The second is that evil, adversity, the setbacks
08:53 of life and of history do not have the last word,
08:57 because many times we're tempted to believe that.
08:59 We're tempted to believe that everything is happening
09:03 around us, everything that is happening around us,
09:05 that is what has the final word in our life.
09:08 The events, the circumstances, the chaos, the setbacks that we
09:12 have in life, that there's no coming back from these things.
09:15 Friends, the God of the Bible, He is the God of the last word.
09:20 Doesn't the book of Revelation call Him the Alpha
09:22 and the Omega, the First and the Last?
09:24 Those are the first--Alpha is the first letter
09:27 of the Greek alphabet, Omega is the last.
09:29 What that means is that God--among other things--because
09:32 you know that the descriptions of God in the Bible, they also
09:35 can be understood in many ways, but one of the understandings,
09:40 one of the interpretations of what that means is that God has
09:42 the first word, and God has the last word, always.
09:45 He covers through and through.
09:48 There is no other way with God.
09:49 And so this reality is that I don't
09:52 have to become anxious or worried.
09:54 The Bible says that multiple times also.
09:56 Don't be anxious.
09:57 Don't be worried, because God is always in control.
10:01 In His eternal providences, the Lord of Hosts is capable of
10:05 transforming the absurd events of life, as we see in Joseph's
10:09 story, He is capable of transforming the craziest, most
10:12 absurd situations of life into building blocks of His purposes.
10:19 Now, Joseph enters the biblical narrative as Jacob's favorite
10:22 son, the object of his improper affections, and that, of course,
10:28 as any sibling that has to go through this understands, that,
10:33 of course, attracts the hostility, and the hatred,
10:36 and the jealousy of his brothers.
10:38 And this is what unleashes the plot of this entire story.
10:42 Joseph is ridiculed as the dreamer, which
10:45 is translated as the master of dreams.
10:48 That's literally what they called him,
10:49 the master of dreams, here comes the master of dreams.
10:52 That's what we see in the Sabbath School lesson--sorry, in
10:55 the Sabbath School memory verse, which is Genesis 37, verse 19,
10:59 where it says, "Then they said to one another, 'Look, this
11:02 dreamer is coming.'"
11:04 No, literally, what they're saying
11:05 is, "Look, the master dreamer is coming."
11:09 And, indeed, dreams play a big part of
11:11 Joseph's story, of Joseph's life.
11:14 Not only was he given the gift of interpreting these
11:17 dreams, but moreover, he fulfills the
11:20 great dream that God had for his life.
11:23 We see that dreams go through and through
11:25 Joseph's life and Joseph's story.
11:28 Now, on Sunday's lesson, to begin this week's
11:30 lesson, we have the title, "Family Troubles."
11:33 And what we find here, the point of the story that we come upon
11:37 is that we find Jacob, all right, the father of the story,
11:41 at this point, comfortably establishing the land, right?
11:45 After everything that had happened up to this point, you
11:47 know, running away from Esau and going to his
11:50 Uncle Laban, marrying Rachel, and the whole development of
11:56 the story, here we find that Jacob is finally
11:59 established, well established in Canaan.
12:03 And that's when his problems, at least in this regard, in our
12:06 context today, that's where the problems begin,
12:09 because they begin at home within his family.
12:11 The story here doesn't really describe
12:13 many difficulties surrounding Jacob.
12:17 The problems really come from within his own household.
12:20 And I think that that's something that
12:22 many of us can relate to.
12:23 You know, sometimes in life, everything is working great.
12:26 You know, everything is good at work, everything is good with
12:28 friends, you're successful, the doors are opening, but your
12:33 problems truly are at home, perhaps with a spouse, perhaps
12:36 with your children, with siblings, and this is what is
12:40 happening in the life of this family.
12:42 They're going through a period of crisis.
12:44 Joseph, which was the son of his old age, of Jacob's old age,
12:48 occupies a place of prominence within his father's heart.
12:52 And so his father unwisely gives him a cloak of many colors, a
12:57 beautiful cloak, the clothes of kings.
13:00 This cloak possibly even suggested that Jacob intended to
13:06 give Joseph the birthright to make him or to
13:11 give him the blessing of the firstborn.
13:13 Now, of course, the other brothers, as they
13:15 saw this favoritism, as they saw what was
13:18 happening here, they weren't happy.
13:20 And Jacob was doing this, of course, because of
13:22 his love for Rachel, for his great love for
13:26 the wife that he wanted to marry.
13:29 Now, the intentions of Jacob's favoritism become even more
13:32 evident to the rest of the sons, because we see their actions.
13:35 We see how they react to all of this.
13:37 They feel discriminated against.
13:39 They feel outcast. They feel wronged.
13:41 And I'll be honest with you, it makes sense that they would.
13:44 Who wouldn't feel this way when one
13:46 parent favors one child over the other?
13:50 Of course, they would feel this way.
13:51 And it was so blatant, it was so
13:52 explicit, it was made so obvious.
13:55 Friends, favoritism is a great sin that is displayed in
13:58 dysfunctional parents that never learned how to be
14:02 parents, and that dysfunctionality becomes evident
14:06 in the dynamic of family relationships.
14:09 In the ways that parents act with their children, in the ways
14:11 that they treat them, that becomes evident, and that
14:13 creates a serious dysfunction in the family setting.
14:18 The hatred of Joseph's brothers for him, seen as the master
14:21 dreamer, is worsened by the reports that he
14:24 gives of his brothers to his father.
14:27 So, here we see that, you know, Joseph is one of those
14:30 characters in the Bible that you don't really see him making
14:32 a whole bunch of different mistakes, right?
14:35 You have two figures in the Old Testament
14:37 that are ante-types of Christ in this.
14:39 The Bible doesn't--of course, these were people
14:41 that did make mistakes, right, because they
14:44 still needed Jesus to die for them.
14:46 They needed a Savior, but the Bible doesn't
14:49 attribute to them a direct sin, right?
14:52 You have Joseph and you have Daniel, and the stories of these
14:55 two men are very similar in many ways.
14:58 We'll get to that.
14:59 But here we see that Joseph, at least in this way, or in this
15:03 moment, he displayed perhaps immaturity, you know,
15:06 perhaps a naivety, because here we see that
15:12 he used to tattle on his brothers.
15:14 Now, we don't know in what spirit this was done.
15:16 We don't know in what way it was done.
15:18 The Bible records the words, but we don't see the emotion, the
15:21 feelings behind that, because it's written word, and it's more
15:24 difficult to extract emotion, to extract feeling.
15:27 So, we don't know how Joseph did this, but again, to anyone that
15:31 has younger siblings, maybe even older siblings, you know, that
15:35 it doesn't feel good to be tattled on, right?
15:37 It's, no one likes a tattletale, so I know that personally.
15:41 I used to hate it when my little brother, when Michael
15:44 used to come along, and he used to tell my
15:45 parents the wrong things that I was doing.
15:47 And the funny thing about Michael
15:48 is that he would tell on himself.
15:50 So, you know, if we got something from the kitchen, we
15:53 got maybe a chocolate or a cookie or something from the
15:56 kitchen, and we--even when we shared it, right, and I would
15:59 say, "Michael, don't tell mom, don't tell dad," Michael, he
16:01 just couldn't, he would come and he would say--he would go up to
16:04 them, and he'd already say, "I'm sorry."
16:06 And, of course, they would say, "Well,
16:08 what do you mean you're sorry?
16:09 Sorry for what?"
16:10 And then he would spill out the whole story.
16:12 That--I'd get in trouble.
16:15 He wouldn't, right? Michael's more innocent.
16:17 My little brother had Down Syndrome,
16:18 and so he's a more innocent being.
16:22 But any sibling that knows what that's
16:25 like, knows that it's not nice.
16:26 Now, in Joseph's story, we have that.
16:29 That is just one of the different nuances of the story
16:32 that revealed to us that his brothers were--or why his
16:35 brothers had that problem with him.
16:38 He used to give reports on them to his father.
16:41 And in his favoritism, Jacob becomes guilty
16:44 of the bad relationship of his sons,
16:46 of course, because he's instigating it.
16:49 He's making it very obvious, while one is learning how to
16:52 read, how to write, one is learning how to,
16:54 you know, how to take over the family,
16:56 the other ones are outcasts in the field.
16:57 They're taking care of the flocks.
16:59 They're not really involved in the plans.
17:01 And so here we see that Jacob, he is instigating
17:04 this jealousy, this resentment among the sons.
17:10 But again, Joseph, he doesn't really appear as
17:13 the wisest and most prudent of the family.
17:16 He could've been more tactful, perhaps, with his siblings.
17:19 He could've, you know, maybe
17:20 given a different kind of report.
17:22 We don't know.
17:24 The truth is that we don't really know what
17:25 these reports were like or what was happening.
17:27 What we do know is that no one likes when someone tells on
17:30 them, and that's what Joseph was doing.
17:34 He was giving reports.
17:35 Another element to the story that certainly created some
17:39 resentment between them is the fact that to Joseph were given
17:42 these wonderful dreams, these incredible dreams, which he
17:47 reports to the rest of his family.
17:48 Now, again, perhaps a wiser, more mature person would know
17:53 that his brothers already had a hard time with him, and maybe he
17:56 would, you know, pepper down the dreams, or he would just, you
17:59 know--I don't know--if he would hide them or if he
18:01 would keep to himself, at least for that
18:03 moment, or what the option would be.
18:06 But what we see is that Joseph, he goes out,
18:09 and he just readily reports the dreams.
18:11 Of course, he was, you know, excited about them.
18:14 He was fascinated by these dreams.
18:17 But he goes out, and he reports it to his family, with the
18:19 implication that he, Joseph, in some way, considered himself to
18:25 be the object of a great mission from God, which was true.
18:29 There was nothing wrong with that, that was true.
18:31 But, of course, that would instigate further
18:34 jealousy and resentment from his brothers, and that truly
18:37 becomes a sore spot of hatred for them.
18:40 Even if it weren't Joseph's intentions by telling them this
18:43 dream, it was the result, the resentment, the hatred.
18:47 It was the result of it.
18:49 The twofold dream could only be interpreted as prophetic, and we
18:53 see that Jacob, while he does rebuke Joseph at one moment,
18:57 saying, you know, "Well, what, you think you're going to be
18:59 greater than myself and your mother?"
19:01 And I imagine that Jacob, who himself had witnessed a
19:05 dream--at least one that we know of--you know, with the ladder
19:09 event in Bethel--I'm sure that Jacob, he
19:12 understood that something was happening,
19:14 that these weren't just regular dreams.
19:19 What no one could know, what no one could ever imagine,
19:21 especially Jacob and even Joseph at this point, was the enormous
19:25 price that would be paid by all of them in order
19:28 to fulfill these dreams, what they were.
19:31 Here we transition to Monday's lesson, which is the moment of
19:34 the attack, the attack on Joseph.
19:37 Now, we all know that jealousy is a terrible counselor.
19:42 The hard thing is noticing how it affects us.
19:45 You know, sometimes when we're--not sometimes--usually,
19:48 when we're the ones going through whatever is happening,
19:52 it becomes difficult for us to have a broader
19:54 perspective of the unfolding of events.
19:57 Usually, you know, that's why we ask for counsel--people that
19:59 are around us, people that can perhaps be more unbiased than
20:03 us--it's easier to understand and to perceive what's going on.
20:06 But it's difficult many times for you to see that
20:08 you're being jealous, that you're going
20:10 through feelings of covetousness, right?
20:13 It affects all of us.
20:14 And the evils that are involved in how it manifests
20:17 itself, even the smallest intentions and
20:19 motivations, many times, does go unnoticed.
20:22 These are things that happen gradually, especially when it
20:24 comes to jealousy and to covetousness.
20:27 These are feelings that come on gradually, and they end up
20:30 affecting our actions, again, gradually,
20:33 in a way that sometimes we don't perceive.
20:36 That's why the best thing is always to ask God to open our
20:39 eyes and give us actually His eyes, so that we can see our
20:43 actions, see our words, how we're affecting other people,
20:46 how we might be hurting other people.
20:48 It's a constant prayer. "Lord, open my eyes.
20:51 Help me understand what I'm doing, what
20:52 I'm seeing, what I'm going through.
20:54 All me to act with Your will, not my will."
20:59 Friends, jealousy and covetousness
21:01 are the twin brothers of hatred.
21:04 The perfect storm was upon this family.
21:08 Sometimes it's very hard to speculate just how
21:10 far jealousy and hatred take their victims.
21:14 Here, Jacob's foolishness reveals itself.
21:18 He had certainly noticed, all right?
21:20 And look, friends, we're speaking--I know that we're
21:22 speaking of very dear characters of the Bible: Abraham, Isaac,
21:27 Jacob, people that we look up to, people that are mentioned in
21:30 the hall of faith in Hebrews chapter 11.
21:34 But the thing about the Bible is that the
21:36 Bible doesn't hold back its punches.
21:38 The Bible reveals the flaws of its characters.
21:41 We see that in the life of Abraham, yes, we do.
21:44 And we see that here in the life of Jacob multiple times.
21:47 Here is another moment--all you have
21:49 to do is think a little bit, all right?
21:51 Look at what the text is saying.
21:52 The text is telling us that Jacob sends Joseph
21:56 to give food, to provide food for his sons,
21:59 certainly wanting a report back from him.
22:02 What did he think was going to happen?
22:04 I mean, he knew that his sons
22:06 held this resentment against Joseph.
22:08 There's no way to hide that.
22:10 You know, friend, you can hide, you can hide for a long time.
22:18 You can hide something from everyone for a short time, or
22:22 you can hide something from a few people for a long time.
22:26 You can hide, but you can't hide forever.
22:30 So, in this case, it's impossible that Jacob's
22:33 sons hid their feelings or true feelings
22:36 for Joseph from their father forever.
22:38 Again, you can hide from a lot of people for a little bit of
22:42 time, or you can hide from a little bit of people for a long
22:45 time, but you can't hide from everyone all the time.
22:47 That's impossible.
22:49 And so it's certain that Jacob knew of the feelings
22:53 that his older sons had for Joseph.
22:55 So, what was he expecting was going to
22:57 happen by sending Joseph to them?
23:00 What did he have in mind?
23:02 What did he imagine?
23:04 Deep down the brothers were jealous of God's
23:06 divine favor towards their younger brother.
23:08 Of course, they were.
23:09 As a result of these horrible feelings, a very twisted, odious
23:15 plan is spawned in the imagination of these young men.
23:19 They create a plot to murder their brother.
23:24 You know, sometimes considering this story,
23:25 I keep thinking, "How was it possible?
23:28 How did this happen?"
23:30 These were young men that knew God.
23:34 They had witnessed their father being faithful to God.
23:37 They had noticed the protection of God to their family.
23:40 How did they become so callous?
23:43 How did they become so hard?
23:45 How could they come up with such a horrible crime against their
23:48 own flesh and blood who was even younger than they?
23:53 How could they not foresee this immense impact of their actions
23:56 on their father and on the rest of their family?
24:00 But the truth is that hatred is shortsighted.
24:04 Hatred doesn't consider the long,
24:06 far-reaching implications of its actions.
24:09 And here this is what we see that happens to this family.
24:13 The evil and the cruelty of human heart is shared with the
24:17 heart of the devil, and here we see that these young men, they
24:21 were in one way or another possessed.
24:24 They were being led by the spirit of the devil.
24:28 Certainly, they weren't being led by God.
24:32 But even then, in the midst of this chaotic storm that they
24:37 find themselves in, God's divine providence is already at work.
24:42 Remember what we said, that God always has the final word, and
24:46 that God always fulfills His promises?
24:48 In a mysterious way--because we know
24:50 that God, He allows free will.
24:52 God gives us space for free will.
24:55 But in a mysterious way, this incredible biblical God, He has
25:00 this way of working His wonders, His providence through the
25:06 different events that happen through the history
25:09 of the world and the history of people on
25:12 a personal and even individual level.
25:15 Ellen White, in the book, "Thoughts from the Mountain of
25:18 Blessings," page 10, "If received in faith, the trial
25:22 that seems so bitter and hard to bear, will prove a blessing."
25:26 And that's what we see happening here.
25:28 Ephesians chapter 1, verse 11, tells us, and it bears witness
25:31 that "In Him, also, we have obtained an inheritance, being
25:35 predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all
25:38 things according to the counsel of His will."
25:40 Friends, even when the path is dark, full of detours, bumps,
25:43 and potholes, God is never asleep or
25:46 indifferent to the circumstances that surround us.
25:49 His paths might seem more mysterious and devoid of reason
25:53 to us, but that doesn't mean that God is illogical.
25:55 What that means is that God is beyond our logic.
25:58 He is beyond our capability and our capacity
26:04 of reasoning and of understanding things.
26:07 Dark chapters that might even appear to have no answers, later
26:13 on understood through hindsight, makes sense in
26:19 the masterfully woven portrait of who God is.
26:27 Friends, God is always in absolute control of all things.
26:31 While the devil uses trials of life to discourage us,
26:34 God uses these same trials sometimes to
26:37 encourage us, to strengthen, and to mature us.
26:39 The God of the hilltops continues
26:41 to be God in the valleys.
26:43 The God of the bright and sunny days continues to
26:46 be God in the dark and threatening nights of life.
26:49 Joseph's story is one of the most eloquent biblical
26:53 testaments of divine providence, of how God acts and reacts to
26:59 the situations that his children go through here in this world.
27:02 Thrown in the pit by his brothers--most of us know this
27:05 story by heart--intended to murder him.
27:08 You'll find that in Genesis chapter 37.
27:11 He is then providentially saved by the
27:13 intervention of Reuben, his older brother.
27:16 At 17 years of age, he is sold to merchants that appear again
27:20 providentially at exactly the right moment.
27:25 And here in the company of complete
27:27 strangers, he is taken to Egypt.
27:33 The sad truth of the story is that he observes for the last
27:36 time the hills of his childhood life that begin to disappear
27:41 beyond the horizon, farther and farther away from everything
27:45 that he knew, farther away from home.
27:49 But friends, the story has not ended.
27:53 From a human perspective, that was the end of Joseph.
27:56 That was it, to be sent to one of the most brutal
28:01 countries of the world, one of the most brutal nations
28:02 of the world, especially for slaves.
28:06 The life expectancy wasn't long.
28:08 This, to all purposes, to all effects, humanly speaking,
28:13 was the last of Joseph, the end of Joseph.
28:16 But we know that that's not true.
28:18 We know that this is just the beginning of the story, because
28:20 any story that has God in its core and its center,
28:24 that story is a story that will end well.
28:27 All stories that have God at the core will end well, if not on
28:32 this side of eternity, on the other.
28:36 Tuesday's lesson, it's a very interesting lesson, because it's
28:39 a small interlude in the broader story of Joseph.
28:43 Here we have a little pause.
28:44 Now, while it's chronologically accurate, the story of Tamar
28:48 that's found in Genesis chapter 38, it appears out of place in
28:52 the narrative of Joseph, almost like a non sequitur.
28:54 In the place where it's found, it doesn't make much sense why.
28:57 Here you have this whole story of Joseph happening,
29:00 and then this short little description of what
29:02 happens here with Judah and with Tamar.
29:06 But even so, here we find the same theme of a malignant act
29:12 that--a malignant act of injustice that develops into a
29:16 positive event, connected to the lineage of salvation.
29:20 The details of this story are peppered with cultural nuances.
29:24 So, the story basically goes to secure her genealogy, Tamar,
29:29 she poses as a prostitute, because she had
29:31 been married to Judah's firstborn son.
29:34 He died, then she was married to the second son to preserve the
29:39 lineage, and then he passed away.
29:41 And at this point, Judah doesn't want to give his
29:44 third son to Tamar, which was her right.
29:49 And so here because he's denying the right that should
29:52 be hers to preserve the lineage of
29:54 her family, she poses as a prostitute.
29:58 Finally, she confronts Judah, and the
29:59 story here, friends, it's incredible.
30:01 Go back to the biblical narrative in Genesis chapter 38.
30:04 Go read the story, and you'll see how incredible,
30:06 how smart, how savvy this woman was.
30:11 When she confronts Judah, who had already played a quite
30:14 sordid role in Joseph's story, he was a key part of that, here
30:19 we see that the fundamental element of the narrative of
30:22 Tamar versus Judah, it finds itself in the child that she
30:27 bears, Perez, one of King David's ancestors
30:32 and ultimately one of the ancestors of
30:34 the Messiah, of Jesus Christ himself.
30:37 Tamar appears as one of the most improbable
30:39 women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus.
30:43 And the lesson here seems clear.
30:45 Just as God has the ability of transforming the somber details
30:49 of life, of in this case Tamar's life and her story into a
30:53 blessing by including her in the lineage of the Savior of the
30:57 world, the lives converge with Joseph's story,
31:01 who, by miraculous providence, brings
31:03 salvation to Jacob and to his lineage.
31:06 Friends, the whole story of the Bible is the story of how God
31:11 changes and transforms and uses the most absurd
31:14 events and even the most unqualified,
31:18 apparently unqualified people in his divine providence.
31:23 God is that powerful.
31:25 I really believe that sometimes the devil, in one situation
31:28 or another, he thinks that he's ahead, he
31:30 thinks that he's winning, he thinks that
31:32 he's won the skirmish, that little battle over there.
31:36 But in one crazy way, in one way that surprises even the enemy,
31:41 God is able to transform that moment of weakness, that
31:46 failure, that apparent failure, God has the power of
31:48 transforming that into a victory, into a blessing.
31:52 And we see that countless times through scripture.
31:54 We see that here in the story of Tamar, and we see that in the
31:56 story of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, and
31:59 here in the story of Joseph, as well.
32:02 Wednesday's lesson finds Joseph as a slave in Egypt.
32:06 Here, the narrative shifts back to Joseph,
32:09 and he's portrayed as this slave.
32:12 The future could not seem darker, more uncertain.
32:16 He found himself in a distant land with no hopes, no options,
32:20 no alternatives, no foreseeable possibility of escape, but
32:24 Joseph is providentially sold to a man called Potiphar--and
32:28 you'll find that in Genesis 39, verse 1--who is, again
32:31 providentially a ranking official of Pharaoh.
32:34 He is immediately seen as a man of excellence.
32:38 Everything that he touches succeeds, turns out.
32:43 He's seen as a man in whom the Spirit of God dwelt, so much so
32:48 that his master entrusted to Joseph his entire household.
32:53 But let's not lose sight that Joseph's success was
32:57 a result of the action of God in his life.
33:00 Look at what Genesis 39, verse 2 says.
33:02 It says, "The Lord was with Joseph."
33:04 Friends, do not forget the story is not about these people.
33:08 The story, the main character here, it's not Joseph.
33:11 The main character is God.
33:13 Don't lose sight of that, because sometimes it's easy for
33:17 us to go reading these stories of the Bible and saying,
33:19 well, you know, here you have Abraham, here we have Jacob,
33:21 here we have Daniel, here we have David.
33:23 And then, you know, all these stories.
33:25 Yes, the story describes the events
33:27 of these people's lives, of their lives.
33:29 But let me tell you something.
33:30 With God removed from their stories, these
33:32 would be just regular, random people.
33:36 God is the catalyst that makes-- the Lord of Israel, the God of
33:40 Israel is the catalyst that makes Israel relevant,
33:43 otherwise, do you remember all the fathers
33:46 of nations from four, five thousand years ago?
33:51 This story is about God.
33:54 The Bible couldn't make it clearer.
33:56 The Lord was with Joseph, and so because the Lord was with
33:59 Joseph, verse 4 tells us, "So Joseph found favor in his sight
34:03 and served him," speaking of Potiphar.
34:06 "Then he made him overseer of his house, and all
34:09 that he had he put under his authority."
34:12 But although things were going well for him, Joseph was not
34:16 corrupted by his new circumstances.
34:19 Friends, our fidelity to God is tested in two ways, two
34:22 different ways, and I mentioned this in a previous lesson.
34:25 First, the test of adversity;
34:28 and secondly, the test of success.
34:31 Most people fall short.
34:33 Most people fall short on one or the other of
34:35 these lessons, one or the other of these tests.
34:38 Adversity or success ends up failing most humans.
34:44 To many, when they find themselves in a successful
34:47 situation, where they are seen as successful, they're seen as
34:50 blessed, they're seen as, you know, nothing could go wrong, as
34:54 intelligent, as smart, as rich--sometimes they think this
34:59 is coming from themselves, from their effort.
35:03 Again, friend, never forget, two tests, adversity and success.
35:13 As these tests go, not only when people face success, but when
35:19 the adversities come, when the trials come, when the fires of
35:22 life come, it's easy to grow discouraged, to fall away, to
35:26 think that either have been abandoned or forsaken.
35:31 Joseph is an exception here, because initially and later on
35:35 during his prison time, he's an example of
35:38 faithfulness in success and in adversity.
35:41 In this moment of brief success, he bears
35:43 witness to the stuff that he was made of.
35:46 Because when Potiphar's wife attempts to seduce him, Joseph
35:50 reveals that his relationship with God, the God
35:52 of heaven, is greater than anything else.
35:55 Genesis 39, verse 9 says, "How then can I do
35:58 this great wickedness and sin against God?"
36:01 You see that what he's worried
36:03 about is his relationship with God.
36:05 Of course, he's worried about the immediate consequences.
36:08 He's worried about his master, what he would think.
36:10 He knows that this is wrong, that this is immoral, but
36:13 ultimately what is going on in his mind is "How could I hurt my
36:17 God this way, that has taken such good care of me?
36:20 How could I violate this relationship in such a way?"
36:24 And here we see that the reaction, and here we see that
36:28 sometimes faithfulness and fidelity, they don't always
36:34 provoke the best of reactions or the best of results.
36:39 In this situation, Potiphar's wife, humiliated and enraged by
36:45 the rejection of a slave, didn't hesitate to accuse him
36:49 and to turn him over to her husband.
36:51 And once again, the colors of the horizon that at this point
36:54 had been glowing for Joseph--he was being recognized,
36:57 he was successful, he was doing well in Potiphar's house.
37:00 But here, the horizon, the colors of the sky become gray.
37:04 Once again, Joseph sees his world crumble around him.
37:08 And at this point, as could have happened with so many other
37:11 people, with so many of us, he could've easily been
37:15 tempted to blaspheme against God.
37:18 His new miseries are a direct result
37:20 of his fidelity, of his faithfulness.
37:23 Where is God?
37:25 That would be the natural question.
37:27 "Why me? I'm doing my best.
37:29 I'm trying hard to be faithful in these hard circumstances.
37:32 I'm already a slave. I've already lost my family.
37:34 I'm already in a far away land.
37:37 Why is this happening?"
37:39 I imagine the feel--I could imagine the feeling of
37:43 abandonment, of loneliness, being almost insurmountable, but
37:49 that's not the case that we find here in this story.
37:52 We discover that even in prison, the Lord continued
37:55 to bless him, and he prospered even there.
37:58 Look at what Genesis 39:23 says.
38:00 It says, "But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy, and
38:03 He gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison, and
38:07 the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph--to
38:10 Joseph's hand, all the prisoners who were in the prison."
38:13 Whatever they did there, it was His doing.
38:15 The keeper of the prison did not look into anything that was
38:18 under Joseph's authority, because the Lord was with him.
38:21 And whatever he did, the Lord made it prosper.
38:25 The Lord made it prosper so much so that his witness, Joseph's
38:30 witness in that prison was a witness, was a testimony of
38:34 faithfulness in adversity, as a servant of the Most High.
38:38 And that deeply impressed those who shared
38:40 the same lot as he in the prison.
38:43 You see this constantly.
38:45 Joseph, in Potiphar's house, was faithful, in the trial of
38:51 Potiphar's wife, was faithful, and even in prison,
38:54 apparently abandoned by God and the world,
38:57 in that pit, once again, is faithful.
39:02 Friends, we can't control the things that happen to
39:04 us in our life, but we can control how we'll
39:06 react, and that's a hard lesson for all of us.
39:10 It's a hard lesson.
39:12 Here we see Joseph, despite the situation, he chooses an
39:17 attitude of gratitude, an attitude of praise, and that's
39:21 the differentiating factor here in this young man's life.
39:26 Now, Thursday's lesson, which has the title,
39:30 "The Dreams of Pharaoh," revolves around
39:32 the events found in Genesis chapter 40 and 41.
39:35 Here we see that God's providence continues to be a
39:39 major element in this story, because, otherwise,
39:42 this story would just be incredible.
39:44 It would be literally incredible,
39:46 unable to be believed.
39:48 All right, this is such an incredible
39:49 turn of events that happens here.
39:52 We see that God's providence is still in
39:54 control, imperceptible to human senses.
39:58 Silently, gradually, Joseph is led to the
40:02 realization of his calling, of his vocation.
40:06 God gave him an ability of interpreting dreams.
40:10 And here we see that he uses that ability to interpret the
40:14 dreams of the cupbearer and the baker in this story,
40:19 these two prisoners that served Pharaoh.
40:22 To all effects, this event, humanly
40:24 speaking, it just didn't make much sense.
40:25 Why is this happening?
40:27 Why does God care so much to give Joseph
40:31 the ability to reveal the dreams to these
40:33 two just men lost in history, otherwise?
40:39 But this is where we see this perspective of God.
40:43 We read in the Bible that the Lord God Himself
40:46 says, "My thoughts are way above yours.
40:49 You can't think on the same level
40:52 as I can," says the Lord, basically.
40:57 And here we see that God, He has that broader vision, that
40:59 perspective that we just don't have.
41:02 Here He sees the importance of this moment, of this event.
41:05 When we analyze the interpreted dream in the
41:07 broader context of God's plans, lines that seem to be just
41:11 loose ends begin to make sense, and a radical change
41:16 in the course of things takes place.
41:18 Because two years later--yeah, two years--
41:20 it didn't happen overnight.
41:22 It wasn't a week later, or a month later,
41:23 or even a year later.
41:25 Two years later in Genesis chapter 41, verse 1,
41:27 Pharaoh, the most powerful monarch of
41:30 the time, had a dream that alarmed him.
41:34 And we know the story of those dreams--the fat cows and the
41:37 skinny cows, the plump and the blighted wheat--and in a series
41:42 of incredible events, and here we have to jump over a big
41:45 portion of the story, a lot of the details--and I invite you to
41:48 go back to Genesis 39, 40, 41, and read the events here, paying
41:53 attention to the smallest details, because those
41:56 are the ones that make the difference.
41:58 In a series of incredible events, Joseph is brought to the
42:01 presence of this powerful monarch, of this powerful king,
42:05 to give him the meaning of his dreams, and that only happens
42:08 because the cupbearer remembers that 2 years before in prison,
42:13 someone had been able to interpret his dream.
42:17 Interestingly, Joseph, Joseph is incredible here, because Joseph
42:24 could've seen this as an opportunity of escape.
42:28 He could've played the narrative, even if he hadn't
42:32 been given this gift, this opportunity had
42:35 been given, he could've used this to, in one way
42:38 or another, see this as his chance of escape.
42:41 But here that's not even, that's not on Joseph's mind.
42:44 That's not even on the same wavelength of what
42:47 he's thinking of, because the story tells us that
42:50 he points away from himself, and he points to
42:52 God, who is the true source of wisdom.
42:57 Any one of us would be dreaming of freedom
43:00 and the possibilities that an interview with
43:03 the king could provide, but Joseph points away.
43:09 He points to He who is the true interpreter of dreams.
43:16 Just like Daniel centuries later, who also, in the presence
43:20 of the monarch, under similar circumstances, in Daniel chapter
43:24 2, verse 28 said there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets.
43:30 Now Joseph, in the presence of Pharaoh,
43:32 answers with a similar-- in a similar way.
43:35 Genesis 41:16 says, "It is not in me.
43:39 God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace."
43:43 You know, friends, Ellen White observes that the
43:45 spirit of self is the spirit of the devil.
43:49 Here we see that Joseph casts the attention off himself,
43:52 onto the true main character of the story.
43:56 The world is full of the spirit of megalomania, of arrogance.
44:01 But what is truly astounding and saddening is when we see that in
44:04 the church, in the body of Christ, where we wouldn't
44:08 believe that it would happen, or we wouldn't want it to happen.
44:11 The saddest thing is when we see this truly happening among those
44:14 who profess following Christ, poor creatures that pathetically
44:19 attempt to take the place of the Most High and to
44:23 take the glory that belongs only to Him.
44:26 Not so with Joseph.
44:28 He points away from himself.
44:30 The true source of revelation is another.
44:34 And it also becomes clear that Pharaoh understood the message,
44:37 because when he decides to choose Joseph to be the new
44:40 Prime Minister of Egypt, his reason is--and this is in
44:43 Genesis 41:39-41--he says, "In as much as God has shown you all
44:49 this, there is no one as discerning and wise as you.
44:52 You shall be over my house, and all my people
44:54 shall be ruled according to your word.
44:56 Only in regard to the throne will I be greater than you."
45:01 And Pharaoh said to Joseph, "See, I have
45:04 set you over all the land of Egypt."
45:07 The ascension of Joseph is surprising.
45:10 He goes beyond even Potiphar's household.
45:13 He goes--he's taken above the station of his old
45:16 master to govern the whole of Egypt.
45:19 And here's another incredible detail.
45:21 Because anyone that was wronged, like Joseph was,
45:25 probably would've sought vengeance.
45:28 But the Bible doesn't describe any such feeling, trying to seek
45:32 vengeance on Potiphar or on his wife.
45:36 This was a man that had given himself, that had turned himself
45:39 over to God, to his God, and he allowed Him to be his vengeance.
45:44 What a powerful story of how even surrounded by disasters and
45:49 by chaos, the divine providence of God always prevails, and His
45:55 purposes are never frustrated, are never twisted,
46:00 even by jealousy, by hatred, by malice, by
46:04 the ruthlessness of human maliciousness.
46:08 The last word is always His,
46:10 because His decrees are trustworthy.
46:12 He is infallible.
46:14 Nothing, no one, anywhere, at any time, is capable of
46:18 frustrating the designs of the God of heaven.
46:22 My dear friend, again, you know, we go through these lessons, and
46:27 while we do look at the stories from a biblical perspective,
46:30 seeing what's happening in the stories of these people, it's
46:33 important to apply these lessons in our life.
46:36 I'll tell you, we live in hard times, in times where the chaos,
46:40 the storms of life continue raging.
46:46 This is something that isn't unique to
46:48 a certain period of time in history.
46:50 It's always been hard.
46:51 There have always been hardships and difficulties in chaos.
46:54 Sometimes we're tempted to think that we have
46:56 it worse than other people in other moments.
46:58 Friends, the truth of the matter is that wherever
47:01 there is sin, there is difficulty.
47:03 Wherever there is sin, there is chaos.
47:05 Wherever sin is, there is a storm.
47:08 Our small planet has been submerged into this storm, but
47:12 the reality continues to be that the God of Abraham, of Isaac,
47:18 and of Jacob continues to be the God of truth, the God of
47:23 strength, the God of power, the Alpha and the Omega.
47:27 God is never taken by surprise.
47:29 He has the hands that never shake, which is why just as
47:33 these men here in the Bible, we have to learn to put our lives
47:36 in His hands, because that's the best place to be, always.
47:41 The best place to be is always within God's will.
47:45 That's my invitation for you here today.
47:48 Please accept that prayer for you, that we,
47:53 all of us must put our lives in God's hands.
47:56 I would like to invite you, one last time, to take advantage of
47:59 our free offer, "The Power of a Positive No."
48:03 Here you'll see, just as Joseph was capable of saying no in a
48:08 moment of temptation, no in a moment of trial,
48:11 we see that that is an important lesson,
48:13 an important virtue for all of us to learn.
48:15 So, don't forget to take advantage of that free offer.
48:18 You could call the number 866-788-3966
48:23 and ask for offer number 159.
48:25 If you're in continental North America,
48:27 you can text SH084 to the number 40544.
48:32 If you're outside of continental North America,
48:34 you can go to the website,
48:40 and you could get a digital download.
48:42 I invite you to take advantage of this, and I invite you, more
48:45 than anything else, to invite Christ into your heart.
48:48 Allow Him to be your tether in a moment
48:51 of storm, your rock, your anchor.
48:53 And I'm sure that just like Joseph, you'll be able to
48:57 prosper not only through the trials of adversity,
49:00 but also in the trials of success.
49:02 May God bless you.
49:04 I'd like to finish with a word of prayer.
49:06 Please bow your head.
49:07 "Dear Lord, thank You so much for the stories of the Bible
49:09 that teach us so many important and incredible lessons.
49:12 Lord, here we see a young man that was just
49:15 cast into this terrible storm of chaos.
49:19 And Lord, we want to live a life similar to Joseph, similar to
49:22 these Bible heroes: Joseph, Daniel, so many
49:25 others that in moments of crisis were able
49:27 to maintain their hopes and their faith in You.
49:32 Lord, at the same time, we are small.
49:34 We're extremely fallible beings, and we mess up and make
49:39 mistakes, which is why, Lord, I claim the promise
49:41 of Micah 7, verse 8, where the prophet,
49:45 he tells the enemy, 'Do not laugh over me.
49:48 Do not laugh over me, O my enemy, because
49:51 even when I fall, the Lord will lift me up.
49:54 When my dwelling is in the darkness,
49:56 the Lord will be my light.'"
49:58 Lord, I claim that promise not only for myself, but
50:00 for everyone that is listening, that is watching right now.
50:03 And Father, we sometimes, we do fall, and we abide in the
50:08 darkness in moments of life, but You are our light.
50:12 Lord, we know that victory is only in You.
50:14 This story is only about You.
50:16 You are the God that fulfills the promises, Lord.
50:18 We're, again, we're fallible.
50:20 We break promises, many times.
50:23 But, Lord, that's why I ask for forgiveness.
50:25 I ask for transformation. I ask to be more like Christ.
50:28 And I ask that not only for myself, but for all who are
50:30 watching and listening right now.
50:32 I ask You these things, and I praise Your name.
50:34 I bless Your name, Lord, for these beautiful truths that
50:37 we've learned today, and I ask these things
50:40 in the name of Jesus Christ, amen, amen.
50:47 male announcer: Don't forget to request
50:48 today's life-changing free resource.
50:50 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail,
50:52 you can download a digital copy straight
50:54 to your computer or mobile device.
50:56 To get your digital copy of today's free gift, simply text
51:00 the keyword on your screen to 40544 or visit the web address
51:05 shown on your screen, and be sure to select the digital
51:07 download option on the request page.
51:10 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
51:13 Amazing Facts, wherever and whenever you want, and
51:16 most important, to share it with others.
51:24 announcer: "Amazing Facts, Changed Lives."
51:27 ♪♪♪
51:32 Darius Ziegler: My name is Darius Ziegler.
51:34 I was born and raised in Elmore, Alabama.
51:38 I grew up and I was raised Christian.
51:41 We had to do exactly what my parents wanted, as far as
51:45 Christian living, whether it be our friends, what we watched on
51:49 television, even down to the things that we ate.
51:52 male: You know, I used to wonder and sometimes question my
51:54 mom about certain things, but, you know, she explained why, you
51:58 know, like it's better for us, you know, it's the reasons, the
52:01 way that God actually wants us to live and He--
52:04 Darius: And I'm starting to think in my mind,
52:05 you know, this can't be right, this isn't fair.
52:08 So, when college came after high school, and I was on my own, and
52:14 I had no rules, I busted it wide open.
52:21 After I had my--well, at least what I thought--my fill of
52:25 partying, I started to realize that it wasn't
52:30 all that it was cracked up to be.
52:33 As time was going on, I was finishing up my freshman year of
52:37 college, I still, I was very miserable.
52:40 I wasn't happy with anything,
52:43 and I still wanted to just get away.
52:45 And I was looking through the phone book, you know, I was
52:47 looking in the back, you know, in the Yellow Pages, and I seen,
52:51 like, the recruiting advertisement for the Air Force.
52:55 So, I did exactly like the number said.
52:59 I called them.
53:02 I'm off to the military.
53:04 I get there, and I made friends. Everybody loved me.
53:08 At this time, I was just like, "Yeah,
53:10 this is what I've been missing."
53:12 And all these guys doing all this together,
53:16 it was awesome, or so I thought.
53:21 They tell us that we're getting deployed.
53:23 And of all places we're going to the Middle East, and I'm going
53:27 to a place where they don't want us there.
53:30 Basically, every day your life
53:32 was on the line, and I'm terrified.
53:36 But thankfully, after the months go by and we do our tour in the
53:41 desert, they send us back home, and I'm excited.
53:44 I get to go back and be with my friends.
53:46 And I get back there, I get back to my dorm thinking
53:49 everything is fine, everything is going to be cool.
53:52 Something's changed.
53:55 I'm the only person that's alone.
53:58 All my friends, they have girlfriends,
53:59 or they're married, and I'm the odd man out.
54:04 So, I tried to follow suit, and I went out, and I met a young
54:10 lady, and as time went on, we ended up getting married.
54:14 Everything at first was great, at first.
54:18 male: Well, I didn't know 100% of what they were going
54:21 through, but it did seem like I got an impression that, you
54:25 know, she was kind of trying to isolate him.
54:29 Darius: My wife doesn't want me having any
54:32 type of contact with my family or friends.
54:36 You know, the same thing that I was
54:37 running from, now I'm living with.
54:41 And I remember one night we ended
54:43 up getting into a huge argument.
54:45 And the next thing I know, the cops are there, and now I'm in
54:50 jail, and my mind is just running 1,000 miles an hour.
54:55 You know, I'm scared, I'm frantic,
54:56 I don't know what to do.
54:59 After I was released from jail, I remember one day my sister
55:04 invited us over for dinner, and they put on this movie.
55:08 It was called, "The Final Events of
55:12 Bible Prophecy," by Amazing Facts.
55:15 And I remember it got to the end of the film, and it
55:18 was showing the part where the New Jerusalem
55:21 comes down, and the Lord descended out of heaven.
55:25 It had all the lost standing around the city, as numerous as
55:28 the sands of the sea when judgment was given, and fire
55:32 rained down from God in heaven, and it destroyed them all.
55:36 And at that moment, I heard a voice as clear as day.
55:42 I'll never forget it.
55:43 It said, "Everything that you saw on this video is true.
55:48 And if you do not change from the things that you have been
55:53 doing, the lake of fire will be your end."
56:01 I was more scared at that point than at any time in my life.
56:15 After that happened, I said, "Lord,
56:19 I'm tired of breaking your laws.
56:21 I want to go get rebaptized and rededicate my life to God."
56:27 I said I realize now that everything that I had been
56:30 doing, all the running that I had been doing,
56:34 God was doing nothing but chasing me.
56:37 Now I'm back home.
56:39 It's just funny, when I think about it.
56:41 The entire time, all I did was run in a circle.
56:43 It actually took running in that full circle to make me realize
56:49 that this was where I needed to be.
56:51 You know, I ended up getting remarried.
56:53 Mrs. Ziegler: Being married to Darius is amazing.
56:57 I cannot have asked for a much better husband.
57:00 male: It's like we're kids all over again,
57:02 you know, growing up together.
57:04 And, you know, it makes, you know, an inspiration
57:07 in my life, you know, to keep my head up and
57:09 things, doing right and everything, too.
57:12 Darius: I look at this story in the Bible of the prodigal
57:15 son, and that's a story that I could relate to, because I feel
57:20 like I was actually the living prodigal, that the entire time
57:24 God was blessing me, but I couldn't see it because I
57:28 thought that what the world had to offer was ten times greater.
57:34 And when I came back, and he welcomed me back
57:36 in with open arms, and my life is 100 times
57:41 better than I could've possibly even imagined.
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Revised 2022-06-09